Subject L Ist No. 84

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Subject L Ist No. 84 [DiS'KIBUTED TO MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE, . , L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s C. 197 M. 65 1928. !W N-MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL.] G e n e v a , M ay 4th, 1928. S u b je c t L ist No. 84 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE DURING APRIL 1928*, (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) ‘ The original reference number of docum ents distributed during April 1928 for the second time is also given and is indicated by the sign § Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Convention (draft) submitted February 15, 1928 by the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics for im­ mediate, complete and general disarmament Armaments, Reduction of C. 46. M. 23. 1928. IX, and Err. § Arms, Manufacture, Private, of C. 164. M. 49. 1928. IX Commission, Special, to study Composition of Memorandum dated December 14, 1927 by the Note dated April 11, 1928 by the Secretary-General Secretary-General announcing the acceptance forwarding the above-mentioned Convention to of Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Salvador, States Members together with the resolution of retiring Members of the Council, to remain the Preparatory Commission commending it to members of this Commission the attention of Governments C. 650. 1927. IX § C. 164, M. 49. 1928. IX O. J., IX, No. 3, p. 325 Arms, Trade, International, in Statistics concerning Resolution adopted March 24, 1928 by the Prepara­ tory Commission (5th Session) commending the Letter dated January 7, 1928 from the Nether­ above-mentioned Convention to the attention of lands Government stating that in view of the the Governments, while reserving consideration fact that only Spain and itself have acted on thereof until its next Session the recommendation contained in the resolu­ tion taken Septem ber 22, 1925 by the 6th Session of the Assembly which urged the adop­ C. 164. M. 49. 1928. IX tion of the models annexed to the Convention on June 17, 1925 for the preparation of such statistics, it wonders whether it will be able to continue to publish such detailed statistics Year-Book containing the data referred to in the before the coming into force of the Convention Covenant, Article 8 and requesting that the other States Members Proposal submitted March 1928 by the German be informed accordingly Delegation (Count Bernstorff) regarding the information to be submitted under Article 8 of C. 7. M. 6. 1928. IX § the Covenant for publication in O. J., IX, No. 3, p. 326 A olume issued January 1928 by the Secretariat C. 164. M. 49. 1928. IX giving statistical data on the import and export of arms, ammunition and implements of war for fifty-six countries and twenty-eight colonies Note dated April 4, 1928 by the Secretary-General forwarding the above-mentioned proposal to C. 26. M. 13. 1928. IX States Members together with the resolution of the Preparatory Commission commending it Conference, International, on to the attention of States Members Commission, Preparatory, for Composition of C. 164, M. 49. 1928. IX Memorandum dated December 14, 1927 by the Secretary-General announcing the accept­ ance of the Belgian and Czechoslovak Govern­ ments to continue to serve on this Commission Resolution adopted March 24, 1928 by the Pre­ and of the Greek Government to serve paratory Commission (5th Session) commend­ thereon and of its appointment of M. Politis ing the above-mentioned proposal to States and of M. Dendramis as its representatives Members, while reserving consideration thereof to its next session C. 649. 1927. IX § C. 164. M. 49. 1928. IX O. J., IX, No. 3, p. 324 ^ d N. 175 (pj jjQ (A.). 5/28. Imp. Sonor. J B C Buildings, League China Conference Hall, Secretariat building and Library Situation in Gifts for Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation Gift to the Conference Hall from the following concluded November 2, 1865 at Peking between countrv Belgium and China A ustralia Denunciation of Telegram d ated Jan u ary 28, 1928 from Order given February 21, 1928 by the Perma­ the Australian Government announcing nent Court of International Justice re-fixing its intention to offer a rostrum constructed the times fixed by its order of June 18,192; of Australian wood for the Conference for the filing of the written proceedings in Hall the case between Belgium and China, as a C. 37. M. 18. 192S § result of a further application from the Bel­ O. J., IX, No. 3, p. 360 gium Government for the extension of such times to enable the two Governments to continue their negotiations for the conclusioi) of a newr Treaty to replace the above-men­ Bulgaria tioned Treaty Execution of military, naval and air clauses of Treaty of Neuilly C. P. J. I., Series A, No. 14 Air clauses Agreement between Governments represented Note dated March 19, 1928 from the Secretary. on Conference of Ambassadors and Bulgaria General forwarding regarding application of Article 89 Letter dated August 31, 1927 from the Con­ C. 144. M. 35. 1928. V ference of Ambassadors (M. Briand) for­ warding, for communication to Members of Conciliation the Council and for registration, copv of Commissions, Conciliation, established between the the twelve documents constituting following countries Czechoslovakia and Sweden C. 502. 1927. IX § O. J., IX, No. 3, p. 298 Letter dated December 27, 1927 f r o m th e Swedish Government giving the composition of the Commission established in virtue of the Treaty of Conciliation and Arbitration signed Military clauses January 2, 1926 between Letter dated December 31, 1927 from the Presi­ dent (M. Briand) of the Conference of Ambas­ O. J , IX, No. 3, P- 29j sadors announcing the conclusion on June 30, 1927 of the operations of the Liquidation Board established to ensure the continued enforce­ Estonia and Germany ment of the military clauses of the Treaty Letter dated January 12, 1928 fro m the Estonian after the termination of the work of the Com­ Government giving the c o m p o sitio n of tne mission of Control, forwarding its final report * Commission established in virtue of the Con and drawing the Council's attention to the vention of Arbitration and Conciliation con general conclusions thereof regarding eluded August 10, 1925 between C. 8. 1928. IX § O. J., IX, No. 3, P- 296 O. J., IX , No. 3, p. 324 Netherlands and Switzerland Letter dated January 6, 1928 from the 3«i« Financial situation of Government giving the composition 0 Bank, National Commission established in virtue of the re Statutes of of Conciliation concluded D ecem b er 12, 1 between Amendments (Revised) approved April 1928 by the members ( MM. Janssen and Strakosch) O. J., IX, No. 3- P- 296 of the Financial Committee appointed for this purpose, in agreement with the Governor of the National Bank of Bulgaria, and in Poland and Sweden ^ accordance with Article IV (2) of the Pro­ Letter dated November 25, I 927 f r o m the Sv>e ^ tocol signed at Geneva on M arch 10, 1928 Government giving the composition Commission established in virtue ol - " , gr ^ C. 116. M. 30. 1928. II, Ann. I, Revised of Conciliation and Arbitration of 1 o '61 1925 between O. J., IX, No. 3 . P 295 Council League Sessions of R e d u c t io n of num ber of M in u te s (extract) o f meetings held December 7 D a n d 9, 1927 by the 48th Council Session regarding C. 150. M. 40. 1928 Danzig, Free City of O. J., IX , No. 2, pp. 141 and 173. Railways Min. 2084 and 2096 § Administration, Polish, in Jurisdiction of Danzig Courts in actions brought Minutes (extract) of meetings held M arch 7, by Danzig railway officials against 192S by the 49th Council Session regarding Advisory Opinion (No. 15) given March 3, 1928 C. 150. M. 40. 1928 by the Permanent Court of International O. J., IX, No. 4, 3rd and 4th Mtg, Justice to the effect that the High Commis­ Min. 2125 and 2137 § sioner’s decision of April 8, 1927 given as a result of the request made January 12, Note dated M arch 22, 1928 by the Secretary- 1927, in so far as this decision does not comply General forwarding, in accordance with the with this request, is not legally well-founded Council’s decision of M arch 7, 1928, the te x t of the Minutes of the meetings held December 7 C. P. J. I., Series B, No. 15 * and 9, 1927 by the 48th Council Session, and March 7, 1928 by the 49th Council Session, Note dated April 1928 by the Secretary- together with the Secretary-General's reports General forwarding to States Members of April 21, 1927 and February 7, 1928 regarding of the League copies of C. 150. M. 40. 1928 C. 145. M. 36. 1928. V Report dated April 21, 1927 by the Secretary- General submitted in accordance with Council’s request of March 12, 1927 setting forth the probable administrative results of a reduction of the number of sessions held in the j>-ear from four to three on the general work of the Dispute between France and Switzerland League „ ,, „ ° C. 150. M. 40. 1928 Case of Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the Pays de C. 215. 1927 § Gex Agreement, Special, for Arbitration signed Octo­ Report dated February 1928 by the Secretary- ber 30, 1924 between the French and Swiss General submitted in accordance with the Governments requesting the Permanent Court Council’s request of D ecember 9, 1927, showing of International Justice to decide ■ whether the probable effects of the reduction of the Article 435, Paragraph 2 of the T reaty of Ver­ number of sessions held by the Council during sailles has abrogated or is intended to lead a year on the general work of the League to the abrogation of various specified Treaties C.
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