Special Libraries, October 1928 Special Libraries Association

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Special Libraries, October 1928 Special Libraries Association San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1928 Special Libraries, 1920s 10-1-1928 Special Libraries, October 1928 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1928 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1928" (1928). Special Libraries, 1928. Book 8. http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1928/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1920s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1928 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 19 October, 1928 No. 8 Newspaper Library Number "Getting What You Haven't Got" Fifteen Questions on Copyright Answered Four Great Newspaper Libraries Cincinnati Enquirer Detroit News New York Herald-Tribune Washington Star Problems of One-Man Libraries A Symposium Departments Entered as second class mnttcr at the Post Office, Providence. R. I. undcr the Act of March 8. 1879. Acceptance lor mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October a, 1917, euthoriz~dOctober 22, 1927. Ratea: $6.00 a year. Foreign $6.60; single cop~m60 cents. Contents ARTICLES Four Great Newspaper Libraries Cincinnati Enquirer. By Harry Pence. ....... 2 76 Detroit News. By Ford M. Pettit ................ 273 New York Herald-Tribune. By D. C. Rogers 27 1 Washington " Evening Star." By C. Fred Cook 270 Getting the Thing You Haven't Cot. By Will Conrad ....................................... ...267 Problems of the One-Man Library. Akron Beacon Journal. By Joseph Sheridan 282 Camden Courier. By Irene Swencicka ....... 28 1 Dayton Journal and Herald. By Ethel L. Harper ................................... 278 Decatur Herald. By Nettie S. Lindsay ... 2 79 Sheboygan Press. By Marion Koch .......... 279 CONVENTlON Conference of Newspaper Group. ........ ........ 288 Questions of Copyright ..................................289 Review of Newspaper Group. By Agnes J. Petersen 269 DEPARTMENTS -NOTES Associations .....29 1 Civil Service................. 284 Dr. Lapp's Address ...... Editorials ..................286 285 Financial Exhibit. 277 Events and Publica- International Library tions ............... 293 Congress- ........... 292 Ohio University Li- lnstitu tional Members 264 brarians, , ......269 Personal Notes ... 295 Serving Seafaring Men 277 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to April, bimonthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office, 11 Nisbet Street, Providence, R. I. All payments should be made to Mrs. H. 0. Rrigham, Executive Officer, 11 Nisbet Street, Providence, R. I. October, 1928 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Institutional Members California Michigan General Motors Corporation, Detroit IMissouri Connecticut Kansas City I'ower- 8.z Light Cornpan)., Yale Univerbiiy Library, New Haven 1<.1ns:~City Delaware New Jersey Ju PonL de Ne~nours,E. I., Wilmington New Jersey Bell Telephone Conlpany, Newark Newark Public Library, Business Branch, Illinois Newark Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, Allyn, A C. & Co., Chicago Newark Byllesby & Co , H. M.,Chicago Standard Oil Development Co , Elizabeth Chicago Tribune, Chicago New York Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Alexander I-lanlilton Institute, New York Insurance Library of Chicago American Bankers' Association, New York Long Co., The W. E., Chicago Anierican Electric Railway Association, New *Rosrnwald Indust rial M useurn, Cllirago Y or lr American Geographical Society, New York Indiana An~ericanInstitute of Accounlants, New York Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort American Management Association, New York Wayne An~erican Museum of Natural History, New York Maryland American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Consolidated Gas, Electric Light Sr Power New York Co., Baltimore American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Library, NaVYork Massachusetts American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law naker Lihrary----I-Iarvartl School of Business Library, New York Administratioli, Boston Association of Life Insurnl~cePresidents, New J3ofiton Elevatecl Railway, Bostor~ l'ork Boston Globe, Boston i3an ingion Associates, New York ('hristian Science Monito~,Hos~on Baker cY. Taylor Co., New York Erlison Electric Illuminating Co., Bnston Barton, Durstinc & Osborn, New York Federal Reserve Bank of Bosto~~ Beeler Organization, New York First Nniionnl Bank, Boston Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York Insurance Library Association of Bosl on Blackman Co., New York Jackson 8 Moreland, Boston British Library of Information, New York Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Li- Brooklyn Edison Company, Brooklyn brary, Cambridge Brookmire Economic Service, New York Metcalf & Eddy, Boston Child Study Association, New York Old Colony Trust Co., Boston Cleanliness Institute Library, New York Social Law L~brn~y,Boston Combustion Utilities Corporation, Long Island Stone & Webster, Boston City *New members joined alnce last iuue of flpmeial Librarirr. SPECIAL LIBRARIES OcLobcr, 1928 Pennsylvania Armstror~g Cork Co., IAIIC~L~~CI Franklin Institute, 1'Iiil.itlelpllia I-Ioughton, E. F Jt Co., I'h~liitlcll)h~a Jones & Laughlin Stccl Co~npany,l'iltsburgll New Jcrsey Zinc Co., Palme~tori 1'Iiilarlell)hi;i Collegr of I'l~;ir~~~ilry.~ndSc.~enrc, l'illl~l~lcl~llllti I'li~latlel~~lii,iElcrtrir C~II~I~I~~II~.,l'l~iI,itI~lpIi~;~ l'l~iladel~~lii~~1<<11)i(l '~IISI~ ('OIII~I~ y, l'liila- tlelphl,l RlcCall Co~np;i~ly,New Yo1 1.: I'ittsburgli K;iil\\.ays C'onip<tny, L'it~sburgh hIcrcllant5 Assocint~onof New Yurlc I'ro\~tlc~ltRlutual 1.1fc Insura~icrCo, I'hil:~ i\[etropolitan Muscum of Art, Ncw 1.ol-I; School of Iiinc Arts, IJnlv. I'(-III~.~.,I'h~la. hIetropolitm Life Insurance Vompar~y,N c \\I University of I'ittsbiugh library, Pittsburgh York Westmghousc Electric Research Library, E Municipal Reference Library, New York Pittsburgh National Association of Manufacturers, New Wyomissing Trade School, Wyomlssing York National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, Rhode Island New York National City Financial I,ibrary, New York Rhode Isla~dState Library, Providence New Jersey Zinc Company, New York New York Acadcmy of Medicilie, New York Wisconsin New York Telephone Company, New York First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwaukee New York Times, The, New York hlarshall Ilsley Bnnk, Milwaukee North American Company, New York Scliuster Ps Co, Edward Inc., Milwaukee Price, Waterhouse & Co , New York Putna~n'sSons, G. P., New York Russell Sage Foundation, New York Sinclair Refining Co., New York Standard Statistics Company, New York United States Rubber Company, New York Western Union Telegraph Company, New York White & Kemble, New York Wilson Co , H.W , New York Canada Ohio Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontario, General Electric Co., Research Laboratory, Toronto Cleveland Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canntla, Toronto Proctor h Gamble, Cincinnati Royal Rank of Canada, Montreal 'Ohio Oil Co,, Findlay Toronto Transportation Comn~issiun,Toronto Special Libraries OCTOBER, 1928 No. 8 This month we present the story of the Newspaper Group at the Washington Conference. Next month comes to you the stories of the other groups; the Commercial-Technical, the Finance and the Insurance. As we approach the close of the year the lnagazine can again resume its routine, can give mcreased space to the Departments, can present a few articles especially written for SPECIAL LIBRARIES and carry out the editor's policy, something of interest to all of our readers. Thc next number will outline plans for future issues. What do you want the magazine to give you? Tell the editor "Getting the Thing You Haven't Got" By Will C. Conrad, Editorial Writer of the Milwaukee Journal. (Lee A. White, editorial executive of The Detroit News, answered at the Toronto confcrencc of the Newspaper Group, the question: "\Vhat does the Editorial executive expert of the newspaper library?" And briefly his reply was summoned up in these words: "What you haven't got." At the Washington confcrence of the Newspaper Group, \Vill C. Conrad, editorial writer of the Milwaukee Journal, replied to Mr. White's answer.) N editorial writer, so I have seen only to find, when at last you got the A somewhere in your records, question defined in understandable answered the question, "What does the terms, that the request was easy to fill. editor want?" by saying, "Manifestly, The editor, the reporter or the editorial what the librarian hasn't got." That writer not only got his information reply of Mr. White's, as I understand but he got you to do his thinking for it, was the casus belli for this paper. him. Such an attitude is not fair to the But before proceed I should like to newspaper librarian. It is not eve11 fair answer the question that was pro- to the institution for which both you pounded to Mr. White in my own way. and the fellow worker who is lnalring My answer is, "Half the time the editor the request are trying to be of service. doesn't know what he wants." That It is simply putting a handicap on the goes for newsmen as well as editorial library which it should not have to bear. writers. If I were a newspaper librarian again, Of course that is not meant quite as I was before I was demoted to literally. The news worker is conscious editorial writing, I think I should borrow that he wants information or materials. a leaf from furniture advertising and But in all too many cases he has not put all over the place some such placard spent any time in figuring out just what it is that he needs. He asks a hazy as this: "You think out your question, question and puts the burden on the we'll answer it." And I think I should librarian. You are familiar with that sit up nights devising other ways and type of problem. You have all chased a means to lead people to do their own will-0'-the-wisp.request for half an hour, thinking before they asked my services.
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    THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25 SEPTEMBER, 1928. 6217 North'd Fus.—Lt. E. 0. Martin to be Adjt., QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S IMPERIAL MILITARY vice Lt. G. C. Humphreys. 5th Sept. 1928. NURSING SERVICE. Sister Miss M. Davis, A.E.E.C., to be The undermentioned Lts. to be Capts.:— Matron, 3rd Sept. 1928, vice Matron Miss The King's R.—J. W. Thompson. 1st Aug. E. C. Fox, E.E.C., to ret. pay. 1928. H. A. Benke. 4th'Aug. 1928. EOYAL ARMY PAY CORPS. Capt. (Asst. Paymr.) H. Loton to be Maj. Somerset L.I.—E. H. Bakewell. oth May (Asst. Paymr.). 24th Sept. 1928. 1928. The undermentioned Lts. (Asst. Paymrs.) Lan. Fus.—Lt. J. B. Mayall is placed on the to be Capts. (Asst. Paymrs.). 24th Sept. h.p. list on account of ill-health. 30th Aug. 1928. 1928:— P. C. Harding. Wore. R.—The undermentioned are restd. to T. Hard. the estabt.:— W. E. Matthews. Capt. H. FitzM. Stacke, M.C., 30th Aug. 1928, and is seed, for serv. on the MEMORANDA. Staff. 1st Sept. 1928. Maj. G. P. Atkinson, D.S.O., M.C., Loyal E., is granted the local rank of Lt.-Col., Capt. J. C. M. Balders. 1st Sept. 1928. while serving with the E.W. Afr. Fron. E. Lan. R.—Capt. D. L. P. S. Stuart- Force. 21st Sept. 1928. Shepherd, D.F.C., is seed, for serv. with Maj. (Qr.-Mr.) W. Macpherson, E E. the Ind. A.S.C. on prob. 3rd Aug. 1928. List, to be Lt.-Col. (Qr.-Mr.). 24th Sept.
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