IFLA Annual Report 2004-2005
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IFLA Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments ANNUAL REPORT September 2004 – September 2005 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work for the Section has been made possible thanks to the active contribution, keen participation and commitment of the Section Officers: Dr. June Verrier, Secretary of the Section and Gro Sandgrind, our Information Coordinator. Unfortunately, during the year 2005, Dr. Verrier resigned her position. The Conferences have been a success primarily thanks to organizers of specific meetings, rapporteurs, presentators, and the commitment of colleagues, friends and participants, and the commitment of the Norwegian Parliamentary Library. We are particularly thankful for receiving the third comer up Newsletter of the Year Award, with the invaluable work of June Verrier and her assistant, Ms. Katrina Arte, seconded by the Chair. Our special thanks and recognition to the Norwegian Storting for the generous hosting, the extraordinarly well organized Preconference, with special mention of the contents and participants, as well as the production efforts to get things going seamlessly and without a glitch. With our gratitude, and congratulations. M.D. SCOPE STATEMENT In accordance with the mission and objectives of IFLA, the Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments recognises the central role that information must play in the effective functioning of a democratic legislature. In representing parliamentary libraries, the Section encompasses parliamentary and legislative libraries that provide information and documentation services to Parliamentarians and also those that include a research and analysis service. These services are provided to national legislatures in unitary states and to both national and regional legislatures in countries with a federal system of government. The activities undertaken by those who provide library and research services for parliaments range from the identification, location, interpretation, synthesis, and timely delivery of information to in-depth analysis and development of choices for the legislature. In addition to the library skills of acquisition, indexing, reference work and the use of information technology, there is often a need for subject and disciplinary expertise, significant presentational skills and an understanding of legislative procedures and official publications. The concept of service to members of the legislature, the primary clientele, is fundamental to parliamentary libraries and research services. STANDING COMMITTEE, OFFICERS OF THE SECTION Standing Committee Officers 2003–2005 Chair / Treasurer Aug 2005-2007 Donna Scheeder Law Library, Library of Congress, USA: 1 Chair/Treasurer Until Aug., 2005 Marialyse Délano Serrano Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile Head, Department of Information Resources Huérfanos 1117, 2 piso Santiago Chile e–mail: [email protected] phone: +56 2 270 17 00 fax: +56 2 270 17 47 Secretary, 2005-2007 Margareta Brundin Riksdagen, Sweden Secretary, until 2005: Dr. June R. Verrier Commonwealth Parliament Parliament House CANBERRA ACT 2600 Information Co–ordinator: Ms Gro Sandgrind Information Coordinator of IFLA PAR Section Parliamentary Librarian Library of the Norwegian Parliament Karl Johansgt. 22 N-0026 OSLO Norway Tel. +(47)23313685 Fax +(47)23313859 Email: [email protected] Our newly elected or re-elected members, 2005 - 2009 • Ms. Irina Andreeva • Mrs. Eleni Mitrakou • Mrs. Margareta Brundin • Ms. Caryn Carr • Ms. Anita Dudina • Mr. Hugh Finsten • Ms. Moira Fraser • Mr. Younghee Park • Mrs. Gro Sandgrind • Ms. Janet Seaton • Mr. Segundo Soto Coronel SC members whose term is on going are: • Ali-Abdel-Elah, Wafaaa: second term 2003-2007 • Almeida Maia, Cristiane: first term 2003-2007 • Delano, Marialyse: second term 2003-2007 • Karl Min Ku: first term 2003-2007 • Moesi, Josephine: first term 2003-2007 • Parker, Sara: second term 2003-2007 • Scheeder, Donna: second term 2003-2007 • Singh, N.K: first term 2003-2007 • Verrier, June: second term 2003-2007 (recently resigned as Secretary of the Section). Corresponding Members, 2003 – 2007 are: • Margarita Angelova 2 • Tembi Chalabase Mtine • Bharti Tiwari • Fumihiko Kamata Members whose two terms have expired or who not re-nominated. • Aranda Torres, Patricio • Cuninghame, Keith • Kulisiewicz, Wojciech • Choi Moon Hyu • Nzo-Nguty, Bernard • Paré, Richard, who served as Chair and has made great contributions to the Section during his tenure. MEMBERSHIP The Section has 110 members representing 57 countries as of October 2004. Among the members there are 74 parliamentary libraries, 6 National libraries, 16 National Associations, 5 International Associations and other Institutions and 9 Personal Affiliates. FINANCES The Section received for the year 2004-2005 an amount of 610 Euro from IFLA to cover the costs of running the Section’s activities. Of the allowance, 172 Euros were spent on: photocopies during the Buenos Aires Conference, bank account transfer and handling charges, and 100 Euros for IFLA overhead charges for the Preconference. The Parliament of Australia sponsored the printing and distribution of the Section’s Newsletter and the Chilean Library of Congress the Preconference; the Argentinian Library of Congress funded the Management Workshop at its premises. For the year 2005-2006 the Section received an amount of 610 Euro from IFLA. During the year 207 Euros were spent on: photocopies, bank account transfers and handling charges, mail, and 100 Euros for IFLA overhead charges for the Preconference. The remaining sum of …. was returned to IFLA HQ. The Chilean Library of Congress financed some photocopies and mailing costs. The Storting generously hosted, and financed the Preconference, the Research Meeting and the Workshop. The Section has up to date 699 Euros (2005) returned to HQ, according to new procedures and is entitled another 610 Euros for 2006. It must be stressed that this amount was generated by the generous contribution of both the Argentinian and the Norwegian Parliament, who provided venues and refreshments for the Research Meeting and the Workshop, activities that had been financed by the Section on previous occasions. Alas, this amount could not cover the translations and transcription of the Valparaíso meeting and was not enough for financing translation for the Oslo programme meeting, which was extremely expensive. COMMUNICATIONS For IFLA 2004 -2005, the Section prepared and sent letters to the 110 registered members of the Section and in excess of 100 additional letters to frequent participants, including Standing Committee members. Members have been actively and permanently contacted during 2004- 2005 by the Section’s officers, for participation, information and suggestions. CONFERENCES Prior to the Oslo WLIC, the Section held its 21th Annual International Conference of Parliamentary Librarians also in Oslo, at the Storting. Due to a change in format of the Conference, to make the meetings shorter in time duration, the Research Meeting was held during the Preconference and all of the previous activities were held in Oslo. 3 21st. Annual Conference of Library and Research Services, IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments Preconference, hosted by the Norwegian Parliament, the Stortinget. August 10th., and 11th. Location: the Storting building Theme: Knowledge and Information for Parliaments – a premise for Democracy The activities, meetings and presentations planned for Wednesday were chaired by Gro Sandgrind, the Parliamentary Librarian, the Storting. The Delegates were warmly received at the Storting for registration, coffee and snack, between 12 and 13 hrs. For all, it was a moment for enjoying meeting friends after a year of not seeing each other. The Conference was opened with addresses from Inge Lønning, Vice-President of the Storting and Gro Sandgrind, Parliamentary Librarian. The presentations considered Parliaments and Parliamentary Libraries as communities that enable politicians to do a good job. We are in a high touch organisation, with community sharing to bring and take ideas, as a challenge and positive experience of neighbourly help. Following the welcome speeches, the audience heard the presentations from Erik Nessheim, Senior Political Adviser, Conservative Party; Lisbeth Rugtvedt, Political Adviser, Socialist Left Party; Jarle Skjørestad, Head of Research Services on the need for knowledge and information in the parliamentary process. Mr. Nessheim mentioned that although Library work was an asset, there were instances in which parliamentarians could live a comfortable and quite successful life sticking to what the government said. He considered of importance whitepapers, newspapers and information from lobby areas. Ms. Rugtvedt leading the work of 14 staff, mentioned the importance of working directly with the Library, and not with information intermediaries. She stressed the importance of building trust ref the model of reality implicit in research, not only facts and information. And, opposition needs independent and not government information. She considered Internet as a new arena for political work. A lively discussion period followed, in which Jarlo Sjorestad, from the Research Services mentioned the tyranny of experts and yet required experts in the legislative process.Dan Mulhollan, from the US CRS mentioned public hearings in the US, and Donna Scheeder the intelligence forum for serios debate; Eva Falk discussed the tyranny of selected experts, and Eva ref information from constituencies.