THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA. Published under the Authority sf His Excellency the 6ovem0r of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya.

Vol. XXX.-NO. 44. NAIROBI, , 1928. Price 50 Cents. '

Registered as a Newspaper at the 6. P. 0. Published every Tuesday.


PAGE Govt. Notice No. 394-Arrivals, Depa~tures,Appointments, etc...... 1134 IJroclamation No 66-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance ...... 1135 Govt. Notice KO 395-The Customs Management Ordinance, 1926--Order . . .. 1135

1- 9 , ,, 396-The Criminal Procedure Ordinance-Appointment . . .. 1136 :, ,, 397-The Prisons Ordinance-Establishrrient of Special Prison .. 1136

,I > ,, 398-The Resident Native Labourers Ordinance, 1925-Appointments 1 136

)J ,, , 399-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment . . .. 1136

;. ,1 ,, 400-401-Under the Crown Lands Ordinance, 1902...... 1136

Jj ) , ., 402-The Companies Ord nance ...... 1137 General Notices Nos. 815-849 ...... 1137 ta' OVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 394. AR RIVA LS. ' From leave or Date of jeaving Date of Date of arrival Name, Rank. on 1st ujli Appointment. England. Em barkation. at zjtjjrjj. E J. Hall Laboratory Assistant Leave 21st June, 1928 17t1: July, 1928 F, G. Drake A ssistant Inspector of Police do do do J. R. Rae Carpentry Instructor, 1st appt. do do Education Dr. (Miss) C. N. Twining Medical Officer do I do do H. C Frank Clerk, Kenya and U. Rly. do k * 2nd July, 1923 3rd July, 1928 10th July, 1923 Miss D. A. Harris Clerk, Survey Department Leave i :3 1st May, 1 928 22nd Juiy, ! 928 H . R. H anis 0 - fftce Assistant, Administration do do 1 do A. B Condie Junior Postmaster do - do L do C A. A. Hime Surveyor, 1 Survey and Registration Dept. 1st appt. j' 9tb July, 1923 do

; . l, * Date of leaving South Africa. #' Date of leaving Durban.


N * On leave or term ination ame. Rank. of appointm ent. Date of Departure.

C. V. T. Harte C. Q. M. S., 3rd King's African Ritles Leave 20th July) 1928 H. V. Borairl Superintendent, Inland Revenue and do do Conservancy C. W . W ard Inspector of Police do do T. D . Butler District Oflicer do do G. F. Ball W ireless Telegraph, Engineer Operator do 24th July, 1928 L. E. Lavers Aceotlnts Clerk, P W . D. do do R. Elliott Land Assistant do ' do capt. C. J. I F. Hopegood Captain 3rd King's African Riiles do do H. H . Rodgers Sanitary Inspcctor, M edical Dept. do do F. V. Frost Clerk, Supply and Transport Services, do do King's African Rifles G. C D river Postal Clerk and Telegraphist do do E. Brady Assistant Transport Om cer do do


CAPTAIN D. AICK AY, to be Assistant District Oommis- CAPTAIN SVIIZIZIAA.E Rcopocx K II)I), to be a M agistrate of sioner i /c, Malindi Sub-district, Kiliû District, Coast the First Class, with power to hold a Subordinate Province, with effect from 30oh June, 1928. Court of the First Class in the Lamu District, w1111st Eowztlto BETIAAAI BSETHAM, to be Assistant Distriet llolding his presen : appointm erlt as District Com mis- Commissioner (Cadet), Machakos Distridù, Ukamba sioner, Lamu, Coast Province. Provinee, with effect f rom 113th July: 1928. LIBIJTENANT G. P. M ulxrtA'îr, 3rd K ing's African Rifles, to aet as District Comm issioner, Gurreh Districà, Northern Frontier Province, with effeet f rom 57t11 JUXON BARTON, July, 1928. /or Aoiing Colonic! SeezetaTy. TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE

Colony and Protectorate of >renya.

PROCLAMATION NO. 66. TH E DISEASES OF ANTM ALS ORDINANCE. Lchapte'r 157 oj fh: Reriuetl Ftzffïo'n,, Socfft??s 4.) AND THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLA U SE S ORD IN AN CE . (Chapter 1 oj f/z: .lRtrrf8tr('J Edition, Seotion 13.) GOVERNMENT NoTlcE No. 231 o:n 1919. PnocrawfArm oN. (IN EXEROISE of the powers thereunto enabling m e, I hereby cleclare the following farm io be an infeeted area for the purposes of the said Diseases of Animals Ordinance : - RINDE1zPES'r.. Farm L.O. No. 3777/58, Sir John Ramsclen, Kipipiri Estate, Gilgil, Naivasha District. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 25tl'1 day of July, 1928. A. G. DOHERTY' , Chief Fcftl'rïzrtz?'?/ 0f.fl,06r.

GOVERNMENT NoTIcE No. 395. TH E CU STOM S M ANAGEM EN T ORDIN AN CE , 1926, AND TH E INTER PRE TATION AN D GENEIRAL CLAU SE S ORDIN AN CE . ORDETL. IN EXEIRCISE of the powers conferred upon the Governor by the Custom s M anagem ent Ordinance, 1926, and the lnterpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Chapter 1 of the Revised Edition) , it is ordered that Proclamation No. 19 of the 5tl1 day of February, 1Q21, prohibiting' as from the date thereof the im portation of all condensed skim m ed m ilk containing less than 9 per cent. m ilk fat, and Proclam ation N o. 36 of the 21st day of M ay, 1928, be hereby revoked.

By Comm and of H is Excellency the Governor.

N airobi, This 24th day of July, 1928.

JUXON BARTON , jor zzlcfï'n,g Colonial Stlcztlfczr?/. GOVERNMENT NoerlcE Xo. 396. GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 399. C1t (M INAL PItIICIEDUILE OIRDINANCE. THE NATTVE AUTHORITY ORDINANCE. (tl/?,cpf c?' 129 oj f h,e J'té,t:l Ediiion , Seo'tion 3 (1).) APPOINTMp:NT. AND 'fN EXERCIS.E ot the powers conferred upon T I'I 1.2 TNTERPRETATION AND GENERAL 14îm by section 8 of tlle Crsminal Proeedure Orclitl- C:UAUSES ORDTNANCE. ltnce (Uhapter 7 of tlle llevisecl Editîon), His ( ( 7/? (z/?f 6,3. 1 oj /; he 12 fi'tlf's ed Ftàf'à io n, , Se c'àftlz?- 13.) Excelleney tlle Governor llas beeu pleasecl t() tlov'plztxMprx'r N oTlcyl N o. 406 oF 1926. 'tppoint, Franeis llortim er Lam b, Esq. , Acstillg Senior Comm issioner, Kikuyu Provillee, to holcl a,:x'.r. Suborclinate Court of the First Class in the area IN E X ER CISE of the powers thereunto enablizlg known as Jaaîkipia for tlle purpose of lnearing suel'l lne, 1 llereby appoint tlle person nam ed in the erim inal eases as shall be brought before him . Selledule annexed hereto to be Oflieial H eadm an for tlte area nam ed therein. j Governm ent Xotic,e No. 114 of tlae ?28tla February, 1928, is (lant/elled. ' Elclanla ltavine, l15tll July , 1928. G. 11. OSBORNE , Senior cnwzolï8yfo?zo?', K eïio. W . T. M ARTIN, Aciing Colonial Syck'cftu'p.

GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 397. TH E PRISONS ORDINANCE . Lcltapiey 37, llenised f/q'lp: oj .lfc?sptzl. E STABLISHMENT 0F A SPECIAL Pm soN AT M ACHAKOS. IN EXERCISE of the powers ezonferrecl upon lliëzl by seetions 3 and. 9 of the Prisons Ordinance, H is Excelleney the Governor iB pleasecl to âeelare the M aehakos Speeial Prison to be a Prison for the & ' purposes of the aforesaicl Ordiuaneet and. H is Excel- .-,() v E R N M ENT N' O T l C E N (J . 400 . lency is further pleased to appomt as Superin- NOTIOE tendent of sueh Prison the Distriet Com missioner, M aehakos. U xobllt ,.pI111 Clto 5.v x To-'txo s 0 ltl) tx Axrcll , 1902 . J /l, r(.t ,./'('t (lltsav).i / :(1,'t ans i . By Comm ancl of His Excellency the Governor. . N (.)r1.' I.L. 1( is l 1 erebl' g i v e11 tllttt tt breaul). of tl le l essees eo veuttllt. i1nJ.)1î e(l by virt ue o'f tlle Crown Nairobi, . l àttncls Orttinauee, 1902 , ilt a lease of land situate This 25th clay of July, 1928. at i-loltta Istty, i11 the Colony tlncl Proteetorate of JUXON BARTON, lten ytt , kllown t4s Plot N o . 9 , Seetion No. 1q , l'iol'na Jo'r Aeiing (Ylo?zftzl See're'tal'y. B ).y l'ourl).sllîp , dated tlte t.5t1 ) clay of Aflarell, tC4. 1.1, tllïtt registerett in tl ke Crqwn 'luarld s ltegistr), iy1 Volut.t'1e No. 11 . 1.,5, Fol io 6t.$, granted to Jaclhavji ltata rlsi , htss been eol-nlrlltted il1 tllat tlle lessee has GOVERNMENT XOTICE NO. 398. lttiled to pjty tlle relat reserved as is requirecl by the tioventtnt iu that b ehalf 5n-1p1 ie('l by virtue of seetion TH E RESIDENT NATIVE LABOURERS 13 t'(1) ()iè tile said Orclinallee. ORDINANCE, 1925. Ftzrtller tlle suna of Slls. 73/24 llas beeon'le pay- AtotaolxrMzxl's. able in adtlstion by 'way of rlotiee f ees ancl p. enalties in aeeortlanee with seetion 63- to t$,5 of the Crown l'X' EXERCISE of the powers eouferrecl upon 11 is Laltds Orclillanqte, 191i'5 . Exeetlenc,y the Governor by seetion 4 (2) of tlle N' . o'w, tllerefore, bjr virtue of the provisions of l-tesiclent Native Iuftbourrrs Ordinanee, 1925, whiell seetion 18 of the Crown Lands Ordinance, 1902, pow eys I-lis E xeellency irl exereise of pow ers eon- ferred upon llim by the Tnterpretation antl Generltl flrl cl Governnaent N' etîee N o. 3 4 of the l7tla January , Clauses Ordinanee, 1912, has been pleased by the 1924, 1 , 'h!' r'illialal Afarston Logau, the Acting Corn- (lovernment Notiee No. ,5 of 1926 to clelegate to loissiouer ot Lancls of t-.ll e Colony autl P rotectora te Senèor Coyrlm issioners and. ltesiclent Comm issioners, (.lf liellytl, d o llereb y give notiee t-o the said lessee , 1 tl'tttt 1 intencl after one Inozltll 'frona. the serviee or' 1. llereby appo int the f ollowing. gentlem en as Attest- . tltis notick, to eol-nlrlellee an aetion in tlle Suprelzle ing' Ofhtters for tlle Distriet of Trans Nzoîa : Court for tlle reqtovery of tlte saicl lancl, and lbr a ttetalarat.ion tl) ttt tlle said lease b- e forfeited. ,T. è). Sorley, Esq.. , P.O. Kitale. 1-1.. (1$ . Swann, Esq . , P. O . 'Kitale. Tll.e saic't artlount of rent, notif-te fees ancl penalties in arreaz. is Slls . 8505 / 24. 1 )at ed at 'Kitale this tz;5th J'uly, 1928. D. 14. CIRAM PTON1 l-leui' JCZZJ Comm isginner. TH E OFFICIAL GAZE TTE 1137

GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 401. GENERAL N OTTCE NO. 816. NOT)ICE. T ITE DTSEASES OF ANTM ALS OEDINANOE . U xoy:lt 'Ih1I15 Czto wx Laxos OztozxztxcF;, 1902. ' IN EXERCISE of tlle powers confqred upon J. ?z 7,c z1.:-).7 b'?1'8 f l'll't't 1-('r . m e by ltules Nos. 13 alad 56 of. the lliseases of N OTTCJi1 ïs hereb v g. .' ven t llat- a, br eatth of t11 e Anil-ntlls Rllles, 1928, 1 llereby appoint the gentle- lessees coovenant inlplietl by virtue of the Crowtl m en nttmecl 11 ereunder to be H onorary Permit Junn d s Ortlinantzo, 1902, 5s s lease of lt-tnt-l situnte Issllers ï'or tlle purposes of tlle saicl .llules : at Yplla , i1) tlle C'olony 11l'ïcl Proteetorate of ltetlya, known kt s P. lot N 'o . 12 , Seetson N o . T , Yala Towll- F . Vratkîns, E sq. , Obogonoto Farm , sllip , flaterl tl'le 1 5t11 day of S epternb er, 1.911, ancl B ox 5 0 , N akklru . ' regis.t.ërecl in tlae Crowla L antls Eegistry in A'olunle laew is Paekenham -W alsh, E sq. , Farm 4783, N o . 1'1 .'. 18 , Folio 212, granted t' o Amersi Pllnja , ltas Sotik, P.O . Kerieho. been eolnl-nittecl in tlAat the lessee has failed to pay the rent reservccl as is required by thc coventqtnt in tllat bellalf iy-npliecl by virtue of seetion 13 ((t) of Naairobi , the saicl Orclinance. Tl'le 26t1'1 day of July, 1928. N ow, tlaerefore, by virttltl of tlle proArisionB of A. G. DOYTERTY, secticm 1.8 ol tlze Crown Jzancls Ordlnance, 1S02, ancl Governm ent Notîee N o. 3 4 of the 17th January, Cltiej Fcfcrf?ztzrp O//rccr. 1924, 1, Avilliam A'larston Logan, the Acting Col'zn- rnissioner of Lands of the Colonxr arzd Protectorate of Kenya). clo hereby g'uve notice .to ilze saitl lessee, that 1 intend after one lilorzfll from the scrvice oî GENERAL NOTICE NO. 817. this notiee to comm ence an aetion in the Suprerne Court for tlle reeovery of tlle saitl land, and for a NOTICE. declaration that t'lae saîd lease be forfeited. Tl4e said amoulït o? ''ent in arrear is Shs. 216. GnAzryG Btw AroE H II'L Eiaonxsrp Rlsymvl, AINABEOI. Datc'd ttt N' airobi th5s 13 t)l clay of July, 1928. TENDERS are invited for the grazing rights for M' . M . L0 GAN , a periocl of one year over two areas of grassland ..,1 ctittg Cowlllzf88f oneî. () f Ltf?zds . in the B uHaloe Hill Forest Rgserve, Ainabkoi, nam ely :- GOVERNMI' NT NOTICE No. 402. '(a) An area ol approximately 240 acres lying west of L.O. 1868. X()'1'1CE . (b) An area of approximately 206 acres situated on top of Buialoe H ill around the YHE COMPANIES ORDINANOII. trig. beaeon known as Loroki. (C1lt(l'p1ï f??' 93 ()/ f /7,(, fltprfy ed Sdif iorl). PURSUAXT to seetion 247, stlbseetion 3 of the 2. No squatters' or uative-owuecl cattle will be above Ordinance, it is hereby notiflecl tllat at the allowecl in area (5). expiratioll of tllree l'nonths frol'rl date l'ereof the 3. Tla/ bayis ol terder fo be n.n n'nnual lieenee nam e of the underm entionetl Com pany vlill, unless fee per acre payable in aclvanee on the issue of the eause be shown to tlle eontrary, be strllek off tlle ltegister of Com panies and th e Company will 1) e licenee. (lissolvett : -- 4. The licenees to be terminable at one m onth's notice with the refunding of a proportionate amolm t ' < (How s!;: & Af cGlï(AptGlg, L zlsrl'rlo. '' of the liceneo fees for any m onths cluring whieh Nairobi , the grazing is not usecl. Tlni: 24t11 t'lay of July, 1928. 5. The successful tenclerers to be responsible for conformizlg to all vetez-inary regulafions Ior the B. STONE, clistriet iu foree, or that m ay be brought into force .,4 L't'ting Jt cf??-af raî- 0j Com,l'jiiètieiî . (luring the period. 6. Sealecl ienclez's to be adqressed to the Acting Senior Assistant Conservator of Foresfs, Londiani, GENERAL NOTICE No m arkecl f < Buffaloe H ill Grazing '' and. will be receiveâ up to and including AuguBt 10th, 1928. NOTICE. 7. The highest or any tender will not necessarily AS it will be seen by the above notiee, the Com - be aceepted. pany of Hbwse and. MkGeorge, Lim ited., has ceased to earz'y on buBiness. N The assets and liabilities of the Com pany have aim bi, been taken over by Kodak (East Afriea), Limited.. 2Br(l July, 1928.

JAM ES ROBERTSON, E. ë. H ONORE , Becnetavy. !o7 dcfip,p Connelwatov 0/ F0're8f8. GENERAL N oq-lcE No. 818. GENERAL NOTICE NO NOTICE. POST OFFICE NOTICE.

. TH E Governm ent D cntal Surgeon will visit IT 5s hereby notifted for publie inform ation tllat Kisumu and Nakuru on the dates speeifiecl here- a postal agent?y will be openecl at Nagongera Rail- under : .- way Station as lrom the 15th August, 1928.

.àffyuznv. Tuesclay, August 7fh to Saturday, August 11lh. Gencral Post OfEee, (B0tla dates inclusive). Nasrobi, N zzlth Jllly, 1928. alêuï''u.. M onday, August 13th to Friday, August 17th . (Both clates inclusive). H . C. W ILLBOURN, joî' Poék@olc8ft??. Genevaï, European omcfals (lesfrïng appointments should Kenya and Uganda. Bencl their names to the Senior M eclical Ofseer, Kisum u, anê the District Surgeon, Nakuru.

Nairobi, GENERAL N OTTCE NO 25f17. July, 1928. NOTTCE. A. S. M ACKIE, jol' Dïk'ccfnr oj Afctlicc! and StzAliftzrp Seuiee8. 3 Ito BATTALION TIIE KING'S AFRICAN l'tlFLlss, ' ' A ' ' lRlqsb:'R'vl FoRcy;.

xzlkzzzztqà oon,înue oj T?'cf'?V?zg, 1928. IT is hereby notified for general inform ation that ' ' A ' ' Reservists resident in Kisum u and. Kisii G ENERAL N OTICE N0. 819. Distriets (who clicl not attencl tlle training in Febrtlary, 1928), are ealled out for Annual Course POST OFW OE NOTICE. of one m onth's training in Nairobi, on Thursday, A.RRIVAL oF KblxvA M AILS Ix ENGLAND. the 20th of Septenaber, 1928. Tlae D',striet Comm issioners eoncerneâ are author- isecl to issue Railway W arrants, and. ration money IT is notifled lor general inform ation tlaat the at eents 4t) per m an per diem , ehargeable to rnails despatehed from M ombasa on the under- 4 < ltemittance Between Chests, 3rd K.A.R. ' ' m entioned dates arrived in England as stated ; -. Tt is requested tlaat all concernecl will kindly m ake this notice known as widely as possible, ancl warn any Reservists resident or em ployecl on farm s, to Date of despatcla Name of vesscl by Date of arrival from M ombasa. ' wbich despatched. in England. report to the llistriet Com missioner concerned, not later than 'W ednesday, the 19th of Septem ber, 1928, 1 st July, 1 928 S.S. 'd G. Mazzini '' 22nd July, 1928. for entrainm ent 1or Nairobi. 5tb July, 1928 S.S. 'T Usaramo '' ' 22nd July, 1928 Tllose Reservists who attendecl the training in Febrtlary, 1928, are not required to attencl tlle 8th July, 1928 S. S. 6' B. t'!e St. Pierre '' 27th July, 1928 training in Septem ber, as above.

General PoBt Oflice, Nairobi, Nairobi, - 19th July, 1928. 28t11 July, 1928. D. CORM ACK, A. L. KENT-LEM ON, Af ajor, /or Po8imauien (Jyzzcrtzl, zlcff?sg Omcer Commanding Troop8, Kenya tz?zcJ Uganda. tlolo?z'p and Prof ccfowtzfc OJ Kenya. TH E 0 I7FIOIATO GAZET'I' Fu 1139

- -ZENERAL NOTICE NO. 456. 5. E aeh purehaser sllall on payillg Llle deposi t inforz'la the auetioneer of tlle nalne or llltllles ol tzllk

r1'I-TE CROW N LANDS IIIt13INANCE . person or persons on wllose belaalf tlle plot is pur- ( (9ha ptcr '140 I.l e 'tlf.s efl Laws oj Jtt,npttl . ttlzased ; t.l 1 e grant ur i l '. be i ssued i n at'krot.clèttltte w 8 1 t tlzis infornaation. NoTlcE. 8. The balance of tlle pllrelaase m oney toget/lzer AucTzoN obn Pruors, lfoz.lBz&sA-lllAlxruxxo, with the rent due to the 31st day of D eeernber, CI-IANGAMwE. 1928, tlle survey fees, Sl1s. 100, the fees payable for tlle preparation and registration of the grant, NOTICE is llereby given that grants in respect Slts. 110, and tlle stamp duty payable in respeet r)f the plots on the rrlainland, in the Challgam w e of the grant, and al1 other expenses, if' any, sllLtll area, speeif-iecl hereto, will be sold by auetion in be paicl to the R esident Com m issioner, M om bttsa, the Jubilee 11a11, Atfom basa, on M onday, the 20th w lthin seven days from the date of the sale, and August, at 10 a.m . upon sucth paym ents being duly mad.e the pllr- The rigl't to w ithdraw any plot from the auetion chtzser shall , subject to the provisiozls oî the Crown is reservecl to the Comm issioner of Lands. Lancls Ordinanee, 1915, and if the conditions ol' sale llave been com pliecl with, be entitled to a CoxolTioxs o:a SALE. grant of tlle plot, which grant shall be presented 1. Each plot will be auctionecl separately. to him duly exeeutecl as soon as eonveniently m ay 2. The am ount of tlle aclvance of eaeh bid will be. Providecl that the balance of the purellase be regulated by the auetioneer, and. no biclding sllall m oney shall not be payable within the tim e stated be retraeted. or tlïereafter, unless and until the Comm issioner of Lands can present to the purehaser the grant of 3. The highest bidder will be tlae purelaaser, but the plot duly executed. if any clsspute arise as to any bid, the plot will be . re-offerecl at the last undisputecl bid.. 7. Tlae term of each graut shall be 99 4. Eaeh purchaser shall pay to the auetioneer from the 1st clay of Septem ber, 1928. imm ediately on tlle fall of the ham m er a deposit 8. Plots qhall be developed in aeeorclanee witll of 25% of tlae purehase money. Tn default of such . seetions 40 and. 41 of the Crown Lancls Ordinance. paym ent the plot. m ay be imm ecliately re-offerecl 0. . The grants sllall be subjefzt to the spettial for sale, and any subsequent bid by the person who covenants herein and ge'zlerally to tlle term s of tllt' has m aurl e default m ay be ïgnored or refused. Crown Lands Ordînancte.

SCH EDULE REFERRED TO IN NOTICE OF SALE. Approxi- Resrrve Survey Annuai District. mate area Pnce Fees Rent Acres. Shs. Shs. Shs. M ombasa M ainlancl 400 1.66 332 1O0 Section VI, Changam we 830 ... 2.51 502 100 Nairobi, 4th M ay, 1928. R . AV. LAM BEIRT, jor Ooyzlwtfsafozhélk' joî. Tvtlctzl Gorcrazn6zzf, Iaand' and Strff 16'rn6n/.

TH E CROW N LANDS OIRDINANOE. Lchapter 140 oj .!76r686J 17(Dfit)?zl. NoTlcE. S'treet &w(rs8. TENDERS in term s of rent per annum are Ten per eent. of the area to be uncler sweet invitecl for the right to oceupy the unclermentjoncd grass at t 1 Ae t erm ination of the tenancy. block of Njoro Town lands untler the following con- Plans show ing the approxim ate bounclar es of tl?t, ditïozls :- area m ay be seen at the Publie M ap Oflsee of tlle Survey and Registratiou Departm ent, Nairobi, or at z'lrt? a . the offtee of the Provineîal Comm issioner, Nakuml, Bloek No. 3, approxim ately 38.8 acres. or. m ay be had, post free, from tlle Surveyor G eneral (11 t? 0--/1zI . on paym ent of Sh. 5. Five years from the 1st Septem ber, 1928, with Tenders, sealed and marked f f Njoro Town the option to renew for a further flve years, Lancls ' ' slaould reaeh the Provineial Com missloner, provicled Governm ent does not require the Nakuru, by the 20th August, 1928. for any purpose wlaatsoever. Tlèe hîghest or any tencler w lll not neeessarily 1) Re8eïvation. aceepted. Any sfanding timber on the area. N' a irob i , T?'t,c.:. 9th J'uly, 1 928. Two per cent. of ihe area to be plantecl per AV . M . LOGAN, annum with tree: speeificcl by tlle Nakuru Aoting Ct?z?'n,z?zfa8îtl?z6'r Jor Loeaï District C Qm mittoe? apd in positiops approvecl. Go-pcrnyrlczlf and Land8. TI.I E

To ensure appeals from 1-1. A,1. Suprem e Court ()r Kenya being set down for hearing ai these sessions, m ernoranda of appeal should be filed wltl) l'l1S M AJ'E STY 'S C0 U1tT OF AIV EAL FOlt tlle itegîstrar, Suprem e Court, Nairobi, and witll tlle District ltegistrar, Suprem e Coullt Distriet EXSTEIIN AFRICX. ltegistry, Mbm basa on or before the 9t11 day ot' T1'I.E next Sessions of lllis ?vf ajesty 's Court oi' August, 1928. Appeal for E astern Afriea 1ïa vc been fl xed to b e Nairobi, ilolden at (1 lar-es-salaam , antl to eomlnence olt 6t11 June, 1928. E. J. O 'FzN.I'tI'tETZIZ. Alonday, tlle 3rd day of Septem ber, l 0:28), at joî. R /-lfy is I l't! r , 1t) a.rn. or as soon thereafter as eases can be lleard . 1I. .)z.f . (.30 lzrf o f ..1. ppcal /() r /?z' . zl . 1.0 1 S -l-

Appellant. Respondent. Appeal from .



do Bandali Jaffer

lk-airobi , E. J . O 'FARIIELL, jov 1?6gi8'l'rc,?', 2lBt June, 1928. H . A1. Court oj zlzpzpct! jo'r Etzaôcr?z yl/?'fca. GENERAL N OTICE NO. 697. SESSIONS of His M ajesty 's Supreme Court of Kenya will be held at the plaee and on the dates hereinafter set out :- NAXIJRC, 23ao JflI,v, 1928. Criminal Case No. 84/28. l4ex .v8. Santa Singh. Disitici A6gfafzp. Uivil Case No. 31/27. Thuo wa lellangai 'p,$. Maina wa W angarl. , , , , , , 52/27. Herbert Milner .v8. (1) Charles Evans, (2) Eva Evans. , , , , , , 54/27. N1t U. 04069J,5 Njau wa ltimui 'vn. Karauja Ngure. , , , , 60/27. KBU. 48:077 Kinanjui Kangethe 't?y. Debiro wa K anyuri. 61/27. Oloo s/o Odianga 'tls. Omono wa Diege. 62/27. KSU. 09247 Biego arap Balangatll 'p8. Singwas Aram ulom e. 63/27. ELD. 0391326 Nduriku wa Kangiri 'ps. Kirunga wa Njoroge. LKA.. 048502 Karanja wa Githayo 'p8. M SA. 0435051 Ayeko wa Sabera, alias M athayo. 7/28. The N.B. of 1., Ltd., 'tls . H.. C. P. W aters. 24/28. KBU. 480642 W athori wa Gachau 'v8. Kamau wa G athi. 11 26/28. NKU. 2406276 Pworo llwarango 'vs . W anjila K itungo. 27/28. NKU. 0404830 Ganga wa W aithanji 'p:. Thoigu wa M ushenu. ;) 29/28. NKU. 0406259 Kimiti wa Njenga 'ps. Karanja wa K im otho. 35/28. LB W . 360867 Kibrugut arap Kitorm 'v8. Kilangat arap M aritum u. 36/28. Unga, Ltd.., Njoro 178. ltashitl Khimji. 37/28. NKU. 0409876 Anjuna s/o Aloo .v8. Oehala. 3 8/28. Mokibhai d/o Arap Munhu 'p8. Omanyi. ' 39/28. Kenya Farmers' Assoeiation, Ltd.. , 1)8 . G. M . Villers Stuart. 40/28. Kenya Farmers' Association, Ltd. , 'p8. Nyanza, Ltd.. , Njoro. 1, 41/28. NSA. 2397827 Kaiga wa W agema r8. Kachega wa M uchuru. . )) 42/28. LBW . 0344015 Njoroge wa Thuo r8 . Kachiku d/o Kunuthia. 43/28. KBU. 482274 Najibu. wa Mwangi r8. W anjilu tl/0 M w aihi. 71 44/28. KBU. 480002 Kamau wa Ndegwa 'p8. Giechumu wa N angi. D i 'p o r t) e (Jclf 8 c . No. 2/28. Margaret J'aeoba Stewart (Petitioner) Albert Stewart (Res- ponclenf). M ERTJ, 23115 AvgusT, 1928. Criminal Case No. 77/28. 14ex 'p8. (1) M 'Njogu wa Kararu, (2) Mtoto Tuam ari w a M 'M uteria.

Nairobi, 26th June, 1928.

E . J. O'FARRELL, Aoiing l7c#fafzrtzr, H. M . S'upzeme (loztzrt oj .K6'n,?/tz. 1142 TH E OFFICIAL GAZE TTE J'uly 31, 1928.

GENERAL NOTICE NO. 821, GENERAL NOTICE NO. 824. TH E BAN KRUPTCY ORDINAN CE, 1925. THE BANK RUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1925. FlItsT M EETING OF CIIEDITORS: PUBLIC VXAMINATION FIRST AIEETING ()>a CztEolrol'ts AND Pusrulc EXAMINATION. Awn AI)zuolcwTlow. D ebtor's zrcpzy.- Kenneth Graham H arris. D ebt o /'.s' 'ttattbes. Amer Singll and Natha Singh , z'ltïd'rtytsd.--Nairobi. trading as Natha Singh & Son. D oycwàpfiozè.- Farnzer. Addrens. Victoria. Street, N airobi. Col,bl't .- :1. M . Supreme Court, Nairobi. D escrlpt 'lon.. Furniture zalakers. N'abnber t?/ mat t :w..--54 of 1928. t/o'ua-t . T-I . AI . Supreme Court, Nairobi . Dat t? o! fz'yf k?l6t?fizn,f7 ()/ c:.6dift)'r',s.- 9th Augusts .A' Tzùwz; e'r ()/ qt't f'tf f er. 83 of 1.928. 1928. 1-)(l't c (?./ .#A'.sf .?n ('etén f/ 0./ ('l-edit f.)?-.$. 8th IIo?t'r.--2-j.5 1) .m . 1.928. ./.':/cgc(T.- ofllcial Receiver's Offlce, Old Secretariat 11 otùr. 2-15 p .1n . Building, Nairobi. Plqlte .--offieial Reeeiver' s Omee, O1d Secretariat Buildinx, Nairobi. Dat 6 oj pkz/?lic (1:41414,/:491(1./716,/:.- 14th September, 1928- .F.?ow,'r.- 10 a..m . Dtzf c of p1t.1?/ï c tazfz?p.iyàcttitpp . 7$$14. Septenaber , 1928. .Pl(zc6.- Law Courts, Nairobi. uz.. 10 a .111. Dczf e (?/ order 1or dwzmzrùa'r'.y tzt/mùliesfrtzfitàpz..--z?irtlt' 131(1 ('e . Law Courts, N airobi . July, 192S. I.è(I,'t c t),/ ol'lltr ./0 t' 's't/.p'l.r??st.r.p (Lldièî 'E.rt,i-rf '?-fzfio'?z . 28:11 July, 1928. Nairobi , 28th J'uly, 19 28. .T,ï0 ft? o,/ (I(l,j v f-/'àt'f'/ f Fc/n orllev. 20th J'uly, 1928. T?f l d;c oj z?f?'/'ff io ?k . 59. th A 'f ax, 1.928. N aiz'obi, 26th J11llvl

TW E BANKRUPTCY ORDINAN CE, 1925. Rscxlvlxc OXDER. bebtot-'s klazrtf?. Reginald R obert Evison. s THE BANKRU PTCY OX DIXANCE, 1525. j.ddress. N airobi. FIRST AIISETING oF CltsolTolts Axo Pusyulc EXAMINATION. Dt?zlcwlzpfitpol-.-Advocate. .Dat tr oî .fflf'n,f/ peti'tlon. 18th July, 1928. Debtor'.q ',/.t40716. Hundraj s /o Dwarkadass. z1' (llll'ess . Racte Course Road, Nairobi . Oouwf . H . A.f. Supreme Court) Nairobi. N'ambnr oj pzaf '16,-...--55 of 1928. D escr-lpt îtl/z . Hawker. Dat e ()/ o'rder. 19511 J'uly, 1928. ly'llstI,rt . 1-1 . A 1. Supreme Court, Nairobi. 'fj'lltlttlsber Jcbfo'r'.s or c'rtlt/ifo-/'ts' z?fdfiàio'n,. Debtor's- N' tù'??zà er ()/ ?n,trf f 6,/-. 45 of 1928. .D61 f6 0/ .1il-vqt .??,c6f'î??,fy oj c'?-t?(?.i.f ()ry.--7tl1 Naii.obi7 1928. 58th J'uly, 1928. l-.l- (l'tz'r. 2-1.5 p .m . B. STONE, Plaoe. Official Reeeiver's Ofhce, Old Seeretariat Act O/J,citzl Ttcc6i'?7&r. Building, Nairobi. Jnttf c o/ pzrb/it. extaîtîzlna,ti.o'n . 14th Septenlber, 1928. Ilo'u .r. 10 a .i'n. . 1>l(.tce . Lavr flourts, Nairo'bi . TH E BANKRUPTCY ORDIN AN CE, 1925.

Jlat e 0,/ ol'tlltl' /t) ?- s'am,nl.ary tztîpzikliyfzrct,f f on . 2F3t.Jt Rscxlvlwg ORDER. Jul y , 1929. . Debtor's zpzgzmc. Suncler Singh s Jo Santa Singh. Nairobi, Alldress. N airobl. 28th ,Tuls, 1928. Description. Fitter. Dat tr oj J-li'lg pcfifion,. 231-(1 July, 1928. tloztzg'f . H . A.f. Stzpreme Cour'k, N airobi. N'tbmber ()/ 'pltzff er. 57 of 1928. l.)a,t c o.f o'?-tf cz'. 54th J'uly, 1928. Lvltethev Jtrbfozr',s or c'rtldifoz's' pcfifio'n,. Debtor's- T H'E BANKRU PTCY ORDINAN CE: 192,5. FIRST Alxxn'lNg t7.p, Cllplolrozts ANI) Ptruyalc ExAlvllxwTlox. N airobi, Debtov's z/tapzc. A/-larguerite Kaiùllerine Driscoll. j?8th Julzr? 1928. Adcbress. Cherangani Stores, Kitale Distriet, Trans Nzoia. D escl'lptiol't. Storekeeper. Polt'rf .--1-1'. . lW. Suprem e Conrt,, Nail'obi. GENERAL NOTICE XO. 827. N'amber ()/ ntat ter. 49 of 1928. TI-1E BAN KRUPTCY ORDIN ANCE, 1925. Da'te fp/ ftwyf zpzt?ef i'rt'g ()j czrctfiftlrs. 14th August, REcslvlxg Oltozlt. 1928. J-lyàaf ov's otzpzc-- Kesar Singh s/ o Santa Singh. llour. 2-15 p .m . zltftfreys.- N airobi. .1 a/tzc6. Ofllcial 'Receivel''s 0fl' iee, Secretariat Buildinz, N airobi. D cdcwipfiozr.- Fitàer. J'l(tt e oj p?./y?/ic t?zczp?zi?ltzf i,on . '1.4tl1 September, 1928. Dltt 6 0/ fiiing 2)6fifit)'n,.-23rd July) 1928. H ou'r. 10 a-m . Court .- 14. M . Stzprerne Colzrd, Nairobi. Place. Law Courts) N airobi. N'ttvbbqr 0/ mat f 6r.- 58 of 1928. Dtzf e ()/ ovde'r .101. .$'t1?'?1'rn.t7,'r?/ admllbi8tra't io'n,. 28t11 Dtzf e ()/ t?rtf 6'r.-24th July, 1928. J'uly, 1928. IzFh,6f/t,6r debt ow'.s ov c'rcttifoz'd' pet ifîox-- Debtor's. N airobi, N airobi, :8tl1 Ju1y, 1928. 28t,14 July) 1928. B. STONE, B. STONE, Actlnq 0/Jcic'l Ttec6ir6r. Acfing O/J.citzl -'Iltlcoi'pcr- GENERAL N o'I'lcE No. 828. G ENERAL N. o'rlt:E No. 832. THE BAN'K IIUPTI',AA- OItIAIN ANCE, 1925. IN THE DTSTRICT DELEGATE'S COURT Rxcxlvlw'tl OIkOER. AT ELD ORET. Ileb f oî '- .s tt ë p /71.6 . Abdul Itader J' an . PROBATE AN D ADM INISTRATION . -4t@J?'??-$'.î.---&1exande)- Cinenza , N airobi. CzkvsE No. 14 o:n 1928. l.)6qst'/-ïpf 'îf.?n ..--cinezna taontractol' . N'orlcy: o, APPLICATION Aaolt AplllwlsTRArlox o? Esrzkrz . o:a Pxrltus AVILIIELMSS JANSII VAN RENSBIJRG? o:a J)(1 f t, of ,#/'inf/ 1)(','t ifio?b. 231-c.1 July, 1.928. FARM L.O. 4056, UAslx GlslltT, IAECEASJ:O. (.3(.' ?.t,?./.'. --1-1 . A1 . Suprenze Ctp''à', N-airtlbi . TAK E NOTICE that application having been made .iV.t?.??? 1) c/' o.f' ??à (1 f t t?'r.--5$? of 1928 . in .tllis Court by Susara Gertruitla Janse Van Rensburg, llat 6 oj (3 t,(l(J't'. 24t11 J 5-1:).-, 1928. oi' 'Farm L.O. 4056, U asin Gishu, f 01- tlïe adm inistration I't-Tlt Ef ? c /' (Iebtor's (33- çk't'tailltoxt's' /?#?ï' 1 d'ith/? ..--llebtol-'s. oî tlae estate of Petrus Avilhelnlus J'anse Van Rensburg, of Farnt L .O. 4056, Uasin Gisllu, who clied at Farm L.O. 40p56 , originally No. 82, on the 1st day of Alay, 1928, this Court will proceed to m ake a deeree in the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appear- ance in fàhis respect entered on or before tlle 18th day of Augast, 1928. IRI.tOBZiTE AND AI.IAI; NISTR' AT.EON . Eldoret, FicmtslxR CtlultT Czursu No. 5 oya 1928. 50th July, 1928. l'rBlplc TlttTs1'>lE' s Czkv'str N o. 2 o:n 1.928. IN rl-lll MATTER ():a ATALIK R .&M 7pyzcljxksEm . A . J. A'IA CLEAN , To a11 wllom it nlay contrern. D i st 'ri t;J D c I cf/ct f e . PURSUANT to an order of tl'le Supreme Court of Kenya, dated tile l2tlk day of J'anuary, 19*8, by whielz the undersigned was appointed administrator of the GENERAL NOTICl6 N o. 8:$3. estate of tlle 1 ate Alal ik Ram , who died on the 14 th tlay of September, 1927, at Nairobi. PROBATE AN D ADAI IN ISTRATION . TAKE NOT fCE tllat all persons llaving any elaims Pulslklc 'TltusTEl's CAuss No. t53 ov 19:8. against the estate of the said A1' alik Ram, cleceased, are IN 'rzls MATTER o:a M ultttxv LANE AxoErtsopl DECEASED. required to lodge and prove hucla claims before m e the T o all wholzl it nl ay concern . undersigned on or before the 1st day of Ofztober, 19:8, TAK E N OTICE that a11 persons having any claîms after whieh date only the clairns so proved will 'be paid againa'y tl'le estate of the above-named M urray Lane t-tntl t:' l1e estrlte distributed aecortling to law. Anderson, who died at Eldoret on the 31st day of December, 1927, are required to prove such claims bef ore N airobi) B. STONE, lne the uudersigned on or before the 1st day of October, 25th J'uly, 1928. 4 cf '5 ;%q T->krlp/ic Trkt.st6e . 1928, after which date the etaims so proved will be paid and. klle estate distributed according to law. G ENERAL NOTICE XO. 830. N airobi, IN TH E DISTRICT DELEGATE'S COUR T :5th Jul)-, 1928. AT ELDORET. B. STONE, PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATTON . 4 cting f'Rqzll/îc I'rttst tlc . CAuss No. 7 oy 1928. IN THE MATTER OF TRE XSTATE 01 ALETTA CATHERINA APRIAX.& JACOMINA ROUx, DECEASED. TAK E N OTICE that all persons having any claim s against the estate of the above deeeased, who died on PROBATE AND AD M INISTRATION . the 20/14. dajz of November, 1927, are required to lodge P'uuyulc TltusrrEE's C-xusE No. 61 oyn 1928. and prove suell elaims with the unclersignecl on or before the î5t1'1 day of August, 1928, after which date only the T. N T.H+: M-

GENERAI- No'rlcE No. 836. GFNERAL NorrlcE No. 840.

PROBATE AN D ADM INISTRATION . Ptrzmlc Tztvsqrlx's CAvsx No 74 o:n 1928. THE REGISTRATION OF TRADE M ARK S . ORDINANCE. IN TI.Is ZTATTy;R o:' I-TALIMA K IIAoIM: BINTI H ASSAN) BECEABED. x&pzarulcATlox No. 20 /28. To a1l whom it m ay concern. TAK E NOTICE that on or after the 14th day of z & August, 1928, I intend to apply to the Supreme Court D of Kenya at N airobi) for an order to adm irtigter the estate of the above-namecl I-lalim a Klladizp bintl H assan, , .' n UEC i who died at Changamwe, M ombasa Dtstrict! on the v 26t11 day of M ay, 1928. .1' .., .4j' $. . $ , , vl .Ay ; .# A'yz'y Nairobi, j $ 1 o . 4 . .* .r j a# 1 f v' f. t-t à. 26th J'uly) 1928. 4>* : ' . ,>. .. $z . 4o..>. , xx.s:k. - = ldoty B. STONE, F . Y'4 .W x + A s.*,. Acblng r'tthlic I'mbst 66. $ , *. x? . : ... vku x A. $.$j.% j . -. * -N J hs q N N ' %z ? vw hwv =. *-%. = - $. .1 :e#. k;j

To all whom it m az eoneern. . GENERAL NOTICE No 837. TAKE NOTICE that an application for the regis- tration of the Trade M ark shown above in Class 47 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . of Part 111 of the Sckedule to the above-mentioned PuBLlc TltusrxE's CAvss No. 75 olp 1928. Ordinance, in respect of candles, yommon joap, deter- IN TI




To all w-lloztz x o 43.â fxp wvpxawc;w x, . TAKE N OTICE that an application for the regis- Sration of the Trade M ark shown above in Class 50 of Part III of the Schedule to the above-mentioned O.rdinance, in respect of polislaing and eleaning pre- To a1l whont it m ay concern. parations of all kinds? has been lodged by Reckitt & TAKE NZOT1ICE that an -application f or the regis- Sons, Limited, of K lngston Starch 'W orks, D ansom iration of the Trade M ark shown abtwe in fllass .50 Lane, K ingston-upon-l-lull, England ; M anuf acturers, of Part 1I1 of the Schedule to the above-mentioned wllose adclress f or service in the Colony is M essrs. Daly Ordinance, in respect of polishing and cleaning pre- and Figgis? Advocates, Nairobi. parations of all kinds? has been lodged by Reckitt & Registration is not claimed under the speeial provi- yions of paragraph 5 of section 7 of the said Ordinance, Solzs, Lim ited, of K lngston Starch W orks, Dansorlf in regard to names, sigvïa'kures or words. Lane, Kingston-upon-Hull) England ; M anuf acturers) The said Trade M ark M,-ill be registered sfter tbe wllose address for service in the Colony is M essrs. Daly expiration of the period m entioned in seetion 173 of the and Figgis, Advocates, Nairobi. said Ordinance, provided no notice of opposition is The said Trade Mark will be registezyd after tlte reeeived. sexpiration of the period mentioned in sectlon 18 of the A speciznen of the Trade Alark tke registration of sald Ordinance, provided no notiee of opposition is which is appliecl f or can be seen at the ofllce of àhe reeeived. undersigned at Nairobi. .&. specim en of tlle Trade M arlc the registration of (To be associated., sec. 25, by consent). wlaiclz is applied f or ean b e seen ai, the oëce of 'the Nairobi, B. STONE, undersignecl at N airobi. 25t11 July, 1928. Acfi?zp Refllstrar 0/ I'rade X'azrà.s. (To be associated, see. 25.) Nairebi, GENERAL NOTICE XO. 845. 25t11 July, 1928. B. STONE , THE REGISTRATTON OF TRADE M ARK S ORDINANCE. -4 cfizl,f/ .1?cf/iesfz/'f? t. 5/ T?-f? de 3.ft7'rà-,. APPI,wATION No. 89/28. GENERAI- N oTlcE N o. 843. THE REGISTRATION OF TRADE M ARK S ORDINANCE. G BE ' Arpmlcu lox No. 87/28. NEIAL POLISII anubduret - . . . : MADE I N z'Wl,l kXlx..y ENGLAN: ê*..i.%t3%%% ruor- zâ I.allllllu 1 uss MAnK q*vlï x1Au 1j1 Ij;j,SlIf.%e' e Kl N Q NXXmTfXJ' QF POUSHB RECKITB 'mparts a GIDBEPOLISH DAZZLING C! LIP BpltljANcy . Lo all Kinds of M ETA LR T() a11 urlloltz it m ay concern. TAK E NOTICE that an application for the regis- To all wlaom it m ay concern. tration of the Trade Alark shown above in Class 50 TAKE NOT.TI9I?I t,hat an application f or tlle regis- of Part III of the Sehedule to the above-mentioned tration of the Trade M ark shown above in Class 50 Ordinanee, in respect of polishing and cleaning pre- of Part TTI' oî 'àhe Stllaedule t.o 't'he abtwe-znentioned parations of a1l kinds, llas been lodged 'by Reckitt's . lohe Polish Company, Liwmited, of Kingston Starcll Orclinance, in respect of polishing and cleaning pre- , G paratitlzt.s of a11 kindsl laals been lodged by Reckitt t 'W orks, Darlsom Lane, K ingston-upon-H ull, England ; S' ons Limited, of K lugston Starch 5V' orks D ansom M anuf aeturers, whose address for service in thé Colous 7 7 is A'lessrs. Daly and Figgis, Advocates, Nairobi. Taane, K ingston-upon-H ull, England ; M anuf acturers, Registratio.n is not clainled under the special provi- whose acldress for serviee in tlte Colony is M essrs. Daly yicms c)f paragraph 5 of seetio.n 7 of th/ said Ordinance, and Figgis, Aksrocates, Nairobi. in regarcl to names, signalures or words. The said Trade M ark will be registerecl after the The said Trade M ark will be registeretl after the expiration of tlle period m cntioned in section 13 of the expiration of the period mentioned in seetion 13 of the said Ordillance, provicled no notiee of opposition is sald Ordina.nce, provided no notiee of opposition iq recebved. received. 4. speeim en of tlïe Trade M ark the registration of A specinlen of the Trade Alark the registration of whie.h is applied fpr t'an Be sleep at the omce of tlae wlaieh is applied for ran be seen at the oëce of àhe undersigned at N alrobi. undersigned at N airobz. (To be associated., sec. 25.) Nair2o5bti1:, Jul >- 1928. B. ST oxl, N airobi, B. STONE. , Ac'li'?zzg Begi.îtrlT't- 0/ I'ICJe iIfCW/GS. 25th J'uly-, 1928. X cfi'n,p Iteqqulhrtmr o! T'rfkf'àf, lsfqzrl:: . GENERAL NOTICE No. TH E REGISTRATION OF TRADE M ARKS ORDINAN CE . APPLICATION No. 84/28. ' ' < .

p x # 4 j t.- .a , j ,-. . / . N. x , j ,. - j ; e t z ra ; - a 4 j * j. . . 4 j j ,j j vj ! a j # . -

To all whom it m a, eoncern. The saitl Trade M ark will be rezisterecl after $he TAKE NOTICE that an application for the regis- expiration of t14e period mentioned in section 18 of tlle tration of tlne Trade M ark shown above in Class 50 said Ord înance, provided no notice of opposition is of Part III of the Schedule to the above-m entioned reeeived. Ordinance, in respect of polishing aztd. elearti'tlz pre- A specimen of the Trade M ark the registration of parations of a11 kinds, has been lodged by Reckitt & wllich is applied for ean be seen a.t the oflice of the Sons, Tuim ited , of Kingston Stareh W orks, Dansom undersigrted at Nairobi. Lane, K ingston-upon-H ull, Englanfl p M ariuf acturers, whose address for serviee in the Colony is M essrs. Daly and Figgis, Advocates, N airobi. N airobi, 25t11. J'uly, 1928. Registration is nob claimed under the special provi- sions of paragraph 5 of section 7 of the said Ordinance, B. STONE7 in regard to nam es, signatures or words. zlcfizr: Reg à.sfzrq'r oj Tralle 3,.fc,r>.$.


CohlawlNs No : . . p0. . : * . I NJ u R l L u s ' - . - CH EM ICALS. . * @ Apply wlth . ' f'l a nnel o r hsonsits hqlnoghh I l j . . wd ic k yh a EASY.è j . N LA3TING.

BRI LLIANT. . . , . . . . , - ECON OM I CA.L.,acqost.a !-t r,.L ' uowTïstutzu -.'r p;s1d- qk&tg ,:- vo: p1 j. T.

'lltl all wllom it may eoncern. The said Trade M ark will be registerecl after the TAK E NOTTCE that an application f or the regis- expiration of the period m entionecl in section 13 of tlle tration of the Trade M ark shown above in Class 50 said Ordinance, provided no notice of opposition is of Part I11 of the Schedule t? the above-mentioned' reeeived. Ordinanee, in respect of polislalng and cleaning pre- A speeim en of the Tl-ade Açark tlte l'egistration of parations of a.1l kinds) has been loclged 'by 'Reckitt ck which is applietl f or can be seen at the oflleo of thle Sons, Lilnited, of Klngston Starch 'W orks, Dansozr. undersigned at Nairob i. . Lane, K ingston-upon-Hull, England ; M anuf acturers, wlaose adtlress for serviee in the Colony is M essrs. D aly (To be associated, sec. 25.) and Figgis, Advocates, N airobi. N airobi, Registration is not claimed under the special provi- 25t11 Jnly, 1928. sions of pttragraph 5 of Beetion 7 of t'he said Orclinance, B. STONE, in regard to names, signaturee or worcls, Xcf i'n,g Aegisfzra'r of $.1-1'946 3.f ()'/'/;s . July 31, 1928. TH E OFFIOIAL GAZETTE 1147




DESCONFIP TION Authorised by Total Number Nominal Called lssueèlf,- Total Remain- Totai . of Shares amount of up per not paid paid up. ing Un- A atmhount CAPITAI.. Issued. Shares. Share. up. issued. u orised. Slz&. Shs. 5'/zJ'. Shs. SJ-C. Ordinary G eneral M eeting on 26th January, 1922 . . 70,000 1,400,c()0 1,400,000 Directors' M eeting on 8th M ay, 1923 200,000 4000,000 4,000,000 Preference 7% Directors' Meeting on , Cumulative 30th N ovem ber, 1927 270,000 20 6 1 17,550' 1,502,450 5,4009000 TOTAL . . 540,000 . . . . 1 17,55 . O 6,902,450 ( . . 10,800,000 GILL & JOHNSON, Audi'toys. W . C. HUNTER, Dh'rclor. Jt. (). ATISI:;I O 7(, Secretazy-


GIf.L &

To Balance at 31st Dccember, 1927

GILL & JOHNSON, Auditors. R. G, VXRN. QN, Secrrlary. A'TIETERS ...... EI-ECTRICAL INSTRt:MF,NTS . . STORES ON HAND AND IN TRANSIT OTHER ITEMS : Furniture and Fittings Tools' and Implements . . . . M otor Vehicles ...... Sundry Debtors ...... Cash at Bank ancl in hand . . . Redemption of Debentures . . . . Expenses re. Issues of Capital . . Debentures 1 nvestrnellt . .

Total Sold.

G1L L & J OH N SON W . C. H U NTER, R. G. VERN ON , -4 u zz/>.'.. Director. Srcrrtary. REVEIVU E ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31sT DECEM BEw, 1927

sns. crx. sks- ciç. ,sâ,. cts. -sâ.,-. cts. B), SAI.E ol- EJ-ECTRICAL ENERGV : A . To GENERA-Z-JOX olc ELECTRICAI- ENERGy : ,3,547,.378 units at Cents 34.9 per lcelvin . . 1 ,237,963 24 w ood, coal and otller Fuel, including Dues, U nder Contract ...... 47,494 23 oCfa rprliacgien,g Usnalmoae doinng ,w sotorkras ge a. n. d all . e.x pens. e.s 35,628 20 Public Lighting . . j 74,925 00 Oi1, W aste, w ater and Engine Room Stores . . 15,325 35 1,360,382 47 Proportion of Salaries of Engineers, Superinten- Lns J-Nllowances . . 5, 151 46 dents and ol cers, as certified by the M anaging - - 1,355,231 Director, chairm an or Engineer, and W ages and Gratuities at Generating stations . . 80,294 56 , 7 REx-rAt,s ol: M ETERS AND OTHF;R APPLIANCES . . 74,807 93 Reltt of Telephone . .. . . 3,345 00 Lns W ages, Upkeep, etc. . . 38,404 83 - .- . ja4.ys(;a ,, REPAIRS Axp M AINTENANCE ; Bllildings ...... 4,290 21 ;A Sllop SALF,S AND SALE OF M ATERIALS ANl) GENERAL Hydraulic W orks ...... 5,656 02 . APPARATIJS ...... 186,861 47 Engines and Boilers . . . . 62,929 02 Less W ages, Stores, etc. . . 139,137 50 . - - - ' 72,3 75 75 - -- ##ELECTRICAL 2 NERGY PURCHASED ...... X il. ,, CONTRACT SALES AND GENERAE REPAIR SALES . . 255,496 06 ,, DISTRIPUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY ; .Lcxvs 'W agesy StOrCSy CtC...... 203,4 1 1 43 W ages and Gratuities to Linesm er), Fitters and . 52,084 63

Labourers ...... 23 ,, TRANSFER FEES ...... 349 00 Repairs, M aintenance and Renewals of M ains ,, OTHER I'rEMS : of a1l classes, incltlding M aterials and Erecting ' Recharging Batteries . . 5,219 31 and/or Replacing New M ains . . . . 85,436 93 Exchange ...... 1:331 61 - t . - - -- . 6,.$50 98 ,* PUBl-lc LAMI,S : W ages and Trimming . . . . 7,849 38 Renewals of I-'amps, etc. . . . . 2,654 00 10,503 38 L6'n Recoveries for Upkeep . . 6,632 74 - 3,870 64 ,, RENTS, RATES AND TAXES : Rent of Oflices, Government Rents and M unicipal Taxes ...... ') M ANAGEMENT EXPENSES ; Directors' Rem uneration ...... 25,951 61 Salaries of M anaging Engineers, Secretary, Ac- countants, Clerks and M essengers as certifed by M anaging Director, Chairman or Engineer 159,877 33 Stationery and Printing ...... 12,205 12 General Establishment Charges ...... 44,772 75 Auditors of Com pany . . . . 4,615 00 Auditors under Ordinance . . 20O 00 - 247,621 87 LAW CHARGES ...... 3,945 78 Carricdfornmrd .SWJ.. 627.341 56 Carriedforltmrd SâJ. 1,498,34a. 69 REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3lST DECEMBER 3927.- LCont6L)

Wo DEPRECIATJON ; House Property, Ruiru . . . lnstallation at Railway Quarters M otor Vehicles ...... ltfeters ...... House Service Fuse Boxes M eter Testing Sets ' . . Eleètric Stoves on Hire Electric Geysers on Hire Time Switches on Hire M otor on Hire . . . . Tools and Im plements . . Furniture . . . . 1/ SPECIAL CHARGES : lnsurance . . . . Interest on Loans (93,556 ') RsszRvE FoR DEPRECIATIOH ol M ACHINERY


GILL & JOHNSON, HU NTER, R. G. VERNON, A vlz'//z'x. D irector Secrçtary. DECEYBER,

CAPITAL ACCOUNT- Am OtInCS received as per Acceunt N0. 3 . . PREFERENCE SIIARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT ...... DEPRECIATION FUND ACCOUN'r.- AS per Account No. 5 . . STORES ON I-IAND AND IN TRXNSIT : RESER'V'E FUND ACCOUNT- AS per Accollnt No. 1 Mrood, Coal and other F ue1 . . NET REVBNIJE ACCOLTNT- AS per Account No. 6 Oils, lvaste, etc. . . . . SIJNDRY CREDITORS- On Open Accoullts . . General * 551,483 S'fJNIARV D EBTORS : For Electrical Energy mlpplied Otlaer Debtors . . . . 283,9:$4 OTHF;R .I'rEMs : Electrical lnstruments . . M eters ...... Tooqs and Jnaplenaents . . Furniture ancl F ittiuj-l's . . 5/1 otor h'rehicles ...... Redemption of l3ebentures . . Expenses rc. lssues of Car.hital D ebenttlres 04 CA.sH : A-t Ban lçers l n H a n ('l . .

A s A IJDITORS appointed undcr Section 43 of the ELECTRIC POWER OItl)2 A-,ANCE, 19 1 9 !we certify that all our requirements have been complied with, antl that we haïre examlned and audited the Accounts for the year ended 31st Decem b er, 1927, as set out above, and the accompanying Schedules (Nllmbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and Nairobi and M ombasa Branch Revenue and Expenses Accounts) all ()f wlicl' are signed by us. ln otlr opinion the Accounts are properly drawn up to give the necessary information required l)y the ELECTRIC POWER ORDINANCE OF 1919.


Gooos. Unit of Approximate Approximate Approxim ate Approximate Approximate Approximake Quantity. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value.

Cotton Piece Goods :- SJ. S1. ,s'/j. Unbleached Lbs. 516,353 . . 516,353 Yds. 1,875,465 651,500 . . . . 1 ,875,465 656,500 Bleached . . . . 532,872 27O 88O 13 38 1 6 1 756 546 253 332 646 Coloured, Printed Dyed ,, 1,963,427 1,276,46$4 139,062 168,496 2, 102,489 1 ,444,980 Corrugated iron sheets Cwt. 3.097 53,828 ' 3,097 5:3,828 Cement . ,, 3,893 13,494 . . . . 3,893 13,494 Bicycles . . N os. 417 55,016 336 50,841 753 105,857 M otor Cycles 15 l 4,592 2 1,500 1 7 16,092 F:i M otor Cars 93 365, 163 93 365, 163 Petrol )- #IL In cases . . . . Imp. gals. 22,036 42,002 22036 42,Q0) , o ln oil installation 972,200 826,370 972,200 826,370 Kerosene :- Fd ln cascs . . . . 73,58 1 82,386 73,58 1 82,386 In oi1 installation . . ,, 856,668 514,000 856,668 514,000 r7 Oi1, greases, colours and paints Cwt. 1 ,302 50,456 . . 1,302 50,456 X spirits Pf. gal. 16,233 370,497 1,018 23,341 1 7,271 393,8J8 w ines . . Im p. gal. 7,782 l 14,46 l 548 6,014 8,330 120,475 Liqueurs . . ,, 6O4 1 1 ,622 6O4 1 1 ,62. 2 C1 Perfumed Spirits . . . . ,, ?6 I ,672 76 ) ,672 > Tobacco and Cigarettes . . Lbs. 75,349 21 8:405 75,349 21 8,406 Tea 64,58 1 l 15,340 . 64,581 1 15,340 M M ilk . . 91 ,8 19 56,227 . . . . 91,819 56,227 ' F6 Common Soap ,, 1 88,388 34, 1 26 133 1O9 88,51 1 34,235 /1 M atches . . . . Gross t 22,550 70,296 4,000 1,3, 154 26,550 83,450 Ale and Beer . . . . Im p. gals. ! 1 ,424 5O, 139 1O6 463 l 1 ,530 50,602 Bolts, nuts and nails, etc. Cwt. 1 77 8,847 . . . . . 177 8,847 Blankets Nos. 238, l81 560,343 22,599 63,883 260,780 , 624,226 Provisions . . Value . . 26,965 8,735 . . I 35,70: W ire, copper and brass . . Lbs. 24,720 23,01 1 . . . . 24,720 $ 23,0 1 1 Beads ,, 28,917 47,56 t 1,825 3,510 30,769 l 51,:71 Typewriters . . Nos. 43 12,000 . . 43 1N,0OO Other Goods Value 843,353 134,648 978,001

TOTAL Sh. 6,786,037 536,450 1 7,322,487 Approximate value of goods in bond 0n31st Dec., 1927. Sk. 7,468,995 786,830 8,255,825 do. do. do. do. on 30th June, 1927. . . . . 6,988,971 . . 954,239 . . 7,943,210 c CUSTOM H0Us Ey M OMBASA, G. W ALSH, 26th July, 1928. Commîssioner of Customs, Kenya and Uganda. Cr