Volume 5, Number 4, January 1928
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Bryant University Bryant Digital Repository Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Booster (1925-1929) Collections 1-1928 Volume 5, Number 4, January 1928 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster Recommended Citation "Volume 5, Number 4, January 1928" (1928). Booster (1925-1929). Paper 6. https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster/6 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Collections at Bryant Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Booster (1925-1929) by an authorized administrator of Bryant Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. e Not boosting tvith a braggart's song But boosting to help along. Janua y 1928 THE BOOSTER ~ Published the Twenty·fifth of Each Month by the Students of BRYANT.STRATTON COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Providence. R. I. u Subscription Price $1.00 per year Single Copies 15c BOARD OF EDITORS 1927·1928 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOHN A. VICTORIA ASSISTANT EDITOR Y' EVELYN M. ROWSE - 13 ASSOCIATE EDITORS tc Alumni Editor-LURTTE W. ImFFMAN nusiness Topics-LEO NUSSENFELD News Editor-ANTONIO DA PONTE Athletic Editors- Exchange Editor-SADIE FOGEL GEORGE THORNLEY - s w Art Editor- RAYMOND CHAUFTY STEPHEN H. DEMIRJIAN In CLASS REPRESENT A TIVES RlCHARD L. ROLAND MARY M. MULLANEY - T DUDLEY J. BLOCK CECELIA EINSTEIN th JOlIN BEAGAN KATHLYN CHERRINGTON YVONNE AUGER - s BUSINESS MANAGER y( CHARLES D. PHELAN r E tl~ ADVERTISING MANAGER EARNEST BAlUI.'ES -E BUSINESS STAFF st it OLIVE ALBERT GEORGE n. WILIGNSON HELEN WILBUR BERNARD KOLODOFF EVENING SCHOOL REPRESENT A TIVES DORTS HAMEL WILLIAM RUTLEDGE FACULTY ADVISORS JEA~l\ETTE CARROLL iffiLSON GULSKI AnTHUR E. T/\RBELL FRANCES HELGESON IDA M. KNIGHT HECTOR E. GILMAN c THE BOOSTER Vol. 5 JANUARY 1928 No. 4 Looking Forward! POPULARITY CONTEST ALMOST ENDED February 10 Draws Near One New Year is Worth a Thousand Old Ones FINAL V OTE Name Department youcan prove it. i\{ake 1928 a year of growth and progress. Date -Build in the right direction eac h day and the sum HO are they, Bryant-Stratton's most popular total at the end of the year will please you. W boy and girl ? As yet we do not know , nor dare *' * to guess; but by February tenth, next, we should have received a convincing number of votes to indicate an - Success does not happen. It comes to those who authentic decision of the whole college. work for it, study for it, and overcome the obstacles That a keen interest in the contest is prevalent in the way of it. among the students is shown by the increased number of votes cast every day, and by the enthusiasm with i,~ * * which the result lists are received every T uesday and - The very tasks you are doing from day to day are F riday mornin gs. the very best training for subsequent responsibilities. Judging by the results, the contest is sure to prove exciting ; for there seems to be such an equality of popularity that the candidates are separated by narrow -Study the li ves of sllccessful men and women and margins of one or two votes, ill some cases tied. It is you will find that a large part of their progress has quite obvious that no candidate is certain of the place resulted from doing things well-even the little he or she now occupies. One is as likely to win as the other. things. Having acquired this habit they hold to it. ,,\Vho knows but that some "dark horse" not already >.: * * on our list may enter the race and carry away the hon ors? It's as easy to pick a winner now as it is to pick -Every member of the Bryant-Stratton executive berries around a hornet's nest- you're likely to get staff and faculty is here to help you build for the "stung." future- As I have learned from reports on contests of pre vious years, history is repeating itself on the eighth At best this help can only direct floor. That same old friendly rivalry between the normal and secretarial classes still exists, and is as and encourage the motive power strong now as it ever was before. It is not only a bat that lies within yourself. tle of individuals, but a battle of departments. The Business Administration and Accountancy De partments have placed several of their members in the contest and are giving them their support; but the Business Department is not as active as it should be. Maybe its members are playing the part of insurgents, waiting for a ripe moment to spring a surprise on us. " Tho knows? Vote-and you shall have clone your share in mak ing Bryant-Stratton's 1928 Popularity Contest a huge President success. J. A. V. Page Two T HE BOOST E R Lively Christmas Dance The Booster Prospers At New P ro v idence Planta tions C lub The Edi tor-in-Chief is Happy ,l ith the Christmas vacation of on e The three iss ues of "The Booster" week i Ll sight. the students of Bryan t have merited very fa \'o rabJe comment Stratton College of Busin ess Admini and su pport, Not only do o ur readers ap stration forgot business an d entered pear to favor the new size, thc intro w ith zest into celebrating the Christmas dLlCtioLl of nell' featnres, and the type spirit. of literature published, but they are T he Seniors of the Busi Ll css Admini also mnch p leased with that varicty of stration D epar tmen t were hosts at a material which is so essc ntial in satis ChL-istmas D ance held in the ballroom fyiLlg- the demands of all reaclers, oi th e new P r ovidence Plantati o ns Club ,Ve have our technical b 1lsiness men Saturday, December 17, :111 usic was fur who fi nd pleasure in reading the busi Our Christmas Party nishul by the ?I )clropolitan Dixie Sex ne <; s topics, editorials, and essays; om te l, Thc COll1mittee iLlClucled Duelley merrv friends who are not satisficd S anta D istributes A "Ton" of Gifts S eltzer, J. Everett McCabe, Lewis Dor unlil- they have gleaned every joke for cline, Tholl1as l-urey and Joseph Bar- a hearty laugh; our athletic fans; our December 23, the student:; of BrO'a ll t tone. T hose who attended voted it a poetry ('Lll husiasts; news seekers, etc. Stratton College he ld their annual vcry e LJ joyahlc anel colorful affair. Each onc has tried to entertain, Our Ch ristmas party, featuring the distri DanciJlg began at eight aud continued aim is to please, b ution of ma.ny gif ts as has b een the to twelve o'clock, Much creelit is due \ \'c have received an abunciance of custorn lor many years, 11 ,c cnergetic cOL1lmittee who fostered Due to lack of snow, Santa Cla us, jokes and anccdutes, and news of the thi s da ncc, iLllpersonated by George Vlilkinson, was activities i,l the college have come from compelled to come on foot; b ut, not vanUl1S sourcc:-;, withstanding tha t handicap, he arrived NEW MEMBERS FOR ,Ve congratulate those who have con on schedule time, driving before him BE TA SIGMA CHI tributed to "The Booster," and urge his beloved team of gal1an t deer. The them to continue their gooel work. III gifted eleer, introducing Harold Dray, The Bela Sigma Chi Fraternity has addition to these, new writers will be Raymond Chaufty, Jo J'l n Victoria, started th e: year with a great cleal of welcomed, for they are certain to fur Charles Phelall, Byron Smitl1 and Lur enthusia sm, It is working its way slow nish us veith maLlY new ideas, tie HuHman, perform ed e ~i1e eially well. 10' aloll g progressive lin cs, "The Booster" now has a circul~i ion All enthusiastic and expectant gath All initiation was held on November of 1500-is fiLlaneially healthy-is pay (' ri ng awaited the arrival of old Sa nta, 30, when the Frater ni ty accepted the iug a courteous visit to schools and T he: students \I'ere not held in suspense ncw meL1l bers: A r th ur B urton, George colleges throughout t he country which long , however, fo r soon the jing liL 1g o£ Craig', Gi lbert Cr;:lIlston, Romeo Du send in their publicatio L1s to us - anci sleigh bells fr om a distance was heard, ham el, Solomon Goldcn, Cha rles Hincb- I"ill grow in size and interest with the Har dly a few seconds had elapsed when I t ) " ArLlold Laloncie, E dll'in Libby, aiel of your active and continued co Santa clrove briskly through the door James ::'-Jc T. augh li n, Georg e ,Vilkinson, operation, ]\![ore a cl vertisements are way with his team of s iJ irited deer. Raymond Nadeau, needed, S ec if you call g et some-anel The stucients responded w ith rOllnds of til en- P atronize our Advertiser s, applause and cheers, which with the Their Idea of Work Editor-in-Chief, jingling of the sl eigh hells, h elped to Iloss : ",Vhat a L'C yuu tll'O clar ki cs c\Oillg Ujl perfect that wonder l ui a lnlosphere of j walking so slowly those OVER HALF A CENTURY Christmas spirit. stairs? 'J OF SERVICE ,'lith a fi nal jerk of the reins, Santa Mid l1 it~ ",Ve is wo'ki n', boss, ,Ve 1S soon brought h,S deer lllHk r control.