Revised April 2016



Graduate School of Clark University Worcester, MA 01610 USA FAX: (508) 793-8881 E-Mail: [email protected]


Critique of Neo-Liberal Development Theory; Globalization, Global Governance Institutions; Economic Policy, Financial Crisis; Geography of power; Global political ; Economic Policy in India; Global ; Consciousness, rationality and ideology; ; philosophy, social theory, geographic thought.


1958-1961 London School of Economics, B.Sc. (Economics) 1961. 1961-1963 University of British Columbia, M.A.1963 1963-1967 University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D.1968


1967-1972 Assistant Professor, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts 1972-1983 Associate Professor, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts 1983-present Professor, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts 2011-present Leo L. and Joan Kraft Laskoff Professor of Economics, Technology and Environment at Clark University.

Other Appointments

1964-5 Instructor, University of Southwestern Louisiana 1973 and 1977 Visiting Professor, Sir George Williams University, Montreal 1976-7 and 1983 Visiting Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara 1978-1980 Senior Research Fellow, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Canberra 1982-1985 Senior Research Fellow, Beijer Institute, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1984 Visiting Scholar, University of Liverpool, England 1991 Distinguished Visiting Professor, California State University, Chico 1992 Visiting Professor, University of Iowa 1998 Visiting Professor, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 2

2002-3, 2008-9, and 2014-6 Interim Director and Director, International Studies Stream, Clark University 2004 Visiting Erskine Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 2012 Visiting Erskine Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand


Book Review Editor, , 1969-1972. Editor, Antipode 1970-1985 Co-Editor, Economic Geography 1992-1998. Editorial Board, Geographie, Economie, Societe (Paris), 1998-present Editorial Advisory Board, Cambridge Imperial and Postcolonial Studies, MacMillan Press, 2000- present Editorial Board, International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance in a Global Age Routledge, London and New York 2004-present Editorial Review Board, Horizons: The Journal of Global Policy and Development 2006-present International Advisory Board, Hemispheres: A Journal of the Global South 2007-present Editor 2008-present President Institute for Human Geography Reviewer, Marsden Fund Council / Royal Society of New Zealand 2008-present. AAG Journals Editorial Board 2013-present


University of Calgary, University of Edmonton, Simon Fraser University, Rutgers University, Boston University, University of California at Los Angeles, California State University-Northridge, Monash University, University of Adelaide, Flinders University, University of New England, Australian National University, McQuarie University, University of Toronto, Bucknell University, Vassar College, Colgate University, Holy Cross College, Princeton University, California State University at Chico, University of West Virginia, University of Iowa, Liverpool University, University of Lancaster, Oxford University, University of Sao Paulo, National University of Mexico, Witwatersrand University, Vista University (Soweto), University of North West (Mmbatho), University of the Western Cape, University of Stellenbosch, University of Georgia, University of California, Berkeley, Worcester Polytechnic University, Harvard University, University of Hawaii, Hong Kong Methodist University, Canterbury University, University of Otago, Waikato University, Jawaharal Nehru University, University of Texas, SUNY New Palz, Brandeis University, University of North Texas etc.


Genealogy of Neoliberalism, Critique of Neo-Liberal Development Theory, Critique of Economics Globalization, Global Governance Institutions, Economic Policy, comparative policy analysis Global Economic Crisis, Finance Capitalism Investment Banking, Wall Street-Washington power complex Global Political Ecology 3

RECENT RESEARCH GRANTS, AWARDS ETC Cultural Production of Economic Rationality $165,000 NSF 1996-9 With D.Angel of Global Economic Change $36,000 NSF 2001-2 Senior Faculty Research Fellowship, Clark University (for outstanding research, writing and teaching) $5000 2002-3 Erskine Fellowship, University of Canterbury, New Zealand (approx $10,000) 2004 Exceptional Merit Award, Clark University 2004 Faculty Development Grant, Clark University “The Mind of the Market” (research assistance) 2005 Exceptional Merit Award, Clark University 2008 Appointed Leo L.’36 and Joan Kraft Laskoff Professor of Economics, Technology and Environment, September 2011 NSF DDRI Proposal 1459209 (Peet/Surprise) 2015 $13,752 One year Richard Peet: Geografia Contra El Neoliberalismo Barcelona: Icaria 2012 (book about R Peet)


Google Citation Indices All Since 2011

Citations 7921 3038 h-index 33 21 i10-index 61 33


Radical Geography: Alternative Viewpoints on Contemporary Social Issues. Chicago: Maaroufa Press, 1977; London: Methuen, 1978; Reprinted Rawat publications, India, 2003.

International Capitalism and Industrial Restructuring: A Critical Analysis. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1987.

New Models in Geography: The Political Approach (2 Volumes) edited with Nigel Thrift. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989. Reprinted Rawat Publications 2014

Global Capitalism: Theories of Societal Development. London: Routledge: 1991. Second edition 2003

Liberation : Environment, Development, Social Movements (edited with Michael Watts) London: Routledge, 1996.

Modern Geographical Thought. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. Chinese versions (classical and modern) Commercial Press, Beijing 2006, 2008. Reprinted Rawat Publications, India 2004. Arabic Edition 2014 4

Theories of Development (with Elaine Hartwick). New York: Guilford, 1999. Second Edition 2001. Trans Farsi, pub in Tehran 2007. Reprinted Rawat Publications 2010

Unholy Trinity: The IMF, the World Bank and the WTO (with Beate Born, Mia Davis, Kendra Fehrer, Mathew Feinstein, Steve Feldman, Sahar Rahman Khan, Mazen Labban, Kristin McArdle, Ciro Marcano, Lisa Meierotto, Daniel Niles, Thomas Ponniah, Marion Schwartz, Josephine Shagwert, Michael Staton and Samuel Stratton London: Zed Press, 2003. Wits University Press, Johannesburg 2003; Manila IBON Books, 2003; SIRD, Kuala Lumpur 2004. Trans. Maria Laura Mazza, technical editor Henrike Galarza, La Maldita Trinidad Pamplona, Spain 2004; Trans. Indonesian and re-published by Profetik, 2005; trans. Portuguese by SURURU, Produções Culturais, Lda; trans Arabic by Supreme Council of Culture, Cairo.

(with M. Watts) eds. Liberation Ecologies Second Edition London: Routledge 2004 (new introduction, 9 new chapters)

2007 Geography of Power: Making Global Economic Policy London: Zed Press. Electronically republished in Spanish (Sururu).

2009 with E. Hartwick. Theories of Development: Contentions, Debates, Alternatives Completely re-written. Guilford. Re-printed Rawat Publications (India)

2009 Unholy Trinity completely re-written, London: Zed Press. Reprinted in Korean (Samin); Reprinted in Greek (Livanis)

2010 India’s New Economic Policy edited with Waquar Ahmed and Amitabh Kundu London: Routledge 2010 and Rawat Publications, India 2011

2011 Global Political Ecology edited with Paul Robbins and Michael Watts, Routledge 2011

2015 with E Hartwick, Theories of Development: Contentions, Debates, Arguments 3rd Edition

Monographs, Special Issues of Journals

Geographical Perspectives on American Poverty, Antipode Monographs in No.1, 1972.

Introduction to Marxist Theories of Underdevelopment, edited monograph, Department of Human Geography, Australian National University, 1980.

Restructuring in the Age of Global Capital Special issue of Economic Geography 59, 2 April, 1983.

Manufacturing Industry and Economic Development in the SADCC Countries Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Series in Energy, Environment and Development in Africa Number 5, 1984. 5

(With Michael Watts) Environment and Development special double issue of Economic Geography 69, 3 and 4, 1993.

Thirty Years of Radical Geography – two special issues of Environment and Planning A, (2000)

Special Issue: Comparative Policy Analysis Human Geography Volume 6, Number 2

Publications in Academic Journals and Chapters in Books (arranged topically) About 135 in total

*Refereed article in refereed journal

Poverty, Social Problems, Planning

"Outline for a Second-Year Course on the Socioeconomic Geography of American Poverty," Antipode (October, 1970), 1-34. *"Poor, Hungry America," The Professional Geographer, 23, 2 (April, 1971), 99-104. (With G. Hyland), "Appalachian Migrants in Northern Cities," Antipode, 5, 1 (March, 1973), 34-41. (With G. Rowles), "Geographical Aspects of Aging," Geographical Review, 64, 2 (April 1974), 387-289. (With M. Breitbart), "Critique of Advocacy Planning" in David Ley (ed.), Community Participation and the Spatial Order of the City (Vancouver: 1974), 7-107. "The Geography of Crime: A Political Critique," The Professional Geographer, 27, 3 (August, 1975), 277-280 and 28, 1 (February, 1976), 96-100. Reprinted in John Blunden (ed.), Fundamentals of Human Geography (London: Harper & Row, 1977). *"Inequality and Poverty: A Marxist-Geographic Theory," Annals, Association of American Geographers, December, 1975, 564-571. Reprinted in Radical Geography, Translated into Portuguese and reprinted (Brazil). Translated into Spanish and reprinted (Spain). "Rural Antipoverty Planning: A Critique and Counter- Proposal," Antipode, 7, 3 (December, 1975). Reprinted in L. S. Bourne and J. W. Simmons, Systems of Cities (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978). "On 'Geographic Inequality under Socialism'," Annals Association of American Geographers, 70, 2 (1980), 280-286. "Making Geographic Policy Recommendations" editorial. Environment and Planning A 19 (1987), 1137-8. "Planning for SADCC's Future" (with P. O'Keefe) in J. Eyles (ed.), Research in Human Geography. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988: 68-82. *"Ideology, Discourse and the Geography of Hegemony: From Socialist to Neoliberal Development in Port-Apartheid South Africa" Antipode 34, 1: 2002, 54-84 “Marxism in the future of Nepal” Republica http://www.myrepublica.com/portal/index.php?action=news_details&news_id=13511 “Bhaburam Bhatterai: Critique and Appreciation” Human Geography, 3,3 2010 pp 101-110. Also appeared in Red Spark (Nepal) 6

Global Capitalism, Development, Political Economy/Ecology

*"Capital Accumulation and Regional Crisis in Western Europe," Environment and Planning A, 12 (1980), 1317-1324. *"The Consciousness Dimension of Fiji's Integration into World Capitalism," Pacific Viewpoint, 21, 2 (September, 1980), 91-115. *"Historical Forms of the Property Relation: A Reconstruction of Marx's Theory," Antipode, 13, 3 (1981), 13-25. "International Capital, International Culture" for N.Thrift and M. Taylor, The Geography of Multinational Enterprise (Croom-Helm, London, 1982), 275-302. "Reply to an Empirical Riposte," Pacific Viewpoint, 23, 1 (1982), 82-85. *"Introduction: The Global Geography of Contemporary Capitalism," Economic Geography, 59, 2 (April, 1983), 105-111. *"Relations of Production and the Re-Location of United States Manufacturing, 1960-1982," Economic Geography, 59, 2 (April, 1983), 112-143. "Class Struggle, the Relocation of Employment and Economic Crisis," Science and Society, 48 (1984) 38-51. "Alternative Trajectories for Economic Development in Southern Africa," Antipode, 15, 3 (1983), 37-44. "The Destruction of Regional Cultures" in R. Johnston and P. Taylor, A World in Crisis? (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986) pp.150-172. Book won Associazone Culturale 'Lao Silesu' prize, Iglesias, Sardinia, 1989. Revised version in second edition, 1989. *"Industrial Devolution and the Crisis of International Capitalism," Antipode, 18, 1 (April, 1986), 78-95. *"The New International Division of Labor and Debt Crisis in the Third World," Professional Geographer, 39, 2 (May, 1987), 172-178. *"Industrial Devolution, Underconsumption and the Third World Debt Crisis," World Development, 15, 6 (1987), 777-788. (With Robert Ross and Julie Graham), "Miracle or Mirage in Massachusetts?" Hommes et Terres du Nord (1990), 3, 159-164. "Mapas do Mundo no fim da Historia" ("Maps of the World at the End of History") in Milton Santos et.al. (Eds), O Novo Mapa do Mundo: Fim de Secula E Globalizacao Sao Paulo, Brazil: 1993, 46-65. "Alternative Conceptions of Development: Review of a Review of Global Capitalism, Cahiers de Geographie du Quebec No. 102 December 1993: 571-75. *(With Michael Watts), "Introduction: Development Theory and Environment in an Age of Market Triumphalism," Economic Geography 69, 3 (1993), 227-253. Reprinted in Modern Classics in Regional Science, Regional Dynamics edited by Kingsley E. Haynes and Peter Nijkamp (Longon: Edward Elgar). “Social Theory, and the Critique of Development” in G.B. Benko and U. Strohmeyer (Eds) Space and Social Theory Blackwell, 1997. “The Postmodern Critique of Development” in Anpege: Lugar, Formacao, Socioespacial Mundo Sao Paulo. 1996 (in Portuguese). *”Re-Encountering Development as Discourse” New Political Economy (1997) 2, 2 341-347. “Culture, Consumption and Experience in Global Capitalism” in Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Third World Conference - Chicago, Illinois 1997, Vol. 1 pp. 697-727. 7

“The Cultural Production of Economic Rationality in New England” 1996 NESTVAL Proceedings (1998). *Les de la Difference, Les Espaces de la nouveaute: Aspects Culturels de la Theorie de la Regulation” (“Regions of Difference, Spaces of the New: Cultural Aspects of Regulation Theory”) Geographie, Economie, Societe 1 (1999): 7-24. “Celebrating Thirty Years of Radical Geography” Environment and Planning A. Vol. 27 (2000) *“Culture, Imaginary and Rationality in Regional Economic Development” Environment and Planning A 27 (2000), 1215-1234. "Teaching Global Society" Radical Teacher 62 (2001) pp. 8-10. "La Production Culturelle de Forms Economiques" in J-F Staszak et al (eds) Geographies Anglo- Saxonnes Paris: Belin 2001, pp. 90-204. * “” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Paul B. Bates and Neil J. Smelser, eds., Elsevier Science Publications 2002. (with M. Watts) “Liberating Political Ecology” in R. Peet and M. Watts (eds) Liberation Ecologies Second Edition London: Routledge 2004 pp. 3-47 “Karl Marx” in Fifty Key Thinkers in Development London: Routledge 2005 With M. Watts and P. Robbins, Response from the Book’s Editors Area 2012

Neoliberalism, Governance, Geopolitics, Economic Crisis

*"The End of History...or It's Beginning?" The Professional Geographer, 43, 4 (November, 1991). *"Reading Fukuyama: at the End of History," 12, 1 (January, 1993) 67-78. "The End of Prehistory and the First Human" Political Geography 12, 1 (January 1993), 91-95. "Neoliberalism or Democratic Development?" Review of International Political Economy Summer 2001: 329-43. “Neoliberalism in South Africa” in B.I. Logan Globalization, the Third World State and Poverty- Alleviation in the Twenty-First Century London: Ashgate 2002 *(with Elaine Hartwick) “Neoliberalism and Nature: The Case of the WTO” Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science vol 590, 2003: 186-211 “The Global Free Market will do more to Improve Conditions in Developing Countries than Anything Else – Argument Against” Royal Society of Arts Journal April 2004 16-17 * “Bretton Woods”, “IMF”, “Protestant Work Ethic”, “Neo-Liberalism”, “WTO/GATT” in Routledge Encyclopedia of International Development 2005 *“From Eurocentrism to Americentrism” Antipode 2005 *“Perpetual War for a Lasting Peace” Monthly Review January 2005, 53-9 Interview on Development Imaginaries, NEAD Noticias Agrarias no. 309, 14-21 November, 2005 (Portuguese) “O desenvolvimento como forma de dominacao” Jornal UNESP magazine "Fórum" No 206, November, 2005 p. 2.(in Portuguese). “Global Development and Finance Institutions” and “Development Governance” in P.A. O’Hara (Ed), International Encyclopedia of Public Policy. Volume 2: Economic Policy. GPERU: Perth, pp. 139-151 and 299-309 http://pohara.homestead.com/Encyclopedia/Volume-2.pdf with E. Hartwick and I. Chatterjee, “Making Sense of Globalization” in A Compendium of Economic Geography London: Sage. ed R Lee, A Leyshon, L McDowell and P. Sunley (2007). 8

“Global Governance”, “Development: Dependency” (with E Hartwick) and “Radical Geography” International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Oxford: Elsevier, 2009 “International Organisations” International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Oxford: Elsevier, 2009 “Imaginarios de Desenvolvimento” in B. Mancano fernandes, M. Inez Medeiros Marques and J. C. Suzuki, Geografia Agraria: Teoria e Poder Sao Paulo: Editora Expressao Popular 2007 pp. 19-37 “Madness and Civilization: Global Financial Capitalism and the Anti-Poverty Discourse” Human Geography, Vol 1, No 1 (2008), pp. 82-91 “Ten Pages that Changed the World: Deconstructing Ricardo” Human Geography vol 2, no 1 pp. 81-95 “Neoliberalism and the Geography of Hegemony” in Wing-Shing Tang and Fujio Mizuoka (eds) Alternative Geographies of Asia in the New Millennium Hong Kong 2009 pp. 1-10 “Financial Crisis and Environmental Catastrophe” Human Geography Vol 3, No 1 (2010) 105-8 Interview on IMF, Eleftherotypia Sunday supplement (Greece) December 4, 2010 With P. Robbins and M. Watts, “Global Nature” in R. Peet, P. Robbins and M. Watts (eds) Global Political Ecology London: Routledge pp 1-47 With W. Ahmed and A. Kundu, Introduction” in Ahmed, Kundu and Peet, India’s New Economic Policy” London: Routledge 2010 pp. 1-10 “Neoliberalism, Inequality and Development” in Ahmed, Kundu and Peet, India’s New Economic Policy” London: Routledge 2010 pp 11-34 "Inequality, crisis and austerity in finance capitalism" Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2011 Advanced Access pp 1-17 Interview on IMF, Epsilon Sunday Supplement, Greece 07/17/2011 pp. 30-38 “Contradictions of Finance Capital” Monthly Review 63, 7 December 2011 “Comparative Policy Analysis: Introduction” Human Geography 6,2 (2013) pp 1-10 Finans Kapitalisminin Celiskileri (in Turkish) Monthly Review (Turkey) February, 2013 18-33 Capitalismo financier y Neoliberalism (interview) El Viejo Topo 299 December 2012 26-31 “Contradictions of Finance Capitalism" Interview Against the Grain KPFA, ed by C.S. Soong, Sep 11, 2012 repeated Jan 1, 2013 “May Day Meanings” Against the Grain KPFA (Pacifica) Radio. International Workers' Day Interview May 1, 2013. “Power/Knowledge/Geography: Speculation at the End of History” in Knowledge and Power BVol 8, ed. Peter Meusburger Dordrecht: Springer 2014 “International Monetary Fund” The Oxford Companion to International Relations Oxford University Press 2014 “Perverse Expertise and the Social Unconscious in the Making of Crisis” in Knowledge and Power Vol 9, ed. Peter Meusburger Dordrecht: Springer 2016

Philosophy, Social Theory, Methodology

*"The Development of Radical Geography in the United States," Progress in Human Geography, 1, 3 (1977), 64-78. Translated into Portuguese and reprinted (Brazil). Translated into Spanish and reprinted (Spain). Reprinted in R. Peet, Radical Geography Methuen, 1978. *"Materialism, Social Formation and Sociospatial Relations: An Essay in Marxist Geography," Cahiers de Geographie du Quebec, 56 (1978), 147-157. 9

"The Dialectics of Radical Geography: Reply to Clark and Dear," The Professional Geographer (November, 1979), 360-364. Translated into German and reprinted. *"Societal Contradiction and Marxist Geography," Annals, Association of American Geographers, 69 (1979), 164-169. Special issue, Seventy-Five Years of American Geography. Translated into German and reprinted. "The Geography of Human Liberation," Antipode, 10, 3 (1978) and 11, 1 (1979), 119-134. Translated into Portuguese and reprinted (Brazil). Reprinted 2008 in Critical Geographies collection. (With D. Slater), "Reply to the Soviet Review of Radical Geography," Soviet Geography: Review and Translation, 21, 8 (October, 1980), 541-565. "Spatial Dialectics and Marxist Geography," Progress in Human Geography, 5 (March, 1981), 105-110. (With J. Lyons), "Dialectical Materialism, Social Formation, and the Geographic Relations" in M. Harvey and B. Holly, Themes in Geographic Thought (London: Croom-Helm, 1981), 187-205. "Evaluating the Discipline's Journals: A Critique of Lee and Evans," The Professional Geographer 37 (1985), 59-62. *"An Introduction to Marxist Geography" Journal of Geography, 84, 1 (1985), 5-10. *"The Social Origins of Environmental Determinism" Annals, Association of American Geographers, 75, 3 (1985), 309-333. "Reply to Two Critiques" Annals, Association of American Geographers, 76, 2 (June, 1986), 281-283. "Introduction to the Life and Thought of Karl Wittfogel," Antipode, 17, 1 (1985), 3-20. "Radical Geography in the United States: A Personal History," Antipode, 17, 2 and 3 (1985), 1-17. "Comment" Studies in Comparative International Development, 22, 1 (1988). "Recent Ideological Tendencies in Urban and Regional Research" in J. Lembke and R. Levine (eds.), The Failure of Imagination. Praeger: 1987. "Wittfogel on the Nature-Society Dialectic" Political Geography Quarterly (January, 1988). *"Conceptual Problems in Neo-Marxist Industrial Geography," Antipode, 21 (1989). (With Nigel Thrift), "Political Economy and Human Geography" in Peet and Thrift, New Models in Geography (1989), 3-29. (With Jacque Emel), "Resource Management and Natural Hazards" in Peet and Thrift, New Models in Geography (1989), 49-76. *"Some Critical Questions for Anti-Essentialism," Antipode, 24, 2 (1992). "The Significance of David Harvey's Social Justice and the City," Progress in Human Geography (1992). "Reinventing Marxist Geography: A Critique of Bassin" Annals, Association of American Geographers 83, 1 (1993), 156-166. “Discourse, Text, Location Theory” Economic Geography 70, 3 (1994), 297-302. "Structural Themes in Geographical Discourse" in Ian Douglas, Richard Huggett and Mike Robinson, eds., Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind (Blackwells): 860-887. “Discursive Idealism in the ‘Landscape as Text’ School” The Professional Geographer 1996. *“A Sign Taken for History: Daniel Shays Memorial in Petersham, Massachusetts” Annals, Association of American Geographers 86, 1 (1996), 21-43. 10

“The Cultural Construction of Economic Forms” in Roger Lee and Jane Wills, Society, Place, Economy: States of the Art in Economic Geography London: Arnold 1997 pp. 37-46. “Milton Santos no exilio: es Anos Setenta” (Milton Santos in Exile: The 1970s) O Mundo do Cidadao Um Cidadao do Mundo Sao Paulo: Hucitec (1996), 164-168 in Portugese. “La Dialectique Spatiale, la geographie Nietscheenne, et les politiques de la difference” (Spatial Dialectics, Nietzschean Geography and the Politics of Difference) Geographie, Economie, Societe 3, 2 (2001) 369-79 “There is Such a Thing as Culture” Antipode 34, 2 (2002): 330-333 “Social Relations: The Missing Dimension in Carl Sauer’s Theorization” in K. Mathewson and M. Kenzer eds. Culture, Land, and Legacy: Perspectives on Carl O. Sauer and the Berkeley School Geography Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, Dept of Geography and Anthropology 2003: 315-21 “Bio-Gaze” Environment and Planning A 2005 * Deconstructing Free Trade: From Epistemic Communities to Ideological Communities in Struggle” Transactions Institute of British Geographers October 2007 (32.4), 576-580 “Radical Geography” and “Reminiscences of the early Antipode” for Antipode Web Site (Blackwells, 2007) “Imaginarios de Desenvolvimento” in B. Mancano Fernandes, M. Inez Medeiros Marques and J. C. Suzuki, Geografia Agraria: Teoria e Poder Sao Paulo: Editora Expressao Popular 2007 pp. 19- 37 “Making Sense of Globalization: Hegemonic and Counter-Hegemonic Struggles” (with E Hartwick and I Chatterjee) Forthcoming Compendium of Economic Geography R Lee et al eds Review Article “Nepal's Geography of Underdevelopment” Monthly Review November 2007 Vol 59, No 6: 52-8 “Madness and Civilization: Global Financial Capitalism and the Anti-Poverty Discourse” Human Geography, 1, 1 (2008): 82-91 (www.hugeog.com) “Ten Pages that Changed the World: Deconstructing Ricardo” Human Geography 2, 1: 81-95 (www.hugeog.com) International Organizations. In Kitchin R, Thrift N (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 5, pp. 536–547. Oxford: Elsevier “Economic policy as social justice” Business Standard (India) p 12 (Issues and Insights) “Sachs Fifth Avenue” Dialogues in Human Geography March 2011, 1: 80-83, “Well Red: Building a Proudly Political Publication” Times Higher Education 3 November 2011 “The Radicalization of Geography Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia Núm. 75 (2013) 185-194 “Marxist Geography” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition ISB2 72032 Date article posted: 11 October 2014 “Capital in the 21st century: Economics as usual” Geoforum Volume 65, October 2015, pp 301– 303

Conventional Economic Geography *"Natural Gas Industries in Western Canada," The Canadian Geographer, 7, 1 (1963), 23-32. "On the Present Pertinance of Von Thunen," Annals, Association of American Geographers, 57, 11

4 (December, 1967), 810-811. *"The Spatial Expansion of Commercial Agriculture in the Nineteenth Century: A Von Thunen Interpretation," Economic Geography, 45, 4 (October, 1969), 283-301. Reprinted as Warner Modular Publication, Reprint 442, 1973. *"Von Thunen Theory and the Dynamics of Agricultural Expansion," Explorations in Economic History, 8, 2 (Winter, 1970-71), 181-201. *"Influence of the British Market on Agriculture and Related Economic Development in Europe Before 1860," Transactions, Institute of British Geographers (July, 1972), 1-20.

Book Reviews (About 55) Gavin McCrone, Regional Policy in Britain, Economic Geography, 47, 3 (July, 1971), 454-456. Niles Hansen, Rural Poverty and the Urban Crisis, Journal of Regional Science, 11, 3 (December, 1971), 403-405. Thomas Vietorisz and Bennett Harrison, The Economic Development of Harlem, Geographical Review, 61, 1 (January, 1972), 143-145. Detroit Geographical Expedition, The Trumbull Community, Annals, Association of American Geographers, 634, 1 (March, 1974), 148-150. A.L. Friedman, Industry and Labor: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism, Antipode, 12, 3 (1980), 57-60. E.P. Thompson, The Poverty of Theory, Environment and Planning A, 12 (December, 1980), 1441-1443. J. Cole, The Development Gap, Economic Geography, 58, 4 (1982), 387-390. Barry Bluestone and Bennett Harrison, The Deindustrialization of America, Antipode, 14, 2 (1982). Andre Gunder Frank, Reflections on the World Economic Crisis, Political Geography Quarterly (1982). M. Quaini, Geography and Marxism, Progress in Human Geography (1984). Karl Raiz and R. Ulack, Appalachia: A , Appalachian Journal (1985). Charles Bergquist, Labor in the Capitalist World Economy, Annals of Regional Science (1986). Robert Bideleux, Communism and Development, Economic Geography (1986). L. Sawers and W. Tabb, Sunbelt/Snowbelt, Science and Society (1986). With Alex Schwartz, City, Class and Capital, Journal of Regional Science 25 (1985), 298-303. P. Hall and A. Markusen, Silicon Landscapes, Antipode (1986). Robert J. Newman, Growth in the American South, Environment and Planning (1986). Neil Smith, Uneven Development, Environment and Planning A (February, 1987). Peter Dicken, Global Shift, Progress in Human Geography (1987). H.O. Addo et.al. Development as Social Transformation, Growth and Change (1987). S. Corbridge, Radical Development Geography, Economic Geography (1988). S. Sassen, The Mobility of Labor and Capital, Annals, Association of American Geographers (1990). Sharon Zukin, Landscapes of Power. National Geographic Research (1991). N. Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent, Antipode (1992). Morris Zeitlin, American Cities: A Working Class View, Science and Society (1992). James Duncan, The City as Text, Annals, Association of American Geographers 83, 1 March 1993. 184-187. 12

Alexander Lagopoulos and K. Boklund-Lagopoulos, Meaning and Geography Annals, Association of American Geographers 84, 1 March, 1994: 153-55. Frans Schuurman, Beyond the Impasse, Annals, Association of American Geographers, June 84, 1994: 339-42. Nigel Thrift and Stuart Corbridge, Money, Power and Space, Annals, Association of American Geographers, June 1995. Andrew Sayer, Radical Political Economy: A Critique Progress in Human Geography 1996. Jonathan Crush The Power of Development, Economic Geography 73, 2 (1997):257-9. Peter J. Taylor, The Way The Modern World Works: World Hegemony to World Impasse Environment and Planning A 1997. Homi Bhabba, The Location of Culture, Area 29,4: 378-9. Scott Lash et.al Risk, Environment and Modernity, Journal of Rural Studies 13,4 (1997): 477-8. Ellen Meiksins Wood, Democracy against capitalism: Renewing historical materialism Progress in Human Geography 1999. David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations Annals, AAG, 89, 1999: 558- 60. D.Carver, The Postmodern Marx Progress in Geography 2000. M. Berman, Adventures in Marxism Annals, AAG 91, 2001: 222-3. J. M. Blaut, Eight Eurocentric Historians Annals AAG 91, 2001: 583-5 D. Harvey, Spaces of Hope Sociological Review 2001 A. Blunt and J. Wills, Dissident Geographies: An Introduction to Radical Ideas and Practice Progress in Human Geography 2002 G. Clark, M.P. Feldman and M. Gertler, The Oxford Economic Handbook of Economic Geography Economic Geography July 2002: 387-92 R. Boyer and Y Saillard, Regulation Theory: The State of the Art International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27, 2003: 473-5 David Meyer, The Roots of American Industrialization Economic Geography 2004 Eric Helleiner The Making of National Money: Territorial Currencies in Historical Perspective Economic Geography 2004 Amin, S. Obsolescent Capitalism: Contemporary Politics and Global Disorder Progress in Human Geography 2005; Bello, W. Deglobalization: Ideas for a New Economy and Khor, M. Rethinking Globalization: Critical Issues and Policy Choices (with E. Hartwick) Progress in Human Geography (2005) J. Sachs, The End of Poverty, Annals Association of American Geographers 96 (June 2006) 450- 3. C. Mann, 1491 Monthly Review April 2006 Bob Jessop and Ngai-Ling Sum, Beyond the Regulation Approach Journal of Economic Geography 2007 Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Human Geography, 2008, 1,2: 130-33 David N. Livingstone, Adam’s Ancestors Annals AAG April 2009 United in Diversity? Comparing Social Models in Europe and America. Edited by Jens Alber and Neil Gilbert Oxford, 2010 International Journal of Social Welfare 20 (2011) pp 326-7 Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity, by William I. Robinson (Cambridge University Press, 2014). Economic Geography Forthcoming The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor by William Easterly Journal of Economic Geography (2014) 14 (4): 865-867 first published online June 9, 13

2014 doi:10.1093/jeg/lbu022 David Harvey, Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism Human Geography Vol 8, No 2 (2015) 84-6 William I Robinson, Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity Economic Geography 91, 4 2015 pp 513-4