YOURWCALSOURCE$1.00 .More -f'- than -f.- Job .0 ¡n help Uflítíes N J - N T\TTTT'Q LibrarYPistriCt o. NUes public -4 I ' 1LdLI'L) . SERVING OUR. R 6960OaktOflStreet fo. Nues, 111ifl0 60714 o HERALD -SPECiì%IU(847)663_1234 RIONERRRESSPUBUCATIO '1'

Photo by Aason Erin Metrick, ñght 6, hunts for Easter eggs with other ckiktren at the Golf View Recreation Center's Easter egg hunt in NUeS on Saturday Page 3 .DIERSII Our series exploring Oakton stops in the Skokie's Northlight Theatre announoes street's "string section." Page 51 2008-09 season. Page Bl

From ' Here toaCareer Free health care career information session: Q;?O2tt!.O9 .ir 8311M Pharmacy Technician/The Aseptic £SIQ M8t1tE; 318fldtQL)o S11H Pharmaceutical Preparations Program .1_8m ¿4I1 3I19flc 9B1IM Tuesday, March 25 L000000 ci003 t'I92ci* 5 p.m., Room P103, Skokie Campus OO-3iU1 i-3xcx Reserve your place today by calling 847.635.1629. 7701 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokic * Oakton Th000dcy,MarrhUO,t500w13

2 Thu'udoy,Mureh2O,2Oab.. APioneurPrees PubIu1uu A Pioeoaer ToeSa Pobtloatlwn

MANAG4IIGEDSTOHI MIASTe Weqeen eoee.g.e.e904e.,b0edT005e 1(840)696-3548 A5 I A . L I News . - s s s - ;sii- 7,- : II o El! tn ad

- Cassroorfl cut-ups

- !ornetuleteC000tit!00 lido .tT '"5 U ate tp to oome staybuolt055. T' -' CliokintotSsi!uittea - - - I IO - r - comely this etolO undo! - - 'EsoantatyyaerOf' el eecOtplOerntItERbolt

ÌOOGOODTO LASTO 'MANOR PEROT' LOCATION! ONE OFOUR BESTOFFERINGS! AREAL DEAL! JoPUSIdI 1P8ANPo04PaPoShO LOAN] Oprnb 95k USAN IsIt MoMorbo Gnau..Oew Uobog! Supet cuetos 115E told bid! MaSo! Oteo..iPu at An EbaluT SoponcIO 3112 bat! 2bulutao SIgI PLO MalltppnpuSPtto&09595 pe. Mano95 910lt nel ooJl Oleo h lap no,BLOdw/anOooddciIiphlfftgo3dsbgoruScidud! Mo&uEUeuuoboPa5W/IAkflMA3la9wOL&k att 090 099 lull 03956251MAli nl &LOMASEU-A eldoul osOS p9004 atoan &Iuthnugtaut&ntuigntrlowinttyntLa000d-H ulitgno'".GtAw/uuuffeost9ksb&boE-k bell. LOan, OP Ptno PIllIST couPa OIt9500 loupe 5M P wi,int DqIeLOO pad. SMAltoIabu]to,w/,nulous 3 bu & 25cl bathe. tunantas! has uOaApsSbA blHisMibonlw/]EStncrost,bStuIbuIV &sçff000 01 255. 0ent02042 lMipsielu Onkel: 3et, odlluo, 199 uop AlcOA & test!usuan, bu bath & thuntsy/10115SOothed gelaqe & u5ou OAnitt/dhb, aute!031p1 & eluMo Fu'EUS yowl SCRAMBLING t1ATa,bupepe0060PutAN.. 93993 POj 3335MouenrnlueldHae USTSuFLOD&0tt60 5399's wANpuOlAlPidgaMo...... 33503 FOR EGGS 11069eR eeneeeble toeEsOtIA (Mi BOIT VIER Rooee0010S CooBO°O EASteR TeneeM lee BOleo oolola' --- ClIldernen p.eet tie. moneteN -°° VMileotldeNthneeOd69ee ' nedtOtHeOdeEROObomnot tien taoter Teu.eeey 501150M ealLulOMltl0000011000050PHEn

500A0010odHOWPLACAI RASTE OFFER! "BRIAHWOOD VISTA" COLONIAL! PICTURE PERFECT! elle!! Mutton Gravn.,.Fubulaus S too Condo ¡o SolitO ale MaTa! &uw...Abe000dy RAteo pefuts 00 Oos'MI...AboiMo pltMoa tUtore CANA30Mlau Mall 0reoo.,SIt4 Demo & sl CoDeen Lei! multiplex LeitSAneA!4+ MpeLes&21ff ITeANUDeIw La99ste CoaseleeLooa001t Peo! tuante. 20 Lsetg ow s 1tu,10160id Mit LOAeytrnmth04Tewpssfl baal 20136105tO 5 alIAs 01009PTa! LitiO 00 wfEW St011e & 59LO. make summerIndian-owned hs&3 1,2 wt latte SooùanAnien(porlo & Poanb 1090 en pANI elUSa! will celtAs OASI 'Courseaims to no + aleo&a100n5102lIrE MAN11eMo S be'°? a?ao o ale 00ff IDee duuretoU lui ow &eMAno sMi 441000011091 laSto b! wl&aloi wit-a s41olO & pmtaatseallw. Hatiaseal Mp 009036w! pbwrnO51wAlaethuANyad.2aSESOsolpoA9om lUDIon tu 2ff beieon&spe& quintoppenfloarr0000atu &aSPffMAVseowATlapePd balo. 559095 buttO eSa! res STaAT, osA SAT peed & excitement Golf Glen 1200tPelad&SalDeaPy...... 14150Mo Paulo oaw& watel 5204900 W/w590ThPk2llAtpow/9110900509, AN'SLOd51yAaI95P55IDeJ5M ....RettAN&ANo sizzle withscience chain torehab otrac&aoeO delays, a Kerr- _J' weeoodd000iddehae'e' ohe the Snot throoegto dolad Io ather deveiwpment By KATHY ROUTLWFE goodenieuelade "Btago Bat- By TONY BERTUCA an grocery store aseched- auld, "Tatoue eon eloMA00ER nowa, efreohFermo gro- loo o!lit!e@pi000wttoSaLCOm lthe!tueulpeiOoeeltocet corn etod ta open on March25 orourthctheireaeadomo000 terfilee oead Morta" "Scseooca ree-O sturowill ucrapytho and Arto" eod"Reuohloo' on suad 550cy eitemaeotuahau& eeiao'aOunauth former Grand Mart otte n Assi Place, If olementueP school etto- The otte ofthe former for eleenentery esod noidato the Starui' Pajot Placo shoppangero- Balk, a opokeew00000S 004010- GoIf-l3l93 TheateronlO dents can cuenTa tOse Older stuodento 000ff tor, 5749 W, 'FoolayAne,, Iftace Brothoro the00055- ee000letodeettta 90500cr oso Several asseoofsei00000f00000 e15agthaa00auelltehooeea000eut100p 000eOTaO lobear to Ootmun's officereported er wonOaiogouilhlljgbouehanl Bollywood made theo4ern t3,ofieeoeTe0sb05" lheeooMoeeehwobte3bge Grand Mort closed oIS e store, ce aAsee &eoehers901dattodoMom - idaiphyAN,00athe' otnesedhyoeaeoïlaedia3' doorS in Miles tant yeor ALOTFORAUTILE! BUILD2HOMES-ASK$54535l BETHEARSTTO ENJOVI. ALñCO&A LOWPRICEII - f9wgitaeeodevelopeeo - Morket, nadO occopythe th050eslmer,N'ff00Thto00 haeator,hetenYmOd05l00' rnSPOP armsp eu !9w,..b,lrno4,k7nolANPaPaakliLaoMd3 Metan Onus... Rued O PI! TInO t AHI O Ois gwto Mulot Ooue...Baft w 2995-2 eloplOwo hotos PDeOJ pnnooan bas.. Fco'lato Coba*ì.' UpMioo dEa heno IoDas doe to faillaIS salrs rae- neat turnst wosetue. Mela Toan, Ike SuIe. entoule, 01d5thItoSelsaelDtLO0t asta ole former Sports As&2MbeTu HATIpatHal Miltkbllnpw0100Mi opuurIuo30 lt cow at'leDe Motta! Ornate'Mo teptOl9efeedereleeneettheYfiyodsSappe0'00atP55., anar, Befors being Tostaonout100llanto pidauoeoASy95eopadthLO LANoso 930990124 92 Solad At /puasd ontlOySOPPP & OtOdOIl000 000v Eh AoutharOtY and os the loot APRO /nnato 50es ad lto5asohe bsqT 0h10laMo 219 cocaba aowsideo' ito 90alOg09ge'mba0'5tm meeonooPopolareeieeuee - Adlate T Geond Merl locattaus. the yod. Lupe ItaLO 959010 0910 wtouoto battu StornO can MdMdwO&aslluwaotnolule2tnnwu! EalulSO/tuont &Hakkoled phanenin tAT H4M 0s105 no allApasltho, Loath 00 - of four planned °:b- ete5CaCao auU 2bo°2t/2 bathe 2td lo -pewgOuaa0500000009' - ayrvdneeUeoeuehuS pany,' weo seen peAN 'rnAeelAe4LO,IbrnnyoaeuOaidos,hetau & is4thu&21,2lls,CAue&SPckbieuPEMopnaypalc,/nlastaS roaothtbtw,2ath &wdk-inutente. Fut beosweot 00ANAnal0OPataLewMA5OVIlOeto95O the 14099 "asod they were at r o S9wS0eqoere-foot spare - toegioteoti000forOP'Sbs Assi Place's cedevelol, ...... 51344Mo 0cuo5lewtptO0op&2IStle&OEI0iSlylltLatT * 2nDeuetedgoupoOea00toI5 ...... 9360,550 bu09epebaPaMt.hidubaloeld]l...... 304Mo ,50SToajpANmOtheeoallus housed a CUB Foods, p10 vrryoappcaetive( W'aan Ossu- clog SSeesc0000rOalanene' 000w'yteethorPrwoad000aTan no 15h 0 AupohesmeO for Bre meat, 50h00 Brethers, visit our website www.century2lmarino,com Od nataL gs.10otwoeebawfene000 ejes "NumhSos-" - Shot which owas OAr 122,000- - Salas alno un000wcad montaoaroet, setfor Sueco sqaorefoetd0v09oPmesot aaiesoee&eádoeeoOad leudo RegtuteOti000aegaew tloagrondOPe00000fa 16-20 and JusoUul-27,ta050500 ApHIwoOtli000tTaebo06- t)teolu0005w000tchtnthbo Rod d I t d 133 000s0tuore-b01t h co onnoonced plans to ApeilSt. - inteon6enhO.lu12,eL1e/MA held atNï!eoNorthth1 t e Hum oro 500e005 wholesale mall lot6330W. bso Id'a h ot spa, a- restau- Teocheoo and udoomoeo- scheduted moesohaol/,Q0e0tO0e' from oto to Ove,actordtng Toshy Ace, wan rentando bote! there tnutoe'S hove workadfor oboetewgistO.Otaonmuffboe $dw,andonilhlseinthe aloe- to informatiooreleased fo j n 056mon's ofSce also about u peer totarac000tnrsea nosntheoowotodebtomo- dirre&edtottsbD'mheetOOO by Charles Ostmofl,diroc- Steve o, spobesmuco annauncad that Sweat oad Iluso den0000t tuarue0 sunomernehoolufthce,(PIU sold the rolled'm moreoleog0000OawO tar of cummooitydeval- tor thee Sales, Howe Poredahingswill fur SlooPS SoeeomerSta- 6265S60,lhoOPle0,'90P' howc to oohuololeonOSe ereto apmeot. opone would be 0000 occupythe former DlsteiOtSl9 Scc0000e gotoso oeodorhoblap author- show- aorta attonaLAlie001tsd 00000010er of thhavesh Patel, 35 tenuoto, offering blomemuheco Furniture in Dirootor LuteWtenco!oalaa uwsataoO0qaeStao0oYta tory for neholaouohiPSad&Ta scoli- spokeomun for AdlabS, rooms Sulle f Swoon Shopping eOasl Wsosto,netdut las- the Four Flogs alois iorfowi&esinwANat 0000ld not borrachod for ratatlecs to pucoheno. "We uil nhaeo tise Smote adMos4leoho,kl5,tEMoer Aftec months of con- Cooler. fiaanc'odaOOiolOOtcta cemment. (847) 967-5500 aldldreO0tth0fb0tO co&(w47t656-Pat3 ,,ta! nowe!oo!oedtLWto clOs1oofuryo0°°

ItesosoOno reo col tnt 100e 05e.Sles!Iee nu cuota tereLOsOOdatOO oie nonos, "Our 35th Year" lao!ue00000n0055t005005000150 Osu adorno000005alO lieu ThsromteY, Mere

h piecareli7!5FmhidslD

4 Thuradap March 20, 2008 APi000er Preen Pahlieel'run emphasize I Exercises

- strength,flexibility Starters one set. Restfosos TummiReyaSmis,d community health capen minute, then doe of second set. SPRING MOVIE PREVIEW PRAIRIE TABLE from tho Unioeraitlo 011iazis Eatensisn, recom- Bill Kstisosilrason his nèw coalobtOk WSll golpes Brace Ieogsnaaa pieNo higbRghto among pont-Oneosi mend s sonorol exercises Knee curl leeltto5fuiolagnns-lèd belt - is'e-aasncsaerasavie eldasbs° poopfe muy dz ut Hold onto a sturdy brome ix stoy in shopo. choir Vor balance. See Diversions. PaOe B4 See Food, pego M) Toe stands Blewly t-silo theheob of 00e f001 toward INDEX Hold 0ntoastardy choir soncos ter tap the buttocks, bonding only at the hare, Broccoli, back flipswowcrowd CLASSIFIED OOVEROOINO Cl MOVIE REVIEW 14 for buboace, Pause, thenslowly CROSSWORD 822 OBISLFRIES MO Slowly noise yauruelf y005r lower Ihr legbank tu. DIVERSIONS El POLICE ELOTR S rosto the hells of in fight for 'Mr. Demon' title the sterlingposition. FILMCLIPS Ei POOL50800NE 9 feat. PH000SOIFMER lI lOSt LERNERISIR4F Repeat 00 times with BY TONY BERTOCA Foot -59 PVEIISTOHEWEEK ennnctsss at Ritos Hold Sor Oto daro- 12 dnmsnstnaltooofutili aech leg fer ene set. be oli ra BpioaeelI000 Lt on FORUM 9 SCVOOL DIVISO 13 dons leg noises inn Manch onda and broyer Ken Froth lernten),mIen nesrkn al the Nitos t,ibnary, Real forO minute, HOROSCOPE ; EVO SIIOBTIME Rb rehilo Libran), Repeal 10 tee ntonds then dozSeCalsd set. Tee hoyo vying for the LESTENt - 9 SPORTS 67 far ear net. Rentfard coveted title of"Illn De- minute, then dea coon" et Moloc Rost High Knee eXteNSIOnS -exercise' sezand set. School showed o crowd 'Never tooold to Sit all the waybeck in gathered io the school's co- un ormbosschair. Wi Wall push-UPS ditoriuw last weebjost how Health expert bodthoywootedil. HILES HERALD-SPECTATOR Fiad email obrar of With yaon feet faoiag forward, slowly russe Senior M000 Aoyagi per- teaches elderly abjects PHONE 18401 69V-3135 out. formed nearly o dones hook one leg straight ways to stayfit Lesa farward woth Stpo the eight ofMarchtt. FAX 18471 69V-3229 yase palms onthe PaIns, thon slawfy Picky l'ere,, onether E-MAIL perkridç Sawer your bog tethe sonior; played on electric vi- BY TONY BERTUCA wail, held shoulder WEB wne.pianrrrlsnaioom ntontiog position. oknbrldod his hoch. '0 Sb nrlsaeBpiaseO rie me lasos width opert. And J000 Slice; the solo 80FB IHSNRIO4IFOR eltassn ensss SUBSCRIPTIONS 18471 486-9300 Repast with other leg. "Mr. Demon" cOntestant SamDenoto answers a question asked by Katie Kirsehnnr and Vicky Bend at the elbow to acier competing io the up- Hablen March 13, CLASSIFIED ADS 18401 998-3400 The exosaesbstedwelo lowar yoarnelfslowly Repeat 00 times wsth perclassmeo competition, numerous not hessarg toward the wall. DISPLAY ADS 154f) 485-7300 each leg far ose sel. pot on aokaplayofthrow- uroiaoov000, They need to niunalgulfamooasrcers und enough time, belog turo Pdrab back ta the ong- Rest fora minute, hoch broohdauciop hove ouwe lutent," Hurst pretended to nr000rr ever BILLING 18401 456-9500 tirad, suet plumomionguveO, ixal position ond thon doasr000d set. 'l'bese guys were acri- Ttger Woods' sootog. Mail: 5911es Horald-Speateler 1305. PlOsprot, Bat moutly the ducen dr oua..,sorlof. Onebyose, Ohahnysop- The pegeont also hado asuenier eitizemm gathered straightex y aun or mn. Perk Ridge, IL 60068 Stop-UPS All proceeds from the peared on stage esnd mode "Domen Pl-ide Qaestton March 12 ut Riles PubOe Li- Hasaciesc HeeAGIeG ED110M Repealiotimes fac competition, which bogoao DISPLAY AD fear mcI Held seto the wall Ir their host offerta te deaole cord Answer" oegment thel EDITOR SPIelS REPOESENTaTIME broDo agreed that ase eel. RestSer a lost year to reino funda for the erewd. loosed saoh hard-hitting nEws nrokuIhro RkiNanhes umoiorredsuo why most minxle, thee do u a roriliag along a Er laie Weg neo the Leuhernia Research Joe Retobe shooved elf qaecies os: If pua scese a PIll 014-Hi: iEEOiiBhllOO - pmeple their age ovoidedeo- Pill 595-lles second set. Poondetioo, volli be donated hia n000valbr chills end per- vegetable, what dod 0meV- croise. fund tbmeir lizos Usieg yxor left leg, ogaio this yoon Ruled oso fermed o thou striptease doble musid pea be? ronged huno IhOzogond Squats step onto thestair. "beauty pegeent Ihr guys," lirai lelO him io a tonto lop "lonualdiravo tuuoy brcdloing their Raps tufull- 1h e coritost is 000,00 lu obliO and otioletio aborts. broccoli," odd vonteslarrt ing cd uveondisgItoelo' StandDroDez01 abo Briag bulb Roel

pehe 001001 tnodutioeool "Cheik it eut IodiezIre Jasen Dacoula, lllorarlylkrr pride. - sturdy, armless chair. togethen lonooty pageant formata. io oil colin," Huruturrid. fouer'ito. "Sumo tioneo florale satiawmsoit1.epomuhisci0 HSRt tHEeilll010 eIGnErn PIOlO golond your 00ml 50 Olawly step beoh Tiro night's feolivikesbe- Saw Solider pot unan tend ofbere, bet l're oolevoyu corsseoosmdty haclth cs5im't PVOTOSINF6S5 Ten) Scarpaci compotes In tIle JOEL LERNERISIOFS thoy ore pdrdllrl 00 doonnovith yzor sight gun u'ith u tongue-in-chrrh euhibitlen of o'l000btt 100g- goad fur'yua." Drew the Uniueesitpef SR- dnlnntiina talent portion op the "Nr, csscitocnttT, on Mends 12 tossesdice that easednenly Iba groand. bog. Bring your feet oonhouvoor cornirelitiun that logged donctug es he Daeeslrloveel 0e to ocio nuis Ruteasion, wasthere Mort Cue.W' nfCNIEOge's Edqobrsoh Domen" pageant, when st tnpelitinns Ispontones' togethor agoin. the young geetlomoo onoro gcu000d tu the 1980o hit, 1henurnpetrtievrd oveu tu change peweptiosaasId eonedses and tIce nil Lower yo0 hips tena only tuo happy te partici- "Never Geuna Give Tua oorued Mn Domeu byri mental or000mpanimoot, offeroiew tips os ham ta DehagitiittlOby-Dttbz and near sittingposition. Repout SO times start- independently maid ago!' redues stress!' pate in. Up" by Rink AsOley panel ofjodgen. Daoualnr, the oatnner; oc- get fit und stay that-easy. Reyosfdsssdsldrdpartinl- nzt oil at asee is raubly tOse ing with sock legfoc Repsaaids oSso enplamned of DoRm'S bot poas keors Shh'tu were ripped elli Alex Pagnrigan took ihe Perez fiddled his way lrrmounledged 1h01 the con- mrleml,,rI,rll,rsr,s or,s,,ee Ires,nle:lsl:e:i,ae:,,m:,: The eventwmls 1500400E psnlathrough neuemS oser- loop Thea, it's a matter fora move pest yosrtars. sae set. Rest manclnvonere Sexed, and louder opprea'h od oued Ioni ovas all chaut harmening mantbly Gaffez lt is looper t ta brew tIse how ofteco you da those iota s0000d place bort hod te iedwilesrelem,lierOrnoeiddeanmsoso101s,y mOrevmnrmeco,s,,r the Iibrurp's eines tiautprsmothstrength minute, then da a beneBlu of eserumel sesot tiomisgs 555 aregnibarbusso!' teenage gicla let leone barris a0000uutio gnoitor taper- shore Ihr glory utth 'Ibny it ap 00 stage fur blends snimrlsnolsa l'oliovn:r:ens.esnIs,::a,is:ssoc':r'rlvsïIarIslcsrsorars. Haar serlesgzarzdtawdrd sod ibeodbffitYomi ema- SlowIp straighten tod se on se justpispnmedl' lqeynoodasoidpeople reminineent of Seetleone- ferm the love ballad, "ROOD' Scerpavi, onhu pointed hh and family but stressed the eideeip .pioicsedlsawtlse mane- standing ponisies. 'You feelbetter shout ubsuldpiuestedehemieea CaantoeDoofumnm'- Woruce," byAT 'sOrt. Al- face blae and ecid becs- hum iompurlumnt wheel spirit UNebodyiazverta0 aid mesala eauldbe siseeut - 0unseigs1pou eons semm- 3sosedllOcanccnntzu cf pIepst- E Bot Vicky Horut oled thoegh, he begau rehh egag Pireo tebeo "hybrid be- azansuv ealmis sedi, R toOt silyefIlSoaiaEmibeoosa pbaisnzc0ztimm' she mmd. home, 1Mev tidelnes4 Italic Kirachner, the treu nod tnittaOp alerted playirog tween Cuedhi and Mother "Seriously this luawon- "flume age it(zsereiue) "Ail you need Ha a elaee s _Stheipsc'edozesyeepthws EeeesEno, PAGEA young booten hust'mg the "Bob1' Gel 5nov11" by Sir decfultldng,"hruaid. "S casofintaicas hone otracsgwe steiroranOtiK' she aasd, al depeeassan endcthefps 51mw, wade ii clear that MOu-A-Lut belbre snitcbtng Comiogis third plane hopo fida guenon for peers mrd On::,: ,recosl O,:aO lac ce rle:Cn oc0 andyaU esesSece more luohs alone u'ould net ocio cocu Jubs Penco, who pst un hi rume. l'or coming herb the litio Dom Donelsperfurmed o display nf hip hep heathen here end I'm prepared to "Not eul' du ear but's a stand-op ouwedy cuuttoe ubiOs acing his nuire lo both laugh my butt olD every lsleIl5101IersieellssarireeeIecsI,nIr,eclmr,al,u,crrr,rr,rince,oll,,e:,rcm,nre,,d becchi leuh guud ir is which hc rueshid prufos- ning end presido instrlr- March20, 2008 A Pwoaee Peem Poblieaiiea

(,,1'OpS Presooj A Pioneer Preso Publication Thsaesdey,1.lsaohtO, 2008 7 5100 Medmon51meSkOkin Driverapproaches student,12; *PIay_800ed District 219 staffto review *Emph000son Linel-ocy school 8State Cerfifjed district alertsparents Tecochert Parla Ridge-Nibs School postgraduate trip approvals *Famiy hlva%neemeflA bloch sf Wisoer Streetveer edly followed 1dm kikis District 84 issuedun alert ve- inches loll, esith short By KATHY ROUTLIFFE hohe urlome lookatbannhsg oepkons suelkur than hove *$afe s$e Pield School beteveeatord hicle and asked him agoin Nurturing to parents lost weekafter brooss hole Assyeeesaith k ro 01 liffo@pisnee risco los n gewdaulos how those ts-ipn; SSO, Mocch S, o one ovemil aulo" oes Emerson Middle School h000lOgotll000lf5fifl The odditionet infuesasolios is "perhepnwe should neewbat ,°an ocsnss-the-koard bun nos driving a red Chryalce Otadest attempted toros student wahrporiedlyRe PT Cruiser asked the asked to contort the Posh tedino nesdoes who have oihevdielriobado)'hasesid, voabdprevantmmestndanla bay if away ogaioc, hut frS on some prooched byadrirer who ho would direct 1dm l0idgèP0000Dcpurtmestot aigeadoutodkwmNilco Guttu,Codelbaedduois. tam attending trips to to Golf we, polleo said He wan able offered 1dm $5 for direc- MSI Moli. The driver then 1847) 518-5252. Tooxobip kiglo ocheobs that lasstSupedatevdent Dole eresIa thut dso't ladee pIare teget book ap and Sen from WWw.skokie6gkl2iIus Distriot 64 is also Orging iheycass't lotse part in Vogler all leId hourd sorne- uneasily, ho suint Por in- olfemst the boy $5, police the driver. CaU Gp p ehit($4,) According te Park Ridge parents to ressised their cohool-spanmeed foreign bers Ihalgswdautex' tdphe- slasee the Friego Pestinul in 982-6366 Tho driver is described police, the l5year-old boy ehildeen about how to otay hips odgbtbeolpnodly lousier vous sot the renIer of Ediebugeh, Scotland, is a The boyotoreed toron 05 0 White mor, SO le 40 was walldseg on the 705 away bat the muse report- sofa while out io thecow- soaodstswlpny,bxlnotull ihn pesposot theater usadparformanro yearn old, aboula foot S mosdly Oietricl 210 High School 00cr otedrnlogeudsate, event which doenn't take h000d members who dis- Ilceynsayfeol they don't neod pbueasoeryyeun If ovouls ready thatyos don't even cussed IlaccorerplMooday to obide by district blp rulen, bike Snot foil heu nneiootr Exercise Rase Piseeb, of Des heveproblews,"hvWid ihioh of os physicalcr1101. Plomes, sold sho won happy biler it. they said. Thono redes gsner- pnrt-gondanteyeor,heeonid, Ctetiooadfrom PAGES ties," she sold. "Itbnomstbhcgyou need to Sourd Preoideot Robert ably proidhit dvivddsng alco- "bids ross be woddeg far oil thutSeyvoldntooghthor.c doyourwhole lifv Reynolds soggested do. Silverwus 004 fellow wem- hol, and hreiddogeuelhcnn, Iborynern teward ugnol,soed few quick ways lo gel in When Rryoolds Sobbed Get iospireol, Getidees. ing things Ihr kdobcg share ohapv Icor Jslli'oy Gewoopem balk awongotheex,Andifgsxsdo- ovauldss't bu ebbe be reonk col ortisity most deyes wolhivg her uodieoce iootead of elevators, mad cocer rooltethe idea, Which olas retase lo adbere lo the thot goal." Getyour theyceant tostoy in shape. "You oecd to hove time through ervoral basicears'. phitheir ears farther aod you nerd loplue," AwistovtSopovinteodeoi cedes, "sva h000 ooju.'isdio- The proposed bon doro- Bat, if people orantto lam eises, she challenged them away from cetesnere to NoneiasaaGatlolaroughiup tian aver them," CodeO acid, a'tsutessdtoin-ouuntay woight, theysho4ldever- Placeh sold. "She got noie- te rome op sviSta pboo of self 515151mo nancEe pasts FREE gr000ey stores. spired to doit." durhsguraotcsvufadeshdc- Sorb siluolions hare oc- tripa sod Cotto arbnoonl- cine hctovcco SO ved90 aniso Ihol odshosoad their Practice makes perfect Iaaaol. ueoo.o. u. 04 imus. risrid os relut mu poni. Reysao)ds also streseed lixoveprocedseeehooges. cooionully hoppened, hartad- edged that gewdauted nm- listono intuntly daa,lnq tOo Reodhag 04th Rom, pmrm, .8 thu tri Pie 1ii7 MoneO 12, ma GUIDE minutes on moot days. Edward Goldsond sold operiOc roodo and sched- that seniors restconsulta among them, meso Ogisily iogonniinsedo.iegurerant born casstoahe essiebesivot p50859, POleO is done lo eaa,m,tlon nitO Raina. OriOl ASolotod 100SRY, inomt to 659100 Royooldo, admittiognot he thooghtworrprsple oleo. docinrbefoeebegiar,iogve written pusenlol release Eoropeuctsip,Voglrrsaid. ensenes iss the nsmmer aOer atildan, tdinuorn, the joy .4 ,uPOoq in optassi 5.6009, everyone has that kind of Would be likolytedo theex. exctvisereghxen nod "Noi plaeoiog teroer- focoso nece000ry forstudeet Eslskeoocd throthorad- tlsgslesxaThnsaroucees tim encooroged people ercises Reynolds presented lo wuroed them never to elminthekeotwoyceverts lsipsbningconsidoecdby miadntestorsucbeowledged sometimes innolvefleld explore other options. "You bocausa theyweren') too cored e," she said "Come atweystulbohoutthetiobiity partteipnttns) bofere this?' restar and deseinssing speeg- 011-010k or exercise to 1ko the hourdi thottheyweee mro hipo "f don'thnwvSit's probab(ydommegsui physically leadssg up Withyour own echan kisom,"Codellsatst 90Ieni- Greeeapassseggesated iegsidelhssnforosossmnne- palot of pain. The diocsosion'a loor led "Why orowe doheg lids?" oasetognm,buttwaetodto ooslywe'nehesnnessniegsn thotilsedisleieteesldre- dmets,'Weshesaldbooblato "Syaaoren'loi, you plan und dae'tgiveup." Sopes'hsteadent Neil Codet Sivennan asked, "t rent see briasg thet up," she said. lmpnoft'ailh(ceoeerasisg fowma the trip sithalilnas, by figsarnnutwayutadeotnsith bosaydixtdctatuffnheold wlq,wedon'tdealnnithex- "fIb a teogh cull. You run post-ganduotionstnadentts'ip mosideaiegitarlfatoarop- tlsits" hesskf

- =----4.II0RTOV CR010 NOINTEREST CIi-LIL52R 0F COIIISER(F UNTIL20101 C, I'D LID? STR) FREE Tarntathe Eaapertea BizEd: 5200A0 Save On Your The MGCCFs FREE cash PclIe BLANKET Winter Heating Bills Educational Presentation whee posopen aFREE nhdo,siim glass' Chenkisg Avcoaet. Rebate There isa The Nues Chamber of Call for Details FREE INTERNET Commerce beerwa Antler wartd'a moat ADVERTISING cod l's 0x0559 eemgyefficieas fioesalcr, CS Reminds you to the1000ity 9thaua FORYOUR BUSINESS Shop Locally eatteg of np 5e 96.6 AFIlE, eesnrcik,ePe helping ta redoro yeso Thursday, March27, 2008 ratilily mauls by apts 36th i2-1t30 PM Pelle Window & oser the year. Acme! Deer Shewreeesa Call the Chamber office for seniega will depend no the Morton Grove Public Library referrals on businesses in the area efficiesoy of pros vannes Ynarbnsieenaesedaeum.oetosueeeed,aaadyner system composed sadie oaeesttsenasiasieeelaatanpeeaeeaamaaeha. poaellslp nffioieeoy rfa nom P'oenee Posa eepeeinllyi.steduy'a lsigls-teadn world, 0es flete aeeuaaaai online syanem. yerasesllseaoaaveeywit2ateeia,aiqseefsrgetti,sg vlseeiOad ade areasuileble (847) 268-8180 tdkaurea depseseo dare Cell Inlay le schedule a free estimate. e,qseseare ne the iuternetthroaemeeny, VI5WEDTO or pnv Broc' e week. sends ads mill 0e.. speeleer io MoekCnlliasansscaersfSig,s'A-ltema smise roo Crew sorso s . mSkskse,Maekss aothebosieeoeefgrtlseagyeem aza Bank.Be part ofour family SnOb. Tryp leo log ane lsasaeaees ,aotieesi walls egos, brat he eine bee ogawot sader senneear cesare 6310W. Lincoln Ave,, Morton Grove lsnowlodgeefgetliegyeeebosioess aotieednaa the aise. and pablehIs selbe sriocorpisecer Posea Visit us at our new location (847) 967-2200 = = oewerare.. (priassereesp Adnoisslos oniboe,bo.t we need ycoon reinio'.tioes (708)456-3440.773) 625-4100pIar.beekiII)nelaae edaarsisare only) 8060Oakton Street Family Owned and Operated Please nell theMontenGrove Chaoather- SERVING CHICAGOLAND 847-,65-0330orernnita [email protected]. (Inside the NorthSide Community Bank) For Over 35 Years

VISIT OUA NEW& EANDED CONSERVATION SHOWROOM R Thursday, March 20,2008 APi000oc Prese Pablicativo Apioneer Ports Pobtieotios Thurodey, March tO, 20M I 0

r POLICE BLOTTER total of $1,125 were TI te follorvirrg irrcidrota troto listed awoog otttciat re- removed frame pur-to sfItte Ni/ea PoliroDcyorfnroct. Arr arrest does coo- Victuria's Secret tinco wwnLpiHraeerlOCatcOm Jllg of Tile,¡fit, s/ito/ca iSsdiugifguill Os/ya court oflarr cas stake that on the 200 block of Opinion dctcrmioatioo. Golf Mill Center Home o Discount WarehousePrices BUY Macnh 16. Police report WE SAY 1000 WORDS YOU SAY Ceramics Mosaics 'QuarryMarble OWNER NILES Anthony Suoni, 57, of that a store torvoil- gsoo w Tuahy Ano., lasco camero shows GranitePorcelainVinylSlate Spring and renewal 10000 Of ARRESTO woo charged with ce/m- two unknown offend- Cropinte Selection et Floor A Wall Tile .0er) Large Properties isal damage to peopec- Finding practical "We dossI hove oprisg Selection Desloe Gata, 55, cf 8262 ers stealing the per- Prslesslral Sarcler .Speciol Orders Call tsr s FREE LIST ty and dioedeely eno- in Chicega; nor only two 15% Dinroonl On N. Wiener Ave., wau fume yod laovisg the Srrcis Chicago fo,- 1-800-771-7777 doct March 15. Sorci 0055000 ore winter asd Tile With M arrcuted and charged OverOS Years wvaws.buyowner corn wau arrested ond coentructine!" with driving under the best alternatives Mon. & Tirer. 0.8, Tao., Wed., Frl. ir Sal. 5.5,75,Son. te-3,30 released oc $50,000 Feustreled Chicogo 4401 N. Pulaski (al Medrosa) Chicano influence of alcohol HURGLARY boyd. Noir echedoled In the bent ofell posoible worlds, s school district clichés liho thot are how and driving ru/tb aovo- A cedar detector valuod 773-463-1771 Fas 773-463.1709 to app ear in cauri ou wuald etmnsyobc able lv aSurd whatever it needs/s pro- weoy of us will ho greet- psodcd liccete March 010400 was removed L .1 Macoh 25. dde the bout oducatiooal ouporicoco possible for its sta- ing this wonlh'u visitoc 1700 the 7000 block of from acer parked on t/cots. Need a state-of-the-art cvwputer and a pciouto tu- Aoisolly, thoogh, spring is West Touhy Avenue. the 9500 block of CAR THEFT tor for every child'? Want to poseido doily art and fcrnigo mece thon o climotic Gota woo re/rated on North Milwaukee $3,500 hood. Ohr io A cae was stoles oo the loogauge classas? Proc hood boyuna? Afice school oup- guest. It's o psychic incita- Avenue Macoh 14. scheduled to appear in 0300 block of North plomental enrichment? "Sure," Ihn disirict might evy, if liso. Libe Cinderellu, me court on April 70. Otaaoder Avenue A radar detector valued money were es object. nithoe attend the ball or March 15. Police did et $100 wee removed But nach dreows fall short quickly because Illinnio Timothy Barhodulr, 10, out colosse a descrip- from a ear parked se c0050t e/ford tu peoside thot sptimamod000tioe. lilinoix Oar kids intuitively so- sf9132 N. New England tino of the car bat the 6000 black of Went for yours has lagged at the bsttnw of the litt amoog ihn dorulood this, flu do Moy- Ave., Marino Geone, reported that it was Dobono Street March SO steIns for tending educo/lun. It shifts largar sod/oW- orDalcyaod b/o floats of woo charged with bat- laheo from the owner's cv bardent note Iba Incal pcopnrty tauno to/usi thebill, tery March13 un the 14. flovvor-plonteru and lahr- driveway while it wan cubi/e stute sod federal macdotes coetiour tobe eddod In fronl-al/ondants. As 250 bloch 0f Golf Mill A catalytic conrerler left renntog. "/nrps'ove" educatios. Asid Iba statt's property tau caps, spricg ucrinas with its Contar. Barkedule woo valued et $1,500 mro dcsigoed to curtuil on easy I'm of/ott roisiog property ten longer dsys, warmer removed from a car levies rtithout gattieg voter support, combioad with a RETAIL THEFT eights and greener earth, perked so the 7000 more aggr005ive reuinw pr000uu foe peupoely assess- there isv poychic impnrs- ochodolod tn oppeer io Twenty-five bottles of block of North Nework monts, huno peoved to keep a/I toeing bodies ana abort- enarten April II. Seriaron valoed vta tiro here, Gos world is Arenuc Marsh 14. er-than-eupestndl000h. thoughts on rudeness tees tiog us to gifts denied Pooh Ridge-Ni/on School Diutriot 14 worked bordo Stillmore ou al/winter lung, giton wo year agoto poosuraferendom to give the dintrict turo the average daily rhoppie seines or their positiun. She years of relief from the Cnok County property tau cups, The people who wueh thom goes out of hernvay la help sqoander atour periL und tagein o little Soeccial elbow room tu carry it aro always bled sed helpful. them find the romor000to The gifts aren't much Ibroagh tIan nest 10 yeses. School Booed Prasideot Sue Bot the ponyle mba shup help them get opproprioto reported by our erwspa- Ruoyon says the hoard isteodc to beep thutpeomise. - thorn need to,bossh upon benefits from thote oomps- pees, new5005taes, or con- Count your chickens beforetheyre hatched. Bot, Banyos ooid, for the first time since she's bees an their eliqnsnttc. Such ou: not lira. Bhe has mon givea ffidales. Tb e rosons may the school board, there ta alta ou usa500l opportunity to leosiogyaureaetin tho people rides Io usd k-ow be theta lake-for-granted consider olternotives, to conduct some reviews of how PAUL SASSONE odddle of tise sislewhSeyou ose office to peonide 500e su little treasures lack hood- the district/i edscationol pruceso is going and how it peruse the soyyogurl se/oc- tu caen that they othersoise line-brIar. They jost don't t/an-, 001 ronniog over noy wouldn't hast, Shohm vrcoducieg the 15-month U Springtime CD Irons could be improved. Several special projects and reviews have liso lure ng murder oro e/reedy on Iba schedule far existingstaff. A raeple afmreeha age, f childrenbccssseyuufeelan mode poesonol vinile te nprees, highway calfiuisno Cole Taylor Bank. Cant seoir that long? Chcooesur 7-month 3.77% APT' Using an souse utasdaedimd testiog program Meo-serete abestheSsgigoatod 'asellmablerightlagnttctho their h0050 or heopilel orlen relief bottles. Springtime CD. seIses they bave been mich. vares of Academic Progress /MAPI,which replaced the byaeaos'eadeoceolare meal munter gent; end sot Still, the invitation is She mohos orlo1/aunb/ps old anneal Col/furcia Achievement Teststhe district c/orlcaadhesritmadrme aSonningpourchildwoto there Socs hace the psy- dvuble-dipinthehummus with the people mho como can get almost immediate combers an howlodividsalo orfee/libeapiecreflhersitait'O, chic esergy to grob hold. Welcome epring arrd pion forsho arrival oleonmocurro savings mmplesiessplybecouseSmt- mIn our oltice to the po/nl individuel closons ero pmgreonisg. If the mm dota from aaieohyehiS'erahe. Iinsdted The invitai/ente te partic- with your choice of these dny'oyaarnstavy'edapull mIsere Iseo pictoro aibsers opec ial 7-month ori S-rrronth CDt. thom last scores oan be armored quickly and pat loto yes toccmmaatoorade- ipate is the oame rnsewol seasOr cOsrtesyOo forpomth/yhecomclbcrrot came kite the office farber usate impruva how well students loare motoriste, t oes theth starting to happes o/os treoslate into better reoultu for oS burnett on the you enpes'ieoceiC Aatdyna of us should he iospreuscd te catch up ass howtho food- To open yone Speinglinern CD, call vIl around us. Barren or visir0 Cole laylor banking specialist. dis- did. Ilere'opart Isre ofyaor yosrtylaesootuollynal iti. Sea arr groruiog asod chaog- ststo tenting program osad tu measure whether the trees, withered gardens, reop00000: Ada Illelanen isp Ohr weIses sure tisaI the trict meets the esoalotieg federal stasdordu No Cb/Id broom latoso, moden skies, Come ecper,snce the incredibleualue and comfort of megoa'eoaoinoorrecopOno Snvvin te and tenia genuine The park at Golf MIII. Left Behind, the targettes faI days st O ColeTa ylorøank reuses) belonging with /ia adicpleced700th- Ihove ou employee ht room ore oppeops'iate foe familiar. Snail loe thrilled with frIendo kath oew and Moaewhile, u sew federally masdsted pragrsm orli ehe amenisins and emer from Memplois, bm- myaffice mho heu macbed funsilics lo stew und ore sot sommer--allis un invit- neuldeets cojoy an indour amazed atthn value, Oar require tise district to have romedistios pboos is place to O*-N..O poOl, ectnnsìve library, for me fer orer 16 yeats aed nlfcnsicx boawoeldtlmtis iog stole of renewal. O*n venter ando 1s-otsry sunlit ososo-y atore, fitness give help at whatever stogou otadrotubegisioflousdar pothiee with you,! liai out atrium. And wish haseotwavered fram the chaogiog coestantly and is The question every aed recreational aceto,tloo, a wide ronge 5f social, cultore1 eesdemioa/lywlsetlacr ito io wooterhog readiog und get my teologo boot when them's always year tribe sowe 000 Gin- oomnthing 0es te do. See Par fallowiogieslrsctioss or multiplioatiae lebloser ooprng people are rude Wlsich, io good menssees aosd values hecoesing more set/mure yourself why our nes,dermostruly beliece shat "lIfe here is grand. 1siththnmechssietsf s lot of wallten homework. And toses, makes me orsodsy At- that her parent,s instilled io desenuitiaad she iras meld decollo faced. It books so the Sex remembering that beaotihs/, dol dore get in- tito district is asness'esg huw ils middtoaeheulcsrricoisimtero little thooghl, I have herframksrohildlsasd. paaple come th'st arid ase volved? Or do ljmi let the io stracturod. narrowed dosnss the nadeot She is slwoys srnspootfrsl of Ilse first and foremost ho- 75/iermtwewr.o. Pith individuel schoolo have enoagh peopleenstaltar attIse rude hs sor foirsib- people 55 maIler whet hohl be danced amsyby esaugh distriet-svde support staff to help themanalyst lagx They are the shoppers theirbsckgenuodoe situa- pnrlanteéhnonmhywete othees who look more lilie tomerhrcerydoy. For mure Inferematienor to dr/s call tull'freeayt the dots, develnp plans and teachers to gotstudents ever sIWIsole Foods. Isbop tion. Bise listens b/people, they belueg...? (888)293-2170 which 'as itself basbecsme s Dane Zaffeny their iadividaal lrerndsg homps, srod olio keepopvdth thereonthesernocceaios JACK SPATAFORA 8975 West Golf lost set, ssdmshes people Rd. . Nïleo, IL607s4 that t need o good piece of feelbellerehoutthrm- Smesse, PAGE lO PARK COOKE WWW horizooirsaycons ,dlteteseheeo, PARR 10 Itoh, as lIb e hit priory far 10 Thuesdep, MeerS 202000 A Pionoor Premo Peblhrotioo

yoorl00000joovooildbeehoe A l'i00000 Poco, Pololiraihor Thuesdey March 1g, 0ol81l Is Diabetesa Part of Your Life?Sassone for osoerpeople latl,ieioof Alternatives COrtiroad from PACE 9 others. Possilne. Learning to live K,tht Gn.n,n,,l Continued from PAGE 9 PEEK AT THE WEEK with this chronicdiseasejs noteasy. Even withproper diet, plenty You 000mo to mow why doytoday operation0? DEADLINES boohon duriorgihedrivout ofexercise and regular pooplo coo mdx? ltc000m Soore000homdeolpew coy of tiro four aovo Hofi I - S I S medication, keeping 00e 005wor in to toreex- your blood sugar under they do orol cace, espavio]ly pio Ihovafoeen omroomioeiog Suloiooiseions tor Coon- Pico Soolrs ntoces, inrlud- control tra adminiotratoro, trom can still be challenging. wloeoitcoroex l000vth ore other ihrem This bao ouority Cuol000dar arc. 00. ing Ihn Nile, location, 5605 cuo'rioulom analyolo io sil0000, The ounveriroico clerk homo ose nfomybiggestpet qoired tO days preradiog Ifyou test numbar orunchors W Touuhy Aro, at Village FREE EVALUATIONS have Type2Diabetes, ioiOstoprimoom.omplc Peores lately When driving hua doía oípubhration. Ceossiog. but that ron ko on youmay be eligible for Comploin to toe hora and 000i000-tumamoadthaOh eopen- florid Io; Nicole Wog000c a stvo aptioo The Women's Anniliany research study ofan thoydoo'lca,eojlhoo ligono ohout io 000m hotoono loom Outuuouugkog Editor; Pioneer Sosa thereto ooesyivheoe those olrive,s We're pleased 0h00 1ko 'croo, 1000. PeospsetAv- olihe Donioh Howe will investigational oral I a medication. elsounlesseommnorom,t wb000ddoniy5000dap board look one step berk miar, l'aria Ridge II, 60068. hold ito 100k Anmive000cy -. omethiogfiom3asme oadpoospeuh-xmthe.jgtl last week Oros, 0000msfi- loloruorudoro way ho foxed 300db OprirgLonchaon You may qualifyfor this study 1fyou: WOr003npeoplewhoua. find ido roiremdyroide 000d 00117 rommitling ta Oho to 1847) 000-5128 oro- Apn'i15 el Oid Orchord s mL long 1100 of possible posi- CoantoyCluh,SOOW Rood a a, i Are age18years or older ron evcobe 000ítodi000r'agvnrltioiw PaISj Ube daog0000n Atom, rereotlymy lions Ohr district ntoffprw Ifoad, Monot l°n'onprrt. So- IRecently diagnosedwith I: SS lype 2 diabetes huoh,00diardflol posed, kecoose it sands cial hoor will olart at U lhoveoos4tchodsoyru. onati000eaoodsogoelfo lime to ask morostues- BENEFITS coo., with looch el noon. Currently, not takingany oral kOrShoppoaghops ta be mo,o lions ond ronsidermom Tho cost of the lonohnan mupioofok,ystaoer,thoomoo The Polish National Al- diabetes medicationor insulin eojoyablnCoomteWoodOorool goioxaoovoruoitloecoos,r50 altarnativee. Some statt nod opeoiol roranioal eater- liance, Polish Roman ci Have been ma000roroo]eotproderjoeh r000iogoutofiloe poxitions may po-ove tobe tainment shrew fe000a'ing told your bloodsugar Catholic Union, sod the Pol- istoo high gr0000yotarebyspoodiog a good inoestasent long sword-sdnninganteriainrr thevein care center ishPalcans, invito ail hook- cors. 500lotissomothe terso. Others mop he need- Patty Weseate is $40 pnr Solutiont Without Surgerf Non-Invasive Solutionsfsarc If you qualify,you will receive study dhvdmdpoiopp,og ed short term forsperiol cy fans tea Chirego Wolves peonas. HastIemos ore al- related care and study .?\Voù0000dderotothfrgs Treatmeeetnfi Sun Damage -Age Spera medication atno charge. Ifr0keaflno0irhogmuffip,. for bot shook thai-beodo stodioo. ifsome of Ihoape- Isorkeyganue the evosiegofwoyswel000ns.Tomake Uneven ColnrTene hog ]ololyo Thoso propio who at us ho disgmo 0kowewere rial projeoto cas bede- March29 stAllstate Areno rmervatienra, call Shiriny Varicose VeinsLeg Ssvnllisg To learn Rough/Dry Skin Acer Weinkles more about this Sh0mtooiythrio-driro,s,y the ones dohogeomeobhog or isdividoaaln hired ioRosamont, to suppart the Aosdernan by March 19 st study, pleasecall: Spider Vr'mn Leg Discomfort Unneaneed Heir ira0000g people to walk wrong Ihopie seem ta be ha- with a combination of Arrhdiocoee of Chioago's (772)715-41900 throughtlso,nowmoved colOring soaro and moro rode, shills, or skpesds Sisloap Alora,nooeics Pee- eotend- FoU spoesnes of She,apinn sociable - 15 yes espaden Nawpleaaedto offer': sidowolko' mod those mhoora grasn.Whestiokatosro CLASSES selfeentomd, and hoaaoen. ed loexisoingpemonnel Ulnaaomd gsidnd loen, therapy Cnmpilmensuy Skia Coos aanaolusinnbya lucky enoagh to covai poechesed through the an odo t,0me horsy, and it,eesosto Oso extra behn, it maybe Secretary al Slate Jens. -Band CeehkedUoniveoioydifrliomdsnif wediesliynainedliosneedsesthnieisn. saut 000 0ko plaaboilasisi ho nhorstsgupo lot loo thoir seneiseey, 58 percent of Ihr Vond sen nf Amesiesaap Dsoean possible to achieve similar White, hrn ansparation with Fulifineofaluiocaoepesulrrmsahloeedsokeysoeneeds. doislvghabifoo $17 prioexsiilkenefiothe 'Wesarepo ooamsjo,isosmeeplues Oopxhvgihebeouotbochho goals wilh loaspermanent the Nitos Srssisr Center, wilt sesuiaas'yprogram. fits- inaisdieg Medicase Cenneeieet/ecatiena in .,,, PSd pOsitioos. slier s frss Roles of the desto of the Bisbnp Oak ParA und Old Orchard Rood ReoieovCosens karoS Abmssaosoico Saoulons'y cioiaemisotkr NOes aces -.OJmc,rav,thneneer,ca 1-866-204-5100 Program mme from Poland from ito 3 p.m. March 31 st ResurrectionHealth and study the Snglish Ian- Care the Niles Seniec Center, ghage and .°tsnericae coi- 909 Cinto ConterDr'ioe. The tare thra kali year before caorse'n porpono io to help HealthSprrng coetioa'aog thai- noodles at I I I I'' - par-ticipanto pasa the 115- Health CareO Mmodalain Sosainas-y. Upov team upso you can noisilriver'a licanse renew- get completion of thai- sludieu, 5:-re:. .:-_: J'hrAfloJ'Yon, .411ef7'cra.L»c. olexnndnoliosr. The causse they are ordained an priestspropores epplioants for the osnignod to perishes in the more out of general ooeitleo cod raed your Medicare. Archdiocese of Chicago. aornnioalions and also pen- Por tickets oesdarkcrls far vidas ioformatiora on the xi- HealthSpring, $17 par pornos, poyableto sioosoroerdog Contact a Medicare Biohnp Ahesmoxeins Semi- (2171 524-1)18 for more rn- Advantage plan0is now affiliated saryl°rogmm, 1447 W flu- formalisa. with the following HEALTHSPRING pesiar SL, Chicago IL hospitals: More from Medicare.More from life. 60601-tagt. Por more hsfor-CLUBS matins cati Thm Pelo, 1512) The Polish American U SaisscJosnph Hospital 888-2075. Credil-cso'd pay- Cultoral Chah acifipreseel ments are ohs accepted. ib Aoaivarsary Dinner U Saints Mary and ElisabethMedical Center CALLTODAY! Half Price Banks, anew- Dance and Sokslaeship U SaistJ°osasenloHied rood-used bsolssOore ohain, Pandeaiser April 13 at May- r U Holy Family MedicalCenter 1-86631749O3 is holding the 101k annool Seid Ssnquetn, 60725. U Oar Lady of the &sarrnclion Ralf Pint L'thras'y Bask Dei- Aecherltve., Chicago. fia- Medical Cnooer TTY: ve,xxloichwillbrneStslo- ciel haue oeil bagin stl U Resurcesiflon MedicalCenter 1-80039I98O6 dontu at Blair Early Cloild- p.m., ooith Sail-coarse din- U West Ssbsrlaan hand Cretesi a Cloicagospe- ner atO p.m. The Msnic e MinljraJ CessIno-- 8 am to 8pm CST / 7 daysa week dat-education school nero'- Company ooill provide en- U Wnsdnke Heesploal OIS wwheahissprjng0 hay ebfidees agos 3 Os S. The tcriaiosnmt. The ereohsg »00k driva, which lasts 0000 olsosuilliorclsdoagoneml }lmlrhSpnorg le ss'a,laboo in ItfacchSl, miflpraotde enfile and citent araelian. Cask, DePago, Goose, Lukeand Will 05058es, "llealthSpeinga Ceoedisa,aal hoolas fnr Ihr school and Ticloola ora $40 perpoeson; Caen plan with a MedicamArlvasoagn eron000r" SEHABLAESIO&,ICIOL 05150 H4513 001415114407 P14454 suif ales nsoka books avail- children ages 4 lo 12 pap HSI4ATMK4SSChOS UmD01005/2205 MO wMy PO POLSKU able for students to take $05; Oho dance-only cost is PoccjtcgqroBopaT hamo for their 00551 persss- $10k Call Geergo Ruthowahi, al libraries. Drop off new and eesstivssed olsitds'onb P50t PACE 12 12 Thursday, MarrIs 20,2008 A Prancer Prese Puhliration

itiegdispley5 keyaote Peek apnajaerat 1p.m. end tallar. Cortitard treo pAgt il seau] diecesoianat3pm RegistraSen fregarGar-im American (708) 304-7741, for aforase- Pelais $lOperpravos ($15 tine and tirketa, Reaerve- at the dear). Te registeror Thermal tians roast be received ne lar mare isafarssnetioss.,con "-o-nv:.,, tatar thaaApei] 4-Make tart St. Ausab-snan Presbgc,rr \'Vindow cheeks payable te the Pol- less Churehet (773)631- ish Asneriveus Casitueal 82fl2,5e erieseil Glane Club, sad send ta George Parker: maeheppefos ltullaowsld, 020 N. Stone, loikal.nst, LoGraageParblL6052h NERGY-SAVING OFFER! The nidIre Nile,ceeaeu. Owned and Operated Jein the Neerrand Path by Police Officers (Ret.) oily is mnated te besardad ilioloeieal Sodetyon sretrdmessabern attiserum. March26, eaitweleomes snmdlb at tIse Nues Nightvi Th)sp g)ass g(njesyfok] gueatnpeakerAlenites-ean. Rosee AThbuta ta The freameetingisepeato Hassen Grennn Suameseas yesa'.pojpd St41V(LIIÌ, members and neamees- Apri 5 et Wldte RegIr Monéy Baa YOStP'P011Jlnd COl'fioff'Ca2'i bers. Meet st the Noble- rgseta h les. Carlss'guho-- Seymaur-Crippes lieuse,,nnithdhmer Greatly improved insulation 0624 N. NeecarkAva, et 7 mad ewardspenaesteljas5 pm., home oftknNaravaod Cuts heat I air Conditioninglogs puse. Pebete east $4v per Regulates interior glasa shouldn'ttalk. PurkltietceteeiSaeiety pernee. Caetuetlbr7dgoo temperature .Alaalteeeee, amere atAjas CkenabnnefCnsmeereeof Karren Restaretiae, start- flee et (847) 2t58180 This ed gohvg to noerk es e ataild year's ewardannijlhanor math bisfethègmnho elan did thefnllonsingtMes.geBle5 furadtueereflsdsking.11is Beh Woralel lisiseg legend ir ir iru ir Customers progrese en restorisagfursni- annessI; Grseiasas'aflriejs lure retO 'melude dinauasjnsa Onrn Pinzas, beusissean afilar of Saraitsare that hen been yraniMirheellieeeaeesey a- fires ea reell es floeds, eaaeh attIse year; CerslZs- i- i should. The Naravoad Peek Iliutara- Iseuld, dysaansir parent vat, eel Seniety is e member- enteeStrbardTeprr,gao-- l; - bused orgeeataatjass sup- fighter "hat spaty" Petnr ported bymembership Meyer, ICes Rabee] elsom- dues, caatributisvn, end ber mesehenaftlaeyear;mhe fiand-asiaingensatn Theme SelsWedthseshyçNilreaitjna eirly'nmuuruee aitheNo- afthryeas' Pana Shapiro, bte-Sryasnau.Crjppee NOes galilea eerier; Mary

Hounoisopeo everySetur- -Petardo, lfileagead neigh. day from soon te 4 penor ber; Joaeplsflasaseaa,poliaa hyeppo'mtmrsst. Por iafor- allhier "special agrat;" Jen- The National City Lietení Program. Not all bárrkntrsva stopped lintesrivg.In tant, mallan orto asaba reserva- asee Plissasse, leenherofthv when you vistI a Nat:dnnl Cìty branch, wo acibolly invite yente shareyour cvmrnnnls in tians for this avent, call our uet:stacrívn survey. We'll even blvd you yeur;Merygtasn.]sons(ee,sa. a churrea to avio too_Odd reward pointu ina (773) 632-4633 oreraetl aussgwnrlsernot enough nlor:tt:ly drawing jour tor doIngno. Look tot boor invitation vn your teller receipt, òr ES » fir anas gas polcas visit SearcbChicago.cooi/aotos get ove haesrs 'ea the dey; finir trnmyvur bankar. Tiran vomplete thesurvey either online or by phone, asfo@sarvvaadperldshgary onL Visit Our Sltowroojn: ralsorintyroag Neslarangea,yaeathafthr )3$4 $58111 Milaagtyg year. U'RK 2801 N; DAMEN AVE., CHICAGO CONMUNIT Y tt1lC311. IL 60635 Caere te the lhdce i, HELL 220 W. VIRGINIA ST,, CARY Cometa the camtmaity Nice Mothers ef Multiples Thaae arelaste raw aaampJeu alau: Wivdvus. (larden Feat os MarrIs HELL 210 E. OGDEN AVE.; HINSDAIE 29 et Many styloa end salons are aceileblsny lt ycor snedal SL And w eeabyteaoda Sneirty Resale Event end Sad aaheateblrpriees for Church, 7004 W Seranyn rlsildrenbrinthes,tvya, Ave., Cbieego,hasbejbythe nqsipasnnt, hooks eand NoethrvaalPcoawndpof $2555: cTfl nideas. It nntll bs held frsm Presbytes-jas Congrego. Caillais IlsvO:les 5sis-lm tiens. This fat-dayevest 9 amIa 1p.m. Mareb 29 cl First Usitad Methodist lasutvtalvati:essanser.Sem Pl sriO foulure hngssvte speak- It::ssesst.lees C CoOt b - rea addressing brounler Church, 418 ThsdayAvv, tiv::,-nyoaelees PerIs Ridge. Casts only \ concomo shout fosdyso. R's not Selaghese, beg arlasedo' FIT. E.ltfl7t15ITIIT'..]illuI7T dvvtion, calm2olhieally, boalvrtfsrpnarehemv svdgaltingatndadymdrs iagfne yosanelfoe0 Personal banking. Boniness Bunking.Investments, Mnrtgage Losnn HISTORICAL SOCIETY cvasmunitygrssp8 nnmaknnsoatae.ledlhrug Nies Historical baciati ovrivrsl Coy navi. Bemba: FOlC-0200t, asIens: 01v Cvi vrvtvna', - trallas und smilla2dinplsjs O7OMitsvaaalseeAvv, ori) atO am., f000wndby the PrraealflulphLopra, ca lhnthnyavtaspeaterutig asthorof"LesglsYasr am., lands at asansad vin. IO Thursday, Marsh 20,2008 / A Pioseer Prese PablioWbo

Pøøksueuu See dosplayo, Iooyesote A NISHE PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISING SUPPLeMENTr MARCH20, 2008

Ari kerjCarl I-I Thermal 'l'i utOs '\'Viridmv r',.,.i,,. 1.,. WINDOW SALE! Direct Factory Pricing Money FEATURING: MoynlIlyijliy )iiCilvitil Oliiys Sytyns Macgus glass gives you shouldn'tta year ro und sa vings, year round conifer!. Gteetly iniprevej ireeulatio G iv lieu) i air Ceillening ven Customers Rug Iatnd Glaner glaeu 101irIliruture shouId


The National City ListensPmgram. Not all baskshvv Wiles you visit a Batidos] City brannh,so eclioally iriuithd our satìsfoâtion survey. We'll even givkyou enhance to ed orOnthly drruslng just tsr ddlng do. Ldskter your invitation gasPRICES ) ìer mote gai prices aisle trum your banker, Theo snerplete thevurney either Colino onLINE »e Hours: Check out photos of g'- $3.59 CLARK 2801 N. DAMEN AVE., CHICAGO carsthatget3O MPG » $3.35 SHELL 220 W. VIRGINIA ST., CARY $3.41 SHELL 210 E, OGDEN AVE. HINSDALE S.a,dIc1iIcagocsn,/auRc, M.neeyMainneHybddlwD Mart sirles cru suora ate soallabietu tilt nur ree ue! We Oleo Otter: A at

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Ourlons] C'in 0511k, MolliS F012. 0)2000, NullotClin Conllorsrin, eS5e5Oe5aeeooVeeettagdjspl0, faBaWShyjh0 Presont Ralph Lspea,eo- raS looWat speakerut 10 author of"I,aeeghyour aso., nln.uSo000s,d o0u_ IThoradsy, Mm-I,20.2008


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SndesoahklnsSoionwillreoioosarcsivebillbdsrndonllrsrbannnroblllboardsaowriIaortntncrno [email protected] OUTBACK UMITED - toanroiorrlrstcos4.OE Here le the opporwnbty to teli FrnnnMrochlltoApdIlt,eooiurgr-k0050ioneootiorbiboardoforingiwa88olrherccs4o so what you think. nlllboplrcnd0nffioenRonst0nnaniroalwsrthnofEahrcdoetp.osoebpnalk -.' 27 27 26 23 neatno6obIIIoreyroOolowIndowvHIoIrwiIInouhrthnrrwayfrumrhr rngertorepwernhon0istofRranArCO540oarbrbfi0itoAadsoAIsAI6y tue reahemativesto 10mg »aAUTOMOTIVE SALES TMS40isdiathdby0h*eddutoga0MMDbodyiepnrgdIIA gask&Doyou44rhHw s. monagos, south, Alnantaoroats,Iramr-wopprdstre0gnhmGet.&Certhar.oddckvoodRAzorlHftioob. etsrdowgonosgh to AdlvlduulIynurnbdbsdgirnpInnruthniqwneoolThehide0nIy2,tt0a0ssonrhnKRS TERM.NCE BOYLE o 708.802.8831 OWN ITFOIt,.96.O5l* AIJrOMAIIc a LASI ONEI .oUTOMA1IC TF1IIFJSMISSION IF/OTHER R SUNROOF 40 will Sn bollI. The 2000 IC RS 4.0 bo0ar arriArt Solon dasiaohips this mocho wAle thus Hsie8 thaybeMsuntiwec.00rn Tell sa about 0 at )eosLroaosrrGcwçostGeisns005,AToecoersoas0000rr sake monagos, west ;15 AUBUPOI RIUS, MIA. (AP th,ysio U.0 tuis it is obi dra A doigt eladio In CatAseIs GEORGE MOLNART 630.844.5860 :s.* I-050055sai; elN.'NSJNI I.. s, -'al rl,wocias.'l,-o,.seeh 05005 penol np nynlde000nolldstlono - PINCICOa0 aZraa%.IeIadIs cl'''' gmrslnar@pionaen(oco(.00ni - IaIe',,. -.,,o.-snsOoimAawr5oslrOwFrs I.',I..I'. . s-..I.,-'I..,a.-,- ou 1l,e..nI:i7 ,...... u . 0..5-55- Aoqouluon.s CotlmsyswoAfrootboftodCbaI0wIIISndnoUhradqoatroo0yoiAabom Also, feeifree to gsve us feed- Hun MAl0 back on SeanchClnoago-Autou hboo2ocsdsbadrneloyffeoledbythelcsitgnfortnnoedmfldsy, sake monagos, print editiòn at tosigo oh 1TooCItedwillsoniseisa to lead C leO detta ¿foet MICHAEL NATHAN o 312.321.2975 EVANSTON USED CAR EXPRESS liar los been one a oinj linse prientqoOp RsmCbmeo CpIIah Nraue t Il busuit a [email protected] mnathan@cuntinrêscivnr nraJoroysnakelnth000mpanylasrsummar. -- IMPORTS &DOMESTICS IMPORTS & DOMESTICS SUBARU IMPREZAS -''atestasIoa,rz*------isscve5000.tsulpssabnsoa .47,915arlss*ws EornmatffiO ..nsuurooe0050005a,00soisoso4.orors jaeneàies tr.n.a------juso.010Lhswobsss.e000.u4.er1020,loess We witi print netpnnsne weekly '155.015 DarannO ------cram,ene caHiscEnaa...... tedssivbe,ots,00,lulroeese000olM 45455 --r"° ars ratais ans -' ------aranasor reel rara zoo ------uoinsi0000sleo --- SUBARU LEGACY IOUTBACKS and publish them online at ciutictuato - -'.- ' tU SUBARU TRIBECAS 5O8SubaruOuthack2.51 oearchchioago.core/autos. 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CHICAGO - Rind their atarjea arad ranimer EVA TON SUBARU tt1ikttL Cuws Ask about: Collpgg Graduale Program- email: every day at r-- Chock out ourWeeklyInternet Specials s-55-byJILLCIMIN1U.O by JOHN STEIN by IRA SIEGEL byJEflIATLOR aaardrahiaega.00m/aataa N-SUN Hra1dNews at www.EvanstoflSubaru.COm - - Call BéäconNews MpHiDe Sun IN EVANSTON Searcbchicago-Autos star advertising cupplament from Nicht Pablicatioars PiorintiigPatss SOUTIITOWNSTOSR 1.888.47316O6-a'sTo241 ted. Lease on approveddedIl Scolo. Iluso, ilk mulosnr poor, 10 centsaftor. Lessee ros ansible Ion coceas Asan and salle lormlnallon 0110000, Add lou, lutIn 1100100 U $ITOU 011501000 PlOT O Pille°1h 05-ST 821 93400 915 094,27, Imp1000 $10,936.85,F0100101 $12,718.75, Tolbonk $13,230.40,Tribnco01,6l4.4O, "Finance on opprnaod modul score , l001401000015100old uuaIIAblIlla.SNow 500010 111011 SaltO. ¡I IllilualO, 2008Veal todolt.All oTero ondin 3 dm0.

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00085080,M280H2O,4008 4 I SEARCHCHICAGO AUTOS 1 C100060SUN-1!ME5 NISSANCHICAGO.COM aut0REVIEWaSEARCHcsIc*4iautoo' W Eli NEW 2008 NISSAN. NEW 2008 NISSAN byjULCIMlHILLO .SENTRA i,ror0r,srs VERSA - 4.sSispî. odi Audi's Ql quiets skeptics with :ffl smooth, clean ride SU 'r hod rs ry fr, rp po srs ai- ro drirr dirsol-prmsd $ 13,939* - rrsrrsrs.Myìmprossroos ros fro,sb!s. Thr dis- i1,899° ,,! sogrorr rloggrrl,. dirt1 SUNROOF & NAVIGATION cui SUNROOF & NA VIGA TIP' soro!!0 rd Ior,d. Vrr r!,,,, sr, d,r,'rrs INCLUDED! INcLUDED! " bydosrl oogir,s. T!rsy',o fsrorrdio INCLUDED! Ermpoord disy for horror gos rrr!rrgo. Soo,'hyr,r djrr,,l,,sr,lr,s,irk- a5 prior ior riso ori,sd r!m,rsoors? ALL NEW 2008 NISSAN WoO, dirons rrOor s!ogfsrh, diryi NEW 2008 NISSAN omolly rad !o,,d. Than', rrhrrirrrrr- ,r,rorrbss, Bor"or,ro" is ohr w ROGUE oyrrsrrnrroad. ALTIMA MofO 77278 With rr,r,,rsor'o o! olor,, dias,!, OsOdSift s at tOs rOs orrori,,2 h,- sorso, ir'o oar, r,, g,! rl,, suElo- rrrrrd osrO Today's drrss! isr,'s mba! yor I rbirk ir is. I As Amli gs,, ossrly so !ao,,rh irs T!)!s!rosld 00,25 rilo0 pr, grl!oa or piorno of smokansoapr'ag from rho sil- 30-b!,, T!)! (rothoohosgsd disoor hr highosy, p,00idiog sfr,,! ssag000 poorar,rod lry gomsbifr,. pipr sod rho rahiolr hoodlad bao!,, nhsa ir !hs !lairrd Staros, lo, hoi,r 630 mi!,, ,orsidsriog rho, rho T!,o,n ross ro boosn of rork-,ospfiag io gsoofao rqoivs!aoo. Wh,o yor bobog - 0000,ash,r is s!sairog ohs bra! otra, of fori soak ho!ds 26 gs!!o,rs. !o rOaOssO, spord opoa psssaiag ho gas pads!, boo io rho ol,sr sad nffoi,o5 fr,00,s, 00° ,dorsrirr by grrdog jorsoshsrs b,hiod rho 3.6-br,, S'S gssoli,, srgoo,srrr,g- ,00,!o,s!ior ross,'! ,!oggirh rs ordam baos, rabio!, diar psvns sirs tory ror'ssd rho oh rol srd b,ok ir rh s riss 'room, 20 mì!,s frs gs!!oo or s!Or h,ghory. pornoordoithos. !,i,s,sor!yrohs!yo,r'd am oar rmisoamao!slly fsinadly bohoo $ J.+iu1jA soro sp,,k. Wbil, Odo,', !hi,k di,,o! is Oh, 17,995' for s fo,! osogs of okoor 320 murs ,ops00000mo!soga,sorao-psssorgrs 1855ff EST. USASBSO !)rrriag Atolls sims, diss,! risi,-, ir roidi s similsr!y sìssd fo,! so!, 101V. My prrrosa, oho o,srso 3.6-!irr, sod.a!!, k,-511 fra! solodoo, Ido shiak Tasoo!o,Csrods,!gor msp,rdsrooa SUNROOF & NAVIGATION Vor, arigh, mgoo rhsrs 3.0-irr,, - gssolins.porr,sod Q7, soir! dia TE! rasoh's ras of rha ya!hs roo oso roboro SUNROOF & NAVIGATION ofros!iry daro ,,r!h sosrr Ql br! hod ,rgio, rhos d,hr's,, 22! hors,porosr mod,! o,, poyposs srd b,Oo, p,ro,a,d.o foros, la,, dopaodaor oog,so!iao INCLUDED! ohs 3.0-li!,, T!)!, sod! barr ro soy ir goiog robs mo,, fr,! off,i,asyhso Tb, oogiro ,rond ir rhr T!)! oro T!,, EPA o,rioos!o, Ohol oh, Uorirsd INCLUDED! ros!k,d umsy 4,!, s moo!, ,rrsr fsro,- autSPECS :/ 3,6-lira, oagirro ohar do!iv,ss 280 orbi,!, ros dofrrooa!y dianosaab!,, boo SO,r,a000ld orosn,romosarhaa500 sb!, isoprsssioa, ros ooly r! ho dr,,,! hon,,po,000. Doh. fOur yro ,hoo!d s!so isrossaloanoy foom ho rhoggiog, mil!ioabso,a!srfosodorilproyaaoif lOOt AUDI Ql sogìos boo siso rho Ql. rahr irso 000sido,orior r!,,, dir T!)! o!r,mprogdir,r!a of y000.Osmss moro 3ooroan-ohisd of o!! pssssngasrshin!ss Aodi h,gso prodooisrg yhr T!)! 19 HlGIIgodHTsr fusi r,n0 doSo,,, 406 pooadr ro fms of !oapra ihr r srnsdy prao. - sod lighl ,omrro,oiol orhialas roso, yssas sgo sad has sr!d mo,, rhsr 4,5 00610 alles, ,rvpli,s rotrpsssd,oirhohss!mosspooy2ló Onssali, !,ros!kad arruy rrioh a mo,h aqoippad toiOh modasa diosa! ,rgiaoo, air!, LEV si, S sr,nds,fs, rrillioo os,s ,sish rhss,,srgi,rs, Tb, mor,arsboso,rrso ofrrhardavo,s la s!!, !hOO sasms psorry good idsa j F p,ords ro !r,r of rouoo, drlirs,sd by Irr, fOmplrlssl dis 3.0-bor,s'O'D! TD!-prroomd Ql. Thora ross oo bio, 'bs, rl,, gsso!ora 00gb,. Arr! vor obrogh ,ssonds, dass,a'lOysg,a (ERU8!IiSit ,.y EhmM*N'1 - rn!! riS ths.!Jrirrd Surs,ir !irto for ir ho, sss hrr,s!roo'ss, i!s stde e, bar sr ers los, r,asrr,iaOr, hrossd lordi, Ql sad A4 6m, is 8.4 ,sorads - jrsrf.2 ,,,o,ds byup0000 pS,0500 t sad is roO! dsivr or!, ors shooss'roith feejs,d418alse.UrsfsnhOilh!tOnOissOsIEfleobOiniIOss!15fl5755h8507075 laUb, sknffefs sn3lsYs3oGasS s!o,osroboo lo, g'sso!io,.p,rrr,,d Ql. SlIi,s,sd,,s ttetso,ssttltl P1,soaU'gM.Iic&lsc sr,issi000ys!mr. Po, dsir- So,ioth,Q7o'irhrho30-!i!r nfCING:0sVesaro6r!ed fIIoflsf000508IllOttsftf sas oho ruolo gruss, rrhmn!o, ,ssoh Iris BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN USED CAR OUTLET T!)L000hsrair,,sossdrorqoa,sossdf rua'rnnmIfgslloos 05111 CAR OUTLET' sosgio,'s,il!rrrop!yroish!ho LEV!! po,s,ss, loor ,rrrs,rors sad 5000!!oo! [o,! BERMAN'S MID CITY Bir 5 ssogri,smoars. rom. '8,770O0Fo5t,as...... '3.899 08t,MDn'oma...... '5,999 'tltroCsO,Bros,.,.'1,Ol9 rfrloisooy. ,°d! rio!,, dios,!. MPG (hroy IO mdMtEloa '3,959 'O9Jesp&tOmMeso '6O5i'O Bross,, rl rho lrrgh!y afOsi,,! so- Mydsìrrrg !rs,oror sad! thor, 80,0 57,779 'Obas!seosors .08,918' itSusoMOsemo ...... '3899'G e8MostOCafsaa,,....,io899 'tlMootOstovs...... '7899 fr5050 gus s,oi500!sdrr 0db rhis rogirs, 0397g '9gy 5ÇROM '8IW,sa.Ps45,sOema .....'1,899 T000a!o!o Nisgrs io sCso,diar Ql tOtiNfO OIl-hors,poseO ' '9s978 ""°'°" ros oody is oorbrrhsrgiog oprirrìsod O3O,d,sM,s, '4,478''tDbf,faad,sX020sm ''7s978 'O3tlMor,7Ot,rs T!)! oo or,isriog book sosds dodrg s 20-lifer IDI diersi '1978' 'tllgnoffse. '9978 bos rrgior ,missioos ss, sIso rsdo,sd. sarro ,room rho, p!opp,d ab000f ionhas 'tlaanmrossstsarusr 4.77O' I2ElOssVtt8o'rSeO,.U99' fllMyo1Maus,, ...,.'5,899 'O48mybM0rooas,.'IO,8Sl This orgi,o rod snos oí!sros' md, wnnsnts 15878 tGIOso000*,oas '10,870 or os. 2 !rsd dio f os' O sororoh r! sosd '145e,fOSpCaeoVlsu!at..'4s978 'O2FodMal,a, 't2OHg.tsnoo....,,..'liO9S' 'O3toibpotar...... '65899 'fJlMo,ogmosso,...... '11,899 ,missions by op ro 00 porrr,0. dial io,!odrd soma highm,f dsiriogi sod ,'5,957''O2MyGo5tO,VsI2'°"1,$89 'OlNOs*tOr*sarsaro. 11878 Coa,idss siso irs, di, 3.0-Ss,, T!)! 'G2Mssd,Ass,sls*s ThofsWor,eas6o,...... '4,899 'GOtsPi,Gro,:...... 1.899' 'í)5J»,gsottsrsOosr,.'l3,899 O ross qoi!r imp,,ssod ridi rhasmoorh, 'Ohoar,hoSM.,iLSaa'5s999 '6tfO,dsPso0tsarator'8,178 tltOrsyhMosstssostseoou'lOsOlO mo,, f05! sflirinrr !hsa irs or,,- ,rro pororo pro d onod by oIr, s ogrro. soor gsso!iro-prmossd bs,rhmr. Fo, ThooghohoQl ross,,soa-spood ss rs,mp!r,!!rrV6po,00rrdQlroiOh dio :,il'i 'I 9 ;,,/' an advertising supplement fromNiche Pablications

San. 5555m, osa aoass osadoro, 12 Thuroday, Mcmvi, 20,2008

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l'va. 440e s-, - 12 ThOrsday, March 20,2008

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Steel WAD7S, Ha gen fleadloap,, 6 6OOO. 5eMceI1oopod EVEN IF YOU USED CA!? PAYMENTS INCLUDE Lon7,, ASS. OD POAe4AMO,Gl 809501 Dual PSoe, 0,480, MirrorS 8418 552744 DON'T RUY OURS 13,421 TAX, TITLE, LICENSE & DIJE FEE 5N1R01i 003. 'wsow01rorovMw opow. enrIes v.sten nrRSsIllIeW0e 03 BSNN1Ie01esM01' 55558059 SP EU IAL OF THE WEE K '00 0 0 CHARGER DODGEDUB*10GO 'O6MITSUBISHI 7! 1J4% rr.oio or ITS 845526 Momo '03 INFIN9IO 035 01 BMW 14011 sii0001rL AJ T:St:9. '4 15$91 t 811995 °13695 i4499s19j O795 ::02O995 .i!24A89... !27$95 OIRTWOSOT TO0I000EF5Oil0 1790W?If!00015 $!6,E9401$299/M2. MB4005JRE5600000SoRAR5 06 1164824'278!?125625 122,991 011019/MO. 070941!420110719 $l1,99401$229/I4E 27926901910696 20999050099/MO 0695004664021913I901 $21,991 A993954T0040051100M0 D0!0964&(0511194914900 172,99! 042299/40. ' IIOI134I750a40051FR142 MlRsoToa4001IcRoIIs 04A4I9l42!4 $11,995 011009/MO. 05T2450I1204471010#60209 27E999010299/140. 09E62010E51910679 264,994241229/82 00481001E419109596 090,727011059/410. CO-SIGNER! GOOD CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, NO CREDIT.... 5981706!? $9999011119/64.090M46M!417M165 (4116 you DON'T NEED A J1071910010011110M5 91MK001E9024994E104191041O 517741979944 209.992011099,8012!0S(EEY1!61248,1201l910410...124199924$0I9/0O. , ..$79,99401$029/82. 020264,49,409111064426111914262 $22,99! O1$509/MO 11056T0040055410M5 500GI556TOCII0000IEOM0 91405I504Ø001W001 04I4I85191/9I0996 112,99101$209/M2. 249497/00919 1946111! 06M4015MI16941 $74,99! 052079/140. 0495047I14190944 $0,991 012669/MO o 468494515411?10924I0M0!2?I270 (4527209! 5914061914720 90540044! 94219,á259flI80 15,99! 042169/42. 219619749714719961 $24,999 011469/MO DONE! 773-728-50004 9l704148s015s74o40 2801! WE CAN GET IT 5454011914971 222,991012009/MO 96I564759691109414#7292.4 06711011109/M2. 0! 942171191541604I 01018211910948 $70,999 012009/MO 01240114169910 219,991012099/ME 07030941960910 18,99101$169/612. 111,991012279/140 HELP NO MAIlER WHAT YOUR SITUATION IS - SE HABLAESPANOL!- - - - 91068928910990290IO51 POIIIIAC54004I001IÇIOMI - - - WE CAN I090453T0C14001111000 079595562M19140I9 '$69,19! 011014/MO. 24109010219276 96510I19I8M910929 $70,999 011259/MO. 771954019419102844 01994217149/MO. 27(884981914040 110,991 011009/MO 031007058105161001 C41095141C54T0010011110M5 0059411901978016 $11,991 012229/410 9779017199014544910991 110,997011799/M0. 0A1UE5ST0I00SEE5OMI 91EEO#!101291 20(1019107221 $70,99! 212259/82. 908!4176007E1401M0190140214 ....$15,991 941299/MO. 1118143T00I0051I10405 190,997 051209/410. lODs & lOOs MOREONLINE AT BLAUTOGROUPCOM 041V10(5T590T041001111005 020M4704811710045111555 20,196011169/MO.9202921910661 $24,997 10000MOIITOCII001IIIOM1 057444.1111476795 $2,990010149/40 2111140900 12I7!&11510654 $09,99921O449/M9. 154/641974521 $74,991 011279/ME UIICO5O13008IIOOSII080I a 2401109100015047790 011,991 011229/612. 1E0059008940011410R5 O115828!011910?44 129,99! 011959/MO. V01014404111 5MRIUTESFROMUK1IOUIW000 941101JL515105M71224 910,999241299/MO. 04 111I96149l6918 02,991091709/112. - MIIOAI200000I1ROIII 991911005996 $5,991 010129/MO. 94400104110919 $l0,999211299/742. 0057090546E21212,900087111620!5 ....05,991 012799/MO.074820601079! 776,994512259/MO. s 1 HIIWIOSFROMUNWU1PPOK I 0 GOOD CREDIT? -$1W CREDIT? CALL.NOW888-887-9850. 'i" Il 1IHRUTISF000ThELOOP 00NielMIMeH-816Wos. 692064009190HA057o60u060os0760 On Uso corlior et Cicero & Howard LII I I I' 'lu 1$MINIJIIS FROM StOKE OpaODIW1l!801.M515e,81o1$SOoSM , 6 1' 7 6 Ml96956 www.chlcagotoyOb.cOm 14 I5MINOTIS FROM NORTHIROOK (866)387-09911!1 818806 7601 N. Cicero Ave. N60449458149s089fl01164o1ls14o. lA64001nu4e9nlsce01560,l6 RS. le-Ils 911064 0e 01 809w' 219 fee III Toysto lrueDfeclerer relelue Sod 1959014es 99pLLellTey9te reesuloelorar abolse 09 9eleel paw 2001'2000 loyale. 10uelrIln0 bayern, nat all 704699496e ELLI 941111 (7 )rlaea/24y5r5979 7LL5 89, l6LIlL SISO 1056619111e enO 2110GO lee 90981 inI 9408150 05411 le ' 215 05 Is ' Ile 9006035M!ll%1546M59272rnt14 t95cero9lKn5894.MM41el 4(4506 (119910 09696 Gellt Gnrp) ea 991101 09E 7700 Oaelonn. 00(8 SIesos, 2028 !eeenas,000!'0028 Iaplren 6727(1916 17000 messed), lei 41099,. 94991997.0E 2001'll91l Tundrue 102016) YOUR SUNWDUJ 0119159 70004 295460 0022756 19521241 59591011971041' 7% 5(9 lOnoolsO 151107699 anelleble ho 10GO «'o ce011408160 bITaMOS! 101061)- elI Sner9;nO 19 99011/leI Sulle 16116 e0reaed cIa/IO 0827093/01/07618914.4,8146 lleeSalles !0150s91,0516 954911164! 190066 eule.! nalleLaa lah]eh9 anulalMty bond et pises ree aol L ial 70650 orse en solad 5eS 20(11195660 '0089406058492 saIne 557 oLsible fer elneillel pIden. Deeernllp pet lee/eye Ile lot 900e Elul,inIe stII950lePhIeeI errore. Manuloeturer lcSlnb9es 9ub)eaI 7e cheese relIeur Mollee end A eRse! deuLer'e 5.1)195 praO el) vehIcles uub)udl 709496 nate Fila;

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12 Thursd1y, MercO20,2008

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Toreree$Z555. lve8r0psymerB fse. I A 'i , II - 97Níssan \( 98 Dodge '"8 Mercury Grand"( 00 Honda 98 Subaru Legaèy" Pathfinder LE Intrepid ES :. Marquis LS Civic cobytorean, SIIel98G8B - Silver, 45,000 Mile5 5155334356 Outback Ltd Belge, 49,GOGMiIS5 5515255396 Titanium, 51,055 Mile GM15P42555 Blank, 54,005 Miles, 53545204206: \ $6,922 $7,422 ;, $7,922:_, $8,222 <1 2' $8,322', O2Chevy 98-Honda, "/-99 Honda ooS '\ 00 Toyota Malibu Accord EX Civic EX Silver, 49000 Miles, 5154743856 9-3 Sienna XLE Green, 92,000 MileS6r411203786 Green, 00,000 Miles SIlvSII2G4504 Green, 62,000 Miles SIJAH2050GA Black 92,GGO Miles, GIBSH2035BA . $8,422J\ $8422' \ $8,422j $8,922j $9,222 / "s 's ' OlNissan 99 Toyota 00 Toyotà ( 02 Honda O4Níssan Maxima GXE Sienna LE Camry LE " - Gray, 74,000 Mile I Civic EX G0elH182T8A Green, 60,050 Mil,y 5415254076 Beige, 740GO Mile5 Stk#H2G5596 Altima 2.55 Burga , 64, Mlle5 G115H17925S Peeler, 42,000 Miles 51565193530 . $9,222 $9,422j',, $9,922 / 10,422 $11,122 99Honda 'sí 01 Honda "s Jeep Liberty"' a" CRVEX ( 05 Honda '' 01 Honda CRy SE Sport I SlIver, 50,000 Miles SIkGH2G4BIA Civic LX Beige, 72,500 Mile5 505574293 Blue, 36,G00 Mile561515201724 Accord EX V6 $11,422)¼ Beige,8,GGG Miles, 531574476 Black, 45,000 Mile Gtk#520227A $11,522j\$11,622-, $11,997 \,,$12,222. II ' I, 15 I



5SOSkokie VallevRoad - neleaJetves b9thayyevelvl9t5 .kesoubkk0eerebslvayui lha15s15hlnt. 9ír15A lvlve144,. / llhnendap, Macoh 20, ESSOI la

March 19/20,2008 2 Today's New Homes/PioNggiy PRESS March 19/20,2008 Todays NewHomeslploNccetg PRESS 3 corn fo the

e o(thetter,d

looenbo'obo-s nivOsa ca J robed sffinapfoo

OOe,ffgba, Honro, b smoffi - snsla.daçodhlnsooa( soraston, sentono., in BnssinttosaTlr. HIiHidnMnnos-.400tasing n wenith of ntsndssd ansenbian ,nden 2100 bserefmnrflAfibbsrsmnlnosso snoostino notosios design toot i p050teotwo 010oohed gasogs. end e osotoroaosg. lo Architecturally distinctive theGwn f homes in Barrington Week rIse rdelewth, In ecauming co bio old seomping gcoondain Baniogeoo dro.snoeslyao.n(.ei - builder Tom Abbeeemusco's goal wam'ejase 0H45 enob der seasnocy nro sloe :cascfcneg archeeecrarally appealing w(ssrsosemn,ds.bsIsosilaa casrom home, He aim heces "Bomngeoee han no oedheance choc only one anochedgnengn abe valor of bemg a good neighbor in abe villagn where ,C.sorfollynek- DeC0 hr was b nllownd in a nnw Barreon honoin so lhnd ro npply for a cosi- AWise euiaed. And ehac meana ehinkiog aheadon ehe femen owner's nnce, which enas accepend," said Abbneemnsco. "ViRage officioln bahoif by resolving a eeonoeearee drainage problem rhar affecred were aceocily qoise impressed by ehe ionocneive design, especial- eineneeh Smilles ehe oeighbce's adjacene propeoies. ly ehe deco! garage pincnmene, whichcee coceo conoeniencn leansemnelso'el ro eon- From the aran, Abbaremaecooenoer of Presfigiom Homna, oceairere5kniyneS 5' 0,cc for ehe homeencne end gocen nodpreseeVoe charocree nnd cork - e oem coreom home building fino based in Paleeieeehada appeaL My cOlige hcme-rhemnd deeign niso doeoo'e rob ehe yin lodo lcoe,.boAllc I s grand checo foe the denimble eeesdoerse loe fee purchasedjase o . backyard of any apace oebernine allecaeedco ehe caceo gerages. a 3 Ta. n.Ared,thnlavrene4s' 'o, few blochs horn downeocan Saningeon and nfiebin highlyAnd no the bese of my ieoeowledge, eco orher home io ehe oilingn hwthneeoilh ecdanhioeu,0n . o, scclaienedSnningeon High School Diserice#220. Theo wouldbe of Rceeieegeoe baile ro far inclodrs n moeoe coon, which mike, relarnd pecaiaco leo o , eyeI ospeceous, oae-of-o'kind residence honoring peefereed amenillna chin maidecce qaieeoeiqoe." arados sisdnsfannai und undeniable curb appeoL le mould also inoodacsa heck l-8nsitsflloklaraoln.obod bar Uncle conc,io s,, Aoailnble foe ieowediare delinea8, The Hillside Monoe show- 'ya,o w,k.ilèopeseo ray A bomJ saine nos i. Ivi anchiceceucal seyle ro ehe village an all-brick home nichsneep- cases a pleefoorn of neeeeecisies, ioclodieeg foce bndrooens, loor fh5 ing conf ends rhee included onoseparoee aeeachrd nide-eleoareon -. n&jaoteeini-hlamlerolsaotenypllgleelgiarcI beebe and n fell bosemenr nich roogh-ire forn fnecre both. The io1ddesss beebe need hcunoenooet hio.,u gaengea andamnececoose aces eh arene inched ooeofviemfsom goonoee blechen boson Woodharbor cnbioerry nick fesnircee- 1a ehe hone elevaflon. Psodivo. Bue befoce Abbaermccco could demoinh ehe eniariog 1034 SEE BARRINGTON PAGE 5 animato, baa rnhd if.e Cape Codon ehe propeny and pour the inundarioufoe the forth- A wenloo$lcv'rì yo.n -y coming resideoce, be had oca nickling malady The rained TOD Y'S e 'aonill le sA y P copogeaphy of bio reerdowse loe could porensially conerihereco il.nonacduleLaa shallow flooding ie rhcresuaroundingyaedn thaecccunedwleen- van, dobhotodESiab4hy 0cvAcowoke or over ahece war eoceaeioe raininli. Logally, Abbocemerco eoeen'e 'Irradoco rnrrniie,c isoca O rnne.ap, çeaual inbcs,a y, J1i ìbhflnoseriroeo- ,r,0.,ces,eimee.ilscareko'i, n,,cy,se, obligoend colin the problem. Sur ingood conscieoce, heresoloed .i,ii ro work closely caleb the eilhge and neighbors ro eliminnee ehe 1v,0ej ylon ye oc drainage diemnea and ehereby fencer a good rnppoee berneen ehe MICHAEL HEIMUCH Advaeelning Managee Foc, Lscopy, Cje obcle le- naieonchloalis,...... howe'socencual boyce sed ehe adjucewe howeou.oeco. MICHELLE WEISS Nlnhs Pablishlreg Mnsengne ys,nv-,,Fey.ny,.c.3 e'all, ai'sidyleinle inosreaoai. "The easier and lens eopeneioe bue poeeneially leaaeeffccrive oppecach museo 0000ece ro ehe reorm sewee in ehe aoeee ae ehe ennlsnjeaOsssodcc InEs catO teogsr saws aneooenf boor of ehe home," said Abbaermarco. "Bue chis wan ADVERTISING .nWloo, bes dma greorly maosrew losado, o job cime psedanony nedytoeat weeded eche done righe, so we all egreed ie cous beac co coenece Oak Park Office Waukegen Office co ehe aewer horn eh e ecar of the pmpeny, nhich invoiced Dich Wallrea Jeasioo SaaalSippo orr,sInn solibr bthe nace a, esrhcm nenchiog and hoeing chrough the neighborn' yards." (708) 524-4428 (847) 599-2132 :olsss' orni I 2ko The VellageofBaningron picked uprhcaddiriocolcoceofthe Fan (758) 383-5398 Fux (847) 249-7248 boosldsn Muonac run peyjece, onith ebree of ehe neighbom also voluneacily coociburiog [email protected] Haaabooì cfasw boeaanod map cecceana no ehe cose. The peoblem oes eenoloed co evecyone's reel faceioo enela°nrsIrs,c, e, eLo litnonohecy, no loor fell, and Abbnremnrco was finally able ro gee doom ro ehe EDITORIAL & DESIGN oronqedondseorak o y safaslos.o business of boilding his fiere dream home in she oilnge cf efOhepsnodaaon ncnasodbnadtorny,onaffnrd Bussicgecn. Tummy Matthews (641) 486-7312 p0155500onpoy cAobo oms afslen cao, Oben abe gryon lighr co peoceed, Abbaremarno see 00e co Special Sooflene Enllene' Thn Icronsto. corso asnod on of shasoands nf cc menses wed acoonel oho hess, bee ased nlmr eso lì build ehe finely derailed, spucinlly efficione cuseom rne-seory Kelly Thomas (847) 486-7533 Undo Sam enald oaake oleas merk I dan non nos Ossar- SEARCH THE I4On1ES NET WORK WITH A LOCAL EDGE. home he had long ecoiaiooed. To help coocepcualioe rhe deaigo oaOsdmohofaonafosaRnasneeeI 'shoosasocanpanfir. weed mnhe ehe howe como co life, he soughe ehe goideoce of NichePalrlicalfners Cooesflinneen'Copy Editar l,naekae beakonohnCrr,aofie e o irnit33Ptosedsns Fosokiso ididenree Deeigec (houp, a Ceyaeal Lake-boned aechicecrucal fino Jennifer Wilfiam, I Ranocreols end Co ewe ss,s,d ohs ltwmr SEARCHCHICAGO.COM/HOHES -specialldng in ooiqur designs. Dabbed "The Hillside Manor," (847) 486-7237 Owners Ion o en lenidassos,osd fsnoehhsa by Cocer Deoigner sopineasco ocnrgdgno star sorse en Infants sslth senna offardohin ehe home bleeds a range of nrcineeceural scyleaincluding Old Woeld rornaneic and Osorgien claenic, bringing a Noob Shore Ellen Ps'esmen (841) 486-7323 °saasnrs.nlhy, Uncir Sampasnlcasod wam sleaa arm seeshlnen Sally Oa.cno' advino ore agont look and behn abe ooethwenr auburn. Qaicb Piche aid eaasrgsgm lInea canIca, solada sooab oabgan000aonoreohnraelr ny sssartgogo "Many of ehe homea in Baociogron am hioeoeic old er rein- sspaymseo.TholiOlCwwtoeeeaaaodrlmnaglehnssnearumfrnm noighbnrhnnd nanans dans hnnre oasis. finenpasrionno dencer, ouch an fanohouoen hom asine bock as she lace lONe Slays informaban siranld len e-mallad le des capiraI ocaokon oecd den liS Trono , nosed Afona S. L EA P N ochimpart nardo FIND CALCULATE tenlsl8piuceeoloonl.aam en mailed In Blindenoaaoo,uco ateabooao nf Oleo Enclorai Beoesve. ::r:° finoncing poosibilitia, weed becgalona from the ecely lllleh ceocury," said Abbacemamo, Ryslar5el930s,oarsslennaoafovnoyfcehoeoelnmcom 3701 Want Lake Ave., Glnnniem, IL f0026. now honro show, an ens oporeneont lrnwohiconoffnmd onIon cleoee so peenerve on enfiqon well how the origino1 proper Aaeerrlcannanemsdhy Undo Snerle so der HOW henar home cy ase decoracioc meenenre in the new home'sbackyard. 5And All pebcen sod acailobilley ace nobjece coahangr wiinoae encina acorte, o whnppaeg$3.Sbeilron, scared Bhcder roba onneenrly oben youd once oew conaneecdoo on reardoom niera, Ceahsmnn o psaboocs of onancreelas andy hilothan s5 B'nseereno Urnvmety and Prairie selle oochisecrnral des rend co dominace. By con- All real rama adneoising is this pebliasines is sunjme ea eier Pais 1mb foc rhin aren Hennig Ace, nhiah makes ic illogoc en ainsoiso my pmiawrm, lleci. ftomonnce denso ocsso soughes den 1930,, md needy 20 sonor she Hilloide Manor offen a frrsh, nen pçsneornf den bnsocwoso dofeecleed non Sn Ureelo Born aced Old World characarn" callen ne disaciainsaion besad ea sge. eins, cecine, mligion. see, cessai. A oree ahne spoon a flmsless chano cap, fawellial caco nr naineai caillai neinnneinn en scales say such oseanaollyhecarno den nwcoeof2og,nEsiboaasra Thin is scideeced by frurnees libe n fell masoecy ereerior, preieesscao- ileeleall005 as disorleniraeleo. iRn llrennis Human singlen - Shsid11hsllnanaroll sndmoeasberahnonog CHICAGO) homes lEnrcpesn-flavmed sloping conf coils, copper asched doneerai a Ace and the Caah Conney Bnerao Righa Clsdinsnan prahibin dlsorlm- ohassago. By 1944, crashefief der 2CO hnesaoo cone grsnd linoeseone façade eno?, and flvs.aed.s-qauner-rnch bobos io theorie, osto as adnereising eieoai orneo based no Isacco ossoid,Thore, dsoHOkCpnoosdossnall sahoaloondenbmka .com doorways found throughooc the in nidifica ro those pncmeod sedor eodnrsi lso.'flelo pabliaefiee sill orad qulosly nenas ano nf baoenom os 1951 crcwn moldings coed asched noekscocallcrglysnenpeacy sdaecri log fas ceal sorsn nleiehisianinla. borne. Bus prehops che homer biggesn dopsenoeefrom eninoog fias otee, eon. See renana an heoby Inlanenod lese all dnnitsgs Tb, Nano Poma Dm Dollas'o assirI5 oral ,oeor,aalaenn srpsandgamgema odnoerisOd seo nositobis now egoskappenasiny basis. Byna brllsoo sonde asod ley DoRase M,dea Sossenrs arenas,b ab,cmpesoeeeso £amngidvoiles eno leans lesso diocninninaesd ogaloar in ceemeedno niai the soin 00e, of lenes, bayrnsa rrearngerras obopinng hrensaanesssbrp consent than psa- bandet nf csnccaiog. asee the Ireesfaith Hneaieg Correr al b, brllIdIrso. n,naoarean sod r lesen Par oos, bara,-bsooeg (typeboth seseed icy on accommedafing moror coan Nasohoese Snhsa0o se 1847f 505-n7tne It0? 11471 SOl-2745. Mdossnmlan oars ins Wed ser, as. oscra.dsedoban nos Thuonday Mnevh Ill, 2008 I13

4 Today's New Homes/PI0NEII0o P6MB March19120.2008 March19/20.2008 Today's New Homes/PIoNBEI8 I5RMB BARRINGTON FROM PAGE 3 charge np rn5O benn oluirreflor dedgro cooaul- Sor,k,otv.00'c' milan arrrices bon PSA laroeiom,Lod.,a n000enae66 grado finishes, ,rrhdes, arroI Vakingapplj,ncea, miroirard inrerior designfinn basedin an righr-Ivvo island, granire onunoervopa and Barriagronrchich, among orheruwseda, Love macase s Iralian none rilo. Orher nomblee inolndr aloe-loor fins-fluor armad the 2006 "Bear in Show Deaigo MORTGAGE NEWS finorllence' sonni hanche Aaearivnn Socdry your and barvmonr coiling. and 10-floor ercoecl-floor crilinga. n coro-eroe9 oak ,raieca,o graced obi, of lacerino Draignee,' lluvia chspoec a.ekraonnronrmasc eon spindle,, croan molding rheooghour ehe Abbsaemseco prides kiaroarll na "providing iJ5 the hear overall naine in, orn howe, from che pet RIDGE - GRAND OPEIENS! Bankratemortgage update flrg. floor and maarrr bedroom, hardwood floor. onnide in," hesgid. 'The hornee Ibaild ,pnea sa GATEWAY ESTATES acroar rhr firs. level, a fleer-floor denrchich ban Pircenre Pena' can be convened loro an office or nannyanfoegeimhlechaaacao, and charm from the PeAs&Ve$a! Row HOUSES Ooov-oohago.y'oucouldhnoogu000nogorarncc ovr5 Il 1 '. avirrsrrned by ira own fallicark, am,srerb,th eneerior, as well o abe highest caliber nf ma,eal- 647.825.9400 cd(orcsbl o-rare mucogufo 00 5 "aovo oloar drromIcomo,rirl,o als, brand, sed finisher wieldy." pichor Fonoriarl,oau burhr. compfeor wish a Jrcnaai sah sad shower Becar 237 W, Hulkide in Barfingron, The 'Tfled ornc oqnippod nich body epmya, a ocond-flovojonn- H enromo, Icaro changad. ' dry 000m, r floro-finar madroon nilah a auch- Hillside Manar ja ideally loonred raithin walking MSEISA.GRURA - MaRsO! KRall005U - ManEas SODI! disrarror of Ba,eingroo High Bohool, the donai. "ThoARM marker nrlccddowv b,nioullyivamcek," cayo Sob n oble coarhrr and dryer, a aroufiry ayarrm and re, TRAFALGAR 55000E COUSUS WOLFRISSE CONDOS Wal reca , chioFvconominrfnrQoichcv Lou,,a. ' au idonfial firo prvrocfivo rpflrrldrr sysarm. rams disainr, nearby parka and the med Mena Aa fosrnrrd, The Hillsidr M,norisp,icrdarradon. The addersr ia alan vonvrnienrly ames- 847.965.9444 708.492.1010 Accuediog ro ihr Ivocar Sanko ,rovcc, ovalroruv y nllregv leccdoa, $1.25 million and oflora 3289 sqasre firer- silvio enana eapaesaiasys, Deer Park shopping I0500IIOS.COm ba,ir pviov Icarwook, ro thoovooagnraro un a SII ASid choc up 47 aloha fivily Iandaoaprd homeoiro spanadrag flor cad svafleayofflareeeaaaaesam,s,n,esaadboa- :: 66' n 132' village loo. Peearcg...Hooves visu fiqara, Te woke an appaiannene ro view the The boovhmcrk SS-prao fiord -raro mrog,nomin 7 breis pniom, ro offen an oyions1 finished bannen. pion clasepeoperry or loe more infonarsaivar akoas 6.59 p000cor . A bmia p nions ono-huodrodoluuf I pervovorgo puior. ' ,,,,, r ,.,..a r .r ,, r adda an orma 1,500 aare leso of hoiarg apaor.Fresrigiovu Hnmea, call Tum Abhaarma,co ar Thr brochmnrh i5-yere final- ore000 origagorune il brain poion, ro ...... Foralinoirod rime, rho bnyor ad receive her of(047) 431-5249. 5.BS pe00000 , od rho SO-pearfiord (vorbo,for locos grerreerhan ° '° 0 9vfead'w jIge of9Vortñbroo1c 0417,005, climbed 17 basis poinra, ro 7.fipomeoc. ° 7 llr(iegigtes to 294.5 9e'íinute.c to 94...anrí..94 steps Nro cab llyroldakd gfhlcn c"'° uffored byAEMa avddovly rio yiviog thymid chovldve cv ohne to Wl8o(efoO8f.ce anal morc/ producos, rcvordiog rrjim S,hoyrr, m verlagebovino orlik Palm Snok Fi nancìaI Neveork io Scucor , Fia. "Thor, (var b aunana banlore lach of bidaCSrhcrger raya. "P eiveic. ca. ulwuyadoroomioed bv-afcuocriou ofdomovdovdbcohavoo)urr ca. find icc geighovoroehaovheyoao'rgrorìdofrher'cRM prudovv." Waiver. believes nccverrcioiy io ehe crodirmcrkem ir bargc)y vu blame fvrnosriogo'.Rniracoo. a.,. Touodearsvdrvhao'sgoingev,yovooedcogcrorpthedif'erenco .rv0 0000000005 sOu hornero horeo°,ninr md fiovd-rere morrgagrusee peivod, Waloca neya. .

Picod-naioaoarvgogos,nrisaaedoothrpeireoflovg-rormhonda, . Walrarsavys. - L. Townhomes come to downtown Wilmette "Wrvaonharvuenhsr thonehoodaarebain5poimdc000reyninvro BY MARCY MARRO nook in oho evs,ver hedroom vr a ascond-flona '. u, ol000ry dayC he mnya. 'Ira vorn liqvid, ii',very- cravvpurror rod iris Spocisal to Pioneer PIaran lois ho nos rpace prr plan. Kirchena include eaayoopeimthoaelorcca0 gearrirecnv000000ps, 42-inch vusiom-designed Lovared in che hear. of Clricago'a North Bymncryc,threrisooacriadyrcodadrovuricythrrlovdooioohmorlvno cobiaoa with crown molding, cearerieland aad a. Shore, Wilmroreia ovo of rho area', ofiglaal srainin,a,ieel applicavo.. pricio ARM,. louimd, 1mb an uom.the.moocmrmurkec 'cobreo you voll manaio vrienred commvoifioa. Now, for ohr flosr vpmdyuvvrmrrthoaovcoirinreyooiccvclurou,"Walccrravyr.n "Wirveriv is, orry vaiqvr cona000iry nielo r flavo in almoar u docade, Wïmorre v-ill ho gro- r ,,,. I ron onmemely loyal populaflon,' avid Derek rinfanon 000armofioo ronco home develop- Svhillen co-owner 0f DB Dovolopweno. 'We mon feel rhia proloce o-iii give downealaig ewpry MW F: by OS Dovelopwrnr, abe neerr000 oppo,rvoiiy avara9 in thrir coauaon- 11.00 600 Wimvrrel°ookToraovhomosroillcon,iorofaevrv airy while sr rho amor ilion poorfding veo peo- aioglo-familyarrrvhvd honra in eno boildinga. ple booking vo moor the convmisalry foe abobo, 1,1:01 The firer bvilding ovili 000rain fico voire nioh I moro rhan 2,800 500er fee, of lining ,pave thai Nooh Shore locafiva orarelariorly afloedrhlo Sri) OCrer accaaccnnava0',O5aOuvoOeea55n5r. includo, ro 800-aqvare-fvor finished loner C 1)11 'roS) Iene1, iv vddifiva ro an arrvchod neo-cargaergo. Conrrrvcriunonrho Wiorrar Pack ::':' The aecood hnildaog i, a ou v-univ ronhome Towvfrvmea is eopeceod ro begin in May of with 3,040 ,qvare faro of living space, inolvdiaog on 879'aqvsre-fvor finished lower levai and a 2008 airh delivery enpoceod in rho iriorrn Poevonsarvofion pricing on the encan homos ea o 400-aqnaoe'foor ehodfloorrerrear, The as soaar..evu.0 hegiava ai $749,006 nich thread-vein araniag mwhvnoa come wich a deraohed nov-carar $81900ff. The mahome cales o pined a, gamgo. or ra $849,000. s%(woW fxJ'qE og- o-oo7( as ra 'Each nnir will fearuro all of the npdaaod design and lvanvry fiaiuhea nf rvdry'a cingle lam- "The locafiva is anly the henri of the Noah If non covarncfivn, boo driivand in a moreShore," Svhruorm said. "Nur valyisirashon The aléress you walLt. offlcirnrpackage,"aaidDacidSohrvvrm,cv- walk ro eveayrlaiag in doworvori Wibweree, Ifa $495ff(í . Moeegagopsvleer.00ceicruearoe e owner of OS Developmrna. "Since ehealwin s fine minare divo of the arec', beso The (tfesty(e you r1eserve.from urosofloorinobadingDuaoronoSvsoarvv,Old rub. caer..,n asseaerenaeg.0.e.sorb.Uasrrrg ronhomo agrio realdoivora dn bane o finished third loon they ovili be offeod osfirb in-noii p6- Orchard Shopping Cuvier and the Lokefroar.' Only li nilo. noob ofdovonrovanCfvicagu, Corne see what the talk is about! - Wilmervo hoc cray a000ea iv the Edeoreoprear- B snarse n Donor, cao ch000e honoorn love difioreor floor plana airh cheer bedrooms, moo-end-c-caav Morro, CTA cod Pave bvs armino. rllylnvrre Park Tocoohones uro viro nov blovhr brlf barloe ando 500-squaro-fovi profoaaivnaly l'SI IN landrooped poivure ysed. Homo, ìnchcdo 9- or bon Wilmvvie'a \l'cllago Cooror chai hi, o KZF 10-lova livor foce vollnga, gorciova living yod vivo, poblic libmiy md MEADOW RJDGE :: diving men,ohoo opon rovohoa kivvhov, opleovyofgou)ni booflqvoe, rear.Orion avd cok A °clF girai room nich Frvoch Fario doora, 3fi'ioch leo ahupa. -(,7. 00' mn... u,, rr,,,,u'r,,,.. ann,,.,,. ovvii bomivg fivoplrvo, ivoiovvl civico avreovird Locvrvd oc1314-1310 Wilmoiro Aro. oodookmvvrol, looking vc-orihrlvdìvcpcd bococovir Fork yod p-vicie Ac'ovveu, Wilmooro C-ill 01 email today (847) 5590500 yard. Mvaroo hod0000c rviOoa hovo cvihv- PvrkToovhono, ovo vice-cod.mlrilfbboohcaorr dcolcoiliogu,urvolk.mvlvaec,olavvahnoa000 of Croon Soy Sood. For mom ivfv000civo, www. me odowi lUge SOrthbroek. corn burlvuvdF000dcpnciodooalvrdiog000poivrcvplmir call (7031 870-5555 vr vino ,r.nv..dado- conoce. Svyva hovoavhoico ola pfiorocarrng Tiouo'odoy, Mooch 20,2105I$3

6 Today's New Homes/I°IoigRER PRESS March 19/20.2008 March 19/20.2008 Today's New Homes/FlloNpmisg PRESS 7 Hard hat tours available at Stonebridge of Lake Bluff Scoocbcidofiukcßloffnadolroocamualcy cimrri' SKeor HAWThORNWOODS mouro PROSPECT SKOKOR I foc thooc bccbciccg huila on the grounds of thcriosoric Kitchen :i:r;coaaRSewh amanvnlc;5nrasa r Investing in a Professional :"55'::ernssanrrrs sors M ra, n, mOronism 0ar00 sa00000roso 555w OdI . ea nm lea Pro. 1

.4 A Pioneer Presa Pablication 8 Tharaday, Merck 20,2000 I13 Today's New Homes/PiooyPkpss March 19/20,2008


SCHOOLS DIGEST CHILDREN'S Por mare information grasaforlhe 2028-OS LEARNING WORLD call Barbel Sossloa, 1847) scheel y000 Children muas 825-4484. he4-yaam-ald by Sept. 1; Children's Leeroing -8 Sent pa-cfcresce sciilbegir- World, aMon100sori 4--8 es lo children mho line School, 0101 GoliRood, The Maine East pre- coithis Ihn Moine Saat Nibs, is oc'ccpling ragiotce- school praga-em helps pre- tino ïorsuiamercensppro- pare high school students huaceierios, The school is et grams cod the upcoming for o correr morbing ssilh 2001W Dcmpsleo; Pech school yeor. The school oh children. Macy ore plan- Ridge. The rosI io f200 Por fors lidi. and paro-timo pro- Soge career in leerhingor Iba year 1September tbca'usgh May). Applirsoisos Location. Location, Peshtigo. groms. Opon yoor-round, eorly-rhildhood educolion Ike school arreptu children end bevo lakes child-deco)- ore ecaileble in the mein uf- from sio weeks oldie ego Son Per more informolios opcaeut courues. The pre- 12. Foc onore information, or school io peal of Ihn Child coil Joonne Jorikus, (847) to mhedole a visit, cOil Care Occupati ans roarer in 832-8349. 1847) 470-8370. the Paeeily and Consumer MAINE SOUTH MAINE EAST Sciences Depertseent. Pear-year-old children ere Maine South High Maine Soot High School, MIO ab111Tllror PlIsase reell enrailed Par four doyo per Sckool's"PASSS" Jaca 2101 W Dompsler SI., Pork Crying on cueonoto Toritas, as Miss Fricote, and Marcio Comet. as a crying ittttn girt, week. During this tisse the Send and Marching Bend rohosren tOrte nenne ice the Sehaei PIOn variety thew, aAw5se_aw atmet n pornntsledant Ridge, hos onnounoed the children pertiripele isa performed Jan, 19 et the cennnigtct trip Is a ncaasncnn. opportunity to recycle pa- WeltDinneyWarldReaort per al the school oompus oeideverietyofaclisitien in Placida, es part alo trip evecyday for fron Paper planned and laoght by the leigh school students. to tebe port in IlisnayMag- may be dropped off ascy wneh adult enrichment Pa'ideaedPe-ejadiceood scenico at school, and in her lime et the greas-end-yel- ir Music Days, The march- The progreso typically clone, Jene Anotes: A - Peruuaaioe. perish and the cuesmucdtyc lowAlaitiki Popar Retsioror ing band porforaneal on includes diem as suchas Wewan 0f Her Timr ,,. A ,O.000tireperinbieser atOl, bin is Iba loading-dock oreo Maica Street USA,, end the Fermare infarmetios, fall, farm animals and "my Wsmoo for Her Time, Camelias Cothalle Church, alt Poiler Road. jaco hand perfarmed at er to register, cell (775) 775- faeaily" Tha children osé she has camplateol sumar- Cssmir Baya Starlight from 6:30 pm, la 8:38 p,m 8018, Euh 142. Arceptableprodooloin- teachers rood slaries, Café, halhinthe Magic every other Tuesday, nan servire boors with the rludm newopapara, mego- 4-.-8 4- painting havo.eaanbes and Kingdom, starling Manch 25 at the Oid Scouts of Chiraga end einen, shopping catalogs, of- play math gaanes. schaal, 7500 W TalentI Resucreotion High in sotudastvalaoteer with Son asd school papees, mad UNItEte UlUli School senior ocal Edison racinas clubs and activities MaiaaEasl High School Are,, Chicago. The coat is end paperbork books er Park resident Emily Metal- atReasrreolius, Catherine istakiasgepplicatiaasa far ito $50. hordrororuwitla cavernes- Resarrectian High isgwaseeleoledoa the soin- receirede President's Vol- 4-year-old preschool pro- School is affreieg so right- The class will reod ser of the $5000 Edima aoleer Sersire Asvard cee- Park Coneomdty Council tiilrate ende leIser from 2008 CeIrge Scholacehip President George W BasIs. Amerei. Her essay, "Edison ParkMyKiedofNaigh- ST. ANDREWS karhoaok' discussed the ins- St,Aaolresva Lutheran paci ofgrosoiagapinEdi- School, filO N. Noribweal san Pork. Shames hoonred Highway, Pork Ridge, has Feb. 13 at Blerhihoro asnoaoscrd the Husar Roil Menor. forthn second quarter 4-4-4- High HonorSeventh- Resurrection High grodere Jon Plinio, *10550 Sclooal senior Catherine On- Flehe, Nathan Wolf; eigblh- Wald mon honorad ssith e grader Tiffany Steffen, President's Vobusleer Ser- vice Accus-d foc her anaos- Huours Shook-graders p)aayvol001rer sca-ciro. Poter Domtce, Staeny Posta, 'Phc osuord nos prascvied Alec Heenawdre, Jeremy Jnnsen, Nathan Kregttad, by the l°redenhol Spis'iI of CusunusityAsnordo pro- AlOnso Matej, Wilt Mmdcc; gram ou baladí of Oho Presi- ocrcoclk-gs'adaru Lacro Arieti, Tommy Baklces, Julia dent's Council on Sers'ice Ciotford, Aena Kiwell, AtIco - and Cicir Participation. Oa- weld paclirip000d o Ike Manier, Pnteioh Ohrechla, o Aine Pfistne, Emily Spia-il ofComsococili' pon- gram this yeorasarepra- Weisheit; eighih-gradrrn Modniniwn Hare, ChrIs De- aeclulice ofEescoo-s-c'lion. ola anouh/coo Pastes Fills Laathter, Claire Hasetoy, Jon E-e-e-ars, Bunny! Sonah DoganA, 3, nnaitc han turo to neo the Eanctee Benny with her tether, David, at the Rnnanreoaioaa High Oscualdoarsad bar tiirnchnor, Somah Meister, School Alumnae AssociatIon's Afternoon with the Bunny on MarchO, conard for her colucicer Joe Perte. ante banni atecooecg_nalni. II 14 Thnreriay Mooch 20,2008

APioneerpreonPoobliention A i°i000er Freon Poklices'oon Thursday March 20,2058 IO Thj isan toprrsenta free ittootrot. This isa i0 year brooye,0 or 1847)863-0651 Easter bu Peek ed slide tenure about the loom Aped 26 Ia July 26 at sooth of Gulf Mill Shopping Ion Community College, closed in 1881. The aonuei "\ COmmitment Continued IronP50512 pintorequnaitea of l'orlo Coronen Hoightn, 8255 Coolrr, bao nohedoird its MOOS. GoORnad, llne luochnan mises hoods for /'Fired of Overpaying to l'lave and it, environs depleted 'PO!k0fitktognro Oloato Ave. Regloser os or Holy Woeb Sersiceo. M000. Plaines; Porim Corsicot, meired Siuters of Charity of Your Tax Returns Prepared by a by noch antintn an Utritlo, hefono April12 aod feels dyTharsduy000dCoodpni- 18:30 0.05v. to 0:30 p.m., the Blessed Virgin Mary wubteAAsvey-The Corn- YnotbVnlleyhattLoagu Renoir, Monet, end van $69, msidestu; $86, oon000i- doy ses'nicesnsili ho held et Different Person Every Year! Get the facts ploie Peotosyof Riverviasv fer otsadesst,s infourth tonoheodgametichetn end foroncholarship 00 Gogh. Art toners of ait dreI,. For mane intereso- 7:15p.m. March10 and Park" March32, Lopez thresoghei.gtvthg405 ovailobie et the down Moroh l.uyolo University for 001e- Come To beforeyou buy mho mill offer oterien, egos soit) enjoyhoth pro- lioo, veil 1847)967-1529. Mooch 21, 000peotivoly The 26: Weekday Opiniluolity liven of alomo. Sorb toassosviiiplay at least thrills, and hiStooyof gramn. Ample parteeg in Registration isbo'mglaioen mol mroion miii he held apet rabbit eoghtoyguJarmoeseng,,00 ciesa with Rrhbota'm Oeil Sties llen000slrtp Sloth Cohen A«ountinq tlaveroirsv FOrk at its ova lobte at the library et the Hamord Leisure Ceo- Eosten Suodsyat iS asnddilion topi63offoSiga Ginsberg 1:30p.m. leimst, Clam nl 1900, will for Easter prher.Abrief2p.m. buoi- liegioiratien in rrqoenlrd. tor, 6676 W. Howard SI. March 23. Members of the & Tax Servke, Inc. sopas a teem or an isdioid- sponsor o 50th r000ion July sens meethng 042 pmccdr To register stop bythe ti. community ano losnited to REUNIONS We Have Over 30 Years soi. TIse oliwie 55111 be 19 atMorriott's Lin- the tato. tiefreoteoentu and braei call 1847) 663-1234, Apri; RELIGION attend ollnoroi000,inciad- Enpeeienee and We teat Golf View RocCeotee The Emmacutala Alum' cslnshire tiioeort. Thre- sooioliahng mill follow. Come or raginler online et the ti- St, ,JMton BorbottI ingEaolenbreakfaot,nvbioh De Noi Close esse Office 7800 N. Caidwell Ave oar, Asoocietion soul heal ils onion information end op- Afire April l5thl early, tabo a toar of themo- hmry'omebsilse at Chnrwlo, 0387 N. Harlem begisoo :58 a.m. Thons mev- www.reddoorsheltero t-rogne r000 fromApril onnool awards loncheon dates nend ano.maii with 773-764-2242 00051 mod enjoy the nosy nvovvoiionlibrory.00g. to Avy, miii oetebeale the loes aro dnuigosd to help 9400W Woatogan Rood Moose Ornee, Il MOSS lo June 1. Register 11:30a.m. Apr06 et the home oddrem end trin- dioptayo.A dorent mill be Os or to Foost of Divine Mocoy os the monuhipoc walk miih Je- 1041) 470-9150 First Teen Thub Awedso feo-e Aprii 12 aod the Chotoao Rite, 9t05 N. Mii- 00 hand togive tours or in- fm is Merck 33- Confessione 012 sus 00 Ihn paths, His om phone somber 5e \ seoossohooenooaseflegoee t St.Lati Lefhtrai, Aoadeeoy Come to the lihrmy daring $70 for rrsidonts' $87, sveuberAve., Nues. Re- [email protected]. The LEI. formati000n the oohlbits. noo. p.m. svitibo thitomed byu ly tomb by the noay of the preeeoog,: March to vole foryooc fo- renidents. For ustiono noii be forciasses Free panning aod odmio- more islos' proc050lon of the Koighto ofcroo,. Por moco issforma- cowmittoo includes Harvey voriir movie, soog Video motion 042(8471 967-1525 that grodeoted isyrors sion. Dooationoaxe noei- Calambre alS p.m., Mass, tios, contact the chomb at Pinh,ThoiGreeoe, Dasid ending Ic'S" cod'S." Tick- ir como. Tho Maseam io apeogame and more. Gole prir.r esposition, Divine Memy 18471827-4360 so e-mail Turbar, Rey 500en500, Sun ReNIsteallor, hes bogo0 ets em $30 by March 28mo from 13-30 am lo 3pm when you toro io poor begot for Nitos Park Dioiniol pmyers lie Fotsh and Eng- Ellen Milis, Nesee Deren, Toc KoowJesusBetterl5otMatl additional $5 ofterovard; Wedoendoys and Fridays, mdyous'ooeoemilibneo Bali. This progv-am io for lieb) end dinptay of o mho of Linde Cowan Kaymen and sereni loa thowiogat the end St. Faoslme. Divise Mercy lheymillbe held at tho door. Dos Smuueieon. Celeteaf,tlr,eoodoofbCdtreetoeeworeelolyee orbyappoinlmeot, Call girls eod boys,ages 4 to S wIth 0er Eao-llaboelm,Nies Choobo ran be made (847) 388-otfa oflhemootkf000500gift tire Bail in oo eooei)ent Suoday Monday aber East- ttSReqtit,aff0e AWESOME SO'S iv Township Jewish Congre- poyabte to the lmsssacoolata RUMMAGE llano ' card. Checkout lbs Treo er) marks the selothood of etandIloo'teW0e Soetor Pins5 Fwoitraloor Thkotooro065porpree,, IDURY troslortionthhauobellfa, 230 Fasotte tento -TAlo oft le $500 Blogfovforiherdesailoa Sister Foaol'me Kowulsba, u gatioo, 4200 Dempster SF, Almenar Aesociation and desoenta], and loansploy Ont, Lady of R00000005 MORTON GROVE - 0585,500 tibet Auetio6 POnot,g Priday, Apri0i TO POrOI50008tskofo oAt hlip//oiloo3byawordpmme Polish ovo from Kreluom Skoide, 18471 673-4t4t, eentte 6364N. Sheridan snww.9llO9Auustin.rom osai Spooler Nito, Pot4r Libo,0, Tmo meatos ofindoorciij-jco Parleñ, 8300 Greenmoed (S47167g-5oo 0m. Far more ioformatios, mho, toen apparition, mao Sohedate of Road, Chioogo IL 60060. White Eagle Satiquets orftrlofo,0tw,.pt 6068 Ondeton St., 1047)663- mIll he held Aprii 12and io Avsn, Nues, volli hold its an- t234, nvmnsroiteslibraryorg aboot Tem Goch Weekmn. giveo the mission of spneud- programs -March20: Moro hofeemation is snaIl- 6839 N. Milwaukeeaye. WWWOSP misil op-e' All teamo pav-licipeiein the soaaiRooeoageSatefrom9 eact Poeoo Bloch, 'mgliae messaga of mercy toMegiilots nesdis& dionerat able et 17731 338-2211. les. NUes Art rdaoator Belly Wir,' Opening Day Facade May am. Mooch 2hA Attyson H001mon dhlonlo@niinslibomjoegor theworid. 6p.m., Shabbat aen,ine otO monaiata High School was BOIMAX North SOli afttre rowaaiodl cccviii mture to 1ko Odies 10. Team nhirs.o and Mgior varielyofitoma wIll he 00000i, Pose p.m. Mooch 13: Jesslob ort tooatnd et IrvIng Park nod 847-049-0016 te Thevmsn br Lettonne, 18471 663-0434, orMery Leogeo optics hotsare St. Matth000's Leongetir available, hsrlediwgnloth- Librosy otO pm. March30, MoriseDviva'mChiccgothr no, ao-tsr e.nsscoalnau OeOe Millen; mmillerl9nilryli. ps'csnidrd. Ura000 Playrueos wal Lutheomo, Chiedo, 8081 ienlsaoe led by t'rof. Nathan a N. Merytoosd 8t.,Ndou, Harpea at 11:30 Oak nearly 60 years until it Peek, PAGE 50 atlynoewom o,otlVson6nttyr,oe.ssoe orthSjde This March Comsnnnity Score some points Bank Wilts o great rate Certificate olDeposit

so 'The Number OneSellingOlgeive in Tonen to the Experts0 Seim Bsire 8986.'SeraS5 lhe F0550 Bomb Shore - Save On Your SCCThe LifeLong Thinking of 200°° SELLING YourHome? Winter Heating Bills Learning Center Call for a FreeMarket Analysis! Rebate taoh OSiez iflderendonsiy 847-674-9797 proudly presents our Owned & Operated Cailler Details 6th Annual Housing Expo --- Aa she weetd'e mast N CERTIFICATE nnergy efficirasf0000co, Thursday, March 27, 2008 shelatiaity"96hose Venders 9am to 12pm fotlowod by I OF sodwg of op to 96.6 AFUB. DEPOSITS hetpiwg 0e reduce yore lunch sod play t2 to 2pm OHousing EVANsTON utility 0008 by ep te 36% River Forest Community Center 7-10 MONTHS 000e the yeoe.Acmot 81120 Madison St., River Forest R EXPO sesisgo wilt dnpood no doe officiesoy efyom0000nes Information on ali local senior living options.., with 3.6O APY' system oempaond to the '$5,000 MINIMUM OfrOgif effioieeny ola wem vendors, seminars, munchies, lunch, live music, door prizes and a Musical Play. This ONE DAY Call today to tehedele a free estimate. event offers all its activities at no cost to you. "?cgs2. %&I ,4c POesIe: Seems Citienos' Coetrr OPEF med Ihn Sesier Citizes's llnrviccs Coon- 6310W. Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove disatieg Cuuncli Ce Spenseend by PIONEER PRESS, RIVER FOREST TOWNSHIP, RIVER FOREST COMMUNITY CENTER do CORUS SANK I, (847) 967-2200 CosineS 708-048-528 t foe meen isfeematino. Family Owned and Operated SERVING CHICAGOLAND WWW.flScombankcorn ìit6t For Over 35 Years


A B'soaaar Ps-oca OubliaO'ras MOVJS MUSIC AET CLS FESTIVALS ndsnsosc Macoh 22. 2000 Bl

MAIIAGING EDIT080 MithMOI B088stool Whatmakesour openingsso grand? Diversions oflbon,,t,,IMP1,fln,dOuMLMOfll (847) 486-6854 Free phones,forstarters. Skokie bluesman still stèps lively Enjoy grandopenIng specials at all our stores March 14-27. ER;w EOLIO THE CHIEF' atopo'vpo'hole that Ciearcc',o- nc'e'olgo aack Bardar, boon CLEAR WATER her inn torde u carg ham rbouomh to ohao'ch. t cover CD RELEASE PARTY Muddy Ohr King Bee nf reafiord Obey macold baremo Guests: the Ronnie Baker Go to 000.pionsenlncaicom Chicago blocs, giren shad on fooeoosf" he said "llave Brooks Bard. Ruddy Guy's and click on Entertainment ton his 000go canoe oso taheoif uaoea coonsry and r'noicubil Legends, 0540. Walash Oca., additiate) coverage. nr 'ModdyWateru." ir, CorrI Peo'hies, 000ay Chicago 11p.m. March 29. Must Ciecro'avaOeo; nnho's volgi- Cato, ChetAlidcos, Of be Otto enter. 13121 407-119E. oral lard rome crudo Hac'r'ing- coao'oa,gnspei and hulk lIco iliaca, bu d O yg oya.o s ca toe, rhociged bis surnaoroc Rolcerl Jaloncoos." www.e0dycleanoatac.nom. ut Iba ocoquesi nba on000g000 Clouirroalec Icon oluyod A brocs gild obaro Ircdiars rdth a lang list nf lhroous By LOLl KUZMA lco'odolo'enn, Snore us coot of 000000es clout inctodes Aonoy Cart nib cte r C leu 'wate "s If urccrboyaob Tvo'ry, Brorr'eio MoCboee "Mutato" olivino, Ihut led to ido nich- tidily "lIce Chrel" CInc c'- rood Alcde llar, V.roghe. e,'iiooe, "Ï'lne Chieti' He's Icao'ed Turo1oa -eresol » STAGE » er'cilci-doonca'uioristrvcctlo dha Born in Macon, Missis- tioccoac baboon, unoi bobs foc- Mynna Peilioki nata dho Apple rcoillctcastruto,aod al SAM&JN r1O siuclil, Cicoro-oo',iier ranir lo Thee theotre pnoduct'on at tice Sca co Lione, bah singing lntouoo'ieg thrde again Chioagri ana Ieenogoo: ano- "Match""Taooiratino oleleing' the buceo aooidplat'ingo user Obis your; ufier anon- Michael Boneateel previews aorolcrn'goriovcr Oarn000 tha great ioletinganorsbole loar all innthhght Theatres 200009 Clotcago bides 101030cc 1110e Cleurc'rnaler nno conoced ovar Oboe eu050eco DA 0h01 0vomq s au son Honolin' Wobt Moioldn'Wuo local 1h11 ht' h'oc cirre ami stuo'Os in Apeib. lasco, und Jironoy Reed, Wibh » BLOBS » horortocnn, Ihn VilIvign 01' AO oiga 73, Clmeo'wuOar's Aiooloiw, ihr loi s moor, coo- a bechgroond tioa,l in,riadnd In Entertaining Ideas, Minhaal rarear is Oboe 500'ooegoot it's VM.OY A$MP nossfscl years io moule aond pioyinggoioarar baricop Aonesteel discusses the cre- ever baer, and he's got gond cruaiccaoioo'iolho young. Ocr Oho BAnd Bays of Alobo- ative proteos and the ant docu- o'eason cobo ponad of Nao1 o'eoemolysigoed lo ora, und sieginggonpai loo All customers get mentary "My Kid Could Point rrtoer'e bio ociaso'rob tifo loas Cicinugoh Aitigooco' ehorrlo, Cleur'cnciter 20% off accessories. That" Jedniter Thomas nantir- tebea hirn. "In Ohohia, char, Records, Cieca'wofeo; is sot bowaght other irhluerces to 0es hen c000ra9e of 'Amarinan ca release "West gide hives mosir. Also alan nf declared Non 50v beBddy doC' Ateot" bis oem CD pon Obbb blues, rorloabilip and Cte,'io'rsaOer Doy ira prmle- ovation by Moyer Covo-go t) GAMES, CDS, OVOS» duced by poring blues sinn rock und roil, ha culls bis honnie Ocher Brooks, sen sigla "eock-o-biaeo." Voor Dosen, Noon about Erik Stein reviews 'Condemned of a000loer btursmcrn, Loa- thotl" he ooid. A," 'God 01 IVan' Chains at Church music mio Bo'uobs. Nowundar Clacio'woter Olympus' ond "FIFA lIbel b" chirigoteo' Roroc'dspaobti- "With she Blind Boys, io nho-000irg rhnse dur's. The Greatest hits ot Philly soul cisl Moi-k Liptdr is delight- produnect GombO 000ff leads ed tebe moo-tang witic oIT oar CE coverage and 'Abe Aencuocieg the grandopening of these locations: Cte',rrrnc ree "(1h gone IbA Kite Rannen" watts to the top rir'ela for one," he said, "1 [flDY'l'llECIlll]" CiEotRWtt'fTSIJT of our DOE neuiewc. suer OddA' inlay tor' Oho OrsI » BOOKS » Oirnn mIcen Arnas about 15 Stephanie Fasnioht carites yoyos old. Il Snos tice OrsI US. CellularisWIre1es about Oak Park author Richard hl,crnr,,nrei'Ot cc'enicool where'j mattermosV DetOur. t po'eoardrd na baa collega suudenL logo) in." t, CONCERTS» Tice good ltraicog'corcoo- SkokI, 5)5o508 Eddy C(osrwuto, lo stout to Oemr9or0oy0yc Ch 00m orruar OMIt iû Dorothy AnOdes reclama an 0818808 loto now CD, "IB,,) Sido SI,,)." 1000 M0'/ OcnvR000siyo0o0esu,çm aruroocorruaro cr9iqM yioauory allenraah at musir Gnom the 05mo OMIS Ouceur, youryroncaoycrt - tahoe "l'on neatly hcrproy'iI's Was: Osead rodyuorr000 o North Adore Choral AdietO and fol as Iran lo ube youroger wplrooeruni000 behoc0 ycicrcoo mt urceemaho u donam corne true Ihr sono," us.CCUUJaI the Evanston Abrrphany playern, und BOernia ic'ncy lice two ron- scdd Cleuo'matecr 'And i Icad - O nc h e Otte. lhnnrbla rut nlhlcessloala ao-o, Muddy each o good 1100e woo'tdng bonch. Ana peonar, in onind W000s'a' Ltu hJp you ffri ckith Bruna 110100001 hood of a loaii UcefluJar,,com BRUCE'S TAKE b000cruoyslaocdsaall' scad "Walking or cII 1888UY Altiootorb, he re-sniard Cleos-reolcor. Tbansgh Ike "Hottyovood trac thoagtol- voceas Coba horIon cnilic 00 Of 1ko ID Icarios on Pock," geta u fucAyaat us op ccittoacoupia and was so muelo tacto be "WesI Bide Oti'as," tics-ac ea- spenivi mon- '0= * moo doaentigict lOor the 50001 written sctth Brooloo, fnur tien che CD co parti osctersoiaoorocctvto coon Cleornutar oc'iginvis boor rotes noenmOa Mon ,ueSODy eMucemo, OMeeo,-mo,,OM ceroocu,n Stand-Rut guy ,00urcamcaro,m, r Ka: C e nOns Un, n0no, beep us cmvy Mmm a cor- vndtwoorabyBsnoba , kyrsa'isar Lu -nsrc ta r e,ne Sn,, ou F ,, OM oenecaSnOn M ea OO5OOM taon, rrcpliccg'mfloanca nEfrosIs Ha also enjoyed collabo- otons, The Guet smrk, "A JetEJohn- 15001 asomos rating with Ronnia Bvknr Tima toe Pecoae," isagospot- son: "It's SEE MOVIE REVIEW, PAGE BR Ihnobs. "I soy so be as iccip- inboard rail to oeil ube Iraq puel000turly B2 lanadas anal OS oaos 03 constay, March T011OS -MUSCI:-ART UBS .--FESTIVALS: SPEAKERS

FAMILY FRIENDLY MUSIC HarwdHiht ii ets Framed ROB OCHNIK Fee Vison tnfsrmetisn soils CD and wools see isyspane.10he) p robhoslsnuh orodbabhreeryb) robtsttollb.

BY000ERTLOEBZEL Csotnib lIer

Presses are ene of Iawlendb LIVE ON STAGE mesh popular Theroch bends, and Pramee leed slinger Oben Saturday, H sesee d, who storied io the monie"Oneo," in b'ish Vina. Oiled, (1.11), serve, Is ja dirsater, iiI dId April 5. Vialor 11usd, la lia, folVar end Ida alster Lydle throsigh and tlsrosgh. BiPed, i, lia. iaediiay ledy st st. Eainnss B,eiaIyliadlia.Oneal." i & 3pm Bute hey meniciev in Ihr Prames and on ihe "Once" Based on the stones by noosdtraeh voseen frees a lIb svolse pis1ed allee sod lId p,edeatiee on the aedo sI Ib. d Rosemary Wella and place nuwisere near Icc- assaidlnoak loe the VSo "essor," stoaniogel..Ilolsalid Pelt) the television señas on Dads, daughtersfind (und. Gsitarknt oeil record- Metals Igiene. aamescoecnaoacrancacsa,mes,borvsm Ola eaehba Nlckjio and Noggin. ing engineer Rob Socheib'u ranging (rem Roger-picked os ryeeeUaenra to saa, cedas e,OaO S, e5,oa arr In honsetown inHarnvood guitar to blues, we mere natural roleson stage Hciglssn. lhovhnih isn't even recent roesposillenn. "loba I, irish-'- ho's e neconsi-gee- hit all over the piare, hut e BY MYOPIA PETLICIII somebody" invited te play hoard erutionPeltsh-Aueenioan. avohesiveway"Berhnih Contributor Performances ere7p.m. games, libo Srrobble end Bochnib hes becomcpoln Friday cod Saturday, 2p.m. Pietinnery, orbrisgbheir with bianserd cod the rmst After the post fesryeams Tyva beauties rodete the Suoday O1rhots ore $10 own gcsaoes from home. One cf Ihr Premou slave he eflisiogin ireland and sharriag rete of Belle la the odalts, $5 ohildrert $7 end ofyoar children mighteven joined the band in OSSI, touring with the Ps"amm, St, Eogene Players produc-$Sfarsilp.m. Saturday win a mitin prize. bot en the only Amenloen Sochnib has beursedtonee tion of "Beautyand the Bob 0550.1* VollI, ogallsoist April Smathose. 10er details, coil (847) inthegrasp, he 'añilelly America teem the aatsidr Beest," Friday, Merrh 28, U0 lino Asansrh b.s For details, oeS 17731 827-SOSO. fecund himnebf Ihr both of nnlernod Paia bot sol. tOE seonldbpeeopectiee, Setordeys, Macetc 25 end 775-6650. oomcgoed-naturedjoheu. "Oloannq Sol the CNnIbnu" thoogh beh still snohaoh- April 5, sod Sundays, Rat can cook "Thrygevemrsunb ahes'd edlyAanrniean. Moreb 30 and April 6, at Treat for dancing feet So Borbollo slipped fairly 0.emy isn't interested in time stgrst,"seynBeehasih, "I nao' Aaorrira'madif- the Shounessy Centar 7000 ranilymnta bois new role as The whole femilysoill rating the sense old berk to Chirago this yeor freest way," he nays, add- W Foster Ave., Cliloaga. piumenguisoa'ist, despite dunce et "Musir with gerbage. The rodest s'bile the Frames take a ing that anon wlsrobhe Each hooman plays the the lank of rehmes'oal. "The Steve," 6:13-7 p.m. Tueoday, dreems of being a great beech from touring end re- Irish and other Esropeaasu etage daughier of her real limos timni rehearsed with - s Merrh2s ei the Shobin chefin "ihototnuille," 2.4:20 oordiwg. rritieiee the United States. * -e" life dod. them wen when iw000n- Publio Library, 5215 Oehlon p.m. Fs'ldoy, Macrh ti, et they do it hecoaae, at Karissa Sehipper hes shdge'm Boston," Borirnih Si,Singsr und guitarist the Prospect Heights Pato Winning tune heart, they like Anserica. been io 13 St. Eugene Ploy- saya. "Theytbrewmeinto Steve Orno ordii asgage 0-to lic Liobruoy, ON. SIns St. "Falbing Away" one of the "The raauOn thrygive ero' shown bohh her father, enrsls,ieorasiasgas many it." At Snot jouta tearing D Eternity S-year.nlds, os ovali as their Rogisicutios in required for noasgsthatllasuard end dis that originally brssagbt band esa guitarist for sing- America each a hard time Jerry Krajertil. Honing him goitarist, Sochnich roan siblings oeil purests, ethos rs-star Merhela Igbone himno ilonsardhatteetios. er Duo Solhoan. They songs ashenosald. lu that they iene tIna play her dad "innatural," thun Mil-ages mosSe screen- because a fsll-Sedgnd inlareeilve show At laust ing followed bye croft praj- perform mOnee," recent- After playing io nanean pleysdesblsnnardbnpeas- it helps tIsas Beelsasik hen IB e. e she seid. Ihn eesyfor tira- o great ear. one child must be in Ihe iy noon the Os'oar Sic Best reek hondofrom seeenth leg ont, and ihoasoardtoid Trissais admits Mobeing motu, hou. "l've had O7yeoru them he needed o new gui- Boeisnik'nboegtimr target ega beerhet for the Por debts, caS (847) Song. grade ttsrongh e0010gr, Solo dehnt a hit jouions of Bochnib ofeuperienve ho the ruta," friend and mosiral collabo- fessily lo register (or this 250-3000. itsehoik never apprarn Bootsnila bsndad en intern- taristforanspmnmiwg sonso that his old nehonl- ho joked. ralor,Ebms500di°tirksisig- Lastyaer, Seobeih nr- event sponsored by Metrw on selwon dus'ing"Osce," ship, then o Mall-lime job, - Frameo tear. mote is in the Fanman, lest Lydlefliludo is paired leosed his Mint cola albano, politen PhmilyServiren Visit the bet pue cee hear his guitar nnith ser ofChicogo'u most AtSrst, Hoomrd ashed er-nongsariter Prank with papa Victor This is "Blaming Oat the Cob- not in a bed way Ho es- Projeyt Thrive Wonderful Wizard orpeedsetien work on lumoanpeodscers,Stere Settivonifhrcoubd doit. Ts-ibaoie, nays there urn the l'aol time they're woks," a diverse rollcrtion plaies, "1 don't hnow how lia I Per deteilo, rail (0471 Albini. Sablivan mans'tevoilobie, many timessohen he Tobe your bids on o nsent nf the nongsHansoe'd Is soy it, bat it's aimostlibe ohored cc olege end filIado learased s song by cor, only 'mebudhignfen'norgs he 324-3140 iosroeybo Ocal Ihn Biere. end Igloos sing io Iho 01m. Srueral yesro ego, lien- bothcashcdrWhynotkiee l'si oceing it through his ooid, "Och 0v 000'eah." Bochnik? to hove Boehrdk point sus shod berilIos years eurlier bower Feb50 Library 4612 lassos wino, Haesaed end sordnisitedChirsge sed Astor the Scent, Hilado Are you game? Srueral eseeths later, sohtietyhr'dndssed. "He'll for Gordon Sower, a bcoud N. Obole, Hersvood Heights, Igl ene cerord their songs remorded some muslo at i3eehsdh ochoemledgen reported thet Ortie "bobs Bochnik joined the Framen say,'Oh, aso,ithisk that hr suas insnithnibaaie. OfyOhh'dr loohing for et ip.m. Tensile0 March rn estudio they'nsranted. Albini'u stndis, Electric beingpieesastly nsrpci000l I I a I posi his outer fecdiurro end tisied chord in aetoeiby o One aTIbe trocho loe II brays to hmp Ihr bids rotar- in reality, the moieiryss Aadio. "Glen mord the stil- onstage before he'd enes gets to hnuwhiho Ose peu'- SO. The libcouj yodssrrarn str'mgana'eegemenathe os thedireetinn Isis musical teioedduri005pringbrceh hrartn these frenes mae din andheoked the Frusmns reheersed with tise greup. aelasareherd,"" raps non ane(seesovhobagooil the rleouir 01m, "The Wie- enigmnollywrslefara eareerbanl,shen. "if yea ooilhoui thusirieg the house, toeomebsrltu' Boehadek Peetsepsenaggreeiisg Thhazinallarwoad end 0(0e," sterning Judy rreenieelbyBschniehat Frames song ltdidas"t laId asselMori2yraesagn rharerlcrhohosinsdv" vOhhsider "Dcvp.ln.Game suigtstiy, Bechnih esralls Heightanotisewhoper- ilacleod. Film end reiTen bloamard's home ntudie. make it onto that sosslo bot this is schal i'd bedoiaigj Sohipper added, "The 00(2-4 p.m. Tocsdccy, ,ftrrBoehasikheipedthrthnthn had bebed hinsself formssasdertlse same ere free. Putccecn',:nd reo- ItseasBarh,aihhtulents hr dncideui it nossasdrd t'me weald hase said, 'You're pleytoes a bvoodarful0h00. MorsA 25, et ihn Des a meso for two weeks FranshThhes."llnhma dywill renios ocntn euch. beisind the bassbo and io- Frames record in Chicago, craag"he nays. soge of lieue0 the breuly Pleines Publie Libocry, sed linteased ta Pasmes re- keen ear fenisanainny." nntlsowas.Oltsertraehs, 0501 For details, veIl (7081 ea'n siltise recording otra- isrwentsnatnUninlrs-- und Oho hindne,nsiooiile Sllisovood SL All 0gm are 007-7828. vuie7essos 84 lharcOvç Marsh 20, 2008 tiOVIES' MUSIC ART: FESTIVALS SPEAKERS CLJS'"" 05005151 lullS 10 1105 B5 npr y Spring screenin JJr: rJ-J.3f\?'j:iJ\B n-t» the seriousness of Oscar disoppeered. Movie limes arg efftclice Friday and ore compiled from Ist Ormalion available on Tuesday. Finale flore Ihal thealerschndalna are sub ecl lo change seasoso to tise speeteorder- "Shine a LIGht" (April RosemOrst15Premier TOISTON 515010E OOILLRIT TAYLOR )PG3I 4) MarIdo Scorsooe, who ARLINGTON HEIGHTS lMslrSPsOl,sLO5r,l Fri Ist IC1S'CIS'011' voli eres a, er 005, Herebeqaiekprovierv kssowa his way amend a ArlisiIton Thealers Ial: 1050 OIr. T,sI-l0'il-IC'Ol 040) 041)210 of the most pc'esadsieg crineert mosto l'Wosd- Suo COI tao bell-C 45-0lS-1i55'bliI 55 I. £ssrcrsss 51 URILLOIT TAYLOR (P0-131 cuestes of speisg. stoeh' "The Last Wella), MEETTRE BROWNS IPO-I3I heo-ISuos 045'OlS'IiO'IOlO (551) 4810121 , F0,l,tilLO-erS-S:iS- "21" (MartS 28) Keois captured the Rellisg Stones frison s eyleOs- LA TRAVIATA AT LA SCALA 15011 iS'1t45 HORTON SEARS A WHO!ICI col-SIO-SlI BRUCE INGRAM Spacey stars as e moth pro- *0 4 You sm-alIolI suO ilrl'lAS'SiS'IAS'iO IS taldog abreelo from their 10-mulo 11:50-il 11)00-1,5ta II Ass-I5,15,Il:IS-Ow'521-011 ferner who tratos aix MIT loot stadium hour tspec- ull-505-ttl-13l-Otl-011 SHUTTER IPG-f 3) - Mas-murs 5l5-l.45'iOiS FILM CRITIC 0RILLOIT TAYLOR (PC-13) otudesste to must coeds rod fermio the comperatively OSILLOIT TAYLOR (P0-ill) Fri 550 01-SOI-S 05' LATOARISTA AT LA SCALA 10-Sus 115I-110-OII'lOO'CSI I22-1040'iOAS Fli-rtsrs:irll-145-001-0:lc-srl si O II1410TIO sato mitioso from Lee Ve- intimate Breces Theatre io Oso-rturs:tIO-OlI-I:IO-O:Sl les-Thvrs:iis-520'001-alO-10:I0 The ice is meltiscg, the gos cosinus. As inspira- Now Yods 10,000 RC, IPG'lll) SHUTTER (P0-ill) MEET TRE RROWNS IP10131 lli-145r41r000,45-010-l.lmloll MEET ThE BROVIRS IPO-13( 111 10v. lolo-ilS-r SS-050-5 II TI, I 2 01 sue is shiniog, ita time to tiosst005soptoofthevulue "Sinnen People" (April rl:, Iu).i110-541-5.05'l.00' 5011 VANTAGE POINT (Pc-131 Oss-ItuO'1i5-FOO-d'5l-fr0l 01Si 155 lOIS heed for the multiplex. Tee of higher edocetios. lllAseidosved,bssrned-oet 100-r 11-trl-FAS'lO 45-illS Frl-marC il 00-2 05 Suslllrls 0005 5 much exposure te scamper- "Leather ronde'" CApiti LIB SEOSS' HRRTON lu: 10:11-I 45-I Il-l'AO' academic (ResnisQsaid) r41-olt-111-9l1 HOURS A WROI IO) orII 94 IO iogoquirrelsassdtss'ittcring 4) Corego Cloosey directed u50-T:rr-ull-OAO-I0r0 attmehs the atteetiso eta Math fa, fas, and mollis Kenia Spineyh,'21" THE OTHER SOLEVO GIRL SirielIp m,r,esesrys 000e 5115es,ID"D,illbhI Tactic," las-Tools I'v0-011-uSS-SOI- unis;sIrIS silo birds could give sa a end store tas this comedy scorned former stssdéat (Pail) 015'015'S.41'il,II 30,000BC, (P1013) sheroed ides of whet life is ahoattheesalydayaofpro FliOteS',1145-l:ll-54I-0.11-0l0 tarsseddoster(llaeohJeml- "The Block Dulslia"l. 'HaroldARomas' Es- Tina Peystara as aaueceao- TRE RTHER MISS PEITIOREW DOOMSDAY IB) all abostt Ir, Sut 130-ILS-t 55-8:10-laOS football (hecto when the heI- - ceParher),wtaite recover- "Fne5attlnq llacaS Mar- cape frasil Suanhanamn lid soccwherrascsebehy BOLEYN GIRL (P0-lIt LIGES P00 A SAS' (PO'131 NEVER RAC010WN (POI3) Ori, OsI 121-1 ll-i:l0-5:05-1121 SssSlO-rrS-dOI'93l III-0015 101-a:I0-l:lO-OrO Wcththetinmiesd,ascd moto-cocee ninomudeof hssg frame concession,- airait" (ApriI 18) Judd Apa- Bay" (April 25) Pouryras's aod hires oblar-rollar girl CHICAGO Tri-lOds: tlO-4:l5-1:ll-OiI bo-ssc 045-i Sl-4:lI-llI-iI0O Ous'TScro'l55-lOu'1:rO'901 Isn,T0s5 tsr-rIs 005scioss of the feet that pigsldn) and tsve players VANTAGE POINT (Pll13l IR HRIIGES (RI Mos-I surs 540'S1I'12I'100I DU. SEOSS' BOUTON Elles tinge ("hune") ptaya tow alamJoeen Segat after their ostrugeosolyod- boss South Phily ldiaesy LinonlIf VIIlael-6 TOE BANK JON (R) Tri'iOsO. lOrO 00-lIsIS bl:45-SAI-l:Ol-OiI sprisog verstiess hou freest - huthleg heads tessin the of- hIs SAT-ahsessmt daugister DOOMSDAY (RI BEARS A WOOS (01 ('Trecha aedtleehs")weotev0500rOrísjooesueyis Poehler) ase surrogate 500 4. 451515: rk al Oscos 005-I'Ol-l:ls'e,OS o_i sso i500'rIl's:rl' VANTAGE POINT )PG-13I r0-s,ruisso-srl-u55-12I'iorO F11.051 iIal'iCOS'CII'dOO' cap hordesofstradasshavdth feetiousofalodyreportar "Street KIaqs'" (ApriltI) 1110) sas-4141 aod stars io this Apatosr- aeerehofmmoehieatn mom-eat rapectissghrr METROPOLITAN OPERAs 10-Thou: l0S-1:il-l50-1011 5ll-5'25'hdl'l'!l' 1.1110 101115 disposable ieromto Holly- Tse 50,01 dt sol prrslOs Oso-muís, llO-4A5-T:5O-iIlI (Renée Zellsaeger). liceos Reeves atoes asan produced it-estad csseedy "Harold di Kasoar Os to theto shawup ut icor dosrone TRISTAN GRO ISOLDE INRI 5.I0'lO.rl'ILIO S,uIrIs-200'5.45-T'Il-l000 lors tedian, Cali sr 011,5 s rs riss s. OEFINITELY, MAYBE IPG-131 10,000 BC. (P0-131 wood has ttsougtstfcallyeeh "NSWn huid" (ApriI OCIOSO suo li0I'ILirS-l'IO-IIS' los-b5515',uuo-l05-1005 4) LAcaptssiogtaprave oberst a guy solso gara os a Wldte Castlis the 21st-ceo- deyssith sopIsce te slay. FO-lidIo 100-OISLOS-v45 Tri-15F riOl-l1S'00l'v45'i0lI as ap witha couple dazess elI-S 15-0401 51'siS'iOIO Jodle Faster stars au an that he slidn't tdll e fellow htawetiass sseation lo get tuO' Cheech sod Choog Wetttcnassddireetedhy METROPOLI1ON OPERE eon-louIs: CiS-5:Il'lA5'501 VAUTAOC POINT IPO-13( EVANSTON TRISTAN Aan'Ih,rs,ill'COO-OOl'ull' light (forthe meet part) ecc- agsraphalaie adventure- officer.DasidAyer ("Harsh ssrrahrealaapandllsda IJoho Cha, KaI Peno) arc "SetssrdayN(ghtLive" RANKJOO (R) III, SOI, 11050.101 40' UND ISOLDE" ENCORE INRI HIGHLAND PARK 0l0'uss'l.lO'OlS'iOlO terteisumessl.stokeepua hook seriter esho is celled Thoses") dtreetedthe crisse out hie TWatar ea Strictes Evanston Centsry!C)nearts Ir'sldv,V:lO-roI-os-S'OI-ras 50l-rOsr-i0Al on the rais from aotherltieu writer-elusw Michael Me- 5Uol,00 NEVER BACO 0GWH )PO-13) axvoyfromtheeorrspttssg. RbIhInncI PAiS Oso-Ihure,t0'r:i5-u,5014I IcruillI-IIS'OOI'OIl'ills saponhyaltttlegieltdiblgail dsusoa,whtehwaueo-orit- laell)isbengisrg stthr easer who mislahethem for 1er- Calleen, whoalse coo- rois espie Ose. FrL I,l:ir0-055-I:I5'FSO-1C15 401 IssIr, I 055. CRLLEOE ROOD TRIP (0) 005 1hure, 0S0'5O5'l5lO influence of fresh ator Thiesk Breslin of"Littjeldioa San- tessbycrime eovetlat Jasases resort saith herrnelo-atar rnrsstu. sol) uil-orlo las-Tours III-0 50-r.10'9.55 trihetad te a couple of the ELK GROVE VILLAGE CISTi 412-1105 Fri lull rslI-000'05l-t:4l-Ol5 of them osa bridgefrom shisse")whooefatherlsss DRILLBIT TAYLOR (P0-Ill Etleoy("LdiCooñdretial," hoy top "Baby Mama" (April28) 5AosttsPowern"snosieo. THE BANK JOB lUI 151 orI-oSI 10,505 OC. )P0l3( IIi-150e, lly520-110-vli ElkOrase 115 elI-Tll-s,l5 MerOSere,150A:oyOOr-01I StOSS1011'COO'OlO'iOO'bOlO SKOKIE MISS PETTIOREIR' BleuIt roce & AriOcIsO Ils, cao 0,1-Otero'. all-ulI-l.Iu-0IO VANTAGE POINT (PC-131 005-bOsrs'l'vO'lIO-1,SO'bOsl LISOS FOR A DAY IPG-13) Gardons S-6 (0411 OS-lILA iSIS JUNO tP0-131 Fri. 051 i101'eOl'ull'1L5'5A5 COLLEGE ROAS TRIP lOI T1i-IhsrS'. Il al ORILLOIT TAPIAR (PC-13) Frl'tlO-lis'lLl Sun Odo IIi let r150-111'OOS' 220 Ill Irrhard 1maI01 - tlO-015r.SliOi0 Fri-Thus: r115-1,lO-040-T55' laI-1505: eIO-055-0b5-915 Ose-Itee,Lul-ulo'T:il-Sss sCl.iO30.11us (S011 1111105 SHUTTER Ire-13) SHUTTER (P0-Ill) THE OTHER RACE (NOI 150 I55l'l'25'SAI' 005504155511es rus FrI-Thus: 1011 5111050 Fri-I hors il'15-l:lO- BOLETO GIRL IPO-13) Iii-155 leSs-6:lS-e:O4 iOn 14,5151 ei ml 0155115 luI-5,05115010 FrL 521-TtS-0:15 4.l5-trl-5.l0'lkOO 005-ISolo Ilr'OSCSSS orn-roas ils-115' illscesIas, 5511 IsrSllSs aal Iseo TYLER PERRY'S s,r-moo:slye0a-lll-9is 5A5'425'lerO HORTON REARS A WRO loi Gandeve 7-13 I4EET TIlO BROWNS (PRillI VANTARE POINT (PU-13) TIlE BASO JOB lUI sri-Thus: ll:ct-54r-010 rli-lhars:1154-ilb-121-lll NORRI000 SrrO:45-1:Ib-s:rS Ori, Sal' 1:50-r Il-545- iIOIiaOOh,u 055551 uus-sas-t40-l:ll-sul-)Ol0 uls-sos-dos-lll-Ius-eSc I,r-li,rs.l:i5-OAe-100-elS Nn.r)dqe l,rO-1000-iC'lS MTl 4100101 UNDER THE SANE MOON INRI 10,000 BC, (P0-ill) Roeealnsanie Placo 4522 loties 555 lus 114S-ZLO'4:4l'lul'r001 sua,uoru,sressse Fri-shoe: ll:55-101-055-1:15-sSS 10-lhss:l,Il'1A5'l:xli011 bOl sa Ir 101SiSSl'SIIO 455'bOurs,lLl-4A5-T,O5'i050 1h, 10505cc 0:0 151 proid, buRlO BC. IFO'Ill) COLLEGE ROSO SlIP (01 851) 215-120 500505rh,alreorsn SOMI-PRB (RI isisrrc,lIro 5,11 Ia101isSSntOOiS. II, lhs,l,l lii 051 BIssés Irl-ltuu:tri'011-l:55'Oal lri-rlarsis:45-cOl-5:ss-4A5-svr THE RAND'S VIET (P0-13) IlL Sal: L15'551,50S- ill51055 5i. 1511 Tsr lilies 55 bines V(IIaye Crnssiarq COLLEGE ¡lOAD TRIP 1G) V4IITAOE POINT IPO-13) Fri-lhare.11:5S'SOI-lsO-rll SLI'iOlr'l040 TUOI I,Il,clsrIsst Frl-mars: resu Iri-YarsLIO'SlO'OOI'l.11'!AI 111E YESO MY PAOENTS S,n-Thars: LiS-1 41'SOS'011'IusS SIS-52 -l'Al-SAS PARK RIDGE 1411 515-erSt DEFINIIDLY, MAYBE (Pc-13) WSIRT 0H VACATION INRI THE OTHER ¡lOI-150 GIRL Sli-lhare.i50-S2I-tIl'cOO lE III 1 DOOMSDAY IR) Fri-lFcru. rkl-u15-lus-r25 IPO) e M pI Plokolok 105 15,51,1 t:5 01 0155105 e 35 411 Ms Frl-mars: tu-5:l5-l:14-lOE05 TIlE COOIITEHFDITDBS IR) Foi Sat 520-5550055 SI-1015 1 888 P41) lS,rmp,sI iii Slosh su. 1,11 sr chis uit 0055. DR, SOROS' Fri-Tho5:il,S0-0I0-5:50-5l0 Sus'Thuis'i21'4:il-T00-555 GLEN VIE W OvIl 4151054 ROUTOII IIOARS A850810) MARRIED UPU IPlli3) 0230 DR UERSS' HORTON Fri-Thou: 11.55-1:14-05 illesi IR 00-10510 1l55-011-051-O Is SrL 550 IiSl'ISL'rOS' WILMET'IE 520-0:15-tse HEARS ANNUl (0) RISS PETTIOROW l'iS-IOI-rIls-ielS l55-9,Il-iSil SOI OarreFlrlsi F0-Thurstbl-5:bS-tll-S3O SAlmoNe 10411 1000100 LIVES PRO ARAR IP0-I3) Sun 100-I 5O-5:OI-&il-5lI'IlIl I IN RRIJRES IR) 0050rusSbesuss Ill-lSrrrotIO-020-5A0'SII TIIEOEW)LLRE BLOSS(R) 05,50(lOrs,ISS'015'0:15'elS-iroS r1111,elral 505. I. Fr:, 0,n-Thsrc SI ISST) 101151 i rOSai-lh,re,l0I-SlO-O0I VANTAGE POINT (P0-13) u:5l-155-ilZl DRILLRIT TAYlOR (PR-ill) SSO 501510 Fri S,orew-II5-541- THE OTHER sat stTho:sl)l2I F0-llsu:045-401-120-lSOO MOUNT PROSPECT SII-iS 21-1041 BOLEYN OIRL 1P013( SBRUER(P0-131 TSE OTHER OOLOYN GIRL MARRIED LIFE (PR-Ill Randlnirst sus il05-015-SSI-S0l-il:1S FO Italo sAs-100 el-ISuis, 1201 IP0-13) Frilas-lhars:051 eon-Ihare,LIOOIO'l'so'SOO-iOOS eos-OsI-IAIII:ll Ill Oars tase - Frl Aas-ThuuI 4MONThS,3 RIEGOS 035-10015:06 15h 555-ellI 5,tlsS'045-5:i5 JUMPER IPO-I3) AND ZDAYS IHR) - leLl:l0-l0,lO lINDEn soce,vslhnlr,osae 10,000 MC, IPO-ill) Frila010S'alS'505' lri-Or,u,2A5-50l-121 NEVER RACK SURIN (PC-131 111E SANE MOON (P0-13) Th,OhiuI,beltc,IprssIde Fri Ose-ISOIS,010-tvS-000115 SuS-r121-il.55 )SseiISbl,15h Soase legras FriS,t,Asfl-W5011i50 FI-lhure,sllA:15-10604i isb,ra,lise, Cull Iso Orles aso lees, 100-1055 TIros: 100-520- suo-l.II-esl Sil CIl-1,00 15110555 he III Ohs, 55 O,sslosoi DU SORSO' 000'SIS-1120 cus: eso NORTON REARS A VIBRI (CI RILES 5501015 RAPE OF EUROPA-INRI -msrslell-055-5:al Fri-Tidrsl210-iiO-cIS ROS EM ONT si-10,5: 000 The Wilmette Theatre 11122 CentraI Ave. Wilmette, IL - O5l-4,ll:klt '' t SuRRe Place SO POOL'S GOLD 1P0I3) 600911 TIlE RANK JOS (RI CINDEREllA ni-1h00: 055'425'120'101f TI0'elo'OOO - Resimnet SS Fri S,tISs-505-T51' LIFOEOHSTOOE i . OIdlhr(c MacrOsa. THE COURTRIIEEITEBO (RI TRE DARK JØB)B) irssteeeexao , Ias'Jonrs;Jr2u''' lstiOlSaAr.',,. lri-moe:045-001:l2Ii01 :isfnseoso ' CLUB01'rt FESTIVALS" - 'SPEAKERS Tmwdaa,uesshthlSS Bi° B6'lhurnvuy. MoroN 00, 0008 MUSIC'r ART15050 n FSTPJA1$" Atft MOVIES USIC ART' FILM CLIPS BOOKS OPENING THIS WEEK between the beestibut frso'sp'ritod 'Funny Aseos" oSI turo out ta be, nsnemuit 1ko most rl Ihn cast, albar but ssrdanioellb ieoiasd Seseo al primarily baos osa Austtiaw er opow oasI ng nail io Agsp005i REGS0 the toas dinar iPanit Sikabutol and oniler(dirnotnr kiohsu Saseke doau pisys TineS ai erabas: diuubbaulad ha dour, rigidly termal, mdd e' ordinary 4MJJ lTALt DRILLBIT TAYLOR his bent Io impliosba the esd'onae lb'year'oid Psdbead Okelabuerdam Writer finds thespecial in the Three high Orhool bags Irire a aged martinet hho lhs bend 1w the resumeS horrorc louSe Oase dong lis hoof to genre the loot li CliIStNE ISaoson Gehen. (Pli nArabis, Easter budget bodyguard IOnen Wilson) to the basiS set-sp babOnm P heppy bhst ha woo mnooinsd in (he 5551101- Ny JACK MUSS cmaddmgusjesd3eBhscsae Hebrow end Engi eh, with aubbtlep OPEN Ar NOON proteSt ham from huttes. Stouon lam 1g 300mm Watts, Tim Path sed tel (but es000d'nqiy g005ssmel Sunday lAI sris.l Rated P0-13 ton heist ConlmBulsn (ouests," MpmastsueisL "EfeOt FOR EASTER Sedi Without e Peddle (decrIed 5000e Aasnhad su thoinyauno soni deslh abs railnold neoumily guard. NImeS leagsagn modsod0usid OpenAt rh000 (he Ooeredy. PslsdA-lt for viste ens osiog cg a saswitan mnlhMn 1111(90 mro.i Poled RIsa soSo dis' ?: $59'°! toas5erolf,"Sloat's mAsaS! Sessel reteosnoeS throughout, THE DAMIt JOD *** summer home when w500p sot lurOnS 'esgnm ionquago and sops' GosndtbsbmgtinutSkokbe Party Room eaodadng puyshon (Miohasi WIt strong bu Iyirg isrgonge, drug roi- Very loosely beosd an the 1971 raoidemhjeeoe5prssntdoeer' womsttmdmwelaemhgroswsap. ohihllaybyeoli end Brodo Csrhetl U (080 Guests eren000 orb partioi nudity robbaryol a Lloyd's Nankin brook in end begro Is borrories and sut cocooN snunuelssleap, Owsumttesmeisetmaemko 'The Bank Job" hypotho' MISS PETTIUREW LleEs Catering peopjeitstgomdimodd&O MEET THE RROHHS sisase ssmm pea gsnp et small-time tortore them Sut 000nka I051hh, FORADAY **1/2 Oddoarnmkoouthsaseumtlnae' The Wane banter (soon Shows (847) 967-0606 Sningle mother (Argots thrarsu lead by Jsosn Stwtbem, eno 09mo p10055db but oaloolaMd of bloome dauglnbaaw mend diduot buaeerwhlusElsmsoestd oasI- eessuttl attende the turerei of the ans manipulated by br beh intel' be's not pediuniamig iotoreuled in 75555. hI5IWOU5E,S5LES sod 000cm000 hsiahorsd hIlls Os,loauosoCornmusshtyCmllega tosusoy de 'et." lather she esSer brew -sed gelo genso egents lits brankiag Into thu the inoreasiegiy orad gems the romnoho lobi an0050 gui te lioso up amplo1naeasu'nght mot berme fo know her estended tamlib. ScOli where omberrosiog photos et bogs ama pia ylrg e:thtlererohmo boils 0001ra In piso likes 155050mo A l,i,e?S ed 773-763-1181 Wiitton sndd noted by Ty er Parry Pngosse Marguret ors berg ntorad lbS pOlsI sI thiel isis Ita gama sash, sophiubiosted ohowbis sosa' soNdad eeawjols tibia tebas ter blsokmeii belote t'o Suar, the ho's piaglrg alIh the avdi000a - (Why bibi Get Asole...... Deddy'e Op Praeseo AnDormand plago o amersuman anuthoe, Spa'met'mps'ertaeaesiot'OS Little OriOl. Robed P0-13 tor drug gang s bang ohanod by MI-S, ser' mooking nur espaotetiono and pun' stomaing sod term osbig lrum'Ty rupt repu, honest sops, a Wpeead'S f0000 mermal, Or Katasoeaneer,eIshgOsecIseml contuot, langueye leo Ud ng sassai oheg va Ion ouI des ro tar bhnhlc ueompioyad qooemanss mho takou o Ills dudian gangster turent bisad thematio uiumenio sed Meko ro mistaSe, "PucoS Gesso" iv lob so ssoiai searetsmyba eli obIg, disamsyMo Sloe fosmtlsmerk neplsoassmeowulser.wlsdtobe' Power endos endho pero hing St bolet oiulssoe. onenoh puppy, undial o, n hnliolio bInodoS, bsd'hopg'lg espolIo she's non'ibtae,poeiodnaons bhmdtheanbaelofadrienOsTh- toto 100510 Soahyt al "Puirvt h and urupsayabiy brutal Ithoult astroso tymypdemslaatab despeo' sohadul005 ter be pubSahad ad orno naas500gnem te Emit aso The sorse reel Alo sise at times mnut 01 Iteo nla050 tokon piaoo 0fb atoe and beonwav the InsIlo oop SHUTTER end some el the oompies laliout sonneal but its aine mantedubly SI her loSs mIe-thon getS e slob ei Maeals 14 b5o WsTd Iluow emeepedeeeombefegetesouy- Newlywed fashion plrotcyra Inner the robbery is teed 10 10115w, Your Community. erode (oints inni uhot Ihal oauid brus loue bewailSii iso misi Prnso is babbo She beooditioer- Abers (Jouhua Jaokoor, Naohnei boise ihn whale dinostan Auger ThonoglaKuuleememesbefeuor Sated P011 for ones peotisi sooty Tsyiorl Is Tokyo tear hey re be ng Deseidsor l'The mondo hasteat Nessi you Ion Onysh poasrio ly ooldoad-tu'eomaroioeraed 'es eed locus edo. thot shekbothgshalkad, daim teurited bye young tini tony blind Indiani de locro asat stying o spar soled and't suoa anos ir Istheg dorosoloadnble a-book for- stmo'yldmedmaereo'tdercssbsnuato Your Interests. io sr noto seoident. Dinsoted by sonia/velera thriller bet henos traubi ng guanlions ebaut mhy peo- Japasene horror trimmeker hsistmoo're iraibtior, 1h11 1h11 mel pie mabsh Sinrsi ke thsie Ita Smut PENELOPE * * oriut, Weilten for tbon"yoeag the memel, wobiohhornoem pisse (111110f mimi Rated P borbor' ConSidering 1h01 ihis sa Maoeyuh Doblo. Retch y t on sesual eon tent, nudity, odiulh?' m000et loges Ilurnd ubes t am "mcddssoey" gist moor bIst's supposed topean YourLocal Source. olaiseso end iangusgo, roi Solenne and ones iaegnege. Essi- obI, the bombeoarksthoa nohernatesoty scorSoI studsuuhm SHOW AROELS abono Ito moral that looku smelt bous05005t nf a deooms thuG P high sohoni boy Ikiotnel THE COUNTERFEITERS *** HORTON HEARS A WHO aoamybh'og sod lIb breI to be sstio' oorne Ssgaraeoi debatan beginning a 1/2 Mador the Liapheob Slrugg es I so with goorse Ithe may you ere, Ao'mt eoasoe tu Wprount am au 1meoaaylnigfunahereb, reiatiooeh'p with giri ne 11300 Allais The big questise at the head to noon lia miom0005pio MIo 50m' Its shoto "theologe taken et Ist seneerth'gsmderuotSt. Jeher Tbiribyi obis oatoh ng the long' lirio end dwads anNo hltodsron- thoceusrathejoake,tha al this morally shelseging munity when thaN omy Ion hep Irom WealoeufSeb000l 'asthilas, 4sm ilmo re ationehips st two ooup es iSain055ut drama is about nula osi: e oparkof duet Jim Cunroy set soling. Thob'oiust when Ito Sou- gs'easeesuseudlloegaer ,Vse SF"t aI SRRI nIe. matpNIiaHnd V. (ist .N"t IN. (Nate beokiesain sod Saw Rookereli "O was sittieg bco a eluuso- Cow Ian should we de miilieg to go Stano Darebi ama Ieatnrod be hrn sai' peraIS 15m laugbw, thnugh. Fr1100 y.q papla. na iae*.d MvRe. nada .(naIVsJNdy , Jeanetta Sonette and Anilin Ouncel to make it through one mora duN? matad Seroso nl ihe Do tenus oben' most port, this ne lm005 gloso mom aed t jest fookuboad Wridcu5 NOE NG tail spat. David Gordon Orson (Ai Pasad re pan ne t na true sts'y st 010.158 misi Rsted 0. lahybais annoi as uristoomeuo the Asai Doris, oenrge pni050aroin the Sa0050nhsunsr hoiroon(Cbrinlsn AinSi oho's horn Waehrngtoni'( adaptad sed dirooted nonsentrahsnssmp-baeknru, mith allg hose (erbe nass 1h01 Its draws. (106 erirj Petbd Rter HARRIED LIFE * * pr ntew forgers-who meen SISad boodu byes pig'o hut en aobua( argusge, seme cernent sonteni, Aoanlus'rg mes h-up of dark 10801g the Nass 000ntodoit eras- porsineneout(soudany Sf5 bemol brietussaeirth sed drug are. oomedy limon meld domeoblo orSe guasti t'es at du ions end maiodmams 1h01 dsson'I nnai o Psy Suena, The only may lo lilt the pounds tot sod Plied eooeswiun, nIl einog snyof 1800e icen Ohr's isla Collo ose nI heroan," hub 'tHU YEAR NY PARENTS Austrian wdtnrld roStro Stetes WENT ON VACATION 005pnr p nyn middlu'egad tommy, a citer soery pofsct'al hbuo-hloodcd Ruaowitaeyaaamiwsn the valua and Every week Pioneer Press Chas (SciaIt wing psenstu ars roopenbable, repressed btoroughly Suit sr rums noreamino, PonsIspa Sont st staying alise trum Sony looSed luge urrdsrgrourrd Mr 1h10 s sold-bisodad bus anoomoni n pont' gran sub ia Its world bobino lsr palntu perspenti000, Fan mestal delivers coverage of local World War lb Asobstten, ato n000c her ser, IbA OSier) iD-year-s I boy bras lias boy is larger talamon Sanooltosh INenk taken in by ace ghbor et hin deoidas Io poissa tir ello lPatnmoio Rabod PO lorlyometioalemsebn news like no one else can. Serb ovios ins ism'ksy but rLSetinA Jearsh grandiathsr-aed celte ton Ciarksoelbo apare her Ihn tum'i s' osee irluonds sed scquage. pertanmasosi if's sa impsr5555 them ta ratono while iba 000ntry Ion ele diaorno elan ha Iella Ion a IbaIs nnaor Ouest'saod. Far idnohiot estates Pele play ie the World Cup gvsogel momee Iloohai PoSdawnI SLEEPWALKING Call (847) 486-9300 Pdnlf Burger 1AuguSt 010811, isPartugusas. bidd uh and AsiWsri Sorainilsob's dramat a lobi Ito iweS' He's thsughbbai but nay. Tna situo' Oid woseds aro 000poaad to subscribe or visit wIth Subtitles 1105 er ni yo PPPA oeplebin il il nreaeo oviluding with lion 500mpi salad mhao biS tard- 1000e aman (hiok SIeh I kidropu cuit, lot the film rosiutu oiannniyiog 00es boot buddg (Pierue Pronoun) the yovog davghtorlPn0550ptms www. sneer oca corn the mas oho token Ita morsi high deoi0es tnotsaihomrb'oraegrl Robb( ob lys mun505yoisbym STILL PLAYING sod ss the hers. It nino mable Iniord Tor hiess f. (5)190 Wlr.) (Chorine Thorss( Inner looter nora oamloding osnur00000 bnl Ito NabO P015 tor nome tbemobio ea' end h Senat h's oh idhsnd howe men sunuiving 'nalcOve luoury manIr end osrers Ob annusi my. Nith h s nbuoioa latharlDanris THE RANDS VISIT *** 1/2 enlia athens around them nra Mopporl hOD mie.( Ratod P sr or' it's ose thing to beotroadsit SbIrcI, braten sod shot ohos HEMER RACK DOWN luego and e noNna Ob vio Neoc its soother to b esirsedad na out Tool Aulity Ion their gond Ion- S high solnol k'd lIoso isrisi strenge and obere yuu are asaam' (usc 11011 north e 105k. padioubuniy lieds a way lo Il bin when hod nono' 10.000 RC. raetabiy, awe,earliy. elmont absurd' tar lbs ponwmt Si the 00P loniud anoN sul Martial SrIo JOlI Insano Whee his g'mmillebd in k'd' (tout et risas. Ohat'a ihn predica- uannsnvnrwroal ohs resalues col lo ("Cry bPulrl direoted mho toen napped by in0005mm O 500mo husten ment brani leriieridirestor Eran g'oo the Nonio the piounure nl spoOn draws li? Wimi Pobod PS-lo lOados smell bead ob wsmdolu to Kahns esploresto poignant urfevi bains anhomed lobe ollao." threran mutons themol's malaria renoue leo. Inland Erimeriob in the loSe-key samio rharmerqhe 01 lbs Durai br Saut gsremgn 15001015g inlense saguenoan of Barurs SiO t." The strendoen are ihe (od505ed0000psy,"'Tte Dey Langueue blm in Ganmoewith aub' b ghtioq(oioinnoa, ssmo nosusb by, Egtptisnsrserbarn atine albor Tsmorroo"( d'roobod the pro (Aiea, lAib ISP mimI Satsd N Ion AsIbIleS sed bsnguaga -ei inno o- hinls io sdosobufa. liSt aim) NO ed Aieoasdnro Onrnmoeiai Palos Sand. rama strong sincere, brio f onsuaf' ohs tied tbeonelssvutovk Ion noguon008 01 01090e lylnodity and anguaSs. oversight Ira my Israeli sien, PARANOID PARK lotIsse inhabit ants roiuotsnliy pur FUNNY MANES *** 92 huer up tooths eight in mW 5h11' *** VANTAGE POINT As noon au the dload-red tillen tul harbO The daeduyinlrsssriy bou 000ld Soy Ihmis a obory lIber the pons dent is Ohst, rs Niob ne, with s soenum'ag osaba at 000id hace dsOOiSes into ssnotimn- abosb en omdHony Mid ohs mokas a PSI sIsal (Dascio Sveid( toanku dissonaI dauth matai you knoia sinon piatltudna aloof lamar see' wiobaho and gobs lelo malo Inoubbo down ho parpetoatso usiog doso thiwgs ose going to get agiS in eiioud'sonseninqthairssmnrow theo ha ran handle, but Duu 60e 110m ver'ovu sideon nI tha sueat ivssyGnmoc Whutyuu dont humanity. but writsn(dlreolsr Erse Sano bmag'nlanbed samt osait (90 mis.l Rated P513 tor sequan055 keuinin toe osroediogly ugly PIONEERPRESS herrin in too slanted to teli into daboolod bob still slonoggly inSolo' nl bIenno u'io(eaoa and aolioc, that trap, liso more intereniod le things aie gu'ng to get alba oIl- ing Peronsid Park' 's'bsm te 00es dinlumbieg (wages sod briol 10001 ness, wiousdamtasaieg and haodnuibmurdarauo belly- s p501 slonyab ai in the nonoarbiolsl Olnong iaelusoe. uwl kely attreollos - panrovisnig thrillS or how Onap y diuturhing senso. AntIc Nevmns (uran-pro dis' - Paniems by Sruosleglue k MOVItS ART SPARHS meersoor Honsoll 2550 B9 08 ThurndoyMarceZ0000a owSc 4OVIES A*t''' CLUÖS -' FESTIVALS" - "SPEAKERS aulil senonic kots:ti5irne loe NEll 515/115/IO OSritt,r.lIpo'Iil,Ht HselieencnsOs:sholeosisS'iOïr nhn2i'tBlniu*yeanlanmtscn' areuÍuIatesu.moatytynrtrsenenu 51510910 Inmultysricolofl CynIC. EsrseOtuuooytped precenbn 11051 eson;01051' t oneri eu 5db, MrntasO trctsee nein Sues by ansmpuehed rseauutgaetesltNune,asm,Was go. i:2Ipo'ClamieetSh srlc000-Slu d s cl oasi os cod lean creai mams105ls Pert and Fuel Juhs, yare, OJ900lhl ora 000ryin9 0004ses p000snlghls as Sk500 moues Modo PnandOtiee ko Itou oneubuened be Maus teUin- tukoumetbkonetmmn60Iieei fnrtinsod trom PAGE BO olr005Sr smiusna. is the AltI 9011101 n009iihpopasloieadedy nlislreo tluvhtiahs ThofleOu oser Oluala Otsns, sIenne Insoscerlo 511e 010010 mes' leltese pmnumm de OMS Scone Cars- *ielfltaeawckstullsmsten0eek Hall Peee,Apmil2ZlNhpin..IEII 3550e01-O Imiss'roll ckots mol ho Ob' 26011e, wet 22 'leaned 16 WoW atad ecne,resoLussstn ers IkoCe Celi sennreeeraimsrIrnriMrbsssmsNeN- eNstess.Meseliaadaullceetaoan5 211100 Orcheeleu, io Ito Hell hesilol Ia r e d arlO by dollies mho Piel 'S tallen tsederei" byuoaeittmeesoleoletae a Bled, sMekitesIbIntFe'6om f000000 Onu .n u pennansnsuesm an LskeSsuo)Chareh,ICSLOIeSL Hell Emes AprilOtt II pm ' Nosed's sorcentoil 001orn000mcatises.0t lslnlshl7r51 orOish5000krdreIln' students teNne 693.6000 Pasea 'lOMtel'anl ir 0' seed ReSort Penetior IBlnll6nllR5 ro,r'sspm' Pissiut Hissant Isolo rlreaum,NpmlllO,n ps'blnmoora seneucuoateouo SIsoateSoMseOn 200 PoRotos perroe001 be the 0511 "rise Lest Pote Ctaabrr Mssrmiaro espiner revel's heu sesOS Sie smu'uont 500 00010eS 'tMesa'deltausboneanoeootssei oeehakeeiostora.ApsilO,Op.e' Ctanbrroirooesond lrioarsily ftc- prneontsatnitOre d005rntmaiion iuou16taoylutotm081meufrs tee aedarls lie0 6-7. f52 porri aeduStLoneubemJeee. resSo'laorinoaIondPa0esslsri0 ruo,irrl000stLeulilOmiuO,Emool 1X0004 Aïl n. roS p m.. 5551m 050v nestonias ebbs PiarsTrivNpoiizd,4 Noto n Mitsuukeo, eNCape ebene- n' It le pr000ntoo 011(1 5 citereI nr re- pm ' Ca lIlpegla n Ployers Peni510 100 o ea, loner al nismarsu", iluliOi Th,n:5S5m.:tblIVoiooThslrcose ogron PostiseitnPraioacnlheiam timeo aro 2:30 pee ThuindaySatardue so peri a 01051150es u s'col btsn' lMfmcesnaetslbsqubaeueatrseser- guWO35mendkseowsMSnveo- chosirvtlessO biredchslrs olleho Itudru al PIryllie Hurt, in tIre t Ill nond 53 Ot050 Sich Oho Deep else Or' rorpnssuna005.nsMnteies-Say nasenmyta,yNnOCNuounlk') 560mo cumantu ese held ut 20e ests lniretfhuslteibneraios anOnna- Rns'iallbob ,lren.lpnttll,5'Sllpm' Onr nie, C1115 'iOresOOe" famose InctOaebetOOdOnlhne,140i120,S 15531 rOgnon n gnn,oslOpritOO,l0070.:EcloOtelha IO! 405 000 peo Coedesat 500e boum Ssaula000tFIsk'Stedgnscereunt slat bers et tubais Cuestor Chois Pies hohL Sind Ennomble, ir tIn NelL suir esdchrisPsneiresli4/llO/l0 000110, eonteegitstieateoaeo ynospreseslssbesnisalaotiglrtctaod' lbeleesiaeseat",sbassdouulcSyrrn u00Nu5nneednoe0kannsl4hsniss LeSMo Huit 01 lorthnenrrrn sniOesi' tsniun ree. mi, IO am: eons r:lopse.:Seebsoinerq000ePeshnni "lasllLlenesatkloontaço"y'tttsaao sot 00 Pois Osese thsen eoaeeteP.00gie toros unisce tyPlaoe,ecsnslursoocb saslarml usatnithJetsrsmrpr icho Pagammo Pecera neme citi Conard Dei Psrai'lpreaoctndboi'tssfinreio- MunuOMNoopor5edliea5neoet elote neu 026-Otid IO! Its Rhlctrieçs ticket prisas listed e bree nobogories eel ceertol Hehl eco Nut SI nino icni3OSOIOI/SO OpeilOy,t:ODpm.: 11014e bullaN SyIrmOsey 00th05550 airs NannhpriMoa00estheeeasdoe poueurs al Sesso ht 000000e. po loros at che SoriO shone Centor Our Oessesrou pennuerm 'n escoto Oui at renier sIpultis soci srciti000a 05003 pm PI eesrec ilothtiohn lloirqe,ir Osen hmrsla s OstossIlySOonhoryOr Se000denoo aear crocos lhePeeloreiritrts51l Oknee 5155, srtelleparklsea'sotteaeatsmThe the Music somete at urinons 0400 localS and olaS and otadoet rote tt000lOonilaIHOtI nohetsttl,S5 nlieslea,reaturingecpra'sPOme,o I- hohen rese. in Conf-odio delrerte Wo Miope itubesmior Redomones tlnkrl mueblo are 102-02110M Inn clii' Csiouqmase-paousrmMteenene 104r1 465-tISa ApriI 0,9 pm : Mark aludesls Oman nom Nets slsdnnto, ulkrchmao,Thens stami 5515105 laO' raclures d PsI-5505 r Coned lati tnes, PO n per tonme noo iolsrm et se, utyle, io diredet be Oesosie Paneen 5500 besIto ut nine eses Simile oseen oe bet500rrllpeiehaslorttaon lnIlhllta. NerlimolueeCetoartbudpertcrsrsat noolob ten's Sysehosy NoOseS ed' Internatinr si lessaI sr t he Couic er lsat500easinorseosesdoderrì 500betsuostmmen050sloiserstOneo- lprilO,rpo'sneerdlcndrrrsa 05m elpink'sleigerCceoeroialtsû mord Ebbei's"psigmaseiialionu' callIa4IlbIs eOSieeEODlfi esalell oats so Oese solo 0,0v bosrosos ne000550mg Eselisketintorselise icr io liait. ve ute eoreposod the me- Call 1021 23515040. un ese umemsurer huoleifloss (leo PpcilO,Tpni.: bdsCimetesmice,Ecussloo,anb0050t(1' le/llXltOpcltOl,r:tIpm:Meriroa- ens ud6eeou, moesmhisussplrittae oolhltnrlonososlvoepro-curoati s s ara designed o nl soseteustars tee quohoeve05 lOde 000 '0e Loosing ut Riclurt Isole unrab Mascot lus, So'toRsoloulMnN1O'. hocsnsoro.lOtoulob Moeeohu darns cipsatora loather sraslo Pveeirea are mriic.05p ncMete as oor art tirs main b osluroo beynob010po 0401(0,100 oerruusunuaohahupaearreuesteeei' P900 liniItO,n:5S5m,:lerclisnr- eomrsrthslrnrohurlcrl.ncketO ere ocsducledlySyorr NoIses, psrnsrm ruuri200. nro aadonh ir see laicoet. n pm. Mush 20-sc est S co. Marsh 000hvoçuonlobo000ee.eoeo.bemn goneofeotieei'TheJuOet leSees.0 ero otu lei seriar cimloess, lb tus sia masiebyloadssyneard, Inommy-, 515015 ul Isa 115km 001100 lyn' Studasit selacu ace SIS eunJIolle in the 3v Preoipmilsknte areOfsnpinee-- isionti repode Cauti eue SelevoOn ClaobnratenisolbytbO'sCseteltdono destsordshillresbpollO,0pni emery- old soldes liete Owand-wki' posse OrstOoleo'n tali Hoen5 idiot What to do. ntaywseiaeeersmthepudoar' ero.lrulstalnntseogataeortes 50antnsaeasosomun Peut Coasidy,' pssnrted 55 tenor OpIle0 005eS teelatino OIl 001001mo eieossmp050rJellneiti ane.lmoe Cs epetition. Cell lbs silO uil se br urep Nay O Z pos The Chieaio PIS- limos as tp m. Pridays o ed sahrdaav Oak safo miii poesesrl On 0500g sas- Soin Ocsustie and Ihn Meroutic SIting aol sail Cliso eso, hes. l40illl,bpm..hsrt hrsstens Csnser lucuc;nnarllortlnorintor0000, trasueoco)rumearfr000eep05n npe llUntaye,Sskete:2ll5:lSOoee' sarti 'Ounutiros gabe' 004 pos lOOMS Cuoitet1011ln/tO bpltltt,t,SSpn,: NMSmedStpelnutbeehestrs POSI cc/Arlo CsepaSlurs PsOe, 0401155 TOI 505pm,:ltraessv,SerenOtelcr This week and beyond. isis Sis stevents Portissets colt mur 500100 50e rsuputi Plum and ttciros enstsivl'IbeomoinrntllnbsP n; uttexsasaelbdieeseresnedus161t lion tatet, 0101m, end Jameu lites, pr Horme imuois timem loe. pm.: Iynphnric Wird Isoseble pees by Caribe SaMr'sarst the reis n E- 424-220e or clxv Os000 SL cruonrus The pesgues irr' ano,pnrlormeer oteo by nosih000r. Sodu at 030 555, 10enero is ho rho- snlseaiorrCspl aedo' yonlorercrthe Mocarm. OospIrsOy ho, 00 in loir co 0. flat Matar br Jshauon Onatenri and YOU WANT IN? HERE'S HOW. esoso pi000tetheutreuerns studslestrsWoteblseronoosars ltsusu end ouirt'tainO se eetb as sis- abes ler the perloro sg Olin 00 Maine CommetlOO"erl'EsrbtemO,'bdOOrd Ss5elahec,SyspeocesclleCei' tdadhp16drheatueacnetevylyuee o5Jeearw00'eektoiscuso's nie Sueter 15 t Nata ha Poem lasso 051ko by naont ant 900(5 WashlOgliS510elIreSI Well Seau Iii an's" O nisd"nreO'lvigSOUeeiO' snlep 60 IlNordelmalne IOy Woo pois sarre Cnn ter ree ihre Pedureiso Outs 5500 'Sesee' Out 'ylutee nNysL' muoIa us t011XlS.Mpnitro,nnn:050terrt SesPloiresps-ssrssdmuomeolaiieu tioss'Samselsarbor's'Ceveaodn Paetkr0eorkutse.udosmwsloeetce SNekin seso, Skskiv 2582-et sausue 020145 Cedpogtesnennmame tnrsorl,"DspaOelelO"ousrslrneilrth becnrslyrpusln, omenber sItio Merch'nyd heIse Rayraids''Seoroa" POPIPOLIUJAll Submit go. events one week prior to the date st publication. lnseuseoneomSarcflpuopeeiaçeee- inslodee lied 2-mayer rie weetl pee- ureturySnorreoilolimr smorto L Chi0030 St050000 morue arda stoll 0010/04, jontytomaueledlur,neuethe4osart ThellusyPsh,0410W,SnuceoL m'sro,csnnaienensdbyatorthtlirt gesMJn,eouruoeadhmenrsiarsie toNllrSlOr.lirOtSSpm'nh asia' menber an relis stutlon WPM5, Oro is Pneebtloetael000rion Weunmisster 0504 'Sum' Entries must bu typed.We're sorry, but we can't take itover the telephone. We pretore- Thoatre,s5'aaleelace'teatosjst emmo pannasse tSe eueauu in is soak Isdomet Plano Srhotaslip Coo- one hoor priar to eosh onseel, lodi' elos0 00mpas slIcE Chu16i alo s mf Chimsin, nne 4rt-000s me,abber- EemetannauiMue,Lyntelpunaen John Motorie0 ano OMsOsout M000buoss iameskdaekohtbuuoeeteameo potitiosSrn,PilIDti3pmtSamunt 51100 11055e 1h tuok050 orel2SliIlor ear tOPIC Road, toenslee, 10471 002- putsus,Sarutaysnmaditionollrss mail submissions, please. OiomsmItgumarpoe000rdeikae ScesIen eihl loots li5750ne O 5m, Muy 20505e Ori The Midmst panniene utopostkds2lutbsucruuoos ari toser maslo enteOod 1000borehip soeiotsllllerstudetllxfhihlronls ses0105slutiermnoieurrioo- at "rie ludo mille Mt the Momeis, bu' Su000ueaa,dsllklniceeseasoe, Ooeud0mnleouQesaunugukmboo CeopetltteoinoliihlPerlcr005cn, deL on 14 umn odsilted Olee when oc- liosO 04. 050 pm,: Omgetist Sleplier maondoynilp000'ceiriloilh 00k deOeassApelleiUooenrkMy,eae- go. listings are tree. Include briol doscriptisn of thu event, timo, dato, address, price Ibrine Judith teno, liie line025 resto pepeaimuns005mnassmyhwcdbM hoe 105t100,I:50p0'PoOOul( Redtal, 000pasirdbyopuOicgodetir Stblocdimodorsnoasis005liseoil nr lsrcolos,Opm WedaeSdutn beet' tune Neunte de LIno liurud Ouest. m515mSelldonis,Ope Thesedailal and phono number. irsm 105-Ole. 0005iai edOortu are 06e uelepsntueknutesnieeohnnaubour- CIr'stoplierMil ord,bossssn The pv' omeusmtheesllymrhissc011.t000tt ChapOlNOdhheotosLernemsitO,etll es mu naoMi tme sole 'ns peenenimo mOist isehsdeaapoot'etemeeeeppan panOuuuIIanaosdeiunorolsMieThE 010mm utrOO lUiO5sn slasbtOi 10m PopaCO50chtPaalarndoolnislsere padonm eorks by 1t SeoS, Pmonmk ast Mie Seco sp o, Marsh 0.1 po 5m us uoesa anoemo teusg asermtn eon- nub seo coat 2311 lnellun-edsOtue mmetsnmnlueeaettewuPaomnsunsese iurbotcreuptlrbeOSl;ka art resets sIsones Loller Corros orn Edeord ylrdnm, Pees Kes im StIrn eeru 1otO4 b bsses INaneSess SW OuedS lu CMI By mail: go. c/s Pioneer Press, 130 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge IL60060. E-mail: oinitnease0000taeevsrg. al eaunneaeledustkeagesueg an ut tian beiittn-lobsn,tonsart,Mirnolrden Moutllootheetiolpera'SRieO RegewuNotnusosaloollottedhmesb' eo:AiOrOulrrSivinO000eor,li000 (Poe O20'OPlR 0e 10400 056-iSO Sor lu- Ile tser,1000t osei, brett 07,5 pro' FAX: (847) 383-3078. "00drrtlfnpm.OlulBaedoaod dean. m kdmnaunsus ealt eng) eso- osI OcpplOsCO/lt/lO, speie Corleo orn 15150mo iby,030r15 211010 Slice, nedmo 00.0 OMetto in Aeseeeseoteselaoer tltsolotiarttrapel ethsdheeslorr PurkedgeClrlOSIstiOsSSu precesto 00555155 tInt 46'N0t3, ossI 05601 PosIton, 00 in odeunsv 113 st he Oese, lOsslocet, - aity'e Msseetrr-Otrubtentreatnrnise- ll004eakpantossuattIie lMserOult,SOtOStni'dan enah sonseds alIte e000iel moelle, 5 S. priceo hehod il circe OSInO cites. ges' lsaoanatuaarceaksyHllroil ho iro orsmwsrodttissturu mdrdbllunnesnutularbeepen ylIotuSoNroesl9tlluMasele'n STAGE airo aso thterpretutiam Certes isn9 IOtielsaOateaoiaa00unyteseu- Loansion Intormsailon,ln4nlOri 044i ProseesPeleo dgstsdatuulluokntn RratpubIEcOO snoileeno and NI las- presented be rie Midment Irish catie 'texane' proeeeted dy rho een fuamotfnepasSornirtsatpysp compoe Irle e. touns to es PSnyeisus Sesee,peoum500sîoelaeemelostae citletr.10454vr0255000i2t rfa,: nreltliratsonee,IibOSrOi0100ts ubtyordslalhonlululenlneteIIfi P00051osemosL5oknteoaoailubl5 lie Arunlecu houer Theatre urnes ato p s. lietI 4.5 end 3 stararheatrs Cvoprtt 26Mayo at tOn StedRoe CaseronS Slat 00 ants Cede er epuce binnen Ihn tiaea et otaoagaes or uenteesad eeutlso 50m So geneest ut- serdlsn eseissnseOblo, tia000bs osdeoheretllcars,Seketsutlhelnsr vSOpm,:MstllloI11005m Caroline abeni seoloualesssm seicl3l oso' presented by Next ro catre Company at peulfiul6atttelrieuarserisan Her- o reel Fusils Theatre ttermetty tea ResfuurntustnaflPoo00tis 101Cl 50151e pr' seso sled boleo dc disappoariss tar poupin are snide re- mCoaOa, 002 50e nesMus en daterles Iuu101etleeiva lX101In,lititOn,r are 121/051 Call 10011 195-P825 sr NoclorCIass erse, Opic.h1&etsdlandtpm a010pert. itage Cento i. 4626 u Kr es Ann, chica- Sa et Patrick Pettsro'np Orto inebrI 00000eessbonynnilsmssoeprkMors mete teso nash ether tIras eses lissa- Foelkeset5sulpfl)OT&ea2gacoa pm..bumlyMsr'o,'ht p0001nSirSav 104r1115-Othl,Nay4,ESlpm: sognomu cluaslaol lusos Ocelos pms- rol rselldeseioi moloso Thoislotoa' Motde 22 at tse eoyaa cufurnl Ove 48 ttveadeanseilloatttedeor 0903W totmeet Cvi500vherhr- ueluluhononiocunaussbstue inity"seofreetottispaudeatureaah meoneOluaa000ereeaeoeo aklPe ltaioo"Thetsrtloentern hiess In- 'lpmirgPu p0:-mi lbS linon CslbeOlOsO. senletbylhebod5005105Jetooholly IicoiseislSsmInrnig;0,n cover. 9er Nsyoa SL t9e55ton. 55k. nrst ton-ness. est lt. oncees at ras p.m. Seta idees and rdn500rdslkymniupooqanaoomsdee apastisneoteupartncsestouchksg 510pas'ltounautiari'dsoai ou- noohle,tseeorolorfiadc boscoSo o'sln.nhoprooramifltlud0000hIn by 151001 nl cele uPd 19e Chicago Cias- penoeli 500isce wits toys LIbe lilla. ais: tas-tas, with discounts ree occupe, 'tatter Lute," toots tini Jeten 0e- p.o Sendete nsketn:ttv, oith lis' Jas510001Iylaeie!bsenmtiencamado. ses,llao,oguiitg,m pm;beelen. upnnioslatiurnadd;stiec,decpaie sctiusfanscsiumsaorbleeenten ant rho Almo Sillar Charal Choir. 011o Msrud,SossoteundlsoraN, esel Sular Sedsin Msmsih Mot M In seniors and studente. nan, erst ens. tis009erd Mide esosi esnr, presented eOants toe aonio rl 55: Id roe and &ott000S'ufanbaoedenneglrusryeed ssanuo eed hepe Mstmiee io 11 Par Nednu flee CuOtuses Seau net Poe Niltaltimans tnoensle anithelistorim flst-SSatiOrCOmOerSNalIelOOrtlr' sstlielbeliiIO leIsere ihyPlane belh SetoS meucin sashlIODlC,OS050, naLL htuethpisoayrrottnrtht pittttrnatre, Sroape.talttrnlltrldSNOt crc'sit CissisEs9oqlabyRhrskfeoc' 0c035 Slay tO The Poles rilO 5lo'a itokebssattiO4ni4es'roal SWat Brass tsssnbtewi II eestero LeinOruitPeOOrOOCilObnDrl' OsthesrlseisitH'sEsonol0000mpus, tsrtPteuop.o reo lineen 04,565k e. cartaie Uoea nonato nistarets erg. Cuore Codollabinolmpasters.S505tlh "OdInot000s'elr:rlpaslpl+bS- akuquUetuegoOlk58t- osdclrnsotet'tntcslentiCurum se,pnorslos lcleroOliomstOartOel- ybt serneds SeOir at m:Oo p er, Tiskot frnit2n-2h30,Oayt'yzpo.Apstt2l ato n0000ays at rse vu. (except nudi "Naaetoanhaa; proseetedhy RedtuqmeSkubau.dstits IS5NoOSI,Ipo'Itoture,SOttSl O at 5r'pht tulleSe, 4558 nu Ilusa' de00uarwthongallesstanllctim0 lalrueKo 'Syuptssias Sasma," eon' 5445 liskets toyrt 465-4000 pr'moslistrdie breo secagores, gro- and May4 in Northwestern ursearsnty's ZlandeocitWe050edayoattpm Shapnehittnrnnheatrnfreitn-May4at OuusmnOee,Looualmm(y4Opón.0332, uimaeaeslosioenislc_tu000lor o onssO 20e, Citera, NoOses pas' Pn es uneuov ioa nor lessened uncle- tecerdis 'ahelean uodrbiorsnrkn oenlpekoleiinr-OlO MosS Ishot prises LiolpubStiCil0010CIacelsallablan Josephine Leu is Thoater, 25 Orts 5 rote ocrent Sprit t O ed ht andt or p.m.: tire lieb Omerisair tiar taon lester, lkthflmaewPoneiookmaaicnn 00b 4249001 wneaiilcblsosbuslo 0, tcrmnes000tzpm.IlpeIS-ß.pbnshe susdesseceas,ueis5eanuluseects lorurpes,brosseol000ioeourdohs- lioIatInlIe000lROsteu: posaralnub- 505 1roy nO sbe rs. 0051Or c OOOre Ost even. bafoue, 506015. iee. tie tor The sIero at her pm; Priants et O nodi N. ileso, chisels fedele tines mess sirurn um usoc thaisLader perro rinrunnoo nich fisuOaoted usiate en armes st B an ewes OMmOIL f30 roc Ode'ionianieotreu-eilbrtitttro Ils' sEnisr sibisens ord 05 lasoIlt eel NlluOuIhHeOdsheSl asdylutoetsals, Cauenshem005nare,Npm easier sitisone and hsrthnnetem tas pm; tatard0700t 2:30 pm. tensopt nreee.m.vidaenendeetsrdeyn;n samdOoNsedn,mmbsbs lillecl Opes Mibs OaOOsbatOu O SO p e atr.aopaslpelodinekelo0001 paw lIlsedealesefitas Susan trine litutoofts,obaruqooperioroout stesi asdsludeslrste.SI1.011 CulllSMrlO5r-4S5O essliloarpisk' sitO arS osan, ore er s tndeieb ed atarsti J9t and 0 pm.: tandeya at 3J2 per Oseares. Ssiets. 112 cr18112 Puleolaatlennrswklseurdeuulnv SIseo Jam hostel ly 155 loI ito nr nosier seioeesi 15 50e BoOst ele- Mitdesnee010tuny'NrtlsOootoC,usust vrntlstndMelhsdiotfhuteiut po_000tstlenrOt OlepelseRt000rd s la in en cro N putt rll Ilolia Ir g uttarisn C o' eh Ideen. Portiskets. sell lontaNi p.m. ont r p m. (except ccvi 55 May 4 caetera, st ter rrenmomvero. ru sr- ehueu RedOsodayes EOOp,sr' Pro Jens docto ru patssonotlsdets,outt pige 5eddeltneOOm55eeutOgjeagn boarston,iklsimrsOn.lIsbrocnctos Csonorooli55500mleocsollsseneilh sanlhilkaleill preseshmosts 000e' nanc errd tv nisdetvsvv-lou teNnero- derrisieto enti ttratnea-r23s nntesm Ias sill M'le Pnrr,Th,l e%u*teeuenCautbusleeeer gu, NAG BIt sib erthss loitI rII-1014 'Oueda-SsbelsnntlreaStCulPel" liani SOI someea ahi Perle pm;Jes500ptoror5-NarSOmOO,lOPm_ enwlareIuLeig. scolo tiedetaure The 'nuccerlelth000srorto'0il OlelSil/OLlPoilDh'kh glaood loriot Saphuetba Smitsml II pm050IrtSOmkstl cesenondPaskCol PsI 05 IpopI,lMSOh 015-Irte OkeIrOO,t:SOpm.:Thelt. lealoreo selmeni tri lelades , - siso tried her lueocd otre- resitdentwlaoseOeurth 55 bp e,: ProHblOcr OmohoolmO (ossi teohehoulo'sglutssconthste- bokdooeaueloyta-l10freeiug wtomdseuosrdniosguerseurctc MutihooPausiun,dS OssI June P5600000 'llusosss"aodeerinbt Sooh Cote sonartoertn.115/051t5 MarsO 0, 500 pm.. Miltec 005eisfl Writer poeliog fovthe North Otee yoseng-odolt novel in due Otat tat, she eoid, Sesoi nmdastssunnitr.011 poi ShsatOkoOiohusdOtessirtskt. Monk 'WusinelommheSelonesnl en- - mpmsmrehonaomtuwmelauoe furaboioteudeuluneeee.lansut hand 0x051 MacsilO, S'SO pr student nervopopor, but she inJeoauasy "Skehfueny Or plo Plut," Moertas ton oes ca r' ogeonlols Meal u r-na pm; sosie o raerlPoIs."neoboil0vlheeallensrd continued teem PAGE BI Their 'espalseos nsoseahe- the mmmi 1115011e ISt piucnnei NlasehOII hampluosufnraeouapleenoee lsctor,nhepifelenisetsdoemomkssl nonsense PouhiOeiPLOmirThePhlnssIOO Masoehlldlasiasartlriends mie euoetr 1001/GuIRis hegen oeriotastypraarseiog mcd ssitfr, not ie-yosae'-fece pm,:Nalhnnsspoisiielil NonshOt,e oktettsut "ldom'tthdeslal Sboeuleoeeweerdedbitsusf nelemers,PuerrrlbelJin 0050 ucd 0.4 lopteplieh000la The20-cembsser- prog ram isc ludas osred by 000mlesor ir .1, her creft in the cveitingpro- 105514,2 arubl haSen, Sonos not po,,tOrno Entnrlai000rl lIeds. heads, bot there's tslweys haacesy, hut tsootytkotcosoes would keveheem published 'mopleutimoo'mtimhubnue Masart Choetro s000 005teeiscd lacIer sou' 'i flIIltItINItIlIriil e(0l/R//IOhl/lll/ tri :o." uuayMeotonlataueaaesnagsr manso to tino pm : Cone Haiperu loo :7'' .'. I geesoutColembieCoaego from dialogue end uituu- iflhodm'tjoioedthegroequ" - Noroenateemltlaeia Umienatty, 5500 pot esandi o Ilsidu at sourd syslunsle Bisel 09/11015 lt//ORdII Pii/Il little 10011011 S'sii people miso done fit isolo duuoghterohobeleedllpe'oatle thetsbuebelievesisbupor- 560Mo Publio bihsars 0510 1011cr SL Stemadehasdlea SIrS gPoactes blat' O.StIoui5000iCh'saiO 1n51n42' iaribetoaluilesnplOny srchostra,a 9lBt(lin lilt useli'li°',"'0,ti "'i" ti Chicago. Eves moro oigadfi- lioso. Sisen deOnitelyo tal. Opeoutoald, ieorienarnmApseseleoobmereisl, neibleash 10015022. 05000,: Moloc those groupe," Sprout oued. "AhaNetubeulo'ojeatstee taut unI just feu'duughteen 4e06 MuceM2g,r'Sspm.:tltLllOdu- tans ce Obs er 00 0lOstlerisa earl costly, nbc joined the Chico- Tnylsrg us oloob esse 1510051 Nnssb s '1115,6 1011cl dj/jtis '''li , 'it-,, i" '' coton the rim sod seme- alO 00 iltnl" verleS Ohase piece, irr 0150n105,Pprilhrospm-Sur'sli' MurseISupm,melifeaobenllr' "1 eleoe's3r them es oedtsser- mmmf0Mugersmy- bseotallfernlulOoleeea, 00 m500;noill0hb Hotel 1101g. 10115 t"':oi;i'.i , 'I go Noetla chapter efebo 10e- ene tu be rs'urlched." Night job the CIII Rss'lut (ali Phes Murth05 onepenso eroticoleonounoCanyll' shenlroe'll pIrrar "Is ses sI Ipnisol ''title''l'i iou, mcd thurtswhat started wbeeaee"llmueetdoasrsrdeeees "Wbaeeeyoea'uelftbM yuami Scainmue Corsent Salles leo' nns;hlus000llollslinosh/SPcllN,S eoscoce Welters of Aceceice, n'tOpo'stlJImelaatPPeOiteiOnila lt resut Il Onncsodoni501leeeolmee FeOow sees-leers told her Onre her creative well- sres unoa baril people oui osteser pn;1i1 Eesleorttiqhl,IOO1I5055 me on the story. You hove lcedointeogmsyearau.od mid, yesna'eethimkieg lobee oepmesc. io mho 0013 000itOt Hall tcostenrenannoosicl,SihSlI/Sl need received ertacielenno- sobeo they liked or dido't dlromycutsolluleetfdOcertsbegitrS pm sddo'-nbeChint'Cleereates spring bud heenutapped, rumedbumgwumjd judi osaBan Pene 0403 lt:23 pm.. CCII loIter Sr' g40M 7, 1:05 po,: 05dm liseiperte Hes' semehodywho doesn't tleutynneorsshnlenoo.jd'eu po,in100PstllAudl 01lOO,E105 tisi' 01100 Nord, STARTS FRIDAY, MARCH 21 lionel support ned coo- dIse about the stony mcd Spenellsadtofiosdtvoeoeto snmbto,eriarnorosion,d 551es ir mho linol M ami AlleckIS Celotralroh st Ihr stand out, vobo could some- 6000055 uuduttleestopllglot Thllb50upert,"slannute eisdirtmibubndteslonme, hrshse sod, Bluok lam stealdmase, 1414 Salbe CuocIa isiconu Lusorpafe Fell flNEA0G MIAe SOJWTOoBS stmclive erdtigees from would ralee queshons ouch hell aaditsvuo, Free OptilOOpO.. Musin el 11000v MacCoy and John deawsee it, TIent uaeeaoat sit- l'dbeeemkhbstdae.gmaotes'm Oasiels Sostenni tIle Carlo epoirry hetlheantal sronsns ed NiellitLeat stleephaieoeJadso2l-1221 thnes be heotuSeto, end thees "lileuVnwleaet!etuusteultofo-- OEIl Brans Otseetllo. irr the OEIl pubttohed euthore. PwesaeOr Sirle OilnettsurdJuls oeolleckrumsheahhsuensum Flldans aswhetheeteenagees Sing downs at her leptepueb npeliteJonedehmek."she flesitet Hull (ree, Apra fi Siso pm.: MuSobr500sle Ort peaUrOleniel by cireneo nemethiog hap- emOmno,thutitiseeounuultm and Sulantayu, 0-1150 pe . l'se loss "1 could loll leomedioloty woutd really euy whut they IIOIJ Peases'iei frcncblh ir tIe 11511 NaithosCOIsl.ITIII/OsSAplerlO SIne n. piuse. La Co tIoll, NIaS 41 010110 pdn.uodsvritiosgforumst-- osdd0000msls, pens te her scud tiret huvethunmfrrltrgnkoshlgh eodlsriuts. Pua. Optic 55 trI cmi pm'Scniclisersoroe Parlioailoabur Ta yose, Oerllrbresk0050rIha Oar' whm nbc rcad her work (al sayal the ouvot Their nap- pie houes us herotnaglulee'e 75e Como Past P00115 Haue, 106 lleedemglaseeshuesen't eebuoolueodhteaenbeeOK,S rspLseeosd htrrischmarnes rol 05055' notI. sialic, Eso noIsy; 5(00 Maclao, si- chaeegrueveeythlnrp" CIbI heoMadoCnnsnrt,ist(1eMbll thumb IL Eo050lsis 15011 560 bern the ganup) 0h00 Jume teas e port eaw Sprout through creee eettlioegotowoo fortbee bleOlerlisO leerthltms-OOp, metti oleO oscIlo Lomo lleote,0l510, ommltbueouesr5pant,peum mowm,Ihmondsmotsekkpjat,l Oedial Hall 110e. Nnttr4r6 setoS Speoetutteeaded Obten ouheeel lutent," said Sieoono the fasst dreh and three lionolulo'005mosie,Copslordoar Chncagdorllinly?nri culln,Pole' rJgkt Ou sume weelseasstnt nesgtuleetdtloeuortnaulbmmk Eso ps:kbllOpnieOlOeks000'Su' go,PAGE BiO owwbsoononivedueedthry s 550510155 ,iassard Broomiorrhethmu ltnsJamtNaihenNer peso. Nes'thHigtsOrhoot,wlseee Elketen, o23selíoloGrocc nubeoquent coronIos, which her trsskuocd sssuld taJoe tIan 5x5500 byCarllsIoPt000lnihellIlI lutbonirhu.edm,sujojgp,umt, will tuoei" 811 MUSIC AT CLWS. VALS sPEAKERS Thursday, March 20, 2008 é1o Thursday, March 20, 2008 MOVES1" :: ÑUSÌC : FESTIVALS SPEAKERS

Band. April 2, 7:30 p.m.: Caribe Latin Bnicktoo Ait Center, 306 Busse High- shire Cultural Center, 4400 Greenwood, Your go. jazz ensemble. April 10 and24, 7:30 way, Park Ridge. (847) 823-6611. Skokie; Ellen M. Greene at New City NEIU Varsity Big Band., Hours: 10 Bank, 5033 W. Dempster, Skokie; and Mary Sass at the Bank of Lincolnwood, Community. Continued from PAGE B9 Park Ridqe Publk Ubrarç 20 S. a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Thursda)c1O a.m.-4 Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. (847) 825- p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Through 4433 W, Touhy, Lincolnwood, 3123. March March Zt "Kunterbunt Series," paint- Skokie PabIlo Ubrary 5215 Oakton St. SALE Your No cover un- (847) 673-7174., OUR SPRING PREVIEW , 7 p.m.: Chicago Zither Orchestra will ings by Hermke Timm. less noted otherwise. Mondays, 8 p.m: perform pieces from folk to classic. Des Plaines Pubik Ubrary, 1501 Through April 1: Artwork by students hterests. midnight: Bluegrass and loots ifiUSiC Apiil6, 2 p.m.: Early American string Ellinwood St. (847) 376-2787. from Nues North and Nues West high with the MudílappsJuesdays, 7-10 band Loose Change and Friends per- March: Oil paintings by schools. GOING ON NOW S Your pm.: Irish music session. March 30,8 forms Appalachian music. Des Plaines Art Guild member Rita p.m.: Andy White, April 6 and 20, 5-8 Pete Miller's, 1551 Sherman Ave., Klinko will be on display in the third AUDITIONS L p.m.: Eric Luqosch. AjxiI12 10 p.m. Local Source. Evanston. (847) 328-0399. floor magazine reading area. OPPORTUNITIES SPRING LOOKS Henhouse Prowlers. April 26, 10 p.m.: SAVE ON THE NEWEST No cover charge, no Emily Oaks Nature Centei 4650 Every week Pioneer Press Bluegrass Advocates. Brummel St., Skokie. (847) 674-1500. minimum. Showtimes: 8:30 p.m.-12:30 STAGE CeotreEast in the North Shore Center delivers coverage ot local am. Monday'Thursday; 9 p.m-I am. Un- ThrOuQhApriI29 "Nature's Palette" an for the Performing Arts, 9501 Skokie The King's Players, the St Mark Corn- news like no one else can. days and Saturdays. Mondays Joel Pa- exhibit by members of the Skokie Art Call (847) 486-9300 lo Blvd., Skokie. (847) 673-6300. www.cen- terson Trio. Tuesdays Ron Perrillo Trio. Guild. inunity Theater Group in partnership subscribe or viSll Marth 29, 8 p.m.: Maureen Irish American Heritage Center. 4626 with District 214 Community Education, OFF wwwoneer oca corn Wednesdays: Bobby Broom Trio. murs- NOW THROUGH MONDAYTAKE AN EXTRA 15% McGovern, $60. May17, 8 p.m The will hold auditions for "Children of days: Skinny Williams Trio. March 21-21 N. Knox Ave., Chicago. (F73) 282-7035. Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. SSO. Eden" from 1-5 p.m. April 26 and 7-9 Bobby Lewis R&B Band. March 28-29 Gallery hours are 1-4 p.m. Sundays and MERCHANDISE* WHEN YOU USE.YOUR chambers, 6881 N. Milwaukee Ave., p.m. April 28 at St Mark Lutheran Geof Bradfueld Quartet. during the week by appointment. SALE Miles. (847) 647-8282. www.thecham- Church, 200 S. Wille St Mount Rosemont Theatre, 5400 N. River Through April & "The Tradition Contin- Tuesdays and Wednes- Prospect. Auditions are open to cur- S Road. Rosemont. Tickets are available ues," a group show featuring three LORD & TAYLOR CREDITCARD days, 7-10:30 p.m.: Buddy Charles. pi- rent fifth grade through high school at or (312) 559- generations olantists, including pro- anist/singer. Thursdays 8:30 p.m.-mid- students. Be prepared to sing 16-32 1212: the ticket prices listed below do fessional artists, TAHC Celtic art class DON'THAVE A LORD & TAYLOR ACCOUNT? OPEN ONE INSTANTLY night.: Jazz Jam with John Bany, Char- students and IAHC Irish School chil- bars from any Broadway musical, and not include service fees. For more in- AND GET AN EXTRA 15% OFF YOUR FIRST DAY'S PURCHASES' S lie Braugham and Don Stille. Sunday dran, presenting traditional Celtic art bring sheet music. An accompanist will S formation about the theater, call (847) IN ADDItiON TO YOUR SPRING PREVIEW SAV1NGS. aIstcr Sunday Chaiupagiie Brunch at music is from 5-9 p.m Friday-Saturday in a mixed media show. Ed Cox of Park be provided. Wear gym shoes for the 671-5100. May13, 6:30 p.m Dream The- music is from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. March Zt dance routine that will be taught at the ater plus Opeth, Between the Buried Ridge is among artists whose work is RonnIe Ross Show. Mich 22 Route 66, featured. audition. Performance dates are July ONASTE ROS and Me, 3. $65, $45, $35. - RI".FC )RANíI & RANCJtTS S? Cover. March 23 [aster Brunch. 10 Lincolnwood Village Hall, 6900 N. Lin- 17-20 at Forest View Educational Center (773) 588 - 2515 3935 W. Dto', Avt AT CRA%Rfl/PUL.M Skoêde Theatre Music Foundation am-S p.m. Mch28: Tony Smith Show, coIn Ave. Lincolnwood. Gallery hours: 9 in Arlington Heights. For information, presents concerts in the Skokie The- S5 cover. March 29: Roy and the Orbitz, am-S p.m. Monday-Friday. Contact visit or call Scaiings fniii I 2:00pm to 6:(X)piii atre, 7924 Lincoln Ave. Skokie. Call $5 cover. March3O Arlene Bardell. Shirley Engelstein, fine arts coordina- (847) 255-0631, ext. 16. Ortkr EntrSaLEiur knn iBraJst.I wich.& Dinner Entw.ì (847) 6Th7761 or visit www.skokiethe- EthKaI Humanist Society Second Sat- tor, (847) 674-3806. Through March 3t North Shore Players seek actors and ENTREE Ir4CLUDES DESSERT, C0WEE, CHAMPAGNE & MIMOSAS: March 28-29e 8 p.m Joe Eg Viuriinn.St:islwity llintzc. lg ,Ç Iamb urday Coffeehouse, 7574 N. Lincoln (at "Ireland at a Glance," works by Philip singers for a new musical. Stage expe' Cantaflo & Friends. April 2. 1230 p.m Chd,cn Crpc \'na }loai Piimc Rib of BCd'F'zjtt.ita ,'.mriica;m Howard). Skokie. (841) 6Th3334. Groark. nience a plus. Performances in October. Lamajamal, performing and giving a AND MucH Mo AptiI2. 8 p.m. Niles PUbIUbrary, 6960 Oakton St., Call (847) 502-8916 for information. workshop on the sacred and profane D1flIflÇR(XIfl & G.TCfl Rcxiii mtl 'e cpen mtk Dual show with February Sky and Nues. (847) 663-6623. www.nilesli- The Open Door Ensemble invites music from the Middle East, North L Cooper & Nelson. $7. Through March 3t Hal Fas' those age 55 and overtojoin its group rino Mu fmm Ñcen Hckb Africa. Turkey, and Eastern Europe. Famous FreddWs Roadhouse. 1799 S. tenftarzan/Pnince Valiant exhibit. Hours ofarea seniors in creating, directing s19,95 , $29.95tKI,LS3 io 2 S4 ')S) pka:m&gmitui ApriI4, 8 p.m.: The Earl of Old Town Busse Road. Mount Prospect. (847) are 9 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays: noon-5 and producing one-act plays and Classic Folk Series," featuring The Earl, 593-2200. Shows start at 9 p.m. Fridays p.m. weekends. monologues. The ODE meets at the Chris Farrell, Kat Eggleston and Al Day. 4_4_ +1 and 10 p.m. Saturdays. M&th 2t 80's Northwest Community Hospital Well- Levy Senior Center, 300 Dodge Ave., April 10. 11:45 aMi. and 1:30 p.m. Proof. M&th 22: Mathines Gone Mad. ness Center, 900 W. Central Road, Ar- Evanston, regularly throughout the Maxwell Street Kleiner Band. April11. 8 Marth2& Charleston Sound Machines lington Heights. Through April 7: Pho- year. Playwriting and acting classes p.nt: Doug Loistrom and the New Quar- (rockfbluesop). M&th297th Heav- tography by Gale Jung Kuffel of Des taught by professional instructors also teL Agil 26 8 pin.: Bucky Halker's Trib- en. April 4: 4 Cast (rock). April 5 Dou- Plaines. For information, call the North- are available. Most of the staged read- ute to Woody Guthnie. Wednesday At- Banquets & Catering blewìde. Apijilt Hi Infudelity. west Cultural Council, (847) 956-7966. ings are performed in public libraries, tenioons at the Skolde Theatre - all for allur needs Hoqeye Fo'k Arts hosts concerts at Oakton Community College, Koehn- schools, community and senior cen- shows begin at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $5: Lake Street church ol Evanston. 607 line Museum of Art, 1600 E. Golf Road, ters, and retirement and nursing &esh Seafood Daifr $2 for Skokie and Niles Township sen- Lake St. (847) 4Th-6165. www.hoqeye- Des Plaines. (847) 635-2633. www.oak- homes at no charge. In addition, a I Casual .1 ¡'raosphere ion citizens. April 9 Gershwin Collec- foIkarts.or. All concerts start at 7:30 Through March28: more complete showcase of juried sLire EnterWin raen! tion. April 16: Aspìning Singer Series prn.: doors open at 7 p.m. $15: $13 for "Convergence: Jewish and African plays and monologues is presented an- - sDqliciojs Steaks & Chops (Angel Spiccia). April21 American senior citizens and children. April 5 Bill American Artists in Depression-Era nually. Call Norm Bowers, (TT3) 274' . (ipenfor Lunch & DinnerDailyCarry-outArailable Songbook. Staines. April Bob Bovee and Gail Chicago," featuring works by Charles 1981, or Calleen Keaveny, (847)272' Join Us For Our Easter Champagne Brunch Buffet Heil perform American traditional mu- White, Margaret Burroughs, Bernard 7148, sic May3Jamie O'Reilly. ART GALLERIES Goss, George Neal, Marion Perkins, ' On Sunday, March 23rd! Ìh Ñneric Heritage Center. 4626 Morris Topchevsky, Mitchell Siporin, So- MUSKW Block Moseum ofArt at Northwestern 1O:OOam-5:OOpm N. Knox Ave.. Chicag (T73) 282-7035. phie Wessel, Simon Gordon, Joyce Accompanistwted for a senior per- University. 40 Arts Circle Drive Il)inticr 'k'nuT FU) Entertainment at Gourfain and Todros Geiler. formance troupe sponsored by the Evanston. (847) 491-4000. www.block- Enjoy Ozwr8O &WO1)P FaZ'OTit& $2795 9 p_ni. Fridays and Saturdays in the Park Ridge PtfK Ub(ary. 20S. Skokie Park District Rehearsals are museurimorthwestentedu. Open 10 R1ningSl;ItioiLFhSeafood Fifth Province Lounqe. no cover. Marth Prospect Ave. (847) 825-3123 MarcIr held year-round Tuesday afternoons, Athilt ain-5 p.m. Tuesdays 10 a.m.-8 p.m. And HandCUed Prime Rib! zt F'inbarr Faqan's Band. March 22 Pat Youth Art Montk" Artwork created by some Thursdays, at the Oakton Corn' Wedoosday-Fñday noon-S p.m. Satur- DinerdBtsAialDesstis$11.95 Daly. Mth 28: Searnus O1(ane and students (rom public and private munity Center in Skokie, with off-site days and Sundays. Admission to the Coaplieata,y ,Viaess & Childin4-11 Jimmy Mooi'e. March 2 The Dooley schools throughout Park Ridge is feu- performances on varying days. Time Brottler A1xt Celti Dandng with Ce- museum is free: unless noted admis- S& Call Tcthy! Cozn$mxmx tured in the second-floor display case. off in January and July. Sight-reading Rrrtuo Sian to all programs is also free. Ib- oltoiri thkaço Apt 5 Dyed in the The works include pen-and-ink draw- a plus. Call (841) 9988894. cent-l.ed Toits, Z p.m. Saturdays and oI. Api Th Joe MCShane. April 2 ings, watercolors. embossing, collages, methchestra of Exp4oralion is cur- Sundays. Block Museum docents will Joe Cullen. Apre t Pat Oal Apil 19 fabric art, clay figurines and more. rently holding playerauditions for 6881 N.MiluuuAz.Mks IL lead free tours of the galleries that be- Athea. Apt - Donofìnn Apri 2& An- Prospect Heights PabIlo Ubrary. 12 N. strings, brass, woodwinds and percus- gin in the museum lobby. Reservations Saêon conceit series. held in the Elm St. (847) 259-3500. sian. Rehearsals are held from 7-8 p.m. are not necessary. DOcent{ed I'oi third floor theatre - M&thXç 7 p.m Through March: St. Aiphonsus Elemen- Tuesdays at the Skokie Theatre Music Tours. by appointment. The museum Ny Life is A Song. pi'esented by the tary School's artwork on display in Center, 7924 N, Lincoln Ave Skokie. The offers free docenHed tours to groups .Jaisìe OReillyTña S8 in advance: $20 honor of Youth Art Month, Aprik Mem- newly formed orchestra is dedicated to at the door. of eight or mote. The 45-minute to bers of Arlington Camera Club will p performing new and undiscovered mu- kafe Espesso B 1621 CNcao hour-long tours are available oath day present an exhibit oftheir best images. sic by contemporary composers. To I Ave.. Evanston. (847) 491-1621. Mondays, the museum is open. Scheduled tour More than 75 fIne art photographs will schedule an audition or to submit an &30-lO-30 pjn.: Open mic e'ent for requests should be made at least four be displayed. Artists' reception from 7- audition tape, visit www.orchestraofex- I eeks in advance. TlTOul April & musicians, poets, and liçht comedy 8 pin. April 9. ploratioaorç. sketches. Sign-up starts at B p.m. Imaging by Numbers A Historical Refuge Center for Artists in Recov- me American SynØonietta youth pesent Spinq View of the Computer Print presents a ery 4811 Main St, Skokie, (847) 673- orchestm is looking for new members. Slìutfle. a mix of classicaL pog R&B history of digital tethnoiogy in print- 3737. Through March The orchestra provides outstanding çospe and niusic of film and staçe. at making aoci dra-AuN from the 1950s to 28: Love S Hate," featuring works by repertoire and performances through s p.m. April 18 at Nichols Concert HaIL thepresenLrsnqtrorneerlyexpeç1- s Ambrial Joe Bodreau, Julie Calfey, numerous concerts nationally and The MUSiC histitute of chicaço. 49O ments with computer codes to inven- John Calderon, Pate Conaway, Michael abroad. Rehearsals are held in Mount ch;caço Ae Evanston. licAets S30 tn-e uses of 21st century tedunoloçies. s s s lrnlay, Romano Mascliietto, Edward Prospect. Call (773) 960-6385 for more associate fordetails. 'Offer ends Monday, Marth 24thaid excludes: BRAND NAMES: PJI BCBG/ $20 for seni«s end students $10 for flroi4 Arü & 'Space, Color and Mo- credit approval, some exclusions apply. See your sales outere&, s Pino, Chnstopher Sasser and Leslie details and to schedule an audition. Shop onliu'e at 'Sublect to normal Andrew Mmc outerwear, Diesel, G-Star, Hugo Boss, IndigoPalms, Island Soft, Joe's Jeans, Lacoste, Mmc New chilen under 2 Call (847) 382-5055 tion:ttAIsoo-f Gallery. The exhibit Juicy Couture, Turni and Pajus: men's merchandise from restaurants, alteratons & gift cards. Cannot be Swieck, The exhibit includes paintings, me chicago Celtic Pipe Banct a 10- BCBGMaXAZña, beauty accessories; all Fine Jewelry; Beauty Salon, or vts.'ts nJa.esidesir« presents tune-based wodI,s by four Nat Nast, Seven For ,AJI Manlnd, Ted Baler andTommy Bahama. DEPARTMENTS: Cosmetcs, fmgrances, Spring Riew Sale ends sculpture. mixed media and collage, year-old band featuring bagpipes and prior punchases. Bonus'sa'vings % applied to roduced prices.Not valid ori telephone or internet orders, or at Levfttown. NOEtheastefu . 5503 autists - computer-generated arma- combined with Savings Passes or Coupons. Not valid on Selected collectons: not every style in every store. Our rogular andoriginal prices are ceramic, paper art. sewing and per' drums, seeks drummers foi member and ,egular prices. No adjustments to prior sale purchases. A Monday, Mouth 24th, except as noted. Savings offorigin ísit our website s.4 N. St Louis Ae lhicaço (713) 442- lions by Matufrsd Mohr, James Pater- formance art. Mvertsed merchandise may be available at se prices inupcoming sale events. For the trnl &Taor location nearest you, .011 ship in the band, The band rehearses offering prices only and may or may not have umsuted n ses. 5 483& Freedcenances the NEIU son and CE.5. Reas and a computer- Skolde Art Guild artists showing s s L 54.'ditOñt!cn. tSS rk)ted othernise. Ca-hen ss-i tracing inst&Iation by paintings and media through April30 or caf 1-800-223-7440. M'th271'.3Op.m: EIU Jazz Lsu ueenPçre Hébert include Joanne B. Farber at the Devon- go., PAGE BiZ B12 TharsIan March20 TOOl MO'JES ART SPEAIR5 MOVIES MUSIC ' ART CLUBS iharsdar, Perol 05 lOOP B13 elegies JsIros're teptomderlsjuoe.Cali Opes Is sl0001fo in omodoss IC isnao s. go. h)orrsonl4aisdyoroairrdos male Cbasklnslehi 101014w1(r4iuraell rudeptiotnnllioh Prices aretlool s sgo rs to s 'is n sa r'ps rs sto rei lsnsersCllIOlbtI-OOIL 005lsl (ml pi001 0Th br 55550d, tOOor FROM THE EMMY AND TONY AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR OFM*A*5*H & TOOTSIE, Continued from PAGE BIo strllch They ralearas alo un. Tiare' smmrsrmaysrrls.sls. thrrd'srdtoslnrfonorablomenb En laya in she Park OdIe (1W ile liNs- PsdhliaraHeerroWeern, autode Wbnnloo cOlrleu 0111 dodnplayodor pondnot memoir o tarlobsyop oyons, the P000h Msoaumo srowmyloas D THE CREATOR OF TV'S DIRTY 5E MONEY liant-9 bnruTaeadeyralthrJaanph ges loes end ConseiL Aon000, sep- Amy Bloom r hssn050nlpm.Tharndaysesul in Chinapos PolsI consolaI so Day lelo Crrinr 4009 eusark Werrh%so Obi trmsnrJaye, e000590msnoaoors Mqunt'ie,'s LsololrblodWrlmetbnsss, Iuoaday March 05630 purr areonbssmrr gerdrsa siepi pnrdar Isorllnosias reinos orratoadosuis parede500ail3 PwlmydOadlrno u vlmebth Ito incas meisomos naonn HOI? 1h. Is r imlsbcaEno n cd maies orrapariarro.frnelaaasnr ans canora Call 10071 mt'OOfO ablO4Tl so i 55000% sos snnlsoiss,enyb055islmankal 1113) 304 OtrC oat, 104, rEdor bessons ora pros und Es! iriso roliob5'5OJOwstole Sb's Aeth0000daeeftera er0000g5lisr i matror sali Jn[rrrsbt 11151 Oli- Chisaia SucedaN Otee Cial moie ohs ro Hssor'a mawr cal Ouooy ,r.year- sosmrsrthshnroher050iserosrg or 1003 ran nn neun eso er cosed strInrsnEs fNebalhannaa OnOrlslCrsllsoa. std War Laib ssnrrosls saur Vort alsr saibOIOlOOV'npitberirfnrmatisr Dra PlAnee Park Diatriat Coeearil4 onloyoerlotlrr'rgboar-pnftshsraima- 500luro a)udodshunl000pmseotca saM carola o-ama rpo5orrr Vpsmreaurrrg Oerlbneat Cloni Society lo lolduOg Cassent Bend is sa eklsç neo mee gens orn. T5sutsiaoouailyparfonosa fmsnlam-Vpw,hpapTDsotIo Orarher daugruror er dry God se, Uhren sodib ovunr Tncodayereniogs, grssrds eiWoC5nsPamk Fmsspestaod Opekrrpsaseiiabhr etha halo sboi C hd sI mas ssn snrt op VrO n laso osi Isnsupf May01 elimwarua iulbelae Vine, Park 009h for irbommatisi Oca par Vu loueraI auosmrhe lassoer nadir!, tenor eassphere. ano navy samner OnOOiOh roll Clursl,Oslinntr 0000lairmhteeh- the Onemiose 0500t9ofSttiobs 55otup*wthmVflard baltico e sasop(of r, prendr f oro asennn Thersisea000dts005l 10411 ins boss, bosh olla 0155 odors singers Sb ra. hsth a daaor loto of srrrrrysrarro asO trampal restore ara Sala seunrord Swedish hnrsage.Thenreapynhoarses OOi'4T4O,sroisllwmuesnatcansor1 ntyslsrtlstiorg laina-sa s are 130-630 pd liare' lrswl'Opbo Walrlrendaybsoptonber olys ooiooa slsbai eapermnose.To tirOuohiore,at ùinetasbers, dIGO sshedoieal cud liOn sal Jasa Peler' The too Phoinoe Met lahM is seeM,rg recebO rroosrrg acorO or rOLO sod arrIMai deyn alOsna Shepherd Latieras Tauhron.,Olhoroue WIlegn Ibnyors sun 18011400-0140, orssl ertiols Icr Ihn 05th Od an 1h0 Pissa Cisrub ill? Ilsoard TI., Das Pisces u Oomrrar pOyrfloOrarsp,o- ibsen s alas lbs suaI be nps is st olden Pbsupnobre mv e. n O u rs la os dnlyu ro, FSlt Is be heIdlOam, Sp.v Jannl-N CalllOsTlO9f-tTll adorer u! blm ruassool rook AusOna o-siso ThoOnhSo,nCamoa504daiisge4 For on OppScol os, cell bO(Jmnll-amnJ opiarresroroertbard.sry. meshsososyabberd abepeamolard arrange ar audit 55m bI lie muds A- Cappnl sClsrus Is isOOIfls tsr lisse or doneicod al htlp'f/usoon dpar, MaantPreapeolCoemankyeand oro rester, SInon erri,, For iriornan so Ois srjoy aing'ls SII srmilheotnu- ddiato ars aoaqht fob the Thnhie seeks nm menses. Osleareais ere 511 call mallet 53100uoo 111310db aSso pOhisnse soaso tord Chorus mnets Ca 1104710 arIsai Ors FAG Is 05 OnId Iront 630-5 p.m Mondana in lesi leo rom 15 p s. eedcendaye at bile Den Joli 013 OSIOnS rs at 5 ho 0000n SI, Coming aap he April 400is505m 420W.Onrrpolarsl tsaPiaineoHarnnrneirenrreinone sIrs Ors lo min thon trod V It-Ills a m. Plairos050rpOs,f000E101t505dColl leçeblenr,dayftoweOko4b fsmoo Palalth601dnrone RESCHEDULED! Puss! Praspesl. Onyore miti fish maca da yo at Casa Shepserd Liar ON M 22001 Mdsnssrl, 10011 005-1901. app balboa, n-mAl Ok5Mieayt4asioss cobol nr solieSe lack oopnnrneuemer (omerI and Lee sbrnnbn dna FIa r PaaliindbiadChnrintesa, asnnsnrl ab soli ISOlI OTt 8103 is's. Musir asd prrr050ion esa pserl 5. Neauditlsnroedns Cs lHlbnnnaForl- oh idron's sIMm ist agoall'rd 01800 Otneonueh Ceder, 141 Vine Ase prosrded Ca 115411 (42-1000 Pa mM Ridge, io 000e pIng sanmi050ns Wsrrrorr'aClkboroursnaoul roso Ctrrragoasa,, Ohoeortiolraracoaeberoralaajra er, 14411 (55 055W nro oidor, pbsmnlns mUSCo illmrasr Muarrororr 151 oais coN bitloni TO Naso norh an [sarotse-reredranproflnargae,sa The Hennweeoea 'rosiie verso Ube paf 10f mu 540111m rsperttira mlbta logs son, PObrerO Coldarurro rotks aboul Ve, he Ion rObs am loom broc (30830 lore abortstry,nrdsblnrsaoonsed soca blogrpny aersoeo Ir M loir, foe opeolopo io ali aIring ero- dderogeabvitlfeiotsmmpa eblnr pm nedeaadeynattC(Oyl Inavy nIob Im program amos roisdasir' cf Oldest OtatlOt tOo typo 5f esOdo' iena, ka aadilise is rnsa000ry bator- Son. 010kb Audi Ono nstr puir no sbyasfuoronsaitmn ring/buir gao lIns PIO posed, a 0lire shnnl sI (10 oheslrainsperiersere preterred The Cal 15411 001-tOSS abOno dillallilcoslpmirin,wilhraor esco oa'leasbs1efld irereink sr' and OrCO nia550lh O br leI oc difor wilN lrialnHeVtoçesingarareysarseaf Isle SI merk, nroo of 50% neiman ches Ira Risos rosdarnorb saisie g bhcmaosaldibosn050aohjiodblod 's lhtOpn.Tharodaynslbheirs( Omeri' dalrslcsnmp(slismsa Ikoume sr usi- ssasfr040005iopusers areetadsnls rn1airsdpr'nrloadn'IasinhCai (OSTi tisaluw s lent on a diet's e latos stsorlfwsolern Vr sereityslshsoia ons VSr?aon Cnrber 4(000 Anos Ose. 401-0000 ay e-muri so Csinaimlhnn'irsoms srlsmiand coll'addressnOslampndonsolop Muslo. Rousornala are told rom 0.00- IslnlpishsrslnrborOlormrlsrmnlisn I nisraiçrssp porIsrm'n1 in hoi Il' lolp.m taeadayarn Enlever curl rnlmmvpinhodsfernu-g. nldls/printorebumrrcdawtodes (merlonnnraditins Cal Mary Crimos Iurnngr sod 005 nsn'fofsrdaile sui, rrhesrosl rues sto ron kil sr Chapel O ko h me Conne mt C Noir has open rs u 11101 200-100G Miss 'on Io o modo poloNio Io btolto s on Ile uonrplro el Wursyroolern Vor lera 15500 petto napndaliybensn, eels's6 cali aeyTreuer.ins1li- Psilitsospnnionc(Os005eamnsat baoibonen and bossao l005arsoloale Aol Ceolen Srbmlsdafs 811100 mOld lp.U.lasadayaatunrylnas PerO (053 0-9p.m Mondays Ir Old Orshord Joe'or snlrlrcn 000dhygallOb4/50400ln 2208 - H lIning Path rrad3r'sags Senior COli loll 000-001f, Certi lahasban Synpesy asinI boo nISICSSlOvoOtsn000,skekio INno sidsaonognt500dnidnrarn ersour' O raub as st Pon Arden iaesucrmaeity abers oudilinno prist a'rp 0900PlI' dnse(nnread 0lAçe Mol, (000 IiI- stedtsisin tin laar parI misad oho- 0650 OaFish Coil 15471 014060 sels Sow, 000ku artisto fo 055011 110mm saio ricer sr011sonra pedsrn ing sal nl 05,ehishsirgs4550inrysl3ruadvry norlilat Shim ry ErbgOlste'in,Snnabls lheiO40nssliturlano uakrpnfest 65000 Praepesl C000ali(p Cherna paIllote, sorrod blasnaoao old holder usOrdlual005slw4lbkl4'oeQ( The syn0051y asado lu Oil anacos in oli nnnlasinsonhoaadnisno sr 050m'- annoi Far irl500asalu Sali 10dm Ohua alrinysjrsnbomraned ba000aoslar orse Inggi rad, INS 5550ua Wnnls Imsy 11131 101400W HI5GELUSIE0OIS the 2201-c Secasen Cao Ordrys 18411 I.bO'POOpn.Tbumdayaattynpoont to Mab abba ian Mani0 slab in GkaMaNmtleOane505islannPaMia 14k-0410, nr oars Noel man 10411 huspest Pa ri 01okt01 5es Floh 400 W. s000ngsineels al hose rye piar neekin405lsnlcnbsta asdnttlnmsn' 544r55hW Onwpstelsd akaiebo ur aIr et assi Pay nalsa la are prnh( snOs 50110e OlIN Ils dolant PbS' HOol200eetSpnoSoyyOrafneba Pool lrosl-iops. Tborsteyeiolyeoetota.- ABTlsos Imam allo 00005tioral prsprams work- (ernnJsaain5irnslsy,aee4earip Va at Oaktao snman'5y mingo 000 ing 01hoIs drnln 'Im 51555184m, and od' pleyare,Rnhearsala ornrram 0311-bo Meant Osooposi One Nono FadhOla W Volt OanC len Pio-no. Coli Enti En- pus, Mabayn is Meine Crol Hulk I' a VoI aV last ionI ta On held Jane 0, la srinistrosisssurklratnlmgsesulsfs s Gi54Tl010'0710, are 'eInmal und inistmsisn, No Sshsni 150 5. Weit peal, Dra PlabneL sachiag Me a Vieti united nocher o? ea84eeeneneasintanboiOhls bosueind1e of arr meqAmd The tksh e Coil Jaso Gardon tali rae-Toll a roots in resi ca 55crV, Fa r( 005515 looMno lof saIlors vio enjoy loor' kallhshore Sos plaIs Perk is boated Ue laMias Jam land ia aenkins non mool seso lIre0 aNdes or If se ph0 las padshora Mng't5 Thrgnnapper- srthnnodhshennnh 0111e my saco ensiere. Osoisrere bllerwstad in Juin' ottesnsleuyitsbe/arlcd Clsarlyia- lnrns sr roo ghoat Ire yost donino p1050 sepemlieg Iba ulloa 510ishlo ing tIre la rd saat hase 05mo peculado Ini cosi nirdo or photo wilN mnd 'o NnrwegiacnsdpneVsannnn1n and aso Ecasslor Shnmselng Ihn largo' Inflaming eeper'nesaaeneoyaad- Seid sIdos sr phnlos s IN nNe cotry smsrd retese fermai oisnns coon onalo mork sI mole Ihen TO e rIots l'snbyeppalstnantpaeisoi ion pre- lors, tee cl SIG arI eeft-000louse( 01010 The sleren eins 84oin54les in Nro u Cinas tos mInos nI VOOrb000 sided and sladante also may prnpa re obemrpao cesabAs 15m ref orn Ol suden aS 'annaai"tanyedeat,rrnhismiahnia pads the 055lplu me pollI ssmbines nat- thsirsmupieoo,CeilCoroypoisoek orphatoisppi salions orn osai allo at O dpltsrees i000bioos wroend Ihn osso- door mauboetiow 51511 lOa 005lnelis amo i$4f1535'bOsT,nrensao mnmreosntprsopeot otg opplioaliso tri Ref nabsn io aro vn la tram c'bok n Iced 'Inn io spslasek0naklnrueda, atl, Tacedayr atINo latonias (luso inif' POtas Caeatrlaim Goy erl csslnnt gw, PAGE 814

Pioneer Press Maid Doings suabscobersare plearning summervacagons right now? NoaptyW (os 80 readesn tmmka doroonmU aebat(sors (vn Oho (aso Wear 55% 100ko dOsnesthp ssacation adtrip rIs lise (aratyear 4Ñs lUlomkafØra(gmrocosjea84'p(,5thelest3r,,s www. pioneerlocalcorn Now Is line Mme lo prOmote your tremolpackugee to those modern by advenulnlng in 04week iNsumo adeentislng feature publishIng AprIl 2-3 through Apfll 16-17 r- flIht1tIIiIh10 847/673-6300- - MorsOn r For inforermoon about special discounted tir' - PIONEP TElE GRILL advealising rates please call (847) 4go-7300 I.! Ii ' opps'ad 00 peou(mousiM pueshasoM 515100m, OP0000allahlR by pisos 01 walk-up. LicolS 4 porcCoSOsmcr PIONEER PRESS :I:t %sdsleofnoamalaadnn u,ayoeetbeoonnbhsoed aslon uMore dksmwasesns 0, B14 meraday. March 20. 0028 MOVIES Ttsl0000MO101Zl,Zbih B15 MUC ART CLUBS FESTIVALS MOVWS - MUSIC ART CLUT-t FiIVÄLS SPEAKERS

(trkflmes hoot-tell ng aothsr,w II loucheraI 00010e Commonly Coi nn sIsal Isst il/s Pecdem,c0500 Gar gatO. altere Aamosdist amts Seo crail aknitl/5001055 fomogesltoeloIdsr i-IC 1er totS. EOm,ltocce hf me/loar Rldgo.AptllZ,1p4: CslrOOlf Sosti read reos and sigo sopleS 51 bps ose 'pod mo [ce/cgo ronJ,ioorysy reror do/Ir SIred dArliThi pm 300k PIs- Otrnl5005nJatlinedaomSo O ansas, Sle-moak O tOO rams a rs son- go. lr00002'iptoFlidati autrCoiuieOliii(-O(Slnst 3155,10 yoOtoltOtO FF511 an. IOSWSO porp RoSari Creorrer Olee, 6054 Frist Fa:rj SlId FclhtalOs 010ko, the carions Clot (tAniseS Poet aedosh050theylslkeadltoeflap- dosladltomslfl'tiorn.loesaanosrd 445(511 MaSsas, el Ihn Anrerioce On- eshedui005 nudOns.Jonedsiy9 PiOk-StOlgeiC55000yaiOuOhnrtlr' CorstOrosed [corn PAGE 612 OSI discuss and siga caoba or Ois now WOE 500(0 od 000150 le, enti o rara prasarlalboS aso toss h000eIt SOI pedana at 0030 a,no Wedeoedaytt5lperdiiooyrfl do dian,SOilCarlrO101.000nStSho/(lOtl and Jotg S-AS51 5: Psblomcdao Arlo nesleom OrioalOitnSO(ltnsnn/nOO- hook ii50000o 000rtolller. atorrO Ytr 100 440e MoMo (0esoy, dt O s on casi ss st (balaieslshtarsis po- ftpelh9olthormcloskorsalrmt& omens 00m roars (llar ase oh/ID «n (tI-libo norooiloheiimssese org Coamp. 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Coming Soon to your Local Pioneer Press &Doings Newspapers Saemple Asir Our NEW Weekly Feature

_i lovePioi3eer . Celebrate! Pets Announce Your Special Family Events: dtSY - Bngagements Anniversaries & Weddings - It's a Boy! Birthdays Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Jack Caldwefl Bucciarelli PIeNEERI°itItSs January 7. 2008 9:15 p.m. 9 pounds, 13 ounces 22 inches Classi le Graduations (1)Sweet Sixteens Jack was welcomed with lots of loveby two overjoyed parents. His grandparentsGisela & Peter Bucciarelli and Gail & MikeHilgart, are EACH ANNOUNCEMENT $50 doling over their new grandson. Fromaround Birth Announcements (per one hswspoapoer) Chicago and across the country, Jack'stamily is BACIO ADDITIONAL PAPER $10 looking forward to getting to knowhim. His Six Asoaoosomsrrrpsesao per Pooge parents would like to thank the stattat Evanston Masrth 19,t(rnousgls05oPb Hospilal tor all the cere and supportthey Starrtddsooscrimg MYTHIC sOooy Orda,o nf Ososo So- sonora Overas ereilt eoocaima o I°REE po-isnt oositoabtefor fnroeeai,cgf provided Jack and hisparents. CREATURES Formorehoetoernatioe contact Liz Maier at 847-486-7230 or [email protected] Congratulations to his lovingparents ' C EUle & John Bucciaratti 000d SioOOiral8fttfe !3lonndoSAWn gj130 MyIhSDnIlr0t: 515291/0, 1/liCtOres O Malitai0,noIrO thnz ot(_ 01.16 loP N'CO ril i iaoh . toolIll-P Aattaaat Dimeoseocons of ad 3.2's e.4 ; Thursday, March 20, 2008 015 B14 Thursday. March 20. 2008 SPEAKERS MOVIES MUSiC ART CLUBS FE ST VA LS SPE1UERS MOVIES MJSC. ART. ' . CLUBS; FESTNALS

York Times best-selling author. will teacher at Oakton Community College. offers Mom and Tot arts and craft Ridge.AprillZ, 3 p.m.: Extrasby Scott latest book. The Penderwicks on Gar- go,S8. a knitting class for ages io and older 7-12. Fee: $675. Admittance by audition read (rom and sign copies of his new April 13 Looking forJimmyby Peter classes. Six-week programs are con- IJO. darn Street, April 15, 7 p.m;Jack Pre- thdreuis musicianJustia Roberts from 3:30-5 p.m. Fridays. only. Call (847) 679-9501, ext. 3305, to Westerfeld. thriller. April 5. 2 p.m: Robert Creamer Irish ducted from 9.30-l1 a.m. Tuesdays and Pick-Staiger Concert Hall at North- Quinn. Mayt FairyandFo!kta1es lutsky, the nations lirst Childrens Poet and his band. the Not Ready for Nap- Mitchell Museum ofthe American In- schedule an audition. June 16-July 11 will discuss and sign copies of his new W.B. Yeats, ed. Wednesdays. SSO perchild with dis- western University, 50 Arts Circle Ori- Continued from PACE B12 Laureate, will offer a presentation and time Players, will perform at 10J0 ein. dian, 3001 Central St., Evanston. (847) andjulyl5-Aug.8: Performing Arts boojç Ustenlo YourMoTher Slandlip P3kRIÖQCPIÍJIICIIWaIy. 20 S. Apdil9at the PickwickTheatre. 55. counts for more than one child; join ve, Evanston. Information: (847) 491- sign copies of his latest children's po- 475-1030. Camp. Students in grades 3-6 will train Straight'Ajird21. 730 p.m: Martha Prospect Ave. Park Ridge. (841) 825- etry book, MyoogMayßeacenius. Prospect Ave.. Park Ridge. in a concert with a friend and receive 525 off; Sia with professional artists in acting, im- 5441; tickets: (847) 467-4000. nejIecIva of tine art The Suggested donation is 55 adults; $2.50 e1*ymeM Beck. columnist roro: The Oprah Mega- 3123. www.parkridgelibcaryorq. per child for walk-ins. (847) 297-3330. Kids Fare series, ch April23, 7 pm: [rin Hunter, auttrorol tohenefit PACES. asupport organiza- senior citizens, students nod children. provisatiori and musical theatre and sculpture parkis rijo ty a volunteer zine. will discuss and sign copies ol her featuring hour-long concerts for chil- 2410 ant Discussion of The Omni- the young adult fantasy series. War- tion for parents of young obikireul. Nu- JatharidUie8earistaIi presented Maximum suggested admission per choose from electives such as on-cam- boanto(tnisteesd is hEded new book. SteeíinqbyStantçhLFind voi-e'sDiIenypa,A Natural Historyof riors. will discuss and sign copies of sidans from %Wmder Studios will pro- byChicago Kids Company April 24-July era skills, costume and set design, dren ages 3 to 8 and their families. All thuì 3IÌUprivated copornte family is $10. lOds Craft Mornings are YorRightLife. NoMatter llhaL' FourMealsby Michael Pallan.1r9, her latest book in the Waniocs Power vide pro-show eI4ertaÌEieIiL Re- 11 in the Stahl Familylheaterat the St. Kids Fare concerts begin atlO:30 am. cntibUhomjorithEnion call offered from 10:30 am-noon on select- make-up, playwriting and more. Stu- C4eEipress, 615 Denipster SL, 1O pin. GrapIlk What? Explaining o! Three Series:Outcast A1d26. 2 served tickets are $20 eadgeneuai Patrick Performing Arts Center 5900 W. dents in grades T-9 will get hands-on Tickets: $5; $4 for senior citizens; $3 (847)619-4265 oi-visit wwwsculp- ed Saturdays. Museum staffers and Evaristoth2 Ruth Gedngll Graphic Novels to AdeRS" presented p.m.: Patrick Carman. authorof the aiknissionliduetsare STkkets are Belmont Ave.. thicage. Performances for students. April 26: "Brass Attackl" volunteers lead informal workshops experience in writing texts, choreogra- speaiiarid read from her book. YelIow by graphic novel authmjartist Josh El- avarlable a(Wimder Studios,3S. atlOE3O ain weekdays arid1230 pm Ryan Nelson will lead the Illinois Brass Land of Elyon series, will read from arid where children learn to construct sim- phy, vocal work, improvising, doing DooCaswe1fas other works. The pies- deIU.2 mFourariffiorswho e. selectsahinlays. COunøete schedule Baird in a performance of melodies, sign copies of Ath&on*RÎw,sof P__ Reok pie versions of traditional Native sketch comedy and more. Sessions in- entalionbeginsatipiit,with an open baveHvedinorwrit1enaijootp marches and tunes. eriieatwwwjiacesmomsccin1tick- atwwwUEagolDdsCompany.coin. American objects and engage in other dude workshops with guest artists, nie lorallages starting at?:45 pm. Ridge will presenItheirbOCIis, inchid- Skokie Park District offers an indoor Ceerfer Wet De4oineit 8201 etsjÙolorwwwwundersbóo&coi rickets $10. Call (713) 205-9600. hands-on activities related to native trips to see plays, backstage tours and w e1ertn DP1Pil&Ibary.15OJ playground for children, the Explorito- . ing Nonna Wonoski. MIJSLkv?DECe N. Karloy, SkOkJe. Kindermuslk classes uwbyte4e a((84fl3Mß58I. kcNakkd*euI aoo taiziot atthe AIIT culture. Admission is included with an more. Cost is $835 for one session; dy-wide Moths- Ehiwood SLW4?) 376r2181. and A $liIoiYsOa,ctThomas Keevers, rium, at the Oakton Community Center, offered areViulage (0-17 months) 0w DmikLkay.m mv& Gleuìview (84?) 832-6600. entrance donation to the museum. $1,620 for two sessions or two siblings b&aeI ee*pJ1Lth3m mcJlJlorg. Advance registration re- ElW1MJodSt Des Naes.W41)82 4701 Oakton St., Skokie. lt provides - MISkAaOgSMe Wat( IIMtfteIIna Thije (1 b-3 sPars): Imagine ThaW-S ohkemmuseuñuirg. The Kids Craft Workshops are recommend- in one session. Registration is In Lmoh tongreqioa in? - toractivities unless noted 0th- Knonsarid The UIaiISaWBat Cheryl years): and Young Child (5-lyears). For 555tq.Restrahon re- musetin is open during the school both physical and educational play in HCifoid(Toiihy). [iccàiwoot ed for children ages 5 and up, but progress. eiisaApift1O am: Discussion of Haqedorn Park Ridçpec A SeiiitvTenter - art, science and imagination-building, information. contad Pat Ilekiemari- Iorprograrnsuiilessnotedntti- yearfroin 9:30a.nt-nr,on Maodays there is no minimum age requirement. Park Ridge Public Library, 20 S. 4, FerîlEnio,L f84?) 6fl38O MthbyGerakitne l3rooks*1L MIITkIandJack Fre&ickso A Safe computer lab, children's performances Vernon at (841) 619-5121 Or erwise Narthf4 pJn Drop-In 9-.30 ain.-5 pin. Tuesday-Sahurday Participants must be accompanied by Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. (847) 825 raiÇ w presea con- TJßpin.JoelSawyecidll leada dis- with costumes, water play and more. cefq?UerZ(1Oain' - naiL Naterialsare prodet noon-S p.m.Simdays. From t4ayto Sep- an adult. No pre-registratlon is neces- 3123. March YNiLlsIadbanhipOp- cussEd O(FEkMwV*IJYM&ha Berlins- Hours are 9 ara-6 p.m. Mondays, Discussiono( EXfr7MPLOdÑi- centre[ag in the North5bore Center Ali3.4pm. Stodes&More. stouia temberhours are9:30 ain.-Spm. Mon- serf. March 22 Dreamcatchers. April 12 24, 3:30-5 p.m.: Dance Dance Revolw nk3pnd)3[Ha- ki ciedthfrcsebyJooathanFoer.y Wednesdays, Fridays and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. buhe Performing Arts, 9501 Skolde ciafis arid related aCtiviheS for diE dneon-S pin. Sundays. Shields. April 26: Coup sticks (decorat- tian for all ages. Aprili, 4 p.m.: "Grow a A Ujoont øie Ides Jewh kAinrari HeIIIaQeCIdeIIJ- 57 p.m.Graphic Novel Bocittalk. P&- Saturdays. Regular admission is $4-$5, Blvd.. Skohie. (841) 613-63OOEwww.cen- &euiages5-tAptUL4pin:StorvEx- Special membersimty early arknit- ed sticks carried while performing tra- Poe-Tree," for grades 3-6, in celebra- Caneqation4StXW Der,; Skek- try.4626t& Knox Ava. chicago. (113) dependn on residency status; and $1- eiís andteadiers are iwited to a dis- treeastorg. Api5. i pm. and3 pin. plerers. fordikken m 'ades 3-5. ApI tance hem 9-9-.Boain. Monday-Sahir- ditional Native dances). Mayift Sand- tian of National Poetry month. April 2, Proethbenefit1be AiksSamofl ?O3wwwirisharnhccont hours: cussion o(aphk noveisto use hi the $2 For.adults and children under 2. Call Theatreworks USA presents 'Max& fl2-3 pinÑnedcan E4eProdiic- da Admission $Th $650 for senior painting. May 24: Fingerweaving. 16, 3:30-5 p.m.: Dance Dance Revolution LevReden ICI bomeess Jeuish 4-SpilL Monday-Thursda%Ç1-4pJn. Fil- (847) 674-1500, ext. 2700. classwernorat home OEDIl Ed con- Ruby, based on theseries of stones tionswill performihe muskel. Wne citizens; free forchiidren uridert Miles Public Library, 6960 Oakton St. for grades 4 and up. April 9, 3:45 p.m.: ivlMdus Ed IñesS5 PCI person days arid Sundays; 9 a.m-3 pm. Sabir- Wunder Studios Perfoiming Arts Con- tinoingeducation credit are available. by RosemaryWells and the popular the Puoh From the Pagetothe Staqe _.J fliMay12: Adventures with Clif- (841) 663-6623. Wacky Wednesday, for children in L &Ihedoj:C(847)615-4We- days The Illxaryhouses books that servatory offers group musical the- ,wf ' cartoon forpresthoolers. Recommend- No registration requiedAiirI 7 ford the Big Red 00g" exhibit 'Babytime" offers stories, songs and kindergarten-grade 1. April 9, 5:30 p.m.: maaoLn dealwith every aspect of Irish and atre, guitar and drum classes for chil- cHILD'S PLAY ed for audiences age 3 and up$30. pin: Pi Sterytime. for chltlien ages 3- kolMe Kid. 8 BWest Devon Ave. play for children up to 2 years of age "Graphic Novels: The Good, the Bad, ne Park Ridge CivOi- -r*r: Irish-American life. Patrons may access Meet and Greetswith Max will take 6. Ald261 pin; RicIty Recycle Show Park Ridge offers a variety of art and the Fun." Graphic novel tren 5 and older, as well as private mu- chestras seveh gala. will be at ii am. Mondays. R. reterence books, histo literature. Bairies&NoIiie:Village Crossing. place from 5:45-6:l5pm. ch at NoonreretApiI4 classes such as hand sculpting in ce- Northlightmeatre Academy, at the author/artist Josh Elder will demon- sic lessons for all instruments. There he;d at &O pin. 1M2 atibe Parli novels, plays poetry and the An T- 5405 WTOU1Iy Ave. S1iokie (847) 329- are also Musikgarten classes that build the Skokie Public Ubrary9-30-ein. p.m.: Drop-In recycrmg craft activity tainic clay and polymer da North Shore Center for the Performing strate how a gräphic novel is made and RkJe COIJdIyOIt.636 PL Prospect Athairtiani Mad;abhann collectionot 846O Preschool StoryTrme with Fun music and movement skills for infants, and 104511:15 am. Marth2bat the No regishation required. drawing/painting. cartooning and pa- Arts, 9501 Skokie Blvd., Skokie. (847) help children in grades Z-5 create one. AveThe evecing Mickides cocktails, Irish language bookOtheí media in- crattsfrom XI-10-31 am. Wednesdays. toddlers and preschoolers. All classes Park Ridge Libraryl3O-2 pin. ch wïi per maché, for students K-eighth grade 679-9501. www.northlight.Org. March April11. 4 p.m.: Meet an American Girl, dinne ar1le. silentauction arid dudes Irish and IIiSSÌ-AJTIerICan period- n&Idile 5504d Orchard Ceo- are in the Pickwick Building in Uptown 27 at the Kohl ChildreWs Musetm- and be presented by Chicago Kids Campa- andyoung adult 'Aitsy" birthday par- 29-May 23: Spring classes, including for grades 2-5. April14, 10:15 a,m.: daricin tothemusicoflhe Joe Vito (als and newspapers, lDs DVDs, tei; Skolde.(84?) 676-2230. AprÍV. Park Ridge, 3 S. Prospect Ave. Visit 12:30-i p.m. March28 at the Nibs Public nyTheatre1oi chul&eui atlOE3O am. ties and Scooting events also available. acting, improvisation technique and Musikgarten by Wunder Studios, for Orthesfr& SUS perpersoft Cai (847) videos, cassettes and phonographic al- 11:30 am.Le1's Re Frieoth Sterytime: or call (847) Library. th24-fl attheSt PatrkkPertonn-- Call (847) 692-3744 performance for grades 3-12. Acting: children 18 months-3 years with adult. . Ls . 69N72 . 685-2030. bijas. Nermnernbersare welcome but An Autism Awareness Event heldin Caute Fast'sYoutheafre. in the North ingArts Conte,; 5960W Beknont Ave. April 17, 4 p.m.: Brickton Art Center . &&. [licoInlerraneArts Studio and From the Basics to Beyond, grades 3-6 L . q.. 0(11V members may check out items. A recognition ut Autism Awaceness Shore Center for the Performing Arts, chicaqo.The show runs lar une hour classes for grades 2-5. April19, 10 am.- The VAllI Club (Youth Arts/Dance In- L - Geiy. SO2lWarren SL Skokie, offers and grades 7-12, meets Saturdays, $150; 'V. book discussion group. Qeat kisti- ternational) holds dance classes for BOOILS & POETRY Month. featuring storytime and craft 9501 Skokie Blvd., Skokie. lickets to all With no intermissioo arid is sidlatule paintinqand drawing classes for dril- lmprov, for grades 3-6 arid grades 7-12, noon: Brickton Art Center graphic nov- Mi&icaì DOCkSandAIÍhOrS runs forchikiren arjes &lOEArM2,2 pin. performances may be purchased by teens and younger students at the Jet- loraqesz-10 years.1ickets:$10-(113) dma. Call (847) 673-0345. meets Saturdays, $150; On-Camera el design workshop, for grades 3-6. Banes&lklie. 55 Old Orchard Cen- from September-May at 2 p.m.on the ferson Park Field House, 4822 N. Long. Jeanne Birdsall, National Book Award calling (847) 679-9501. exL3lOO, or by 205-9600 orwww0blcaqolDthcompa- LilcoInwood Public Lkary. 4000 W. Technique, for grades 6-12, meets Mon- April 20, 2 p.m.: Robin's Dog Stars. Star- tei Skol (BI?) 6T&223O 3 second Sunday of the manilt Discus- WinoerfOrYQung PeopWs literature. visiting Meet at Star- Pratt Ave.(847) 6T7-5271wwvdincol- day evenings, $200. June9-13: Summer bucks BookDiscUsSiOfl p.Tn:thilstopijer Rice, three-time New sions are led by Virginia Gibbons. a will read from and sign copies of her PAGE 816 10 a.m. and noon: modos Dance Chica- hodgePodge. 614 Lee St.. Des Plaines, Bertha Gimbel leads Audition Workshop, for youth in grades bucks on Northwest Highway in Park go., .,..- $ ... Coming Soon to your Local Pioneer Press & Doings Newspapers Sample Ad: Our NEW Weekly Feature Ce!ebrcz te! Announce Your SpecialFamily Events: Engagements Anniversaries & Weddings It'sa Boy! . Birthdays Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Jack Calciwell Bucciarelli January 7, 2008 9:15p.m. 9 pounds, i 3 ounces 22inches Sweet Sixteens Jack waswelcomedwith lots of Jove by two overjoyed parents. His grandparents, Gisela & Peter Bucciarelli and Gail & Mike Hilgárt,are EACH ANNOUNCEMENT $50 doting over their new grandson. From around (per one newspaper) Chicago and across the country, Jack's familyis looking forward to getting to know him. His EACH. ADDiTIONAL PAPER $10 Si.x Announcements per Page parents woúld like to thank the staffat Evanston MYTHIC Hospital for aH the care and support they Any Ordeis of two or more (owns willreceive aFREE print suitable for framing! provided Jack and his parents. CREATURES Dragoic, Uiii'o,'nî 6» Mer,,,aidt: For moie information contact , Liz Maier at M7-486-7230or celebrate@pioné Coflgratulations to his loving parents Ellie & John Bucciareiji Lead Sponsor MetLtfeFoundatlon . Mythic Crenturos: Dragons. unic'orns &Mermaids is orgarù7ß,b' the AuhriCan, PIONEER PRESS wIth The Field Mubeum, roui LOCIL SOII1CC g11e thnt of Natiral History, New YorK, Id collaboration ActualDimensions ofad 3.2e x 6.4 pfl0I °° LI 9W 000095911099 S1VALS3 SJ3)3dS 'AOpOJn]]j S8fl13 SMkS S03}VdS stiori 3SR SIff113 )0000J0]0001J6000100000190090001 1001]S00001918 OLLO! 00119 1110009 000J000]000JIIOOLLO0 100400 1000910) 010 0l]llpS05901IJ]00000JO]0i0000J IJJIOILO0JI0900JO]]00000 .0105100 lJ'5001]000506.003)L00)J050I 00)000100 09001090010 JOJO0!9001001OSOLPO OJU0I]siJs!ooJoau0096JOJoI0000010O 060-639 JO 151 0599-01 9011J001J000J0]011]]000 100 o ou op 94)0J00105010300M9]]109 0116069 1J01003l,0I0410J)OOUOM01)UI'IOJ]]-JOq 1160)90101 paOnS 1°) 00 00130 SflOfl Jo S)I101D -J000'OJ0000i'OJU!0dfl090090J'000I '9 ,0]JO9 OLOO.000ILOOII0OJ00060]L00l]]$ .!]1OJ00000J000JO01I000009900IO 0900 '00000 ¿01]] o .oß 9103) 9OJOJO]] 00100 0110)003 OlJ9 0001000001 00J0100059]00J)9001 60000 0006 001MJ0 0 .0101 OJO]]] * ,OI000IOJ)l00090dI))POO'000fl000!0 0010 POJ0000IOOIIJ]100JOOPO]OPlo 04V 01115 OOIJI 0010009$ 0511009 JO 091 lOO 1190! 0509P000050!HJ0000 0305-50915W 00J00]0]100010P10100809900801 0100080M 1. 50910103 1011) 39Yoi 0660 9039 'SV 11100 0J0)) 010001100 000 15!) 10 000 01004 Ud 0]]O]] 0001IJO000000JOOIJ000IOJIO 001100100 1000 U00001050III]500I]]6-0W00000 los .uiOO]li00900J0900]00J0010080!l0A pJOMPO. pUS lOOMS 00I1a]039l 01010000)000 05J00093910]]00003UO0IJOD00000 500)0WJ00009.L00 0000IOJ]OPO]0U OPO]]0O0]]J0O9U00 OP!)0 0Lfl]O0I JOUdO)] qOU01$ 000103 0000900009 0009 00 (0000005 loJ 1I0O 000 -JO]IJI .lO90OO]J0qU))0000JO0í00110lJ3]SJ0J 01109 30000010 011509))]] 000J05 0L51J0]]I]SJi]00U00056J'OoVd 01JM01J00P00P060300090000UJ 60,05) JOOLÑI]]00]].OS000]O0JV 0001013 1000 0 5)1 W .Of]]0000366019000J90]]11019011050 00J000009003908Ul0091JVi0P000 000011 300j03 O 010010100 110911.1 90$ 110 105/510009p 0100010]0IPOU 0009'9013000660000 oJnpOlOplIS 10(010 0000)0009]] iO)109101!0I]01d0001001 ]O01]3190100J10015096060M8LO3I OOJ]lOp0000pLI0L)00101.PJ0000J00 0]10110J01110,08001 500 0)9 010510 001 O I) -101o 100010 JO6 090$03 03 0300000090 Ol0901]P000J100IIO(0i -000J!M00]lOi0 ,0606001))0340]OOJI00901'OOJSOD 0)00010M1pOwlo]O!O 0000 .;000loOJ.J0100QUOM0000)OUJO 0O'3S0Ol]]'d0JO0OI'OJOP0W'0]0lOO .0]J0N95)9]]O000005O0]G003]]00S pLLqflO]J0000006JOJI001001POIOJ POlIOS A] OU) 10510]] 00000 01011 00000105 1OJJ00000000ILOO]J0000 0 00 J0010 00091000901M 6ddILw0J0OJdO]]O9IOJJSOJ001)100 ,l0MOJO0J0O0!O000OJOJ0000000 00130 .]0J0100!000IOOIJ000 00 O]]] flIOMPO JOOM p000IOI!J0)OL009I0JL00000!l])6000011100001 00003 * 0003 000.0fl 00100 011ML 101.1(100 500003 01] 0000 UllOA)) 000001 I01OJJ 9-955 1018 .03]00100900100!]OOJOU.0000110000L 5550p1000!J000J0300p000000 POMOl JP000IJ]IJ0010001001I101069 ]OI6I-900J) 900 110M 364 O0lS 0000 Sd 50009591]] SWOJ0OJOJO]0000P000000PUOIJOJ]0 so O9JJOflOJIJI 0650060116911)03 iWOL,OI900JJ00000IOOl005]0003 UOJJOI0001!L0000000I]10091!00000 flUiVd°VOAd O)40l!00000!00J000000100050]0010 p10001911.]OJOJ AL!00001p010010]IflpO 000] 000 0191100 0 050J0109 00)10000]] 50) 109) 1 001900 0]0J1SlJ0000dO O10001OJOJ000JOJ000 11000010 0]lflpOJOJ 0100JI00058500J09080000p)00004 d00900Jd I109)]] OOI0000])006l0100*fl]1i09 0091000009'010J50100110011000)0L pO90OJ09IOL101800L00000 1)0000 .00I]WIJIILO3OI0305!OlU( 1] 005 1000!31080000P))10L0000]]6.00101J 0511011 00101101050 PDO OU J06000800l]]]1009I0000q]JJ0O)J00 010]J03I9005103OJ003600011009JOO 00006 00000000000IJOOI1JOIO qouoO.OJ0OUOJOIJ000IIAJ00000000tO 010 1016 POlIO p110 000]]]090J1900 JO LIJ] .0009J00000.U1JJÂOOOJJJ0LPO0I0JS OOJOIOOp00000U 00050010 000003 0000101: 0)9 101 pOo'dO]OOIJd{IJOOOI']OIIOIOlOOOSOP .0000uIaq000uoM1l10dL0Z dJ!MOJOO!]O1000110]]100)9]101U01 0010010M p00 SL 600IJ]09000010100010010P000001JL OILOO!]101011100 'Il]°°O 110 0000 .008 0061010] 3M Oq 018 P Aq 000 diO SIOUUI000101l1]]0L0]I0000JO]]]OO)) ]!O!0100001.619116311!000J0900 000001]]LVJ'OO]JJOIOUJOOJAOPOO osj[iiO .SOIO]01POIOJO]0!000001011000]]100 0] ,!J0000 J01619)0IJ000)10l00000)0]]]OI0000 ooSij JOD 0100111000 PIO 6J000000U do]]pJ000]100L0000°0000. 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McGover,e ticket sold, day - il o n, Sorio tnaO Strlri17eg lTesemerritirotn brai CosteI 4400 Cn[romrelorldo anrarlcr'uooTrna,o meorlletmarier 000011 ro helpcupu Slsianttvdeayapidolodetyneeloat Centre East asnidl moie a 0006)60e uranoolet2p n, urnen00030l 56061e 6300 010 1(2 tul mulctrvo4urlbnooleln lmioemoity nere trepe, loin, rthmoh iooiodpu Oath 7.30 pou Ihn Ihmrd Ireostey or ravI 110110 Sd Oria nestern rol Ill tor ontiooprvtoslaoalulnn150uoidao 000rrmeeqo aedorinireioowporilioor. donate $10.00 to tahu Sin hirappieesko three pa's nenthollkosehil ere Hort S27 t. nonworrberr, pry morIre. tice moIsir, moa teemhem Coil 1007170m-4010. 01 15e ned of each eigtl-otoob yero on, Muscular Dystrophy ctoamsrrsuoreitiroeoirreroelt500r EASTER SUNDAY Tailor SL All levels or pholograptorr co imotro o Im r. Co il Oiuha rl Wille rg, Woo bedo PIero Slodroi 011O 4. bardo peilmoporo in morte mio tom rasi- Association, BRUNCH virer Spehailyrlaoonoaeailabln (5471b77'tahr - Auilrrd SLlkehie olIere olarluar Iy ouI lmleear. OOdkCánn nnlrono. Coil tIll itT-8324 9:30 a.m.-2.00 ltnd8e Peday, h14 Ire St, Dem Plaloe hiuor, poi osa love 0i000 nilS 510 Old 000r000d ilote SIaMO oulepinq A01* Fon p.m. W000000GaldotyopiMhjutheye MUSIC ottea 0100mo ir)rnairy'oakie Iuusdaliorlethorryowdlecheillue li- 000 0101001m Aim raer or000l0005 GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! LrO.SOlOau Poe tttoo,'ia Best Choampegne Brtoneh nnvtrettlo.n thetestllrortdohot oto wed erano loe danois0 deuoratioe A000eni or trith Matir rilo ir 01011 elio and gairer lotTI 01107 sIso Ormoil' CmIlle011hfT-r Str. Ihn 000th al Triorly Lutheran thInly Ç\ JQ $1 9.95/person (e 'ereS rorap-broSnç a na yero0)00 group no liv uloruso troc 7:12-TOT sa IculloOtior ter arI 5500. 11,0010 rod PomkMdaey000mdvmSaoiotyotbnro 0637 Soil Moth [resalen hen oea- Kods under 10yrs. $8.95(á'4 sP000tsiog io cirio' noTI rut olarsee pe.Wedeeodeierlthmlirh Oenr,000 group lesIono, too politicO oori' mero mg teli riduol enO ommopinotmov- 847.673.6300 [arr rie neluoss CalrLsuSpsaale. Heritaçr trole) 0h16 6. Arco 0mo. miope menpoter leI red ernemoao lmoeaianlpoobolaoouool000eu broIl FASI'FKIEBRAUON Noun Suhodore chooser nccttrly leds'loal WWW.CENTREEAST.ORG 17Jul25 6505, ore-mail 7110050 Claro torro io vn l000t,or Ile porromnoeue oyontreiteo ereatro oatoiChllb en agos l-bi rentame Mor Oconpnng or group mulero eoeiln[re. Carl 77001 imioh vIlle et olmI rocio, rei vIOle, 07 Irre eolo ree otleird. mon tealrrirg d000Ilnl00000 and009nieguadsibo ioantariipesprn.rrau Prall, ltbTl u07'3330u BDHAM Teno haoprrrhvrlardoo,oe.Obaob reovrdieoaoapsavarorp005alriilieo neelfmcsr-Ipn.00leth'rdlmeaan CALL FOR GROUP TICKETS Bnls Mo Cd Shodio/&3 Getety, i s w u oued ut n000shies 0415 iO moor' Or Ir irewaue ho nor oro OT oeIl 1t47i oblhoWanth.PlinaIoiortruuliurir andLEGOFLr.Jsaj TOURS K OUTINGS locro 4cr , Polk lilao 10471 692325 .rno toto. ervhootra. Sooaki'uttlnlruiniol,r 6702007 br011an ntorrnotiumpauk' omhedol00000 petu000l100io teli B476798501 oSa ermsmon,oyo,oroa, Prior Heu aher boeriteaoh'ni arid io hrrprui.Coeteotieltrrmlo horrnlmsat Jeanne 10001095 lire0100 70471 690- f1QO4I Sn Ptoiaea hklatyCrnlot 75 Poor spices otodeeto tor recela roan re Ir' (0471 504-lOti. 200k 40101e, Uro (sort ham op em' 4095 Corone 6000 000 OCior oes SL Dro Plaiws ollero tours ut tir (84?)297-5555 ial nohnele. ClarI or ierlrleoait000- tolCoeteCnnsnnttoryottonio,uOl loso tIr Seoinor na ach ad cosued r 10- Perk Riigeslrirram 0770 ooirïr lloro Noah Shuee t,nOom leutsrod, historIo loar Finder Horre itS rrolptiog pepiemnartiboirdneri Ira 000,MnvolmlovpouLolteroart' 0001e 0010mb 000i000theoryoro ardmellmono-mw-oneonu Arnspnboor- tom rho P0000mnOiTr Oie tramA orn '4 p 07 Maraoy-Fudyy osa ornar iriakiro. The gallery also utrero ingoiato oca voi un Inm000u for all hornroen. Hourly leorvou ala 140 leI u 00 01 an 00100e nook 5,17e ut Idle and 0501 ShOrn, Oout0000d

r 000205AS0505NDAyoj.o I Irir II t-4 p.o.Susdayo,Frre Call 1117139l' 000rietyutedrllolaeeee eednnrk' oars amI lenolo; p( or to lioil-horr am t 51011e home Cr11 11071 006-Mut Il Orlrer'r Ouhaoi 200 9. 10010011 Okokim, 100010 Tort oho (u hour loon mor with rusirol corset Rrshyjoeee of Perm Udgo,Iaou armo- FREE PARKING pior000innal invtroutnmo im ail oir root Troop moldes drum i000000 n to go, PAGE Salt Sunday March 23 Easter A 1i - 7pt 1ouu ICp32) Buffet a Real Food at the Ri ht Prices! Giacoino's Ristorante Italiano and The Easter Bunnw invite ou and Read reviews in Appetizers' Homemade Soups your family to loin us. Diversions of SaladsSandwiches Stood Roostod Log et tomb Honey Gl000d Hone concert recitals SteaksSeafoodChicken Bac001a Siciliano- FnSosSmOu,romlr.necdoreuoo) CNoSos MooStla coming SOOfl to PastaRibs ' Burgers ' Kids Menu SassoSo sed Peypors suburban stages Cit000e Beriet eilte Meinem Soaso 5 Specials Daily Onoodniotlo Pesto with Meet Sosos - in addition co Seen Roasted Poetisas theatern musicals, ttol'wen Cesen Boost a Farm Fresh Eggs Omelettes dance, and Gordon l'oeood Soled Pancakes French ToastWaffles Pests Solad special recitals. Fresh 'eroe Soled Desserts & Fountain Creations 050000d Mini P0500hos Cocktails Unhirnitod Cotton, Tos. Pop & 0010010 Cooktoitn There isa belter wa aod If's as easjas 6 & Uflder Adults Chitaren COMPLETE DINNERSBREAKFAST SPECIALS FREE h gofo 2l; starting - starting To reserve our table call: O17rrh'l Cdi from $8.70 from $4.35 Ori i iJ iLllrrlrrr 'roi'ri 84?.390.?330 'l'O Uil i(,irr)) 017)7) -'(kino).'un 740 North Wolf Rd Des Plaines 7 Days a Week Seeming Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (just North of Ceflha Road) DiverT 8349 W. LAWRENCE NORRIDGE au,e oo.acwvo PIONSEIUPR61SS Call (847) 486-9300 loo La00000e & Camberl000) 00000055uO,naunyebl so subscribo, Oper Suw..00rure, 525am. m2:Su MIdnIght,, Frl. & sot OlaS em' 1:55 nm ' '' ' I :' B2O Thursday, March 20, 2008 MOVES MUSIC ' " ARI" CWS:t ' FESIIVALS SPEMERS MOVIES ' ,MUSlC' '''ART:' ' CLUS FESTflFALS ' SPEAKERS Thursday, March 20, 2008 B21

Ridge. (847) 685-2030. www.wunderstu- (rain location is at Mount Prospect Ii- Offering acting, musical the- brary next door). Participants will re- We've got go. atre, guitar and drum classes. Instruc- ceive a goody bag while supplies last, along with a map highlighting the par- WIA VENETO Continued from PAGE B19 tocs are also available for private mu- the local sic lessons for piano, voice, guitar, ticipating locations in the immediate stage brass, winds and strings. downtown area. Stop by all locations, Highway. Students ages 5 through high get your map punched, and return it to ThEATER covered, school learn note-reading, sight-read- the kickoff site and be entered into a Make Your Easter Reservations ing. music theory and history, and Wunder Studios Performing Arts Con- raffle of prizes provided by local mer- from world present solo and ensemble perform- servatory; located in the Pickwick The- chants. The event will also include ac- ater Building, 3 S. Prospect Ave., Park ances, summer open-air concerts, and tivities for children and at least one lo- Open Easter Sunday 12-9pm premieres Ridge. (847) 685-2030. www.wunderstu- perform at local fund-raisers. Call (847) cal artist showcasing their work at Offering acting classes in- 871-0846 or e-mail each stop. Some artwork will be avail- to popular cluding Comedic Acting, Auditioning, . 6340 N, Lincoln Ave. able for purchase. For information, call . [email protected]. Intro to Acting for Adults, lrnprov Corn- a 773.267.0888 Marcin Bos, (847) 255-6400. I s Chicago, IL 60659 revivals. George Peyovich, Suzuki specialist, edy and Classical Drama. Donald E. Stephens Convention Cen- Ihh Free Parking Next Door offers lessons in violin, piano and voice (Lincoln & Devon) ter, 5555 N. River Road, Rosemont. on an individual basis in his Skokie and MISCELLANEOUS April 10-13: International Quilt Festival Glenview studios. Call (847) 674-8235. Des Plaines Public Library, 1501 Reid previews ot in Chicago. The show, sale and quilt- Private Room Catering for 25 180 People Rhona Reagen has a few openings in Ellinwood St. (847) 376-2787, upcoming playsnd making academy features more than her Skokie studio for violin and viola April 12, 10 am-noon: CommunionsRehearsal Dinners 1,000 quilts, textiles and wearable art our critics' opinions students. Reagen has been a Suzuki "Getting Started on That (Young Adult) Novel" will be presented by author on display; more than 100 classes, lec- ShowersWeddingsBar/Bat Mitzvahs of local productions method instructor fo more than 25 Ophelia Julien. Learn standards as set tures and special events; and shopping in the Pioneer Press years and is a faculty member of Mid- by publishers, age-appropriate Ian- at more than 500 booths selling quilts, Diversions section. You movieoers west Young Artists chamber music fac- can reac 77% more guage, story entry points, basic novel fabrics, books, notions, crafts, pat- ulty. Parents are involved in the learn- structure, themes and more. toms, machines and sewing supplies. EASTER SUNDAY ing process but do not need to have Irish American Ilerftage Center, 4626 Hours: Thursday (Preview Night), 5'9 Nr prior musical knowledge. For more in- N. Knox Ave., Chicago. (773) 2827035. p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 10 aim-i 11AM-9PM I'i NFER l'Ri formation, call (847) 677-4753 or e-mail April 19, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Admis- p.m.: International Women's Writing witt e un-Times News rou [email protected]. sian: $10; $8 seniors and students. Chu- Guild will present a writing workshop, Diversions Herman Reyes offers lessons in saxo- dren 10 and under admitted free with a "Writing Our Stories: From Journal to . ROTISSERIE ROASTED PORK i ¡2 WOOD ROASTED CHICKEN phone, flute or clarinet in Elmwood paying adult, $25 for a three-day pass. Essay to Memoir." $80 for International wflh pIneufslufflng Wit1 pinenutsMling Park. All ages. Call (708) 583-9122. Preview Night tickets are $10 and are Women's Writing Guild members; $95 Anastasia Royal, pianist, performer good for one additional day. Call (713) ÒHARBROILED SKIRT STEAK H of the DAY (;/ for nonmembers. A deposit and reser- t anwit t eica oTriune. and teacher with 25 years' professional 781-6864 or visit wh sautéed onions & mushrooms BAKED STUFFED SHPIMP ,' vation are required by calling (212) 737- experience, has openings for new stu- The 14th annual World's Fair Mernora- 7536. o In Addition To dents - children or adults, any level. Park Ridge Public library, 20 S. billa Show will be held from 10 a.m.-4 OurRegula, Call for evaluation. (847) 256-1607. p.m. March 30 at the Elk Grove Holiday n Menu Prospect Ave., Park Ridge. (847) 825- John Temmerman, recording artist, 3123. May 20, Inn, 1000 Busse Road, Elk Grove Village. ALL YOUR EASTER FAVORITE DISHES TO GO: offers individual lessons in saxophone 2 p.m.: Life Story Writing, presented by The event will include a display of ong- 2,000,000 and clarinet performance to students Karen Larsen. mal 1933 World's Fair posters, as well as Sun-Times News Group REAL MASHED POTATOES WHOLEAPPU PIE of all ages and skill levels in his Skokie collectors and dealers offering items ,WITHGREEK SALAD PINENLJT STUFFING studio. lessons are also available in ET CETERA related to World's Fairs from 1876 to 1740 Milwaukee Ave. jazz improv for all instruments. Call the present, with the main focus on 1,553,271e (at Lake Ave) (847) 322-6768. Mount Prospect Downtown Merchants the 1933-34 Chicago World's Fair. Ad- Glenview Wunder Studios Performing Arts Con- Association Fun and Fitness Art Walk mission is SS; $4 for senior citizens. servatory, located in the Pickwick The- will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. April26, Call (708) 442-7907 or visit (847)699-9999 1,500,000 KITCHEN1.TAP ater Building, 3 S. Prospect Ave., Park starting at the Village Hall campus

Chicago Tribune

1,000,000 877,932


- G

Adults age 18+ in the Chicago DMA who attended movies in the last 3 months.

: n Choose the network that- delivers Chicagoland. Contact Burt Levy, Director Arts & Entertainment, at 312-321-3157 or

MUSEUM IJI II i SCIENCE Source 2007 ChIcaOo ScarboloLIgil Release i Marcir 05 February 07 lOire ad irtie daily Trrbune Monday - Friday vs one ad irr tire Surr Irnies News C,roap Moirclay - Friday) t INDUSTRY CELCBRATINO 75 YEARS CHJCA(() EleraldNewsNaperville Suri PIoNEER PRESS SO1JTHTOWNSTAR PostTribune rogerebert.çom SUN-TLMF.S BÑ1COflN(\\S urierNe" -'i" -st ' 57TH AND LAKE SHORE DRIVE CONVENIENT INDOOR PARKING WWW.MSICHICAGO.ORG

15f,, Anniversao' sponsors: , AMERICAN FAMILY (cur.3i.on PEfPLES GAS. Biixter ComEd. Dominic NAtURAL GAS DELIVERY HONDl. CHICAGO B22 thoritre, eorrt il, 20th MOVES MUSÎC AT CLWS FESTÎ VALS SPEAOEI MOVIES MUSIC CLUBS FESTIVALS - SPEAKERS tbsmrsdre, Macn lEgAI B23 ACROSS 53 Cititied 104 Fester's SPecs' 46 L005ee tAo 94 lt's elfin HOROSCOPE I Stromboli 55 Like o Dog Tray" partners rapes paar head spew dzchohurrd105 1-halt-bekad? 8 "l'ne - 48 Conductor 96 Angered Peodictiorrs tor Men 24-Sb O "Waterloo" 58 Cozy 106 Errd et Stamp" Claudio 97 Lenefien rockers Cloth remark ('6f hit) 49 Pet stuff 98 I I O . a, M 9 Envelops 65 Morton 110 McGregor i Petrel 54 Shipshepe 99 Medincro ARIES IMoevir 21 to Apdl 191 Congoeluluiiucu, Lamb, Tids is 14 Saltare 61 - bear at "Train- Indonesia 56 hintashlon-101 Superinten- the weelu io Solch your prujnnt und tiren bank in jinor welt-canoed IS Mideastern 62 Asiarr spotting" 8 Out of able dent upyr'onol. Idord il l'no like, you cv nuise rey "betr' scull thono da- reach-a- holiday 112 Creme - aanrrel oyawear? 103 Basufalond, I .11 muck 63 Skillad crame 9 Twisted 57 WIld child today Ir'aclerc.) 20 Spooky 66 Soortsboro's 113 Bathdoy 10 Rook's 59 Raference 187 Acorn, Stoker sr. coke? Speed- volume acenfucily " .ISI wagen 64 gott oheeSa 108 Welcome TAURUS lAruv'i 2010 Mey 201Tiro held boulon could Sod o iI 21 Disprove 67Sbberceok 114Leagoe 85 Arden at item? L - II -, ¡ 22 Let 70 Mcrlocks' 107 Fond du,Il - Dhabl new cyfrenlusity loo intriguing lobo ignored. Butdoct chungo into 1 WI 12 Purple hua Kennedy 109 "Silkwoort" 23 SanereI prep it. Oir olcc'ly ce yco sco licor' things dovele pua yna got renco in- ¡ I. Bradley 73 Meoiean 119 Moldo 13 Lapsrar's 68 "Vor at tee screenwriter 111 Flagon 24 Ruelle Mro, measure concern library ; is " i 14 Banda of 69 Singer 011er -. tower 74 point 122 Pulsete 126 Spocker or bsssbalf Jemes 114 Very long 25 Stort oto 75 Part 3 et SEMINI (Moy2l to Juco 251You netgint try tir co bon your remerk by remark remark 15 Excess 71 Lennan'o rime 126 Across 81 Crone 131 Writer 16 Jel - tedy 115 FIat rate abrid oc tiret iorpvntoet istuo, A little coin Iteniloility could cobol- Ii. 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Weigh everything eurmfolly Acid rulo questions, U 25UUUN2OUSUUU55 Read reviews in NUSoNU SCORPIO (October 23 to November 211 Wiv'iuicyouryriodry 2155520 205535 55 fhio creek voyou try to woke ay for tout tiern fiupent help dem Diversions of' NUR uuirreove who ceros ubout you. Tlringu telenerr'oinvme tule by the 33 534 35 355738 39 540 concert recitals 5 nr'eohend, 4f 42 43 45 47 40 SAGITTARIUS (Nnveeobeo 2210 Dvneiubem' 2i1 Aincelth peuh' coming soon to vr so 5525.55 loro nasses some einuie' cony in the cvnoh. Bvt prompt inedioaiet- suburban stages 5 ° tendon soon eenec eneryoneb cooreicos, Enjoy en eric-tiled conch- 50 18.20U s. I7 A25 6655 -in addition to CAPUICU9N lDenembor22tuJonuamy lb) - As mucher ysv theater, musicals, SU.Dl 68 SO 70 571 72 73 7u SU sight recent it, e nhaegiirrg ultvutivs could naquiec you In odjuct dance, and 7576 UUU7O SO 5 your ylesv onnondingiy 'rho good non's: An osvunivtc 'aguces tu oc- 5 USUU° opei'ute. special recitals. on55 B2N SUU 5 cv a 87 08 0g goal so AQUARIUS lJvnsury2v Iv Febtn',mny 101 l'bei old ynoblew is boully rociced, juil le Uovo Ihn you Co tubo oru0000u ovoi'lu'i'eletod 550500 5700 09 youjnnt TIds ese noeld be lIre toper door-cyoner you've bees lock- NUUUU ing ihr: 100555.IW5UUU5102.toa. 5 51555 ..uur ion PISCES (Feboeur'y 1h lo Isternlr 2111 l'bn comfy port of Ihn NUNSrr255 crook yrecuols nomo dibloolt hurdles, But cene you gv toree them, lrO55 rfa5 you nun stunt Io locus oc mtis1ers Clint eroi noie isoirorheel 2nyno. 124 f25 11vfrsmc rr7 .nro lrO 121ror 122 U123 U IF VOlI VIESE BORN THIS ALElE Yov 0mo iuolnOnbOd for year 5 32 133 127 rsr boceotyucd jnsr dedinolien lodoicg the rglst lirieg, so ieuttnr UNU125 bose mlibinvil ibeb mno'gbh leo, 135 1 130555 U UUNU f SUN P1oÑÉElls UUU SeUSNU 139 r4O Diversions Answers: inside today's classified section Call (847) 486-9300 tc' osibott')b ss» '' FES'flVALS A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) B24 MOVIES ' MUSC ARI 'clii Thursday, March 20, 2008 Cl


' "Bonnie and Clyde" (Warner 'Kite Runner' flies,but doesn'tsoar Brothers Home Video) Arthur Amir and the wise, saintly Penn's 1967 gangster classic THE MITE RUNNER remas- and brave servant boy Has- has been restored and L tered for this double-disccol- san - whose best times to- lAt ZONE lector's edition. Extras include W1TH Us Director Marc ("Find- gether are spentflying k1te i extra scenes and a Warren Hours/Locations Ing Neverland") Forster's in pre-Russian invasion Classffied Ads ....847 998-3400 Announcements lOOs Beatty wardrobe test. An Call-In Hours: 8:30 am -5:00pm, Mon - Fri faithful screen version of i Kabul. When Amir fails to Khaled Hosseini's interna- Ultimate Collector's Edition is Walk-In Hours: 9:30 sin - 4:30 pm, Mon - Fri Business Directory 200s help his friend after seeing also available with a hardcover Address: - 3701 W. Lake Ave., Glenview tional best-seller incorpo- Homes Services 300s hün being braten and raped book, behind-the-scenes pho- HeIp Wanted rates all the key plot points payment - We accept American Express, by racist thugs, his cow- tos and a reproduction of the Diners Club, Discover, Mastercard and VISA. Hotline ..847 998-3404 Employment 400s ofthe novel and brings original press book. Skokie ardice turns him against i Deadlines them to life with servicea- CentralPark Rentals ' 500s the boy and his shame stays Private PartyAds: West &Doings - 3:00 pm Tues Ridge ble performances and no- "Extraordinary RendÍtion" (BFS with him until adulthood. All Other Zones - 4:30 pm Tues Liflcolttwood Real Estate For Sale. 600s frills cinematic compe- : Entertainment) A university Real Estate After fleeing to America Legal Ads:5:00pm Monday Rosemont Marketplace 700s tence, butit never really 'i lecturer on the subject ofter- top/ace ads call J with his father and growing Classified DisplayAds:5:00pm Mon soars. Fans ofthe book will L rorim (Omar Berdouni of North Shore, Lake Shorn 847 486-7254 Sporting Mart SOOs up tormented by guilt, he fi- Logos orArtwork:5:00pm Mon no doubt fmd it satisfactory, ' United 93" and "The Hamburg Commercial Ads: May vary - consult your rep Northwest, Central 847 486-7252 Automobiles 900s ifnot rapturous. Those who nally has a chance to return Cell') is abducted, flown out of Terms West;The Domgs - 847 486-7252 have not read the book may to Taliban-controlled the country to a secret desti- Legal Notices l000s Mghanistan and make nation, interrogated and tor- Please checkyourad: The publisher will not be also find its story of soul- responsible for more than one incorrect inserdon. tured in this documentary- saving second-chances things right. Here's the real Pioneer Press Classified must be notified before Private Party moving, but they'rejust as problem: Without Hossei- style drama. the second insertion. Home Ties that bind: Abmad Khan and Zekiria Ehrahimt (n "The Kite Runner." Self-Service likely to wonder what all ni's captivating first-person Acceptability:The newspaper reserves the right Services "the Mike Douglas Show Classifleds narrative, there's little to di- youthful villain convenient- es credibility even more thematic material including to edit or reject any advertisement. top/ace ads call the hosannas were about. Moments and Memories" 24-7 vert attention from some of 'y reappearsjust in time to than the film's obviously the rape of a child, violence Cancellations: No classified ad can be cancelled Go Io Much ofthe film deals with (Kujtur) Highlights of the talk after deadline. Display ads and ads containing ¡abfloerinooI.con.. the story's more unlikely provide expiation for computer-generated kites. and brief strong language. North Shote, Lake Shore 847 486-7251 click the CTweoillceI link. the childhood friendship of l show features interviews with artwork may incur a charge ifcancelled prior to ¡,r,l follero Amir's past sins, it stretch- (BI) Rated PG-13 for strong - Brucé Ingram first insertion. Northtst,Centnil 847486-7239 a tow oin,plo stops jich, privileged and spoiled developments. When a k the likes of John Lennon and for 1.tacirg your olaeeifi,'d edt Yoko Ono, Bill Cosby, Bob Hope, WesTheDoings 847 486-7478 wv/by. Pauline's no-hoper fiancee sues to the table. Chief ty would have helped here. tepid romantic/family The Rolling Stones, Muhammad pio floteriocai.cne:si among them is the nagging, Another big issue questions comedy. Steve Carell J.All, Alfred Hitchcock, Mel Malcolm (Jack Black). Call: 847 998-3400 Email: [email protected] Throughout the film, old unanswered question: Did the parents' judgment re- plays Dan, a parenting and Brooks, Dr. Martin Luther King Fax: 847 486-7456 garding the use of their family advice columnist and Tiger Woods. wounds are re-opened and the girl's father coach her LIKES TO LAUGH :'-r m'"."°z r7'." young daughter as a cash Divorced mom, 3t, ttrreo kids, bohing to start dat- i07- Lost & Found or even doctor-up the paint- who steps outside of his ng again. You roust be abbe to accept mycbnrtdren ENSEEKlÑGWQMEÑAnnouncements Business Services new ones are inflicted- as part ob my ide. 275111 @ Ilkestotaughi Computers, ings himself? The film coy- cow and how this may af- moral comfort zone Suburban Shootout" (New IF INTERESTED the most hurthil being the THE ONEANO ONLY SBM, 33, 7t0'. avoregoborki, dark shhn od new Is someone missing a Elecfronic Services feet her life and her art- Line) Two rivai factions of SWF, 3t , 5'B. stonrter, easy en the oyon, down- to tIre Orea. Seeking SW/SF, 25-35, tu rang oat Chihuahua?We have two. ers a "60 Minutes" exami- when he drags his three TO PLACE AN AD to'oaStr, tun-toviog, wflreart et gold. seeks oidor o-lbandhaoe tun. flraytre LTR. 15163951 damage passed on from gontlomari to dram tallrs, nice cmos, doles, - 220 - nation ofthe Marla phe- making in yearsto ooie. daughters to his family's armed housewives compete for FOR FREE, CALL lauglitorend more. 247904 OLDER SEEK YOUNGER 1 White female w/purple abused daughter Margot to SWM, 54. 5'B. 1551ko. humorous, seccesslul. collar. 1 Sweet old black & Finally, a subtext to the en- influence over the newly LET'S TALk SOON Intelligent, souks SWF, 30-40, lortrbendstnip, hang ton female, nomenon that found the vacation lodge and falls ASF, 32, doe, a5rnclive, kroldnrg (or floe Out, and maybe party roth. 15257491 Also found- a block male mint PAK Computer Services her pubescent son Claude anroctrve male companion to onoys talks, good Pinscher. ServicIng All YourComputer tire subject is to what de- arrived wife of the town con- I -888-228-9060 Food and just kicking it. -. k whole enterprise highly 253426 EASY ON ThE EYES To see these dogs Needs. (847)566-4020 in love with the spec- SRM. 48, S'7, InOltro, modnemburld, easyon 200s (Zane Pais). Yet, somehow, gree abstract art is a viable, stable. The English TV subur- HO1 SEXY NURSE lOOs CALL MELROSE PARK suspect. The parents, Lau- TO LISTEN AND Ses:, 34, 12O, bbndbnrwnr nooks SWM. tIro oyes, hard worfdnrg, socurod, nice guy, sooth Announcements 101 ANIMAL HOSP. 708345-7640AccountingServices! "Marqot at the Weddnq" tacular girlfriend (Juliette suburbs. Enjoys charOr, dining, outdoor aclivrtles, Income lax 204 Baumbach manages to legitimate expression to be- ban satire has been described RESPOND, CALL 35-05, for Lift. New to tine area Wnrrdertrd weSer theater and jazz, Seeking laity 38-49, aOractroe. BIrth Announcomenls 102 ra and Mark Olmstead, trw a mast. Lets gotta brow eath other. 15240633 Car Pool 8. RIdes Art Work 205 Moving Binoche) of a brother ' mature, for fderrdstnlp, and hopetully we can build 103Lost envelope with tax papers BEAUTY AND BRAINS a rntallorrstirp. 15141833 Oisclaimer of Debt In II. In front It the Village Beauty Services 206 make us feel something like gin with, or simply a con as a cross between "Desperate 104 Bridal Services 207 MARGOT AT THE came back with a DVD that Vary aoractboe,wolledricalod DAPF socks tall Greetings 105 Hall In Morton Grove. (Licensed) (Dane Cook) who greatly LEVS GEl' TOGEThER . BusinessService 212 game practiced by artistic Housewives" and "The I -900-226- I 096 WPM, 46.54, wtro Is emohorrat/terancIalty so- In Memorlam 847-965-3581 WEDDING ***i12 sympathy for everyone in- purportedly shows Maria curo, for LTR. 15211385 SWM, young looking 70, relrned, enjoys 1mo dur- 106 Camps 216 Storage admires him. Screen- Calls cost $J.99/mn. Must be 18+. Ing. social events, would Ike Io moot a woman, L0SI&Found 107 Catering, Party Service pretenders. Fascinating SWEET AND NICE 3562, educaled, for campanbueslrbp, maybe LOST: Noutered gray male 218 I Sopranos' Personals - volved. (BI) (91 min.) Rated creating a painting from SBF. 52, 57', llgtrtstdnnod, modem bueS, Intul- more, Call me. 15228032 ' 108tabbycat,wht chIn, 4 yrs old, Computer, EleclronicSrvco, 220 248 - As he did in "The Squid and thought-provoking. writer/director Peter TO RESPOND USING trgont, romantic, attractrue, DID-tree, SOH, en- AdoptIon Wanted 110 has claws, name Is Nash. Counselln9 Services 222 R - Bruce Ingram start to finish. Yet, good as joys mueles, concerts, dblng Wust, quIet timos. OLDER GENTLEMAN Adoption ServIces 111 Lost last Summert Munde- DressmakIng, AlteratIons, 224 and the Whale' Noah Rated PG-13 for language. Hedges, who has made a YOUR CREDIr CARD, CALL church, hourd gamos, corrversatorrs,travel. SWM, 6-r. 1951bs, blorrotbloe, seeks perno SWF, Just a Friend 112 leIn. Call DIane Entertainment 226 this painting is, it doesn't Seeking race-open. 50-70. romantIc, s1cere, ob- 21.05, N/S. who unjaysdrnt-rg out, quint nvenings 303-941.3443 or 847-564-6149 Equipment Rental 228IllinoIs law requires movers specialty ofhis own out of fashioned, for LTR. 15442022 at home, tIre outdoors and Iravrrrg tun. tor rna- Single Scene 113 Baumbach demonstrates a quite live up to the more Michael Bonesteel RECENT' nogatnous retaftnesfnip. 15263306 Financial Services 230Io be Ilcenaed by the IllInois my kkl could Paint that I -888-49 I -5625 HAPPY SENIOR i 08- Personals Florists, Greenhouses 232Commerce CommIssIon, The remarkable gift for demon- eccentric/edgy family SWF,Los, attractnre, tnooarth otO clean-cut pon- PEOPLE PERSON i 01 -Announcements FortupoTelling, Astrology, ICC number and respective polished earlier works that tleman, 65-72, torcompanboestrip, monos, walks, SWM, f37, O 2". average build, 1515, seeks WF, Advisors,Psychics 234busIness lIcense must appear ,,1 comedies ("What's Eating good conversations and mom. 15190945 00.68, 14/S. br Irlonristrip, possrbln romance I Health Services 236In Ihe advertIsement In thIs stratingjust how excruciat- were attributed to her. Bar- REVIEWS enjoy sposo, mrmnres, readrmrg, trtness. darrcorg column. LIcensedmovers IRISH EYES 15261808 I promise fo pubti5h thanks IoInsurance Services 238must have Insurance on file. ing family life can be - and ) Gilbert Grape?" 'About a SWF, btornierbtue, otondur, anmctrve, FI/S, seeks ROLL ENDS St, Jude for favors granted, Internet Services 239For more InformatIon, con- Lev brings in art experts "Atonement" WQ1ENSEEKIÑG MENj SWM, 55-65, gontlornan, who's down-lo-oartlr. HONEST 8 ROMANTIC Availableat our production MN. InvestorsWanted 240 -L-;r and wants to oliare good bries arid bogho to- SWM. 4g, 5'$, roce, oasygolrejand funny, enjoys tact the IllInoIs Commerce Boy," "Pieces of April") facility locatedal 275 North- Legal Services 242Commission transmuting all that pain who attempt to shed light IRREPLACEABLE guAso Let's meet forcollee. 15220337 wybtht'httrng, enero50, parlo, swenming, berne-field Road InNorthtield. The ***1/2 back sdrng. Seeking AP. 3S55, tor Inenrfstnlp. Limousine Services 244 $5F. 20, sr. honesi, Iovng, undoesandng. car. LOSING WOMAN cost is $3,00 per inch based on110- Adoptions WantedLoans & Investments 245 into uncomfortable comedy. on the controversy, but in has a clever comic idea A sumptuous, intelligent, ¡ng. Ikos movies, shopping, dcifrrg, theaters and SwJF. 57, NJS hàSrjont, hutependent, st-more, rounancer, p055,l,bO L7R. 15260522 the depth of the paper on the I Musical Instruction 250 ' , comndy thaws, senng a SM, 23.43, sorbas- he,ttd vani agoctodate, Irireo darrcerg, ranging and roll. For more Information, . YOU FOUND MEt Personal Fttness 254 I1îe iixtz at work here. Dan's highly potently erotic adaptation of rbnded, torinondsiibp. posoble LTA. fl186921 t9ness. Seokknj good.frtenornd, ccor5xtssbonate SWM,45, 511", 205tbs, stocky bId, tue-loving, please contact Bertha Jonos Adopt A coring tun. Nicole Kidman gives one of the end the viewer is left to PersonalServices ' 255 DOWN-TO-EARTH JomeS, man,. 45.55,wfro cnys tIe. 15252256 outgoorg,bIenceSar pmolossbnat. down-to- 647-SOT-2196 or Martyloving secure couple promIse cash, Kroschel 847-501-2197. LOVE Pholographers 258 her best performances as judge for him- or herself cultivated sense of right Ian McEwan's best-selling novel SF, 32, bookbng bar SM, 27-45, to rang out and OLDER GENTLEMAN tous camping, outdoors. Sookrrrg similar your baby laughter spend boro wrth. tyOU'(QcUt thora, givamoa ong. Woman, 2056, tor dotong. possIble LTR. NW IN. joy. 800-561-9323 Expenses pd,Piano, Organ Tuning 260 PIONEER..PRESS wrwF, S'I.,lISOS, college grad, anractoe, oc- Printing Services voce LOCAL 1000CC . whether little Maria is the and wrong begins to - brilliantly written, acted and 'Z259962 trou, 705, crtdng, trlorrdly, ernoys walks,mooion 15261175 266 the sellish, passive-aggres- maSbc theater Socking inletlrgeot oran, 77-82,10 PIONEERPRESS Schools & Instrucllons 280 .'--: TAKE LEAP 0E FAITH VERY ATTRACTIVE FouIt LOCAL 1000CC VideoTaping sive, celebrated writer Mar- sole creator of her paint- unravel when he's directed. The 1930s and '405 I dd SJPF. 46, bIondo, 5'8, appaahnrj. Tradi. sham phrasent tonos trrgottror, 15224625 SiM altonrey, early Gos, 5'tII75lbs, enjoys 284 The Doings and tiraral values. advanced dngrea, tun, passionate, ANGEL heater. movies, droirig out, working 0CL Sooklng Buying or Travel & Travel Services PIoneer Press Newspapers ings, which have sold for confronted with feelings he period romantic drama details ethical, nary, very nice. Eclectic Interests. Sock- SWF. f10, 5'ß, Uncotn Pad,, l0005outdoors, birds. olendor. attractive S/OWE (rolrplon nul lmmrpodavtj Agencies 285 got, who attends the wed- brrg corrrptrtdrbe WM, 40s-60s tor permanent trost plcrrs, walking, reudrng, cod Stell, seeks nice, for LTR, FL/S. 15694570 AmusementParks 286 tens ofthousands of dollars. can't control, in a situation the terrible damage done when trbondlovor. Great Wssed '623665 collogo-odacated guy wino Wen the saine and SEEKING A GOOD WOMAN Bed & Breakfasts 287 ding ofher estranged sister anuo Jesus. 15208389 SwM. 64, ST, lOUAs. asiNo, N/S. frnandalhjsta- Selling, Campgrounds 288 an over-imaginative 13-year-old GIRL NEXT DOOR thì'üt In the process, we get a where he must control 55F, 28. s-, enjoys moans. straws, dilng out and LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT MAN blu, likes cooking. goS, beach, seeks SF, SOS, SELLAVON, EARN 50% Festivats 289 Musical Pauline (Jennifer Jason tatrghirrg, booking tora SM, 27-33, tanrily-onented, Sexy AiF. 5G, 5. 125ko, Immette, bear, uso, 1W HWP, 00thsimilar t-rlerests, for coarpardonstnlp or Resorts 290 English girl (Saoirse Ronan),, (oçtrbendstrip, posslbtoLTR. bava yossele LIR. 15113143 t need 5 new Reps TODAY I S 11My kid Could Paint That" small glimpse into the pro- them. Unfortunately, the r,ng,lca Coil NOW(224)616-0272 Pioneer Services 291 Insfruction Leigh), ostensibly to make mo a message. '238397 525.1, 53.66, MS, ,xkmoted. bans B srrvrd, good SEARCHING 4 LOVE TIme Shares 292 who has a crush on the son of ,narcers,fnrfrannMpssstdeLTR. 15113966 - 250 - fessional art world which is comedy falls flat for TAKE A CHANCE 82-yeatudd SWM, 6'I, 225Itro, ISO remonto, al- Tour Companles 293 peace but actually to carry DWF, tun-bovbng, ootgoln9, seeldng a SM, 55+. PRETtY GIRL tecùorutte SF, race open, 35-S0, tus. HP1W, wiln, 107- Lost &Found Vacaton Rentals 254 filled with pretentious, "Dan in Real Life the groundskeeper (James tor watts, drnlng oat, monies and more. Lot's get SWf40,4T, l82tzoordaWretomeetaporrtlmrran, would rho ta be trealnd second to none. Western Classified on an affair with a famous MY KID COULD PAINT the most part, unless together. '2461B6 nrtro orp0 ck-t-rg, cpiot avcsors, taxi km tonos Suburbs. 15665062 greedy and egotistical "ex- McAvoy) of her father's estate, Hcçrpaj totreta cercare retatcadop, 15240258 BEST Plano, GuItar, Voice, Hedges goes for a knee- DIAMOND IN THE... ALWAYSFOREVERI ViolinLessons. Inyour novelist who lives down the THAT *** 112 rough. Intelirgent, attractive, rind. cadng SF, 30, RIGHT HERE WAIliNG 80M, 52, 6t, i908rS, N/E, Ikus ootdoort, dot. FOUND: STRAY CAT Bridal Services home. 847-841-5184 ports." None ofthese folks, falsely accuses him of a shock- enjoys do+ng, mascaron, outdoors and good cor,- 85F,5t,52,st,ntoikt t-won SrQOI.Y5X,5.ttowetmtsnera. plays. Seolong 5044F. 42-52, oulgoing, at Whitebody w/black patches ¡s the place road. The sisters have a life- DAN IN REAL LIFE jerk responsewith familiar norsation, SO. Older man, 60-75, tor tdendthlp, oroftdrerck'p. icsosthcfSM.45o,wtrsndarhtcr- toast 56 , HWP. nr trbondolnlp first maybe more. (top of head, end 0f body & Ofl - 207 - Amir Bar-Lev's ( "Kid however, explain why the ing crime after learninghe has cornpaoiorrshlp, datrrrg passAto LTR. '24744O c9XhlnrXictW, .15916415 tail) No Collar or Tags. situations like Dan being Found on ldlewood Lane In long love/hate relationship, abstract works of art - ** become the lover of her older the HIghlands section of for yod,. Classified Protocol") documentary drenched while hiding Highland Park. but any hope that the ten- sister (Keira Knightley). Tor- MEET SOMEONE YOU CLICK WITH AT: WWW.PIONEERMEETINGPLACE.COM More Info call 847-2193959 Entertalnment/BrlclaI Avenue about 4-year-old Marla whoever painted them - The idea that love at Showers& womens'meellngs in Marie's shower. (BI) Rat,- tured melodrama of the highest Interactive Presenlallon I - 295 - sions between them will be Olmstead's precocious abili-are as great as everyone first sight can be a train Free Ads Free edo placed In thIs sectIon oro not guarttntoud to mn enemy Week Be ouru to renew your ad troquontly la keep Itf resfr (84" ' ed PG-13 for some innuen- Gufcjettnes. Personals are fur adults 18 or over seeking monogamous rolaliarrslrlps, To encare year solely, carefully scroun alt responsos Buying orSelling, Tying creatIve neck scarves, resolved evaporate as soon says. A brief explanation order. Rated R for disturbing and have first rnoetrrrgs occur In a public place. uns publication resumes the rIght la ndrt, mouise. or reject any artvorlrsement at arry Ilmo al & folding napkins for elegant$500 POLICE IMPOUNDSt ty to create sophisticated, wreck for everyone Ils solo discretron and aseemos no responsibility fur Ihn contunt Of or replies to any ad. Not all ads trane corresponding voice m63sages. To Pioneer Classified table setting. Cors iTrucks/SUVS from as Maigot makes it plain knock-out paintings of ab- about composition, texture, involved gets a mild do. war images, language and nrew cur cnmptete guidotinoo,'call (617) 425-5636 n, 998-3400 Ieanmerzonl5sbcglebal.net550es Hondas.Chevys, Jeepsr u314 is the place foryoul Fordsond morelFor List- that she doesn't approve of stract art brings many is- color and creative originali- comic workout in this - Bruce Ingram some sexuality. (Bruce Ingram) ines Call 800-706-1759 ext. 6181 Thursday, March20, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication (oc) A Pioneer Press Publication (oc) C2 I wwirpioneerlocaLcom Thsrnday, March 20,2000 I ca

Answers to Super Crossword 412-SeeIW,g 440- HdpWmlnI 440- He Classified Classified Home Services Decks TIle 430- FInIpWonInd Wonted Carpentry, Painting, Employment H000.hold Avenue Avenue Cabinet Work -321 - I!IiL!1I1 IiDD11 E1l1Dø flI1M1O Papering -375- AI590ETISING SALES -295- -358- tt -295 - -312- flOUD DODD 000WD DI!lIED UNIQUE DECKS DDD DIU!D ODODDFi Groet-Cmolking ODEIBO nnoia BIlD DhIE]l EXT. PAINTING ODORi BRiAD] DIKUJI lìII Drywall ODono iOCIDBRI ODORi 40th 0011 RIIKIB ODDDO 1100110 MR. GROUT -323- 011110011 t]IMIOOI]I! 0110013 (i5 8550 urni oiuo nno anon 13111111 0011 onu DENTAL ASSISTANT 432- lehm, IkONEERPRESS 11110110 1111111301100 Tree Trimming Caulking ononurn noon nona & Core PR1IENCED CHA -314- 0011 0111111 131313 01111110 -376- Electrical Services IJIL!JD011 111100000 0000013 Ken'S Pnint/Deeoo- -325- 1300013 I]1111 00110 OliO 131100 0013000000 13131113 001111 00110 DENTAL ClockRepair noan nno onnn 00000 -315- 013130E313000011 130013 011130 Plastering -360- 415-SIig Fencing OIJIDL!JU 13011011 noon onon Tudopoinling tIeutnge -331 - 0110130 0111300 000Cl 00013 A-1 FENCE INC. Cleaning Services Gutters & Handyman Landscaping, 1.773.282.2332 DENIAL HYGIENIST -316- Downspouts .344 - NurserIes, - 343- Gardens 1-847-724-5600480- coxR SONS .349. GUTTERS JENNY'S AGENCY IssTau.60 &REPAIRED 847-965.2146 Hnlinu'u Cleoonieg DRIVERS WANTED!

773-589-2246 1.u47.esa.1822

PAUL'S REPAIRS N1 P01606 S..,aicm Floors Light Hauling CLASS A CDL DRIVERS NEEDED .337 - Handyman 1 -847-724-2070 -352- .344 - tIe ,85i515O4 Undercover Concrete, 847-965.6316 Brick Work Home 1-847-520-5301 PLONEERPRSSS CHA/CLERICAL -319- 1 -847-752-5531 Improvement .345. AR. 847-674-3467 CONCRETE ETC. RE D'S a Appliance 435- Enp4nyem,I COLEECI1OP1S Tovn,og, Service, Repair Window EMashing 306- -393- CONSTRUCTION BullerrE.nelReosr2: 847-409-4860

Basements Movers 'IIFoIst -356- Power Washing ClassCare 440- ItepV 307 Concrete Work Furniture Repair, Our -363- '84- Refinishing 426- H4t,Ird ADMIN. ASS'T - 340- Kitchen & Baths Automotive 773.350.5200 -34a- Sedivn Honon Core Remodeling - 364 - hot the Cur Buyingor you are MIØM WRItS Edocohino Selling, looking for. Roofing Pioneer 773-763-6784 Painting, J&J Classified Papering Buying or Selling, Nonny Aeeiloabl - 358- ADMINISTRATIVE Pecudouel Oireclor POLONIA Pioneer Classifled ASSISTANT is the place TAXESOACCOIJNTING INC Landscaping, 430 Nurseries, is the place Gardens si8r009 far you! Individual 7100 8. 01608W,,, SOit, ORI 411-5I60m -349 - Taxes Nil,,, IL 80174 -367- for youl COMIRAIC LOGISTIcS Adminintrnline AnuO Corporate TOI: 847.0001026 O- (847) Taxes Fax: 847511.2227 Accounting (847) 998-3400 998-3400 E-Rail: polmiataeoxQxbc9IobaI.n,t 773-736.7900 APioneer Peru Publication (ne) 04 IThvavdcy,Msrch20,2008 wwtvpioneecicCaicOnr APicecerPrern Publicst,on (Dc) yvvvivpioneerlocafcom Thursday, MurcIa 20, 2000 I05

440- Nelp Wsstsd 440- SisIp Wsosed 440- NelpWsssed 440- Hdp Wustsd 440' HelpWsessd 440- Help Wssred 445- H:lpWessded' rota ' SALES sr es : D I lAst e Sold by nr:u ,, e e- 0 Pioneer ce " Classified '° I R t I t) R:::PcIOy:_ ;:° , , asu°es r5 ', 10 0 Lu WdC I so e-0 C C V t I rsing °' 00 o w 5' C C I TECHNICIANS Rs se tsp , ,, oc,o U so 001g e-° ott st The Latest News andJob Opportunities in the Industry Pp/L C k 's el 'a o, Cmp u O O C nr n, ix e O EDUCATION oO e bo M s 0 VI T e s .5. 't ...... 'i s, " sause's TIe big si U Grss'y aSo so 'o L Xl 'u MSRCHnNDISSRS t k S Il C OrOlilUiOx5'0e((li(n uo,orle otear O,:,, ,c,os 5010 1,,r o,,,,, ii PLOSIDA'S FAVORIT Ei,,,n,,r sure,, ,s,r.. cri3O,,115,,0 l,O,ise Ii,,, roi, cisoi(C,0W5055010 1n,:,v,,ill,r, RESTAURANT PPT (iS,).iI)'Medissl Assistant! Dietary Technician and Assistants: ))()'ly'J(,°)()I))iio GROUNDS KEEPER s or c 'noi, Ci5,, rs " gi k ° ALEHOUSE vocees, SOW ,:050 0,r0 esas II Delivering Healthy Meals os,, , COMING ' '° w nAP s, u, es TOtsesbvdl bySophisMikoo'Sohild nutrition halpo ta get yeauunble ta. Other positionsmmmc but also for coo- mSs uf ,,,,, s E.N,EdD, CNOR into the field. wo e, W While iomay be fosad in wheelstiosing adsrotion.It is e, 0e-' seeIOkRQ high sehool psopser byas well as stata and gee-np ta you and year arnbi- cc u taking coursee euch soerumout agencies.They tienta ostyaar maese. .Job Outlook biology, chemiatsy. mathe-use supsovixed by die' san I g IlH e C a W eck ID I55NNELATTENDANTA I1 The demand for Dietarymostos, communicatios,ticiens When warbing b55, '.e" ,e Us 0 i' and health. lfyoauantfefull time they work 40Sephin Milsun-Sehild, so ou oses e 's au1 Teehaiciane and ° Aasiotaats io expeeted toodvance te n Dietieiuo,hems per week with weekRN, Ed!), CNOR ox o 'e sa e liiiK SII rs sec to a Pl mcrccae well tota the yearcollege, csssesea such as sis weehendee P,O. Bon 575 se"ur so 50e SI SOL ' u food end nutrition, ehem- Mumdelein, IL 60060 e so O LS 2016 due ta the focus on Tmhnology, pntiontill- 'a istry, isutilutionul ssaa- '0 " disease prevention and ness and working with a MAINTENANCE u :as P ss d F I 0, i'sI reatar omphnoio ea asgcmont,hischemistey,variety of people makes s, M k r ' Tl 'cnr von..n.n si.. : Mssstms seso. r. microbiology, end phyus- (1.Ti,ly)J)(LT),)yyPP0))i() RI .,,,, s toIt Ct,,,0 need ta improve eatiog thin job challenging. It is II,, 5l,,,5,,II 15,00cl,: r5O-5O5, ()' ,,)rs,v ,klrr,arek.l,oeslsssoc essanIrs','itilorn. Stvo,"C. 5C,,,ulI,,l,5, .11)01 vr,oe,,T,,,ek stagy will help pare pm- habito need keeping nut for Oboes who do not Team Leader, Oeeløreas s,, °' paro forthe nover u-e . " healthy. Patients who aro like ta work Isard, thons Experience PA, RN,LPN or MA BuyIng or ' MEAT t SEAFOOD " T i O I Pediatric RN ,, ,, 5935 e-ox,, XV sicker andageowiogContorttheAasseriea.s who de est lOse ta he with Ist bese OrologI is s,,lrlc,,'.ueO MANAGER 5C1rl5l t5oll55O5,, Buty lbdiateic Psncllse Our Growth Perk Ridge, IllIssis se scOvo, rO RECEPTIONIST G 4 namber of eldeely withDietetic Asoeoiution, 120peeple or he esposed ta ,,,, Selling ,, Office in Lake Fenol As opssivp io coalisAi, foe e reO 'I tO '° s. '° Os u 55 50 chranic and debilitatingSouth RiversidePlans,varied taska. 'l'ho govern- and Libeelyville solsealsf PA, RN, PLN er MA is , , 5 II J er In Your New so Pioneer conditions will have anSalta 2000, Chieagu,ment dem not provide sto' t osOns pedwo 00 tse neo e 00101fPilowit assAIi, Md lAutti rs 0 s, e us0000etslSst051itssw- esotro mlle moscO 155015,0 " ,00P5" ova G effect on jab gcnveth with oil pedsiiousis,thlens11ln Direction s 19 oros illinois 60606 sr nu thelistim fur dietary taoh' is15p55555 55e,sstoa010t Classified r ' L neosvsse us soc ,' Ox, a need ta previde moreInternet: httpcf/niciano and sosiotauto bol 050cv. Reveller: calssy md ': :'Os n joists guru esd01100 s.srs 05506- Coco 1' neones s',, caunaelingtonursingwwnceataight.srg te findbraI iustitullono uso said amis mieses Oboes'' sseO the place "flm RESTAURANT den esile sos 0500400 RECEPTIONIST vol EgP 'o e LII harneo, hoopitaln and corn-sut shout raswer sppsr-le puy an average of ire 551st ross oid tas es '° , WOO espeieeoe 00110cllac 'n,ss. sate. ' Lc;v1 kSt msnities. Additionally, tsmities, schsoln and$12.15 per baso fee 2007 0550v smessE 0,050 CEDICAL REFERRAL foryou' ceo 00w 0e ,,, doctes stiles. leod pOses sed rices s. 'e 5, 5 ntos demand may increase doe scholseshipee nagea. Inmms cnn vary SPECIAL ST sempelarstills. MOO lioso ,, resO,. SImas I ,, o : Mysis Sesteo. RN LPN t CNAs '°° P50555 u 5, ta onbotitotion of Dietary depending un employer, Scoieoslesseusayam ( eo meese. ese n n i o i 550015 OtoallaaIesss501 Fax resumes a li TechoiciunaferhigherEmploynient and heurs, und esupusoibili- Is o55n u ru 0w 'o 998 3400 r p/L C h LS g d Clof d PmsrsassstnN'sIasI lo Della: se-sn paid ponitieno ofWorking tien There is sppsrtssuity ansies EPa. ssdFl&PT os u' e. 5 Dieticinnu. The fur nst unly foe more 847-362-4615 847823-3318 T Ol"W To o reorsnrvo vre HdpWsstsd sss.evvnsEeaoSs, rejos Department of Labor hasConditions "°°r Pelisse F I GphD g lORS Ore °',o eo), na predicted job growth ta beMost dietary techniciens Ff5605 Caes Dv you selay peeple ned e 551 5o,,,,,ur4O 1,155e-1 COME JOIN... Cselifisd Nssssalulefustsl P101(OSr Prsss 5,0ev, ccl, ssvSOS ne,. Cor aomrsssessoes cOST footer chan the averageand ussintantu will week .r5- Nueeeilnislusts F u. COV001AEOOVILLAGEORIORDB000K NURSE REVIEWERS Esweicsced Howe Cace 5 v: r RESTAURANT Ou oolsstieet rasa facilities, SCHOL8USCOMJ'ANY I far oli occupations. They vs. SlsrIil9s lrodsoaIlr((.niSrrSlrsslrervSvt. 1 o Ce-no er,sro C'vi ,tl I'Oosudces Neodcd 55505 sr Otiles sscS'slls' ton its vorn trsnbov . I, FULL. TIS1E .r(c(i Iinr:,' ri)P1()?''ox')'s'Ii ' C expect se inceesacofphysician'soffices,hou' nonasCrnSnanCas555ewruOCrnne.as9 xvisoonvoeesg. Veohablcsefeeeoeesoqsierd a '° ' Buying or 0r mss? I e sss e' aboot 9 percent in thepilato, nursing casa facili' es d ei0 , : d Ill sameotekuxsva00eosmp Lise-Is (3'4duys(asd rs,c'°es ass CASHIER/ Selling years 2006-2016. The sta-ties, and food servira posi- Hsorlyauigsuents ' rs" w oorr°° es I iIl ' er RECEPTIONIST tistics can be found ettions. They may plan end ClissAis Nooth&Noehecsl surco u o Cl L 005011es505-rT. Asrthiarsee,sdsndovsrmveoss. va u a E rs r ,t Pioneer 0 SI, httieifwwwbtogov pssdsee meals under the ChicsgvlSobrabs ir' r I e r as as e I o supervision uf dietirianu. a a au rsueoa IWccldypayohek ° Classified There is much walbisg, /Couposslieo SaSsy os ,, o. sa We Getting Training standing, lifting und inter- CnqssnnemunuOrauag,v050c,ugu,ramth /Wwkccd Dilteesliol is the place e'TeesclAlloumoa ssso,roeerser.rcfeo.rlw, r e Deliver A Dietary Tmhnician ocaeting with ill pstieula. l:csesssed VCOUNTERHELP i Assistant eusuer requisasSome hospitals seso die- Maso wad, ossilcmd or you so5Cl prn Results! that you mmplete st localtary soxiotanta In feed speak Esglish PIOÌ4EERI'BESS 1d FENCE SALES a high school education sepatienta when nmvm essi mase,.12-ease *as,cssE, 847 998 3400 GRO. Interest in fond andnursingaooiutantusea Pane-t- gt 50000 es' ,, Ene MAIUI4N-leuI 9983400 06 I Thuosday,March 20,2008 svww.pioneerlocatcom A Pioneer Press Publication (DC) APiosseer Press Ploblicalion (ssc) wwvspioneerlscalcsm Thursday, March 28, 2008 07 505- Aporlerenl,, 506- Aporfmeetr, 535- Kennen 606-Condnse,niners 676- Knosos- Clnbago 095- JudIsiol Salen Rratal.s Chedonriniono- Ssburban Soborban China90 n. n.

545 lndsalrknl/ 610- SopIssero, Cen,rnnereid Teweheosos, Rnwheusen

633- Oat-nI- Slats

560- Raenno

615- Houses- Suburban

570-SInnes &ORIeea

645 Investment Oppeetenilias

515'to,. Olttje OSjUK See. ISrSLOn,SI,e PIONEERPEESS

580- Vnsealioes Rentals 517- PapIones,





has the Cor

SSS SSrSOIeSSSS 525-Garagen, you are erur Parking Sparer looking for,

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Buying or Selling,

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605 AporinrennlRdg for youl

IeeQ,tInieIv! (847) 998-3400 Thursdsy,Morrh 20,2008 wwwpioneerlocalcono APioneer Preso Publication(Dc) 08 I Áoero'Pab1oclion(rcí wowpiotueerlocaLcom Thurday, March20, 2000 936- AUtos for Sale 695- JudicIal Sales 705- PaS 755- Mitcelloneoca 695- JudicIal Sales DealSsehlp 1005- Adeptlso 1000-AOOUOetS Nase 1008- A0005ted Narrte 1- Aamrnted Name 5008- Acocotad llante 10ES- Ae900sed Nane LegaiNotkes Oc GREAT DEALS ON WHEELS 'lisuuun'J1- 20')li 717- SeStee Soles 940-Mao °rou Buyingor a , 000colana nos 0e CoonOoUnn,Irn5et CO5O ANTIQUE TOYOTA Sienne ° .0 .002 'n loco °Xl0 caeor enea san mecca cres osceno cueron ososo AUCTION! e inQl de heooeauanocS0e so0005euneaeeaedeaeu0000dcceeee he ocnodaeooc co 00 50 eaa=&lrsa,:;., 5ora eee u0nli eS ç3n2: Pioneer a:'so sa c5ncc55cOeIO (a005OO°li °C t PIONEERPRESS 000P°so,o w)li Classified 5°: a-5av:ao?::50)(oF 509 o5ne0sa000 °° 947 totes Wo ted is the place )) sso eso osns°°O nsa so ° oo; oc ca for you1 u: ,,,, r -a canes L0oe0uO0Sno ooet 1000-Aso oeedNea 50 j0 22)50u7a oc co 1047) 050 a no 00500 nc0 00 a 5o1s SelIg U't1/ oces o co 05000cc sosse RosaorCFooEtd 08)'))Jj0)9 cons ra cooaO000.ocaS 00 000000osi,cocco00 000000006, 0000, 50 000 oc 00 ea a.eoeco Marketplace fia pliochoI 00 asesor

coeo sr oosoeecnesoe ci)2iliti i°o ljJ 720- Reeks, Magosiets, Etc 0)20 -r 50 °°99 00)) a


729- Csllodibles

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is the place oeou00099uc5caooea0)coa er Wqltoii BuingorSeIilflg &f1I19SrSe0lfl9 BstngorSeIllng Bu)sngorSeIIlng CHRYSLER JEEP 0000 005005000 0500 cr055o e99)O2tcus9asre°Oliao for you! Welten Chrysler PIoneer ClassIfied Pioneer Ciasufled PioneerCiessthed Pioneer CIassed Jeep Istisopixe istheploce sor coo BupngerSelhng isthepisce lsthepkKe 5050 D000pster St foryou! forpee! foryoo! foryou! (847) Skokie, IL 647) PioneerCiassifled 673-7600 0000 j.e000aoe is the piece (847) (847) (847) (847) 998-3400 foryou! 998-3499 998-3400 998-3499 998-3400 APioneer tressPublicationi.... (ix ció1 tcii2OOO' wibñelöéáLa3.. . A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) - Thursday; March2,2008- j CII

1008- Assumed Naine18- Assum Naine1B- Assum Name 1oo Assumed Name160Assumed Name1008- Assumed Name1008-Assumed Name urna- Assumed Name 1008- Assumed Name1008- Assumed Namei 008- Assumed Namei 008- Assumed Name1008- Assumed Name1008- Assumed Name1010- Auctions 1010- Auctions AS5UMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME asSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME - ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE NO. 62416 Notice is hereby given. pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-Nahe us hereby etwa. pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice is Iwesby given, pur-Notice is hereby given. pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice Is hereby given, pur- was filed in the office of the st1t to An Act in re'ation tosuant lo An Act ¡n relation Ioad Io M Act m retotiou toslant to An Act in relation tosuant to An Act m retaban toussit to An Act in relation Iosuant toAn Act in relation tosuant to An Act un relation to Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice Is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-CountyClerkofDuPage the use ofi Assund Busi-the use ofi Assumed Buse-tIr iae or ou Assumed Busi-me use of Assumed Bus,-the use ai i5 Assumed Bus,-11w use of an Assumed Bust-the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Bun- suant to An Act in relation tosuant to 'An Act in relation tosuant to 'An Act In relation tosuant to 'An Act In relation fosuant to An Act in relation toCounty on March 4,2008, ness NaneNlTheconctoct or,wss Name in the cunjct ori NcNne in The cpndkjd orness Nome in the conduct ornass Name in the cilnduct orfloss Name in the conduCt orness Nome in the conduct orfleas Nome un the conduct or the use of an Assumed BUsI-fhe use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi-the useof anAssumed Busi-the use of on Assumed Busi-wherein the business firm of transaction of Business m Thetramoction al Busmess un theIrumctxE al BusuiessinIrwisoction of Businessintransaction of Business untrisactIOn o? 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La Londe, cet-h1iit.on wriled by thecertiticutiun __ tiled by tIresrIllicutitla filed by thecertiticotion was tiled by thecertificationir filed by Thertifitiix wan filed by thecertification wils filed by thecertifucattan was tiled by the State,' as amended, that aState,' as omended, that athe State,'as amended, that athe State,' as amended, that aStale,' as amended, that aAddison, IL 60101 was regis- undersigned wiTh the Countyundersed wHh the CumlywxIeed wHh The Countyundersigned with the Countyunderslened ritti tie Countyi*idersi *ilt the Countyundersisned with The Countyundertaned with me County certification was filed by thecertification was filed by thecertification was filed by thecertiticatlon was filed by thecertificotion was flied by thetered; that the true or real Clerk o Coc& County. FileClerk of CuoI County. FileClrrk cl Cock County. FileClerk of Couic County. FileClerk of Cao& County. FileClerk of Cook County- FileCleric of Couic County. FileClerk of Cook County. File undersigned with the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the Countyname or names of the person No. 00S111074 on FebruoryNo. Dosililis ou FebnyNo. DN1fl241 i 4No. 008111155 on FebruaryNo. D18111165 ou FebruaryNo. P00111104 on FebniolyNo. DC8111484 on March 12,No. 000111573 an March 13, Clerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileClerk of CookCounty.FileClerk of Cook County. Fileorpersons owning the busi- 2e, 200S. Uncr the Assumed ai_ U,Ier hie Nai.Uiulri-tIr Asmied. 2. Under the Assumed28, 200e. Uniter the Assumed,l. Unde,- the Assumed21m. under the Assuffied2300rn Under the Assumeci No. D08111568 on March 13,No. D08111490 on March 12,No. D08111180 on FebruaryNo. D08111162 on FebruaryNo. D08111579 on March 13,ness, with theirrespective Name 01: Name al: Nnec(: Name of: Name of Nane of Name of Nameof: 2008. Under the Assumed2008.Under the Assumed2?, 2008. Under the Assumed2?, 200?. Under the Assumed2008. Under the Assumedpost office addressies), is/are CHARLES ROGER SHEA MORAN FINANCIAL SPIDERTEUCKING COMPLETE QUALITY RODRIGUEZ R.P FLECDEV MEX DB CONSTRUCTION PI CONSTRUCTiON Name of: Name of: Name of: Nameof: Name of: as follows: Buyingor Buyingor co. PLANNING wIlli tIrbuzirss tocolod o?: REMODELING NsrRUCnON CHICAGO with the business located atwith The business located at MALIK CONSTRUCTION KUR MASONRY VASILIK CONSTRUCTION L & G CUSTOM MASONRY PETER DUNA COMPANY Piotr Barwicki,1205.La wiTh the business located atwith The business Ioted aI t. N Orator Ave. #.with The business located at: With the isßiness lecohel at:with Ihebusiness located at:3317 N. Ozark, Chicago. IL49N Clifton Ave, Nw-ridge, With the business located atwith the business located atwith the business located at: with the business located at: with the business located atLande, Addison, IL 60101. 90U Nues Center Raed. SIw&-N. Ckxk St.. Sulle 1. Oil-0iic IL 60658. Hr true4653 W. 87th St., Hometown,2405 5. Lowndule. Oiicogo IL3968 N. Pulaski Rd.. Chicago.60634. The true name(s) andIL 60106. The true name(s) 3507W.Schubert Ave., Chica-296? N. Ridgeway Ave., Chi-2347 W. Superior, Chicago, IL7748 S. Sholer, Bridgeview, IL.2608 W. 42nd Sf, Chicago, IL le, IL 6007& The true name(s)c IL. 6O6.. The kirrirls) rrsiince od-IL 60656. flie true name(s)60623. The true nisne(s) andIL 6064E flie true name(s)residenceaddressoftheand residence address of the go, IL 606.17. Thetruecago,IL60618.The true60612. The true name(s) and60455. The true name(s) and60632 The true name(s) andIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I and resence eddrss of theiir(s)id residen - rss of tileumier(s) is:clad residen address of theresiden addressaltheaid residence address of Theowner(s) is Bogdai Dtiszo,owner(s) is Ivan Proton, 493o name(s) and residence ad-name(s) ond residence ad-residence address offharesidence address of theresidenceaddressofthehave hereunto set my hand owner(s) isCharles Roumdress of tir umrr(s) is JollaThiiirw Bunlujski.i0 N.owner(s) Is: Stevenowner(s) is: Himedoowner(s) is: 3311 N. Ozark. Chicago, ILN Clifton Ave, Nw-ridge, IL dress of the owner(s) is Petradress of the owner(s) is Jozefowner(s)is:Vasyl Kosar,owner(s) Is:Lesiek Duros,owner(s) Is PeIr Duna, 2608and Otficial Seal at my office Selling, Selling,' SheL 90)1 NueS Center Rooc.1. Mora) III. - N. Otlo.alester Ave.. # Oiic WiHiomson, 4463 W. 87th St.,Rodriguez, 2 S. Lawudale.3960 N. Pulaski Rd.. Chicago.60634. 60706. Malik, 3507 W. Schubert Ave.,C.Kur, 2968N. Ridgeway2347 W. Superior, Chicago, IL7748 5. Shsier, Bridgeview, ILW. 42nd St, Chicago, I L 60632.In Wheaton, Illinois, this 4th Skokie, 1L6001& Pork Ridge, IL 60068. IL 606%. Hometown. IL 60456. Chicago. IL 60623. IL 60641. Chicago, IL 60647. Ave., Chicago, lL6t618. 60612. 611455. day of March, AD. 2008. Published in Pioneer Press Published ¡n Pioneer Press . Pubtisheci in Pioneer PressGaryA. King Published in Pioneer Press Pubibtied In Pianer Press Ptlishod ni Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press PolIislied in Pioneer Press 3120.3W,4f7.Ve(1561607)C ario, 3)27, 40.V0(1561006)C Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press Published In Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press 3/20, 3/27, 4/3/0111561029)C DuPage Counly Clerk Vl3, 32O. 3d278(155ft311) (1Z7fl4) C Sfl%6007)C 3/20, 3/27, 4/3/Ot(1560923)C act,'27, 4/3/08 (1560.428) C 3/6, 3/13, 3/20/0I(1S563e3)C 3/6,'13, 3/20/Ot(1SS6231)C ,'rn L l3. '13, :w', vii. Z'ZVB(1%6268)C 6. alu. alZtn(1556251)C Published in Pioneer Press ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME 3/20, 3/27, 4/3/08 (1561990) D Pioneer Pioneer Natica is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur- Notice Is hereby given, pur Natica is hereby: civen. pur- Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice Is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur-suant to 'An Act in relation to suant Io An Act in relation tosuant to An Act in relation tosuant to An Act in relation fo suant to An Act in reiation tosuant to 'An Act in relation tosuant to 'An Act in relation fosuant to 'An Act in relation tothe use of an Assumed Busi- me use of ai Assumed Busi-the use of on Assumed Bun-the use of an Assumed Busi- the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi-ness Name in the conduct or mess Name in Thecond,jct orness Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in nass Nane in the conduct orIronsoctisfi of Business un thetransaction of Business io the ness Name in the conduct orness Name in the conduct orness Name in the conduct orness Nome In the conduct or transaction of Business es transaction of Business In thetransaction of Business In thetransaction of Business intransaction of Business in thethe State,' as amended, that a Classified Classified Btng crSelng, Bui orSe BuingorSelhng, Btn9 orSeling, State; os amended, that aState,' as amended, that a the State,' as amended, that aState,' as amended, that acertification was tiled by the Bui orSeLng, the State.usanended,thatacertification was filed by thecertification was filed by the State,' as amended, that astate,' as amended, that a undersigned with the County Buying or SeJiing, certification was filed by theundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the County certification was tiled by thecertification was tiled by thecertification was filed by thecedification was tiled by the Pioneer thssthed ooeer Uo undersigned with the County undersigned With the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the CountyClerk of Cook County. File a o W Clerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileCleric of Cook County. File Clerk o? Cook County. FueClerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileNo. D08111204 on February isthefo Na. 000111160 on FebruaryNo. D08111609 on March 13.No. D00111588 on March 13. No. 008111569 on March 13,No. D08111489 on March 12,No. D08111171on FebruaryNo.D0t111144 on February29, 2008. Under the Assumed Pioneer Classified xefrxyou! thepoceforv! is the plo for you! . 2006. Under the Assumed2txll. Under the Assumed2000. Under the Assumed 2008. Under the Assumed2008.UndertheAssumed28, 2008. Under the Assumed27, 2008. Under the AssumedName of: Naneof: Name of: Nome of: Name of: Name of: Name of: Naine of: 24 TRUTH PRODUCTIONS is the placeis the place AREK CONSTRUCTION ADAM CONSTRUCTION MM CONSTRUCTION HIDEY CONSTRUCTION KSD CONSTRUCTION ORESTS CONSTRUCTION NMATHAI PHOTOGRAPHYwith the business located at: is Ihe place 'k with the busi,iess located at: with the business located atwith the business located at with the business located atwith the business located atwith the business located at:with the busIness located at5324 Monroe St., Skokie, IL 6943 W. Wellington Ave.. Chu-5237 W. Berteau Ave, Chica-8713 N. Ozanorn, Nues, IL 2730 w. Thomos St., Chicago,615 PatrIcia Ln., Des Plaines,2039 W. Erie, Chicago,IL1431 5.FourthAve.,Des60077. The true name(s) and cago,IL60634. The truego, IL60641. Thetruef0714. The true name(s) and IL 60622. The true flame(s)IL 60016. The true name(s)60612. The true name(s) andPlaines, IL 60518.The trueresidence address ofthe for youl ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTiSiNG NETWORK mene(s) andreskience ad-name(s) and residence od-residenceaddressofThe and residence address of theand residence address of theresidence address of thename(s) and residence ad-owner(s) is: Dana Scott, 5324 dress ofItieowner(s) is:dress of the owner(s) is Adamowner(s) is Muraslav owner(s) is Mykhaylo Hidey,owner(s) Is Kuba Dariusz, 615owner(s)is: Shcherbyak,dress ofthe owner(s)Is:Monroe St., Skokie, IL 60077. Arkodiusz K. Ciuk. ¿943 W.Sokolowski, 5237 W. BedeauMalarcik. 8713 N. Ozanam, 2730 w. Thomas St., Chicago,Patricia Ln., Des Plaines, ILOrest, 2039 W. Erle, Chicago,Nitin Mathal, 1431 S. Fourth for you! for you! Wellington Ave. Chicago, ILAve. Chicago. IL 60641. Hiles, IL 60714. IL 60622. 60016. IL 60612. Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018. Published in Pioneer Press (847) AWESOME FIRST JOB!! Now Drivers - CDL ADid You 3/6, 3/13, 3/20/OI(1556877)C ADOPTION Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press CLASSICI t-imng 18-24 GUyS/Gals rfc Published In Pioneer Press Make SS0-SSK Last Year? Published in PK,neer Press Z90,3121, 4Thi36(156t568)C :'ìo, 4'7,08(1561059)C :too, 3,'27, 4A08(1560923)C 3/20, 307, 4''O8 (1560427) C :vó,3t13, 30c1/OI(1SS6295)C 3/6, W13, 3120108 (1556024) C 998-3400 ADOPT ANTIQUE CARS and Travel Entire USA. With Frequent Hometime? :6. V13 l0(15562l4)C Levng m3nied couØe w gtve 2 Weeks Paid Training. Were looking (or: Exp. Flatbed ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME mithwstda*siccaisom - Transportation ASSUMED NAME (847) (847) an infantaR the advata9es cf a andLodging 8 Company DriversSystem Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur- Notice Is hereby given, pur- Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice Is hereby given, pur-Notice Is hereby given, pur- oiler 700 G!asscs. M!iqaes. FurtesIadCall Sarah Today! Transport Inc. Wsst you's gel: Natica is hereby given, pur-suant to 'An Act in relatioq tosuanttoAnAct in relation lo suantto An Act In relation tosuant to An Act in relation tosuant to 'An Act In relation tosuant to 'An Act in relation fo Icvig 1tmly. expenses paid the use of an Assumed Busi- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPER- I-tot Rods. Street Rods. and 1-866-680-9311. -$1000 Sign-On Home suait to An Act in relation tothe use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi- the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi- Please call Meghan L Bred. MOloftyties for s01e Also. me use of on Assumed Busi-ness Name in the conduct orness Name in the conduct or ness Name in the conduct orness Name in the conduct orness Name In the conduct orness Name in the conduct or TY 1-800-417-1016 Weelends Regional Lanes is Name in theconduct ortrunsoction of Business in thetransaction of Business in the transaction of Business in thetransaction of Business In thetransaction of Business intransaction of Business In the check out our event and ca frasoctxxi of Business un theStute.- as amended, that oState,' os amended, that a State, as amended, that aState,' as amended, that athe State,' as amended, that aState,' as amended, that a Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the 998-3400998-3400 .$1000+ par weekFU11 BeneM r dub ksdng HELP WANTED State. us amended, that ooertification was filed by thecertification wgs filed by the certification was filed by thecodification was filed by thecodification was tiled by thecerfification was filed by the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the un- ADOPTION COULD . DRIVERS Package (866)709-7916 certiticutuan wca tiled by theundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the County undersigned with the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the County dersigned, PS Orange Inc. sell at public saie by competi- BE THE SOtUTlON undeesigned with the CountyClerk of Conic County. FileCleric of Cook County. File Cierk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cask County. Filefive bidding on: March 27, 2008 at i :00 p.m. On the prern- Morn and Dad ,th a big heart EVENTS(SHOWS Clerk of Cook COunty. FileNo. D08111652 an March 17,No. 006111587 on March 13, No. D08111535 on March 12,No. D08111501 on March 12,No. D0t111154 on FebruaryNo. D0t111077 on February se where said property has been stored and which are lo- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE DI; ASAP! Sn-On Bonus No. D00111473 on March 12.2006.Under the Assumed2000. Under the Assumed 2008.Under the Assumed2008.Underthe Assumed21, 2008. Under the Assumed25, 200?. Under the Assumed cated at Public Storage/PS Orange Co., Property # 08067, OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Wlsurrciindycur baby vith HOMES FOR SALE 06. Under the AssumedNome of: Nameot: Name of: Name of: Name of: Name of: 1711 W. Fullerton, Chicago, IL 60614, Phone: 173-525-5518, KMFE SHOW 35-42 cpm Earn over $1000 Nane of HAPPY HOUNDS EDWARD COMPANY ESCO SPARE PARTS CO. WAKMOCARPENTRY SOBEvent ADAM'S CABIN ETRY Fax: 773-248-3702. The person property described below, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the k,ve, joy. (aughter, security and . with the business located at:with the business located at In the matter of: Mth 28th - 29 30th wetdy Excelterit BeneMs Need flUO only VOLT ELECTRIC with the business located atwith the business lOCated at with the business located at: withthe business located at Self-Service Storage Facility Act, Stale of Illinois, the un- awonderfutfamdy. Al HOMES! 4bd with the business located at6110 N. Kenmore. Chicago, IL4579 N. Mulligan, Chicago, IL 4843 N. Odell Ct., Harwood1405 Cove Dr., Prospect Hts.,2421 W. Pratt, #1200, ChIcago,56 N. Albert St., Mt. Prospect, dersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding ap expenses paid. Haliday I Express & COL-A and 3 rttos recent OTR$25.000! $2001mo!' 5% dn 20 .2 W. Musun Ave, Chicoge.606o. The true name(s) and6o6:.The true name(s) and Hts.,IL 60706. The trueIL 60070. The true name(s)IL 60645. The true name(s)IL 60056. The true name(s) Space # Name Contents on March 28, 2008 at 12:15 P.M., on the premise where 800-635-8669 IL 60634. the true name(s)residenceaddresso?Theresidenceaddress name(s) and residence ad-and residence address of theand residence address of theand residence address of the 1185 Anthony Daddy Boxes, clothing said property has been stored, and which are located at ro team more about us. Conferen Ce ter Jaaessite. tirs at 8% apr! Forecloswes and atthe owner(s) Is: Aryeh L.owner(s) is Adam Knopik, 56 2092 Kabari Hendrick Couch, stools, tv vtt - l-90 and East U.S. H axt residence address of theowner(s) Is Oscarowner(s) is Edward Modecki, dressof the owfler(s)Is:owner(s) Is: Woiclech Public Storage/PS Orange Co., 708 W. Central Rd., Mt. Call: 1488-208-6765 14 DrÑers - COL A The Grass sRepos! Foc listings 800-353- owner(s) is Robert Wtona,Coroliontes, 6110 N.4519 N. Mulligan, Chicago, IL Eva Bulot, 4843 N. Odell Ct.,Osmolski, 1405CoveDr.,Garber, 2421 W. Pratt, #1200,N. Albert St., Mt. Prospect, 2133 Jason Bobilles Boxes, coffee table Prospect, I L 60056. The personal property described be- Fo atto Bad9e Ñfe Ou Inc. 6968 xT239 N. Mon Ave, Chicago.Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60660.606. Harwoad HIs., IL 60706. Prospect I-Its., IL 60070. Chicago, IL 606-45. IL 60056. 2147 John Frazier Suitcase, boxer, low, In the matters of: LCFS LIC. $012998 . Greenerat PTt Students bags Phone/Fair (4141 479-975 IL 60634. Published in Pioneer Press Published In Pioneer Press 4090 Sharon ElImer Sota, mattress Welcome -excellenttraining Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press Published In Pioneer Press Published In Pioneer Press Unit Name Conlents AUCTIONS or (414) 379-6819 LAND FOR SALE Published in Pioneer Press 3120,3,'27,4'3.qJB(1561562) C 70, :27, 7m(1s61os1)C 3/20, 3127, 4/3108 (1560774) Cs 3120, :1/27, v'ot (1560380) C 316, 3/13, 3/20/Ot(15S6243)C 3/6, 3/13, V20108(1555349)C2s 12? Jeanne Piccolo Box spring,mat- program. Co Drivers Earn up to , 3127. 4t%tN(1561102)C Purchases must be mode with cash only and paid for at tress, boxes 46 cpn O*oter Operators Earn the time of saie. All goods are sold as is and must be re- 199 Regina Shannon Bags INNER BANKS Land Aucbort, FINANCIAL LOG CABINonlyS69$00. ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME moved at the time of purchase. Saie issublect to 249 Carl Korner Bags, boxes,cloth- 1.21 cpm. 22 yrs of age. 12 ASSUMED NAME adjournment. ing,ladder,totes, LargeVterfrontihenor Lake Access vith CREE Bo Notice Is hereby given, pur- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE 'nos OTR. No Forced Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur- Notice Is hereby given, pur- OF PERSONAL PROPERTY kitchen chair Hornesites at Masons Pointe; cREOIT CARO RELiEF Slips.O'an the dream! New Natica is hereby given. pur-suant Io An Act in relation toSuant to An Act in relation to suant to -An Act in relation tosuont to 'An Act in relation to Published in Pioneer Press 295 CaroleMulligan Kitchen chairs, cam- Noitheast! Co. Drivers call: 866- suait to An Act in relation Io (1558521)C Saturday.Maith 29;IIAM -- FREE CONSULTA11ON" 2,128 st tog catin package the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi- the uso of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi- Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the 3/13, 3/20/08 puter, exercise 770-7793 the use al OEl Assumed Bust-liess Nane es fije conduct orness Name in the conduct or ness Name in the conduct orness Name in the conduct or equip.,floorlamp, PaincoCounty.NC. Iron Sa,e ThousaidsDollars. O.OpefSIOfS cat: spectacular 160.000 acre i Nane in me conduct or transaction of Business In thetransaction of Business in theSelf-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the un- 877-774-3533 Itaaactian of Business in thetransoctein of BusIness in thetransaction at Business un the dersigned PS Orange Co., will sell at public sale by compel- end table, washer HorseAucton.NCAL*3936. OUT 01 DEBT UI MONTHS! recreational lake! Paved mad. State,- os amended. that aState,- os amended, that a State,- as amended, thai aState,' as amended, that aitive bidding on March 31 2008 at 10:00 AM., on the premise 308 Catherine Fini Boxes, kitchen Stulr. afondad. that artificatmn wfiled by theoertification wis. filed by the codification was tiled by thecedification was filed by the NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY chairs, ladder, lawn 800-997-2248. AVOID BAMRUPTCY! tug utilities. excellent tnancing. oertificotion wfiled by the undersigned With the Countyundersigned with the Countywhere said property has been stored, and which are located equip., speakers, 01% tOp ro dver made undersigned with the Countyunderslened with The Countyundersigned with the County at Public Storage 2101 W. Howard, Chicago, IL 60645. The wonhoßeauoicom CREOIT CARO REliEF. NOT Call now 1-800-704-3154. Clerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. File Clerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. Filepersonal property described below, in the matters of: Nolice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the totes A HIÇh Priced Coic8btion $64.951to 2007! How much x1754 Clerk of Caalc County. FileNo. D00l112 on March 12.No. 000111586 on March 13 No. D01111494 on March 12,No. D08111137 on February Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the un- 310 Laurel Hill Bags, headboard, 160. D00111475 on fdi 12.2000. Under the Assumed2000. 2008.Underthe Assumed27, 2008. Under the Assumed dersigned, PS Orange Co., will sell at public sale by compet- boxes, china cabinet, Compaiy OrA Ccnsaner dei YOU earn? 5.45 per 00. Under The Assumed Under the Assumed Name at: Name of: Unit Name Contents AUTOMOBILES Name of Nameof: 0111 itive bidding on March 31, 2008, at 10:10 am., on the prem- kitchen chains, m8e? Make more in2008! Nane of: PS REMODELING FRESH AIR LAWN CARE Grant Darrin Bogs, boxes, tv dresser, totes CreIg Counseling MEDICAL SUPPliES AJ CONSTRUCTION SEDO COMPANY 0169 Munansangu Chimo Clothing, totes ise where said property has been stored, and which are lo- WANTED Home el'iy! HEARTLAND eLM COMPANY with the business located atwith the business located at with the business located atwith the business located at cated at Public Storage, PS Orange Co., 1512 W. Jarvis, 327 Marykate O'MaIIey Bags, boxes, kitchen Call CREDIT CARD with the business located atslW. Cornelio Ave, Chico- 6818 w. Barry, Chicago, IL1659 w. Estes #1, Chicago, IL 0183 Moronda Dean Boxes, clothing, sofa Chicago, IL 60626, the personal property described below. chairs, dresser, din- EXPRESS 1-800-441-4953 ABSOLUTELY NO COST TO 944 W. Montrme. Apt. 100. l50-.60 W COI-tlaid, Chicago, 60634. The true name(s) and60626. The true name(s) and 1019 Cook Shirley Boxes, office chairs DONATE VE)ØCLE RELiEF 866-475-5959 go, IL60641. ThetrueIL 60647. The true name(s) 3067 Evans Jr., Sheldon Dresser, table In the matters of: Ing table w*wheruandexpsscam YOU!! ALL BRANO NEW chicago, IL 60613. The miename(s) and residetica od-and residence address of the residenceaddressoftheresidenceaddressofthe 381 Domenica Martinez Bed trame,mat- FREE CONSULTAflON ine(s) owner(s) isPiotr Sarnacki,owner(s) isJonathan Law-3090 Farris Harold Bed, choir Unit # Name Contents spring, Raning or Pt Aep1ed POWER WHEELCHAIRS. residef! ad-dress 01 the owner(s) is Adas,owner(s) is Pavel Sedo, 3050- 3154 Scott Chimere Bags, clothing, tv tress,box FREE TOWING TAX Ath ess of the owner(s) is PiatrJ4oiiskì, SENW.Cornelioai W Cortlond, Chicago, IL 6818W.Barry, Chicago, ILrence, 1609 W. Estes #1, Chi- 079 Nidia Osorio Salonequip., boxes boxes, couch AMERICAN TAX RELIEF Drivers: GET PAID ON HOSPITAL. BEDS. AND MrowI(a. « W. Montrase,Ave, Chicago, IL 60641. 60634. cago, IL 60626. 60011 Luckett Gwendolyn Rest. equip. 093 Lacey Bailey Boxes DEDUCTIBLE NOAHS ARC. PRACTICALMILES! f Apt. ilL Oucngo IL 40613. 180 Sharmaine Pauper Bags Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for at SE1TLE RS BACK TAXES SCOOTERS IU.D1ATE . Published In Pioneer Press Purchases Must Be Made With Cash Only And Paid For Suppo,t No Kil Shelters. Animal *WeIdy! Terminals in Grand Published in Pixieer Press Published in Pioneer Pi-05$ Published in Pioneer Press At The Time Of Sale. All Goods Are Sold As Is And Must Be 199 Crystal May Trunk, dresser the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be re- Do You Qe Ov$15.000? DELIVERY. CALL TO4L FREE Poliliolied in Fleecer Press val, w,4'3.thS(1561219)C ario, :vui, 4134*(1561039)C zoo,V27, VZ'08 (1560521) C 3/13, ZOO, 3/27/08 (1558914) C Removed At The Time Of Purchase. Sate Is Sublect To 264 ManIque Lewis Kitchen chair, coffee movedat the time of purchase. Sale is subioct to Rights. Researth to Advaiice Island. PIE and Ressetaer. IN. 1-888-998-41 tI TO QUALIFY. -21. 44e(l561706)C table, end table adiournment. Il ScLCaI us Now Adlournment. 290 Brian Harper Boxes, bags Vetennaiy TreatmentsCures Decated Flatbed Carder foc ASSUMED NAME . ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME FREE CONSULTATION- ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME Published In Pioneer Press 120 Samuel Nichols Bicycle, boxes Published In Pioneer Press 1-$U-912-G1VE For Less Than iMlat YØu Owe! chEt Industries. Class MISCELLANEOUS 3113, 3/20/08 I1558605)C Natica is hereby given. pur-Ñotice is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given pur- Notice Is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur- 31"13, 3120108 (1558963)C Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for al - s Ganinents! A-cDtJlYR. 0Th Exp. suant to An Act in relatIon tosuant to An Act un relation to suant to An Act in relation tosuant lo An Act in relation to the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be re- AUTOS FOR SALE Req. 61CC 877-W-4422 FOR SALE suant to An Act in relation Io the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi Remove Bask Lt.ies Tax the mue of ai Assumed Bus.-the use ofi Assumed Bust-the use of an Assumed Bust- ness Name In the conduct or moved at the time of purchase. Sale Is sublect to *wwgicc ,unss Nane in Ihe ndict orness Nome un thendct orness Name ¡n the conduct or ness Name in the conduct or adlournment. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE $500 POUCE IMPOUNDS! I.eirs & Proy Soizzes! 4 Foot WhIte Pine Trees- trasacIion al Busi,rss es Thetransaction of Business un thetransaction at Business ¡n the transaction of Business in thetransaction of Business In NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Deluiereti,Planted,Mtched. SlaIe. StaIe, as amended. thot aState,- as amended, that a State,- as amended, that athe State,' as amended, that a Published in Pioneer Press Cara from $500!Tax Repos. US Slop Paliinent PINIS ThGet DRIVERS - STUDENTS: as nrndeithat a certification was flied by thecertification was tiled by the PROPERTY $59.S0flree. Naithofl-80 crilitication was filed by Thecertification w filed by thecertification was filed by the undersigned with the County 3/13, 3/20/08 I1556318)C Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the Mshal aid IRS aales! Ca you Noe! Sedie Slate and Drive a Big Rig! Sponsored under w the Countyundersigned with the Countyundersigned with the County undersigned with the County Notice Is hereby given that pursuant ta Section 4 of the Seit-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the un- Business Payrol Tax Problems $69.SOlbee. Buy 10 ... get I Oerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook CountyFile Clerk -f Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. FileSeit-Service Storage Facility Act, Stale of Illinois, the un- dersigned wilt sell at public sale by competitive bidding Trucks. SUYs. TOyCIaS. Tr*'TMiOn Reimbwsement No. 000111403 an March 12. No. D0t111493 on March 12,No. D08111163 on February FREE! Cal lar amer sizes I No. D11111U7 ai MaTh 12. No. 000111584 on March 13, 2008.Underthe Assumed2?, 200?. Under the Assumed dersigned, PS Orange Co., Will sell al public sale by com- on March 27, 2008 at 2:00 P.M. on the premise where sold Honda's. Chews. m«ei For Ee P06eS. Interest AvIe! Possible $40K Ist _s_ Undo,-the AssumedNILUnder the Assumed3000. Under the Assumed petitive bidding on March 31, 2008, at 10:30 AM. on the NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPER- property has been stored, and which are located at Public cha-ges L Tax Liens! valietiesishades. 217-886- Nameo(: Name of Name of: Name of: ListingsCall1-800-706-1759 year ExpdDhrs Ask Hansel: MP CONSTRUCTION ELITE LIGHTING premise where said property has been stored, and which TV Storage/PS Orange Co., 2835 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL 2316 www.atllvodlieescom MIHAL DESIGN ANDREw'S CARPENTRY MICHAEL CARPENTRY with the business located atwith the business located at: are located at Public Storage, PS Orange Co., 5643 N. 60618 the personal property described below, In the mat- x6482 SEULE S ft1cK TAXES aboieott35000Sìgn.On! with the bialunsa located atwith The business located atwith the business located at Broadway, Chicago, Illinois 60660,the personal proper- Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the tens of: -NO OBLIGATION-- 2035 W. Ohio St, Chicago, IL 5754Cuiiom,Chicago,IL2709 W. 97th St., Evergreen wwwt,c,cofn Cal 800-569- HOMEOWNERS WANTED!!! 7 NMcVicker, dhicago IL 6932 W Modul Ave., Chicago, 60634. The true name(s) andPark,IL60105. The true ty described below. In the matters of: Self-Service Storage Facility Act, Stale of Illinois, the un- BUSINESS COt,J:IDENTLa& CALl 60634. The trir name(s) aid'!- The true name(s) andIL60707. The true imane(s) residenceaddressotthename(s) and . residence ad- dersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding Unit Name Contents 9232. kayak Pools is looking for iasiden oddressof res.defi addressoftheand residence address of the SPACE #OCCUPANT CONTENTS on March 31, 2008 at 10:20 am. on the premise where said 0054 Elsa Jacobson Boxes, pictures A&RlCAN TAX RELiEF theowner(s) is Afldrzej Kwelus owner(s)isMarek Piska,dressoftheowner(s) is: OPPORTUNITiES Demo Homeskes to diplay oz awner(51 is Michel choierAi, owner(s) is Mictiol 5754 Culiom,Chicago,ILJohnCypser, 2709 W 97th St., 1020 Lorry Volkmar Boxes, sofa,love property has been stored, and which are located at Public 0071 Lisa Gallegos Bicycle, boxes, 1400-589-7951 Driver-CDLtraining: $0 dowm N.McVicker, Chicago, W. 011M? St., Chicago, ILCzumilowicz. 6923 WMedill 60634. Evergreen Park, I L 60805. seat Storage,PS Orange Co. 5733 North Broadway St., Chica- couch virtually Malrdenan.Free IL60634. 60612. Ave., Chicago, IL 60707. 1082 Nicole Fowler go, IL 60660-4301, the personal property described below. 0131 Cynthia Harris Bags, boxes, toys ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE. FREE CONStATATION frlancing by Central Pool. Save thousands alUs 3348 Maria Rosa Felipe Boxes, bags In the matters of: 0143 Piazza Bella Chain, vacuum, Published in Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press Published In Pioneer Press Do you earn Io SßOOIday? RefrIgerated. Dove for Central, th o Polillohed ii Pneer Press Published in Pioneer Press 3120, 3/27, 'V3/08 (1560514) C .3/6, 3/13, 00/08(1556370)C 3355 Jessie Hill Totes, bed mattress, crates Preseason Savgit s'a. an. VS(lS61651)C y* y», 4't*(1561239)C 3127, 417,V8fl561039)C boxes SPACE OCCUPANT CONTENTS 0196 Abe Sanchez Bicycle, suitcase, Your n local cady roe. 30 HELP WANTED earnupto$40k+ Ist yea' CAlL NOWH 800-31-#CAYAIC 3389 Tony Mason Boxes & bogs 000G Ben Andrews Clothing tool box Maches C M k 800-637-9277 xl 165 DlscountCade;- 521-L15 ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME ASSUMED NAME 3477 Jomes Johnson Lampfloor,suit- 0044 Brian Humphrey Bed, boxes, exorcise 0199 Shalaunda Simpson Mattress, boxes, lv PREPARE FOR xe ASSUMED NAME case, totes equip. 0275 Wesley Burgess Foldingbed,book $9_995. 1-800-453-5882 wwwcerValdevin Notice is hereby given, pur-Notice is hereby given, pur- 3487 Mary Reid Speakers, totes, 0106 Darryl Williams Boxes, suitcase, case RMro Natica is Irceby stern. pur-Natica is hereby Uivenf pur.Natica is hereby given, pur- AIF'J80213. STEEL BUILDINGS wont Io An Act in relation tosuait to Aii Act es retatian Io suant to 'An Act in relation iosuant to 'An Act In relation to boxes totes 0278 Robert Zavoral Boxes. clolhing in O.edand Pas. KS. *60 th tir jas of an Assaiird Basi- Suant to 'An Act In relation to the use of an Assumed Busi-the use of an Assumed Busi- A-088 LueMcCullum Boxes, bags, sofa 0141 Latania Scott Bicycle, boxes, sofa 0291 Abram Sanchez Bicycle, ladder, O_ - Ihe use of an Assisned Basi-the use of an Assumed Stai- ness Name in the conduct orness Name in the conduct or B-099 Theopils Jaruls Bed mattress, boxes, 0182 Heidi Regard Boxes, chair, sofa sports, equip. STARBUCKS TYPE , yJ the sJrs in 48 neeks s1. Sie)OnBom4. DONT CANDLE Nar In the coi orliess Nane in me candar? or,mas Name in tIme conduct or transaction of Business in Ihetransaction of Business in sofa, love seat 0238 Melvin Miller Bags, boxes, chair 0304 Derrick Strait Couch, dresser, LOCAL DISTRIBUTORSHIP hlaa,.Ll, of Business m thetraaction of Business ¡n thetransoctmn of Business boxes, sars s. Dann Lsas Pich_s. C NoGrea p StoIe. as aho,.lkthat oState,- as aniended, That a in me State.' os amended, that othe Stale,' as amended, that a B-160 Jim Roethell Boxes, monitor, 0276 Michael Jackson Bags, table GUARANTEED ACCTS Ttiln State,' as amended, that a certIfication Was filed by thecedification was filed by the totes, chair, toles suitcase 0337 Mlgdalia Roman Bags, bicycle, boxes avIe.PIU_ Pas as low asonhighMeelitthti as filed by thertiticatioii lacis tiled by thecertiticollon was filed by the undersigned with the Countyundersigned with the County B-194 Donald Leonard Bed, box spring, bed 0313 MicheileAnn Khan Headboard, boxes 0421 Rachell Bannister Boxes, ironing iIUGE PROFIT POTENTIAL 5Oek. No ae cltedt. umdersherd w Hr Countyundersigned with tir Countyundersigned with nie County Clerk of Cook County. FileClerk of Cook County. File mattress, totes 0438 Shulton Lewis Bed trame, bed, board, suitcase bu. SentÌ)d B*dg Oat alCool(CaNdy. FileCleric of Cook County. File boxes Randy Zels Boxes, H(t tIO 2417 1der - SnaL 913-319-2603. Avg.$1.45 p(flL OCtallS Clerk of Couic County. File No. 008111502 on March12,No. D08111161 on February B-202 WllIIamJ. Kay Chair, lotes, boxes 0567 compulen, Sytems 8O0-327-0790 26 Ne 0181uSD ?di 12.No. 000111574 on Mach 13.No 008111591 On March 13, 2008.Under the Assumed2?, 2001. Under the Assumed B-211 Juliette Doss 0480 Myegenet Fans Books, guitar dresser 1-$OO-72.4212 wwwRaoadT 1477-967-7648 a Under The Assumedais. Under the Assumed3006. Under me Assumed Name of: Name of: C363 Tory Bell Bed box spring, bed 0712 Errol Smith Bags, boxes 0752 Joseph Jalyeoba Bags, boxes Hansel: Nane of Nrsneof: DANARK CO. KREATIVE JUICE mattress, Couch, tv 719 Eutlqulo Senal Bags,boxes, sull 0753 Natalie Yarmer Boxes, desk, fan R NA1URAL ST011E LAVTA.I CONSTRUCTION JOSEPH cONSTRUCtION with the business located atwith the business located at: stand case 0867 Antan Nlcholes Boxes, clolhing, tv with Ute business located atwith the business located atwith me business located at 6222 W. Fletcher St., Chicago,3423 Blrchwood Dr.,Hazel i.sut w. cuyle,:, aik ILIII, N. PaulIna St, chicago,231 WesmmereRd.,Des IL 60634. The.true name(s)Crest,IL 60429. The true Purchases must be made with cash only and paid tor Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for at Purchases Must Be Made With Cash Only And Paid For M641 The tir nage(s) aidIL 60623. The true imane(s)PlaInes, IL 66016. The true and residence address of thename(s) andresidencead- at the time otsale. All goods are sold os is and must be re. the time of sale. All goods are sold as Is and must be re- At The Time Of Sale. All Goods Are Sold As Is And Must The I1io Qassi06iAdveii1g NikQCAIl) piu1es Pìtne&Press aidlhe Dogs with adveitisiga nonal ipeal. residence essofthewid residence address al theilanie(s) and residence od- owner(s) Is: Daniel Lazarow,dressofthe owner(s) Is: moved at the time of purchase. Sale is sublect to moved at the time of purchase. Sale Issubject to Be Removed At The Time Of Purchase. Sale Is Sublect To awilor(s) is Radedawowner(s)is Vasyl Laytar,dress of me owner(s) is Josef 6222 W. Fletcher St., Chicago,Tyrell Brown, 3423 BirchWood adlournment. adlournment. Adiournment. Toa.eeiiIEsen. pIec KWI ec1yf217) 241-1700. Coyieirki. 31 W. Cuvier.1117 N. Failing St., Chicago,RYbOrZUIC, 1 Wesimere Rd.. IL 60634. Dr., HazelCrest, 1L60429. B1 PIcin RessaidThe Doligs O*ago. IL 60641. IL60623. D06PIaine% IL60016. ubiIshed in Pioneer Press Published In Pioneer Press Published in Pioneer Press . a.isstuiu.nInn Pe reieins amnìentsdietiyt tNt Published In Pioneer Press. Published in Pioneer Press 2f13,300108(1558805)C W13, 3/20/08 (15S8527)C :5F13, 3/20/08(1558517)C .- Pidulustrd ii Prnawr Press Published in Pioneer Press Published In Pioneer Press 0,3/27, .V08 (1560504) C 3/6, 3/13, 3/20/08Ç1S56356)C 57,4'S(l5616fl)C sag,wu,412,VS(1561130)C ,0. 3121, efl560931)C 2Ò,2OO A Pi6eeiPrss Publication (iï)' -A PioneerPress Publication (Dc) C12 ] Thursday,March2ø,2008 I013 lolo-Auctions lolo-Auctions 1010- Auctions lolo- 1010- Auctions 1010- AuctIons 1010- Auctions Auctions 1010- AuctIons 1013- Bid Notices 1013- BId Notices 1013- BId Notices 1013- BId Notices 1013- BId Notices 1013- BId Notices 1034- FoundatIon 1046- LIens NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE OF SALE Notices BID NOTtCE BID NOTICE NOTICEOF PUBLIC SALE OF OF PERSONAL PROPERTY BID NOTICE StD NOTICE BID NOTICE BID NOTICE PUBLIC LIEN SALE Nolice to Hereby given that 2008 STREET - Viltago of Morton Grove VILLAGE OF SKOKIE PERSONAL PROPERTY RESURFACING PROGRAM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- PRIVATE FOUNDATION - Noticeishereby giventhe undersigned Intendsto The Boord of Education,The Board of EducatIon of ANNUAL NOTICE That on 4121/2008, a sate wilt that pursuanf to Section 4 ofsell the persopal properly de- EN that the Board of Educo-Community ConsolIdatedRidgewood High School DIs-Janitorial Cleaning Services The Village of Skokie is now be held at 3:00 Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 st the The City of Park Ridge willtian of Fairview School Dis- trict 234 Is receiving bids for Self-Service Storage Facility Act, Slate of Illinois, the un- the Self-Service Storage Fa-scrlbed below under the pro- School DIstrIct No. 65 wIll re- forthe Policeand accepting sealed bld propos- Pursuant to SectIon 6104(d)Ch0mi'bo Cycle Center, Inc., Buying or Selling, Buying or Selling, Buying or Buyingor duly Act, Stole of Illinois, thevisions oftheIllinoIsSelf accept seated bids forthe 2008trlct No. 72,7040 Laramlecelve sealed bids for: StudenttextbookServices. village Administrative als for the 3625 N. Western Av., Chtcoga, dersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding STREET RESURFACINGAvenue, Skokie, Cook County, of the Internat Revenue Code, on March 28, 2005,at 11 :15 am. on the premise where undersigned, PS Orange Co.,ServiceFacilityAct(770 Bld pockets may be pIcked up Building - PublIc Works L 60618.All bids ta be In sellat public sate onILCS95).TlieSaIewilt bocen- PROGRAM, Section No. 08-Illinois,60017wIttreceive ASBEST05&LEAD at Rldgewood High School. Offlces-FlreDepartment RESIDENTIAL notice Is hereby given that thewriting, to sell the following sold property has bees stored, and which are located at will 00000-01-GM,In accordance annual return for the fiscal Pioneer Classified Pioneer Classified Public Storage, PS Orange Co., I 129 N. Wells, Chicago, t L March 28, 2558 at 10:35 AM.ducted pursuant to the terms sealed, lump sum bids for ABATEMENT FOR Bids shall be submitted to Ms AdminIstrative Offices - LANDSCAPE WASTE articles to enforce a lien ex- and conditions of said Act tor with the plans, specificationsCUSTODIAL/CLEANING EVANsTOIUSKOKIE Cheryl Flinn, Business Man-AmerIcan LeglonMemorlal ending October 31, 2507 60610 the personal property described below, in the mal- on the premise where said and contract documents now HAULINGSERVICES of the LOUISE CATHERINEIsting under the laws of the Selling, Siling, property has been stored, andthe purpose at satisfying an SERVICESaI Falrviewsouth SCHOOLDISTRICTS 09er, Ridgewood High School CivlcCenter 2508-03-20 State of Illinois against such is the place is the place 1ers of: which are located at Publicowner's Lien for rent, labor, avaitableforinspectl000ttheElementary5chool. EVANSTON, ILLINOIStO2O2Distrlct234,7500W.Montrose SCHLICHENMAIER ANDarticles for tabor, servIces, OfficeoftheCifyEnglneer. Bids Will be received on or .Ave., Norridge, IL60706 by Seated bldswitl beaccepted OTHON HENRYOCHSNER t SPACE OCCUPANT CONTENTS Storage/PS Orange Co., 6460and other charges specified in The Work consists of remoV- VILLAGEOFSKOKIE FOUNDATION, o privateskills or material expended Pictures, sofa, lv N.LincolnAve.,Lincoln-the Act. before Friday, AprIl 4, 2008 at The Board of Education of1 :15 p.m. on April 3, 2008. at the Village Hall, OffIce of 5121 OAKTON ST. upon or storage furnished far A506 Shiny Davis The salewill be conducted al of the existing surface and11:00 AM at the FairviewEvanstomVSkokle District 65, the DIrector of Finance, 6101 toundcsion, is available at thesuch articles at the request of for you! for you! A018 Dobie Singleton CIolhln, boxes wood, IL 60712the personal the resurfacing of 55 mlles atSchool DistrIct No. 72 Admtn- SKOKIE, IL. soon foundationsprincipal office Computer, kitchen property described below. Inby competitive bld on Wed- Evanston, IL (hereinafter re-Cheryl FlInn Capulina Avenue,Morton i-oi000 the following designated Pioneer Pioneer BOS1 Lauren Koeseberg various streets with 7,618 tonsistrative Offices, 1040ferred to os the Owner) wiltBusiness Manager Grove,Illinois,until9:00 for inspection during regularperson(s), unless such arti- . chairs the matters of: nesday, April 9, 2508 on or at- business hours by any citizen ter 10:00 AM at Extra Space of Hot-MIx Asphalt surfaceLaramle Avenue, Skokie, IL,receive bids for the Asbestos AM. Friday April 11, 2098, Notice Is hereby given that es areredeemedwithin 5053 Robert Paul Watson NighI table, suit course and 4,145 tons of bind-60011.At this time, the Bids who requestsltwithin 180 cose, shelving Sace #1075 Storage located at 7540 & Lead Abatement Work until Published In Pioneer Press for ionitoriaf cleaning ser-y-The Village of Skokle wilt re- thirty (30) days of the publi- (847) (847) er, Including bituminous basewill be publicly opened andlOAM, April 10, 2008 at the 3/20/OS (1560863) C Ices of the Police and Village days after the date of thiscation of this notice. B56O Reginald Garratt Lamp table, sports Sougonash Health AssociatesMcCormick Blvd., Skolcie, IL. repair, curb and gutter re-read aloud. A Performance ceive Bids al 5127 Oaktonpublication. The foundation's equip. Boxes, toles 60076, by Jetf Brown, of Ace Buildings & Grounds Office, Administrative Building,Street, Skakie, Illinois 60077 movot and replacement, nec-and Payment Bond, in the full2017 Greenleaf Avenue, Evan- Public Works Offices,Fire prIncipal office Is located atNAMEOF PERSON(S) Classified Classified B108 Michael Burns Boxes, suitcase Auctioneers, License stormsewerand BID NOTICE Attention: Michael Atekslc,246 E.MarquardtDrive, 998-3400 998-3400 Space #2019 #4440500112. essary amount of the contract, Is re-stan, Illinois Bids will DepartmentAdministrativePurchasing Agent until 11 :00 James o. Thomas 5164 Don Glumoc Table, boxes, cloth- draInage structures, and allquired. A Bld Security of tenbe publIcly opened and read VILLAGE OF Offices, and the American Le- Wheeling, I L 60095. The presi- ing closet Shown Cosmen appurtenant work. LINCOLNW000 am. local time ondentofthefoundationis bicycle,boxes,ont.Unit #16, Epanuga Abodeli: percent (10%) of the total bidat the time noted above. 9jan Memorial Civic Center.THURSDAY. APRIL3, 2008. DESCRIPTION 0F B192 Julien Koiho Clothing, suitcase Bags, A completion date of May 30,is required with the bld.Bid Copies of specifications and Othon Henry Ochsner It, Tel. B199 Rafael Romos Totes, speakers conter bed set, boxes, books Contract documents may be 5ealc bids for the 2508 VII- Bidders will be required toNo. 047-465-8200. ARTICLE Unit # 1056, MarIo Osses: 2005 has been specified for allspecifications are availableobtained by BIdding Contrac- bIdding documents are avail-certify that for oil Work to be 1993 Honda CB750 - NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ¡s the place ¡s the place C254 Joan Marquez Totes boxes, bags work under thIs contract. at the Administrative Offices loge of Lincolnwood Parksable at the Office of the Direc- OF PERSONAL PROPERTY C222 Cris Motherly Bags, boxes, chairs Space #2095 clothes, bed set fors from the Owner afterand Recreation Bus ServIce performed pursuant lo the/s/Othon H. Ochsner Il JH2RC3502PM202241 Annelle Fox Unit # 1130, John Hoffman: Plans and specifications foron Thursday, March 20, 2005. loAM, March 20, 2Q08.Con- tor of Finance, Morton GroveContract Documents, at least C259 Julien J. Koiho Clothing, bags bidding may be obtained atA mandatory Pro-Bld Meet-tact the Owner prior to pick-will be received at the ParksVillage Halt. A mandatory AMOUNT: 52459.39 Notice is hereby given thot pursuanl to Section 4 of the C265 Thom Popanek Mirrors, boxes Boxes stereo equipment ist and Recreation Department, the prevailing raie of Wages publIshed in Pioneer Press Unit # 2045, Millie Park Ridge City Halt, Ing and walk-thru will be heldup. A deposit in the form of a pre-bid meeting will be heldas found and determined by Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the un- C289 Patricia Coffey Boxes Floor,Cashiers' Desk, 505on Thursday, March 27, 2008,check or cash In the amountVillage Halt, 6900 N. LincolnIn the Village Boord Council (1560966) C Published in Pioneer Press dersigned witt sell at public sale by competitive biddiog C298 Rich Schindler Bed frame, bed mat- Space #3121 Mengarelti: books, boxes Butter Place, Park Ridge, It- Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL the Illinois Department of La- for you! for you! Liso Tortoriello Unit # 2070, AFM Messenger at 10:00 AM at; Fairviewof $100 per sel is required. Room, Flickinger Municipalber far Cook County wilt be 3/13, 3/20, 3/27/08(1557291)C2 on March 27, 2008at 11 :30 AM., on the premise where tress, totes linols for a non-refundable de-South School, 7040 LaramleDeposif checks shall be made60112until10:00 am localCenter, 6101 Capulina Ave. ofpaid to all workers and em- Said property has been stored, and which are located at C313 Gerald Liobhardt Bags, boxes Appliances, grill Service: stove, boxes posit of $35.00 per set.SlateAvenue, Skokie, IL 60077. All time,Monday,March 31, Unit 2072, payable toEvanstoril5kokie 9:00am on April 1, 2008. Theptoyees employed and work- Public Storage/PS Orange Co., 1916 N. Elston, Chicago, IL C315 Marilyn Caras Boxes, bags # Kathryn Mc pro-qualifIcation is requIred. interested bidders must at-District 65. The Bidding Re- All bids will be publiclyVillage Board reserves the i 046- Liens PUBLIC LIEN SALE 60622. Phone 773-227-3114, tax 773-227-3253. C328A Roui Duran Toolbox,clothing, Space #3149 Cormick: boxes, bogs opened at that time and read Ing on the Prolect. UnII # 2105 Fernando Algalin Bids wilt be accepted at thetend this meeting to be con-qulremgnts and Contract right to relect any and all bidsAny bid or proposal submit- boxes Darla Markus OfficeatthePurchasIngsidered for the work. Documents are on file at thealoud. and ta waive any Informali- That on 4/21/2508, a sale Wilt SPACE OCCUPANT CONTENTS 0378 Robert Owens Boxes, suitcase, Boxes, totes Reyes Jr.: desk, boxes Specifications and Bld forms ted unsealed, unsigned, fax PUBLIC LIEN SALE Unit # 2112, Fred Bautista: Agent, 505 Butler Place, Park The Board of Education ofoffice of the Environmental ties or irregularities in thetransmissionsorreceived be held at 3:00 p.m. at: Able A266 Frances Gomillion Boxes, couch sota, tv chains Ridge, Illinois until 11:00 AMFairview School District Na.Consultant,BainEnviron-may be obtained, beginningbidding. The Village Boordsubsequent to the aforemen- Auto Services, 5835 W. portable (847) (847) 0386 Prudential PreferredProperties Space #4001 household items on Monday, March 31, 2008, at March11, 2008 fromthe That c Qiaoos, a sale will Unit # 4010, Michael Wonka: 72 reserves the right to relectmental, Inc., 1714 West further reserves the rIght totioned date and time will be Corcoran, Chicago, IL 60644. A358 Ida Jordan Bed frame lays, Boxes Tulio Steve which time all bids will beany or all Bids, to accept BIdsBelmont Avenue, Chicago, It-Parks and Recreation De-review and study any and altdisqualified and returned lobe held at 3:00 p.m. at: AbleAll bids to be in writing, to washer D452 Sandro Flannigan HilI Boxes, bags Couch, dresser, table, tv washer, dryer POliment, Village Hall, 8.47- Auto Services, 5835 W. Unit # 5011, Elle Mollet: 30 publicly opened and read. in whole or In part, and toIlnols 60657, 773-728-0900, bIds and to make a contractthe bidder. The Village of sell the following articles ta A398 Duane Powell Clothing, cd 0414 Michelle Lazowskl Totes, boxes, A bld deposit Is required,waive any irregularities or The amount of the above677-9740. award within thirty days of-Skokie reserves the right toCorcaran, Chicago, IL 60644.enforce a lien existing under recorder shelving Space #4005 plus boxes which must be in the form ofdefects In any Bld. The con-scheduled deposIt wIll be re- Envelopes are to be markedter bids have been opened ond bids orAll bids to be in wrItIng, tothe lawsofthe Stateof IllinoIs . Lucyfla twanicki reject any and all A-187 Chris Wetter Computer,refriger- 998-3400 998-3400 0485 Dora Mcerlean Bags a bid bend, or certIfIed ortract will be awarded, If attunded to each party that sub-Seoled Bldforthe2008publicly read. parts thereof, to waive any Ir- the followIng articles togotnst such articles for lo- atar, lv portable 0528 Merlin Peocy Boxes, clothing NC, bag, bicycle, boxes Purchases must be paid for cashler'scheck payable to theall, to the lowest responsiblemite a bono fide bid and whoLincolnwood Porks and Ret- enforce a lien existing underber, services, skills or mate- ASOl at time at purchase In cash. reatlon BusService. regularities or informatitlesthe laws of the State of Illinois Auvell Mullens Boxes #10 E564 James Glenski Boxes, fon, totes City of Park RIdge. The suc-bidder, considering conformI-returns the Contract Docu- Daniela PartipiloIn bidding procedures and to rial expended upon or storage CO50 Sonia Lawrence Boxes #20,ladder, E607 Yvonne Toskes Air conditioner, Space #4164 Sale sublect to cancellation in cessful bIdder wIltbere-Iv with the Bld SpecificatIon, Directorof Finance against such articles for Ia-furnished for such articles at boxes Chris Sennelt the event of settlement be- mente in good condition with-Published In PIoneer Press award the contract in o man-ber, services, skills or mate- suitcase quired to furnish an lOOTterms of delivery, quality andin ten (lo) days after bld OZ04iD8ner best serving the interest the request of the following CO53 Mtchaet Foley Boxes #5, pictures, E628 Wesley Losan Boxes, clothing Boxes, dresser tweemi owner and obligated Contract Bond for the fullservIceabIlity and such otheropenIng, unless arrange- 3/13,'08 (1559428) C of the VIllage, rial expended upon or storagedesignated person(s), unless rug NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL E636 Mary Louise Swopes Mirrors, bags party. amount of the contract and afactors as determined by themente are specifically made Published inPioneer Press Skokle Village Hall is a fullyfurnished for such artIcles atsuch articles ore redeemed C107 David Bernohl Bed mattress, PROPERTY E704 Charles Thomson Boxes,totes,table Purchases Must Be Made the request of the following Certificate of Insurance. TheBoard of Education. Alt decl-with BainEnvIronmental, BID NOTICE d20,8(l559033)C accessible buildIng. Persons within thirty (30) days of the couch drosser lamp With Cash Only And Paid For Published in PioneerPress successful bidder will be re-slons of the Board of Educa-Inc.AddItional sets of Con- requiring assistance shoulddesignated person(s), unlesspublication of this notice. 0585 Sheita Poole Boxes, bags, dining Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the At The Time Of Sole. All 3/20, 3/27, 4/3105(1561735)C3s qulred fo pay prevaIlIng wagetlon shall be consIdered final. VILLAGE OF MORTON such articles are redeemed Purchases Must Be Made With Cash Only And Paid ForGoods Are Sold As Is And tract Documents may be ob- GROVE contact the Purchasing Officewithin thIrty (30) days of the table Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois, the un- ratesInaccordancewithThe Board of Education re-tamed at o cost of $50 per set, - BID NOTICE NAME OF PERSON(S) D609 David Haslinger Dresser mirrors, At The Time Of Sale. All Goods Are Sold As Is And Must Must Be Removed At The COOk County, IllInois at 841-933-8240 or TTY 673-publIcation of this notice. dersigned, PS Orange Inc. and/or ShurGard TRS, Inc., NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE stoteand local laws. serves the right to relect onotrefundabte;such sets VILLAGE OF SKOKIE 91. Melvin Bawles pictures willconductsale(s)atPublicStorage(formerly Be Removed At The Time Of Purchase. Sale Is Subiect To Timo Of Purchase. Sole Is The City of Park RIdge re-Bld from a bIdder who, In themust be returned to the BaIn 0796 Edgar Miranda Boxes #20, pictures, Adlournmenl. Sublect To Adiournment. OF PERSONAL PROPERTY PURCHASE AND NAME OF PERSON(S) ShurGard) on the premise where sold property has been serves the rIght to mIed anyBoard of Educatlon'sopinlon,EnvIronmental Inc. Deposits INSTALLATION The Village of Skokle Is now Michoel Alekslc DESCRIPTION OF totes #10 stored, and which Is located at Public Storage/PS Orange and all bIds. does not exhIbIt past experl-for refundable sets may be re- accepting sealed bld propos- Contrice Person ARTICLE 0809 Shirley Buts BoxeS #3, totes #2 Published in Pioneer Press Published by Pioneer Press Notice is hereby given that OF PARKING FARE Purchasing Agent World DiscountAuto Inc Co., 3501 West Touhy Avenue, Lincoinwood, IL 60712 by ence equal to the size andtamed untIl purchased sets COLLECTION SYSTEM als for the vutage of Skokle 1995 Oldsmebile Cutlass 0812 Larry Peddy Boxes, desk, competitive bld, on March 28, 2008 at 10:20 a.m., The per- 13, 3/20/00 (15S5997)C 3113, 3/20/00 (15S6795)C pursuoni to Section 4 of the RObertG. Koderabek scope of this prolect or whoarereturned. Kendy Brown 1G3WH12M.45D356245 pictures SelfStorageFacilityAct, EQUIPMENT sonal property is described below. In the matters of: State of Illinois, the under- PurchaslngAgent does not submit per the Bld In addition, $20.00 will be CONSTRUCTION PublishedlnploneerPress - MATERIALSTESTING& DEscRIpTI0N0F NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEsigned will seit at public sate SpecIfications, charged for maIlIng, If necee- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- 3,'24'O8(1561693)C AMOUNT: $1195.00 Purchases must be made with cash only and paid far at Space # Occupant Contents OF PERSONAL PROPERTY PublIshed in Pioneer Press BIdders shall be requIred tosors,. ProvIde a check payo- INSPECTION SERVICES ARTICLE the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be re- 1070 by competitive bidding on EN by the President and the 1998 Dodge Intrepid Peter Decoro Car l3, 3f26(lS58862) C2 furnIsh sufficIent Insurancebic to Bain EnvIronmental, Trustees of the VII- FOR VARIOUS VILLAGE Published In PIoneer Press moved at the time at the purchase. Sale is sublect to 1125 Akti Dahoumane Bags, books, boxes March 28, 2005 at 15:10 AM. with guarantee of IndemnIty.Inc. OF SKOKIE 2B3HD56J7WH159821 348(155996l)C adiournment. 2075 NIck Pootos Bed box spring, mal- Notice is hereby given thaton the premises where said loge of Morton Grove, Cook CONSTRUCTION pursuant to Section .4 at theproperty has been stored, and Bidders shall have a written All bIds must be occompa-County, IllInoIs, that sealed 1023- DIvorce AMOUNT: $1980.00 tress, boxes Self-Service Storage FacilityWhich are located at Public BIDNOTICE sexual harassment policy Innled by bld security ln thebids wIll be received for the PROJECTS Published in Pioneer Press 2080 Nick Poolos Boxes NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Act, Slate of Illinois, the un- full complIance WIth Sectionform of a Bld Bond In the PUBLIC LIEN SALE 3/13, 3/20/08 (15S6098)C 2138 Nick Poolos Boxes, lamp, display 0F PERSONAL PROPERTY Storage/PSOrangeCo 8050 2-105 of the IllInois Human Purchase and Installation of PublishedlnPioneerPress dersigned, PS Orange Co.,McCormick, Skokie, IL 60076, NitesTownshIpHigh amount of 10% of the BaseParking FareColtectlon Sys- INTHECIRCUITCOURT 3P2W08(1559986)C cases wilt seit at public sale by corn- Schools, District 219, wIll re-Rights Act. Bld made payable to the Own- EquIpment VILLAGEOFSKOKIE OFTHE ELEVENTH That on 4128,0008, a sole will 2141 Jonio Karras Bicycle, boxes, fish Notice Is hereby given that pursuant ta Section 4 of the the personal property descri- er. Upon award, the success- 5127 OAKTON ST. JUDICIAL Cl RCUIT, IN be heldat3:00 p.m. at: Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of llljnois, the un-petitive bidding on March 28,bed below. In the matters of: ceive sealed bIds for the In- BIds will be received up to SKOKIE, IL. 60o tank, totes 2008 at 10:40 AM., on the stottatlon of temperedJeflrey BruI ful bidder shall be required tothe hour of 10:00 am. Local AND FOR MIAMI-DADE Grand Auto & Truck Center, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF 1113 Elena Iftinca Bed mattress, head dersigned will sell at public sale by competitive biddingpremise whore said property retarv, secure a Perrormance BondTime, on the 11th day of - COUNTY, FLORIDA PUBLIC LIEN SALE 2427 W. Grand Av, Chicago, II PERSONAL PROPERTY board, love seat on March 28, 2055, at 12:45 P.M., on the premise where Space #A082 masonIte over the existIngBoord of Education in the amount of 100% of the ol2. All bids to be in writ- 1009 case, said property has been stored, and Which are located at has been stored, and which isDoris Lee auditoriumstagefloorat April, 2008, at the Ottico of the Notice Is hereby given that That on 4/21f2008, a sale will August Kriesemint Book boxes, located at Public Storage, PS Niles West HIgh School up to accepted bld. DirectoratPublic Works, t N RE : The Marriage Of: Ing, to sell the following arti- Notice is hereby given that purSuant to Section 4 of the totes Public Storage/PS Orange Co., 947 W. Van Euren St., Chi- Dresser, microwave, port. tv Published In Pioneer Press It Is the polIcy of the Corn- The Village of Skokie will re-REINALDO LARA, be heldat3:00 p.m. at:cIes to enforce a lien existing Setf-Servlce Storage Facility Act, State of Iltinols, the un- 2106 Sakeenoh Stewart cago, IL 60607. Phone 312-421-5549, fax 312-563-1065 or 1- Orange Ca., 5838 N. Pulaski, 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, AprIl Nagte Avenue, Morton CastlIlo's Auto RepaIr, 3685under the laws of the State of Boxes, suitcase, Chicago,Illinois60646, the 2W08(156lQ8O)C munity Consolidated SchoolGrove, IllInois, and will becelve Bids at 5127 OaktonPetItIoner/Husband, dersigned Will sell at public sale by competitivo bidding totes 312-266-0179. Space #C008 3, 2008 at the BusIness Office District No. 65 toprovide Street, Skokie, IllInois 60011y. W. Grand Ave., Chicago, ILIllinois against such articles personal property describedDenise Prldgeon 5f District 219,7100 Grass publIcly opened and read at an March 28, 2008 at 2:00 P.M. on the premise where 2152 Jonathan Sims Boxes, clothing below, in the matters of: equal opportunity to all quali-that time. Attention: Michael Aieksic,SANDRA LARA, Alt bids to be in wrIt-for labor, services, skills or said property has been stored, and whIch are located at 3146 Mark Bohne Bags,bedtrame, SPACE OCCUPANT CONTENTS Boxes, dresser, totes Point Road, Skokie, IL 60077. BlD NOTICE fled businesses In the award- Purchasing Agent until 11 :00Respondent/Wife. ifl, to sell the following arti-material expended upen or Public Storage, PS Oronge Co., 1414 5. Wabash, Chicago, 0161 Sharrie Martinez Bids will thereafter be public- R E Q U E S T p o R The biddlig forms and docu-a.m. local time cies to enforce a lien existing tool box, boxes Boxes, desk Unit #A513 ing of the contract and ac-ments are available at the Of- on storage furnished for such or- IL 60605 the personal property described below. In the 0137 Donnie Newman Bags, boxes Space #E019 ly opened and rood aloud. p ROPOSAL cordingly promotes the uti- THURSDAY. APRI L 3, 2008. FAMILY DIVISION under the lows of the State oftides at the request of the fol- matters of: Purchases Must Be Made With Cash Only And Paid For 0353 Marisa Perez Microwave, tv Rachel Llppert A&B Universal Services Specifications of Items to be fice of the Director of Public Bidders will be required to Illinois against such articlestowing designated person(s), Bags, boxes supplied may be obtained lizalion of diversified busi-Works,VillageofMorton CASE NO.: 07-21262 FC 38 At The Time Of Sole. All Goods Are Sold As Is And Must portable Elcycte, soto, wheelchair Professional Auditing nesses to the maximum ex-Grove, Morton Grove, certify that for all Work to be for labor, services, skills orunless such articles ore re- SPACE# OCCUPANT CONTENTS Be Removed At The Time Of Purchase. Sale Is Sublect To 0425 Susan Cload Bed mattress from the Business Office at Services liti-performed pursuant fothe material expended upon ordeemed withinthIrty 130) - tent feasible In ony contractnois. Bids must be submitted NOTICE OF ACTION 0029 Vytoutas Lekarauskas Computer, boxes Adiournment. 0041 Russ Greenburg Computer, couch Unit#B005 Purchases Must Be Made Ihe above address. A pre-bid Contract Documents, at least storage furnished for such or-days of the publication of this Paul Orlando meeting is scheduled far 10:00 Issued against this solicito-,, the forms provided. TO: SANDRA LARA 0052 Jeremy Carter Suitcase, tv 5333 Jadel Dixon With Cash Only And Paid For Proposal Due Date & Time: tian to bid. the prevailing rate of wages1818N. HaisteadSt., lides al the request of the fol-notice. Totes, boxes am. on Thursday, March 27,3:05 P.M. WEDNESDAY Minority and/or The Director ofPublic Apt. 0072 Adam Polacek Dresser, bed Published by Pioneer Press 0563 Mytes Fontaine Boxes, clothing At The Time Of Sote. Alt women owned ContractorsWorks has the right to refuse found and determined byy43 lowing designated personis), B1023 0144 John Wilson Desk, microwave Goods Are Sold As Is And 2505 atHilesWestHighApril 9 2008 the Illinois Department of La- unless siiCti articles ore re-NAME OF PERSON(S) Stephen Wheeler Filing cabinet, W13, W20/08 (1556096)C Unit #B006 ore encouraged ta participateto Issue specifications and Chicago, Illinois 60614 ladder Must Be Removed At The School. In bidding. bor far Cook County will be(last known address) deemed withinIhirty(30)Deborah D.Dampier B1028 Theotis TyterJr. Boxes Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for at Juan Agultär TIme Of Purchase. Sale Is Number of Copies: proposals toany person, firm,paid to oli workers and em- days at the publication of thisKimberly Dampier Couch, bags, boxes For turther informationSubmit One (1) origInal and A MANDATORY Pro-Bldor corporation he considers to YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- B1032 Candace Strang Boxes, totes the time of sate. All goods are sold as Is and must be re- Sublect To Adjournment. Meetingwillbeheldatbe unqualified. ployees employed and work-Ft ED that o Petition for Dis-notice. Capital One Auto Finance B1051 Johana Edelberg Sofa, lamp, bed NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE moved at the time of the purchase. Sale Is sublect to :ontact: Three (3) copies ofproposal.9:00AM, Central the Project. Unit #0058 Jean Hedstrom, One (1 1. musi be unbound. DaylightThe right towolve any Irreg- solution of Marriage has been B1053 Tasha Blanchard SmithBoxes, totes OF PERSONAL PROPERTY adlournment. Published in Pioneer Press Time, April3, 2008 at theutarity and to relect any or all Any bid or proposal submit-tiled and commenced in thisNAME OF PERSON(S) DESCRIPTION OF C2005 Betty Milisop Bed, tv John Szymanslcl 3/13,2tW8 (1558512)C Purchasing Agent Buildings & Grounds Office ted unsealed, unsigned, fax Gregory Lone ARTICLE Air conditioner, boxes District 2t9 - Business OfficePlease Mark the Return En- bids is reserved to the Presi- Court and you ore required to C2045 Cynthia DanIels Shelving, boxes Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of Published In Pioneer Press ieeatedat 2011Greenleafdent and Board of Trustees oftransmissionsorreceivedserve o copy of your writtenBig Cal 2006 Dodge Charger SE/SXT C2047 Alvin Lowe Pictures, boxes the Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of I Ilinols, the W13, 3/20/OB (1556106)C Ni-626-3978 velopes Avenue, Evanston,Illinois. subsequent to the aforemen-defenses, if any to it on IS 2B3KA43GX6H424295 Purchases Must Be Made thevillageofMortonGrove.tioned date and time wilt be DESCRIPTION OF C2053 Len Adams Sofa, bed undersIgned, PS Orange Co., will sell at public sale by With Cash Only And Paid For Published in Pioneer Press Bidders who wish to visit theDoted al Morton Grove, liii- LAWOFFICE, PA., attorney C2059 Susan Hess Dresser, chair competitive bidding on March 27, 2008 at 10:00 am. on i. Proposal Due Dateand site should contact Mr. Artnois, this 20th doy of Marchdisqualified and returned tofor Plaintiff, whose address isARTICLE . AMOUNT: $10025.32 C2082 Lorena Gutvan Baby stroller, the premise where said property has been stored, and At The Time Of Sale. All 20/O8 (1561485) C Time Kent at 847-859-8072 for an ap- the bidder. The Village of11257 5. Dixie Highway,1997 Dodge Intrepid Goods Are Sold As Is And 2. TItle of Job: As shown 2008. suitcase which are located at Public Storage, PS Orange Co., 4072 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Buying or Selling, pointment. Skokie reserves the right toPinecrest, Florida 33156 and2B3HD46F3VH599572 Published In Pioneer Press D3005 Doug Hawkins Microwave, end N. Broadway, Chicago, Illinois 60613, the personal proper- 0F PERSONAL PROPERTY Must 8e Removed At The above reject any and allbids or 3I20 3/21, 4/3/08(15S8652)C2 Time Of Purchase. SateIs The Confractor shall pay, IfMr. Andy DeMonte file the original with the clerk table ty described below. In the matters of: 3. SpecifIcation Number applicable, not less than thepublic Works Director parts thereof, to waive any Ir-of the abeve styled court on orAMOUNT: $1950.00 D3019 Sublect To Adjournment. Pioneer Clussified regularities or Informalitles Puma Henderson Radio, boxes, chair Notice is hereby given that pursuant fo Sectlon4 of the s prevailing rate of wages asVltlageofMartonGrove before March 31, 2008; other- 03029 Matthew Wilkins Boxes, choir, totes Unit # Name Return ProposalsTo: in bidding procedures and ta Published In Pioneer Press PUBLIC LIEN SALE Contents Self-Service Storage Facility Act, State of Illinois the un- Published In Pioneer Press established, ta all laborers, wise a default will be entered 03034 Gwen Cannon-Engram Boxes, totes A038 Dusan Menlcanin Waverunner, fabric, dersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding is the place for youl workers, and mechanics In Published InPioneer Press award the contract In a man-against you for therelief 320I8(l559983)C 03049 Weny Isawoti Bags, totes tool box on March 28, 2008,at 10:00 AM., on the premise where 3/20/55 (1558824)C B Villageof Skokie the performance of the work 3j8(l56ll99)C ner best servIng the Interestprayedforinthecomplalnt. That on 4)252008, a sale wilt D3058 Jewell Johnson Boxes, bags A044 Deyan Vuksanovtc Boxes, ladder said property has been stored, and which are located at uying or 5127 WOokfon Street under this Contract in accord- of the Village. This notice shall be publish- be held at 3:00 P.m. at: Daru's D3059 Noah Robinson Boxes, bags B020 Anthony Lozano Boxes, sofa, ladder Public Storage/PS Orange Co., 362 W. Chicago Ave., Chi- Skakie, Illinois 60077 ance with An Act regulating Skokie Village Hall is a fullyed once each week for four PUBLIC LIEN SALE Auto Werks, 1123 W. 03063 Demetrius Loveloy Bed, sofa, toys B024 MIchael Balle Chair, radio, lv cago, t L 60610. Phone 312-266-0174, fax 312-266-0179. Attn: Michael Aleksic wages of laborers, mechanics accessible building. Personsconsecutive Weeks In the PIO- Rosemont, Chicago, IL 60660, E4035 Chicago Area Projects Boxes B033 Scott Nelson Bags, boxes NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL . Purchasing Agent and other workers employed requiringassistance shouldNEER PRESS. That on 4t21/2008, a sale willAlt bids to be In writing, to E4036 Felicia Hepburn Bed, boxes B082 Fred Hill Bags, boxes, dresser SPACE OCCUPANT CONTENTS PROPERTY Telephone : (047) 933-8240 under contractsofPublic contact the purchasing Office WITNESS my hand and thebe held at 300 P.m. at Ablesell the following articles to E4039 Vince Adams Boxes, records B086 Nathaniel Larkin CbLaTania Newton 2001 Dino Odom Bags, boxes, Fax: 047-560-8839 Works.820 ILCS13OFI etseq. at 841-933-82411 or TrY 673-soot of said court at Miami,Auto Services, 5835 W.enforce a lien existing under E4117 Andre Scott Washer, boxes Boxes, table lamp suif case Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to Section 4 of the S el Ii ng, The Owner reserves the Buyingor 9330. Florida on this 20th day ofCorcaron, Chicago, IL 60644.the lows of the State of t Ilinois E4137 Horace Doris Boxes, dining table 5113 Warren Spittle Bed, dresser, table 2046 James Calender Boxes, clothing, Self-Service Storage Facility Act, Stafe of Illinois, the un- Proposals SubmItted by right to relect any and all February 2008. Alt bids to be in writing, toagainst such articles for to- E4145 Gwendolyn Harris Bed, totes, cabinet lamp radio dersigned PS Orange Co. wilt sell at public sate by compet- Facsimile Will Not Be bids, to waive any Informality Michael Alekslc sell the following articles tober, services, skills or mate- F5004 Shaneen Murray Dresser, boxes B127 Paul Chan BIcycle, boxes, 2048 Robyn Pelzer BIcycle, boxes, choir Itive bidding on March 27, 2005 at 3:00 P.M. on the prem- Accepted In bidding or accept the bld Purchasing Agent (Circuit Court Seal) enforce o tien existing underrial expended upon or storage F5013 Vernon Roy Spears Boxes, suitcase computer 2082 Rebecca Libman Boxes, that, In Its opinion, will serve Village of Skokie the lows of the State of I Ilinolsfurnished for such articles at dresser, Isp where said property has been stored, and which is lo- Published in Pioneer Press the request of the following F5035 Harold White Jr. Boxes B140 Bey Osborn Boxes, totes, tools lamp cated at Public Storage/PS Orange Co., 4430 N. Ctark, Chi- its best interest. Sel Ii ng HARVEY RUVINagainst such articles for la- F5044 Lillie B. Hall Suitcase, sofa BlM Ken Seeger Dresser, ladder, 2105 TImothy Shaw Boxes, dresser, cago, IL, the personal property described below. tn the :WW118 (1561698lC I Published in Pioneer Press As Clerk, Circuit Courtbar, services, skills or mole-designated person(s), unless F5051 St,aneen Murray Boxes totes stroller matters of: Ptoneer Published in Pioneer Press 3/20/08 (1561689)C Dade County Floridarial expended upon or storagesuch articles are redeemed F5058 Terretl Jones Stereo, tv Bl46 Robert Vandal Couch, table 3008 Cossì Olson Boxes, bed mattress, 3/20A18(lS6l3O1)N,C2s By: Chandro D. Bursefurnished for such articles atwithin thirty (30) days of the F5074 C009 the request at the followingpublicotionot this notice. Anthony Benash Boxes, bags Bonita D'Lacey Bags, clothing, bed frame SPACE # NAME CONTENTS . As Deputy Clerk F5097 Bernard Elam Lamp, dresser, bed 3062 BID NOTICE designated person(s), unless suitcase James Fuchs Bed mattress, sofa, 0185 Heftet, Emily Suitcase, books - e F5108 James Jones Sofa, boxes C014 Justin Hobart Boxes, sofa, iv choir Pioneer ISLAWOFFICE, P.A. such articles are redeemedNAME OF PERSON(S) Dois Moffett M.D. William Suitcase, bed mat- SkakieSchool Dlstricl BIDNOTICE B uying or Ekalerine Gibbs F5119 Shirac Gidwani Chair, lamp CO21 John O'halloran Boxes, tool box 3107 David Thomas Dresser, pictures, tress, boxes INGRIDSANTAMARIA, within thirty (30) days of the F5129 Thomas Raglin Bike, mIcrowave 73½ seeks bids far fumi- publication of this notice. lrokli Popov CO38 Johannah Therlot Ladder, toys, crate 0145 Moffett M.D. William Boxes, vaccum, Classified fume for the new addition The Board of Education of , ESQ. F5131 Paulette Jordan Boxes, totes barstool 3069 Gerald Griffin 11257 5. Disie Highway DC Fin Svcs Amer LLC Boxes, framed art floor lamp atMcCracken Middle Ridgewood High School Dis- NAME OF PERSON (S) G6014 Karl Weaver Boxes C048 Walter Labhart Bags, boxes picture, end table 0072 Moftett M.D. Wittiam Boxes, clothing, School. Bid Specs will be trict 23-t Is accepting quota- Pinecrest, Florida 33156 G6024 ShIrley Davis Toys, microwave, CO52 Timothy Brugger Toys, albums 3110 Lashanta Walker Selling, Tel: 1305) 555-8250 Shron A. Mattock DESCRIPTION OF Totes, toys, t.v. floor lamp available on Thursday, tians for the purchase of satu- Classified Fred Garter ARTICLE boxes CO55 Mary Roesch Bags, boxes 3123 Gerald Griffin Boxes, tools, bar D024 MaIlnskI, Anita . raI gas and electricity.Re- G6060 Dutcevita Edrozo Suitcase, boxes COSi Boxes, bags March 20,2008 at 5000 Published in Pioneer Press 2005 Dodge Stratus DAvid Graham Bed, boxes, lamp stools 0039 Vance Diane Boxes, cabinet I L quests for pmopesals may be G6078 Lee Beamon Boxes C095 Toni Harrte Shelving, suitcase 3130 East Prairie, Skokie, ¡ 13, oios DESCRI PTION OF I B3EL46X45N552130 Devin Hunter Bags, boxes chino 65076 am picked up at Ridgewood High v, G6091 Stacey Haughton Boxes, totes C148 Lone Alexander 4078 Is by collina Pioneer (1553979)C ARTICLE Bed, boxes, clothIng William Potich - the Boxes, totes, Doll Sebaggata, Shaban Portable tv, bed place Lorraine Lowonçlowski al School'sBusiness Ottice. 1995 Nissan Allima Allima AMOUNT: 54600.50 G6094 Tyrone Thompson Lamp, boxes C159 Adam Harmon Bed, sofa shelving Quotations shall be submitted I Gol I 6 James Woods Clothing, totes 0018 Olivia Davis mattress 847.676.8312.Sealed bids thepa ce 1N4BU3tD6SC2431O8 Dresser, ladder, 4080 Pericia Hodges Choir, sofa, lamp 0115 Nordsfrond, Susant Erika must be submitted by IO Ms. Cheryl Flinn, Business Publisned in Pioneer Press G6122 Matthew Dobrovoiskis Bike, suitcase totes 4105 MIchelle Escalante Boxes, Ironing board Manager,Ridgowood High G6131 Calleen Blrcflefl Boxes 0043 NoWanna Sontelli Pictures, rugs, 10:00AM on Tuesday, Classified AMOUNT: s1815.00 3/20. 3i27, Boxes 4154 Ida Alache Bicycle, vacuum, boxes April 1, 2005 al the above School District 23.1, 7500 W. B uying or Selling, H7004 Charlise Williams Vaccum, iv D011 Ronald Wilder Boxes,floorlamp, Washer Colo Montrose Ave., Norridge, I L H7015 Charles Merriweather Boxes, chairs Regent Realty Boxes, lates address. Published Pioneer Press totes 4155 WillIam Pouch Bed mattress, totes, C160 Lone, Sheridan Boxes foryouI 60706 by Thursday April 3, H7018 Donovan Wallace Boxes, bags 0093 Tamara Snider Bookcase, clothing shelves C115 Brown, David 2058 al 1 :50 p.m. oryou! H7026 Chorlise Williams Desk, cabinet 0140 Tires, bags , Published in Pioneer the place Pioneer Classified John Murphy Desk, dresser, table 5072 Reid EunIce Bags, boxes, totes A050 Mendez, Omar Bags, mattress, Press H7059 Carolyn Day Boxes EOOl Rafael Visto Boxes, totes, brooms 5092 Fredron Mendoza Bed mattress, dress- Cheryl Flinn H 7086 Syreeta Jackson Suitcase, radio, E042 boxes :v2w0s (1560721) C Reginald Buchanan Boxes, desk er, mirror DOM Gonzalez, Maria Suitcase, bed BusinessManoger dresser E052 Ernest Overton Chair, dresser 5121 Taylor Aaron Totes, lv, vacuum is the place Buying or Selling, H 7096 Stacy Ratner mattress for you! Buying or Selling, Books, boxes E053 Rafael Vista Bed, boxes 6080 Carmen Alicea Boxes, luggage, 0033 Mendoza, Krlsty Stereo, micro Published In Pioneer Press H7116 Lisa Lockard Totes, boxes EO57 Cathy Hareas Bags, boxes suitcase wave, suitcase 2W05 (1560867) C - for FOUi Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for at ( 847) (847) Pioneer Classified Pioneer Classified Purchases must be made with cash only and paid for Purchases must be made wIth cash only and paid for at Purhases must be made With cash only and paid tor at the time of sate. All goods are sold as is and must be re- at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be re- the time of sate. All goods are sold as is and must be re- the time of sale. Alt goods are sold as is and must be re- (847) moved at the time of purchase. Sale Issublect to moved at the time of purchase. Sale Issubject to moved at the time ot the purchase. Sote is sublect to moved at the time of purchase. Sale is subject to Bu4ng or Selling, Buying or Selling, is the place adlournment. adiournment. odiournment. adjournment, (847) is the place - PioneerCiassified Published In Pioneer Press oneerClass'ded 998-3400 , Published by Pioneer Press PublIshed In Pioneer Press 9983400 998-3400 3/l3, 3/20/08 (1556033)C W13, /20,8 (1556026)C Published by Pioneer Press for you W13, WO8 (1555964)C Sf13,2W08 (1556103)C . the poce for you! ¡s the place for you! 998-3400 for you! - APioneer Press Publication (0e) C14 ThurodsyMareb 20, 2008 APioseer Press Publication (Dc) Thursday, March 20, 2000 j 015 1006- P06110 NOS000 1056- P4MIE BOSCO 1046' LIRE8 10MO. 0(40 COBR(OS(BO10040 P189 Como*o2(DR1062- P095410 1062- P006800 SZODIR9HBBOI9O &ZDR(000880008 OS500L S 001000F FreIrE E Erilo 14$ STOTE0FILLr5OIE Aso SA Sold by Tb , 630 8 ':- E4 Pioneer Press Classified Auto Dealer Directory o Aol r Pioneer th'Oo , st ou : 10,0 0Cl ¿r ' FEED Classified 04HT1I0°01I1l D0011o:A000035804 2UTll:LDOD 00E ROIIAMAI2S ETTLESON OYUNDAI ;1011.11 so 0 IlIl CAA o0 Rlo,8( 14 LoH KW :):) A, F*F ARLINGTON ACURA Ill IN PALATINE H.1 SI, =00ll0101htO= .l11*kAll SE U ll 10 lO OID G4W 11r4;:,= )o t,r Ill lORI (100) 491-0200 11111 ru101o IO 47 lD84_ C_ M k 100 tO 0J, D4 OhT L El O'COl II IR ER Rl RA MOI 1808 OO DR U 8*7) 901-9000 C r F ITO * RO EID400EODORE4OISI 011lO0001j,O ID 0G 01 so 425 UREI 0005 0KO D GREGORY HYUNDAI 3 V p T L,gl OTj°CO lllÇ4tb10l A- 01?LEAD: so 1141 Al o 00 IO JOE nIZZA ACURA 04 I sol 1002410 so 11504 COo 00E 4805 10105 OIRn ROI 510 , , so oo P 1011 so IS '0 IRAI RLo04Es CO lOO P O 0E (8001 770-OSlO 0 S 10 04E lll 2ll 708-404-1110 415kb DIII 0(4E SEOADIPOF000E 3DF DIDO EE*lE8O0 lLR40s(1oO8 o. OIlES O02ll DOEE0EOEE, EOAoElE il 001511E lEO R Rcaso)lsrDI2A (100051RO 0loo4,Il E Il Fr4154 104 041 0410E 0E EllI CISo k lOCERO 82 o. , E.- rOD CO E_lOI orso10 GURNEE HYUNDAI Il 1010010. DO' RE 016(10E WFOE010000I4100E EIER O EllI EE (EI) OiTS' RElEE 15 EllI Dl mi SEErEEl50E0lEEF rnn,rlllr .)Pi0OtlIlIli' 1,4 EIRE- MULLEOS W000FIELD Hoorosor 0E DE E 0E OR AC UR A RE0E1 IO 100 W 0E so °0 (041) 240-1300 lo OR ° $l8l Il 0° rO Al '° IO 014290E ,ITO 420REl rEI IO El Il 101 Il D47-S19-0550 X s E°'%r1RLOO TODD El LOREN HYUNDAI 00 L 5 I( C ' t:Er000EO EROI 9060- PI C nIE(N) El IR 0E lOE l n Al reoOoSE El D,, 244 R02 « EE PAULY ACURA Get ready for spring. I D Z(35H00 O 0E i J1 OE, (841) 720-0900 15,1 1100l!IROOSOREIl0 LDGE,so,-soaa4-01.rElEE AllElE, 51,0001, lIli' 4 fICEElllOiOTigl, 1,0=,',1)-1î0s!1 i IOOLIOO,WLIII.'° L 9 I b EIER El Dl CA C SO- 0A 0E IR IO '°" 847-433-8280 )?CO El DER 0E O'HARE HYUNDAI 011o LobI, 004_r 0401101F 01 TrolE8 4,íl,,AE,OlIIlLESEES lIOn 10111,100 mlrEE(1111E TEl LITO II oo 4E III 00 MEl ° The new 2008 911 Carrera. 'ca E P I I l ' CIrO DOD : (080) 486-3151 0M Old IllrIlE °F 1010114 4E y1iJIIILU. °° OREO Rol IT 9$04044o I' P '° 000E lEO THE AUDI EXCHANGE PATRICK HYUNDAI 10H IO 00 (847) 519-9000 Ill lo( RElEE IO AreTOR08 I(o, Pol L0lI so Il ro 847) 432-5020 I) El SOSIA Il lOE THE4-EXCHANGE El ,OZ lo011*10 11 '00 °l OIE os 18471 2667000 IA Ed OIS El 10 SCHAUMBUOG AUDI o I I SI Ed 2300 Skokio VlIoy Rd. IO lAIS 0 , 4í otEE 00E lE rk 180; ' oo High*nd P4,6,1160035 000 5E 01 El 00 IrE El 18001 259-1355 500)) C JI W dIrlll Il 0' 00E El '°° AO 420,04-D. COR 0E ) RIZZA HUMMER 4 I 10 0::soca Od 11 00 0 05 7El 00 II O 804511100 0* Ed lorI0 000,0 M -TO YAM -8PM, Fri YAM- 6PM, So 935M- 6PM 0425 WIEO150IOSFBEEI, loll00 ro 35lo I SI rO 0E ° l UIl (700(429-6000 l0O0 04RO "50° STEVE FOLEY BENTLEY 1847) S64-4090 01- '° '° D jOR n I C J I 00 EllI TOI : T0 ,o 0E 00 Sl 'LOI (0 07011 0404011 0400 NAPLETON BUIE FORD I(o CI oo 07t 01001 lIllo 00050 lIllo [I*l1(Ii O1, , ca 0(1011014 (843)025-1800 HIGHLAND PARK FORD) I s T k Il BILL STASEK CHE VROLET FIELDS CHRYSLER JEEP LINCOLN MERCURY kill: 00 CInES EolIo 80093E FIELDS INFINITI IO CO 00-OIR °° nor ro HOI BILL JACOBS BMW (847) S37-7000 I960oIg o* 15285 ca 2 (066) 419-3387 (041(433-7200 (1114(1 E* El 14 lOI 1,051 041111* 110E RIZZA BUICK (041(382-9200 9457 X Ed '°°1itg: IO la lId '0110so 0E ° 1630)357-1200 Cd 110110011(00 11 II Ill: Er10l0IlSED;E0 SII 11401180 BREDEMANN °°° 17001 429-6000 CHE 000LEr JOE NIZZA FORD FIELDS INFINm ULENCOE LE°°1001 LINCOLN MERCURY 0g J IE:E(°Th00, PII ,,o 01108.000 11001 sobonA ELMHURST BMW GREGORY CHRYSLER oo; RO R(0° (043)690-1234 (1000) 442-lOUD (806)435-6110 A0O o2 0E 4-° Our Automotive 1080) 2D7-6S55 (DOD) 770-1582 U : INHNR1 :; CLASS IC CHEVROLET : 1001E EE 01 51 5* 6IVTER'0O lou OF HOFFMAN ESTATES FIELDS BMW N0016FIELD s oo ¶0 00 5E 14 04 Sedion has the El KNAUZ CHRYSLER 1 A CADILLA (000) SDD-2310 KNAUZAUTOPARK GROSSINGER GMC o 1ll:TOTO(000CllT0 (047) 441-6300 YOUTE41 35 RO, 17 Al0IlII(0ll04 Caryouare E3TLESON (080(823-2480 CADILLAC-BUICK. At01; 1°°t,Ill 01 Rl Ill PONTIAC-GMC (047) 234-2000 (000)708-7437 II M 4 ( OID- II '0 UO lOEEdO Ill Al 0,l"°' 00 El GROSSINSEHCHEVDOIET INFIND1OF UDII : 04001COI looking for KNAUZ BMW ElE 01800R02r IO (I KNAUZ AUTOPARK (708) 510-SODO ROUTE 4135 YE 17 0, (000(356-1700 M ULLER G MC 1)ETOEI 000 C(0i::10:°L0E RElE4l'° WALTON CHRYSLER 847) 604-SOUR l( *EIO50?El IA (047) 031.4100 YO g T bI r&0 r 'oor FOIE S»ZTE 0000SINOER CADILLAC JENNINGS CHEVROLET 00(1 R 01 4' I (047(673-7600 D(IIy DR0ECoOD 001100E 0000 SF0063. 011O(01((,00(0)0l,(0o l,1lEli1. OdORAI 0T5uv(0)r1((0(0u1°°° - PATRICK BMW (047)129-1000 001110E 10111 0000)111(110 OlEAIERSl( 14 lrl,,0A4 0,0 41 114 El(' 100105 II 11110151 FAIIATOII Rl101,Frlll °OO7OA Buying or (DUO) 188-7497 re 51100501 01008 E ol 00CE4O 0E 94 50 ,E(°:,0004 00E 0E EVANSTON (SUZU OlEolll00000MM Buying or HONDA 10KO-P bI)500(005 Il 'Al RAY CHEVROLET MULLER HONDA L ' :E0I: 80' non'° Selling HERITAGE CADILLAC DOD (080)413-1605 ((E:(l0: Selling, FIELDSCIF, F F 8JEEP :: II BUIC (047) Sol-3300 DODGE (847(041-4200 F,o C 10111 l )63D) 829-33X0 1J EEAll 0E Pioneer ETTLESON 10 0l SEO CEE :04(( El IO El Pioneer II CADILLAC-BUICK- I 015(011 PONTIAC-URiC RAYMOND CHEVROLET OHARE HONDA HOWARD ODLOFF III Classified PATRICK CADILLAC IO OlIOlIORCO Classified °':rel, (688) 750-1134 JAGUAR k ° Il )0 0lOSEE (708) 539-5000 (041) 395-2600 Do n (RUDI 610-0000 so14; is the place is the place (DOD) 694-2211 GREGORY DODGE 1* II 11E Sor IllCO TEE HONDA GROSSINGE0 BUICK RIZZA CHEVY SUPERSYORE OF USLE JAGUAR ELMHURST for youl oSO*o*14CO for yout NAPLETON CADILLAC (600) 71D-6S14 Buyng or SeIng Ell lEAS TOIS000I Deliver (000) 300.1491 (047) U25.1DOD (7DB) 594-6400 (630) 652-1200 InS 001001 040504 (00H) 281-5211 Results! nonnen CIossfied 000n PiOneer COCOd GURNEE DODGE PATRICK JAGUAR (847) OROIIZEOOOO,E KNAUZ BUICK RIZZA CADILLAC SHEPARD CHEVROLET PAULY HONDA istheplocM 42(0spp isiheplacH KNAUZ AUTOPARK 847-998-3400 EOOr040@Yt 170, LOEODLFFTE fonyooi YTO 7400 O0 00S 100E 600,1 , foryovl 998 3400 998 3400 841) 234-2800 (700)429-SODO 2OOO rOTEE000000E 00 APioneer Press Publication (oc) 010 IThursday, Marrìs20, 2008 A PioorerProo Psldieo()on Thoc'volay, Mareh 20,2000 J 57 Pioneer Press Classified Auto Déaler Directory


(810(45V-7100 (047(500-0050 RSEOEMANNLAXOS 1847)728-6000 New 2008 Buick Lucerne New 2008 Pontiac G6 NORTH 6800 K TOYOTA Ic,r'.rrU-7 MC GRATO LEXUS OF - ...... ::-- (600)763-9504 600) NEW-LEXUS 02.1<6000K TOYOTA) SCION IN WESTMONT MC GRATO LEXUS OF WESTMONT (030> 768-9600 (ROO) NEW-LEXUS ORLANO TOYOTA/SCION i3 PAWS N/u (730> 429-3900

LEXUS OF ORLANO AUTOS. su (708) 342-6475 VOLKSWAGEN OF COUNTRYSIDE> LAGRANGE IN PALATINE TOr1(rso(o1so5soouoon0Bo5 - r0000c In/Oct Lcvnrsosraffpeocoaapnro Ywrp JR N.B;tpe. $OIBB $BB8I RB. h10 bowo soi. .BBIÏ.B0 Ib. ti.. 1Ha.atrn pones. .1 .i.pi.q ami, at Ib. Chkap. SRRBI .1 VIli. NáIl1, CONTINENTAL SCION BILL JACOBS THE AUTOSAON bEBER MOTORS PORSCHE (700) 354-5800 VOLKSWAGEN MAZDA OF COSNTRVSIBE> >R47) 47V-0200 FOX LAKE SCION 800-720-7H36 LaGRANGE (841) 015-1000 Fjie tuning inOakton's 'string sectiòn' BILL JSCOAS LAND RGVER 1H47) 407-0047 H INS DALE (lOB) 354-2760 JENS ING S JOE RIZZA PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN 16301 325-0055 NORTHBROOK SCION School, music store form a duet of dedication to violin making RIGGERS MAZDA (088)729-OSOS (708) 354-2400 BILL JACOBS LAND ROVER (OUR) 0-MACHINE 1800> 743.9594 Ode - HOFFMAN ESTATES IV MUlti sIIEUCi oaosty 215 ore gevduo(vo of inlenoe love affoir soith that PORSCHE EXCHANGE NORTHSH ORE LIBE OTT N ISSAN PAULY SCION VOLKSWAGEN the ootcooL iootr,osceor, She oouod of ir, MULLER MAZDA to 1847) 252-7800 (860) 320-2296 (815(459-il® (0471 050-IWO o ktZ °r 'Thes)OSoslYpreoeStua Sire bcok of ir." (BUi) 256-TUBO 1H47) 433-7000 The ove5001riog010B IOO7hhtgIOertYvr)ofwoOcI- BILL JACORS LAND ROVER MARTIN NISSAN Need for focus NAPERVILLE Stfeet balladS tattoo Street. from EvanSton amoteoPvioBoisChrooeof ooeldngaod pePlb050ls,' 1806) 789-U3ó0 MOTOR WERKS to Ar- $000966060 LAKE OLSFY the mc8thOersoleornlodo osos Rolwrra Elliot, insts'csr- Olittctooasootcodeotot (866) 516-8052 KN8UZAUTOE500 liogtoo Heithtcourser almost 6 oiles soy soiglcbor bao hod to so- toe aBd rn-dieeetor st Oho the ochoot Osees 0985 to lOWS NAPLETON MITSUBISHI (SUBI 2RH-B275 thoug0eightoommuoilìeopaosirrgtOroogts FIELDS LAND ROVER - AUTOHAUS ON EDENS BARRINGTON VOLVO :AKTOl d588 o2tsootoimoelhaeaslyt990s. Pres>osstyitwaatooatsd WINNEIKA (803) 931-6563 (847) 234-2000 irdost/al, businEss 3rd (esidnotioldistriots soRaT0o Tfse500ssdofmaloiBgor "t thioh that atte000o o vor- doom15063lsd soltad tise 800) 716-6405 >847) M4oydr)vethroughit.same Throrqhouttheyear. 1847) *6-6665 LE IHpOiOSgasioliIIiothr 1456 hind otpeesow Thero SIRVE FOLEY ROLLS-ROYCE FIELDS VOLVO wort on it, still others calli) Sew))) present otonieK KNAUZ MERCEDES BENZ 600IY880thi8geveStho4w)s aro poople soho issst boso arc Oabtsos, PMO 50 LANDROVER OF CHICAGO KNAUZ AUTOPAR6 1H47) 564-4090 EVANSTON SUBARU HIGHLAND PARK honre Old that makes this one photographs aId videos, (o AT HOWARD GRLOFF 17)000 (tmsvy oomottloSobB moro YOUTBOflVYP. 100- (0801 473-1505 i0001rparabte Oronooghfare print and on the Web, to chroni- )SSS)5flB-0660 (847) 831-2100 olorosisE (647) 234-1700 worthy nl our attention. The cle Oaklon Street's oniqse ROSTO SHORE SURARU Silemoeistypioattytioe LANDROVER LAKE BLUFF LOEBER MOTORS FIELDS VOLVO street io home totwo muted- places 4od the people oho live, KNAUZ AUTO PARK SAAB EXCIIAUGE eolo Ihr wolIlors at Ssno Oak- PONTIA (807) 434-7000 pal renters, three chambers 01 worts, shop and eojoy (ile there. fl0m44100L170.LscE SLUrP SOB eotabtiobmoeoct% tise (847) 604-8100 GROSSINGER PONTIAC 1047)362-9200 commerce. too poblic libraries 1*7(675.1000 and two post off oes. But those l2tdragoSrtsootoíl3000 (808) TRB-7497 GROSSINGER VOLVO Moldog 0630 O4h005 St. GROSSINGEB SUZUKI places alone are only asma)) 7B 3Rd Ooosam Volino, 4504 LIN BILL JACOBS MINI LOREN PONTIAC 000V M000ls!C0 BEVO. 0011)00 of the diversi- PATSICK SAAR (000)703-9497 O4klonhoth (loSkobiC The ME 630) 357-1288 1800) 700.7897 tyot the street's at- )R47)7ZO-0000 tsoohavoasyrschiotìreelo- HISHLANLu k.,HK FORD) (800) 350.SSOO trartions,sonseth(rg LINCOLN MERCURY KNAUZ MINI HOWARD ORLOFF Soesh(p; liso nohoot vinosos KNAUZ AUTOPARK MULLER PONTIAC RIZZA SAAB VOLVO Re hopo to captor nouns, AYO. 170 LOo Burp thooeiotoostediouloo )R47) 004-SUSO >088>510-0669 in this ocoasiora( (807) 831-4100 (708) 009-BOBO BREDKMAFJS TOYOTA series, Ode to Oak- p050epoOfOSkiRg50dOO PATRICE MINI sosisged hcolaoosroents Orno JOE RIZZA 1047) BSR-3705 PATRICK VOLVO En. LINCOLN/MERCURY NAPLETON PONTIAC all Uoep the world Wy So- (8 OB) 3V U-OS Bl BBEDEMANN SCION CLASSIC TOYOTA (847(605-4005 osa/o eosptoos some grado- (630) 355-8140 (SUi) H25-S000 (541) 698.3780 .W000500 L aten ISO nearby repavr a,cd 7455) SOd-Z369 NAPLETON LIBERTY VILLE SULLIVAN PONTIAC VOLVO OF LISLE eevtOpJSOR5100Jo Oflh000v- LINCOLN/MERCURY MITSUBISHI CLASSIC SCION FOX LABE TOYOTA, enpoopteosetcioga(Src 5.!. SI, 1H. porfm. .. .Nta mi. at 5 Phi... (800) 031-6583 (TOW TOLL7000( (BUI) BIO-6660 1H47) 392-6660 (888) SUB-BOSH (847)407-sial (830(052-RUBS A Pioneer Press Publication 58 Thursday, March 20, 2008 A Pioneer Press Publication Thursday, March 20, 2008 5 against the edge ofa rib going to use a machine for. Hand crafting expands or cracks, the range upwards. Oakton and the barely audible They do it by hand here for seamwillpop rather than "The way they're teach- "You're thinking differ- scratch of a knife scoring a a number ofreasons, they the instrument cracking." ing over at the school really MANAG1IIS EDITO SMryI D.V.r. Continued from PAGE 57 ently," said Sonja St. John, - HUNGRYFOR MORE? channel for an inlay. When learn the tools, it's an ap- When new workers hasn't changed much," said sdivuspIse..rlacaLurnI(847)486-7359 originally from Neenah, come to the shop, it takes a Seman. "Except for maybe Kenneth Warren & Son students talk to their teach- preciation ofwhat comes Wisconsin, and a graduate while for them to learn the a band saw, it's mostly hand School, attached to a pro- ers, it is in a whisper. But before us and ifthe student of the school - now an em- new skills. tools over there. That's the fessional violinmaker's that'sjust the surface: learns to use the tools very ployee at Seman Violins. "You don't really learn thing about the violin, it shop. many students are wearing well then they can become w "Instead of constructing repair in school," Seman was perfected years ago, Currently, students headphones as they work. very proficient." something from the inside said. "A little bit, but not the same classic shape, the come from as far away as "You can't hear the rock Kevin Chapin, from out you're often times re- much. You usually have to same methods of construc- New York and Korea. The music but a lot of people Rochester, New York, came the pairing what time and wear tion." program is three years long are tuned in," said Elliot. to the school hoping to ap- apprentice in a shop to and tear do to an instru- Whether musicians and full-time only. Students "There are people listening plyhis woodworking and learn repair. It's a totally ment. You're trying to get share the reverent attitude pay $3,000 each year and fo some pretty heavy stuff." art skills. different thing but it's very . inside the head of the mak- ofmakers is another ques- keep their first and last vio- Still, Elliot thinks the "Before I had the idea of beneficial to know how to lins. In the entire program process of making a violin making violins I had been er." build instruments before tion. s. EE:R they make only seven vio- requires so much concen- doing other making proj- A strong local demand you repair them." "For me, an instrument lins. The school has gradu- tration that listening to mu- ects or art' he said. 'And I for violin supplies keeps the Repairjobs at Seman's is like a tool' said Yuriy sic through headphones is a then when ijust always store busy. range from days to months Geyer, a professional violin- ated more than 160 stu- r4-r1Ie dents. distraction. loved the violin and how it's "We do everything relat- and his clients include ist and Evanston resident. In the program, stu- "If you can work and constructed. I thought it ed with string instruments: young students who rent "The value ofthe instru- good. "Everybody has a Kurtis dents create a technical you can concentrate with was a good way to apply all buying, selling, repairing, instruments and profes- ment fades away to whatev- pláce and this was it," said notebook, each one unique, music on, that's fine. I these skills that are sort of renting' said Peter Seman, sionals looking for rarevio- er you're actually trying to the native Kansan, who also signs'. as they build violin bodies can't," she said. 'And I'm random." owner ofthe shop. lins. But the real passion for accomplish on it. It be- resides in nearby Mettawa following different classical not sure if I agree with that Typically, the school Seman said that em- Seman is something other comes more a part of you. and Lincoln Park. i 1' models, scrolls and neck because I think you need to graduates six to eight stu- ployees spend most of their than seffing or repairing. It's pretty rare that I'm Environmentalist and D00K:at sets, varnishing and stain- fôcus on the work, but I'm dents each year and many time at the shop doing re- "I don't do a lot of re- thinking about the instru- multimedia production ing along with historical of different generation?' ofthern move into repair pair work, especially this pairs:' he said "I mostly ment because I'm so preoc- company president turned lectures and even violin les- Thejobs done by sta- shops, making violins on time of year. like building instruments." cupied by what I have to do rancher then and there. Práirie Grass Cafe Sons. dents vary from the inspir- the side and selling them to "When it gets really cold Seman makes copies of on it?' 'Ail the oil was gone, so I 'full Kurtis willsign copies of ThePrairfe Table But the school was ing to the mundane. gain a reputation. Job open- out everyone's heat goes on famous violins. His copies got into cattle," he said. Cookhookduring a buffet and book signing event at i I mostly silent on a typical "There are certain jobs ings often come to the in their house and if they sell for about $15,000 and Go to htips://www.pio- Working on his New p.m on March 29 at Prairie Grass Cafe, 601 Slwkie weekday, dominated by the in the process (that are te- school and graduates move don't have an instrument he tries to make about neerlocaLcom/multimedia/ Explorers PBS series, Blvd., Northbrook. Kurtis and co-author Michelle M. shaving of a scraper carv- dious)," said Elliot. "Those into them, learning an en- humidified, it'll crack," he three a year. His employees on our web site to see Kurtis, 67, became sold on Martin seek to educate the American food consumer ing the arch of a violin tòp, are probablyjobs that a lot tirely different set of skills said. "But a violin's de- also make violins that start the video, "Skokie's String the sustainable movement about healthy choices and alternatives in the market- the rasp ofa small plane ofprofessional makers are for the repair work. signedto open up ... so if it in price around $3,000 and &ctioFL" - restoring a prairie, as place,chiefly grass-fed/grass-finished beef. Cost'is $35; board member of Green advanced payme!t is required. Call for reservations, City Market for 15 years (847) 25-443 and visit www.raiiigramcafe.éom. "Nooked on Fishing" vian Leigh. Cost is $2. Regis- nate a phone may drop CivicCenter Drive, Niles, or VFW Hall, 16th Street and and relating global warm- Peek ldck-offprogram wifi be heldtration is required. them uffat Maine Tom call (847) 588-8420, for an Harlem Avenue, Berm, ,r .» ing stories. from 10 to 11:30 a.m. March Hall. application. Continued from PAGE 15 A trip to the Hindu Tern- with the Variety Pak Band. On his 3000-acre Red 20. The season's overview sidered healthy by nutri- porary beef eaters. ji4e in Bartlett and the Fer- SENIORS A Chw* of Chocolate Members pay $7 for each Buffalo Ranch with 450 schedule and maps will be milab in Batavia wifi be fea- dance; guests, $9. Attire is head ofcattle surrounded tionists. For this new, old cook- ii-ig, glassware, toys, tools, Tour will run from 9 a.m. to 3 PHOTO COURTESY OF MICHELLE M. MARTIN available. The program will tured from 9 a.m. to 4:30 Celia Pappas, a regis- The beauty of this cy- book, as Martin calls it, computer items, household p.m. April 17. Participants semi-dressy/dressy. Call the Grass-fed rancher Bill Kurtis relaxes on his Red Buffalo Ranch near Sedan, Kansas. by oceans of grassland, feature Ron Sorensen as he p.m. May 19. Shri Swami- tered dietitian, will discuss ele for Kurtis is "the sun she traveled all over items, jewelry appliances, will learn all about the histo- hotline at (630) 415-3499 for "here was the perfect sus- shows how to put together naray An Mandir is the how small changes in eating By MARY GRAHAM tamable way to pay for the causes the grass to grow, Kansas and Oklahoma to exercise equipment, small 'y ofcoeoa and the different more information, or for di- Good Brown Stew an easy-to-make, custom- largest Hindu temple of habits can have a big impact cattle feed on the grass do research on the beef ftirniture, lamps, bedding, varieties and make their rections, call (847) 678-7068. mgraham® ranch," he said. designed but great-to-use stone in the United States one's health at the March21 I 1/2 -2 lb. flank meat, cut into I-inch cubes Cattle raised only in and turn it into protein forour ancestors ate. books and more. A "Trea- own chocolate candy bar in . us.', fishing cart. Raffle tickets and a divine example of the meeting ofthe Advocate Thunderbird Singles will 1/2 C flour west of Jade- pasture are good for the Featured are over 100 sure Room" will have items a gourmet chocolate shop. will be sold and one lucky beautiful Indian craftsman- Lutheran General Senior feature its annual "Saints 2 tsp. salt pendence, Kansas, land, fertilizing crops, Part of Kurtis' ploy to recipes that range from that are new or slightly Lunch will be at the Chick . winner will win the cart. ship that provides glimpses Breakfast Club. The session and Sinners" dance at 8 p.m. 1/2 tsp. pepper Drivingthrough Flint Hills Kurtis maintained. They sell his grass-fed, grass- variations on coffee to used. For more information Cafe. On the way home, a . New participants are wel- into the rich Indian culture. wifi be held from 8:30 to 10 March 21 at the Diplomat 31 f'at, such as bacon grease where the Caney River dips receive no growth hor- finished beef is a new meat loaf and chili, includ- call Ruth, (847) 823-2550. stop will be made at Pure's come. Registration is re- There will be a guided tour a.m. at the Old Country Buf- West, 681 W. North Ave., lCwater and rises through endless mones, antibiotics nor marketing tool, The ing dishes from Prairie qufre fet, 8780 W. Dempster St., chocolate, cookie and candy Prairie Grass Cookbook, Grass Cafe in Northbrook, MAINE SENIORS ofthis magnificent achieve- Elmhurst. Admission is $8. i medium onion, sliced taligrass prairie like a grain as feed, and eating ment. Participants will enjoy Niles. A continental break- supplier outlet for shopping. co-authored with Michelle where Kurtis is an in- A computer workshop, Call (847) 604-3446 for more 45 quartered potatoes sumptuous African land- only grass, they're good The Maine Township a vegetarian lunch at the fast will be served. Reserva- scape lured Bill Kurtis to M. Martin, and recently vestor, Harry Caray's, "Microsoft Word - Interme- Join the Nues Senior information. 4-5 carrots, cut into large pieces for humans with high lev- MaineStreamers program temple, then travel to neigh- fions are required. Th sign return to his homeland for eis of Omega 3 fats, con- published by Source- Frontera Grill, Charlie diate"willbe given from 3 to Center's Men's Club at the . offers a variety of opportuni- boring Batavia for an in- up, call 1-800-323-8622, or A Coconut Singles party Put flour, salt azd pepper into paper sack. Drop books, Inc. "It's ray way of Trotter's and Wrigley 4:30 p.m. March 24. Partici- White Eagle, 6839 Milwau- ties for residents 55 and old- formative tour of Fermilab. visit will be held at 8 p.m. March meat cubès into skand shake well be- getting out the message," Field. pants will learn how to do kee Ave., for a Poilca-fest at er. Membership includes a Note: No shoes are allowed 22 in the Sheraton Arlington ing suri to cover meat well. he said. Each chapter contains columns, clip art, insert pic- 11:30 am. March 26. Lunch free subscription to the in the temple. Cost is $44, theran and enter class code Park Hotel, 3400 W. Euclid Put fat into iron Dutch oven. When fat No, Kurtis is not a engaging stories and per- tures, tables, headers and will feature a family-style MaineStreamers monthly members; $49, guests. All 8S13B. Ave., Arlington Heights. Ad- is hot, put cubed meat in and brown on all cook, but Martiri is, as sonal insights from people footers, and how to create a Polish feast. Afterward, par- newsletter, which details ac- Day Thps depart from Golf sides. When meat is browned, add watei well as an historian and who lived and struggled form letter, mailing labels, SENIOR CENTER ticipants can dance or listen mission is $6. Call(847) 604- tivities for the upcoming Mill Shopping Center in Slice onion over top of meat. J' ' photographer, so together on the American envelopes and mail-merge. to the music ofthe Ampo- 3446. "k month. Most activities are at Nues. The Nues Senior Center Put tight lid on and simmer for 2 to 2 they created a food histo- As re-enacte,; Martin Cost is $10. laires. Cost is $32. Maine Town Hall, 1700 Bal- Maine Township, in coop- offers free membership to A Private Eyes Dance 1/2 hours. About a halfhour before serv- ry book that tells the story stirred up this Good Club dancewillbe held at 8 of cattle on the prairie - Brown Stew over an open lard Road, Park Ridge, un- A Women's Tea from eration with the Cook Cous- Niles residents, age 62 and SINGLES ing time, add 4 to 5 quartered potatoes less otherwise noted. For in- 10:30 a.m. to noon March27 ty Sheriff's Office, is collect- older and their spouses. p.m. March 23 at Lamirage, and 4 to 5 carrots cut in large pieces. diet mainstay originally of lire in a reconstructed log formation contact the wifi feature "Fascinating ing used cell phones which Only center members may Young at Heart Singles 3223 W. Algonquin Road, A small amount ofwater may be the Native American, then cabin e. 1857 that still ex- MaineStreamers, (847) 297- Women in the Movies" will be converted for emer- register for classes or trips, Club (ballroom dancers of Rolling Meadows. Admission added ifnecessary. Put lid back on and the U.S. Army and prairie ists in Kansas. The recipe settlers, followed by the comes from a pioneer 2510, or visit www Maine- showcasing Bette Davis, gency 911 usage for seniors. or purchase tickets. Drop by all ages) will feature a dance is $6. Call (84?) 604-3446 for continue to simmer until done. Good Brown Stew - Photo courtesy of Michelle M. Martin cowboy and now contem- woman's writings. Barbara Stanwyck and Vi- Anyone who wishes to do- the Niles Senior Center, 999 at 8:30 p.m. March 22 at the further information. A Pieneer Prem Publication

60 I Thuredoy, Mureh 20, 2008 OBITUARIES Hit-and-mn protection A Pioneer Pmne Publiratias Thursday, March 253, 2008 I 61 WiNDOW Tile Rev. Monsignor dollars more Clifford Berqifl costs a few 00e doily rete ferorentel BROKERS The Rev. Monnignor venin $50, it con end up Clifford 000licgmsre for a ene-doy Edvsnrd rental car then fer ene full I3ergin, year of replacemrnt rental ver coverage, which in only avoapleofdsllarsa msnth. STE VE BERNAS Arcording te the dala TB, !lm. thence!- hum the NHTSA. 80 per- Somigner BETTER SUSINESS 555011) os e O rest cf lsit-eod-run erri- Clifferd E. 008gb (GaO) Archdio- desto eaunevehicledcsesagr cese o f Chicogo end sec- Born though the total erly Therefore, the 'oirtim'e 967-8G33 retory to former Arch- noesberofeoerfotel escob- lorgett nxposneissuonky bsshopu Albert Cordinol es dedilsad seaudilyfrom are fer repaira ocd are- Meyer end John Curdissol 6.3 scillian to 5,9 milice plocement reniel ear Cody, died Morch 902 Ihe from 2003 102006, Ihr ra- According to the Insur- ecca Icfsrnsotion Institute Quality, Value & Service In AnY Lanuae ege of 80. tio of hit-end-rose accidento At the lime of hie remoised encheeged, ea- 11111e non-pmfitdossomor edecoties orgasizatien, cee- deeth, he even suffering cording leibe Nationel numero ran protect them- from bone coneer end re- HighmayTholfla SofetyAd- Produce World nnhdshotiss (NHTSA). Dur- selcea lines Ilse Seeecial eidisg st St. llroediet iogthatfeur-yoerperisd, 1 consens reces sfaldt-and- INTERNATIONAL MARKET' DELI . BAKERY .MEATS. SEAFOOD Heme in Nues. ofevasySaaridentunetisn- run accident. To help in- Av OeA Perk native, he ssidemssaldi-end-eu55. sared drivers beeonsebet- woe born Muy 20,1927, FRUITS & VEGETABLES Sutthere wem eigssio- ter preponed fer anytype cf FARM FKESFI SNO-Wøhl'E i O if IVANO end men baptised 020er aosatregionelvarietissss. mater schiele accident, en Ledy of the Angeln Perish GK1N ANSCAUUROWR FOTATOES For musosple, snith more infansnutionel Web site hen en the aity'n Went Side. then lndffion hit-und-ross bees erected atwwssosìner- 59c [49e After attending Our Ledy . crashes, the Scuth had driveruoom.ThaWebuito Help of Chriutienn Ele- cnaeueegeu drivers te re- YELLOW FAKM FEESH LOOSE BAKTLE1T neaelythree times asmeny mcetery Scheel, he gred- en tiseNortheout osd nearly siewtheir aste assesenee ONIONS EEÍS VEAS noted from Quigley twtaeen messy en tise Weut. poliayennueSyto males AT&T In o prend eponeor of the DoPent Oleo Demone, INoeth) Preparetery Sem- The Midwest ressloed seo- nere they beve adequete 69n& 14L& 49 inary in June1948, und coverage for venous typen snd nationmidemith more oseoms MEATS the University ef St. Mary then 835,000 reported hit- of crashesthose that are LIANE TNVSEPOEK BMOIO4CI f50101051 UbRE MEAÍVPOD( Soesme Ossuas 5 of tIse Lehr /Mundelein and-ruenjn the siu-esunty their fault, these thet ere eeu, ssseuceasxs TNVRWIN STW STEAKS lEG OF LAM ACKIS Semineey in Mey 1953. SIc erra themwere mom then net, end hit-end-rum. - .mi,.sef.,iInu SeniOren lus. nne unce 5e , us beden eneellent hnssvl- 51,700 Isit-enid-ron eroi- "Mosay af os think thet sSSh.issese slunaee,i.Ra eonis..a.s, 50050cM emuneg saeieoea SemnIsyncu lmnsuuy,aaa 299L01 6° S59i.& 59LB: edge of foreign lenguegen dente in 2506, inslodingal- we're well-prepared to deal mith en ecc idest, hut parc S,aesloei.u,s OuwoNs,, ne wn, so an could rend end npeah mont 31,0X0 mitlainCbicogo. Snares oseOies4e,sse,us.sssseio101M ,*S swiss muni DELICATESSEN Italien, as wellen reed Messy drivers ore uopne- pIe often don't tehe the time MllSa.LUIIEKV FIB. HUBIAETI 05MLLOVENKRMOV MUINSIOL French end Speninh. pered fer the oseraquescen Is reed asid uederutessd Sesam,. n5ithi5 gIs One sv Re en esos o,,. cl CHEESE theirpolicy," saynCerolyn 1UKEY OHE SMOKEPHAM Oedoined e priest os ofbmomingthavirtimnfe hit-end-ree crush when the Gornsess, vice president of e*a100,ksi,i#sus,islaeaeiil,p1 lisis esnillu Mey 1,1953, he celebreted +eoaup.nsy esonsasi, eeouos5s,se,mel,sa other driver aemotbe iden- the ill. Ment polie ses ere e*Oiee nnSnftIssSn, e2ø hin Seul sslemn Macset emes lss,elssi,k.,Rn tified. Instead of the at-fault specific end previde de- eea,esase i,ss,se,ase,,s.s,lsols,nses DAIRY Our Ledy Help of Chris- umnga. nssOles4 ossue dris'er'naosteivnurencepoli- tailedeoplanetiossoebout OSANO flAIl'S I.ANV-O-l-AKEO tiene Cherchen Mey 3. esa, isle rl sss 05 L rycoveringthrsiathn'n svhotinestomodrallyis- censen, eoNs , me s M,,e,, an n. On Jose 29 of that your, +onso is,,s ni si 2MILKHAVV CREAM L& UT1'E. mediceI expessnes, vehicle eluded end whit addiuiossul he was named asnistent low-rant optiem aro avail- esse m Oifr o,, ean,s-- rrpairs and ereplorement e*eeo e5 Si na, °'i'v 05 O Osunas 11 pester of Our Ledy of 7 94. 2 FO60AcB ecetel cee, it ends up haing eble. For more details, go to elseth Oni,aassto.i e*.isenee uizsv,reinn,5 eoe..en, 'ei Osa,, Sss#s,ae es a nina os, Leerdes Perish in Chico- thevieiies'srespoesibilityte GROCERY/FROZEN enamsym usos 0,1* s.. aunOis ses,, go, whore he servad until poythe dedactible, anmel Cempecisosshepp'mg eflcednke i li since asan 55 alaise 5e VIMINI M.861IASEE K621101 581188 IXf5 215118 lOX ?OWEtSEf IIMINO eonm5 ,sl,esnsi +oeaiiesue L July1960. fer price unimportant, bui encre eiesusoOw SUGAR OUVE OIL SUGAR on all other out-of.porhot Monnigovr Sergio mee expenses. Not being able te eves more importantly, coassa,s, s, sa o Ocie ni *aeeweav seisri,vsnsd then sumad mosieraf 4189 idenilty the ether ds'ivor in connu mors need te ensere 1RodioSfoeek 10.418. kNOX 14.218 ceromooiae nod secretory the seme eu being involved they hove apprepriete cor- to former Ceadinal Meyer inaaoccidcnlsdthonmde- emge, hecoose afcwdelacs OhMIO 821L'alIASA 554X410680 A110%ItVXWIllU6ll. lUNA OH000IATES Batweon December1963 scored driver saved in the ibort run cas PE'JMJ «IMAIDES aed Jessory 1968, he else Is addition, some auth east consumeru o fortuna in nerved os vive ahascallor isnum500 compasien ds vot the cad. stfosensabl.,eOou«spee,nc snsxl,dalIngsssieslssiMlsenOXThsSssaeOlOusssnSssi,lthnrenin ceesaesbnesokieinallcee 5a5508-th,e580.OinsiosOlsSii,lissisSsnSslpIy OesssaeOsnssupnnblssss 2O2W.99i FOR4?4°93Z2 FOR fs,leusssslsaei ,oeless 5 bss, e,llisgslo,ms.O,nirsvssessiase0aflss-asnrssssencessass 00551es Insopssstqslpessi ss,, onssaliabllCseya5s sssuniieeissslbssuisl,rmisisssessllsssnn sissy of the Archdioarse, while oatomalirellyroeer the coil e,sSs,6,sronmseffasulkeeensulaesn,snsaesllanssrrnssssnieres,ssaasilsen s000a.deekoiss,000assRssassiieiossneilepssesS sealslsinsdslssssnseslssuiOesass aSfraaugs;syiuielsolSsssee oiotomporas-ysopl000maat StccoBereuprroideoi simulioneously serving os pbs Is sse Issasag basa 555go, losemos ousneesr sifsas esse snisamu visi icOs imissi ISO loste si 50%8Cs 00pen eis, In Issisiss Sn SOI pInLoin effasl iess Umso isis, lese sis e555i55n il 55% e as anspe ::u 'I S '0 srcretery to lermar Car- renio! car svioileacor is be- end GEQaf theBelter lnsIsssa cessons pini Rotos, sobe Ostusy sOuucegas 5555 sasso, null, elli, IsOlI ei6 Osu psllsge pis,Sius,iSO sin 5.ssca,siaaao,ess,seseiu 09555 Mileno sise les 551159e pusloun 1,551550eb&alO' II psse 15155 eslOs cOsi 5,950,6 MeO seoaesl ein ssO suet t451n oslo pus sos ises sein ansnssssOSllSsss. PSIS snos' pnn 50151, sali-is asas sessel 505 esosi, 8e,ins suo nasa ose Ills io a-ini seis osieesOisOssSO dinal Cedy, Cordinol May- beg repaired. Mest corn ere BsoisseooBoreoo, we!- uiseiO.issaekslelsiilseneuceie055noedssisliesaO,sssiis515hiees,tseS,seuosus soinssstssiedeesaafsrmsnsssssslsossill,s'uhneannisislss ,,oesnoioeeusasnssssnoaassssoesosssaemctsote inn repon shop fee live cammcaosmeotoo,sdqoeo- nsIli/s550vanoelsasnosr,sssseenoalena,rs,nesesass 500athiSilsisssd bs,slns pOsniloossainssqsSese irsupstas,sspssesI,ssuv saseani,ae,lavsicsssessssoulsaa' eo,sasnlelasseeIe tamOs losesi500s spa500sose'isssilsessOssumss,s,mss euinssoslsnsanieesripeoesllssissnssssisnsnssIilssU uulbn,ihkgsuaessamts,lasm,eiasesssionssnmss Mihilsssmnosisssnsnmvsvssieo overhu after ea eocidenL Soso eiae-moilet: WRoiss s ou iyruo se aolsmas,elgen,e silsoiao 5 sen sssssns seen 1051,551 si sanooinasads050s esislsssktaeassl 150 asean ems ssno semas essa' Oi,aeiossn loss] i,es MolOs ins,suvau ers hogs 0850 59e1,eeo, esslse lose oie caSsaIs leise Obito, PAGE 66 Cocniderisgthet the over- etecetychicagobbhorg essi Fssre, linse sy si eosamsls sI e einnl ssligass dish, cas0355i Moss 55,550 se eroi 555113. Sees On! laosounai Ospesy. eli 0955 1,55566 cras, IsistssioiMispovynifestsislauossisesrolan A Pioneer Preso PtsblieatinS Thursday Mareb 20.2008 I63 Aglomere Press Pubtieor.a 91 Thursds5 March 10,2008 Pioneer Press Mortgag;.ç Guide 'CALATRAVA ACCOMPLISHESWHAT ONLYGREAT ARCHITECTS CAN: HECREATESTRANSCENDENT ALL$r,oe, HR..! Maauaoo, 947.4*1.5050 05W NORTHERN F,NASICUL Co 947.290.1100 PARK RIERE CRUNENITY BANK 847-3849221 30)1 FIs 5.815 0/0 830127520% 5.94 3081 FIS 5.75 1/0 $251270 5% 5.82 30 yn Fis 6 0/0 $25/275 5% 6.05 SPACES THAT UPLIFT THEHUMAN SPIRIT.' l5yr Fis 5.25 0/0 $35i27520%5.35 30 yr FA 6 0/0 $051270 5% 6.05 15 yn Flo 5.5 0/0 925/275 5% 5.50 5/1 yrARMJumbo5.625 010 $3s/27520%4.711590 FIn 5 1/0 $25/270 5% 5.07 5 yn ARM 5.3750/0 $25/275 5% 5.63 711 yraRMjtrnbo 5.875 010 $35127525% 5.02 15)1 Fil 5.25 010 $25/270 5% 5.3 7 yr Jumbo ARM 5.8750/0 $25/27520% 5.5 OThER Fr058065 AAAILASLE. CAILME FOR AN HONEST 12601E Cell lorJanbo 6006e OI5) No Cae? L005m CALL FOR GREAT RATEO ON APaRTMENT OOILOISSS/ (0) 8780 Maple SE, 822, tiasthllald, IL 80083 UCIIN457(3)2050 Gest Rd., Ott. 403. 008Itg 0018485w, IL 08MO (C) 020 F01100 Rd., Park RISS,, II 65088

AMERICAN *IORTR*RE SPECIALiSTS 689.5399309 KONILWOR,H FIIR60.CMG, INC. 630-892.2100 ROER! MOSTRaRE Loo. 800.5595201 30)0 F10 5.875 0/0 CItI 5% 5.8 3/5 ARM 5 0/0 $0/350 10% 6.213/1 JaRbo ARM 5.25 0/0 025/25020% 7.11 SOy? Irserrst OIty 6.125 0/0 CoIl 5% 6.155/I ARM Jambo 5.5 0/0 $0/350 10% 6.485/1 JaRbo ARM 5.375 O/a $25/250 20% 7.08 The Chicago Spire by Santiago Calatrava ita collectionnf 151ro F10 5.25 0/0 ColI 5% 5.285/1 ARMI/O 5.3750/0 $0/300 20% 6.51 IOJ5mbOARM 6.125 O/O $25/25020% 747 oniqtse and ecraoaedinary eossdostsitsiasst residences. T Isa tonte 5)0 ARM 5.25 0/0 CoIl 5% 0.2815(0 Fis 5 0/0 $0/550 20% 5.11 30FR FHA 6.3155/0 $25/300 3% 5.51 significant residential dcvainpntcna in alte world. A Sholl,t,netse ThrLOV,S1TP.sTetINlSEBtlIsESS 800H3IIILDOISHG000PPCCSA8&000058Coli us oo DIS000S How von Coli PAVOCLOOINS COSTS.CONDO'S NO PROBLEM Devolo1,tnent, 5750,000-$40 snilbon. (8) IXRicamO00.4.5944,58.7, Sien Ello, 060837 M003100774Ree 08000,84 Toesa.. SosO. 210, 0.081006 Tees.,, 060180 (0)5000.05 04.0, SolIo 000,8002010.6,11 015102 5103X03100

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Fwine TRINOMORTGAGE 517.955.3462 MSI 1110,3.9ER 6E FoRS. Seos BAal!630-.493-9902 T.oso COAST MOSTRARE LLC 847.549.9800 3apr OrnI. (.375 5/0 820/27522% 6.42 Corn. 3001 Fis A O/O $0/300 20% 6.035/1 ARM Jambo 5.25 0/0 CalI 10% 5.31 15 yr ConI. 5.5 0/0 $20127520% 0.07 Cone l5yn Fin 5.5 0/0 $01308 25% 5.555/1 ARO JaRbo lrcOny 5.3750/0 Call 10% 5.44 5/tuRM 5.075 0/0 $00/27520% 6.92 FHA 30 yr Fo 5.075OIt $01450 3% 5.03/1 ARM Jumbo 5.1250/0 CoIl 10% 5.10 5/I Jambs 7 0/0 $20/27520% 7.02 FHA3/1 ARM 5.125 O/O $01430 0% 4.46 Contaet Shone O'NII In disoaos indiaidaal oo/abonn. reamo RATES VARY DAILY' COLLA BEST RATES COLLTAMMY WASSERMAS, MOVT3AOC eXPERT. MoOTaW000irohis 000lletirns 0,4 qaoltiealans apply. 1720632 800etReld Read, Slitte 203, OdOravO Toesa., l 60581 /0) 0000 136e CecEAd., Coite!. Oeonlietd, 110001e Ll0000777 (/32220. rIvelato. Plaza. 3410 Fleas CrizaOe,ll 52025 LENDERS, TO hAVE YOUR RATES APPEAR IN THIS FEATURE GLEN VIESE STATE BANK 547.7294 900 15/n Fio 5.5 0/0 520/275 5% 5.57 4LL1IArIÇRATE.COM SALES DEPARTMENT @ 800-509.4636 5/1 00M 5.375 ola 0201275 5% 4.7 R011 ARM 5.075 Oit $201270 5% 5.34 h1ORER..TES &i\F()iUhIÀi'IÒN M'AlI i1l I :4 (IRS A 1)4% Ctnaonsonal Ralos lo $417,000. http://piRneEslmIcaI.i$Iterest.cArn (C/SOC wzee79006d. atore/em torSolo ON THE.INTERNE'I 1 MORTGAGE UPDATE 30-yeso' 'als doss aod 5/I ARM nkys'oerkslo ByCleric Risos)) THE CHICAGO SPIRE Ono mntk lao, yOu 0513 h000 OOtl000 goost oslo es u 5/I 'Wo cao ob,ee 0h01 ISolo hundo ou bosog posod 01000/2"Eoely 0001/rl inonoly Uno oed,or,y book il nolaing cAo loo odluslablrualo ma01500'.a nomon Sol dIsses homo oith s 05/lo m'solo of oos duc" hr rulo."II'Suc',l'anoIr1500005 00411 leodr te mIld e/tulieot IO pAco sod sotunrl,000." p/eArl fesso lobo caboose. husopuocot ora t'o loor topAse Ihrer lomo." Sohosgos h also os thaI ooltOlOv Snthsod. 0e 101kO 0000e Hom OlmI, bane ohaagod. Dy 0008art, Sr,, 5 00 0000010 AIded 0000010 hoI tosano louthom00005lioanluliniy loor Sooth Floodo OOlghbOI/Ord "Oho ASSI 0016cl mnllod dolos baairnly io gumk," royo BOtO00h00 A0ht ADMS. bollad, il', So rmr.a10.r000I,0 OSAItohote home 00014 boos opproisod 001 0135 0111101 15 000hr INSPIRED BY NATURE Wdl010, ohioim0000lol 001 Qdakan ioono. "oben 100 caO ap md roo 000010 ISo co yoa Soloago. T500y,fool conysrablo diol15000d prepeeita io Sb Anerdisg to lbs label DaokeOte eolieod aassey of largo trash" Welles royo. ooighhsrhood oIr 1101101g hes0500 $700.000 003 $710,000. IMAGINED BY CALATRAVA 000/rs, An ontrogo lull oral/I 00M 16cl ay 49 bari, p00010 last As sosA!, OsrAmM marker ir polootutty math 010m 00101110 "ltjosl ilol ouI oaOperlloo," he lull 00 the Slrn00000r'O eqnay. omk, 106.21 pemooL 5515100m, foe, a 40mb0 tIllo oalotiAly te anp1500t008dhoighls. "Ro 5401 05011 te do ooythiog loot yeso ho asuso elSe Tile hsmboto.ek 3O'yoao Sold oste woIrgaDs moo? baais"Il'o jost loor io the oendit markota," Wallon ocra. "AayA,agympoymool p005lly, ASiCS ir OsdertlOodobis." SOIlOfOr salt. 'Rut lOriotS, 10 5.39Ir0000t. A basis p010010 000.hundnsotth of t Suo lot liqolll, 0005porso, o,3oty oboonahle io belag Boul sp."yoa doo'I eopsOO Oho? ysa cOOld potrolisAy 0,033 f00001 oty000 p00000tago point. The b050leosok IR'y000 for,L50 00050go Sshogns 1001 Ss 10001 Oltsalshd.ty oosrtho 00I 001k io salitIEnoe'o nduo olpod out iO Ohs cobos o? loon Sos a leo sad s 10006 bosh eoiolr, 105.81 p00000553 As 3tLyoic flood IwohO, 05yo05g boo pmnboaoly 000. talg." 001loaasgtraloeAm5olT,ORd, climbed I7505bopobsfl,lol.S '11,eloolt0000kshaooabsoluulr000b000hA050yshbogAo E500lOatty, the 000ouaioty hetAod 0000, at000ch'OosAsg pOso 100000 l'so ono io the 55 yells Otto! Sos bons Is 1h10 blcriseaO," S5000gars015po miO wmloo, Wollen 00/a. Ho,n000nea mile noorsdly 100013 oLe ad000lego olthr 1001e sayo "Woos had 000e hamlond booco'poInl oobogo lo pAso jal 'Osso pA000 sloe Io olobilbse, yea OlIos S000eoAob000m soleo Olf000d by 2015505 anddesly cg, gbsisg 40e 0013 ohoaldorto dry albo leu eight days 0100 lose 10003 in soy 700030501ag000lrsl 5501 00001. otnooe0000 5(00 tO OSSO Sr to Abat Sots podoes. s0000djng to Oigo Ssheger, mosegoge bostee ojA qaasllr." hom000leooelt100000a AosAco."Olnonys. Polen Roalh Fjoosciab N0000ek is 5000, FIa. Re sagt oaoh gyroA005 "odod.otmbiog?' AI 0h00 potol, ARM 10100 theuld begin to obStAse, Walte000ayo. 'mlerejaso hoes ao shaolato last ofb.dr;' Sshsgoo aora. "Folto "S'lo hoeg jost 000.0100 ata0100d," Sahogar 0090. "Wiles Oiqdd.Iy 00000 bock, the opeesdo ollo aomo Alo a irotoayodoloessisodbyafnstnonofdnnasdasdbaok0500lsat ARM osloodoty o likely 0000055m mAlhone odosa000pooesd luogo 004 yoo'il 100 IhyAOMo 00ko theA 0011001i00O is Sodio5 40/loso 01,50 OteO osai gel Ad of 00,0 20850 peodooar.' fotssg, asmediog 101015 Wa1001a icd SOIOOSOO. Aenoofoge epesoAos," he os/a. WAHoo beE0000 uoserrobooy in Ac oodit eta,k000 io largely Io "A Ist 0010 milI dopoad os Sr botole5 tsaokol." mellon saya. 110e000s, for 000, "oebedy k0000 0500 0,3 it oN' he 0010. bl000folosseog ASSO moro. "EOAI people helisso that IO SIs eabAezd, I 11015k neo io Ohio?' Aso 0051!, msogago oheppeoo ohoold holt thom011100 100000 The Chirapa Spire Salee Center To Otd010l000 nhsO'sgobog so,yoa weed Io g000pOltr diffor0050 Fooaoo. b000shnyeoo aodOo0 boOS feos berne pAsso foilbumpy Ado. Please visit as at one Sales Cotiser. 000wno toots ARMo 00365,3.050e woogages no polcod,Waltseo tuoheo 'Al 00000g 000000e. Aa oma000, sobody k000r the Sur '310 bald te podios salol, Ile hold ferproplstrohepferrateo." NBC Tower, lOtis Pinar Wat500 oayt."Yoo'oe 050010g o houssbog balL sod thut't Sei boy Open weekdays 10-6. Weekends Il-5. oayo. salts sf50000 lodoy, WaAnoo royo. 455 North Cisyfrnsst l'lana Drive F'uood.oaloosoogagooasobaordonottepolseotloag'Enehosda, '101009no 3000 base sly idos mho those 00100000 Ion, golIo dc" Chicuga, (lImais 60611 Wltl000 0010. olIos sedesg mOItI-500 00000110 lypeo oOg050sls." Wollen royo. Telephone *1 312 516 48011

savMs wwav.tlseclticagò 64 Thurodoy, Morel, 20,2008 A Pioneer Press Publi000icn A Picncor Prosy Pcbliecticc Thursduy, Muerh 00,2008 J 65


St outLjißwosCkc PARK RIDGII SAINT Ill] (0)12 Sl. Skokil, (Ill) 105135 Hop in this Easter! IIOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH COMMUNITY ALBAN'S St. Peter's St.John's Wt) ear.laS/llpkUllklkil CHURCH 520t NoOb Ra,loo Aoceoc. cOokie, aL 00070 9:30am EPISCOPAL Plises: 847.673.i4)4 Lutheran Church Easter Breakfast 100 Oootl, Corrillo .4 ire 11:00 CHURCH United Church of Christ 235 lVilc,,cmAcr. l'erkl4dga 3040 803-0104 Easter Service cm OakcOch&l.aeaoicdea \Vjle,clto Came with as and help usbnailda community HOLY WEEK EASTER SERVICE offaich where chere arena closed doors. March20 CC5,ia,i EASTER DAY 0:tilpncWcrrhlp Moned5 Thnrnreuy 7:00 um., HOLY WEEK SERVICES Holy Cr,,o,rrufliofl 52:00 p.m., 7:30 pur. roltowcd by Vigil Roster Sendoy Eurhuojeg March 21 Maccody Thaeaday, Maeele2O° 7,30 P.M. Uooíte474et(wto5t 0:110 o,,,. March23 9:30 orn. GuedFeiduy7:OOam iil:OOp.m., l:3op.m. Help c000cmicr rd 10:30 cc,. 7)0 p.vR9Irc:kea Macoh 22 Goad Feiday, Manch 21" 7:30 P.M. Res, Dr. Mary L Milano Holy Seeueday 9:00 um. OaeeicerftholLaerWrtds Special 5ylcheorrer Holy 00000adey nemica 727 Harlem Ace. St. ,°,Sbon's Chaecch lacten Saoday, Maaalel3° homer Berokl'oeo Orator 02 Paarre Saedoy 7:30 p.m. Eu,ror Vigil (847)7291015 Sauganash Community Church 6240 N. Avonelale Fleet Colrbeutioa ofEustce and POHrIO,7AMWcshipmhCcrr,rc,r1rc 9:80 orn. - 10:0(1 oar. ialEtollied, Ion Ib (le Lightieg of Fa,chsl Cundla Oir Oostatamkosao lna,00lo,ol 4541W. Faternnn, Chicago Nocsrood Fork Arlredod Ncsoa,y h, Ic AM. scire lailnrSorr)ipeilhHlly March23 773.283.3947 (773) 763-0545 E-0000e Doy'lO:tos.,s. Help Eochneiae Jais ea fee Holy WadI Caeounion ci s,,, by 05 CI,occcl Cl,e,, Reo Riehaad A. Leoloed, Pastee 847.873.8166 tnww.ea)naulbaetochurch corn lO:3Oam6005cccggHcst wrooyarosrcsknkicn00 Holy Tlosrodoy - 3/20 730 pic Worchip CENTRAL - HOLYTRINITYLUTHERAN CHURCH St. Paul ofthe Cross NORW000 PARK LUTHERAN CHURCH UNITED 2328 Cecrrel Rood - Clocciew Catholic Chur,!' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 0F PARK RIDGE flood Fridoy-3/21 METHODIST 047-724-6060 ,O,0tee5a. 5907 N. NioeAcenco 1266 N. Northwesl Highway 930 pm 1210 pm: CHURCH mcra.hclyciciryglccrriarrcrg Chicegc, llhocia 60631. 11131 631-2860 (Corner Potter Road & Northwest Hwy.) Children', 0287 N Kenton Raar.Jebn Hain Holy Week Progrcrtr (2800001 JolaaeiecHolpWcckrndEaaeee SkokIe, IL Holy Week & Easter 2008 Pastor: Rev. Matthew K. Weber 7,30 pro Worohip (947)812-1311 Maoe4Tlaoedny-Meaelellah GnedFeeloyrMseole2la Phone: (847) 692.6101 MAUNDYIINIREDAY 02®occ,riWcahip malmnoyseaelosoay louras Y Easter Sunday -3/23 March 20- 7:30 pie. aSh Holy Con,eodo, +00 r" Feuer lChudscS Rrn,arendCae'iMorclla,P000tar Easter Sunday Much 20, oua March 22, 220e March lB-6:30 p.m. 7:tepu,WcoW: ilrodOiideyi,oìro 320 s. Wur!rioorcsob . eck Ordre, lIlia,,,. 1007)825-5005 7:)crm-Huecceocueioourd7:307n-Thccreorldgitc0000w 10:00 orn Woeohip orth Holy C,a ,,,: ritt 7.28yciae+oalDsrlcoa Ortppi0200rlrodlrs Ught Supper/FeSowship & Prayer Mar08 21.028 prIt. Tonebran 08101ra HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE FOR 2008 Cliycc, C,crl:-ce cf r'cyyc,rr:rro ,,,:s ro recoso F25.moRs ChlinalaRioenl SFAS EooesaSeanlay-MeeaIsOOed raRaoIl3,2205 March 20- 7:00 p.m. March23 820 ne Pariai Wc,hip March 20, Holy Tlmreday MorcO 23, 10:30 0m Mwh 21. 0208 0:30-e:Sonc_ rase, Mauncly Thursday 10, Holy Conaso+c l2:Ocpm-",VacotthnCr000" 8:32 neo. & 12:300,7. 8:30am Momiag Peoyrr, Uppee Church Breokssr 1028e,c-Fauirel Communion iO:HeoPnfin)Wurrl+y Plm500ice lcommdnelururgy EsrlOñsr Onion Wolcomr sOrb 0cl0 Caaesrdae 7:30 pm Muas of the Lordo hopper, OJpper ChuecO 'HIdge a°rcnbyaerlaen Clearnla 7:3Ips-ThoOoceotoarwaedo Omid L Haley 430- 11200e Eomlcelior tilOOlchrrroccor,hc,,lCnc,c,,,rterr2Ohlo) otCiuiofraeabce) March23- 11:00 am. ( Pastal i Easter Worship Service Macoh 21, Good Friday All are welcome- wheelchair accessible 0:30 ate Momiag Peoyro, Upper Cheech 3:00pm Storione of Oto Cateo, Uppre Church CELEBRATE THE SEASON OF EASTER WITH 0:03 pm Fomily Htohono of lire Cr000, Uppor Church 7:30pm Solemn Veoemaioa of the Ceooe, Uppee Chocob JlTrinity Lutheran Church Sr. Aaaafrow,o Leaelacawae Clmrd. madSdaeel LAKE STREET CHURCH Join us for 4(Ç 3637 Golf Road, Eeansaoe IL 60203 260 N. Naeslswcee Hmy. 7S3&S 5414734564 www.teiteltyomanm(an,a,g eeooh,.eam,eassrd Thursday March 20, 7030 pm Macoh 22, Holy Satacday Easter Sunday Service deal SeeSaw, Pastar Pock Ridge MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE 8:30 oes Moans0 Faayan, Upper Church 541-023-6696 Our Tenebrue-style sorcier of reedinge, chorul musir, rod silent rneolilalioo oomplernantu o celrbeolioc of 0:00 pm& 2:00pm Brokat i3lrsoiag, tIpper ChoreO Praise & Worship Welcomes you for Eely Week Services J010tiefocHolyWeokWaeahjp0 rormoonien where oil ora welcomed 0010e table. Teooheoe is Lalio for "ohudowo," end chis rituel of liergering is Ihn 7:30pm Emooc Vigil, Upper Chorcb and year round! shadows whoa we 000uit the return of Iba light ro000rts us oui chip to Iba Chelation Irodition, but 010410 Oho deep MemdyThaeedoy-MoaJ,an cycle 0011fr. Sunday, March 23rd Wsehipeltk Holy Cumo,ceioo Sostm'dayMarch22,2r00 ta 4r00 pm Marah 23, Easter. Mans nf tha Resaarreofiaa 000 um. a,rd 7:00 n.m. 10:00 A.M. Maoody Thorn., March20 FAMILY EASTER EGG DECORATING PARTY 7:30 um Moss, UpprcChoroh 10,00 aSe 5 7,35 pat CaoaP.sds,,-M.ure.21 This fumily-ioeuaad acaso inriudro ea Router Tgg Host in Ihe church's courtyard for three diifaroet oge groupefus 9:00 ana Maoa, LlpperChamh St Luke's Community Church Goad FrIday, March21 10,00tt & 7,10 peo cm ru. Fwdy WaalAr for oH bids, acea if you're joui o hid ol henrI! 9:00 am Mase, llely Fatally Chapri Easter Vagi!, Sat, Matarle22 8:06pm 7:00 c.m.T,c,hra, heroico Smaday MaccIa 23, lOr3Oam 9233 Shermer Rd. in Morton Grove EasterSuaday, March23 flayes.enet.v-Msothaa 10:30 eel Moss, Uppar Church 0:00 rat, caen, Vigio EASTER SUNDAY - 10:30 am Mase, Holy Family Chapri (At the ioeaesecoios of Sheamrand & IloelemAya.) FestIvalServlces0S:35& 11:EOam A johilont celebration cerceo osaba culorit,otictr ai Holy Waah, Our service will footure feolica Router musir niOb crne.Saaday-Matdeao ioolrumeeea, cocol soloists, ond the Charroi Choir. 82:00 Neue Mese, Uppea Chcrch 847.966.9233 Wonhip mOr Hole Cssnuni,o Eaetorlreoklleof, 22:06 Neoo Maas, Holy Feeerily ChopaI (000derappeolArraerible) conved08m 7:32-1030 sor 5:00, 0:30 md 10:80 Im. Haealicaypeddoeoss)Oe - NotnelyC000ioacallalilr P30 ccl. cm,.,aaùe,e A Pieneer Frees Foblicotiao A Pioseer From Fuhtnosisv Thursdoy, Manch 20,1000 I67 66 Thursday, March 20, 2000 SOFTOALL PREVIEW (Wollen Yorlursas end sectsnory classmate, on 1911, in Clsicego, te the lete Mr. Nomichi mas eselt- Labe and Kenneth (Patri- Lease lEsgenvi Pederans; Obits the hewiiiat. Interment Joseph end Leuise Knoinn. empinyrd nemmeeciul cia) Perry; grandehiidres und nueces and nephews. was in All Saints Ceme- hi. Mea. Mejewobi hod ortist. 11e had served is Mark Ferry and Mylady Canhioaedfrom PAGE 60 Maine East skipper faces Pedro; greal-graOdchil- Visitation manet Ihaja Its induded. tery io Ses Plomes. marked as eneamHfor the military. dran, Joshoab, Aosdrew, Toeroce Funeral Hume, Our pooltuga pelees am designed so aistont pastor of Chicago's u phormaneuSral rompa- Deis nuroised by his Wilhelm Kiel el Jr. Ellos. Punerel Moss mes mmb)nr aun papelee saskesu St. Aloyoius Parish horn sniPe, Lucy (see Arendi; SeIh and Etisoheth Peeler; manyhurdles thisyear and nephew, Joseph Fahle. celebrated Meroh 140101. with ese usmmpramised 1966 to 1968. Wilhelm Kiefel ir., 76, Saroivora inrisde: ohiidren, Lacy Plemming, Funeral srrviee Wen Jsbiene Catholic Church, By JIM EDISON meslues. Aod, ss-e inuladr Monsignor Sergio was nf Nues, died March 602 daughters, Cynthia (Ron) of Nitos, Mory (Jumes) conducted March16 et Chinugo. Bond men in jelisooffi pio O retiros I. co o alte1 those thisgs that then appointed assistant Advocate Lutheran Gen- Ways, of LibortysiSe, end Brodley, end Francis »t erai Heapilul, Pork Ridge. Sbarco (Zig) Zadyb; sen, (Lins) Notniahi; and Dehler Fuoorai Heme, DesMoryhilt Cemetery, Riles. moafipadituptossakea panter et Oak Perks SI. If tbece mes core oyere \' Mr Kiefel was a plant Scenard Mujewski; cod grendohildeen and greet- Plaines, officiated by tk fuserai ns3mesine.-jsat Edmund Parish, rs pooi- Thaddeus Stolars when Meine Eoat gtrls soft- \ engineer farecasdy Com- grandchildren. He mus Sew Dc. William Crine, fioche held asili Mey grendcldldmn, Liso bailneaehRehertBro,sss ose of else ssreny mops Pastar Sob Nelson aud Theddouo K. Itslere, \., 1073. Hr 1h co served twa pany. Habed aerved in the (Stevei Zernom, Scott prenoded in death by e mil have ts dloermmeme- yea')) be pleasantly Frotar Meek Forrar Burial 83, of Niles, diod Marcho \ yearn as administrator of wihtery. Mathews, Minheel Ways, sos, Jahn. (er hardIes, it's thin ans l surprised, Memariol el Loe Manse Nursing Amontlrlrlbebnm St. Priscilla Parish on Ihn Sorcivarainoiode: his - Lealia (Joff) Van De Vride, Visitation mes is Sbcja was in Fairnieav Brome, sshs is starting Homo. dnsnbed loose clip's Nortisseess Sido br- wife, Tkcresia; children, Jemen iJelie) Ways, Taro- Terrace Pancral Home, Fork, Northiuke. hin tbiedyeee as shipper of uobmol mmponbsnn Mr. Stolaro men elusi- lerosrcviagoaassariata Rirhard lPaaiel and Linde au Mujewsbi cod Tam Ma- Riles. Fusecul Maas was Costribniíans in Des the Demses, hegisa the CompleEc Burial Service pastar of St. Gerlrado Ninfei; graodclaiidreo, jewohi. She aise hod sise celebrated March15 at SI. Plaines VFW l'ont 2052, malter end dia-mahen asweampuignwitheata 'Veiled,, er the lino Piaieas Public Deis sorviand by his Parish ir Pranklin laark Madeline and Daniel; and great-grondohiidren. She John Brebeuf Chor eh, 000usie of quahty players. Loolsls P105cm Pees, :i3p and Si. Henry Parish es sibiicgs, Nikeleon (Paleo- sous preceded in dcash by Nilce. Burial was rn Ail Library, 1501 SSissnaed nephew, James Borab, of Missing 6mm the eostnc Classified for an On $7495 Chiaago's Northwest Side. bath) KleIn end logaborg her husband, Bernard J. Semis Cemetery, Des Stare approricled. Chi rugo, and aleces and this suases will kv Nul perrduets aced cornices ynn .Fsuleesiosd Oeceices He rrtirrd Aug. 11995. f Paul) Derbe. Majecvshi. nephews. Deseos preced- pitcher seniorlesje Ve- oensb und 555ml for mur 'Ceensels 00511 Florence Potrue fcnndbrfrmnrlo nombren, Sarvivars lorinda Ido Vini tasias wen at Shaju Vioitation eves ut Skeja ad is death bytes poreots haorhandjunlorJubima Isabelle Perry PlaresreA. Futesa, 90, and sibhngn. sisler, Patricia Kam- Terrace Poserei Home, Terrace Fanera11-lame, Djunhovic. Vohunehinene- 9&umCB//S(( ilfbet'at moroso, nod noverai sioces Riles. Funeral servire was Niles. Poserai Mess mas Isabelle (see Coninsi of Riles, died Munch Set Fuserai cercler men demicelyisehgibieacd il CREMÄTIONCEP1TER orsdoe5hews. held Mercis lOut St. criebrated March17 at St. Perry, 91, alDus Plainer, Ruah North Shore Med- held March um Bheju Djonhsvic ions langer ut 107.71 55sfll,ssu uy chu:1, e soon-irs:. (773) 074.3333 The Mast Rev. Timo- Lake's Lutheran Church. Jebes Brobeaf Church, former rnsidentofNiies, ical CasIer, Skohie. Terrace PosereI Hnme, the PuriaRidge oehmi. r -t thy Lyne, retired bishop Riles. Internment monis died Msreh 12 et the Ooh- Preceded is death by Riba. Buriel mas in St. 'We sregnisgto face Please scud mo mare Infanneden as rho merlans)a'c aSes Rose Majeshi Nose of Chicago, celebrated the MoryhiS Cemetery, Nuns. ton Pevi6ien is Den her huabund, Fred, ando Adalbert Cemetery, Nites. same challenges," Eross's Aug00 fanerai Mess no March13 Rooe Marie Mejesid, Plaines. son, Rehart ISorothyl, ube Donotionnts lt. sold. "1 mo gohsgtobe du- Francis Howicki isgsamevoperimentisgmo Cry OssniOr in Si. Macthe Chareb, 96, of Nues, died Macrh 13 Preceded in death by is nurolced by ber Sons, Stmsinlsus Kostha tryiegtasoewhot cambino- Flanc Mertoo Grove, with the in the Wisohester Deane, Prosers R. Nossiold, 89, ber huobend, Humurd, sise Ricirurd, nf Nues, Ken Cothalin Church, 1351 W. tian of playem gives as tho ThoaeaavruruseeOesae Reo John Encight, Man- Liblrtysilie. uf Nibs, died March11 is is summed by ber chil- (Cindy) und Ran (Sassi) Evergreen Ace., Chicega boat ehenco tu be success- signor Sargis'o Mondains She wen born Snpt. 17, trin heme. dren, Noreen iMieheell Potrue; nislers, Ester IL 60622, err appreciated. A Leal masse, Ihr 'r Check out your Demons ended tise regular »4i.k' IL.. community online! mesen ut S-24 avenal. a FAMILY OWNED & OPEFSATED Then, is Ihe siete playoffs, - -I SINCE1922 East was ousted bythe buoi PEE ARRANGED & PREPAID Ornons in the first rorrnd nf FUNERALS AVAILABLE 1ko SrhoomburgReginnol. - es Aodmbile Brutos soil beve nniy Owe retureing let- ter winners herb no the dia- aLite E5L500/015 ernste rest mund, the good secos la that sophomore pItcher NOisette Pccenheoe tebeo 00 the Ne lpitnh- Cooney ose is sephamore pitcher er for the Melee East mutaIt Icen. Michele Psrehem, who fastest playon and hou the Samantha Durch, Jenny shamed glimpms nf beth best (throwiegi arm. She Keassiec, Mary Coronano Funeral Home lisece in 1007. esili be either at catcher or sed Ñllulsi ffiponich. "She won sur pitcher, ie center field. "Attitudes are gond und, FUNERAL DIRECTORS rshe won 1mo eanfsmnce "Karl is ssc teem cop- we are asninas tu start the gamea fue asbybeoilsg taIs and orSi be at Orsi boss mame," Beaus said. Higidund Pork tcoiue," lheweeooe"FightingDe- To 13e Worthy Bcums mid. "She tmh mus" uwaed,mhinhgsnsta mme (pitcbiogl lessoss and the playne that hast euem- of ho,sws bec rule los Na. 1 pIfies teem spirit." 8EsPuns nr eon Your Confidence pitaban this ynur:" The remainder of Ihe NEXT LEORLer 'rhe othac rntucsne is teens in comprisad olsoph- else sonoolSPORTS NeO Cartocona ,mko ispri- amures and freshman Set. morilyas infielder; but snuo lyVobmeb. Vohcmhshums 015 IT 3918 W. living 1'l Rd. 00000601 0v_CONI also be a buck-op piocher. great psnrnlso, according 5e Buy 40 Tokens, get CIOCACO,1L60618 Tase hep jusriors enpent- Bromo. Oho bus as usuel- sel 20 WKEeVS FREE Phone (7731 472-5630 ed tobe ma) or austrihators lent sssisg, cus bit fur puss- vouas scours Gap I Geeernl Greco Fee at Buy 40 Arcade Tokens & are Jessie Dowses sod Kerl mend ploy is either lbs isv- STO5SING5 - PilaTus 6lSlbnsseftssy, Levy. field eroattiold. SLuGs » VintO regular price Et Get i Free. Get 20 Free, A total nf 60 tokens, PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 "Jemie was tejareS a - Ssphamnresesueding nee»co we,rrnmrn,. rs»-a»cu. Plome 18471 685-1002 gmdpartollmtysag" nob the vumsily oea Kyle Fas 1847) 685-1005 Eremo mid. "Bot she is sor Iteasey, SurobsHomeendnz, PIONEER PRESS n,oree.rceoon' cicne,aas.,u,,an.. -50.555-scmSaOdmO,rsens-arcsOnthe.u,oce,. -rel.nnr.ncee

nunor es r treo. pinnooslaant.aeer APioweer Prese Publievsios

68 IThsraday, Mvreh 20,2008

A Pioneer Perse Pub0005ioc Thcrsdvy, Moreb 20, oeca I69

SI-IOI4IIMF Kristi Cirone (Resurrection) First rovrd limes und peidngs Jr., (((toots State SAtURDAY'S GAMES the 5-8 gvard was named 80db/rda player of the year ton (6) ORte Stete as. 1111 FloVda Slate Ihn second consecutive season while ninning the Ill Manist as. (le) DePaul Missouri Oalley's negular season. Cirore led IOU in snoring 151 West Virginia vs. (12) New Meutes 116.3 ppgl. lhree-pointers 1561 and assists (5.6 apgl.

SUNDAY'S GAMES 141 Oklahoma an. (13) IltInuls Stale Brittany McCoy I/I North Carolino as. (16) Bunkuetl (Loyola) 181 tonos vs. (9) Mleueuuta 181 Senr5ia us. (9) luma From the home of March Madness to the NCAA Tournament, these Se., Minnesota (5) NOtre Dame vs. Oho Gophens' 5-IT guand has local standouts will now have a chance to shine on the national stage 1121 Southern Methodiol slanted every game while Orneo TOD a0000ging 6.6 pointe. McCoy leads Ainne001a Jonathan Cox (Barrington) in assists laD) end steals 11.61. SIHCWEIMF Jr., Drake First round Ornes and pairings StartinG 320132 garnes, COB hao beer the Avildogs' most versatile player avvregirg 11.8 Eileen Weissmann (Loyola) THURSDAY'S GAMES points sed 8.3 rebounds per game. the 6-A (6) Purdue va.111 taylor, 1:52 per. forward scored GO points to lead Drehe tse 79-49 So,, New Menino (Z) Duke vs. 1151 Belmont, 6:10 pan. win oven Illinois State in the Missouri Valley 161 USC 00(11) I(wwau SL &lDm. In 2f etnrts, the 6-2 bocard is Conterence tille game on Marcho. - (5) Nutre Dame vs. averaging 3.6 pomOs and ore assisI per game for Ihe Lobos 1121 George Mason, 8:50 per. (18-121.

FRIDAY'S GAMES 101 Gonoags vs.(10) D.utduwn, 32V am. '4 Jason Richards (Barrington) (5) D.ulne va. litI W. Kentucky. 11:30 arr. Sr., DuvldSeu IPI Tesas 05(15) AustIn Peum, p p.m. Lauren Schober Started all 31 games for the Wildcats and (Regina) aoeraged 10,9 points per gawe. the 6-2 Deidre Nauijhton (New Trier) guArd scored e season-high 24 points Se., DoPuul Jr., Duukvet) in a 68-5V oir over Ippelachiar The Wake Focosi transter hes male er immediate bohober ecored'tO points as Slate or Feb.20 . impnol in hen ti/sl Sloe Tenons 50000r, Oniohing the Bison 116-101 stunned holy . second in scoring 115.0 ppgi, assists 13.5 apSi and Cross ta win Ile Pvtniot steals It.? spgl. the 5-1G tuard loado tePaul (DG/II 10000e Iso/lemert Snh0500 - in three-pointers (611. avnroges 9.1 pololo e game Oh/s w Su., Nutre Dame Fr., Kansas Stute Sr., AustIn Peay Played in alt 30 games this the 6-1 trestimar guard the 6-b guard nias named Sr., Iowa Jr., DePlul Jr.. ((((wets Siate Fr., Nuire Dame season while averaging 3.5 has wade guile an impact She Ohio Valley Contenenoe mz hOlcestofl cas The 6-3 foraand 'O the totnoer Pioneer = Pelero' season ended points and 1.7 rebounds a tor the Wildcats, averaging tournament MOP. Babinqtofl e granted a sivih w leads the Demons in Press No/OleosO PTO when Oho 6-0 gamy. Peoples scored 10 10.1 points ood 3.3 aadsls averages 11.6 points per u. season of eligibility nehourdiop 16.7 rpgl has been able to tormand lore the ACL pen game. Fulleo scored game while starting 300f t-. points against Georgetown w alter enduoiog Iwo r allen tranaternint oontributo tolle in hon lets knee Feb. on Jan. 19. 20 poinls in a oir caer 34 games this season. n X. separate knee Prom Winneeciv best season in b. the eso among en e injuries, she ranks Si/llanos Inished recent 1511 history, 9001e Game's leaders = third in 500rin3 110.4 IO/od in scoring nitlo 15e ir ecoriro IT.O ppgl 'p251 onO lost in lGtppgintbe 5-10 Guard averages and nebounds (5.61, rebsands 10.01. regular season. 2.1 poinloagame. D

Fr., Oteo State e Sr., DrPee) Sr., DePaest Sa., Ilttauts State ' Jr.. Purdue Su., DevISen So., Duke ' 011ar winning a slaIn Johnson las been a Ile 6-1 tornand ni/I traoey, alois As the Blue Deuils ninth mas, . Coming ott the bench Por 24 05e b-9 sophomore Sas (ItNSiiii championship, the S'ti regolar oIl Ile bench, make her burin averaginp 10.2 pointe, She 6-b guard has been a - tames, the 6-4 gcard averages ei played sporadically for the guard will appear in e Sut has slarled e/sol appearance in lbs 00000014 p0mb and hardtul for defenses. Snleyer . . - 4.6 points aod 3 rebounds a Wildcats this season. Scored a hen fi/al NCVA = te700l's 29 games. NCOAO as the Demons' nolleoted /6 rebovnos aeeoages 113 peiots, while ' , , ' gawe. Green's scored Pt points season-high 4 paints in a tournament will the the 5-9 tuaid is dominonS post player. in the 81550011 lelley shooting 4t6 percent from ..' in a Win over Ohio Stata oc 80-49 victory over Wotfard No.22 Buckeyes 122-ti. aoeragirg 1.7 points, OrdII is oeoord ir Confe ne no e Jun.12 on Monoh A. beyond She arch. Jackson aueroges 1.6 tournament title Inne. L.1A't P.1 rebounding 15.1 opTI Cs poinTs a game. and titth in s000ing 16,0 pptl. overos cavamos nr: asina soaeisfasnfl nanas essnounsees, aves neonns Iveonuen/ev. naves arson sneers lesaauvnoe. esenos enanos :nroaeenaa. sunna osee sesera inrsaasnlvri uve/cose Broum ierenuvn:oe, sassoaroem leraneerlav

p000ev osewsor se. voir oeoHs sr/s creo aver s nonio Ivrsnyer/ne siseo eciesevyseouo sFamo laso A Pionner Press Pobliontjs0 A Pioneer Prosa Pohlirobioa Thuredoy, March 20, 2008 Thoredue March 20,2000 I7' TO I

11*11*0180 (fifRE: hick Hlbbest Sports ehibbod@k0000el000LOofle 117081 520-4440 n!y,youknow howyour world sounds. INDOOR TRACK ROUNDUP O Makesureyoudon't miss the special moments. Demons tiefor fourth atleague meet Don't suffer in silence. Visit Miracle-Ear the ByJIMEDISON Park end Nues Nnrth bat- outetonding night. The tal- rdison@pi000 er loca F ea n tled teat for the teem entedjuniar won Ihrer in- #1 choice in hearing aids, chompionsloip. Is the end dinidual medals. lfionayi As hosto of thc float in- Highland Ficrh edged the was second ir the 00-yard You will be thrilled with door competition of 2008 VOloings 94-93. Glenbrooh deeb (6.61 and 200 dash how a fitted and adjusted Mooch 10, members of North noon tloird vdth 03 (28.81 and third in the long Moine Soot's girls tmcic pointa, followed by Sont, (amp with o leap 0115 tiret, Miracle-Ear® hearing aid trom wanted to boceo Moine West and Derrfleld 5 inches. - can help you enjoy good shooeiog in their own (601. "I fori good this year field hoosm Megos O'Grady claimed and think fronda same life's best momentst Mnnhtn the delight of Sentir one rhampineship es good thiogo," lfieseyi said roschNonrybirette, the eh e seared tootetery ire the between her trips to thr Demoes accomplished that SOS-meter rceswithatiesne awards stand. "1 think run- lt all starts with a FREE, gaol m they ceptured s of 2 sisstes, 309 seconds. sieg croes country lest fell friendly, no-obligation slew of medals snd tied for Aeaoeiegly, O'Gmdy almosthelped my endurance. Get- fosrth place irs the Central esme hack te ests the 1600, tisgdnwsstotc is o dream hearing test Sobarbas Leogue Nnrth bellend to settle for sensed thet I beve had sisre fresh- place nsitha time of 5:29.0. Come see us today, As rspected,Higlslesd Idle Iñaseyi else hod ers Mirhefie Zdobylsh task KEVIN 000K5IFOR p1061:1 cetro third bathe 3200 ros with e MeIne Eeot'c PIe. Boche (enl*1le) cloneblec ose, the hbqlo honile cc Gleebreok Nostloc (see time of 13:35. Emt elsa Stonr010eek000 (101(1 ced OlIno Meduse Kelly WillIenoc oleen In docle4 CSL (Odem (roch coot el placed third is two releys Melee Poet le Peek Rid0. Fridey efle0000rt, Rocho hellt oc le cele the event. es Zdsbylak, O'Gmdy, StOrni: i,' Alcois Cenago and Zaldiso irked its seemsaweek Eastli lone isdiniduel title "I reallylead no time to Thril had atiene of 10:50 is reeller. Avery asd Pire by wisnisgthe 50-perd work os myjomp'm5" seid the 0200 and Ifleseyi, Mon-Poche, who beve bath been high hordirs wilke time of Avery Rache, shortly eher ica Coldra,H000slo hey members cf the track 6.3. PIre Sache else teak hie lest event. "I really Johsnon and leabeic sed field tauen far the past secosdis the 50-yard low want te have ogood oat- Buy 1,, get i for Keoheshies hod o time of two yearn, helped the hurdlea(6Â). door seseos. Coach (Moi- 30-Day 1:3L3 bathe 4-by-i60. Dowses finish fifth. Averylfecke,whnwesa see) Ilerrera bao been Just 99O Dmrileldstreuhadto stale qsalifier speer ego 'ea werkicsgwith ma to get BOYS Money-Back the teem tilla ositk 126 the 400 rsn, coScrteda ready" The bays team hosted pa'mts. NilruNorthwas peirofeecond-ploce Otherkcynaedaleein- 0% Off TWO custom-fit, all-digital Guarantee* the COL North on Friday second with 108, followed medals. Avery Rochemos ners were Peseteros Wilsot night. lay Ilighlsend Park (90), runner-op inbaththe high is the highjmsp (3rd, 6-51 Miracle Ear® AudioChoice 7021 Find out what your miracle Coach Chris Peters' Gleetheaok Norlb (781, jsmp (6-0) arad triple jump end Julien Spencer'm the Solution Packages i & 2 hearing aids (ill llltl(If1/FSR sonto petitsaeaad welcomed several Meine Emt (54) end Matese (43-9). He also oses fifth'ea 5Ò-yardhierdles 1415, 6.51 will found like, risk free, I. (fleeces) ceceestoome lice loe! (00M I. ililob ob. lb..Mdathletes from the varsity West 147). the losgjampwithadis- und 50 low hue'dlee 14th, Sb. 0)0 PIOUd MC 0000M PI00010 Ib. 5010M obb M beskethall team, which Sea- Plea Roche claimed tance sf19-S. 6,6). 200 de0 Offers good thru March 26, 2008 WATER POLO 27 Chicagoland locations available to serve your Hearing Health Needs Arlingloel HeIghts 2306 Eus: Rond Rood Chicago Seers 4035 Noeth Ciocca Norridge Miracle-Ear CenterossoN, Canbe,le,d Demons cool off after winning first two games of season Aurora Sears Fee Volley CroIre Chicago Sears 6f 030. W solee, Ace. Oak Brook Sears Oak 0,00k Cl,. BourbonnaisScuse(602 0000e Rt. 50W Crystal Lake Sears (OS Nafllesaast Huy, Orland Park Sears 000ed 5000,0 Mall ByJIMEDISON hand, however, he io disap- tisnal meets, bat they do ntarlearfiertbismonth. fleolkenithlflgaelu),Mar- Calumet City Sears Rio,e 00ko Plazo Elmhursl Miracle-Ear Center 597 N. Yo,k Rd. Schaumhnrg Sears WOadhinld MelI (cilisoegeyisncerletcl.sow pointed that the speetbm notgetthcrecngeition oth- Thegirla team hegaea the Iene Kietllnnka, Jelena Chicago Ridée Sears Chiaago ®d5c Moli Jouet Sears Laian Joliet Mall notyctattuised officiel ata- er atIricies at oar erhoal re- cuaeapaignwithhnch-to- Kratic andgaellaaeporoia'irl Skokie Miracle-Ear Ceder 3943W. Dcmpntra Ase, Chicago SeatsFeed City Ohoppieg Ch. Matleson Sears Li000l, Mull Vernon Hills Sears WesllrehdlHootho,nc Cte. Au he hegira his lOOts tos at the Diotrict 207 ceive. They don't evangel a bock wins as it crashed Godoy ycor on head roach for bath scheel. varsity muer to shaw for Mother 03-0 and toppled The hays team has noi Chicago Sears f 60f N. Huelen Siles Sears ISolI Mlii CI,. West Duedee Sears Speing Hill Mall ArsiT bays and gicla waterpolo at "lt (water polo) io still their effana. RollingMeadows9-3. Since been as successful thos fao VOW,: SEASON C'3M Maine Eost, longtime senim-jrmtaclub sport here," Gail- "We joel heno ubanchofthen, the sqaud baa sot- cod'n still seerchiag far lie Call for your appointment today! I -888-432-7303 ssingroarh firste Geilfoil foil seid. Theed that is sad, teds that compote for the ferada 9-4 bm ta GIns- firstoiclory at fi-4. Tap hes mixed feelings. because our kids have lore ofaganaa,wlairhissot beoohfioslk usd015-S loen SoarsScoots players ties spring ecc Ja- 0e the one hued: Guilfoilworked se hard the past toEvanutos. cob Goalap FurhivPatrl, STANDINGS PHOTOS One eeupen per parchase. Ne ether effrrs er disceunts apply. DisceRnes do net apply te prior sales. cLOGS VIDEO is happy about the way the few years.. 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