ti Vol. 76, No. 15 Because He Lives—see page 16 April 19, 1949

•• ,5•••• .0, • r'''Sk•• , your Bible Questions flowered

SIGNS Dying Without the When a man has heard the word of God, he may accept it or reject it; but how about the individual who dies without ever having heard the Editor Arthur S. Maxwell gospel? E. D. TIMES Associate Editor . . Merlin L. Neff Only God knows to what extent a person Assistant Editor . . . Francis A. Soper has had opportunity to learn of Him, either through His revelation in nature, or through divine providence, or by means of His written word. The decision in all such cases rests with Him, and we can accept without qeestion His verdict, whatever it be. It behooves us who have the opportunity to hear the word of God, to accept it in its fullness and allow it to trans- APRIL 19, 1949 Vol. 76, No. 15 COHTEHIS form our lives. F. A. S. Joshua's "Long Day" YOUR BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED 2 Is there any record by astronomers of the "long day" caused by Joshua's having the sun stand EDITORIALS: To ALL THE WORLD 3 still? What is the date of the dark day? REQUESTS FOR THE "SIGNS" 4 E. 0. H. Professor Henry Norris Russell, who was ANYWHERE ANY TIME" " 4 director of the Princeton University observa- A PREVIEW OF WORLD HISTORY . Roy F. Cottrell 5 tory for thirty-five years, in a personal letter dated October 13, 1948, says: "There are no TRENDS OF THE TIMES 6 astronomical records from which the observed WHY GOD CHOSE ISRAEL . Carlyle B. Haynes 7 time of any event can be accurately determined which go back as far as the days of Joshua." A CAPTAIN THERE WAS . . . Arthur W. Spalding 8 The dark day, mentioned by the Saviour as PETER'S TITLES Mary E. Walsh 10 being a sign of His second (Matthew 24:29), occurred on May 19, 1780. F. A. S. THE LAST CALL Beatrice Wornow 11 The Millennium THE LAW THAT CHRIST ABOLISHED Dallas Youngs 12 Will there be anyone on the earth between the BECAUSE HE LIVES Fenton E. Froom 16 first and the second resurrection? What will take place here during that time? Mrs. J. D. L. The Bible makes it plain that there will be no human being left on the earth during the millennium. At Christ's second coming the OUR COVER living righteous are "caught up" to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17), while the wicked are destroyed by "the brightness of At this season of the year the thoughts of Chris- His coming" (2 Thessalonians 2:7, 8). tians everywhere turn to the resurrection, the basic fact Thus the second advent will result in the and doctrine of the Christian religion. Calvary truly temporary depopulation of the earth, also the revealed the infinite love of God, but the resurrection destruction of all the works of man. For the revealed the infinite power of God—His power to keep next thousand years the globe will be in a state all His promises and to give to all who love Him ever- of utter desolation, as described in Jeremiah lasting life. See "Because He Lives," on page i6. 4:23-27. Not until the end of the thousand years will any human being set foot on the earth; but "when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the CIRCULATION MANAGER H K. CHRISTMAN four quarters of the earth" (Revelation 20:7, 8),—that is, the wicked of all ages who are Printed and published weekly (50 issues a year) by the Pacific Press raised at this time for a brief period to hear the Publishing Association at Mountain View, California, U. S. A. Entered as final judgment of God upon them. second-class matter September 15, 1904, at the post office at Mountain Regarding your second question, it is ob- View, California, under Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, vious from the foregoing that there will be and authorized September 18, 1918. no human activity of any sort on the earth RATES in U. S. A.: Single copy, one year $2.00 during the millennium. The only occupants Clubs of five or more to one address, each 1 75 of the desolate globe will be Satan and his To Canada and other countries taking extra postage: angels, who will have this long period to con- Single copy, one year (U. S. funds) $'7.50 template the awful results of their rebellion Clubs of five or more to one address, each, (U. S. funds) . . . . 2.00 against the government of God. Verse 2. Please make all checks and money orders payable to Signs of the Times, A. S. M. Mountain View, California. Two Anointed Ones In requesting change of address, please give both old and new addresses. Who are the two anointed ones referred to in No papers are sent except on paid subscriptions, so persons receiving the Zechariah 4:14? J. J. M. Signs of the Times without having subscribed may feel free to accept it. Undoubtedly "the two anointed ones" refer to Joshua, the high priest, and Zerubbabel, the governor mentioned earlier in -the chapter. Both needed to be anointed with grace in order to be instruments to furnish it to others. F. A. S. Page Two SIGNS of the TIMES ACME Gift-packed freight cars of the French gratitude train being lo'aded on flatcars after their ocean journey. Each car is destined for one of the forty-eight states, an expression of thanks for EDITORIAL America's gifts to France. comes from our readers who are anxious Perhaps we should let you see this list, to see the message of the Signs spread even though it does take up several To All the World ever farther afield "to every nation, inches of our precious space. You will kindred, tongue, and people." The find it on page 4 of this issue. N this our seventy-fifth year of pub- money comes to our Signs World Ex- We would direct special attention to I lication it is inspiring to note that tension Fund and is used exclusively to the first eleven items on this list. These More than 20,000 copies of the Signs of add new overseas names to our list, or represent a remarkable new opportunity. the Times are dispatched every week to to renew clubs already going to the far Never before have we been asked for readers in more than fifty countries and corners of the earth. i,000 subscriptions for distribution in the islands around the world. The Signs May we take you into our confidence Middle East. Surely we not turn has become, in a new and larger way, in this matter? We need more money down a request such as this. Perhaps what it has so long claimed to be, "The for this fund, and we need it now. Our some will be moved to pay for World's Prophetic Weekly." The over- circulation manager has just handed us them all. We hope so. seas distribution of the Signs today ex- a list of nearly seventy requests, new and Look down this list. See if there is ceeds the total weekly circulation of the old—requests which we shall never be any place mentioned which particularly paper during the first thirty years of its able to meet unless many of our readers interests you, where you would like to history. act generously in the very near future. send the Signs. Then write and tell us Who receives these papers? Several thousand go to Missionary E. L. Cardey for distribution all over Africa through his Voice of Prophecy Bible Correspond- ence School. Thousands are sent to India and Burma for a similar purpose Smaller quantities go to all sorts of far- away places—to a missionary in the Solomon Islands, a preacher in Scotland, another in Siam, Singapore, Trinidad, Puerto Rico, the Philippines—the list is truly remarkable. Many Christian workers in the British Isles distribute the Signs regularly as part of their evange- listic endeavors. Always the call is for more and more. Scarcely a day passes but we receive some new request for copies of the Signs for free distribution somewhere around the globe. How we wish we could an- swer all affirmatively! We do our best within the limits of the funds available. This matter of funds is most impor- tant. It takes thousands of dollars each year to maintain this world-wide minis- ACME To make the pilots of fighting planes safer and more comfortable in handling the controls, a pilot try of the Signs. Every penny of it bed has been developed and is being tested. for APRIL 19, 1949 Page Three

any time," tersely remarked Captain 1%...... ...... 55 ..... ...... ••• ...... •• James Gallagher, a few minutes after the wheels of his globe-circling B-5o touched ground again. The fact that man has so far pro- Requests for the "Signs" gressed in his conquest of the air that he can fly "anywhere any time" was also 50 Ayazpasa, Istanbul, 6 Luisenstrabe, Germany 200 Assam Training School, graphically illustrated in connection Turkey 2 Les Signes Des Temps, Shillong, Assam, India 50 Baghdad, Iraq Melun, France 50 New Delhi S. D. A. with the recent demonstration of war- 50 Middle East College, 10 Berne, Switzerland Church, India planes before President Truman and Beirut, Lebanon 10 Edinburgh, Scotland 30 Karmatar P. 0., India members of Congress. 50 Teheran, Iran 20 Folkestone, England 5 Madura, South India Press reports tell how a B-36 flew into 50 Alexandria, Egypt 100 London, England 10 Tanjore, South India Andrews Field, Maryland, from Fort 50 Nicosia, Cyprus 25 Watford, Herts, England 10 Salem, South India 500 Middle East Union 10 Accrington, England 20 Lahore, India Worth, Texas, at an average speed of Mission, Beirut, Lebanon 10 Darlington, England 10 South Travancore, 338.2 mph. A B-45 jet "loafed" in from 100 Egypt Mission, 20 Caerphilly, Glam, Wales India Dayton, Ohio, 390 miles away, in fifty Heliopolis, Egypt 10 Shrewsbury, England 25 Ranchi, Bihar, India minutes, averaging 470 mph. Another 50 Basrah, Iraq 10 Ledbury, Hereford, 50 Singapore, S. S. 25 Assuit, Egypt England 40 Bangkok, Siam jet plane, an F-86, swooshed across the 25 Mosul, Iraq 10 Cardiff, Wales 35 Trinidad, B. W. I. same distance in only thirty-three min- 2 Wellawatta, Ceylon 5 London Seamen's Mis- 15 Bridgetown, Barbados, utes, three seconds, or 710 mph. This 15 London, England sion, England B. W. I. flight was not officially timed, since it 5 Queensway, New Delhi, 10 Brierley Hill, Staffs, 5 Souillac, Mauritius India England 10 Librairie Polyglotte, was described merely as "routine." 25 East Bengal Local 25 Nottingham, England Mauritius, Indian Ocean The Air Force's "Flying Wing," com- Mission, Pakistan 25 Cheltenham, Gloucester, 5 Seychelles Island, ing from the West Coast, roared nonstop 25 Northeast Luzon Mis- England Indian Ocean from Muroc, California, to Andrews sion, Philippines 10 Rhyl, Wales 35 Parnaiba Piaui, Brazil, Field in four hours, twenty-five minutes, 20 Nokuphila Hospital, 10 Kodiakanal, Madura South America Johannesburg, South Dist., South India 100 Port Limon, Costa Rica, for an average speed of 511 mph. But Africa 25 Dehra Dun, United Central America most amazing of all was the 2,289- 50 West Visayan Mission, Provinces, India 5 Isabela, Philippines mile trip of a B-47 jet bomber from Philippines 25 Karachi, India 25 Northern Luzon Acad- Moses Lake Air Base in Washington 12 East London, Cape 10 Attadi, Coonoor, India emy, Pangasinan, Provinces, South Africa 25 Trichinopoly, Madras Philippines State to Maryland. This plane, rated as 20 Durban, Natal, South Presidency, India 5 Tarlac, Philippines "light" despite its 125,000 pounds, Africa 10 Palamcottah, Tinnevelly 200 Philippine Union Mis- streaked through the stratosphere for 50 Queensland, Australia District, South India sion, Manila, Philippines a new unofficial continental record of three hours, forty-six minutes, or an average speed of 607.2 mph. All of which is certainly a far cry from the first flight ever made by man how many copies you would like to send ous undertaking, please send your gifts —within easy remembrance of many there each week. The cost, in clubs of to Signs World Extension Fund, Signs thousands of persons alive today. A lit- five or more, is $1.75 each, postage in- of the Times, Mountain View, Califor- tle more than forty-five years ago the cluded. nia. A. S. M. first heavier-than-air craft to carry a Besides all those mentioned above, human being arose uncertainly from the there are other requests we have not yet "Anywhere Any Time" sand dunes near Kittyhawk, North dared to list because of lack of funds. Carolina, remained in the air for eleven One of these comes from West Africa HE big bomber swung in a wide seconds, and then settled back to earth where, in the past two decades, hun- Tcircle to head in for the landing again. dreds of thousands of people have be- approach, slid slowly down at an easy Surely man has come a long way in come literate for the first time in history. angle, touched its wheels, rolled to a our own generation in his quest for Where a few years ago there was only stop, and was home. The four 3,500 wings. Think, for example, of the first darkness and ignorance, there are now H.P. engines muttered softly to them- transcontinental flight ever made across several daily newspapers, radio stations, selves and then relaxed, still showing no the United States. This was in 1911, and a marvelous opportunity to bring to signs of the long hours of constant and took forty-nine days—a month and multitudes the glorious message of a grind. a half! Think, too, of the first nonstop redeeming and returning Christ. The "Lucky Lady II" had just completed trip from coast to coast by air—in 1923, veteran missionary in charge of our history's first nonstop flight around the in twenty-six hours, fifty minutes. Then work there, William McClements, has world, and had returned to Carswell turn your eyes to the skies and observe urged us to send him 3,000 Signs a week. Air Base in Texas. Less than four days the commercial air liners cruising across That was six months ago. So far we before, it had lifted off from that same the country in regularly scheduled haven't been able to send him one. If runway and headed east. Now, ninety- flights of ten or twelve hours, scores of someone would like to help meet this four hours and twenty-three thousand such trips being made continually as a very special need, please write us at miles later, it returned, still headed east, matter of routine. once. but having traversed a distance ap- The world has indeed shrunk to almost And so the story goes. New calls, proaching that of the earth's circumfer- insignificant size in terms of air speeds. new openings, an ever-expanding min- ence at the equator. In flight it had The amazing advances in aviation dur- istry for the Signs of the Times. Those been refueled four times. ing the last quarter of a century—yes, who would like to help us in this glori- "It just means you can fly anywhere (Continued on page 15) Page Four SIGNS of the TIMES Daniel the Prophet-2 imately forty-five direct and indirect quotations from Daniel appear in the book of the Revelation; while Christ places His divine seal of approval by stating: "Whoso readeth [the proph- ecies of Daniel], let him understand." Matthew 24:15. The devout Bible student is convinced that the book of Daniel carries its own credentials of authenticity. It stands upon a firm and solid historical founda- tion, and the evidence of a divine intel- A PREVIEW ligence controlling the prophetic pen is conclusive. Now to consider the wonder- ful dream that has thrilled the hearts of millions. Babylon's wise men failed to repro- Elf WORLD HISTORY duce the king's elusive dream, and in his disappoinment and rage Nebuchad- nezzar had ordered the execution of the >>>>>>>>>»*«««««< group. Daniel, who was then about twenty-two years of age, had but re- cently been admitted to this circle of by ROY F. COTTRELL wise men. With the others, he stood in grave peril; but instead of going to his death, we find him on the following morning standing before the mightiest monarch of the age and saying: "There OR two thousand years the book book of Daniel, eminent excavators as- of Daniel has been a favorite tar- sert that its narrative is so exact and mi- F get of attack by infidels and Bibli- nute that it must have been written at cal critics. Philo Judaeus of the first the time of Babylon's greatness, not two century, a noted Jewish philosopher of or three hundred years later. Alexandria, Egypt, made his scholarly In this series of articles numerous onslaught. In the third century of our archaeological disclosuits which authen- era, Porphyry, a pagan author, wrote ticate the story of Daniel will be pre- fifteen books against the Christian re- sented. For example: On one of the first ligion, the entire twelfth volume of this great marble palaces unearthed from the series being a tirade against the book of ruins of old Babylon was the inscription Daniel. chiseled in stone, "The Place of Learn- Although the messages of Daniel ap- ing." There, doubtless, the brilliant peared unshaken, many intellectuals of youth from many lands were instructed the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the affairs of state and taught the joined in the assault. They declared that learning of Chaldea. This discovery the greatness and glories of Babylon had completely refutes the critics' taunt that been grossly exaggerated; that at so re- "such schools did not then exist, and cap- mote a period there were no such tives were not so treated." schools, or such cultural developments as Concerning the time of Daniel's described in the book of Daniel; that prophecy, the testimony of Josephus, the the miracles recorded were pure myths; eminent Jewish historian, is most ex- that the prophecies disclosing such an plicit. He states that the vision of Dan- accurate forecast of the future must have iel 8 "was given four hundred and eight occurred after the events took place; years before" the time of Antiochus that such names as Belshazzar and Da- Epiphanes, or about the middle of the By the symbolism of a great metallic rius the Mede were doubtless fictitious; sixth century B.C. See Antiquities of the image, God re- and that Daniel, if he ever existed, was Jews, b. 12, ch. 7, par. 6. vealed to King Nebuchadnezzar not the author of the book that bears He also states: "All these things did world history un- his name. til the end of this man [Daniel] leave in writing, as time. But during this age of scholarly un- God had showed them to him, insomuch belief, archaeology has made most re- that such as read his prophecies, and see markable discoveries. In the light of how they have been fulfilled, would this new knowledge, skepticism has wonder at the honor wherewith God been utterly refuted, and the Bible story honored Daniel."—Ibid., b. 1o, ch. II, of Daniel the prophet has been remark- par. 7. ably vindicated. We now know that Again, the book of Daniel became a Babylon was indeed a mighty city of un- part of the Old Testament canon of matched grandeur; and, concerning the Scripture not later than 424 B.c. Approx- for APRIL 19, 1949 Page Five is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, excellency." Isaiah 13 :19. How gratifying dom soon crumbled; and when at the de- and maketh known to the king Nebu- it would have been to the monarch if cisive battle of Pydna in 168 B.C. the chadnezzar what shall be in the latter Daniel could have said that this king- Roman legion vanquished the Greek days." Daniel 2:28. dom would stand forever! phalanx, Rome took its place as the un- "Thy dream," he continued, "and the But fearlessly Daniel proceeded with disputed master of the world. This was visions of thy head upon thy bed, are the message from heaven: "After thee in full harmony with the prophetic out- these: . . . Thou, 0 king, sawest, and shall arise another kingdom inferior to line given through Daniel: "The fourth behold a great image. This great image, thee." Daniel 2:39. kingdom shall be strong as iron: foras- whose brightness was excellent, stood Some sixty-seven years after this much as iron breaketh in pieces and sub- before thee; and the form thereof was prophecy was given, the Medo-Persians dueth all things: and as iron that break- terrible. This image's head was of fine conquered Babylon, slew Belshazzar, eth all these, shall it break in pieces and gold, his breast and his arms of silver, and possessed its treasures and territory. bruise." Verse 40. his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs Under the leadership of Cyrus and Da- Yet even the mighty Caesars of the of iron, his feet part of iron and part of rius, Persia extended its authority from seven-hilled city were not destined to clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was Ethiopia to India, a territory embracing rule the world forever, for in the words cut out without hands, which smote the one hundred twenty-seven provinces. of prophecy: "Whereas thou sawest the image upon his feet that were of iron While greater in extent, Medo-Persia feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and and clay, and brake them to pieces. . . . was "inferior" to Babylon in brilliancy part of iron, the kingdom shall be di- And the stone that smote the image be- and grandeur, even as silver is inferior vided; but there shall be in it of the came a great mountain, and filled the to gold. strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou whole earth." Verses 28-35. "Another third kingdom of brass, sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. Completely confident that this was the which shall bear rule over all the earth." And as the toes of the feet were part of forgotten dream, Daniel then proceeded Verse 39. These words of Daniel indi- iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom with the interpretation: "Thou, 0 king, cate a yet wider expanse of empire. In shall be partly strong, and partly art a king of kings: for the God of fulfillment, consider the meteoric rise of broken ["brittle," margin]." Verses 41, heaven hath given thee a kingdom, Greece and the passing of world leader- 42. power, and strength, and glory. . . . ship from Asia to Europe. Alexander History records the precise and Thou art this head of gold." Verses the Great, the mightiest conqueror of accurate fulfillment of this prediction. 37, 38. antiquity, overwhelmed the Persians in Between the years A.D. 351 and 476, What an appropriate symbol for "the three great battles, the final and decisive Teutonic tribes from Northern Eu- golden kingdom of a golden age"! In- engagement occurring at Arbela in 331 rope, swarming across the Rhine and spiration had already described the Bab- B.C. Danube, fell upon the dying Roman ylonian Empire as "the glory of king- The triumph was brief, however, for giant. Appropriating to themselves the doms, the beauty of the Chaldee's Alexander died at an early age; his king- rich provinces of his territory, they there laid the foundations of the modern na- tions of Southern and Western Europe. The parallel prophecy recorded in the seventh chapter of Daniel states that Rome would be divided into ten parts. TRENDS OF THE TIME In the words of another : "Ten kingdoms, ten distinct and inde- pendent nations—no more, no less—had News of the World in Review fixed themselves within the boundaries of Western Rome; and the prophecy, spoken and written more than a thou- Character in High Schools $1,151 Each sand years before, was literally fulfilled." Education in New York's eighty-three jun- The American people have contributed Tribal conquerors, who carved out ior high schools is being augmented by a $39,135,000,000 for the aid of peoples in "deliberate and conscious" character-building other countries since the end of the war. new national boundaries, were: the An- program, according to a report published by This sum, The Reader's Digest points out, is glo-Saxons (British), the Alamanni, the New York Board of Education. Among the equivalent of $1,151 for each of America's (Germans), the Franks (French), the other things, the report admonishes school 34,000,000 families. Burgundians (Swiss), the Suevi (Por- principals to create a climate in which stu- tuguese), the Visigoths (Spaniards), the dents will see "personified and in living Weapons for All Lombards (Italians), the Heruli, the action high moral principles." "In the times in which we live it is abso- lutely essential that each man and woman, Vandals, and the Ostrogoths. The three No Alimony whether sixty years or over, should be able to last named were long ago destroyed, The Bratislava high court has decreed that handle a weapon," F. C. Erasmus, defense while the other seven are among the Czechoslovakian women shall have no right minister of South Africa, recently declared. modern nations of Europe. in future to demand alimony from their Along the years many rulers and divorced husbands. The Atom and the Fish statesmen have attempted to unite these Fish life in the area of the Bikini atom Advance Bases Needed bomb tests is "going on essentially as if kingdoms that were "partly strong, and The United States must have fixed air bases nothing had happened," Dr. Leonard P. partly brittle" into one great empire, or close to enemy countries in the event of a fu- Schultz, curator of fishes at the National Mu- at least into a United States of Europe. ture war, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz seum, reports. He adds that, while many Diplomats have devised leagues, trea- stated in a recent interview, because, he said, individual fish were "doubtless" killed, yet the maximum range for effective bombing is "the same species of fish and other marine ties, and the bonds of intermarriage. not farther than 3,000 miles, due to the neces- organisms were found in about the same Charlemagne, Charles V, Napoleon, sity of keeping an efficient ratio between bomb abundance as before," with no "noticeable de- Kaiser Wilhelm, Adolf Hitler, and loads and fuel consumption. cline in vigor." s. L. M. (Continued on page 15) Page Six SIGNS of the TIMES Palestine and Israel-5


And Why He Rejected Them


W RILE living in Egypt the He- brews were a race of slaves. Je- hovah delivered them from that bondage and placed them in the Land of Promise. He exalted them above all other peoples. The reason He chose Is- rael was not that He thought more of them than of other races. God is not partial. He loves all men, all races, re- It was for this purpose that He sepa- ercised special care over them that His gardless of color or condition. rated them from all peoples and con- love and care were withdrawn from the It was because He loved all men that ferred upon them the blessings and rest of the world in order to be centered He chose one people to serve as a special favors recorded in the Sacred Scriptures. upon Israel exclusively. This is not true. instrument to bring the benefits of His It was for this reason that they were It was not in the purpose of God that grace and mercy to all the world. His to dwell alone and not be reckoned His blessings upon Israel were to be purpose in so choosing is declared to be among the nations. Numbers 23:9. used by them to build up a wall of par- that in Israel shall "all the nations of It was for this reason that He gave tition between themselves and their fel- the earth" be blessed. them special laws, ordinances, feasts, low men, to make them proud and ex- All nations, all races, were alike sin- festivals, ceremonies, fasts, observances, clusive. That is what occurred, but it ners. The .human race as a whole was and rites. In all this He was training was no part of Jehovah's design, and lost. And it was totally without power them, shaping them, molding them as quite contrary to His will. to lift itself out of that ruin and regain an instrument for His use in reaching Rather was the great loving heart of its original exalted position. and blessing all who dwelt on the face Jehovah reaching out toward all the in- It was God's plan to do for humanity of the whole earth. habitants of the earth. His blessing was what humanity could not do for itself. It was a sacred trust that Jehovah given to Israel in order that all others He purposed to redeem it. It was to be committed to the Jews. He made them might be blessed, as He made plain to delivered from the bondage of sin and the depositaries of His law. It was His Abraham. purchased again from the adversary. purpose, through them, to preserve It was in this way, and in fulfillment But this could not be done by man. among all men the knowledge of the of the divine purpose, that Abraham's It could not be done by nations. It could true God. Through them the light of fidelity and constancy became a light to not be done by the race. God must do it. divine truth was to shine out and dis- surrounding people. He did not shut To do it, however, He must reach all pel the darkness of the world. Through himself away from men. The true God nations with the demonstration of His them a voice was to sound out to men was revealed through Abraham in Mes- love and the revelation of His will. He everywhere calling all nations to turn opotamia, in Canaan, in Egypt, even in must cause men everywhere, in all na- from idolatry to serve the living God. Sodom. tions, to know His truth. He must re- They were to demonstrate to the na- To all earth's nations, as well as to veal Himself to them as the true and tions the superiority of the worship of Egypt, Jehovah manifested Himself in living God. Jehovah over every form of idolatrous Joseph. And in Moses the Lord of For this great purpose He chose Is- worship. heaven placed a light beside the throne rael. He meant Israel to be the light of There are those who hold the opinion of the greatest kingdom of the earth, the world. Israel was to be the instru- that when God chose Israel as His peo- in order that all men might learn of the ment in His hands to bring salvation to ple, He rejected all others; that when true and living God. all the earth. He placed His love upon them and ex- (Continued on page 15) for APRIL 19, 1949 Page Seven A CAPTAIN

Heralds of the Blessed Hope-2

Story of a Sea Captain Who Became a Captain of the Lord


HE bridge, though a toll bridge, nearing his fifty-third birthday; and was a favorite lounging place for though he had yet nearly thirty years of T the old salts and sea captains service before him, the service was to be shorebound in New Bedford and Fair- that of a captain, no more of ships, but haven. A foot passenger could cross for of souls. He had had an adventurous two cents, and perhaps, if he were a pro- life. Going to sea when fifteen years of prietor, like Captain Bates or Mr. Hall, age, during the Napoleonic Wars, he he could go free. On the Massachusetts was in Liverpool seeking a United States seacoast, where no mountains rose up to ship when a British press gang seized Joseph Bates lived an adventurous life, going to sea when he was only fifteen years of age and fix the gaze, the sea was the attraction; him and a companion and hustled them climbing up from second mate to captain. and from the bridge the citizens could on board an English man-of-war. Their look down the wide estuary of the Acush- United States citizenship was denied; net River and "avail themselves of the and for the next five years young Bates cool breezes and the beautiful prospect." was first an unwilling servant of George So on a May morning of 1845 it was III in Mediterranean naval warfare, on the New Bedford bridge that a mer- then, with the breaking out of hostili- chant of Fairhaven, James Madison ties between England and the United Monroe Hall, accosted his friend and States in I812, a prisoner of war in neighbor, Captain Joseph Bates: "What prison ship and on land in dismal Dart- is the news, Captain Bates?" He knew moor. With peace he gained his liberty ica, the Fairhaven Temperance Society, that the captain had returned from an and returned home, thence to launch 1827. upstate or over-border trip, and even into a career at sea, climbing up from In 1839 Captain Bates heard the mes- the hinterland might produce some second mate to captain, supercargo, and sage of William Miller that the proph- news worth listening to, at least if you part owner of ships, until, having made ecies of Daniel showed that the "cleans- were not a seaman but a merchant. a modest fortune, he left the sea in 1828 ing of the sanctuary" would take place "The news," boomed Captain Bates and with his little family settled down to sometime in 1843-1844. Miller, in com- in reply, "the news is that the seventh the life of a landsman, an investor, and, mon with most exegetes at that time, day is the Sabbath of the Lord our for an avocation, a farmer. understood that this sanctuary was this God!" He was at the same time an earnest earth, and he conceived that its cleans- "Well—well!" stammered James M. Christian. Through a remarkable series ing would be the event predicted by Pe- M. Hall, "if that's the case, I'll have to of experiences, helped and encouraged ter: "The earth also and the works that look into it." Tradition, that unreliable by his wife Prudence, whom he married are therein shall be burned up." 2 Peter hanger-on of history, relates that Mr. in 1818, he had risen above the common 3:1o. Hall looked into it, came to the same vices of the sea. Freeing himself suc- Years afterward Bates was to be a conclusion as had Captain Bates, and cessively from the use of liquors, to- leader in the correcting of that misap- joined him in keeping the seventh-day bacco, and profanity, he joined the prehension. But now, with a multitude Sabbath. Christian Church, and he was the prime of others, he followed the light he had, Bates's seafaring life at this time was mover in the organization of one of the and preached the corning of the Lord behind him, forever behind. He was first total abstinence societies in Amer- Christ in 1844. In this movement Page Eight SIGNS of the TIMES

THERE WAS gligiggraffiezas iiirarg;0

article for a few days, as his deep knowl- they sat and studied and discussed the edge of the Scriptures gave witness to its Sabbath with Cyrus Farnsworth, and teaching, he decided that it was truth, perhaps with his brother William, who and he began in April, 1845, the keeping had been two of the first members of of the Sabbath. the church to follow Elder Wheeler in Along with the revelation of the Sab- his Sabbathkeeping. bath truth came the rumor that there It was when Bates returned to his was a company in New Hampshire who home from this trip that he was hailed had as a body accepted the Sabbath. on the bridge by Hall with, "What's the Joseph Bates, fired with zeal and long- news, Captain Bates ?" and he answered, ing for Christian companionship, de- "The news is that the seventh day is the cided to establish contact with them. Sabbath of the Lord our God!" No Accordingly, at ten o'clock one evening other thing was news that day to him in May, he knocked at the door of a who had received the good news, the farmer-preacher, Frederick Wheeler, in gospel, of the Sabbath of the Lord our Hillsboro, New Hampshire, and asked God. Henceforth, to the end of his life, for information. he was the color-bearer, the upholder Now Wheeler had been the Methodist of the Sabbath banner that was the focus ACME But he gave up his seafaring life to preach the adventist minister who, in the spring of of the gathering host who were to be soon coming of Jesus Christ and help prepare 1844, while administering the ordinances the last legion of Christ in time. men for the kingdom of heaven. of the Lord's Supper to a Christian The Sabbath truth is the testing truth Church group in Washington, New in the last campaign of the church of Hampshire, all the members of which Christ. It is the sign of loyalty and had accepted the second advent message, obedience, the ensign of the King. was astounded by the impact of a Around it the standard-bearers were to forgotten truth thrust at him by a com- rally the soldiers of the cross. A day ? municant. Mrs. Rachel Oakes (later, Yes, but more than a day. The flag of a Preston), a widow whose daughter, De- nation is a piece of cloth, but it is more light Oakes, was teaching in the village than a piece of cloth. It is a symbol of he was prominent, being a trusted and of Washington, was a Seventh Day Bap- liberties, of acknowledged rights, of beloved lieutenant of William Miller's tist. After the service she said to the citizens' obligations, of loyalty to princi- in the proclamation of the message : minister: "Elder Wheeler, you said, did ples of justice and truth, of might that "Fear God, and give glory to Him; for you not, that everyone who partook of stands in defense of life and freedom. the hour of His judgment is come." the emblems of the Lord's house should So is the Sabbath a piece of time, but Revelation 14:7. be keeping all the commandments of it is a consecrated piece of time, the sym- As were the others who expected God ?" bol of the government of God, of its Christ to return on October 22, 1844, "Yes, I did," said he. divine liberty, its recognized rights, of Joseph Bates was bitterly disappointed. "Then," she demanded, "why don't its citizens, of their obligations, of its Nevertheless, with many other faithful you keep the fourth commandment ?" protective power. The Sabbath goes ones, he kept his "blessed hope" that the It took Wheeler but a week to study deeper than the observance of a day, Lord would soon come, and he went for- out the question for himself, and he kept blessed and delightful though that day ward. About six months later there fell the next Sabbath. It was to this man be. It is the sign of the indwelling Christ into his hands an article in an adventist that Captain Bates applied that eve- in the soul of the believer, which in- paper, written by a fellow laborer, T. M. ning for information. They sat up all spires and enables him to keep the law Preble of New Hampshire, which pre- night discussing the truth, and in the of God and to stand fast in the liberty sented incontestable proof that the only morning Wheeler took Bates, by horse wherewith Christ makes him free. true Sabbath of the Lord is the seventh and buggy, to Washington, twelve miles Not all of this, perhaps, nor much day, according to the fourth command- away. There under the maples in front which we have yet to learn of the Sab- ment of the Decalogue. Studying this of the brick farmhouse above the lake, (Continued on page 14) for APRIL 19, 1949 Page Nine The Beliefs and Doctrines of Peter-3


Did the Humble Fisherman Ever Claim to Be "Sovereign Pontiff'?


BOURY, THREE LIONS In none of his writings did the apostle Paul use any title for Peter that denotes supernatural prerogatives.

ENTURIES after the drew from the lips of Christ the most bled, and whoever humbles himself death of Peter, men arose scathing rebuke He ever uttered to hu- shall be exalted." Matthew 23:1-12 who conferred upon him man mortals. Matthew 23. An entire (CNT). degrees of honor that chapter is devoted to denouncing those All who enter the work of the gospel were never in the vocabulary of any who had entered the sacred office of the ministry should study carefully the of the apostles, nor sanctioned by the priesthood while their lives were not in twenty-third chapter of Matthew. If Holy Scriptures. harmony with their holy calling. Christ pronounced woes upon the clergy The appellations the disciples used to Among the many sins Christ rebuked of His day, who aspired to titles of signify their ecclesiastical office were: was the sin of rabbinical titles, "master" authority, would He today change those "apostle," "servant." The word "apos- and "father." If our Lord frowned upon woes to blessings upon men who are tle" means "sent forth;" while the word such assumption in the first century of pursuing a similar course? "servant" means one who devotes himself Christianity, should we conclude that The natural heart loves the pre-emi- to serve. Peter, in common with his He would, in the twentieth century, nence and bids for recognition, adora- brethren, took the titles which were in condone it? keeping with his official position in the When Christ was here, the Jewish church. priests were assuming the titles, "rabbi," "Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of "master," and "father." However, such Jesus Christ, to those who have ob- appellations are the prerogatives of God tained an equal privilege of faith with alone, which the words of Christ clearly ourselves through the justice of our God reveal: NOTE and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter m "Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and This article on the Beliefs and Doctrines of Peter is the third of a (Catholic New Testament). to His disciples, saying, The scribes and new series specially written for our The ones whom he was addressing in the Pharisees have sat on the chair of many Roman Catholic readers. The this letter had "obtained an equal privi- Moses. . . . But do not act according to author, born in South Ireland, brought up in the Roman Catholic lege of faith," thus stating that he had their works; . . for they widen their faith, and familiar with Roman not received any special privilege above phylacteries, and enlarge their tassels, Catholic reasoning and terminology, his colleagues in the gospel or above the and love the first places at suppers and is eminently fitted to present Bible truth to Catholics in a way which lay members of the church. the front seats in the synagogues, and we believe will appeal to all. Will In the days of the apostles, as now, greetings in the market place, and to be readers please note that in this series Bible texts will be quoted men loved titles, but Peter made no called by men 'Rabbi.' But do not you from the Catholic New Testament claim to an ecclesiastical name that be called `Rabbi;' for one is your Master, (CNT), published by the Paulist would lead to his veneration or to his and all you are brothers. And call no Press, Paterson, New Jersey, not from the Authorized Version. primacy in the church. "Simon Peter, one on earth your father; for one is your Editor. a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ." Father, who is in heaven. Neither be 2 Peter a (CNT). He called himself called masters; for one only is your Mas- ..• •••••;# servant." He had not forgotten what ter, the Christ. He who is greatest .• the Saviour said in regard to the scribes among you shall be your servant. And 414.ftwitzogg4j and Pharisees. Their simulated claims whoever exalts himself shall be hum- Page Ten SIGNS of the TIMES tion, and applause. "Who should be the Val ment regarding supernatural preroga- greatest ?" was the debated question tives. When referring to Peter in his among the disciples when associated writings, he gives him no title whatever with Christ. The vying with one an- THE LAST —merely "Peter" or "Cephas." It must other as to which should have the su- be remembered that Paul wrote under preme office brought to the disciples CALL inspiration, and so if titles were in vogue, great spiritual weakness and caused the he would have included them in some heart of the Son of God to be grieved. by of his letters. "And they came to Capharnaum. BEATRICE The apostle John, who survived Pe- When He was at home, He asked them, WORNOW ter, and wrote the last installment of the What were you arguing about on the Holy Bible, and into whose care Jesus way ? But they kept silence, for on the placed His mother, never once men- way they had discussed with one another tioned any degrees of honor which were which of them was the greatest. And given to Peter, or any one of the disciples sitting down, He called the twelve and who were in the ministry. If the men said to them, If any man wishes to be who comprised the early church were first, he shall be last of all and servant living today, and could hear the list of of all." Mark 9:33-35 (CNT). degrees exalting the clergy to the rank of Peter well remembered all this, and Deity, would they not call them strange now, after spending years in the work HAT a thrill of anticipation goes absurdities and blasphemous? of God, he takes the greatest •of all through our hearts as we hear There is innately in man a disposition the last call when a great liner titles, "a servant." The spirit of self- W to regard himself more highly than his is about to sail: "All ashore that's going brother and to seek the highest place abnegation is the spirit of Christ, the ashore!" Hurriedly those on board say evidence of true spiritual leadership, the their last good-by to friend or loved one, whenever and wherever possible. Those mark of apostolic succession. and sail for distant lands across the ocean. who partake of the divine attributes of When we see the distinctive names A final call. is going to all mankind to- Christ will follow His example of true with which Peter alluded to himself we day, a call for preparation to go to a far meekness and unselfish ministry with- must conclude that there is a vast dif- country: "Fear God, and give glory to out bidding for recognition. All will ference between his lowly titles and the Him; for the hour of His judgment is heed the injunction given in the book of arrogant claims of his assumed succes- come." Revelation 14:7. Philippians: The word of God declares: "When these sors. If, when penning out his two en- "Have this mind in you which was things begin to come to pass, . . . lift up also in Christ Jesus, who, though He was cyclicals, he had used such appellations your heads; for your redemption draweth by nature God, did not consider being of dignity as the following: Simon Pe- nigh." Luke 21:28. ter, "Sovereign Pontiff," "Vicar of Now is the time to prepare for that great equal to God a thing to be clung to, but Christ," "Most Holy Father," "Bishop of and glorious event—the return of our Lord emptied Himself, taking the nature of the universal church," "divine mon- Jesus. The sweetest words that were ever a slave." Philippians 2:5-7 (CNT). arch," "supreme emperor and chief spoken are: "I will come again." Let us In the heart of a Christlike being there king of kings;" then we could under- prepare today. The last call is sounding will be no desire for preference, suprem- stand more fully why those who claim now. acy, or pre-eminence. apostolic succession should use such ex- A91 The religion of Jesus Christ makes travagant appellatives. For verification ferior to "the most eminent apostles?" no ostentatious display. The Son of of the titles herein mentioned see Ex- "For I ought to have been commended God wore no outward garb that distin- tracts From Ferraris's Ecclesiastical Dic- by you, since in no way have I fallen guished Him from the common man. tionary, R. C., art. "Pope." short of the most eminent apostles, even He mingled with the poor and shared Peter simply wrote of himself as "a though I am nothing." 2 Corinthians in, their privations. It was His virtuous servant," and all who follow him in 12:11 (CNT). life and acts of mercy that commended verity will not be seeking superiority of Again, he refers to himself thus: "For Him to God the Father; and, thus it rank or ecclesiastical cognomens. I regard myself as nowise inferior to the. will be of every true follower of His "All you are brothers, . . . call no one great apostles." 2 Corinthians :5 today. on earth your father; for one is your Fa- (CNT). "How God anointed Jesus of Naza- ther, who is in heaven. Neither be He did not say "the great apostle," reth with the Holy Spirit and with called masters; for one only is your Mas- but "the great apostles," using the plural power, and He went about doing good ter, the Christ. He who is greatest again. If he had said "the great apostle," and healing all who were in the power among you shall be your servant." Mat- no doubt some would eagerly assume of the devil; for God was with Him." thew 22:9-II (CNT). that it could be none other than Peter. Acts 10:38 (CNT). All were brothers, thus showing that Such evidence would be used to prove A man may be robed with beautiful they were all on equality. No one was Peter's primacy. The fact that Paul used , and a golden miter, bestud- to have conferred upon him the name the term in the plural indicates that all ded with all manner of jewels, may be "father." One wonders how the Son of were of equal importance and that he on his brow; but this is no indication of God regards those who insist on being was "nowise inferior" to them. He holiness or virtue. On the contrary, it addressed as "father," "most holy fa- would never have penned these words may well reveal a shallowness of char- ther," "reverend," "right reverend," or if there were any rank, distinction, or acter unbefitting a follower of the meek any other similar title. superiority conferred upon a chosen one and lowly Christ. True piety makes no If Peter was constituted as supreme to the exclusion of the others. parade and gives itself no airs. It as- head of the church, then what about We do not find in any of the four- sumes no lordly jurisdiction and claims Paul, who declared that he was not in- teen books which Paul wrote one state- no extravagant titles. for APRIL 19, 1949 Page Eleven OOD evening, everyone," the covenant with many for one week : greeted Pastor Flynn as he and in the midst of the week He shall entered the Saunders' liv- cause the sacrifice and the to ing room to teach the Bi- cease. ble study class that met "You will notice that Daniel prophe- there every Wednesday sied of Christ that He would cause the evening. "Let us pray be- `sacrifice and oblation' to cease. This has fore we begin our Bible reference to the offering of sacrifices, study." all of which pointed forward to Christ, No. IS As all bowed their heads, Pastor and all of which came to an end when Flynn prayed: "Our Father, who art in Christ died on the cross. There were heaven, we present ourselves to Thee to- literally hundreds of ceremonial laws by DALLAS YOUNGS night again as those who are seeking which governed the sanctuary service of light and truth from Thy word. We the sin offering, the trespass offering, recognize the fact that we cannot obtain the burnt offering, the morning and a right understanding of the mysteries evening oblation, and of feast days, fast of Thy word except as Thou dost ful- days, holydays, and new moons. All fill Thy promise and send the Holy these things were typical. They pointed Spirit to be our teacher. Therefore, our forward to Christ. When the sinner in Father, as we apply our minds to study, Old Testament days brought his sin give us a better grasp of Thy great plan offering to the door of the sanctuary, he of salvation. We ask it in Jesus' name. brought a type of the true Lamb of God. Amen." It was in this way that the sinner ex- As Bibles were opened, the pastor be- pressed his faith in the promise of the gan: "Last week we studied the law coming Redeemer. that Christ established, but this week we "The ceremonial law was a remedial are going to study the law that He system that was made necessary because abolished. Some people become con- of the transgression of the moral law. Pastor Flynn's fused on this point and claim that Christ Here is what one author says about Bible Studies abolished all law. This is a fatal mistake it: 'Had the law of God never been trans- that is going to result in the loss of many gressed, there would have been no death, souls to the kingdom of God. There is and no need of a Saviour; consequently a law that Christ established, and there there would have been no need of sacri- was a law—the ceremonial law—that fices. . . . If man had kept the law of The He abolished when He died on the cross. God, as given to Adam after his fall, "In speaking of the ceremonial law, preserved by Noah, and observed by John Wesley says: 'The ritual or cere- Abraham, there would have been no necessity for the ordinance of circum- Law That monial law, delivered by Moses to the children of Israel, containing all the cision. . . . And had the people prac- injunctions and ordinances which re- ticed the principles of the Ten Com- lated to the old sacrifices and service of mandments, there would have been no need of the additional directions given Christ the temple, our Lord did indeed come to destroy, to dissolve, and utterly abolish. to Moses.'—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs To this bear all the apostles witness. and Prophets, pages 363, 364." . . . This "handwriting of ordinances "A little while ago you spoke of peo- Abolished our Lord did blot out, take away, and ple being confused about the moral and nail to His cross." But the moral law ceremonial laws," said Mr. Goldstein. contained in the Ten Commandments, "Doesn't the Bible make the distinction was 'the handwriting of ordinances' that and enforced by the prophets, He did clear ?" Christ nailed to His cross. Not one word not take away. It was not the design of "Yes, the Bible does make the distinc- is said here about the moral precepts of His coming to revoke any part of this. tion clear. It tells us plainly that the law the Ten Commandments, yet there are This is a law which never can be broken, of types and shadows was nailed to the many who cite this verse to show that which "stands fast as the faithful wit- cross, but the trouble is that some people the Ten Commandments were abol- ness in heaven." . . . Every part of do not like the moral law of God, and ished. Besides that, when we read verses this law must remain in force upon all do not want to obey it, so they take the sixteen and seventeen of that same. chap- mankind, and in all ages.'—Sermons on scriptures in the Bible which apply to ter, we are told exactly what ordinances Several Occasions, 1839 ed., vol. 1, pp. the abolishing of the ceremonial law were taken out of the way and nailed to 221, 222." and apply them to the moral law. Co- the cross: "Pastor Flynn," spoke up Mr. Pier- lossians 2:14 is a verse that marks the " 'Let no man therefore judge you in son, "you said that Christ brought the distinction clearly, yet it is often used to meat, or in drink, or in respect of an ceremonial law to an end when He died show that Christ did away with His holyday, or of the new moon, or of the on the cross. How did He do this?" Father's law: 'Blotting out the hand- sabbath days: which are a shadow of "I believe that Daniel 9:26, 27 will writing of ordinances that was against things to come; but the body is of help to answer this question: 'After us, which was contrary to us, and took Christ.' threescore and two weeks shall Messiah it out of the way, nailing it to His cross.' "It is not difficult as we read these be cut off. . . . And He shall confirm "Here we are told distinctly that it verses to see that the writer is talking

Page Twelve SIGNS of the TIMES about ceremonial things, because men- it to be immutable.'—Patriarchs and on the cross the veil of the temple was tion is made of `meat,' drink,"holyday,' Prophets, page 365." torn. Does that have any bearing on the `new moon,' and `sabbath days.' The "The distinction between the two subject tonight?" sabbath days referred to here are the laws is clear enough to me," said Mr. "Yes, the supernatural rending of the seven yearly ceremonial sabbaths that Hoover, "but the thing I don't see is veil signifies that the temple service had were observed in connection with the this: If the ceremonial law was a good come to an end as far as God was con- Jewish national feasts. law in the Old Testament, why isn't it cerned. Suppose we read the verse, Mrs. "Ephesians 2:15, 16 is another scrip- a good law now?" Ryan: 'Jesus, when He had cried again ture that is quite plain on this point: "Hebrews 1o:1 may give you some with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. `Having abolished in His flesh the en- help on that," replied Pastor Flynn: And, behold, the veil of the temple was mity, even the law of commandments " 'For the law having a shadow of good rent in twain from the top to the bot- contained in ordinances; for to make in things to come, and not the very image tom; and the earth did quake, and the Himself of twain one new man, so of the things, can never with those sacri- rocks rent.' Matthew 27:50, 51. making peace; and that He might rec- fices which they offered year by year con- "For centuries the veil had separated oncile both unto God in one body by tinually make the corners thereunto per- the 'holy place' from the 'most holy the cross, having slain the enmity there- fect.' place.' It was the duty of the priests to y.,, "The ceremonial law was but a minister daily in the holy place, the first "Is the distinction between the moral shadow or a promise of the 'good things apartment of the sanctuary; but no man and ceremonial laws recognized by the to come' in Christ. At best it was un- could enter into the most holy place, leaders of the various Protestant denom- satisfactory, due to the fact that it was except the high priest, and that only on inations ?" asked Mrs. Saunders. typical and shadowy, and the blood of the Day of Atonement, which occurred "Yes, it is by many Protestant writers the sacrifices had in it no power to on the tenth day of the seventh month. and commentators: 'The ceremonial law cleanse the sinner. It simply pointed the When Christ died, the veil was rent taught of the holiness of God and of a sinner to Christ, who would in the 'full- from the top to the bottom, showing coming Saviour, and was designed to ness of time' come and shed His royal that no human hands had done it. The provide for restored obedience to the blood to atone for sin. most holy place was exposed to public moral law.'—Ferdinand S. Schenck; " 'Then said He, Lo, I come to do Thy view for the first time. This is the ful- The Ten Commandments and the Lord's will, 0 God. He taketh away the first, fillment of Daniel's prophecy that Christ Prayer, page that He may establish the second.' Verse would 'cause the sacrifice and the obla- "This is a quotation on the point from 9. 'Above when He said, Sacrifice and tion to cease.' " H. Grattan Guinness, in Creation Cen- offering and burnt offerings and offer- "Last Wednesday night you showed tred in Christ, page 31: 'The moral law ing for sin Thou wouldest not, neither us by a comparison of Bible texts that revealed the disease for which He hadst pleasure therein; which are offered the Ten Commandments were identical [Christ] brought the remedy. Its pre- by the law.' Verse 8. in character to the character of God. I cepts were designed to convince of sin. "Albert Barnes makes an interesting wonder if you could give references to On the other hand, the ceremonial law comment on these verses: 'The word show the contrast between the moral and was suited to typify the remedy for sin. It "first" here refers to sacrifices and offer- ceremonial laws," asked Mrs. Saunders. contained a shadow of the "good things" ings. Christ takes them away; that is, "Yes, indeed, the Bible gives seven of the gospel. It pictured the way of sal- He shows that they are of no value in points of clear contrast: vation.' removing sin. He states their inefficacy, "1. The moral law is called 'the royal and declares His purpose to abolish "I think this quotation sets forth the law.' James 2:8. The ceremonial law them. "That He may establish the sec- matter clearly: 'There are many who is called the law`contained in ordinances. ond." To wit, the doing of the will of try to blend these two systems, using the Ephesians 2:15. God. . . . If they had been efficacious, texts that speak of the ceremonial law "2. The moral law was spoken by there would have been no need of His to prove that the moral law has been God. Deuteronomy 4:12, 13. The cere- coming to make an atonement.'—Notes abolished; but this is a perversion of the monial law was spoken by Moses. Le- on the New Testament. vol. 9, p. 226." Scriptures. The distinction between the viticus I:1, 2. two systems is broad and clear. The "Since we have been studying the "3. The moral law was written on ta- ceremonial system was made up of sym- Bible here every week I have got into bles of stone. Exodus 24:12. The cere- bols pointing to Christ, to His sacrifice the habit of reading my Bible almost monial law was 'the handwriting of and His priesthood. This ritual law, every day," said Mrs. Ryan. "Now I ordinances.' Colossians 2:14. with its sacrifices and ordinances, was to remember reading that when Jesus died "4. The moral law was placed in the be performed by the Hebrews until ark. Exodus 40:20. The ceremonial law type met antitype in the death of Christ, was placed in the side of the ark. Deu- the Lamb of God that taketh away the teronomy 31:24-26. sin of the world. Then all the sacrificial free Bible Correspondence Course "5. The moral law 'is perfect.' Psalm offerings were to cease. It is this law that 19:7. The ceremonial law 'made noth- Christ "took out of the way, nailing it Readers of the "Signs of the Times" who are especially interested in Bible study will ing perfect.' Hebrews 7:19. to His cross." be glad to know that a free Bible corre- "6. The moral law was 'written with " 'While the Saviour's death brought spondence course is now available to them. the finger of God.' Exodus 31:18. The to an end the law of types and shadows, There are no fees, and the only textbook is ceremonial law was written by Moses in the word of God. For full particulars, write it did not in the least detract from the a book. 2 Chronicles 35:12. obligation of the moral law. On the /he Edam "7. The moral law was not destroyed contrary, the very fact that it was neces- SIGNS OF THE TIMES by Christ. Matthew 5:17. The ceremo- sary for Christ to die in order to atone Mountain View, California nial law was abolished by Christ.' Ephe- for the transgression of that law, proves sians 2:15." for APRIL 19, 1949 Page Thirteen A Captain There Was (Continued from page 9) bath, was perceived by those early champions. But they did know that the true Sabbath day is the sign and seal of , (2,_ rte, O God. Ezekiel 20:12. And as children salute their country's flag for its beauty /0-1- ---.41-0--a4.- and its initial meaning to them, yet with increasing maturity learn to love it yet more for its symbolism of all they hold dear, so the Sabbathkeeping fraternity of the advent host were to grow ever more .,a2.,. r,-Zr..ti:i-n- GI -L1er4, 4'1-- ---iVt-e-, v, conscious of the depth of its meaning. There was no church then known as Otief-Le. - 7,P-z-e-4,,e. ,-74-kee-e- Seventh-day Adventist. The largest group of those who had accepted the invv.e.tveLe .d., no-cu-/ Sabbath truth was a congregation of about fifteen members that had come out of the Washington, New Hamp- shire, Christian Church. They were ad- ventists, and they were "seventh-day people," in the phrase of their former associates. Aside from them, there was only one person here and one there who had grasped those two cardinal points of faith. Where was the captain who should beckon them on? Preble kept but briefly MODERN his Sabbath observance. One or two MCVERN other ministers who at first started out on the Sabbath trail soon turned back. MEDICAL Wheeler, though he was faithful to the MEDICAL COUNAIOR end of his hundred years, was not the dynamic leader needed by the cause. Where was the man for the hour? He COUNSELOR was found! God tried different men to draw the bow for His Sabbath arrow; it MEETS was when He came to Joseph Bates that YOUR NEEDS He found the tested sinew and the true eye that sent the arrow to its mark. The "blessed hope" of the imminent second advent of Christ was the goal, puraimci by H. 0. Swartout, M.D., Dr. P.H., in collabo- the objective, the triumph point, the whole reason for being of this move- ration with sixteen leading specialists. Here is a complete 9oo-page modern ment. The second great truth which health guide, designed to give you every possible aid not only in disease pre- came to them was the seal of the living vention but in caring for illness and in meeting emergencies in your home. God, the Sabbath which He had ap- pointed as a sign to His people that they are His. These two truths Joseph Bates //facie/tot Medical eat4a4e434 does not take the place of a now possessed. And with all diligence doctor, but will help you to relieve pain and tells when to send for a phy- he propagated them. sician. Your health problems are brought to specialists to be solved, thus He had no material resources; his for- tune was gone, consumed in the cam- saving time and money. This book provides you and your family with paign of 1844. But when the calls came useful, practical medical aid for critical emergencies and for day-to-day to him to move out to some point where health consultation. he might make a telling stroke for Christ, sufficient money, a few dollars, came to him to finance his way—from a OVER 425,000 NOW SOLD. SEND POSTAL CARD TODAY widow like her of Zarephath, from a FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS OUTSTANDING BOOK. servant girl like the maid in Naaman's house, from an utter stranger like the Samaritan on the road to Jericho. When he determined that he must write a book on the Sabbath truth, and rose from his task at his wife's behest to spend his last York shilling for four

Page Fourteen SIGNS of the TIMES program. They did not keep His law. pounds of flour, there waited for him A Preview at the post office a letter with sufficient They continued in the course of dis- funds to meet their present needs; and (Continued from page 6) obedience and covenant breaking until when the printing bill was due, there others have marshaled their legions with there was no remedy. God had chosen came, surprisingly, the beneficence of a this objective in mind; but all went them. He was compelled to reject them. friend who had that day received the down to ignominious defeat. Along the But while He has cut them off from unexpected payment of an old debt. centuries the sure word of prophecy has being His chosen people, let no one be- "The Lord will provide!" was the con- declared: "The kingdom shall be di- lieve that He has cut them off from stant watchword of this captain who, vided. . . . They shall not cleave one His salvation. As a nation they are re- going down to the sea in ships, had to another, even as iron is not mixed jected. As individuals they have the many a time seen the wonderful deliver- with clay." Verses 41-43. To the end of same opportunity that all men have to ance of the Lord in scenes of storm and the present age no other universal king- be saved. stress. His beloved wife let him walk dom is to be established, and "the Scrip- alone the Sabbath road for four years; ture cannot be broken." but then, convinced and converted in But what of the future? The prophet "Anywhere Any Time her soul, joined him to walk for yet answers: "In the days of these kings shall (Continued from page 4) twenty years together the path of joy the God of heaven set up a kingdom, in the last decade—have literally made and duty. which shall never be destroyed: and the the earth one community. One can kingdom shall not be left to other peo- Thele were more truths to be brought stand at any major airport today and ple, but it shall break in pieces and con- into this forming system of doctrine observe regular flights coming in from sume all these kingdoms, and it shall and love. To other hands God gave the every part of the world. Tourist trips are stand forever. Forasmuch as thou saw- initial revelations, that there might be a advertised to Europe, to South America, est that the stone was cut out of the sharing of responsibilities and honor. to the Orient, "anywhere any time." mountain without hands, and that it Joseph Bates received from one the first One airline uses the slogan, "Where in brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the light on the sanctuary question, from the world do you want to go? . . . Fly- clay, the silver, and the gold; the great another the evolving panorama of the ing is the way to travel." God hath made known to the king what threefold angel messages that bind to- Marvelous as all these developments shall come to pass hereafter: and the gether the last gospel call; from still an- are, however, they represent only the dream is certain, and the interpretation other the Spirit-bestowed blessing of the beginning of tremendous improvements thereof sure." Verses 44, 45. prophetic gift to the last-day church. already underway in the aircraft indus- Looking backward upon the vivid Humbly and sincerely he accepted truth try. Imagine, if you can, the speed and panorama of accurately fulfilled proph- as it came, and joined his brethren in facility of everyday travel when the jet ecy, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and study and in proclamation. and rocket principles have been applied Rome each arose, accomplished its na- generally to commercial planes! Joseph Bates was a disciple, a teacher, tional destiny according to the divine Is there any significance to the crowd- and an exemplar of health reform. Af- blueprint, then crumbled to ruins; while ing of these marvelous developments into ter his early initial victories over the the next act in the world drama will be a few brief decades when centuries pre- gross abuses of appetite, he went on, be- the establishment of Christ's eternal vious recorded no perceptible advance in fore any of his fellow workers, to .aban- kingdom. the conquest of the air ? Indeed there don the use of tea and coffee, of con- is. As amazing as our age of speed is diments, of fried foods, and of flesh the fact that more than two millenniums foods. He set the example and the pace Why God Chose Israel ago a prophet of God foresaw it and for healthful living to his fellow work- (Continued from page 7) prophesied concerning it. Our air age ers, yet he never preached these truths When Israel was delivered from is but a response of history to the pro- or forced others to do as he did. Egypt, a knowledge of the true God phetic word. In Daniel 12:4 we find He bore a large part, a tremendous spread to all nations. It was a tremen- recorded this statement of the angel of part, in the discovery and the propaga- dous lesson to surrounding nations. In the Lord to the prophet: "But thou, 0 tion of the truths that came to be held by Canaan one said: Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the Seventh-day Adventists. He was active "We have heard how Jehovah dried book, even to the time of the end: many in organizing churches and in helping up the water of the Red Sea before you, shall run to and fro, and knowledge to frame the denominational organiza- when ye came out of Egypt; and what shall be increased." tion when, after eighteen years of ar- ye did unto the two kings of the Amo- It is in the plan of God that this pre- dent evangelization, the cause came to rites, that were beyond the Jordan, unto diction should be fulfilled in "the time be sorely in need of better control. Sihon and to Og, whom ye utterly de- of the end," the very time when means In 1858 he and his wife moved to stroyed. And as soon as we had heard must be made available whereby His Michigan, and there he continued in it, our hearts did melt, neither did there work may be quickly finished in all the evangelism, in the training of young remain any more spirit in any man, be- world in preparation for Christ's second men for the ministry, and in counseling cause of you: for Jehovah your God, -He advent. This fulfillment is a challenge the churches. Though sorely smitten is God in heaven above, and on earth to all to prepare their hearts to receive when "dear Prudy" died, he wavered beneath." Joshua 2:1o, 11, A.R.V. Him. Said Jesus: not, and for eighteen months, up to Thus Jehovah exalted and blessed Is- "Watch ye therefore: for ye know within three or four weeks of his death, rael, not because of partiality, but that not when the master of the house he was reporting his pastoral visits. He might, through them, reveal Him- cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at Struck down by a streptococcus infec- self to all earth's inhabitants. the cockcrowing, or in the morning: lest tion, he yielded his life in his eightieth Israel, however, did not fulfill God's coming suddenly he find you sleeping. year. A noble apostle, a captain in the purpose. They did not carry out His And what I say unto you I say unto all, Lord's host! plans. They did not measure up to His Watch." Mark 13:35-37. F. A. S. for APRIL 19, 1949 Page Fifteen

Hs the disciples were assembled in the upper room, Jesus appeared among them and spoke reassuringly: "Peace be unto you." 13ECAUSE, s

Easter Message

r- HE moment of destiny had come. by FENTON E. FROOM know for sure that He holds the keys Jesus was dead. Satan, the usurper, to the grave. ' had borne away in triumph the Millions rejoice at this season of the key to the eternal plan of the ages. placed against them by the authorities. year in the glorious hope of the resurrec- Fearful and wondering, some of the Now it is evening. In the upper room tion. Because He lives, we, too, may live disciples approached the sepulcher. Had the disciples are "assembled for fear of —forever. not the Master said : "Destroy this tem- the Jews." John 20:19. Possibly they The apostle Paul assures us: "Behold, ple, and in three days I will raise it up"? are recounting the tragic events of the I show you a mystery; We shall not all John 2:19. last few days, the betrayal of Christ, the sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a Suddenly the picture changes. "He is false accusers, the trial and conviction, moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at not here: for He is risen," declares the and His ignominious death between two the last trump: for the trumpet shall angel to Mary Magdalene, Mary the thieves. sound, and the dead shall be raised in- mother of James, and the other women Suddenly a familiar form appears corruptible, and we shall be changed. who had come to the tomb. Hurriedly among them, and a well-known voice For this corruptible must put on incor- they tell the other disciples. Alarmed, speaks calmly and reassuringly: "Peace ruption, and this mortal must put on these receive the news of the empty tomb be unto you." Inexpressible joy fills the immortality." 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. with dismay. They decide to hide, lest hearts of His recently fear-stricken fol- May we so 'fully believe in Him and they be blamed for the disappearance of lowers. His everlasting power that in that glo- Christ's body. The resurrection has become a reality! rious day we may be found among the In their abode these brethren, For four thousand years man had faced host of the redeemed. Then may our who had sat at His feet, who had spent the unsolved and unexplainable mystery voices swell in endless praise and adora- so many occasions in prayer by His side, of death. Now Christ, the risen Lord, tion to our Redeemer who shall claim wait anxiously for this accusation to be has broken its bands. Now His disciples us as His own on that resurrection morn.

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