Family Conversations Think of a time when you were the last one to For families to do together get a turn. How did that feel? This week’s Bible story is 1 Play last-shall-be-first for 30 minutes (or a day!). The youngest member of the family The Vineyard Think back to some times when you didn’t gets to be the leader of the family, and the 2 think things were fair. Tell us about one of those Workers times. What did you do? grown-ups can act like kids! Have fun with this from Matthew 20:1-16. silly swapping game as you play and pretend Imagine a typical day in your household. How together. showed us that God is gener- 3 would the day change if the last became first? ous to everyone. For example, who would get out of bed first, instead of last? Who would read the comics Ask each other what you remember about: first, instead of last? Who would go to bed first, • Generous • First and Last instead of last? Think of some more ideas that For younger kids apply to your family. • Vineyard • Promise The vineyard owner paid each worker. He was generous. God wants us to be generous too. Today’s story talks about the last becoming How did the first workers feel at the end of the Gather a few pennies, dimes, or nickels, and first. Matthew is the last in alpha- 4 day? (cheated) Let’s pretend that we went to keep them in an envelope. What could you do betical order (John, Luke, Mark, Matthew), church, but we got there late. We missed the with these coins to show generosity to others? but the first Gospel in the New Testament. opening hymn, and the Gospel reading, and the sermon. We got to church just in time to receive In chronological order, most Bible historians . Would the pastor say, “Sorry, no believe Mark was the first Gospel to be writ- communion. You were late”? Why not? ten. Mark was followed by Matthew and Luke, and finally John. For older kids What were those workers doing all day in the Eye Spark vineyard? When did workers harvest grapes? The last shall be first! Leave special notes Use an online search engine to research agricul- Read the whole story together around your house for the last person to go to ture and weather during Jesus’ time. bed or the first person to get up in the morning. in the Bible! Make notes that will remind them of this week’s great story! Spark Story Bible pages 298-299

Spark Bible pages 1082-1083 Ear Spark Listen for last and first sounds this week. Keep your ears open for the bells that ring at your Family Prayer school, your teacher’s instructions as you get in Generous God, Help us to trust that what you line, noisy alarm clocks first thing in the morn- ing, and snoring late at night! promised us, you will give us. Help us to stop worrying about what everyone else has, and be thankful for what we have. Amen. , The Vineyard Workers Family Page. SparkTM Sunday School © 2011 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for local use provided every copy carries this notice.