Media Release: Friday, March 23, 2018, 4:30 p.m. Regional Municipality of Waterloo Ecological and Environmental Advisory Committee Agenda Monday, March 26, 2018 Dinner: 5:30 p.m. Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Room 110 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario 1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2018 2. Introduction of New Members: Don Drackley, Garrett Gauthier, Ken Hough, Daniel Marshall 3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest under the “Municipal Conflict of Interest Act” 4. Approval of Minutes - December 18, 2017 Page 3 5. Delegations/Reports 5.1 Community Climate Adaptation Planning i. David Roewade, Sustainability Specialist and Nicholas Cloet, Climate Change Coordinator, Region of Waterloo Community Planning 5.2 EEAC-18-001, Tri-City Lands Limited Germet Pit Extension, St. Agatha Forest Environmentally Sensitive Policy Area (ESPA 15) Page 6 Should you require an alternative format please contact the Regional Clerk at Tel.: 519-575-4400, TTY: 519-575-4605, or
[email protected] 2685270 EEAC Agenda - 2 - 18/03/26 i. Rick Esbaugh, Tri-City Lands Ltd., Brett Woodman, NRSI and Stan Denoed, Harden Environmental 5.3 EEAC-18-002, Long-Term Target for Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in Waterloo Region Page 16 i. Kate Daley, Climate Action Waterloo Region 5.4 EEAC-18-003, Proposed CRH/Dufferin Aggregates Chudyk Pit, ESPA 53 (Alps Woods), Dumfries Carolinian Environmentally Sensitive Landscape, Township of North Dumfries Page 19 i. Brian Zeman, MHBC Planning and Ken Zimmerman, CRH/Dufferin Aggregates 6. Information/Correspondence 6.1 Cedar Creek Subwatershed Study – Public Consultation Centre #1, April 25, 2018, North Dumfries Community Complex 6.2 Regional Comments on Proposed Study Area for Greenbelt Expansion i.