Al Gazette of the Colony and Protectorate Kenya
THE AL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA. Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the C~llerlra~and Protectorate of Kenya. Vol. XXX.-No. 33. NAIROBI, June 19, 1928. Price 50 Cents. Registered as a Newspaper at the 6. P. 0. P~ibiishedevery Tuesday. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt Notice No. 307- Arrivals, Departures, Appointments . .. 774 Proclamation No. 45-The Diseases of Animais Ordinance . -. .. 775 >, > , 46- 9 7 3 7 > 9 . 776 777 1. ,, 47- ,I ,> >> . ,, 48- j 9 7 > > > . 777 9 1 . ,7 ,, 49- > 9 ,9 >J . .. 778 ?, ,I 50- 9 1 9, > > . 779 Govt. Notice No. 308-The Diseases of Animals Ordinacce . .. 783 ,, ,9 ,, 309-The Public Trustee's Ordinance . .. 784 785 PI ,, ,, 310-The Sugar Ordinance . .. 785 ,7 I) j , 31 1-The Detention Camps Ordinance . -. 786 9 I 9 , ,, 3 12-3 13-The L,egislative Council Ordinance . 786 9 1 t 1 ,, 31 4-Executive Council-Appointment . 787 :, 9 9 , , 315-1 he Reformatory Schools Ordinance . , 9 ,, I* 3i 6-The Courts Ordinance . 787 , 9 J f ,, 317-The Public Travel and Access Roads Ordinance, 1920 . .. 787 787 T J 9 J ,, 318-Non-European Clerical Staff-- Confirmation Examination . ,? J, ,, 31 9-'The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment . 788 9. 9) ,, 320-The Diseases of Plants Prevention Rules, 1927 . 788 General Notices Nos. 624-65 1 .. .. .. 788 GOVERNMENT NOTTCE NO 307. A RRIVA LS . From leave or o g Ieaving o Name. Rank. on 1st aEte o ate of Date of arrival Appointment. ngland. Em barkation. at Kiiindini Justice ). E. R.
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