YOURWCALSOURCE$1.00 .More -f'- than -f.- Job .0 ¡n help Uflítíes N J - N T\TTTT'Q LibrarYPistriCt o. NUes public -4 I ' 1LdLI'L) . SERVING OUR. R 6960OaktOflStreet fo. Nues, 111ifl0 60714 o HERALD -SPECiì%IU(847)663_1234 RIONERRRESSPUBUCATIO '1' Photo by Aason Erin Metrick, ñght 6, hunts for Easter eggs with other ckiktren at the Golf View Recreation Center's Easter egg hunt in NUeS on Saturday Page 3 .DIERSII Our series exploring Oakton stops in the Skokie's Northlight Theatre announoes street's "string section." Page 51 2008-09 season. Page Bl From ' Here toaCareer Free health care career information session: Q;?O2tt!.O9 .ir 8311M Pharmacy Technician/The Aseptic £SIQ M8t1tE; 318fldtQL)o S11H Pharmaceutical Preparations Program .1_8m ¿4I1 3I19flc 9B1IM Tuesday, March 25 L000000 ci003 t'I92ci* 5 p.m., Room P103, Skokie Campus OO-3iU1 i-3xcx Reserve your place today by calling 847.635.1629. 7701 N. Lincoln Ave., Skokic * Oakton Th000dcy,MarrhUO,t500w13 2 Thu'udoy,Mureh2O,2Oab.. APioneurPrees PubIu1uu A Pioeoaer ToeSa Pobtloatlwn MANAG4IIGEDSTOHI MIASTe Weqeen eoee.g.e.e904e.,b0edT005e 1(840)696-3548 A5 I A . L I News . - s s s - ;sii- 7,- : II o El! tn ad - Cassroorfl cut-ups - !ornetuleteC000tit!00 lido .tT '"5 U ate tp to oome staybuolt055. T' -' CliokintotSsi!uittea - - - I IO - r - comely this etolO undo! - - 'EsoantatyyaerOf' el eecOtplOerntItERbolt ÌOOGOODTO LASTO 'MANOR PEROT' LOCATION! ONE OFOUR BESTOFFERINGS! AREAL DEAL! JoPUSIdI 1P8ANPo04PaPoShO LOAN] Oprnb 95k USAN IsIt MoMorbo Gnau..Oew Uobog! Supet cuetos 115E told bid! MaSo! Oteo..iPu at An EbaluT SoponcIO 3112 bat! 2bulutao SIgI PLO MalltppnpuSPtto&09595 pe. Mano95 910lt nel ooJl Oleo h lap no,BLOdw/anOooddciIiphlfftgo3dsbgoruScidud! Mo&uEUeuuoboPa5W/IAkflMA3la9wOL&k att 090 099 lull 03956251MAli nl &LOMASEU-A eldoul osOS p9004 atoan &Iuthnugtaut&ntuigntrlowinttyntLa000d-H ulitgno'".GtAw/uuuffeost9ksb&boE-k bell. LOan, OP Ptno PIllIST couPa OIt9500 loupe 5M P wi,int DqIeLOO pad. SMAltoIabu]to,w/,nulous 3 bu & 25cl bathe. tunantas! has uOaApsSbA blHisMibonlw/]EStncrost,bStuIbuIV &sçff000 01 255. 0ent02042 lMipsielu Onkel: 3et, odlluo, 199 uop AlcOA & test!usuan, bu bath & thuntsy/10115SOothed gelaqe & u5ou OAnitt/dhb, aute!031p1 & eluMo Fu'EUS yowl SCRAMBLING t1ATa,bupepe0060PutAN.. 93993 POj 3335MouenrnlueldHae USTSuFLOD&0tt60 5399's wANpuOlAlPidgaMo........................33503 FOR EGGS 11069eR eeneeeble toeEsOtIA (Mi BOIT VIER Rooee0010S CooBO°O EASteR TeneeM lee BOleo oolola' --- ClIldernen p.eet tie. moneteN -°° VMileotldeNthneeOd69ee ' nedtOtHeOdeEROObomnot tien taoter Teu.eeey 501150M ealLulOMltl0000011000050PHEn 500A0010odHOWPLACAI RASTE OFFER! "BRIAHWOOD VISTA" COLONIAL! PICTURE PERFECT! elle!! Mutton Gravn.,.Fubulaus S too Condo ¡o SolitO ale MaTa! &uw...Abe000dy RAteo pefuts 00 Oos'MI...AboiMo pltMoa tUtore CANA30Mlau Mall 0reoo.,SIt4 Demo & sl CoDeen Lei! multiplex LeitSAneA!4+ MpeLes&21ff ITeANUDeIw La99ste CoaseleeLooa001t Peo! tuante. 20 Lsetg ow s 1tu,10160id Mit LOAeytrnmth04Tewpssfl baal 20136105tO 5 alIAs 01009PTa! LitiO 00 wfEW St011e & 59LO. make summerIndian-owned hs&3 1,2 wt latte SooùanAnien(porlo & Poanb 1090 en pANI elUSa! will celtAs OASI 'Courseaims to no + aleo&a100n5102lIrE MAN11eMo S be'°? a?ao o ale 00ff IDee duuretoU lui ow &eMAno sMi 441000011091 laSto b! wl&aloi wit-a s41olO & pmtaatseallw. Hatiaseal Mp 009036w! pbwrnO51wAlaethuANyad.2aSESOsolpoA9om lUDIon tu 2ff beieon&spe& quintoppenfloarr0000atu &aSPffMAVseowATlapePd balo. 559095 buttO eSa! res STaAT, osA SAT peed & excitement Golf Glen 1200tPelad&SalDeaPy....................14150Mo Paulo oaw& watel 5204900 W/w590ThPk2llAtpow/9110900509, AN'SLOd51yAaI95P55IDeJ5M ....RettAN&ANo sizzle withscience chain torehab otrac&aoeO delays, a Kerr- _J' weeoodd000iddehae'e' ohe the Snot throoegto dolad Io ather deveiwpment By KATHY ROUTLWFE goodenieuelade "Btago Bat- By TONY BERTUCA an grocery store aseched- auld, "Tatoue eon eloMA00ER nowa, efreohFermo gro- loo o!lit!e@pi000wttoSaLCOm lthe!tueulpeiOoeeltocet corn etod ta open on March25 orourthctheireaeadomo000 terfilee oead Morta" "Scseooca ree-O sturowill ucrapytho and Arto" eod"Reuohloo' on suad 550cy eitemaeotuahau& eeiao'aOunauth former Grand Mart otte n Assi Place, If olementueP school etto- The otte ofthe former for eleenentery esod noidato the Starui' Pajot Placo shoppangero- Balk, a opokeew00000S 004010- GoIf-l3l93 TheateronlO dents can cuenTa tOse Older stuodento 000ff tor, 5749 W, 'FoolayAne,, Iftace Brothoro the00055- ee000letodeettta 90500cr oso Several asseoofsei00000f00000 e15agthaa00auelltehooeea000eut100p 000eOTaO lobear to Ootmun's officereported er wonOaiogouilhlljgbouehanl Bollywood made theo4ern t3,ofieeoeTe0sb05" lheeooMoeeehwobte3bge Grand Mort closed oIS e store, ce aAsee &eoehers901dattodoMom - idaiphyAN,00athe' otnesedhyoeaeoïlaedia3' doorS in Miles tant yeor ALOTFORAUTILE! BUILD2HOMES-ASK$54535l BETHEARSTTO ENJOVI. ALñCO&A LOWPRICEII - f9wgitaeeodevelopeeo - Morket, nadO occopythe th050eslmer,N'ff00Thto00 haeator,hetenYmOd05l00' rnSPOP armsp eu !9w,..b,lrno4,k7nolANPaPaakliLaoMd3 Metan Onus... Rued O PI! TInO t AHI O Ois gwto Mulot Ooue...Baft w 2995-2 eloplOwo hotos PDeOJ pnnooan bas.. Fco'lato Coba*ì.' UpMioo dEa heno IoDas doe to faillaIS salrs rae- neat turnst wosetue. Mela Toan, Ike SuIe. entoule, 01d5thItoSelsaelDtLO0t asta ole former Sports As&2MbeTu HATIpatHal Miltkbllnpw0100Mi opuurIuo30 lt cow at'leDe Motta! Ornate'Mo teptOl9efeedereleeneettheYfiyodsSappe0'00atP55., anar, Befors being Tostaonout100llanto pidauoeoASy95eopadthLO LANoso 930990124 92 Solad At /puasd ontlOySOPPP & OtOdOIl000 000v Eh AoutharOtY and os the loot APRO /nnato 50es ad lto5asohe bsqT 0h10laMo 219 cocaba aowsideo' ito 90alOg09ge'mba0'5tm meeonooPopolareeieeuee - Adlate T Geond Merl locattaus. the yod. Lupe ItaLO 959010 0910 wtouoto battu StornO can MdMdwO&aslluwaotnolule2tnnwu! EalulSO/tuont &Hakkoled phanenin tAT H4M 0s105 no allApasltho, Loath 00 - of four planned °:b- ete5CaCao auU 2bo°2t/2 bathe 2td lo -pewgOuaa0500000009' - ayrvdneeUeoeuehuS pany,' weo seen peAN 'rnAeelAe4LO,IbrnnyoaeuOaidos,hetau & is4thu&21,2lls,CAue&SPckbieuPEMopnaypalc,/nlastaS roaothtbtw,2ath &wdk-inutente. Fut beosweot 00ANAnal0OPataLewMA5OVIlOeto95O the 14099 "asod they were at r o S9wS0eqoere-foot spare - toegioteoti000forOP'Sbs Assi Place's cedevelol, .....................51344Mo 0cuo5lewtptO0op&2IStle&OEI0iSlylltLatT * 2nDeuetedgoupoOea00toI5 ...............9360,550 bu09epebaPaMt.hidubaloeld]l...............304Mo ,50SToajpANmOtheeoallus housed a CUB Foods, p10 vrryoappcaetive( W'aan Ossu- clog SSeesc0000rOalanene' 000w'yteethorPrwoad000aTan no 15h 0 AupohesmeO for Bre meat, 50h00 Brethers, visit our website www.century2lmarino,com Od nataL gs.10otwoeebawfene000 ejes "NumhSos-" - Shot which owas OAr 122,000- - Salas alno un000wcad montaoaroet, setfor Sueco sqaorefoetd0v09oPmesot aaiesoee&eádoeeoOad leudo RegtuteOti000aegaew tloagrondOPe00000fa 16-20 and JusoUul-27,ta050500 ApHIwoOtli000tTaebo06- t)teolu0005w000tchtnthbo Rod d I t d 133 000s0tuore-b01t h co onnoonced plans to ApeilSt. - inteon6enhO.lu12,eL1e/MA held atNï!eoNorthth1 t e Hum oro 500e005 wholesale mall lot6330W. bso Id'a h ot spa, a- restau- Teocheoo and udoomoeo- scheduted moesohaol/,Q0e0tO0e' from oto to Ove,actordtng Toshy Ace, wan rentando bote! there tnutoe'S hove workadfor oboetewgistO.Otaonmuffboe $dw,andonilhlseinthe aloe- to informatiooreleased fo j n 056mon's ofSce also about u peer totarac000tnrsea nosntheoowotodebtomo- dirre&edtottsbD'mheetOOO by Charles Ostmofl,diroc- Steve o, spobesmuco annauncad that Sweat oad Iluso den0000t tuarue0 sunomernehoolufthce,(PIU sold the rolled'm moreoleog0000OawO tar of cummooitydeval- tor thee Sales, Howe Poredahingswill fur SlooPS SoeeomerSta- 6265S60,lhoOPle0,'90P' howc to oohuololeonOSe ereto apmeot. opone would be 0000 occupythe former DlsteiOtSl9 Scc0000e gotoso oeodorhoblap author- show- aorta attonaLAlie001tsd 00000010er of thhavesh Patel, 35 tenuoto, offering blomemuheco Furniture in Dirootor LuteWtenco!oalaa uwsataoO0qaeStao0oYta tory for neholaouohiPSad&Ta scoli- spokeomun for AdlabS, rooms Sulle f Swoon Shopping eOasl Wsosto,netdut las- the Four Flogs alois iorfowi&esinwANat 0000ld not borrachod for ratatlecs to pucoheno. "We uil nhaeo tise Smote adMos4leoho,kl5,tEMoer Aftec months of con- Cooler. fiaanc'odaOOiolOOtcta cemment. (847) 967-5500 aldldreO0tth0fb0tO co&(w47t656-Pat3 ,,ta! nowe!oo!oedtLWto clOs1oofuryo0°° ItesosoOno reo col tnt 100e 05e.Sles!Iee nu cuota tereLOsOOdatOO oie nonos, "Our 35th Year" lao!ue00000n0055t005005000150 Osu adorno000005alO lieu ThsromteY, Mere h piecareli7!5FmhidslD 4 Thuradap March 20, 2008 APi000er Preen Pahlieel'run emphasize I Exercises - strength,flexibility www.pioneerlocal.com Starters one set. Restfosos TummiReyaSmis,d community health capen minute, then doe of second set. SPRING MOVIE PREVIEW PRAIRIE TABLE from tho Unioeraitlo 011iazis Eatensisn, recom- Bill Kstisosilrason his nèw coalobtOk WSll golpes Brace Ieogsnaaa pieNo higbRghto among pont-Oneosi mend s sonorol exercises Knee curl leeltto5fuiolagnns-lèd belt - is'e-aasncsaerasavie eldasbs° poopfe muy dz ut Hold onto a sturdy brome ix stoy in shopo. choir Vor balance. See Diversions. PaOe B4 See Food, pego M) Toe stands Blewly t-silo theheob of 00e f001 toward INDEX Hold 0ntoastardy choir soncos ter tap the buttocks, bonding only at the hare, Broccoli, back flipswowcrowd CLASSIFIED OOVEROOINO Cl MOVIE REVIEW 14 for buboace, Pause, thenslowly CROSSWORD 822 OBISLFRIES MO Slowly noise yauruelf y005r lower Ihr legbank tu. DIVERSIONS
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