Monthly Catal io LIBRARY uCT 1 5 1928 Public Docum ROIT, MICH. (WITH PRICES)

No. 404 August, 1928


WASHINGTON 1928 Abbreviations Appendix______— app. Octavo______s’ Congress______—Cong. Page, pages______p. Department______--- Dept. Part, parts______pt., pts. Document______----- doc. Plate, plates______pl. facsimile, facsimiles_____ facsim. Portrait, portraits______por. Federal Trade Commission. F. T. C. Quarto______4° Folio______------f° Report------rp. House. H. Saint------St. House bill______H. R. Section, sections______sec. House concurrent resolution__ H. Con. Res. Senate, Senate bill______S. House document. H. doc. Senate concurrent resolution_ S. Con. Res. House executive document_____ H. ex. doc. Senate document______S. doc. House Joint resolution______H. J. Res. Senate executive document_____ S. ex. doc. House report______H. rp. Senate joint resolution______S. J. Res. House resolution (simple)______H. Res. Senate report______S. rp. Illustration,illustrations ______11. Senate resolution (simple)______S. Res. Inch, inches______in. Session______sess. Interstate CommerceCommission ___ I. C. C. Sixteenmo______16° Latitude------lat. Table, tables______tab. Longitude______long. Thirtytwo-mo______32° Mile, miles______m. Treasury______Treas. Miscellaneous______mis., mlsc. Twelvemo______12° Nautical______naut. Twentyfour-mo______24° No date------n. d. Versus______V8., v. No place______n. p. Volume, volumes______v., vol. Number, numbers______no., nos. Year______yr. Common abbreviations for names of States and months are also used. ♦ Document for sale by Superintendent of Documents. t Distribution by office issuing document, free if unaccompanied by a price, t Printed for official use. Note .—Nearly all of the Departments of the Government make a limited free distribution of their publications. When an entry shows a * price, it is possible that upon application to the issuing office a copy may be obtained without charge. Explanation

Words and figures inclosed in brackets [ ] are given for information, but do not appear on the title-pages of the publications catalogued. When place and printer are not given, it is to be understood that the publication is printed at the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. When size is not given octavo is to be understood. Size of maps is measured from outer edge of border, excluding margin. The date, including day, month, and year, given with Senate and House documents and reports are the dates on which they were ordered to be printed. Usually the printing promptly follows the ordering, but various causes sometimes make delays. The L. C. card number appended to some of the entries is for those libraries ordering printed cards from the Library of Congress. The number at the ex- treme right of an entry indicates the classification of the publication in the Office of the Superintendent of Documents.

HOW TO ORDER PUBLICATIONS—FOLLOWS CONTENTS n Genera l Infor mation The Superintendent of Documents, Washington. D. C., is authorized to sell at cost, plus 10 per cent, without limit as to the number of copies to any one applicant who agrees not to resell or distribute the same for profit, any United States Government publication not confidential in character. Publications can not be supplied free to individuals nor forwarded in ad- vance of payment. The accumulation of publications in this Office amounts to several millions, of which over two million are assorted, forming the sales stock. Many rare books are included, but under the law all must be sold regardless of their age or scarcity. Many of the books have been in stock some time, and are apt to be shop-worn. In filling orders the best copy available is sent.

PRICE LISTS A general price list of public documents is not available, but numerous lists have been prepared on special subjects and any of these will be furnished free, on application, if the person interested will state the subject or subjects concerning which information is desired. It will also be noted that current publications which are for sale are listed in this catalogue.

WEEKLY LIST In addition to the Price lists, the Documents Office issues a Weekly list of selected United States Government publications for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Each list is arranged alphabetically by subjects, with annota- tions and prices, and may be obtained free upon application to the Superin- tendent of Documents. HOW TO ORDER PUBLICATIONS Publications entered in this catalogue that are for sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents are indicated by a star (*) preceding the price. A dag- ger (f) indicates that application should be made to the Department, Bureau, or Division issuing the document. A double dagger (t) indicates that the document is printed for official use. Whenever additional information con- cerning the method of procuring a document seems necessary, it will be found under the name of the Bureau by which it was published. In ordering a publication from the Superintendent of Documents, give (if known) the name of the publishing Department, Bureau, or Division, and the title, together with the classification number which is added to the entry at the extreme right; order the Congressional documents and reports by the title, together with the document or report number and the Congress and session, e. g., H. doc. 56, 70-1. Do not use the L. C. card number in ordering a publication.

HOW TO REMIT Remittances for the documents marked with a star (*) should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., by coupons, postal money order, express order, or check. Currency may be sent at sender’s risk. For- eign remittances should be made either by international money order or draft on an American bank. Postage stamps, foreign money, defaced or smooth coins, will not be accepted. For the convenience of the general public, coupons that are good until used in exchange for Government publications sold by the Superintendent of Documents may be purchased from his Office in sets of 20 for $1.00. Ad- dress order to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 63 64 Augu st . 1928

No charge is made for postage on documents forwarded to points in United States, Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, Samoa, or to Canada, Cuba, or Mexico. To other countries the regular rate of postage is charged, and remittances must cover such postage. In computing foreign post- age, add one-third of the price of the publication.

TO LIBRARIANS The number given at the extreme right of each entry (except for Con- gressional documents and reports) is the classification number by which the publication is arranged in the Library and in the Sales Stock of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents. It can be used as a classification number by such libraries as are using, for the Departmental publications, the arrange- ment of public documents advocated in the Checklist of United States public documents, 1789-1909. In using this number as a classification number in a library, it should be noted that the shilling mark (/) is used to separate what would ordinarily be a superior number or letter (the numbers or letters Immediately following the line) from the main classification number, it not being practicable to print these numbers and letters as superiors in the Monthly catalogue, e. g., the number A 1.23/a: So 96/4 listed in the Monthly catalogue would be A 1.23": So 964 in a library.

LIBRARY 01’ CONGRESS CARDS Numbers to be used in ordering the printed catalogue cards of the Library of Congress are appended to entries for the more important publications. These are given at the left, with “L. C. card” prefixed. Do not confuse with the Documents Office classification number given at the right. Orders for these cards, remittances in payment for them, and requests for information about them should be addressed to the Librarian of Congress, not to the Superin- tendent of Documents.

MONTHLY CATALOGUE DISTRIBUTION The Monthly catalogue is sent to public libraries free on application. Sub- scription price to individuals, 50c. a year, including index; foreign subscrip- tion, 75c. a year. Back numbers can not be supplied. Notify the Superintendent of Documents of any change of address.

INDEX An Index to the Monthly catalogue is issued at the end of the fiscal year. This contains index entries for all the numbers issued from July to June, and can be bound with the numbers as an index to the volume. Persons desiring to bind the catalogue at the end of the year should be careful to retain the numbers received monthly, as duplicate copies can not be supplied.

CORRECTIONS FOR PREVIOUS MONTHLY CATALOGUES July, 1928. On p. 20, 11th line under Federal Reserve Board, take out the words “ changes in list of ”; on p. 44, 10th line from top of page, change “ 1924, required [with changes] 1928 ” to read “ 1924, reprinted [with changes] 1928.” Month ly Catalogue

No. 404 AUGUST 1928


Note .—Those publications of the Department of Agriculture which are for sale will be supplied by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. The Department issues, at irregular intervals, announcements concerning its publications which will be mailed to all applicants, enabling them to select such reports and bulletins as Interest them. Cod-liver meal. Antirachitic properties of cod-liver meals; by R. M. Bethke, G. Zinzalian, D. C. Kennard, and H. L. Sassaman. 1928. [2] 4-747-753 p. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 8, Apr. 15, 1928.] t A 1.23/a: C648 Crops and markets, Aug. 1928; v 5, no. 8. [1928.] p. 273-320, il. 4° [Monthly.] * Paper 60c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 85c. L. C. card Agr 24-113 A 36.11/3: 5/8 Cucumbers. Relation of environment to shape of fruit in Cucumis sativus L. and its bearing on genetic potentialities of plants; by Victor A. Tiedjens. 1928. cover-title, p 795-809, il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 9, May 1, 1928.] t A 1.23/a: C 892/5 Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 11 and 12; June 1 and 15, 1928. 1928. cover-titles, p. 915-1025, il. 2 p. of pl. [Semimonthly.] * Paper, 20c. single copy, $4 00 a yr.; foreign subscription, $5.00. L. C. card Agr 13-1837 A 1.23 : 36/11,12 Con ten ts .—No. 11. Experiments on eradication of Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense, with chlorates and other herbicides [with list of literature cited] ; by Alfred Aslander.—Downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola) on everglade millet in Florida [with list of literature cited] ; by William H. Weston, jr., and George F. Weber.— Inheritance of resistance to rusty blotch in barley [with list of literature cited] ; by W. W. Mackie.—No. 12. Experiments with classes of stock suitab e for forest planting in northern Rocky Mountains [with list of literature cited] ; by W. G. Wahlenberg.—Two new aleyrodid (citrus) pests from India and south Pacific; by H. L. Dozier.—Apparatus for obtaining measured areas of sprayed foliage for chemical analyses; by Joseph M. Ginsburg.—Toughness of cotton bolls in relation to age and nutrient supply as measured by pressure tests [with list of literature cited] ; by George M. Armstrong. Note .—This publication is published by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture, with the cooperation of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. It is distributed free only to libraries of agricultural colleges and experiment stations, to large universities, technical schools, and to such institutions as make suitable exchanges with the Agriculture Department. Others desiring the Journal may obtain it from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., at the prices stated above. Official record, Department of Agriculture, v. 7, no. 31-35; Aug 1-29, 1928. [1928.] Each 8 p. 4° [Weekly.] * Paper, 50c. a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.10. L. C. card Agr 22-146 A 1.33 : 7/31-35 Quarantine. Modification of nursery stock, plant, and seed quarantine regula- tions, Amendment 1 of revised rules and regulations supplemental to Notice of quarantine 37, effective Aug 1, 1928. July 24, 1928. 1 p. (Plant Quarantine and Control Administration.) t A 48.5: 37/3d ed. amdt. 1 ----- Modification of pink bollworm quarantine, Amendment 1 to rules and regulations supplemental to Notice of quarantine 52 (revised), effective Apr. 25, 1928. Apr. 18, 1928. 1 p. (Federal Horticultural Board.) t A 35.5 : 52/4th rev., amdt. 1

How to order publications—See information following Contents 10370—28—No. 404-----2 • 65 66 Augu st , 1928

Quarantine—Continued. •----- White-pine blister-rust quarantine regulations, revised, Notice of quaran- tine 63, with [revised rules and regulations, effective Aug. 15, 1928]. July 31, 1928. 6 p. (Plant Quarantine and Control Administration.) t A 48.5: 63/2d rev. Soy-beans. Frog-eye leaf spot of soy bean caused by Cercospora diazu Miura [with list of literature cited] ; by Samuel G. Lehman. 1928. cover-title, p. 811-833, il. [From Journa,! of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 9, May 1, 1928.] t A 1.23/a : So 96/15 Stock-yards. Appendix 6 [to] Circular 156 [Packers and stockyards act, 1921, general rules and regulations of Secretary of Agriculture with respect to stockyard owners, market agencies, and dealers, stating that], effective July 1, 1927, Packers and Stockyards Administration is abolished and until further order administration and enforcement of packers and stockyards act, 1921, will be under supervision and direction of chief of Bureau of Animal Industry. 1928. 1 p. 16° ([Circular 156, app. 6.]) * Paper, 5c. A 1.4:156/6 Tomato-wilt. Pathogenicity of 2 strains of tomato-wilt fungus, Fusarium lyco- persici Sacc. [with list of literature cited]; by H. H. Haymaker. 1928. cover- title, p. 675-695, il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 8, Apr. 15,1928.] t A 1.23/a: T 591/11 ■----- Relation of toxic excretory products from 2 strains of Fusarium lycoper- sici Sacc. to tomato wilt [with list of literature cited] ; by H. H. Haymaker. 1928. cover-title, p. 697-719, il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 8, Apr. 15, 1928.] t A 1.23/a : T 591/12 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS BUREAU Agricultural situation, brief summary of economic conditions, Aug. 1, 1928; v. 12, no. 8. [1928.] 24 p. il. [Monthly.] * Paper, 25c. a yr.; foreign subscrip- tion, 40c. L. C. card Agr 26-1797 A 36.15:12/8 Crops. Cost of producing field crops, 1927; [Price situation]. [1928.] 196- 1974-222-223 p. 4° [From Crops and markets, v. 5, no. 6.] t A 36.ll/3a : F 453 ----- Crop and livestock reports [July 1, 1928; Price situation]. [1928.] 226- 2274-270-271 p. 4° [From Crops and markets, v. 5, no. 7.] t A 36.ll/3a : C 883/9 Farm budgeting; [by J. B. Hutson]. [July, 1928.] ii-f-22 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 1564.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-1113 A 1.9:1564 Farm returns, 1927, with comparisons; [Income from agricultural production of United States, season of 1927-28, with comparisons; Review of world agri- culture]. [1928.] p. 266-269, il. 4° [From Crops and markets, v. 5, no. 7.] t A 36.ll/3a : F 229 Grapes. Marketing grapes; [by] E. W. Stillwell and W. F. Cox. Aug. 1928. cover-title, 153 p. (Agriculture Dept. Circular 44.) * Paper, 25c. L. C. card Agr 28-1111 A 1.4/2: 44 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, no. Ill: Reg- ulations of Secretary of Agriculture under warehouse act of Aug. 11, 1916, as amended, regulations for warehousemen storing cold-pack fruit, approved May 26, 1928. Aug. 1928. cover-title, 24 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 15-199 A 36.5: 111 ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU Acanthocephalid, Plagiorhynchus formosus, from chicken and robin; by Myrna Jones. 1928. [2] 4-773-775 p. il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 9, May 1, 1928.] t A 1.23/a: Ac 14

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 67

Ranch organization and methods of livestock production in the Southwest; by V. V. Parr, G. W. Collier, and G. S. Klemmedson. June, 1928. cover-title,. 104 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 68.) [Prepared in co- operation with Agricultural Economics Bureau and Agricultural Experiment Stations of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.] * Paper, 25c. L. C. card Agr 28-1112 A 1.36: 68 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, June, 1928; [no.] 254. July, 1928. p. 47-56. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 40c. L. C. card Agr 7-1658 A 4.13: 254 BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU Beaver habits and experiments in beaver culture [with list, of literature cited] ; by Vernon Bailey. Oct. 1927, [reprint] 1928. cover-title, 40 p. il. 14 p. of pl. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 21.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 27-650 A 1.36: 21/1-2 Directory of officials and organizations concerned with protection of birds and game, 1928; compiled by Talbott Denmead and Frank G. Grimes. Sept. 1928. 12 p. (Agriculture Dept. Miscellaneous publication 30.) ♦ Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 14-1377 A 1.38: 30 Game. Open seasons for game, 1928-29, compiled by Frank L. Earnshaw; [all lettered poster], July 20, 1928. 35.9X14.9 in. (Poster 47.) t A 5.9:47 CHEMISTRY AND SOILS BUREAU Harrison County, . Soil survey of Harrison County, Iowa; by T. H. Benton and N. J. Russell. 1928. iii-f-823-858 p. il. map. [Prepared in co- operation with Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. From Field opera- tions, 1923.] * Paper, 20c. A 47.5/a : H 248 Jackson County, Minn. Soil survey of Jackson County, Minn.; by M. W. Beck, J. Ambrose Elwell, J. S. Hall and G. B. Bodman. 1928. iii+775-798 p. il. map. [Prepared in cooperation with University of Agricultural Experiment Station. From Field operations, 1923.] * Paper, 20c. A 47.5/a : J 132 Moapa Valley, Nev. Soil survey of Moapa Valley area, Nev.; by F. O. Youngs and E. J. Carpenter. 1928. iii-f-749-774 p. il. 2 p. of pl. 2 maps. [From Field operations, 1923.] * Paper, 20c. A 47.5/a : M 711 ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU Foul-brood. Control of American foulbrood : [by] E. F. Phillips. [Mar. 1920, reprint 1928.] 16 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 1084.) [Apr. 1922, on p. 2, is date of previous reprint.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 20-784 A 1.9:1084/1-7 Scale-in sects. Classification of higher groups and genera of coccid family Margarodidae [with list of literature cited] ; by Harold Morrison. July, 1928. cover-title, 240 p. il. 7 p. of pl. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 52.) * Paper, 50c. L. C. card Agr 28-1109 A 1.36: 52 EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE Experiment station record. Experiment station record, v. 59, no. 1; July, 1928. 1928. cover-title, ix-f-1-100 p. * Paper, 10c. single copy, 75c. per vol. (2 vols. a yr.) ; foreign subscription, $1.25 per vol. L. C. card Agr 9-832 A 10.6: 59/1 Note .—-Mainly made up of abstracts of reports and publications on agricultural science which have recently appeared in all countries, especially the United States. Extra numbers, called abstract numbers, are issued, 3 to each volume. These are made up almost exclusively of abstracts, that is, they contain no editorial notes and only a limited number of current notes.

How to order publications—See information following Contents 68 Aug ust , 1928

Experiment station record—Continued. ----- Same, v. 59, no. 2; Aug. 1928. 1928. cover-title, ix+101-200 p. A 10.6: 59/2 FEDERAL HORTICULTURAL BOARD Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, 1927, with Supplement listing plant pests intercepted with imported plants and plant products [title-page and contents]. Aug. 1928. ii+3 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 14-383 A 35.9 : 90-93/t. p. & cont. ----- Same, index, 1927. Aug. 1928. 3 p. * Paper, 5c. A 35.9 : 90-93/ind. FOOD, DRUG, AND INSECTICIDE ADMINISTRATION Food. Notices of judgment under food and drugs act 15501-550. Aug. 4, 1928. p. 245-266. * Paper, 5c. A 46.6:15501-15550 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcements, food and drug no. 2, supplement 2: Amendments to Definitions and standards for food prod- ucts. Aug. 1928. Ip. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-85 A 46.12 : 2/supp. 2 FOREST SERVICE Forest worker, July, 1928; [v. 4, no. 4]. [1928.] ii+30 p. il. [Bimonthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 35c. L. C. card Agr 24-838 A 13.19:928/4 Tree classification for selection forests of Sierra Nevada [with list of literature cited] ; by Duncan Dunning. 1928. cover-title, p. 755-771, il. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 9, May 1, 1928.] t A 1.23/a : T 714/4 Maps Arapaho National Forest, Colo, [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. 1928. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. oblong f°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number [l]+10-Hl] p. t A 13.13: Ar 1/2 Santa Barbara National Forest. Monterey division, Santa Barbara National Forest, Calif, [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. 1928. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. f°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number [2] +12 p. t A 13 13: Sa 5 tab/2 Stanislaus National Forest, Calif, [resources and recreation features, roads, trails, etc.]. 1928. 1 sheet (with map on verso), il. f°, folded into narrow 8° size and so printed as to number [2] +13 p. t A 13.13: St 2/2 INFORMATION OFFICE Farmers’ bulletins. Numerical list of Farmers’ bulletins of Department of Agri- culture, Aug. 15, 1928. [1928.] [3] p. (List no. 1.) t A 21.9/8:1/15 PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU Fig growing in South Atlantic and Gulf States, [by H. P. Gould; with contribu- tions, by others]. [Mar. 1919. revised Oct. 1926, reprint 1928.] 48 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 1031.) [Includes lists of Agriculture Department publications on subjects related to fruit growing.] * Paper, 10c. A 1.9:1031/3-2 Kud&u. Bacterial halo spot of kudzu caused by Bacterium puerariae Hedges; by Florence Hedges. 1928 [2]+419-428 p. 2 p. of pl. [From Journal of agricultural research, v. 36, no. 5, Mar. 1, 1928.] t A 1.23/a : K 953 Peaches. Preservation of peaches for use in manufacture of ice cream; by Charles W. Culpepper, Joseph S. Caldwell, and R. C. Wright. Aug. 1928. 14 p. (Agriculture Dept. Technical bulletin 84.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-1114 A 1.36: 84

How to order publications—See information following Contents Augus t , 1928 69 Service announcements. Service and regulatory announcement, [no.] 12: Adulteration and misbranding of seed of redtop. Aug. 1928. 2 p. * Paper 5c* L. C. card Agr 14—1059 a 19 13’: 12 Sugar-cane variety tests in Louisiana during crop year 1920-27; by R. D. Rands, Sidney F. Sherwood, and F. D. Stevens. Aug. 1928. 15 p. (Agri- culture Dept. Circular 36.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card Agr 28-1110 A 1.4/2: 36 PUBLIC ROADS BUREAU Gullies, how to control and reclaim them; [by C. E. Ramser]. [Feb. 1922 revised May, 1928.] [1928.J ii+34 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’* bulletin 1234.) * Paper, 5c. A 1.9:1234/3 Public roads, journal of highway research, v. 9, no. 5; July, 1928. 1928. cover- title, p. 93-112, il. 4° [Monthly. Text on p. 2-4 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 10c single copy, $1.00 a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.50. L. C. card Agr 18—322 A 22 6 ■ 9/5 WEATHER BUREAU

Climatological data for United States by sections, v 15 no 5; May, 1928. [1928.] cover-title, [200] p. il. 2 p. of maps, 4° ' * Paper monthly number, $4.00 a yr. ’ 35c. complete L. C. card Agr 14-566 A 29.29:15/5 Up ,sePa,ratc Climatological data issued from 42 section centers of the riDi,et th-e s.evit™l section centers and assembled and bound at t o Washington Office. Issued principally tor service usp and pyphnnyo Uonb

CwLftaCCOr??g to international system of classification; prepared by \’.uie,a Committee, [Apr.] 1928. 2d edition. 1928. 22 p il 4° ([Publication] 956.) * Paper, 20c. L. C. card Agr 28-1115 A 29.2: C 62/11/928 C°Aim ’ bTUlletiAn’ n°- 17-21 [seaSOn of 19281 5 JuJy 31- Aug. 28, 1J28. New Orleans, La., Aug. 1-29, 1928. Each [2] p. il large 4° * Paper, 30c. per season (April-October). A 29.39: 928/17-21 2^92^°"^ “®teorolc°Fca1 summary, Washington, D. C, July, 1928. [Aug. 2, 1928.] [2] p. large 8° t A 29.30: 928/7 Monthly weather review, May, 1928; v. 56, no. 5. [Aug 7] 1928 cover title 01 “aPS- 4" ’Paper’ « yr.; foleigS L. C. card Agr 9-990 A “>9 6/1 • 56/5

...— d.—Growth of trees Mar. 1928 f Dean in relation to rainfall; reprinted tromf------Meteorological magazine. Weather Weekly weather and crop bulletin, Aug Aug. 8-29, 1928. Each 4 p. il. 4° * Paper, 50c. a 7-28, 1928; no. 32-35, 1928. L. C. card Agr 24-260 yr. A 29.7/2:928/32-35 How to order publications—See information following Contents 70 Aug ust , 1928

Weather map. Daily weather map [of United States, containing forecasts for all States east of Mississippi River except , Wisconsin, Indiana, upper Michigan, and lower Michigan], Aug. 1-31, 1928. 1st edition. [1928.] Each 16.4X22.7 in. [Not issued Sundays or holidays.] * Editions issued at Wash- ington, D. C., 25c. a month, $2.50 a yr.; editions issued at about 65 stations throughout the United States, 20c. a month, $2.00 a yr. (maps can not be furnished in quantities unless the order is placed with the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., in advance of issue). A29.18: 928 ----- Same [containing forecasts for United States], Aug. 1-31, 1928. 2d edi- tion. [1928.] Each 16.4X22.7 in. [The Sunday edition does not contain as much information as the edition for week days.] * 30c. a month, $3.00 a yr. (maps can not be furnished in quantities unless the order is placed with the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., in advance of issue). A 29.18:928 Weather outlook, Aug. 6-Sept. 1 [1928]. Aug. 4-25, 1928. Each 1 p. [Weekly. The edition here catalogued is the one for Districts 1-3 issued from the fore- cast center at Washington, D. C.] t A 9.38: 928/31-34 Note .—The Weather outlooks for the various zones are prepared at, and distributed from, forecast centers of the Weather Bureau, as follows: Washington, D. C. (District 1, North and Middle Atlantic States, District 2, South Atlantic and East Gulf States, District 3, Ohio Valley and Tennessee) ; New Orleans, La. (District 4, Southern Plains and West Gulf States) ; Chicago, Ill. (District 5, Region of Great Lakes, District 6, Upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys, District 7, Northern and central Great Plains) ; Denver, Colo. (District 8, Northern Rocky Mountain region, District 9, South- ern Rocky Mountain and Plateau regions) ; San Francisco, Calif. (District 10, Far Western States).

COMMERCE DEPARTMENT AERONAUTICS BRANCH Aeronautics. State aeronautical legislation and abstract of State laws. Aug. 1, 1928. 8 p. 4° (Aeronautics bulletin 18, formerly Information bulletin 41.) t C 23.11:18 Airway bulletin. Airway bulletin 16 revised, 381, 388-401, 404-408; June 22- July 17, 1928. [1928.] Each 2 p. il. 12° f C 23.7:16/2, etc. ----- Same 58; May 20, 1927. [Reprint 1928.] 2 p. 12° f C 23.7: 58/2 ----- Same, Index to Airway bulletins 1-400; June 15, 1928. [1928.] 12 p. 12° [Supersedes Index of Feb. 8, 1928.] t C 23.7 :1-400/ind. Aviation training. Aug. 1, 1928. 6 p. 4° (Aeronautics bulletin 19.) f C 23.11:19 Pilots. Directory of licensed pilots, July 31, 1928. 1928. [l]+52 p. (Aero- nautics bulletin 20.) t C 23.11: 20 Airway maps Kansas City, Mo., to Moline, Ill.; airway map no. 105. Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1: 500,000. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., 1928. 39.9X 10.1 in. f 35c. C 23.10/1:105/2 Wichita, Kan., to Kansas City, Mo.; airway map no. 104. Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1:500,000. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C., 1928. 29.5 X 10.1 in. | 35c. C 23.10/1:104 CENSUS BUREAU Adventist bodies. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Adventist bodies, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization, consolidated report. 1928. 46 p. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26566 C 3.35/a : Ad 9 American Ethical Union. Census of religious bodies, 1926: American Ethical Union, statistics, history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 7 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26559 C 3.35/a : Am 35

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 71

Business. Survey of current business, Aug. 1928, no. 84 [semiannual number] ; compiled by Bureau of Census in cooperation with Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and Bureau of Standards. 1928. cover-title, 147 p. il. 4° [Monthly. Contains practically complete data for June, 1928, and text cover- ing early weeks of July, the date given above, Aug. 1928, being the date of issue. Text on p. 2-4 of cover.] * Paper, 25c. (single numbers usually 10c., semiannual numbers 25c.), $1.50 a yr. (including weekly supplement) ; foreign subscription. $2.25. L. C. card 21-26819 C 3.33: 928/8 ----- Same, weekly supplement, Aug. 6-27, 1928. [1928.] Each 4 p. il. 4* [Included in price of monthly Survey of current business, which see above.] C 3.34: 928/32-35 Christian Congregation. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Christian Congrega- tion, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 6 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26572 C 3.35/a : C 462/4 Church of Daniel's Band. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Church of Daniel’s Band, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 6 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26573 C 3.35/a : D 228 Church of God (Apostolic). Census of religious bodies, 1926: Church of God (Apostolic), statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 7 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26586 C 3.35/a: C 475/4 Church of God as Organized by Christ. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Church of God as Organized by Christ, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 7 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26560 C 3.35/a : C 475/3 Cotton. July report of cotton consumed, on hand, imported, and exported, and active cotton spindles. Aug. 15, 1928. oblong 32° [Preliminary report. This publication is issued in postal card form.] t C 3.21: 927-28/12 ----- Supply and distribution of domestic and foreign cotton in United States, season of 1927-28. [1928.] oblong 32° [Preliminary report. This publica- tion is issued in postal card form. Imprint date incorrectly given at bottom of page as 1927.] t C 3.36: 927-28 Cottonseed received, crushed, and on hand, and cottonseed products manufac- tured, shipped out, on hand, and exported for 12 months ending July 31, 1928 and 1927. Aug. 13, 1928. oblong 32° [Exports of cottonseed products are for 11 months ending June 30. Preliminary report. This publication is issued in postal card form.] t 0 3.25:927-28/12 Delaware. United States census of agriculture, 1925: Delaware, statistics by counties, final figures. 1928. 14 p. il. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26607 C 3.31/2 :D 37 Evangelical Congregational Church. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Evan- gelical Congregational Church, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 10 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26574 C 3.35/a: Ev 14/2 Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 8 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26587 C 3.35/a : H 411 Holiness Church. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Holiness Church, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 9 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26579 C 3.35/a : H 717 Louisiana. United States census of agriculture, 1925: Louisiana, statistics by parishes, final figures. 1928. 59 p. il. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26608 C 3.31/2 : L 93

How to order publications—See information following Contents 72 Aug ust , 1928

Maryland. United States census of agriculture, 1925: Maryland, statistics by counties, final figures. 1928. 32 p. il. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26609 C 3.31/2: M 36 Tobacco. Leaf tobacco held by manufacturers and dealers, July 1, 1928 and 1927, and Apr. 1 and Jan. 1, 1928. July 30, 1928. oblong 48° " [Preliminary report. This publication is issued in postal card form.] | C 3.18/2 : 928/3 Univer salist Church. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Universalist Church, statistics, denominational history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 14 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26584 C 3.35/a : Un 3/2 Vedanta Society. Census of religious bodies, 1926: Vedanta Society, statistics, history, doctrine, and organization. 1928. 6 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26588 C 3.35/a : V 51 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY

Note .—The monthly Notice to mariners, formerly issued by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, has been consolidated with and made a part of the Notice to mariners issued by the Lighthouses Bureau, thus making it a joint publication. The charts, coast pilots and tide tables of the Coast and Geodetic Survey are sold at the office of the Survey in Wash- ington, and also by one or more sales agents in each of the Important American seaports. Coast and Geodetic Survey bulletin, July 31, 1928; no. 158. [1928.] 8 ». [Monthly.] J L. C. card 15-26512 C 4.20:158 Compass surveys. [1928.] 8 p. (Serial 289, revised to June 1, 1928.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26610 C 4.2 :C 73/3 Maps and charts. Elements of map projection with applications to map and chart construction; by Charles H. Deetz and Oscar S. Adams. 1928. 167 p. il. 12 maps, large 8° (Special publication 68, revised May 1, 1928; serial 146, 2d [edition].) * Paper, 50c. L. C. card 28-26562 C 4,19 : 68/2 Publications. Catalogue of charts, coast pilots, tide tables, and current tables of Philippine Islands. [Edition of] Aug. 1, 1928. 1928. 16 p. il. 4° (Serial 422.) f L. C. card 24-7297 C 4.5: 928/2 Tide tables, Pacific Coast, North America, eastern Asia, and island groups, [calendar] year 1929; from Tide tables, United States and foreign ports [cal- endar year 1929]. 1928. 1-9+134-239+248-251+360-361+393-418+439-456 +462-470 p. (Serial 408.) t.Paper, 15c. L. C. card 7-35369 C 4,14: 929 Charts Hampton Roads. Va., surveys to 1920, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1927, sur- veys by U. S. Navy to 1924; [with inset, Continuation to Norfolk, Va.] ; chart 400. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Aug. 1928. 34X40.8 in. t 75c. C 4.9: 400 Jamaica Bay and Rockaway Inlet, N. Y., surveys to 1928, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1927 and other sources, surveys by Department of Docks, N. Y. City to 1927; chart 542. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Aug. 1928. 31.1X39.8 in. 175c. C 4.9:542 Long Island Sound and East River, N. Y., Hempstead Harbor to Tallman Island, surveys to 1917, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1927, and other sources; chart 223. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Aug. 1928. 28.5 X 35.9 in. 175c. C4 9‘223 New Haven, Conn., surveys 1833-1910, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1927; chart 218. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Aug. 1928. 36.9X27.6 in. 175c. C 4.9: 218

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust . 1928 73

Peconic Bay, Long Island, N. Y., surveys to 1913, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1927. and other sources; with inset, Mattituck Inlet, from surveys by U. S. Engrs. to 1927 and other sources: chart 299. Scale 1: 40,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Aug. 1928. 25.2X26.7 in. t 25c. C 4.9: 299 Port Jefferson, Long Island, surveys, 1885-86, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1927 and other sources; chart 3614. Scale 1:10,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, July. 1928. 29.1X25 in. t 50c. C 4.9: 361/4 Salem, Mass. Salem and Lynn harbors. Mass., surveys to 1919, surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1927. and other sources; chart 240. Scale 1: 20,000. Wash- ington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, July, 1928. 42.1X35 in. t 75c. C4.9: 240 Shrewsbury River, N. J., Sandy Hook Bay from surveys to 1926, remainder of chart from surveys by U. S. Engineers to 1926 and other sources; chart 543. Scale 1:20,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Aug. 1928. 32.2 X 21.6 in. t 50c. C 4.9: 543 Washington Sound. Wash., from United States, Ganadian and British surveys; chart 6380. Scale 1:80,000. Washington. Coast and Geodetic Survey, July. 1928. 34.2X41.7 in. t 75c. C 4.9 : 6380

FISHERIES BUREAU Chesapeake Buy. General index to Fishes of Chesapeake Bay; by Samuel F. Hildebrand and William C. Schroeder. 1928. [1]+367-388 p. large 8° ( Bureau of Fisheries doc. 1024.) [Index to Bulletin of Bureau of Fisheries, 1927, v. 43, pt. l.J f L. C. card F 28-16 C 6.3 : 43/1/ind. ----- Same. (H. doc. 806, pt. 2, 69th Cong. 2d sess.) [“ Part 2” appears inad- vertently in connection with the Congressional document number on the title- page of this publication. The publication is an index to Bulletin of Bureau of Fisheries, 1927. v. 43. pt. 1; part 2 of the Bulletin will appear later.] Fisheries service bulletin. Aug. 1. 1928; no. 159. [1928.] 6 p. [Monthly.] i L. C. card F 15-76 C 6.9: 159 Fishery products. Landings by fishing vessels at principal New England ports. June, 1928 [with summary and comparisons June. 1928 and 1927], [1928.] 2 leaves, large 8° (Statistical bulletin 795.) f C 6.5: 795 -—- Same, July. 1928 [with summary and comparisons and 1927]. 11928.] 2 leaves, large 8° (Statistical bulletin 796.) t C 6.5: 796 ----- Statement of quantities and values of certain fishery products landed at Seattle, Wash., by American fishing vessels. June, 1928. [1928.] 1 p. large 8° (Statistical bulletin 794.) t C 6.5: 794 Jacksonville, Fla. Trade in fresh and frozen fishery products and related marketing considerations in Jacksonville. Fla.; by R. H. Fiedler. 1928. [l]+l-26 p. il. (Bureau of Fisheries doc. 1036.) [App. 1, report of com- missioner of fisheries, 1928. Includes List of market surveys. Fisheries Bureau publications relating to marketing of fish in various cities in United States.] *Paper. 10c. L. C. card F 28-21 C 6.1: 928/app. 1 New York State. Fisheries of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, 1926. [1928.] 7 p. narrow f° (Statistical bulletin 786.) t C 6. 5: 786 Oysters. Experimental study of function of oyster gills and its bearing on problems of oyster culture and sanitary control of oyster industry [with bibliography] ; by Paul S. Galtsoff. 1928. [l]+l-39 p. il. large 8° ([Bureau of Fisheries] doc. 1035.) [From Bulletin, v. 44.] *Paper, 15c. L. C. card F 28-20 C 6. 3/a : Oy 8/7

How to order publications—See information following; Contents 10370—28—No. 404---- 3 74 Aug ust , 1928

FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE BUREAU Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, short review of resources, in- dustry, finance, and trade; by Alvin C. Eichholz. [Aug. 1928.] ii+64 p. il. (Trade information bulletin 569 ; Division of Regional Information.) * Paper 10c. L. C. card 28-26568 C 18.25: 569 Cement. Resume of world trade in portland cement; [by] C. F. Stephenson. [1928.] 6 p. 4° [From Commerce reports, July 30 and Aug. 6, 1928.] t C 18.5/la : P 837 Commerce. Foreign trade of United States, fiscal year 1927-28; by Lawrence B. Mann and Grace A. Witherow. [Aug. 1928.] iv+24 p. (Trade informa- tion bulletin 572 ; Statistical Research Division.) f L. C. card A 22-1744 C 18.25: 572 ----- Monthly summary of foreign commerce of United States, June, 1928. 1928. 2 pts. p. 1-76 and ii+77-142 p. 4° *Paper, pt. 1, 10c. single copy, *pt. 2, 5c. single copy, $1.25 a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.85. L. C. card 14-21465 C 18.7: 928/12-1,12-2 ----- Same. 1928. [2 pts. in 1], 142 p. 4° (H. doc. 44, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) Commerce reports, weekly survey of foreign trade, reports from American con- sular officers and representatives of Department of Commerce in foreign countries, no. 32-35; Aug. 6-27, 1928. 1928. cover-titles, p. 313-576, il. 4° [Text and illustrations on p. 2-4 of covers.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, $4.00 a yr.; foreign subscription, $6.00. C 18.5/1: 928/32-35 Farm implements and machinery. Market for agricultural implements and ma- chinery in Australia; by Elmer G. Pauly. [Aug. 1928.] ii+46 p. (Trade information bulletin 566; [Agricultural Implements Division].) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26538 C 18.25: 566 Flour markets of South America, prepared from reports by representatives of Departments of Commerce and State and from other sources. [July, 1928.] ii+54 p. (Trade information bulletin 570; Foodstuffs Division.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26567 C 18.25 : 570 Hosiery. Textiles: United States production and exports of hosiery; [by] Alvin E. Johnson. [1928.] 3 p. 4° [From Commerce reports, Aug. 20, 1928.] t C 18.5/la: T 314/5 Leather. International sole leather trade and production in 1927; [compiled by J. Schnitzer and D. E. Longanecker], [Aug. 1928.] ii + 64 p. (Trade information bulletin 571; Hide and Leather Division.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26569 C 18.25: 571 Merchants. Practical aids to independent merchant. 1928. v+30 p. narrow 8° [Includes lists of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau publications of interest in connection with this publication.] f L. C. card 28-26602 C 18.2 : M 53 LIGHTHOUSES BUREAU Florida. Seacoast, Florida, St. Johns River lightship to be established; [all lettered poster]. July 30, 1928. 16X10.5 in. ([Poster] notice to mariners 107.) | C 9.38/1:107 Georgia, seacoast, Brunswick gas, whistling, and submarine bell buoy to be established; [all lettered poster]. July 30, 1928. 16X10.5 in. ([Poster] notice to mariners 108.) f C 9.38/1:108 Lighthouse service bulletin, v. 3, no. 56; Aug. 1, 1928. [1928.] p. 253-254 [Monthly.] f L. C. card 12-35121 C 9.31: 3/56 Notices to mariners. Notice to mariners, Great Lakes, weekly, no. 23-27, 1928; Aug. 3-31 [1928], Conover Press, Detroit [Aug. 2-30, 1928]. various paging, t Supt. of Lighthouses, Detroit, Mich. 0 9.41:928/23-27

How to order publications—See information following; Contents Aug ust , 1928 75

Notices to mariners—Continued. ----- Notice to mariners, weekly, no. 31-35; Aug. 3-31 [1928]. 1928. various paging. [Issued jointly with Coast and Geodetic Survey.] t L. C. card 7-20609 C 9.26: 928/31-35 MINES BUREAU Carbon black produced from natural gas in 1927; by G. R. Hopkins and H. Backus. Aug. 16, 1928. ii+27-31 p. [From Mineral resources, 1927, pt. 2.] * Paper, 5c. C 22.8/a : C 177/927 Electric resistance. Measuring variation of ground resistivity with megger [with bibliography] ; by F. W. Lee. 1928. ii+16 p. il. 2 pl. (Technical paper 440.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26592 C 22.5 : 440 Fluorspar and cryolite in 1927 ; by Hubert W. Davis. July 26,1928. ii+9-25 p. [From Mineral resources, 1927, pt. 2.] * Paper, 5c. C 22.8/a : F 673/927 Fuel briquets in 1927; by F. G. Tryon and J. M. Corse. July 20, 1928. ii+8 p. [From Mineral resources, 1927, pt. 2.J * Paper, 5c. C 22.8/a : B 773/927 Graphite in 1927; by Jefferson Middleton. Aug. 1928. ii+33-38 p. [From Mineral resources, 1927, pt. 2.] * Paper, 5c. C 22.8/a : G 76/927 Mineral resources of United States in 1927 (preliminary summary), introduc- tion by Frank J. Katz, statistics assembled by Martha B. Clark from data furnished by specialists of Division of Mineral Statistics. Aug. 13, 1928. U+a 1-a 120 p. [From Mineral resources, 1927, pt. 1.] * Paper, 20c. C 22.8/a : M 662/1/927 Motion pictures. [Descriptive list of motion picture films of Bureau of Mines and] plan of distribution, Sept. 1928; [prepared in] Experiment Station. [1928.] 3 p. t L. C. card 24-26304 C 22.2: M 85/3 Publications. New publications, list 147; May, 1928. 1928. oblong 48° [This publication is issued in postal card form.] t C 22.7/3: 147 Sulphur problem in burning coal; by J. F. Barkley. 1928. ii+7 p. il. (Tech- nical paper 436.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26570 C 22.5: 436 Water (underground). System of analysis for oil-field waters; by C. E. Reistle, jr., and E. C. Lane. 1928. ii+14 p. (Technical paper 432.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26575 C 22.5 : 432 NAVIGATION BUREAU Ships. American documented seagoing merchant vessels of 500 gross tons and over, Aug. 1, 1928. 1928. ii+72 p. 4° (Serial 129.) [Monthly.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, 75c. a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.25. L. C. card 19-26597 C 11.8: 928/8 PATENT OFFICE

Note .—The Patent Office publishes Specifications and drawings of patents in single copies. These are not enumerated in this catalogue, but may be obtained for 10c. each at the Patent Office. A variety of indexes, giving a complete view of the work of the Patent Office from 1790 to date, are published at prices rang'ng from 25c. to $10.00 per volume, and mav be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. The Rules of practice and pamphlets containing Patent laws, General information concerning patents, and General information about protection of trade marks, prints, and labels are furnished free of charge upon application to the Patent Office. The Patent Office issues coupon orders in packages of 20 at $2.00 per package, or in books containing 100 coupons at $10.00 per book. These coupons are good until used, but are only to be used for orders sent to the Patent Office. For schedule of office fees, address Chief Clerk, Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Decisions. [Decisions in patent and trade-mark cases, etc.] Aug. 7, 1928. p. 1- 8. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 1.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. L. C. card 23-7315 C 21.5/a 2 : 373/1

How to order publications—See information following Contents 76 Aug ust , 1928

Decisions—Continued. - ----Same. Aug. 14. 1928. p. 275-280, large 8" [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 2.] C 21.5/a 2: 373/2 ----- Same. Aug. 21, 1928. p. 533-538, large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 3.] C 21.5/a 2: 373/3 ------Same. Aug. 28, 1928. P- 757-762, large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 4.] C 21.5/a 2: 373/4 Inventions. Changes in classification [of inventions], order 3038, 3046 3051 3056-57, 3067-68; Jan. 13-Aug. 1, 1928. [1928.] 2 leaves, large 8° ’[From Official gazette, v. 366. no. 5. v. 370. no. 3. v. 372. no. 1 and 5. and v. 373, no. 1 and 2.] t C 21.5/a 6: 928/1 Official ffazette. Official gazette, Aug. 7-28, 1928; v. 373. no. 1-4. 1928. cover- titles, 987+[clxii] p. il. large 8° [Weekly.] * Paper. 25c. single copy, $10.00 a yr.; foreign subscription, $16.00. L. C. card 4-18256 C 21.5: 373/1-4 Note .—Contains the patents, trade-marks, designs, and labels issued each week, with indexes; also decisions of the commissioner of patents and of the United States courts in patent cases. The annual index of patents will hereafter be published in 2 parts, one on Patents, price, $1.00. and the other on Trade-marks^ price 50c. These Indexes are not included in the regular subscription price for the Official gazette given above, but will be sent to those yearly subscribers who remit $11.50; foreign subscription for the same, $17.50. ----- Same [title-page, contents, errata, etc., to] v. 372; July, 1928. 1928. [2] leaves, large 8° * Paper, 5c. single copy, included in price of Official gazette for subscribers. C 21.5: 372/t. p. & cont. ----- Same, weekly index, with title, Alphabetical list of registrants of trade- marks [etc.. Aug. 7, 1928], [1928.] xliv p. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 1.] t Paper, $1.00 a yr. C 21.5/a 4 : 373/1 ----- Same [Aug. 14. 1928], [1928.] xlii p. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 2.] C 21.5/a 4: 373/2 ----- Same [Aug. 21, 1928]. [1928.] xl p. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 3.] C 21.5/a 4: 373/3 ----- Same [Aug. 28, 1928], [1928.] xxxvi p. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 4.] C 21.5/a 4: 373/4 Patents. Classification of patents issued Aug. 7-28, 1928. [1928.1 Each 2 p. large 8° [Weekly. From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 1-4.] t C 21.5/a 1: 373/1-4 Trade-marks. Trade-marks [etc., from] Official gazette, Aug. 7. 1928. [1928.] 9-68+xv p. il. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373. no. 1.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, $2.50 a yr. C 21.5/a 3: 373/1 ----- Same, Aug. 14. 1928. [1928.] 281-330+xiii p. il. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373. no. 2.] C 21.5/a 3: 373/2 ----- Same, Aug. 21, 1928. [1928.] 539-590+xv p. il. large 8“ [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 3.] C 21.5/a 3: 373/3 ----- Same, Aug. 28, 1928. [1928.] 763-811+xi p. il. large 8° [From Official gazette, v. 373, no. 4.] C 21.5/a 3: 373/4 PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Commerce Department. Supplement to annual List of publications [of Depart- ment of Commerce available for distribution], July 31. 1928. [1928.] 4 p. [ Monthly. ] t C 16.6: 928/7 RADIO DIVISION Radio service bulletin, July 31, 1928; no. 136. [1928.] 27 p. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 40c. L. C. card 15-26255 C 24.3:136

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 77

STANDARDS BUREAU Barrels. Steel barrels and drums. 2d [edition]. July, 1928. vi+10 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R20-28.) [Title on cover is: Steel bar- rels and drums, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Jan. 1, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 20/2d ed. Brick walls. Cause and prevention of kiln and dry-house scum and of efflores- cence on face-brick walls; by L. A. Palmer. June 19, 1928. [1] +579-629 p. il. 2 p. of pl. large 8° (Technologic papers 370.) [From Technologic papers, v. 22.] * Paper, 20c. L. C. card 28-26533 C13.8: 370 Chairs. Folding and portable wooden chairs. 1928. iv+14 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R80-28.) [Title on cover is: Folding and portable wooden chairs, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Mar. 15, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 80 Cheese-cloth. United States Government master specification for cheesecloth, bleached. Federal Specifications Board Specification 253b, revised May 22, 1928, officially promulgated by Federal Specifications Board, Dec. 6, 1924, for use of Departments and independent establishments of Government in pur- chase of bleached cheesecloth. Aug. 3, 1928. 3 p. (Circular 365.) [Super- sedes Circular 257.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26565 C 13.4: 365 City planning. Standard city planning enabling act, by Advisory Committee on City Planning and Zoning; [issued by] Division of Building and Housing. 1928. iv+54 p. [Includes list of Commerce Department publications on city planning, zoning, building codes, housing, and airports.] * Paper, 15c. L. C. card 28-26576 C 13.2: C49/3 Commercial forms (invoice, inquiry, and purchase order). 2d [edition]. July, 1928. xiii+12 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R37-28.) [Title on cover is: Commercial forms (invoice, inquiry, and purchase order), elimi- nation of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Feb. 16, 1927.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 37/2d ed. Drilling (textile). United States Government master specification for drill (unbleached), Federal Specifications Board Specification 557, officially pro- mulgated by Federal Specifications Board, May 22, 1928, for use of Depart- ments and independent establishments of Government in purchase of drill (unbleached). July 27, 1928. 3 p. (Circular 367.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26600 C 13.4: 367 Gauze, Surgical. Surgical gauze. 1928. vi+12 p. il. (Simplified practice rec- ommendation R86-28.) [Title on cover is: Surgical gauze, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effec- tive June 1, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 86 Iron. Classification of iron and steel scrap. 1st revision. 1928. vii+26 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R58-28.) [Title on cover is: Classifica- tion of iron and steel scrap, elimination of waste through simplified commer- cial practice. Recommendation became effective Jan. 1, 1928.] * Paper, 10c. C 13.12/1: 58/lst rev. ■Journal of research. Bureau of Standards journal of research, July, 1928; v. 1, no. 1. 1928. [1]+1-104 p. il. 1 pl. 6 p. of pl. [Monthly.] * Paper, 25c. single copy, $2.75 a yr.; foreign subscription, $3.50. L. C. card 28-26613 C 13.22: 1/1 Contents .—RP1. Accelerated tests of organic protective coatings; by Percy H. Walker and E. F. Hickson.—RP2, Measurement of tread movement of pneumatic tires and discussion of probable relation to tread wear; by W. L. Holt and C. M. Cook.— RP3, Absolute methods in reflectometry; by H. J. McNicholas.—RP4, Interferometer measurements of wave lengths in vacuum arc spectra of titanium and other elements; by C. C. Kiess.—RP5, Analysis of bauxite and of refractories of high alumina content; by G. E. F. Lundell and J. I. Hoffman. Note .—The Bureau of Standards journal of research supersedes and continues the two series of research publications heretofore issued under the designations Scientific papers of Bureau of Standards and Technologic papers of Bureau of Standards. The 22 volumes of Scientific papers issued by the bureau (since 1904) contain some 572 research papers on fundamental science, and the 22 volumes of Technologic papers

How to order publications—See information following Contents 78 Augu st , 1928

Journal of research—Continued. (issued since 1910) contain some 370 research papers on applied science. The new Bureau of Standards journal of research will publish the results of the bureaus researches (both theoretical and experimental). Shortly after each month’s Journal is published, reprints of the separate articles contained will be listed in the Monthly catalogue and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. ■----- Bureau of Standards journal of research, announcement introducing new monthly periodical of pure and applied science published in Washington. 1928. [4] p. t C 13.22: ann. Lathing. Metal lath. 2d [editionj. July, 1928. iv+10 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R3-28.) [Title on cover is: Metal lath, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Jan. 1, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 3/2d ed. Lockers. Steel lockers (single, double, and multiple tier). 1st revision. 1928. iv+12 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R35-28.) [Title on cover is: Steel lockers (single, double, and multiple tier), elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Feb. 1, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 35/lst rev. Paint-brushes. Paint and varnish brushes. 1st revision. 1928. iv+16 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R43-28.) [Title on cover is: Paint and varnish brushes, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Dec. 15, 1927.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 43/lst rev. Percale. United States Government master specification for percale, Federal Specifications Board Specification 556, officially promulgated by Federal Specifications Board, May 22, 1928, for use of Departments and independent establishments of Government in purchase of percale. July 27, 1928. 3 p. (Circular 366.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26557 C 13.4 : 366 Publications. New publications for Mar. [-May, 1928], additions to Supple- mentary list of publications of Bureau of Standards, beginning July 1, 1927. [1928.] 7 p. f C 13.4: 24/27/Mar.-May, 928 Refractories. Malleable foundry refractories. 1928. v+16 p. il. (Simplified practice recommendation R79-28.) [Title on cover is: Malleable foundry refractories, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Feb. 1, 1928.] ♦Paper, 10c. C 13.12/1: 79 Roofing ternes. 1st revision. 1928. v-|-12 p. il. (Simplified practice recom- mendation R30-28.) [Title on cover is: Roofing ternes, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Jan. 1, 1928.] ♦ Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 30/lst rev. Spectacles. Transmissive properties of eye-protective glasses and other sub- stances; by W. W. Coblentz [and] R. Stair. June 19, 1928. [1]+555-578 p. il. large 8° (Technologic papers 369.) [From Technologic papers, v. 22.] ♦ Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26558 C 13.8: 369 [Technical news bulletin of Bureau of Standards, Aug. 1928; no. 136. [1928.] p. 109-124. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 25c. a yr.; foreign subscrip- tion, 40c. L. C. card 25-26527 C 13.13: 136 Turnbuckles. Turnbuckles. 1928. vi+10 p. il (Simplified practice recom- mendation R 71-28.) [Title on cover is: Turnbuckles, elimination of waste through simplified commercial practice. Recommendation became effective Jan. 1, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. C 13.12/1: 71 Window shades. United States Government master specification for shade cloth. Federal Specifications Board Specification 555b, officially promulgated by Federal Specifications Board, Dec. 24, 1925, for use of Departments and inde- pendent establishments of Government in purchase of shade cloth. July 27, 1928. 4 p. (Circular 364.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26601 C 13.4: 364

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust . 1928 79 Window shades—Continued. ----- United States Government master specification for shades, window, rollers, slats, cords, and accessories, Federal Specifications Board Specification 367b, revised May 22, 1928, officially promulgated by Federal Specifications Board, Dec. 24, 1925, for use of Departments and independent establishments of Government in purchase of window shades, rollers, slats, cords, and acces- sories. July 27, 1928. 5 p. (Circular 368.) [Supersedes part of Federal Specifications Board Specification 367a.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26578 C 13.4: 368 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE Pilot rules. Insets to Pilot rules for Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters, pages 9 and 13 and 14, edition Mar. 1, 1924. [1928.] 2 p. f C 15.8: G 79/10/inset ----- Pilot rules for certain inland waters of Atlantic and Pacific coasts and of coast of Gulf of Mexico. Edition, Apr. 13, 1928. 1928. ii+34 p. il. t L. C. card 10-35955 C 15.8: In 5/25 Steamboat Inspection Service bulletin, Aug. 1, 1928; no. 154. [1928.] 4 p. [Monthly.] $ L. C. card 15-26679 C 15.10:154 CONGRESS Congressional record, proceedings and debates of 1st session, 70th Congress, v. 69, pt. 5-9; Mar. 14-May 25, 1928. [Permanent edition,] 1928. [9] 4-4667- 10046 p. il. 4° * Price will be quoted when set is completed. L. C. card 12-36438 X 646-650 : 70/1 Note .—In this permanent bound edition, the paging differs from that of the daily numbers, the text being revised, rearranged, and printed without break. The bound volumes of the Record are sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices will be furnished on application for the proceedings and debates of the 69th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, and prior Congresses. Send remittances for the bound volumes to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Stamps and foreign money will not be accepted. ARLINGTON MEMORIAL BRIDGE COMMISSION Arlington Memorial Bridge. Specifications for boundary channel bridge of Arlington Memorial Bridge project, contract no. 24, advertisement. 1928. 51 p. 4° [Bids to be opened Sept. 28, 1928.] f Y 3. Ar 5/2 :B 66 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Boy Scouts of America. 18th annual report of Boy Scouts of America, 1927. 1928. iii4-378 p. il. (H. doc. 323, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) * Paper, 35c. L. C. card E 13-532

FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Calendar, with topical index, 70th Congress, 1st session. 1928. 31 p. 4° J Y 4.F 76/1: 70/1

IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION COMMITTEE, HOUSE Citizenship. Effect of marriage upon nationality, hearings, 70th Congress, 1st session, compilation of nationality laws of 72 countries as affected by mar- riage; statement of Emma Wold, May 19, 1928. 1928. ii4~58 p. (Hearing no. 70.1.8.) * Paper, 10c. Y 4.1m 6/1 :M 34

INSULAR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Porto Rico. Popular election of governor of Porto Rico, hearings, 70th Con- gress, 1st session, on H. R. 12173, for popular election of governor of Porto Rico, and for other purposes, H. R. 6047, to amend organic act of Porto Rico, May 16, 1928. 1928. ii4-32 p. * Paper, 5c. Y 4.1n 7/1: P 83/17

How to order publications—See information following Contents 80 Aug ust , 1928

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. HOUSE Calendar. Legislative calendar, 70th Congress, 1st session, May 29, 1928; no. 15. 1928. 84 p. 4° J Y 4. J 39/1: 70/15

MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. HOUSE Calendar. Legislative calendar. 70th Congress, 1st session, May 15 and 29. 1928; no. 9 and 10. 1928. 167 p. and 202 p. 4° t Y 4.M 59/1: 70/9,10 Officers, Army. Promotion and retirement [in Army and Air Corps], hearings before Committee on Military Affairs and subcommittee no. 8, 70th Congress 1st session, Mar. 21, Apr. 4, 23, 24, and 30, 1928. 1928. iid-264 p. [The hearings held on Apr. 2 and May 1, 1928, are included. Pages 1—82 were also published separately as pts. 1 and 2 and appeared in Monthly catalogue for Apr., 1928, p. 824, and June, 1928, p. 1107, respectively.] * Paper. 30c. Y 4.M 59/1 :Ai 7/8

NAVAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, HOUSE Hearings on sundry legislation affecting naval establishment, 1927-28, 7°th Congress, 1st session. 1928. [l]+xxxi+3319+[77] p. il. 2 pl. 2 maps 6 tab. * Paper, $3.00. Y 4.N 22/1: L 52/928

POST OFFICE AND POST ROADS COMMITTEE. HOUSE Permit mailing of 1st class mail, hearing before subcommittee, 70th Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 12577, May 24, 1928. 1928. iii+84 n il * Paper, 10c. Y 4.P 84/1: F 51/2


Baltimore Harbor and channels, Md., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on anchorage facilities £°rJoaoltlmore Harbor’ Md. [May 3, 1928, with report of C. R. Pettis]. May 5, 1928. 23 p. map. (Document 11, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52 : 70/11 Brazos Island Harbor, Tex., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har- bors on Brazos Island Harbor, Tex. [May 3, 1928, with report of J. L. Schley etc.]. May 5, 1928. 22 p. map. (Document 9, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52: 70/9 Charlotte Harbor, Fla., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors £harlotte Harbor> Fla- [May 25> 1927, with report of Mark Brooke, etc.] [1928.] 16 p. map. (Document 1, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) f Y4.R52:70/l Chefuncte Rivet' and Bogue Falia, La., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Chefuncte River and Bogue Falia, La. [Mar 15 1927 with report of Malcolm Elliott, etc.]. [1928.] 12 p. (Document 2 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52: 70/2 Columbia River between mouth of Willamette River and Vancouver. Wash., 1eport of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Columbia River between mouth of Willamette River and Vancouver, Wash. [Mar. 6, 1928, with report of G. R. Lukesh, etc.]. Mar. 23, 1928. lip. (Document 6, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R52:70/6 Delaware Bay. Harbor of refuge, Delaware Bay, Del., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on harbor of refuge, Delaware Bay Del [May 3, 1928, with report of F. C. Boggs, etc.]. May 11, 1928. 29 p.’map. (Document 15, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R 52: 70/15 Fairport Harbor, Ohio, report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Fairport Harbor, Ohio [Apr 25 1928, with report of DeWitt C. Jones, etc.]. May 7, 1928. 9 p. (Document 13, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) f Y4.R52 : 70/13

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 81

Freeport Harbor, Tex., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Freeport Harbor, Tex. [May 15, 1928]. May 19, 1928. 3 p. (Document 18, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52 : 70/18 Great Lakes, connecting waters, principal harbors, and river channels, report of special board and Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors submitting estimates of cost of securing channels 27 feet deep in connecting waters, principal harbors, and river channels of Great Lakes [Mar. 12 and 23, 1928]. May 11, 1928. 7 p. (Document 19, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R52: 70/19 Great Sodus Bay Harbor, N. Y., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Great Sodus Bay Harbor. N. Y. [May 15, 1928, with report of DeWitt C. Jones, etc.]. May 17, 1928. 11 p. (Document 17, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R 52: 70/17 Illinois and Mississippi Canal, report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Illinois and Mississippi Canal [May 4, 1928]. May 7, 1928. 4 p. (Document 14, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) [This report deals only with bridge over Hennepin Canal at Wyanet, Ill.] t Y4.R 52: 70/14 Illinois River. Illinois and Mississippi rivers, report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Illinois and Mississippi rivers [May 2 and Apr. 7. 1928]. [1928.] 23 p. map. (Docu- ment 12, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t L. C. card 28-26615 Y 4.R 52: 70/12 Mississippi River from Minneapolis to Lake Pepin, report of Board of Engi- neers for Rivers and Harbors on Mississippi River from Minneapolis to Lake Pepin [Apr. 3, 1928, with report of R. C. Williams, etc.]. Apr. 19, 1928. 8 p. (Document 8, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y4.R52:70/8 Mobile Harbor, Ala., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on review of reports heretofore submitted on Mobile Harbor, Ala. [Apr. 28, 1928.] [1928.] 3 p. (Document 10, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) f Y 4.R 52: 70/10 National hydraulic laboratory, hearings, 70th Congress, 1st session, on S. 1710, authorizing establishment of a national hydraulic laboratory in Bureau of Standards of Department of Commerce and construction of building therefor, Apr. 26, 27, 1928. 1928. ii-j-92 p. [The hearing held on May 15, 1928, is included.] * Paper, 10c. Y 4.R 52: H 99 Oakland Harbor, Calif., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Oakland Harbor, Calif. [Mar. 29, 1928]. Mar. 31, 1928. 4 p. (Document 7, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52: 70/7 Richmond Harbor, Calif., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Richmond Harbor, Calif. [May 3, 1928, with report of T. H. Jackson, etc.]. May 11, 1928. 18 p. map. (Document 16, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) f Y 4.R 52: 70/16 Rivers. River and harbor bill, hearings, 70th Congress, 1st session, on H. R. 14066, authorizing construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes, Feb. 3-May 26, 1928. 1928. ii+418 p. * Paper, 45c. Y 4.R 52: R 52/3 Silver Lake Harbor, N. C., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Silver Lake Harbor, N. C. [Nov. 23, 1926, with reports of W. A. Snow and Oscar O. Kuentz, etc.] Dec. 8, 1927. 15 p. map. (Document 3, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) f Y 4.R 52 : 70/3 Suisun Bay channel, from Martinez to Antioch, Calif., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Suisun Bay channel, from Martinez to Antioch, Calif. [Jan. 17, 1928, with reports of Herbert Deakyne and T. H. Jackson, etc.]. [1928.] 20 p. map. (Document 4, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52 : 70/4 Tradewater River, Ky., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Tradewater River, Ky. [Feb. 23, 1928, with report of Geo. R. Spalding, etc.]. Mar. 9,1928. 6 p. (Document 5, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) f Y 4.R 52 : 70/5

How to order publications—See information following; Contents 1037^—28—No. 404-----4 82 Augu st , 1928

Waukegan Harbor, III., report of Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Waukegan Harbor, Ill. [May 25, 1928, with report of Edward H. Schulz, etc.] [1928.] 16 p. map. (Document 20, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) t Y 4.R 52 : 70/20 SENATE

INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMITTEE, SENATE Coal. Conditions in coal fields of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio, hear- ings, 70th Congress, 1st session, pursuant to S. Res. 105, to investigate con- ditions in coal fields of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio, May 14-17, 1928. 1928. pt. 10, iii4-2881-3414 p. * Paper, 60c. Y 4.1n 8/3 : C 63/5/pt.lO

NAVAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, SENATE S-lf, U. 8. submarine. Investigation of sinking of submarine S-4, hearings before subcommittee, 70th Congress, 1st session, pursuant to S. Res. 205, directing Committee on Naval Affairs to investigate sinking of submarine S-4, Apr. 27-May 26, 1928. 1928. ii4-326 p. * Paper, 35c. Y 4.N 22/2 : Su 1/2


Abbott. William M. Abbott v. United States; evidence for plaintiff. [1928.] no. F-167, p. 19-80. t Ju 3.8: Ab 29/2 American Can Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. E-394, p. 101-112. $ Ju 3.8: Am 35/39 Brown. Edmund M. Brown v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. E-262, p. 5-7. $ Ju 3.8: B 812/3 Chinnis. John Hamilton Chinnis v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. D-8, p. 9-12. $ Ju 3.8: C 441/5 Dold, Jacob, Packing Company. Jacob Dold Packing Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. C-1163, p. 31-44. J Ju 3.8 :D 687 Federal Motor Truck Company v. United States ; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. E-575, p. 53-57. i Ju 3.8: F 317/6 Fletcher, W. & A., Company. John M. Enright and Andrew Fletcher, jr., as receivers of W. & A. Fletcher Co., v. United States; evidence for plaintiff. [1928.] no. E-612, p. 73-108. J Ju 3.8 :F 638/3 Frenkel, L. & E., Incorporated. L. & E. Frenkel, Inc., v. United States; stipu- lation of facts. [1928.] no. F-374, p. 9-12. $ Ju 3.8: F 889/9 Gates. George B. Gates v. United States; evidence for defendant. [1928.] no. 17320, Congressional, p. 157-197. $ Ju 3.8 :G 223/3 Glendinning. Union Trust Company, as administrator de bonis non, with will annexed, of estate of Robert Glendinning, v. United States; evidence in chief for claimant. [1928.] no. F-133, p. 1-82. $ Ju 3.8 :G 485 Greenspun. Joseph Greenspun v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. D-48, p. 9-11. $ Ju 3.8: G 853 International Paper Co. v. United States; evidence for plaintiff. [1928.] no. C-668, p. 57-189. t Ju 3.8 : In 8/4 Johnstown Coal and Coke Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. H-126, p. 21-23. J Ju 3.8: J 659 Jonesboro Grocer Company v. United States; stipulation. [1928.] no. E-562, p. 17-21. j Ju 3.8: J 731 Lyon. Glenn F. Lyon v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. D-7, p. 9-11. $ Ju3.8:L994 McEvoy. Henry McEvoy v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. D-9, p. 9-10. J Ju 3.8: M 157

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 83

McFarland. Earl McFarland v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. H-260, p. 7-8. t Ju 3.8 :M 164 Meagher, 8. A., Company. S. A. Meagher Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. B-431, p. 191-193. $ Ju 3.8 :M 462/2 Mettler. Charles G. Mettler v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. H-261, p. 7-9. t Ju 3.8: M 568/2 Neafie & Levy Ship and Engine Building Company. Howard E. Cornell, re- ceiver of Neafie & Levy Ship and Engine Building Co., v. United States; evi- dence for plaintiff. [1928.] Congressional no. 15009, p. 227-278. $ Ju 3.8: N 249/2 Rivers. Frank H. Rivers v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. F-300, p. 7-8. t Ju 3.8 :R 524/5 Shapiro, I., <£- Co. I. Shapiro and Company v. United States; report of com- missioner. [1928.] no. D-871, p. 11-13. $ Ju3.8:Sh22 Ullman Manufacturing Company v. United States; stipulation of facts. [1928.] no. H-306, p. 19-22. t Ju 3.8: UI 5 Wadhams & Company v. United States; report of commissioner. [1928.] no. H-162, p. 1-3. X Ju 3.8 :W 119 Williams, J. H., & Co. J. H. Williams & Company v. United States; evidence for plaintiff. [1928.] no. H-291, p. 23-28. $ Ju 3.8 :W 673/5

COURT OF CUSTOMS APPEALS Corsets. No. 3129, United States v. Marshall Field & Company, transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, i+14 p. t Ju 7.6: F 457/9 Glass. No. 3111, United States v. Bassichis Company et al., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, i-f-33 p. t Ju 7.6: B294 Lamps. No. 3118, United States v. Milnor, Inc., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, i+31 p. t Ju 7.6 :M 636 Leather. No. 3091, United States v. Paul G. Downing et al., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, iii+258 p. t Ju 7.6: D 759/3 Pyroxylin. No. 3114, United States p. Geo. S. Bush & Co., Inc., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, i+29 p. J Ju 7.6: B 963/2 Ruhher halls. No. 3126, United States v. F. W. Woolworth Co., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, ii+78 p. t Ju 7.6 : W 888/2 Silk. No. 3119, United States v. Iwai & Co. (Ltd.) et al., transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, i-f-11 p. t Ju 7.6: Iw 9/3 Tapestry. No. 3127, United States v. John Wanamaker, transcript of record on appeal from Customs Court. [1928.] cover-title, i+13 p. i Ju 7.6: W 181/3

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Court of Appeals. Transcript of record, Apr. term, 1928, no. 4777, Frank White, as Treasurer of United States, Howard Sutherland, as Alien Property Custodian, and others, vs. Henry Escher, ancillary administrator of Jak. Robert Sigg-Fehr, Gottfried Rudolph Baumann-Kienast, and Edmund Gams., appeal from Supreme Court of District 'of Columbia. [1928.] cover-title, i+63 p. J DC 9.5: Si 23

How to order publications—See information following Contents 84 Aug us t , 1928

Court of Appeals—Continued. ----- Transcript of record, Apr. term, 1928, no. 4783, Hubert Work, as Secretary of Interior, and William Spry, as commissioner of General Land Office, vs. Eric Lyders, appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia. [1928.] cover-title, i+18 p. t DC 9.5: L 984 ----- Transcript of record, Apr. term, 1928, no. 4786, Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation (formerly known as Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Cor- poration), garnishee, vs. Hirsch Lumber Company, appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia. [1928.] cover-title, i+8 p. $ DC 9.5 : H 615 ----- Transcript of record. Apr. term, 1928, no. 4798, Hubert Work, Secretary of Interior Department, vs. United States ex relatione Mark N. Alling, next friend and guardian of Jean Alling, appeal from Supreme Court of District of Columbia. [1928.] cover-title, i+15 p. $ DC 9.5: Al 55

EMPLOYEES’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION District of Columbia. Facts relating to benefits provided for injured employees, and procedure to secure same, under District of Columbia workmen’s com- pensation act, effective July 1, 1928. [1928.] 6 p. narrow 8° * Paper, 5c. EC 1.2: D 63

FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Part-time schools. Cooperative part-time education, present status of coopera- tive schools and classes in United States with suggestions as to methods by which such work may be organized; [by C. E. Rakestraw]. Apr. 1928 vii+35 p. il. (Bulletin 130; Trade and industrial series 36.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card E 28-444 VE1.3: 130

FEDERAL RADIO COMMISSION Radio facts and principles limiting total number of broadcasting stations which may operate simultaneously in United States; testimony of John V. L. Hogan before Federal Radio Commission, Washington, D. C., July 23, 1928. 1928. ii+21 p. il. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26571 RC1.2:R11

FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Federal reserve bulletin, Aug. 1928; [v. 14, no. 8.1. 1928. iv+541-612 p. il. 4° [Monthly.] t Paper, 20c. single copy, $2.00 a yr.; foreign subscription. $2.60. L. C. card 15-26318 FR 1.3/1:14/8 Note .—The bulletin contains, in addition to the regular official announcements, the national review of business conditions, detailed analyses of business conditions, research studies, reviews of foreign banking, and complete statistics showing the condition of Federal reserve banks and member banks. It will be sent to all member banks without charge. Others desiring copies may obtain them from the Federal Reserve Board. Washington, D. C., at the prices stated above. Federal reserve member banks. Federal reserve inter-district collection system, changes in list of banks upon which items will be received by Federal reserve banks for collection and credit, Aug. 1, 1928. 1928. 4 p. 4° t L. C. card 16-26870 FR 1.9: 928/8

FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Note .—The bound volumes of the Federal Trade Commission decisions are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Separate opinions are sold on subscrip- tion, price $1.00 per volume; foreign subscription, $1.50; single copies, 5c. American Snuff Company. No. 3816, in circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit, Oct. term, 1927, Federal Trade Commission v. American Snuff Company; sup- plemental application for enforcement of order of Federal Trade Commission. 1928. cover-title. 6 p. large 8° i FT 1.5: Am 35/9

How to order publicatlouH—See information following, Contents Augu st , 1928 85

Bradley, James J., d Co. No. —, in circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, Oct. term, 1927, Federal Trade Commission v. James J. Bradley, doing business under trade name and style of James J. Bradley & Company; application for decree of injunction, affirming order of Federal Trade Commission. [1928.] cover-title, 4 p. large 8° $ FT 1.5: B 728 Indiana Quartered Oak Company. In matter of Indiana Quartered Oak Com- pany, complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1316, July 15, 1926. 1928. [l]+300-319 p. ([Decision] 585.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 10.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2: 585 ----- No. 311, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Indiana Quartered Oak Com- pany v. Federal Trade Commission; statement of Government regarding application for writ of certiorari in this case. 1928. cover-title, 3 p. J FT 1.5: In 2/2 Jones Hardwood Company. In matter of Jones Hardwood Company, complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1332, July 15, 1926. 1928. [11+320-342 p. ([Decision] 586.) [From F. T. C. decisions, v. 10.] * Paper, 5c. FT 1.11/a 2: 586 Shade Shop, Hooper d Klesner. No. —, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Federal Trade Commission v. Alfred Klesner, doing business under name of Shade Shop, Hooper & Klesner; petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia and brief in support thereof. 1928. cover- title, iii+36 p. J FT 1.5: SH12/6 Superior Silver Company, Incorporated. In the matter of Superior Silver Com- pany, Incorporated, complaint (synopsis) [report] findings, and order; docket 1234. July 7. 1926. [1928.] p. 273-279-2. ([Decision] 583.) [From F. T. ('. decisions, v. 10.] * Paper. 5c. FT 1.11/a 2 : 583

GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Decisions of comptroller general, v. 7, June, 1928; J. R. McCarl, comptroder general, Lurtin R. Ginn, assistant comptroller general. 1928. [11+759-843 p [Monthly.] f L. C. card 21-26777 GA 1.5/a : 7/12 Government salary tables. Supplement to Government salary tables, 1926. June 11, 1928. iii+5 p. i GA 1.2: Sa 3/926/supp.

GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Public printing. Abstract of contracts for material, etc., for public printing and binding for one year beginning July 1, 1928. 1928. 28 p. 4° $ GP 1.2: M 41/2/929 DOCUMENTS OFFICE Census publications, statistics for population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining, with abstracts and compendiums, list of publications for sale by super- intendent of documents. June, 1928. [2]+34 p. (Price list 70, 7th edi- tion.) f L. C. card 25-26529 GP 3 9: 79/7 Congressional documents. 30th preliminary schedule of volumes, reports and documents of 70th Congress, 1st session, Dee. 5, 1927-May 29, 1928. 1928. H+8P- t ’ GP 3.11:30 Education, list of publications for sale by superintendent of documents. July, 1928. [2]+38 p. (Price list 31, 17th edition.) t L. C. card 26-26105 GP 3.9: 31/17 Geological Survey. Publications of Geological Survey, geologv, mineral re- sources, and water supply, list of publications for sale by superintendent of documents. June, 1928. [2]+52+[2] p. (Price list 15, 18th edition.) f L. C. card 25-26851 GP 3.9:15/18

How to order publication*—See information following; Contenta 86 Augus t , 1928 Monthly catalogue, United States public documents (with prices), no. 403; July, 1928. 1928. v+1-62 p. * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 4-18088 GP 3.8/1: 929/1 Weather, astronomy, and meteorology, list of publications for sale by superin- tendent of documents. June, 1928. [2]+10 p. (Price list 48, 18th'edi- tion.) t L. C. card 26-26950 GP 3.9: 48/18 Weekly list of selected United States Government publications. Aug. 1-29, 1928. [1928.] Each 4 p. f L. C. card 28-26554 GP 3.17 : 928/+8 Note .—The Weekly list is an advertising list of United States Government pub- lications for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. The list is arranged alpha- betically by subjects, with annotations and prices. It may be obtained free of charge upon application to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.

INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Lyders, Eric. No. 4783, in Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Oct. term, 1928, Hubert Work, as Secretary of Interior, and William Spry, as commissioner of General Land Office, v. Eric Lyders; brief of appellants. 1928. cover-title, i+15 p. ± 11-55: L 984 EDUCATION BUREAU Blind. Schools and classes for blind, 1926-27; prepared in Division of Sta- tistics. 1928. [l]+7 p. (Bulletin 9, 1928.) [Advance sheets from Biennia) survey of education in United States, 1926-28.] Taper, 5c. L. C. card E 26-357 116.3: 928/9 Hygiene. Ten steps in promotion of health in rural schools; by James Fred- erick Rogers. July, 1928. 8 p. (School health studies 14.) [From School life, June, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 28-445 116.38:14 Industrial schools for delinquents, 1926-27; prepared in Statistical Division. 1928. [1] +22 p. (Bulletin 10, 1928.) [Advance sheets from Biennial survey of education in United States, 1926-28.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card E 20-404 116.3 : 928/10 Eegroes. Survey of negro colleges and universities: chapters 1, 2, and 3, introduction, Control and finance, Education service. 1928. iii+56 p. [Sec- tion of Bulletin 7, 1928.] Taper, 10c. L. C. card E 28-406 116.3/a : N 312/33/chap. 1, 2,3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY

Note .—The publications of the United States Geological Survey consist of Annual reports, Monographs. Professional papers, Bulletins, Water-supply papers, topographic maps (some of which bear descritive texts), base and contour and other maps of the United States and of the States, folios of the Geologic atlas of the United States, and the World atlas of commercial geology. All publications (except Monographs, folios, and maps) are generally distributed free by the Survey until the end of the fiscal year following the year in which they were published. Copies are also sold by the Super- intendent of Documents. Washington, D. C., at the prices indicated. The maps and folios and the World atlas are sold by the Director of the Geological Survey at Wash- ington. D. C. A discount of 40 per cent is allowed on any order for maps or folios that amounts to $5.00 at the retail price. This discount applies to an order for either maps or folios alone or for maps and folios together. Remittance for these publications should be made by money order payable to the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D C Orders for other publications that are for sale should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. £. For topographic maps see p. 87 and 88. Atlantic Coastal Plain. Surface water supply of United States, 1924: pt. 1, North Atlantic slope drainage basins; Nathan C. Grover, chief hydraulic engineer, C. H. Pierce, A. W. Harrington, O. W Hartwell, and A. H. Horton, district engineers. 1928. vi+246 p. il. (Water-supply paper 581.) [Prepared in cooperation with Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey.] * Paper, 25c. L. C. card GS 10-290 119-13: 581

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 87

Atlantic Coastal Plain—Continued. ------Same. (H. doc. 75, 69th Cong. 1st sess.) Marmarth, N. Dak. Geology and lignite resources of Marmarth field, south- western North Dakota; by C. J. Hares. 1928. vi+110 p. il. 6 pl. in pocket, 6 p. of pl. 2 maps, 1 is in pocket. (Bulletin 775.) ♦ Paper, 35c. L. C. card GS 28-260 119.3:775 ----- Same. (H. doc. 505, 68th Cong. 2d sess.) New Haven, Conn. Ground water in New Haven area, Conn.; by John S. Brown. 1928. vi-|-206 p. il. 12 p. of pl. 3 maps, 1 is in pocket. (Water- supply paper 540) [Prepared in cooperation with Connecticut State Geologi- cal and Natural History Survey.] ♦ Paper, 60c. L. C. card GS 28-261 119.13:540 ----- Same. (H. doc. 373, 68th Cong. 1st sess.) Publications issued in July, 1928; list 245. [1928 ] 3 p. [Monthly.] f 119.14/4:245 Topoffraphic instructions. Topographic instructions of Geological Survey; C. H. Birdseye, chief topographic engineer. 1928. v-|-432 p. il. 11 pl. 16 p. of pl. 2 maps, 2 tab. (Bulletin 788.) * Paper, 60c. L. C. card GS 28-257 119.3 : 788 Contents .—A, Administration; compiled by H. M. Frye.—B, Triangulation; com- piled by E. M. Douglas.—C, Transit traverse; compiled by E. M. Douglas.—D, Leveling; compiled by E. M. Douglas.—E, Topographic mapping; by W. M. Beaman.—F, Map compilation from aerial photographs; by T. P. Pendleton.—Index. ----- Same. (H. doc. 539, 69th Cong. 2d sess.) Topoffraphic maps

Note .—The Geological Survey is making a series of topographic maps that will eventually cover the whole United States, also Alaska and Hawaii. The individual maps are projected to represent quadrangle areas rather than political divisions, and each map is designated by the name of some prominent town or natural feature in the area mapped. The scales most commonly used are 1:31.680, 1:62,500, and 1 : 125,000, corresponding, approximately, to % mile, 1 mile, and 2 miles to 1 inch. The area covered differs with the latitude, but the average area is 58, 230, or 920 square miles, respectively, for these three scales. Topographic maps are printed on uniform-sized paper, about 20 by 16(6 inches, and the maps of the quadrangle areas represented thereon are about 17(6 inches long and 12 to 15 inches wide, according to latitude. For some areas of particular importance special large-scale maps are published. A general description of topographic maps and a list of the symbols used are printed on the reverse of each sheet. More than two-flfths of the area of the country, excluding Alaska, has been mapped, every State being represented. Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Mary- land, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and West Virginia are completely mapped. Maps of the regular size are sold by the Geological Survey at 10c. each, but a discount of 40 per cent is allowed on any order which amounts to $5.00 at the retail price. The discount is allowed on an order for either maps or folios alone, or for maps and folios together. Arizona, Mohawk quadrangle, lat. 32° 3O'-32° 45', long. 113° 45'-114°. Seale 1: 62,500, contour interval 25 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1928. 17.5 X14.8 in. f 10c. 119.12: 2 M 726 California. California, Glendale quadrangle, lat. 34° O6'-34° 12', long. 118° 12'- 118° 18'. Scale 1:24,000, contour interval 5 and 25 ft. [Washington, Geo- logical Survey] edition of 1928. 18.2X15.2 in. 110c. 119.12: 4 G 485/2 ----- California, Lindsay quadrangle, lat. 36° 07' 30"-36° 15', long. 119°- 119° 07' 30". Scale 1:31,680, contour interval 5 and 25 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1928. 17.3X14 in. 110c. 119.12:4L 645 Maine, Dead River quadrangle, lat. 45°-45° 15', long. 70°-70° 15'. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1928. 17.5X 12.5 in. 110c. 119.12:19 D 34 Missouri, Cardareva quadrangle, lat. 37°-37° 15', long. 91°-91° 15'. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1928. 17.5 X14 in. 110c. 119.12: 25 C 178 New Hampshire, Mount Kearsarge quadrangle, lat. 43° 15'-43° 30', long 71° 45'- 72°. Scale 1: 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1928. 17.5 X 12.8 in. 110c. 119.12 : 29 M 863 K

How to order publications—See information following Contents 88 Augus t , 1928

North, Dakota, Minot quadrangle, lat. 48°-48° 15', long. 101° 15'-101° 30'. Scale 1: 62,500, contour interval 20 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edi- tion of 1928. 17.5X 11.8 in. 110c. 119.12: 34 M 666 Utah, Gold Hill quadrangle, lat. 40°-40° 15', long. 113° 45'-114°. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 50 ft. [Washington, Geological Survey] edition of 1928. 17.5 X 13.5 in. 110c. 119.12: 45 G 563 INDIAN AFFAIRS OFFICE Agriculture. Primitive agriculture of Indians [with bibliography], Indian Print Shop, Chilocco Indian Agricultural School, Chilocco, Okla. [July 16, 1928]. [3] (Bulletin 1, [issue of] 1928.) [Text is an excerpt from Handbook of American Indians, Ethnology Bureau Bulletin 30, pt. 1.] t 120.3/2:1/3 Education of Indians. Indian Print Shop, Chilocco Indian Agricultural School. Chilocco, Okla. [May 2, 1928]. [1] -f-8 leaves, il. 1 pl. 8 p. of pl. (Bulletin 9, [issue of] 1927.) [One side of the leaf only is paged, the unnumbered side bearing an illustration.] t 120.3/2:9/3 Home life. Indian home life: pt. 1, Past; pt. 2, Present. Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans. [June 27, 1928]. 13 p. (Bulletin 22, [issue of] 1927.) t 120.3/2 : 22/3 Missions. Indian missions of United States [with bibliography]. Native Amer- ican Press, Phoenix, Ariz., 1928. [1]-4-8 p. (Bulletin 8, [issue of] 1928.) [This bulletin was first issued in 1923 in mimeographed form.] t I 20.3/2: 8/2 RECLAMATION BUREAU Columbia Basin project, soil and economic conditions; report by B. E. Hayden and George Severance. 1928. v+106 p. il. t L. C. card 28-26546 I 27.2 : C 72 New reclamation era, v. 19, no. 8; Aug. 1928. [1928.] cover-title, p. 113-128, il. 4° [Monthly. Text and illustrations on p. 2-4 of cover.] L. C. card 9-35252 I 27.5 : 928/8 Note .—The New reclamation era is a magazine for the farmers and the personnel of the bureau. Its aim is to assist the settlers in the proper use of water, to help them in overcoming their agricultural difficulties, to instruct them in diversifying and marketing their crops, to inspire the employees of the bureau and chronicle engineering problems and. achievements, and to promote a wholehearted spirit of cooperation, so that reclamation shall attain the greatest heights of success. The subscription price of the New reclamation era is 75c. a year, payable in advance. Subscriptions should be sent to the Chief Clerk, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, D. C., and remittance in the form of postal money order or New York draft should be made payable to the Special Fiscal Agent. Bureau of Reclamation. Postage stamps are not acceptable in payment of subscription. Vale irrigation project. Information concerning Vale irrigation project, Oreg. 1928. ii-f-13 p. il. t L. C. card 28-26593 127.2 : V 23


Note .-—The bound volumes of the decisions, usually known as Interstate Commerce Commission reports, are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C„ at various prices, depending upon the size of the volume. Separate opinions are sold on subscription, price $1.00 per volume; foreign subscription, $1.50; single copies, usually 5c. In ordering a volume, be sure to specify whether Traffic, Finance, or Valuation decisions are desired. Aluminum. No. 18844, Aluminum Company of America v. Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided July 10, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 363-3734-ii p. ([Opinion] 13653.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13653

How to order publications—See information following Contents Augus t , 1928 89

Apples. No. 19592. Segal Company v. Green Bay & Western Railroad Company et al.; decided June 12, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 575-576. ([Opinion] 13576.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13576 Ashland Railway. Finance docket no. 6365, stock of Ashland Railway; [decided June 7, 1928; report of commission], 1928. [1]+10-12 p. ([Finance decision] 3266.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3266 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. Finance docket no. 6852, acquisition of control by Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided June 2, 1928 ; report of commission. [1928.] p. 787-792. ([Finance decision] 3260.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 138.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3260 Baling ties. No. 19626, Carnegie Steel Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al.; decided June 6, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 509-510. ([Opinion] 13568.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13568 Baltimore and Eastern Railroad. Finance docket no. 6888, acquisition of con- trol by [of Baltimore & Eastern Railroad Company] ; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 79-80. ([Finance decision] 3290.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3290 Bath-tubs. No. 19490, Wolff Manufacturing Corporation v. Abilene & Southern Railway Company et al.; decided July 9, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 377-381. ([Opinion] 13655.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13655 Beans. Investigation and suspension docket no. 2970, dried beans and other vegetables from Wyoming; decided July 5, 1928; report [and order] of com- mission. [1928.] 283-289+ [11 p. ([Opinion] 13637.) [Report from I C C reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13637 Bedding (for cattle). No. 17669, Strauss & Adler, Incorporated, v. Erie Railroad Company et al., decided June 20, 1928; [report and order of commission], [1928.] 283-297+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13521.) [Report from I. C. C. reports v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13521 Beds. No. 17962, United States Bedding Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa le Railway Company et al.; [decided July 6, 1928; report and order of com- mission], 1928. [1] +312-316+H p. ([Opinion] 13641.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13641 Benzol. No. 18563, Caldwell & Taylor v. Chicago, Rock Island & Gulf Railway Company et al.: [decided May 15, 1928; report of commission on reconsidera- [1]+448-450 p. ([Opinion] 13552.) [From I. C. C. reports v. 144.] Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13552 Boilers. No. 19160, Burnham Boiler Corporation v. New York Central Rail- road Company et al.; decided June 26, 1928; report [and order] of com- mission. [1928.] 311-314+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13524.) [Report from ICC reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13524 Botetourt Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6955, purchase of proper- ties of Botetourt Telephone Company by Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia; decided July 7, 1928; report of commission. [1928] p. 101-103. ([Finance decision] 3297.) [From I. C. C. reports v. 145J * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3297 Bottles. No. 18207, Clicquot Club Company et al. v. Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road Company et al.; [decided June 21, 1928; report and order of commis- sion] 1928. [l]+298-304+iii p. ([Opinion] 13522.) [Report from I C C reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13522 —— No. 20073, F. E. Reed Glass Company v. Erie Railroad Company et al • MraX31, 1928 ’ report of commission. [1928.] p. 187-188. ([Opinion] 13619.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1 6/la • 13619

How to order publications—See information following Contents 10370—28—No. 404-----5 90 Aug ust , 1928

Boxes. No. 19018, Deline Manufacturing Company v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company et al.; [decided July 7, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+322-324+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13643.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13643 Brass. No. 18684, Atlas Metal Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Company et al.; decided June 4, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 463-466. ([Opinion] 13558.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13558 ------No. 19014, Baltimore Tube Company, Incorporated, v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al.; decided June 20, 1928; report [and order] of com- mission. [1928.] 323-327+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13528.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13528 Bricks. No. 19681, Baker & Holmes Company v. Florida East Coast Railway Company et al.; decided June 12, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 579-582. ([Opinion] 13578.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13578 ----- No. 19868, Southern Traffic & Audit Association v. Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Company et al.; decided May 29,1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 395-397. ([Opinion] 13542.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13542 Burlap bags. No. 20028, Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills v. Texas & Pacific Railway Company et al.; decided June 18, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 229-230. ([Opinion] 13631.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13631 Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Railway. Valuation docket no. 1018, Butte, Ana- conda & Pacific Railway Company; decided June 7, 1928; report of commis- sion. [1928.] p. 747-781. (B-682.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 141.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : B-682 Butter. No. 14717, Mistletoe Creameries et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided July 10, 1928; supplemental report of commission on further hearing. [1928.] p. 347-348. ([Opinion] 13649.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13649 Cabbage frames. No. 19392, Gamble Robinson Company v. Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Company et al.; decided June 6, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 505-506. ([Opinion] 13566.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13566 California Western Railroad and Navigation Company. Valuation docket no. 323, California Western Railroad & Navigation Company; decided June 22, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 797-821. (B-684.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 141.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: B-684 Carolina Southern Railway. Finance docket no. 6860, securities of Carolina Southern Railway; decided June 27, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 47-49. ([Finance decision] 3279.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3279 Cattle. Eastern livestock cases of 1926, no. 16746, Independent Slaughterers’ Traffic Association et al. v. New York Central Railroad Company et al.; de- cided July 14,1928; [report and order of commission]. [1928.] 731-788+xvp. ([Opinion] 13590.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 10c. IC 1.6/la: 13590 ----- Investigation and suspension docket no. 3032, rules and affidavit from governing application of rates on Stocker livestock; decided June 12, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 567-569+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13573.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13573 ----- No. 16756, I. Gross v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided June 4, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928] 461-462+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13557.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la; 13557

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 91 Cement. No. 16845, Iola Cement Mills Traffic Association et al. v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company et al.; decided July 13, 1928; [report and orders of commission]. [1928.] 585-602+xviii p. ([Opinion] 13580.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13580 Charlotte Harbor and Northern Railway. Finance docket no. 5090, control of Charlotte Harbor & Northern Railway by Seaboard Air Line Railway; de- cided June 26, 1928; supplemental report of commission. [1928.] p. 25-26. ([Finance decision] 3272.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3272 Checkers. No. 3.9241, Embossing Company v. Ann Arbor Railroad Company et al.; decided June 13, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 19-22+ii p. ([Opinion] 13595.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13595 Chicago, Attica and Southern Railroad. Finance docket no. 6964, securities of Chicago, Attica & Southern Railroad; decided July 7, 1928; report of com- mission. [1928.] p. 107-109. ([Finance decision] 3299.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3299 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Finance docket no. 6847, acquisition and operation of line by Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; [decided July 10, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+116-119 p. ([Finance decision] 3301.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper,5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3301 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. Finance docket no. 6957, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific equipment trusts; [decided July 3, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+88-92 p. ([Finance decision] 3293.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3293 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway. Finance docket no. 6412, abandon- ment of operation of line by Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company; decided June 7, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 793-796. ([Finance decision] 3261.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 138.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3261 Chocolate. No. 17462, Handy Chocolate Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road Company et al.; decided June 12, 1928; report of commission on recon- sideration. [1928.] p. 213-217. ([Opinion] 13627.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13627 Citrus fruit. No. 16939, Railroad Commissioners of Florida v. Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad Company et al.; decided July 10, 1928; [report and order of commission]. [1928.] 603-629+xii p. ([Opinion] 13581.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13581 Clay. No. 18811, Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided May 29, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 383-387. ([Opinion] 13539.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13539 Clothes wringers. No. 18929, American Wringer Company v. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company et al.; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission on further consideration. [1928.] p. 325-326. ([Opinion] 13644.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13644 Coal. No. 11703, in matter of intrastate rates within Illinois; decided July 2, 1928; supplemental report of commission on further hearing. [1928.] p. 127- 137. ([Opinion] 13611.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13611 ----- No. 13289 (sub-no. 2), Mark McFadden v. director general, as agent; decided June 14, 1928; report of commission on reconsideration. [1928.] p. 1-2. ([Opinion] 13591.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13591 ----- No. 15225, Board of Railroad Commissioners of Iowa v. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey et al.; decided July 10, 1928; report [and order] of commission on reargument. [1928.] 349-352+ii p. ([Opinion] 13650.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13650

How to order publications—See information following Contents 92 Aug ust , 1928

Coal—Continued. ----- No. 16831, Audebert Wall Paper Mills et al. v. Illinois Central Railroad Company et al.; decided June 11, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 537-540. ([Opinion] 13571.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13571 ----- No. 17400, Appalachian Power Company et al. v. Norfolk & Western Railway Company; decided May 28, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 333-343. ([Opinion] 13531.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la; 13531 ----- No. 17630, Kalbaugh Coal Company, Incorporated, v. Atlantic City Rail- road Company et al.; decided May 28, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 349-354. ([Opinion] 13533.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13533 ----- No. 18471, International Paper Company v. Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts- burgh Railway Company et al.; decided July 2, 1928; [report and order of commission]. [1928.] 59-92+viii p. ([Opinion] 13606.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13606 ----- No. 18664, Holmquist Lumber & Fuel Company v. Chicago & Alton Rail- road Company et al.; decided July 10, 1928; report of commission on recon- sideration. [1928.] p. 491-494. ([Opinion] 13677.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13677 ----- No. 19054, G. H. Treyz & Company et al v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al.; [decided July 2, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+108-114+ii p. ([Opinion] 13609.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13609 ----- No. 19177, A. M. Costa et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided June 19, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 273-280+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13519.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13519 ----- No. 19413, East Rochester Association v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Com- pany et al.; decided July 9, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 357-362+ii p. ([Opinion] 13652.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13652 ----- No. 19799, Middle Creek Coal Company et al. v. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road Company et al.; decided June 25, 1928; report [and order] of commis- sion. [1928.] 93-100+iv p. ([Opinion] 13607.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13607 ----- No. 19900, Thompson Yards, Incorporated, v. Great Northern Railway Company et al.; decided June 12, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 577- 578. ([Opinion] 13577.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13577 ----- No. 20105, Bronfam Coal Company v. Erie Railroad Company et al.; [de- cided July 10, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+374-376 p. ([Opin- ion] 13654.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.1 * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13654 Cocoa-bean shells. No. 18724, Summers Fertilizer Company, Incorporated, v. Canton Railroad Company et al.; [decided May 29, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+388-390+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13540.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13540 Contractors’ outfits. No. 18913, Associated General Contractors of America et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided May 26. 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 305-310. ([Opinion] 13523.) [From • I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13523 Costen, Md. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3064, restricting Costen, Md., to nonagency station; decided June 6, 1928; report [and order] of com- mission. [1928.] 493-496+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13564.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13564

How to order publications—See information following; Contents Aug ust , 1928 93

Cotton. No. 16527. Augusta Cotton Exchange et al. v. Georgia & Honda Rail- way et al.; decided July 6, 1928; [report and 4th section order no. 9811 of commission]. [1928.] 245-272+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13635.) [ Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13b3b Dakota, Central Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6815, purchase of cer- tain properties from Dakota Central Telephone Company by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company ; [decided June 8, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [l]+4-6 p. ([Finance decision] 3264.) [From I. C. C. reports, v 145] * Paper, 5c IC 1.6/la: F-3264 Decisions. Decisions of Interstate Commerce Commission, Nov. 1927—Jan. 1928. 1928. xxxiii+944 p. (Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 136.) [Contains also decision of Sept. 27, 1927.] * Cloth, $2.25. L. C. card 8-30656 IG 1-6/1: 136 ----- Decisions of Interstate Commerce Commission (finance reports), July, 1927-Jan. 1928. 1928. xxxiii+916 p. (Interstate Commerce Commission re- ports, v. 131.) * Cloth, $2.25. IC 1.6/1:131 Note .—The Interstate Commerce Commission assigns a volume in the series of re- ports at various times which contains only finance dockets. This is true regarding v. 131 here catalogued. ___ Decisions of Interstate Commerce Commission (valuation reports), July- Nov. 1927. 1928. viii+934 p. il. map. (Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 133.) [Contains also decisions of Dec. 1, 1927.] * ^1°jt^’1'^/l^ 1°3

Note .—The Interstate Commerce Commission assigns a volume in the series of re- ports at various times which contains only valuation dockets. This is true regarding v. 133 here catalogued. Demurrage. No. 15408, Milne Lumber Company v. Cleveland, , Chi- cago & St. Louis Railway Company et al.; [decided July 10, 1928; report of commission on further hearing]. 1928. [1]+332-342 p. ([Opinion] 13647 ) [From I .C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 1364< ----- No. 18357, Nassau Lumber Company et al. v. Long Island Railroad Com- pany; decided June 20. 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 267-272+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13518.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13518 ----- No. 19915, M. H. Kilpatrick v. New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company; [decided June 28, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+218- 220 p. ([Opinion] 13628.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13628 Des Moines Union Railway. Valuation docket no. 906, Des Moines Union Rail- way Company et al.; decided June 22, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 839-875. (B-686.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 141.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: B-686 Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad. Finance docket no. 6876, construction of line by Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad; [decided June 29, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1] +50-52 p. ([Finance decision] 3280.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3280 Electric socket shells. No. 19117, Trenton Chamber of Commerce v. New York Connecting Railroad Company et al.; [decided May 26, 1928; report of com- mission], 1928. [1]+330-332 p. ([Opinion] 13530.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13530 Federal Valley Railroad. Finance docket no. 6937, Federal Valley Railroad notes; decided June 23. 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 65-66. ([Finance decision] 3285.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3285 Freight-cars. No. 19419, Haffner Thrall Car Company v. Northern Pacific Rail- way Company; decided June 16, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 47-50. ([Opinion] 13603.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13603

How to order publications—See information following Contents 94 Augu st , 1928

Freight rates. Consolidated southwestern cases; [decided June 21, 1928: sup- plemental report and orders of commission on reconsideration], 1928. [11 + 630-633+ii p. ([Opinion] 13582.) [Report from I. C. C. reports v. 144 ] * Paper, 5c. IC i.e/la: 13582 ----- Ex parte 88, reparation on intrastate traffic; decided June 15 1928- report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 215-218+ii p ([Opinion] 13505.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13505 ----- Fourth section applications nos. 12383, 346, 348, 349, 456, 580, 584, 650 651, 1475, and 1575, class and commodity rates from Pacific Coast and inter- mediate territory to eastern defined territories; [decided May 29 1928 • report and 4th section order no. 9836 of commission]. Corrected ’report’ 1928. [l]+28-37+ii p. ([Opinion] 13466.) [Report from I. C. C. reports v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13466 —— Investigation and suspension docket no. 3018, class and commodity rates between points in North Dakota, including Graceville, Minn., and points in North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Montana; decided June 6, 1928 • [and order] of commission. [1928.] 487-492+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13563.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13563 7- estigation and suspension docket no. 3051, class rates between various Kentucky points and points in eastern territory; decided July 3, 1928 • report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 115-126+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13610.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13610 —~ No. 11893, War Department, inland waterways, Mississippi-Warrior Serv- ice, v. Abilene & Southern Railway Company et al.; decided June 4, 1928; report of commission on further consideration. [1928.] p. 431-440. ([Opin- ion] 13549.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13549 •1No' ld923, Port of New York Authority v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; [decided June 11,1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+514-536 p. ([Opinion] 13570.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. ic 1-6/la . 13570 ----- No. 19459, Idaho, ex rel, Public Utilities Commission of Idaho, v. Oregon Short Line Railroad Company et al.; [decided July 5,1928 ; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+168-170+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13617.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13617 ----- No. 19612, Federated Metals Corporation v. Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany et al.; decided June 16, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 243-249+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13512.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13512 ----- Rules to govern construction and filing of freight-rate publications in- cluding pipe-line schedules and classifications, administrative rulings; revised by order of commission approved June 11, 1928, effective Oct. 1, 1928. 1928. [1] +134 p. (Tariff circular 20.) [Cancels freight rules of Tariff circular 18a and Supplements 3 and 4, Special circular (Bureau of Traffic) 11, and Special permission nos. 53368 (amended), 61041, 63115, and 64290.] * Paper. 20c. IC 1 rat. 4: 20 Fuel for locomotives (charged to operating expenses), class 1 steam railways in United States, compiled from 158 reports representing 169 steam railways, switching and terminal companies not included. May, 1928 and 1927 [and] 5 months ended with May, 1928 and 1927; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. May, 1928. 1 p. oblong large 8° [Subject to revision.] f IC lste. 30: 928/5 Gas-meters. No. 17947, Lone Star Gas Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided June 28, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 165-167. ([Opinion] 13616.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13616 Gasoline. No. 19364, Gilliland Oil Company of New Mexico v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided June 16, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 261-264+[l] p. ([Opinion] 13516.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13516

How to order publications—See information following Contents Augus t , 1928 95

Georgia and Florida Railroad. Finance docket no. 6899, bonds of Georgia & Florida Railroad; [decided June 28, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+58-61 p. ([Finance decision] 3283.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la; F—3283 Glass. No. 19370, Merchants’ & Manufacturers’ Traffic Bureau et al. v. Arkan- sas & Louisiana Missouri Railway Company et al.; decided July 7, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 353-356+ii p. ([Opinion] 13651.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13651 Goshen and Deckertown Railway. Finance docket no. 6950, bonds of Goshen & Deckertown Railway; decided June 29, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 55-57. ([Finance decision] 3282.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F—3282 Grain. Investigation and suspension docket no. 2954, grain, grain products, and by-products from points in Ohio to points in West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky; decided June 6. 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 497-505+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13565.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13565 ------Investigation and suspension docket no. 3062, grain and related articles between points in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas; decided July 11, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 391-394+[1] p. (Opin- ion] 13657.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13657 ----- No. 17573, Charles A. Krause Milling Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road Company et al.; [decided July 5, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+138-140 p. ([Opinion] 13612.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13612 ----- No. 17837, Oswego, N. Y., v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al.; decided July 3, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 293- 308+ii p. ([Opinion] 13639.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13639 ----- No. 19454, Embry E. Anderson et al. v. Abilene & Southern Railway Com- pany et al.; decided June 16, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 51-56+ii p. ([Opinion] 13604.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13604 Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Valuation docket no. 445 et al., Grand Trunk Railway of Canada et al.; [decided May 9, 1928; report of commis- sion]. 1928. [2]+1-301 p. il. (B-688.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 143.] * Paper, 25c. IC 1.6/la: B—688 Grapes. No. 19964, James Tozzi v. Erie Railroad Company et al.; [decided June 14, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+26-27 p. ([Opinion] 13597.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13597 ----- No. 20141, Chautauqua & Erie Grape Growers’ Cooperative Association et al. v. Erie Railroad Company et al; decided July 12, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 403-413+iii p. ([Opinion] 13659.) [Re- port from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13659 Hay. No. 18884, Nashville Grain Exchange v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided June 13, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 667-671+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13586.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13586 Heading. No. 19632, Vail Donaldson Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al.; [decided June 28, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1] + 204-206 p. ([Opinion] 13624.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13624 Hides and skins. No. 15644, Bissinger & Company v. Great Northern Railway Company et al.; decided June 29, 1928; report of commission on reconsidera- tion. [1928.] p. 197-198. ([Opinion] 13622.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13622

How to order publications—See information following Contents 96 Aug ust , 1928

Hollow tiles. No. 20214, National Fire Proofing Company v. Pullman Railroad Company et al.; [decided June 14, 1928; report of commission], 1928. [1]+ 28-29 p. ([Opinion] 13598.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.J * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la; 13598 Horseshoes. No. 19892, Phoenix Horse Shoe Company v. Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company et al.; [decided May 31, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+398-400 p. ([Opinion] 13543.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13543 Houston Belt and Terminal Railway. Valuation docket no. 489, Houston Belt & Terminal Railway Company; decided June 7, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 719-746. (B-681.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 141.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: B-681 Illinois Southern Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6846, acquisition of properties of Illinois Southern Telephone Company et al. by Illinois Commer- cial Telephone Company ; decided June 26. 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 43-46. ([Finance decision] 3278.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Pa- Per> 5c- IC 1.6/la : F-3278 Illinois Traction, Incorporated. Finance docket no. 6904, abandonment of por- tion of branch line by Illinois Traction, Incorporated, et al.; [decided June 18, 1928; report of commission J. 1928. [1]+20-22 p. ([Finance decision] 3270.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3270 International-Great Northern Railroad. Finance docket no. 6669, bonds of Inter- national-Great Northern Railroad; [decided July 10, 1928; supplemental re- port of commission], 1928. [l]+104-106 p. ([Finance decision] 3298.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3298 Iron. No. 14210, Lindeteves-Stokvis v. director general, as agent, et al.; [decided June 16, 1928; report of commission of further hearing], 1928. [11+672-674 p. ([Opinion] 13587.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13587 ----- No. 19256, Sam C. Weber v. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway; [decided May 16, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+210-212 p. ([Opinion] 13626.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la; 13626 ----- No. 19851, Northwestern Malleable Iron Company v. Pere Marquette Railway Company; decided June 4, 1928; report of commission. [1928 ] p. 467-468. ([Opinion] 13559.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13559 Kansas City and Grandview Railway. Finance docket no. 6843, bonds of Kansas City & Grandview Railway; decided June 20, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 31-37. ([Finance decision] 3275.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1 6/la : F-3275 Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway. Finance docket no. 6898, acquisition of control by Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Company; decided June 26, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 53-55. ([Finance decision] 3281.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3281 Kilns. No. 19790. Jacksonville Traffic Bureau, Incorporated, et al. v. Texas & Pacific Railway Company et al.; decided June 16, 1928: report of commission. [1928.] p. 189-193. ([Opinion] 13620.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13620 Lead. No. 10526, Anaconda Copper Mining Company et al. v. director general, as agent, Ann Arbor Railroad Company, et al.; decided June 4, 1928; report of commission on reargument. [1928.] p. 443-447. ([Opinion] 13551.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13551 Lettuce. No. 19944, Memphis Freight Bureau v. St. Louis-San Francisco Rail- way Company et al.; decided May 31, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 417-418. ([Opinion] 13546.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13546

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust . 1928 97

Limestone. No. 19619, Belt Line Brick Company v. Rutland Railroad Company; decided June 13, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p 637-638. ([Opin- ion] 13584.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13584 Linseed-oil. No. 17730, Fredonia Linseed Oil Works Company v. Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company et al.; decided July 13, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 445-448+ii p. ([Opinion] 13666.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13666 Liquid solder. No. 19016, Modern Chemical Manufacturing Company, Incor- porated, Dallas, Tex., v. Abilene & Southern Railway Company et al.; decided June 1, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 451-453+ iv p. ([Opinion] 13553.) [Report from I. C. C. Reports, v. 144.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13553 Logs. No. 18401, Gulf Trading Company, Incorporated, et al. v. Alabama & North Western Railway Company et al.; decided July 6, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 317-322+ii p. ([Opinion] 13642.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13642 ----- No. 20045, Pickrel Walnut Company v. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company; decided July 5, 1928: report of commission. [1928.] p. 327-328. ([Opinion] 13645.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13645 Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Finance docket no. 6746, abandonment of part of branch line by Louisville & Nashville Railroad; decided June 8, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 13-14. ([Finance decision] 3267.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] ’Paper, 5c; IC 1.6/la : F-3267 Lubricating-oils. No. 19288, Hutchinson Oil Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided June 12. 1928; report of com- mission. [1928.] p. 573-574. ([Opinion] 13575.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13575 Lumber. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3033, lumber from points in Arkansas and Oklahoma on Kansas City Southern Railway anti connecting lines to St. Louis, Mo., group points; decided June 16, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 37-40+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13601.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13601 ----- No. 18361, Muscle Shoals Traffic Bureau v. Illinois Central Railroad Company et al.; [decided May 31, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+412-416+[1] p. ([Opin'on] 13545.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13545 ----- No. 18400, McLeod Lumber Company v. Mi 11 town Air Line Railway Com- pany et al.; decided July 5, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 163-164. ([Opinion] 13615.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13615 ----- No. 19179. Standard Hardwood Lumber Company v. Boston & Maine Railroad et al.; decided June 28, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 225-228. ([Opinion] 13630.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13630 ----- No. 19191, Birch Valley Lumber Company v. Strouds Creek & Muddlety Railroad Company et al.; decided May 29, 1928; report [and order] of com- mission. [1928.] 419-427+iv p. ([Opinion] 13547.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13547 ----- ■ No. 20036, Leake & Goodlett Lumber Company v. Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company et al.; decided June 18, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 231-234. ([Opinion] 13632.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13632 ----- No. 20089, Standard Lumber Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al.; decided July 18, 1928; report [ami order] of commission. [1928.] 477—478+ii p. ([Opinion] 13674.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13674

How to order publications—See information following; Contents 98 Augu st , 1928

Magnolia leaves. No. 19932, A. L. Randall Company v. Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast Railroad Company et al.; [decided June 18, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+728-730+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13589.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] *Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13589 Marble. No. 19427, Henry Marble Company et al. v. Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road Company et al.; [decided July 13, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+414—117 p. ([Opinion] 13660.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] *Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13660 Meat. No. 15474, Charles Wolff Packing Company v. Arkansas Western Rail- way Company et al.; decided July 5, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 141-148+iii p. ([Opinion] 13613.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13613 ----- No. 18657, Swift & Company v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided June 19, 1928; report [and 4th section order no. 9839] of commission. [1928.] 41-46+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13602.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13602 Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway. Finance docket no. 6948, Soo Line equipment trust, series O; [decided June 27, 1928; report of com- mission]. 1928. [1]+40-42 p. ([Finance decision] 3277.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3277 Missouri Pacific Railroad. Before Interstate Commerce Commission, valuation docket no. 1006 et al., Missouri Pacific Railroad Company et al.; brief in support of tentative valuations. 1928. cover-title, ii+221 p. t IC 1 val. 8: M 691/7 Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad. Valuation docket no. 313, Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Company; [decided June 22, 1928; report of commission], 1928. [1]+822-838 p. (B-685.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 141.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : B-685 New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railway. Finance docket no. 6450, bonds of New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway; decided July 10, 1928; 2d supple- mental report of commission. [1928.] p. 93-95. ([Finance decision] 3294.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3294 New York Central Railroad. Finance docket no. 6935, stock of New York Cen- tral Railroad; decided July 10, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 95-97. ([Finance decision] 3295.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3295 New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. Finance docket no. 2919, acquisition and stock issue by New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad; decided June 8, 1928; 2d supplemental report of commission. [1928.] p. 7-9. ([Finance decision] 3265.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3265 Nitrating acid. No. 19365, Flynn, Welch & Yates v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company; [decided June 13, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+634-636 p. ([Opinion] 13583.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13583 Oil-well supplies. No. 15750, Prairie Pipe Line Company v. Arkansas Western Railway Company et al.; decided July 3, 1928 ; [report of commission on recon- sideration]. [1928.] p. 149-162. ([Opinion] 13614.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13614 ----- No. 16522, Parkersburg Rig & Reel Company v. Union Pacific Railroad Company et al.; [decided July 16, 1928; report and order of commission on reconsideration], 1928. [1] +488—490+ii p. ([Opinion] 13676.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13676 Paint. No. 18945, West Lumber Company et al. v. Southern Railway Company et al.; decided June 14, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 13-18+ii p. ([Opinion] 13594.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13594

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 99 Petroleum. No. 17667, General Petroleum Corporation v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; [decided May 16, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+194-196+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13621.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la r 13621 Pioneer Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6944, purchase of properties of Pioneer Telephone Company by Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company ; [decided July 6, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+98-100 p. ([Finance decision] 3296.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3296 Pipe. No. 14729, Standard Oil Company (California) v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission on further hearing. [1928.] p. 241-244. ([Opinion] 13634.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13634 Poles. No. 9971, National Pole Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- way Company, director general, et al.; decided Julv 9, 1928; report [and orders] of commission on further hearing. [1928.] 541-566+ii p. il. ([Opin- ion] 13572.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13572 Potassium chlorid. No. 19201, American Potash & Chemical Corporation v. Great Northern Railway Company et al.; [decided June 18, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+32-36+H p. ([Opinion] 13600.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. I C 1.6/la: 13600 Potatoes. No. 18407, Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Incorporated, et al., v. Louisiana Railway & Navigation Company et al.; [decided June 14, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1] +8-12+ii p. ([Opinion] 13593.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la ; 13593 ----- No. 19431, Grovier-Starr Produce Company v. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company et al.; decided June 6, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 507-508. ([Opinion] 13567.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC i.6/la: 13567 Poultry. No. 18263, Stahl Brothers v. Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway Company et al.; decided June 1, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 441-442. ([Opinion] 13550.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13550 Pullman Company. Before Interstate Commerce Commission, valuation docket no. 1079, in matter of tentative valuation of properties of Pullman Company; brief in support of tentative valuation. 1928. cover-title, ii+94 p. t IC 1 val. 8: P 967/2 Quakertown and Bethlehem Railroad. Finance docket no. 6027, deficit status of Quakertown & Bethlehem Railroad; decided June 23, 1928; report of com- mission. [1928.] p. 27-28. ([Finance decision] 3273.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3273 Railroad accidents. Summary of accident investigation reports, no. 35, Jan.- Mar. 1928; [prepared in] Bureau of Safety. 1928. iii-j-38 p. [Quarterly.] ♦Paper, 5c. single copy (incorrectly given in publication as 10c.), 15c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 25c. L. C. card A 20-942 IC 1 acci. 7 : 35 ----- Same, no. 36, Apr.-June, 1928; [prepared in] Bureau of Safety. 1928. iii+26 p. [Quarterly.] - IC 1 acci. 7:36 ----- Summary of accidents reported by steam railways, May, 1928 [and 5 months ending with May, 1928; prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. May, 1928. [2] p. oblong large 8° [Subject to revision.] f L. C. card A 27-80 IC lste. 31; 928/5 Railroad employees. Wage statistics, class 1 steam roads in United States [including 16 switching and terminal companies] May, 1928; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. 1928. [4] p. il. oblong large 8° f IC lste. 25: 928/5

How to order publications—See information following Contents 100 Aug ust , 1928

Railroad ties. No. 18799. Dodge County Lumber Company v. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company et al.; decided June 21, 1928; report of commission. [1928.1 p. 221-224. ([Opinion] 13629.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13629 Railroads. Freight and passenger service operating statistics of class 1 steam railways in United States, compiled from 157 reports of freight service sta- tistics representing 168 railways and from 151 reports of passenger service statistics representing 162 railways (switching and terminal companies not included), May, 1928 and 1927 [and 5 months ended with May, 1928 and 1927; prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. May, 1928. [2] p. oblong large 8° [Subject to revision.] t IC Iste. 21: 928/5 ----- Operating revenues and operating expenses of class 1 steam railways in United States, compiled from monthly reports of revenues and expenses for 185 steam railways, including 16 switching and terminal companies, June. 1928 and 1927 [and] 6 months ended with June, 1928 and 1927; prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. June, 1928. 1 p. oblong large 8° [Subject to revi- sion.] t IC Iste. 19: 928/6 ----- Operating revenues and operating expenses of large steam railways, selected items for roads with annual operating revenues above .$25,000,000. June, 1928 and 1927 [and] 6 months ended with June, 1928 and 1927; [pre- pared in] Bureau of Statistics. June, 1928. [2] p. oblong large 8" [Subject to revision.] f IC 1 ste. 20 : 928/6 ----- Operating statistics of large steam railways, selected items for June, 1928, compared with June, 1927, for roads with annual operating revenues above $25,000,000; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. June, 1928. [2] p. oblong large 8° [Subject to revision.] f IC 1 ste. 22 : 928/6 ----- Revenue traffic statistics of class 1 steam railways in United States, including mixed-train service, compiled from 158 reports representing 169 steam railways, switching and terminal companies not included, May, 1928 and 1927 [and] 5 months ended with May, 1928 and 1927; [prepared in] Bureau of Statistics. May, 1928. 1 p. oblong large 8° [Subject to revi- sion] | IC 1 ste. 24: 928/5 Rails. No. 18140. A. Larsson et al. v. Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al; decided July 14, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 449-454. ([Opinion] 13667.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13667 Railway mail pay. No. 9200, railway mail pay; decided July 10. 1928; report [and order] of commission on further hearing. [1928.] 675-727+iv p. ([Opinion] 13588.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 10c. IC 1.6/la: 13588 Red Fork Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6919, purchase of properties of Red Fork Telephone Company by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 67-69. ([Finance decision] 3286.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3286 Refrigeration. No. 16364. Joint Council of International Apple Shippers Asso- ciation et al. v. Erie Railroad Company et al.; decided June 14, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 3-7. ([Opinion] 13592.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13592 ----- No. 17020, American Fruit Growers, Incorporated, of California, et al. v. Southern Pacific Company et al.; decided June 12, 1928; [report and orders of commission]. [1928.] 639-666+xxii p. ([Opinion] 13585.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13585 Road-oil. No. 16024, George Ross v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Company • [decided July 5, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1] 4-308-311 p. ([Opinion] 13640.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13640

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 101

Rollers (printing). No. 19990, George Russell Reed Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; [decided June 16, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+30-32 p. ([Opinion] 13599.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13599 Roofing. No. 15865, Florence Chamber of Commerce v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided June 4, 1928; report [and order] of com- mission on argument. [1928.] 457-459+ii p. ([Opinion] 13555.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13555 ----- No. 18676, Knoxville Freight Bureau et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided July 6, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 329-331. ([Opinion] 13646.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13646 ----- No. 19809, Pecos Valley Lumber Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided June 14, 1928; report [and order] of com- mission. [1928.] 23-26+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13596.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13596 Routing. Investigation and suspension.docket no. 3017, livestock from Texas to Indiana; decided July 10, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 343—346+ [1] p. ([Opinion] 13648.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ♦Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13648 ----- Investigation and suspension docket no. 3037, elimination of routing on grain from western territory to New Orleans, La., and points on New Orleans & Northeastern Railroad; [decided June 6. 1928; report and order of com- mission]. 1928. [1]+482-486+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13562.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13562 Russell Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6864, purchase of • properties of Russell Telephone Company by Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia; decided June 19, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 17-19. ([Finance decision] 3269.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la ’: F-3269 Safety appliances. Before Interstate Commerce Commission, United States safety-appliance standards; order of commission, Mar. 13, 1911. [Reprint with addition of plates] 1928. [1]+41 p. il. 12 pl. [In the original print, plates C-R were issued as a separate publication.] $ ic 1.9 : Sa 1/14 St. Louis-San Francisco Railway. Finance docket no. 6799, acquisition and operation of lines by St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company; [decided July 10, 1928; report of commission], 1928. [1]+110-115 p. ([Finance de- cision] 3300.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : F-3300 St. Louis Southwestern Railway. Finance docket no. 1636 (sub-no. 1), inter- locking directors of St. Louis Southwestern and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; decided June 29. 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 23-24 ([Finance decision] 3271.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3271 ----- Finance docket no. 6566, St. Louis Southwestern Railw ay bonds: decided June 23,1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 37-39. ([Finance decision] 3276.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c IC 1.6/T a : F-3276 Salt. Investigation and suspension docket no. 2414, salt between western and southwestern points; [decided June 4, 1928; supplemental report and supple- mental order of commission], 1928. [11+428-430+iip. ([Opinion] 13548.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13548 ----- No. 17310, George A. & Company v. Chicago, Milwaukee & Sv. Paul Railway Company et al.; decided July 5, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 273—282+ii p. ([Opinion] 13636.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13636

How to order publications—See information following- Contents 102 Aug ust , 1928

Sand. No. 17606, Cynthiana Construction Company v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; [decided May 28, 1928; report and order of com- mission]. 1928. [1] 4-344-3484-[1] p. ([Opinion] 13532.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a: 13532 ----- No. 17817, Chicago Gravel Company et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; [decided July 3, 1928; report of commission on further hearing], 1928. [1]4-290-292 p. ([Opinion] 13638.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a: 13638 ----- No. 18630, L. E. Myers Company v. Southern Railway Company et al.; [decided May 28, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]4-366-368 p. ([Opinion] 13535.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13535 ----- No. 18785, John Wroe et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided May 28, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 391-3954-[1] P- ([Opinion] 13541.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13541 —— No. 19443, Merchants’ & Manufacturers’ Traffic Bureau et al v. Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf Railway Company 1st al.; decided July 23, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 549-5544-[1] p. ([Opinion] 13685.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13685 ----- No. 19557, Chicago Gravel Company v. Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Company et al.; decided June 27, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 101-107. ([Opinion] 13608.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13608 Sand Springs Railway. Finance docket no. 6303, deficit status of Sand Springs Railway; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 69-70. ([Finance decision] 3287.) [From 1. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : F-3287 San Luis Valley Southern Railway. Finance docket no. 6728, acquisition and operation of line by San Luis Valley Southern Railway; decided July 6, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 71-75. ([Finance decision] 3288.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : F-3288 Saratoga and Encampment Valley Railroad. Finance docket no. 6917, acquisi- tion of line by Saratoga & Encampment Valley Railroad; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 83-87. ([Finance decision] 3292.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3292 Sashes. No. 19974, Chas. T. Ables & Company v. Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company et al.; decided June 4,1928 ; report of commission. [1928.] p. 469-470. ([Opinion] 13560.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] *Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/1 a : 13560 Sawdust. No. 17055, American Smelting & Refining Company et al. v. director general, as agent; [decided June 12, 1928; report of commission on recon- sideration]. 1928. [l]4-570-572 p. ([Opinion] 13574.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13574 Seaboard Air Line Railway. Finance docket no. 6830, abandonment of branch line by Seaboard Air Line Railway Company; decided June 20, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 15-16. ([Finance decision] 3268.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3268 Service Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6925, purchase of properties of Service Telephone Company by Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 81-82. ([Finance decision] 3291.) [From I. G. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3291 Shingles. No. 18399, Badger Lumber & Coal Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided May 16, 1928; report of com- mission. [1928.] p. 199-204. ([Opinion] 13623.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13623

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 103 Soap. No. 19252, Colgate & Company v. Tampa & Jacksonville Railway Com- decided June 16’ 1928; report [and order] of commission. '[1928.] 253-257+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13514.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13514 Steel. No. 19885, Durabilt Steel Locker Company v. New York Central Rail- F?ad Company et al.; [decided June 16, 1928; report and order of commission]. 1928. [1]+232-234+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13509.) [Report from I. C. C. re- ports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13509 ----- No. 19908, J. R. Forner Company v. Missouri Pacific Railroad Company et al.; decided June 14, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+528-584 p. ([Opinion] 13579.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13579 Stites-Kooskia Telephone Company. Finance docket no. 6871, purchase of prop- erties of Stites-Kooskia Telephone Company by Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company; [decided July 3, 1928; report of commission], 1928. [1]+76-78 p. ([Finance decision] 3289.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3289 Stone. No. 18908, Clay County Crushed Rock Company et al. v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided May 28, 1928; [report and order of commission], [1928.] 355-365+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13534 ) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13534 ----- No. 19107, H. F. Watson Company v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company et al.; decided July 23, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 523-530. ([Opinion] 13682.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13682 Stoves. No. 18919, Bertrand Lumber Company, Limited, v. Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company et al.; decided May 16, 1928; report of com- mission. [1928.] p. 207-209. ([Opinion] 13625.) [From I. C. C. reports v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. . IC 1.6/la: 13625 Sugar. Investigation and suspension docket no. 3019, sugar from California to Portland and East Portland, Oreg.; decided June 5, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 471-481+iii p. ([Opinion] 13561.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13561 Sulphuric acid. No. 15627, Southern Agricultural Chemical Corporation v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company et al.; [decided June 4, 1928; report of commission on rehearing], 1928. [1] +454-456 p. ([Opinion] 13554.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC1.6/la: 13554 Switching charges. No. 11040, Boston Wool Trade Association v. director general, as agent, Boston & Albany Railroad Company, et al.; decided July 3, 1928; report of commission on further hearing. [1928.] p. 235-240’ ([Opinon] 13633.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13633 Tank blocks. No. 17409, Southern Glass Company v. Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railway Company et al. ;■• [decided July 16,1928; report of commission]. 1928. [1]+504-506 p. ([Opinion] 13679.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13679 Team-track charges. No. 16707, Eastern Shore of Virginia Produce Exchange v. Pennsylvania Railroad Company; decided May 29, 1928; report of commis- sion. [1928.] p. 401-411. ([Opinion] 13544.) [From I. C. C. reports v. 144.] *Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: 13544 Tennessee and North Carolina Railway. Finance docket no. 6698, acquisition of line by Tennessee & North Carolina Railway; decided June 9, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 797-801. ([Finance decision] 3262.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 138.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3262

How to order publications—See information following Contents 104 Aug ust , 1928

Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. Finance docket no. 6929, bonds of Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis; [decided June 20, 1928; report of commission], 1928. [1]4-62-65 p. ([Finance decision] 3284.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la: F-3284 Tin. No. 19225, Federated Metals Corporation v. Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany; decided June 6, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 511-5134"[1] P- ([Opinion] 13569.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13569 Trackage. No. 19918, Chicago' & Alton Railroad Company et al. v. Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway Company; decided July 2, 1928; report of commis- sion. [1928.] p. 171-186. ([Opinion | 13618.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13618 Unlading and lading. No. 18490, Allietl Packers, Incorporated, et al. v. Atchi- son, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided May 29, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 377-382. ([Opinion] 13538.) [Froml. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13538 Vegetables. No. 15928, Lobman, Moog & Company et al. v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company et al.; decided June 5, 1928; report [and order] of commission on further consideration. [1928.] 459-460-|-ii p. ([Opinion] 13556.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13556 Virginia and Carolina Southern Railroad. Valuation docket no. 757, Virginia and Carolina Southern Railroad Company; decided June 22, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 781-796. (B-683.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 141.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : B-683 Wadley Southern Railway. Finance docket no. 6869, abandonment of part of line by Wadley Southern Railway; decided July 13, 1928; report of commis- sion. [1928.] p. 141-143. ([Finance decision] 3305.) | From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3305 Western Pacific Railroad. Finance docket no. 6564, construction of extension by Western Pacific Railroad; decided June 5, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 779-786. ([Finance decision *| 3259.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 138.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3259 Wheat. No. 20074, Clovis Mill & Elevator Company et al. v. Abilene & Southern Railway Company et al.; decided July 11, 1928; report of commission. [1928.] p. 417-418. ([Opinion] 13661.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13661 Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway. Finance docket no. 6670, bonds of Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway; decided June 23, 1928; supplemental report of com- mission. [1928.] p. 29-30. ([Finance decision] 3274.) [From I. C. C. re- ports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3274 Wisconsin and Michigan Railway. Valuation docket no. 320, Wisconsin & Michigan Railway Company; [decided June 22, 1928; report of commission]. 1928. [2] 4-877-905 p. il. (B-687.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 141.] * Paper. 5c. IC 1.6/la : B-687 Wood-pulp. No. 20029, Thilmany Pulp & Paper Company v. Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad Company et al.; decided July 13, 1928; report of commis- sion. [1928.] p. 473-474. ([Opinion] 13672.) [From I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13672 Wool. No. 19393, Magee Carpet Company v. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey et al.; decided June 18, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 281-2824-[1] p. ([Opinion] 13520.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 144.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13520 Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad. Finance docket no. 6877, bonds of Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad; decided June 8, 1928; report of commis- sion. [1928.] p. 1-3. ([Finance decision] 3263.) I From I. C. C. reports, v. 145.] * Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : F-3263

How to order publications—See information following; Contents Augu st . 1928 105

Zinc. No. 19529, Federated Metals Corporation v. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company et al.; decided June 15, 1928; report [and order] of commission. [1928.] 57-58+[1] p. ([Opinion] 13605.) [Report from I. C. C. reports, v. 146.] ’Paper, 5c. IC 1.6/la : 13605 VALUATION BUREAU Railroads. Outline of plan for bringing land valuations to Dec. 31, 1927, and such other date or dates as may be fixed by director of valuation; [prepared in] Land Section. 1928. [1] +4 p. ♦ Paper, 5c. IC 1 val.2: L 22/2

JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Alaska Consolidated, Canneries, Incorporated. In Court of Claims, no. H-152, Alaska Consolidated Canneries, Inc., v. United States; stipulation of agreed facts. [1928.] p. 9-14. J J 1.13: Al 12/11 Allgrunn, Carl G. In Court of Claims, no. 34696, Carl Godfrey Allgrunn v. United States; defendant’s motion for new trial. [1928.] p. 45-54. $ J 1.13 : Al 54/10 Aluminum Castings Company. In circuit court of appeals for 6th circuit, Aluminum Castings Company v. Carl F. Routzahn, individually and as col- lector of internal revenue; brief and reply brief for defendant in error. 1928. cover-title, 20 p. $ J 1.13 : Al 82/2 Armour & Co. In equity, no. 233, district court, district of Minnesota, 5th division, Armour and Company and Swift and Company v. United States and Interstate Commerce Commission, before Wilbur F. Booth, circuit judge, William A. Cant and John B. Sanborn, district judges, holding specially-con- stituted district court pursuant to urgent deficiencies act of Oct. 22. 1913 (38 Stat. 219), on final hearing; brief for United States. 1928. cover-title, ii+34 p. t .11.13: Ar 55/14 Baker & Taylor Company. Nos. 248 and 249, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Baker & Taylor Co. v. United States; [same] v. Frank K. Bowers, individu- ally and as collector of internal revenue, 2d district of New York, on petition for writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; brief for respondents in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+12 p. J J 1.13: B178/4 Barnard, E. O., <£ Co., Incorporated. In equity, no. E46-131, in district court for southern district of New7 York, United States v. E. O. Barnard & Com- pany, Inc., et al.; final decree. 1928. cover-title, 3 p. t J 1.13: B 253/2 ----- Same; original petition. 1928. cover-title, 10 p. t J 1.13 : B 253 Benachi, Alexander. In Court of Claims, no. J-351, Anthony E. Benachi, trus- tee of estate of Alexander Benachi, v. United States; defendant’s plea to jurisdiction of court [and brief in support of plea]. [1928.] p. 11-21. $ J 1.13 : B 43/5 Boston and Albany Railroad. No. 238, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, United States v. New York Central Railroad Company, lessee of Boston & Albany Railroad; brief in support of petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims. 1928. cover-title, i+6 p. t J 1.13 : N 42y/105 Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paper Hangers of America. In equity, no. —, in district court for northern district of Illinois, eastern division, United States v. Painters District Council no. 14 of Chicago and Vicinity of Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paper Hangers of America et al.; petition. 1928. cover-title, 24 p. $ J 1.13 : P 166 Buttolph, William A. No. 4028, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, William A. Buttolph v. commissioner of internal revenue, petition for review of order of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. 1928. cover-title. ii-f-18 p. $ J 1.13; b 983/3

How to order publications—See information following- Contents 106 Augus t , 1928

California. Cooperative Canneries. No. —, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, United States v. California Co-Operative Canneries; petition for writ of cer- tiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia and brief in support thereof. 1928. cover-title, ii-f-13 p. 7 J 1.13: C 128/24 California Wine Association of New York, Incorporated. No. 140, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, California Wine Association of New York, Inc., v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+16 p. 7 J 1.13: C 128-23 Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad. In Court of Claims, no. F-94, Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company v. United. States; defendant’s motion for new trial and brief. [1928.] p. 237-275. 7 J 1.13: C 43/125 Chicago and North Western Railway. In Court of Claims, no. D-411, Chicago and North Western Railway Company v. United States; defendant’s excep- tions to commissioner’s report. [1928.] no. D-411, p. 49-58. 7 J 1.13: C 43/124 Chin Yuen. No. 203, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Chin Mon ex rel. Chin Yuen v. Anna C. M. Tillinghast, commissioner of immigration, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 1st circuit; brief for respond- ent. 1928. cover-title, i-f-8 p. 7 J 1.13: C 441/26 Cracker Jack Company. In Court of Claims, no. F-97, Cracker Jack Company v. United States; defendant’s objections to plaintiff’s request for findings of fact and defendant’s brief. [1928.] p. 107-120. 7 J 1.13 :C 841 Delaware County, Pa. Nos. 192, 193, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, county of Delaware, Pa., v. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [now Ship- ping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation] ; school district of Tinicum Township v. [same], on petition for writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit; brief for respondent in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+9 p. 7 J 1.13: D 376/26 Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Company. In Court of Claims, no. E-290, Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co. v. United States; defendant’s motion for new trial and for amendments of findings of fact. [1928.] p. 385-407. 7 J 1.13 : D 911/4 Ellis, Abraham M. In Court of Claims, no. D-416, Abraham M. Ellis v. United States; defendant’s request for findings of fact and brief. [1928.] p. 103- 116. 7 J 1.13: El 59/7 Ellsworth, James W. In Court of Claims, no. F-51, Lincoln Ellsworth et al., executors of James W. Ellsworth, v. United States; defendant’s brief. [1928.] p. 35-38. 7 J 1.13: El 59/6 Emmanuel, George M. No. 319, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, George M. Emmanuel v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+3 p. 7 J 1.13: Em 61 Fruit Growers Express Company. No. 305, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, United States v. Fruit Growers Express Company, on appeal from district court for western district of Pennsylvania; statement of jurisdiction. 1928. cover-title, 4 p. 7 J 1.13 : F 943/2 Greenyard, Sam. No. 4026, in circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit, Sam Greengard v. commissioner of internal revenue, on petition for review of decision of Board of Tax Appeals; brief for respondent. 1928. cover-title, i+17 p. large 8° 7 J 1.13 : G 837 Gypsum Industries Association. In equity, no. E-25-215, in district court in and for southern district of New York, United States v. Gypsum Industries Association et al.; supplemental decree. 1928. cover-title, 4 p. 7 J 1.13: G 998 Hord, T. B., Grain Company. No. 231, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, T. B. Hord Grain Company v. David H. Blair, commissioner of internal revenue, on petition for writ of certiorari to court of appeals of District of Columbia; brief for respondent in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+15 p. 7 J 1.13 : H 781/2 How to order publications—See information following Contents Augu st , 1928 107

Johnson, John. No. 220, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928. John Johnson v. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [now Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation], on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; brief for respondent in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+7 p. $ J 1.13 : J 633/9 Johnson, Robert W. No. 228, in Supreme Court, Oct term, 1928, Robert W. Johnson, jr., John S. Johnson, and Evangeline B. Johnson [beneficiaries under will of Robert Wood Johnson] v. United States, on petition for writ of certio- rari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover- title, i+6 p. i J 1.13: J 636/2 Jonesboro Grocer Company. No. E-562, in Court of Claims, Jonesboro Grocer Company v. United States; defendant’s request for findings of fact and brief. 1928. cover-title, i+23-49 p. $ J 1.13 : J 731 Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railroad. No. 8201, in circuit court of appeals for 8th circuit, Harvey H. Motter, collector of internal revenue for district of Kansas, v. W. T. Kemper, receiver of Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railroad Company, on appeal from district court for district of Kansas; brief for ap- pellant. 1928. cover-title, ii+49 p. $ J 1.13: K 133/18 Lawrason, Guy B. In Court of Claims, no. C-694, Guy B. Lawrason v. United States; defendant’s brief. [1928.] p. 55-85. j J 1.13:L434 Lee, K. C. Nos. 185, 199, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, K. C. Lee and Chew Fook Gum v. United States; Henry Kuhn v. [same], on petitions for writs of certio- rari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+14 p. $ J 1.13 :L 513/4 Leonard, Henry. No. 183, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Henry Leonard v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+13 p. t J 1.13 :L 552/2 Marco, Albert. No. 240, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Albert Marco and Antonio Bruno v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+14 p. J J 1.13 :M 333 Maro, Joseph. In circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit, no. 3818, Mar. term, 1928, W. Frank Mathues, U. S. marshal [for eastern district of Pennsylvania], vs. United States ex rel. Joseph Maro, [appeal from district court for eastern district of Pennsylvania; transcript of record]. [1928.] p. 26-22. i J 1.13: M 347 Matthiessen, F. W., jr. No. 214, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, F. W. Matthiessen, jr., v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+11 p. t J 1.13: M 433/4 Meagher, S. A., Company. In Court of Claims, no. B-431, S. A. Meagher Com- pany v. United States; defendant’s objections to report of commissioner and defendant’s request for amendments thereto and for additional findings of fact. [1928.] p. 275-282. $ J 1.13 :M 462 Mesce, Frank H. No. 232, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Frank H. Mesce v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+8 p. J J 1.13: M 56/3 Mooney, James E. No. 175, in Supreme Court, Oct term, 1928, Fourth and Cen- tral Trust Company, sole surviving executor of James E. Mooney, v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+9 p. $ J 1.13 :M 779/2 National Electric Signaling Company. In Court of Claims, no. 34664, National Electric Signaling Company, Samuel M. Kintner and Halsey M. Barrett, re- ceivers of National Electric Signaling Company, and International Radio Telegraph .Company v. United States; supplemental memorandum regarding claimants’ and defendant’s requests for findings of fact and defendant’s sup- plemental brief. [1928.] p. 333-339. t J 1.13: N 213/52

How to order publications—See information following Contents 108 Aug ust , 1928

Neil, J. H., Creamery Company. In Court of Claims, no. J-541, J. H. Neil Cream- ery Company v. United States; defendant’s demurrer [and] brief on demurrer. [1928.] p. 1-3. J J 1.13 :N 317 Niles-Bement-Pond Company. No. E-177, in Court of Claims, Niles Bement Pond Company v. United States; brief of defendant with request for findings. 1928. cover-title, ii+341-390 p. t J 1.13 :N 598 Old Colony Railroad. United States circuit court of appeals for 1st circuit, Oct. term, 1927, no. 2200, commissioner of internal revenue v. Old Colony Railroad, appeal from Board of Tax Appeals, before Bingham, Johnson, and Hale, JJ ; opinion of court, May 31, 1928. [1928.] p. 19-22. $ J 1.13: 011/5 Opinions. [Official opinions of Attorneys General] v. 35 [signature] 29. [1928.1 p. 447-462. L. C. card 12-40693 j 1.5/;i: 35/29 S?™~The opinions of the Attorney General are first issued in signatures being published later in bound volumes. Subscribers may deposit 75c. with the Superin- tendent of Documents and receive the contents of a volume of the opinions in separate parts as they are issued. Prices for bound volumes furnished upon application to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Piedmont Grocery Company. In Court of Claims, no. F-127, Piedmont Grocery Company vs. United States; defendant’s brief. [1928.] p. 63-79. $ J 1.13 : P 595 Pierce, John B. In circuit court of appeals for 1st circuit, Oct. term, 1927, Clarence M. Woolley et al., executors [of John B. Pierce], v. John F. Malley, former collector of internal revenue; John F. Malley, former collector of internal revenue, v. Clarence M. Woolley et al., executors [of John B. Pierce]. appeals from district court for district of Massachusetts; brief for appellee and cross appellant. 1928. cover-title, ii+23 p. large 8° $ J 1.13: P 611/10 Ponce and Guayama Railroad. In Court of Claims, no. H-71, Ponce & Guayama Railroad Company v. United States; defendant’s objections to plaintiff’s re- quest for findings of fact, defendant’s request for findings of fact, defendant’s brief. [1928.] p. 49-79. $ J 1.13 :P 773/2 Paste, J. R. No. 236, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, J. R. Poste v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+8 p. i J 1.13: P 845/9 Riverside Manufacturing Company. In Court of Claims, no. F-324, Riverside Manufacturing Company v. United States; defendant’s brief. [1928.] p. 19~28- t J 1.13 : R 524/8 Sackley, James A., Company. No. 215, in Supreme Court, Oct. term. 1928, James A. Sackley Company v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+5p- t J 1.13: Sa 14/6 Smith, Jacob T. No. —, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation v. Jacob Telfair Smith; [same] v. Catz American Shipping Company, Inc.; petition for writs of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit and brief in support thereof. 1928. cover-title, i+8 P- $ J 1.13 : Sm 61/20 ----- United States circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit, nos. 3, 4, Oct. term, 1927, Jacob Telfair Smith v. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [now Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation] ; Catz American Shipping Company, Inc., v. [same], appeal from district court for southern district of New York, before Manton, L. Hand, and Swan, circuit judges; [transcript of record]. [1928.] p. 172-177. $ J 1.13: Sm61/21 ----- United States circuit court of appeals for 2d district, Jacob Telfair Smith r. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation [now Shipping Board Mer- chant Fleet Corporation]; Catz American Shipping Company, Inc. v. [same] ; new proofs on appeal, appeal from district court for southern district of Nev York. 1928. cover-title, [1] +149-171 p. large 8° $ J 1.13: Sm 61/22 Tagg Brothers & Moorhead. In equity, no. 847, in district court for district of Nebraska, Tagg Brothers & Moorhead et al. r. United States et al.; excep- tions to report of special master. 1928. cover-title, 29 p. $ J 1.13; T 128/2

How to order publications—See information following' Contents Aug ust , 1928 109 Tom Ung Chai. No. 245, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Tom Ung Chai, alias Tom Gum Hin, v. A. E. Burnett, as immigration inspector for Territory of Hawaii, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit; brief for respondent in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+14 p. t J 1.13: T 59/2 United Profit-Sharing Corporation. No. E-480, in Court of Claims, United Profit-Sharing Corporation v. United States; defendant’s motion for new trial. 1928. cover-title, 209-222 p. $ J 1.13: Un 3/142 Wallenstein, Leo J. No. 212, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Leo J. Wallen- stein and Paul Comora v. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 3d circuit; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+12 p. t j 1.13 ■ w 156/3 Yorkview Finance Corporation. In Court of Claims, no. H-205, Yorkview Fi- nance Corporation v. United States; defendant’s brief. [1928.] p. 33-38. J J 1.13: Y 82/5 Zemurray, Samuel. No. 138, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1928, Samuel Zemurray y. United States, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims; brief for United States in opposition. 1928. cover-title, i+23 p. t J 1.13 : Z 42/2

LABOR DEPARTMENT CHILDREN’S BUREAU Child labor in New Jersey: pt. 2, Children engaged in industrial home work; by Mary Skinner. 1928. v+62 p. il. (Bureau publication 185.) *Paper, 15c. L. C. card L 28-178 L 5.20:185 .Mothers. Administration of mothers’ aid in 10 localities, with special reference to health, housing, education, and recreation; by Mary F. Bogue. 1928. vii+206 p. (Bureau publication 184.) *Paper. 30c. L. C. card L 28-171 L 5.20 :184 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Employment agencies. Monthly report of activities of State and municipal employment services cooperating with U. S. Employment Service, June, 1928. 1928. 8 p. t L. C. card L 24-62 L 7.11: 928/6 Industrial employment information bulletin. July. 1928: v. S, no. 7. [1928.] 25 p. 4° [Monthly.] j L. C. card L 21-17 L 7.8 : 928/7 IMMIGRATION BUREAU Immigration. General information for immigrants. [1928.] 8 p. *Paper. 5c. L. C. card L 28-162 L 3.2 : Im 6/928 LABOR STATISTICS BUREAU Employment in selected manufacturing industries, July. 1928. 1928. [1]+21 p. il. [Monthly.] f L. C. card L 23-234 L 2.9: 928/7 Monthly labor review, v. 27, no. 2: Aug. 1928. 1928. vi+222 p. il. [This pub- lication bears also the volume pagination 209-430.] * Paper, 15c. single copy. $1.50 a yr.; foreign subscription, $2.25. L. C. card 15-26485 L 2.6: 27/2 Specia l articles .—Housing activities of labor groups.—Stability of railroad em- ployment ; by Walter H. Dunlap.—Labor movement in China; by S. K. Sheldon Tso.-— Conciliation work of Department of Labor, June, 1928 ; by Hugh L. Kerwin.—Statistics of immigration. May. 1928; by J. J. Kunna. Note .—The Monthly labor review is the medium through which the Bureau publishes its regular monthly reports on such subjects as prices, wages, industrial disputes, and employment conditions, as also the results of original investigations too brief for bulletin

How to order publications—‘See information following; Content* 110 Aug ust , 1928

Monthly labor review—Continued. purposes, notices of labor legislation by the States or by Congress, and Federal court decisions affecting labor, which from their importance should be given attention before they could ordinarily appear in the bulletins devoted to these subjects. One free sub- scription will be given to all labor departments and bureaus, workmen’s compensation commissions, and other offices connected with the administration of labor laws and organizations exchanging publications with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Others desiring copies may obtain them from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., at the prices stated above. Prices. Prices, wholesale and retail, and Cost of living, June, 1928. 1928. [11+55 p. il. [Monthly.] f L. C. card L 22-229 L 2.6/a2 : 928/6 ----- Wholesale prices of commodities for July, 1928. 1928. [1]+14 p. [Monthly.] t L. C. card L 22-229 L 2.8: 928/7

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COPYRIGHT OFFICE Copyright. [Catalogue of copyright entries, new series, pt. 1, group 1, Books, v. 25] no. 511-72; Aug. 1928. Aug. 1-31, 1928. p. 937-1064. [Issued several times a week.] L. C. card 6-85347 LC 3.6/1: 25/1-59 to 1-72 Note .—Each number is issued in 4 parts: pt. 1, group 1, relates to books; pt. 1, group 2, to pamphlets, leaflets, contributions to newspapers or periodicals, etc., lectures, sermons, addresses for oral delivery, maps; pt. 1, group 3, to dramatic compositions, motion pictures ; pt. 2, to periodicals; pt. 3, to musical compositions ; pt. 4, to works of art, photographs, prints, and pictorial illustrations. Subscriptions for the Catalogue of copyright entries should be made to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., instead of to the Register of Copyrights. Prices are as follows: Paper, $10.00 a yr. (4 pts. unbound), foreign subscription, $12.00; pt. 1, groups 1 and 2, and pt. 3, each $3.00 a yr., foreign subscription, pt. 1, group 1, $3.65, pt. 1, group 2, $3.60, pt. 3, $3.50; pt. 1, group 3, pt. 2, and pt. 4, each $2.00 a yr., foreign subscription, pt. 1, group 3, $2.25, pts. 2 and 4, each $2.20 ; single numbers (ex- cept Book leaflets which are 5c. each), 50c.; annual indexes, each, for complete calendar year, $2.00. ----- Same, pt. 1, group 1, Books, v. 24, volume index [and title-page, calendar] year 1927. 1928. vi+1921-2382+ii p. [Contains also list of copyright re- newals, calendar year 1927.] LC 3.6/1: 24/1/ind. ----- Same, pt. 1, group 2, Pamphlets, leaflets, contributions to newspapers or periodicals, etc., lectures, sermons, addresses for oral delivery, maps, v. 25, no. 3. 1928. iv+365-566 p. [Monthly.] LC 3.6/1: 25/2-3 ------Same, pt. 1, group 3, Dramatic compositions, motion pictures, v. 1, no. 3. 1928. iii+61-93 p. [Monthly.] LC 3.6/1:1/3-3 ----- Same, pt. 1, group 3, Dramatic compositions, motion pictures, v. 1, no. 4. 1928. iii+95-120 p. [Monthly.] LC 3.6/1:1/3+ ----- Same, pt. 1, group 3, Dramatic compositions, motion pictures, v. 1, no. 5. 1928. iii+121-152 p. [Monthly.] LC 3.6/1:1/3-5 ----- Same, pt. 2, Periodicals, v. 23, no. 1. 1928. iii+1-195 p. [Quarterly.] LC 3.6/2:23/1 ----- Same, pt. 3, Musical compositions, v. 22, annual index [and title-pages, calendar year] 1927. 1928. [1]+1411-1969 p. + [4] leaves. LC 3.6/3:22/ind. ----- Same, pt. 4, Works of art, reproductions of a work of art, drawings or plastic works of scientific or technical character, photographs, prints, and pictorial illustrations, v. 23, no. 1. 1928. iii+1-130 p. [Quarterly.] LC 3.6/4: 23/1 ----- Copyright law of United States, act of Mar. 4, 1909, in force July 1, 1909, as amended by acts of Aug. 24, 1912, Mar. 2, 1913, Mar. 28, 1914, July 3, 1926, and May 23, 1928; with Rules for practice and procedure under sec. 25, by Supreme Court, [and] with act of Dec. 18, 1919. [Edition of] June, 1928. 1928. 1-34d +35+0a +41-68a +69-80 p. (Bulletin 14.) * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 12-35200 LC 3.3 :14/35

How to order publications—See information following Contents Augus t , 1928 111

DOCUMENTS DIVISION State publications. Monthly check-list of State publications received during Apr. 1928; v. 19, no. 4. 1928. p. 163-212. * Paper, 10c. single copy, $1.00 a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.25. L. C. card 10-8924 LC 7.6: 928/4 ----- Same [title-page and index to] v. 18,1927. 1928. [l]+xxxvii p. * Paper, 10c. (included in price of Monthly check-xist for subscribers). LC 7.6: 927/t. p. & ind.

NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS Pressure distribution. Water-pressure distribution on seaplane float [with ref- erences and bibliography] ; by F. L. Thompson. 1928. cover-title, 15 p. il. 1 tab. 4° (Report 290.) [Text and illustration on p. 2 and 3 of cover.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26611 V 3.N 21/5 : 5/290 Report. Aeronautics, 13th annual report of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, [fiscal year] 1927 [including Technical reports 257-282]. 1928. viii+510 p. il. 1 por. 1 pl. 4° [Each report is also published separately in advance.] * Paper, $1.25. L. C. card 16-26395 Y 3.N 21/5:1/927-2 Con ten ts .—13th annual report.—Report 257. Pressure distribution over wing and tail rib of VE-7 and of TS airplane in flight [with list of references] ; by J. W. Crow- ley, jr.—Report 258. Some factors affecting reproducibility of penetration and cut-off of oil sprays for fuel-injection engines [with references and bibliography] ; by E. G. Beardsley.—Report 259. Characteristics of propeller sections tested in variable density wind tunnel [with list of references] ; by Eastman N. Jacobs.—Report 260. Effect of flap and ailerons on N. A. C. A. M-6 airfoil section [with list of references] ; by George J. Higgins and Eastman N. Jacobs.—Report 261. Resistance and cooling power of various radiators [with list of references] ; by R. H. Smith.—Report 262. Friction of aviation engines [with bibliography] ; by S. W. Sparrow and M. A. Thorne.—Report 263. Preliminary flight tests of N. A. C. A. Roots type aircraft engine supercharger [with bibliography] ; by Arthur W. Gardiner and Elliott G. Reid.—Report 264. Differential pressures on pilot-venturi and pilot-static nozzle over 360° pitch and yaw [with list of references] ; by R. M. Bear.—Report 265. Full-scale investigation of ground effect [with references and bibliography] ; by Elliott G. Reid.—Report 266. Air force and moment for N-20 wing with certain cut-outs [with reference] ; by R. H. Smith.—Report 267. Drag of wings with end plates [with list of references] ; by Paul E. Hemke.—Report 268. Factors in design of centrifugal type injection valves for oil engines [with list of refer- ences] ; by W. F. Joachim and E. G. Beardsley.—Report 269. Air force tests of Sparry Messenger model with 6 sets of wings [with list of references] ; by James M. Shoe- maker.—Report 270. Measurement of pressure through tubes in pressure distribution tests [with list of references] ; by Paul E. Hemke.—Report 271. Pressure distribution tests on PW-9 wing models showing effects of biplane interference [with references and bibliography] ; by A. J. Fairbanks.—Report 272. Relative performance obtained with several methods of control of overcompressed engine using gasoline [with references and bibliography] ; by Arthur W. Gardiner and William E. Whedon.-—Report 273. Wind tunnel tests on autorotation and flat spin [with references and bibliography] ; by Mont- gomery Knight.—Report 274. N. A. C. A. photographic apparatus for studying fuel sprays from oil engine injection valves and test results from several researches [with reference] ; by Edward G. Beardsley.—Report 275. Effect of walls in closed type wind tunnels [with list of references] ; by George J. Higgins.—Report 276. Combustion time in engine cylinder and its effect on engine performance [with reference] ; by Charles F. Marvin, jr.—Report 277. Comparative performance of aviation engine at normal and high inlet air temperatures [with list of references] ; by Arthur W. Gardiner and Oscar W. Schey.—Report 278. Lift, drag, and elevator hinge moments of Handley Page control surfaces [with reference] ; by R. H. Smith.—Report 279. Tests on models of 3 British airplanes in variable density wind tunnel [with list of references], by George J. Higgins, George L. DeFoe, [and] W. S. Diehl; [and with Report of Aerodynamics Sub- committee, British Aeronautical Research Committee: Tests of 3 airplane models, by H. C. H. Townend].—Report 280. Gaseous explosive reaction, effect of inert gases [with list of references] ; by F. W. Stevens.—Report 281. Effects of fuel and cylinder! gas densities on characteristics of fuel sprays for oil engines [with list of references] ; by W. F. Joachim and Edward G. Beardsley.—Report 282. Performance of several com- bustion chambers designed for aircraft oil engines [with list of references] ; by William F. Joachim and Carlton Kemper.

NAVY DEPARTMENT Bluejackets' manual, Navy, 1927. 7th edition, revised Mav, 1927. 1928. viii-J- 958 p. il. 17 pl. 16° * Cloth, $1.50. L. C. card 28-26605 N 1.19: B 62/7th ed.

How to order publications—See information following Contents 112 Augu st . 1928 Court-martial order 5, 1928; May 31, 1928. [1928.] 14 p. 12° [Monthly.] t N 1.14:928/5 Orders. General order 177 [6th series]; July 7, 1928. [1928.] 2 p. 4° t N 1.13/6:177 Specifications. General specifications for inspection of material: app. 6, Lubri- cants and liquid fuels. Aug. 1, 1928. [1] 4-101 p. il. 12° t ’ N 1.22 :M 41/8/app. 6 Washington Navy-Yard. Local telephone system, Navy Yard. Washington. D. C.; [corrected to Aug. 1] 1928. 1928. , [1] 4-6 p. t N 1.23/2: 928 CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR BUREAU Oeneral information bulletin no. 1-28; Aug. 1. 1928. 1928. [1]-|-14 p. 2 p. of pl- t . L. C. card 25-26642 N 4.14 : 928/1 ENGINEERING BUREAU Bulletin of engineering information 32; Sept. 1, 1928. 1928. iii4-34 p. il. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 22-26665 N 19.9/2: 32 Machinery. Trials and material inspections; reprint of chapter 19 of Manual of engineering instructions. 1928. [1] 4-36 p. 1 pl. [The edition of the Manual of engineering instructions of which this chapter forms a part has not yet been issued.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26583 N 19.8/2:19 Marine engineering. Manual of engineering instructions: chapter 7, Main pro- pelling machinery, sec. 3, Reciprocating steam engines [with corrections]; June 1, 1928. [1928.] [1] 4-300-354 p. il. [Corrections issued by Changes 1-4 have been incorporated in this reprint. Issued in loose-leaf form for insertion in binder. This chapter has also been issued in pamphlet form with title Instructions for operation, care, and repair of main propelling machinery: sec. 3, Reciprocating steam engines, for which see below.] * Paper, 10c. N 19.8/2 :7/3-2/rev. 928 Steam engines. Instructions for operation, care, and repair of main propelling machinery: sec. 3, Reciprocating steam engines; reprint of sec. 3, chapter 7, of Manual of engineering instructions, [with corrections]. 1928. [1]4-300- 354 p. il. [Corrections issued by Changes 1-4 have been incorporated in this reprint. The edition of the Manual of engineering instructions of which this chapter forms a part has not yet been issued.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 23-26537 N 19.8/2 : 7/3/rev. 928 MARINE CORPS Orders. Marine Corps order 15 [1928]; July 6, 1928. 1928. 1 p. 4° $ N 9.9/3:15 MEDICINE AND SURGERY BUREAU Aviation goggles, their effect on vision [with list of references] ; by J. R. Poppen. 1928. [l]4-6 p. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] t N 10.11/la : Av 52/11 Aviators. Examinations of candidates for aviation training; by Geo. C. Rhoades. 1928. [1]4-12 p. il. 3 p. of pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la : Av 52/10 Blood. Experiences with blood sedimentation tests [with reference]; by E. G. Hakansson. 1928. [l]4-27 p. il. 1 pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la: B 623/3 ----- International classification of blood groups [with list of references] ; by John Harper. 1928. [l]4-4 p. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] | N 10.11/la : B 623/2

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 113

Dermatitis exfoliativa due to arsphenamines [with report of cases and with bibliography] ; by G. H. Larson. 1928. [l]+8p. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la : D 446/2 Functional tests. Preparation of patients for functional tests: by P. F. Dickens. 1928. [l]+10p. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la : F 962 Heat stroke a thermoregulatory incompetency [with pathological findings] ; by Eben E. Smith. 1928. [1] +24 p. 6 p. of pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] t N 10.11/la : H 351/6 Hospital Corps quarterly. Supplement to United States naval medical bulletin published for information of Hospital Corps of Navy, July, 1928, v. 12, no 3; edited by C. L. Oliphant and C. P. Dean. 1928. vi+143-220 p. il. 2 pl. 2 p’ of pl. [Title on cover is: Hospital Corps quarterly.] * Paper, 25c. N 10.11/2:12/3 .. .S/ecial articles .—Budget system (medical supply depot supplies ; by B. E. Irwin — Tin cans [destroyers in Navy]; by B. F. Dixon.—American Samoa; by Will Grimes —Elementary laboratory procedure ; by G. G. Strott.—Field sanitation; by W. H. MacWilliams.—Notes and abstracts from current literature. Hyperphoria [with list of references]; by J. D. Benjamin. 1928. [l]+8 p. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] t N 10.11/la : H 999/5 Obstetrics. Everyday problems in obstetrics; by David S. Hillis. 1928. [1] + 6 p. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la : Ob 7 Prostatectomy [with bibliography]; by W. S. Pugh. 1928. [l]+10 p. il. 3 p of pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la : P 945 Pyleography and ureterography [report of cases] ; by Paul R. Stalnaker. 1928. [l]+6 p. 8 p. of pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, n0- 3.] t N 10.11/la : P 992 8-Jf, U. 8. submarine. Medical aspects of salvage of U. S. submarine S-4; by G. H. Mankin. 1928. [l]+9 p. 3. p. of pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la: Su 16/4 Submarine ventilation. Physiology of respiration in relationship to problems of naval medicine: pt. 3, Submarine ventilation [with list of references] ; by Eugene F. Du Bois. 1928. [l]+38 p. il. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la : R 312/3 Syphilis. Primitive syphilis; by C. S. Butler. 1928. [l]+5 p. 1 pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no. 3.] f N 10.11/la: Sy 79/12 Wounds. Transfixion wound of neck, report of case; by Janies M. Troutt. 1928. [l]+3 p. il. 1 pl. [From United States naval medical bulletin, v. 26, no- 3-l t N 10.11/la :N 281 NAVIGATION BUREAU Cooks. Instructions for ship’s cook 2c for use in preparation for advancement to ship’s cook lc, course in 6 assignments. 1928. [l]+76 p. il. 15 p. of pl. 1 tab. (Navy training courses.) t N 17.25 : C 77/1/assi. 1-6 Navy directory, officers of Navy and Marine Corps, including officers of Naval Reserve Force (active), Marine Corps Reserve (active), and foreign officers serving with Navy, July 1, 1928. 1928. iii+263 p. [Quarterly.] * Paper, 25c. single copy, 75c. a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.10. N 1.24: 928/3 Panama Canal. General conditions on Canal Zone. [1928.] 6 p. t N 17.2: C 16/3 Ship and station libraries. List of books available for issue to ship and station libraries, Navy. 1928. xvii+73 p. ± L. C. card 25-26085 N 17.26: 928

How to order publications—See information following Contents 114 Aug ust , 1928

hy dro gra phi c office

Note .—The charts, sailing directions, manuals, etc., of the Hydrographic Office are sold by the office in Washington and also by agents at the principal American and foreign seaports and American lake ports. Copies of the General catalogue of mariners’ charts and books and of the Hydrographic bulletins, reprints, and Notice to mariners are sup- plied free on application at the Hydrographic Office in Washington and at the branch offices in Boston, New York, , Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, Galveston, San Francisco, San Pedro, Calif., San Juan, P. R., Captain of the Port, Panama Canal, Portland (Oreg.), Seattle, Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Detroit, Sault Ste. Marie, and Duluth. Hydrographic bulletin, weekly, no. 2030-34; Aug. 1-29, 1928. 1928. Each 1 p. large 4° and f° [Ice supplements discontinued until dangerous ice conditions make it again necessary.] t N 6.3: 2030-34 Lights. List of lights, with fog signals [including uniform time system] : v. 5, Norway, Iceland, and Arctic Ocean; corrected to May 15, 1928. 1928. 546 p. map. ([Publication] 34.) t Paper, 75c. N 6.8: 34/928 Notice to aviators 8, 1928; Aug. 1 [1928]. [1928.] 3 p. 12° [Monthly.] t L. C. card 20-26958 N 6.25: 928/8 Notice to mariners 31-34, 1928; Aug. 4-25 [1928]. [1928.] [xxxv]+827-938 leaves. [Weekly.] t N 6.11 -.928/31-34 Tide calendars. Tide calendar [for Baltimore (Fort McHenry) and Cape Henry], Sept. 1928. 1928. 1 p. 4° [Monthly.] t N 6.22/2:928/9 ------Tide calendar [for Norfolk and Newport News, Va.], Sept. 1928. [1928.] [2] p. 4° [Monthly.] f N 6.22/1: 928/9 Charts China, south coast, Hong Kong to Mirs Bay, from British surveys to 1906; chart 2593. Natural scale 1: 66,003 at lat. 22° 20'. Washington, Hydrographic Office, published Aug. 1912, 6th edition, July, 1928. 39.3X26.5 in. t 50c. N 6.18 : 2593 Cuba. North coast of Cuba, W. I., Cayo Frances to Caibarien, from survey by U. S. S. Nokomis in 1927; chart 5163. Scale naut. m.=2.4 in., natural scale l:30JX)0. Washington, Hydrographic Office, July, 1928. 32.4X48.1 in. 160c. N 6.18:5163 France, west coast, He de Groix to Bourgneuf, from latest French surveys; chart 4329. Natural scale 1:144,761 at lat. 47° 30'. Washington, Hydro- graphic Office, published Jan. 1920, 5th edition, July, 1928. 24.7X37.9 in. 140c. N 6.18: 4329 Magellan Strait. Channels between Magellan Strait and Gulf of Trinidad, lower part; chart 446. Natural scale 1:291,782 at lat. 52°. Washington, Hydro- graphic Office, published May, 1885, 24th edition, Aug. 1928. 25.3X25.6 in. 130c. N 6.18: 446 Mariel, Cuba. Port Mariel, north coast of Cuba, W. I., from survey by U. S. S. Hannibal in 1923; chart 5159. Scale 500 yds.=3 in., natural scale 1: 6,000. Washington, Hydrographic Office, published Oct. 1924, 2d edition, July, 1928. 44X29.2 in. t 60c. N 6.18 : 5159 Pilot charts. Pilot chart of Central American waters, Sept. 1928; chart 3500. Scale 1° long.=0.7 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Aug. 16,1928. 23.4X 35.1 in. [Monthly. Certain portions of the data are furnished by the Weather Bureau.] t 10c. N 6.24: 928/9 Note .—Contains on reverse: Tropical storms of eastern north Pacific Ocean, by Willis Edwin Hurd; [with] Cyclone of Sept. 9-10, 1922, by David Polowe and other officers. ----- Pilot chart of Indian Ocean, Oct. 1928; chart 2603. Scale 1° long.=0.2 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Aug. 16, 1928. 22.6X31 in. [Monthly. Certain portions of the data are furnished by the Weather Bureau.] f 10c. N 6.17: 928/10 Note .—Contains on reverse: Tropical storms of eastern north Pacific Ocean, by Willis Edwin Hurd; [with] Cyclone of Sept. 9—10, 1922, by David Polowe and other officers.

How to order publications—See information following Contents Augus t , 1928 115

Pilot charts—Continued. ----- Pilot chart of north Atlantic Ocean, Sept. 1928; chart 1400. Scale 1° long =0.27 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Aug. 16, 1928. 23.2 X 31.8 in. [Monthly. Certain portions of the data are furnished by the Weather Bureau.] t 10c. L. C. card 14-16339 N 6.15/1: 928/9 Note .—Contains on reverse: Cyclonic storms. ----- Pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean, Aug. 1928; chart 1401. Scale 1° long. = 0.2 in Washington, Hydrographic Office, June 15, 1928. 23.7 X 35.3 in. [Monthly. Certain portions of the data are furnished by the Weather Bureau.] t 10c. N 6.16 : 928/8 Note .—Contains on reverse: Cyclonic storms. ----- Same, Oct. 1928; chart 1401. Scale 1° long.=0.2 in. Washington, Hydro- graphic Office, Aug. 16, 1928. 23.7X35.3 in. [Monthly. Certain portions of the data are furnished by the Weather Bureau.] f 10c. N 6.16: 928/10 Note .—This chart is accompanied by a 2d sheet carrying the balance of the text matter entitled Waterspouts; by Willis Edwin Hurd, which is continued from the reverse of the Pilot chart. ------Pilot chart of upper air, north Atlantic Ocean, Sept. 1928; chart 1400a. Scale 1° long.=0.27 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Aug. 24, 1928. 23X31.8 in. [Monthly. Certain portions of the data are furnished by the Weather Bureau.] t 10c. N 6.28: 928/9 Note .—Contains on reverse : Instrument flying.—General analyses. Spanish Water, Spanish Haven, and Caracas Bay, island of Curasao, W. I., original Netherland Government survey in 1886; chart 1245. Scale 1,000 yds.=10.1 in., natural scale 1:3,600. Washington, Hydrographic Office, pub- lished Feb. 1891, 14th edition, July, 1928. 25.2 X 28.6 in. f 30c. N 6.18:1245 Tasmania, Australia, from British surveys between 1859 and 1912; chart 3570. Scale 1° lat.=6.7 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, published Oct. 1914, 4th edition, July, 1928. 25.4X38.5 in. t 40c. • N 6.18:3570 Tsuruga Wan, Honshu, northwest coast, Japan, from Japanese surveys to 1925; chart 1342. Seale naut m.=2.9 in., natural scale 1:25,000. Washington, Hydrographic Office, published Sept. 1892, 9th edition, July, 1928. 30 X 27.7 in. t 40c. N 6.18:1342 Uchiumi Ko and Oryuzako Byochi, Kyushu, east coast, Japan, from Japanese surveys to 1921; chart 2484. Scale naut. m.=3.7 in., natural scale 1:20.000. Washington, Hydrographic Office, published Mar. 1908, 4th edition, July, 1928. 26.6X21.7 in. t 30c. N 6.18: 2484 RECRUITING BUREAU [Poster] 307. [Press of Navy Recruiting Bureau, New York, July 26, 1928.] 14X17 in. [Title is: The Far East, land of mystery and legend always of interest to bluejackets of Asiatic Fleet.] f N 17.23/1: 307 SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS BUREAU Supply Corps, Navy. Memorandum for information of officers of Supply Corps, commanding officers, and commandants 312; Aug. 1, 1928. [1928.] p 10479- 512+leaves 10512a-l, 12° [Monthly. Includes Advance notice of changes in Manual of Supply Corps, Navy, 1922.] t N 20.7/1: 312 YARDS AND DOCKS BUREAU Public works. General provisions forming part of specifications for contracts for public works, Bureau of Yards and Docks. Dec. 1, 1926. [1928.] 5 p. 4° t N 21.5 : G 28/4


Note .—The Pan American Union sells its own monthly bulletins, handbooks, etc., at prices usually ranging from 5c. to $2.50. The price of any edition of the bulletin is 25c. a single copy, the English edition is $2.50 a year, the Spanish edition $2.00 a year, the

How to order publications—See information following Contents 116 Aug ust , 1928

Portuguese edition $1.50 a year; there is an additional charge of 75c. a year on each edi- tion for countries outside the Pan American Union. Beginning with Jan. 1925, the Pan American Union began the publication of 4 series, in Spanish and Portuguese, on the fol- lowing subjects : Agriculture; Education; Finance, industry, and commerce; Public health and child welfare. The Spanish series is issued monthly and the Portuguese bimonthly. They are not published in English. The subscription price is 50c. for 12 issues of each series; single copies of any series, 5c. Address the Pan American Union, Washington. Alpacas of Peru and Bolivia; [by Wm. A. Reid], [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 22+[2] p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 19.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card C D 28-73 AR 1.22 ; 19 Argentina. Argentine Republic. [Revised edition.] [Sun Book & Job Print- . ing Office, inc., Baltimore] 1927. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 1.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35830 AR 1.26 :1/2 Asphalt. Acres of asphalt; [by Wm. A. Reid], 2d printing. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 26+[3] p. il. 2 p. of pl. (Com- modities of commerce series no. 1.) t Paper, 5c. AR 1.22:1/2 Bananas. Story of the banana ; [by Philip Keep Reynolds]. [Revised edition.] [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 40 p. il. (Com- modities of commerce series no. 2.) t Paper, 5c. AR 1.22: 2/2 Barranquilla, Colombia. New Barranquilla; [by Wm. A. Reid], [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 24 p. il. (American citv series no. 5 B.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card C D 28-64 AR 1.31 : 5-B Bolivia. Bolivia. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore. Md.] 1928. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 2.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35831 AR 1.26: 2 Poring machinery. Perforaciones para diuamita con taladros de cable. [1928.] ii+10 p. il. (Finanzas, industria, comercio no. 40, Julio de 1928.) [Del Bole- tln de la Union Panamericana, Julio, 1928. De Revista internacional de Dun. New York, Abril, 1928.] t Paper, 5c.; subscription price for 12 issues of series. 50e- AR 1.14: s 40 Brazil. Brazil. [Revised edition.] [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Bal- timore, Md.] 1928. 32 p. il. (American nation series no. 3.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35832 AR 1.26: 3/2 Buenos Aires, metropolis of Southern Hemisphere. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 30+[1] p. il. (American city series no. 1 A.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card C D 28-60 AR 1.31: 1-A Bulletin (English edition). Bulletin of Pan American Union, Aug. 1928; [v. 62, no. 8]. [1928.] iv+763-870 p. il. [Monthly. For price, see note above under center head.] L. C. card 8-30967 AR 1.6 : e 62 S ----- Same. (H. doc. 60, pt. 8, 70th Cong. 1st sess.) ----- (Portuguese edition). Boletin da Uniao Pan-Americana, Agosto. 192b, edigao portuguesa; [v. 30, no. 8]. [1928.] iv+565-640 p. il. [Monthly. For price, see note above under center head.] L. C. card 11-27014 AR 1.6 :p 30/8 ----- (Spanish edition). Boletin de la Uni6n Panamericana. Agosto, 1928. edicion espanola; [v. 62, no. 8J. [1928.] iv+785-892 p. il. [Monthly. For price, see note above under center head.] L. C. card 12-12555 AR 1.6: s 62/8 Caracas, metropolis of Venezuela; [by W. A. R.]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 24 p. il. (American city series no. 21 A.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28-68 AR 1.31 : 21-A

How to order publications—See information following- Contents Augu st . 1928 117 Cattle and pampas; [by Wm. A. Reid], [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc.. Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 30—f— [2] p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no 16.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28-70 ar 1.22 :16 Chile. Chile. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office. Inc., Baltimore] 1927 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 4.) f Paper 5c. L. C. card 11—35833 AR 1 26 • 4 Chocolate (cacao) in the Americas; [by Wm. A. Reid]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 24 p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 18.) t Paper. 5c. L. C. card CD 28—72 AR 1 2^ ■ 18 citrus fruit. Algunas enfermedades importantes de las auranciaceas; [por II. R. Fulton], [1928.] ii-f-18 p. il. (Agricultura no. 43. Agosto de 1928.) [Del Boletin de la Unidn Panamericana, Agosto, 1928.] t Paper, 5c.; sub- scription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. AR 1.12 :s 43 Coca, plant of the Andes: [by Wm. A. Reid]. ’ [Sun Book & Job Printing Office. Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 20 p. + [2] leaves, il. (Commodities of com- merce senes no. 20.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28—74 AR 1 22 ■ °0 Coffee, brief facts about great Brazilian industry; [by Wm. A. Reid], [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 28+[3] p. il. (Com- modities of commerce series no. 17.) f Paper. 5c. L. C. card CD 28-71 AR 1.22:17 ' Col.ombia- [Sun Book & Job Printig Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1927. 32 p. il. (American nation series no. 5.) f Paper 5c L. C. card 11-35834 ' AR 1.26:5 Costa Rica. Costa Rica. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore. Md.] 1927. 32 p. il. (American nation series no. 6.) t Paper 5c L. C. card 17-14293 AR 1.26: 6 Credit associations. Credito cooperative; [por Roy F. Bergengren]. [1928.] ii+10 p. (Finaneas, industria, commercio no. 21, Julho de 1928.) [Do Boletim da Uniao Pan-Americana. Julho, 1928. Do International labour re- view, Londres, Maio de 1927.] f Paper, 5c.: subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. AR 1.14 :p 21 f'uba. Cuba. [Revised edition.] [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Bal- timore, Md.] 1928. 32 p. il. (American nation series no. 7.) t Paper 5c. I>. C. card 11—35835 AR 1 26 ‘ 7 Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 28+[2] p. il. 2 p. of pl. (American nation series no. 8.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35836 AR 1.26: 8 Ec^(^o01 ‘o Ecuador- [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 32 p. il. (American nation series no. 9.) t Paper 5c L. C. card 16-26930 ’ ar 1.26:9 Education. La education progresiva y la ciencia de la education; [por John Dewey], [1928.] ii+14 p. (Education no. 43, Agosto de 1928.) [Del Bo- letin de la Union Panamericana. Agosto, 1928.] t Paper. 5c.; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. AR 1.13: s 43 Family. La familia como unidad social; [por Day Monroe], [1928.] ii+10p (Salud ptiblica y puericultura no. 43. Agosto de 1928.) [Del Boletfn de la UniOn Panamericana, Agosto, 1928. Tornado del Journal of home economics, Baltimore, Noviembre de 1927.] f Paper, 5c.; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. AR 1.15 :s 43 Guatemala. Guatemala. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 10.) f Paper, 5c. L. C, card 16—26951 AR 1 26 ■ 10

How to order publications—See information following Contenta 118 Augu st , 1928

Habana, metropolis of the Caribbean; [by W. A. Reid]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 36 p. il. (American city series no. 7 A.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28-65 AR 1.31: 7-A Haiti. Haiti. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 11.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35837 AR 1.26:11 Honduras. Honduras. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 12.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 16-26943 AR 1.26:12 Horses. Principaes ragas de cavallos nos Estados Unidos; [por John O. Williams], [1928.] ii+18 p. il. (Agricultura no. 21, Julho de 1928.) [Do Boletim da Uniao Pan-Americana, Julho, 1928.] t Paper, 5c.; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. AR 1.12 : p 21 Lima, city of kings; [by Wm. A. Reid]. 4th printing. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 32 p. il. (American city'series no. 17 A.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28-07 AR 1.31:17-A Mexico. Mexico. [Revised edition.] [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 50+[1] p. il. (American nation series no. 13.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 10-35021 AR 1.26:13/2 Nicaragua. Nicaragua. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 14.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35057 AR 1.26:14 Nitrate fields of Chile; [by W. A. R.]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 18+[1] p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 11.) **■ 'Pn tapf ftp L. C. card CD 27-10 AR 1.22 :11 Panama. Panama. [Revised edition.] [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc.. Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 15.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35840 AR 1.26:15/2 Panama City. Panama and Colon, gateway cities between greatest oceans; [by Wm. A. Reid], [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 30+[l] p. il. (American city series no. 15 A.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28-66 AR 1.31:15-A Paraguay. Paraguay. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 16.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35841 AR 1.26:16 Pearls in the Americas; [by W. A. R.]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 24 p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 12.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 27-13 AR 1.22 :12 Peru. Peru. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 28+[2] p. il. 2 p. of pl. (American nation series no. 17.) f Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11-35842 AR 1.26:17 Publications. Recent publications of special interest, n. p. [1928]. [4] p. narrow 8° t AR 1.2 :P 96/8 Quebracho forests of South America; [by George A. Kerr], [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore. Md.] 1928. 36 p.+ [2] leaves, il. (Com- modities of commerce series no. 9.) t Paper, 5c. AR 1.22 : 9 Quito, cool capital on equator; [by W. A. R.]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1926. 26+[1] p. il. (American city series no. 9 A.) t Paper, 5c. L C. card CD 27-4 * AR 1.31: 9-A

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 119 Refrigeration. Refrigeracion sin humedad o hielo seco [su produccidn y uses comerciales; por William Whittam]. [1928.] ii+10 p. il. (Finanzas, in- dustria, comercio no. 41, Agosto de 1928.) [Del Boletin de la Union Panameri- cana, Agosto, 1928. De Revista internacional de Dun, Octubre de 1927, Nueva York.] f Paper, 5c.; subscription price for 12 issues of series, 50c. AR 1.14: s 41 Rio de Janeiro, fair capital of Brazil. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office Inc. Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 28+[3] p. il. (American city series no. 3 A.) t Pa- per, 5c. L. C. card C D 28-61 AR 1<31.3_A Rubber; [by William A. Reid]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Balti- more, Md.] 1928. 34+[2] p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 15.) T Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28-69 AR 1.22:15 Salvador. Salvador. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927 32 p. il. (American nation series no. 18.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 11—35843 AR j 26 • 18 Santiago, Chile’s interesting capital. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office Inc. Baltimore] 1927. 36+[3] p. il. (American city series no. 4 A.) t Paper’ 5c. *■ L. C. card C D 28-63 AR L31.4_A Sao Paulo, heart of coffee land; [by W. A. R.]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 30+[l] p. il. (American city series no 3 B.) T Paper, 5c. L. C. card C D 28-62 AR R31.3_R Sugar making in Cuba; [by Rosa Dora Stone]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office. Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 22+[1] p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 13.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card CD 28—43 AR 1^2’13 Tagua. Brief talk about tagua; [by W. A. R.]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 16 p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 21.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card C Di 28—75 AR j 22 • 21 Tanning materials of Latin America; [by Otto Wilson], [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 24 p. il. (Commodities of com- merce series no. 6.) t Paper, 5c. AR 1.22: 6 Tin. Brief talk about tin; [by W. A. R.]. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office Inc., Baltimore, Md.] 1928. 22+[1] p. il. (Commodities of commerce series no. 10.) t Paper, 5c. AR 1.22: 10 Uruguay. Uruguay. [Sun Book & Job Printing Office, Inc., Baltimore] 1927. 30+[2] p. il. (American nation series no. 20.) t Paper, 5c. L. C. card 16-26944 AR j .26 : 20

PANAMA CANAL .The Panama Canal makes its reports to, and is under the supervision of, the Secretary of IV ar, it is not a part of the War Department. Panama Canal record. Panama Canal record, v. 21, no. 52; Aug. 1, 1928. Bal- boa Heights, C. Z. [1928]. p. 699-710. [Weekly.] L. C. card 7-35328 w 79.5: 21/52 yearl7 .subscription rate of the Panama Canal record is 50c. domestic, ana if 1.00 foreign (single issue 2c.), except in the case of Government departments and bureaus. Members of Congress, representatives of foreign Governments, steamship lines, chambers of commerce, boards of trade, and university and public libraries, to whom the Record is distributed free. The word “ domestic ” refers to the United States, Canada, Canal Zone, Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, Manua, Mexico, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Republic of Panama, Tutuila, and the Virgin Islands. Subscriptions wili commence with the first issue of the Record in the month in which the subscriptions are received unless otherwise requested. Remittances should be made payable to Dis- bursing Clerk, The Panama Canal, but should be forwarded to the Chief of Ofiice, The Panama Canal, Washington, D. C. The name and address to which the Record is to be sent should be plainly written. Postage stamps, foreign money, and defaced or smooth coins will not be accepted.

How to order publications—See information following Contents 120 Aug ust , 1928

Panama Canal recard—Continued. ----- Same, v. 22, no. 1-4; Aug. 8-29. 1928. Balboa Heights, C. Z. [1928]. p. 1-56. [Weekly.] W 79.5: 22/1-4 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT

EXECUTIVE OFFICE Treaties. Supplement 11 [to] Treaties and acts of Congress relating to Panama Canal [annotated 1921]. [Panama Canal Press, Mount Hope, C. Z., July 23, 1928.] [1]+376-390 p. [Treaties and acts of Congress relating to Panama Canal published by The Panama Canal.] t W 79.2: T 71/921/supp. 11

PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION BOARD Government officials and employees. Suggestions and instructions to employees for filling out item no. 23 of field questionnaire (P. C. B. form 14). [1928.] 3 p. (P. C. B. form 15.) $ PC 1.5:15 ------Suggestions and instructions to supervisory or administrative officers for filling out field questionnaire (P. C. B. form 14). [1928.] 9 p. (P. C. B. form 16.) t PC 1.5:16

POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Bees. Amendment to Postal laws and regulations [of United States, edition of 1924, relating to sending honey bees through the mails]. Aug. 16, 1928. 1 p. oblong 24° (Order 8142.) t P 1.19 : 8142 Blister rust. Modification to white-pine blister rust quarantine regulations; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 27, 1928. 1 p. large 4° t P 4.2: Q 2/4 Envelopes. New issue of 1-cent precanceled stamped envelopes; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 7, 1928. 1 p. il. t P 4.2: En 8/23 European corn-borers. Enlargement of area quarantined on account of Euro- pean corn borer and modifications of regulations thereunder; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 14, 1928. 1 p. 4° t P 4.2: Q 2/3 Money-orders. Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. July 30, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2 :M 74/198 ------Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. July 31, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2: M 74/199 ----- Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 1, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2: M 74/200 ----- Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 7, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2: M 74/201 ----- Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 13, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2: M 74/202 ----- Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 20, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2: M 74/203 ------Stolen money-order forms; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 24, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2 : M 74/204 Ocean mail service, advertisement inviting proposals for carrying mails under merchant marine act, 1928, and specifications of Postmaster General. 1928. [l]+7 p. t Pl.2:Oc2/14

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 121

Postage. Parcel post rates no longer applicable to any mailings of 2d-class matter; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 17, 1928. 1 p. oblong 24° t p 4.2: Se 2/18 ----- Proper computation of new postage rates; [issued by] 3d assistant Post- master General. Aug. 9, 1928. 1 p. narrow large 8° t P 4.2: R 18 Postage-stamps. Expediting of stamp stock and telegraphic requisitions to be avoided; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 21, 1928. 1 p. oblong 32° f P 4.2 : R 29/5 ----- Precanceled and perforated 25-cent special-handling stamps redeemable from original purchasers; [issued by] 3d assistant Postmaster General. Aug. 8, 1928. 1 p. oblong 32° f P 4.2 : Sp 3/6 Postal bulletin, v. 49, no. 14755—781; Aug. 1—31, 1928. [1928.] various paging, il. f° [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] * Paper, 5c. single copv, $2.00 a yr. L. C. card 6-5810 P j g : 49 Postal guide. Abridged United States official postal guide [2d series, v. 8] ; July, 1928. 1928. [2] 4-900 p. il. [For official use only.] f P 1.10/2 : 928 — State list of post offices [3d series, v. 8]; July, 1928. 1928. cover-title, 14-469-883 p. [From United States official postal guide, July, 1928. The State list is for official use only.] J L. C. card 22—26854 P 1,10/3 • 928 ----- United States official postal guide [4th series, v. 8, no. 1]; July, 1928. [1928.] [2]-f-1204 p. il. ♦ Cloth, $1.00; with monthly supplement, $1.25, foreign subscription, $1.75; supplements published monthly (11 pamphlets) 50c., foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 4-18254 p 1.10/1; 928/1 — Same, v. 8, no. 2; Aug. 1928, monthly supplement. 1928. cover-title 93+[2J p- iL [Eludes Changes 1-6 affecting United States official postal guide for July, 1928, and Inserts 384—414 to Postal laws and regulations of United States, edition of 1924. Text on p. 2-4 of cover.] * Official postal guide, with supplements, $1.25, foreign subscription, $1.75; July issue, $1.00' supplements published monthly (11 pamphlets), 50c., foreign subscription, 75c. P 1.10/1:928/2 Revenue stamps. Sale of internal-revenue stamps in post offices; [issued bvl 3d assistant Postmaster General. [1928.] 1 p. f° f P 4.2: In 8/9 Rates of pay for communications by telegraph [during fiscal year 1929]. [1928.] 6 p. 4 (Order 7904.) J P 1.19:7904 Toledo, Ohio. Scheme of mail distribution for Toledo, Ohio, 1928. 1928. n 1-24-leaves 3-147, narrow 12° $ P 1.18'T 57 Venezuela. Articles in regular mails for Venezuela; Pan American principal and parcel post conventions of Mexico have been made effective in Costa Rica: [issued by] 2d assistant Postmaster General. 1928. 1 p. f P 3.2: V 55 Touchers. Order 3120, dated July 14, 1925, rescinded [and giving rules for procedure in preparation and submission of vouchers covering pavments for supplies and services other than personal]. Feb. 20, 1926, [published] 1928 1 p. narrow f° (Order 3910.) f P 1.19:3916 FOREIGN MAILS DIVISION Steamboats Schedule of steamers appointed to convey mails from United States to foreign countries, Sept. 1928. [Aug. 22, 1928.] 8 p. f° [Monthlv.l Paper, oc. single copy, 50c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 25-26231 P 8.5:928/9 How to order publications—See information following Contents 122 Augu st , 1928

SOLICITOR FOR POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Opinions. Official opinions of assistant Attorneys General for Post Office Department, July 1, 1908-July 7, 1914. 1928. v. 5, xxx+799 p. t L. C. card 28-26614 P 6.5: 5 Noth .—The office of Assistant Attorney General for Post Office Department was created by act of June 1, 1872. The title Assistant Attorney General was changed to Solicitor, effective July 16, 1914, by act of July 16, 1914. TOPOGRAPHY DIVISION

Noth .—Since February, 1908, the Division of Topography has been preparing rural- delivery maps of counties in which rural delivery is completely established. They are published in two forms, one giving simply the rural free delivery routes, starting from a single given post office, and sold at 75 cents each; the other, the rural free delivery routes in an entire county, sold at 50 cents each. A uniform scale of 1 inch to 1 mile is used. Editions are not issued, but blue line print copies are produced in response to special calls addressed to the Disbursing Clerk, Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. These maps should not be confused with the post route maps, for which see Monthly catalogue for February, 1928, page 630.

PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES Address of President Coolidge before State convention of American Legion at Wausau, Wis., Aug. 15, 1928. 1928. [2]+6 p. t L. C. card 2&-26612 Pr 30.2: Am 3/6 Alaska. Executive order, Alaska [eliminating remainder of tract of land at mouth of Healey Creek, west of Nenana River, from lands reserved by Executive order of Apr. 21, 1914, which withdrew lands for townsite purposes, a portion to be used in connection with railroad or other construction work and remainder to be restored to public domain subject to entry under home- stead laws applicable to Alaska]. Aug. 14, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4949.) t Pr 30.5: Al 12/72 Arizona. Executive order, Arizona [revoking Executive order of June 24, 1924, which withdrew lands in Arizona from settlement, etc., and restoring same to entry in accordance with existing law and practice]. July 12, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4930 A.) t Pr 30 5: Ar 47/23 Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Executive order, withdrawing lands in Box Elder and Weber counties, Utah, for Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. July 23,1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4939.) t Pr 30.5: B 532/14 Busbey, Mrs. Rowena M. Executive order [authorizing employment of Mrs Rowena M. Busbey as clerk at headquarters, Marine Corps, Washington, D. C.] Aug. 9, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4945.) t Pr30.5:B96 California. Executive order, California [revoking Executive order of Dec. 22, 1924, which withdraw land in California for classification and pending enact- ment of legislation for its proper disposition, and authorizing that said land be opened only to entry under homestead or desert land laws by qualified ex-service men of War with Germany for period of 91 days, after which any remaining land may be open to general public under any public land law applicable thereto], July 23, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4937.) t Pr 30.5: C128/44 Consuls. Executive order [amending Regulations governing consular service of United States, annotated, concerning origin of consular jurisdiction, etc.] [Aug. 2. 1928.] 8 p. f° ([No. 4943.]) t Pr 30.5: C 766/19 Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho, 2d proclamation. July 23, 1928. 1 p. map, f° (No. 1843.) t Pr 30.7: M 778/2 General Accounting Office. Executive order [amending civil service rules so as to place in apportioned service position of operator in General Accounting Office]. Aug 14, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4950.) t Pr 30.5: C499/49 Income. Executive order, inspection of income returns [ordering that certain income returns shall be open to inspection in accordance and upon com- pliance with rules and regulations prescribed by Secretary of Treasury and approved by the President]. July 23, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4940.) t Pr 30.5: In 2/12

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 123 Interior Department. Executive order [amending civil service rules relating to Interior Department by excepting designated positions in Indian service from examination and revoking section relating to certain positions to be filled upon noncompetitive examinations when filled by Indians]. Aug. 14. 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4948.) i Pr 30.5: C 499/48 National forests. Executive order [revoking Executive order of Apr. 10, 1925, which established Humphreys National Forest, Va., on portion of Fort Humphreys military reservation, Ya.]. Aug. 11, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4946.) t Pr 30.5 :H 889/2 ----- Huron National Forest, Mich., proclamation. July 30, 1928. 1 n. man f° (No. 1844.) t Pr 30 7 . H $41 New Mexico. Executive order, New Mexico [revoking Executive order of May 25, 1925, which withdrew certain public lands in New Mexico from settlement, etc., pending resurvey]. July 23, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4938.) $ Pr 30.5: N 42m/36 ----- Executive order, New Mexico [withdrawing certain public lands in New Mexico from settlement, etc., pending resurvey of said township]. July 30 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4942.) t Pr 30.5 : N 42m/37 Oregon. Executive order, Oregon [temporarily withdrawing land in Oregon from settlement, etc., for use by Douglas County, Oreg., as lookout station]. July 27, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4941.) t Pr 30.5 : Or 3/21 Panama Canal. Executive order [setting aside tract of land in Canal Zone, to be known as Bruja Point military reservation]. Aug. 11, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4947.) t Pr 30.5: P 191/27 San Carlos irrigation project. Executive order, San Carlos irrigation project, Ariz. [withdrawing certain public lands in Arizona from settlement, etc., for classification and for determination as to whether or not they shall or will be included within limits of San Carlos irrigation project]. [June 24, 1924.1 4p. f° ([No. 4919 A.]) J Pr 30.5: Sa 55/2 South Dakota. Executive order 3748 modified [which temporarily withdrew lands in South Dakota for purpose of classification, in order to permit ac- ceptance of final proof on homestead entry Pierre 022112 in view of equities of entryman]. Aug. 3, 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 4944.) t Pr 30.5: So 87 Virgin Islands. Further extending period [from Sept. 30, 1928, to Sept. 30, 1929] for establishment of adequate shipping service with, and deferring ex- tension of coastwise laws of United States to, Virgin Islands, proclamation. Aug. 2. 1928. 1 p. f° (No. 1845.) t Pr30.7: V 819/8

SHIPPING BOARD Commerce. Comparative summary of water borne foreign commerce, with graphic charts, Jan. 1, 1921-Mar. 31, 1928; [prepared in] Bureau of Research, Division of Statistics. June 9, 1928. 1 p. 3 pl. oblong large 8° (Report D. S. 399.) [Quarterly.] t SB 7.5/399:928/1 Imports and exports. Imports and exports of commodities by United States coastal districts and foreign trade regions, Nov. 1927; [prepared in] Bureau of Research, Division of Statistics. [Apr. 19] 1928. 8 leaves, oblong large 8° (Report D. S. 275.) [Monthly. Figures subject to revision.] t SB 7.5/275 : m 927/11 ----- Same, Dec. 1927; [prepared in] Bureau of Research, Division of Sta- tistics. [Apr. 20] 1928. 8 leaves, oblong large 8° (Report D. S. 275.) [Monthly. Figures subject to revision.] t SB 7.5/275: m 927/12 ----- Same, Mar. 1928; [prepared in] Bureau of Research, Division of Sta- tistics. [June 23] 1928. 8 leaves, oblong large 8° (Report D. S. 275.) [Monthly. Figures subject to revision.] f SB 7.5/275: m 928/3 Intercoastal traffic. United States water borne intercoastal traffic by ports of origin and destination and principal commodities, calendar year 1927; [pre- pared in] Bureau of Research, Division of Statistics. [June 18] 1928. 11 leaves, oblong large 8° (Report D. S. 317.) [Annual. Figures subject to revision.] f SB 7.5/317 : 927/2

How to order publications—See information following Contents 124 Aug ust , 1928

SHIPPING BOARD MERCHANT FLEET CORPORATION Merchant marine. Trade routes & shipping services, Shipping Board. [1928.] cover-title, 50 p. il. [Text on p. 2 of cover.] f L. C. card 28-28320 SB 2.2: T 67/3 Posters. American flag ships; [poster], n. p. [1928]. 31.9X20.1 in. [Card- board.] f SB 2.7: Am 3 ----- The American way; [poster], n. p. [1928]. 31.9X20.1 in. [Card- board.] t SB 2.7: Am 3/2 ----- The American way to Europe, United States Lines; [poster], n. p. [1928]. 38X25.1 in. [Illustrator, R. S. Pike.] f SB 2.7: Am 3/3 ----- Keep the dollar at home; [poster], n. p. [1928]. 20X14 in. [Illustrator, O. P. Williams. Copyright, 1927, by New York American, Inc., and reprinted by permission of New York American, Inc.] t SB 2.7: D 69 ----- 1812, Old Ironsides [and] 1927, Leviathan, famous American flag ships, United States Lines; [poster], n. p. [1928]. 27.4X17.5 in. [Illustrator, Worden Wood.] f SB2.7: Oli ----- S. S. Leviathan, world’s largest ship; [poster], n. p. [1928]. 38X24.9 in. [Cardboard. Illustrator, R. S. Pike.] t SB 2.7: L 57/cop. 2 ■----- S. S. Leviathan, world’s largest ship; [poster], n. p. [1928]. 40.8X25 in. [Illustrator, R. S. Pike.] f SB 2.7 :L 57 Ships. Schedule of sailings, passenger, mail, and freight vessels operated for Shipping Board between United States and foreign ports, Aug. 1-Sept. 15, 1928, no. 81; issued by Traffic Department. [1928.] vi+26p. il. [Monthly.] t L. C. card 23-26331 SB 2.14: 928/8

SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Note .—In a recent price-list, the Smithsonian Institution publishes this notice: “Appli- cants for the publications in this list are requested to state the grounds for their requests as the Institution is able to supply papers only as an aid to the researches or studies in which they are especially interested. These papers are distributed gratis, except where price is given, and should be ordered by the publication numbers arranged in sequence. The serial publications of the Smithsonian Institution are as follows: 1, Smithsonian contributions to knowledge; 2, Smithsonian miscellaneous collections; 3, Smithsonian annual reports. No sets of these are for sale or distribution, as most of the volumes are out of print. The papers issued in the series of Contributions to knowledge and Mis- cellaneous collections are distributed without charge to public libraries, educational establishments, learned societies, and specialists in this country and abroad; and are supplied to other institutions and individuals at the prices indicated. Remittances should be made payable to the ‘ Smithsonian Institution.’ The Smithsonian report volumes and the papers reprinted in separate form therefrom are distributed gratuitously by the Institution to libraries and individuals throughout the world. Very few of the Report volumes are now available at the Institution, but many of those of which the Smith- sonian edition is exhausted can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. The Institution maintains mailing-lists of public libraries and other educational establishments, but no general mailing-list of individuals. A library making application to be listed for Smithsonian publications should state the number of volumes which it contains and the date of its establishment, and have the endorsement of a Member of Congress." The annual reports are the only Smithsonian publications that are regularly issued as public documents. All the others are paid for from the private funds of the Institution, but as they are usually regarded as public documents and have free transmission by mail they are listed in the Monthly catalogue. Lemoyne de Morgues, Jacques. Drawing by Jacques Lemoyne de Morgues of Saturioua, Timucua, ch;ef in Florida, 1564; by David I. Bushnell, jr. Wash- ington, Smithsonian Institution. Aug. 23. 1928. [2]+9p. il. 1 pl. (Publication 2972; Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 81, no. 4.) t Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26606 SI 1.7 : 81/4 Mosses. Mexican mosses collected by Brother Arsene Brouard, [pt.] 2; by I. Theriot. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Aug. 15, 1928. [2]+26 p. il. (Publication 2966; Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 81, no. 1.) [Com- ments and critical notes translated from French by Brother ArsSne.] t Price on application. L. C. card 26-26674 SI 1.7: 81/1

How to order publications—See information following; Contents Aug ust , 1928 125 NATIONAL MUSEUM

Note .—The publications of the National Museum comprise an annual report and three ■scientific series, viz., Proceedings, Bulletins, and Contributions from national herbarium. The editions are distributed to established lists of libraries, scientific institutions, and specialists, any surplus copies being supplied on application. The Proceedings are usually brief technical papers and the Bulletins generally monographs based on the Museum col- lections in biology, geology, and anthropology. No sets of any of these series can now be furnished. . Beginning with v. 66, the binding of volumes of Proceedings in either paper or cloth was discontinued. The separate papers will be sent to depository libraries and to others desig- nated to receive them, as issued, and a title-page and index will be published for each volume so that the volume may be bound if desired. Proceedings of National Museum, [title-page, contents, and list of illustrations to] v. 72. 1928. xv p. t SI 3.6: 2697-2721/t.p.& cont.

STATE DEPARTMENT {Circular] 1067 and 1068; Mar. 23 and 30, 1928. 1928. 1 p. and 2 p. [General instruction circular to consular officers.] J S 1.4 z2 :1067,1068 Code Language Study Committee. Documents of Committee for Study of Code Language [announcement concerning publications]. 1928. 1 p. t S 5.27: C 64/ann. ----- Documents of Committee for Study of Code Language appointed by In- ternational Telegraph Conference of Paris of 1925, Paris, 1925, Cortina d’Ampezzo, 1926, translation of French text: Report [addressed to states mem- bers of International Telegraph Union, cable companies, and radiotelegraph companies, with annexes]. 1928. [4]+36 p. [Meetings of the committee were held in Paris in 1925 and in Cortina d’Ampezzo in 1926.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26564 S 5.27: R 29 ----- Same: Part 1 [preliminary documents submitted to Committee of Study during Paris Conference]. 1928. v+15 p. * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26563 S 5.27: C 64/pt. 1 ----- Same: Part 2 [documents sent to secretariat of Committee of Study]. 1928. v+205 p. * Paper, 35c. S 5.27: C 64/pt. 2 ------Same: Part 3 [documents submitted to Committee of Study during con- ference at Cortina d’Ampezzo]. 1928. v+35 p. * Paper, 10c. S 5.27: C 64/pt. 3 ----- Same: Part 4 [minutes of plenary sessions and reports of subcommittees (Cortina d’Ampezzo)]. 1928. v+166 p. il. * Paper, 30c. S 5.27: C 64/pt. 4 Consuls. Check list of pages, Consular regu ations of 1896. July, 1928. 7 p. t S 1.5 : 923-926/cont. ----- [Regulations governing consular service of United States, annotated: article 1, Consular branch of foreign service, reprint of portion of article, wi‘h corrections.] June, 1928. p. 33-33b+34-34a [of article 1]. [Issued in loose- leaf form for insertion in Regulations.] $ L. C. card 24-26116 S 1.5 : 926/art. 1/par. 19-21 ----- Same: [article 10, Citizenship, protection, passports, and registration, re- print of portion of article, with corrections]. July, 1928. p. 93-97 [of article 10]. [Issued in loose-leaf form for insertion in Regulations.] f S 1.5: 926/art. 10/par. 172-174 Diplomatic list, Aug. 1928. [1928.] cover-title, ii+46 p. 24° * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 65c. L. C. card 10-16292 S 1.8 : 928/8 Friendship. Traduction en Francais du traite d’amitie, de commerce, et con- sulate entre les fitats-Unis et 1’Allemagne; signe tl Washington le 8 Decembre 1923, ratifications 6chang6es le 14 Octobre 1925. 1928. [1]+19 p. [The English edition of this treaty was entered in the Monthly catalogue for Oct 1925, p. 239.] J ' S 9.2 :G 31/3

How to order publications—See information following Content* 126 Aug ust . 1928

Friendship—Continued. ----- Treaty between United States and Latvia, friendship, commerce, and consular rights; signed Riga, Apr. 20, 1928, proclaimed July 25. 1928. 1928. [1]+14 p. (Treaty seriefe 765.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26577 S 9.5/2: L 35/3 International Telegraph Conference. Delegation of United States to Interna- tional Telegraph Conference of Brussels, tabulations of data furnished by American users of international communication facilities in response to questionnaire based on Cortina majority report. 1928. 30 p. il. [English and French.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26585 S 5.27/2: D 37 Nicaragua. Brief history of relations between United States and Nicaragua, 1909-28. 1928. iv+77 p. * Paper, 15c. L. C. card 28-26556 S 1.2: N 51/3 Pan American Sanitary Conference. Additional protocol between United States and other American republics, amending Pan American sanitary convention, signed at Habana on Nov. 14, 1924; signed Lima, Oct. 19, 1927, proclaimed July 5, 1928. 1928. [l]+6 p. (Treaty series 763.) [Part of the text is in English and part in Spanish.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26590 S 9.5/2: Sa 5/5 Radio communication. Arrangements between United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Newfoundland effected by exchanges of notes providing for pre- vention of interference by ships off coasts of these countries with radio broad- casting, [Sept. 8-Oct. 1] 1925. 1928. [l]+6 p. (Treaty series 724 A.) * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26580 S 9.5/2; G 79/79 Renunciation of war. French draft of multilateral treaty for renunciation of war, excerpt from address by Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State, delivered before American Society of International Law, Washington, Apr. 28, 1928. 1928. cover-title, [1] +3 p. t S 1.2: W 19/3 ----- Notes exchanged between United States and other Powers on subject of multilateral treaty for renunciation of war, June 20, 1927-July 20. 1928. 1928. iv+51 p. * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 28-26555 S 9.2: W19/3 INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION ON BOUNDARY WATERS BETWEEN UNITED STATES AND CANADA Creston Reclamation Company, Limited. In matter of application of Creston Reclamation Company, Limited, for permission to construct certain permanent works in and adjacent to channel of Kootenay River in British Columbia at Creston, order of approval, application, hearing, 1928. 1928. ii+85p. map. t S 3.23 : C 86/2 SPECIAL CLAIMS COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND MEXICO Meredith, Mrs. Tommie J. No. 714, before Special Claims Commission, United States and United Mexican States, United States on behalf of Tommie Jett Meredith [widow of Richard Norval Meredith] v. United Mexican States; brief of United States. 1928. iv+75 p. 1 pl. 2 p. of pl. 4° $ S 3.34/5 : M 541/2

SUPREME COURT Bartlett, A. C. Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1928, no. 90, Mabel G. Reinecke, collector of internal revenue for 1st district of Illinois, vs. Northern Trust Company, as executor of A. C. Bartlett, on writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 7th circuit. [1928.] cover-title, ii+70 p. J Ju 6.7 : B 284/2

How to order publications—See information following Contents Augu st , 1928 127

California Cooperative Canneries. Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1928, no. —, United States vs. California Cooperative Canneries, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia. [1928.] cover-title, ii+322 p. $ Ju 6.7 :C 128/2 Elmer Candy Company, Incorporated. Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1928, no. 119, John Y. Fauntleroy, former collector of internal revenue for collec- tion district of Louisiana, vs. Elmer Candy Company, Inc., on writ of cer- tiorari to circuit court of appeals for 5th circuit. [1928.] cover-title, i+33 p. 4 p. of pl. i Ju 6.7: El 63 Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad. Petition and transcript of record, Oct. term, 1928, no. 304, United States vs. Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Company, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Claims. [1928.] cover-title, i+22 p. i Ju 6.7 :N 411 Official reports of Supreme Court, v. 275 U. S., no. 4; Ernest Knaebel, reporter. Preliminary print. 1928. cover-title, xxix+[l]+483-668 p. 12° [Cases ad- judged in Supreme Court at Oct. term, 1927 (per curiam decisions from Oct 3, 1927-Jan. 3, 1928). This number contains table of cases reported in v. 275; also Revised rules of Supreme Court, adopted June 5, 1928, effective July 1, 1928, and complete analytical index. From United States reports, v. 275.] * Paper, 15c. single copy, 50c. per vol. (4 nos. to a vol.; subscription price, $1.50 for 12 nos.) ; foreign subscription, 5c. added for each pamphlet (prices incorrectly given on publication). Ju 6.8/la : 275/4 Rules. Notice, preparing and printing briefs [as provided for by rules 26 and 27 of Revised rules of Supreme Court, adopted June 5, 1928]. 1928. Ip. t Ju 6.9: 928/rule 26,27 Shade Shop, Hooper & Klesner. Transcript of record, Oct. term, 1925, no. —, Federal Trade Commission vs. Alfred Klesner, doing business under name of Shade Shop, Hooper & Klesner, on petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia. [1928.] cover-title, 14 p. $ Ju 6.7: Sh 12

TARIFF COMMISSION Barium carbonate, report of Tariff Commission to President of United States, differences in cost of production of barium carbonate in United States and in principal competing country, as ascertained pursuant to provisions of sec. 315 of title 3 of tariff act of 1922; fwith appendix, proclamation by the President]. 1928. v+18 p. [Germany is the principal competing country.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26589 TC 1.2: B 23/2 Sugar-beets. Costs of producing sugar beets: pt. 8, Montana, report on farmers’ costs of producing sugar beets in Montana, 1921, 1922, and 1923. [Revised edition.] 1928. vi+64 p. il. * Paper, 15c. L. C. card 25-26969 TC 1.2 : Su 3/2/pt. 8, rev.

TAX APPEALS BOARD Decisions. Reports, v. 10, no. 9; Mar. 16, 1928. [1928.] vi+1217-1415 p. [Contains decisions promulgated Mar. 8-15, 1928.] * Paper, $1.50 per vol. L. C. card 24-27411 Y 3.T 19: 5/10-9 Note .—The decisions of the Tax Appeals Board have been placed on a subscription basis and are to be issued in small pamphlets until a sufficient number have been pub- lished to make a volume. The price of these advance pamphlets will be $1.50 per volume. Later, bound volumes, containing table of contents and index, will be issued, the price of these being given at time of publication. — Same, v. 11, no. 1-5; Mar. 27-May 8, 1928. [1928.] [xl]+1-1039 p. [Contain decisions promulgated Mar. 16-May 4, 1928. No. 1 contains table of cases reported in v. 10.] Y 3.T 19: 5/11-1 to 11-5

How to order publications—See information following Contents 128 Augus t , 1928 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Finance. Daily statement of Treasury compiled from latest proved reports from Treasury offices and depositaries, Aug. 1-31, 1928. [1928.] Each 4 p. or 3 p. f° [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] t L. C. card 15-3303 T 1.5: 928 Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany. Amendment to Regu- lations 1, Payments on account of awards of Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany. Aug. 14, 1928. 1 p. 4° (Department circular 407; Accounts and Deposits [Commissioner].) t T 1.4/2: 407 Trade-marks [of imported merchandise copying name of domestic manufacture, etc.], amendment of T. D. 38035 of May 28, 1919, regulations governing record- ing of trade-marks registered in Patent Office and trade names under sec. 27, act of Feb. 20, 1905, as amended. [Reprint 1928.] 3 p. ([Treasury deci- sion] 40380.) [From Treasury decisions, v. 46, no. 14.] t T l.ll/2a : T 67/3-2 Treasury decisions under customs, internal revenue, prohibition, and other laws, including decisions of Customs Court and Court of Customs Appeals, v. 54, no. 5-9; Aug. 2-30, 1928. 1928. various paging, il. [Weekly. Department decisions numbered 42890-929, abstracts 6451-6612, internal revenue decisions 4182-4201, prohibition 36-38, Tariff Commission Notices 81-83, later Tariff Commission Notices 69, 71, and 73, and miscellaneous (disbarments).] * Paper, 5c. single copy, $1.50 a yr.; foreign subscription, $2.50. L. C. card 10-30490 T 1.11/2: 54/5-9 BUDGET BUREAU Report. 7th annual report of director of Bureau of Budget to President of United States [fiscal year 1928], containing report of operations of Bureau of Budget, reports of chief coordinator and chairmen of coordinating boards and agencies established by Executive order for coordination of routine busi- ness of Government, also statements of economies effected by Departments and establishments; [submitted] July 1, 1928. 1928. xxi+208 p. * Paper, 35c. I L. C. card 22-26686 T 51.1: 928 COAST GUARD Circular 81 and 82; July 9 and 11, 1928. [1928.] 2 p. and 1 p. t T 47.7/3 : 81,82 Orders. General order 45; July 23, 1928. 1928. 1 p. t T 47.5/4: 45 Pay. Amendments to Pay and supply instructions [Coast Guard, 1926] no 17 and 18; July 10 and 17, 1928. [1928.] 8 p. and 2 p. t T 47.8: P 29/3/926/amdt. 17,18 ----- Pay and supply instructions, circular 3, 1928; July 23, 1928. [1928.] 2 p. [Circular 3 is Extension of enlistment, nonaccrual of pay, and time lost due to absence from duty for misconduct, without leave, etc.] t T 47.8/2:3/3 COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY National banks. Abstract of reports of condition of national banks, June 30, 1928; no. 159. Aug. 6, 1928. 13 p. f° t T 12.5 928/3 ----- Monthly statement of capital stock of national banks, national bank notes, and Federal reserve bank notes outstanding, bonds on deposit, etc. [Aug. 1, 1928]. Aug. 1, 1928. 1 p. narrow f° t L. C. card 10-21266 T 12.9: 928/8 CUSTOMS COURT Reappraisements of merchandise by Customs Court [on Julv 2-Aug. 16, 1928] ; July 27 and Aug 30, 1928. [1928.] 1077-96+[iii] p. ' (No. 50 and 51.) [Weekly; none issued July 6, 13, 20, Aug. 3, 10, 17, or 24, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 75c. a yr.; foreign subscription, $1.30. L. C. card 13-2916 T 20.4/3: 50, 51

How to order publications—See information following Contents August , 1928 129

FEDERAL FARM LOAN BUREAU Banks and banking. Statements of condition of Federal land banks, joint-stock land banks, Federal intermediate credit banks, compiled from their reports to Federal Farm Loan Board as of June 30, 1928. 1928. ii+37 p. 4° [Monthly.] t L. C. card 28-26383 T 48.6: 928/4 GENERAL SUPPLY COMMITTEE Government supplies. General schedule of supplies, fiscal year 1929: class 20, Telephone service, for use by Executive Departments and other establish- ments of Government in District of Columbia. [1928.] 7 p. 4° i T 45.5/18:20 ----- ■ Specifications for definite and additional quantity supplies [fiscal year 1929] : classes 1, 3, and 10 [Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 1928]. [1928.] 41 leaves, 4° t T 45.5/18:1/3 GOVERNMENT ACTUARY Bonds of United States. Market prices and investment values of outstanding bonds and notes [of United States, July, 1928]. Aug. 1, 1928. 6 p. 4° (Form A.) [Monthly.] f T 50.5:928/7 INTERNAL REVENUE BUREAU Internal revenue bulletin, v. 7, no. 32-35; Aug. 6-27, 1928. 1928. various paging. [Weekly.] ♦ Paper, 5c. single copy (for subscription price see note below). L. C. card 22-26051 T 22.23/1: 928/32-35 Note .—The Internal revenue bulletin service for 1928 will consist of weekly bulle- tins and semiannual cumulative bulletins. The weekly bulletins will contain the rulings and decisions to be made public and all Treasury Department decisions (known as Treasury decisions) pertaining to internal revenue matters. The semiannual cumula- tive bulletins will contain all rulings and decisions (including Treasury decisions) published during the previous 6 months. The complete bulletin service may be obtained, on a subscription basis, from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., for $2.00 a yr.; foreign subscription, $2.75. Internal revenue news, v. 2, no. 2; Aug. 1928. 1928. cover-title, 24 p. [Monthly. Text on p. 2 of cover.] ♦ Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr.; foreign subscription, 75c. L. C. card 27-26746 T 22.33 : 2/2 Report. Internal-revenue collections, fiscal year 1928, preliminary statement, Aug. 15, 1928. 1928. [1]+13 p. t L. C. card 22-26793 T 22.7: 928 LOANS AND CURRENCY DIVISION Bonds of United States. Caveat list of United States registered bonds and notes. Aug. 1, 1928. [1928.] 69 p. f° [Monthly.] f T 26.7:928/8 Money. Circulation statement of United States money, July 31, 1928. 1928. 1 p. oblong 8° [Monthly.] f L. C. card 10-21267 T 26.5: 928/8 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Diseases. Incidence of various diseases according to age [with list of ref- erences], Hagerstown [Md.] morbidity studies no. 8; by Edgar Syden- Stricker. 1928. [l]-[-33 p. il. (Reprint 1227.) [From Public health re- ports, May 11, 1928.] * Paper, 10c. L. C. card 27-26048 T 27.6/a: 1227 ----- Sex differences in incidence of certain diseases at different ages [with list of references], Hagerstown [Md.] morbidity studies no. 9; by Edgar Sydenstricker. 1928. [1]+18 p. il. (Reprint 1229.) [From Public health reports, May 25, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. T27.6/a: 1229

How to order publications—See information following Contents 130 Augu st , 1928

Valle.y- Full-time county health program developed in Missis- slPp* Allowing flood; by J. G. Townsend. 1928. [l]-f-9 p (Re- print 1228.) [From Public health reports, May 18, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. D. C. card 28-26582 T 27.6/a: 1228 Pituitary extract. Loosely bound sulphur in pituitary extracts [with list of by M- X Sullivan and M. I. Smith. 1928. [1]4-9 p (Reprint 1230.) [From Public health reports, June 1, 1928.] * Paper 5c P L. C. card 28-26508 ’ T 27.6/a : 1230 health reports, v. 43, no. 31-35; Aug. 3-31, 1928. 1928. [xix]+2031- 2328 p. il 1 pl 4 p. of pl. [Monthly.] ♦ Paper, 5c. single copy, $150 a yr • foreign subscription, $2.75. y ’ L C. card 6-25167 • T 27.6 : 43/31-85 fev??BCi1^1'BritishEw7J?0 AfJ-' a Yellow, fever investigations in West Africa: Yellow

t?e8o1"u»C„s^:stbIfr& So°&„«?U?„an?„gfateJel1?wr bv^Hnrv^ W and distribution of miflu and Walker.—Biological products, establishments licensed for pro naira tion and sale of viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products_ Nn Rat hn»ifh naHoul/nffinp110^ eJad^.-Extra session™ Perman^


wXjffi'K C rt tto’prt “tfea'aliSl” ,he Soperlntenaent of Document,; Rat, arguments for its elimination and methods for its destruction by R H Creel, May, 1919; revised by C. V. Akin, Mar. 1928. Aug. 1928 tii+10 n (Public health bulletin 180.) [Revision of Public health * Paper, 5c. bulletin 103.] L. C. card 28-26561 T 27.12:180 Scarlet fever. Unit for scarlet fever streptococcus antitoxin [with list of references] ; by R. E. Dyer. 1928. [l]4-5 p. (Reprint 1234.) [From Public health reports, June 29, 1928.] * Paper, 5c. L. C. card 28-26599 T 27.6/a: 1234 Water pollution. Sewage-polluted surface waters as source of water supply; by H W. Streeter. 1928. [l]+25 p. il. (Reprint 1232.) [From Public health reports, June 15, 1928.] * Paper 5c L. C. card 28-26597 T 27.6/a: 1232 VENEREAL DISEASES DIVISION

Venereal disease information, issued by Public Health Service for use in its i™BerartlTei work wipi State health departments, v. 9, no. 8; Aug. 20 1928. 1928. [1]+307-362+ii p. [Monthly.] * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c a yr • foreign subscription, 75c. ’ L. C. card 23—26719 rp <>— . Q/g vf>narfnIiAL/ncSTICLES'—¥alaria treatment of general paralysis; by Ennio Rizzatti_ X>e reports on public health progress of 27 countries in 1926, Geneva 1927’ fl°m Lea^ue of Nations Health Organization, International health yearbook’ TREASURER OF UNITED STATES money. Monthly statement, paper currency of each denomination out- standing July 31, 1928. Aug. 1, 1928. 1 p. oblong 24° t T 40.8: 928/7

VETERANS’ BUREAU Baker, John T. No. 5039, circuit court of appeals, 5th circuit, John Thomas Baker et al. [father and stepmother of Everett Baker] v. United States in error to district court for western district of Texas, Waco division; petition for rehearing. 1928. [l]-f-15 p t VB12:B17

How to order publications—See information following Contents Aug ust , 1928 131 Medical bulletin. United States Veterans’ Bureau medical bulletin, v. 4, no. 9, Sept. 1928; B. W. Carr, editor. 1928. viii+737-826 p. 3 p. of pl. [Monthly.] ♦ Paper, 15c. single copy, $1.50 a yr.; foreign subscription, $2.15. L C. card 25- -26672 VB 1.16: 4/9 Special ar tic les .—Diagnosis of amebiasis; [by] Thomas B. Magath.—Incidence of amebiasis and its relation to carrier problem [with bibliography ; by] William C. Boeck.-—Clinical consideration of endamebiasis; [by] Philip W. Brown.—Recent ad- vances in therapeusis of neurosyphilis [with list of references; by] Richard C. Henderson.—Review of deaths and discharges at Veterans’ Bureau Hospital, Knoxville, Iowa, fiscal year 1927; [by] H. G. Clarke.—Massive, atelectatic collapse of lung, with report of case [and with bibliography; by] P. N. Gordon.—Observations on intestinal tuberculosis; [by] Bertell L. Talbot.—Notes on hospital sanitation [with list of references; by] H. C. Watts.—Tonsillectomy under local anesthesia; [by] John H. Hall.—Complement titration with aid of general formula; [by] B. S. Levine_ Surgical extractions [with reference; by] Walter S. Lee.—Parasitic infestation of pancreas simulating peptic ulcer with suspected malignancy; [by] George II. Par- menter.—Standardization of clinical laboratory work in hospitals and regional offices' Examination of feces, concluded.—Time study of nursing activities in neuropsychiatric r?s^xtSlsj [by] Mary A. Hickey.—Physical therapy in Veterans’ [Bureau] hospital; [by] R. L. Mitchell.

WAR DEPARTMENT Army regulations. , Note .—The Army regulations are issued in pamphlet form for insertion in loose- leaf binders. The names of such of the more important administrative subjects as may seem appropriate, arranged in proper sequence, are numbered in a single series and each name so numbered constitutes the title and number of a pamphlet containing certain administrative regulations pertaining thereto. Where more than one pamphlet is required for the administrative regulations pertaining to any such title, additional pamphlets will be issued in a separate sub-series. 5-100. Assistant Secretary of War: Procurement of supplies, general provisions. Changes 1; Aug. 20, 1928. [1928.] 2 n. f W 1.6/2 : 5-100/ch. 1 30-1435. Quartermaster Corps: Construction ; June 30, 1928. [1928.1 10 n [Suner- sedes AR 30-1435, Sept. 14, 1927.] ♦Paper, 5c. W 1.6/1 :30-1435/3 30-2720. Same: Typewriters and similar office labor-saving devices, Changes 1; July 2, i928. 1928. 1 p. f W 1.6?2: 3O-2730/3/ch 1 30-3000. Same: Clothing money allowance and price list of clothing and equipage: June 29, 1928. [1928.] 32 p. [Supersedes AR 30-3000, May 28, 1927.] ♦ Paper, 5c W x.Q/1 ; 30-3000/6 35-1400. finance Department: Pay and allowances during authorized absences; Aug. 15, 1928. [1928.] 2 p. [Supersedes AR 35-1400, Dec. 31, 1927 ] * Paper, 5c. w 1.6/1 • 35-1400/4 35-1540. Same: Gratuity upon death, Changes 2; July 2, 1928. [1928.] 2 p [Supersedes AR 35-1540, Changes 1, May 7, 1928.] t „ „ W 1.6/2:35-1540/2/ch. 2 35-1760. Same: Pay of retired officers, Changes 1; July 2, 1928. 1928 1 p t c, W 1.6/2 : 35—1760/2/ch. 1 35-2220. Sa“e: Pay of warrant officers; July 2, 1928. [1928.] 2 p. [Supersedes AR 35—2220, Oct. 18. 1926.] * Paper, 5c. W 1.6/1: 35-2220/3 35-2440. Sa“e„ Stoppages against pay of enlisted men, Changes 1; June 30, 1928. 1928. 1 p. t W 1.6/2 : 35-2440/2/ch. 1 35-2620. Same: Reward and expenses for enlisted men absent without leave or in desertion; June 30, 1928. [1928.] 4 p. [Supersedes AR 35-2620, Dec. 15, 1924.] ♦ Paper, 5c. W 1.6/1: 35-2620/2 35-4850. ^me: Appropriations available for mileage purposes; June 30, 1928. [1928.] 4 p. [Supersedes AR 35-4850, July 10, 1926, including’Changes 1, June 27, 1927.] ♦ Paper, 5c. W 1.6/1 : 35-4850/3 35-6720. kame:Blank forms pertaining to property accounting, Changes 3; June 30, 1928. 1928. 1 p. [Supersedes AR 35-6720, Changes 2, July 2, 1927.] + _ „ W 1.6/2 : 35-6720/ch. 3 45-40. Ordnance Department: List of blank forms; June 30, 1928. [1928.] 3 p. * Paper, 5c. W 1 6/1 • 45-40 350-800. Military education: Signal School; May 31, 1928. [1928.] 7 p. [Super- sedes AR 350-800, Aug. 31, 1926.] ♦Paper, 5c. W 1.6/1: 350-800/2 600-55. I ersonnel: Commendation for exceptionally meritorious conduct; June 30, 1928. [1928.] 2 p. [Supersedes AR 600-55, Apr. 25, 1927.] * Paper. 5c. W 1.6/1:600-55/2 Technical regulations. ir./e°iT-E’J-Tlle Technical regulations are issued in pamphlet form for insertion in loose- leat binders. They will consist of a series of pamphlets containing regulations of a "alca^ pa^ure, such as descriptions of, instructions for the care of, instructions for tne handling of, and the proper nomenclature of arms, materiel, and equipment of brancbes- This sevies will include the class of publications heretofore andbooks. Technical regulations will be numbered In the same manner as are Training regulations, but 1000 will be added to the general siibject numbers, i. e., 1445al27^) reSu[a^ons appear as TR 445—270 and Technical regulations as TR 1330-A. Tractors: 5-ton artillery tractor, M1917, prepared under direction of chief of of ordnance; June 1, 1928. [1928.] 1 pl. * Paper, 30c. W 1.22 : 1330-A How to order publications—See information following Contents 132 Augu st , 1928

Training regulations. Note .—The Training regulations are issued in pamphlet form for insertion in loose- leaf binders. 10-5. Military training: Basic, prepared under direction of chief of staff; Aug. 15, 1928. [1928.] 15 p. [Supersedes TR 10-5, Dec. 23, 1921.] ♦Paper. 5c. W 1.21 : 10-5/2 420-265. Infantry: Ceremonies and inspections (mounted), tank battalion and group, prepared under direction of chief of infantry; July 30, 1928. [1928.] 14 p. il. * Paper. 5c. W 1.21 : 420-265 435-234. Coast Artillery Corps : Service of the piece, 12-inch gun (Battignolles) rail- way artillery, prepared under direction of chief of coast artillery ; June 30, 1928. [1928.] 30 p. il. * Paper, 10c. W 1.21:435-234 ADJUTANT GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT Army list and directory, July 1, 1928. 1928. vi+352 p. large 8° [B monthly.] * Paper, 30c. single copy, $1.75 a yr.; foreign subscription, $2.35. L. C. card 9-35106 W 3.10 : 928/4 Electricians. Basic electrician, instructors guide for all arms; prepared under direction of chief signal officer, 1928. 1928. ix-f-200 p. il; (United States Army training manual 35.) [Includes list of training manuals on signal communication ; corrected to June, 1928.] *Paper, 35c. W 3.39/1: 35 ----- Basic electrician, students manual for all arms: pt. 1, Tools and shop- work ; prepared under direct on of chief signal officer, 1928. 1928. xi-f-239 p; il. (United States Army training manual 34.) [Includes list of training manuals on signal communication; corrected to June, 1928.] * Paper, 55c. W 3.39/1: 34/pt. 1 Telephone. Telephone switchboard operator, instructors guide for all arms; prepared under direction of chief signal officer. Repr nt [with changes] 1928. xxii-f-264 p. il. 1 pl. (United States Army training manual 23.) [The pages fellowing p. 186 and 202 read 187-197 and 203-221 respectively.] * Cloth, 50c. W 3.39/1:23/2 Note .—In this 1928 reprint, Information topic no. 2, Army organization, is omitted. This Information topic no. 2 will be found in Training manual 21, Basic signal com- munication, instructors guide, 1928 reprint. ----- Telephone switchboard operator, students manual for all arms; pre- pared under direction of chief signal officer. Reprint [w'th changes] 1928. v-f-lll+fl] p. il. 2 pl. (United States Army training manual 22.) [The page following p. 52 reads 53-72.] * Cloth, 30c. W 3.39/1: 22/3 Note .—In this 1928 reprint, Information topic no. 2, Army organization, is omitted. This Information topic no. 2 will be found in Training manual 20, Basie signal com- munication, students manual, 1928 reprint. U. S. Army recruiting news, bulletin of recruiting information issued by d rec- tion of adjutant general of Army, v. 10, no. 15 and 16; Aug. 1 and 15, 1928. [Recruiting Publicity Bureau, Governors Island, N. Y., Aug. 1 and 15, 1928.] Each 16 p. il. 4° t Recruiting Publicity Bureau, Governors Island, N. Y. L. C. .card War 22-1 W 3.45 : 928/15,16 AIR CORPS Air navigation maps Augusta, Ga., to Fayetteville, N. C.; air navigation map no. 16 (experimental). Scale 10 m.=T.3 in., scale 1:500.000. Engineer Reproduction Plant, Army, Washington, D. C., 1926, [revised] 1928. 31.4X10.2 in. t 35c., Aeronautics Branch, Commerce Dept. W 87.22/2:16/2 Beaumont to San Antonio, Tex.; air navigation map no. 27 (experimental). Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1:500,000. Engineer Reproduction Plant, Army, Washington, D. C., 1926, [revised] 1928. 47.5X10.2 in. t 35c., Aeronautics Branch, Commerce Dept. W 87.22/2: 27/2 District of Columbia. Washington, D. C., to Hampton, Va.; air navigation map no. 4 (experimental). Seale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1:500.000. Geological Survey, 1923, Engineer Reproduction Plant, Army, Washington, D. C., [re- vised] 1928. 22.3X10.2 in. t 35c., Aeronautics Branch, Commerce Dept. W 87.22/2: 4/2

How to order publications—See information following Contents Augus t , 1928 133

District of Columbia—Continued. ----- Washington, D. C., to Middletown, Pa.; air navigation map no. 46 (ex- perimental). Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1:500,000. Engineer Reproduction Plant, Army, Washington, D. C., 1925, [revised] 1928. 17X10.1 in. 135c., Aeronautics Branch, Commerce Dept. W 87.22/2: 46/2 New York, N. Y., to Boston, Mass.; air navigation map no. 6 (experimental). Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1:500,000. Geological Survey. 1924, Engineer Reproduction Plant, Army, Washington, D. C., [revised] 1928. 33.5X10.2 in. t 35c., Aeronautics Branch, Commerce Dept. W 87.22/2: 6/2 Rantoul, III., to Mt. Clemens, Mich.; air navigation map no. 44 (experimental). Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1:500,000. Engineer Reproduction Plant, Army, Washington, D. C., [revised] 1928. 45.3X10.2 in. t 35c., Aeronautics Branch, Commerce Dept. W 87.22/2: 44/2 San Francisco to Los Angeles, Cal.; air navigation map no. 40 (experimental). Scale 10 m.=1.3 in., scale 1:500,000. Engineer Reproduction Plant, Army, Washington, D. C., 1926, [revised] 1928. 47.5X10.2 in. 135c., Aeronautics Branch, Commerce Dept. W 87.22/2:40/2

MATERIEL DIVISION Air Corps Catalog: Wright whirlwind engines, models J5A and J5B. 1st edition, [n. p.] June, 1928. [3]+73-128 p. il. 12° (Classification 02-D.) [From Wright Aeronautical Corporation handbook.] t W 87.25: 02-D/2 Tail (aircraft). Study of horizontal tail surfaces of consolidated XPT-3 (NY-1), Airplane Branch report; by Theo, de Port. 1928. [l]+8 p. il. 4° (Air Corps. Air Corps information circular, v. 7, no. 615, Aug. 15, 1928.) [First article before changes were made.] t W 87.11/2: 7/615 Wings. Static test of XHB-3 experimental 2-spar wing structure built by Key- stone Aircraft Corporation, Airplane Branch report; by Edgar R. Weaver. 1928. ii+11 p. il. 4° (Air Corps. Air Corps information circular, v. 7, no. 616, Aug. 15, 1928.) i W 87.11/2: 7/616 ENGINEER DEPARTMENT Navigation. Rules and regulations governing display of signals on, and opera- tion of, all craft and accessories working on wrecks, engaged in dredging, surveying, or other work of improvement, and use and navigation of waters in vicinity, in Gnat Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal, Red River of the North, and rivers whose waters flow into Gulf of Mexico, and their tributaries. [1928.] 5 p. (Form 46-a.) [These rules and regulations are the same, rearranged, as the Rules of Department of Commerce and supplemental regulations of War Department catalogued below.] t W 7.11/2: Si 2/2/928 ----- Rules of Department of Commerce, and supplemental regulations of War Department governing display of signals on, and operation of, all craft and accessories working on wrecks, engaged in dredging, surveying, or other work of improvement, and use and navigation of waters in vicinity, in all harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, except Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters, Red River of the North, and rivers emptying into Gulf of Mexico and their tributaries. [1928.] 5 p. (Form 46.) t W 7.11/2: Si 2/1/928


Note .—Charts of the Great Lakes and connecting waters and St. Lawrence River to the international boundary at St. Regis, of Lake Champlain, and of the New York State canals are prepared and sold by the U. S. Lake Survey Office, Old Customhouse, Detroit, Mich. Charts may also be purchased at the following U. S. engineer offices: 710 Army Building, New York. N. Y.; 467 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.; 540 Federal Building, Buffalo, N. Y.; and Canal Office, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. A catalogue (with index map), show- ing localities, scales, prices, and conditions of sale, may be had upon application at any of these offices. A descriptive bulletin, which supplements the charts and gives detailed information as to harbors, shore lines, and shoals, magnetic determinations, and particulars of chang- ing conditions affecting navigation, is issued free to chart purchasers, upon request. The

How to order publications—See information following Contents 134 Aug ust , 1928

revised annually and issued at the opening of navigation (in April) and sun- ar®’Published monthly during the navigation season. ’ P mi , letS charts and publications may be seen at the U. S. engineer offices in Pa'uG1> Minn., Milwaukee, Wis., Chicago, Ill., Grand Rapids, Mich., Cleveland Ohio and Oswego, N. ¥., but they are obtainable only at the sales offices above mentioned. Lakes. Supplement 4, Aug. 23, 1928, corrections and additions to Bulletin 37; to supplement information given upon charts of Great Lakes U S Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich. [Aug. 17, 1928]. p. 1-3+leaves 4-124-[2] p' 4° f L. C. card 8-35459 W FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance circulars. Finance circular 3, 5-7 [1928] ; June 15-July 14, 1928. 1928 Each 1 p. or p. 1-2+leaves 3-32, 12° [Finance circulars 3, 5, and 6 of 1928 continue in force Finance circular 3, 5, and 6 of 1926, including changes.] t W 97.5 : 928/3. 5-7 MILITIA BUREAU National Guard regulations, + L. C. card War 26-7 new I}81*1011?1 Guard regulations are being printed as they are nrenared pilmphlets which, wlieZw- 70 n^nerfal, Provisions; May 1, 1928. [1928.] 8 p. W707/4-1H 7- Bills of lading and transportation of supplies, Changes 1 ; July 1, 1928 1928 i p W 70.7/4 : 72/2/ch t ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT °rc?rdnance catalog (ordnance provision system) ; Group G, Tank, Mk. 8, (gam) parts; Mar. 30, 1928. [1928.] ii+311 p il 1 nl (Standard nomenclature list G-13.) $ W34 23l;G-13 Same: Group L, Small arms targets and target material, parts and eauin- ment; June9 1927. [1928.] 46 p. il. 8 pl. (Standard nomenclature list l S ) [Supersedes Review list H-l, C. O. P. S. no. 135, May 14. 1921.] t ' W 34.23: LI QUARTERMASTER GENERAL OF ARMY Circulars. Changes 1-3 [to] Circular 2, 1928; May 1-July 2 1928 I192R1 Each 1 p. [Issued in loose-leaf form for insertion in binder.’ Multigraphed accompanied by printed pages to be inserted in their proper places in the emSTf Syblr?tlOn' nistS Of the accompanying changes are found on p 1 of each of the Changes here catalogued.] $ w 77.4/1: 928/2/ch 1-3

SIGNAL OFFICE Circular 2 and 4 [1928] ; June 15 and July 11, 1928. [1928.] 6 p. and 1 p. 12° + W 42.4: 928/2,4 Orders 11-14 [1928] ; July 16-Aug. 7, 1928. 1928. Each 1 p. 12° t W 42.10: 928/11-14 How to order publications—See information following Contents