ISSUE 4 NOVEMBER 2018 DARE CREATE SUCCEED Share a little every day, and get discovered Page 38


The Master with (L-R) sister Liz Brannan, wife Alison, and mother Elizabeth (Jean)


Welcome to the latest edition of the Guild of Entrepreneurs’ Annual Magazine: Dare, Create, Succeed.

It is growing in size and content with every edition just as our activities and opportunities to come together and to share our expertise and enthusiasm as entrepreneurs grow.

Showcased inside are just a few of our many activities and interactions during the year and they are as interesting as they are diverse. The Committee Chairs and Freemen are to be congratulated on their commitment to assisting Page Freeman profile - Judith Donovan CBE 28 others understand how to dare, create and Introduction from The Master 3 Church News 29 succeed. From Education and Outreach, to Membership, to Events and PRIME and all the November 23rd 2017 - Installation and Dinner 4 - 5 Master’s Weekend 30 others, our committees form the backbone of what we are able to achieve together. Welcome to New Freemen 6 - 7 From Soldier to Entrepreneur 31 Outreach Work 8 - 9 Grenfell Update 32 From our first awards from our Trust, to mentoring students and young entrepreneurs, to LORD MAYOR’S INTRODUCTION Education 10 - 12 In the Seat: Johnny Manning 32 a move to Drapers’ Hall as our new home and a hugely successful Master’s Weekend we really Social Events 13 - 14 Recipe: Gregg Wallace 33 I am delighted to have been asked to write this foreword to this edition of your Guild magazine. Although are a very busy Guild with a growing reputation a relative new comer to the Livery movement – being a Liveryman of only six years – I have been utterly in the City. Communications and Events 15 Inter Livery Social Calendar 33 - 35 bowled over by the incredible command of this great institution. Dyslexia - Pushing the boundaries 15 Inter Livery Ski Competition 35 If any of the content in this edition of the Livery Companies have been central to the fabric of the City of since the 12th century and have magazine piques your interest and you feel you Sponsorship 16 Technology, Entrepreneurship and innovation 36 evolved into modern business, social and charitable institutions. Since your formation four years ago, would like to help grow the Guild by becoming you have attracted a diverse group of Freeman and provided a useful example of what a modern Guild Trade Secrets; protecting your “Know How” 16 - 17 Responsible Entrepreneurship 37 involved in any of our Committees please get can do. in touch with Freeman and Court Assistant Neil Our New HQ - Drapers Hall 18 Share a little every day, and get discovered 38 Fullbrook ([email protected]). Entrepreneurship at its heart is about weighing the balance between needs, risks and opportunities – Being a Freeman 19 Generation Start-up 39 - 40 and the drive to make opportunity a reality. This is central to the pan-Livery movement and its focus on Together we are achieving great things with the communications and philanthropic endeavour, within a modern context. I commend it to the Guild and Our Membership Statistics 20 Middle Warden scoops coveted award 41 Guild, with more volunteers we could achieve so hope it will resonate with you all. much more. Making History 21 The Guild of Entrepreneurs Charitable Trust 42 The skills that your Freeman bring to the many businesses that you found and grow, or how you reach I do hope that you enjoy a quiet moment or so Spotlight - Meet the Freemen 22 - 25 Spotlight on the Junior Warden 43 back into the City to mentor those that are beginning their own journey has been impressive. These from your busy entrepreneurial day to find time are skills that the City will need in abundance in our post Brexit worlds. I therefore thank the Guild for What on Earth is PRIME? 26 The Master Elect 44 to read this excellent edition put together by the the enthusiasm and passion that you have shown and wish you continued success in your progress to Communications Committee. It really is rather An entrepreneurial hub in Nepal 27 Ask an Entrepreneur Series at LBS 45 become a Livery Company. splendid. The Court & Officers 46 The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor, Alderman Charles Bowman From The Master, Mr Lee Robertson

2 3 November 23rd 2017 - Installation and Dinner A steady procession of tailcoated men and voting member for five more years, as the Master Mr Robertson, sonorous and august, spoke elegantly-attired women in Little Trinity Lane on proceeded to confirm Alderman Peter Hewitt as craftily to inspire and move his audience to Thursday 23rd November heralded the principal Senior Warden for a further year, and to invest Mr support his drives to increase membership, event and celebration of the Guild Year. The Rick Lowe as Middle Warden. support the Trust and above all to have fun. He fourth anniversary of the launch of the Guild of paid a heartfelt tribute to his predecessor and Entrepreneurs, and the Installation of the fourth Mr Lars Andersen, elevated to Court alongside presented her with a bouquet and a beautiful Master Entrepreneur, returned for the third Ms Jolly in April 2015 was then called forward as gilded certificate comemorating her highly consecutive year to the beautiful Painters’ Hall, Junior Warden Designate to make his Warden’s successful year of office. Mrs Robertson, having by kind permission of the Master Painter-Stainer. Oath and to be invested. Robed in blue and returned briefly from her work in Quatar, beamed gold, and (at 6” tall and not yet 50) striking a very proudly by the Master’s side throughout. He The new Master addresses the Court As the third Master, Ms Kate Jolly, and her noble figure, his fine Nordic features creased into concluded by asking the Freemen and Officers Wardens were robed and refreshed in the privacy a smile as, at the conclusion of the Oath, the to toast the Guild’s guests – which they did of the Painted Chamber, the guests, in their best Master congratulated him and presented him with enthusiasm and with an adulatory salute to evening dress, began to assemble in the Court with his Junior Warden’s badge. those seated around them – before applauding Rooms in anticipation. very readily in approval and support for their new The final formal business of The Court was for Master. Violinist Jess Murphy played sweetly to cheer the new Master to swear-in three new Court the Freemen and their guests as they came in Assistants. When called, Freeman Gary Dixon, The Master Marketor, Mrs Sue Garland from the cold November night, and, just as Freeman Alderman Alastair King and Founder Worthington OBE, the Master of the Master’s clocked chimed the quarter-hour, the Master and Freeman Stephen Wheatley stepped forward to mother Livery Company then spoke in reply on Wardens were led into the Court Rooms to take swear to the Court Oath, and to take their seats behalf of the guests. In her eloquent remarks, their places for Court. below the chair. Mrs Garland Worthington drew together the many links between the Marketors and the Ms Kate Jolly gives her final address as Master Entrepreneur Newly-admitted Freemen are welcomed with open The Master bade the assembly sit, and the Clerk Closing the Court without further formality, Entrepreneurs, and pledged her support and arms to the Guild motioned solemnly for the Beadle to lead in the the Master and his Wardens were led out by that of her Company to the work of the Guild and Freemen Elect. In a series of creatively stage- the Beadle as champagne corks were subtly also to the Dan Doherty Memorial School and managed exchanges, seven highly successful popped, and glasses filled to slake the thirst of Learning For Life – a charity to which the Founder entrepreneurs were admitted to the Freedom the assembled Freemen and guests. A collective of the Guild was very closely attached. Mrs of the Guild: Joanna Abeyie, Debbie Hatchwell, shiver of excitement rippled through the crowd Garland Worthington concluded by proposing a Mark Huxley, Caroline Newman, James as the scream of bagpipes inundated the ears. toast to the Guild and its future prosperity, a toast Vellacott, Stephen Voller, and Paddy Willis. To an Pipe Major Steve Duffy, his cheeks puise and to which all could stand and very firmly reply. approving burst of applause the new Freemen the crook of his arm fiercely choking the tartan bowed to the Master and took their seats. bag, played wickedly as the Freemen and guests renewed acquaintances and made new ones “A starkly contrasting hush over glasses of moussy champagne. The Master with his Wardens descended, as the Chaplain invoked Too soon, it seemed, the Freemen and guests a blessing upon the Master, and were ushered to the splendid Livery Hall upstairs, greeted as they did so, by the Master and his then said grace” Wardens, who had led the way. With all seats accounted-for, the drone and peal of the piper The Master then spoke. Her valediction shone excited the diners as the Master and his principal with her characteristic humour and moderation, guests processed in. and she paid a gracious tribute to her successor Master Lee Roberston shares informality with Master of The before declaiming, in time-honoured fashion, the A starkly contrasting hush descended, as the Worshipful Company of Marketors, Mrs Sue Garland-Wor- thington results of July’s Election Court. Chaplain invoked a blessing upon the Master, and then said grace. The diners took their seats The Clerk called the Master Designate to stand, very courteously, and the Installation Dinner The 4th Master Entrepreneur is invested with the Master’s badge Court Assistants Judy Hadden and Pippa Watmough and the Middle Warden, Mr Lee Robertson, rose began. guard Junior Warden Rick Lowe from his seat to face the Master. The Master allowed the robe (which had been let down in Further nods to the Master’s Caledonian roots anticipation, and had been skirting the floor as were to be found in the foods (scallops, Scotch she walked) to be removed from her shoulders beef and a clootie dumpling, accompanied and placed around those of Mr Robertson, some by fine French wines in homage to the Auld 11 inches higher up. Alliance), and there were appreciative murmurs throughout as the delighted diners savoured The Master Designate then read the Master’s Life’s Kitchen’s very finest offerings. Oath, and, with some assistance from the The Master’s maiden speech Beadle, Lt Col Mervyn Bassett, the Master’s Grace was sung, and a Loving Cup shared, and badge was fastened around his collar and Ms toasts drunk to the Queen, her family, and to Jolly congratulated her successor to uproarious Founding Freemen Pervin and Cyrus Todiwala (centre) with the City in traditional City style. Peculiar to the guest Mr Faroukh Sorab (L) and Founder Freeman Ruby applause. Entrepreneurs, and a custom of short history Sayed QC though great poignance, is the ringing of the Dan The new Master then undertook his first official Doherty Memorial Bell. A fourth toast is preceded function, to invest his predecessor as a perpetual by the whole company standing in silence as Past Master, and Immediate Past Master for the the Master rings, in perpetual commemoration, year ensuing. Reenacting the poignent exchange a beautiful handbell in E to the memory of the between Ms Jolly and her predecessor, Guild’s Founder and second Master. Alderman Sir Paul Judge, just 12 short months prior, the Master warmly shook Ms Jolly’s hand Coffee was served, and the Junior Warden and posed for an official photograph. spoke to introduce the Guild’s guests. Then the Beadle gavelled for the Master. A clearly relieved Immediate Past Master took Court Assistant Neil Fullbrook with his fiancee Ryan Barker and the chaplain Reverand Bertrand Olivier. The new Master and the Immediate Past Master The Master’s Scottish heritage duly celebrated her seat on the Court, where she will remain a 4 5 Welcome to New Freemen November 2017 - September 2018

Mr. Mark Huxley Mr. Stephen Voller Mrs. Debbie Hatchwell

Ms. Caroline Newman Mr. Paddy Willis Mr. James Vellacott Mr. Leslie Morgan OBE DL The Rt. Hon The Lord Drayson PC Mrs. Sarah Davis

Ms. Joanna Abeyie Mr. Johnny Manning Mr. Adam Morallee Ms. Lisa Seymour Mr. Mark Layzell Mr. Paul Vousden

Mr. Dirk van Ruller Mr. Efe Eghobamien Mr. Emmanuel Cohen

The Master, Wardens and Clerk with new Freemen admitted at the September Court (Bakers’ Hall)

November 2017-18 - February June Miss Joanna Abeyie Mrs Sarah Davis Mr Stacey Body Mrs Debbie Hatchwell The Rt. Hon The Lord Drayson PC Mr Mark Huxley Mr Ben Martin September Ms Caroline Newman Mr Leslie Morgan OBE DL Mr Paul Vousden Mr James Vellacott Mr Harvinder Singh Rattan Mrs Lisa Seymour Mr Stephen Voller Mr Mark Layzell Mr Paddy Willis April Mr Efe Eghobamien Mr Johnny Manning Mr Emmanuel Cohen Mr Adam Morallee Mr. Stacey Body Mr. Ben Martin Mr. Havinder Singh Rattan Mr Dirk van Ruller 6 7 Outreach Work A year in the ‘outreach’ life of a Founder Freeman

Another year in the Outreach Record numbers of freemen have signed up A fellow speaker once said: “The The more you give, the greater the return. by my wife that getting home would be close to be mentors at the London Business School, to impossible as 6 inches of snow had already Committee speeds by and it’s hard Entrepreneurship Summer School and there more I give, I cannot carry what I get Clearly, The Trampery throws up good ‘uns and fallen and it was blizzard conditions. I ventured to believe that The Guild is in its is more on that in this magazine from James back in return”. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with one outside and my first stop was a shoe shop to fourth year from a standing start! Talbot, who is leading on this initiative. over the last year. I met Johnny of Manning’s buy boots to navigate the now treacherous Never is this truer than taking part in the activities Tutors in November 2017, he was looking for a conditions. A decision was made to stay with Last year the Outreach & Education The Outreach Committee was approached supported by The Guild of Entrepreneurs. Each mentor and, under the guidance of the Outreach my medical student daughter in London on her committee split into two separate by The Trampery to become involved in their and every event brings with it simple rewards Committee, ended up with me. We meet every sofa to guarantee I would be able to attend the innovative and ambitious EU-funded Trampery that serve not only to remind you of your own 6 weeks or so and spend a wonderful few LBS session the following day. The weather did committees, to allow both to grow Pathways initiative; a new human-focused journey to success, but of the ever-increasing hours talking about his increasingly successful not ease up and, throughout the following day, and flourish. I was very honoured support programme for the next generation of struggle of the generations that follow. business. Here is a man where ambition is fed LBS remained fully committed to putting on the creative pioneers and budding entrepreneurs. by his ability to question, listen, evaluate, test event. Over 100 had registered. I was not so to be asked to Chair the Outreach Our first joint event, ‘10 Things I wished I Had There are many ways you can bring out and feedback. I look forward to our sessions confident of their enthusiasm, especially since committee. Known Before Starting My Business’ consisting your talents and skills to benefit others. In together, to hear his news, to find out what all my prep work was still back at the office in of a panel of Freemen – Rick Lowe, Paddy September 2017 we broadcast Show 28 of the has worked and what has not as he works Kent. In December, at our second Outreach & Willis, James Vellacot, myself & Barnaby Members of the LBS summer school mentoring team London City YDN Business Show brought to on his business. It was especially rewarding Education annual event, both committees Wynter (host, to keep us all on track), plus with Dr Jeff Skinner you by The Guild of Entrepreneurs. This project to see him accepted as a Freeman and to set As a professional speaker you prepare for Amy McMannus beamed in from Amsterdam the course for The Guild for many years to this (not). I had already spoken to the three highlighted some of the incredible work that well meaning sort of way, were negative telling started some two years earlier and is a 2-hour by video, sparked lots of interesting questions come. He is certainly one to watch. Our Guild businesses I was to interview on stage so tried had been accomplished and outlined the us that it could not be done, that it was very talk show totally dedicated to helping young and debate. The Freemen involved thoroughly is strengthened by the addition of the kind of to recall my notes no longer with me but was I vision to take each one forward and how all our risky or that we were fools to leave safe, well people with start-up businesses. Going out enjoyed the evening and meeting with the entrepreneurial spirit people like Johnny bring not the ‘expert’ on brand. freemen could assist. I feel a special mention -paid jobs. live over the internet from a community radio should be made of Trowers & Hamlins LLP, who nascent entrepreneurs. Some post event words station in Bromley, I jointly hosted the show with to the party. collected by Paddy, sum up the evening and On arrival it was clear I had underestimated the impressively stepped in at the last minute to The Summer School is there to get the students Ania Jeffries and over the last year we’ve done indeed the essence of Outreach perfectly: Talking of parties, there were plenty. Dinners, entrepreneurial spirit once again. Over eighty host the event after the original host dropped out of the classroom to prove their ideas. They shows on: Mental Health at work; All you need gatherings, committee meetings for Outreach students, alumni and Freemen turned up to out at the last minute. In true entrepreneurial are given some frameworks and told to get out to know on relationships; All you need to know “This was an inspirational evening, with an and Sponsorship, and investitures. It’s hard to the event. By all accounts it was a resounding spirit, all clouds have a silver lining and we and explore for the seven weeks of the summer about Social Media; Create your Business Plan audience committed to learning and a panel of get to all of them but it is always worth it when success with audience participation, challenges are quickly building a strong relationship with recess. Every new mentor is taken through the and Women Work. More shows are coming Freemen willing to share their own experiences. you do because you come away with a new and solutions all on the spot and unprepared. Trowers & Hamlins. LBS methodology before they are introduced to soon. If you want to guest on this show, then As I mentioned in one of my anecdotes, we relationship almost every time, knowing that their mentee. As entrepreneurs we have done it, drop me a line. must never forget that being further down the the value set is well matched given The Guild The “Ask an Entrepreneur” series was born So far this year the Outreach Committee has we have gone through the trials and tribulations, road in our own entrepreneurial journeys means is the link. that night and as I spent the next 3.5 hours built on our existing relationships to maximise the good and the bad and it is our job to mentor In February, Founding Freeman Judy Hadden that we stand on a Mountain of Value, to borrow getting home (at 1am) there was plenty to our resources. We’ve also engaged with others these aspiring business owners. We are there to and I had a very cold coffee together at the from Daniel Priestley, even if we don’t always Values very much underpin my work in building reflect upon. The Guild of Entrepreneurs had in the Livery movement so that we can meet challenge them, to get them thinking about the Young Entrepreneurs judging day at Smithfield feel we have all the answers for ourselves, we brands across the globe, so I was quick to lived up to its name bringing together a team and learn from their outreach experiences. I issues they will face so that they can find new Market consisting of hundreds of stalls selling have insights that we can share with others who accept an opportunity to speak about that very of people without whom none of it could have was very pleased to be invited as a guest to ways forward, pivot or go back to a job knowing wares produced by teams from schools all over follow in our footsteps. For me, the Guild is a subject to the pupils of Roedean School at The happened, creating a new way to help other the Worshipful Company of Drapers - Drapers’ that now is not the time or opportunity. Having London. Worry as we may about the failing of great vehicle for this exchange.” Museum of Brands in Notting Hill. young entrepreneurs realise their dreams. Den event and to the Worshipful Company been there ourselves we can support them with education for the generations coming through, it of Management Consultants’ annual charity some of the very practical issues they will come was truly heart-warming to see the extraordinary Much has been achieved this year as a result With Judy as my chaperone (even at the age I was even asked to quote for my services by dinner to hear of their achievements. across, give them tips and, where appropriate, array of products and services created by these of the enthusiasm and incredibly generous of 55 ¾), we were able to enjoy the excellent one of the businesses who came up on stage. help with connections. 16 and 17-year olds and their enthusiasm as Earlier in the year a second series of specific commitment from fellow Outreach Committee they entered the commercial arena. If this was museum before an hour-long session on how Funny, when I told them my hourly rate I never members, Rick Lowe – Middle Warden, James you create a brand today. The students were on heard from them again. workshops were held for Bathtub 2 Boardroom My first mentee was a senior geologist from a reflection of young entrepreneurship, then we Talbot, Barnaby Wynter and Avi Lasarow plus a long day trip with a visit to Portobello Market at their new home in City Road, these were BP who wanted to use drone technology to are all in safe hands! the other freemen that have assisted but there to follow but they were attentive, engaged and And there’s the point. organised by Freeman Avi Lasarow and reduce training budgets with an alternative to is so much more that can be done with all of asked questions, albeit with a tight schedule supported by a number of Freemen to whom expensive field trips. This rapidly moved on If you’ve not had a chance to go to The Trampery, your help. they were curtailed. Perhaps one day one of As Freemen we have worked hard to get to we are very grateful. to focusing on developing virtual reality tools just a few minutes’ walk from Old Street, then do them will join me in the marketing industry or where we are, made mistakes, found success which, two years on, the company is using with use The Guild as an excuse. Now a fully-fledged Outreach is an incredibly rewarding activity to come to realise that marketing is now a lead and been able to put all that into practice. But it Following a January brainstorming session oil explorers across Europe, South America and outreach partner for us, this is a fantastic place be involved in and, without exception, everyone discipline in the entrepreneur’s portfolio. was a long hard approach, learnt from personal with Dr Jeff Skinner, Executive Director of the other areas of the world. In addition to learning to meet young aspiring entrepreneurs. Now that has got stuck in has enjoyed the experience. experience. Now in the new knowledge Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at lots about the tech, it was really interesting to there’s a thought, an aspiring entrepreneur! If you would like to join the Outreach Committee Many great ideas fail to meet their potential economy we can learn from others’ experience, London Business School (LBS), the concept of explore this sector, particularly pricing models, What does that mean? Well you need to go to or assist in one of our initiatives please do get in due to lack of marketing! avoid mistakes and add value quickly. Being a the Guild of Entrepreneurs ‘Ask an Entrepreneur at a time when the cost of a barrel was the a Trampery event to see for yourself. There you contact, you will be made most welcome. Freeman of The Guild is a privilege afforded to Series’ was spawned; aimed at LBS students, lowest it has been for twenty years. will meet a wide spectrum of amazing young some of whom have participated in the people, a celebration of different cultures and The last year with The Guild has ended on a few but one that can benefit so many others. Judy Hadden - Chair of Outreach a high as we build a strong relationship with sessions, but also their alumni. In a gesture of Last year I was mentoring a very entrepreneurial backgrounds all excited about finding new Email: [email protected] London Business School. Another outreach I am pleased to say LBS has adopted the ‘Ask collaboration, LBS has kindly opened up the doctor who was funding his way through a part ways to make the way we all live better and, in relationship enabled by Judy and Freeman the Entrepreneur’ Series as a regular event and events so that we can invite other Guild friends time MBA with his own business selling into the doing so, helping them live better lives too. James Talbot, our first ambition was to create our Middle Warden, Rick Lowe followed up with and connections to come along, thus enabling NHS. His project was to explore setting up a a ‘product’ that The Guild could own and, a great session on Sales in May. On September a wider entrepreneurial audience to benefit and LBS radiology service in Nigeria. Potentially a very My involvement in this was to facilitate a working with Dr. Jeff Skinner at LBS, we 25th, we returned to host a session on Finance for our Outreach efforts to be maximised for the exciting project with huge needs but equally panel session on “10 things I wish I’d known conceived the “Ask an Entrepreneur” Series for Business presented by fellow Freeman, good. ENTREPRENEUR large problems particularly political ones. He before I went into business”. 5 other freemen where an audience of early stage businesses John Davies. found the exercise very useful and decided not revealed all that only 20:20 hindsight can help SUMMER SCHOOL could come and participate in an interactive The first two in the series on 1. Brand was to go ahead but did win the best presentation and with networking afterwards you couldn’t delivered by Freeman Barnaby Wynter and help but be impressed by the enthusiasm of question and answer session. The London Business School is a great partner Remember when you began thinking about for that class. 2. Sales, delivered by Freeman and Middle the young entrepreneurs. In fact, two managed for The Guild of Entrepreneurs and in my one starting your first business? The excitement of After some serious planning, the date was year as a Freeman I have volunteered to be a Warden, Rick Lowe were very well received. Every mentor will have their own stories, mainly to persuade me to meet up afterwards for a discussing what you wanted to do, how you set for Tuesday 27th February. I prepared joint mentor with fellow Freeman John Davies at I am really looking forward to the next in the good but one or two who have hardly heard couple of hours to pick my brains, test their were going to do it and who you were going the session, gathered together the props for the LBS Entrepreneurs Summer School. series ‘Cash is King’, presented by Freeman, from their mentee again. If this is something that assumptions and identify gaps and resources to do it with? Heady days! This is the sort of the following day and set off for London (I live John Davies. John will be ably supported by you are interested in finding out more, speak to they might need. From fashion to IT, the range buzz that I and many of the other mentors get in Kent) to see one of my clients on Monday. Barnaby Wynter Barnaby Wynter, back by demand in his new, me or Judy Hadden, chair of Outreach, and we of business ideas was huge. Some you simply from work with these intelligent, knowledgeable During my meeting in Great Ormond Street, Email: [email protected] possibly permanent role as anchorman. will get you involved with next year. cannot see fly but others, with the wisdom of and highly capable MBA students. In those Freemen who have been there and done it London turned white and people started early stages there were also the down days, the to leave early. By 5pm things were looking Freeman James Talbot. before, could make it. conversations with naysayers who, often in a especially dicey, so I called home to be advised Email: [email protected] 8 9 Education

token of their appreciation. They delivered sounds, which should immerse the listener THE GUILD, KNIGHTS AND MENTEES – blogs, videos, photographic documentary deeper into the stories. Her mentor Tony and illustrations for their mentors. The Master Harrison of 3D Generation Limited, like the BUILDING ON A SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIP Entrepreneur, Mr Lee Robertson, of Investment others challenged her assumptions, made her Quorum is captured in various portraits and self-reflect, and invited her into rare settings, The tension was palpable, if not expected. Six renaissance, emergent algorithms that will exudes a playfulness and familiarity with the such as a power breakfast pitches. Mentor knights, their gazes fixed into an arena where govern our lives and a future of automation, photographer as he develops different poses, Freeman Judy Hadden of Oil Risk would young minds had gathered. One by one, some emotional intelligence and creativity are whilst Sofija’s documentary photos of Freeman provide a thought – ecosystem for Elishka to tentatively, others eagerly, filed into the centre the future skills also identified by a Price Simon Fordham of the Fordham Henderson realise her ambition of creating stories around and the glare of light to impress those seated Waterhouse Cooper’s 2017 report, Workforce Partnership and Cherry Duck Studios, could Feminism amongst Elite Russians. A coffee with their knowledge. The event too would of the Future survey. easily live in the pages of Time Magazine. book is now the expectation, whilst Former pro reveal the impact of the knights’ mentor- athlete turned documentary maker Sofija Korf protégé relationship. How do today’s students become more resilient Nicola’s call to fellow Guilds yielded a healthy has moved further along her quest to turn her to the challenges ahead of them reifying tutelage response and her pairing was inspiring. Sara, passion into a film examining Olympians who We are amidst the ornate splendour of the within four walls into real world experiences? who has a Canadian-Afghanistan background fade away. Simon Fordham would help Sofija Vintners Hall, one of the oldest of livery How do students measure risk as an inevitable would comment: think through the story’s business production companies of the City of London, believed to consequence of creativity and that failure is the and that having an uplifting end, will, as a HBR date back to the 12th century, a time when prodigal sibling likely to visit them and it should “Wow I just finished my meeting with Rachel study showed promote greater sharing. Bowen knights helped keep the order, cared for the be confronted along their learning curve? How and every time I do, I feel like I am closer to my is reconciling the affordability of property sick, and would become international bankers. do today’s graduate take control of their careers end goal (which is to actually get funding and markets for Chinese and British youngsters, The surroundings at this year’s summer with an entrepreneurial spirit in sight? make a film)”. and whether a platform might help Chinese banquet, where I was humbled at giving the students coming over to study in the UK. Her Keynote draws further on the imagination, but Academia can relay these. Books provide At her first meeting with Freeman Rachel Mentor Lee Robertson could not have been the Knights in question are modern ones. theoretical knowledge, and lecturers with life Wang from Chocolate films, not only was a more suited. experiences impart their own reflections. But deadlock undone; Sara had in the first semester An inversion of “Dragon”, and it’s collocate “Den” there’s something special and different about preferred not to use Afghanistan as a subject, Sitting at a coffee shop in Central London, Lee has given rise to our own version of the BBC’s the practitioner, the CEO and their stripes of but was now inspired to produce a short film, and I exchange views on the schemes roll out. popular programme. Inside a studio, Cherry experience, walking in on captivated students which found its way on chocolate film’s 1000 There were tweaks that could have improved Duck, in East London the mentor programme who are ready to selflessly provide in a Londoners website but also more recently on the experience further, for instance providing of the Guild of Entrepreneurs and University concentrated focused manner the wealth of the British Council’s website. fixed dates and framework as a matter of of Westminster disLAB has culminated, this their entrepreneurial skills. The synergy here of outcomes. From my end we’ll learn from that. evening, with six young aspirant storytellers storytellers meeting entrepreneurs may not be “We saw Sara Noori grow from a searching We’d also like to build on other areas. Last year cum would-be entrepreneurs having their novel, but to my reckoning it’s not widespread student to a confident 1st-time #documentary the students were introduced to Guild Member propositions critiqued by Guild members. either. filmmaker”, Rachel tweeted. Ben Martin of Safe4 Information Management Limited. They made a promotion video in the “It’s been an absolutely wonderful collaboration. Storytelling underpins the bulk of how we Nasma, a former pharmacist graduate from space of a week, which we’re trying to clear First of its kind between the University and the communicate with one another. It is as invisible Syria, now relocated in the UK had the benefit for its public use. Stephen Wheatley presents Guild of Entrepreneurs which is a young Guild as the air we breathe, yet hidden in plain site of two mentors, Freeman Patrick Swint of a mentoring scheme with secondary school and we like to think of ourselves as innovative are the approaches, strategies and techniques Knightsbridge Ventures and Freeman Stephen students that our students could participate in. and exciting and forward thinking. And this accrued from cultural, neuro and behavioural Wheatley of LimitEar. Whilst Patrick was Think of it as Blockchain mentoring; passing particular project has brought together all those sciences that suggest how it’s evolved and travelling, Stephen stepped in to lend his from one group to another. components”, says Nicola Manning, the Chair works in given situations. experience, opening several doors for Nasma of the Guild’s Education Committee. with various extraordinary contacts. Nasma’s Overall though the sentiment from Lee and the quest is to create an interactive mobile game group was extremely positive and there is broad Eight weeks earlier today’s attending © David Dunkley Gyimah that provides a glimpse of what it’s like to travel agreement to do it again, embracing some new entrepreneurs had commenced an intense one- from Syria, through Turkey to arrive at the UK. ideas. Just as well really as the Knights Table on-one programme. No one was quite sure of Filmmakers and fiction writers understand if they She’s on her way. as a video show could do with being packaged the outcome, yet alchemy would develop and a can elicit emotions, the impact on the memory into a potential series. pleasurable bond between student and mentor and recall is more profound. Or that empathy Jasmin from Vienna dreams of creating a fulfilled. In his book Mastery author Robert can be heightened through characterisation podcast series that focuses on the theatre By David Dunkley Gyimah Green sculpts the practice of mentoring and its and restored disruption to the equilibrium of a behind the news headlines whilst using binaural forte. story. That press release is better off featuring a problem personalised that has been overcome. The reason you require a mentor is simple. Life This is the domain of our students. is short; you have only so much time and so much energy to expend. He adds, Mentors Whilst mentoring by itself has the capacity do not give you a shortcut but they streamline to provide self satisfaction for mentors, the process…Their knowledge and experience as practitioners often speak about seeing becomes yours… their advice is tailored to your themselves in their charges and the joy they circumstances and needs. experience when growth is observed, Nicola and I shared a thought about a physical parting This was our framework. To get a contextual gift. sense of this coming together, we go back to a meeting between Nicola and I in September History was our own mentor. In the 19th 2017. century impressionism movement, painters such as Cezanne, Gauguin and Van Gogh, I am heading up a new programme at the who relied respectively on patrons: Ambroise University of Westminster which will collapse an Vollard, George-Daniel de Monfreid, and Theo array of disciplines: journalism, documentary, van Gogh for their agency would gift them storytelling, photography, interactive and works as a mark of their respect. Our latter innovative media, into one interdisciplinary day impressionist students whom by the time schema. There were several gnawing issues they’ve met their mentors were encouraged to which young people face that Nicola and I break the conventions of genre storyteller, would shared. Amid the whirlwind of a technology © David Dunkley Gyimah consult with their mentors about a probable © David Dunkley Gyimah 10 11 rider to the ire of Air, Water, Fire and Earth A ROLLER-COASTER DAY AT ROEDEAN because of the destruction humans have SCHOOL – FEB 2018 wrought on nature; there was the Imaginary Social Events - A round up of 2018 Circus, which forced the rider to do battle with a dragon that has taken control of a circus, Whenever my friend Jackie spoke about her like, given that the students were just at the whose acts became increasingly dangerous This year’s events have been wide and number two on the evening was reported to be time at Roedean in the post-WWII days, there point of choosing their subjects for GCSE. and whose original owner needed to be varied, to say the least. We kicked off Master high as the teams took their positions in the was a tone of reverence which crept into the saved. One group dropped the ride a sheer Lee Robertson’s year with a five course infamous Central Criminal Court. Judging was story. The stories were mainly about much To make the experience both exciting and 50-metres into a pit of snakes because of ‘Entrepreneurs’ Christmas Lunch in December carried out by Sheriff Neil Redcliffe, Her Honour studying, discipline, cold winds howling off as close to reality as possible, Steve enlisted some cause related to exploring the jungle, at The London Capital Club. It was full of Judge Wendy Joseph QC and Her Honour the sea and being constantly hungry. The Liam and James from The National Enterprise and another one took you to Heaven and just seasonal cheer as we all mingled to festive tunes Judge Anuja Dhir QC on the bench, and Sheriff descriptions of the students were even more Challenge, who told the students that they as you thought you would be entering through and fermented, fizzy grape juice! The lunch Timothy Hailes acting as the Court Clerk and interesting. I heard about their exploits and had an important task on their hands – to the Pearly Gates you were dropped straight traversed the evening and finally concluded in time keeper. pranks, but also about their families, the design an innovative, first-in-the-world ride to hell! the late hours – a well-deserved break from the preparations for their presentations at Court, for Alton Towers. Throughout the day, the bustling life of the above-average entrepreneur. Chair of Education, Court Assistant (and lawyer!) and their post-Season expectations (mostly instructions came at a machine-gun pace: Each of the groups presented their ideas, Dukes Academy Nicola Manning reported: “The standard from in the marriage market.) I had a clear image define the target audience, invent and write their materials, their writing and their ads Our first few Outreach and Education events both teams was exceptional and there was of Roedean School based on this first-hand the story or the concept of the roller-coaster on the stage of the 320-seat theatre that were held in January and February. Freeman some excellent presentation from both schools evidence. It seemed to me to be a citadel of choice, brand the new ride, design and Roedean has not only for its students but also Paddy Willis was in great demand. Early on a as well as 4 minutes each of rebuttals and some of excellence and learning, of grooming and display a schematic of what it would look the surrounding community. Their audience January Monday morning he joined more than testing questions from the bench”. privilege (expensive, too, but that was never like, create and enact an advertisement for a included their peers, the faculty and additional 50 undergraduates at the UCL Canary Wharf discussed). social media platform, write a press release staff who came to take part in the day’s Campus to share his experience as co-founder The teams and their supporters then retired to announce the ride, and finally cost out denouement. Each group was timed to not of disruptive food brand Plum Baby. There was to the Judges’ Dining Room for refreshments A clear image, that is, until I spent a full day the entire enterprise from construction to exceed 4 minutes of presentation, and they a great deal of curiosity around how an FMCG and a rather long wait for the Judges to re- at Roedean on 6th of February this year, and marketing, making decisions about what is were ruthlessly cut short by the facilitator. brand grows from zero to £14m retail sales in appear – it was later found that the delay had found a much more nuanced reality, a fresh desirable versus what is affordable. Nick, Carol (the House Mistress) and I listened less than five years before selling to a private been caused by a difficult decision due to approach to learning, and a much-younger- spell-bound and mightily impressed with equity company. His second outing in two the teams being only 2 points apart and for a than-imagined and “with it” faculty. The day was a spectacular tour de force of the presenters. These young people took to months was with the prestigious Paris-based while, the Judges had been unable to reach a creativity and team work, focused on these the role with very little visible fear, which is Dauphine University (London). Paddy was GEW evening unanimous conclusion. However, in the end, Freeman Nick Levens and I came to Roedean, young women whose majority had never even normally present ahead of any presentation invited to address the 3rd year students who Oasis Academy – the older team and last year’s at the invitation of Steve Low, who is the considered such issues, let alone address to an audience. Instead there were a lot of are spending a year studying here in London. runners up – just pipped Duke’s and were Head of the Business and Enterprise at the them before. giggles, sometimes a bit of confusion in the The theme was “Why Mentoring?”, a subject worthy winners of the 2018 Challenge Trophy school. We came to help Steve run an exciting handover from presenter to presenter, but Paddy was well versed in - having mentored Cup. Well done to Oasis and to the WCMC simulation for Year 9 students. We were to act To judge by the heightened excitement and they all delivered with flying colours. well over 100 start-up founders and building a sponsors and mentors! as added “faculty” on the day, and ultimately energy in the room, the Year 9s relished the mentor programme for Bathtub2Boardroom’s judge which of the teams of students was assignments and delivered on them in their Amazingly, there was consensus among not for profit incubator. Risk, Belief and the Entrepreneur were the focus worthy of the final prize. (The latter consisted stride. The faculty, with active assistance the three judges as to the winning team. We of insurance magnate Mr Robert Hiscox DL, of chocolates, but also of recognition and from Nick, myself and the House Mistress had sat through the initial deliberations of Following the theme of educating future who addressed the Spring Lunch at Armourers’ a “mention in dispatches” in the school’s of neighbouring Moira Hill School whose each group and were thus able to evaluate entrepreneurs, Guild of Entrepreneurs Founder Hall in March. Mr Hiscox observed that, whilst newsletter for all parents.) students were invited to join the day, roamed them on how they developed throughout the Freeman Nick Levens and Edna Kissman most corporate mottos are, sadly, rather bland, among the 8 tables of 8. We mainly listened day, and not just on the basis of their final judged the Ryman’s National Enterprise GEW event he unashamedly admired the purposeful This opportunity came about because of and took mental notes in preparation for our presentation. The winning ride was entitled Challenge at Roedean School as mentioned motto of the Guild of Entrepreneurs – DARE, the Guild’s Education Committee’s outreach end-of-day judging role. “Memoires”, with the premise that Virtual previously. Students worked in groups on a CREATE, SUCCEED – recalling that HISCOX programme to schools. It was part of the Reality would enable the development of a variety of challenges based around designing a had made a similarly purposeful commitment Guild’s ongoing partnership with Roedean The day was a spectacular tour de ride that personalized the experience of the new roller-coaster for Alton Towers. They used – professing COURAGE as one of its values. which has been running for the past two years riders, allowing them to ride through special a range of skills such as creative writing, drama Five years of retirement had certainly offered bringing entrepreneurship in reality to the force of creativity and team work, moments in their own lives. We, the judges, and maths to help present their ideas. The Mr Hiscox some perspective, and, reasonably academic studies of the pupils and Nick had focused on these young women did not query the technological premise, so teams then presented their concept to Edna risking hubris, he was able to say with some already participated last year when he was we don’t know if this could be achieved at all. and Nick. confidence that, by taking control of a small part of a lecture team inspiring the students whose majority had never even Instead, we appreciated the mature insight Lloyd’s syndicate, HISCOX had certainly dared. with the story of his personal journey to considered such issues, let alone into the value of the personal experience as The third Education and Outreach event was at In growing to become an international business, entrepreneurship. I came this year because I a unique innovation; we also thought that the Bathtub to Boardroom on a subject close to any certainly created. And, with HISCOX valued enjoy working with young people, and I was address them before. presentation and the supportive materials entrepreneur’s heart – Developing a Business today at more than £4 billion, might reasonably also curious to finally see Roedean in “the carried this concept throughout. Plan, Growth and Time Management. Middle The team from Duke’s Aldridge Academy with be considered to have succeeded! flesh”, as it were. At times, we even intervened with a judicious Warden Rick Lowe delivered an insightful talk Court Assistant Nicola Manning question; sometimes provided concrete We left with a newly-generated respect on the subject. He followed up the presentation Around 100 miles away, high on a Sussex hilltop At first sight of the imposing building at the support and offered a helping hand to those for the imagination and excellence of the with an active Q&A session and then a on a warm March day we held our 4th familiar top of the cliff, overlooking the entire sea team members who had a few difficulties with teaching, and the tremendous capabilities mentoring session on each business digging lecture and networking event at Roedean front and marina and situated in rolling acres the work. (Some of the students were from of the students. The writing, usually a sore deeper into the finer aspects of running an School. Organised by Freeman and Court of green, I felt as if I was moving back to foreign countries. At times, tasks for which point with many employees these days, entrepreneurial business. Assistant Nicola Manning, a host of speakers another century. But the cheerful receptionist, fluency in English was needed, e.g., branding was astonishingly good. The drive for including many of our own Freemen: David the welcoming lobby, the comfy guest room, or the press release, required some cajoling innovation is alive and well. Teamwork and In January, the Guild’s second consecutive Mellor, Alexandra Rose, Mandy Haberman, and the colourful staff room with modern on our part.) collaboration were obvious, and the spirit of Scots Master welcomed Freemen and guests Spirit De La Mare and Colin Hegner entertained coffee making machines, were all promising friendly competitiveness was felt throughout from far and wide to the London Capital Club and trained the gathered audience. signs of the present. When I followed the At some point in the proceedings, during a the day. The students learnt that business for Burn’s Night. The meal followed the usual generous lunch break (consisting of a great receptionist down a very long corridor toward and enterprise could be both productive ‘piping in the haggis’ after a starter of Cullen Westminster disLAB © David Dunkley Gyimah On a more sombre note, the United Guild Service an increasing level of noise from 64 excited variety of good and tasty food, so no more and creative, even fun. They also realized Skink – perhaps the second most famous in 2018 at St. Pauls Cathedral was attended by young women, I felt energized and ready for hunger as recounted by Jackie), most of the that financial realities were an important Scottish soup after Scotch Broth! The Master all 110 Livery Companies along with Guilds the challenge of the day. students forewent their break and returned component of the decisions taken, but that, responded to the Lasses’ Toast after the Loyal and other Civic and City organisations, filling to the room to finish one or more tasks. It with imagination and a bit of risk-taking, Toast but the highlight of the night was the epic it almost to capacity. Masters, Prime Wardens And challenging it was, especially for the was heartwarming to see how interested one could achieve most of one’s vision. In Burns poem ‘Tam O’Shanter’ – each verse and the Upper Bailiff were all bedecked in their student participants but also for the faculty. We they became in what they were doing, how short, Nick and I left behind some budding read aloud by a representative from each of the company livery, and accompanied by their were all trying to keep up with the increasing much time and attention were given to entrepreneurs who will continue to grow and tables. robed Clerks and Beadles, making for a dazzling pressure that the facilitators of the simulation producing colourful presentation posters, or develop. We both had fun and felt that we array of colours and decorations throughout were adding throughout the day. The purpose a convincing and dramatic advert promoting had contributed to the day, the school and the The Sheriff’s London Challenge Finals at the the Cathedral in the shafts of Spring sunlight. of the simulation was to give the students a their innovation. youngsters. We also learned a great deal. Old Bailey in March got Spring off to a great This grand celebration and thanksgiving, “taster” of what business studies might be start. Other Guild partner schools - Duke’s established in 1943 to demonstrate solidarity in And innovative they certainly were. There was By Founder Freeman Edna Kissmann Aldridge Academy in Tottenham N17 had the face of enemy action, is a reminder of the Elements, a roller coaster which exposed the Email: [email protected] reached this year’s finals. The tension in Court Christs Hospital School talk religious origins of the Guilds, and the Bishop © Christs Hospital School 12 13 Social Events Communications and Events, an introduction

of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich delivered an As a young Guild and aspirant Livery Company, As the Guild has become more established invigorating homily on a theme of cooperation. as we establish ourselves, it’s vital that we and the numbers of Freemen grown so our Moving into April saw another of the Guild’s new make a genuine and positive impact amongst reputation amongst our Livery peers and the relationships struck, this time with Westminster our peers and the City of London, for whom we City of London has equally cemented itself. As DisLab, a new initiative at the University of exist to serve. Without ever wishing to blow our part of the modern livery movement and with Westminster. Court Assistant Nicola Manning own trumpet, in the four years since we were a rich diversity of members across all ages so and Dr David Dunkley-Gyimah the course founded, we think it is fair to say we have done we have found that how we communicate has leader and inspirational mind behind DisLab put both. The support from our fellow Liverymen added some real colour to our own personality. real effort in to pulling the two sides together has been outstanding as has the impact we are at our initial meeting with students down in making within the City. Pretty much from the outset this has been Wapping at Cherry Duck Studios. Freemen enjoying the Rose Bowl at this year’s driven by Court Assistant Jenny Hogan who Appreciation Supper There are no better examples to demonstrate has chaired the Comms Committee. She has Another annual tradition for the Guild is The this, than the work of our Outreach and delivered a rich mix of communications, both Appreciation Supper. This now legendary, event Education programmes, both of which have within the Guild and externally. 2 years on and was held in the Members’ Dining Room of become fabulous ambassadors of the Guild, with her own business thriving, Jenny feels it is Guildhall in April. The concept is simple and the supporting the people and organisations that the right time to pass the baton on to someone evening is a real hoot. Freemen Entrepreneurs they come into contact with. else. both new to the Guild (and not so new) gather to rehearse the slightly more peculiar aspects The Trampery invited Freeman Judy Hadden Mark Huxley, who became a Freeman in 2017 of City dining and learn about these ancient to bring a panel of entrepreneurs as part of has served on the Communications Committee customs. Hosted by the Senior Warden, their Pathways programme to speak to a since joining and has kindly agreed to take the Alderman Peter Hewitt and his wife Fidelma, group of some 40 start-ups in their Old Street role on. His own career has seen him working who grappled deftly with the theatricality of workspace. The topic was “10 Things I wish I within the insurance industry, and more notably formal Livery events. Freemen and their guests The winning team from May’s pub quiz had known before I started my business”. the globally iconic Lloyd’s Insurance Market. were given plenty of opportunities to try them Originally a front-line practitioner, over the last out over brimming glasses of fizz. The final event prior to going to print was Master dozen or so years he has set up businesses that Lee Robertson’s Master’s Weekend. This help these businesses achieve their ambitions Then, knowledge of the traditions of the City involved a much coveted visit to The Defence through a range of strategic planning. Learning were put to the test at the Guild’s inaugural pub Academy at Shrivenham. The weekend kicked to effectively communicate being just one, Court Assistant Mark Huxley with Immediate Past Master Kate Jolly quiz in May. Freemen and Officers of the Guild off on a warm Friday evening in the heart of where he uses all channels, traditional, online of Entrepreneurs had brought their sharpest Wiltshire at a luxury spa hotel where a collection and social to help his clients. He is ideally suited wits (and cleverest friends) along to the of Guild Freemen enjoyed dinner and sunset therefore to take the Committee forward and as DYSLEXIA - PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES Counting House on Cornhill to determine which overlooking a calm golf course. Saturday anyone who knows him, always has a mind full of them could muster the greatest general (and/ morning saw the group welcomed to the high of ideas. or generally useless) knowledge. At stake (in security Joint Services Defence Academy, by Since becoming a member of the Guild of Entrepreneurs, I have noticed there is some addition to bragging rights and a bottle of wine) Enjoying this year’s Summer Banquet at Vintners Hall Major Tom Mouat who introduced us to the “With a healthy growth in Freemen joining the was the as-yet-unnamed Triviality Tankard, MOD team building simulator. Freemen were Guild, it feels like we are at a point where we commonality between the Guild’s entrepreneurs purchased at almost no cost from a charity split into four teams and had to work as a team need to take stock of all our communications, aside from the drive to be a member of a City shop in Milton Keynes that very afternoon. The on their very own Starship. Lt Col Steve France, both amongst ourselves and externally” said Guild - and that is dyslexia. Having the condition winning team was led by our learned Clerk. Major Tom Mouat; SSgt Tony Wilson then spent Mark. This will be Mark’s first challenge; to as I do, I feel I am best placed to raise the issue. the afternoon giving us the history and context really think about how we can better achieve At the other end of the scale, the Guild’s of the multiple, extremely large, weaponry from this and building upon Jenny’s great legacy, Is it a want to steer our own ship , that we are not Summer Banquet, a white tie affair, was held at around the world. The group was then left keep demonstrating just why we are the most willing to conform, or a way to circumnavigate the beautiful Vintners’ Hall by kind permission free to investigate the machinery, with limited exciting place to be. our weaknesses and play to our strengths of the Master Vintner. The Summer Banquet is constraints! that we have formed our companies? Being one of only two formal feasts of the Guild’s year. We all owe a huge thank you to Jenny for her the boss of our own organisations makes a Freemen and their guests get to dine together The evening was an elegant affair, General Sir wonderful work and rest assured, she will still lot of sense when it enables us to shape an in evening dress, in the very best traditions of Christopher Deverell, Commander Joint Force be on the Committee to help wherever she can. environment that suits our skills. the City of London. Elegant gowns and crisply Freemen with students from Christ’s Hospital School Command hosted a black tie champagne Mark will no doubt be in touch with us all over starched collars (and even one or two top © Christ’s Hospital School reception at Joint Services Command & Staff the coming weeks to share ideas and seek out We are all very much aware of leading entrepreneurs who are dyslexic and they come hats) thronged Upper Thames Street as the College, followed by a stunning three course help, but if any of you would like to become Founder Freeman Liz Hunt guests presented their gilded invitation cards meal. He gave a succinct account of his involved, then do please get in touch with him, from different genres: Jamie Oliver, Lord Sugar, and were welcomed into the cool and richly- vision for a collaborative Guild and Defence either directly or through our Clerk - Email: Anita Roddick and Richard Branson to name decorated Vintners’ Hall. Our guest speaker Academy future where they can learn more [email protected] but a few, all of whom have overcome their dyslexia and created hugely successful businesses. for the evening was the mesmerising Dr. David about business and the Guild can utilise world Dunkley-Gyimah leading facilities and knowledge to improve Research would suggest that dyslexics are disproportionally represented among entrepreneurs. There communication and team work. has been much written about this link as it would appear that we are quite good at problem solving and The Guild also celebrated its closer links with focusing on the wider picture simply because we see things differently. We are good communicators law firm Trowers who hosted our first Founder Master Lee Robertson said: “I have had and excellent delegators, being able to outsource to others the tasks that we may feel we can’t Supporter event on the subject of GDPR. a wonderful year, and I am proud of the otherwise do, and generally have very good people management skills. Founder Guild Supporting firm PDA Legal Sheriff’s London Challenge relationships we have forged with our outreach pulled together a stunning panel of experts activities and impressed with the collaboration I don’t know about you but where I find myself now most certainly isn’t where I thought I was going to who gave an intriguing perspective on GDPR that Freemen of the Guild show, almost on end up when I left school at 18. I wonder if there are any other Guild members who would say that they and answered a host of questions from the a daily basis. These two elements are key to are dyslexic and have seen themselves develop in a more eclectic way? assembled Freemen and their guests. Many our existence and lean heavily towards the commented that aspects presented during the vision that our Founder and Past-Master, Dan I’m certainly the first to admit that my strength of communication and being able to relate to people has evening had not been previously considered Doherty, had for the Guild of Entrepreneurs helped enormously with my business – people buy people and when you are dealing with someone’s and that there were many takeaways for the when he started our journey, some eight years property, and their families, the ability to build a rapport, understand peoples’ needs and their emotional audience. ago”. state is second to none.

By Court Assistant Neil Fullbrook I would even be so bold as to say that my dyslexia, far from holding me back in life, has actually Email: [email protected] encouraged me to push the boundaries, step out into the limelight and be counted. Long may that continue for all us dyslexics. Contact Liz; [email protected] Freeman Barnaby Wynter speaking at The Trampery Freeman Spirit De La Mere with Court Assistant Jenny Hogan. 14 15 Where proceedings are not commenced within these timescales, any interim relief obtained A NEW COMMITTEE can be revoked. It can also fall away if the Sponsorship information in question is no longer a trade secret. The party accused of infringement can The newly-formed Sponsorship Committee, chaired by Court Assistant Pippa Watmough, has been also claim compensation for losses suffered busy building connections this year. Established to provide specific support in fundraising for the Guild whilst the interim relief has been in place. (as distinct from the Trust), we are keen to support our Events, Outreach and Education Committees in their quest to host exciting and inspirational occasions for Freemen, their guests and friends of the Obtaining interim relief is therefore not enough to Guild. Our existing sponsors tell us that participating in the Guild as a Sponsor is rewarding both protect a trade secret; it will be essential to have personally and professionally, but mostly they do it because we’re an entertaining and inspirational the underlying merits of the dispute determined group to be with! without delay. The prescribed periods of time are limited and the consequences of failing to This year one of our Founder Sponsors, PDA, conquered the almost unconquerable by delivering an comply with them could be significant. interesting seminar on GDPR for our Freemen. This was held in conjunction with new sponsor, Trowers & Hamlins who have generously supported us throughout the year, hosting two seminars and our Following trial Second Guild of Entrepreneurs Pub Quiz. In addition, Trowers & Hamlins now provide our new Guild If a trade secret holder successfully legal clinics which run on the last Friday of each month. A valuable asset to all entrepreneurs, lawyers demonstrates that there has been an offer Freemen free sessions of tailored legal advice (parking tickets and disorderly behaviour excluded). infringement, the Court can grant permanent Individual sessions can be booked through our website. Court Assistant Pippa Watmough partaking in The Loving Cup injunctions, the duration of which should Are you struggling with a legal query about your business? be sufficient to eliminate any commercial or Finally, a short message from your Sponsorship Committee: the Guild relies on sponsorship to host our economic advantage obtained by the infringer. Trowers & Hamlins in partnership with the Guild of excellent events and we are now looking for new champions to take on some exciting opportunities for next year. To keep life simple and enable support from The Court can also require infringing goods individuals through to large institutions, we offer sponsorship opportunities for all events in blocks of £2,000. The outlay required for each event differs, and being recalled from the market and / or their Entrepreneurs are hosting monthly legal clinics taking place on more than one block can be purchased to ensure exclusivity. Please do support one of our tremendous events through the power of sponsorship. destruction (together any document, material or the last Friday of every month. electronic file containing the trade secret). Court Assistant Pippa Watmough Email: [email protected] In assessing damages, the Court will have The clinics are designed to help entrepreneurs to address regard to the lost profits of the trade secret basic legal issues - either for those in their early stages, the holder and profits made by the infringer. growth stage or looking to scale up to. LEGAL VIEWPOINT Alternatively, it can consider the royalties or fees TRADE SECRETS; PROTECTING YOUR “KNOW HOW” that would have been payable, had the infringer obtained a licence to use the trade secret. The clinics will be organised on a 20 minute rolling basis between 10am and 12pm taking place at our offices. If you One of the most valued assets of A short public consultation regarding the Where the trade secret holder is under a What about the infringer who has not acted a business is its know-how and Government’s proposed approach to the disability, the limitation period does not start deliberately to encroach on a competitor’s trade would like to speak to our lawyers, please book a place via The implementation of the Directive took place in to run until that disability ceases or the trade secrets? Clerks office commercially sensitive information. early 2018, following which the Regulations secret holder dies. Where the Court is satisfied that the infringer did Trade secrets can be built up over came into force in June 2018. not know or ought to have known that the trade The “day of knowledge” of the trade secret secret had been obtained, used or disclosed Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm (see for dates) many years of expertise yet lost The Regulations – some key provisions holder is defined by reference to a number unlawfully or where it would be disproportionate Venue: Trowers & Hamlins 3 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8YZ through misuse and disclosure in of factors, including when they first knew to grant the permanent remedies outlined A “trade secret” is information which: (actual knowledge) or could be reasonably be above, it can award damages instead. Such no time at all, with business critical • is secret in the sense that it is not, as a body expected to know (constructive knowledge) damages ought not to exceed the amount of consequences. or in the precise configuration and assembly of of the offending activity and the identity of the royalties or fees that would have been due, had its components, generally known among, or infringer. a licence been obtained for the relevant period. readily accessible to, persons within the circles On 9 June 2018, the Trade Secrets that normally deal with the kind of information in Remedies How will the Regulations work in practice? (Enforcement, Etc.) Regulations question; At an interim stage • has commercial value because it is secret; It is likely that in disputes involving trade secrets 2018 (the Regulations) introduced a and Pursuant to section 11, the Court may grant and breaches of confidence, there will now be new cause of action and remedies • has been subject to reasonable steps a variety of interim injunctions preventing an an additional cause of action alleging a breach under the circumstances, by the person lawfully alleged infringer from using or disclosing trade of the Regulations. How that cause of action for the unlawful acquisition, use and in control of the information, to keep it secret. secrets on a provisional basis. It can prevent will supplement IP law or the common law of disclosure of “trade secrets”. Whilst A number of observations can be made about goods being produced, being placed on the confidence or will be interpreted by the Courts this definition. First, it goes further than the market, imported or exported or require them remains to be seen. the English Courts have considerable definition of a trade secret at common law. to be delivered up. The Court will consider: experience of applying the principles Secondly, it is not clear if all three requirements • Whether it is satisfied to “a sufficient degree have to be. Thirdly, the first requirement is vague of certainty” that a trade secret exists and that it of IP law as well as common law and likely to be problematic, no doubt requiring has been or is about to be unlawfully acquired, protections against breaches of interpretation through case law (contrary to the used or disclosed by the alleged infringer; and Directive’s intention of introducing a common • whether such relief is proportionate, in light confidence, the Regulations are definition across the EU). of the value and features of the trade secret, intended to create a new statutory the impact of its unlawful use or disclosure, the cause of action to “address those Section 3(1) provides “the acquisition, use or legitimate interests of the parties. disclosure of a trade secret is unlawful where the An interim injunction can have a critical areas where gaps occur. acquisition or disclosure constitutes a breach of business impact on a party accused of an confidence in confidential information”. alleged infringement, where there may be a Background genuine dispute over a trade secret. A trade The Regulations give effect to Directive (EU) Sections 4 to 8 confirm that the limitation period secrets holder cannot sit on their hands but 2016/943 which was adopted by the European for claims in England and Wales is six years, must pursue legal proceedings for a decision on Council on 27 May 2016. The Directive’s main beginning on the later of: the merits of the underlying infringement within objective was to establish a level playing field a reasonable period of time. This period is 20 By Lucy James for European businesses in circumstances • the day on which the unlawful acquisition, working days or 31 calendar days, whichever Partner Trowers & Hamlins LLP Master Marketor, Sue Garland-Worthington addresses the assembled Entrepreneurs at the installation of Lee Robertson. involving the misappropriation or misuse of use or disclosure that is the subject of the claim is the longer unless the Court directs otherwise. Email: [email protected] trade secrets, providing sufficient redress for ceases; Telephone: +44 (0)20 7423 8000 The Guild welcomes the £750 donation from The Worshipful Company of Marketors’ Charitable Fund trade secret holders. • the day of knowledge of the trade secret by Master Marketor, Sue Garland-Worthington to the Dan Doherty Memorial School in memory of our holder. late Founding Master, Dan Doherty who’s mother company was The Marketors.

16 17 ASK NOT WHAT YOUR Our New HQ - Drapers Hall Being a Freeman GUILD CAN DO FOR YOU… At the end of February 2018, the Guild’s spiritual home, the London Capital Club at 15 Abchurch Lane, The Guild of Entrepreneurs offers its Freemen Provided the candidate is approved for flair, and each knows what it means to put closed its doors for the last time. After three very happy, and formative, years in Candlewick Ward, the the opportunity to be a part of something admission, the Clerk then writes to them their money and talents on the line to build Guild of Entrepreneurs found itself looking for somewhere else in the City to hang its hat. bigger than themselves. It acts as a conduit formally with details of how to pay the Freedom successful businesses. Even the most formal for philanthropy – channelling time, skills and Fine (a one-off joining fee) and the Quarterage of the Guild’s dinners are energetic gatherings During its short time as a City institution, the Guild has made (and continues to make) many friends money into areas of most need, to ensure the (the annual subscription), and how to contribute - with laughter and excitement as ideas and throughout the Guilds and Livery Companies, and, as news of the Guild’s impending homelessness prosperity of entrepreneurship as an academic to the Guild of Entrepreneurs Trust (the Guild’s stories are exchanged and friendships made spread, the Clerk was delighted to receive a whole host of best wishes and offers of help from across and professional discipline in the City of charity). Details are also given concerning and rekindled. the Livery spectrum. In February, the Clerk reported to the Court on these offers, and, following some London and beyond. In the City itself, the Guild the next couple of Freedom Ceremonies additional work behind the scenes spearheaded by the Senior Warden, Peter Hewitt, the April Court supports the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs and the (held in February, April, June, September and Sharing in these events is usually the beginning was presented with a plan for the Guild of Entrepreneurs to adopt Drapers’ Hall as its new home, by Corporation, and proudly gathers its Freemen November), as well as the dress code and other of voluntary service with the Guild’s programmes kind permission of the Master and Wardens of the Worshipful Company of Drapers. into the movement of Guilds and Livery rules, and how to book for any dinner or event of Outreach and Education, where Freemen Companies and all that they stand for. that follows. Entrepreneurs give up their time to support The Drapers’ Company projects in schools, universities and business The Master and Wardens and Brethren and Sisters of the Guild or Fraternity of the Blessed Mary the Joining The Guild A Freeman Elect incubators. The Guild is justifiably proud of Virgin of the Mystery of Drapers of the City of London, or what we now know as the Drapers’ Company Becoming a Freeman Entrepreneur frequently The Freedom Ceremony itself is a cheerful affair, its ambitious work in mentoring and coaching has origins as early as 1180, where records refer to an informal association of Drapers. The Drapers’ begins with a recommendation or introduction where the candidate (now known as a Freeman entrepreneurship and business skills, which Guild’s first Royal Charter was bestowed by Edward III in 1364, and, in 1438, the Guild received its from an existing Freeman. Whether or not there Elect), together with other Freemen Elect, is enables Freemen to discharge their obligation Charter of Incorporation (which recognised the Drapers as a legal corporate fraternity, with perpetual is already a link with the Guild, the prospective introduced eloquently to the Master, Wardens to support future generations of entrepreneurs. succession and a Common seal). Over the centuries the original privileges granted by Royal Charter applicant probably attends one or more of the and Court, and pledges to uphold the Guild’s have been confirmed and amended by successive monarchs. The governing Charter of today is that monthly informal drinks evenings on the second objectives. They are then invited to make their In becoming a Freeman Entrepreneur, an granted by James I in 1607, amended by five Supplemental Charters, the most recent of which was Tuesday of the month, to meet other Freemen, declaration to the whole assembly (which individual applies their talents for the public granted in 2008. Freemen Elect, applicants and anyone curious will include their family, friends and existing good, joins an enduring and sustainable to know more. It is usually at this early stage that Freemen), using the words of the Guild’s oath: organisation, and plays their part in the future The Company is no longer predominantly involved in the textile trade (over which its control in London the prospective applicant discerns the peculiar history of an ancient tradition. has declined since the 17th Century), and instead is focussed on its responsibilities in administering its ethos of the Guild of Entrepreneurs and begins I solemnly and sincerely declare that I will obey trusts and charities, and as the patron of schools, churches and alms-houses. The Drapers’ Company to think seriously about an application. and be true to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the More information and an application form also has a thriving hospitality business, based at its Hall in Throgmorton Avenue. Second and to her heirs and successors, Kings, can be found at www.guildofentrepreneurs. “The Livery Hall at Drapers’ Hall” The Drapers’ Company © Clive Hanley The application form is a fairly straightforward and Queens of the Realm, my country and the org/join-the-guild Drapers’ Hall piece of documentation. It invites the applicant laws which govern me and my fellow Freemen; In common with most of what we now refer to as Livery Companies, the City’s first Guilds required halls Golden Fleece (being of relevance to textile to fill out their name and contact details, and And that I will honour the mysterie and art of in which they could meet, do business and dine together. The Drapers’ Guild was no exception, and, merchants) are depicted. These tapestries offer their reasons for wanting to join, as well as Entrepreneurship and of all those who practise in the 1420s, the decision was taken to build the first Hall, in St. Swithin’s Lane. complement the ceiling painting of Jason and their business, social and charitable credentials. as Entrepreneurs; The Golden Fleece in the Court Dining Room, The Guild’s membership criteria are that the Thomas Cromwell was executed in 1540, and a house in Throgmorton Street was amongst Cromwell’s undertaken by Felix-Joseph Barrias during the applicant: And that I will behave at all times, now and property forfeited to Henry VIII. The Drapers’ bought this from the King for the sum of 1,800 marks refurbishment 20 years earlier. The ceiling cove hereafter, as becomes a Freeman of the Guild (approximately £1,200), and occupied the building for well over a century before it was destroyed is filled with the coats of arms of members of • is a successful entrepreneur (who has of Entrepreneurs, and will, with deference, pay by the Great Fire of 1666. Drapers’ Hall was rebuilt between 1667 and 1671 to designs by Edward the Court of 1868-9. identified new market opportunities, sourced my dues to The Master, Wardens and Clerk; Jarman, before being damaged extensively by fire almost exact one hundred years later. The Hall as it and organised the required people and appears today is predominantly 18th Century, with 19th Century remodelling – first by Herbert Williams An important collection of royal portraits is resources, and experienced both the risks and And that I will uphold the rules and customs of (1860s) and Sir Thomas Graham Jackson (1890s). displayed in the Livery Hall itself (the main rewards associated with such ventures); the City of London, and of my Guild, and do room within Drapers’ Hall), among them King everything in my power to hinder such persons Drapers Gardens William III by Sir Godfrey Kneller, George III • has a connection with the City of London as might conspire against us; The Hall’s original gardens were extensive, comprising land which is now the site of Throgmorton by Sir Nathanial Dance and George IV by Sir and a desire to support the Mayoralty and the Avenue and an office block known as Drapers’ Gardens. The development of the Avenue and the great Thomas Lawrence. Sculptures here include Corporation’s objectives as an economic area; And that I will always treat others as I would garden commenced in 1874 leaving a small garden immediately adjacent to the Hall. By long tradition, Richard Belt’s statue Hypatia and a copy of wish to be treated with honesty and integrity, in mulberry trees were grown in in Drapers’ gardens, and, among the trees presently are specimens John Gibson’s The Tinted Venus. • has a desire to support future generations the spirit of the traditional City principle that ‘My planted by Her Majesty The Queen in 1955 of entrepreneurs through mentoring, education Word is my Bond’; and The Prince of Wales in 1971. The present One of the most treasured and historic items and outreach activities; garden walls, gates and railings were designed in the silver collection is a silver-gilt cup and And I now declare that if I ever commit, or by Stephen Dykes Bower during a period of cover presented to the Company by William • is willing to contribute to the promotion intend to commit, an evil deed or hurt against modernization in the 1970s. The garden was Lambarde in 1578. The rim is inscribed as an of excellence in entrepreneurship through the values or obligations of those who practise redesigned and replanted in 2014 as part of exhortation to charitable works: A proctour of thought leadership, awards for students and as Entrepreneurs I will forfeit my honour and my the Company’s celebrations to mark the 650th the poore am I, remember theim before thou the promotion of higher standards in business status as a Freeman of this Guild. anniversary of the granting of its first charter. At dye. The collection contains items presented to among other academic and philanthropic this time the statue of ‘The boy with a thorn in the Drapers by its members, as well as pieces activities They then sign the Freedom Register and his foot’ (a copy of the bronze by Myron) was commissioned by the Company for special are presented with a certificate bearing the restored. occasions. Upon receipt of the form a representative of Guild’s seal and the Master’s signature. Every the Membership Committee then contacts the admission ceremony is followed by an event Treasures Entrepreneurs At Drapers’ Hall applicant to arrange an interview. The interview at which the newly-admitted Freemen dine The treasures of the Hall are legion: art, sculpture Both the Guild of Entrepreneurs and the Guild is conducted by two Freemen, who spend together with other Freemen and guests. and tapestries decorate the lavish interiors, of Entrepreneurs Trust are now registered at time exploring more about the applicant’s which are works of art in themselves. In addition Drapers’ Hall in the Ward of Broad Street, and experiences, circumstances and ambitions. A Fellowship to those on display, the Company owns an fellowship between Entrepreneurs and Drapers summary of the applicant is then prepared and The Freedom of the Guild of Entrepreneurs extensive collection of silver, much of which is is strengthening. A number of Committees and agreed by the Membership Committee and might not bring with it any tangible benefits, still in regular use at formal dinners, ceremonies, other meetings have taken place at the Hall passed to the Court. but one of the most nourishing aspects of life and exhibitions of the archives. during 2018, and the Guild will participate in as a Freeman Entrepreneur is the opportunity this year’s Drapers’ Den event (26th November) The Court reviews all candidate summaries, to enjoy spending time with other men and Of especial interest to visitors to the Hall are a to promote entrepreneurship and business and (on the basis of the summary and having women who have experienced the risks and set of four Gobelin silk woven tapestries (two skills at 6th form level. On 28th November, carried out any additional due diligence) makes rewards of entrepreneurship. The Guild’s of which hang in the Court Dining Room, and the Entrepreneurs 2018 Installation Dinner will a decision as to whether the candidate is members represent a vast array of sectors and the others in the Court Room). They were be held in the magnificent Livery Hall, and the approved for admission. industries, and varying degrees of wealth and purchased by the Company in 1881, having Guild is looking forward to many more events fame, yet all share the gift of entrepreneurial “The Front Door of Drapers’ Hall” The Drapers’ Company © Richard Valencia Photography been made in the reign of King Louis XV of and activities with its friends at the Drapers’ France. Four scenes from the Legend of the Company in the coming years. 18 19 Our Membership Making History

At the Guild of Entrepreneurs we are very proud of our diverse membership GUILD ADMITS FIRST HONORARY FREEMAN ENTREPRENEUR: LADY JUDGE, CBE and the many different industries to which our Freemen belong.

On the afternoon of Thursday 20th September 2018, the Guild of Entrepreneurs admitted its first Honorary Freeman. The Guild’s Ordinances provide that the Court shall elect, at its discretion, suitable This infographic provides a useful snapshot... persons to the Honorary Freedom. Earlier this year, Barbara Thomas Judge, Lady Judge, Commander of the British Empire, was elected as the Guild’s first Honorary Freeman. Lady Judge is an eminent lawyer and business figure, with an international career and distinguished portfolio of senior executive PROFESSIONAL AREAS AGE RANGE and non-executive roles.

60 The Master, Mr Lee Robertson, spoke to welcome Lady Judge, and to present her with her Freedom. TIME 50 2% CHARITY 6% MANUFACTURING He was delighted to welcome her as an Honorary Freeman, having in mind her long service to SERVED 15% COMMUNICATIONS 21% OTHER SERVICES 40 enterprise, coupled with the service of her late husband, Sir Paul, as Foundation Master, Master and 1% CREATIVE SERVICES 1% PUBLIC SECTOR 30 Sponsoring Alderman of the Guild. The Master was especially pleased to have been able to admit Lady 16% <1 year 5% EDUCATION 3% PROPERTY Judge in the Ward of Tower – of which Sir Paul was Alderman for ten years. 20 41% <2 years 24% FINANCE 10% RETAIL 6% LEGAL 6% TECHNOLOGY 10 Lady Judge spoke to thank the Court for the honour, and of her excitement to join an organisation 58% <3 years 0 with which her skills and experiences so completely aligned. She was, she said, looking forward to becoming closely involved with the management and growth of the Guild as it seeks promotion to 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 42% >3 years 70+ Company and Livery status. Lady Judge, CBE


FREEMEN ENTREPRENEURS At its meeting earlier in the year, the Court of the Guild of Entrepreneurs formally resolved to appoint WHO ARE LIVERYMEN ELSEWHERE an Honorary Historian, and Mr James Mellor was sworn-in as the Guild’s first Honorary Historian on REGISTERED ADDRESS Thursday 20th September 2018. James is a freelance writer, researcher and cartoonist who works with a range of businesses and individuals to get their unique messages across in print, online and via DRAPERS FRAMEWORK KNITTERS social media. His illustrations have featured in The Sunday Telegraph, The Undercover Recruiter and PAINTER-STAINERS the Design Thinkers Academy. In 2015 he “live cartooned” the Monte Carlo or Bust Rally for Lloyds FARMERS 83 POULTERS % of London. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 71 < COOKS MARKETORS % 5 < 0 TYLERS & BRICKLAYERS 63 3 m James’ view INFORMATION TECHNOLOGISTS % 0 < i BLACKSMITHS 2 m l “Knowing where you have been is vital to getting where you want to go. Cultivating a sense of history WORLD TRADERS 48% 0 e < i s WOOLMEN 1 m l is essential - whether you embrace the customs and traditions of the past to remind yourself that you MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 0 e 32% s MUSICIANS < il are part of a longer story and larger community, or whether you study what has gone before in order INTERNATIONAL BANKERS 5 m e

GLOVERS m i s to discover a new way of doing things. The Guild of Entrepreneurs does both. It is both steeped in SECURITY PROFESSIONALS % < l 8 3 e i s m tradition and breaking new ground.

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e s This September I was sworn-in as the first Honorary Historian of the Guild of Entrepreneurs. I find researching history fascinating and the opportunity to create history at the same time is too good to Master Lee Robertson appoints the Guild’s Honorary miss. By Guild and Livery Company standards, the Entrepreneurs are very young, but the world is Historian Mr. James Mellor changing at a faster pace than ever before and nothing stays new for long. The appointment will involve research into the Guild’s formation, key personnel, and early years. Though fresh in many memories now, an authoritative account will be valuable to future generations. Equally important is the task of recording the lively and ever-expanding history of the Guild as it grows. It promises to be an interesting and enjoyable mission”.

GENDER DIVERSITY & James’ background is in history and the skills he developed whilst studying have proved useful in NON-WHITE REPRESENTATION various roles since. However, after the launch of his own creative business, he has been able to bring history to work in a much more overt way. Historical metaphors, characters and situations are ideal tools to use in cartoons to concisely convey a message. “Dramatic irony is central to using history in cartoons. If you want to feature a team facing challenges, you could depict them at the Alamo, onboard Shackleton’s Endeavour or at Rorke’s Drift. Immediately the audience knows if you believe that they are 31% FEMALE ACROSS THE GUILD 21% NON-WHITE ACROSS THE GUILD doomed, that they will fail but ultimately be heroic, or that they will succeed against the odds”. 56% ON COURT 12.5% ON COURT 11% CHAIRING COMMITTEES Similarly, famous historical figures all come with a reputation (often undeserved, but still powerful). Cast 78% CHAIRING COMMITTEES a modern-day leader as a character from the past and James instantly transcribes all the character’s perceived strengths, weaknesses or fatal flaws onto them. Concise communication is at the heart of cartooning. Using history and tapping into the audience’s prior knowledge allows for even more succinct delivery – increasingly important in an age of decreasing attention spans.

But history is important for its own sake too. Alongside famous faces and events James tries to include the unsung heroes and hidden stories. He promotes history where he can, speaking in schools about academic study of the subject and working on community projects to highlight local heritage. “I believe that though we have no crystal ball to help us make decisions for the future, the next best thing is to study the past and make informed decisions based on what has come before. It was no surprise to anyone who knows me that my debut book was a history book. Taking on the role of Honorary Historian is particularly exciting for me and I would like to extend my sincerest thanks for the opportunity to tell the Guild’s story”. James Mellor is a corporate cartoonist and writer at James Mellor Creative.

20 21 I love working with English Heritage and also time for the increasing Cherryduck video shoots write arts grants for charities via the United we were being asked to deliver. So in 2009 I Nations. I am delighted to be a member of the made the decision to leave The Mirror and go Spotlight - Meet the Freemen Blake Society where acclaimed author Phillip full time with Cherryduck. Pullman is President.. ADAM MORALEE I joined the Guild because the entrepreneur’s are tightened; communications across all In 2011 we recognised the challenges that journey can sometimes be a lonely one. There barriers improved and they can provide I joined the Guild to meet other individuals with creative businesses have in London when it is a real fellowship in the Guild. It is a great unwavering bonds between age groups and the same drive and hunger for success. Every comes to rent and real estate prices. Michelle environment to share stories and hear opinions societal difficulties. I believe filling the city with member I know has a vast array of different and I set up a property holding company, re- from a variety of incredible business people who cultural events demonstrates unparalleled unity, projects, businesses and commitments. We are mortgaged our flat and managed to purchase are likely experiencing, or have experienced shows communities what is possible when we all on committees and boards and clearly love a large office space that now operates as our what you are experiencing . Further, the Guild is all work together and also opens the eyes of the the challenge of keeping on top of it all. As far as film studios. a great way for entrepreneurs - as a collective - next generation, encouraging careers within the I can tell the Guild is a place where multitalented to give back to the community, both by fostering creative sector as well as encouraging a steady individuals find a little solace within each other’s © Cherryduck In 2016 we purchased a further office space entrepreneurship and helping others. dialogue between organisations, charities and company, the humour that stalks the life of us we called The Nest and built a co-working community leaders. entrepreneurs , no two days are ever the same In December 2008 I was tasked with embedding space for Cherryduck to operate from. We Being a Freeman has been a great experience. and also a chance to give back to the City. at a forward operational base in Helmand offered discounted desk space and film Being able to work with and hopefully, in the I am also the editor of the independent arts Province to document ‘Christmas on the front editing suites alongside Cherryduck to other future, help drive forward a Guild is a real paper Brogue Magazine. I have had the joy of The benefits of building close bonds with people line’ with our troops. Prior to leaving I had been creative businesses and individuals to run their privilege. I truly believe you can effect change in interviewing a whole host of creative people and that understand your work ethic and standard experimenting with video for the Daily Mirror © Getty Images a much more meaningful manner when you do artists in preparation for my series of podcasts are priceless and I have made some truly website and Canon UK had asked if I would be it as a collective. out on iTunes this winter. Hopefully, they will wonderful friends through the Communications prepared to take a prototype first ever digital keep everyone entertained over the holidays. Committee and Editorial Panel of this magazine SLR camera with video mode with me. I’m Adam Morallee , I’m 42 and live in Kent. My I also have some wonderful interviews being mum is Egyptian and my dad is English but I’ve released via Poet in the City’s platform. Some I jumped at the chance and once at Helmand always lived in England. I am married with two SPIRIT DE LA MARE of which were from the Poetry & Lyrics Festival I sent back a daily video log sending personal daughters and love cycling, even though I keep headlined by BBC radio 6’s Cerys Matthews. pieces to camera and clips of working on breaking my bones! servicemen and women to the Mirror website I dedicate my time fully to the growth and via a satellite link. As well as operational footage, I own two business which I set up: one is a development of the creative industries whether I shot various members of the armed forces law firm called brandsmiths which specialises it is via personal contribution or by supporting telling their families how they were and showing in advising brands and entrepreneurs, it is larger organizations in terms of growth and what they were doing over the Christmas period now in its 4th year with 20 staff members. © Cherryduck strategy. so far from home on their front line. The other business is SJAM Boxing which is a boxing management business looking after I am incredibly lucky that my work and hobbies The videos were a success. The day things businesses from, with discounts for use of the elite boxers in all aspects of their boxing and overlap so well and much of my ‘down’ time is changed for me at The Mirror was when I went studios and equipment, creating a sustainable commercial life. I started SJAM a year ago with spent writing or researching. I am amid writing to see the Managing Editor on the newsroom business ecosystem. my co-founder Sam Jones. a book about an un-sung female artist from the floor and asked for budget to expand the video

Victorian era. I spend many hours in dusty old department. He politely shook his head, picked We are very proud that we’ve built this We currently work with 6 boxers, ranging from © Mark Stubbs archives, reading extensively and picking the up a copy of the paper by the spine, waved it ourselves without external investors. We have the most decorated Olympic medal winner Joe brains of those more informed than myself. I at me and said, “James, the paper is the cash a committed creative team, some of them are Joyce to world champion kick boxer- turned write poetry and host readings with various cow, there’s no future for video with us right now shareholders, and they love Cherryduck -boxer Ruqsana Begum. It’s a privilege to be I was born in London and educated in East writers at my home on a regular basis. I love to now”. and the effective video productions we able to help these athletes find sporting and Sussex at Roedean School having received a hear others perform and often attend fantastic undertake. commercial success. The athletes have to scholarship when I was 11. I won academic events at the Guildhall Library, Keats House Meanwhile, I had been chatting to my then focus every single hour of the day, whether it scholarships and a music scholarship elsewhere JAMES VELLACOTT and The Barbican. I recently performed my girlfriend Michelle. She was an actress that Cherryduck is a successful business providing be on exercise, diet, sparring, training or an but turned them down as I always had my heart own work at Vout-O-Reenees private Members often helped Daily Mirror competitor, The News brand videos, educational videos, social media appearance. It’s our job to ensure that the team set on Roedean after seeing it on the ITV news. club in the City. Vout-O-Reenees hosted our of The World, find actors for their editorial videos, and TV commercials. We are also expert around them is as good as it must be, after all, book launch this September, I was delighted to photoshoots. On one occasion she took a call video marketers with a strategic and creative there are few, if any, sports where failure carries I excelled in subjects such as English literature consider myself among the contributors to the from the News of The World picture desk asking team to boot. Everything is on site at our 21,000 such a danger. Their values are an example to and art and naturally held my teachers in high dynamic anthology ‘Woman Remapping the if she knew anyone who would be able to film square-foot film production, photography, every entrepreneur - hard work, team work and regard; I am close friends with many of them Territory Our Way. The #Woman anthology, one of their celebrity photoshoots. studios and events space in Wapping. dedication makes the dream work. now.

We discussed me shooting but dismissed the We describe ourselves as lifestyle entrepreneurs. I first started working in boxing as a lawyer 18 I am a governor of Roedean School and Arts idea as I was still an employee of arch rivals We love what we do, we love the people that years ago. In this time I have acted for many Ambassador. I am also delighted to count Mirror Group. However, we hatched a plan that we work with, and we love our workplace. Life promoters in the UK. Boxing is a unique myself among the sponsors for their ‘Pitch I would teach Michelle video in one night! We for us is all about an exciting, engaging and sport, where- all the matches are organised Perfect Appeal’ this year, providing an all hours, went to a local studio and employed an actor pleasurable chase and not necessarily the kill. by independent professionals without a rule lit up sports pitch to Roedean and many of the to be part of a training photoshoot where I was book issued by a governing body. The legal surrounding schools. the photographer and Michelle would operate work gave me an understanding of the inner a video camera. In that one evening, she workings of the sport and I realised there was a In terms of my work, I am a freelance journalist © Cherryduck learned the basic angles that were needed for gap in the market for a boutique agency acting and writer of academic articles as well as poetry. a comprehensive photoshoot video. She also for a small number of boxers. I am soon to be announced as art critic for an Nine years ago I was a successful and learned how to use the camera and I taped up international publication based in Shanghai.. I respected photojournalist for the Daily Mirror any buttons on the camera that she shouldn’t When I’m not working, I’m normally cycling! I have previously worked in galleries, primarily newspaper working on the front-line of some of touch. also spend time working with the charities that in public relations and marketing but appear the biggest global disaster and conflict zones. both my businesses support. We have chosen to to be leaning more towards large scale, public The refugee crisis in Kosovo, the violence in It was a resounding success, the News of work with charities that help the next generation installation design and on-demand journalism. Israel on the West Bank, the aftermath of the the World loved it and ran it on their website. break away from barriers, real or perceived, that 911 tragedy in New City and numerous Michelle said pretending to be a video camera are stopping them from achieving their dreams. A lot of what I do involves behind the scenes war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Lebanon operator was: “the best acting job I have ever I am also a non-executive director of a number research projects and on-demand writing for to name but a few. done!” of other businesses, including an energy drink large culture organisations. I collaborate with and a football league club. creative bodies to direct public art and culture In a slightly bizarre twist it was this work that On this note we set up Cherryduck Productions initiatives via my public relations company ‘de spawned me and my wife Michelle into setting and started shooting video for websites. We la Mare PR’. up Cherryduck, an equally successful film bought a couple of cameras with my Mirror production company located in shadow of wages. Eventually though, I ran out of holiday I firmly believe that it is through cultural Tower Bridge at Wapping. © Cherryduck programmes and manifestos that communities

22 23 in hunting things down at car boot sales etc. As a shy person in a noisy body I was always Away from work, I have recently been appointed People are far more likely to research a value asked where my outward confidence came from a deputy Lieutenant for West Yorkshire (we live online and then chance their arm on eBay if they and would I be prepared to share the secrets of in a small picturesque village made famous by Spotlight - Meet the Freemen find a stack of old comics in their loft. Having connecting to audiences. This led to my current the BBC show ‘Last of the Summer Wine’). said that, every time I walk past a junk shop, I occupation, which is speaking, writing about I also serve on the board of York St John still can’t resist the urge to peek inside and have and coaching businesses and leaders all over University, am Vice President of Northern Ballet a rummage around. As they say, hope springs the world in communication, presentation and and through compering and auctioneering I AMY MCMANUS I’m a country girl so love any activity outside or When I am not working I spend my time working with animals. So far this year I’ve been volunteering with a number of charities. I am eternal.... connecting ( help raise money for several charities. All of skiing in Canada, cycled through the Dutch tulip the Treasurer of the University of Leicester and which keeps me pretty busy. fields, hiked in The Lake District, completed have been a Trustee there for 10 years. I Chair I joined the Guild because I love the tradition I wrote a book to help people to ‘connect’ my first lambing season with our new sheep, the Finance Committee at Curve Theatre in of the City of London and am a Liveryman called Pond Life – creating the ripple effect in The entrepreneurial urge has always been very started hawking training (so I can keep birds of Leicester as a Trustee and have been a Trustee in another Company. As an Entrepreneur it everything you say and do which was published much part of me and I have been involved in prey), rambled along the giants causeway, and and Patron of several children’s charities in seemed natural to seek out the fellowship by Wiley and has now been translated into several start-up companies in the events and snow-mobiled through British Columbia. All Malawi, Sierra Leone and Liberia. I also sit on of others within the Guild and work with several languages. communications world, in fact there is another after back surgery in February! the advisory board of a number of start-up likeminded people to further entrepreneurship exciting project underway right now. companies across a spectrum of industries. in the UK. As a company we do a lot of volunteering with Any entrepreneur will tell you it can be quite local companies. This has involved taking the I am also an avid American comic collector! My I would recommend any established a lonely life. Taking risks doesn’t appeal to dogs for walks at Dogs Trust and woodland love for American comics began in the early entrepreneur to become a Freeman of the Guild everyone so it is nice to share experiences with maintenance with The Kent Wildlife Trust. 1970s when I would use my pocket money and to use the fantastic opportunity it affords like-minded people. The Guild of Entrepreneurs every Saturday to rush to the newsagents and to work alongside others who share the same was exceptionally welcoming and I would My biggest hobby has to be travel. Experiencing buy up every superhero comic I could afford. values. recommend it wholeheartedly. new cultures, food, and sights is my favourite I loved to read about the daring exploits of way to spend my time. I was recently a Spider-Man, Thor, Fantastic Four, X Men etc. bridesmaid in a Thai village wedding for a friend On the occasion that I either didn’t have the JON HAMMOND of mine. None of the village spoke English and money, or was away somewhere, I had to hunt my Thai is rather poor! We communicated down and buy the missing issue to ensure I through jokes, dance, and Instagram. I was the continued my run. first white woman they had seen in real life and it was an experience I won’t forget in a hurry! Over the years, comics have become an investment class in their own right. It will A fact not many people know about me? I’m surprise most people to know that the world “Alison looks after my calls I’m Amy and I’m the MD and Founder of AM an MOD certified marksman, and teach cadets record price for a comic is the $3.2 million paid Marketing, a full-service marketing agency safe weapon handling in my spare time as an in 2014 for a copy of Action Comics 1. This based in Canterbury, Kent. I am a TEDx MOD CI. I was a non-commissioned officer comic, first published in June 1938, has the just as if based in my office. speaker, an Associate Fellow of the Royal (S.Sgt) within the CCF and the first female first appearance of Superman. At this level, Commonwealth Society and was a finalist for shooting captain of my regiment in over 450 the comics are independently graded and IoD Young Director of the Year in 2017. I was years. assessed for hidden restoration, which can The result? Happier callers, also recently awarded Business Speaker of the have a massively detrimental effect on their Year at the UK Female Speaker Awards. I joined the Guild to connect with like-minded value and collectability. They are graded on people and meet businesses in the city. I come a scale of 1 to 10. This Action Comics 1 was lots of new business.” AM Marketing is an award-winning Google from a masonic family and have always enjoyed graded a 9.0. If a copy came to auction graded I am Jon Hammond and I suppose you could Partner agency based in Kent. In 2017 AM the traditional customs that come with these at a 9.4, say, it would probably achieve a sale say my entrepreneurial ‘career’ has been Moneypenny client since 2007 Marketing was selected as one of the top 30 organisations. It’s important to keep traditions price in excess of $4M, such is the rarity. Sadly, somewhat unusual! UK agencies and placed on Googles elevator going in our modern world; otherwise they’re I don’t have a copy in any condition. scheme. We were selected for trying innovative simply lost. From a very early age I always wanted to be ways to help our clients that broke the general My entrepreneurial abilities started to develop in an auctioneer and set off in this direction by digital marketing mould, and investing time and 1975, when I was 15. I realised that some of my buying my first ‘lot’ at only three years old (the training in new products. We were selected comics were gaining in popularity and therefore auctioneer was a family friend and took my from 30,000 agencies in the UK and were the GARY DIXON were becoming valuable. Back then you used bid on behalf of my father) This was my first smallest agency selected. In 2017 we won to be able to buy old comics on market stalls business venture but I can’t quite recall making the Amazon UK Business award for Triumph and at car boot sales quite easily. I persuaded a profit on a box of dolls house windows! Moneypenny gives you my Dad to drive me to one Saturday Over Adversity…that’s a much longer story for one person you know another time! (from where we lived in ). I had taken a Moving from South Wales to Yorkshire with my stall at a specialist where collectors Fathers job meant school life was somewhat and trust, to look after My team have worked with some of the largest bought, sold and traded. At the end of the disrupted and looking back, not very enjoyable. calls exactly as if based brands in the world. From Disney, Marvel and day I had sold less than 20% of my stock but Anybody who is different from the crowd (I to Easy Jet, Harrods and Amazon. had made enough to pay for the stall, pay my happened to speak without an accent) tends to in your office. Dad’s petrol and reinvest my profit in some receive unwanted attention from the bullies and undervalued comics for next time. How do I I was no exception. Strange to think that the way remember the date? It was because X Men I speak has eventually been a major part of my 121 came out that month and wasn’t sold by career. I now speak to schools through Robert Alison, Moneypenny PA Moneypenny Alison, newsagents as would be normal. This “non- Peston’s organisation (speakers 4 schools) and 0333 202 1005 distributed” comic had a face value of 15p and talk about my life and work experiences, why was being sold at the mart by a canny collector bullies do what they do, and also to look at the who had air freighted a batch over personally, future as a series of jobs rather than one linear My name is Gary Dixon. I am the Founding at £1 each. I bought three and sold the other career. Chairman of the Association of Independent two about a year later for £5 each... and so it Non-Executive Directors. developed. When my real career started (after scraping a few qualifications together) I trained to become My principal entrepreneurial activity was Nowadays, I don’t have that many comics in a Surveyor which would give me the opening to founding a financial services risk and all honesty. I used to have, literally, thousands. becoming a real auctioneer. However fate (and compliance advisory business in 2001. I grew I now have just a few hundred as I decided to Music) intervened and I seized an opportunity this specialist consultancy to be one of the concentrate upon quality rather than quantity. I to become a DJ in the European nightclubs market leaders with 30 professional staff before must be honest and say that my wife had a bit instead – much to my parents chagrin. From I exited to a Nasdaq quoted firm in 2007. Since of a say in this as well, as they do take up quite a here it was into commercial radio and then to TELEPHONE PENELOPE OUTSOURCED DIGITAL my exit I have held a portfolio career and been bit of room. Comics have become big business the BBC for about 16 years presenting on radio ANSWERING PHONE SYSTEM SWITCHBOARD SWITCHBOARD an iNED on a large number of companies. and that has taken away some of the pleasure and Television and having great fun.

24 25 AN ENTREPRENEURIAL HUB IN NEPAL What on Earth is PRIME? BY REBECCA PALING, PROGRAMME MANAGER LEARNING FOR LIFE • One sustainable earthquake-resistant building has been constructed. The land used for the building was donated by the local community and members of the local community were fully engaged in determining the site location and the construction process.

• 38 students, who had either dropped out of school or were vulnerable to dropping out, are now enrolled and receiving quality education, with an improvement in school enrolment and retention.

• Four Community Action Groups are using the centre as a safe place to hold their regular meetings.

• Eleven women’s groups in the local area are also using the centre, and the building can be utilised as the community shelter in emergencies.

• The community have been at the centre of © Learning For Life the project development right from the start, and throughout the construction process. The In the devastating earthquake on 25th April 2015, twelve of charity, Learning for Life’s schools in project was implemented through the formation Makwanpur, a district in rural Nepal, were completely destroyed. It therefore, seemed appropriate to of a Construction Committee from the local raise funds, in partnership with the Guild’s late Founding Master Dan Doherty’s husband, Court Assistant women-led Community Neil Fullbrook, to reconstruct a school in Dan’s memory. The school has now been completed and was officially opened and inaugurated by Neil on February 20th 2017. The school educates vulnerable • Action Groups (CAG). The CAGs are children from marginalised communities who have either dropped out of school or never attended, so involved throughout the process - one CAG they can catch up on the education they have missed and become re-integrated into the mainstream has provided land for the construction of the education system. Here’s an update. building, and others are involved in the ongoing monitoring and management of the building Meet the pupils construction and school management.

Sagar Thing is a six year old boy and his family work in agriculture, his father had moved abroad to • To date, Learning for Life has provided work as a labourer but has now returned as he was unable to find much work. Sagar joined the Dan ongoing training to the teachers, but they plan Doherty Memorial School last year. Sagar’s Father told us, “we send our son to Dan’s School in the to send the teachers on formal training in the morning. He is getting additional knowledge from Dan’s School, and feels also comfortable to do coming year to further increase their teaching PRIME stands for ‘Policy and Research Into Corporation in particular. We decided that - 94% of us believe in Trust in school home work.” Sagar’s Mother is a member of the women’s group and agriculture cooperative ability. the Mindset of Entrepreneurs’. It is the Guild’s outputs would be called ‘Policy Papers’ and and organizes women’s meetings in the school building. They are also using a room of the building for newest committee, established at the beginning ‘Paper No. 1‘ specifically looked at ‘Is the business an agricultural cooperative. • This school is firmly embedded within of 2018 and is the brainchild of the current City of London Entrepreneur Friendly’, with the local community, and is used not just for Master and the current Junior Warden, who fascinating results! Mamata Praja is a 12 year old girl and is also a regular student of the Dan Doherty Memorial School. education during the day but also for other were keen to find a way for the Entrepreneurial - 62% of us think that City Institutions Her parents are farm workers. Although their main occupation is agriculture, the food produced is community activities outside of school hours. way of thinking and doing to reach, inform and - 58% of us thought that City of believe in Trust only sufficient for six months and they have to do labour work for the rest of the year. Learning for Life For example, it is used as a safe meeting place eventually influence the City… quote from and COSAN have supported Mamata’s education through its ‘supplementary education programme’ for a local women-led co-operative which the Terms of Reference; London was entrepreneurial friendly held in the Dan Doherty Memorial School, which is run by the active women’s group. Now, Mamata collects funds from members to provide small - 27% of us think that City Businesses is learning well and is also benefiting from the extra curricular activities she has access to at Dan’s loans for livelihood activities. • Purpose – to report on the views of believe in Trust and that Banking is School. Her parents are very happy with learning environment of Dan’s school and are feeling positive Entrepreneurs on a wide variety of topics - 68% of us considered the City well about her future. • There is currently a library room for provided with services for business the least Trustworthy sector. students. We are planning to upgrade this to • Medium – via a series of reports Sarita Praja is a 9 year old girl whose family also depend on farming, however, unlike Mamata, Sarita’s make it into a community library which can BUT We are always delighted to hear about possible family do not have any other source of income and, sadly, Sarita lost her father six months ago. run after school hours. We have also installed • Content – compiled and collated from ideas for surveys, as we want to do 3 or 4 every Learning for Life and COSAN are supporting Sarita’s education by providing school uniform, stationery segregated toilets. member surveys - 27% of us considered that the year until the part where the Corporation come and supplementary education support to ensure that she is able to stay in school. The Dan Doherty to us, and ask us what Entrepreneurs think! Corporation was not well engaged Memorial School provides her with extra curricular activities, as well as government school curriculum • We run disaster awareness sessions to • Audience - City of London initially and activities to help her reach her full potential. Sarita is a particularly bright pupil and her family have high ensure our students are aware about and well thereafter Whitehall, Westminster and the with the Entrepreneurial sector. hopes that she will earn a scholarship to complete secondary education. prepared for potential disasters. Media Being ‘entrepreneurial’, we issued this in both The PRIME committee chaired by Court hard copy and digital and were delighted to hear Assistant Judith Donovan, CBE decided very from our Master that he received compliments early on, that we would have to ‘make a noise‘ from many other Masters. with the Corporation if they were to ‘clock’ that they had a bunch of lively, articulate Paper number 2 is focused on Trust, and the Entrepreneurs, not only in their Square Mile, but Lord Mayors Civic Principles for Generating also in their ‘family’ so to speak. So we decided Trust, which had just been published. Under to produce a couple of surveys covering what the heading of ‘My Word is My Bond: is this still our members thought of and had experience true?’ we revealed that; of in the City of London in general, and the

Court Assistant Judith Donovan CBE Anil Praja © Learning For Life Mamaja © Learning For Life © Learning For Life 26 27 Freeman profile Church News Guild moves to new Church As I always dutifully follow David’s advice (I can hear him chuckling as he reads this), bought - Judith Donovan CBE The Guild was privileged to adopt All Hallows’ a ticket and made my way down to the All by the Tower as its Guild church in 2015. The Hallows by the Tower Church. Bizarrely I used vicar of All Hallows’, the Reverend Bertrand to work nearby, but somehow had completely Judith Donovan CBE is a Founding Freeman Olivier, was appointed as the Guild’s first Hon. failed to appreciate the church’s presence as and member of the Court of the Guild of Chaplain, and, as he had been an entrepreneur it was somewhat overshadowed by the Hung Entrepreneurs since it was launched. Her before his ‘call’, was later able to join the Guild Drawn and Quartered Public House on the involvement in the Guild goes way back as she in his own right. opposite corner! was part of the original team who, along with our Founder, Dan Doherty, helped to forge the In February 2018, Bertrand received a worthy What a fool I had been. It is a beautiful space direction and values of the Guild. promotion as Dean of Christchurch Cathedral, with the reputation of being the oldest church Montreal, Canada, and the Entrepreneurs’ in the City of London with parts of it dating Judith was one of the first female entrepreneurs chaplaincy fell vacant. The Reverend Canon back to AD675. Which makes it 300 years older in Yorkshire, founding her own marketing David Parrott had offered the Guild great than the Tower of London! As part of the treats agency in 1982, which she grew to over 50 staff, Rev’d Canon David Parrott support in its formative years, and, in April, the lined up, we were greeted with a refreshing and a turnover of £12.5 million, before selling to Court agreed that he should be appointed as glass of Pimms, most welcome on what was a her managers in 2000. beautifully sunny evening, and then provided a A message from the new Chaplain the new Hon. Chaplain. David has a wealth of experience in the City - it is said that if you cut guided tour of the church and its crypt. Since then she has pursued a non–executive him like rock would see ‘Livery’ all the way It is a great honour to be invited to be your new career, primarily in the Public and Third sectors, through! and currently is Chaplain. I have been the Vicar of St Lawrence Judith Donovan, CBE at the Rainforest Biodome, Eden. Jewry for nine years and in that role I am When the Guild moved offices to Drapers Hall, Chaplain to the City of London Corporation, • Chair, Eden Project Ltd we found ourselves that much closer to David’s and to nine other Livery companies. The civic church of St Lawrence’s - in the heart of the City city is at the very heart of my ministry and over • Chair, Keep Me Posted Campaign - and the Court agreed to adopt St. Lawrence the nine years I have come to love it. Jewry as its new church from November 2018. • Chair, Royal Mail Letters Advisory Board The ties with All Hallows’ remain strong through The long history of the livery movement, which the patronage of St Ethelburga (who founded a our Guild aspires to join, has always had a • Chair, Royal Mail’s Strategic Mailing convent on the site of All Hallows’), and we still church connection in the City of London. Back Partnership commemorate our patronal festival in October. in the 14th century the Guilds prayed for their • Chair, Destination Dales Tourism Group members and supported those in trouble or bereavement. The church was at the heart of • Chair, Ripon Cathedral Council these early fraternities, and throughout the Summer BBQ history of the Livery movement Chaplains have played an integral part. It is right and proper • Trustee, National Army Museum A crypt that houses many fascinating artifacts. then, that as we formed a new Guild a Chaplain Just a few including the baptism record on was appointed. Rev’d Bertrand Olivier will have • Member, Yorkshire Dales National Park 23rd October 1644 of William Penn, founder served you well before his move to Canada. Authority of Pennsylvania, the marriage records of John Quincy Adams, sixth President of the USA Judith is Chair of the PRIME Committee, in 1797 and another for Judge Jeffreys, the Many people ask what a Chaplain does. which was established in 2018 to research notorious “hanging judge” in 1667. It was also To some extent this varies from Company entrepreneurism within the City of London. These where Samuel Pepys watched the Great Fire of to Company, but saying grace and regular reports, which take the temperature of London from the church’s tower. Guild members, all of whom are at the top of supporting the members, the Court and the Clerk are part of the work. However, their game, are shared with the Corporation of But of course our main event was the barbecue I always point out that one of the most London and other Livery Companies in order and David’s organisation excelled itself and we important functions is to be invisible. Let to help them formulate entrepreneurial-friendly were treated to a fine feast, in our usual good me explain. As I get to know members policies and considerations for the burgeoning company and the relaxing surrounds of the of the Company I become a friend of the entrepreneurial community within the City. church’s cafe, the Byward Kitchen & Bar. The Company to whom people can turn if evening flowed really well, a testament to which they choose. Some people have a Vicar must be that this was evening that England Previously Judith has been Vice in their home place; others do not. With played Colombia and there was a TV showing all my other companies I find that, as I Chair of Postwatch, a Millennium St Lawrence Jewry Church the game. I’m not sure how David arranged the become known, people start to drop into drama of a penalty shoot out and for us to win, Commissioner, a Director of HSE, the church for a chat. Sometimes this is but I guess that’s part of his magic. BIG Lottery Fund, and the British for advice, sometimes for comfort, and FREEMAN MARK HUXLEY sometimes just to download. The point Wool Marketing Board and also REFLECTS UPON ATTENDING Fully fed and watered and with the memory of about those encounters is that the Court HIS FIRST GUILD SUMMER great company and conversation, the evening Chair of the Yorkshire Tourist Board, and Clerk do not get a report. That is not BARBECUE drew to a close. David was not wrong and it how Chaplains work. Rather, that part Chair of Bradford TEC, President of truly was a standout evening. So a thank you on of my role, which I value highly, is the Since I was installed as a Freeman last year, my own behalf and am sure all others that were Bradford Chamber of Commerce, invisible bit. I am doing my job best when my friend and fellow Freeman David Mellor there to you my friend, for your huge efforts in I am the invisible man! a Trustee of Northern Ballet and the has constantly reminded me of this particular arranging it and making it such a memorable Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust. annual event. In part because he manages all evening. I for one, will definitely be there next the organisation for it, but also he billed it to me year, wherever it is held and would urge all our I shall look forward to getting to know the Guild as the one not to be missed. fellow Freemen to come along to themselves better, whether visible or invisible, and walking experience such a lovely event. with you as you seek to move towards Livery status.

Footnote With my best wishes, David. Livery Companies and Guilds effectively adhere to the Church of England in so far as they have ‘adopted‘ Churches within the City and quite often Honorary Chaplains also. However, it is perfectly normal for a Master to have their own Chaplain for their year in office as well, and as such all religions and faiths are recognised and respected. 28 29 Master’s Weekend From Soldier to Entrepreneur When it comes to learning from the best, where over 70% of the time is spent training. A • Employee Relations – when frictions occur then this year’s Master’s Weekend makes year later I spotted an opportunity to set up my and individuals start misbehaving or non- top trumps. The expectations of a weekend own business in the training arena and took it. It performing. HR takes on the role of adjudicator at The Joint Services Defence Academy in is 1989, and there is no internet or email! and is responsible for managing any disciplinary Shrivenham were high and boy did they deliver. situations. Sometimes this may involve Not only was the assembled group of Guild For a year I tried to make a success of my first employment tribunals, lawyers and settlement Freemen treated to insight usually reserved for business, but like most budding entrepreneurs, agreements. Employment law is different to Forces personnel, but we were granted access I did not succeed and had to pull the plug in criminal law and is regularly being adapted for to a simulation situation which is used across all 1990. This was almost exactly 12 months from the new ways of working. ranks to not only engender team spirit but also start up. I resolved that one day I would try to identify specific traits within an individual as again ... • Termination of employment – it is part of a team. The MOD spent £2m on their normally HR’s role to manage the termination simulation environment which gives personnel I learnt a lot of lessons about how not to run a of employment of staff. This could be due virtual experience of handling a range of hostile business. Most importantly though, I resolved to resignation, redundancy or people being environments. Having said that our simulation that one day I would be an entrepreneur again. performance managed out of the organisation. exercise was carried out at a galactic level. No doubt the most difficult part of the job, but Subsequently, I ended up working for a few also the most challenging, and if done properly The five teams piloted their own starship which banks in training and then Human Resources and professionally, quite rewarding. ended up in battle in space against a common roles. I ended up at a German investment bank enemy. It was fascinating to see how the teams with the title of Global Head of Capital Markets Life as an Entrepreneur and their captains handled the six man teams HR. There I was responsible for about 2,500 in unfamiliar territory by shouting commands traders, sales and research people across I am often asked why I gave up a lucrative from the bridges of the ‘Enterprise-like’ crafts. the globe for HR issues. This included hiring, career to set up my own business. There are Let’s just say the second attempts after a coffee paying, training, dealing with disputes and many reasons. An important factor is being break, were a lot more focussed! Our host for Major Tom Mouat with the Master and Freemen of the Guild ultimately firing. In 2006 there was a major able to control one’s own destiny and answer the day was Major Tom Mouat, an inspirational Andrew Pullman, an ex Army Officer re-organisation of the bank and so I decided to no one else; this is not a control freak thing, leader who made us all feel secure in the After the simulation we ventured into what I After a short break back at the luxury spa and current CEO of People Risk to become an entrepreneur again and set up but more to do with having flexibility to pursue knowledge that he is the first line of training want to call a museum, but would be shot on hotel, a beautiful leather-clad coach from SMC People Risk Solutions. business opportunities freely. I also enjoy for all new forces personnel. His knowledge, sight if I did, so let’s just call it a collection of Coach Hire whisked the black tie and evening Solutions, gives a flavour of his journey solving problems and building things – what confidence and general demeanour was varied, extremely large and powerful weaponry gown adorned group back to the Victory “I am often asked why I gave up a better than a business from scratch! second to none. to date from Royal Artillery Officer, from around the globe. Many pieces have been Dining Room, Joint Services Command & lucrative career to set up my own collected after a war, donated or swapped. Staff College for a champagne reception and to Human Resources, and then Like many entrepreneurs, I learnt Wherever it comes from it’s all pretty impressive formal three course dinner hosted by General Entrepreneur. Andrew is a Freeman business” kit. After a short talk on each type of artillery we Sir Christopher Deverell, Commander Joint from failure. My first business back were let loose to clamber, climb and get closer Force Command. He summarised how excited of the Guild of Entrepreneurs. Why HR? in 1989 was almost a case study to the metal. We were under strict instructions he is to be forging even closer relations with in how not to run a business; too to not press any buttons as the machinery was The Guild of Entrepreneurs and hopes that the Leaving the Army So why do I think HR is a career worth in full working order! The job to demonstrate the two organisations can learn from each other. following? Firstly, if you have any interest in much unnecessary cost, unrealistic machinery was down to Major Tom and two of The Master, Lee Robertson responded to When I left the Army in September 1986, I had people it is worth looking at. Increasingly people expectations, starting to sell our his colleagues: Lt Col Steve France and SSgt General Deverell’s remarks with a stirring recap very little idea what I would do next. There was issues are climbing further up the agenda for Tony Wilson, who were both as passionate of just how the relationship between the two no career plan mapped out for an ex-Captain in most organisations. This is probably because services too late, unexpected mini about the equipment as anyone could ever be. organisations will benefit everyone involved. the Royal Artillery. Having had a clear idea from between 60% and 70% of the cost base for recession … the list goes on. The Their jobs are to keep the equipment in tip top Guests then retired to the Henderson Bar until almost all types of organisations is people- Master, Lee Robertson and our host Major Tom the ages of 10 to 25 what I would be doing for condition, and what a great job they do. late into the evening and the luxury coach the rest of my life, suddenly there was a gaping related, and those “costs” need to be effectively key things is that it provided a great arrived to convey us back to the hotel for a chasm – self-inflicted, I hasten to add. Now, managed. way to learn. Our final brief was on surveillance when we good night’s sleep after a day which took us 32 years later, there has been a discernible learned more about the development of drones from the realities of warfare in the modern day thread, and that is People; a career in Human Secondly, HR provides a guaranteed variety of My career to date has had people as the key in security situations. Major Tom also covered to the future of warfare, who knows? All we can Resources has evolved and been a fun and opportunities. Main activities for almost all HR thread – the good news is that even with the cloaking devices which essentially keep tanks say is that Major Tom delivered, and ground enjoyable journey too! functions include: evolution of artificial intelligence and technology and other objects off the infrared cameras control heard him. at a furious rate, there will always be a need operated by the enemy. Today I run a successful Human Resources • Recruitment, or Resourcing and Talent for help in managing staff. I am hopeful for the Court assistant Neil Fullbrook consultancy, People Risk Solutions, which Acquisition which are the current buzzwords. future in HR! Email: [email protected] I founded 12 years ago in 2006. With a team This means managing the hiring of all new staff, of over 30 associates, we help a variety of whether full time, temporary or contractors; organisations of all shapes and sizes make coordinating the whole process including Andrew Pullman, the best of their people, either by providing assessments and interviews. The costs of hiring CEO of People Risk Solutions Ltd at outsourced HR support or by carrying out the wrong people are huge. management effectiveness training and Heavy machinery was the order of the day development. • Reward. This means pay and rations; things like ensuring salaries are competitive, keeping Into Civvy Street benefits up to date, providing pensions, bonuses and managing expat staff. Depending My journey started when I joined a US Bank in on the size and complexity of the organisation, 1986 and became a salesman in the UK Gilts these issues can become quite demanding. and Fixed Income Market in the City. I was sent to New York for a 3 month training programme • Training and Development of talent – an and came back to London just after the stock area where you can add most value, I would market tumbled in 1987! A year later, I was suggest. Bear in mind that most firms do not offered a role in the Training Department as spend much on training and so what they do my sales role was being eliminated. The new have as a budget, needs to be spent wisely. role was offered largely because of my training Providing the talent in your organisation with a background in the military - an environment strong set of skills can add tangible value to the bottom line. Freeman Simon Fordham gets to grip with a flight simulator Everyone scrubbed up for an exclusive dinner with Sir Christopher Deverell, Commander Joint Force Command 30 31 ONE FOR Grenfell Update Recipe OUR FOODIES ! In September 2017, pupils from the Kensington Poached pears with honey and Aldridge Academy, which was destroyed in the IN THE SEAT: JOHNNY MANNING disastrous Grenfell Tower fire, were given free saffron with almond custard private tuition by Manning’s Tutors Ltd amid fears that the tragic event would have long term, detrimental effects on the education and development of the children involved.

A number of children lost their school, home and friends in the June disaster. In response, Manning’s Tutors, a London based tutoring company, offered free tuition to 40 displaced children in the hope it would mitigate any further disruption to their education and long term development. As well as the academic tuition, Manning’s aimed to motivate these children with their enthusiastic and contemporary style of teaching, showing them they still have something to strive for, that there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is indeed possible to finish the school year more positively than it began. Ingredients Johnny Manning, Founder of Manning’s Tutors 4 pears - make sure they are firm explained at the time: 2 heaped tablespoons of honey The juice from a lemon “The stories we’ve heard from the families we’re 250 mls of water working with are heartbreaking. The devastation 1 stick of cinnamon these children have experienced is more than 2 cloves most will experience in their lifetime. Manning’s © James Hughs Quarter of a teaspoon of saffron has always been committed to providing Recipe courtesy of Freeman Gregg Wallace. education to pupils who need it most, and on Method Gregg is best known for co-presenting MasterChef, Celebrity MasterChef and Eat Well for Less on this occasion we’ve been greatly moved by First peel and core the pears and leave the stalks BBC One: The Professionals and Inside the Factory on BBC Two. He is also a writer, media personality the Grenfell tragedy. As such, we have offered intact. Put the honey and lemon juice in a heavy and former greengrocer. Gregg’s autobiography, Life on a Plate was published in 2012 by Orion Books. to support Kensington Aldridge Academy in bottomed pan into which the pears will fit. Place ensuring that the affected pupils do not miss over a moderate heat. Stir until the honey has out on their educational opportunities. At the melted. Add the water and cinnamon. Stir until moment nothing really matters to them, they’ve INTER LIVERY SOCIAL CALENDAR the liquid comes to the boil and then turn down lost their home, their school, friends and family. the heat and leave to simmer for five minutes. How does anyone deal with that, let alone at What follows is a digest of events posted on Thursday 24th & Friday 25th January Then add the pears to the liquid and simmer for such a vulnerable age?” The Livery Companies of the City of London Inter Livery Ski Competition at Morzine 20 minutes with lid on, turning carefully halfway website, (organised by the Ironmongers’ Company) through and basting the pears regularly with the “We’d like to thank the leadership team and news/ which lists those events they have been sauce. Leave the pears to cool in the syrup. Principal David Benson for accepting our offer. notified of. FEBRUARY 2019 If we manage to inspire these children just half Saturday 2nd February Almond Custard as much as they inspire us the results will be We would like to acknowledge the work of Nigel Candlemas Serves 6 outstanding. ” Pullman who pulls this calendar together. Tuesday 5th February Ingredients A group of 11 tutors, personally interviewed by If you would like more information on any City Briefing in Livery Hall at Guildhall 175 grams caster sugar Johnny Manning and his team, volunteered to particular event please visit the above website 5 egg yolks offer their time, for free, providing lessons to find the date and click on the web-link. Monday 11th February 75 grams plain flour the children on a weekly basis in their homes, Playing Card Games Evening for Junior 500ml milk school or in local libraries. The act of generosity DECEMBER 2018 Wardens at Vintners’ Hall (organised by the 3 tbsp brandy or rum is amplified when you consider that the tutors Master Lee Robertson with Freeman Johnny Manning Monday 3rd December - Wellbeing of Women Makers of Playing Cards) 100 grams ground almonds are themselves University students. Christmas Fair at Drapers’ Hall 3 drops almond essence Tell us who you are:- Tuesday 12th February Johnny Manning Saturday 8th December After Livery Dinner Speaking Course for Future “I received an email from Johnny Beat the sugar with the egg yolks to a light pale Brigantes Winter Gathering in Chester Cathedral Masters at Guildhall cream. Then beat in the flour. Bring the milk to asking if anyone would be willing to Short introduction to your business including any awards:- the boil in a heavy bottomed pan. Very gradually Manning’s Tutors Ltd; provider of engaging and motivational tutors to London’s schools and academies. Thursday 20th December Tuesday 26th February offer free tuition to the victims. For pour onto the egg mixture, beating quickly and Red Cross Christmas Concert in St Paul’s City Food Lecture at Guildhall (by invitation only) vigorously until well blended then pour the me it was a no brainer.” tells tutor Dan What do you do when you aren’t working (e.g. hobbies, voluntary positions and charitable Cathedral mixture back into the pan. McIlvenny (Eng Lit Undergraduate). works)? I apply the same passionate dedication to sport (running, cycling and snowboarding) and music (piano/ JANUARY 2019 Thursday 28th February Simmer for 3 minutes stirring constantly so that keyboards) as I do to business Saturday 5th January - Lord Mayor’s Children’s Tacitus Lecture in Guildhall (organised by the “It’s really tough, but when you do lumps do not form and the cream does not Party at Mansion House (by invitation) World Traders’ Company) catch on the bottom of the pan. get a smile or manage to get them Why did you join the Guild? I joined the Guild in order to find a channel where I could pass on the experience that I have gained in Friday 11th January TBA February immersed in a topic, it’s totally worth Stir in the alcohol, ground almonds and the business to others just commencing their entrepreneurial journey. City New Year Service at St Michael’s Cornhill City Water Debate at Launderers’/Glaziers’ it.” almond essence, stir in and cook for another 30 Hall (organised by the Wet 10 group of livery seconds. How has being a Freeman of the Guild benefited you, would you recommend it to others? Tuesday 15th January companies) The full cohort received tuition from September As a Freeman of the Guild I feel that there is a wealth of expertise from all sectors and stages of Clerks’ Briefing at Guildhall through December, and continued into the new Serve with the poached pears and enjoy. business that is now a part of my network. Not only is this inspiring to be surrounded by, but there is (organised by the Livery Committee) year for those in particular need. also the sense that all Freemen would happily respond to a request for guidance or assistance. 32 33 MARCH 2019 TBA May TBA July TBA October Monday 4th March Inter livery Golf at Walton Heath “Prince City of London Church Walk The Fire Lecture at The Insurance Hall Inter Livery Bridge Competition at Drapers’ Arthur Cup” (organised by the Coachmakers’ (organised by the Constructors’ Company) (organised by the Firefighters’ Company) Hall (organised by the Makers of Playing Cards Company) Inter livery Ski Company) [Note, there are several other inter livery golf Third week in July TBA October events arranged through the year] Swan Upping, on River Thames Children’s Magical Taxi Tour send-off from Tuesday 5th March Canary Wharf, (organised by the Hackney Shrove Tuesday: Inter Livery Pancake Races Saturday 18th May TBA July Carriage Drivers’ Company) Competition in Guildhall Yard (organised by the Poulters’ Inter livery Regatta at Cowes (organised by the Doggett’s Coat & Badge Race Company) City Livery Yacht Club) (organised by the Fishmongers’ Company) Monday 21st October City Briefing at Livery Hall in Guildhall BY COURT ASSISTANT STEPHEN WHEATLEY TBA March Monday 20th May TBA July Lynn Painter-Stainers Art Prize at the Mall Fellowship of Clerks Spring meeting at Tallow Ray Jeffs Golf competition at Hartley Witney TBA October In June 2017 I got a message from The Clerk Galleries, SW1 (Monday *th March – Private Chandlers’ Hall. (Secretary email) (organised on behalf of Livery Schools Link) Inter-Livery Real Tennis Tournament at Queen’s asking if I would meet The Prime Warden of the View and Prize Giving) Club. (organised by the Brewers’ Company) Shipwrights (effectively their Master), Mr Archie Tuesday 21st May TBA July Smith, and look after him before our summer TBA March Festival of the Sons of the Clergy at St Paul’s The Fire Lecture at The Insurance Hall Monday 21st October banquet. Lord Mayor’s visit to Treloar’s, accompanied by - for tickets, apply to the Festival Co-ordinator (organised by the Firefighters’ Company) Fellowship of Clerks Autumn meeting at Tallow invited Masters Chandlers’ Hall Somewhat nervously I agreed to meet this VIP Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd May TBA July guest. My nerves soon disappeared as Archie, TBA March Pewter Live at Pewterers’ Hall (organised by the Annual Spirits Tasting and Master Classes TBA October as I now know him, is a tremendous fellow and Spital Sermon at St Lawrence Jewry Pewterers’ Company) at Vintners’ Hall (organised by the Distillers’ Mithras Lecture at TBA (organised by the Arts soon put me at ease. Company) Scholars’ Company) Monday 18th March TBA May Out of the blue he said, “I bet you are a skier” Modern Companies Dinner at Watermen’s Hall Northern liverymen Brigantes Breakfast at TBA AUGUST 2019 NOVEMBER 2019 which I confirmed. “Good I will put you down (organised by the Hackney Carriage Drivers’ (email the Organiser) Monday 26th August Monday 4th November to represent The Guild at the Interlivery Skiing Company) Summer Bank Holiday Garden of Remembrance at St Paul’s competition” he said. Thursday 30th May Churchyard (organised by the Royal British TBA March Ascension Day. Beating the Bounds at All SEPTEMBER 2019 Legion) Having forgotten about it for some months I ‘Forever Trial & Error’ review at the Old Bailey, Hallows by the Tower Monday 9th September (tbc) received an entry form which duly completed in aid of the Sheriffs’ & Recorder’s Fund. Please Modern Companies Dinner at *** Hall (organised Thursday 7th November meant I was honour bound to compete. email David Barrett for ticket information. TBA May by the Management Consultants’ Company) - Ralph Anderson Lecture at the Royal Society of Red Cross collection on London Bridge. Medicine London W1G 0AE (organised by the Fast forward to mid-January and my wife, TBA March Masters meet at Fishmongers’ Hall (organised TBA September Horners’ Company) Barbara and I arrived in the host town of Livery Showcase Event at Guildhall (organised by the Red Cross 020 7877 7602) Inter Livery Tennis, at Queen’s Club Morzine and headed for the reception hotel. On by Livery Schools Link) (organised by the Feltmakers’ Company) Friday 8th November arrival we realised that whilst the hotel was full 25th March - Lady Day JUNE 2019 Silent Ceremony at Guildhall - swearing in of the of English people we knew absolutely no one! Saturday 1st June TBA September new Lord Mayor Thursday 28th March Great XII Sailing Challenge at Seaview, IoW Walk of All Livery Halls for Masters Then a voice from above me says “good Lord Mayor’s Banquet for Masters & Prime (organised by the Environmental Cleaners’ Saturday 9th November evening, who are you?” Wardens at Mansion House Friday 7th June to Sunday 9th June Company) Lord Mayor’s Show Ironbridge Livery Weekend (organised by the I say somewhat sheepishly (feeling like the boy Freeman Stephen Wheatley prepares to take on the Livery Friday 29th March Ironbridge Gorge Museum) [For a background TBA September Monday 11th November on his first day at big school) “I am Stephen United Guilds’ Service at St Paul’s Cathedral note on this event, please visit the Clerks’ Sheriffs’ Ball at Guildhall (to reserve tickets Lord Mayor’s Banquet from the Guild of Entrepreneurs and this is my Almanac, and look in the Masters & Past email the Lord Mayor’s Appeal) Activities over, the entire group of more than wife Barbara”. APRIL 2019 Masters folder] Thursday 14th November 200 contestants and their entourage set off for Thursday 4th April (Provisional TBA) TBA September Entrepreneurs’ Lecture at tba Hall a restaurant which had been commandeered “Well” said the owner of the voice from above Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch at Guildhall, in TBA June Wardens & Court Assistants Course (organised by the Guild of Entrepreneurs) for the post-race celebrations. On this occasion “my name is Edward Martineau and I am a aid of ABF The Soldiers Charity. Tickets Admiral of the Port’s Challenge we were hosted by the Shipwrights (if only we Weaver, perhaps the most ancient company TBA September Tuesday 19th November had known!). Lunch taken, The Shipwrights founded and you are from the newest company Monday 8th April TBA June Gala Dinner for Treloars at Mansion House City Briefing at Livery Hall in Guildhall (and guests!) then circumnavigated the room here, so we are going to adopt you, you must Zurich Sechseläuten Spring Festival Inter livery Rifle Shooting Meet at Bisley and sang a cheeky ditty to each of the other come for supper”. (organised by the Bakers’ Company) Sunday 29th September Wednesday 20th November companies present to the tune of What Shall Tuesday 23rd April Sheep Drive across London Bridge (organised Help Musicians UK’s Festival of Saint Cecilia at We Do With a Drunken Sailor, with the sailor A few minutes later and we were walking to St George’s Day TBA June by the Woolmen’s Company) Westminster Abbey (11am) (organiser) replaced by the company’s name. the Weavers Chalet and our new host made a Knollys Rose Ceremony (organised by the phone call “two more places for dinner please MAY 2019 Watermen & Lightermen) September - October Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th November To cap it all on the Friday night there was a gala and an extra bottle of wine, on second thoughts Wednesday 8th May Goldsmiths’ Fair week 1 Red Cross Christmas Market at Guildhall reception at one of the best hotels in town for they are Entrepreneurs and look thirsty better Barts View Day Service at St Bartholomew the TBA June the prize giving. make that two”. We were made most welcome Great, and at the Hospital (organised by the “Jailed & Bailed” at Mansion House and Tower Friday 27th September TBA November by the Weavers and enjoyed a wonderful Barts Charity) of London (organised by British Red Cross, City Admission of Sheriffs at Guildhall Lord Mayor’s Briefing to Masters and Prime All in all it was a fantastic event, well organised evening with them. of London Sector) Wardens, and their Clerks, at Mansion House and an excellent opportunity to meet other Wednesday 15th May OCTOBER 2019 members of the Livery movement. The competition started in earnest the following City Briefing in Livery Hall at Guildhall TBA June Wednesday 2nd October TBA November day, I completed a few warm up runs and got Armed Forces Flag Raising Day in Guildhall Election of Lord Mayor at Guildhall (detailed Actuaries’ Lecture at Staple Inn Hall, High Personally I was very surprised by how well ready for the qualifying slalom, I got through TBA May Yard guidance for masters) Holborn (organised by the Actuaries’ Company) known and received The Guild of Entrepreneurs without falling and moved up from 181 to 118 Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace is by the other Companies. for the Giant Slalom the following day. Monday 24th June 7th-9th October (tbc) For a full list of the annual events for The Wednesday 15th May Election of Sheriffs at Guildhall Art in the City 2019 at Painters’ Hall, Free entry Guild of Entrepreneurss please visit our We are planning to compete again next year The day of the competition dawned bright Inter livery Clay Shoot at Holland & Holland (detailed guidance for masters) 11am – 4pm (organised by the Painter-Stainers’ website and we would like to take a team to represent and sunny and all was set fair. Barbara and I ground (organised by the Environmental Company) the Entrepreneurs so if you are interested in inspected the course which appeared to have Cleaners’ Company) JULY 2019 taking part or being a supporter please let me a very fast start and I started to develop my TBA July TBA October know. strategy, I should have just watched the others! Wednesday 15th May City Beerfest, in Guildhall Yard Goldsmiths’ Fair week 2 The moment came, I leapt out of the gate like City Briefing at Livery Hall in Guildhall Contact : Stephen Wheatley a very elderly Franz Klammer and realised that TBA July TBA October Email: [email protected] the start was no where near as fast as I thought Cart Marking, in Guildhall Yard Musicians’ Company Evensong at St Paul’s and I was going far too slowly down the course (organised by the Musicians’ Company) than was optimal, resulting in 92nd place. 34 35 IN THE SEAT: MAKING TECHNOLOGY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION - OUR OLYMPIC LEGACY BY CLAIRE COCKERTON Responsible A GLOBAL When I was asked to bid on building an Diversity, inclusion and equality, have long been a personal passion of mine, and it is ever more PERSPECTIVE Innovation Centre on the Queen Elizabeth important as statistics about women on boards, financing for female founders, and the gender pay Olympic Park, I was thrilled by the opportunity gap, are still not making significant or quick leaps, despite all the talk. Plexiglass was a female-only Entrepreneurship to break new ground for the tech innovation accelerator programme, supported by the London Legacy Development Corporation launched on sector in such an iconic spot for the UK. International women’s day designed to shine a light on the incredible business and technical talent that The London 2012 Games were among the exists in London, and is deserving of financing and traction in the market. Never before have we all been so keen to However this specific but large example does There is arguably also a place for best practice most successful, the venues impressive and support entrepreneurs. Disruptive new ideas reflect on all other entrepreneurship. One of the advice for entrepreneurs, that they have an aide landscape beautiful, but what kind of lasting Innovation centres are power place-making tools. They attract new tenants and entice large corporates are all around us while the allure of being the major reasons why large organisations tend to memoire so that as they build their solutions social and economic legacy would the games close to the epicentre of ideas, talent and tech. They support the creative process and fill the natural next Airbnb or Uber is tantalising. There is a race deal with smaller but significant organisations is the experience of people who have gone before deliver to East London, and to the UK economy gaps that small businesses struggle with. They provide the right ingredients for business building, to be first to market and gain that all important that dealing with established companies gives them are not lost and so experience can be built as a whole? collaboration, and growth which in the end results in more jobs and investment into the country. first market mover advantage. You will be bored a level of comfort and allows strong contracts into their solutions. Celebrating failure is not So, what was once the Press Centre for the Olympic Games, can now be a thriving tech hub which with hearing cyber security professionals saying to define aspects such as ESCROW for popular, forums are full of successful innovators Having seen the success of London’s Tech supports the long-term industrial strategy of the UK – to be a world leader in technology innovation and “wait we have to build cyber security into the software. Yet by definition all startups need first telling of their success but never of people who City, organically evolving around Old Street a full adopter and champion of the digital revolution. In order to us to stay competitive and relevant on solution”, this ethos is well documented and customers and the more customers the sooner tell how things went wrong. roundabout, now a magnet for big corporates the international stage, we need to make entrepreneurship and technology central to our way of life. well ignored. they become stabilised and “safe” . chasing talent and new tech; and similarly, the Finally do liquidators or managing agents have fintech innovation movement that was spurred But what happens when the unthinkable One potential answer is that many start-ups a place. If the passwords or control techniques on by Accelerator Level39 in Canary Wharf and CLAIRE COCKERTON PROFILE for the new innovator happens, when the today access the market through accelerators are locked in a safe place then recovery or safe Innovate Finance, a trade body for new financial business doesn’t start up and simply folds. or angel investors. The key aspect is that, should shut down becomes easier. service disruptors. These were locations and If your business is a shop then people simply a startup fail to clean up and put the technology organisations suited to supporting disruptive 1. Claire Cockerton is a serial entrepreneur buy from elsewhere but what if your solution and especially the “command and control” To conclude innovation is key to us all and digital entrepreneurship – but what could and specialist in building technology innovation is technology based. Software and software infrastructure into a safe state. Insurance could the small startup is the hot bed of this sector the Olympic Park offer, and how could it centres. Claire has founded Plexal, the support is one issue but IOT is the new horizon be an answer or a small levee to ensure that a but we need to think the unthinkable not only differentiate itself? UK’s largest innovation centre based on the for innovations. Internet of Things (IOT) devices cleanup operation can make the devices safe. A in terms of failure but also what the bad guys Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park specializing have a common factor, that they are connected great network of other innovators could also be can do to the startup technology, take advice, Firstly, world-class connected infrastructure, in incubating AI, VR and Data Analytics to the internet and make their data available. the answer as one company’s “ashes” could be so that the innovators can iterate their common as well as the greenery and space that cities companies; Level39, London’s fintech The issue is that these devices often “call another’s “phoenix”. In the special case of IOT experience. now cherish. A creative cluster in Hackney accelerator; LORCA, the London Office for home” to their manufacturer for updates and could the internet registries leave the domains wick, a diverse talent base and a history of Rapid Cyber Security Innovation, and ENTIQ control. So when the founding company folds in a suspended state so that bad actors cannot Andy Bates industrious making, along the river Lee canal. an innovation advisory firm. She is a world this gives a massive opportunity for bad actors re-register them and take them over. Executive Director, , Future development plans which include top leader in the design and activation of city to jump into the void and use these devices for Europe, Middle East & Africa engineering universities, arts institutions and spaces which support entrepreneurs, corporate their own [criminal] ends. Global Cyber Alliance commercial real estate for the likes of TFL, innovation agendas and the development of FCA and the corporate world. This backdrop new technology economies. She designed and inspired me to build Plexal to be a full-service launched the smart city accelerator Cognicity innovation centre dedicated to supporting for the Canary Wharf Group, focused on piloting entrepreneurs and their burgeoning tech firms, new tech in city construction. Claire also scale through access to professional services, founded Innovate Finance – the UK’s new trade Get the recognition corporate clients, and a relevant community of body for the Fintech community backed by the peers. Designed in partnership with Grimshaw, UK Government, City of London Corporation we took inspiration from urban planning and and over 200 founders. Since her work began you deserve for being built a mini-city with a park, makers yard, town supporting female founders with Fin4Fem and hall, investor board room, watering holes, Plexiglass, she is moving on to spearhead a prepared for GDPR a stage and a secular confession booth – a new education venture for female leaders which sacred space for entrepreneurs to meet their will launch in early 2019. mentors to discuss their deepest challenges. PDA Legal Office spaces ranged from open drop-in co- 2. Claire is a member of the Freeman of the working to private offices for 30 people. In Guild, the Royal Society of the Arts, and was We are one of the UK’s leading organisations providing today’s working environment, flexibility and named the 4th most influential woman in UK consultancy, training, auditing and monitoring to law inclusion is key – we needed to cater to a range tech by Computer Weekly in 2017. of personalities and business functions – from firms, to help them to drive compliance and engineering to the bold commercial pitch. 3. I love to go on adventures with my 14 manage risk. month old daughter and partner, Giles. I love to At Plexal, we curated a community of tech exercise and garden and read and network with firms specialising in the fields of Artificial a wide variety of bold, innovative, inspirational Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Data Analytics people. and IOT – emerging tools which are PDA Marketing positively transforming many industries: from 4. I have worked with the City of London construction to retail to insurance. Important to Corporation on a number of innovation projects We are a full-service agency, with a particular talent their success, we needed to foster a culture of and am passionate about preserving the great for project management, dedicated to providing collaboration amongst our members and a set traditions of the Guilds while helping to refresh Freeman Claire Cockerton of community principles that inspired everyone the capital’s community with more diversity and marketing assets and managing promotional to help each other out. A mentorship scheme, digital entrepreneurship. activity that make our clients more influential. coffee mornings, industry events and meet- ups, thought-leadership papers, office hours 5. The Guild has been incredibly supportive of with VIP business guests. Culture became a my professional initiatives and always seek out central focus for my team – and we all worked ways to connect, champion and communicate hard to enable entrepreneurship and innovation the good work the membership does. Plus – the

to flourish in a world which is often resistant to social events are wonderful fun! A fascinating FOUNDER FOUNDER meaningful change. Members began to barter diverse group of people. SUPPORTER PARTNER and exchange services, ideas and emotional The standard for people-driven support critical to getting through the grit of cyber and data security building a business.

36 37 BY Share a little every day, FREEMAN Generation Start-Up JONATHAN WEBB position to invest in a new venture or purchase and get discovered a franchise. These people tend to be motivated by the desire to do something they’ve dreamed about since leaving school, or to just try something entirely different from their day job.

The need for extra income to top-up a pension can also be a motivating factor. We work with a number of employees in their fifties who tell us about their side gigs and that they plan to work on them more once they enter retirement. Some plan to buy a franchise, but very few are thinking about launching a large-scale entrepreneurial venture. Of the ones we do see, the vast majority have had their own business in the past.

Generally, we see a lack of confidence as the main obstacle holding would-be entrepreneurs back. They talk about not feeling technically proficient enough and facing societal pressure to conform to a traditional retirement. With L-R: Fiona Green (founder/director), David Blackburn, Chief People Officer at the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (RG’s first corporate client), and Caroline Bosher (founder/director). confidence gained by access to amazing role models, tailored support, personal development and targeted training, we think these obstacles ‘Olderpreneurs’, ‘third-act entrepreneurs’, Although not a typical member of the Renegade can be overcome. ‘ageless explorers’ – whatever badge you Generation, as a fifty-something Fiona found give them, there’s no doubt the over-50s are herself facing many of the issues she and 2. What do you perceive are the main generation start-up. Caroline set out to address after selling her advantages/disadvantages of becoming an previous company to a FTSE 100. entrepreneur later in life? Now responsible for 43% of business launches in the UK1, they’re more than twice as likely as “After three months of enjoying the freedom of First, the advantages. the rest to survive the first five years. independence, I experienced strong feelings of loss,” says Fiona. “The loss of purpose, loss Life experience - entrepreneurs can draw on Economic uncertainty, increased life of my network of colleagues and clients and a plethora of work and social experiences to expectancy and changes to pension schemes loss of identity left a lasting impact on me. It’s inform their approach, thinking and coping have all contributed to a growing awareness helped me understand our over-50 customers, strategies. This also means they are likely to be among this age group of the potential – and their motivations and the challenges they face.” more resilient, able to adapt to change and less sometimes necessity – to continue leveraging susceptible to stress and mental health issues. their skills sets beyond ‘retirement’. Caroline, meanwhile, had been frustrated by witnessing the struggle older members of Customer service skills – over-50s understand But imagine the impact on the economy if more her own family had in trying to re-enter the the needs of all customers as many have looked Freeman Jonathan Webb were given the support and incentive to join workforce. after children, grandchildren and now their them? ageing parents. They identify and empathise I read with interest a post by Robin Sloan, an If you think of stock as your opus, your life’s That is the crux of personal branding. The “When we began looking into the possibility of with consumers of their own age, which is American writer who studied economics at story, then flow is your chatter, the regular lesson is share whatever you want, whenever That’s exactly what Caroline Bosher and building a business to help over 50s with their particularly useful since this group holds a large University. In it he recalls the principle of stock outputs that tell people you exist. The best stuff you want, that is the potency of the post digital Fiona Green did imagine when they started careers I started to pick up more stories from percentage of the nation’s spending power! and flow not in the usual sense of the concept encourages people to sign up to your mailing internet world. researching the idea of a business for ageless friends, family, and people I’ve met at events describing economic value but as part of how list, to go out and search for you and your explorers two years ago. Originally conceived who were struggling with career transitions Emotional intelligence – they tend to be more we relate to the post digital world around us. content. In the olden days, the means was less important as a B2C offering for career inspiration, advice in later life,” says Caroline. “This ranged from practised at handling interpersonal relationships You may know stock refers to capital and flow than the end, we waited until products and and support for those keen to see where their dealing with the impact of redundancy, or across a wide variety of situations, which are refers to value change. Successful personal branding manages the services were finished, had a launch party, hung talents could take them, Renegade Generation struggling to find a job, through to not knowing essential skills for business leaders. balance between enough stock to build a brand it on the wall at the local art gallery and waited. has since begun working with forward-thinking what to do next, or thinking the world assumes Robin Sloan re-interpreted the idea and used it and enough flow to keep you top of mind. What But now we can connect with our customers at employers wanting to recruit, retrain and retain they’re ‘past it’ so they no longer try. Financial security – pension lump sums can as a metaphor to describe the media and how else is there to do but work on mutual symbiosis any time, build them into the R&D process and older workers. They say it’s enabled them provide a great starting fund, thus providing people communicate with the world at large. He of stock and flow and ensure you have the right with their input improve the output step by step. to build empathy and understanding and “This made me realise two things. Firstly, that a longer runway to achieve breakeven and wrote this in 2010, a few years back, at a time balance. subsequently serve both sides of the equation. we have such a huge untapped market of profit. Financial security also means there’s less when the term digital was more pregnant and How comfortable one is with that sharing will Now working with a selection of corporate and talent, wisdom, and experience. And, secondly, pressure to chase seed fund investment. journalists were reflecting on how we behave in There is no value in all flow and no stock, all influence how successful your personal brand community launch partners, they are on track there won’t be a contemporary career resource the new world order. Much has changed but we twitter feed and no fine dining. When you take a becomes, ultimately only you can manage your to launch new content and features on their for me to use when I’m approaching 50 if Fiona Patience and staying power – having ‘been still scrape about searching for direction. breath, you have nothing to show for it. own flow and build your stock. website later this year. and I don’t start building it now!” there, done that, or at least seen that’ is a mighty resource to draw on when evaluating “..share whatever you want, Neither is there value in all stock, if no one Share a little every day and get discovered. Increasingly, they hope to see third agers What has the Renegade Generation taught business decisions and working out whether to knows about it, importantly no one cares. I have come across many interesting people emerging as newly minted entrepreneurs. them along the way? be patient and ‘dig in’ or move on. whenever you want, that is the online, thanks to Austin Kleon, a writer who potency of the post digital internet Brands; and personal brands are no exception, draws, and someone who really understands, Fiona had sold a successful business and 1. What’s the main motivation for people Wisdom – older entrepreneurs often come are positioned by consumers in their own lives highly recommended. world” was working as a business advisor, non-exec wanting to start a business post-retirement and with knowledge around legal, commercial and based on their own perceptions of the brand, director and investor to SMEs when she met what’s holding them back? people management, which can greatly reduce performance is key but so too is visibility. Jonathan Webb Caroline, a lead design mentor at Google panic and knee-jerk decision-making. The concept applies to personal branding, a Email: [email protected] Launchpad in London. Both were introduced to Someone fortunate enough to be relatively growing phenomenon as channels diversify and As another American writer, Gay Talese, once the Guild recently by Freeman David Mellor of mortgage-free with a good pension plus a lump entrepreneurs look for better ways to connect said “I am a documentarian of what I do.” David Mellor Mentoring. sum, and whose kids have left home, is in a with paying customers. 38 39 “our audience is made up of over- The nature of our first product (Age-friendly Employer Profiles) means we’re poised to DAVID MELLOR 50s looking for modern career ideas, LARS become a marketplace for older talent. While PROFILE ANDERSEN opportunities and support.” our customers are corporate clients, our Middle Warden audience is made up of over-50s looking And now the disadvantages. for modern career ideas, opportunities and support. Limited exposure to modern work methods – scoops coveted award this includes new technologies, freelancing and We have an extensive product roadmap. Our co-working spaces, which are energetic and co-designers (a collection of our older audience collaborative, but often distracting. and corporate clients) are constantly helping us design and validate our products and concepts. Societal pressure – would-be older When someone lands on our website, views entrepreneurs can feel pressured to conform our Employer Profiles, or attends one of our to a traditional retirement and discouraged by workshops, we want them to think “I’ve come friends and family from pursuing something to a place where all they do is look after people different. like me”.

New caring responsibilities – they may have left 6. How can you and the Guild work together to their own childcare duties behind, but many promote opportunities for older entrepreneurs? are now having to care for ageing parents and grandchildren which hinders the pursuit of new We’d like to partner with experienced members endeavours. of the Guild to run workshops (we’re already designing workshops on Older Entrepreneurship 3. Do many employers actively discuss and and Mentoring with David Mellor). It would also offer support for those who intend to become be beneficial for our aspiring entrepreneurs to ‘third act entrepreneurs’? be invited to Guild events to meet potential role models. One of our early advisors (a retirement coach called Judy Rich) believed all retirees should Being able to include inspirational stories from be given three months of coaching instead of Guild members on our website could incentivise a gold watch. others while also serving to promote the Guild We agree, and we are now seeing employers to individuals across our online channels. who offer mid-life career reviews actively prompting conversations around ‘what’s next’ As business leaders ourselves, we welcome David Mellor for older employees as they transition away Guild members’ wisdom, guidance and advice from full-time work. that comes from experience in setting up and 1. Short introduction to your business building new businesses. including any awards: However, while in this scenario, setting up I am a business mentor to start-ups and a business may be discussed, there’s little David Mellor adds: aspirational growth companies. Commonly evidence of employers offering direct external “The Guild is already doing great work perceived as the “Consultant’s Consultant”. I support to enable ex-employees to become am an Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow in the Middle Warden Lars Andersen with wife Jennifer at Buckingham Palace meeting Prince Charles. © Alex Loyd ‘third act entrepreneurs’. at the other end of the spectrum, Faculty of Finance at Cass Business School and am a published author with 4 titles addressing hatching entrepreneurs in secondary One of my companies, My Nametags (www. In 2017 we decided to apply for the Queen’s The most fun part of winning the award was 4. How could older entrepreneurs be more different aspects of entrepreneurship. effectively supported by government? school. Now we have the opportunity, has been making iron-on Award for International Trade. Partly due to the invitation to Buckingham Palace, were we and sticker nametags for labelling children’s time and partly to expertise, we decided to met Prince Charles. We had the opportunity to For example, the Institute of Directors has 2. What do you do when you aren’t working to collaborate and give their parents clothing and equipment since 2004. We are use the company Awards Intelligence (www. give him nametags for his and Camilla’s eight suggested individuals investing in a start-up (e.g. hobbies, voluntary positions and proud of how we have improved our very to help us with the grandchildren – hopefully they will see how should be allowed to draw down an additional and grandparents the chance to charitable works)? simple product over the years, and after application. For this award, you can either useful they are and become regular customers. tax-free lump sum from their pension. Aspirational Golfer. Trustee of the DT38 start their own business and I’m sure testing all our competitors’ products, we are show three years strong export growth or six We also met Freeman Avi Lasrow from DNAfit Foundation. The tax-free lump sum idea makes us a little we will develop the project as more reasonably confident that we offer the highest years steady growth. We decided to apply for ( a fellow Freeman of The Guild) ) who had also quality nametags in the world. the six years steady growth as it has a higher won two awards! nervous. The problem lies in the risk associated 3. Why did you join the Guild? Freemen get involved and we gather success rate although a company must show with investing in a start-up and having the Opportunity to give something back to the We are keen to treat our customers as we it has not experienced a single drop in exports The main benefit of winning the Queen’s Award skills and experience to reduce this risk by momentum – one thing a group of Community. confidently assessing and correctly performing entrepreneurs of whatever age can would like to be treated ourselves, so we during the last six years. As with the other for My Nametags, has been the opportunity developed a customer service miles away from awards, you also have to prove that you are a to distinguish ourselves from our competitors. due diligence. If investing in their own start-up, 4. How has being a Freeman of the Guild do is generate ideas!” the “corporate” call centre approach of large good company, treating customers, staff and Hopefully having reference to the Queen’s the risk comes from the eye-wateringly high benefitted you, would you recommend it to companies. To verify that it worked, and to show the environment well. Award on our website and our product will failure rate associated with new businesses. others? our customer what we do, we use Feefo as an make the decision of where customers buy This funding vehicle works well when the right Fellowship with like-minded individuals who independent review of our customer service, The application deadline was in early autumn, nametags a little bit easier. horse is backed, the challenge is finding that operate off the same or similar personal codes and we typically score 98-99% customer and in November we were told we were on horse! of conduct. I would absolutely recommend satisfaction. the (fairly long) shortlist. We then had to ask Queen’s Awards are given for International joining the Guild , a great sense of fulfilment can our accountant to verify the export, sales and Trade, Sustainability or Innovation – it is time for The government already offers to guarantee be achieved. a start-up loan (up to £25k) for any age We set up websites in nine different countries, turnover figures we had submitted. And then you to apply for yours? and it was fairly easy to find international we waited… of entrepreneur. Virgin is one of the many David Mellor customer service staff in London to support Lars B. Andersen facilitators who offer help with business plans, Mobile: +44(0)7957 480460 these countries. Over the years, we increased ...Until March 2018 when we were finally told My Nametags Ltd mentoring etc. We’d love for more over 50s to Email: [email protected] our reach, and in 2007 realised that we had sold that we would officially receive the Queen’s Email: [email protected] benefit from this. Web: nametags to almost 130 countries around the Award on the Queen’s birthday in April. We had Web: Innovate UK already targets support to women, world! about a month to prepare our PR (and fend off specifically those in innovation. We would like all the companies who wanted to sell us stuff Arty Lobster to see something that’s specifically for older We have won various other awards in the based on winning the award !). We received a Web: entrepreneurs, too. past. For most of these awards, we had to fill scroll from the Queen, as well as a crystal vase in substantial documents listing our business inscribed with Queen’s Award 2018. We are in 5. How do you see Renegade Generation achievements, our export sales, prove how the process of organising a reception with the developing over the next five years? we treat our customer (Feefo score) and Lord-Lieutenant or one of his deputies at our explain how we look after to our staff and the office. environment. 40 41 The Guild of Entrepreneurs Spotlight on the Junior Trust BY THE MASTER LEE ROBERTSON Warden - Judy Hadden

The Junior Warden Elect, Mrs Judy Hadden, accepting the Freedom of the City of London

At July’s Election Court, Founder I was introduced to the Guild’s Founder, Dan have been granted the Freedom of The City but Doherty and the Guild of Entrepreneurs by my yet to take a sheep over London Bridge, maybe Freeman Judy Hadden was neighbour and mentor, Michael Webster, who next year. elected to be the Guild’s new Junior was at the time the Master of the Information Technologists. Having worked in The City I was As a keen amateur photographer, there Warden from November. After a aware of the Guilds and Livery Companies but have certainly been lots of fabulous photo career in Insurance, where Judy co- had always thought that they were not relevant opportunities! founded, grew and then sold two to me. Michael brought them to life, I was intrigued and met with Dan, the rest is history. I have also had the great privilege to be involved businesses. She is working harder in many Outreach & Education projects, than ever before on a new start- Anyone that ever knew Dan would understand workshops & talks for nascent and aspiring that I bought in to his vision for the Guild within entrepreneurs at The Trampery, Bathtub 2 up that she has founded; Oil Spill a few minutes of meeting him and on the 15th Boardroom, London Business School and Insurance, providing environmental April 2015 at Cutlers’ Hall, I along with 13 Roedean, mentoring at the Entrepreneurship others, was admitted as a Founder Freeman of Summer School at LBS and for the innovative damage insurance coupled with the Guild of Entrepreneurs. University of Westminster DisLab project and most recently participating in the first The 2018 Beneficiary of the Guild of Entrepreneurs Trust, Ms Carole Jahme risk management and emergency response services to businesses Within a very short space of time, Dan had Entrepreneurship Day at Duke’s Academy, persuaded me along to a meeting with Aldridge Tottenham. As Chairman of the Trustee Board I am delighted to build up this fund, and drive such effective The Board reviewed Carole’s difficult financial and householders with oil and fuel Academy and before I knew it I was part of the to report that the Guild of Entrepreneurs Trust work. Donations of £1,000 or more in any and domestic circumstances, and agreed tanks. Outreach & Education committee. In addition Life enriching experiences, helping and inspiring has this year made its very first grant. An Guild Year are to be recognised in a list of the unanimously to award her £2,000, which covers to Outreach & Education, I subsequently joined others mixed with fun and fellowship, a pretty historical moment - not just for the Trust, but for Trust’s Principal Benefactors, and donations of a substantial portion of her fees at UCL, and My day job involves developing new products the Events and Membership committees but good combination. the Guild as well - and one about which we can £10,000 are to be additionally commemorated affords her the resources, space and expertise relinquished these positions on being asked to be tremendously proud. in perpetuity as Patrons. to complete her work. within the insurance industry, where things can move glacially slowly, so joining an ambitious become the Chair of the Outreach committee. I I am a great believer in the old adage of the more am also currently serving as a Court Assistant. you put in to life the more you get out in return. After two years of concerted fundraising, the I was thrilled to welcome Ph.D student Carole The applications deadline for grants in the group of like-minded entrepreneurs within a start up City Guild with a real aspiration and I have very much enjoyed my first three years Trust has now established an annual framework Jahme to address Freemen and guests at 2018-19 cycle has now closed, but the Trustee The first three years of being a Freeman has with the Guild of Entrepreneurs, I am honoured of giving, that provides effective support to this year’s Summer Banquet as the inaugral Board encourages applications for the next determination to become a Livery Company provides the perfect balance. sped by, I have met hundreds of interesting to have been elected to serve as the Guild of entrepreneurship and education. The work of beneficiary of the Guild of Entrepreneurs cycle. A provisional application should be people that I would never had met otherwise Entrepreneurs’ next Junior Warden and very the Trust is cruicially important. A charity such Trust. Carole’s ambitious hypothesis (that skill sent to the Trust Administrator administrator@ A large part of my career has involved working and made many new friends. I have been much looking forward to building on all that we as ours, with agility and expertise (in the form of in entrepreneurship is overlooked in school invited to events and visited incredible places, have achieved as a Guild to date and working the Trustee Board - all of whom are established classrooms and that young - especially young in or doing business with others based in The City. I have always been captivated and Summer Banquets at the Mansion House, the with a great team of people to accomplish our and successful entrepreneurs), really can make female - talent is wasted) chimed wholly with Meanwhile, please, please, please continue to Silent Ceremony at Guildhall, a private tour of goals and make history. a meaningful impact with even the smallest of the objects of the Trust. Carole’s initial research support the Trust with your donations. Details fascinated by The City, the history and mystery, ancient and state of the art buildings melded the Tower of London and the Assay Office at grants. suggested that initiatives supporting female of how to donate can be found online, or please Goldsmiths’ Hall. The United Guilds’ Service at Dare, Create, Succeed. engagement with STEM subjects could be ask the Clerk for a GiftAid form and more almost seamlessly together, and the sheer scale of the business transacted there; a unique place St Paul’s and a training day at the UK Defence It’s a core commitment of every Freemen adapted to support more women to become information about the Trust. Academy at Shrivenham followed by a Black Judy Hadden to give generously and willingly to the Trust. self-employed. Through her research, Carole in a world where most things are standardised and replicated. Tie Dinner hosted by General Sir Chris Deverell Email: [email protected] Any amount, given with any regularity, helps is seeking to identify a different model to foster to name a few particularly memorable ones. I female entrepreneurial talent.

42 43 The Master Elect Report on the 3rd in the Ask PETER L R HEWITT JP, FCSI, FRSA, MASTER ELECT an Entrepreneur Series at LBS

It is a great privilege to be elected as the 5th Master of the Guild of Entrepreneurs and I am greatly looking forward to being installed in November, where we will for the first time have the installation in our new Guild Church of St Lawrence Jewry.

I have been an entrepreneur for 40 years, setting up my first business in 1978 when we had neither a computer nor a mobile phone and we had the only photocopier in the town! Life has come a long way since.

Since then I have been a Director or Chairman of 11 public companies, the majority of which I was involved in from the start. Perhaps my most significant business was one which my wife, Fidelma and I saved from insolvency. We turned it around and floated it on AIM having built it up to an annual turnover of £25M, employing 400 people with 2500 shareholders. We exited in 2013. I maintain business interests and am currently a non-executive director of a fully quoted VCT and a RegTech company. We live in the City during the week and have four grown up children, all working in London, and three grandchildren. In 2012 I was elected as Alderman for the Ward of Aldgate, I have a passion for flying, especially old aircraft, and sailing. My mother livery company is the Woolmen, where I was Master three years ago. Fidelma has her own consultancy and is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers.

Fidelma and I are really looking forward to our year and our the principal targets, apart from progressing the Guild in general, are threefold:

• To create an internal market place for the skills and services of our Freemen via a web portal

• To raise sufficient funds in the charity to London Business School © Shutterstock enable progress to the next stage – probably via a charity bond issue, and: Tuesday 2nd October saw a packed lecture hall at London Business School for another fantastic Ask an Entrepreneur evening conducted by The Guild of • To use the Raleigh 400 events to promote Entrepreneurs. the Guild both in the UK and in the US. The first two are fairly obvious however Raleigh In this event, the 3rd of the series, we were treated to a rare insight into why Cash is King in business from Freeman John Davies, CEO of JLG Group PLC 400 is not, so let me tell you a bit more about and with a history from over 60 other businesses. this. There are three elements: I am proposing to form a committee within the So many revelations, tips and tricks kept everyone in the room, no matter what the stage of business development, fully attentive and reviewing their own Guild to manage potential events around this understanding of what clearly is the key to running a successful business. The object of the Raleigh 400 celebrations is • The past – new research by Queen Mary’s and would be pleased to hear from anyone to promote bilateral relations between the UK University of London on the exploits of Raleigh interested. More can will be found on the our and US together with a major emphasis on We were taken on a journey from attributing everything in your business a cash value, measuring and monitoring how that impacts on your cash flow through and his connection with the City of London and soon to launch website (when it is completed!) to the many examples of how cash flow is the key to keeping a business going. You didn’t dare blink. education under the theme of ‘Entrepreneurship the Plantation of Virginia. The BBC has already at in International Trade’, thereby acknowledging commissioned a programme on this element. Raleigh’s significant contribution to both This was all brought to life by Chandan of Parallel AI and Monique of Fineazy, two LBS guest businesses who brought their financial challenges on stage for Email: [email protected] John to evaluate and offer up possible go forward scenario’s. entrepreneurship and trade. I am a descendent • The present – bringing together business of Sir Walter Raleigh, who was beheaded 400 leaders and senior politicians from both sides of All seamlessly facilitated by Founding Freeman, Barnaby Wynter, who threw in a comment or two. With introductions to LBS from Jeff Skinner, Executive years ago in October 2018, and the originator of the Atlantic to further develop UK-US relations. the event. A committee of senior businessmen, Director of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and The Guild from Master Elect Peter Hewitt, the extended networking afterwards reflected on a great evening had by all. teachers and academics has been formed to • The future – use a major education festival manage the events, which will commence in to inform students of all ages on both sides of October 2018 and last for one year. Thank you to the excellent attendance by Freemen at this event and Eva Negrutzi at LBS for her magnificent organisational skills. The LBS students the Atlantic of our common heritage, as well as appreciated it. our shared tradition of entrepreneurship and wealth creation. By Founding Freeman Barnaby Wynter 44 45 The Court & Officers

At the Election Court held on 19 July 2018 the following were elected to serve as Officers of the Guild from 28th November 2018:-

Master: • Peter Lionel Raleigh Hewitt JP

As Senior Warden: • Richard Paul Lowe

As Middle Warden: • Lars Bendik Andersen

As Junior Warden: • Judy Hadden

Past Masters 2018-19 • Lee Robertson (Immediate Past Master) • Kate Jolly

Court Assistants 2018-19

• Sarah Davis (Chair of Education)

• Gary Dixon

• Judith Donovan (Chair of PRIME, Church Liaison)

• Shernaz Engineer (Chair of Membership) • Neil Fullbrook

• Rupa Ganatra

• Mark Huxley (Chair of Communications & Events)

• Jenny Hogan

• Ronan Kearney

• Alderman Alastair King

• David Mellor

• Neil Partridge (Chair of Awards, Archivist and Trustee Board Member)

• Tom Simmonds

• Fiona Taylor

• Ian Taylor (Chair of Finance, Hon. Treasurer)

• Pippa Watmough (Chair of Sponsorship)

• Stephen Wheatley

46 47 Editorial team: Court Assistant Jenny Hogan, Court Assistant Neil Fullbrook, Court Assistant Mark Huxley, Court Assistant Stephen Wheatley, Freeman Spirit de la Mare, Freeman Elizabeth Hunt, Founding Freeman Edna Kissmann

Designer Jake at

All photographs © Jonathan Cherry 2018, except where specified.

The Guild makes no charge to its members for Jonathan’s digital images, but the Guild and Jonathan Cherry should always be credited if Guild of Entrepreneurs, Drapers’ Hall, using any of these images publicly. Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DQ Properly accredited usage in good faith is almost always OK, but if you would like more Facebook: Guild-of-Entrepreneurs-London Tel: 020 3126 4924 formal guidance on acceptable use please Twitter: G_Entrepreneurs Email: [email protected] contact the Clerk’s Office. LinkedIn: #GuildofE Web: