THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA. Published under the Authority sf His Excellency the 6ovem0r of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. Vol. XXX.-NO. 44. NAIROBI, July 31, 1928. Price 50 Cents. ' Registered as a Newspaper at the 6. P. 0. Published every Tuesday. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt. Notice No. 394-Arrivals, Depa~tures,Appointments, etc. .. 1134 IJroclamation No 66-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance .. .. 1135 Govt. Notice KO 395-The Customs Management Ordinance, 1926--Order . .. 1135 1- 9 , ,, 396-The Criminal Procedure Ordinance-Appointment . .. 1136 :, ,, 397-The Prisons Ordinance-Establishrrient of Special Prison .. 1136 ,I > ,, 398-The Resident Native Labourers Ordinance, 1925-Appointments 1 136 )J ,, , 399-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment . .. 1136 ;. ,1 ,, 400-401-Under the Crown Lands Ordinance, 1902. .. 1136 Jj ) , ., 402-The Companies Ord nance . .. 1137 General Notices Nos. 815-849 . .. 1137 ta' OVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 394. AR RIVA LS. ' From leave or Date of jeaving Date of Date of arrival Name, Rank. on 1st ujli Appointment. England. Em barkation. at zjtjjrjj. E J. Hall Laboratory Assistant Leave 21st June, 1928 17t1: July, 1928 F, G. Drake A ssistant Inspector of Police do do do J. R. Rae Carpentry Instructor, 1st appt. do do Education Dr. (Miss) C. N. Twining Medical Officer do I do do H. C Frank Clerk, Kenya and U. Rly. do k * 2nd July, 1923 3rd July, 1928 10th July, 1923 Miss D. A. Harris Clerk, Survey Department Leave i :3 1st May, 1 928 22nd Juiy, ! 928 H . R. H anis 0 - fftce Assistant, Administration do do 1 do A. B Condie Junior Postmaster do - do L do C A. A. Hime Surveyor, 1 Survey and Registration Dept. 1st appt. j' 9tb July, 1923 do ; . l, * Date of leaving South Africa. #' Date of leaving Durban. DEPA RTU RES. N * On leave or term ination ame. Rank. of appointm ent. Date of Departure. C. V. T. Harte C. Q. M. S., 3rd King's African Ritles Leave 20th July) 1928 H. V. Borairl Superintendent, Inland Revenue and do do Conservancy C. W . W ard Inspector of Police do do T. D . Butler District Oflicer do do G. F. Ball W ireless Telegraph, Engineer Operator do 24th July, 1928 L. E. Lavers Aceotlnts Clerk, P W . D. do do R. Elliott Land Assistant do ' do capt. C. J. I F. Hopegood Captain 3rd King's African Riiles do do H. H . Rodgers Sanitary Inspcctor, M edical Dept. do do F. V. Frost Clerk, Supply and Transport Services, do do King's African Rifles G. C D river Postal Clerk and Telegraphist do do E. Brady Assistant Transport Om cer do do A PPO I N TM EN TS. M A GISTERIA L W A RRA NT CAPTAIN D. AICK AY, to be Assistant District Oommis- CAPTAIN SVIIZIZIAA.E Rcopocx K II)I), to be a M agistrate of sioner i /c, Malindi Sub-district, Kiliû District, Coast the First Class, with power to hold a Subordinate Province, with effect from 30oh June, 1928. Court of the First Class in the Lamu District, w1111st Eowztlto BETIAAAI BSETHAM, to be Assistant Distriet llolding his presen : appointm erlt as District Com mis- Commissioner (Cadet), Machakos Distridù, Ukamba sioner, Lamu, Coast Province. Provinee, with effect f rom 113th July: 1928. LIBIJTENANT G. P. M ulxrtA'îr, 3rd K ing's African Rifles, to aet as District Comm issioner, Gurreh Districà, Northern Frontier Province, with effeet f rom 57t11 JUXON BARTON, July, 1928. /or Aoiing Colonic! SeezetaTy. TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE Colony and Protectorate of >renya. PROCLAMATION NO. 66. TH E DISEASES OF ANTM ALS ORDINANCE. Lchapte'r 157 oj fh: Reriuetl Ftzffïo'n,, Socfft??s 4.) AND THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLA U SE S ORD IN AN CE . (Chapter 1 oj f/z: .lRtrrf8tr('J Edition, Seotion 13.) GOVERNMENT NoTlcE No. 231 o:n 1919. PnocrawfArm oN. (IN EXEROISE of the powers thereunto enabling m e, I hereby cleclare the following farm io be an infeeted area for the purposes of the said Diseases of Animals Ordinance : - RINDE1zPES'r.. Farm L.O. No. 3777/58, Sir John Ramsclen, Kipipiri Estate, Gilgil, Naivasha District. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 25tl'1 day of July, 1928. A. G. DOHERTY' , Chief Fcftl'rïzrtz?'?/ 0f.fl,06r. GOVERNMENT NoTIcE No. 395. TH E CU STOM S M ANAGEM EN T ORDIN AN CE , 1926, AND TH E INTER PRE TATION AN D GENEIRAL CLAU SE S ORDIN AN CE . ORDETL. IN EXEIRCISE of the powers conferred upon the Governor by the Custom s M anagem ent Ordinance, 1926, and the lnterpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Chapter 1 of the Revised Edition) , it is ordered that Proclamation No. 19 of the 5tl1 day of February, 1Q21, prohibiting' as from the date thereof the im portation of all condensed skim m ed m ilk containing less than 9 per cent. m ilk fat, and Proclam ation N o. 36 of the 21st day of M ay, 1928, be hereby revoked. By Comm and of H is Excellency the Governor. N airobi, This 24th day of July, 1928. JUXON BARTON , jor zzlcfï'n,g Colonial Stlcztlfczr?/. GOVERNMENT NoerlcE Xo. 396. GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 399. C1t (M INAL PItIICIEDUILE OIRDINANCE. THE NATTVE AUTHORITY ORDINANCE. (tl/?,cpf c?' 129 oj f h,e J'télrf.st,t:l Ediiion , Seo'tion 3 (1).) APPOINTMp:NT. AND 'fN EXERCIS.E ot the powers conferred upon T I'I 1.2 TNTERPRETATION AND GENERAL 14îm by section 8 of tlle Crsminal Proeedure Orclitl- C:UAUSES ORDTNANCE. ltnce (Uhapter 7 of tlle llevisecl Editîon), His ( ( 7/? (z/?f 6,3. 1 oj /; he 12 fi'tlf's ed Ftàf'à io n, , Se c'àftlz?- 13.) Excelleney tlle Governor llas beeu pleasecl t() tlov'plztxMprx'r N oTlcyl N o. 406 oF 1926. 'tppoint, Franeis llortim er Lam b, Esq. , Acstillg Senior Comm issioner, Kikuyu Provillee, to holcl a A.pl?olxTMl,:x'.r. Suborclinate Court of the First Class in the area IN E X ER CISE of the powers thereunto enablizlg known as Jaaîkipia for tlle purpose of lnearing suel'l lne, 1 llereby appoint tlle person nam ed in the erim inal eases as shall be brought before him . Selledule annexed hereto to be Oflieial H eadm an for tlte area nam ed therein. j Governm ent Xotic,e No. 114 of tlae ?28tla February, 1928, is (lant/elled. ' Elclanla ltavine, l15tll July , 1928. G. 11. OSBORNE , Senior cnwzolï8yfo?zo?', K eïio. W . T. M ARTIN, Aciing Colonial Syck'cftu'p. GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 397. TH E PRISONS ORDINANCE . Lcltapiey 37, llenised f/q'lp: oj .lfc?sptzl. E STABLISHMENT 0F A SPECIAL Pm soN AT M ACHAKOS. IN EXERCISE of the powers ezonferrecl upon lliëzl by seetions 3 and. 9 of the Prisons Ordinance, H is Excelleney the Governor iB pleasecl to âeelare the M aehakos Speeial Prison to be a Prison for the & ' purposes of the aforesaicl Ordiuaneet and. H is Excel- .-,() v E R N M ENT N' O T l C E N (J . 400 . lency is further pleased to appomt as Superin- NOTIOE tendent of sueh Prison the Distriet Com missioner, M aehakos. U xobllt ,.pI111 Clto 5.v x To-'txo s 0 ltl) tx Axrcll , 1902 . J /l, r(.t ,./'('t (lltsav).i / :(1,'t ans i . By Comm ancl of His Excellency the Governor. N (.)r1.' I.L. 1( is l 1 erebl' g i v e11 tllttt tt breaul). of tl le l essees eo veuttllt. i1nJ.)1î e(l by virt ue o'f tlle Crown Nairobi, . l àttncls Orttinauee, 1902 , ilt a lease of land situate This 25th clay of July, 1928. at i-loltta Istty, i11 the Colony tlncl Proteetorate of JUXON BARTON, lten ytt , kllown t4s Plot N o . 9 , Seetion No. 1q , l'iol'na Jo'r Aeiing (Ylo?zftzl See're'tal'y. B ).y l'ourl).sllîp , dated tlte t.5t1 ) clay of Aflarell, tC4. 1.1, tllïtt registerett in tl ke Crqwn 'luarld s ltegistr), iy1 Volut.t'1e No. 11 . 1.,5, Fol io 6t.$, granted to Jaclhavji ltata rlsi , htss been eol-nlrlltted il1 tllat tlle lessee has GOVERNMENT XOTICE NO. 398. lttiled to pjty tlle relat reserved as is requirecl by the tioventtnt iu that b ehalf 5n-1p1 ie('l by virtue of seetion TH E RESIDENT NATIVE LABOURERS 13 t'(1) ()iè tile said Orclinallee. ORDINANCE, 1925. Ftzrtller tlle suna of Slls. 73/24 llas beeon'le pay- AtotaolxrMzxl's. able in adtlstion by 'way of rlotiee f ees ancl p. enalties in aeeortlanee with seetion 63- to t$,5 of the Crown l'X' EXERCISE of the powers eouferrecl upon 11 is Laltds Orclillanqte, 191i'5 . Exeetlenc,y the Governor by seetion 4 (2) of tlle N' . o'w, tllerefore, bjr virtue of the provisions of l-tesiclent Native Iuftbourrrs Ordinanee, 1925, whiell seetion 18 of the Crown Lands Ordinance, 1902, pow eys I-lis E xeellency irl exereise of pow ers eon- ferred upon llim by the Tnterpretation antl Generltl flrl cl Governnaent N' etîee N o. 3 4 of the l7tla January , Clauses Ordinanee, 1912, has been pleased by the 1924, 1 , 'h!' r'illialal Afarston Logau, the Acting Corn- (lovernment Notiee No. ,5 of 1926 to clelegate to loissiouer ot Lancls of t-.ll e Colony autl P rotectora te Senèor Coyrlm issioners and. ltesiclent Comm issioners, (.lf liellytl, d o llereb y give notiee t-o the said lessee , 1 tl'tttt 1 intencl after one Inozltll 'frona. the serviee or' 1.
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