RANK REGISTER „ liivri Wlskir, Snttnd H Bwond-Cla.a lUMtr •« tb* .VOLUME LI, NO. 8. offlte it B*d Bunk. M. •». andtr tb« let at Muth I. lilt. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1928. $1.50'PER YEAR PAGB3S 1 SAFE ON THE OTHER SIDE. POSTPONED FOR A YEAR. COLT'S NECK HARVEST HOME. WILL LAY CORNERSTONE. out* Mahn. and William Schloadtr MEMORIAL HALL IN USE. Annual Event of Reformed Church CONTROVERSY OVER SAND| SEABRIGHT CHURCH F S Afternoon and Tonight. 1EREMONIES AT. THE NEW , on » Tour in Europe/ .UMSON'S NEW MUNICIPAL ROAD PROJECT CALLED OFF PORTMONMOUTH SHORE FOLKS METHODISTS'. BAZAR TO The annual harvest home of the : ; MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL. Postal cards and letters have been BUILDING COMPLETED. FOR THE SEASON. UP IN ARMS. HELD NEXT WEEK. • :|fe: :; --j: :;.'TW3i^EEi^;-;^^; j.- •ccelved'from Louis Mahns of East Reformed church of Colt's Neck will Red B*nk Merchants Ca-ap»r«tln( in Th.y Will ba Heid~Frlday Afternoon 'ront street and William Schioeder First Meeting of the Commiiiionen Changei ini Route of Proposed-Road be held this afternoon and tonight. Application by Barrett & Small for It Will Take PUc7"on August »*» •t Fl»» Q'Clock >t tba Hot.l Prop- $;»le. v.Ejfi-aHrl^im^B««»g bio for lha Delay—Keon Diiap- Sand Arouses Big Protest—Hear- s ' Spoi-}ior«d by the Red Bunk Cham- any on Rlyeriide Arknua— fe arrival in Europe. Mr. Mahhs —Building is the Gift of Mayor the usual features will be' in evi-; in Front af tha Church—Boolbt i Speeches,by Prominent Man. nd Mr. Schloeder, wKo are part- W. Warren Barbour. pointment Along tba Shore. dence.' The harvest home is the ing Before State Board. Will ba in the Strati. V. 'Ll(«i»>«iiJ(*.CoinmeirGermany, Holland) Swltzor- lorough hall was held- last Thursday church will beheld on Thursday; ^M oon at five o'clock with special ex- land and France. Both young men .ight. The building is the gift of ship to Atlantic Highlands .has ap- but by people from distant places. & Small, manufacturers of concrete Splendid co-operfttionha» been mani- Friday and Saturday, August 28d, ;;«| relies. Warren H. Smock, preai- parently been called off for this year. The .first suppers will be served at. blocks, from taking sand at Barrett's feited In this' salt, which W under rdered copies of The Register sent Mayor W. Warren Barbour in mem- 24th and 25th on Ocean avenue In i*% ent of the Red Bank hotel corn- A statement to this effect was made five o'clock this afternoon. : Beach at Fort Monmouth. The mem- * the auspices of th? Internal trade o them while they are away. >ry .of his parents, William and J. front of the church. Booths will be any, which owns tho hotel, will pre- to the township committee of Mid- bers of the firm of Barrett & Small relations committee of the'Red Bank idelaido Barbour. The meeting room exected in the street at the curb >da at the ceremonies. Mayor Wil- dletown township by Assemblyman are Mrs. Catherine Barrett and cnamberot commerce. : -•*-,.; : •••:,'. >f the commissioners aijd the post- They will be decorated with colored am H. R. White will deliver an ad- E, Donald Sterner last Thursday James Small. It was claimed that Unusual offorings aro being made ffice are on the first floor and rooms crepe paper. Among tho articles to iresi of welcome and he will lay the WIND DAMAGES BOATS. night. Mr. Sterner-had attended an ANNEXATION UP AGAIN. they took sand from the beach be ; by the mcrchtnU who »ri conduct- lor the borough clerk and. the''nurs- ba sold arc groceries, noveltle*, ornerstono with a silver trowel r American legion meeting at Free- low high water mark and that this ing tha sain and- It promise! to.: be iEVERAL BROKE LOOSE FROM ing association are on the second LEONARDO AGAIN AGITATED fancy articles,, toys, glassware,, which will be presented by Nathan oor. The police department is in hold and he stopped at the Middle- undermined other beach properties. plants, refreshments, etc. On Satur< on* of the moat juccesiful affair* of Harris of Newark, the architect of 'MOORINGS SUNDAY; town meeting on the way to his home BY THIS MATTER. It -was also claimed that the sand th» kind eveV iiKdorta^n by- the jo- her basement. It is one of the finest day there wilt be a sale of hoSie< ; at Belmar. tthh e bildbuilding.:i ;TherTh o "tyiilUl bbe._othe th r |-Harold 3. Allen «nd Party of Friendi municipal buildings in the county. A Public Meeting iii Favor of An- undermined the shore road at Fort made cakes, bread and pics. Bows ot 'oil-'itori.kevptrr," ••..'•,,'.•;*;.', ..-. :-v.' •• Monmouth. Those wh« fiii*/* iuuo..i" b«d to- ipeakers'and-muBi'c by a band. Forced to Remain on Rivar All ~{o formal dedicatory exercises were Mr. Sterner stated that unlike nexing That Place to Atlantic electric lights will be put up over wards the general advertising which Major General William Weigel, a Night—Sunday'* Raca PrtTentid . ield* in giving the building and most fitat£ highway measures the Highland, to be Held Wednesday The Port Monmouth folks carried the booths by Mahoney & Harvey. " It appearing in 'tho county papers 'ormer array officer, will speak about by Wind. grounds to the borough. bill for the Bay Shore project men- Night, Auguit 29th. their protest to the state board of Mrs. William Engholm is In gen<, «nd who will display Chamber of Molly Pitcher and the part which The ordinance for improving Wa- tioned the various roads of the route The project of annexing Leonardo commerce and navigation. They eral charge of tho arrangements for : The extreme heavy blow which *erman avenue, south of Grant ave- of the proposed new highway. He failed in their attempt to stop the Commerce endorsement banner*-In New Jersey played in the Revolu- itruck this -Bcctlou early Sunday to Atlantic Highlands has been re- the fair. Raymond Fary is treasurer. tlieir stores during the. sale, period tionary War, During the world war lue, was adopted Thursday night, said it had been decided to change vived and a meeting in favor of the removal of sand. . The state board Rev. Samuel R, Latham, the pastor^ morning kicked up a high sea in the rhe street will be resurfaced and the route in several places and that of commerce and navigation dis- .nr« Globe Furnishing company, Genera) Weigel was in command pf river and caused some damage to proposition will be held Wednesday ii in charge of tho advertising, an ermy corps in France and later catch basins will be installed by the to do this a new bill will have to be missed the complaint Eloomfield Fary is chairman of th# I'rown-Cooper Coj,-Ye Gem Shoppe, bqata in the fleet moored' here, night, August 20th, at the Middle- he was in command of the Depart- 'lorough, and curbing'will be laid at , The legislature will not A few months ago Assemblyman sign committee and those in chargt Davidson's, Jacob' Yanko, J, Kridel, "rank O. Grattan's large motor town township high school at Leon- ment of the East, with headquarters ;ho expense of the property owners meet until next winter and /Mr. E. Donald Sterner of Belmar took of the booths and electric lights art Robert Donovan, Scacoast Faint & miser broke loose from her moor- ardo. All the details of the meeting at Governor's Island. He has seen in that section of the street. The Sterner is of the opinion that the the matter up with tho state board Oscar Anderson, Clarence Stevehs, Supply Co,, Goldberg's, Goldfarb'B, ings and was pitched high on the east have not yet been arranged. ervice in the Philippine Islands and work will coat about $8,600. Bids new measure is not likely to go of commerce and navigation. The Edward Johnson and Albert Apple* P. T. Jiannini, I. "Voger & Sons, hore of Patterson's point The The annexationists claim they in various parts of the world. He 'or the work will be opened at the through until February. outcome was that the state board gate. Hlrsehtf Kiddie Shop,; B. Hurwitz, ioat was slightly damaged and was have made a number of converts to ,II a graduate of WeBt Point military icxt meeting of the commissioners. A general discussion took place notified Barrett & Small to stop tak- Kauffmann's, R. Hance & Sons, Al- gotten off at high water Sunday af- their cause and that they now out- Those In charge of tho varlonl 1 academy. Peter De Ponti of Red Bank was and keen disappointment was ex- ing sand from the beach. The rural bert S. Miller, Slegel's, Clayton & ternoon. Philip Green's cabin cabin number the Leonardo residents who booths are Mrs. Conrad Johnson and Magee, Hendrickson & Applcgate, Robert H. McCarter, a "former at- warded a contract to lay concrete pressed by the members of the com- want to remain in Middletown town- state police who patrol the Port Mrs. Clarence Stevens, grocerieij ruisor went ashore on Long Point; apotinn )n«t.rin-tjrl White Shoe Btorer The Silk ' shop; torney general of-New Jerseyrwill Irving iiorcmus's cabin skill This claim is disputed by^hosB" Mrs. Samuel Layton, noveltle*f-Mi turn which events had taken. It Reussille's, J- K. Brownell, Harry' (peak on topics of local interest and went on the beach in front of the Ridge road, cast of the Avenye of opposed to annexation. They say to prevent anyone from removing William Engholm and Miss Engholm/ ,'| was stated that the places.where the Weiner and J. Schwartz. the relation of the new hojel to the Dr. Field- property; Dr. William Two Rivers, and on the 'northern the annexationists may have gained sand. fancy articles^ Mrs. Wayne GarlandJ.'S,^ greatest changes in the road route In addition to tho'half-page ad- community. Aaron Sapiro, a New farce's sailboat Ripple wns forced md of Bellevue avenue. His bid some ground but that they arc still Since that time Barrett & Small toys: Mrs. Elizabeth Packer, cryiftlfSil were likely to be made were, at Port : vertisement appearing in today's 1B- York lawyer, orator and financier, rom her mooring and was sent high was $3,030.40. William Mears & far from being a majority. have applied to the state board of glass; Mrs. J. Morton Smith, cand;p|| Monmouth, Belford and Leonardo. BUO-of The, Register tailing atten- will speak for Civic Enterprises, on the-beach in front of the Twin Son of Rumson bid $4,078.00. There The withdrawal of Leonardo from commerce and navigation to be per- end plants; Mrs. Samuel R. Xatt»'(ijj The road measure as passed last 1 tion to the sale a number of merch- Inc.,' which concern promoted the Gables apartment, just escaping was a discussion regarding fieldstone Middletown township would mean a mitted six loads of sand a week am, cakes, home made bread, pies; uS -winter would make the new highway ants or firms are taking individual liotcl. "rom hitting the apartment pier; the gutters for Bellevue avenue in place loss of $1,250,000 in tax valuations from the beach. A hearing on the Mrs. John Lindsay, ice cream;>KW^ pass over the draw-bridge over spaces for their stores, putting be- In connection with the laying of :anvas cover on Pierre A. Proal's if concrete, the objection to the lat- to the township. The matter was matter is scheduled to be held be- Oscar Anderson, soft drinks.: S;r''i)i^ Compton's creek at Belford. This fore the readers of The Register ;he cornerstone by the mayor, the ipeedboat Peter Fan was ripped off by er being its appearance. It was discussed informally at the meeting fore the state board next Monday. 1 bridge is often open for long periods ip'eclal 'Offerings for the three-day directors of tho hotel have decided he high wind; Francis Egan's cabin jgreed, however, that concrete was of the township committee last A number of Port "Monmouth folks LEONARD ROSE ARRESTED.';:,^ to allow boats to pass through, and period beginning tomorrow. , tc invite three people chosen at ran- acht Never Mind dragged her an- more, economical and gave better Thursday night. Up to the present have been circulating a petition ask- it is probable that the route will be dom from the audience to assist in chor more than an eighth of a mile ervice. time the committee has not taken ing the state board to -refuse to Red Bank Man HeldJn Beit to Awaji^i changed to eliminate the bridge. :he laying. As this Is an enterprise as did a number of- small craft. Permission was granted to the sides in the matter. grant the application. The petition Grand* Jury Action. i.-V'^IS AERO CLUB BUYS A PLANE. has been signed by more than 300 Leonard Rose of Mechanic BtreeV;^ which is of interest and benefit to Rbwboats were swamped and a Long' Branch steamboat company to It was said at the meeting that It has always been taken for persons. Red Bank, bought a diamond rinj'ig A Waco Airship Coiling Over $3,000 the whole community, it seems only number of them went adrift. The use thf borough dock as a landing the most feasible way to do this granted at Leonardo that the people from a New York firm a short tfal» ' " Bought by Red Banker!. fitting that the members of the com- arge float of the Monmpjtth boal place for a steamboat line bqtween would be to cut the road' through of Atlantic Highlands were virtually A delegation of Port Monmouth 'The Red Bank Aero club bought munity should participate in some club was caught in the, wash of the Rumson and New York. This mat- the Halliday property, At Belford unanimous in favor of annexation-, residents attended the meeting of ago on the installment plan..-> the road would pass through a large price of the ring w8a $78.76.;...... _ a new Waco airplane last week. The definite way in the cornerstone lay- heavy sea. Two of the large piling ter had been left in the hands of the It is now claimed by the anti-annex- the township committee lost Thurs- area of salt meadow land bordering price of the plane was $8,146 and ng exercises. Each of the threo per- on which the float is buoyed, were dock committee with power to act ationists at Leonardo ttat this is not day night and they exhibited the pe- Rose paid a down payment of |T, Raritan Bay. This land is now un- : it is one of the latest models. It can sons asked to assist will be presented washed from underneath and one of When- a request for permission to the case. They say there is a strong tition. They asked' the township for the ring and received a'eon*;™,, used, but it is anticipated that with be fitted with facilities to land * on with a silver trowel as a souvenir the pilings was sent ashore near itop at Rumson was made at the undercurrent of opposition at Atlan- committee to pass a resolution op- ditional bill of sale for it Latwifp the opening of the road it would be either water t>r land. It arrived al oi the occasion. In order to make "Opal's boatworks by the high wind. last meeting there was no definite tic Highlands to the proposition. posing the removal of sand so that bought an overcoat, valued afc $60«-l filled in and divided into building Red Bank by freight and/It has: al- the selection of the mayor's assist- Harold S. Allen had a party ou declaration by the boat company However, the officials of Atlantic the state board would know that the from Samuel Berkowitz of Moil*-, lots. ready been assembled. It is being ants perfectly fair , and without n his yacht Eldorado Saturday hat boats would be operated be- Highlands are a unit in favor of an- township officials are backing them mouth street. Red Bank, aodgavi;*, kept at the Alrvicw flying field. favor, tickets are being distributed night and they were force'd to heave ween Rumson and New York this Mr. Sterner stated that If the bill nexation. in their action. The request was Mr. Berkowitz the ring'as security,'! -widely through the merchants of the The new plane will be for the ex- to under the lea of the Middletown ar. had not named the roads of the granted and a copy of the resolution Mr. Rose did not pay any mbr**;' town and othors. Each ticket \vi! clusive use of club members and the shore until the sea and wind sub- Complaints regarding the Rumson route the changes which are desired was given to the delegation to show on the ring., After a short ^i bear a number and the numbers will THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.. piloting of the airship will be con ilded. Robert S. Johnson went to hand laundry were.aired at the meet- could have been made without pass- to the state board. The members the firm from which he bought "" be drawn by lot tv determine whi fined to members of tho club who Mr. Alton's assistance early Sunday ing. Several persons in the vicinity ing a new measure. He said this Red Bank Organization Iiiues Four- of the delegation were Samuel Mar- ling took it from Mr. Berk 1 shall receive the honor. Tickets may are capable* tat"•lwrndllng a plane, morning, taking raincoats affd' flesh of; the laundry had. complained to had been done in a. number of. in- Page Bulletin. tin,-William Clark, Henry Fox, and "had Mr.* Rose-* arrested?__ be obtained, from any merchant o stances when state highways .were James Leone and Jacob Hoefling. Eight members- ore qualified for thi: milk to the party. Captain Andrew the borough clerk that they were The Chamber of Commerce of charge of-malicious 'action,,, by applying at the Holly Fitche built in other parts of the state. The Assemblyman Sterner was at the position. Due to the high cost o: S. White with his large cabin cruise: annoyed by the odor of wash water Red Bank, through its secretary, fraud for disposing of property ( Grill on Riverside avenue, new road is to be paid for by an ap- meeting. He is chairman of the ! running the airship no lessons in Olivia B., Otto Bcutell in his sea n wells and by soft coal soot from George H. Murdoch, has issued a ered by a conditional bill of i !JV71 propriation by the Monmouth county riparian committee of the assembly. piloting a plane will be given on the After the cornerstone has been going cruiser Sea Pup and Charlc ;he laundry. Robert White, president four-page bulletin which was sent Mr. Berkowitz had Rose anested-rOM^ board of freeholders and the state He stated that he would attend the club's new Waco. laid a flag for use at the hotel will Irwin, Jr., in a large sea skiff wdrc of the board of health, stated that out Monday to all the members of a charge of obtaining merchandof^ highway commission is to reimburse hearing next Monday and aid the ; Four new* members were taken in be presented by Joe Humphreys o out Sunday morning cruising abou the water had been inspected by the the chamber. Tho bulletin carries under false pretenses. •.*..• •/isifjlp the freeholders later. Port Monmouth folks who are trying at last Wednesday night's meeting Fair Haven. The flag will be sym- ready to render assistance to those state board of health and that due in its columns the complete list of Last week Rose was given a hetNjJi who might need" it. to the presence of chlorine in the to stop the removal of sand. ing before Justice Charles R.'iDi.y at the Airview flying field. The new bolical pf Molley Pitcher. Mr. Hum: officers and standing committees and water disease germs could not breed • • m FoxwelTand ho was released la;$iijjfL members are James Elkus and Jud- phreys is having it made fromnhi: TROOPS ON MARCH. a resume of what has been done- by The high wind and heavy sea bail on each chjpg\to await, action,<|| son Vaughn of Red Bank, C. Frank own design especially for this pur n the wells. He said the water was the chamber in the short time of its DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEET1NC. caused a postponement of the weekly not a menace to health. Two Detachment* Camp at Little of the grand juryjfcenlsei He^^JsT Borden of Shrewsbury and Pau pose. Capt Charles P. Irwin has sailbdat'race under the auspices of existence. 1 made a gift of a flagpole from which Of those who had complained Silver on Way to Camp Dix. Felix Santangelo Elected to Head Bank was hlsf>ondsniin In both:'' Morehouso.of Keypor't. The club the Monmouth boat club Sunday The officers and committees are as membership has now reached 180, the Molly Pitcher flag will be flown, about the laundry Mrs. Harold Pet- Two detachments of regular army John J. Quinn Club. morning. The boat captains anc poke follows: " • ' The meeting nights have been The pole will be accepted during I" their crews were ready to get thei: orrf was tho only person who ._ troops arc making a four-day march The John J. Quinn Democratic aieremonies. against the laundry. She sail she this week, the destination being President—Robert 3. Johnion. changed'i to the first and third boats underway but the race was First Vice President—Daniel U. Apple. club of Red Bank met for the first "THE LOVE GARDEN.»'#|f|i Wednesday nights of each month, The foundation of tho hotel, i: had no fault to find with the water, CarAp Dix. The leading column as- gate. Jr. time last Wednesday night at the called-off in order to prevent any Show to be Given for the Ban«8tof * nearly completed,. In a few days th< but she did protest against the soot, sembled at Fort Hancock .yesterday Second flee president—Maurice Schwartz River street school. More than 160 damage to the .craft or any injurj Atlantic Highlands Library, ;^ erection of the steel and brick wall Senator William A. Stevens, the bor- and the second column formed there Treasurer—Kenneth H. McQueen.' club members attended the meeting ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. to those manning the boats. : will begin and it is expected thai ough attorney, stated that in the today. Tho first over night camp Secretary—George H,- Murdoch. and officers were elected. Felix San- "The Love Garden," 'a mu4aL|| Mis. Edith S. Gett7 to Wed Rolston within a few weeks the outer wall case where soft coal soot becomes a will be made at Little Silver tonight. DIRECTORS. tangelo of West Red Bank was elec- comedy of three acts, will be glVjW^i Trip to the Pacific. general nuisance it could be stopped The second camp will be at Freehold Robert S. Johnson, Harold S. Allen, Dan- Waterbury of Red Bank. will have been completed and the iel H. Applefrate, Jr., Thomas lrvtnK ted president and was appointed to on Thursday and Friday nights, Ail- '" At a tea-dance Saturday aftor- roof will be on. The building wil Miss Mao Voorhecs of Belforc by an injunction, but it would be and the third at Imlaystown. On Brown, J. II. G. Dannenhauer. Bradley M. represent the club at a picnic in cel- Kust 30th and 81st, in the Atlantja ;• jioon Mr. and Mrs. William TAIan be finished early next year. and Miss Helen Hcrzog of Brooklyn necessary for more than one person the march the! troops will carry their Fischer, Abraham M. Kridel, Kenneth II. ebration of William L. Dill day at Highlands high echool auditoriuM. ^ who are employed in the New Yori to make a complaint about the soot full field equipment. McQueen, Frank F. Merrltt, George H. Mur- New Providence on September 9th. for the benefit of the library auo-V; Getty of Little Silver Point an- The former residence of Burto doch, George D. Stine, Maurice Schwartz, nounced the engagement- of the! C. Downing, which stood on the site office of the Erie railroad, returnee to call it a general nuisance. Mr. The other officers are: ciation of that place. Reheariali. Thursday from (heir annual month'i William A. Snerner. daughter," Miss Edith Smlly Getty, of the,hotel, has been moved acroBi Pilling said, he had used soft coal Arrested for Reckless Driving, COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL TRADE. Vice president—Salvatore Cuasumanq, were started last week under the dl-> f *; vacation, which they spent this yea: since January. He said it cost $8.50 rection of Prof. R. p. Skllling, CWMft'j? to Rolston W,aterbury of Red Bank. Riverside, avenue to the lot where William V. Westcott of Mctuchen J. H. Q, Dannenhauer, chairman; J. G. Financial secretary—Joseph Lima. Mr, Waterbury is tho son of Mr. Mr. Downing's garage stood. The on a trip to the Pacific coast. The; _ ton and was the best soft coal he Cooper, Irving Davidson, Peter Forbes, S. Recording secretary—James Claxis. poser of the "how. He will be «**•*; was fined $10 and costs last Thurs- Organiser—Stephen Morrlcl. and Mrs. Robert A. Waterbury. Thi house and the garage have been con enjoyed stop overs at Yellowston could buy. He Enid he is unable to Kauftmsn. Harry Kohn. O. W. LefkowlU. sisted by Mrs. Skilllng. '. '^tfy park and at the Grand Canyon, find any trace of soot in his laundry. day morning by Justice Charles R. Harry Vogel, Jacob Yanko. Sergeant-at-arms—RafTael Santangelo. engagement party was given at the nccted by a covered passageway D. Foxwell of Red Bank for reckless Trustees—Anthony Palmier!, John Gta- All of the cast has not yet b«i ' side trip was made to Catallna Is COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC FUNCTIONS. none. Francesco Lopresto, Frank Mante- home of Miss Getty's grandparents, Tho house will bo used as a restau- 'An application from Walter Neu- driving of the state highway' near selected, Principal parts will' B#.?* Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Getty. Tho nous rant and it will be known as land and to Tia Juana, Mexico. hauser for a job as caretaker of the Daniel H. Applegate, Jr., ehalrmln; H. cln), Joseph Lentlnl. , taken by Mrs. Walter J. Robert!, ;; Middletown. Weatcott was arrested W. Dobblm, Albert W. Worden, Jr. was attractively decorated witl Molly Pitcher Grill. It will b. new borpugh hall was referred to A committee was appointed to Mrs. Irene Loux Smith, Mils , each. Prown-Coopcr Co., 6,10 an Rtverview Clubhouse and Boathous Lewis Specialty Shop, 61 Broai' plaining about drain water from the in your hhomo ; speciaill sprini g and ners and suppers a la carte. Danc- weights 3ft to 4 pounds and G to 7 summer prices. Screens dice, —Advertisement. % 1.00 store.—Advortlsemont . open for club meetings, privato pa; street, Red Bank.—Advertisement. road collecting on his property. A pounds. We ship by parcel post C. s, full ing. Jo. Woodward and his Havana ties, outings, etc. 138 Rlversid discussion was held regarding the 16 mesh bronze, dressed to sizei , at orchestra. Phono Long Branch 1743. avenue,,opposite Conover's factory O. D., or you can call for them here $2.50. with hardware, Jersey Metal *7,900 Will Bay Six-Room HMIM, Radio—Orlhop'honlc. Juitlca of Iba Paaci. drainago problem nt this point and nt our farm. Visitors welcome. —Advertisement. Sleeping porch, garage, .all Im- Just received the first of the no* Phono 178. Red Bank, Fred Frivol Criminal and civil cases give: Goorgo K. Allen, tho borough engi- Weatherstrip Co., phono Red Bank pi-oprioloi.—Advertisement. Blntchlcy Bros,, East Freehold, N. J, 1107.—Advertisement Top Soil, Fill Dirt, provementa; located 04 Harding tnodoli In combinations—radio >n< prompt and careful attention. Oi neer, was instructed to mako a sur- Phono 808-F-3.—Advertisement. road, Red Bank. Owner, leaving, >m i m flee open from 7:00 A. M. until 0:0 grading of nil kinds, alio roadways vlctroln. Beautiful cabinet, ox vey and draw provisional plans to town, compelled to saorlftce. Can M t)uliito tone, priced within roach o; Turkey Dinners P. M. dally except Sunday. Gllboi Save Sho.s, Monay, Tlm«. built; Lakowood sand, waahotl gra- served Wednesdays and Saturday remedy tho trouble. Mr, Allen said Every Wadneidiy Nl|ht Go to II. Bclgrnd's modern shoe vel, slag, cinders, bluo stone. Prices fieri morningi or evitnlngi aiterTlOO •II. An Ideal buy, Hear It al Tun- M. Keith, 2 Wnllaco strcot, Re la Victor night at Tustlng't, Mon V. M. Phono 134-R, Rod Bank.-. ting's, 10 Monmouth street.—Ad at tho Coiy Comer Ton Roam. Wi Bank, next to Western Union.—A that a storm sewer running through repairing shop nt No. 4 Whllo itrcct, reasonable Howard O. Hoiovolt, mouth etrcot, near Broad strcot. Red Bunk, just around tho corner phono 1685, Red Bank.—Advertise- Advert licment vertlscmont always have a variety to choos vcrtlacmcnt. tho Borden and Pnrtnly properties Radios, rolls, orthophonlo victrolas. from. Phone Red Bank 1586,— to a lako In Tarmly park wns the from Broad street. That's where ment. Vliltlng Chiropodist. records and pro-omlncnt makes oi you get good work, quick work nnd Slelnway Planet. ' . *7,900 Will Buy Six-Room ,Hou»i Advertisement^ only solution. ' uprlRTit and grand plunos, Bring Naturally, you would oxpuot to Sleeping porch, garage, nil Im Dr. Frances Cooko Caller wl pR a rei\aonablo prices Advertisement. Fur Slori|e, Don* Walt mako appointments by telophona 1 tthh e fifamill y tonight.—Advcrtlio I'lftco your valuable fura in Vo- find tho Stelnway at Tuatlng'i, for , prqvcmcnti; located 04 llardln Loit Tuaiday Afternoon, only, standard, known values art elf*1 ro»'il, Red Bank. Owner, leivjn until your tutomobllo goes do come to you when nocdrd. Tel ment. L. Richmond, Antlqua!. pel's cold air storage vault for nbso- Have your Ignition checked at D. A phone Entontown 100-M, be two e Auiruit 7th, white Senlylmm dog, on Into protection. Phono Red Bank rlcd. Therefore, all gutsa work ll ' , town, compelled to laorlficc. Can b Littlo Silver Point, collar marked Whon (ihopiiUiL- itop at 111 Broad eliminated at Tutting't, 18 Mon-; ««on morning! or svonlngi aftor 7)0 Johnson , Co.'s, 16-17 Mechank SiOO P. M. and 10:00 P. M.—Advo: Radio—Tuillnf—Radio. strcot and go through our houio; 414. I. Vogel A Sons, 20 Broad itrmt, phoni SCO, Red Bank.— tlaement. _ _ "Pat—Kim Smith, Uttlo Sliver." Buy your rnilln now nt Tuntlng'it •trcet. Red Bunk Advertisement mouth Itrect.—Advortlaemtnt. P~ . M" . Phon" e 134-H. Rfd Bank,— License No, 4, Finder phone Red every room furnM.cd In antlquo, Advertliemont.. _ Advortlioment. anil )it-«r tho political speeches a> giving you a complcto iden how they For Sala. Bank Ifi33. Itcwnnl |lb,—Advcr- well nn good immlcnl programs, At Annual Supptr and BIUI, Annual Harveat Home Simp** • ; would look when placed In youi given by Epwurth lengua of M, B«-, Radio Rep|ir Man, Annual Harrtil Home Supper Soda walir. all flsvori. malt be tlsoment. water kentfl, /.i-nltlm, Vn\i\n and home.—Advortlnomcnt. St. Gabriel's church, Uradevclt, of th» Freehold Mothoiflst churc othcri, Tunlng'n, 10 Monmouth church, at tho library at Ntvunks i Daniel Hancock, expert radio r» , 10 nnd $1,00 given by Epworth lengue of M, condition! very rcaionablo. The Tlr of iWIHUm Mean, itumion, N. " iior«.—AdvortlmmMit. Advortlfotm-nt. 1:00.1', M. to 0:00 P, M. Kov. W. Whlta itmt Phoni church, at tho library nt Navcilnk Bervlco Co,, 80 Woil Front itret' I'l.ono 801,—Advertlioment, htld at St. John'n church hill, C. lloovet.—Ailvortlnrnunl, —Ailrcrtlument at / Marlboro, Wi-tlticftday, Auifuil Flnilln. ft Job. N. J,, Thuridny evening, Auiruil Ited Bunk.—Advtrtliemcnt. New Gowm, One of the qiilckeit wnyi to And BOth, 6:00 1>, M. to BiUO P. M., tick Drut. . uunii auritcn Chlronodlil, 20th. Supptr fuDO. Oooil music.— During the Month of AufUit Bridge PUr v Advcrtlienunt. Coino In nml OMI our now Block n job IK to mlvortlao In Tim IlogU- «U, 11,00,—Advert ImmcnA, Oilaopathlo Physician, wjli l b« at llr ofhcf only MopdayMondayi of fnll unwiu, Vclvit, imtln anil Dr. Young will ba In hli offici* from wo will /urnlih yo Dr. Allan B, Randall, 70 Mnulo nv tor's wmit department—AdvortTao- Wtdntidiyi and Fritlayi, from SiO Nervous Indigestion. •port in ml oh nt nur rt'Htilar low H;0(l utitirOiOO A. M, and from liOO I Typtwrlttri, adding machlnu, nuo. Red Bank, phono Red Ban until «i0Q o'clock, until after Labo price), At Th(> Hiiro Hho|i, 73 llrnml mtn^ • -»i • to !i:30 P. M. on Wedncid»yi,—Ad- 1 tOZ.—Advtrtlifmcnt. Tiki two Mnyplnki and forgot It TttloyV 17 Drcnil utreot, Rod Bank day.—Advtrtlltmcnt, Ailc ,your druggist. llo knows.- itrccl, lied llniik,—Ailvcrtlmnent. Tumiloa. For Hlra. vortUcmont. _ P. T, JUnnliio's, A7 Ilroad •treat, EfrAdwtlmmimt. Advtrtliament. . D»n«lng E»«rf K»««lli Planoi »nd 3ir»loe Ttn>Ptymanl Plan, New Hu|i For Old Onti. —Adverllntrnciit. Tjpr Htadquerlen. Id.Summtr' Sale af Pun. (hi bsit Dlrhnn'i Piano Sho, Sulti, 122,60 upup,, att JUnnlnUnnlntVt , B«it In Muili ami Culiln*. Uavo your IUK» •Inunnooail Typewriters rentod, bought inn Kruia'n navlHon, Bf' A.Bonn, U Broad itrtii Drummond plioi, Rtd £»nk, pb»m 07 BrBroadd ttrttrttll . upiUi l fi, AiAd Dank „ Murk River IIIII-) llotol Spanish taon'i. on WhlU itrtsl. I'liom PlitlthH Sho ol Artllquu •old. Trubln'n. B8 11 road itnot, Rid lgiiUnUi, OomlmiliM " rtl»«tmnt, unll.*»Advirtl«(irntnL Sink lB40.-^Ady|jrUiimint, PhftUnx, ] /Janlcw-Adyirtlmnjlit, lA ft ANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15, 1928.

Jacob Jeffrey was baptised last week sawmiM. The potts will bo used for at Sh Gabriel's church at Bradevelt horse paddocks on Mrt. Payne Whit- Harry G. Bordan and Stephen by Father Francis Sullivan. The ney's farm here.' ' Thompson Dont Agree. baby,was named"John Alfred Jef- F. H. Rockwell.of New York wa~s The differences existing between frey. Jay Hanaway of Haslet nnd a week-end guest of Mr. and Mr*. Freeholders Harry G. Bprden and Miss Florence Cross - of Red Bank Lewis S. Thompson. Stephen C. Thompson broke out were sponsors. Miss Ella Kelly, daughter of Ber- anew at a meeting of the board last Walter 3. Fprco spent the latter nard Kelly. w(ll ento: the Long SOUTH OF PENINSULA Wednesday* Mr. Borden declared part of last week and part of this Branch hospital as a student nurse during the discussion that It was week at Saratoga. Mrt. Force I'B on September 5th, Miss'Kelly Is a Another costing the tax payers a lot of on n tour of the, West. A Ford graduate of Leonardo high school. SEA BRIGHT* money to promote Mr. Thompson's truck, owned by Mr. Force and driv- Kenneth WyckolT began, harvest- campaign for re-election. The re- en by one of h|s farm employees, ing Twenty Ounce Pippin apples Init Hour* 8:0O A. M. to 6:00 P. M. . mark was' prompted by the intro- collided.with another automobile on week. duction of a resolution by Mr. Hudson avenue at Red Bank last Mr. and Mrs, John C. Schenck and Thompson contributing $25,000 to- GET YOUR BATHHOUSES NOW ! week. No one was injured but both Matthew Mullin spent several dayi ward the cost of paving some streets cars were badly damaged. The cars last v.eck at Saratoga, at Union Beach. Mr. Borden said , RATESr-^35.00 Per Seaion. jro injured. No arrests were The Lincroft Sunday-school is tile freeholders should require the I I}. made. holding its annual picnic today at Union Beach officials to have speci- Individual Bath Houses. 50c; with Suit, $1.00. Belviderc beach, The trip to the fications prepared before deciding Matthew Mullln has bought a 1 beach was made in prlvato can and ,_ Beach Parties given itrlct attention by sppaintmtnt,....,..., iir en any amount. William A. Stevens, number of locust trees from Harry 1 trucks The picnic was in general >' Life Guard In attendance 8,00 A , M. to 6:00 P. Si. counsel for the board, agreed with Sprung. Mr. Mullln Is having the charge of Joseph W. Thompson. Mr. Borden. A delegation of citi- trees cut into posts at Melville Reid's zens attended the meeting and re quested that the streets be paved as soon as possible as traffic is exceed- July Sales ngly heavy. ,EVERYTHING OUR ALREADY AT COST, SENSATIONALLY LINCROFT NEWS. BELOW COST LOW PRICES STILL Greatest of Everett Fread Movei Hli Kannetl from Shrewsbury. AND ,, FURTHER (The Red Bank RegLter einf b« bought SLIGHTLY . REDUCED . Any Month ••oh «.«k at th« Llnorott poitoBlc. build' ABOVE COST. THURSDAY! t Everett Fread, proprietor of the 45 BROAD STREET RED BANK In 18 Years Clipboard kennels, has moved his kennel, site from near Shrewsbury to the former Otto Felten farm at this place. Mr. Fread bought the AGAIN in July—when motor car sales generally slacken farm from Mr.' Felten a short time] ago. William VanNote of the Swim- •^Graham-Paige.broke all sales records for any month ming river road is doing some car- in eighteen years; the last week in July being the greatest penier work at the farm for Mr. Fread. PROFIT SHARING SALE week in the company's history. And—for five consecu- Miss Dorothy Brady of Metuchen, who has been visiting her aunt,; Mrs. SOME SMALL LOTS, BUT THE LOW PRICE WILL REWARD THE EARLY SHOPPERS. tive months, Graham-Paige has established new all-time Ella Willgerodt, has returned home. Bales records. ~ Hurold A. Hendrickson, a Red Bank building contractor, is building a sun porch and a bathroom to Hen- ' $2.49 Charleston Ladies' $2.00 Ladies' ry Fenton's home here. Mr. Fentdn is also having his living room en- puMnger Sedan, with 4-Bpeed transmission, (standard Hoover 9 larged. The staircase will be located Suits | • gear «hift). $1295. All price* E o. b. Detroit All Wool ft in the living room. ' ' Rayona, Rajalu, Sweaters Aprons * Mrs. James Rowe, Jr., gave birth to a son last week at Saratoga. .Linen. 2 for F. H. VANDORN Mrs. Frank Bloodgood entertained In all wantad and 1 to a Cuitorair. her niece and family from Brooklyn colors. Mudo of fine last week. washoblo 77 Monmouth St., Red Bank. Miss Helen Ryan of Morristown Sizes 14 to 40. ...'.' Vestees Chambray. is visiting her cousin, Miss Ella All SU». Phong 478 Kelly. One to a Customer. Two to a Customer. Two to. a Customer* Mrs. Joseph Mertz is under a doc- One to a Customer. tor's care. Mrs. Merti is one of the oldest residents of Lincroft. She has been in failing health for some Regular and Extra Size Ladies' Girls'French Voile Ladies1 Fine £AAMAM-PAI££ time but has been able to be about the house, ••MM Robert Stillwagon Is visiting his Heavy IKnit^R^yoneitte Silk aunt, Mrs. Robert McClain. David Hood, Jr., spent one day Dresses last week with friends at Water \JNDERWEAR $ Siici 7 to 14. Slips'I Witch. BLOOMERS, STEP-INS, VESTS, A Ford car owned by Edward Regardless of Egan of this place collided with an- CHEMISE, PANTIES. two V^hampions in one other automobile last week at the former prices. 2 for JL corner of Newman Springs road and Assorted colors and all sizes—the Shrewsbury avenue/ Mr. Egnn's car One to a'Customer. Regular Sizes Only, was damaged but no one.was seri- kind you pay. $l!49 for. TYDOL & ETHYL ously injured. Mr. Egan is emV ployed on Louis Destribatt's farm. Louis Steinmuller, who rented the chicken •facilities on Otto Felten's Ladies' Fine Quality Silk Boys' Wash Girls' 89c farm, has moved most of his chick- ens to Willgerodt Brothers'a place on the Red Bank road. Mr. Steinmull- Rayon Underwear C r sold a number of chickens last BLOOMERS, STEP-INS, CHEMISE AND Suits, 44c Dresses, 44 week to Jesse Schofield of near New- COMBINATIONS. 2FOR1 • man Springs. Mr. Schofield has . Two to a Cuatomer. V\JS\. Small Sizci Only. Small Slid Only. nearly completed the large chicken FOR A house, which he is building on his farm. TO US CLEARANCE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PROFIT! Frank McCarron is employed by Howard G. Rosevelt, a general con- tractor, at Red Bank. To the First SO Women Miss Myrtle Layton of this place, Miss Etta Perry and Harold Perry of Entering Store Bel ford and Dswltt Heyer of Minne- THURSDAY MORNING pink Park spent Sunday at Bear FINAL Mountain. c A locust tree In tho yard of Lotus 50 Regular and Extra Size Tumidaisky's home was struck by LADIES', MISSES' AND EXTRA SIZE j during the rain storm last Friday night. , Nelson Vanleir of Deerficld, New L Jersey, was a recent guest of Mr. Dresses and Mrs. Harry Langendorf and Mrs. Ruth Carney. SELECTED Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Thomp- FROM OUR son of this place and Mr. %nd Mrs. REGULAR SILK DRESSES $2.00 Cecil Jones of Red Bank spent one E STOCK. day last week at Philadelphia. Misses Margaret Infew and Edith Milroy and John Sloanc of New If every Like adding Johnny Farrell's smooth control York and Miss Stilwsgon of Jamai- 1 All Wool Children's ca, Long Island, were recent visitors Dren of Mrs. Fred Langendorf. While at wert. A Bathing Suits, $1.00 to Johnny Maiben's dash and drive Lincroft thoy.went for a ride In Mr. Langondorf's motor boat. markad Charles Wnntsky of this place Is at Ita rial Ladies' Bathing empolycd as a farmhand by Eugene The smooth, easy, rhythmic swing of Johnny Farrcll Layton. valut, Slippers, . . 25e that floats a golf liall two hundred and fifty yards Miss Grace Riddle of Eatontown is you would R down the fairway or up to the green, dead to the pin visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugene Lay- Infants' Organdy ton, Jr. •till h.vo without seeming effort, and the clash and drive that Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hunting send the horses Johnny Maibcu rides down the and daughter Barbara of Woodsldc, good Hats, .... 55c Long Island, and Mrs. Arthur David- ration stretch u winner . .. Mau, what a combination that son and son Louis and Mils Gerald Ladies' Silk to Welt and AND to choota A would he! ire Smith of Fair Haven were visi- Silk Top to Toe tors of Mrs. Louis Soffcl last week, Two A perfect parallel to another perfect combination Mrs. Hunting nnd daughter arc .. . TYpoi. ETHYL ... a Bupcr-fuel for your ear. spending tho summer nt Fair Hnvcn. In Ihli Paul DuBotj nnd Miss Anna Ho- S.I., HOSE TYDOL, to give it power in the sprints . . . faslcr lm r«t of Long Island spent part of N Inst week with Mr. and Mrs, Louis for getaway... greater HJICCII. ETHYL, to keep the motor Walters. Mrs. Henry Vornoll of Phnlirfix 2 81 ' smooth ... to keep citrhoiilzcd mid high-comprcs* sion motors free from kuockn. under n doctor's euro. A niw 'pilr If nol latltfactorjr. Mr. and Mr«. Joseph Woodward 1Printed 1Silk, Georgette, Flat Crept Odds and Ends—$2.00 ,of Fnir Hnvcn, formerly of thli and Crcpo de Chine . C . , Fill your lank full of TVnoi, 1:1 uvi. nt the next orange, jilnrc, wero visitors here on Friday/i ; black and gray sign. Your car will thrive as you The painting work at the public! Clever sport frocks nnd dozens of models for drive with HIICII a diet I Two chiiiii]>ious in one .. i school hi»s been completed. The] dress occasions. Lace, flashes and splashes of color; SILK HOSE jchool will reoprn September 4th, / scarfs, bows and ties; frills, plaits and,buttons ,com-_ Full faihlontd, pur* 9111c , ] at your service. v Mrt. Charles Smnll Is on tho tlA Hit. ( pleto the style story. E Ml** Adn Fcnton nnd Miss Myillc Lnyton of Lincroft, Hnrold Perry of $25.00 Sample Presses, $12.95. Belford and Wllllnm Woodward of Riverside Heights woro visitors Inst To the First 20 Women Entering Store. Ladies' and Children's IT'S week nt Bolmiir. Mr*. Joseph Mautcr la a medical FRIDAY MORNING $2.49, $2.95, $3.98 and $5.00 You caniiwlt't red patient nt thn Spring Uko hospital. In (/•• color gauf Mr*. Hurry Hprung hnd her nliter at I lit orangt, nml.a friend from Now York ns Tailored and Ensemble Summer Hats 1 blank and ONAV over.thn week-end, A bungalow which In being built; for W. II. Martin of Irvlngton on Spat* doal no! parmli Ui la the roml to Swimming river, In rap- m*nll«n m»ra llama which will idly ncarlng completion. ., SUITS ba dUpltyail at varjr tpaclal Mini lilldn Kurns la conducting A pvlcaa. *hort courxi In biology and natural Selected frorii our regular lilntory at a Matlachuiottl achool, $10.0.0 and,;$12.00 Stock. • U'h» yqung-ipn of Mr. and M», itEDBANlC REGISTER, 'AUGUST 15, 192b.

MORE RAIDS. . - South Belmar and- arrested John ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. the annual dinner dance held a few Kelly. * They found «omo alcohol in nights ago' at'the casino, Four Fheaa Ar* Viilted and Llqior tils home. . Card Party at St. Agnat'a School— The Methodist ladles' aid society - > Salwd. •" ' on Boat Fined. will hold a community market Sep- (Tbt Red Bank Hialitti tin b« bousbt AUCTION;-^.. County DeUctlve John M. Sitillh Robber. Fall. each v«ek in Atlanllo Hi ghlandit at the tember 12th. ,_.id some of bis staff viilted two ' Antfittemp! was made to rob the nore» ol WUli Lll ' N." Brown.) John.S, Woodruff, who Is em- parts' of the county. Wednesday af- safe, of the J. & J. W. ElsWorth The young ladies' todallty of St. ployed by the government at Wash- Entire Contents of Urnoon and arreite'd 'four' on company at Kcyport Monday of last Agnes's church will hold a card par- ington, D. C, was hit by a taxicab charges ot violating th« prohibition heek. A window was forced and ty on Friday night of this week in while crossing a street In that city. the school auditorium. Ho is a summer resident of this Three of thaa placep s are along torne'tools were used in an unsuc- A. Newark chapter of Disabled place -and he was able to continue General Store the itato highwa• ' y ' M cessful 'attempt to break open the .Special Rates for - township. tafe. It is believed the would bo Americanv,Veterans of the World his trip here, but since his arrival 210 Shrewsbury Avenue, Mar; Dormto, 'who luw war will hold an outing here Satur- he has been confined to tha bed. He Red foadstand, wai arresterrsted and In''thI''the thieves were boys. Xrou'Country Flight*. stand and In riet home 62%' gallons day of thi3 week. A.chlcken dinner was badly bruised and also suffered el- a'pplt whlaiej were xelzed. Jhe will be served and there will be an from shock. MONDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1928, Doarborn farm roadstand was a|io Soldisri at Freehold. entertainment. Many of the amuse- •t 10:00 O'Clock A. M. , raided and A. Molalneonlco, .the The sixteenth Infantry of the reg- ment devices at the park will be free HIGHLANDS NEWS. proprietor, wai arrested, Three gal- ular army will camp on D. V. Per- to the veterans. (To Close the Estate of James Palmiere.) , lom of alcohol wero found there, rlne'g farm, near Freehold, tomor- A, fight took place among seven Four Girli in Contest for Queen of 3 flelals and will transfer prisoners row night and the eighteenth regi- young men on the steamboat Man- the Baby Parade. IUms to be sold consist in part as follows: Groceries, tobacco ,' Agent tit WACO" Hid show cases, counters and counter scales, macaroni counter, dlBhes Of all . FAIRCHILD -Planes. rtand wa» 'visited and three quarts ment will camp there Friday night. dalay Sunday morning on the trip (Tbi Bed Bank Register cm be bombt kinds, cooking utensils of all kindskn, , coffee mill, ggarden tool.«, B»C«, wllu from New York to tbl> place When, each week In Hishlsndi at Bedla'a drag of apple whiskey were found. Later The troops will go to Camp Dix from -«ore,-«ml-»t JoMpb-suimM't itor«)••-'•'" ,dow"flcreen»r-scrcen-doorsrnll-cansidow"flcreen»scrcen-doorsrnll-cans'' (lower notfnotf, sppriklinklini g ?ans? , flliifiiy daj ths detectives went to Freehold. > the boat docked the young men Four girls have entered the con- glassware, aluminum ware, table covers, jugs, wnsh tubs, enamel ware, were arrested. Five were released test for queen of the baby pparade,, pots and panpanss , a large quantity of paintit, soap andd soaoap powdepowderr , Btove„„.,,,^, orid two were fined $50 each. which will garbage pails, and articles too, numerous to mention. Everything muit ' be held August 24th. be sold. . x ,' The Mandalay did not mako its They arc l tll h regular trip to New York Sunday Schilling, Ruth Mohr and Helen' C?TERM8:—Cash. : ' '; ,. ,> n'ght owing to the rough water. The Kempt. The baby parade will be held boat remained at New York. About ESTATE OF JAMES PALMIERE. • re in the afternoon and the annual ball J J» 2P0 personsp, , who had been waiting and crowning of the queen,will take GEORGE H. ROBERTS CO., AUCTIONEERS. . ffo r ththe boatbat , were tckcri'to New place at night at Kruse's pavilion. Red Bank, N. J. ••'.'..'. . York on a,special train. Several cups and articles oi mer- The Thursday night band con- chandise have been donated as certs by the*Lions club band are prizes. The contest for queen will very popular and are attracting close August 21st. Mrs. Marion Beck AUCTION SALE Urge audiences. The concerts are ij in general charge of the contest held on the Sorlin property on First and the arrangements for the baby avenue. , parade. Her assistants arc Mrs. —OF— Raymond Reddington, who is em- Beatrice Horan and Mrs. May Demp- ployed- by the .Equitable Eastern company of New York, Is having a At a meeting of the Highlands Monmouth Beach Property sacation of tw» weeks. yacht club.Friday night motion pic- Mrs. Ida M, fliaxson has bought tures of the recent boat races here i ,•''. . . • HEINE n new Chrysler "75" sedan from were shown. (To Close the Estate of Catharine Kompf.) «' Jo-L-ph Render. The profits from the recent fair * | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burrell and for the benefit of the Methodist 1 children of fiustis, Florida, arrived church arnounted to ?430. A clam • . • —ON— tied Bank Profit Sharing Days •. Friday for ,a stay with Mrs. Bur- chowder sale will be' held in the «. veil's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred church basement on Friday, August 2 White. Miss Helen White of this Slst SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1928, AUGUST 16th, 17th and 18th « | rlace, who has been visiting in Flor- Charles Anthony has returned 2' iila, returned with Mr. and Mrs.' from a stay with his father at West 1 at 2:00 P. M. Sharp. • Burfell. Palm Beach", Fhrida. On September 1st $100 in gold Miss Evii Neimarlc has completed (Home Open for Inspection at 1.00 O'clock.) will be disposed of on the co-opera- a coursfeTirr summer school at New AH Silk Imported All Silk tive plan for the benefit of StBrunswic. k The undersigned have-been commissioned by tha executors to sell, Agnts'j church. The money will be Preparations are being made for divided into four parts, ?50,' ?2B, the meeting of the Monmouth coun- property located on Riverdale avenue, Monmouth Beach, N. J,, and Japanese Pongee Georgette Crepe $10 and $5.- , . ty firemen's association it the fire- known as the "Monmouth House." Grounds are 80x200 feet, house! Eunice Rogers, Bernlce-Coutts, house here next Sunday afternoon. contains 21 rooms in all," 14 bedrooms, 2 baths and all improvements; Esther and Verna Mortensony Gladys A large attendance is expected and Orover, Cecilia Sorenson, Alice Don- at the conclusion of the business 3-car garage. An ideal location for rooming house' ot hotel. Thta ^ • nelly and .Madeline Kridel have re- meeting there will be a feast of property must be sold to settle the estate. • turned home from a two weeks' stay steamed clams and sandwiches. at a camp in New York state. Rapid progress is being made in A $3,200 mortgage may, remain on the property. 10% of purchase) $ 40" All Rev. and Mrs. Joseph H..Schaerter rebuilding the schoolhouse, • which price on acceptance of bid j other payments arranged for at time of. sale. and son Al|en of Barrington, New- was damaged by fire. ..Wide Colors Jersey, are spending two weeks at Within the past week there has GEO. JI. ROBERTS CO., "fee. - "the Lakewood" house. Mr. Schaefler been a large. increase in the num- Tel. Red BJank 2371 AUCTIONEER., ' was formerly, pastor of the Presby- ber of visitors to Highlands. Bunga- terian church here. lows which have been vacant most Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamper and of the summer have been rented for TIMOTHY R. HOUN1HAN son Winston'.We returned to their a month. Business men report that home at Detroit after a stay with business is now very good, although Contractor and Builder • Mrs. Robert B. Mantell. up to this time it was said to be be- Mr. and.Mra Carl Edwards won low normal. SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Mattinson's Washable Silk the elimination' dance and Winfield SCREEN AMD STORM ENCLOSURES Lustrous Colorful 160 Bridga Arenue, Red Bank, ty. J>« QlMerJiheen KhaM-fiool .. Shantung'•••• Scott Keig won the door prize at It pays to advertise in The Register. Telephon* 940-M yard

Rich tones and firm texture cm- This material Is unusually rich in You'll marvel at -the wonderful bine to make this one of the most appearance end noted tor its fiuu quality at this remarkably low price. popular fabrics. . • ' wsaring quality. All .shades. ' • . GUARANTEED WASHABLE. DAVIDSONl Imported Printed Crepes Pongee^Slips yds; for $4 Washable Crepe 4 100% Pure Silk Three Day Specials A desirable material for almost every purpose. A nicely-woven, Theso Slips are made of the real smart looking fabric that is econom- 12 MME. imported Japanese. Fon- ically priced. 100% -pure Silk; a crepe that will , GUARANTEED WASHABLE. Small and All-Over raUerria. -Wash and wear to your entire satis- faction. , MONEY SAVERS t GUARANTEED WASHABLE. Kayser's i Our Entire Stock READ EVE R Y ITEM of Bags m Silk Gloves Bridge Stands pair Are Now Offered at a VERY SPECIAL! H.00 reduction That Beautify the Home '• • • Reg. $1.49 Grade. $1.09 BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS • Never before have we been able to Our entire stock of Bags are now • or>er such value—Kayser's Silk , reduced. Bags that formerly sold Just In time for your new home- REDUCED! « Gloves, of the very newest shades os high as $20.00 are now on sale just what you have wnnted, now • at this low price. ' a*, an low a-price as $6.00. within the reach ot everyone. $6.oo --$7.00 - $7.80 - $9.40 t i. 5

AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE / MEN'S ALL-WOOL • • PLAID LUMBERJACKS » Full Fashioned Silk Hose • •• Values up to $5.00. '• Men's '.» with Stnarl Pointed Heels Men's White BUY THEM NOW ! •4 $1.95 COAT • Broadcloth •

• ' By special irrangemont we art Our stock of this number Is not Sweaters largo cnoujh to supply every one SHIRTS Men's Fancy GOLF HOSE <• ablt to offer a limited supply of -* • theie very dtilrablo illk stocking! who will with to take advantage of • Beautiful Patterns. • •tthli thli tale. Early purchases, there- fore while assortment! are at their » AMAZINQLY LOW PRICE belt, are suggested. OF 11.00 FAIR. Very Special. worth much more. 3 DAYS 3 DAYS t: SILK TO NARROW GARTER HEM REG. $1.65 GRADE t IX August ..'it Thursday DAVIDSONS RED BANK. lac. ifgf S f LK Monmouth County'* Largest Mon't and Boy.' Clothtt Shop 'I IT BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. • •••••#•%«•••>•#«•»•»»«•#••••••••••••»•••••»•»•••••••'•«••••»•«•••• ?e »•*•«•••*»•*•**«.»««••«»•»•»

{,. iiiHraKS 'late to make these improvements be- Hit Pull Didn't Work. fore the, paving is started there will Frank J. Frankenheimcr, a sum- RED BANK REGISTER. s 40BN H. COOK. Xdttor and PoblU. be opportunity jfc> trot. down mains mer resident of Long Branch, Was CMtQE ft BANCB. Aiiwlth Mller. under the'dirt shoulders on the side arrested at Deal last week for 'park- One Day ^Excursims •THOMAS IBVIHQ'BMWM.'. of the road after the living is laid. ing his car on a sidewalk. Franken- BailntM *t«nii*r. heimer boasted of his pull with, ot- ficlals and said he would have the, t Sharing Sale Subtcrlptloa, Jhrlcwi No action was taken by the com- Pennsylvania On T««r missioners of Bed Bank Monday complaint dismissed, This had no ef- Station 8lx menthi «- fect on Recorder Joseph ij. Cox, 9 UPTOWN NEW YORK Sana month! night on providing sewers and water | Rouod Trlpl on the Newman Springs road, be-who imposed fines and costs of Mudaon ,• TolepbooMl—B«d Bank' tl. ._; $191.46. ;..'' . Bed Bank 1500. tween Broad, street, and Shrewsbury. Terminal avenue. However, some of the com- I Rouod Trip: DOWNTOWN NEW, YORK WEDNESDAY, AUGUST IB. 1928. missioners stated that .both these Wormi Attack Dahliit. WEDNESDAYS. AUGUST 29,1 improvements should be made before Mrs. K. P. Boyce of Freehold; who SEPTEMBER Z6 the etreet Is paved with concrete, raises prize dahlias, has been suf- Uivt Rod Bank 0:48 A^ M. TOWNJAUC and it is expected that the matter fering serious damage from a spe.- (Dayllfht Sav'lar Timt) will be brought lip at the next meet-' cies of worms which eat into the I Returning leave Ne.» Yurk;penniirl"\i I'vanla' SUtion. 7:30 P. M.. New York ' Radio Station WJBI Ing. stalks of the,dahlias. The only rem- ' (Hudson TermlntlJ T:ZO P. tl.. New MEMBER OF THE CHAMBER OF ark (Market St.) 7:52 P. M. DeMrving of Support. • • • • . edy seems to be finding the worms COMMERCE OF RED BANK, N. J. and killing them. " . ~ App*rei!tly_Robert S. Johnson has The eastelrn section of the New- IPonnuylyanla Railroad the battle half won in his struggle uian Springsioad is one""of"the'Tew"! to prevent Station WJBI from being streets In the town without sewers It pays to advertise in The Register. p\it out of business by the federal and water. For 23 years the people radio authorities. Only a few of the o* that street have been paying for ttations which were scheduled to besewers and water in other, parts of '•put off the air" on August 1st had the town without getting one bit of their time allowance temporarily return for their money. The question continued, and everybody in this of providing these improvements for SERVICE section rejoices that Mr. Johnson's the Newman Springs road has been MEASURED station was among the fortunate considered from time to time. NOT BY • . ' w • • . GOLD ,J At The Profit Sharing Sale ones, BUT BY •' e « • In the Past these requests for .im- THD - - However, a battle half won is sot provement!) have0 been turned down JJOLDEN •"battle fully won. The danger of on account of the expense involved. RULE • 'such a situation is that it may lead It has been said that a sewer lift Thursday, Friday, Saturday to overconfidence and defeat. The apparatus would be required and various churches, clubs and'associa- that this would be costly. If this tions which stood by Mr. Johnson in same line of reasoning had been fol- the initial stage's of the fight should lowed in the past some of the chief To be truly continue, their effort's: Too many let- streets of Hed Bank would be with- Practicing •worthy of. the. August 16, 17, 18 ters in fa?or of continuing the sta- out hewers today. The; Newman tion cant be sent to senators, con- Springs road property owners have What We Symbol of the gressmen and other officials. It is by helped to pay for sewer lifts for Golden Rule, such action that the people of Red other streets. What is wrong with Preach a funeral di- This Store's Policy; Bank .and vicinity can show that the proposition that they, after hav- Boys' Wash Suits ing helped the rest of the town to rector must, perforce, put into there is a real demand and a real Quality Morchandito at the Mar- need for Station WJBI. Set improvements, should, now be practice the leaching of the Made of Imported Linen, in helped to get the same • improve- kot'« Lowest Pricea|. Courteoui pretty color. combinations; .••'•• jp' •' ments for themselves? Golden Rule itself; he must latest styles. Sizes 4 yean -the iateet ukase of the federal truly "Do unto others as he Service and Money Back with a \to 8 years. radio authorities is that if Station • • •.'• • Smile if not-Satisfied. You can't ' ' a Suit WJBI is continued it must be op- would have others do unto Not only the Newman • Springs go .wrong when you trade at • fcrtted. on a larger scale. This wontroad but every, street in the town him." '•;.,. cause any hardship to Mr. Johnson, should be provided with town water. HIRSCH'S. .: *< he had everything arranged'lor and severs. All -streets now with- It is our practice, then, to give * euch la change more than a year ago. out sewers and water are in the all who call upon us the kind, The only reason he did not make the same fix with the Newman Springs change was because the federal au- road. The people on these streets of service we°purselves would BOYS' PANTS thorities withheld permission for ithave helped to pay for benefits for wish, were the conditions re- others which'they have not receive: All linen | colors — gray, , to be ntde. , . versed. white and tan. Belt to themselves. It Is i time' lor a new match. Some are straight The station,, if permitted to con- deal. The town^ would lose nothing knee and some knickers. tinue, will be'of larger service to the by' following- this course. Improve- Our Entire Stock of Sizes 4 to 14 years. , community, than ever before and ments increase values and increase ALBERT WWORDEM Jr. Each JJide* such, circyinstances the action incentive' for building. Fair treat- FUNERAL DIRECTOR Organdy Baby Bonnets * which was,'started to put Station ment for each street in this regard AMSULANCt »(HVICt is not only simple justice but it is 00 EAST FRONT STREET1 , ,WBI oiif of business will' have PHONt'JJT . . turned out. to have .been a good good business for the. town. R I D 0 A N H . thing.' For iMs reason there is more reason, than ever before why the(Town Talk continued on page 20.) Children's Play Suits, • • • 73c people'of.'Red Bank and vicinity For Boya and Girls; Sizes, 1 year to 8 years. Comes in color combination and plain. •honld.supDort Mr. Johnson in his 1 fight- Jt is their fight as well as Mr. Johnson's .fight, and the town and Country side should be solid for Sta- - BAMBERGER & CO. 'tion WJBI as a community iristitU' *ion. ONE QF AMERICA'S GREAT STORES" NEWARK, N. J. BIG SPECIALS FOR THE BABY! Publishers of Charm Magazine. Owners and Operators of Radio Station WOR •" . You Mar Telephone Your Ordera by Calling Market 0001, Layette Sets From Anto Vapdals. The farmers of Suffolk county, Hirsch's Special ! long'Island,.'have formed * vigi- tance.-*omir)ittee" to punish automo- bile tourist* and vandals who steal and destroy: cropf. The vigilance committee has offered a reward of ' $26 for information leading to each conviction for grand larceny and a Complete Set of 38 Pieces. reward of $10 for information lead- ing to each conviction for petty larceny. • * • Despite the fact that the farmers Other Big Specials for Baby on Thursday, Friday and Saturday! •re heavily taxed to pay for rural state police and other kinds of so- Madeira Called protection, the people of the Crib Crib country scctioni are well nigh help- Turkish Bibs Dresses less against thieves and vandals. In Each these days of fast automobiles and All colors; limit Blankets] Sheets Hand good roads the robbers and destroy- 2 to a customer. embroidered. eri get away too quickly to get I caught very often. This practice of 39c 39c 2 FOR preying on the fanners can be Pillow Stopped only by making frequent Birds' Eye Each Each examples of Die guilty parties, thus .34 Red Star All colorn. Made of fine Cases convincing them that it is not safe Mada in Philip for them to continue their course. Diapers. Sizes 30x40. quality Muslin. Sizes 27x27. pines; hand • • • Per Dozen embroidered. • Arrests in the rural sections have been far too lew to teach this much needed lesson. Perhaps offering re- wards would produce better results. GIRLS' DRESSES At any rate it would be worth a trial. In earlier times when wolves, Made of fine quality 00 foxes and other "varmints" abound- OUTFIT YOUR Prints and Chambrlc. ed'in thl» section bounties were I- paid for the pelts of these animals. Sizes 2 yr.i to 10 yrs. This resulted in wiping out most LITTLE ONES, Each Of the animol enemies of the farm- ers, but today the farmers are FOR 50 SILK DRESSES preyed upon by human "varmints,'1 who do more harm. The plan of of- Made of flno quality fering; rewardi for the conviction of SCHOOL. Silk, In all the leading n.95 these two-lixied "varmints" might colors; Sizes 2 yrs. to prove n» effective as it did in wiping 12 yrs. out the nnlmil destroyers. You can 'do It rerjr nicely al v E.ch • • • this Profit Sharing Sale. All 200 There h one thln^ about this Suf- merchandiie is thai belt quality High-Grade Dresses folk county pliirt, however, which money can buy. It meant a does not ?eem ii«iit. Why thould the Made of flno quality farmeru have l<> pay anything moro big savings to you—take ad* Broadcloth, with or vantage of this opportunity. without Tantlcs; Ion? i than Uxea for protection? Most Each folks do not have to offer rowards sleeves. Just tho thinq /»r police i.eA-lce. If rewardu are for ichool, Sizes 7 1 Iiecemary to protect the farmers yrd. to 14 yr«. from autolsti who steal vegetables, fruit and poultry thin expense ehpuld b» net with public funds and not br making the farmer pay for it Alone. Tht farmer la supposed to got tbli protection when ho pays his tuei and thore is no Justice nor Onr MNtlsniimier Common «on»o In making him pay iwice. of Supple Coiits* of

Paying for Improvements 1 •VHi Not Gottinf Them. Hudson Seal * —• Raccoon, — Natural Squirrel ~ Beaver > ; Tht work of putting concrete on Leopard •— Krimmcr — Otter •— Platinum American Broadtail the Holmdel end of the Newman Black, Brown, Gray ~ •prlngi rood U well under way and 14 is ixpecUd thrt work on ttin Red 19S.OO 293.OO •ink part of thn road will be elnrtod Caracul—Northern or Hudson Seal-, Mxt month. The eommlitlonen of Southern Mtukrtt Hudwn Seal* -Black Ifd Bank hire bt«n considering - '.Monkey / ) Raccoon % . or Drown Ciracul All colon. White with Ui down ttwar and water malm Kid Southern Mmkrat 7la«oon—Gray or t Niwrnan Bprlngi ro«d from Beige Kid-Otter I'uro Wool. RedBank, N. J. fancy topi. ttroet to Bhr«wibury avenuo, 20-A Broad Street, Mlblt to get tlili work done iShiartd Lamb colt&rtb It laid It ihouM 'j-TiitRD noon '/ . Monmouth County's Leading CMldren>,3W)re.

•S'.V.T'ii M. j ' >. t» Wi i i i« / 1 RED BANK REGISTER AUGUST 15, 1928.

Outing' For, Poor Children. RUMSON'S HORSE SHOW. .-More than 750 crippled and or. ihaned children.from various homes ANNUAL EVENT HELD THREE .n'tne county were given their sixth PAYS LAST WEEK. annual outing by the seashore chauf- Marine Headquarters feurs of summer residents last It Was, One of the Most Successful Thunday, The outing finished at Boats Repaired and Overhauled jJhoW* Urer Held in the Coinljr— the Long Branch pier which was Several; P.raont >/Thrown From thrown open to the children for the, Their Hones. / afternoon, MARINE ENGINE SERVICE A • perfectly .'emulilfliii'^ The Monmouth county hone show »n ' ty products-clean; -deT Vat. held. Thursday. Friday and Sat- Pied of Blood Poisoning. 'and wholesome. ' It Makes No Difference urday ot last weojdAt the Rumson Mrs. Ethel Yeomans, wife of Modern Marine Railway Made from strictly fresh • country club and was one of the Oliver W. YeomanB of Glendola, what your table allowance may U yoq wfll find It tow most successful shows ever held in pure oil and highest 'grade.- the county. ,There was "a large1 at- died at the Freehold hospital last For Boats up to Eighty Feet. terials, ,, further in an OSCO SloreL .Hundred* of ThouiamU of t week from blood poisoning! de- 'Careful Homdteeperi Imow rrohi^wtpenence that it, tendance every day, (the largest Contains no Alter fo crowd of the show being present on veloping from an Infected pimple • Payp'Co Buy aU their Tabje Need* in our Storei^-Where oyer her eye. She was 82 years old —H»i no oily t*|ite, ' QualitjrCoimUI .Doyou?. >" r> • Saturday. Outboard Motors and Hulls. ',On the opening day Mm. E. M. and besides her husband leaves IT'S DIFFERENT;. Crane suffered a sprained wrist and three children. • J Packed in Half Pint, Plat'.! Reg, 15c California was shaken up when her saddle, SSiLVERS&BR0.CO.i«e Quart and Gallon Jan. turned in a Jumping event jind she CRANBqRY N t r .(Packed in Puree)., Some things are hard to do if you 1 Was "thrown off. T;wo "rtaerr were goat them" In a hard way. An easy On sale "at ffrsf crass^rfore* ""< WEIGHT 3/i OZ thrown on Saturday. Edward Eurd way to'do them is to advertise them Van Blerck Motors, Inc. Tomatoes received a long cut on the head when IQ The Register's Want Department P By using Luke Longhead's columns J. S. Silvers & Bro. Company Bit can he was tossed over his mount's head you can find tenants, sell property, RED BANK. when the horse failed, to take A secure help, get a Job and do lots of Sola Manufacturers ,T, 10« fence. Mrs. Richard Bamberger was other things that might be hard If WorUi: FAIR HAVEN Phono RED BANK 1208 thrown from her horse and' landed done in 'some other way.—Adver- CRANBURY, N. J. \ on her face., She was nicked up un- tisement, Up*"- Seasonable Suggestions! conscious, but was revived' in a few minutes. , Seville Orange Marmalade jar 17c Winners of the first prize awards Sliced Dried Beef 2 jars 25c at the show were Mrs, Alfred Na- than, Jr., Cedar Brook farm, Mrs. OSCO Cooked Spinach big.can 19c Martin Beck, Walker farms, Miss 99 4SCO CaUforniaJAiparagui -..can 21c Betty Braham, Sheldon E. Prentice, Good Furniture For Every Home Cut Stringless Beans can 14c Squadron A, Martin Beck, W. B. Ruthrauff, Mlnot B. Howard, Thom- Early June Peas , can 10c as A. Dowd, Bernard F. Gimbel, ' Farmdale Tender Peas ' can 12*/2c Charles F. Hubbs, William Board-, 4SCO Fancy Sifted Peas:..! can 18c man, W. Strother Jones, 3d, W. H. Foales, Maple Farms; David 0. Ev- {-#>. 4SCO Fancy Small Peas can 23c ans, Warfleld farm, Mrs.' Bufus C. OSCO Tomato Catsup bot 12Vfcc Finch, Pennypack Valley farm, Old Heinz Tomato Ketchup J. bot 15c Oaks farm, Charles B. Powell, re Charles V. Caesar, Wpodland farm, \1 Mrs. John T. Cole, Long Acre'farm Reg. 13c Fancy and Jv F^rd Johnson, Jr. Mr. John- Reg. 23c OSCO ,i Pure Fruit Califv son won five ribbons in the polo pony* classes.. . '" Winners of second, third and Preserves Sardines fourth prizes were Julius Glaser, Big jar | Ac Big can «i Ac Miss Marjorie Goldvogel, M. J. De- yaney, Miss Winona Ross, Charles B. PA well, J. Ford Johnson, Mrs. Bufus C. Finch- Walker farms, Mrs. W. B. Reg. 15c OSCO \T' Ruthrauff, Edward K. Straus, Miss Pure Cider V11Hegar 2 bou25e Laura Wilson, Charles U. Caesar, Squadron A, . Cedar Brook farm, Mrs. William H. Howard, Old Oaks Fancy Fat Mr*. Walton's farm, Woodland farms, Bernard F. Gimbel, Charles Hubbs, Mrs. John Sale/ Pie Dough T. Cole, William Boardman,. Miss Mackerel Sylvia L. Wm'te, Maple farms, Trll- pEOPLE have been quick to recognize in this-Event a gen* for C pkg JQc lora farms, Martin Beck,'Mrs. David Wagstaff, Warfield farms, Harry * .;• tiine opportunity to secure furniture of real style and 2 25 Durand, Mrs. L. L. White, Manton quality at a genuine saving ! That's wjiy crowds, liave been Sunbrite P. & G. White Nap. B. Metcalf, Jr., Charles B. Harding, here every day since we announced this great sale event! 1 Mrs. Herbert Straus, David O. Ev- ans, :'E. G.( Plum.' Allison Sterns, That's why"; all previous sales records are being broken ! Cleanser Soap Louis Gimbel, Jr., Mlnot Howard, Come and see for yoifrself why most folks are,coming to this 0 cans Ac cake8 C -Miss Jean Wlckes, Miss Frances store for their furniture this month.! 4 15 Farnsworth, John L.Kemmerer,'Jo- seph M.*Boebllng, Thomas N. Mc- X Glass of OSCO Iced Tew with Juice of Carter, Mr. and Mrs. D.'J. O'Siilllr Lemon when you are thirsty I van, John R. Meeker, Miss LOUIBB Finch, John G. Butler, Miss Marjory W HiUthejfJght»pot. Hasler, Robert B. Smith, John Wen-, Cut Velour Suite dell Straus, Mrs. J. Amory Haskell OSCO TEAS and Miss Eleanor Hoagland. 3 PCS. 17" "In'JU Ceylon \ Middlatbwn ToWihip H«i an Un- Plain Black or Mix.d. Or>ni* Pekoe uiual Situation to Cop. With. Old Country Style, $89.00 iFor the first time in a number of years • Mlddletown township is W- Preserving & Pickling Needs! threatened with a deficit in its poor Just;one example of how deeply we have appropriation..Last Thursday night cut prices on high-grade Living; Room fur- Chester Heriry;the township overseer Ball Mason Quart Jar» ...... ^.i...doz 85c- of the poor, stated that needy cases 2-in-l Davenport Table nitura'-to- make this event long to be re- Ball Mason'Pint Jars ...... doz 75c had Increased to such an extent that $|_fi.5O membered1 I'.1 Here's a wonderfully com- there was little doubt in his mind fortable,: suite, in the newest- serpentine Jar Tops (PorcWa. Lin.d) „ doz 29c that the appropriation would be ex- These new, massively designed mm ceeded. Ho described one particu- Davenport Tables extend into front ^construction with reversible looses ui-i Jelly Glasses (With Lid.) „ doz39c larly harrowing case which had come a large table, for use as dinner cushions and many other quality features. Double Lip Jar Rubbers ....,...... :...doz 7e to his attention a short time pre- tables whenever desired. One Genuine Parpwax ...... : ...-. pkg 10c vious. He said he had provided some would hardly know they con- relief for the' afflicted family hut cealed extra leaves as shown. 4SQO Pure Spices Whol. or Ground) ....pfcg 7C that in view of the fact that the ap- propriation was running low he did OSCO Mixed Spices pkg 7c not.want to continue doing so with- OSCO White Distilled Vinegar ...... 2 bots25c out the sanction of the committee. Real Ice and Fodcf Colburn's Yellow Mustard ...can 18c The committeemen told Mr. Hen- 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite Colman's Yellow Mustard can 23c ry to continue providing for the ' Savers. family. They stated that if the need N. ] Imperial Toasted arose they would put an emergency note in the bank to cover any over- B. \ Cakes Dainties running of the appropriation. The $119.00 committeemen stated that the unex- C.J Ib20c 2 pkgs 27c pected large number of poor cases clearly constituted 'the need of An amazing value, it's true, yet this Is Cork Insulated '",'" emergency measures and that under only typical of the savings you may expect the circumstances an emergency I In Our Meat Markets for End of the Week! note would be Justified If the need throughout our stocks during our August Refrigerators arose. Sale 1 Here's a beautiful Bedroom Suite Fancy Fowl ., » v...... Ib 38c • i • in genuine walnut veneer, including • full At. savings such as ws are'now Small Roasting Chickens L.tt) 43c Butch.r Had Kind Henrt. size bedf largo dresser, chest of drawers offering on' these high-grade n* Stephen Schmidt, a Long Branch frigerators—they represent a Small Tender Stewing Chickens tt> 34c butcher, was arraigned In the dis- and big, full vanity dresser—all four pieces great investment In health and | Long Island Ducklings Ib 32c trict court at that placo last week at this extremely low sale price and on economy. charged with failing to withhold $8 convenient credit terms if dcslredi Fancy Small turkeys Ib 48c weekly from the pay of an employee Pay a lhlle eich -vreeli ! to apply on a judgment. Schmidt Armour's Star Large Smoked Hams .It) 28c claimed ho didn't have the heart to % (Whole or Sh»nk Half) \ withhold this money as the man hao String Ends Ham Ib 18c and up a family to support on S32 a week. 9-Piece Short Ribs Beef .>tt) 22c ' Lobit.rmen In Fliht. Plate or Boiling Beef It) 19c Arthur Kogers, a lobster fisher- Dining Room Suite- man of Bradley Park, was arrosted Fresh Beef Liver , Ib 25c last week on charges made by Con- /#<# Bacon pkg 19c rad Winkler, who claimed that Rog- ers assaulted him while he was in Choice Cuts Sirloin Steak ...Ib 55c 1 his boat oft Shark river Inlet and $98.50 Large Can Mushrooms 47c he also claims that Rogers stole lomo of his lobsters. I Womon who pride themselves on the tasto- Lean Breakfast Bacon : It) 35c I ful furnishings' of their dining rooms will Tea Wagons (Whol. or Half Strip) Governor to EnLrOln Edllora, I wclcomo this opportunity to chooso • from ?18.B0 •• Vogt's Liberty Bell Ham« : Ib 35c Oovornor Mooro has Invited all I our ontlro stock of nowd«f rt'yl&v Dining the editors of New Jersey newspap- [Suites «» prices not found lit «ny other Tile summor hostoisj will 'doubly* Vitalac Cheese '. Ib 20c ers to be his guests at Soaglrt to- I tlmo during tho year I Tho tulto pictured enjoy serving hor guosts |f sh« Pabst-ett Cheeie pkg 23c morrow for luncheon and tho usual Includes CO-lnch bulTot, 60-Inch oxtcnjlon has the • assistance ' • f erio of Governor's day review of the mili- our charming drop-leaf T«p COOKED SOLID MEATS tary unit, Political, leaders and can- table, hnndsomo china cabinet nnd ^ilx Wnsons, In brown mahogsny. didates art also expoctod to bo pres- beautiful chnlrs with velour upholstcrod Anlih. Noto removable tray and convonlont sholf below. Boiled Hams It) 49c ent. _ _ _ Z^l W scats I A ronl salo sav'ifiK I (Whol. or H.IO Benefit for Blind Men. A bridge party was hold on the Cooked Luncheon Roll It) 45c Michael Hollander esUto at Long (Whol. or H.IO Branoh last Wednesday for the bun- Cooked Corned Beef 6-It) can $1.50 olH of the New Jersoy blind men's dub. More than 10,200 was ctoarod 77:79 77-70 Sliced Boiled Hams ,..J/z-\b 33c and.lt will go Into a fund for a now Sliced Luncheon Meat J/z-Vb 28c clubhouse for th» blind, men. Broad Street InC. Broad Sliced Corned Beef Hav« you r««d th» Want Adrnr- Vegetable Reliihei and Pickles Jar 10c Utamtnti In Th« RAglster this w«tkt Tel. 270 > (16 Varfettet) • M«yb* there li juiMh* thing ndver- J. SCHWARTZ TkiH rrl«« KffMilv* I* Ow |i«rea la IM »«»H »»4 Vteloitv L tliti that you MI looking for.wAd- •••••• it ttt»« tin »»••»>»••••»+++•<

^ • "•• -« KtilJ HAWK KtitilS'NSft AUtiUST 15< iwjk''r."

WATER FpR A DEVELOPMENT, J BUILDING DAM FOR LAKE, f».V» JP*^."*K»'B*'»**rVV,*37Tt ', TREATED TO A CLAMBAKE SeuUhorp, Realty Company Want* New VoVk Wom«n .Will,••tultl, • I PORT MONMOUTH REALTY DE Atlantic Highland! Service. TWELVE MONMOUTH PARK Summer Reeldeno* There, - .. 'V* Good Roofing The Seulthorpe realty company of Miss- Mary Mauley Pf New York' VELOPERS HAVE A PARTY, ACRES WILL BE rXOOPED, Bargains Atlantic Highlands has a large reitf has bought»lot, 89*100 feet, «t ftt "The Kind That Letts" Benjamin and Walter Mills Showed estate development in Middlctown The Dam ii Betng Built at the Foo» corner oft WalliWallinn g place and Mom- the People of Homeiteed Terrace township near Leonardo and near af * P«nd on Eatontown Twit by ingilde'avenue at EastKeamburg j For all types ot roofs and Proipectiva Lot Btijrari a the Atlantic Highlands borough line. Slrjrlier A Slryhtr—3»Iditr« One* from" Robert Shaw of But Scans- Royal Good Tim*. The company hag made application Had • Dam There. >. burg for $600, Several year* ago {ha New and Used Furniture of All'! I to the mayor and council of At- A dam is being built to enlarge Monmouth Roofing Co. Benjamin and Walter,Mill* gava foundation for a houie was built on Jobn«-M«nTlll« Approved Roofer* a clambake one night last week on lantic Highlands to have water pro- and beautify the lake in the center thU let, but no other work WM done. Kinds at Prices That WiU vided for, the tract by the public of the Monmouth Park development Mlta Manley will use the foundation; 12 MASON PL their Homestead Terrace, develop- owned water works of Atlantic at Eatontown. The development Is , Finn* 380 KEANSBURG. ment near Port Monmouth, The ob- for a house which she will build Surprise You, ject was to provide a treat for tha Highlands. Last Thursday night the owned by the Monmouth Park land nexf spring' for lumnw ute. ' Seulthorpe coihpany asked thu town- company, the principal members of Iq-,«. b««i, , .ch»ln ,_v-,., kitche., n ,-iblw, droiim. beds, Hewtf ' lesidents of the development and ship committeeof Middlctown town- which ere Samuel Seoves of Anbury , standsd ; chinhi * and glasswarel , rugi, tapeitrlei, odd pieces©* ill tor prospective buyers. ship to permit the development to Park and Henry J. Boon-am of Ea- kinds, now and wod beds, new mattrtnei,,baok cw, aldebanrdr, \fore than sixty* persons, ,were PAUL REVERE over-stuffed suites, odd overstuffed ehafw, dining »«n WltM." E.tobliihod 1854 TeLphon* 111 KC9ive~wator service from Alantlc tontown. present including 'some of the mem- fylghlande., Tho committee deferred eh,ow cases, desks, scalea, lamps:, odd tablet,; davenort eoucnei, bers of the Jersey City police glca The dam will be about llx feat Insurance of All Kindt., spool beds, antique pieces, mirrors, articles coining and lolng til < action on the request to get legal nigh and it will be built across a the time. Make, this your clewing house.' . , ALEXANDER D. COOPER club. The grounds were lighted with advico from William E. Fostor, the narrow ravine. It will be made of electric bulbs. In addition to clam township counsel, concrete. Stryker & Stryker of Bed REAL ESTATE We buy outright or sell on consignment anything thufi chowder and clams iiuother^/orroi, Ban)c will do th« work. The Job will 16 Broad St.,' . Rtd Bank. N. saleable. 56^64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, NT J." £ corn on tho cob, frankfurters, rolla ™ vAu-«ltonw1«|Tn-»H-Br|flnlM.. — Rial Elttt*, and coffee were served. Orchestral A I house from Thoie cows, As you all know this is no appraisal lale, but the 359 West 26th St., 18 Mechanic St., LARGE STOREHOUSE SOLD. be ¥6,500. Nelson M. Raub of East and Howard J. Booream, secretary- in best part of town. AH improve- high dollar buys the cow regardless of cos>, Keansburg is the contractor. ments, fireplace, glass enclosed und '. These dairy COWB'will bo sold under a full guarantee for a 60-d«y; . River Street Property Bought by treasurer of the Monmouth Park screened porch, garage. Owner Red Bank, N. J, land company, fyive homes on the needs larger house. Will SQU to retest. under government requirements. They must be as represented or Ezra 0>borne Company. property. _ no sale, You «ro invited to como and see th,cao cov/i (it any time before The former Ked Bank paper com- JAMES STALFA'S NEW HOUSE. quiokbuyor for$8,780. •-•> day of sale, I am suro'you will find you? needs »nd you will not h»vo pany's storehouse on the north side to pay double for, them.. Only real dairy cowa will be available at thll H« U Having It 'Built,«t Campbell". Bought Hou'o He Occupies, New riVcr front summer borne oil xow sale. ' ...... of River street was sold last week Junction- lares lot.' Deep water for boats. by William Winans company of As- T. Harrison Stiles has bought Sovon light airy rooms, bath, sleep- REMEMBER THE DATE:—Friday, AupistvlTtH, X9Uil,-4t 12|S0' bury Park to the Ezra Osborn lum- James Stalfa is building a house from Louis E. Brown the house on' ing porch, fireplace, oloctrlo lights, B, m,, Paylight Saying Time, rain or shine. It will p»y you t« attend . ber company of Red Bank for for his own use on land at Gamp-tho east side of Harrison avenue, large screened living porch on two this cow sale: wh«rj. you can got what you want, not: Payinp;m«i thin WHY be satisfied with a ;! $4,500. Tho sale was made by Wil- bell's Junction, fronting on the con- noar East Front street, which he has Bides, 2-car garage. A very attrac- they aree worthworth. • "' :•: -/'^'' ' ' .V' , . "" policy that only cov- liam A. Hopping. crete road, which he recently bought occupied the past two years. The tive, livable, homo overlooking a DELIVERY!—Atato trucks (oh grounds' for delivery tQ' any,point In from Louis Scholl. Theodore H. Wat- price was $8,500. The lot is 50x827 wide Dxpansij of water and a real ers you partially? We can The lot on which tfie building is 1 the country at a reasonable charge, or two railroads convenient.: show you how it will cost son of East Keansburg is the con- feet. The house has seven rooms, a buy at $J 3,000; furniture. Include *. situated is 60x150 feet and thettactor and the building, permit for bathroom and modern improvements. TERMS i—rMado. known on the day of. sale. ;. only a few mote dollars building covers nearly the entire lot. Profitable farm of 69 acres, Sub- than you are paying now the house was issued last week by A garage is on the property. Mr. stantial house of 12 rooms, barn OEOROE H.oROBEUTS, Auctioneer. •''•-•• The structure is of hollow tile and Stiles is a landscape contractor, to be fully insured against stucco. It was built several years James H. Redficld, one of the build- and outbuildings. Good for pota- GEORGE S..P. HUNT, HORACE E. RUE, Clbflti.'. . ago by the Daper company under ir,g inspectors of Midlotown town- toes, corn, hay or truck. Muat bu . all losses by fire. sMp. , The house will be 24x38 feet The Hegister'i moHo^-"A paper sold to settle estate. $7,250. JACOB ZLOTKIN. the direction of William Spain of (Terms.) Red Bank, who was then connected and it will have fivo rooms, a bath- in every home."—Advertisement. ,. . Phone 330 Freehold. "Think of the Future" with the company. The Ked Bank room' and modern improvements. company was bought about a year The cost will be ?4,500. ago by the William Winahs company ot Asbury Park, dealers in salt and Improvement! to Two Houiei, twine. The Red Bank business was H; A. Hendrickson & Co. of Red closed and the building had been Bank are making alterations to Hen- HAWKINS BROTHERS idle since. ry Fenton's house at Iincroft and It adjoins tho Osborn company's Charles Lucam'e house at Middle I" INSURANCE property, which Is located on thotown. A sunparlor, porch anl bath- south side of Catherine street. This room are being built to Mr, Pen- DUNLOPS 10 Monmouth Street. Red Bank, N. J. company will use tho building as a ton's house at a cost of $1,000, A storehouse and for its'private offices. kitchen and bathroom costing $1,200 Phon* 3S2 They will build an addition to theare being built to Mr, Lucnm's building which will be used as a gar- house. , nge for their trucks. Probably not as many people pass »*Kf »•»•»•»»•»»•«•»•<•»»•«»•••»» your house in a month as read the NOT ENOUGH FUNDS. Want Advertisements In The RogiS Vice Campaign and Liquor Ca»e> ter each week. The Register goes into more than 7,400 homes wecldy: IUee Up Prosecutor'* Funds. that means a big Register family of Use of the Term Realtor Prosecutor John J. Quinn has no- more than 35,000 persons.—Adver- tified the freeholders that his i •lEcment. YEARS The term Realtor is a coined term adopted by the National propriation for criminal prosecution Association ol Real Estate Boards and is defined to mean a per- will again be exceeded this year. Bon engaged in the real estate business who Is an active member Last year this appropriation was of .a constituent board of the Association, and as such, a member exceeded by about $1,000. Mr. of the National Association, who is subject to its rules and regu- Quinn in making the announcement lations, who observes its standards of conduct and who is entitled to its benefits. said that last year Freeholder New- comb charged that the appropriation WHAT OF IT? ...Even if Dunlop For 40 years .... year after year .... old The exclusive right of the Association to use of the term to was excooded two weeks before It designate such a member of a member board has been upheld by became a fact. Mr. Quinn says that has had the longest experience in tire-building, friends have been sticking to Dunlop and eleven court decisions handed down in six states. the vice campaign and liquor law does that affect my car? new friends have been turning to Dunlop«j violations use up a large part of tho RED BANK REAL ESTATE BOARD. appropriation. No. Not the mere feet of 40 years' exper- These millions of motorists must be right. —MEMBERS— They have had experience in using Dun- ALLAIRE & SON, 60 Broad Street Weitside Home Sold. iencc.That might mean nothing. But, there HAWKINS BROTHERS, 10 Monmoutb Street Michael DelGuidice sold a house is big meaning to you in the success of Dun- lops. They know, WILLIAM A. HOPPING, Broad Street & Linden Piece on Herbert street last week to Thomas Mazzaroppi, who has been lop's 40 years. ' • HENDRICKSON & STOUT, Z Linden Place renting the property. The price wai As soon as you try a set, you; HYLIN & SALZ, 42 Broad Street $5,500. Four years ago Mr. Del- A. L. IVINS AGENCY, 42 Broad Street Guidice bought the place for $4,800. Such sustained success shows too, will know. You will find LAND and LOAN CO., 12 Mechanic Street Tho lot Is 60x160 feet. The homo that Dunlop knows hou> to thatDunlop's successful exper- NEWTON DOREMUS, Pret. has six rooms, a bathroom and mod erri improvements. build maximum value into ience means extra value to you. ••••^•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. tires. The 26 million Dunlop • Addition to a Bungalow. "DUN1O.P CITY" William Tokor is building an ad- tires now running form a dition to his liungiilow at East Tbroughoutthcwotld.theproducdvoDan- Kcansburg at the corner of Broy world-wide evidence of Dun- . lop Propcrtlci covet io Vut an irrj thtt-lf nvcnuo and the Port Monmouth rood combined Jnto one pluce-they would form I p.t a cost of $300. The building per- lop's superiority. • 'TJunlop Cltjr" of ovet 100,000 »Cf««. mit .for the ndditlon wns Issued last Do You Want to | week by James II. Itodfleld, one of tho building inspectors of Middlo- tuwn township, IHI WOttlA'S CREATECT KXWS, CfflllASIS AKD Borrow Money? Bank Twenty Ye.ri Old. KIUI AIT18I8-A C"iAi;D Kimi ACC«. Tho Mnnngqunn national bnnk ob- CATION Of WOHOtdFt". FIUOEHi;;] EUPtWS, fcrved its twentieth anniversary Intt We represent The^IDELITY- Saturday. To innrk tho occn.ilon the noists, poniis, co«i5. r.cs. tan m t.nnltnl stock wns iilcrcnscd from HOHKHWOO CUJIDUS TMINtO AKIHAL3. ' $50,000 to 3100,000. Wllllnm V. UNION TITLE & MORT- Tnylor is iinildent of tho bank. 50 GREAT ACTS

GAGE GUARANTY The Super-Saliimtn, A BRAND FREE EXHIBITION I-ukn LoiiRlicad In The llcclitcr COMPANY. talkH to over 30,000 people every woe!;.—Ailvritlnemcnt, REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE wo mtroRHUicu DAILY nun 01 SHIHE.UNDU out Quick Service Msxoin w«m.Ntoor um-knmmm2 EGAN'S til. IVCMINCS M 8, DOOM Of •»• iirliee on ruur n«»t lob. All faln:• 'A'"' )• .1 ;' , '- \' ... RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15, 1928.

^ • SCAFFOLD.BRE^KJ. aatlified with the progreM r^ade.|», buUdlng the addition to the school. fin J««n lnJ»l/«d.WhlU Working «l Mtii< Ethel Dreyct ,has returned ^ Sbd' l' ' home from Ocean, City/ where »he' • Five men TOW injured when atook' 6. 'summer course in teaching.. leaffold. on which 'they wets W9rk- She will tench the first and second ffitr at Shadow Lawn" collapsed grade pupils of this place tho com- Wednesday, alternopu, They, were ing jeaton. • '" ' ALL SALES ig eepsun. , , . ALL SALES ruihed to the long Branch' hospital AlAllel n EE. Crawford bought a Hud-, ind three of 'them' remaine._... , d there .W coaoh last-week, ' ' ', - lii patients, 'ha WiWilsol n receiveidd a Arthui Kelly JiaS vltltors from .broken leg and jeveral tuts and 'New York. FltiAL FINAL bruises. Robert Prayer received an Mrs. Gibson and'her three chil- injured leg and William Graham suf- dren ot New York have rented fered a fractured shoulder and.ln- rooms at Mrs. Harry Mayberry's for No Approvals No Approvals juries to his rplne.. Thomas Holly month'. pii WilHairi'Glbb were'treated, lor Mr,1.and Mr«. John Grady of Long No Exchanges •light injuries and 'allowed to goI.«land and Mr. and Mrs. Edward No Exchanges home.. The scaffold was about twen- Mooney of Mew York Bpent part of No Refunds ty feet high. last"week with Mrs.'Mary Carney. No Refunds Misses Ruth and Elsie Dreyer. at; tended a beach party ot^Leonardo TINTON FALLS NEWS. 'nt week. dol, ,TW» at V M»nhm»llc|W and »\b.out three months ago u car ' i ; Corn RoMt. » driven by Car| Dreyer got stuck in ASBURY PARK, N. J. Thlrty-flvo,, 'person's, Including the mud • on Miss Margaret Dean's grown-ups and children, had a polly farm. Two weeks ago Edward Car Erne at a marshmallow and corn ney attempted to pull the tar out ' roast last week at Mrs. Hurry May- o( the mud *Mth his truck, but (he J berry's. Marshtnallowi and .corn truck got stuck also. Lost week Ar- wert roasted over.bonfires on thethur Borry polled both machines out with his horse. Announce Commencing Tomorrow, Thursday, August 16th Mayberry place, - / 1 Ten chickens owned by Mrs, Lfda Schul^i daughter of Frank Charles Dreyer were killed by a Schultz, Is spending two weeks with weasel one night last week. AH elhe- r cousin. Mrs. Louis Palmer of 's forts to kill the weasel have thus Wos,t Long Branch. far been unavailing. ' Andrew Kissel has been making Mrs, Wellington WHklns, who has improvements and. repairs to the been sick "the past three weekB, Is outbuildings on .his farm on Water slowly improving. She Is now nble ftrcct. Ho has bought a Chevrolet tu sit up In bed. > automobile truck which ho uses to transport his crops to and from New Airs. William Farrell has been «n York. tertalnlng friends f(om Bloomfield. - Mr. and ,M». Edwin Stoothoff, Jr., A d.incc wan held at Porter's hall ABSOLire-FINAL CLEARANCE have moved in their new house on Friday'night, under tho direction of the Eatontown road, opposite the Paul Green. achoolhouse. Havo you read tho Want.Adver. THE SURPLUS SUMMER STOCKS OR The members of tho township tinements in The Register this week? board of education met at the Maybe thcro Is just the thing adver- schoolhouse last Wednesday night. tised that you are lookirir '" ' J • OUR ENTIRE NINE STORES The members of the board are well vertlscmcnt.

' TO-DAY THE PROVING GROUND SACRIFICED WITHOUT REGARD TO COST OR VALUE OF MOTOR OILS IS IN THE AIR! -FIGURED CREPE & FLOWERED GEORGETTE DRESSES- ' r' -'". 1^— • -it ^OR-WGMEN-ANIMVHSSES-^ -, r__±__ A sale that brings you fresh, crisp and dainty new Silk Dresses at prices that will startle you. Pretty prints in Chiffons, Georgettes and Crepe de Chines, also Crepe Elizabeth and Flat Crepe. Flounces, tiers, pleats and every fashion fea- ture will be found in this collection of new Summer Dresses that are being offered for tomorrow only at special prices.

12.50 14.75 ¥ Valueis to $20.00 Values to $25.00. Values to $30.00

STREET AND AFTERNOON DRESSES FOR WOMEN AND MISSES TO THE Without iquestion this is the most important dress event of the Summer season. Frocks for every occasion — for street, travel, sports, afternoon and evening wear. Are styled right and are trimmed with pleats,, tucks, lace, bows and, rib- South Pole bons. One and two-piece models in the season's most desirable colors and materials. WITH v 6.90 9.75 15.00 Commander Byrd Values to $20.00 Values to $30.00 Values to $40.00

THE NEW FLANNEL, TWEED, SATIN AND CLOTH COATS— * • • VEEDOL FOR WOMEN AND MISSES MOTOR Dress and Sport Coats in a sale that has never been equalled. All of the newest modes of Flannel, Diagonal Weave", OIL Tweed, Satin and Kasha Cloth. Some are attractively trimmed with fur, others smartly plain. All beautifully tailored. COMMANDER BYRD had everyN>H in tho world to chooso from. Why did ho choose the New Vecdol? Because it is made 100% from 9.75 12.50 18.00 25.00 Pennsylvania and other paraffme base crudes. Values to $25.00 Values to $30.00 Values to $40.00 Values to $65.00 Because it has hung up a record for perform- ance almost as famous as|his 'own. Because he listened to nobody, and dpcldcd.for him- self on proven merit alone. The New Vecdol louts longer, keeps motors TAILORED AND DRESSY SUITS cooler, and pays its way in money saved. It . is made to meet tho challenge of the modern ' FOR WOMEN AND MISSES motor. It beats heat and friction. And it gives your cat; a chance to do its hunt. At tho The Unrestricted Choice of Every Suit in Stock at One Amazingly Low Price For Immediate Clearance ; orange and black Vecdol sign ... The Tide SPORT SUITS •' Water Oil Salcs'Corptiration, New York City. TWEED SUITS TWILL CLOTH SUITS A TAILORED DjRESS SUITS Lain Longer -KeepsCooler KASHA CLOTH SUITS 9.75 ENSEMBLE SUITS MADB IOO* mOM'PBNMBVLVANIA HAIRLINE STRIPED SUITS Values to $40.00 WITH PRINTED SILK DRESSES AND OTHER MtUrNNC BAIB CR0D1I try tlttOTW VEEDO L todcy Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15, 1928, general of th« state for advtM. Tltt used almost daily' to blow out tree brother, Mr. Martin D»t»ney, ol NO LACK OF AUTHORITY. outcome was that the tttornty tea- stumps and some ot the blasts shake Seventh street last week. eral told Mr. Sterner that the town- h»ui»s In tiw village. , The Union Beach Catholic dab WORDS! GARBAGE COLLECTIONS POS ship committee had an undoubted Wl|llam B. Waters, Frederick will hold "a baaar on the church BMBJBrr SIBLE IN TOWNSHIP. right to have garbage collected la Hunt and Frank Scott had great grounds on Stone road from August the manner proposed by Mr. Rob-•port fishing at Barnegat one day18th to August 26th.iThero will be Hill* Aerot* Iht Bin WORDS! The People of Leonardo and Eut ert; He showed Mr. Sterner two last wee.k. They got 75 blucflsh and different attractions each night. WORDS k Kcansburg Can Hav* TM» lm- laws on the subject, one of which out bonita, the bonita being caught Mr. and. Mrs. B. A. Aumnck of proviment Undar lh« Supervision was passed in 1002. by Mr. Waters. The fishermen gave Florence avenue entertained some Shark River Hills Hotel have never «aved you a cent. Try Jeddo-High- of Town.hip Official*. Mr. Sterner attended the meeting most of the fish to their neighbors. friends Irora Freehold latt week. Some time ago the people of of the township committee last Wardwell Thomas's automobile Mr. and tin. John Miller and —and— land Coal this year. The proof of quality is in Leonardo and East Keansburg made Thursday night and told the eommlt- was struck by another car on the family of Elizabeth spent the week application; to the township commit- teenten about the information that state highway Saturday morning. No end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. the burning. tee of Middletown township for gar- he had received from ihf attorney one was hurt and hot much damage Tierney of Stone wad, bage collections to be made at those general. He alto read the law* 6 Master George Sappah, 'Jr.. of places under township superyision'by the question. Mr. Sterner Mid!'i sim Mrs. F. Markjle Shad Is B patient Cottage Park, is spending a week Spanish Grill a contractor who would be paid with ilar method of garbage colUctlo »t Ui» Long Branch hospital. with his aunt and' uncle at Jersey township, funds; Howard W. Robert*, was in use In the thickly poBnlate R»v. Enlmttt B. Groseclojc gave City. DELICIOUSFOODS . who Is the township cleric and whosections of Madison township ta Mid-health lsehirts last1 night and - Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sappah is a lawyer, was.engaged In drawing dlesex county. • day night at the Benjamin Frank- nnd daughter Jane of Briarcllft SUPERIOR SERVICE * , a measure to have this done''when Ai the summer season If nearly |in-innM Asbury Park. . Manor, New York, and Mr, and: Mrs. he was taken sick. He has since been ended at Leonards and East Ke»h| ' T. J. Qttlgley and larnlly of Hart- John Sappah of 'Jersey .City'••spent ' , • . BEWITCHING MUSIC at Saranac Lake, where he Is rap-burg It arle8 Sap- DELIGHTFUL DANCING idly improving.. • '•' » ., bage. disposal project will bk ?i Wetls With Mr. and Mrs, - William pah of Central avenue. ; •; :"; M either! of thei« pUeas this jiar, Oahe, •;". V-'.N-:-:'.". -. ... Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Collins of After Mr. Roberts gave up his Probably it will be emolpwd. Hi [duties temporarily the matter of : Mr. and Wn, Andrew VanOpstil Central .avenue' are sporting a' new providing garbage collections came year. Both places ar« rtptdlf gn; % have rfpainted their house, Nash six, ' purchased through' the Shore Dinner Specialties Ing resorts with hundrtds of •»» Rieyport Nash sales room. > to a halt. Under Mr. Roberts'! "plan cationistt during *.h« warm wiitnti ;• "-.'•: ; — -•-••> 7-r- Leonardo and East Keansburg would •I UNWN BEACH NEWS. Miss Elsie White of Brooklyn Is Unless you have dined and danced with us have been designated u tonei or season. At both plaetl garbage eel spending.some time with her aunt, the best is yet awaiting you. ' lections are new made>7 eontrae- Catholic Church Baiar Opont Next Mrs, II- Coffee of Columbia avenue. districts by an ordinance and the tors who are paid directly by the cost of collecting garbage in those •-•;•• Sa««Way Nigh*. J. Corcoran of New York spent FREDERICK C. LUTKIN, , residents. Large delegations o( res- the (reek-end at the home of his sis- COAL places would have been assessed In idents of both pltees Tiavis on Mtf Hlsr H«Un Sappah of Central Manager. Where promises are fulfilled ! the form of taxes against the prop- avenue ii spendinj two weeks' va- ter, Mrs. B. Stern ot Aumack ave- eral occasions ttUndtd the towuslri] nue. . . ., : '•••'.••• Follow the signs westward A now and modern Hotel In erty owners benefited. ', • committee meeting-* and ailc«d tha tation at the home of her brother it BrUwllff Manor, New York. . , m > With Dr>a HANCE & DAVIS matter was dropped. mlt«—A Great Plrilag Trl*. , Telephone 103 Assemblyman E. Donald Sterner Rapid progress, ta btlng «ade with of Belmar became Interested In thethe work of cutting through the matter and he went to the attorney route of the new road. Dynamite It Just 1 THOUGHT VOU TO plain TR.WD& IN THfc OU>

ON THE WAV DOWN, I sat/ all who have seen it •MIND J

A triumph of advanced automotive design - introducing new and individual standards of performance and appearance - -Longer righting for its HKAD! larger more luxurious bodies reflecting THERE'S a breath-taking lift to TYDOL that seems to pick your car up and throw it at a hill! That scoots the full genius of Fisher craftsmanship • • it in, and out of traffic. That rolls it down a straight-

Amid all the fanfare of new car announcements, one fact slunds away like an aeroplane with the wind on its tail! out with shining clarity i Owners of cars in every price field are Seethe Creat (hr turning to the Silver Anniversary Ihticlc tvith an eagerness xchich Hard on the leash ... these TYDOL filled cars... proves that they regard it as the greatest value ever offered in t/ie oftheWoiM fighting to go ... ready for the worst there is, and motor world! This radically now and different nutomoliilc in rolling up the the harder the better. Fill your tank once, and Mggeflt demnnd over won by any new quality car. It Is drawing afterward you'll pass up pumps of all colors until more people to the showrooms, dny after day, than any other THE SILVER AM Ml VERSA RV automobile ever drew before. It is foaming tlio attention of you come to the orange and black TYDOL. ' America by quality-standards HO new, HO advanced nnd so epochal •i to preclude any thought of compnritum. Thereto NEW VEEDOL MOTOR OIL New Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher marking the highest degree of Made by the makers of the dashing, daring, debonair beauty— thrilling new abilities as un- ... the tougher, heavier-bodied oil for the modern motors matched as they were unknown n few weeks ago—now appoint- ments of luxury and convenience never before known to motor car practice I America has Keen plenty of automobile*. Hut America liaa never IKX-n an automobile llko this. "Just plain Wonderful" ia the country'a verdict on the Surer Anniversary Hulclcl WITH MASTERPIECE BOOIXS BY H. L.. ZOBEL YDO Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor C A S O L I Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright, N. J. Telephone) 955 v Telephone 90 There's GET-UP and GET-AwAYin every drop I of it

,.if,k HED BANK BEGI5TER, AUGUST 15,1928.

with their son, Lawrence Winter*, cured revenge for a ' defeat which A NEWMAN SPRINGS CAMP wh,o is spending th« summer with was Inflicted by "the Freehold firemen William Martinson. a short time tgof by a «eore of 16 ONLY ONE OF THE KIND IN Mrs. Shortley snd her ton Frank to 2. , ', RED BANK AND VICINITY. have returned to Irvlngton after a' ' Henry VanBruht, who hat been visit to Mn.' Harry Helm. working for Albert Emmons,, has Johnson Cult Ornbtrf N«*rlng th. End of Miss Betty. Ptrker taureturne d moved on Joseph Kinhafer'i farm, Stco'nd Y»r *« Proprietor of »nto Bloomfield after a visit to Milswhere he Is now tmployed. Richest Ante C»mp and TourUu' Park Ruth BeUs. Mr, Kreutncr of New York spent Outboard En.t of Niwmu Springs Brldf*. William Pierce sold his Chevrolet Sunday and Monday with Jacob Gust Omberg- of Red Bank l»j automobile last week to Mrs. Battle 8tern. ! ,?» Bearing the end of his second year of Setbright. The isle wat made by Rapid progress li being made with ar proprietor of the NewmaniCedl Crawford. the work of building the addition to Motors Spring! park and auto camp, just Mrs. Rhods Holmes and Mrsth.e Crawford's Corner tchoothouse east of the Newman Springt bridge. I.ydla A. Kenney have been vleltlng end It seems certain that the work 2SH.P. Giant Twin now Mr. Ornbcrg formerly worked as aat Asbury Park. will be somplcted before- the open- carpenter and he gave up, this work i' A. large' willow tree »n the SapIng 0! :he school season.. , eady for immediate delivery* about two years ago to open' die 1 tl»t church property fell with 1 loud The William C. Ely ' jttate last Speeds made up to 42 M. P, ,' Ntwmah Eptings camp. jere«h shortly after midnight Friday week sold three horses to Valentine The camp i> the only one of its 1 right during 1 heavy, wind and rain Bros, of Woodbrldge, 1 team to Dr. H. Quiet muffler. Easy start* kind at Red Bank and vicinity. It storm, Ihe nolle made by the falling Ernest Fahnestock of Shrewsbury, a ing. " U equipped with seventeen tents. tree awakened many persons in thesingle hone (0 Frank Anderson sf The tents are 16x16 feet in tlie. village center. Matawan, a saddle horse to Inwood Seven of the tents are of the bun- Elizabeth Sherman, Adele John' Farms of Asbury Park and a pony C. G. Alexander, Jr. jalow type with wooden floors, elec- ton and Adeline Holmes returned to Frank Smith »f Allentown. tric light, .running water. Ice boxhome yesterday from Camp Ocka- t SHOWROOM: 500 Main Street, Asbury Park. and cook rtove.-rt The tides of therilckon, where they spent a week. Phone 6065 ' ' bungalow tent* are fitted with The Holmdel baseball team de- Have you.read the Want Adver- tisements In The ReRiater this week? SERVICE: 421 Jefferson Avenue, Avon. screens. The regular tent fides can feated the Freehold fire department Maybe there Is just the thing adver- Phone Aibury Park 2664 ' ' b« pujled over the screens when nec- team at Freehold last Friday by atised.that you are looking for.- Ad- J Airships, Penn Yan, Sea Sled and Cute Craft Boat* essary. The other tents are o{ thescore of 9 to 6. Holmdel thui se- vertisement. ordinary type. They are fitted with »»•»••••••••»•»•»•••••«•••»••»••»••••«•••>»••»•»»• electric light and a cook stove. The tents are situated, in a large park, in which Is located swinge, seesaws, a basketball court and a quoit pitch- ing alley. At the park entrance is a small community house with a radio, a telephone and other con- veniences. The park at night is 1 lighted by two large flood.lights, WHITE SHOE CO mounted on poles at the entrance.] ANNUAL SUMMER can't buy better heat The campers do their own cook- I Ing. A small stand for the tale of Constant circulation of moist* warm air-* For large homes the Deluxe System.aomhui. candy, soda water, ice cream and 4- natures plan—provides the best heat money Ing advantages of heating-cooling^uutalla. frankfurters is conducted by Mr. can buy. This Is the Holland Vaporalre prin- dons used in modern theaters, schools and' Ornberg. .'• SHOE: SALIE In addition to the park, the camp ciple Headngrctponsels quick and positive. hospitals, provides year around comfort. For has a large bathing place in the | • In keeping with our established Policy all Warmth js distributed la measured volumes every home, large or, small, cosdy or modest, part of the Shrewsbury river known i 4- to every room. Uniform temperature and there's, a Holland that guarantees comfort, M "gravel bottom." The bank of •f short lines must be sold at this time. proper humidity are r«»«*«tn»d constantly cleanliness, convenience and economy, re- the river slopes to a large beach. The' quires-only two firings daily and uses from bathing place is open to the public. and automatically. Floors are warm and Picnickers are accommodated at'the A Certain Number of Women's draft-free The air—always In motion—teems 10% to 35% less fuel—which practically park free of charge. t Shoes Still Remains to be Sold. with energy, lifeless air In the average home pays for the system. Order now and assure Next season many improvements —drier than desert alr—i* a prevalent cause Installation before the first chilly day. will be made to the camp. A new THESE LOW PRICES WILL SELL of discomfort and ill-health. A Holland Purchase may be made on deferred pay* road Will be cut through from the coats no more than ordinary treating plants. meats. Get the facts and you'll get a Holland. Newman. Springs road by Schenck S. THEM QUICKLY. Thompson company and all the tents will be made of the bungalow type. I For aAdress of nearest branch look in' your telephone book Sevtral more tents will be added. $ $ .4 2.95 3.95 HOLMDEL NEWS. Majority of styles offered are perfectly good R«form«d Church'* Brown Supper for Fall and Winter wear. HOLLAND HEATING ta hm Held in October. I HOlUtlD f.URNA ARM FRIENDS The ladies' aid society of the Re- formed church met in the Sunday- school room.last week and arranged HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY for the annual brown supper in Oc- 36 Mechanic Street, Tel. Red Bank 2192 Red Bank, N. J. tob'er. A new primary class has been White Shoe Co. HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY. HOLLAND. MICHIGAN formed at the Heformed Sundty- World's largest • Wklio<«ofeUlMk>non'mTP««. • Send m« literature 525 direct school, with Miss Dorothy Martinson RED BANK, -NEW JERSEY. installers 0/ a HmaHoDudnuicall D 8eaa iwr repair maa factory branches home-heating 04 teacher. and service Mr. and Mrs. John Wanters of tyitntif ItOtiOTU • -(217) Brooklyn spent part of last week

Ladies' Dresses Have been divided into Groups. GR'OUP 1; Silk Df«»sei $5.00, S7.S0 and 110.00. GROUP 2. Dimities, Voile« ' and Tfomia ' pressed. $2.80, $3.80 and $11.00. Women's Sheer Silk Hose. GROUP 3/ From well-known manufacturers, plain and Linens1, BroadclotBroadclothhs and 1 clocked. Hundreds of pairs of fine textured sheer Print*.. • $3.00, $5.00 and ,$7.50. silk hose, woveri to exacting- specifications for clearness of weave, perfection of detail and ser- vice reinforcement. All newest shades with Children's Silk tiresses Pointex or square heels. Sizes 8# to 10. $3.50 $1.15, $1.50, $1.85. Silk broadcloth dresses, washable and fast col- ors; In pastel shades and plain colors* Trimmed Sale with silk crepe de chine, cunning in style and tailored well. Sizes 6 to 14 years.. A Seasonable Disposal Which Provides Exceptional Values (Whatever your immediate needs may be you are certain to find them in this sale—and save money at the same time. Jack Tar It is a clearance sale that you can only appreciate through attending. No matter which department you visit, you will Boys'Wash Suits find.it rich in opportunity to make decided saving* provided quick action is-made. Linens and washable mater- ials and combinations, in sol- id colors; with long and short sleeves, cool looking Philippine Gowns. and well tailored. Colon- Ladies' Washable Hand embroidered Philippine Gowns, are blue; checks and stripes, mad* of fine quality long cloth. Neatly i plain fjre?n, tan. grey and Pajamas finished and cut full. In white and Jack Tar Frocks . mixtures?* Sizes V/i' to 8 colors. years.,' Ladies' two-piece washable pajamas, for Little Tots. made of fine quality broadcloth; slip- $1.00 each. over models, white trousers with Dainty washable dimity Dresses, neatly tailored $1.00 to $2.50 trimmed bottoms to match. In plain colors and "V" neck. All sizes. Ladies' Slips. and becoming styles, in plain and trimmed models, Palmetto Slips, a fine cloth that does not cling. Made with kick plaits to fit with panties to match; In slws 2 to 6 years. Sheets and Pillow Cases. $1.00 a Suit. the figure. All white; sites 34 to 44. Remnante from our own piece goods. All perfect, $1.50 each. "FRUIT OF THE LOOM" SEAMLESS SHEETS $1.00 to $2.50. (18x00 ..,.„_ $1.10 washable materials of the finest quality. Some con- Washable Crepe de Chine » 72x90 ., _.._ 1,30 tain enough material for dress or ensemble—others 81x110 ., Blankets Slips. at a Clearance Price. just enough to trim a frock—or a child's dress. All Extra henvy i-rcpo, pure silk with lhn- "FRUIT OF THE LOOM" PILLOW CASES. Plaid blankets ol u woolen mixture, fresh, smart and priced way'below their regular value. dow-proof hem, well-tailored nnd hem- Summer 45x36 .. .JO heavy quality with n lovely (oft-finish itltchcd top. All sizes; In flesh and 46x88H 45 nnd > fnil colored sntlne binding, In «t- The materials are silks, woolens, washable broad- white. 45x88W hemstitched, .85 tr«ctlvo j)att«rns| flflxBO, Sweaters cloths, percales, linens, curtain materials, cretonnes $3.00 each. Special $3.00 a Pair MAGNET SHEETS. and many others. 03x00 ., >iTO" ->#i JQ $3, $4.50 and $7. 72x00 .. ~...J.,.'.....'.'Z l!oo 81x00 .. 1.10 Woolen Blankets Children's Socks. 4BK30 Pillow C«I»I ta Match, 25 Ctnlt Each Flnt quality woolen hlanketi In striking Hlgh-Kradc Su m mcr colors «nd plaldi, composed of mch soft Imported mid domestic socks. Llslcs Sweaters, slip-om and but- DWIGHt ANCHOR SHEETS. quality wool that It formi • light woltlit and silks, In the newest shades; full 84x00 .. ,20 b ankut, warm it th« snmn tlmil satin fashioned. Straight and turned back ton fronts, Made of line blnded—60x?0. 68x00 ...... H».*.*••*» 1,38 tops, Size* *]', to 10. quality silk and wool, In 68x00 .. • M...... M 1,48 pastel shades, Light In 72x00 .. .48 ' $6.75 a Pair 72x00 .. r[|l|| . ^ .SO 25c, 35c & 50c Pair. weight and smartly tail- 81x00 .. J. \anka ored. In plain and fancy 81x60 ...•M...... M.MI ,'BO 8U10S l««t»M.M.««..««.l 1.00 weaves; sizes 34 to 44. * RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15/1928. "UNCLE DAN'S" BIRTHDAY. service at the Presbyterian church went to the BrodBraon 'farm to- Mk beneficiaries -under the' will were noxt Sunday. about the accident. " L' • Mrs. Susan Burdgo and Mrs, Mabel Daniel Aiay, Veteran Ice Yachte- Elliott Stofflet of New York was The swimming- pool at Button- Leonard. Eleanor., R. .MeCleei, a ITALIAN POTTERY L PS men, 81 Yeart Old. a' weck-ond visitor of his mother, wood park, which waa recently built niece, filed a caveat' against the Daniel AsSy of Monmouth stf-eet, Mrs. J. P. Stofflet. by George Harold, Nevlus, is well codicil, alleging'qndue.Influence, and better known about town as "Uncle The painting work at the public populated during the hot Weather. that it was not. properly executed. v ' ' Chinese' Hand Sculptured Soapstone* Dan" was 81 years old Saturday, school will be completed this week. In the afternoon tho use of the pool i eie , VASES ft NOVELT1E?. ,'" for many years'.'•he conducted a The school will reopen September is confined to the residents of the . Died of Apopl'tay. 7 mason contracting business but was4th. ' ;.••'••.•. park. ' - - Leonard Cosgrove,' who lived . Tai UUH |n Sfcad.i, AlVlie*. ,« Raccoon compelled to give up active work Word has been received hero from near Jamesburg, was stricken with Conplati Junior and Bridge L«mpi. about two yean ago on account 'it Miss Emma Holmes of this place, Wilt Codicil Proper. apoplexy after alighting from a bus Qr*et|ii| Cards,' Bridge Prliea.' > - - -> ' his health. • who is on a trip to California. Miss Judge Stafnbach ha, decided that a: Keyport Wednesday" afternoon "Uncle Dan" makes his home with Holmes paid a visit last week to Mr.the codicil to the will of Mary E. and died soon afterward at the home bis daughter,'Mrs. Henry Harrison, and Mrs. Reginald Parsons, of McClees of Atlantic Highlands was of his aunt, Mrs. John H, Severs of BRIGHT SHOPPE and he was kept busy Saturday re- Leavensworth, Washington., Mr. andproperly executed. The principal Keyport , SEV^N BROAD STREET. ' v ceiving calls from friends and rela- itrs. Parsons are former residents tives who came to extend congratu- of this place. Mrs. Parsons was, lations. He also received flowers andformerly Miss Jessie Silver. birthday cards from.many of his ac- Mr. and'Mrs. Harry G. orden are quaintances. ».'-• .••'•••'• on an automobile trip through the "Uncle Dan" is a life member, of New England states. $325 the North Shrewsbury ice boat and Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Harding of yacht club and niany ^of'the ice Broad street have returned from a VALUED AT yachtsmen remembered him on his short vacation at Washington? $350 birthday. Mr. Asay owns the large A coating of asphaltum oil has pleasure iceboat Zero. It was his 1 been put on Sycamore avenue. $395 hobby every winter, up to the time The Monmouth consolidated water of giving up active work; to get hiscompany will lay a four-inch water Red Bank, N. J. craft out when conditions would main on Patterson avenue from 1 permit and to take folks for an ice-Broad street to near the Central boat sail. He was credited with be- railroad track. A fire hydrant will be Ladies/ Children's, and Infants Wear ing one of the oldest ice yacht skip- put in and a new street light will be THURSDAY FRIDAY pers in the world and photographs' installed. •. PARTICIPATING IN . ". " . . ct himself at the tiller of his yacht SATURDAY have been reproduced in Newspapers Miss Jessie Crosley and Miss and sporting magazines throughout Susan Parker ofMontclair are vis- the world. . ^ iting Mrs. Benjamin J. Parker of Sycamore avenue. Profit Sharing Sale - - August 16, 17,18 00 "Uncle Dan'.' was also a lover of Trcnchard Wylie, son of Thomas the turf and'for many years owned Wylie of Buttonwood, is spending and drove the well known horse Tarthree weeks at Camp Burton. All Summer Goods must be disposed of at Cost and Below Cost. $285- Baby, which frequently showed her Rev. and Mrs. J. Morgan of heels to'other speedsters in the lo-Spottswood are visiting Camille Ba- A rare opportunity for Great Savings* cal road matches and short trotting c,uet of Buttonwood. heats on the ice. Miss Anna Mulholland of Brook- Watch our windows to-day and lyn is spending a vacation with her CHILDREN'S CROSS BAR . SHREWSBURY NEWS. cousin, Miss Veronica Emmons. Miss Ladies' Full Fashioned to-nite. Catherine Orf of Jamaica, Long SHEER & SERVICE WEIGHT Boy.' Ba»eball/T«m Wai Victor- Island, is also visiting Miss Emmons. Children's E. Z. UNION SUITS ious at Tinton Fall. Sunday. George Lange, who is employed Sizes 2 to 12. SILK HOSIERY (The Red Bank ilexlater can bo bought by George Silver, Sr., is enjoying a each week in Shrewsbury from Richard Square and,Pointed Heels. Beake at the Dostofflcs.) two weeks' vacation, •"" C DON'T DELAY! Mrs. Theodore Dayton of Broad Dresses The Shrewsbury athletic club's baseball team defeated a. baseball street gave birth to, a son last .week MADE OF FINE VOILES AND 37 OUR aggregation at Tinton. Falls. Sunday at the Hazard hospital at Long "AS YOU LIKE" afternoon by an 8 to 1- score. The Branch. DIMITIES. SIZES 2 TO 6. Reg. 50c. battery for Shrewsbury was Vin-• Officer William Gosleau, who was •TRIUMPH" Pay A Small Deposit. "ALLEN A" cent McCue and Stephen Billings. married last week, returned to work CHILDREN'S RAYON Balance in the Fall ! The principal feature of the game Friday after a wedding trip to At- "TRE.JUR" BRANDS waa a twq-base hit by the Shrews- lantic City. • . • • bury pitcher when two fen were on Miss Marie Hamm, daughter of Reg. $1.00 and $1.25. Silk Combinations bases. John Hamm, has returned from a $ J.25 a pair George Silver, Jr., and family vacation with relatives in Canada. Sizes 4 to 12. were visitors at Trenton on Sunday. Considerable excitement was MADE OF FINE VOILES AND Reg. $1.50 and $1.65. s During the heavy rain and elec- caused.last Friday afternoon, when DIMITIES. . tric storm Friday night Charles an aidplane from the airview flying 8? Each Pair Guaranteed. / Rockhill's house on Sycamore ave- field landed on Christian Brodcrson's nue was struck by lightning. The farm hem. At about the same thw -Reg.$1.60V LADIES1 lightning set fire to the house but the plane landed, a large silo on Plain'and Ruffled Bottoms. the blaze was quickly put out andthe farm ,wag pulled down by the HAND MADE PHILIPPINE little damage was'done. farm employees. When the plane did Reg. $1.50 and $1.98. * Richard Nevlus of 'Shore Hills not rise for some time, a story ~ CHILDREN'S SILK' GOWNS spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrsgaine. d wide credence that the plane PLAIN AND FLOWERED Furriers'Su George Harold Nevius of Button- had hit the silo, knocked it over and wood. one of the occupants of the airship BROADCLOTHS. Vest & Bloomer Sets ,65 25 Broad St. Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lawes spent was seriously injured. The rumor Sizes 2 to 6. last Wednesday at Atlantic City. was partly stopped when the ship Sizes 6. to 16. Reg. $2.00 and $2.25. Rev. H. Pierce. Simpson of Newarose a short time afterward but for$ Monmouth will conduct the morning during the afternoon many persons 2 l $J.OO set LADIES> RAYON SILK Reg. $1.00 Each. Regular $1.50. BLOOMERS J STRAIGHT MODELS and - French; Panties and-Step in3. PANTY Wash Pants ^ MADE OF FINE VOILES, Plain or fancy Linena, in new FINE DIMITIES. shorts or knickers; aome belted Reg, $1.25. models. , Sale Boys' Suits! . ' \ ' Sizes 2 to 10. C SELK SOPS 77 Made of Rayon-and. Novelty Reg. $1.00 and $1.25. SHks. Outfit Your Boy for School Opeiiing Reg. $2.00 and $2.50. Values to $1.98. BOYS' SJ,.00 We have divided our entire stock of Boys' 2-Pants Vest Suits into two groups, for a quick turn-over. "Little Friend" Blouses MADE OF "BATENNA" AND These Suits must be sold, regardless of their regular price, in order to make room for incoming Fall Short Sleeves, . "METALLIC" SILK. merchandise. An ideal School Suit for less than half its -former price. Boys' Suits 'TETER PAN" WASH SUIT $1.25 Sizes 2 to 8. Reg. 79c. Reg. $1.98. All Pagtel Shades. $ 77c 85' LADIES' HAND MADE Reg. $1.50. Reg. $1.00 and $1.25. Gowns and 2-Pc. SPECIAL ASSORTMENT OF Pajamas 10" CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL A Special Lot. Every Suit With 2 Trousers & Vest Every Suit With 2 Trousers & Vest $J_.25 SWEATERS This group of Suits were regularly priced to re- "Cravenette" Wear-Proof and Weather-Proof, Reg. $1.50 and $1.75. AH colors and novelty stylet. 85' tail at $12.50 to $15.00. They're called the wear longer than any others. Regularly priced Sizes 22 to 30. Reg. $1.25 and $1.50.' "VALUE GROUP." to retail at $16.50 to $22.50. HYGRADE WAS,H SUITS. LADIES' Made of very fine Linens and $£.85 "Wayne Maid" Frocks Broadcloths, in latest novelty Values to $2.98. styles. Guaranteed Washable. Kirschbaum Tropical Sizes 2 to 10. Special for Sale! /SJ.50 $^.95 AH Corselettes, Girdles and Reg. $2.00. * Coriets. Sizes 16 to 46. Reg. $2.50. LADIES' Worsted Suits off ^Kingston" Make $2-50 All .well-known brands. DRESSES, Made of Broadcloths and $*.#*%50 Reg. $3.00. CLOSING OUT ENTIRE Silkettes. LINE OF Bathing Suits and Early Seasonal Special! $2-oo Special Accessories. .Reg. $3.00 and $3.50. Regularly Priced to Retail at A new lot of Boys' All-Wool Sizes 36 to 48. $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00. imported Jersey and novelty LADIES material Suits. Girls'Hat & Dress Sets. Made of fine Voiles. Sizes 4 to 9. Sport Skirts and Sizes 1, 2, 3. Sweaters. $3-95 $ J.00 the set $2-!.00 Clayton & Magee Reg. $5.95 Values. Reg. $1.80. Reg. $3.0O. 19 Broad Street Values Speak Louder Than Words. Come in and See Them.

W „. "I, RED B

drenWe very greatly, pletted with YEARS AGO IN RED BANK their father's marriage. • Kortenlui Schanck of Marlboro, HAPPENINGS OF OLD IN ANI> aged 94 years, was found dead, sit- AROUND OUR HOME TOWN.. ting In a chair. He had been a farm- Mtp FAIR er all his life and owned the old Inoldtnti Culltd ftora fh* R«iUt»r Schanck homestead where he died. of tfct Third Wok in Aufuit ll« was the youngest of a family of O 0 • was Luke a busy man •- . ' 4 was in charge of Clarence'White and were prominent workers .at the fair Luke was busy. . • even Mrs. Luke was Prospective Governor's Aliases Annie Applegate, Harriet were Mrs. William'.']£. Cross, Mrs. doing' her turn at the pump . ... and lighway Celebration Manning, Carrie McUan and Mat- Louise Schneider and Misies'Lucy Marjorie, the youngest, was snapping Day tif Allan. Among those who took O'Brien, Lottie O'Brien, Annie and Children's Day part in the . ontertainment were Schneider arid ; Bessie Duncan," pop bottle tops and playing Hallelujah All of New Jersey's leading politicians and on the cash register... and all o.f a sudden, In Chlldr.n FREE; ThU P»T / candidates. A specially prepared amusement Misses Kittle Evans, Nettle French, For many years .the eastern shore program for our distinguished visitors will May Wilting, Allc« Ferth, tou of Claypit creek had been used «« 1 she rolls... the family bus.... vintage of 1924 TROTTING-, l'rench, Kate Applegate, Ada. Sher- be : • - - a camping site. .The property was • .. everyone present but the family cat... man, Mattte Allen, Belli Balnton, PACING and RUNNING EVENTS owned oy J- Mott Hartshorne. He A... you can't get belter FIRE WORKS EVERY NIGHT Gertie Whitman, Bessie Bergen, did not qaro whether the porporty ' Mother herself at the wheel... radiator sizzl- AUTO PdLO EVERY NIGHT Sybil Hill, Harriet Manning, Rhea was used by squatters Cr not, hut ing and st«;amlng,audtlie motor going"clank i vice than "Standard" service \ Taylor and Hattie Kelcham, Mrs. ho received so many complaints —clank".., says she anxious-like to busy ... whether you want jut Joiie Harding, Eniley . E. Morris, from neighbors about the campers Luke...uplease, could you drain my crank- FRIDAY and SATURDAY Walter Parsons, Louis Manning, and squatters that he drove them "Standard" Gasoline and WEDNESDAY Theodora Cornell, Walter Wlckoff off his property, case? ...and my radiator p- ever yon may buy them. • • Middletown's were John S. Carter, dike and they were going back to be betttn on Friday. The drivers participat- and fifteen gallons of C.O.S.* in I he BA&ILfc'S FAMOUS ing will be Charles Gaming, Wild Bob Robin- John S, Eastmond and Jacob Brow- the Sold regions. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN son, Doug. Wallace, Jimmy Patterson, Johnny er. Others wore W. L. Cox of John H. Soden of Fair Haven died tank ... "that's service," says Luke, , BAND Cacaoe, Charles Vee, and a Bcoro of otheis. Eatontown, Rev. W. W. Case of of stomach trouble at. the age of wiping his brow, to Mrs. Luke..."sure Molmdel, W. L. Layton of Marlboro 72 years after a sickness of a year. is," »ay« Mrs. Luke.. ."but thcu,wc'ro Free Acts Galore Every Night DANCING EVERY NIGHT and Joseph M. Walling, Eugene He was born in Middletown town- Decker and R.)Q. Taylor o( Raritan ship but had lived almost all his used to giving it"... and they were, IBIIMIMIIIM^^ township. life at Fair Haven, where he was en- Thieves broke into Joseph Edgar's naged In the oyster business. He left HlMIIHIIIIlii MMHIfMIMH IMIIMII butcher shop on. Fjont street and a widow and four children, stole several hams and a quantity of Captain Robert O. VanVliet of 'STANDARD" We Are Participating In the pork, The thieves got in the store Shrewsbury -»as wounded In the the door and then reaching, through home on 8 long furlough. While he the hole and unlocking the door. was, convalescing he and his son Red Bank Merchants Profit Sharing Sale Howard Irwin; who" had been em- Stewart went to' Barnegat bay on ployed In VanBruht's drug store at » fishing trip and the two of them lied Bank, but who for two years caught 185 woakfiBh and bluefish. Housefurniihinga Department . Furniture Department. hnd worked in Philadelphia, re- Seamon Allaire, son of Daniel turned to Red Bank and took a po- Allaire of Red Bank and a brother forgot to say tht Heavy Garbage Can Rag Rugs. 27x54. kition .with i W. Qu Nicholas, a Bedof Dustan Allaire, was .on a ship even before the "bus Bank druggist. ' Much took part in the bombardment rolled out, mother*! •with Cover nm • urdy styj hoiidloi. Hit or Win Pattern. ; ; Annie Edgar of Red Bank, aged of Morro Castle in Cuba. Seamon youngest asked,'* what's 19 ln. Hijl.-M« in. Wlde. G.O.S. mean?"...and ea eight years, narrowly. . escaped was wounded in the engagement and then and there the 65c «h drowning when she fell overboard spent' several months in a military youngster learned a life' ' 95c ••• from a boat She was rescued just hospital, lime truth... that G. O. S. : R»g.'$l.l!S Valut. . , B.g, 31.S0. ' •, . as she was going dowfi for the third Abram Sanborn of Llncroff and ttandi for "Good time-by Cora- Townsend, one of her Miss Edith Pope of Little Sliver 'Standard*." playmates,. were driving through Oceanic in John Tansey of Navesink was buggy when they were run into by coming out of. a, barber shop when (Continued on next page.) he was attacked by a. drunken man R. HANCE imd knocked down the basement stairs, Mr1, Tansey's face was bad- ly cut by failing through a glass & SONS door. Joseph Conover of Chapel Hill died of gangrene after a sickness AUGUST of two months. He was a widower without children'.'He left a consid- erable estate, much of which was in' Vested in Central railroad stock. I Mrs. Christie A. Mills, mothar of William Mills, died on Bridge ave nue in her 82d year. She had suf- fered from consumption, for several years, but took to her bed only a week before her death. D. D. Hunt, a farmer of Colt's Neck, while unloading rye at his barn, made a miifttep and fell through ths shclvlngs. In his fall he struck on a short pott and he was luid up a week. A Republican club was organized ft Middletown, the officers of which v/cre Dr. Edward F. Taylor, James |l!ray, Jr., George A. Bowne and, J. . v. f I/ey Conover, John B. Beck of Port Monmouth .died of consumption. Hi was 24 i years old and had been employed-in I New York several years aj a brass finisher. William Worthlcy, Edward Fras cr, Whitall S. Hill, Ensley E. Morris and Harry Worthlcy started on a cruise to Massachusetts in the yacht Zulu. , Robert W. Chadwlck, who had been employed on the Navarro place 4-Pc. French Walnut Suite, Reg. $200.00; ,4 Reduced to $150.00 on Rumson Neck a long time, died of EW old age. He was 81 years old. 4-Pc. Birds' Eye Maple Suite, Reg. $175.00; Reduced to 132.00 Frank Whiting of Red Bank, who was employed at Fraser's gold beat- 4-Pc. Walnut Suite, Keg. $175.00 J ; ; Reduced to 132.00 ing establishment, badly mashed his left thumb while beating gold. rand available only to buyers of • 4-Pc. Mahogany Suite, (with Low Boy) Jleg. $189.50; ....Reduced to 142.00 William Robbins of Allaire, who 4-Pc. Mahogany Suite, (with High Boy) Reg. $197.50; ....Reduced to 148.00 had been a school teacher many years, was engaged RS principal of the. Fair Haven public school. Other Suites at Greatly Reduced Prices, John VanMater of Colt's Neck, whp had been laid up six weeks from Injuries In a runaway, was able to be up and around the hou.«e. PONTIAPRODUCT OF GENERACL MOTORS£' 1 Mrs, Margaret Bowne, widow of Joseph Bowne of Leonsrdvllle, died at the age of 7D years. She left two ions and a daughter. In answer to the widespread demand smart and ultra-new equipment obtain, William V. Holmes of Tlnton Falls (or a low-priced six of ultra-smartness, able... just as no other low-priced six crushed n finger while at work on provides the Inherent style advantage* Daniel Polhomus'i new barn it all Pontiac Six body type* have been Scobeyville. made available with special sport of Bodies by Fisher and the performance Three cows owned by Conrad equipment. superiorities of a 186 cu. in. engine with Winter, a milkman of Keyport, were the G-M-R cylinder head. killed by being struck by lightning. Six wire wheels In attractive colors — Boudoir Chairs. The three-months old child of two spares with chrome plated clamps cradled Come in and see how this new equipment Reg, 513,501 Now $9.00 Oanlel Burnett of Red Bank died forward alongside the hood in fender wells—a Reg, SI5.0O] ...Now 10.00 Chests of Drawers. enhances the attractiveness of Pontlac's long, low Reg, 918.501 Now (2.80 Reg. {10.50; Now $8.00 from Infantile disease. folding trunk rack that lets you plan the longest swagger lines—how It emphasises Pontlac't repu- Reg. 117.50j Now 13.25 J. Trafford Allen and hi* ion tour without fear of a baggage crowded car ... all tation as the world's smartest low-priced six. Th« George went to Saratoga for a are Included at a slight Increase in price. price is only $95 extra. Investigate this exceptional Odd Beds. couple of week). Odd Dreisem, PoiHr Walnut Chlfforob. On no other six of comparable cost Is this ultra. "buy" today. Hcg. 124.60; Now $18.50 floog, 747.00; Now $31,78 '•I CabrMct, $79f (i/mrr equilmunt exrro)i 4-Door Stdani Al! Finishes, Reg. 182.(01 Now 24.00 Walnut CliKTonltr Thirty Y«irt Ago, 2'DoorSedan,$7452DoorSeda,$745)| Coub«Coube,, 47«$745l| ShortS/>orl ItmutitcrUotidurr,, $745i Plini'lonPhaitlon, »775i Cal-rlolcf, $791 («/">" «|ul(.nwr «)i4r dflBI $825$82fl ; Sf.orSportl LLandaW u Sedan"- , J875—. "Oaklan d AII-AmcWcnn "Six *, $1(H? lo $ 12(15. All fried..[/.iciory. Chtck Oak aniPonllfl* Reg. $22.601 Now $10.78 Reg. $10,75; Now $12.80 ' Mrs. VyillUm Stewart of Leigh- Solid H«»d arid Pool Board ton avenue was found dead In her dtltvcrtdlkd d |>ricepi*—thtys include loiveit handling charges. Clenernl Moiorj Time IViymeni I'lun uvailabl* al minimum ml*. Reg, $38.00; Now 25.25 \ Ivory doenratcd. 9U«I CliKTonl.r, Walnut Reg, 54.1.80; Now $21.78 house. She had been sick at times Rog, $00,00) Now 40,00 Reg,. 830.76) Now $10,711 for over tw» yrari, but her sick- ness was not considered serious. On Muhofin? Potltr DeB«d tlio day of her denth she rose In ' i ROR, 114,601 Now $0,75 Odd Chairs^ Odd Rockers. tho morning and went about h«r T. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc. All Finishes. All Finishes. work as usual mid when her hus- band returned from hit day's work RCR. S7.50 ) ....Now $8.78 ROR, 87.60; ...Now 18,78 21 Mechanic Street, Red Bank. Night Tablai ind Dtnchu ho found her dend In h«r bed from ; ....Now 0,60 Hog, J8.A0; ....Now 0,50 Rog. SB,50 at 1-3 ant) H Off. RCK, *0.7B( ....Now , 7.50 henrt dlieiso, She was sixty years Old. JOSEPH RASSAS CLOSE & WARWICK John W, Stout, dr., of Red Bunk, 663 Broadway, Long Branch. 1407 Mnin Street, Aibury Park'. . . .• s Aro You Going Away? See Our Line of Trunks and Bags. . . < ftl was married to Mr». Ada Chllds. Mr. Phont 2108. i'liaiu B582. Btout wan 7t yean old. Ills lint wife had died about ilx months previously. Mn. Chllds wai Mr, Mout'i wlfo'i gr'amlnlcco, Bh«' w«i a 12 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. UftUrhUr of Corlles W. Thompson of Monmouth struct and w»» thirty

"i * ' ' ' if .'I? ' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST IS, 1928; 1<&iSons' building >1 Wilson said' he had .'owned' a-great on Broad street ;>was* struck by SWEET MARIE ; 1 cious and nourishing FISCHER' many dogs;in his lifetime.but that lightning and'damage to the amount BUTTERCUP these two dogs were" the best he of several hundred dollars was'done. PLAIN RYE BREADS Which they enjoyed so had ever had. . Albert C. Harrijon's;:bara..oa; South Miss M. Edna Woods, daughter of street was struck'-bys'lightnlng as . SEED RYE much in the city are now avail- George Woods, Jr., of Bridge ave- was also Schenck VanDorn's house .100% WHOLEWHEAT able at the seashore. . nue, And Albert C. Harrison, Jr., between Colt's Neck and Vander- fe married by Rev. E. C. "Han- biirg and Joseph Mertz'a house at MILK • cock. The witnesses were two Tren- Lincroft The lightning, storm was Thousands of "Thatcher"' RAISIN Afleet of moderndeliverytrucks | ton girls who were cousins of the very'.severe and a great'many'trees; furnaces are today giving satisfactory;, 1 bride. . 1 '•. . were struck by lightning and shat- 100% Whole WheatRaisin speed FISCHER'S loaves fresh Bertie Foster, aged seven years, tered. A low place in the road'at i service in as many homeB. They are so , son of John L. Foster of Monmouth Tinton Falls had bden filled in with from the oven to'SCores of com* I street, was run over and a long gash dirt and several.successive showers dependable, so economical in the tuto - was cut in his head. The cut was which accompanied the thunder of coa}—and they deliver an even,1 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS munities on the Jersey seacoasfc. sewed up and the boy was out at storm made the fill very soft. Many FOR BRAUN'S PACKAGE Resolve that you will return play again in a couple of weeks. automobiles got; mired in the soft dean, healthful heat All around yon PUMPERNICKEL AND ! Rev. M.-M. Finch, pastor of the (•round, and John Crawford of Tin- in your town yon will find "Thatcher1*] PLAIN' PUMPERNICKEL from, your vacation with an in- New Monmouth Baptist church, and ton Falls did a great business for a few members of his church went two tor three days hauling stalled furnaces doing duty—many of them] ' creased store of_ health—eat on a fishing trip down the Delaware automobiles but of the soft spot • for more, than a quarter of a century I] river. They returned home with •Frank J. Dibtien • started build- FISCHER'S nutritious breads. about SOCl pounds Of weakflsh. ' ing two double houses on Beech They have the most •'.-, Mrs. •Benjamin W. Spinning of street at.a cost of $4,000 each. BEATING COMFORT! Monmouth. street and her- two Willis, A. Clayton, began the erec- • " AT LOW COST; delightful FLAVOR daughters, Edith and Blanche, went tion of three houses on" Shrewsbury on a month's.trip to upper' New avenue opposite' Bank street; Mrs. \, That is what "Thatcher" goaranteet you i imaginable 1 York and vicinity,, including the Mary Hilliard"started building a >hen yon install a "Thatcher" warm air Thousand Islands. .' ' house costing $4,500 on Oakland furnace. Ask your heating contractor. He) Eugene Lee Marshall, Bon of HJj street; Mrs. Kaffe'nberger, a sister of Ambrose Matthews of East Front wiJI tell you. Write for illustrated Look-, late John'.L. Marshall, died at Tin- lbts and specifications. ton Falls from diabetes. He was 32 street, began building a ho'bse on years old and. was a nephew of Harrison avenue at a cost of $2,650; Rufus T.. West of Oceanport. and Edward Boughton of Pinckney John McCarthy died very sudden- road.broke ground for a new house ( THE THATCHER COMPANY ly ol apoplexy at Morrisville. Ho for bis own occupancy on Center 3MI St. Fnnch Su, Newuk, N. J. was 68 years old and had lived at street. tiem Yirh-41 Wert 44th St. CWcagor-Wl go, .dak 9ti Morrisville forty years. A widow Miss Eleanor Walling, daughter and five children survived him. of Thomas Walling of Belford/ and. FISCHER BAKING COMPANY George D. Smith of Navesink George Luker; son of Joseph Lut NEWARK, N. X .had a big family reunion- iii-cele- er of Porf Monmouth, were mar- bration of his 81st birthday. Near- ried by Rev; Archibald H. Sutphcn. ly twenty members of the family Miss Sadie Luker, sister of l the were at the, celebration. KVoom, and Edward Arose of Key- The will of Mrs. Mary Cooper of port were the attendants. Mr. and BOILERS-FURNACES-RANGES Red. Bank was probated and all of Mrs. Luker were teachers at the Mrs. Cooper's property was be- (Continued on next page.) ,

IlillllllliiliilllllilllillililllBilBBIBl R E D BAN K ME R C HANTS Thursday Friday Saturday Inaugurating a series of Profit-Sharing Sales under ihe supervision of the Internal Trade Committee of the Chamber of Gommeree of Red Bank. AUG. The prices will convince the most sceptical that this sale and^ tKpse to follow are in the spirit pf genuine PROFIT-SHARING with >cmtdmersr Read the advertisements of those co-operating in this great PROFIT- SHARING Sale which are published in this issue. 16 The wise buyer will take early advantage of this notable- opportunity to secure bargains m needed* dependable merchandise. . When you come to Red Bank watch for the YELLOW SALES SIGNfS, 17 bearing the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ENDORSEMENT. These signs mean that the store displaying them is extending the PROFIT-SHARING SPIRIT to its patrons and is willing to prove that



i • ' v* v r- •? .-«, \; RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15, 1928. m Andrew, Stephen and John, all of YEARS AGO IN RED BANK. Oceanic. Store Opens Thursday, 8:00 A. M.; Closes 6:00 P. M. Saturday Evening, Open Until 9:00 P.'~W Four children ot Levl B. Van- • (Contlai^ed irojn last page,) Nert of Oceanic were lick with scar- Now MonnSouth Baptist Sunday- let Jevir. The -children were Mrs. tcliool and their dutei gave them n Percy' Hick* 'and Rose, Marguerite tet of silver knivei, forks Mid and Grace VanNett. Other members TOMORROW STARTS 30 HOURS OF OUR TREMENDOUS PROFIT SHARING SALE epoont, and a rocking chair. of the.family who had been ex* The power boat of Joseph Eschel' posed to the contagion were ex- bach of Bed Bank' mu stolen. It wai pected also to catch the dliease. William Decker, Sr., of Lelghton A Gigantic Merchandising Stroke To Set New Red Bank Records taken to Perth v.A'mboy, where the engine was takep out, the canopy avenue, who was employed in ,aawud off, the cushions and equip- Watera and Otbom'i mil!, wai driv< ment removed and the boat.loaded Ing the company** wagon when a PLEASE with stones,and thoved off into the draft broke. Decker, w«« thrown out BETTER HURRY! river. Not enough stones were put of tho wagon ^and a long cut waa CARRY ALL SMALL made in hit leg to the' bone. Look What Your $1 Will Buy OUR STOCK OF in the boat to sink it and it floated PURCHASES WITH Miss Sarah McCleei, daughter ot about for two or three' days with YOU. DUE TO THE DOLLAR SPECIAL' only the'gunwales, above the. water,, Peter J. BlcCleof of Middletown when It woa, found. ' ," ' townihip, wat married to Allan LOW PRICE3 AND THE BARGAINS IS AMPLE Beasley of; Iowa at the Sed Bank at the Globe Furnishing Co. Miss Janet j Scott, daughter of HUNDREDS OF ARTI- FOR EVERY ONE, Baptist chinch'by Rev. J. K.'Man- Chomplain 'Sent/ was married to CLES WHICH WILL BE Winneld Wainwrlght of Mt«e' Sil- ning. ' the couple went to New Or. BUT WE DON'T WANT leant 'on* a wedding trip. ver bjr,B^v. Jacob Leupple at the SOLD, WE ASK YOUR TO DISAPPOINT , parsonage Qf the Fair Haven Metho- Miss Kittle .Elliott Stiles, daugh- CO-OPERATION, TO dist churchy Tho couple began ter of John Siller of Towerhill ave- IF WE CANNOT r nue, and Leon'-Perciva) Stout, son PREVENT DELIVERY hougekwplng '»t Little Sliver, where DUPLICATE SHOULD the groom .'had iujlt 'a' houso and of Joseph H. Stout of; Middletown CONFUSION AND POS- township, announced their marriage, had it completely furnished. The SIBLE DISAPPOINT- ANY ARTICLE BE. bride fofcifeovdral'years wsi'a tele; which had taken, place more than, a MENT. COME DEPLETED. phone operator at the Itcd Bank cen- year nreylouwy. • l :;l; iV 1 tral office.' *»'Y " i'" •'•'•'•••••••*• John B. Snedeker exhibited two V- Frank Jeffrey,' son of Charles Jef' bloodhounds at a big dog ihow and We Thank You ! Don't Be Sorry— frey of Oceanic,' 'wan distantly captured five rlbbonij At the aa'me Quick Service. killed in Connecticut by the break' show Mn. Melvin A. Bice of Better Hurry. We have secured additional BE EARLY ! Ing of a hoisting derrick. Mr, Jef' Leonardvllle won two blue ribbons Sales People to a»°ut fruy was trying to save some Italian with two St. Bernard dogs. you in your telection. helpers who were in the way of the Sheppard Kollock of Bed Bank falling derrick and he lost his own died very suddenly. He would have 1I7E'RE ready with the greatest Three-Day Sale Red Bank has life in i doing It. iMr. Jeffrey was been 05 years old If he had lived ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 37 years old and left a widow, who a week longer nnd great prepara- . ever known. For months we have been buying these special •/was Miss Margarot Kex, daughter tions had been made fqr the cele- TOASTER items that could be sold for less than wholesale cost. Our dollar IRON bration ot his birthday, of Charles Rex of East Oceanic. Guaranteed items are such extraordinary value's that we must restrict the sale 1 Lnon Mlnton, son of Earl Mlnton Complete with Martin Carney of Shrewsbury, Cord and Plug. who was flagman at the Broad atrect of Wharf avenue, underwent, a third for to cine of each item to a customer. No Mail or Phone Orders ac- railroad, crossing, was laid Up tlireo operation for a cataract on his eye, Oho Year. cepted. Guaranteed . One Year. -days with a sore foot. Mr.- Carney For a' while Leon was totally blind, $2.50 Value. had been employed at the' crossing, but. the last operation .'enabled Kim $2.50 Value. S3 years arid during that lo'rig'term to see fairly well. ' < ' '-> ." NO C. O. D.-NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS. of service he had never hud ai-'va- Rufiu S.,Merritt of-Pair. Haven cation. This was. only the second was suddenly stricken With sickness time in 38 years that he had left at the Bed »Bank railroad station - his post on account of sickness or and fell unconscious. He was taken SIMMONS' SIMMONS' HIGH CHAIR in juries. ;,. home and he recovered after sev- Golden Oak finish, strong- John Spillane, Jr., son of John eral'days. ''. ' ,' ' ;.. :•'•;••.••".:••;,'' 3-Pc. Bed* Outfit 3-Pc. Bed Outfit Charles A. Kahle of-Becch street ly, spread legs with safety Spillane of West street, was bruised 1 near the'ear while in bathing in lost' 38 chickens which Wfire killed As Shown. As Shown. device. 1905 nnd,over sinqe he had suffered by dogs. Mr. .Kahle raised'' fowls l'or exhibition purpose's'and he said- Any Size. Any Size. 1 greatly from pains near the ear, He LAMP was taken to a New York hospital, the 36 fowls were worth upwards of where it whs discovered that a bone $200. . •'•: '•: .,'• . ' . and For 3 Days Only ! For 3 Days Only;! near the ear had decayed. An oper- Mr. and Mrs. James:. C. Rlchdalo ation was performed and the dis-of Phalanx entertained the members eased bone removed. ' . , . of Shrewsbury grange;, at', a . lawn SHADE $19.75 Mrs. Harry A. Clark, vice prin- party at their home. Nearly all the cipal of the Atlantic Highlands 'pub- members of the grange were at the lie school,-passed tho examination party.- . i Complete. for registered pharmacists of New William £ Kelly .of the Ameri- Jersey. Mr. Clark kept n drug store can-hotel was laid up in bed as the' Bright 1 at Highlands and he had boon tak- result of.a.fall on the sidewalk. His Colors. en sick and Mrs. Clark took the ex- ankle was sprained and a muscle of All Suites On amination in order that she could his right leg was reptured. legally conduct the drug'store. The automobile firm of Snedeker Richard K. Fox, who had bought & Stanton of Atlantic Highlands Are For 3 Days Only at These Low Cash Prices! a country estate between Little Sll- was dissolved, Mr. Stanton with- . vcr and Red' Bank, added to hisdrawing on account of poor health. We will take orders for future delivery. Never again will you be able to buy Suites like lands by buying property from the A bicycle owned by Moses John- 1 these at these low prices. All orders must be final. Frank Garriel estate. Mr. Fox besn- n of Wallace street was stolen gan, • improvements to the property while in front of the Second national which would cost a great many bank building on Broad street. QUALITY FULLY GUARANTEED; f , ' . 4, thousand dollars and which would W. h. Heddcnberg's boat .at Fair tutoj two years to complete. Haven was struck by lightning and 'John Swackhamer of Middletown the mast was ' knocked completely celebrated, his eighteenth birthday through the bottom of the boat. with a euchre party.' His guests Henry N. Supp was offering were Miss Marie, Adela and Lillian khaki pants at 62 cents a pair at Conovar, Gladys Hance, Mildred his clothing store In the Ludlow Cprnwell, Margaret Swackhamer, building on Broad street. Cecil. Conover, Jay Hopping, Ed- James M. Emery of Oceanic was ward Osbom, Edwin Bcckman and sunstruck while doing carpenter Egbert Swackhamer.r work at Atlantic.Highlands, but he ..The church of Our Lady of Per-soon recovered. petual Help of Highlands held a Miss Anna Lohsen, daughter of fair at which nearly $2,000 iwas Mrs. Catherine Lbhs'en of Belford cleared. There were many contests, fell and broke her arm. RECEPTO CANS one of the contests bolng for a large A picnic for the benefit of St. Just as illustrated. American flag by tho owners of Mary's church of Colt's Neck In Enamel finishes and Highlands hotels and over $500 was cleared $660. colors, separate cleared on this contest alone, Stanley Fielder began the erec- container inside. 4 .£ohn Wilson, Sr., of Oceanic, died tion of a new house at Fair Haven THREE BEAUTIFUL -IPIECE; TUDBC The opportunity- of a life-time 1 of general debility at the age ot 88 for his own occupancy at a cost of END TABLE BEDROOM SUITE. 1MKE.C '3PC jACQUARD 1 years. He had lived «t Oceanic near- {2,800. DAYS Tobacco finish, genuine walnut s DAYS LIVING ROOM SUITE. ly, fifty years. Ho was a native of William Bennett, Jr., of Belford ONLY. suite, newest finish; full dust- ^MI v Reversible cushion, choice of Jac- Scotland and came to America when fell from a hay mow and broke two Mahogany finish, attrac- proof construction.' ONLY. quards, quality guaranteed. Value $200.00 125 1 a small boy. He left three children. ribs. tive and aturdy design. Value $114.00 You judge the value!

FOOT STOOL THREE' JO-PC. GENUINE WALNUT BREAKFAST SET, !3 PIECES. Velour and Taptutry r»»ve DINING ROOM SUITE THREE UAlo of tho better construction. Or- Mndc of Birch and finish in tho or8 i covering, mahogany fin- |-\xi| v '' taken on this suite only for DAYS following colors: Ivory, blu?, tjreen nnd white. • Orders taken on STEP LADD ish, hand-rubbed. UNLI. the 3 (lays of this sale—at this ONLY. low price I 139 this suite—for 3 D»y« Only >t 19 Five-foot steel-braced Take Milk on steps/ Your Picnic Ironing Board DAY in the country, fresh ngs With Sttnd. air, sunshine (we're going to Sturdy biiilt. Ahave some now), relaxation" and lunch on the grass. Take milk enough for everybody. Keep it cold In vacuum bottles. It goes to the spot with A soothing thrill that makes your nerves say "thank you." Whatever else you 3PC THREE - FIBRE SUITES. THREE r.vi-nv RUG IN THE HOUSE. take be sure that there is plenty of r. , yn Von ran tukr Uu^'c olt ('vi^r v rcgti- •jr,u-j» Ciiinrantrpd conatructlon, 24 color f CARD TABLE 1 fii- nuirki'il iii|'. Miiki! your own % comhinnMoiu) to tolcct from fur thu ONLY. lill.-iii Only for 3 Dayi. Sealed Qrade A 3-l)ny Snlo—nt only 25 oil (iooil-looUIni;, ntronprly fl SHEFFIELD Hindi!, wcll-buiccil. ' I FARMS CO., INC. AUTO CHAIR FURNISHING CO. Folding, •• ahown. Wcit End ' Avon EAST FRONT ST. G* GLOBE COURT $2.50 R.|ular Valut. Long Brunch tM—Aibury Park 238. In En«molid Steel, BANK, NEW JER8EY

*"'*' v v •>• tokVI*ttib*mtLt

* :,:,w;\\.'.rii:<<*~ii'Mm ;MEf3BMk;^GI^^ATJ^St:itc>vl^2:8;; | a summer undent o! Spring Lake, Itranch He has' taken & position Jnnes, Jamei Horowitz and Leo J. Blade |jsi: »cor|fe|:iej^j^'jbojcs;;{l8: liiii has donated a motor ambulance to «ith the investment firm ol Halsey, Warwick, ; ITEMS OF NEWS. Stuart & Co. of New York and will Firemin. JUVrjiWsjd;-'•*':':.•;./','•'""•/' •-'• : :•• tnc Spring Lake emergency and •\ .Good;W^Uyfir^; company'of Free- \v6rkin New Jersey. Fia«4 41,000. jFot pJWPJENWCiSvbF-iNTEREST ,'l.N Hist a.d equadj whicn was tecently , Michael Logo, who was arrested hold has; received a check for $100 .msired plckd'uii organized t>y Di, R Donald Patter- Dont Want Fishermen. ' recently charged with operating a frbmrclifford'Hance,'owne^of pier. MOBONicatlPollsb. ;l) il)»^.»,)P'aHSJ«JoaV^.f^fel% ^llf^i'sMwMduTH: COUNTY, :;: . son. otoiock^as^rnijiandtrt.tMal^lnithiis^, Tnc Dial commissioners will take (till at Robertsvllle, was fined $1,000 Meadows farm'ij near. Freehold, /for nrjoon «i(slda»v,;'ai, lha. Court Houss.': ^•riilBiil 'Notey Salea of Propefljr, Seagirt Officers. :<.p«. tc prevent fishing from the and costs last week by Judge Stein- services .rendered; at a recent fire, 1 fej*iJEulidinr Operation!, Lodjo Do- (MonnidjtliiNeir.JeljiDrj'iWJMliifir'S'JilJfc: I Dr. William Brash of Seagirt has hrach owned by the borough. An bach, and was paroled for one year. ; t MDLY VfyMngi/: Slight Fires, Births, Mar- Rowe—-Reld.v;.:>t .;S;'r;. "« '',.-•;'"°v.\ v, nnialr-»iM,«(l',;r.'-iii';.vi*i4i"si •;"?. i?^;*'.*-. «r,-:: ' been appoints a special officer so oidaiance prohibits parking on nunedhlckcj VM)A|i«"ilJhnc»nvferl«W,vtlt|ai:*«tlVul^ Ji:-.vV'*Wf«» '•>«»• Re»»h»—Other ftemj Wins Golf Match. •Mias" Mary' Itowei ; 'daughter "^ uic MOBO tMr«st,ljisiini'tn;tlii-,folltiwln«ri: he can control the conduct of those erects leading to the beach but does Thomas Rowe 6|,Xdelphia/and Har- jS'^'Asbury.; Mount, Dallas G. Your.]; who use the public tennis courts not forbid fishing. Frank Conover of Matawan won Fine Polish. *-;|«f" land ID :{. Stephen Johnson. and Chariot Gi. the president's cup of the Freehold jyReld of Ardenawere married last >etn Michael 'J. Walsh was appointed a Friday week SyRev,^ Robert Childs. v inort oJ Keyport are new members Constable by Mayoi Frank Durandi New Apartment House. golf club last Saturday week. He rt^lntrf •Viol a Spanish-American war veterans The- Tiajnr.oro holding company had a handicap of twenty which - (Continued drii next page.)'. .Vorganisation at Perth Amboy. IFurmer Resident Dead. will build an. apartment House 'on t '.r The Farmingdalc Presbyterian | Martin' F. Cprbett, son of Mrs r.fth avtnu' .it. Asbury Park at a ' ;thufch is closed, tor the month of i-ysett Corbetl, formerly of. Long cost ot'^2SM ,a« i ;sV Mr. and ilrt. S. L. Wood of Free- ber of the Long Branch DeMolay. Complain of Stray Dogs, o«tlcrli Jlr«etion'«jon« itha NoHhsrlr llns Freehold residents have been com- otlot No.eo.uru hundioJ«nil-»lJt>.nln«. ,•: hold, spent last'week' at Fairbanks, Rain Spots;Disappear^ (•it. anil ttira«.hllndt«illh< of m-foot to th< .'.Maryland,' whevn Mr Wood' took To Build Welfare House, plaining for some time of the large Notice to Horse Owners north«sit corner otjm Na. Ill), thino« Ul The freeholders have ordered number of stray dogs at that place. 1 ji « imrthir&r .dlraetjonjilQhg ,-.ln« Ms^irlr •/part in sailing raits of'n yacht club Again Y$ui€#« ISfickkl1 lln. ot.lot Whi|h3Mdtlis>af'.a *. Jr., of Long Branch are on a trip The building will be used In caring IKE macic, too. An application through' the Great • Lakes and Into for the nged and permanent poor. Long Branch Woman Dead, IMP. LE PIERRE DE TANVILLE L of MOBO Paste Polish or MOBO V«h rt»Mfi;T.O., In -a BDUft'erft WriotloB :. Mrs. Adelaide M. Bronkhorst, Nickel Polish Liquid,- si brisk rub'and alone "" •Baaiidir-aide oC >4liietf>U KUth. ; Canada. They will return tiiti La- w»y, «»v«uty-nvo (tetlo. tho .Point, Wd- bor Day. Bay Had Blood Poisoning. .•ifo of John P, Bronkhorst of Long BAY HORSE—7 years old, 16.1 H. that spotted, tarnished, unsightly Dlaec oi BeglnnliHf..'?:;'-'-;''1!"'."" '•:»: t;.:'- . • James Cartwiight of Freehold has Sidney, ecven-y ear-old son of Branch, died last Thursday after a nickel is restored to its pristine bril- 'Selioa »<-ttie promriy otitouli BosUnlo By Verwood—Philosophy. liancy. •'"".'.•'••.'"••"•' ''-y "•''.'{• .:' '':-:>. taken In .,• hourly attendance upon the boy. ; J hold is being wired for installation Max Levy, who was employed for By Imp. Parisian Diamond—Imp. Lettie Lind. 30c; pint can,,30cj quart can, ^1.00. , * • tB*v I.V -.*.'' ' "')'. v •'. 'T' ~/',\ '' (I2t,tf : of talking motion pictures. Farmingdale Woman^Oead. 27 years in the Joseph Goldstein Also in larger containers. • . '\ •'':•.> ';••••. v^j^,:' >^.f--'^'i Monmouth County 3u/ro(ale't OfBca. : Miss Marian E. Johnes of Free- In 'he . i " of New York university. k.l Siallac M.i.l Poll.b (UquU) Tin Pain ahsy. «urroga,tfi ot the Cc nty of Mon- Auta Soap Hand Claanaar NaaufosNHIlfool Oil ' ' Top tii mouth) mnde on the twelfth.J^y of July, Williarn -Johnson and George Ca- iied of the same ailment a month Building Now Barn. Farm, Red Bank, N. J. Rrtk. Drasiiiw Hrdn'ulb Draka Puittiilni Oil Touch-Up Gmmal lOJo, on the application of S«rab E, Pat- ago. Three sons survive her; Radltlor Om.nl (liquid) tenon, «xecutnx ot the ettate of Corllea bin, Freehold young men, disap- Clifioid Hance of West Frcehqld Placed here by-the U. S. Government to Encour- Bntku Burn)) Patterson, deceased, notice Is hiritby glvep peared a -week ago and took with has awarded 'he contract for a new /REB SAMPLES, C-n.ro.i Trial Nilmi of MOBO NleM to the creditor* ot .aid deceased to en- them an automobile belonging :to New Car Stolen. fcliih CI«KM mi HOBO fun follth will t« icnl en nald eubserlb- A3 he was drinking the soda he Raw i feet. i Engagement Announced. a stranger^ jump into his new Mar- FOR APPROVED MARES. There are 24 otherMOJlOPmhu "'Datel Freehold N J., July 1! 1928. ' New Finance Company. SARAH E. PATTERSON, Mr. and airs. Lawrence D. Whal- mon sedan and speed away. The Good Will'finance company 180 Wett front street. Red Bank, N, J. For further particulars Phone Red Bank 1558, 'Present clnlnix to ; ' er) of Tennent have.announced the has been incorporated at Long engagement of their daughter Mar- City Clerk Resigns. . ^ EDWARD W, WUE:, Pnctoc. - , Bi-anch. .The members of the com- ,•;.,-arid,••ask for Edward Feakgs, Supt Red Dank ' N. J. garet to Herbert J. Harkey, who is Mortimer R. DeRoche resigned pany are Roby Hyman, J,amcs C. It Pays to Advertise in The Register. It pay* iu aclvirtlaa In T)IQ Re^alcr. with the marine corps at Quantico, last week as city clerk of Long Virginia. No date has been set for the wedding. Incinerator Permit Refused. ; Tho Neptune township committee last week refused to grant a per- mit for Asbury Park to erect an in- cinerator plant in the township. Nearly 200 taxpayers attended the meeting to protest against granting the permit. Barkalow—Kline. • Miss Leona C. Barkalow, daugh- ter of Leon Barkalow of Adelphia, •was married last Saturday week to Sidney D. Kline of Reading, Penn- sylvania. The couple will live at Philadelphia where Mr. Kline has a ' law. office, I Caught 45 fish. ' C. Barton Palmer, William Rhoadcs, Joseph and Ernest Snydcr and William Palmer of Freehold > went -fishing one day last week fif- teen miles to sea from Waretown. They caught 43 bonitas and two X For 3 Di^s Only—August 16.17,18^ bluefish. West—Keller. All Straw Hats Miss Anna West, daughter of J. The Best Values You Ever Saw Anywhere Pitman West of Long Branch, and 1 Frederick B. Keller were married 50c and $1.00 Tuesday of last week at the bride's home. Rev. Harry VanCleaf of South River performed the cere- mony. Big; Firemen'* Parade. Seventy-two fire companies from every part of the state have ac- cepted invitations to parade at Long Branch Saturday morning of this •week. The excursion trains will carry visitors to Long Branch that day. Ambulance for Spring Lake. Frederick A. Duggan of Trenton, EXTRA PANTS FREE WITH THE FIRST TEN SUITS SOLD tilever 67 Broad Street UP STAIRS OW-CUT under tho anklo, L this attractlvo oxford Incct up snugly and «upporU tho It Will Pay You to Climb! nrch delightfully. A Real Bargain in Shirts 1.00,1.29,1.69,1.95 A closo hool fit nnd smartly proportioned cut-outs complete the tailored effect. Every Cnntilcvrr Shoo m mndo with a flexible sliiink, FO f that tha im|iartnnt foot mus- cles can Kit I n itrciifirth through excrolso, lhun corrrctinp or nrevcntlnit wenk niches nnd kindred Ilia. Ily keeping the Boys' 2-Pants Suits 5 foot well linlnnccd nnd per- mlttldK It to function niitiir •Ily, Cantilever HIIOPH enable you to RO cally through D buny dny. Thc»o IIPW tiiodrln (It- )cr foctly at I ho hod; they liuu tho ankle; they (II the arch; Mini they provide room fm th" toon. Young Men's 2-Pants Suits '10? They ftlvo you n lirnullful lit—and n beautiful foot Come nnd nrc them CANTILEVER 9 Bathing Suits SHOE SHOP Pants 98c BoysMrfs 98c Reduced ' RAYMOND UOWNE, Prop. 20;? : • 921 Cookman Avc, Apbury Park, N. J. THE UP STAIRS STORE MAKES THESE BARGAINS POSSIBLE mm}JMMMM§MMMMim RED BANK REGISTER; AUGUST 15, TKe Charles William Stores inc.. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. (Continued from 1» NEW YORK CITY Mrs. Adeline Y. Lawrence of Freehold has been appointed on the committee from New Jersey, which will taks pan in the ceremonies held 10 Big Reasons to notify Senator Joseph Robinson of hit nomination for vice president Shop at Hot Springs, Arkansas, on Au- why Chevrolet is gust 80th. . WILLIAM A. HOPPINO, Died al Hoipital. . Rial Caiata Brekir, » Onilen Place. H» tUWK, I George M. Bishop, « driver tor MODERN WAY tht Norwood tire company at Long Branch, died at the hospital at that irst Choice of the Natiob John j. piacs last week, aged 29 years., A. Qolnn. Tfawdet* 0,PanoaaT widow and one son survive him. ALSTON BEEKMAN. By, Mail frpm'The Charles WHUam Enlarging Stablei, COUNSELLOR T Storca, Inc., New York City, and Save Jacob Zlotkin af Freehold Is hav. K. or 1928/ I. DESIGN Ing plant prepared for an addition GEORGE D. COOPE Time} Money and Energy. Shop in Today'eCbevreletlemodern to fbt OIVIl, BNOI tj his exchange and talei stablei. mtauM la rm detail of dctlga. Succmor to C«or|i Comfort in Your Own Home.-.When When completed tht stables will Ac- a. AFFEARANCS F»ll«rioD Building-. commodate 100 head of cattle.'. With over 750,000 new Chevrolets on Today'e Chevrolet provide! Die you receive your Merchandise examine marnloot beauty of desire* and GEORGE K. ALLEN. Jr. C tt, M4 Bible Clan Outing. the road since January 1st, today's gnportlon for which Pltbcr Bodice it carefully—leisurely—We guarantee an evetywbert famou. The John A. Stults bible class of Chevrolet is lint choice of the Nation 80 Brotd 8tr»t, Rtd Bu to please you in every way—1/ it is not Englishtowti enjoyed a sail from •.FEATURES for 1928. Come in and see how com- apowejedojt qUatoty feature• typW WALTEK Cv- VANKEUREN, Atlantic Highlands to New York and cal of toe fiowt can, today*! CIVIL ENGUNEBB AND SUBVliOl. satisfactory return it and we will Cberrolet Ii mrfwhtn raguded Brud SUMt return u few duys, ago. They also aV- pletely this sensational automobile M the irorld'f mott lonuiou* ienh NaUoaaTBuk BulOhf. , , promptly refund your money and* all tonded a theater at New York. priced autoatobile. _j Red BanWTN. J provides the ten great factors which DR. HAROLD J. STOKES, The Bluei Arc* Scarce. 4. PERFORMANCE " - ' transportation charges. Chevrolet'* amazini pexfotmuaen ,; DENTAL SUROCUN, Found and hook and line fisher- automobile buyers everywhere are I* the retult of a valyc-ln-he«d BucetMor to Dr: Kraaa U*. motor whose power Is a nutter of 5« Broad Strut, Bluer BuUalu, men last wiek l>ad no success in now. demanding* worldwide fains and whota map Room. 4, S end «, qatchlng blue fish. The pound men •ad tmoothtteM are auiured by Offlo. Boun BiiO to ttcF •Boy iovar-«tnit, plrtost, larst T«l«phoni »m.W. caught plenty of thimble eye mack- TBITC* with muahroom type tap- erel and squid but no blues. TfceCOACH pet» and accorately oousUr-bu> WILLIAM A. WIRTH, •need rtoiprocstiiig parta. - OrtOMETBiaT. $ Court of the State ol A portable chapel with a seating (ear, emootb ihlltiiil New Jeriey. will ba eipottd to tale at your home. It's like >1OD, Bght pedal artioo public var.due. on 'ruetday, the fourth day capacity of fifty is being erectutl on duteli nod DU HOO*IOCUB| .OW^ of September. 102a, between tht hourt et shopping in. New York St. Mary's churcli property at Key- trheel brake*. • 12:00 o'clock and tiOO o'clock (at lilt o'doeh eaatern etendard time). In Ue af- port, It wilt be for the use of .'.he f. ECONOMY ternoon of eatd ilay, at the Court Heist. on Sty!* MeT* •itself. You find the same >isters .of the 'church guild. Chevrolet OWIMJ» enjor tfte ereaa. n tliu Borough Df Freehold, sooaty et chaiulif« enable •at economy of operation. Monmouthr New Jeriey. to latiBfy a Jndla Firemen'* Delegatet. ment gf eald eourt amounting to approaU you to buy/ram wide selection of fashion* a. MAINTENAfiCE mutely J277J10. IM tvieKout Charles Spielmann, A. E. Cowling Chevrolet miojt a iroridwiae rep. All the ilefendant't right, title! and t|* able Fifth Avenue styles; ntatlon for low mainrmerti-fl coetaj lerent In aild to the following! ef«ai<(t coil and Henry Dahmer have been chos en delegates from the Union Beach ft. RESALE VALUE t) All that certain* bouit and lot of laad. the finest variety of up-to« Cherrolet's reaale value It >nriso> uuate on the north elda of tbe blgbwar fire department to the state con any Uth becatut Chevrolet1! leading from Tlnton Fall! to Snuanliam, vention at Atlantic City. toned conatruction ae • hvunded and described aa follow!I ' date home furnishings, the tbonaattdt' of milca of leg-inning at a »take on the northwul Your Co{>y Free arid trmotportatlaa. .ner.uf a tract of land belonging to most attractive display of Bradley Beach Girl to Wed.. Sarah and Elizabeth Salter. on the tut Postpaid to You on Request Announcement has been made of I0.PRICB »iie of Pina Brook, thence along their line Chevrolet effen thew north elshtyflvt dtgreti and thirty minvtts guaranteed merchandise — the engagement. of Miss Hilda E. modern cart at tbeaa e»t >;ventten chalnt to Lewlt World's RED BANK MOTOR CO. krarprltco northeatt. corner, thtnet along bli line to Harvey, daughter of J. E. Harvey the ealtl road, tntnee louth abty degree! all at prices! that are lower than those X>! Bradley Beach, to Wendell Van- Mechanic St. and Globe Court, Red Bank vttft alouff laid road to a white oak Itunp 1 Out lilt Cpapon .oil Ctilo, Will B, Mailed To You Promptly standing near eild Fine Brook, thtnet Cleaf of Ocean Grove. down paid Pine Drook to tho place ot bt- 1HB CHARtES WILLIAM STORES, Ink ••> that prevail in New York itself . . • Telephone 1720 fflnninK. ' «9 STORES BUIL'TUNO. NEW, YORK crrx,.. j Southard Man Dead. Seized he tbe property of Harry W* Hay- 'Our service is prompt and accurate. William Meyer, Sr., of Southard, berry, taken In exeeutiop at tht >ll(U ef Ralph a, Eicktlt and to be .oldI by .Your, orders, reach you quickly. And died, last Friday week of kidney HARRY N. JOHNBON. trouble. He was 63 years old and •edaa. Dated' AUtuil eta. 1»J8. * we guarantee satisfaction. Send for was a farmer. A widow and four URADI.EV H. FISCJJER, Atlonnr. children survive him. An prlcta to-b. TOat. Mlchltmo (SSI.) III.K your copy today. CaackCanrelet Denvatv4Prit«e SMW- Taken Sick at Camp. tlMrrlnclodcth.low^lt William McGlory of Freehold was taken sick last week at Seagirt BumsteadsWormSynip where he was .tationed with the an* bulanee corps, He was taken to the Charles William Stores inc. Spring Lake hospital. QUALITY AT LOW COST NEW YORK CITY Dropped Dead at Auction. aM. a V Toorbtta. ML n. rtiUllataH Carl Lentzsch of New York, ummer 'resident of Ocean Grove, T dropped dead after making a bid at

*•>•(• an auction sale of jewelry at Aa bury Park last week. avlllon Dances Stopped. The Spring Lake chief of police CHRTSLEIt has ordered" that dancing in the beach pavilions be stopped. The com- .i • munity house is available for those who desire to dance. Army Gun for; Matawan. The war department has granted Stodebaker background the request of Matawar. borough for an army field gun for decorative purpose. It will probably be set up in the'public park. has put the NEW and Belmar*. New Hotel. Ground was broken last week for the now Ambassador hotel it Bel mar, which cost $125,000. The hote will have eighty rooms. It is located larger Erskiae Six in the on Ocean avenue. Matawan Woman Dead. Mrs. Mary M. Black oi Matawan died Tuesday of last week, aged 79 years. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. foreground • • • it has Edward L. Ltik, with whom arm made her home. Girl Breaks Arm. Carolyn A. Horne>, four-year-old daughter of Walter Horner of AI- everything**** style, comfort,lentown, fell down stairs last week and suffered a compound fracture of her left arm. ^ ^ ^ Compare them only witbi Chicken Farm Sold, Robert H. Wllcox of Maplowoo speed (1,000 miles in hai bought the chicken farm ai Adelphta owned by Mrs. Eva ironi. Mr.' Wllcox will take Immedi ate possession. cars costing far, far more ~— 984 minutes) and the Jot at Teacher. Home* Glvenj of Freehold, wh graduated last Juno from the Co lumbta college school of pharmacy There have been can without They are real and they havo hai taken a position ai teachor number which endeavored an economic base peculiar 76 years tht college. ' to look like cars of greater and possible only to Chrysler Injured by Baseball. value. None that we know of save these — the principle of Standardized Quality Clarenca Shafto of FarmlngdaU was (truck over tho eye with a base new Chryslers—"65" and "75"—have through which the benefits in scientific ball at Freehold last week. A cut actually raised themselves into a higher engineering and precision manufacturing of quality manufactureo two Inches' long was made In hli class without alteration of price. of its costliest cars are given to its cars of forehead, lesser price. Flag for Firemen. What has happened In the case of the George Q. McKction, an old res new "65" ana "75" is something much Drive it! Ident of Monmouth Beach, has made more important than a fortunate choice Through this policy you are able to get In a gift of • illk American flag Oliver Byron firo company ol, Li of design and decoration. the new "75" and "65" more beauty and Brsnoh. The richer appearance, the greater size, higher quality than in cars costing many THOMAS H. MCKNIGHT New Heating plant. the finer upholstery, the speclnlly-deslgncd hundreds—yes, even a thousand—dollars Tht Long Branch commissioners more. Chrysler saves in its basic manu- havt authorized in appropriatio hardware, the greater performance ability 29 East Front Street, Red Bank, of 115,000 to Install a new heitln are all rtal Increases in value without in- facturing policy and spends lavishly in tha Phone 705 plant In the North Long Brine crease of price. engineering and the styling of its carl. ichool Mayor Billing! Recovering, New Chryil.r «7>" Prices — R»r*l W«», Bmlnm C»*p: $1040/ Resdiltr (wllb nmUi Mayor Charles W, Hillings tC(lbbU) IMI), SIO61I 2-Joor Sflon, $106)/ T»*rhg Or, Oeetnport, who hai betn ilok slnoi $l))Sl RttJtfr (with rumHt >'"), tl $107)1 4-J'or Stdan, $114)1 Cmfi (with / STUDEBJIKER last spring, is now Improving rap T*titStJ*»,$l6». NtwChtnl«"6J" I'ricts— mmhh ml), $114). AH prhii/. t. k DtlrtH. Idly and Is alii to take automobl The Great Independent rldei. Pavilion Contract*. I'aul 11. I'onhody of Mamsquai ANDY'S GARAGE hai b«*n awarded tho contract fo CKRY 01 NSV» JERHV M Me yrt.bolil, r>age IM. building two pavilions on the bold Corner Mnple Avo. nnd W. Front St., Rod Bank, N. I r, •lURMAN en< MAUP1 ieiee AH till wlfai Hhtrman, hit wilt, arafnitot o>f«nd»hl« and painting them for $1,000, Phone Rod Bank 2124. littiUH yo> ari lh> OWMM ol retonl nf ihi >ili moriiaiet Until anil art olitl- Delh of Infant. ••tir ti iki hunt >tioniptnrli>t '"• i>li> T'aUr C. Btileilr, tho four-month* 43-53 Brondway, Tel. Long Branch 204 M,»T0> HKKKMAN old ton of Vernon Btnterlr of Free< SollflUt f Cmilelii«n hold, dltil last weslc of Intlitlm trouble. •;.,.. iI^P RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15, 1928. SAVED FROM DROWNING. automobile trip'Sunday along the erett and Llncroft will hold a party, Matthew MulUn W Unorolt ., Delaware river. ' at the Five Corner* terwora kt Lta- Irfondi at T«nton'on Friday. „ Father'and Son RcKued by Fiikar- croft next Sunday night Mlia Jeanne.CAttcn wu on the IS NECESSARY merTat Albury Park. Shirley and Stanley StHwell are improving-f rom whooping cough, Curtis Green and family of'Eaton* ilek lt>t several d»yi lut week. , Rutgcr Stirling, seventeen yean A tw re|idepti~of tfyU place at- old, and hia father, Bleeker Stirling Gerald Warneker is employed by town wen recent gueiU of Mr. and Anderson Brothers James Hickey of Holmdel. Mrs. John Sniffen. tended a haryeitihome (upper at ;.. AS BREAD" of Ocean Grove, were rescued from John Brady, Jr., of tbii place and West Long Brunch one night drowning near the Asbury Park' fish- Several of the young boyi of Ev- week. , •> \ . ing pier Thursday night. Rutger Mrs. Skahan's Opinion of STORAGE WAREHOUSE attempted to swim around the pier , Pinkham'a Compound when he was caught In a strong cur- rent and became' frightened. His Local and Long Distance Moving father went to his rescue and he Giugui Centre, MMS.-'J kayo also was being overcome. Edward liikon 10 l»tt)M of Lydia, E. Pink- Our vans are padded and dust-proof. Voelker and Wesley Bradner of —^*—* ham'i Vegetable Bradley Beach, who were Ashing Compound «ta ••' Into the boat. = KRIDEL'S tie ia tbe hauis than I would be without broad. It RIVER PLAZA NEWS. has made a. new I woman of me. I Harveit Home for th* Community. I used to ba «•>• ' Office and Warehouse Club Next Wednesday. I crosi with my Mrs. James Taylor and her com- I husband when I mittee, are completing arrangements I wa» .tufferlng 51-53 Mechanic St. for the,annual harvest home,which PROHT-SHARING lgj^mmmmm*m-mJ that I don't know how ho stood mo. Sow I am cheerful will be held, next Wednesday. A hot "••nd Btrong and feel younger than I chicken supper will be tine of the did ten years ago whenjay troubles*: features. The first suppers will be For Thursday, Friday and Saturday served at half-past five o'clock In the' - •• "• .i »i» i ' • Mass. - afternoon. George Kaney has-been appointed chief of the fire company to suc- YOURflHOICE ceed John Brower. Edward Pol* of any NECKWEAR hemus has resigned as secretary of Hand Tailored—Imported Silks. the company because he docs not have sufficient spare timo to look SWEAT SHIRT (Values to $3.00). after these duties. Edward H. Scat- tergood has been appointed In his stead. „ ' . • , .-:••-.•• Mrs. William Rymer and daughter 81.00 85c of Brooklyn spent part of last week with Mrs. William Stobo. Mr. and Mrs. Errickson of Orange are visiting Mr.' and Mrs. Carl An- YOUR CHOICE derson. • John Fowler no longer has to car- BOYS'BLOUSES ry his arm in a sling and he expects White and Fancy*. to go back to work as a painter for STRAW" HAT Anatole Chamcroy of Bed Bank this (Values to $1.50) •week. A bone in Mr. Fowler's wrist (Value, to$5.00) , was broken tour weeks ago, while he was cranking his automobile; John Brower has been making im- 81.00 The >oungster you pass on the street with rosy cheeks, provements" to his house on Foster bubbling over with high spirits is probably drinking Puri- street. Mrs. Davenport of New York is ALL WOOL SLIP-OVER tan Dairy's Milk. Every child can enjoy the same degree spending several days with her niece, Mrs. R. H. Kilburn. ODD TROUSERS of good health. Plenty of rich, creamy* Puritan Dairy George Brenker and family of East Orange spent Sunday with Mr. SWEATERS Fancy Flannels and Others. Milk daily will make your boy or girl the sturdy, happy Brenker's , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brenker. Special XValues to $10.00); child you want it to be. EVERETT NEWS. Bleued Sacrament' Guild to Meet on S4.95 Grade A Pasteurized or Holmstead Farm Grade A Raw $2.95 ft. September 5th. Guernsey Milk can be had by calling Red Bank 2030. f The next meeting of the Blessed Sacrament guild of St. Catherine's church will be held at Miss Helen Kelly's on September 6th. Linen Knickers and Palm Beach and Miss Eizabeth. Haley, a student We Also Feature nurse at the Long Branch hospital, LEDERLE'S ACIDOPHILUS MILK is spending a week's vacation with White Flannels Tropical Suits her parents. VOODBROOK FARMS CERTIFIED MILK Mrs. Thomas Kelly was on the COTTAGE CHEESE AND BUTTERMILK sick list the latter part of last week. Miss Betty Ferguson of Cincin- nati is visiting Mrs. Charles L. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer spont Sunday with William E. Palmer of Puritan Dairy West Long Branch. • . Mrs. Katherine Oakes is having herJhbuse repainted. Mrs. Robert Woolsey of Irvington was a visitor here last week. BIG SUIT REDUCTIONS Frank Schaffer, Bert Morris and Miss Dzieszyc made an automobile trip to Lakehurst last week. Mrs. Patrick Carton, Sr., and Miss Amelia and Patrick Carton, Jr., vis- ited Andrew Carton and family of Trenton on Sunday of last week. Thomas Foley of Peekskill is vis- J. KRIDEL iting Joseph Eustace and family. Mrs. Joseph' Magce is entertain- ing her sister and family of New -Red Bank York. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hankin- son and several friends went on an

The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend the Laying of the Corner Stone of the MOLLY PITCHER ON RIVERSIDE AVENUE, RED BANK, N. J. ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th V AT 5:00 P.M. THE SPEAKERS WILL BE: HON. WM. H. R. WHITE, Mayor of Red Bank who Will lay the corner stone. MAJOR GENERAL WM. WOGEL, U. S. A., Retired a graduate of West Point, Commander of an Army Corps in France during the World War, Commander of the Department of the East, etc., and a noted historian, who will male* an historical address on Molly Pitcher and New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. HON. ROBERT H. MC CARTER of Rumson, former Attorney General of the State of New Jersey, who will speak on the benefits of the Hotel on our community. .' HON. AARON SAPIRO noted lawyer and financier of Now York City, who will apeak for Civic Enterprises, Inc., the sponsors of the Hotel. WARREN H. SMOCK, President of the Red Bank Hotel Co., will be Chairman. In order to give the public at large an opportunity to participate in the laying of the Corner Stone of Red Bunk's finest public building and to fool that they have aodeflnite Interest in it, THREE MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE WILL BE INVITED TO ASSIST THE MAYOR IN LAYING THE STONE AND EACH WILL RECEIVE A SILVER TROWEL ' AS A SOUVENIR. , \ Free tlckols cntitliup tlio holders lo n chunce to bo selected for this honor may bo obtained from any morchunt or from the Molly Pitcher Grill on Rlversldo Avonuo. MB BANK REGISTER. .*"„!" Issoed W«sklr, Esters*, u Second-Class MstUrat toe ?«•<• .VOLUME LI, NO. 8. offloe at 8

TO PARADE SATURDAY1. FAIR CONTINUED, SUING L P. HENDRICKSON. DILL DOES NOT APPROVE. Had Bank, Firemen end Auxiliary AN EXHIBIT OF DOLLS. AVE-A-LIFE CAMPAIGN jrmy Weather Causes Elks to 0 SPAIN IN SEA SKIFF. OUTING FOR CHILDREN, Will Go to Long Br.tich. Hold Fair Three Night. ThU Week. BOROUGH OF •EATONTOWN RAPS SHREWSBURY'S PUNISH. ANNUAL SHOW HELD LAST TATE TO CONDUCT INSPEC- HREE MEN TO SAIL IN BOAT RED BANK LIONS TO ENTEIU^ -Tho ladies' auxiliary of the Red The annual fair of tHb Red Bank MENT OF AUTO1STS. WEEK AT RUMSON. TION OF AUTOMOBILES. 32 FEET LONG. TRIES TO COLLECT $31,000. Bank fire department met at Liberty -dge of Elks, which is being held on TAIN CHILDRENFROM H0M& <] the home grounds on East Front' Long Drawn Out Proceedings Be- Motor Vehicle Commissioner rteferf flrehouse Monday night and accepted Oli Time Songs Are Favorites, at ree Inspection of Safety Devices harles A. Banfield of Leonardo About ISO Inmat«s of an invitation 'o attend the state Thursday Night Concerts at Vic- During September to be Conduct- street, will be continued Thursday, _ gun Monday by the Borough Letter From (he Red Bank Cham- : Will Begin the Trip Tomorrow Home to be Taken to Atlantic As Friday and Saturday nights of" this Against Former Collector' .of ber of Commerce to Prosecutor firemen's parade at Long Branch tory Park—Annual Baby Parade ed by this New Jersey State Motor. Afternoon in Company With Two Highlands—Money for ( 'eek. This is due to several stormy Taxes.—Embankment is Alleged. Quinn—Inveitigatlon, Is Likely, Saturday with Relief «nglnocpm- to be Held Saturday Afternoon. Vehicle Department. New Yorkers. Made at an Auction Sale, ights during the first week of the A civil suit brought by the bor- The action, of tho Red Bank an>». Members of the auxiliary who : Rumsoh children ' exhibited 36 In an effort to reduce automobile At jesterday'a meeting of th»w ilr. The Whippet coach will be dis- Charles Banfield of Leonardo and ough of Eatontown to collect $31,- chamber of commerce in requesting plan to attend the parade are re- dolls at the annual doll show Satur- ccidents and eliminate loss of life Lions club plans wero completed for -i jsed of Saturday night. Saturday (O New York men will sail tomor- th'e officials of Shrewsbury borough quested to meet at' Relief firehouse* day at Victory park. The show was :aused by motor vehicles in New w afternoon on a trip to the Azore taking 100 children of the Oakhunt^ 000 from Edmund P. Hendrfckson, r ight proved tHe biggest night of the to' follow a more lenient course iff ut nine o'clock Saturday morning, arranged by Rev. Arthur A. McKay ersey, a state wide "Save-a-Life" children's home on an automoblla a former collector of tho borough, air so far. With favorable weather, lands and Spain, in one of the punishing minor offenders of the where they will take.a bus for Long and Miss Margaret Deisler under the ampaign will be conducted, from rido and outing to Atlantic bench ti being tried at the municipal his week tho financial success of the imallest boats that has ever under- motor laws has caused widespread Branch. Mrs, Joseph Asay will bo in direction of the department of recre- September 1 to September 3Q, it was ken a voyage of this kind, They at Atlantic Highlands next Tuesday* building at Eatontown before Hal- charge of the auxiliary^ ; , lair is assured. •tead Wainright of Manasquan, a comment. The action of tho board ation. Tho judges were Miss nnounced today by William L. Dill,' ill attempt the journey in a sea The children will also be treated to!' supreme court commissioner. The in very popular judging hy the Blanche Chance of South Carolina, ommissioner of motor vehicles. „ skiff 32 feet long which was com- a feast J Daniel Tuller is ehali* *, borough is suing fox $31,000, which largo amounti of praise i- has re- former school nurse at Rumson, The campaign is made official for leted last week at the Banfield boat man of the outing committee. Tho '' UJs allcgod was embezzled by Mr. ceived not .only from residents of STORM CASTSUPWHALE Mrs. George Ivins of Rumson and he state by a proclamation issued by 'HOMAS'S INN TO MOVE. rks at Leonardo. The boat is children will bo transported in fifty' Eendrickson while he was collector. Red Bank but from people at other Mrs. Victor King of Little Silver. overnor A. Harry Moore. The proc- iwned by George V. V. Brothers of private cars, owned by member* of placet. • The first witnesess -wore heard MANTOLOKING SUMMONS TWO One of the dolls was 104 years lamation calls upon all municipal IT WILL BE LOCATED AT LIT- tew York and he will be one of the the club. An auction was held at' ild, but it did not win a prize, The uthorities,- motor organizations and rio who will attempt the -trip. The yesterday's meeting to defray tha Monday and it is probable that, the At the same time that the cham© RED BANKERS FOR AID. TLE SILVER MANOR. case will be continued for several bcr of commenco made the requeit •wards were divided into three ivil and commercial bodies to co- hird member of the party is Mr. cost of the trip Each member took, ,j days, perhaps until tho end of this tc the officials of Shrewsbury the chenck S. Thompson, and Paul. Rlt classes.' One of the classes was for iperate in the "Save-A-Life". move- rank Scott Property at Little Sil. rothers's brother, John A. Broth- one or more small articles tor than ' ' week or longer. On Monday about chamber sent a letter to William L. zau Tried to Figure Out a Way to (lolls with the prettiest face. Louise icnt. ver Was Sold Last Week- to s. meeting and they were auctioned off ' forty taxpayers were summoned as Dill, state commissioner of motor Move the Carcase to the Rllzau Eletl won the first prize and Anna The purpose of the campaign is Estelle Thomas of. Shrewsbury The trip will be started at the by Benjamin L Atwatcr. Mr. Tuty" witnesses' and it is said that many chicles, calling his attention to con- Farm, but They Gave It Up. Conk'the second prize. The winners 0 establish a regular annual period River Country Club for $12,500. lattery at New York and a fleet of or wns clerk and James Wilds wuf other similar witnesses will bo called. ditions at Shrewsbury and asking in the class for the best arrange- if free mechanical inspection of all achts will congregate and escort his assistant. More than the coit of •' A dead whalo'ififty feet long was An old colonial house at Little the trip was realized by this means. It is alleged that many taxpayers him to help correct theso conditions. cast upon tho shore at Mantoloking ment were Betty Casler first and ftotor vehicles licensed to operate ilver Manor was sold last week by ie skiff to sea. After leaving the who paid their taxes in cash were The chamber of commerce was in- tladys Weir second.'The third class this state. New York, Massa- Lzorcs i t is planneld d to makke a stot p All over the cost was put in a fund in- Ocean county during the storm rank Scott of Fair View to Estelle 1 entered on Mr, Hendrickson's books terested in tho matter because it Sunday morning. There was a big was for the most unusual doll. Har- ihusetts and other states have al- homas, owner and proprietor of l.Santander, Spain. It Is undecided to be u°cd for the Christmas enter* ' riet Peters captured the first prize as not having paid their taxes and was reported that many autoists ;ash on ono part of the sea mon- eady conducted "Save-A-Life" cam- Pnomas's inn, now located at the •hether the trip will include a visit ainment given by tho club at tbef and Thelma Nielsen^ the second that Mr. Hendrickson kept this were detouring around Red Bank in ster's body, where it had apparently aigns and several other states have ormer Shrewsbury river country ) the Bahama Islands. John V. V. famesburg home for boys. ", „ prize. /' , •-..•• money instead of turning it over to order to avoid -passing through been cut by coming into contact with nnounced their intention of doing lub. The sale was made by Ray H. Srothers is an experienced naviga- Paul Ruussdlc Kavo a short talV the municipal government. This al- Shrewsbury, The fact that two large as boat. Large crowds of people Because oldtime songs, wore very in the near future. itilhnan of Eatontown. The price ,or. n "Dealing in Diamonds." Thomas', legation is denied by Mr. Hendrick- broadcasting stations at Newark nnd gathered to see the whale "Sunday lopular at.last Thursday night's Service stations and garages in •aid was $12,500. % The skiff has seven tanks with a Dorcmus was found to be the son. Passaic had warned autoists not- to community concert at the park a ivery community in the state will be otal capacity for 1,000 gallons of :lub's tallest man and R. V. R. H, ' and Monday but tho odor from the The property is located at the v Walter R. Darby, commissioner of pass through Shrewsbury had a decaying carcass yeste'erday was number of them will also bo includ- ppointod to serve as official Inspec- orner "of Silverside avenue and gasoline. One hundred gallons of >tout the shortest club member. municipal accounts for New Jersey, largo effect in influencing the action uch that the attendance wa? greatly ed in the program • for tomorrow ;on stations from September 1 to Jonover street and it is within a ubricating oil are stored in ohc-gal- ^on Reussillo and W. Raymond' was the first witness, called Monday, of the Red Bank chamber of com- reduced. Many lied Bankers went right's concert. Record crowds have O inclusive. During this period hort distance of the Little Silver on canspn various parts of tho ohnson were awarded tho attend* jjle testified, that Eatontown audits merce. ' . .'•'-. to Mantoloking to see the whale. been attending the concerts. A fea- ivery motor vehicle owner in New •ailroad station. The lot has a front- oat. Fresh water is carried, under incc prizes. L. A Spotz of Bloom,- • wero filed regubrly each.yaar with Last w.eek tho chairiber of com- What to do with the'. Whale "is a ture of tomorrow night's program forsoy is requested to drive or send ige of 160 feet on Silverside ave^J he aft deck in forty three-gallon ield was a guest of Butt M. Decker.. the state department between 1021 merce received a letter from Mr. perplexing problem for which no will be two vocal selections by Wil- us car or truck to one of these of- me and 225 feet on Conover street. :asks.. Power is provided by a 35 Henry Eigenrauch of Chapel Bill '. 'and 1926 and. he submitted the Dill in which he said that he had answer has yet been found. Its de- lianVFagan, known as the Irish bar- cial inspection stations to be exam- :he house has nine rooms and a iorse-power Kermath marine motor. will give a short talk on his poultry referred the letter of the chamber itont. He will sing "Mother ned regarding its mechanical con- t is equipped with every known de- farm at next week's meeting. Tno ' audits as evidence. Andrew J. C. composition is a menace to sanita- lathroom, with a large living room r Stokes/ who is Mr, 'Hendrickson's of commerce to Prosecutor John J.. tion and health as well as an offense Machree" and "Just a Little Bit of lition. This inspection will be made onnecting with a sun parlor/ A ice for a long run without stops. attendance prizs at this meeting lawyer; objected to the admission Quinn. It is expected that Mr. to 'everyone's cense, of smell in the Heaven."t ntirely without charge at official ireplace is located in the living 3ne of the features is a Lux fire ex- will be«awarded by George White;. of-the audit of 1926, stating that Quinn will make an investigation. neighborhood.. On Monday Schenck At the concerts the choruses of all garages and service stations, and the room. The house has all improve- ;inguishing apparatus which not Mr. Dill's letter is as follows: Eongs to be sung by the audience arc motor vehicle owner is free to >nly smothers a fire but which also Mr. Hendrickson was not in office S. Thompson and Paul Ritzau of Red ments available. A two-car garage CAMPAIGNING FOR HOOVER.' U the entire year and that Herbert I acknowledge tho receipt, of you. Bank were sent for to examine the first rendered by the combined hoose any official inspection station Is on, tho rear of the property. A 'reezes it out by reducing the tem- te desires. Hill, the special auditor who was en- letter of August 8th relative to tho whale and try to vgure out some, voices) of the community chorus ana grove of maple and evergreen trees teraturc to many degrees below ted Bank Republican Wometl Ho(c|'% gaged to go over Mr. Hendricksons's tituatjon of which you complain. way to dispose of it. Mr. Thompson the girls' glee clubs to enable the Official windshield stickers will be is between the front of the house scro. The sea skiff was launched Their Second Masting. ^, •; * ljooks, did pot have a state license We nro without jurisdiction, but is president of the S. .S. Thompson* audience to become acquainted with Issued in the name of the state mo- ind Silverside avenue. ast Wednesday afternoon and it tho words and music and to give, en-t tor vehicle authorities and one of was christened "The Banfield" by The Red Bank Hoover club heUt',? when he mado- the audit. we are referring your letter to contracting company and Mr. Ritzau The house and lot was formerly couragetnent to the gathering. At ;hese will be placed on every mo- Mrs. Marian Braniard, a sister of ts second meeting yesterday afttit p • David Staffer of Newark, who is Prosecutor Quinn, as wo. have done is associated with his father, Herman owned by the Delatush, Scott & last week's concert a fine ovation or vehicle that passes inspection as Foseph E. Banfield, who is one of noon at Mrs, Thomas Jardlne's" o»-..;, the lawyer for the borough, replied with a number of other letters dur- Ritzau, in the horse removal busi- Morford corporation. It was later was given to George Hallanan, ten ring in good mechanical condition he principal owners of the Ban- Alston court. Nearly 100 pertoni" that Mr. Hill had a license when he ing the past week, all of which com ness. bought by Mr. Scott and several were present Addresses were mad«i;';; submitted the report. He claimed plain bitterly, of treatment at the Mr. Thompson and Mr. Ritzau years old, who rendered several cor- nsofar as its safety factors are con- ield boat works. It was the 67th sea net solos. Edgar Louis Kculing, di- •ornod. Cars that reveal mechanical ears ago the house was remodeled skiff built at the boat works since by Assemblyman Thomas M. Gop^. that the borough had the legal right hands of the Shrewsbury officials. put their heads together in an at- 'he building is more than forty HI, Mrs. Euodora'Millar of Oce»n*H to engage anyone to do the work. rector of recreation, has been laid efects which render them unsafe last January. We will gladly co-operate with tempt to find a plan to move the fears old and during the late war ort, Mrs. Ingalls of Newark, MM.^'| Referee Wainwright admitted the up with sickness, but he expects to will have to be put in good order A few years ago a gasoline boat the -prosecutor in attempting to whale to the Ritzan farm,and bury t was used as a hostess.house by the . Lee Enright and Mrs. Emma Vanjj •% audits as evidenco with tho under- be able to bo present tomorrow efore the official state sticker will three feet longer than the one which break up the reprehenjible practice it there. The plan which they had Jnited States army. Schoik." Mrs. VanSchoik is vice) Ul standing that they could be with- night. c issued to the owner. will start for the Azores tomorrow complained of. under consideration - was that - of The inn will be located in the hairman of the Republican, conn*'1 ^ drawn if found necessary by tho "The proposed 'Save-A-Life' in- made a trip from Spain to this coun- Thanking you for having directed ifting the dead whalo With derricks A dance for grownups will be held louse after Labor day. Many minor :y executive committee. light of future evidence. spection of automobiles will be de- try. tho matter to our attention, wo beg and placing it on a big automobile Friday night on the handball court. mprovements will bo made to the The next meeting of tha p' 1 moted chiefly to the brakes, horns, A stenographic copy of tho ovi- tc remain truck and trailer to bo transported The park orchestra will provide the property. Thomas's Inn was first lo- ha held at Mrs. Richard E.' lights, steering mechanism, wind- HOLY NAME OUTING. denco will bo prepared for Judge Very truly yours, to the farm. After viewing the rot- music. :ated at Little Silver point many Fox Lodge on Branch avenue*. shield wipers and mirrors,!' said Rulif.V. Lawrence. Mr. Hendrick-" William L. Dill. ting carcass the men concluded that Preparations are being made for years ago. It was later ,moved to Friday afternoon, September Commissioner Dill in announcing the St. Anthony's Church Society Went ton will havo tho right to a trial by it would not be practical to move tho annual baby parade to be held Red Bank and was located on Fron Tho Republican county co: Frank C. Byram?clerk of the bor- campaign to reduce automobile ac to Bear Mountain Sunday. jury if ho so desires. Prior to the the monster. They expressed doubts on Saturday afternoon of this week. street-until, last year, when it was the Hoover units of Monrni ough of Shrewsbury, has written the cidents andjirevent fatalities in fh( The Holy Name society of St. admission of testimony. Mir Stokes that the body wasisciund eh'oug'li to There will be throe clases-^thc moved to the former Shrewsbury county and candidates of the following letter to the 'chamber of state. "These are the items most Anthony's church held its third an- made a statement to this effect and commerce. stand the strain of being moved prettiest baby, the beat decorated river country clubhouse. -These will be present. vehiclg and the most original idea. ikely to get out of order on the nual outing Sunday at Bear Moun- he stated that he wanted it mado Your latter of August 8th ad- without falling into pieces. properties were leased by tho Tho officers of the club matter of public record that the bor- Mr. Thompson and Mr. Ritzau Applications must be made to Miss average automobile and statistics Thomas's. tain. The trip *was made by bus dressed to the honorable mayor and show that they are the most fre- An .entertainment was arranged by Praildent—Mrs. Thomas Jardui*.' ough was to bear all tho expenses of borough council of Shrewsbury, rel- stated that in their opinion the best Diesler, the playground supervisor, First vlc» president—Mrs. J. L quent causes of accidents. Joseph Talerico, Angelo Ciaglia, the presont proceedings. Mr. Stof- ative to traffic regulations in said thing to do would be to tow the by eleven o'clock Saturday morning rlsht. • • . „ .- . and all babies must be five years old "We want no unsafe automobiles FISHERMEN RESCUED. Lester Bennett, Patrick Vaccarelli Second vice president—^Urs* J, D. TallatV'; fer replied that if Judge Lawrence borough, was duly received, and whale out to sea and blow it into Third vice preiident—Mrs. Carl BchwsvJ i agreed that tho borough was to be has been handed to tho polico com- bits with dynamite. Up to last night or under and must either be a resi- on the roads in New Jersey and co- Charles Byer and John Bubla o »nd John Garruto. A 200-yard Her." ,,•«>- .' responsible it was agreeable to him neither this nor any other plan had dent of Rumson or a guest of a res- peration of every citizen and mo swimming contest was held. Tho Fourth vice . pres!dcnt7-Mra« Lymaa^Ol. w mittee, who will give samo proper Seabright Saved by. Coast Guards. Vanlnwetren. ' >. otherwise ho objected. consideration.' been put into effect. ident of Rumson. :orist in getting his car inspected contestants were Mr. Talerico, Car- ree of charge between September Charles Byer and John Bubla, Secretary—Mrs. A. E. Busiell. \tl ' When tho first claims of discrep- Respectfully, mine Caruso, Mr. Vacdarelli, Mr. Treasurer—Mri.. Emma VanSehoiav ' j^ 1 to 30 will go a long way toward Seabright fishermen, were rescued Garruto, Augustus Cammarani and ancies in Mr. Hendrickson's ac- Shrewsbury borough council FOR HOMES AND SCHOOLS. CROSSED OCEAN 2S0 TIMES. during tho storm early Sunday saving lives and preventing acci- Henry Scaccia. Mr. Caruso was counts wero made Mr. Hendrickson per moming by coast guards at West NURSES FOR SCHOOLS, ^ A Parent-Teaxheri' Aiiociation dents. the winner and Mr. Talerico wa3 signed a deed to convey his two Frank C. Byram. Fair Haven Man Hat Made Several End. Byer and Bubla had been fish- houses at Eatontown to tho borough The chamber of commerce has Formed at Red Bank. , Tripi Annually Since 1892. "It is perfectly obvious that the ing off Shark river and Manasquan second. Other water sports were Eighteen Boards of Education-Ia< '•/ in tho event that thoro was any received tho following letter from A parent-teachers' association has Since 1892 Harry Angelo of Fair best driver in the world cannot stop and were returning to Scabrigh also enjoyed. During a diving con- rlted to Renew Contract*, y *-»' shortage. Tho deed 'was mado to C. A. Hall, a summer resident of been formed at Red Bank with Haven, who is an importer of dress a car that has no brakes, or warn when their boat engino broke down. test Mr. Talerico was slightly in Contracts for nurse lervlce fojr,'.' Prosecutor John J. Quinn, who was Shrewsbury: about fifty charter members. Mrs. material and women's wearing ap- pedestrians and other cars if thi They tied tho boat to a gas buoy ured. schools have been sent by the M°n*!'' representing the borough at that "A protest has been forwarded Thomas Jardine has been elected parel, has crossed the Atlantic ocean orn is not working. Inspection of off Scotland channel, but the lin Others on the outing were James mouth county social service organ)* •'( i time, and it was hold in trust by from an' organization representing temporary chairman of tho associa- 250 times on business trips to Eur- drivers is not sufficient; the vehicle parted and the boat drifted south- Arnonc, Joseph Caruso, Lawrencs zation to eighteen boarda of eduw >; Mr. Quinn for the borough. the tradesmen of Red Bank to the tion and Mrs. R. M. Scott has been ope. So far this year he has made hey drive must also be in safe con west toward Long Branch. At Wesl DeFiorc, Samuel, John and Angolo tion in the county. Nini e nurse* of Subsequently the mayor and borough of Shrewsbury nnent the elected temporary secretary. Mrs. iiree round trips. He arrived in New dition to prevent Injury to them- ~nd a big wave drove the boal Gelso, Joseph LoPresti, Solomon Iz- the organization are engaged In thia" I council of Eatontown' decided not to losses suffered through the undue Jardine has appointed Mrs. Herman York last week after having com- selves and others. against a bulkhead and the boai 20, Frank Innacelli, Nicholas Sovi- work. Tho work that the nunes do < bring 'a civil oult against Mr. Hen rigor of. the_ polico in tho latter town Asendorf and Mrs. Wilfred Hough- pleted a trip to and back in 'Fifty-nine per cent of deaths started to sink. The two men wer ero, Frank Mazza, Carmine Bar- ndudes among other things medl» drickson but to prosecuto. him on i The motorists in avoiding 3hrews ton as a committco on arrange- aeventecn days. It was his fastes from automobile accidents in thi raved by tho coast guards just a; rasso, Carmine Calandricllo, Alfred cat inspection, weighing and measurv ' charge of ombczzlement. Mr. Hen bury avoid Red Bank also, taking th ments for tho first regular meeting trip since ho started traveling to jnited States are caused by defects the boat disappeared beneath th and Henry Scaccia, Patrick Lonpo ing children, keeping records^ -of • _ drickson was nrrestod and his trial inside route through Freehold in which will be held tho latter part o Paris. He spent four days in Paris. n the mechanical condition of thi water. The boat was owned by Frank Aquarro and Antonio Pal- physical conditions and following up ' ' was started, but the caso wns thrown their trips to the shore resorts. Tha September. Mrs. William Manson For the past 36 years Mr. Angelo automobile itself. A modern automo Christian Axclson of Seabright. mier). ______cases of physical defects, under the ' out on technicaltics. this is true, at least to some extent, has been appointed chairman of th has made several trips a year to bile is good for tens of thousand direction of family doctors, Tho ' GARDEN CLUB EXHIBIT. This was about a year ago and the greatly increased traffic over thi committee on nominations and Mrs. Europe. His fitst voyage was madi of miles of service and it is entirely boards of education which have bean the matter was in abeyance until thii inside route will testify; yet this is Clifford Humphrey and Mrs. Harry on the steamship Servia. In those Eafo in the hands of a careful driv- NEW DINING SERVICE. [I Will be Held August 28th at tho nvited to renew their contract* for VanNoto have been appointed as he er, but being a piece of machinery week whon the civil suit was started a longer wny and an unpleasnn days it took ten days to reach Eur- This Feature at Red Bank Hotel in Red Bank Woman's Club. nursing service arc those at E»tot\-< • co-chairmen. it requires mechanical inspection a The deed which Mr. Hendrickson one, ope on the fastest boats. Charge of New Chef. Tho garden club of the Red Bank town, Manasquan, Wall township,. mado out to Mr. Quinn is not an least once a year to keep it in good West Long Branch, ManalaOnn, The undersigned, a summer resi- An invitation has been extended Mr. Angelo has a large shop on Tho dining room of the Hotel Riy- Woman's club willhold its next ex- outright conveyance of tho property, running order and to opcrato township, Howcll township, Ocean- dent of Asbury Park of many years' to all persons interested in the wcl- Fifth avenue at New York. He ha ercrest on tho Newman Springs roai hibit on Tuesday afternoon, August but II; is in tho nature of an agree- economically and safely." port, Raritan township, Farmlngdale* standing, after a slight brush a faro of tho schools to join tho as- boon a resident of Fair Haven ovc has been re-opened under tho super- 28th, at tho clubhouse on Broad ment that tho borough is to get tho Shrewsbury, has been using a routi sociation. A committco has been np •thirty years nnd has a large rcsl- Governor Mooro's proclamation Holmdcl township, Millstone town- ision of Chef Alexander, who wasstreet. Among the exhibits of flowers property if there is a large shortagi from Red Bank through Little Sil pointed to rcccivo applications fo denco on the river bank. He is a calls upon tho officials of every com ship,' Keanshurj, Union Be'ach, At- formerly with tho New York Cen prizes will be awarded for tho best In tho funds. If the borough gets ver, Occanport, thonco eltho membership. The members of thi former member of the Fair Havon munity, and various civic, commer- lantic township, Bridle, Marlboro ral railroad company. The room has jingle bloom, the best three blooms judgment for $31,000 or anywhen through. West Long Branch nnd committo and their telephone num council. cial and industrial organizations ti of ono kind, the most artistic ar- township, Middletown township and near that Bum it Is .expected that the Ookhurst or Eatontown and tho now burs nro Mrs, Ralph Layman 1110 end their wholehearted support ti been repainted and redecorated Highlands. \ Southern cooking is a specialty and rangement, the best potted plan deed will become cflfcctlvo and tho Bhort cut. Why do you not adver- MrB. Warren Mlnton B01-M, Mrs. WOMAN HURT BY AUTO. tho statewido movement for grcate ilth not less than six months' cars borough will take over tho proporty, tise thin route in some manner? WilllamS. Grace 2207, Mrs. Ralph motor vehiclo safety. all cakes and pastry arc mado on th premises. A special dinner will b ind for the best bloom from EXCHANGE CLUB'S CHARTER. which consists of two houses and a It is no longer than Shrewsbury and Slckels 721-R, Mrs. Joseph Sacc Mrs. William O'Brien Hit Whil plant given by the Woman's club largo tract of land, far preferable to my mind; and traf- 1684-11 and Mrs. John Ivins 012-J, Crossing Street in Front of Home. served tonight. Tho Hotel Rivorcres It Will be Presented to 'the Clul IM River Plata's Sidewalks. , was formerly part of the old Now the previous year. Among tho veg- fic would thereby proceed through Mrs. Willlnm O'Brien of West the Early Fall. Tho land is said to have a value A meeting of the assessment com- man Springs hotel, which was onco otablcs a prizo will bo awarded fo you,r streets as before. front stroet was hit by an nutomo- of about $25,000, but Mr. Hondrick- TO MEET AT HARMONY. missioners who were appointed to fi popular resort. the best display o£ any ono kind o Tho Red Bank Exchange club "Vory truly yours, bilo while she waa walking aero, son's equity in It is only about $10, assessments for the concrete side vegetables, BUch as onions, radishes, now hns moro thnn 25 active mem-t 000, as thoro is a mortgngo of abou Red Bank Lodge to Attend Pat tho strcot in front of her home Sat lettuce, beets, etc. Another pri bcr», which is moro than enough*- C A Htt11 walks which were put down at Rive: BALL TEAM'S NEW MANAGER 'i si " ' " "' Councilor's Meeting Tomorrow. tirday night Tho enr wns driven b' $15,000, Mr. Hondrlckson was Plnzn will bo held at tho communlt; wil bo awarded for tho best baskel for n ehnrtor. An application t&t • Former Residents Here. John F. Lutz of Elizabeth nnd wni bonded with a surety company and Tho Sons and Daughters of Lib- houso nt River Plnza Friday nigh Herbert Hunter to be at the Helm o of vegetables. A prize will nlso bi a charter wns mado at last week'* going enst on Front street when I tho compnny paid $8,700 to tho bor- Charlcn Chandler and family o erty lodge- of Rod Bank will atton of next week. All Interested porsoni Red Bank Nine. fTorcd for tho best arrangemont o meeting nnd It will he prcsonted to,' struck Mr>. O'Brien. Sho wni ough. This wan not tho full amouni Washington, O. C, nro visiting John a meeting of tho past councilors' aa- hnvo been Invited to bo present. Th At a meeting of tho members ol flowers by adults, but only members the club nt n special mcatinf In' Chnmborlaln nnd family of Branch knocked down nnd wns hndly brulsec tho enrly fall. Arrangement! Ut • of tho bond, but them were con soclation tomorrow night nt Hnr- essment commissioners nra Wll tho Sanborn'.i II cur a hascball tcan f the Woman's club nro eligible to avenue, Red Bank, nnd Mr. iind Mrs, nnd shaken up. Shonk ««» when ho wn* collector and evidently Kntlonnl Product! Co., phono C7C,— hn» been granted n dlvorco from hoi CUmbake Postponed. The Bit White House bv the Llttl club will bo held tonight at tha AI*J/->' Special Mealing of Elki. hunbnnd, OorKo Gln.uoy. Mm. tilnn- hi still hns many frlcndn nnd nd- Advcrthomcnt. Tho nnnunl clnmbnko of Hello Church, South Street, Eatontown. vlow flying Hold. After the muling ', A special mooting of tho Ro loy wn» represented by Quinn, Pnr An Outing to Lske Hopatcong, Vixlt us nnd vlow our collcctloi mlrom. Shortly after ho wai nr- engine company of Hid llnnk, wide) H social tlmn nnd refreshments wllj 'X Relaxation la Beneficial, Hunk Klkn lodgn linn been callod fo soni & Doroimm, \A pnrty of thirty women left Fnl of furnlturo In mahogany, walnut j rotted On tho embezzlement ho wn wnn to hnvn lionn hohl last Sundny bo onjoyod. _ f 1 a candldntn for rci-clectlon n« col- A fnclnl mnHinKc or n shninnoc tonight, Tha purpoao of tha nicotln. Haven this morning In ono o maple, cherry nnd pine. Alno old niYoril* n irood menus of rolnxntlon hns boon pontponcd until next Sun lector. Ho wnn dnfcntnd hy only 22 In to connldai tho movement timlo llurdgo & Bonn' busses ou n <)ny HIiu/lU'liI nnd American idlvur, pnw Visit tho Voguo llnrbcr Shop, Whit Closing Out Sale, dny. TIHI llrunicn will bn taken dow tcr. copper, hrnnn, Iron nml tin THIRTY-SECOND YEAR. vote*. wny to hnvo n votarnm1 hospital c» TIIP bnlnnce of out niniimcr ntoc outing-to Lnki! Hopntconic. Tho pnr- ntrcct, nenr flroinl, nnd let M» prov tho rlvor In Andruw Wlilte'/t cnbl i'aiilcy «nnwl», hoino»|iun blankets 40 and SI I.eroV PUce, Rtd J tnbllshod nenr Red Hunk, of til In »cn«(in'n drcurcs nt (Id, for ty win In chnrKr of Mrs. Chnrlcn I' our itntomont.—Advrrllmini'nt. "frulnor, Ol|vln II. (luted nnd woven nnrcud*, nppllqm New Jsriejr, Special. morly up tn %'M>. JuM tho thlnu ti Cronn, nnd pntchwork qulltn, Ol nrhnol for hoy* and «lrl«. fturroumllmrn even more plemmnt it Koir Shop, 7fl Ilinnd utroct, Ito Every WidnsTuy Nliht $7,000 Will Iluy SU-Room Horn will find your Want Advcrtlnomon Sleeping porch, unrntrc, nil Im HIcupliiK porch, KIII'IIKVI nil In; lustro wari! nnd numi'roun odd nm lieiiln thn full tnrm Mondny, the Coty Corner Ten Knotn, W< thn moit Intoroitlng nnd Important llnnk,—Advnrllt In Victor night nt Tuntlnii'i, Mon (|iinliit plrfori. In Inmpi wn linvi timliiT 24th. Tho U«U«1 " proviimcntt; Jocntcd U4 llnrdln, mouth strcot, nenr Urond ntrcot provciiicMtn; loi'ntcil 111 llarilli a«rvo roust chicken nnd Monk din tiling In ,tlia |)wpiir.--Advortlicm>int ro»d, Hod Hunk. Owner, Irnvln n itrnnd lot. from Iron llctty'n on Iirnnthri: ptpparatlon for Horn for 7A cents, Club snndwlche Notice, Kndlos, rolls, orthoplionla vlctrolns rond, Ili'd llnnk. Owner, lonvln town, compelled to wcrlllcc. Cnn h" town, ooimielk'd la mu'rllkr. Can b you will flnil Argiiiid or Antraln hf.ri II prlmnry dopartmrnt. 1( and strictly homiwnndn pnstry ou Readers, Attention I I hnvo rrltirni'il from my vncntlor rocordn nml ino-omlnent rnnkrn o |r flu III of wlinln oil, nlan other* In IIIIIKC, A, M., principal.- M en mornlriuH or evpnliiK* nftnr 7 lOO nnd 1 nm irmly In n-oi'Ivc onion upi'luht nnd icmml plnnan. Jlrli iifon inurnlHK-i < nvcnlnm nftct 7iO , specialty. 41 Monmoutli ntroot.— Do not fall to rand Leon's column 1'. M, riionn ifU-lt, Hid llnnk.— 1 vnrli'ty of rulnrn. From Btli'gcl t mont, Advertlfiomrnt. from my mtw nnd old cuntoinnn. tha fntnlly tonight.—Advortli I . M, I'lioiift KU-lt, Iti'd llnnk,— Wonderful Information for thi AdvcrtltrMDnt. Advcrtlifitti'jtt. Hntidwlch III KIB»»—our stock Ii n hounwUa.--Advcrtlicrnont. Mr», Lolinmnn, U llrond utrcot.-— mont. litrito In thin pnrtlculnr Item, that « Juit nnloailcd t»r ' •m* — • Advc.rtUdinnnjL - ' tlydrated Lime, Seed Rye, thlit tlmn wo enn only offer for yoin "furn llran." When , Uy tho .tort or farlond. Ralrd A TypfwriUri., adding nucliintt, Our (tr«»r need* Hr* nil toted An Typewriter Headquarters. trn'tltrtt prlt't W» we Mil nothing but Inn lint, llnlr Mid-Summer Sal* of Furs, TiHrar nr mnnll i|uniilllttr««t, Btd Dank. •tiny'*. 17 Brood ilritt, Rid Bank, Typn&rltori rented, bought nm 1« aViWIMMnt, A Duvlion, frt Wc»t ilr.it, Its I. VOKPI A Bonn, 24 Broad itro« •old, Trubln'i, 68 llroad itrost, Uo A DitvlKon, 10 West etroct.—Advo Kim nnd l'url C. Watcri,—Atlvor nAdvtrttiuMirt, litnk.fAtlv«rtti«tn«nU >, jUll Dallk.H-AdvartUaitinn!. ilssmonU i tU«m«nU Page Eighteen RED BANK REGISTER,' AUGUST'15, 1928, f{ WEDDINGS. will arrive next Tuesday for a three DEATH OF NAVESINK WOMAN. DIED FROM STOMACH TROUBLE RIVER PROPERTY SOLD. „ IN AUTO|.M1»HAP. HAVING FINE TIME. months' stay and part, of the time 4 ' M JUld POLO PLAYERS FEAST, Ernelino Brown Died Lait David Rearer DieT Last W«k at The Newman Place en Hubbard MlntoiTan* Hi* Crew, Ea> AW«r«—Quigley. will be spent with the groom's par. Mri. Hurt. NaWMwIbero TkorWay, . Week of Panlym. v the Long Branth Hospital, Avenue flow Owned by H. C Latch. Jpjrlnf Canada., „ V J.EEFSTEAK DINNER HELD AT Miss Helen Gladys Akers, daugh- cr.ts at Chestnut Grove Manor, Mr. Edward P. Taylor of Matowan Tomlinson is associated with: the Mrs. Emclino Brown, widow of David Reevcy of Central avenue, Harry G. Leach of River Plata Vice Commodore Auguitu* M. ' SUNEAGLES CLUB. ter of Mrs; Dorothy Akers of Kiver- r.nd. Mrs. Mabel Baker and Mri. side Heights, and John A- Qalgley, Gulf refining company at its Mara- George Brown of 'Navcslnk, died Red. Bank, died last Friday night at has bought Mrs. Lillian LaRosa's Mlnton, who is entertaining a party • the Lone Branch hospital from house on Hubbard avenuo At River Alexander J. Sleiak' of Keyport of frlendi from Red Bank, Fair Ha. It Was Given for tha Clubs Polo son of Mrs. Catherine Quiglcy caibo office. last Thursday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ida Walling of s'.omach trouble. Ho had been in f laza and ho will mako It his home were'injured last Thursday after- ven and Little Silver on bit largt , Teams, Their Families and For of Chestnut street, Red Bank, noon in an automobile accident on were married last Thursday morning Emmons—Henderson, Navenlnk; with whom she lived, of poor health several nioiths and was after remodeling and improving it cabin erulter Jean has written to \ Visiting Players—Artificial Polo Tho property is on the cast sido of the highway between Fteehvld and The Register that all aboard hit boat 1 at St. James's church with a nup- Miss Hazel Emmons, daughter of paralysis She was stricken on Tues- btrlcken suddenly Friday afternoon. Field a Feature. Hubbard avenue and it is commonly Marlboro. ' are In good health and enjoying the tial mass. The ceremony was per- Hylvanus T. Emmons of Eatontown, day. He was taken to the hospital early • At thu Suncaglej country club known as the Newman placb'teqauso The accident occurred just south trip Immensely., A letter from Jo* formed by Rev. Kdward J. Heil. and Novel McKinlcy Henderson of Mrs. Brown was born at Head- Friday night and djed four hours List Saturday night the annual beef- it was owned and occupied a number of Marlboro. Mr. Taylor's car, which atph Salt, one of the party, to'The The .bride was given in Marriage West Virginia were married last den's Corner and she was the later. He was subject to attacks of fcleak dinner was hold for tho merri- of years by E, D. Nowman. The land was going toward Keyport, at- JRcgUtcr written at St. John't yacht by her* uncle, JohnGoan of River- Saturday night by Rev. J. KaufTman, daughter of Leonard and Margaret stomach trouble and had been a pa- ters of the club's polo teams and comprisos about three, ,fnd a half tempted to pass a car owned by M|ss club at St. John's, Quebec; states that side Heights. Miss Mary C. Egan of a Long Branch' Presbyterian mln- Ann Holmes. 'She was in her Slut tipnt at the hospital previously; their iumilies und for the visiting acres,,with a frontage of 485 feet Mary'.Collins of Eumson, and col-, Mr. Minton and himself had met.tha Ked Bank was bridesmaid and i'.tcr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frampton year. For many years she lived at Mr. Reevcy was born at Reevey- polo players who are participating on Hubbard avenue and a frontage tided with an automobile owned by president af the St Johm yacht club . George Quigloy, a brother of the of Long Branch were the attendants. .Chapel Hill and she moved to Nave- town and wag a son of the late Isa-- ill thu tournament now being held ol about SCO feet on the river. The John C, Baker of Keyport, which wi(i had been royally entertained by groom, was groomsman. Joseph On Sunday the couple left for sink when she was thirteen yoirs iah and Margaret D. Reevey. He wu» on Mnit Phillips's polo fields. house has ten rooms, a b'athroom and was going toward Freehold. Another him., Mr. Sals reported that Clark Woodnail of New York and Eugene VVjist Virginia, where the groom is old. Her husband-died fourteen 68 years old arid was engaged in The grillrooms at the club were modern Improvements, A largo burn ear, owned by Oliver Kehn it Free- Holbrook of Eaat Red =Bank Waa - Akers, a brother of the bride, were employed. Mr. Henderson 'was form- years ago. Mrs. Brown is survived farming at Shrewsbury many years. attractively decorated in keeping and a small aummcr bungalow are hold, to avoid colliding with the there .with Ms yacht, accompanied, ushers. c-rly a soldier and was stationed at by a. son, Charles A. Brown, and He moved to Red Bank' flyo,months with the occasion. Artifical grasa also on the placo, Tho bungalow is Baker car", hit a, telephone pole. by Mrs. Holbrook, Mrs. George O. Miss Akers wore a gown of pink Tort Monmouth. He received an hon- three other daughters, Mrs. Baron ago. Mr. Reevey's wife, died six wile put on the floor to represent a years ago. He ' is* survived by g how occupied by Mra, LaRosa, 'Yes- Mr. Taylor was taken to the Mat- Hendrlckson and. Mra. Holbrook'l chiffon with a hat to match. She orable discharge n short tiijic ngo. Pleasant and Mrs. Margaret Dean polo field iind the table was in the j brother, Samuel Reovey of Way- terday George Dangler, who has awan hospital and treated lor cuts sieter, Mrs. BraaBch. Mr. Sals ita'ted of Atlantic Highlands and Mr*. inapt of a horseshoe. The steaks '" I a corsage boquct of-pink side, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph' been occupying the large' house, ubout his faco'and a possible frac- that while' he was at the clubhouie. Lay ton—Morford. Mary, Brown of Newark. ' »Bro cooked in a large fireplace. An and bahy.s breath. Miss hgan Reevey of . Reeveytown, and Mrs. moved to another houso at River'ture of his left shoulder. Mrs. SIo- writing his letter -the rest 'of th« s Marie Ellsworth Layton of Leon- The funeral was held Sunday af- entertainment was given consisting ™> attired in yellow hat to match Julia Smith of New Haven, Connec- 'crew" were In the park listening tq ard street. Red Br.nk, daughter of ternoon at her late residence' ar.d Plata, 'k who was-riding wlth^Mlsi Cpl- of monologues by Miss Florence En- and her boquet was of yellow roses ticut. , • ,-..-•'." •-• : 1 the band concert. end baby's breath! The church altar William H. Layton, and Ralph Wil- later at the Hillside Methodin Mr! Leach paid $17,600 for the """, received several brulaes on her right, 3 popular comedienne, imper- face. Mra, Baker received a deep was decorated with ferns and glad- lnrd Morfoid, son of William Mor- church at Atlantic Highlands. Rev The body was prepared for burial' place,"He is president of tho Elec- Mr. Mlnton and his party expect*' sonations by Jack Henley, guitar cut on her forehead. Miss Collins ioli. The wedding march was playect ford of New Monmouth, were, mar- Henry Burnell, pastor of the church at Albert W. Worden'a "funeral tric Industries manufacturing cor- to bo back in Red Bank the latter solos by' Mr3. Herbert Winn and solo und Mr, Baker eBcaped uninjured, by Mrs. Edward McDonough, and ried Saturday night at the Red Bank preached the sermon. Several se- home. The funeral was-held yester- poration of Now York and he Is' a part of this week. dunce's by Mrs. H. Jcnks and Miss The occupant of the car that hit the Mrs. Raymond Phillips sang. More Eaptist parsonage by Rev. William lections were sung by the churcn day afternoon at Mr. Worden's es- commutor. -Tho changes which aro to Mary Mullen. tablishment and later at the South bu made to the house ha've-not been telephone pole waa also unhurt. Polo players present at the dinner than 100 persons attended the cere- K. Braisted. They were attended by choir. Burial was made at Crystal To the Editor mony. • Curtis Walling of New Mo'nmouth Stream cemetery at Navcsink. The Eatontown Methodist church. Rev.. fully decided on. The work will be Mr. Taylor's car, a Bulck sedan, of The Register. were Max Philips,' Herbert Glass, o burst into flames immediately after Tne bride's gift to the brides- and Mrs. Hazel E. Wauters of Irv- bearers were William Berry, L-ouiu W. H. Williams, pastor of the done by A. G. Golf. Landscaping will Dear Sir:— Herbert Winn. H. Bedell Albright, the accident The blate .was' put maid was a cameo brooch set with ington. ' Keys, Benjamin Carr, Samuel Jack- church, conducted the service. He be done to beautify the grounds. Mr. In the Red Bank Register of Att* Victor Polstcln, Herbert Lee, George cut by tho Marlboro fire company. o diamond. The bridegroom's gift to son,. Joseph Keys and Charles Cum- was assisted by Rav. S, H. AUeyne, Leach is a native of England and he gust 8th I noticed the request of Mr* Pepcrno, Michell Schulman, Her- Mr, Baker's car was badly damaged. his attendant was a gold piece. The Britton—Holland. mings. . , a former pastor. The church choir will name, his River Fl&zu property John H. Mount that truck traffic bef bert Krankin, Reuben Williams and The mudguards, the running board ushers received gifts of cuff links. Miss Mary M. Britton, daughter sang several selections. Burial was •'Chatsworth Houso" for his an- diverted at night from Maple avenue Jack Henley. made at White Ridgo cemetery. • und the door on the left side of Misa A wedding Ireakfast was served of Mr. and Mr3. Martin Britton of cestral homo in England, to Bridge avenue. He gives as his, DEATH OF HENRY BECKER. Gollin's cat were damaged. excuse that' the noise prevent** CARD PARTY FOR CHORUS. after the ceremony at the Smoke Highlands, and Dr. Charts Holland Shop tavern. It was attended by of New York, were married July-JHe Succumbed lo Paralyaii Lait DEATH OF THOMAS ARCHER. SALE AT RIVER PLAZA. The owners of the cars .implicated people from sleeping and Is espe- Social Function al the Home of dfty relatives and close -friends. 26th at New York. The bride is a Wednesday Night. in the accident were given sum- cially hard on sick folks. Does hd Well Known Pine Brook Reiident William A. Robern's Place Bought monses to appear'before a Freehold Mr». Edythe Groi.enbock. Rich guest received a piece of a g'aduate of the Post Graduate hos- Henry Becker, who lived at the Was 81 Yeara of Afce. lealizo that more people live on! large decorated wedding cake. The pital of nursing at New York. Dr. by William M. Pelinjale. justice of the peace on Saturday. Bridge avenue than live on Mapld A card party for the benefit of the corner of East Front street and Thomas Xrcher of Pine Brook, couple left on a week's wedding trip Holland is connected with the Flush- William A. Roberts has sold his The hearing was postponed until to- avenuo'and therefore, ag the popu- chorus of the Red Bank Woman's Globe court, died last Wednesday near Tinton Falls, died Sunday, Au- by motor to New York state. On ing hospital. house on the south, side of Carpenter morrow morning. lation is greater, there will be a) dub was held Monday at the home ight of paralysis. He was fim gust 5th, at the' county fatm at their" return they will start house- street at River Plaza to William M. larger number of slok people? Does' 'of Mrs. Edythe Greisenbeck on stricken three- years ago. He had Wayside. Mr. Archer was, 81 years CIRCUS COMING. he also roallze that the drivers ot Klverside avenue. Thirteen tables keeping at Riverside Heights. They COMPLA1NT ABOUT PARKING. been in poor health ever since, but l'etlnfjale, who bought it as an in- old. He was not destitute, but he was vestment. The price was $8,000. these trucks must cross three' rail* were in play. Those present,were received many gifts, which com- was able to be about until six days Oownie Brothers Show to be Hero River Plaza' Folki Protest About living with an aged man at Pine The lot has a frontage of 125 feet road tracks to get back to the state} Mr». Edward Scowcroft, Mrs. Stan- pletely furnished their new home, previous to his death. He was born August 29th. Brook who was too foehlo to care and it is 100 feet deep. The housti highway, and the number of llve«' ley Fielder, Mrs. W. H. Chandler, nnd started them well on their way West Front Street Condition*. in Germany and came to the United Downle Brothers wild animal cir- for him. For this reason ho wais has six rooms, a bathroom and mod- ho is putting In danger by so dolngli Mrs. George A. Hawkins, Mrs. G. K. t-r a happy married life. - •»• . Henry. Kessler and Addison San- States when a young man. He was cus Is scheduled to appear at Red moved to the county farm by Wal- ern improvements. A double garage McVcy, Mrs. Clifford Humphrey, Both the bride and groom are born, representing the men's club of in his 59th year and was a painter Rank Wednesday, August 29th, The Is he talking for his own benefit ter D. Fields, overseer of. the poor is on tho property. Mr. Petingale has Mrs. W. W. Armstrong, Miss j3ara graduates of St James's school. Mr. River Plaza, complained to the town- by trade. . circus advance man was In town last more than anything else 7 of Atlantic township. rented the house to George' Dangler, Armstrong, Mrs. Metzgar, Mrs. Ar- Quigley is employed by Eugene Soy- ship committee of Middletown town- week and in a talk to.a Register re- The State Highway, Commission Mrs. Becker is survived by a wife, Mr. Archer had lived at Pine who is engaged in the commission thur Swilt, Mrs. Alice HenJrickson, er, a Red Bank mason contractor. ship last Thursday night about auto- porter stated that the circus would designated Maple avenue as a sUU Mrs. Mary Becker, and a step-sister, Brok about forty years. His wife business at New York and who has Urs. Ralph Sickels, Mrs. William B. Miss Akers was employed by a New mobiles being parked on the River leave considerable • money in town highway' and the same should be Mrs. Andrew Wolf. The funeral I died four years ago. For the past been occupying Mrs. Lillian I'onover, Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Ed- York broker. • Plaza aide of Hubbard's bridge on with local merchants. used as such. If they wanted to u»« was held Saturday afternoon at his few years Mr. Archer had |dono no Rosa's house on Hubbard avenue at tard A. Crelp, Mrs. Vincent J. Eck, West Front street. They said, that One of the' first things the com- Bridge avenue for trucks] they would Gardner—Macintosh. on clear Saturdays and Sundays au; late residence. work, but previous to that time he River Plaza. Mr. Dangler moved at have said so. Misses'Martha and Mary Dodd, Miss Rev. Frederick C. Price, rector of missary man will do when the cir- Miss Ruth Gardner, daughter of tomobiles were parked on both sides peddled flsh from a Wagon. He also Mr. Petlngale's houBe yesterday. Corifne Devery, Mrs. Louise M. the chapel of Holy Communion at cus arrives will be to buy enough Tho concrete on Maple Bvenue M Wilbur Gardner of East Sunset ave- of the road and that the space be- made and sold oak baskets. He is Johnson, Mrs. Martha Papa,. Mrs. Fair Haven, conducted - the service. Mr. Roberts has moved to Verona. food for the day. The circus carries kept up by tho state where I,must' nue, and David Macintosh, son of tween them was so small that two survived by three sisters and a William Strode, Mrs. William Wirth, Iiurial was. at. Fair View cemetery. He is engaged in business in'the with it 260 pcrsonB and this alone pay for the concrete road on Brtdgtl William Macintosh of Newman cars could not pass. They said the brother who live near Portaupeck. Airs. Luman Reed, Mrs. Hugh Mc- 'I he bearers were August Klein- northern part of the state and it nuans that at least 250 loaves of avenue and I feel sure Hr. Mound' Springs road, were married last automobiles were parked by folks Tho funeral was held at Charles Ivins, Mrs. Frederick B. Eddy, Mrs. schmidt, Edward F. Ford, Walter B. was for this reason that he gavo up bread will be bought here besides will not help me. Thursday night at the Red Bank who went fishing and crabbing in Breese's funeral parlor at £aton; his residence at River Plaza. Mr. Verhon V. Rose, Mrs. Henry Nevius Connor, Joseph E. Brooks, James town and burial was made in Joet tho other provisions needed for the If this goes into effect I will take] Ely, Mrs; Harry Malchow, Mrs. Eay- Baptist parsonage. The ceremony the river in boats which they rented Roberts bought tho River Plaza y , y Kelleher and Joseph Wildanger, all Fields's burying ground at South circus men and, women and the an- tho matter up with the State HljhV d Ki M G Blh was performed by Rev. William K. from Mr. Scott Mr. Kessler and house from Mr. Petingale eight years imals. way Commission. King, Mrs. -Guy Belcher, Mrs. Mr. Sanborn said this practice of members of the Moose lodge. The Eatontown. All the arrangements Braisted. ago for 53,500. Tho lot at that time The circus has discarded the old Salvatore Cuaumano, J J.'Daniel Tullcr, Miss Florence Kri- parking cars on West Front street lodge held its service at the grave. were made by Mr. Fields. Mrs. Ab'bie Kubli of East Sunset was 50x10.0 feet and Mr. Roberts time method of train transportation 173 Bridge avenue, I del, Miss Rosa Weis, Mrs. Leon de should be stopped because it ob- Mr. Kleinschmidt was dictator and Mr. Aroher left a will in which he avenue, a sister of the bride, was Walter Francis was prelate. enlarged it by buying adjoining and moves from town to town by Red Bank; -' » lit Reussille, Miss Mabel Hall, Mrs. structed traffic and constituted" a directed that Mr. Fields he made .land, with a frontage of 76 foot. He Victor King, Mrs. William E. matron of honor. Wallace Macintosh S? motor trucks. From 800 to 600 of Newman Springs, a brother of danger. executor of his estate. The house also mada many improvements to _ Card of Thanks. liraistcd, Miss Isobel Greisenbeck, nnd about three acres of land at gallons of gasolene are purchased After a long discussion the matter E. D. PETTEYS DEAD. the house. These improvements, to- We take this method of thanking Miss Lydia Ovens, Mias Flora Mac-1 the bridegroom, was groomsman. i Pine Brook which Mr. Archer in each town the show appears. Also The bride wore a gown of white was referred to Committeeman Carl gether with tho cost of the additional all those who assisted during our be- Donald, Mrs. B. C. Thompson, Mrs. owned will be sold to pay tho fun- all motor parts which nre needed reavement in the loss of husband georgette, trimmed with lace, and a Grossinger with power to act. Last Former. Editor of Keyport Weekly land and the price which Mr, Eob- are bought from the Ideal dealers Walter Bruyore, Mrs, F. 0. Wode- eral expenses and a few bills which erts paid to Mr. Petingale, made the tuid father.. Especially Rev, Fred-, picture hat to match. She carried a >ear similar complaints were made D«ad After Long Sickness. -where the show is being held. crick Price, the Loyal Order Moose, - house, Mrs. Charles Conovcr, Mrs. Mr. Archer owed. total outlay $6,150.. s ~r Martin Nil!, Miss Dorothy Brown, boquet of pink roses. Tho matron about enrs being parked on West Ellison D. Petteys of Keyport Tho ihow Is what Is known as' a pall bearera, those who sent flowen, Mrs. Randolph Stryker, Mrs. Harry of honor was dressed in green crepe Front street and Mr. Grossinger took died Sunday after si long sickness. three-rine affair. There will be an those who furnished cars and all who de chine and her boquet was also of charge of the situation with the re Mr. Petteys was 71 years old ani MAX DOREWITZ DEAD. helped In any way, and Mr, Worden Smock, Mrs. Albert L. Ivins and A FAMILY REUNION. afternoon and evening performance for his services,' . • Mrs. Frank J. Dibben. pink roses. Only the immediate fam- suit that signs were put up forbid was born in New York state. He Formsr Red Bank Man Dies After as well as a street parade at noon. Mrs. Mary Becker, The winner at each table received ilies of the bride and groom attend- ding parking on West Front street learned the printer's trade when a An Operation. It Was Held Last Week by Mr. and ed the ceremony. The couple re- near the bridge. Mr. Grossinger joung man and later attended Col- Max Dorewitz of Niagara Falls, Mrs. John Ropphard. Mr. and Mrs; A. Wolf. a prize. These awards went to Miss TREE FALLSJ3N HOUSE, —Advertisement ceived many fine gifts. Mr. and Mrs. stated last Thursday night that he pate university from which he grad- formerly of Red Bank, died recently Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs, John . • MacDonald, Mrs. Wodehouse, Mrs. Shrewsbury Place Damaged During , m • a» Smock, Mrs. Wirth. Mrs. Nevius, Macintosh left shortly after the cer- would consider taking similar action uated in 1882 as valedictorian of from,the effects of an operation Repphard of Sunset avenue enter- Card of Thanks. . Rain and Wind Storm. ' Mr»; Tuller, Miss Kridel, Mrs. Haw- emony on a wedding trip to Con- this year. his class. He bought tho Keyport which he underwent for appendicitis. tained about forty members of their We desire to thank our friends kins, Mrs. McVey, Mrs. Metzgar, necticut.. They returned Sunday and ! Weekly the year of his graduation He was 56 years old and was well family at a reunion. A dinner was During the heavy rain Btorm last and neighbors for their many acts Mrs. Conover, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. are living with Mrs. Kubli. Mr.; A RUN OF MISFORTUNES. and conducted it for 26 yeara. known in this vicinity. served and a social'time was en- Friday night a large sycamore tree of kindness and sympathy in our. King. Special prizes were awarded Macintosh is employed on his fath- While publishing the Weekly he Mr. Dorewitz was In tho jewelry joyed. Mr. and Mrs. Repphard are en opm Tucbdny afternoons Mn. John Wagner. ° municipalities of this section, pnat twenty years. Besides her son nt the Long Branch hospital of In- Margaret Reevey, Infant daugh- Harding road and Prospect avenue. Wnt front strsst. Hlvsr Plaaa. R«d Banlc* from four until live o'clock, Wcdne- • .Invitations have also been sent to ternal trouble. She was suddenly ter of Schocklcy and Margaret E SEWING HACHINEBi latast nodal aafcU' I Arthur, she leaves nnothcr aon, Mor- The crossing is at the bottom of nat Blngar, allghllr uiadl perfMt or4er, day morning from half-pnst tin until Gorlin Liebtrmnn. Governor Moore of New Jersey, I ton It Jones of Orlando, Florida. flricken Friday morning and was Reevcy of Fiske street, Fnlr Haven Tower Hill on the oast .side of tho P. B. Woods Iff last rront •tnet. M , ... „,, , ,. 'Governor Smith of New York, Sen- taken to the hospital In an ambu- died curly Sunday morning from in- Dank, phone tot, diajai in all miVaa riaw half-past oli'ven o'clock nnd Friday Tho luneral was held Sunday af- hill. A car driven by James J. machlnaa, all klnJa repaired or mhlnead.' Ini. woduinj of Miss Shirley Oor-.Blor Edwiir[, , Edwards, General testinal trouble. She lenvts four J«*f essa Baltiuaj fwpnilfju Ut VJtej(lB>llBaa|gs nftcrnooiis from half-past four un- ternoon at her late reildcnce. Rev. lance. She died within half an hour Tcdesco of Upper Montclalr was k-r.n ,,!• .i I i k __* ._• lin. niece of A. L. Oorlin of Allan-,,,ownrd g I]ot(]cn) Ncwton A R_ after she reached tho hospital. brother! and sisters. Mr, Reevey is R SAkjB, ilx-room housi, bam, gangei til hnlf-past five o'eloi'k lie Highland?, and Rubin Liebcrman Ernest W. Mandcvlllo, pastor of tho traveling east on Harding road and tan aerss elsar landi (nil, one asre Iiugbce, the members of the Ameri- employed at the Red Bnnk r'ant of ","!'I ml;a.*<"i aenagei Wt» par ««* Mlddlotown Episcopal church, Mrs. Milne was born in Sweden another machine driven by Mn. W ff New York, took place Sunday af- can legion post of Red Bank, Wil- the Seaboard lco company. « preached tho sermon. The body wns and came to this country sixteen R. Orton of proonciatle, Indiana 'Q'AltAoltf#. m i..hhj«—t -Ain ' r.mrrri —i.'iiIhdlvldus n li drepwoi. NAVESINK FIREMEN'S FAIR. He-moon at the Temple Beth Miriam liam Eldridgc of Freehold, who la 1 taken by nuto in chnrgo of Albert years ago. She was in her 30th Tho funeral was held Sunday af- was going north on prospect avenue. ••rsgas, ««nsnt drlvsway and (Isersi •I 1 Long Branch in the presence of county commander of the Americnn IS a month. Applr at'It Lindas plsse, ' Nash Automobile A*nrdeil lo Man \V. Wordcn to Toms River, where yt'iir. She nnd her husband first ternoon and burial was made at When the two CMS came together ad Bsnk, ,,i KuthuriiiK which Illlcd tho temple. legion; Jamos Joseph Tunncy, Whole Car WM Wrecked. burial wns mndc nt Riverside ccmc- nettled at Llncroft. Thty later White Ridge cemetery nt South Eat- tho Impact upset Todcsco's car. Tho couple wtrr given nwny by Mi', Thomas N. McCnrtcr und Joseph OdaEKlftriCR. woman' with "da«ghU"4 The annual (i\it of tlw Nuvttink service wus movpil to tho Haskcll fnrm, where ontovp. U >aars, wlihas position In mail re. und Mr* '. 1-. Gorlin nnd Mr. nnd Tumulty, secretary to the lnti\ I'ren- lery. A short burlnl Doth can woro badly damaged An (ire coinpnny lust Thursday, Friday Mrs. I.)ii.. i Grttnln-rg of Atlantic held nt tho grnvc. Mr. Milne hns since been employed. Antl l boroal esn UVa charge of stral-ln- I'lcnt Woodrow Wilson. Motion pic- Laily Elks lo Hold Card Party. Mr, Tcdesco's wife was In the car j.lld sl.o.- Addrasi Ksllnad Hona, drawer ' und Saturday wn> prnbubly this moM Highlands. . Mr. and Mrs. Gorli_ n wer__e Ilusldcs her husband nho la rurvived M, Bad BsnV.« tures will bo tnken of -the corner- hy one daughter, Helen O. Milne. with him. She and Mrs. Orton were WAITIlKsa wantsd for taa room. 3Ucccfsful in -In- hlxtory of the com- 'i/.i^ricd nt the t'nmVumplu 3(Tyears OLD CAPTAIN DEAD. Tho Indies' nuxlllary of tho lied hurt and woro takon to tho tyoodloy stone Inyinc. The Junural wan held Monday nl- Dnnk lodge of Elks will iinll a card II Manmouth slraat, Btd BanV, pany doplti the fnet that thu wculh- ' i,go. hospital. Their Injuries worg not WHITE G1IIL wsnud (or fcouaaworir i al«4B « was very »toinij- on two nignU ' The Lrido wore n drets of beign Jacob W. Edwards of Long Drancli ternoon nt Albert W. Wordcn'» fu- p;irty on the porch of the Elk» home In or eat, Wlliiama's Nurilni Heae, _ niUTHnAV serious. Investigations. of tho acci- Thp profit* amounted to more than, | with a tulle hut to match. Mm. HE • Died Thursday. nrrnl homo. Hurlnl was inmlo at on Eiist Front ntroet on Thursday Churoli atraat. Fair llsvan, N. I. sbana ncc H K six in BIRTHDAY, dents were conducted by Llout. Hnr- Bail llsn> K». $1,000. The principal feature of the Noah UnbinowlU of New York, n Ciiptain Jiicob W. Eilwnrdu of Knlr View cemetery. Ittv. Jnirtm iifttrnoon of next week at two ry VanNote of Red Dank and Chief WANTKD, aldarlr woman tar ; Party Given for Janai Morford of homawork, wnlla I leatli aaliool, fair vriit thi Rlvsralds Hawhts davstepinanti asa- homo of A, U (iorlln. The couple rniiKcd liy her parents. Twenty of rlflie for qulak aiall sala. Call Pad Bsah pnlr In nn acflddit nnd Mr, Cooper Intcrrntrd In icrbontlnjr nnd owned Weak After Long SIchnaal, Knse Drokan While In Dalhln,, Ai Peter 3, Dunne of Leonardo HIT betwaan tha bouri of IIiOl to lilt luft on n wedding trip tn llnlnen ./iinel'u friends wcro present nnd P, M, Thural w»i laid up ficvcrnl diiyn with In- Knlln. On their return they >vlll llvi. tin! fa.it yiiclit Elvu. For thu pin Mm. Miirtcirct McCaulcy, wife of Mn. l'hillp Klnu of Pattcr.on ave- win' walking acron.tho street noar f Jlirlc*. >.-vi-vy(iiio hml a HUD limn. Thn.guotn tin yenm hn had bocn connnctcd tho Leonnrdo ilrohouso one night S7t«o-E^lttrrI^!o7.77Mn a' Now York, The lirldn In n RI'IIIIU. wen? Ili'ssii! I'cntnrmnnn, Klltnlietli James McC»tilcy of Wnter Witch, nue, .Shrewsbury, In n patient nt tho lOaiaT feat, lionllng on atrsst, with gaa, with tho mcchunlcnl dopnrtincnt nf Imt weok ho wna struck and knocked •laatrlalty anil wstarl b.mllful trsaal ntr of the Atlnhtlc MlKlilnnilH IIIKII Kolicrt.f, liobcrt Stout, 1'CKKIC Htout, Hod liirt week after * long tlckncm. HprliiK I.nko hunpltnl with n brokon Found a Poclcotboolt. A widow nnil down by an automobile, Tho driver il.101 eath, or Iba two lota fat lf,««0| nrliool. Alhi'it (irlKKr-i Ainip Morford, Nel- Ihi> (Vntrnl rallriiRil/' Sh'o win In hor Blith year nnd hml kncis She ucolvod tho Injury last bullillntr on raar on be uaail lot botl- Mn, It, Wood of park nvcnui-, •topped foi^ a moment and then (iogae, l'hotiejrsttintjmnJII-J. Ht iii Itolicrts, Cicrtruiln Hoburtu, one unn niirvlvo him. bcon » re»li!onl of Wntor Wltcli llio w«ck while liuthltin at Sonhrljht. Kouniburir, while on u (hopping trip Hemlia w—Tumllnaon. went on, laying he would return. WILdVarpanm who «J»artlaad"lor~)aw .Fran Hlmp.son, II. 1', Hlinpnon, Dor- piml throe yi'iiri, Him formerly lived .She wna removod to tho hospital In •oik nnil nania anil iJJraai m BOB III Red Hunk Inut week, lout Her 1 Mri. Gardnor lJanflold, who llvoi Announrement him brrii of tin othy Kelly, l-'fnnccft Kelly, Hobcrt! Woniaii'a Suddan De ut Nowurk, llio Hml Ilimk ambulance Friday of- III, Oiaanport, w, J.T near by, got tho number of iho ear VOIl SAI,». small molar boat, alnil» arl- pockctbook whlrli contained nultu of Ituixrll TonilliiMin, roil IIIIKIICK, Ilonom I,oncli, l-'llnroy! Mil. Ji'iinln KokOiibcrKei* of l her liunlianil nhc IMIVI'K nn ttrnoon. iom* money mid other valuable*, anil u»Vt> It (o Comtable Edgur J Inder 1'almar amlnal leasonlble. II of Mr, nnd Mm. Jvtrph It. Tiimllnscni Wnlllnic, John Wnllli% Jnncl Smith, llloiiinnliury, New Jr-MOy, illi'd »urt- nilnptml mn,' Amlrcw McKIm, who Rea|or plaae, Bail Hk' Th« lost urtlclu wim picked up on of Clie'tnul (irovo Mnnor, Kiitiin- Cieorgn KouriiliT, (Jrorno I'entcr- I|I nly nf ncutn InillKcitlon Hntlirdny lived with lior Tho funornt wan hoM Collided $70 In Final., Dnlior, Thaa constable found that tho a any r lawlmr \t ale a» a«n ajtrlit Broad itirit by I In fry Lewi", pro- town, lo MISH Albertii Iliimlmw or mniiii nnd Dorothy Moiw, ut Oc'iui Vli'W In Mldillalown town, Hntutilny nftornoon At h«r lite res- I.mt week I,oulx It. Mceio of Dol- driver wu EdEdward d DhDtughiirtt y ef Jjrletor of tho LvwU Specialty Hliop, Tulni, Oklahomii, The eel c rnotiy I'hlp, whnro isho hiul boon tpcndlnK idence, Itiw, ' Howard 8. Kiater, (nnl(nrd, recorder for MlddlelowMlto n town Irvlngton. L«««L««« ' actiot n will be Uk alleraUani, vh.0 rcsturod Ihti pockctlmok nnil It» took \)\HVK nt l.ittiuuyni, i\ ien|imt two woiikA 8lw wnn H yoiir«, old, ptmtnr nf St. Andrew'* EiiUcopul •hip, turned over to Jnittph JohmoJohmon^n e-n agalnilt t himhi . MrM , Dunn* WMM l»llld Hi Ut oHiier, Mn. Wood ril Veilujlinla, Ml1, nnil .Mf".' To'nv Suiucoiie wliu riniln The Ittgltlor 1'lin liudy w«« prepnrnl for' burlnl th thl t »70j Hn *,v 111 llnil your Want •Ailvi-rtlidnirnl church of Illjihiamlii, priachod the the town»hlp tr«»«ur«r, »70jn Hncf|i *wU for hit honcily 1 li> A. M, 1'oMoii A Ron nnd wm Ink- Imtunnni on ilirlr HIIV tn II" Ui'iL'-d ,,lt „,,,„t „„,,,,.„„IntuclIn,K „npi l H mrmm •-. -..«„. Burial w« at K»lr View l hd Blnlun ou their wedding trlji, Tliujr .tiiini|'"i(t"ttio't>t.'uor.'-^-A

'. ' ." 1HIS 6.TH BIRTHDAY. ARTICLES.FOR 3ALE. AUTOMOBILES. BUSINESS NOTICES. EMPLOYMENT. LOST AND FOUND. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE FOF ED BANK nurses' registry, 46 Riverside RING lost, 1 trite blue stone in lilver itt- ORp truck far sals, with Bexal rear and. )WJELLWQ8, garagis, jobbing, etc. if DOUBLE house for rent, situateit-on • nice MONMuUTH-eoUBtj r IrV- fi»wrl»- l»«rty < For WULm Price 8150. Monroe C. Hyer, Craw- you wish work done right and at tha avenue, telephone 1422( trained and titikt, valued n an heirloom; 1o*t bi» atreet, six rooms, el Improvements* fiO 1 tween Eisncr'i factory and Sfabrlsht bath- propjsrtlee. bulbils Wjrmb,a. «f F«lrfi«ld Gt.rd.ni.. urd's Corner, N. J.« • rlgbt price, eall Ralph B. filckels. McLaren >raeUcal aurset on call day and nlgbt. per month. Hadley-Hall jiS.™ •,«!• i" tei^ farms, dvelU :on usani hind pump, good condition, 81 street. Red Bank. Wa ate prepared to give you eiceueat, inif pavilion. Reward. Return to C. L. Monmoutb itftct Red Ban! l 'ORD coupe for sale, five new tires) fas- Sliropwhlrp, IPS Huritinn nvgnuo, Red Bank.* •uws..e.uus.M albrCTCa, ilsju JJIDK, J ft* will brln.'fu , Wil|l»m WymT)» of Fatrfleld Car aeond'band Leader elietrio punplpg outn chanlcally perfect; sacrifice 1110, A|so APARTMENT in the center ot tovA, fj(r tee ty Office, CaapCelW Heni, near Rod Bank, celebrated bis 018 Btsr sedan, new paint, balloon tins: LANDSCAPE gardsnet; grading, LOST, silver Indian head pin. with enam- rjoms end bath, steam heat, water and I. J.. Phone Keanshurg Irlea.tltO. Celt Bed Hank 818.R • trucking, tree moving, top «ell, COOK, small family, 188', houseworker eled border. Reward. Mrs. .'Alf. C. Pearce. Pair Havtxn. N. J.* • • heat Included in the rent of IS5. li.dl.y- ABM for sate. 7S eeras tillable tandl gaatl 60th birthday lost Wednesday. , In manure. See me about specimen trees. . for business couple, 180; child's Hall D9 Monmouth street, Red-Bank, phoJe the everjnrtho members of hit fam- BOATS loit from ancborase In Shrewi- 1000, ,,'•-'-. bsayy aolll fruit, palturs^ btoojl, iiraa FOR SALE, davenport fit, tbrie-plece set . BUSINESS NOTICES. Large blue epruee and pines f-aUo* a nurse, $76.; Ageney; Ward.snd Grant juse. usual outbullilo»siebea»:for •»•*• : bury river at Seabrlglit Saturday, six- APARTMENT of five rooms, bsth. steam ily, and the members of tlje J. T. lit, server IU, seven-foot golden oak, BOAHDINO, modern Improvementsloprovemeots,, hot tint lot of Norway maples, from lhree avenues, phone 425, Rumson.* teen-foot rowboat, outatde. white and nat- iddrass Faim for Sife, drawer Mr'ma dining table and numerous other things, and cold running water, centrallcentrally io- ural wood, inilde butt, with Evlnrude Sport heat, ianltor service.. frigldalre, I good lank, .,..-. -.- •,'.:•; ••.?.••"..•;••;• t\->\'L Burtwot lumber company of Bed to ten Inches In diameter, Alfred San- ejndlUon; rent 186. John B"p»otbiro. II IVB.ROOM , Eogllsb •- bun,..vw iOt Center avenue, Atlantic Highlands; N. ntedi rates rreaionsble, Hudson Ilouie, Twin motor; Also fourteen-foot white and Monmouth street, or phone Red Bank 05Z Ba»k,'by which firm Mr. Wymbs has 181 Hudson »avenue\ , phone Red Bank, Oil. der, Seven-Brldso road, Portaupeck, WANTED,- mother's helper to assist In crecn rowboat, number K-1D804. Finder space for rooms on second floori . - four bede N. J., phone Long Branch 2076, ; housework and'care : tor boy of four please notify Dr. W, J. Mersereaj, Water- eat,- tile bath., dretlaee. laa.' «atarv>alM> te«n .employed'tho past 84 years, (or SHADY KNOLL, Fair Haven, N. J., offeie rears; no laundry.' Person preferring good man avenue, Runison, N. J.,.phone Rumion rlcltj. streets and sidewalks) UutVf paid a birthday surpriss visit to him, maltresses, l<( rug for »SJi also accomraoilatlons to transient 'or :p*ymv ioma to blgh wages, Box 282, Highlands, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. tructure; 60tll5: Elblron Part, o«;Hor- rugs: kltehen,tablet, dsy bed, living room r.ont guests; American or European clan OLD FLOORS resurfaced like new. Lett rood avenue. Elberon. N. J. Convealea* Mr. Wymbjwent; on nn automobile suite* coti, etc. All to"be sold at sacrifice. tefinsd surroundings, moderate rsta". us give, you an estimate lor resurfacing LOST last Thursday morning, small mem- UOUSE for sale, five roome and bath' L'rns. other bulldlngi undtr oonitraeU»i« >, rids early In-the evening and when Mrs, Thoraati Duffy, • Commodore avenue lODklsU Tenth season. Phone .Red Bank your old floors by machine, which wa have ED BANK Employment Agenel, 46 Klv- orandum book,' containing list of music corner Jot: 15,800, JIOO cash reou'rid! 'bone 1604.R. Bed Bank..' . ' •'.-, ?F'.''^yfj. End Main atreet. KsaniburavN. J. recently added to our equipment. Phone ' erside avenue, phono 1422,. Red Bank. lesions. Flniler pleale leave at Red Bank ner UMI n ai }•« returned 28 relatives and friends tre will supply your help .or w* wlU give ?J Bi "U », " Carpsnter streets. EAL ESTATE for isle; dwellln-fc • Ralph H. Blckels. Red Bank, Rozletcr office.* river front property, * bueloesg atf •wsro at hl» home to greet him. Many FOR SALE, a> lour-poiter bedsU.d, JOSEPH 1. KNIOHT, auctioneer, over you work. Moat reasonable rata along, the 'BE SHORTEST route from seller to I'vtt riaiae Nr J. SAVE that roof. Apply asbeatos over coast inferences investigated. Uso [or rent. Parties.having property i napla; rope aprioil. Addraia Lock twenty ' years* etxperlenee 'islliog the old roof. Save 76 cents on every buyer, from employer to employee and ale or rent eall or send full dcairlvtl fins gifts were made , 'rom loser to finder is a. Register Want MONMOUTH County's «nest farms i Boi 1!!, AUsntio Highlands, N. 3. goods at auction. Z ssll anything1 any- dollar you Invest, guaranteed for ten ind terms. D. W. WlllgtiM, » . Brc., ••Those present in addition to Mr. jenrs. L. I. Joselyn, 161 Union avenue, HOLLAND GIRL, cook, ftTe years' «f- advertisement. ."• . ... free Hit of all clssses ot farms, treet, Red Bank. •: •'.•• - AM "/.it-^i where. Phone Red Bank 727-W. : •Wymbi and hia family were Mr. and ,on» Branch. N. J- Phone 422. erenct, $76; chimb«rma{d*wattrfia, homes and acreage. Lamion Agency, LIST your property with ma and get «u|l VIC-fKOLA ahd forty rfcords for sales In Freebold, N. J,; Specializing in farms "Mri. Harry J3urrowcB, Mr. and Mrs. good condition; vary teasonabla. 120 CLAYTON B. CLARK, BR., justice oC ill threo years' reference/ $70; child'* rcsultt. Choice properties for iat»jt..fi,,i.-,f CARPENTER and builderi all kinds of Job- peace, borough of Red Bank, N. J., ROOMS .: . .-^ };'.T-,i,°)gl Jarabi, trim, rointle pieces, all brick Also estimates on painting cheerfully giv- White streit. Red Bank. ... cook, butler, chauffeur. $126. .Agency, FORTYo houses at Red Bank. Fair Hav.o ANYONE wishing good accommodations. HOICE LIST of properties Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Corcoran, Mr. clean, 810 par thpuund; windows, slate, en. Cjoiltr ti Sons, Pearl street, Fall Ward' and Grant avenue, phone 425 . ana Kumson, Including river propertise. rent. Elisabeth D. Hobbi, . latitev and all klndi «f rough material and stairs. Hajran. N. J, phone Red Bank 1088. THE HIGHEST prices paid for live chick- large, airy* rooms snd excellent - meaU, for you to ehoose from If you are Intereit- .Ittle Silver, N. J., phone Bed , and Mrs. Albert VanNostrand, Al- Everything (oliw lias than halt price. Call ens. Joe Baker, 280 Mechanic atreet Runuon, or 1394 HoboJten.* can find them at Dodge (arm. Rurason roa*l, «d in buying. P. F. Kennedy. S6 East ank 74>':t$-& SPECIAL eilo on'clocks and radio sets; Rug Co., L. L Jopalyn, agent, 161 Union of the wash stand at the Boro Bussee, etables, fruit and poultry; no canned goodi ."W' avenue and Shrewsbury ave- kindi of work, speclalliinir in farm* or evaporated cream, but real cow's cream, ln Mrs. Hannah Smith, Mrs, Ella Klot- eight-day mantle-eloaka ln~«ooa run- avenue, Long Branch, H. J., phone 422. nc. Globe Court and Mecbanlo atreet bands. . Write or call at S. Benrar's Ann- ?,"'• Shrewsbury, five minutes from bui HOUSE for. sale, No. 80 Hudson avenue.••':-•, nlns order, from II.BO up. one-nay clocks jet your car wasned while iu town. Serv* Excellent service. line, ' Five rooms, bathruom and all Im. folor $7,600$7600 ; .sil x rooms andd allll !>vkmpnw*.><>.?.<^ , tin'arid her children Lois and Rob- MONEY to loan on lint bond nnd mort- ey,.8B .West atreet. New York City, pfion* Lot 68ltl la running; order from 20 eenls up. A 1 co guaranteed. . Rector 8546. THREE furnished rooms, an I table for ligbl jj°«n?"°'''. t' *S feet. Price ients; garage. A real bargain right In. i!,- ert, Mr,, arid Mrs. Roger Wymbs, few ndlo sets left and parts;; wlU sell at gage on Improved real (state worth houiekeepii.fi:; all Improvement.); cen* 35,200: mortgage of H.ollO with building he heart ot town: renting: now for. ISO.;:"-., double tha amount loaned. Alaton Beak. RED BANK Window Cleaning . Co. We IOSITION .wanted as caretaker! can give > month. P. F. Kennedy. 05 East Froal'..;,! MM. Elizabeth Stilwagon, Mrs. Guy your own price. Art Jewelry Co., 147 man, attorney. 10 Broad etree* Red Bank make a specialty, of cleaning windows of tt ally located; references required. l*hone ond loan can stay.' Wilt take 11,000 caih, : West Bergen place, Rrt Bank. stores, offices, and private residences. Rates good references. Further particulara by S9D-M, 17 Washington street. Red Bank. rest on second mortgage. Here's a chance treet. Red Hank, phone 208«. ' ••'";*'r>"-\' iSs? Osborn, Mr. and- Mrs. Forman addressing George W.Brower, R. D., Red to buy before Shrewsbury avenue Is msda CORNER LOT for sale to settle estate: > reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 48 Sunk, phone 658-B, Red Bank. TWWO RROOMO MS to let furnished or unfurunfur- Thompson and Mlsa V«ra Thompson, FOR SALE, ten h. p. Fairbanks-Morse ORIENTAL and domestic rags and Washington street, Red Bank, phone 2618. nishedihd , AAppll y t o ChCharlel s CCohenh , CCamp- K state highway. Fine corner for a snio- will sacrifice corner lot S0xl50, Lexli line stsnd. Rents now for 140. P. F on avenue and First street, hear |tri£.. carpeta shampooed and dry .cleaned. BARTON CHAMBERLAIN, contractor and bell'iJun tiNJ* : GameB, refreshments and general type Y engine and clsotrie J(*ht WANTED—We have a few splendid v A.. „• Ealt Ktont ,lnt£ Red £• »• ooJ school, Fair Haven, pbone Red Bank ••;. V Bociabllity were enjoyed. generator| guaranteed In food condi- Old carpeta made Into rugs.' Beg builder;,Jobbing especially. 161 Soutn NICELY furnished rooms, single or double, rugs woven. Telephone or a postal street, Red Bsnk, phone 1615-W. openings for young men with sales light housekeeping If wanted; 'ehower , . m\» tion, li, Foossner, confectioner, 28, DOCK and 'bulkhead builder. Portable ability, to start as junior aaleBman in bsth and phone privilege. 56 Wallace i'OR.. SALE, two double housos on Water IE3IRABLE residsntlal plot 75x16,8 . PLUMilWO and heating; estimates fur. by .experienced men; spraying, lay- sey, pbone Red Bank 2192, ., lavern. Suitable for.residence or buslnes borough of Rumson; plot 05x260, 30-foot',: i, (OR SALE, turnltuie, plane, twin, beds, Ing out of grounds, large or small. phone 1237.* elte. Apply Carl J. Diet*. 123 West Fron ! complete, and other pieces of furniture. nlsbed. Joseph VY. Fox, 116 Flncknoy street. Red Bank, phone 678. river front; bouse 46x26. This property,V.: 'l road, Bed iBank, phone 2817. Advice) given as to what when and FOUR ROOMS to let for light housekeep- should* be Inspected to be properly M'J' Mrs. C. W. Emmcns, 64 Molsren street, 'ANTED, ^experienced lady bookkeeper, ing; all Improvements: nice location near FOR SALE at Fair Haven, N. J., nicely dated. Open daily. Consult R.. W Red Dank. T . 1 VPEVyRlT.ER .headquarters. T,pewrlt... bow to plant. T. H. Stiles, IT Harri- with knowledge of shorthand and typing; Broad atreet. Call 48 Wallace street, Red located on Main road, six-room house, all ward, Rumson road, P. O. address ARTICLES FOP ALE. rented, bought and sold, Trubln's, 68 1 m 6Ille : l rl ooi d, Rumo TWO Farkor Bros, shot guns for sale; also son avenue*. Red Bsnk, phone) 1991. must be over 20 years of age; attractive, Dank. « fJK ?i!i - ™ lr «oora; garage: lot SilverSilve . N . J. Broad street. Red -Bank, steady position to rlgbt party. Address 66x110. Address Owner, drawer M, Red COOKBll SPANIEL pupplti for tale; the one sorrel borse 12' years- old,- cheap. Address It. H., B. D. 2, box 222, Aibury HEMSTITCHING. Mexican, gold, silver, Steady Position, drawer M. Red Bank, Bunk. VALUABLE business property for sale; v'«.B dog of all-dDgi for homb or field, Ed- IT HAS no rival. To reach tha homes - lot on corner of West i'ront »treafandr;-vw Park, N: J. ••. ' • . . :: '.,' • < etc;, ' buttons, pinking, plaiting,' em- REAL ESTATE WANTED. 0U8E 1 ward Gibson, pnoffo 1S0-J. Eatonto' broidery, trimmings and novelties. Mas* tola section nothing else can equal fr.t *"£" S '•' ,"•'•• ••« »"«•».. bsth- Map-lo avenue, on which is located 'twsW-S'Si' * FURNISHINGS of s beautiful home must RELIABLE typewriting supply concern WANTED by lied Bank business man. Dreakfast nook, large porch and hard- store buildings, la hereby.offerejl for laie.-i-^ . 1'OR DALE, Ufa Iniunnce recommended by quersde sulta for bire. The' Handy Shop, Register, which goes into' over 7.400 homes oor Apply to J. Tradord Allen, 86 Elvsrslde. 'i,; be sold within ten days. Red Bank Auc- 16 Broad street. Red Bank. every week. • operating In New Jersey desires the smo.ll furnished bungalow or a furnished ?."5 -! «. George Kaney, River Plata, vibe,State Grange Farmers and Traders tion House, 85 vMonpiou^h. street. 0 Foster street, phone Red Bank E01-J. avenue, Red Bank. • .,,•:-•-.•.C'isv I.Ue Insuranoe Co. Far! R. Moeller, agent, FOR wall papering, painting'and decorat- MONEY to loan on bond and mortgage. services of an experienced salesman. apartment beginning September 1st, Ad- -— ^—- P;0. box .in, Asbury Park. N. J. ing see a. A. Miller. Church and Comp- Apply to A. L. Ivlns, Register building. We pay a commission of 50 per cent dress W. B., drawer M, Red Bank. :N RUMSON, Dutctch colonial seven-room ,,:M BARQAlNBIn furniture. We osrfry one oj FARM PRODUCE. ton streets, Belford, Thlbaut's wall paper, Red Bank. . • . house; 100 feet wawate' r front by B35f.tt;; :-•;,, ... of the profit*. A good opportunity for •Iporian rights. Privrivati e entrance and -b»tta»,.. , v^'. (,tb» largest ttooki of mod furniture and Estimates cheerfully given. Fostoffiee ad- M OVERHEAD door for garages,"fac- Madison avenue. Re souse furnishings In.the state. Bar con- PIGS for asle, from six.to eight weeks old. dsess. Belford, . box 66. Phone Keans- --torles, warehouses, etc.; any else, any a eood man. ' Beply to W. L, E.,"^ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. ntr beach. AU improvenetita and in ptf».l A. V. UcCloakey, Mlddletown, N. J., burg 878-W. '•"". DE 'ect condition. Phone Rumson 121.' 'r'H^i tents of homei outright, or nil on commie., opening.- Let us call and explain. Mou- drawer M, Red Bank." HOUSE for rent at 23 Harding road, all im- e etNC> B h»',*'rancla Taylor, 85 Broad alon. George H. Roberts Co,, Ine,, Slate phone 7115-W. Mldletbwn. WILLIAM V. DIETRICH, plumbing, heat, moutb and Ocean counties representative provements: gas and'electric, combina- / . ?'f« old;: eight rooms and bsth AGE TELLS me to sell ieven-room •fcotWf,-j»'&-S Highway (one mile north of Bad Back,, MONMOUTH HATCHED. Eltlmstt .ing and tinning. Pumps and. windmills Kalph B. Slckels. Red Bank. tion coat and sas range: rent S50. Apply )eneet condition and equipment; fine three* five acres land, forty-five fralt trwff[- •? fhone Red Bank 2811, • based on reporta ' from • three hundred WHITE girl wanted as maid for general j«Lnts. in forty different states In- coal saving device. Fits any furnace, 42 Bpect. Also eight-room honae> fltifc elaaif•;'•' ~ dicate a ehortage of flitr million broilers abop is the place.wbere art meane some- ply at once at the Silk Shop, 17 Broad HALL for rent: third floor. X0 Broad ho thrwe lots, with foundation!. . Lobien,', sein at Riddle's Boat Yard, Oeeanport, Lelghton avenue. Red Bank. Pbo» thing, For real proof try us once, and street, Red Bank. street, for lodge, dances or entertain- ^YJlLK >.ho¥",on Branch .».nue. nea or Inquire ot A. T. Smith, Ocesnpott. N. J this year and thirty million less laying 1H64.' high schoolh> l ¥, "six rooms esch side; rent. Helford. N. J. • ... hens next year than this. Think It over then you will always. This also applies ments. Can be rented by the year, month l'0R SALE, itandard rciiiter office ma- to ladles and children. - Second National or evening. 'Apply R. Uance ft Sons, 12 !,1ii "'I'I'V080. y-elrly' out-of-town owne. TWO-FAMILY house, all improvements, OB; S Place orders now for fall batched chicks. corner lot, 60x160, for- sale. -Beet hwri ohlne/Cofdwell grlidlng lithe (or sharp- Leghorns, Rocks, Reds. Ballley'a Corner, BOARDING at Shrewsbury Manor, la bank building, Red Bank. Upstairs. MISCELLANEOUS. Brosd street. Red Banlc^ _^__ Si'J.i."1' '« I10.6.00. »3,000 cash. Cal enln; lawn mowers, ahaara, atcf stock o! rothero. Red Bank 9S2, town if you want a real Investment*'^ Belmar. w. JHt. . . Shrewsbury; Christian family oSera YES, It will be done right if your car 'a tfOR RENT, store rooms on Monmoutb Owner, 126 Hance rosd. Fair Haven. N. J.T A, new Ford porlj; also reamera for lathe 'washed at tbe Boro Busses, Inc. wash WANT to rent building, house ur ham (or street, Red Bank, for rent; favorable lo- \KE AVENUE house, six rooms, bath work, Naugbton, Rumson, N. J., phour UESH BKII. batching eges, baby obicki. guesU delightful home lute; delicious stand. Charles A. Jones, expert washer.. storage cheap. Address Storage 127, crtion: moderate rent; Apply st tbe offlee Bsrage: open fireplace; an Ideal'house! UUENA PLACE property for ssle*. 483, breeding; stock! ducks, turkeys, plgeom, food, Urge, airy rooms. Open all drawer M. Red Bank. of Slgmund Eisner Co., or telephone Red 'rico reduced from $9,600 to ST.TSO foi river prlvlteses; 'anyone lntereatao. rabblta; Incubators, coal, oil, eleotrlo brood- ANDREW J. HILL; paper hanging; and dee, J h Prolh this location csn get full information, CANARY birds >nd sold Ash for Hie. We er: oats sprouters. Write for prices. MOD year.' Elizabeth Powers, phone 14(5. orating, exterior and interior painting. THE WILLIAMS Nuralnz Homo is I Bank HOI). SS » "*l*" S ? «o, 31 Monmouth now hove a full line of canary blrda and trcet. phone Red Bsnk 952. addressindres g Home For Sale, drawer K,"8 mouth Poultry Ksrro, Belford. N. J. Red Bank.- 14 Worthley street, Red Bank, phone 1415, ready to accommodate convalescents, LODGE room for rent. Desirable room gold flihl also bird and flab luppllei. W. Red Bank. N. J.* ated and aeml-lnvallds, In.their new home BankBank.' ' W. Kennedy 4'8ons,'«l Broad street. Raj SOD for aale, thirty years old. Thomas B on Fair Haven road and Church street, . available for use second and fourth STORE, newljr built, on Rlv« atrect, R«tf; Grant homestead, on Everett road, ons MASON contractor, estimates cheerfully LMEll C. WAINR1GHT, Justice of toe Thursday nights of each month. Apply K Bank. - - . " • • •- • given. Eugena Soyer, 89 Hudson avc< fair Haven, N. J. Private and semi- . Bank, six room bouia adJotDlny, lm*>,. and a halt miles fron Red Bank, John U. peace. All complaints receive prompt private rooms with nursing eare. Tele. at the oliice of Slgmund Eisner Co. provemenU; also alx room houia'at K^ SOP.BOIL, flit dirt, grading of all klnde: Grant, R. P. 1. Red Bank. nue.Red Bank, phone 1467. v , attention. Accounts and cbecka .collected. aleo' roadways built: Lakewood aand, phone 8«». Red Bank. APARTMENT, furnished, all conveniences. ommuters, Prothero, ' 31 ""M"on5iutl Lelshton avenuo; ma extra lot; iom*.$ WOOD'foOODfor sale, oak and pine; fireplace S, r'lNDLAY. general contractor, con- Day and night eevlce. Patterson avenue, Phone U16-VY. or call at 6 Riverside provements. Property aU In good cbnu. , washed Bravol, ilag,. clndere, blue stone, near Broad atreet, Shrewsbury, N. J. pbone HORSES wanted to pasture; the best of treet, phone Red Bank 9 Fracas reasonable. Howard 0. Roiavalt, andd aatoveslengtha;ttlthls. also o . cord wood for crete work, bridge, doeke and bulk- avenue. Red Bank. UVERSIDE tmn. Owner leavlnir this tountry.' will': salel . JJ. H. Carney phonh e EatontowEttn heads. 281 Spring street, phone 1728, Red Bank 4. white clover meadows, with running wa- •tctifice to Belt; hall payment down,--ktHift phone 1586, Rod-Bank. • Red Bank. _^^___ ' ;er. Walter Fields, Kutswamp road, Red FOR RENT, stores, offices, flats, bouses. eight rooms, bath, all modern Improve- 1 10-F-21. apartments: improved; all locations. Just llli for aucB like rent. Inquire oh* prem&r' •-*'" BARGAINS; uieil tires and tubas; Bank. . ?v!ii.W'*l.I,'Ki5tl0lli for «l*.»0». JoJohht 120 Jtiver street) aide entrance. 'r-_. sites. John Hanien, 42 Welt Front CORN wanted, ear corn; also young pigs EMPLOYMENT. off Broad street, at 12 Hechanlo street. '*'*» Monmoutonmouth streestreett , or phonphon< ffl for sale. Mlddletown Stock Farm, Thorn- LANDSCAPE gerder.er; new grounds TREE FOR SALE; Mulberry tree, full led Bank 952. 2145, Red Bank, cr.A. L. Ivlni, real »l •atrett. Red Bank. • ' Brown. Benjamin H. Crate. It Bridie Land & Loan Co, Register building. Red Bank,' as 8. Field, Red Bank, phone 661. . laid out- and planted; old grounda GERMAN girl, cook, ten yeare' refer- FOR RENT, new bouse .now under con- •*«•""•. K«d Bank FOR SALE, adding machlnei, desks, safes avenue. Red Bank, phone I486.* ™^f •""•. K« m d 1Bank, good seven SPLENDIDLY built up-to-date bouia r • 'typewriters, flllng cabinets. Everythlni BARREU ROOK and R. I. Red pullets for Improved and beautified. Trees and erences, 875; chambermaid-waitress, struction, five rooms and bathroom, all !,'..!T H "• "" "" «"- Improvements sale, five months old, J. C. Wright (arm. HOGS and abotea wanted badly, any slse improvements; completed soon; Half ueal locationi : a good »ll,6O0 buy. Johi every way; house haa eleven M ^ for the office. Call Asbury S44O, Butler'i anr,ubberr sprayed and pruned. Ad- $70; houseworker, five years' refer- or weight. - See me before you sell and open nreplacei, frlgidaire, hot water-) Office Equipment Co.. ill Bond street. Chnscl Hill rosd, phone Mlddletown coublo house, aix rooms and bathroom,- alt r< Ml lmi>l h vice gladly given. N. Butterbach, cet top market prlcea cash. B. Zlotkln, Improvements; ready for occupancy July id Bank 952 " " •'"«'• <" Pk double sarBRfi; lot 67i3l6. Price «2f TREES and shrubbery for sale I am 272.F-12. -.-.•. : • ' ence, $65. Child's nurse, Swiss, eight freehold. W. J,, phone 26. W. A. Hopping, 8 Linden p>ce. Red 1 PLENTY of fresh vegetables for those who box 232, Fair Haven, N. J.. phone 1st. Inquire C. VY. Crozler, Pearl etree'.. oilerlns for sale a fine assortment ot years', reference, $65. Anderson Agen- BEEF CATTLE wanted: also'veal calves Fair Haven, phone Red Bsnk 1082. RIVEKS1DE HEIOHTS. six-room bous" phone 397.* . * specimen trees, nnd matursd shrubbery, appreciate vesetables ploked tbe day you Red Bank 2042-J. cy. Grand and Ward avenues, Rumson, sun porch, open fireplace,' garage, coo- aimoiuc wbiob are included Japanese ma> eat them. Corn Is delicious, llmas plentiful, and hogs. Call B. Zlotkln and get more FOR RENT, four rooms and bath, all Im- per screens: corner lot 80xlE0; »B,000 ot MODERN up-to-date six-room bouse N. J., phone 425.* money for your beef cattle. They are high. provements; »30 per month. Apply at 12 es»y terms. John B. Prothero, 81 Mon. sale, with all improvements; lot eoxl t>lbs. nine spruce, elm, white birch, Norway becti,. csrrota and cubbige. : Coma early HIGHEST prices paid for all kinds of llvo B. Zlotkln. Freehold, N. J., phone 26. Price $6,000. W. A. Hopping,' S Urn maples, lindens nnd n larga assortment Of and avoid the rush..: Dodge Fsrm. Rumson poultry. Jacob Becker, 278 Shrewsbury Mechanic street, Red Bank, Land & Loan month street, or phone Red Bank fe place. Red Bank, pbone 307.' ^ •verzreens. For particulars apply to John re ad, off Bisnch avenue, Little Silver, N. J. avenue, Red Bank, or pbone 1680.W. Red WOMAN desires work in a private family USED cars' and parts bousbt and sold Company. * F1VE.ROOM semi-bungalow for sale, al 7 Martin, Fair Haven, Phono Rtd Bank CORN. CORN, corn and plenty of It; dc Bank. •. ' • as cook or chambermaid.- Phone 841-M also used tires bought and sold, Abe FOR BENT at Headdon's Corner, six- Improvements, hot air heat, garage TWO houses for sale, all Lmprovems\~, 8»8-R, or 6D8-M... > . .' . liclous Goluen Bantam and llmas tha Red Bank. Address 11 Bank street. Simon, U Worthier street. Bed Bank. room bouse, bath, all Improvements; Apply Cook tt Oakley, or any -aa;anL3'jX TYPEWRITER beadauarters. Typewriteri phone 21S.W. breakfast nook, fine ehrubbery around to melt in your mouth. Dodge Farm, Rum- rented, bought end sold. Trubln's, 48 UUTCUER wanted* for Saturdays. Apply rent taS per month; gsrage. G. H. Van- house and grounds, which are located In FOR 8ALE, seven-room- home just c FOR SALE, mahocany secretary and book, Ness, 61 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, plated; plumbing, hot water fataV t son road, oft Branch avenue. Little Silver, Broad atreet. Red Bank. BrevoDrtV Market, 89-A -Broad street. rliRMTUBE wanted; pld-fashloned an- pnicrie section of Rsd Bank: lot 84x12 case. In fine condition, %1OQi.walnut see. Bed Bank.* . ^ tique furniture. Look in your attics. I phone 580-W , « •».•»»• H.dl.y-H.11, 911 Monmoutl car giraffe; on eorner lot, near Brai nlary and bookca.t, (35; walnut bed- G. L. GRANT, Everett, tl. J., carpenter wlU cay cash for any old' pieces In any street. Bed Bank. and beach; easy terms. Phone; _» stead and articles of clothing, stylo prior COW for sal*, Aysrshlre cow, seven years and builder; sll work guaranteed: charg- SEAM PRESSERS wanted Dn men's coats FOR RENT; the River Plaza Cammunlty condition. Write Box 785. Freehold, M. J. clubhouse for private parties, dances ur Branch 989 .around five o'clock,. VletOT to 18S0, in fine condition. Mrs, A. D. oM, freshened August 11th. William E. es rcasunable. Homes, garages, porch en- also cloth puller for men's clothlngv Ap- STOCK farm for ssle, sixty acres. Mr TerwIIHger. , ' >_ Conover, Kew Monmouth, N. J. • . Hurley. Llncroft. N. J.» closures, poultry boused, etc. Alterations ply John- Henenberg, 26 Mechanlo street, CHICKENS wanted; will pay highest meetings of any kind; nice dining room Edward Acker. New Monmouth. N. J.« and repairs. "Ready-Cut" .homes erectd. Red Bank.' , . market prices for fowls and broilers. china and silver: -also kitchen. Apply CO WASHINGTON street house, near Fron KALAMAZOO furnaces for sale, no monur POTATO digger for aale, seven-foot Mc- Call or write Alex Zwlckl, 89 North Charles Brenker, chairman of executive J CORNER property, Ideal location, cot* "£ ' Cormlck-Deerlng, reconditioned. S. P. Call, write or papne Mlddletown 706-F-21 SALESMAN, beverages, now in second sea- etreet, six rooms, all modern Improve' down until February 1st. over two llroadway. Lone Branch, N. J., phone board. West Front street. River Plata. venlent to. achools and stores; harw^it^ month!' (roe trial, tO8 to (ISO. completely Conover ft Bro., VVlokatunk, N. J./ phone PA1NT1NO. decorating, paper hanging. son, shore, wishes to make a change; 1600. ments; garage: good lot;: IS.60O. ISOI Installed. Cash or lnsullment. Kelt Kolmdel 0. , Bring your' problems to me. I can help would consider all year round position. K. J., phone Red Bank 1607. cash, required. John B. Prothero,. 81 Mon gain for quick purchaser. Your broke* 4 guaranteed. All furnscei, stoves la stock. JU. Advlcs and estimates free. Every Intelligent pleasing personality, unques- TUXEDO suits for bire. Latest style. hOUUTEEN vacant houses and apartmenU mouth street, or call Red Bank 1182, l POTA'fO^ diggers and repairs i Emerson. or address C, B., drawer > M, Be4H . Wa sail at catalogue prices. Nejr Jaraej Internationals, MeCormlck-Deerlng am Job guaranteed, Boyce Painting Service, tionable integrity plus selling ability; high- Can supply any amount needed, sizes tor rent at prlcea ranging from 136 p« MAPLE avenue, business section; goot Branch Kalamaioo Stove Co. of Michigan. Hoover: six and aeven feet; now assembled phone 812-Mj Rumson. • est reference. Address Jay, drawer M, Red SS to <«. Monmouth Street Hen's Shop, 28 month and upwards. P. F. Kennedy, J5 house of seven rooms, all improvements Bank.* '- residence <0« Newark avenue, Brsdler anU ready to deliver to your Aeld. Try our Bank.* Monmouth street. Red Bsnk. East Front street. Red Bnnk, phone 2081. jot water heat: In the heart of Red Bsnk' Beach, N. J. Phone 2020-li, Aabury Part HOWARD WHITE, 01 Portland road, owl cervlca and eave. S. P. Conover, ft Bro., Highlands, N. J., house mover, founds WOMAN would like dey's work and wash- SLWING, machines: any make' of Singer STORE at 10 Mechanic street. Just oft mi'«?I J? -""-leas section for sal FARM for tale, seventy aeres. part mn FOR BALE, top soil, nil dirt, road grav... WlckatUnk. N. J.. phone Bolmdel t. tlons built Phone Highlands 1270-R. ing to take home. Call Thursday and sewing mschlnes repaired at short no- Broad street, all improvements; make a m.000. Phone Red Bank 852. and woodland; will aell aU for 916.009.V washed sand and gravel, blue stone and TWELVE fine ahotes for salt reasonable. Friday. 82 Linden place, Red Bank.* tice. Repairs, parts, oils, etc. Hemstitch- fine olnce on street floor. Apply IS! Me-IDEAL country home, confer location, foi or will sell part of land to prospective 1 Ing a, specialty, singer Sewing Machine chanic street, phone CUE, Red Bank. Land • cinders. All kinds of grading done. Fences Apply William H. Kelly. Everett. N. J. DO YOU want your house redee> PRACTICAL nurse, would take care of in, sale; about one acre, well landscaped home builders. Price reasonable to tbole -emit, cellars dug, buildings end trees taken Company, 74 Monmouth atreet. Red Bank, A ' Loan Co. who m*»n builness. For particulars 1 FRESH cows fo^ sale; young, heavy milk, .ated for little expense? Give me a valla convalescent; would take full phone 167T. eight room colonial house, remodeled am down. . Trucks for hire. Morris Bros., era, sultablt for dairy or family use; give charge as housekeeper. Address 400, STORE for rent, corner Bridge avenue and "decorated| two-car garage; will sill to to VV.Tjttrell, Everett. N. J, Pbone . gsneral eon tractors, phone Red Bank IBM, call and let me show you what can drawer M, Red Bank.* • SECOND-HAND clothes bought: men'j Oakland street; good business corner. 12,500 to settle.esUte. worth 120,001 die town 7D6-F-H. Brokers proteoted*. Kood exchange for beef cattle, B. Zlotkln, Good location for chain s'ore. Rent rea- BARBER CHAIR for sale In sood condi- Freehold, M. J., phone 26. be done Inside or out. Box 48, Little CHAUFFEUR wishes position, can lurniih only; must be In good condition. Cal Seeing Is believing. John B. Prothero. 8 HOUSE lor sale, Bine rooms, all improve- tion. Apnly at 29 Oakland street, or at I. Kerber's, 168 Monmouth strest, Btd sonable. Apply 18 Reekless pkee, or phone Monmouth street, or phone Red Bsnk 95 ments; ten minutes jtrom beach, flyi Silver, N. J.. phone 1781-W, Red best of references from well-known peo- 680-W, Red Bank/ " yhone. Red Bank 0<3. t Bank 1100. SIX-ROOM house located on good pavei minutes from railroad station; arosucj BanU. ple. Address Chauffeur, drawer M, Rei S0x200 feet, three-car, garsce, enlekant FOR 3ALE. Plcfte-Arrow engine, first Bank.* VACATION TIME, 125 to 1300. Do you HOUSE to let, five rooms and bath: ga street near high school, modern i class condition: model 98. Address CHIMNEY .weeping. William V. Diete rago; rent Hi. At River Plaia. Pbone provemente: price reduced from 18.600 t bouse and run. work shop. Price rauose ] USED and rebuilt trucks for sale; various RELIABLE party wants work at, practical need money to. complete that long able. Call Keaniburg 11-W.» Tierce-Arrow Engine, drawer H, Red makes of from one to flvs tone capacity. 'rich, 42 Lelghton avenue, Red Bank. planned Summer Vacation? Hake the sea 2017.W, "Red Bank. 35 Manning atreet. i.OOO for quick sale. John Prothero, 8 nursing, p*tajn aewlng, mending; also care River Plaia. Monmouth street, or phone Red Bsnk 95! WILL EXCHANGE three partly furnished Bsnk.' Sold with guarante*. At Veenetrs. Whits Phone 1J64. • of children by day or any time. Mrs. son an enjoyable one, have and do wh4l bungalows and large strip ot frontage THIIEE.PIECE mohair living room suite, truck distributor, 877 Gorllft avenue.. As CEMENT blocks, sidewalke and maacn Curl. Atlantic Highlands, N. J., phone you have planned. We will assist honest- YOUR ADVERTISEMENT In l.uke Long HOUSE of live rooms, all improvement: on Main street, Belford, near crsek (good thrm months old, hardly used; must sae- bun Park, N. J. work; also roekface. .Peter DePontl, 241 35-J.* borrowers by loaning money on their bead's department of The Register for sale, In Fair Haven; very nicely lo for huslnesa sites) for a one-fsmionefsmill y hnhantSit * ilflce at half price: a bargain to quick SPUED TRUCK for sale, International; lu Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, Phone Red household goods, or other approved eecur- reaches the great majority of, person* Ui eatad near the river; lot 40«150. E»s i Fd luyer.. Inquire C. K. Wcniell, State High- itles, at a rate of Interest established by thi* section at one stroke. terms, $S,000. Also one of six rooms, a improvements unnecessary. Fred Crane, (rood condition. S. P. Conover as Bro.. Bank 464-J. ' COOK wanted, first class white cook, Belford. N. J. '• vny, R. V. P.. Red Bank.* International Salss , and Service, Wleki J. O. E3CHELBACH & EON, 126 Wcs this state. Our nine years of service In CALIFORNIA bungslow for rent, furnish* mprovements, lot 6Sil65. Hadley-Hall, 9! FOR BALE, three-year-old II-quirt eon. tunk, N. J. Phone Bolmdel 118-F-84. Front street. Red Bank, phone 1178. two In family; all year round posi- this locsllty assures you of confidential, all modern improvements; for two Monmouth atreet, phone U88, Red Benk. CORNER property with service station lor good butter maker; one one-ton Ford Auto accessories and vulcanising. tion; Mrs. Wilson Smith, Little Sil- courteous and prompt treetment. Cell months or by the yesr. Ideal location. Joe COLONIAL house located about ten m. sale at once; good for automqbil* allow* FOR SALE, Bulek roadster, 1B2S sport write or phone and become another of ou room; refreshment and ffasollne stand for truolc, new engine Installed August, 1027! excellent shape,'just out of paint shop, NEW FLOORS made perfect at email cos-. ver Point, phone Red Bank 1533. Humphries, Fair Haven, N. J., phono Kea utes from the center of town for sale SOD pullets and laying hens. 20 sprint satisfied customers. Industrial Loan So Dank 351-W. baa six rooms and bath, hot sir heat, sui rent. Apply to Bay Short Restaurant, 101 Phone Red Bank 1658 until 6:00 P. M. Have your new floors finished by a ftoor c!ety, Inc., SOS Rarltan building, 116 Front street. Keyport, N. J. duaks and rabbits, three new 16-llsht machine in tbe first places—It eaves money FOUR-ROOM furnished bungalow for rent porch and gsrage; lot 50x150. Prle doors, white pine, and second-hand doori. GOOD BTAR coupe for sale, 11*5. C. CROCHET BEADERS wanted; ;long sea Smith street, Perth Ambor. ,N. J., pr n.500. Hadley-Hall, OS Honmouth slreel 14S-ACRE term for tale; dairy farm fallf ' In the end. Phone Rslph B. Slckels, Red l'erth Amboy 1951. license No. 178. from October 1st, all improvements: at- lied Bank, phone 1888. auh and frames. Inquire 418 West End Pscfcer, phone Seabrlgbt 120. Bsnlf. for estimate. ' eon;-good pay for home work. Call a tractively situated, adjoining Foxwood equipped, with all land seeded and ill avenue,. Long Branch, phone 609-M. 1028 STAR sedan, balloon tires, sscnlU 152' Monmouth atreet, after eight o'clock TURNIPS wanted, purple top Rutabaga first class shape, with ten-room house, TOD.* CAR washing my specialty. 1 guarante 'ark; all improvements; yearly rental RUMSON house for sale, eight loom!, al FOR SALE, Ice box In good condition, SI5T- also 1925 Dodge coupe, balloon P. M., or telephone to John DIFIore. turnips, loaded at Mlddletown station; no 1700.' Dodge Farm, Rumson road, oft improvements, hot water heat, near hui ning water, heat and light. Apply Joseai tirou, .'.-rlflce $200. Red Bank, Duran you a satisfsetory lob. Let ma prwre coarse or craeked ones. For prices call H. Leflerson, Colt's Neck. N. J. , > porcelain lined; also laundry and hot my ability, Charles A. Jones, o-psrt auto- WORK wanted: mason work or nigh Mlddletown 781-F-ll, J. B. Carton, Ever Branch avenue. Little Silver, N. J.' line; lot 10x140. Price 17,000. Halle water stove, cheap. Telephone 1917, Red Co., I ,..hone Bed Bank 1446. mobile washer at Boro Busses, Inc., Globe watchman. Call at 41 Monmouth street, ett. N. J. FOR RENT, house at 87 Monmouth atreel Hall. It Monmouth atreet, Red Bank, phoi FOR SALS and rent: two ete-roomSeoaaa, Bank.* FOI. '.-•He. late 1028. electrlo wlndshielc Court and Meehenla atreet. Red Bank. Red Bank, J. Patterson. aU rooms, bathroom, laundry, large at- conveniently locaUd: on* for eala, «M •'tuck wheel, good rubber, g COLORED OIRL wanted for housework. THE BEST DINNER in Monmouth county tic; all improvements. Bent ISO per HOUSE beautifully located on a nice resl for rent. Apply White Bros, Beglatw, HEW Ihrea-bdrner Westlmhouse electric motor J13S:i running every day. J. - to be had at Dodge Farm for 11.00; building, Red Sank.* > stova and bedroom set for sste resson- CARPENTER work wanted. All kinds Mrs, P, Yellen, Rumson, N. 1., phone month. Apply to. Owner, Mra. Arthur t. dentlal atreet; has sight rooms snd bat! 1 While 15 Miller street, Highlands. N. J.* 502, Runrton. Tuesdays and Fridays fresh eaugbt flsn. Swift, alobe hotel, Red Bank. bpt water hsut, three-car garsge; li STORE and house for iale» six rooms, all •ble. Jennings, Simpson avenue, Woodlehd - of Jobbing attended to by an ex- Chicken Wednesdays and Sundays. Go up s, all Park, Atlantic Highlands, M. J.* • 1EH<- ..ARROW for sals. Inquire at Slg NURSE MAID wanted, white, experienced HOUSE for rent, west side Brench avenue 62x150; selling price 116,000. Hsdle Improvements: 'good location, Abnif * mund Eifner aramge. Bridge avenue, Red psrtsnecd esrpenter. Write or pbone and try one. Dodge Farm, Rumson road, Hall, pbone 1888, 99 Monmouth street, R< Vrs. C. Wolf. 102 Lelghtou RELIC from by-aons dsys; no mora like It with children, for baby and three-year- off Branch avenue. Little Silver, N. J. Red Bank; six rooms, buth. all Improve. Benk, rSEei Bank. Ser Hamilton.* Marvin, 26 Harding road. Red Bank. old boy; shore now, apartment in New ...ents; garage; all In good condition: Im- Bsnk. - • to be had: compass box from the old U. GIVE! "Mery Ann" a day of! Sunday, am S. 8. Ssratogs. This U not » duplicate .Phone 2108. York October Ut. Mrs, Degener, 157 mediate possession; 150. Apply to Clark FOItD rckditer for aajs, good running Ocean avenue, ..eabright, It. 3. take the family up to the Dodge Farm, P. Kemp, Little Silver, N. J. Telephone US Hsnte road, Fair Hsveti, N. J.* If you want a real good home turkey din- 1IU0.J. WOK ABM Singer sewing macblne. with order. 820.00, Steward, Red Bank UPHOLSTERING and reflnlshlng ot all HOUSEKEEPER wishes position In wid rer with all the trimmings and appreciate top, In good condition. Price 110. 267 Yscht Club, cars Csptaln lrwln's Yacht klnda ot furniture. Frank Howard, OB ower's familyily; refined white woman witth fresh vegetablea, all for 11.00. Why you FURNISHED house for rent In Foxwood Harrison, svenus. Red Bank, pbone 2081, one child. ClCalll 14981498 , ReRdd BankBk, morn • Park; six rooms, double gsrase; from Lelghton avenue or phone 2061, Red Bank.* Works, fool of Wharf avenue, Rsd couldn't buy tbe drumstick for thatl Dodge 11. RITZAU', remover ot dead animate ings.* Farm, Rumson road, of! Braneh avenuv. October 1st to May 1st. Apply Furnished FOR BALE, nt an exceptionally low prlct, Bsnk,' House, drawer M, Red Bank. two year old four and alx drawer cash Phone Red Bank 2240-W. MAN to work on email farm, steady post- phone 881. Red Bank. registers, counters, tablet, display window hUHNlTUKB repairing and reflntahlng: an. tlon; house furnished, good salary tt UNTKRTAIN your week.end friends by MOUSE for rent at 48 Sunset avenue, s draperies and other store fixtures, inquire BIO bus body for school work; seats 40, tlquea a specialty; expert cabinet makers rlgbt man. Phone Asbury Park 6117 af. taking them up to Dodge Farm for din- rooms and bath, steam heat, all Improve- Joseph Goldstein, 178 Oarnelil avenue, Lorn For sale at a saerlnee, Burdge k Son, first class work, moderate prices. Free ds- ttr,I;OO P. M., or write P. O. Box 213 ner, or bridge parties, end eliminate the ments and garsge; nice yard; rent M5, For Dont Give Up Hope Branch, N. J., phone mornings Lone lO^Hechanle street, phone 804. Red Bank, I'rery. J, Ferris, 26 Institute street, Free Asbury Park. worry of Wrestling with the pots and pana ,attlcular» J. W. Osborne. 801 F street, Branch 8104. • bold, N. J. POSITION wanted as general houseworkei end peeling potatoes. Good food, own lelmar, N. J., phone 26B1-J. ]»ICK~iJP~b7d71o7~roadsler for sire? 85 In a email family. Address Mrs, E fresh vegetablea and excellent service. Inehes wide, 64 Inches long outside: WANTUD, roomers or boarders; rates rea BUNGALOW tor rent, three roome. on When Anything Is Lost. OLASS porch enclosursj for aala; In sonable. Apply 68 Washington street. Kelly. Route 1. Holmdel, N. J. Dodge Farm, Rumson road, off Branch l'oplar street, corner Chestnut atreet, cost 820, sell for 110. dood as new. O. avenue. Little Silver, N. J. fair Haven, N. J. Inquire next house.* ' perfect 'order. Apply lo Harry An- L. Grant, Everett, N. )„, phone Mlddletown Red Bank. GIRL wanted to work in Ice cresm store; 70O-K-2I.' must be through school, Apply Joseph bOMEONE Is missing an awful good treat l'OR RENT, modern bunitalow of live largi What a sensation of helplessness it la, when gelo, Fair Haven, N, J.* ~ FURNISH a loan service lo those who Hesse, fi West Front atreet, Red Bank. the crowd ia having at Douge Farm, CADILLAC four-paassngcr sport model fo need ISOO or less on furniture or note roomi, sun porch and bath, fireplace WHITE OIRL wishes work us chamber Rumson. road, off Branch avenue, Little all Improvement.; two block, from llatl* money, valuablo papers, Jewelry, hotlaehold pot ur ssle, or will trade for smaller ear o w:th paytnints of 20 months or less. Yc Silver, N. J. Desutlful, cool, attractive TWO Pekingese puppies for sals. ittt. small boat. 126 llsnce road, Fair Haven, telephone—wH> e do the rest. Three convert msld-weltress, or as houseworker. Phon station. Roy I.ambertson, Hstlet, n, J., *,*l1l|JIJUMej* wai II U I leaf I TV If* 4IIIVVT Wll V V411 Mlildlstown 776.It.* . surroundings and tremendously good din- phone Keyport 187.11 trinket of value to no one but you, Is miaslng Wallace J. Weaver, Oriole Fark, nssr N. J> »nl o flic tit' Koom 14, Elmer building, 8 ner for 91.001 excellent service. Mewmsn Bprlngs road. Reel flank. 1 fro id • treat, phon* 2050, lied Bank, N. J, WANTED, experienced waitress. 47 Mon APARTMENT Tor rent, three cr fou Dont lose hope—there's a way out. DODQE lubuiban for sals, excellent eondl USED pianos wanted by Tustlng's as part GOOD second-hand tint air and plpeless tlon: eurtalns nearly new: price reason Room 1002 Elcctrlo building, Bantu avinud, mouth street, lied Hank,* roomi, all Improvements; steam heat. phon. 8237. Aibury Park. N. J.j 700 Era payment on Stelnwaya, Weber*, Stacks, 106 Wallace strret, R"l Bsnk, phons W An advertisement In Luko Longhead's Lost and furnaces for sale. Holland Furnace Co,. able. Can b* seen at »4 East Front street, DAY'S WORK wanted. Phone 730-W, lte< Aeolism, Mlltom, Urarabaohs anil players. Mechanic street, Red Hank, phone lleil Red Bank, phone 1814 " ory street, corner of Sewall avenue, phon Bank.* y. Orover, lleil Hank_2O6j._ Found department of Tho Register will bring your Bsnk 11112, SB48, Aibury Park. N. J. N«w J>na Call at 16 Monmouth atreet, or telephone TWO HOUSES for rent, sll Improvements YoWb car lor sals, price 120 > In good run- Caih Crtdlt Corporation, undtr auptrvlalo RedBank 20e^W, loss to tho attention of 36,000 rcadort. It has ro> Ft>UUrf3og for sale, Phone «0-J, Allan- nlnaj order, lllersplel, eorner Hemllton 6' Bl»j». Q«nMn» .Upactment. GIRL or woman wanted for housework RADIO"se"rvlee: phone tustlng's, Red ilanK tic HlthlanJi, N, J,* snd Maple evenue, Ocean View, Leonardo, Ti* "YOU ire locking for aomathlns rea< In small, adult, Christian family; 208>VY,.nr call at 16 Monmouth street; MODEItN boms tor rent, seven ronms snd •torcd hundreds of lost Articles to their ovmori. UrTiV I'EIlKKCrlOrJ oil stove and uvin, •!• bathl all Improvements; newly decoraleu, eonable erf It 628 Ktamburtjr, for yow smsll houie; Polish or Irish prsferred, all kinds of ssts end power packs. Agents possession September I5lh. Unod location Perhaps It will do the samo for you If you are un- .0 baek of stave for ealel very reaion. rai, CAR bariialnsi ItlS Oskland eoae,. next piumblnf, hietlnv or w»Wr nyiUn for Zenith, Fads, AtwaUr Kent, R. C. A.- 1 eeblubblui lust like new, TT.. R. Jensen, Del- 1»28 Pontlae eoaeh, It'll Pontlae eoaeh, job. K.I, B. Cooki, Myrtle avtnut, K«ani' Reference required, Phone Seabrlght orthophonlc. Tusting's, Red Bank. nesr Hrnail siren. D. W. Msrtln nil es fortunate in losing something. Phone tho Instant fdordrd, , N. J,, TTarkk avenue,' burg. N. J. • late, 2(0 East Front street, lied Hank, for , Tark avenue,' 11111 Pontlae delivery, 1(37 Oakland 186, or call at 14 Ocean avenue, Sea- you discover your loss nncl put Luko Longhead to FOOR fALK, six dinini g chairs *M0, aids, coupe. 1026 Dodai sedan, IBIS Ford coupe SIIATTAUIIA'8 Barber Shop, t Meohanli bright. N, J, WANTED, high spset! marine motor, KOlt UKNT, flve-ruoni Intnl.h.a burxabw bcaril 17,00 Inrgs Isbls 18.0», porch It'll Olilsmoblle eoune, ltst Chevrolet "• located corner Mnple avenue and rat b atreet, phone Red Bank 284-M. DIs 124 h. p, up lo i!0 h. p, none work. ' ishalr fZ.OO, r*, A, 1'rots, Alsnnlni street, dan, 11)81 Ksss* esaeh. 1»2» Ford roiditsr tlnetly penonsl ssrvlte. Haven road; Fall Haven I all improvsmsnli 1031 Hudson rosth. I81B Hudson brout GIRL wants position for eensrel housewar 0B>W, Kssnebum, or write G. Ober. twci.csr il«r»«». l'hon» lleil Hunk 421-R • Hlnr PiaPlnia,, N. J,« • AUCllONEEH—(Isorge II, Robsrts Co., ham, I»I6 Btar coups, I»J< Ford rosditer or chambermaid. 16 Leltihton avenue. lander, Bslford, N. J., box IK.' AIAIITMKNT Im rent, "II Improvements Tho followinc advcrtiicment In Tho Ucgletor re* rrn~8^a"antoTt~r-ihe~i,ir«i .i.». u two 1S3< Ford seilans, I»J4 Dulck tourlni Ins., auction spsclallits, phone lied Dank fled Bank.* suitable fur too peopl'i rent rsesonable 1°3I HulcV touring, 1B2I Cleveland sedan ccntly restored tho lost dog to Ita owner within practicallfeel iontfy ne. wIn se excellent of t condition, wllh Apply st J»« Well I'ront itreel, phone He practically new set of sails. Inquire Jerol- 1021 Rtudsbaker sossh, 1911 Ilulek coupe llOYOR Painting Service, fully equipped t TUERLY lady dellrse uosiilun as houie TABLE bnardere wanted I good home cook* II.nli IUtl.il.* three hours after Tho Itcglator was prlntad, iimn n k SonsSons , OjilllesOjillles, ^jtijl' Km.Oodei sedan, l»8l Kord suburban paint bouses, garages, sebooli. churehss, keeper. Address E. II., drawer M, Rei In•. 18 Meshsnlo strest, Red Bank.* F6Tf~nALE^ ii^autlful eheilnul saddle Dodlsa and ears (or lludeone, Risen, Man storssi fall work now balng bonkid. Alio Flank.* 0OO1) bousi,'~nicely localeii In Hsil llsnk mars, no further u»», v.»lli, Chevrolste and fords, Joseph Res W'ANlKf), small cottage, furnlsheil, with hvs minutes' wslk frnm ths rallrnail sla mars, no further u»», lHT,»iltig, sis months oldt German polled BBoul e 8, Kteehnld^NdN . J.J« laa, Emmrns stnel. Long Branch, N, J. woman'wanlcd tii live with sli'l Alrsdalsl blsek body with tan feet 'cAHl'kNTril1 l ami Ull.l.r, (i.n.r.l ',.: Address Bmall Cottags, drawer M, lied or-sn Iireulsce snil inif-mr _ — - JOTT)~?cr"»i> i:«ii «l 111 West Cronl phone liaa. Itslrlna , ,«atlmatee given on all kinds nl and take eare of elderly blind lady. Hank,* »7J » mimtb. lladl.y-llsll, Oil Munmouth J ml hsstl l wwsrlng eollar. Heward. street, or phjne "?1 •'lj_"»1.!,,•'*?••-•. TVsT"iQlfi£VH6L.I*i tourW «sr for sale,"h buildings, blue prims (urnlsheilt nrleri Ample time oft. Tor Interview tele- f I.ADY would like room and possibly bosnl Itreel, Ueil II«nk. ptinli«_|»«JI. «5&"jn> \\ o6t> for li.i>lru, drawer M, ll.il llank.« Iteil llsnk. |^u,n"_IHM. Iteiclster help you, II)»dKn;eiiiri>ale»Un7i« fa ah tak.s It. Call Kali>nto«n 41, __ 10RKENB and metal wsstborstripi In. "reeent~*eolles7e""crailuaies, now em.inStlHrfTn A'Te'tiiiilllliin. In the enter • VOKD truth (or ssleTTn «or.il~eVrTiIltln.. must be good plain eook anil neat I gooi «.i, li, >o«,l enntlltlont priee lldO, At stallsil. For estimate eall Jersey homei take full ehsrg*. no boss, Vranl pltiyeil bby the Hell telsphnns lehnhnraliirr , tnwii, hai ill iimine anil bsth, sniliiieil ply J-rinr Church sir's! anil lair Haven aiioil rubber. Cull evenlnae. David north, well h»sl.ili inn a monlh. llaillsy- Metal Weslhenlrlp Co., lied Il«n« Kmllh, Little Vlllvir, N, J, phone lie leeIM,, dailrdeilre homes with nrlvste familiesmllless | rirnl, I'alr Haven, N J. • Hnlmee]'rin«i)n falli, N, J,* Hank, l'*.";ll,*____ single or double roomomss will be consideredonsidered, lull. »» Monmiilllh street, plume Hill, lied TlolfHKilAll ra>I) Infnr sals ehsspehesp. In firAs lilt. J Adilrssi fui| narllilulara i t o II**, >>',' » dwdrawer llsnk. ' _ „ \^ili f*3' wVm'sn or •Jrr"wsnieir''for gsn 1 CMCMp.p l Illll rusil, phons n«il eltss condition, C, A. Mount, Loeus era) houssworki »i«0 A, M. lo »,jo p M.ltail llenk. nlX.UiluM'iioiise iiinvrnisiitlr Iwnleii, al pm,k .I'M). I . . Point. N. J.. phone !»•/, Atlantic) High M. dally, Onlrallr liiestsil In llail Ilank, lm|iriivenii.|il>l eli'lueeil . "ark l>nsr latidt>. r/«\r=.«rt. iio»eTu (klnyr ana,,du w,, itklliNKl*A'TTlf, lur sals, SIIKIII luilMieii. •luwiitiaiiy losnsti i on nou.enoffd fUrnllQffl l Ailiiresa White Woman, drawer M, ;il,l UAOP',—"Monty, money, money, mitn. with lulu, mmiii IIMI, aaraasi rsnt limh swlnu, with ouiitilm slmfl. atari, Jentlellv losneil on tioui ey talks. We are resdy to loan you fur in, lls,llrv.|li>ll, «D Miitiiiiinilli slisel WM' llulik''V''VirTiiKrinrjS, tny ntoilsli will sell foWr IIQ0, Of nelesneles , No •»mbarsssln mbarsealne Investlgall from 11,000 tit lleO.OOO »n business prop. li-ul. alul IHU • hul'tsl |irlre 100, Ap|i|» Ni bonimi er fen. Lawful Interest o»nl» y HimsiYa asrsit, MJalirlihl, N, J,, tilioiie PhoneJInl ll«nli,11l»;ll, ader liy " IT'lw» year'"'JL«''•* or les"s t«oA r"«t.repay iMloan"l,. S.(Hebe aaidener nr xnrklni supirlnlimlsnt hi erty oryear yous ru pprivatetwnthlril home, fos rn af lerthem s npf IlVlNIIAI.OW Tnrnrr IHII"lend, nv.. rimmiiiemii, beilb, hiisnit Cijropsnr, rsom 81. II ttiroi s "•flsmlierl saesrlend,! In sll braneties » threea l yearv«l,i«tls upn to lla,lleyllalltwn.thlrils ,n f »th» Mone sp, hut WMlelerr hhuli l «p»n nieplnrsi aaragi stiset, n«ii IJanV > ehonh e 711, Aihhut rrlvsla •states, (I. II, Hammersmen,, MaplMaplee, moutusuahl strestlt, l Itnl Itanklllllll, phnnil , IIM»» M, ^ atnhsatln'hfilii niliiln" Iswn, Isroe jeariltn, all 1 l ...UK I ful tube* far ,R I snd s hi I' i 114 Klnmonln bullillngA ph N, J, snixli IIrttIn"l mnnihlifin i JiA- n M,.. "I''»(|J»" "»"'!;• J rr-..- 1UK!l V*«lv7r7a«ay*'l".an» nir.TreiTrln_«_Taiii; (ell eriisji i|l In t"ifj[ ^ANfgD, enpiilensi't wslnr. 4T Mnn. (nr the isttlns, Jeeeeh Usaistum, to MonmittUlulhh lln111111t . «er phone Hiliedd ua Uann *w.»W |t(aat, Vii *»"»•* ««birt ilritt, J>«4 l|uk,«.. n«i ... / * li. Twentv ' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST IB, 1928." there will still be much work to berowboats on some clear days has Are you selling THE RED BANK REGISTER. done. Hundreds of miles' of state been greater than the supplyi In- 'JOHN H. COOK, (MUor and-Publl.bir. highways without sidewalks and cidentally one theory which was ad- your dollars 0gORQg 0, HANCE, Anccl.u Edllor. other roads without sidewalks vanced cuihcr in the season for the too cheap? stretch over the state. All of these scarcity of crabs and fish will have Leon's THOMAS IE VINO BROWN. roads without places for pedestrians to be abandoned. This theory was If you sell Id* cervices of your dollar! at • lowar r«U ql Inttmt Buitntis Manistr. ' * to walk are potential, death traps that the large increase of motor Colmmrt than they an capab)* of «»rnlni Safely, you ,ar« not ex*rcUti>| Subscription Prletll greater than cars which are liable boats in tho u\er had driven away the bait bualnMa judgment. Sbi nonthi .— to kill and maim because of fautly the crabs and fish. Whatever may •Ttlrt* montlii mechanism. have been the cause for this scarcity Our Fir«t Mortgage Securities in any denomination yield Six Per TiUpbonui—Rtd B.nk II. cS^ . * . • earlier in the season it is now dem- Cent and are Safe. . '" R«d Bink 1300. onstintcd that motot boats were not RED BANK Commissioner Dill is not respon- responsible Boynton Brothers & Company sible for this condition, but it can .WEDNESDAY, AUGUST IS. HISTORY OF Perth Amboy truthfully be said without decrying Real Estate TO.DAY-*ONE DAY. Doa't MiutH t , the safety first movement which ho In the Micntion months of August Insurance .TOWN TALK. is prosecuting that avoidable risks and Septcmbei the river holds its DRY will not be reduced to a minimumBrcatibt luic Here the VRcationist Serein's Peppiest Romancers in Tfroir CreatosiHitl (Continued from page 4.) until adequate means is afforded for who wants to forget business cares •Bed Bank and Its 1'edostriaiv travel. Last winter the and uomc ciin find recreation at a CLEANING. minimum of expense. Thanks to Cider Mill Now Open Profit-Sharing Campaign. . legislature passed laws giving great- er power to boards of freeholders to the river, Red Bank without making DRY CLEANING origi- Folks who shop at Red Bank to- build sidewalks. These laws have any effort to pose as a summer re- LU morrow, Friday ' and Saturday arc had no effect in improving condi- sort tov.n, is getting a big thare of nated in prance something certain to get their money'a worth tions in this section. Large sums of tho summer vacation business Hun- The Cider Mill at Tinton Falls is Sponsored by the Bed Bank chamber money are spent to make good roads dreds of autoists come here every over a hundred, years ago. of commerce, a three-day profit- for autoists to scoot over, but not week to cnioy themselves on the wa- The first solvent used for the Now Open to Receive Apples. sharing campaign will begin tomor- one foot of sidewalks is laid to make ter. They appreciate the delights row to sell goods at bargain prices, foot travel, safe. The pressure of and glones of the n\er to a greater process was a distillate of tur- The- business places which are en-popular opinion will eventually extent than tho people of our own D. A. WALLING, Estate. gaging in this campaign are among town, judging by the fact that on pentine. Later came benzol change this, but apparently a great —FEATURING— the largest, best and most progres- many more killings and maimings nearly c\ei> fine day they outnum- (commercial benzine), a by- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^••••••••••>>t •*••••••>«'• sive Jn the town. DOROTHY » .' JACK * ' will have to' take place before this per Rcxl Bankus \n their use of the product of the coke and gas. • K " • a * * is brought about. river. Some of them tra\el many JThis co-operation among mer- miles to come heie A more general industries. MACKA1LL MULHALL chant rivals is a far cry from the realization of this fact might cause cut-throat competition which is com-S!:rev,ibury River Red Bankers to value this beautiful THURSDAY,. AUGUST 16th—One Da* Qnly. stream of water at its true worth. Gasoline, a product of the monly associated in the public mind Regains Its Popularity. regarding business. It is a broad petroleum refining industry policy- which realizes that what is Boating, crabbing and fishing on Scout Father* to Meet. good for the collective whole is good the river at Red Bank seems to little.used for any purpose at have regained the popularity which The fathu-. of the members of for each individual unit of the whole, >oy scout trocjp 23 will meet on The people of this town could with it enjoyed last year. For the pnst the time, gradually supersed- few days, especially on Saturdays Thursday night of this v.cck at the profit emulate this example. Unani- Red Bank Baptist church to review ed all other solvents. mous agreement along all lines and Sundays, the water has been dotted with scores of rowboats. the work done by the bcouts in the would be impossible, but there are past six months and to prepare plnns many instances when there is vir- Earlier in the season men who rent Recently, Stdddard Solv- rowboats and who sell bait were in for the futuie The troop will be A Romance tually unanimous agreement with- leprcsented by Rutscl L Tetlej ent, a petroleum product not- out the co-operation which1 this despair. Crabs and fish were scarce of the- nnd this led to a scarcity of cus- scoutmaster and Fiankljn E. Graj Prize Ring 1 agreement should bring. nnd & Druminond Roop nssistant carrying, the fire hazard .and ;' m • • scoutmasters possessing certain other dis- 5The record of the Red Bank cham- ber of commerce thus far is one of In the past three weeks business Someone who reads Tho Register tinct advantages, has come CHARLES which the town may well feel proud. nas "picked up" amazingly. Crabs, will find your Want Advertisement into use in the industry. Its success in co-operating with the lafayettes and snappers have be- the most interesting and important come plentiful and the demand for thing in the paper.—Advertisement. boat clubs in putting over the re- This solvent was devel- RAY cent boat racing events and Vene- One pt tha truly great stars tian night celebration was sb great oped by research men en- as to make commeaf'superfluous. No • in a sympathetic rolo doubt this great river celebration COOLEST THEATRE IN TOWN! gaged and maintained by a will be made an annual event. Noth- group 'of the leading MAS- ing that has been staged .herejn re- JAMES cent years has proved such a~gTcat TER CLEANERS of this Mosqnitone is wortl* its weight .in gold! attraction. GLEASON country. It has greater •: , ' .;•• '',..•.. y ':;,' • • • • ^BOTR'you're sixteen or sixty you no cleansing qualities than all of Famous Broadway Star and i The three-day event which begins Ash your druggist subject to mosquito bltea. But you can pre- playwright of "Is Zat So!" , tomorrow has aptly been called a M. a JACKS, Manager. vent them with MoBquitone—tho fragrant,refresh- 1 those used heretofore. to show you the profit-sharing campaign. The ap- THREE COMPLETE PERFORMANCES DAILY McKessoH & Rabbins ing mosquito rcpellcnL Rub it lightly on your propriateness of this title will be Matinee, 2:30. Evenings, 7:00 and 9:00. "Health Helps" •kin and mosquitoes give you a wide berth! Carry JOBYNA '• ipparent to everyone who examines Saturday* and Holiday!, Continuoui 2:30-11:00 As recently as the open- a stick in your poclcet or handbag (no liqnld to RALSTON* the bargain prices of the stores en- spill) and be prepared for mosquitoes when walk- gaging in the campaign. It has ing of the Great War, how- ing or resting outdoors. Leading Comcdiciino and •very appearance of being a real, ever, evetj the United States Star in her own right. genuine effort to reduce the cost of TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW Mosqultono gives real protection ... outdoor* living, and undoubtedly it will be as Government did not appre- and indoors .. .awake or mlecp! You'll like iu ARTHUR great a success in its way as the 2—Big Features—2 fragrant Bccnt... its caie of application ... it* river celebration was in its way. ciate the economic import- freedom from sticky oil or grease. 25f! for a large LAKE ance of the DRY CLEAN- size stick at drug and sport goods stores. One of the ING INDUSTRY. most brilliant -_ River Ends of Streets Rub on o£ the ;ounirer Should be Improved. MAE • stars. * Red Bank has only-a few streets Consequently, govern- which lead to the river and most of ment officials at first placed ••-. .' -A.C0MPAN10N FEATURE— . . i,, ,;, these streets are without sidewalks BETTY • ALEC B. or curbing at the river ends. Prob- this industry on the non-es- ibly the reason for this is the same MURRAY dprpvem bites and stings is the reason why there are such few sential list, and denied dry MIKEIION 0 ROIBINJ. COMPSON FRANCIS streets leading to the river. In the cleaners the supplies needed . In a Gripping Drama of "Underworld" past there has been very little ap- preciation of the value of the river, in their plants. :ither on the part of the citizens or ALTARS "LIFE'S MOCKERY" jf the town officials. Don't Fail to See FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th—One Day Only. • • • But before the war had Lately there have been signs of a OF ended, the Departments of —Companion Feature-^ change. The town has bought river War and Navy had contracts properties and has repaired and im- Tho Mystery Thriller. proved the docks on these properties. DESIRE running into millions of dol- However, most of the street ends fronting on the river arc either im- lars for the regular DRY "A passable or dangerous for foot tra- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUG. 17th. 18th CLEANING of soldiers' and • \ vel. This was very apparent when the recent Venetian night celebra- QIG TIME ACTS sailors' uniforms, bedding MIDNIGHT tion was held. Many persons trip- and equipment. This change ped and fell in holes where side- walks should have been laid. For- of attitude came about ADVENTURE" tunately there were no serious ac- Carlton Vaudeville 4 through a realization of the UttUAMFOX cidents. "•"• —ON THE SCREEN— prvienrj —with— • • • SANITARY and ECONOM- , Each year the town awards con- IC IMPORTANCE of tracts for sidewalks and curbings to be put down on streets without these CLEANSING FABRICS by Edna Murphy improvements, but for some reason this process. JOHN the ends of streets fronting on the Cullen Landia river have been neglected. It time for a change. The river is pub- As a result of the lessons Fred Kelsey lic property and access to it should be convenient and ssfe. Hundreds learned during the war, the of people congregate on these street War Department NOW ends when celebrations are held on FOX NEWS the water and ice. For their sake OWNS and OPERATES SHAME as well as for general appearances Ihe neglected walks which now load SEVEN DRY CLEANING SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th. to the water should be well paved PLANTS located in different •nd curbed and the roadbeds should parts of this country and its Thrills ! Chills ! Laughs ! Speed be put in first-class condition. CARL LAEMMLE Pr.iont. foreign possessions. Sidewalks Needed For (To be Continued.) STRAND Safety on Highways. It is almost Impossit'•• to over- THEATRE RED BANK estimate the Imp-.tiuHT of tho Fine Fabrics "savc-a-life" campion which is to NEXT WEEK! be waged next month on the ronds and Fine Rug» Df New Jersey. It will mukc travel >afer for motorists and pedestrians Display Their Beauty Thursday, Friday, August 23d, 24th lind its effects arc likely to be more far reaching than nny "snfety first'* only—when—clean. 2 DAYS ONLY! Campaign which hus ever been at- tempted in thin state. William L. Dill, commissioner of motor vrhic]c« of New Jersey, ilcsRrvcs thnnks for CLOTHES DO doing a great public service in In- Episode 7, "YELLOW CAMEO" • uguratlng this cnmpalirn. HELP YOU WIN- Comedy, "JUST DANDY" KINOGRAMS • * • , Mr. Dill will have the support of DRY CLEAN III public-spirited munlclpnl offlcinli MON. & TUES., AUGUST 20th, 21st tnd citizens In his efforts to make THEM OFTENER! TWO BIG FEATURES travel snfer. No doubt the effects of the savo-a-llfo cnmpnlirn will he reflected In n lessened number of MILTON SILLS iccldcnts,,doath( nnd Injuries. Many ears which arc now nothing morn Leon's and DORIS KENYON than potential death trnpe will lie Saturday Only ! —IN— )verhnul(-(l. Moral suasion m well WHERE RUGS AND IK official action will brine this 7tli Epinodo of iboul. Faulty nnd defective, brakes, PATHE "Heroes of the HOUSEHOLD GOODS "HAWK'S NEST" llghllcst bulbs, dnngoroui wind' —ALSO— ihlilds and various other irirclmnlcal NEWS Wild," ARE BEAUTIFIED. pontrlbutlonn to nccldenta will bn willi Jnclt Hoxtc. The Seaivn'i 3pl«l«t Plotur*, Made right. Mnvblno trouble* which i in lUbln to cnum' neclilnntn will be SOON ! reduced to * minimum. SUE CAROL I • ••• • , •. 70-76 White Street, , But even with this great nilvumo Dan Fitch Minstrels nmovlng avold»bjt risks ALL NEW-BETTER THAN EVER. Rod Bank, Now Jereoy. "WALKING BACK" 1545-0-7. ' A Wol MaiUrrl Pjumtni Yktilh. RED3ANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15, 1928.

drug store, on Broad street on, ac-g); re'turnedMonday after a short itlon yesterday at the Long Branch ing. Tho Baptist young people's of the girls will remain at the camp count-of poor health, >taykwith Mist Dangler's mother, Hospital. She is Improving; union will hold »' special meeting at two weeks. The cost of the trip will Upton, pf Freehold. !• i iliis, Anne Bartman of R?d»Bank Mr«. Charles Dangler otShrewsbury night. / be paid with money the girls have enfployu .of ;tht Jeriey" Central eturoed' last week from a ton avenue. Miss Dangler and Mr. Cra- Church Notct. •» i • earned during the summer. trtiuporUtloq'Ctfmptny; Th« com* weeks' tour in Europe/ She visited mer expect to be married next turn- Rev. William E. Bralsted, pastor SCOUTS TO ATTEND'CAMP. The girls who will make the trip p»ti> opsrfUi a motor fr«tjht truck England, Ireland, Scotland, France, pier. Miss Dangler is a school teach- of the Baptist church, will preach arc Marion Mair, Malinda Lomaxf bitweon Bed Bunk and Point Fleas- llelgiu.ni, Germany,' Swftxerjand, er in 'Michigan. Sunday morning at First Baptist Eight Red Bank Girli to go to Camp Jean Curchin, Helen Arnold, Mar- «*." • * •',"• " 5 Czecho'-Slorakla and Italy.'She made away Mlis Farrar and Mr. .Curtis church/ of New Brunswick. Kcv. Oclcantckon Thi, We.k. garet Tuller, Dorothy Allen, Doro- •pd>«rd, Haley of Shrewibury ny.e- u trip acrois the English channel by visited many places of interest in George C. Horter of Painted Post, Eight Red Bank girl scouts will thy Bcrkowitz and Doris Wilman. LONG BRANCH, N. J., PHONE 344; nu« Is,a medlcal'patlent afth? H»t- airplane. ,. . ' , New York state. Nqw York, will preach at the Redleave this week for Camp Ockanick- ard hoip|U|.»t Long Branch. •' Mr, and Mrs, Fred DurnelLhave Arthur1 W. Shutts of Lexington, on, near Medford, IJew Jersey. Six s Bank Baptist church Sunday morn- It pays to advertise in The Register. •"•••• 3 DAYS ONLY—Thurs,, Fri. and Sat;*S$p£ , ;*lr. and Mr«. Andrew DePhllllpi entedithcir homo at Foxwo.od park Kentucky( a former resident or A J and .Mr, and Mri. W. DsPhilllpi of for a month to G. H. Prophet, who Shrewsbury, Is north on A business •'.''• . '."August 16th, 17thr18th-v;^'K;V - f!if N^aric were reepnt vltltori of Mr». has been living on his boat on thotrip. Mr. Shutts called at Tho Reg- ;. •; • '\ 'MATIINEE SATURDA.y:i'V';:.:iv,'-^T'';1>',':>';-;pent a part of last Charles Beck of Eastside Park, Long Island, cast of ".Actor Crlmiijali,''? week at Brldgeton. ' • • one of the clerks of the Red Bank Miss Lydla Beatty of Mount Ver- whose pictures'jn-'the.'rpCTW' 1 To MOTHERS—ArAre your daughters stepping but too Mlm Eleanor 'Jnrvlf, daughter of postoffice, is erfjoylng a vacation of non Is visiting Mrs, Ward VanDer- gallery: of t(ie Amertcij'i: veer of Wallace street. • much? Do youreally know what they are doing ? Mn. Alfrsd Jarvii of Wett Red two weeks. He nnd his family aro at 1'heatro, as • well -us ^thejt;. -Bank, U spending the lummar with La valotto.' Charles Bennett, Jr,, of Mon- A M». Sarah Megll] of Irvlngton. Mr*. -• 'John J,i Many of MadlBon avc mouth street, has returned home An Astounding Revelation of the names and records,; are *Uw'-; Jarvii and her loh Robert tpent n»- nue, one of the mall carriers of Red from Lavalette, where he was em: iicicntly well known to'• tjiii' eral days last week with Mn.'JJe- Bank, Is on a vacation, Mr, Many is ployed most of the summer. Charles Moral Decay of Modern Youth authorities and the public to'' gffl. u member of the cavalry troop and has taken a position at Tony Hunt- justify their performance' .Mr. and Mn. Harry Clayton and he will spend part of his vacation ing's theater on Front street. being watched with breath- two chlfdreti, Harry and Ruth, spent with the troop at Its encampment at * Mrs. Edwin F. Brown of .Marl less interest. , . •••• i ' ' \; last week at Niagara Falls and Can Seagirt. boro, a former resident.of Red Bank, ada. Miss Willa Morefield of Branch gave birth to a son last week at the The Play Staged by the ( 1 ; f MUi Sarah Portner and her moth- avenue has been spending a week's Freehold hospital. The baby has Author. ; ' er of Spring street ara s.pen.dlng two vacation at Atlantic City. been named Edwin F. Brown, Jr, week* at Livingston Manor In New Mrs. Jamas Hemming of River Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Cath- . • . .NOTE.':>' '•' lii] York state. Mill Portner Is em- Plaza gave birth to a son on Satur- erine Allaire, daughter of the late Editorial from N. Y. Even- ployed by ih« law Arm of Quinn, day, August 4th. The infant has Harry E. Allaire-of Red Bank: • ' inp; World, July, 11th, 1928,. Parson* & Doremus been named James Hemming, Jr. A delegation from the Red Bank Dist. Attorney of tho'Bronx Mn. 'Hemming was formerly Miss Shepherds of Bethlehem lodge at- says: "A' new ^overiurierit; Mis; Betty Schefiler'of Mechanic is springing up in America1 rtreet, with friends from Brooklyn, Holen Davey of Spring street. tended a sock social given by the Asbury Park Shepherds lodge Mon- —Gani- Government. Itjte-i lg,visiting at Alexandria Bay, New Miss Joan Smith, daughter of Jos The awful pen- Children UnderJ6 Not Admitted! Without Parent* lects'its leaders, rales its; York. While In New York Mist eph C. Smith of McLaren street, has* day night.. alty of parental ^territories, re'war'd s its: Schemer will spend several days at returned from a stay of several Several Red Bank residents have negligence and friends and executed its enc- Fallsburg. Miss Schcfllcr is employed weeks in Mulnc, received letters and postal cards The Great Heart mies. • •• • • . : '.''-. at the SunBhine vegetable market on Mis, Louis Lucatl of 43 Hudson from'Miss Dlvcra Etman of Asbury youthful in dis- of American Broad street, avenue has returned f,rom a vacation Park, who Is spending a Vacation in cretion. HELEflFO/TE Matinee, 50c to $1.80. Evening!, 50c to $2.50. • Youth Laid Bare Miss Fannie Llpnck, daughter of In Vincland, where she was with her Europe. Miss Etman Is a member Louis Llpack of Shrewsbury avenue, mother, Mrs, Josephine Dondero. of the Red Bank young men's and ENTIRE WEEK ! la vacationing in New York state. Miss May Hendrickson of Leroy young women's Hebrew society. Miss Llpack is employed by the Mer- place Isi slowly Improving- at the John Regan, a member of Inde- JAZZ-ACE Beginning Monday, August-20th- chants trust company. Her sister, home of friends at Brooklyn from pendent fire company of Red Bank, MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Miss' Sarah Lipack, Is spending a injuries .which she received several celebrated.his . fiftieth birthday on It's the Woman • vacation at Connecticut. .Miss Sarah weeks ago In an automobile acci- Friday and,, on the same day he re* SX Prior to Opening s>t the -'•.. .' AND ... ':.• •' A Lfpack Is a teacher , at-'the River dent. Miss Hon'drlcksph was badty colved a twenty-year service badge Who iPays and street public school. . '-.«•:• shaken up and bruised in the acci- from the flre company.' ! ;; Delinquent KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE, NEW YORK dent and It Is not expected that she .' ' JUVENILE ' •; Joseph Pcrrine and his niece, Mrs. Byron Aspdin, manager of the irl SAMMY LEE Presents a New Musical Comedy Edith Smith, and' her. two daugh- Wl|I return homo for some time. - Aspdin paint company's White 'ters, Misii Ray and Jean Smith,'of MISBJosephine Gilford of St. street store, is on a week's automo- DELINQUENCY Every Man and Wes^slde avenuo, spent the'latter Petersburg, Florida, who has been bile tour of the Thousand Islands. part of last week on an automobile engaged In social service work at Charles ''Hopping of Monmouth . The finest education Woman should see vacation trip in New York state and New York for the past six weeks, street, distributor of the Maytag screen Epics has ever it. A lesson never Canartn, , . waii a guest of Miss Lois Hesse part washing machines, spent Sunday ' Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Jacks of cf last week. Miss Gilford sailed last with his brother, Frank Hopping of produced. to te forgotten. Eostsldo park, Red' Bank, and Mr,Saturday for Florida. Maplewood.. ! .* ;. ' " " arid Mrs. Harry Schwartz of' Bay. '."' Councilman and Mrs. Myron V. Mrs. Henry P.. Hylln Jof South Brown of East Front street' are street underwent, an- operation for Cross My M onne returned Monday from an au tomobile trip In Canada arid'New spending a month at Highland Lake, appendicitis at the Long Branch hos- HELL IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS Book by DANIEL KUSELL C York state. ... -^ : Maine. ' . pital yesterday. The operation wa> Author of "The Gingham Girl" ..' :'/£, 7 Mr, and Mrs. Stephen A. Hoffman William Clatr and William Egolf aiccessful and Mrs. Hylln is Improv- /THE ROAD TO RUIN" WITH IGNORANCE cf West street announced tho birth o't Red Bank have returned from an ing. Lyrics and Music by JOSEPH MCCARTHY and HARRY TIERNEY: of a.daughter last Wednesday. automobile trip to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Lyricist and Composer of "Irene," "Kid Boots" and "Rio Rita"; . A, daughter was 4>orn to Mrs.. Mrn. Annie Leonerd of Elizabeth Elston Crawford and Ruth Crawford Settings by P..D0DD ACKERMAN V / :V David A. Poxcn of Harrison ave- it spending the rest of the summer of Roselle spent part of lasUweek Book Staged by JOHN HARWOOD . : ,' ;. nue at Woodley hospital last Thurs- ! with Mrs. Barbara Hcyer of Worth- with Mr. and Mrs.,William Wymbs IS MARRIAGE DOOMED? day morning. .• • :• •.'•• Jloy street. Mrs. Mary Earl of Hear? of Fairfield Gardens. Produced Under the Personal Direction of SAMMY LEE Mr. and Mrs. Seafnon Leylnc of noy spent the week-end with BIrs. Cecfl Fielder and family of White HUSBANDS—Do your wives neglect their With a Superb Cast Including: Red Bank returned, Friday from a Ilcyer. l . Plains, New York, and Max Rey- homes to play bridge? To be "modern"? . LULU McCONNELL MARY LAWLOR three weeks' vacation. In the; Jpatg- Ehfley Rogers, assistant' postmas- nolds and Mies Doris Patterson o kill mountains..Mr. Levlne. formerly Elmira, New York, were guests- o: • WIVES—Do your husbands have too many EDDIE CONRAD CLARENCE NORDSTROM ter, 'Snd his iamily are spending a N conducted a confectionery store on week at Delaware Water Gap. Rev. and'Mrs, William E. Bralstei unnecessary engagements? DORIS EATON BOBBY WATSON JJonmouth street. .' Mr. and ^ Mrs. Edward Mullcc of of Maple avenue part of last week. Do you know what the children are doing?. FRANKLYN ARDELL GILBERT AND AVERY !: Julius Cooper and ion Milton of White P]ain3, formerly:of Rumson, Andrew^. White, of Oakland ROSALIE DANIELS ROSE MARIE SINNOTT Washington street returned Monday arc visiting Mrs.' Richard S. Dixon street has bought a WiUys-Knighi HARRY EVANS RIALTO TRIO o/ McLaren street. Fedan. • after a short stay at Lake George, : HON. JNO. C. KAREL. presiding Judge of the Milwaukee County Saratoga and Ellenville, Now York. Miss Viola M. Farrar of Red Bank Miss Ellen Scott of East Fron Juvenile Court, says: FA1RCHILD & RAINGER AND THEIR ORCHESTRA. Jacob Yanko of Peters place, Red nnd.Albert Curtis .of Long Branch street is on a trip to Bermuda. "I have seen many Alms depicting delinquency, immorality and (Exclusive Brunswick Recording Artists) Bank, was a visitor last week at hevo returned home after having Charles.Odcll of St Louis Is vis sex. and I am pleased to state that "THE ROAD TO RUIN" is the —and— • Saratoga. spent their vacation at Poughkeepsio iting Mrs; Jbhri B. Grover of Mon. best and most superbly produced film of its kind, and forcibly presents A CHORUS OF AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS with Mr. Curtis's parents. While mouth Btreet. the modern pitfalls of youth; a gripping story which every father ', James N. Bunell of Hudson ave- and mother should not fail to see.' Mats., $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. Eve's., $1, $2, $3, 93.50, 94. imo has given up Ms position in the Miss Genevieve Dangler and'Tim- Mrs. W." Harry Pennington of cigar department of the Wholan othy Cramer of Muskegon, Michl- I Sunset avenue underwent an pper-


Sophia Klein, Walter KJeln and Miss group.meeting! m.t different Jiomes, M.randMrii Gold>,ot-Bf6oklyn Josephine Becker ot New York have In addition to the .regular monthly are making * itiy with Mrs. Qoldy'i on tkfWfl of the'.Bo'romb p[ fisd"BanV to ' NEWS FROM M1DDLFT0WN •juthorlit' the .Mohana-i., of »werfiea bt. i returned homo after having spent a business meeting*, • . , . mothert Mr*. L, M. GUI o(N»ve«lnlt. twain toe,Borough and Anthony Bsolia|u-rf HOWARD W. ROBERT^ CON- vacation' with Mrs. Eva Burns of Mrs. JohnJWppd and her daughter ' Henry Trifle' ejtptcti, to, start ' TINUCJS TO IMPROVE. Port Monmouth. havo returned, to" North Carolina af- bullding'a'bpusa as an Investment at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin of ttr having'spent several weeki with Campbell's Junetlorwln a few'days, v Hairy Ratal CMIM Sarloui Damife Newark spent Sunday with Mr. and Aayo-„-r. aq„..-d, --_pounelnju l of tni fiorouffh' of Mrs. Wood's parents,'Dr, and Mrs, ' Mfss Marian CarnU »{ Leonardo ink authorlslnBth* e*ahinfi» of prop. to Ramie-Sattaty Man >t Work fin. George Mirtln of-Port Mon- O, W. Budlong. . ' . sport last week with1 her,aunt, Miss lUptlrlmr Them—Mis'ditto*. Of. mouth. Mr. and Mrs. George Martin Mr. and Mrs, Edward Boyd and Mlrinlo Frost of N«w Monmouth. ' 1 1 onil r ld •flctri Me.de) EMI Kwinebarj Rtidi also had guests from New York on their son Willard of Tottenvillo Mr, and Mra, i spent Sunday with Mr; nnd Mrs*. J.York have rented the C»rhan bun at tlit Borough Half Jn aald Borouih, and raouth hat gained 21 pounds in' Nelson M, Raub ot East Keans- Henry Walling of Port Monmouth. galow at-Naveslnk for a month,' all perionl whose lands may bo affected by weight since he went to Saranac aucn;uchi ordlntnoordinance or who may be Interesteintenitad burg, who is engaged in tho build- Miss Nettie C. Walling 1$ spend* .Mrs. - Dorothy Jorda of East tbartln will ba given an opportunity to bt Lake for the benefit of hit health Ing business, has just finished three ing a week In tho Catskil! mountains Koansburg la a patient at Dr. Has;naatd conoornlnjr the pro»l«lon« of lalaor* several weeks ago. In a letter to a lnanaa at aald time and place, or at luoh houses at West Long Branch for n; tho summer home of her hephow, nrd's hospital at Long Branch. ' furtheth r ttirnl o and place to whichhi,h aal ldl meett- friends Mr. Roberta states that when Perry Edwards of-that place. Joseph Whlttakar. ' Harry Branson and family ot Bel ing may be adjourned, he first arrived at Saranac .Lake he Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eastmond, who Miss Josephine Bennett of Bol-ford spent Saturday and Sunday A. E, SHINtt, felt like a very aick man. Then by wero recently married, have started fo'rd attended a reunion of the Rock- with relative's at'Toms River. AN ORDINANCE AUTH0I1IZIN0 THE progressive stages he had the feel-housekeeping in one of J. Crawford afollcr family at Duke's Paris " 'ew Mra. Robert N. Seeley of Port KXCHAN0E OF PROPERTIES' BE* . TWKN THE BOROUGH OF BED' ing of being an invalid, a convales- Cpmpton's houses in the Water View days ago. Monmouth has a new electric fadlo cent patient and a prisoner. Mr, BANK AND ANTHONY" BAUIQALUn. section of Belford, Mr. and Mrs, John W, Davis ana outfit . , WHEREAS, tin aald BorpUBh Is the Koberts feels !ike a prisoner now be- owner ol! » atrip of lam! herelnatUr more Hereafter the .New Monmoutii family of New York are spending a O, W, Boyd of Port Monmouth Is particularly described, which servea no use- cause he feels restored to good Baptist ladies' aid society will hold vacation of two weeks at Naycslnk, sick with grip. ful purtose either to eald Borough'or the health and-feels fit to return home. oltlaena thereof! and Hovfrover, he is obeying the orders WHEREAS, on* Anthony Baolgslupl Is ihe owner of a atrip of land contiguous to if the doctors to remain- at Saranac the aforesaid lot pt the said Borough of Red Lake. Bank, and each la contiguous to the other In part, anil each la contiguous to a, plot of A number of bad washouts were around owned by aald Borough^ Red Final Bunk anil dedicated as park lunik and the Made on township roads by the ROTH'S Quality Meat Specials Ig* tj» be* conveyed to the aald Borough o? eavy rains last week. The amount ««d, Bank aa aforesaid Is In area greater uianthe lot to be conveyed-by eald Bor. of repair work done on the rbads oll?.T..'SJ!i!'A."nln.c"l>' Baolgalupli and, this summer in the township breaks WHEREAS. It Is advlsabls In the bsit i Prime Rib' Judgnlent of the Mayor ancTCounoll of the ill records. Almost all of this work, Borough & Bed-Bank that a*ld .exchange: has beert caused by storms. Seventy RIB ROAST lib made for the purpose ot straightening and rendering svraetrlcsl the houndarles of - or more men are employed almost ROAST said lands designated aa a publio park! daily In repairing the roads. (Blade Cut) . KOW^TOBBBIfORB,'BB IT ORDAINED kj thr-Mayor.and Counoll of the Borough Some newspapers printed reports (Best Cuts) of Red1 Baik. In consideration ol the prera. that the recent raid which'took place . l>.TA"tl"« Borough'o'fiReil.Bank oonvey at East Kcansburg was participated to Anthony Baclgalupl the following de- in by'Kearisburg policemen. This eorlbed premleesi . ' ;. was a mistake. It was conducted en- 39c ">• 32c * All that certain tract or parcel of land pemlses altuaU, lying and being In the irely by officers of Middletown Borough of Red Bank, In the County of ownship. This township has always Monmouth and Slate of New Jersey, BEGINNINQ at the southwest corner of been able to regulate police matters Iknds'ol said Anthony. Baolgolupl In'the without outside assistance and the Fresh-Killed CHICKENS OA nortlierly line of lands of James Weaver: ' thence 111 northerly along said Anthony aid at East Keansburg was no ex- Bacgalupi's land 114.5 feet, Beglnnm» ception to this rule. l airaln. at said beginning point .and frora^ (For Boiling, Salads and Sandwiches) • mm %f lljence (J I westerly along said James FOR THREE DAYS ONLY! Tuesday of'last week the ushers' Weaver's land 20 feet to the northwest corner tlmteof! thence (S) northerly In a union baseball team of the New straight,llr,e,116 feet more or less to the Monmouth Baptist church were de- Fresh-Killed Fresh-Killed end of "the 'first described couraet In ejichange for a conveyance to aald Borough feated by a score of 5 to 0 by the of Rod Bank by the >ald Anthony Baclgalu- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Uncas club of Red Bank. Last Fri- pi of the following described premises i , day the two teams crotBed bats All that certain tract or parcel of land ' YOUNG FOWL YOUNG FOWL, and premlies situate, lying and being In again and'this time the ushers' union the Borough of Red Bank, In the County seemed in a fair way to obtain*re- of Monmooth and Slate of New Jersey, August 16th 17th 18th (3 to 3yrtD. Average) (4-ft. Average) BEGINNING at a point in tho westerly venge, but, rain put a stop to the side uf Wharf avenue In lme with .the contest in the fourth inning with southerly side ot Union street; thence (1) lb westerly 187 ft'et more or less to a point the score standing 6 to 1 in'favor In the easterly line of property of Borough DURING THE if New Monmouth. of Red Bank, said point being distant 33c 114.6 feet northerly from tho northerly 39c »•• line! of land of James Weaver: thence <2) A' large number of young folks northerly slong tho easterly lino of lands enjoyed a frankfurter roast which of the Borough of Rod Bank 42 feot more «..as held 6n the shftre last Wednes- or lesis thence (3) easterly and parallel FRESH-KILLED BROILERS with the first deiorlbed course and distant day night by the Jolly Juniors' club 40 feet therefrom, measured' at right an* of girls of the Belford Methodist gles to the first described course, 168 feet . more or. lets, to tho westerly side of .Wharf church, with the boy scouts ai Fresh-Killed Frying Chickens •478. venue; thence (4) southerly along the uests. Marshmallows were toasted 47S. •eslerly side of wharf avenue 44 feet Profit Sharing Sale oorerorles' tor. letsi to the place. o„f beginning. (Weighing from 2 to 2 J» lbi. E) over bonfires. Afterwards the girls And the; Malybr of eald Borough and the and boys sat around the firesan d CUrk thereof are hereby respectively au- Conducted under the Auspices of the Red Bank Chamber of Commerce, we trbrlsed and directed to execute a proper sang popular songs under the leader- H 'deed of conveyance of said premises to said ship of William Shyder and Carol Anthony Bgclgalupi by deed of bargain and will make an extra special offering of Armour's "Star" tale ao-called. and the^satd Borough of. Red Volkland. The party ended at half- Bank through its Mayor and Council Is past ten o'clock. All the young folks hereby authorized and directed to accept nnd hud a wonderfully fine time, REGULAR SMOKED HAMS receive from sold. Anthony Baclgnlupi a 29 proper detd'of conveyance,'to v/lt: a bar- $ 95 gain and sale deed of the premises to he The food sale which was held Sat- conveyed by him as aforotald, without any urday for the benefit of the Belford ecnsldcratlon other than tho exchange of Methodist church netted |50.50. cald properties, Ladies' Foootwear 4 2. This ordinance Is adopted pursuant to Mrs. Howard Smith and Mrs. James the statute of tho Btate of New Jersey In onnelly were in charge of the sale. auch ease made and provided, to wit: Laws of 1924, Ch.pt!r lit. The assortment includes a wide range of sizes in a great variety of Another sale will be held for the S. This, ordinance shall take effect upon church Saturday of this week. It will Us passage and publication according to Roth & Inw, i styles. Every pair sold regularly for not less than $7,50; many he directed by Mrs. Ida Robertson and her Sunday-school class and by TELEi>H0 806 up to $10.50. 4 Monmouth Street, ^ , • Red Bank, N. J. Lak Luke Find Yaur Home, Mrs. Roy Llndenbury and her class; Luke Longhead's department of Rev. Dr. Armstrong of St. Paul's "LARGEST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS IN NEW JERSEY" The Register every week tells of de- church of Jersey City will be the slrablo homes for sale.—Advertise- special preacher at St. Clement's ment, '': •• Ladies' Footwear Men's Oxfords mission at Belford Sunday morning at quarter after eleven o'clock. On Wednesday and Thursday of next week the mission will hold a run- 83.1)5 $4.95 off fair near the Belford schoolhouae for the benefit of the building fund. and and The attendance at the Bel/ord Methodist Sunday-school is now close to 200 every Sunday. Sho sub- 84.95 85.95 ject of the Sunday morning church CdNTINUED sermon will be "Overflow Lives.", White Kid, Brown Kid, Black Kid, Dress and Sport, Black and Tan, Last Wednesday night Miss Alma E.I Patent Leather, Colored Kid, Alliga- Black and White, Brown and White, I Daring, who is a missionary in i I Africa, gjve a talk on her exper- tor and Snake Combinations. Combinations. , knees. ' I I A study of the seventh chapter of | John will be made at the mid-week I meeting at the Belford Methodist Arch Preserver Shoes Excepted in Above Specials. church tonight At the close of the' service a report will be made by the committee in charge of the shore dinner which will be held next TUBS- • day for the benefit of the church. Ladies' All-Silk HOSIERY. Drain pipei ire being put down Regular $1.50 and $2.00. on Campbell avenue at Belford un- These Silk Stockinps arc not seconds, nor are they irregulars der the direction of Oyerseer David - —they are perfects! Schnoor. In order to provide better, That means beautiful, first quality—inspected and >:unrnn- drainage conditions the grade of teed silk hosiery. Church street, at the intersection Complete range of sites in every fashionable ihade. with Campbell avenue, is being low- Red Bank B. P. 0. ered. | ALLEN A AND OTHER DEPENDABLE MAKES. Lester Thome of New Monmouth SHEER AND SERVICE WEIGHTS. [lost week shot and killed two dogs which showed indications of rabies. The dogs were owned by neighbors of Mr. Thome. They were bitten by a stray dog which pissed through VERY SPECIAL ! the neighborhood two weeks pre- VERY SPECIAL ! vious. ' ! Lodge, 233 ELKS The BapUs» World Wide Guild Deauxville Sandals Ladies' White Kid met last week at Mrs. Fred Pentcr- mann's. Hereafter group meeting* Black and White and Brown and Arch Preserver of the guild will be held at different White Straw Pumps. Reg. $12 Values. homes for the study of mlislon books Instead of all the member! of tht guild meeting ai on* home for $3.95 thii purpose. THREE NIGHTS THIS WEEK 89.95 An Interdenominational blbl* con- .'erene* ii being held at Fox's camp a'. Port Monmouth. .Missionaries who have seen service at various pltctt art among those taking part. Rev. Thursday - Friday - Saturday George W. Hanners of B^Uord made Boys' Sneaks Bn addreii Monday morning. Juniors' and Children's Mrs. Thomai J. Caslcr, Misses August 16 August 17 August 18 Leila and'Mildred Cailer and Misfl Mabol Farrell of Port Monmouth $1.19 ij/ent Sunday at Atlantic City. Ml;i HOME GROUNDS, EAST FRONT STREET S1.45 Regular $2.50 Value Mildred Caslcr If now visiting' Mr* Honrj Thleimeyer at Point Pleat- Variety of Styles. Wide assortment Plenty of summer-time left for the ant. RED BAtyK, N. J. of sizes. boys. Get them Sneaks for the hot MIM Catherine Posten, who ll ntnc weather. ot tht optratlni depa.rtme.nt of tht Methodist Eplicopa.1 hospital of Brooklyn, iptnt Saturday and Sun. AMUSEMENT FOR EVERYBODY dnv with her parents, Mr and Mrs Amil Posten of Naveslnk Th* two daughttri of Rev. Georgt W. Manners of Belford wert opir. Whippet Coach as Grand jPrize rrntcd on for tontl1 trouble at thr Long Ilranca hoeflta: last w«ek. Thr ALBERT S. MILLER ftlrli returned home tho day after thr optratlon, Open Air Dancing. Hachett's Orchestra "FFootwear nnd Hosiery That Satisfies" A locust tree on th« teacher*' clubheui. property at Naveilnk and 18 BROAD STREET, K locust tret on William DeVetlty's RED BANK, N. J. vropdrty at Navcilnk win struck by .Proceeds for Charity lightning Sunday night, —mmmmmmm Mr. and Mjri, J. J, K»nn«dy, MM. V „• • t •' i n » i .' -) •. ,1 ** • ,< :' t'4 * V/» ' « f - * ^'.' - •>;' .k^*" * - ?••••".' --,. REP BANK REGISTER, AUGUST ,15; 1928. Page Twent: FISHERMEN^ BJG DAY. steamboat company last week an a number of friends Monday night Iron truts fell on his leg, resulting at a card party at the home of her 'reBubl. HaulTTor Four Pound In two breaks. sister, Miss Mae Geary, who had RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW* Nat Operators in Rarltan Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Samuels of returned on that day .from a trip to Tuesday of last week wu 8 red Montclair were recent guests at the Canada.. for THE FALL TERM OPENING ONMOUTH COUNTY letter day for four fishermen of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willinm Gel- Mr. and Mrs. H. Krams of Irving- ay Shore lection. Pretty much all haus. ton have been visiting Miss Cecilia o Tuesday, Sept 4th. ! f the pound fithermen along Rarltan Jack Dare? has returned from the Schuock of Main street. Bay who lilted nets that day made Long Branch hospital,'where he was Charles Johnson of New York has DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS bumper catches, but the four fisher- •a nurtflcal patient been visiting at the Fdulks home on men in question, did particularly Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of Seelcy avenue. Indications Potnt to Rcvord-Bieaking Attendance-Ectrg Seat PREPARE FOR well. Albert Maxson of Port' Mon- Collintwood spent the week-end at Mis9 Madelaine Massy has re- Will Be Occupied-Many Will Apply Too late mouth got 140 busheli of weakfhb the home of the former's mother, turned from a visit at New York. Act at Once and Avoid Disappointment and blueflsh, Schnoor Bros. _of Bel- Mrs. William Kelly, Sr. Mrs. Charles MacClarcn of Man- «SAVE A LIFE" CAMPAIGN loti got 130 bushels and Chester Shorthand, Accountancy,' Banking, Commercial Tanchlnf, Mri and-Mrs. T. Ifulady of ning place has returned from a Secretarial, Typing, Buiinon Executive, Bookkeeping, Henry and'Ebenezer H. Jones of Brooklyn are spending several days visit at Newark. Delford etch got 100 bushels. Each Stenotypy (the Machine Shorthand.) with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maurer. Mrs, Samuel Dillonil and daugh- SEPTEMBER 1st to 30th, Hibernian received S400, to (560 for. Bert Lohman of the Beachway is GOOD POSITIONS FOR GRADUATES. ter Helen of Seawobd avenue haje J Hit- hla catch. The record catch of theon a vacation. 64th YEAR Mih YEAR leaion was made a short time previ- returned from several days spent ,1% To be conducted by State Motor Vehicle ous by Capt. Albert N.' Runyon of Miu Florence Frazza of Paterson at Atlantic City. , RIDER COLLEGE spent the'week-end at the Frazza TRENTON, N. J. Department. Jelofrd, who got 160'bushels of :olleti AdVUeri on duly daily lor free comultatfon—Infornutlon turnlinid fraBMt. reakflih and blueflsh. , home on Sea View avenue. Tho Register's motto—"A paper ly upon request. -. ^j . Mrs. Catherine Young entertained in every home."—Advertisement. , Electric Brake Adjustment Will Be KEANSBURG NEWS. frdiitanc* for Paring Main Strett Given FREE! it Laid, Or.r. x

I^MLjM^4^^^^«^^^^|^^^a^^^Pf|^'^^^^^^^jP^r lhat many of the property owners on that street would not be able to meet the cost of a thirty-foot thor- oughfare. She also went bn to say that taxes and assessment bills were piling* up and that this proposed w,ork would only add another finan- cial burden. Mrs. Kate Rowe also registered a Complaint along the line. Mayor Randolph said that in the event that the thorough- fare was not widened to a width of iver thirty feet there' would be no inancial aid from the county. Ed- ward T. Compton was in favor of the improvement. Qojll Owners,of The report of the borough auditor was received and ordered posted on the bulletin board. Recorder Wil- liam Haag reported that he had col lected $422.85 in fines during July DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS and Building Inspector James Papa turned in ?29 for building permit fees.. Frank Burns of Brooklyn is visit ng his brother, Kenn.eth Burns. Mrs. Arthur A. Bruguler of Irv -PAST. PRESENT AND FUTUM ington has been the guest at the home of her husband's mother, Mr> >aul Bruguler of West Keansburg. Albert F. Frientz of Newark lias been,the guest of George Schlick. Mr. and Mrs. John Bauers of New , WALTER. P. GHRVSLEIC ark are at their summer home in I Granvllle park. ' Mri. Thomas Day was a recent New York visitor. The St. Ann's Kiddie Kapors held You, more than anyone else, are entitled to know Its sixth annual show at the Casino the purpose behind bur recent acquisition of the theater Sunday night. "At You* assets tnd facilities of Dodge Brothers, Inc. Service" was the title of the proilu lion. Over fifty children took par For the two past years the same en For upon that purpose depends the security of your h$ve taken part in a show given' inresoneat in Dodge Brothers products. . . Yorkville theater at New Yo during the winter. The proceed." i. In aapuring/Dodge Brothers, Inc. for the Chrysler the affairs are given to the fund f the building of a parochial schoi Corporation, we have secured one of the largest and on St. Ann's' church property on most modern automobile factories in the world and in i tivtnue. with it an organization of exceptional ability. Tliv Roamers club held a card party at the Mansion house last We intend that these facilities shall be utilized to UMi'ay night. Announcement has been made, of -increase the value and quality in Dodge Brothers can r rarriage of Miss Helen Bauers, and Graham Brothers Trucks and Motor Coaches. r of Mr. and Mrs. John Ba'u Granvlll* Park, and Gcorgi r. 1 "We have secured, in addition, a dealer organization Gi of West Orange on Augus that has always beta recognized as one of the finea* ltl. ' Rev.'H. E. Garrison, paste of. Methodist church. Miss Mar In the industry. ioi) vo, a sister of the groom, and Wi!(!<"\ Bauers, a brother of th. It is oat intention to deserve the continued loyalty were the attendants. Th cou ill live in Camden. of this group of substantial, progressive merchants \. , Dunbar of New Brunswi ' by making it possible for them to enjoy increasing f I ,ight property from Mrs. J on Raritan avenue, Announcing the prosperity throngh the sale of Dodge Brothen McG... The northeast high wind Sunriir products. • , unusual high tides, ami whiJj no serious damage was report Wt hare secured, moreover, that which transcends ed the boardwalk was impassable in places owing to the water splashing Premier Showing of in importance either Dodge Brothen superb plant up against the bulkhead, causing a equipment or Dodge Brothen splendid dealer or- deluge on the boardwalk, Tho bout? of the Keansburg steamboat com ganization. For we have become the lawful heriton pany made their regular trips in n of Dodge Brothers Good Name, with all the solemn heavy sea. The high tide caused th" obligation which that inheritance implies. water to back up in the storm sewn at tho foot of Rarltan avenue an overflowed several streets in thu have become the trustees of Dodge Brothers section. Fall Modes good faith to their customers, and it is our purpoaa Mils Ruth George of IrvInRtot to execute that trust with fidelity. sprnt thft past week with Mrs. Rich ard Trcnory. The priceless identity of all Dodge Brothen products Clifford Taylor of Sioux Fall, will be preserved—as well as the sound policies Town, i.i vltlting his sister, Mri. Wil that hive made the words Dodge Brothers synony- Ham Kiilph of Palmer avenue*. Mirtr Emily Booker of Palmer avi Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 20, 21, 22 mous widi Honest Value and Dependability. , nue has returned home after aevtri. weeks spent at Belford. Dodge Brothen Works will continue to produce Mr, and Mrs. Edward McNilly of Dodge Brothen Motor Can and Graham Brothen Lynnbrook, Long Island, were re- cent vllltors at the home oi Dr. i>n. COLEMAN Atlantic Beach Park 28 W«»l Frort Str#*» Plani Were Drawn by J. Nobl. Pi.r. county road one' day hjst week and William C. Herbert is .on'a'vaca- SjR.ctor Plata, R.d Bank N. J. Atlantic Highland!, New Jcraey. (Over Chambers Faint Shop.) •on & Son. of Per.h Amboy— overturned in a.meadow on James tion,from his duties as mail.mes- John Cronin is New Manager ofjHigglns's farm. The man lived only senger and is spending this week; American Store on Front Street. a short time after the accident. with, his son Lester at Bradley Park. Bids for tho alterations to tho old'Ihree women and a little girl who Daniel Marks Is substituting as mes-' Templcton property, which will bo Iwere in the car were only slightly senger. '. converted to Cacsarca lodge's Ma- hurt. > Members of the Christian En- FRIDflY-SATURDAY SALE. AUG. 17th-18th, 1928 sonic temple, will DO received on Surveyor! were here last week to deavor of the Reformed church went ?, .—• Friday, J. Noble Pierson & Sons of mark the county road for concrete on' a picnic to Matthews log cabin ^erth Amboy are tho architects. paving which Is to be put down next), near Colt's Neok on Wednesday. John CrAnin has accepted tho spring. Stakes have beeli put 'down Mr, and Mrs, Glen Wood and management ot the American store on both sides of the road. daughter of Philadelphia are spend- on Front street. Mr. Cronin has been Repairs were made to the roof of ing a few weeks on their farm near manager for the Butler store for the schoolhouse last week,' here. j \ some time. MM. John Ryan, Mrs. James An- Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Herbert' are Mrs. Sidney Tunnington of Broad dcrion, ST., and'Mrs.'James Ander- entertaining their aunt, Misa Louise American Food Co, street is entertaining her sister, sen, Jr., of Red Bank spent part ot Herbert of Montclair. Mrs. Samuel Sherman, of Trenton, last week with Mrs. Asher Crawford. L. A. Haywoxd and Mr. and Mrs. r APs Marvel Market for tho week. Mils Carolyn Wright of Cedar Richard Scarlet of Delaware, N, J., # Kolscy Cat hart has a vacation Crest was a recent guest of Miss spent Wednesday,here, ' from his duties as bookkeeper with Margaret soffel. 3 BROAD STREET the Keyport banking company. Mrs. Laura Mitchell and her four B(G ELECTRIC SIGN. can give you.... Miss Margaret Walker of New-children spent part Of last week at ark has been visiting Mr.°and Mrs. Avon and Asbury Park. It is Located at Excluiire Dial BANK, N. «J. Samuel D. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor and Beach Club. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Osborn are Mr. and Mrs. Conk'of Freehold were Ono of the largest Illuminated these precious hours 'njoying a trip to the Canadian recent guests.of Mr, and Mrs. Sher- signs on the Atlantic coast has just OURS In the sunshine . , . blessed days Rocky mountains. man Hunt. been erected on tho grounds of the 1. with family and children«.. instead of Robert Rothwcll has resumed his Anna Sherman, daughter of John exclusive, residential beach' club, Hwearying houw |n the wer of washday. Let us L "5AM SALE! Market's Finest Sugar-Cured duticj as superintendent of theSherman, celebrated her ninth birth- Casa Blanca Del Mar, now organis- take this retpbiuiblllty... and give you this Whitall-Tatum company factory af- day with a party last week.' ing at Deal. precious leisure. v ' ter a several months' absence due The sign, 80. foot high"and. 120 j „ FRIDAY — SATURDAY. to illness. MARLBORO NEWS. feet long, faces Ocean avenue and Miss Virginia Burton of Balti- has the ocean as a background The more has been visiting her uncle, B. Freehold Paator (o Preach Here artist has pictured the new club Full Half Hams, 31C D. Travers. Next Sunday. house and grounds and its many fea- Red Banlf Steam Laundry Jesse Hyor has^ purchased a new Rev. C. P. Newton, pastor of thetures, including the miniature,golf 6Z WHITE ST. PHONE 1659. Average llllU.e Sliced Hcrii, 39 Pontiac sedan. Baptist church of Freehold, will course. At night flood lights will il- HAMS C Dr. and Mrs. 0. C. Bogardus are preach In the Marlboro Baptist luminate the sign. "' • 4 spending several weeks at their cot- church on Sunday. tuee in the Pocono, mountains. > Mrs. Barber and daughter of It pays tcr advortlso in Tho Register. Mr. and Mrs. Horace S. Burrowes. and son Herbert have "been spending LAMB SPECIALS! The Best Spring several days at the Delaware Water Gap, Pa. .-;••••• ••/ • - : The annual supper of St. Joseph's Loin Chops.,' 5Sc parish, will be >>ld on August 22nd Tore at. the Parish House. ' , i ' Rib Chops. 44c Miss Martha Moore of Nutlcy is I Show Rooms FREEHOLD, 1-4 1? Legs 33* visiting friends here. i Miss Averil Campbell was the 121 W. Main St. NEW JERSEY guest last week of .friends at HacKettstown. : FRESH DRESSED POULTRY! Chester and Florence Robinson Factory Distributor for A. & M. Karagheusian Wilton Rugs pt East Orange are visiting their sister, Mrs.' George Cherry. 1 Small Frying Miss Rebecca Greenburg and Bes- Made at the Freehold Rug Mills sie Barker of Trenton spent last Fresh iShMe a 9Q 1 Chickens week with Miss Dorothy Cohen. ^FOWL John Anderson is spending several OWLUl FOWL * " Reg, $265.00—Special.$195.00. . •ale of a few ipeciali but i> thrilling- y Re-Arrange Stocks sweeping—mcrifice of our entire flock) Store-Wide V 6-PC. WALNUT VENEER SUITE. that every item in our .tore hut been and V 48-Inch dresser, 38-Inch chllTorobc, 44-Inch vanity drcsrr, lull size greatly reduced, priced without mgard tn Reductions. V bed, chair and bench. colt or profit and that the lale will con- V Reg. $235.00—Special $185.00. MARK DOWN tinue for 10 days. Come—gat your share —For— of the molt wonderful values you, have i 3-PC. THREE.TONE JACQUARD VELOUR SUITE. ever seen. Ravlerilblo cushions. PRICES. 10 DAYS! 4 Reg. $177.50—Special $137.50. Come! Save! A 3-PC. FIGURED MOHAIR SUITE. Itovorilblo cushions. Reg. $260.00—Special $125.00.

y 3PC. PLAIN MOHAIR SUITE. Long Branch s Greatest Bargain Event RtverslBlo cushions. I Reg. $275.00—Special $125,00 3-PC, KARPEN MOHAIR SUITE, THE GOLDEN RULE SHOP X Mahogany flnlih.cnrvcd frnmo. Itovernlblo cushlona. 124 Broadway Long Branch, N. J. &y " • ; Rdgf.. $35,0.00—Specia$35,0.00—Spec. l $225.00. Z •'.T - " UEU BANK KfciiilSTKK,'AUUl^T 16, I r .i TOO MANY PRISONERS. the. state highway near Crystal made of water standing In pooS un| brook farm; Two occupants of theBroad and Main streets after rains I County Jail Still Inadequate to Car* cars were seriously hurt and were since these streets have been coated For All PHfoner», taken to the Long Branch hospital. with asphalt Paul Richardson viai Sheriff Harry N. Johnson »t the |The cars were badly damaged. appointed garbage collector Hi v>ni Prbfit Stx^g Sale freeholder's meeting- last week/in* The Advent church will be closed make two collections a week and n.ll quired what he was to do toward' for the remainder of this'month and charge each family fifty cents a relieving; congestion at the county the first Sunday in September. The •week for his service Se\eial bill's ,;';•::,.' ' SPECIALS jail. An addition to the Jail was paBtor, ;Rev. L. M. Spaulding, is at-wore read and reported paid recently built, bringing the capacity 1 ' ti-ndlng an advent camp meeting at White.street ha" been icpairid up to 115. At the end of July the Tylerville, Connecticut.' with gravel and the condition of county had 150 prisoner j. Some thuk, Fri. and Sat, Augirtt 16th, 17th and 18th. . Ray H. Stlllman rented a bunga- water standing along the stre»; af- prisoners have been boarded:at the Life Insurance Whert Pftid low at Franklin'pork, owned by the ter rains has been lcmcdicd South .<.'•••• •" '• • , ' NO.-I. '-.' Ocean county jail at a cost of $1 Pontzler coal company of Philadel- street will be repaired with gravel in One Sum Is Soon : Your chalet of Bracelet, Choicer Necklace or Pendant on chain, « day. Sheriff Johnson will get a' phia, l*»f week to J. Delaney. Mr.and asphaltum oil. BUortad colon; values up to $1.50. price from the Middlesex county of-, Squandered. Cclancy is the new manager of the Mrs. Jane Smith of Railroad "ave- 98' ficlali and will transfer prisoners Tide Water oil company's distribu- nue is a patient at the Spring L'ake Many men arc good provider* and ' '. '' Haii". -H. to the county which'givet the lower tion plant at Eatontown. hospital. >• think they have provided well for *<*)' Pan ind Pencil Set, for ladies or giAlUmen. In fivo assorted eol- figure. •' - ' •• Charles Bennett has returned to George Hardy, a Broad street flor- ihcir wife, and children when they on, 14-lif. IOIH (old pin point! value |3.S0, $2-69 liave taken out a Life Insurance Washington after spending a short ist, is having many improvements Policy—the total of which! Is to be ' NO; IU' EATONTOWN NEWS. '.' vacation with hia parents at this made to his house and florist shop. paid at the death of the insured. Heavily tilvar plated Ceoerble, round or oval, Pjrrix lined with place, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bennett But how often has this form of pay- ' cut design on topi value $6.00. Actlvitiai of Melhodiit Chu'rth— At the last* council meeting, Mrs. of Railroad avenue entertained their in t-nt brought worry and poverty to Lodge Hvldt Birthday Party.. LeBlie D. Seeley thanked the council son, George H. Bennett, Jr., and the beneficiary who being inexperi- NO, IV. ' 11 lit ttca Ustik ftesiilei cat b« .bought In behalf of the daily vacational bible family of Pennsylvania last week. enced in values of'investments has 1 *«.r Muuk in batoDtowt. Irom NebU Molt* Choker Necklace, aieorted colored atona's with cut crystal between ..* HI th« poitoince.) • . ,.. •": school for the use of the community Mrs. Milliccnt Martin of Railroad speculated and soon lost the entire amount. Better be on'the safe side cojorti vtlue $2.50. $1,48 I '1 he official board of the^Metho- room.ln the municipal .building. The avenue is enjoying a week's vaca- school used^this room as a class tion. She is employed by the Jersey und put your Life Insurance in NO. (Jisi church met last night In the Trust with the Broad Street Nation- '. . y. . . c.uich social room. More than forty room during the latter part of theCentral power and light company at Ladlet' Wriat 'Watch on flexible bracelet, fine 15-jeweled' move- al Bank as Trustee. Now is the persons attended the monthly birth- school term. Action on whether or Long Branch. time to come in and talk it over ment, white gold filled caeej value $18.50, ' < $12-75 day party of the ladles' aid society not West street should be made a •«»-» * • with-u.i. public thoroughfare was postponed Truck Driver Loiei License. ' v! NO,, VI. last week at the church. The next 1 KEUUU meeting oi the society will until the next meeting of the'coun- Thomas Flaherty of Long Branch Sterling Silver Ladlet Pinky Rlngi, miorted colored i tones, with cil. Councilman Leslie Seeley made •mall pearl and enamel around; valuea $2.50. ' • . $1.69 bt held the early part of Septem- was arrested Friday after the auto ber. Tonight the ladies will hold a a reportt on the condition of thetruck he was driving bumped into a . NO. VII. beach party at North Long Branch. street. "George White represented guard rail on the Eatontown-Free- 1 Miss Ellfi'RyBedorph oi Red Bank, a the West street property owners in hold road. Flaherty was pronounced Fountain Van, ladlei and genti',wlth ring top or clip, attorted an effort to have the street made a BROAD STREETNMOMIBANK colon, all guaranteed; value $1.80. Jormcr resident of Eatontown and a drunk. He was fined $200 and his 90c jmembei of (he Methodist church, do- public throughfare. Complaints'were ^(cense revoked for two years. Red Bank..W.J. nated a new piano to the ladies' aid society last week. The piano was REUSSILLES' installed in the church basement on •••••••• MONMOVJTH'S LEADING JEWELERS Monday. The Methodist Epworth league is conducting a citizenship 36 BROAD STREET, . RED BANK. clans at Fort Monmouth every Established 1886. Thursday night during this month. Several members of the league at- tended a special service at the Ocean Grove auditorium last night. Mrs. J. VanMnter of Oceanport is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank PHI LOW THE Hulick.of South street, Miss Dons Gaskill of Barnegai, KEYPORT, N. J. who has been visiting her aunt, -Mi,-.-: Sarah E. Nivison ot this place, hi. itturned home. Miss Sarah E. Ni Vison and Miss Sarah B. Nivispi. went to Bamegat with Miss Gaskiij. ^BBQAbsTKeDBANK-N^Phoneiggo i Mr. and Mrs. Eustace White spent last Sunday with Mrs. White's August Clearance Sale Uidther at Linden, Mrj. George B. Whitfleld is vis- iting her n.other at Newark. -OF- | On Sunday morning Rev. George (i. Home, pastor of the Freehold • Presbyterian church, conducted tiip Profit Sharing Sale! jl^ervice^at the Eatontown Preibyter; ian church. Rev. Leroy Y. Dllline'r, pastor of the Eatontown church, U Sample Suits and Odd Pieces 'enjoying a vacation. On Sunday M.. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Dilllner preached at Freehold. Nek: Sunday he will preach at Montctaii I iyid Rev. W. A. Walte of Little Sil- AUG> 16 AUG. 17 AUG. 18 ver will occupy the pulpit at tha iEatontown church. On the' fo'.lj ring COME TO THIS SALE AND SEE WHAT WE ARE OFFERING. YOU Sunday Mr. Di'.'.in*: will c"> i:-. a Reductions from U fo WILL SAVE REAL MONEY—MERCHANDISE AT PRICES THAT WILL 'service "at Atler.T.o.vn. Mr.- Di'.in-ii' an'l family wiil jsp-in.i thejlatt-v pit'. Every year during August we clear our stocks of all Suites, Occasional Pieces and Rug* that AMAZE'YOU ! . >- ' . ' ' ;:,;• X -K ":-•• '.: : / : : 'oi • this' wea 4 ut Manu'ltr. Th: PMiihyttir'i!) S'li'.'-iay-WM'ji i^i b.M.-i have been used on our floors as samples during the previous'six months. This year we have :.lov.-. tnv the remain-!*.- of the simply slashed tne prices in order to effect their immediate removal. This clearance it alway* THURSDAY ONLY! Table Cloths month. Last W°.tia*i

I Richard Wilson of Lewi! street Medicine Chests • it confined tCnls'home with sickness. Regular $'.40 Scrap Baskets 1 Francis Bruce of High jtreet, a C nr.all' carrier, is enjoying a two 98 ^ Fancy Straw—Regular 79c. • weeks' vacation. Joseph Drennan of Main itreet li iubstituting for Mr. c eacn Bruce. 59 . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spelli visited Mr. Spolli's parents at New Bruns- M'en'e '. Window Shades I wick Sunday. Mist Lutie Allgor, Miss Ruth Dryi Union Suit? Fin* Quality only. ;ei, Mrs. Edith Lewit, Mrs. Florence Rtgu.Ai. 59c. I Knight, Mrs. Katharine Hathaway C eac WhHe. Green >ind Ecru, I and Miss Hilda Dangler of this place 49 ^ I attended a .banquet and card party : m Asbury Park on Sons and Daugh- 39c each ters of Liberty day last week. Pillow Cases Limit—1 Do*, to t Cuitomer. I Mrs. Harry Rowland and her Sash Cord ' young son have returned home from 100-Fool H«nl0. S7() Hoosier Kitchen Ccbincls, $45 89 hlr parcntr, Mr. «nd Mf» John" W. FRIDAY ONLY ! Klljrlm. Ernot w»f employed by tho AUGUST SAMPLE SALE PRICE, $45 to .$75 !v|0 Breakfast Seta", . .'i.$25 5c cake Vnlo A Durkf hnn compuny of Ai- Grass Rugs Turkish Towels , bury Park until that company vent Dig Alie, lout ot InulnpM n short tfmn tgo. Smoking Stands 0«0 F..L ' 'Reiular 2Hc' Each. .llumell Elgrlm nnt> roturncd from n SolccUonB mndo Datliet Ty|»« Rtiulat 13.00 Two to > Clulom.r. i short vocation With Uftrnrgut r#In- Slori! Open tlvcu. $1.69 each Tho now l,ul)illn(f H'hlcli In liclnf Saturday Kveiling 25c erocloil on U:v/\* Mrect by tlm Gulf West Furniture Co. Iloflnlnu compnny U rnplilly tirnrlriK • Until 9:no. of SEE OUR WINDOWS 1 New Special. Every Day for Thin Sale. cumplrtlon, • Two ettt' in< lof.dric to ,NV«'»rlf tiildtnu oolUUcjii Bulurilsy night ou

r'Ei ,'---, < Twantv-Six JjANK KtiUlbTiiiJK, AUGUST' 15,, HflM. 'y • ,S~ 't^ . .DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS; ' ter having been »w»yon jrmorjth'a - ' ". jv- ," fx^ty ''-"^iTrEND THE * ~ * *" •'*• * aAa-aaUj1 vacation. A baby clinic, was held Two Eaat Kaaiuburg Resident. Reg- yesterday at the parish, house on • v later Kicka a} Meeting. Bingham avenue. , • ' i flSBURY PARK BUSINESS COLLEGE > 1 L'S WHITE A complaint about drainage con- Edgar Louis KeuUng, director of DajrW ^ SchooSchool ,Open,Op.ni. > atotamaW,,'^Ptmbr.^t! T|kj"v t »-' l ' ditions on Sycamore street and Mon- recreation at Victory park, who was ,/ Nlgh^SdSool.Open. Oetober-lat.: i ^ ," rnouth Parkway at East Kearjjsburg laid up last week, Is around again School offlco opera daily 'conunencJng September 6th, .ior panoiwl Inter- was made to the township committed and expects to be present at tomor- view and registration. - ,' *\ > >,.<.<•,'• For Radio; ujo el Mlddletown township last Thurs- row night's concert at tho park. MARKET v • INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. • "', day night by Joseph Rodrick and Thomas Gorman of Flushing, Battery Service Thomas B. Day, the township super- Pitman* and Gregg Shorthand. <', '"Corner of Broad & Front Sts., Red Bank. Dog-Day Thought*. Long Island, has been spending sev- A)l pupils awlited to employment, Puplte of o'therUehoolfli m Call Keinabur, ^ Phone Z037-W. visor of roads, said the complaint eral days with his brother, George 1 Ohi the land of snow was justified and that conditions Gorman. their work here withoutTjnterruptlon. ; ,f . "\>" -,, t' We .recharge andd repair all FREE Employment Buraau, .* " ; Where the Eskimo could be remedied by putting down Mrs. Edna Keating of Florida is And Auto AeoeuprleaAe . : :#:> , Fre«h-K>]!ed Sits shivering and freezing; pipe. The matter was referred to visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Eliz- ERNEST L. BEAN, Principal,! •/ • 914 Bangs Avenue. " jj ",'t,^ Jersey AL'S It's a land that we Mr. Day with power to act. _ abeth H. Lloyd. t SPECIAL Believe must be "• Fred Scherr complained about Mrs. Caroline Buchanan, her 44Ib Particularly pleasing. drainage conditions on Park place grandson, Frank Buchanan, and Vic- Broilers nr East Kcansburg and George Lon- tory Emery motored last wpek to .On a day like iMs her of East KeansbUrg made a sim-Rifton, New York, whore Mrs. B> Sugar-Cured Sliced Bacon -39c Ib. When the sun's "hot kiss. ilar complaint about conditions nt channn will visit ^ijer grandson, Roasts all one's soul to embers, the comer of Kentucky avonuu and Philip Buchanan. 'Mrs. Buchanan is Profit Sharing' Sale Nevada avenue.. Both complaints 85 years old. Frank Buchanan and Boneless •Twould be great to be were referred to Mr. Dqy. Victor Emery went from Rifton by . Thursday, Friday, Saturday , AL'S Where the frigid sfy uutopiobile to Niagara Falls for a Pot Roast SPECIAL Sends chills thru all (one's mem- RUMSON NEWS. short stay. BtiieChambray Work Shirts ,. ber's. .-''•. -.' Metnodiat Baxar—Holy Crow H»r- Reg. 78c Value Twould be 3oy to sit veat Homer-Auto Accident.. LITTLE SILVER HEWS. Fresh Chopped Beef 29c Ib. And to read and knit (Th. Red Bank Register can be bought each w«ek-tR Bumson at FInneriy's gen- Home From Trip to California—An Khaki Pants . .Sc ; x 'Neath an igloo's arching ceiling, •al store, at Boyle', grocery, and at John Auto Tour to .Vermont. Rnt. $1.?5 * Rib or Shoulder While the shivers fine nderson's confectionery store.) • • . (Tile. Red Dank.Reitliur can ba bought A party-of Rumson residents en- each week in LtOlt Sliver at ihs Unun c Ran down one'sspine News hian<] at the depot and at Gaorw Men's Pure Silk Hose f . . . 3 Pairs flM OA Lamb Chops With a most delicious feeling. joyed, an outing at Sandy Hook last QimckenbunQ'i genera). .tor*.) 3 Pairs Wednesday. They left hero at eight Miss Marie Wilby has returned Reg, 7So Value 39 j'clock in the morning and returned Ib But alas, alas! from a six weeks' trip to California. We cannot pass at eight o'clock at night Bathing, Miss Martha Clapp is spending Headlight OveraUs (White) , Fresh-Killed dancing and a dinner were enjoyed. i Reg. $2.80 Value DUCKS 29c *• To that blissful Arctic region, Music was provided by a victrola. In three weeks with relatives at Allen- Long Island And we shall not try wood. the party were Mrs. William E. Nel- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Shoe- Khaki or Blue Overalls (Headlight) . . gf - < Fresh-Killed To declare just why, son, Mrs. Charles Blaessius, Mrs. For the reasons are as legion. John Corlies, Mrs. H. L. Fleas, Mrs, maker havo returned from a week's Reg. %Z.ii Vailuo ^i**»' Small Fannie Cooper, Mrs.^ Raymond Pul- automobile trip to Rutland, Ver- But as here we broil mont, and Saratoga Springs. Bcn- len, Miss Irene Bella, Miss Emily jnmin A. Shoemaker, Jr., is visiting Union Suits . . . 4, . . . \ And we bake and boil r FOWL 295, Ligier, Miss Josephine Ligier, Ed- relatives at Rutland and his brothers , ' Reg. 95c Value We have yet this consolation— ward Stewart, Raymond Wyckoff Linden and George are visiting their Quality Meats Always at Reasonable Prices ! If we've got the price,. and John Bononie.-• uncle at Point Pleasant. We. can buy some ice A contract for appjying nsphaltic Balbriggan Shirts or Drawers . . 3 for gfef OO Mr. and Mra. Myron Campbell en- Re's. 60c Value VitW And use our imagination!" oil on Ridge road, Bingham avenue,' tertained relatives from Philadel- Buena Vista avenue -and Bellevue phia over Saturday and' Sunday. avenue has been awarded to the As- . Miss Annie Laurie has botiirht a Men's Work Socks, black or brown 12 pairs jfci ( phaltic service corporation of Newnew Btfick sedan, Reg. 1B« Value ^^ * Fait the Beam, Fleam! Brunswick. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson, of That's.just what we're doing, folks! George Hallanan and family have Jersey City spent Sunday with Mr. No-Fade Shirts . , . . . moved into, the Hallanan homestend, 'AH you've got to do is to get a con- and Mrs. J, J. Gallagher. ' Reg. $1.50 Value tribution published in this column which was recently remodeled. The Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Sheffield are and you receive one perfectly sound •homestead is on the corner of River entertaining friends from New York. bean of the current lucre o£ theroad and Washington street. Mr. All Our Shoes Reduced. retilm. It doesn't have to be poetry Hallanan has rented the house which Mrs..Charles Thomas and daughr —joke, epigram, wheeze or whimsy he vacated in Washington street, ters Catherine and Doris and Wil- Included are Officers' and Army and Na.vy Shoes. will do, just as well. You don't knbw liam Kribs of Philadelphia are vis- near the bridge, to Mrs. G. M. Ham- iting Mr. ajid Mrs. Robert Herring. ' Also all Luggage, such as how easy it is to pick these beans till ilton. 20 cu try—try it! The Methodist ladies' aid society Handbags, Suit Cases and Trunks. will hold a bazar on Thursday, Au- SEABRIGHT NEWS. _ust 23d, in one of the Hallanan IS IT VIRTUE OR A VEISS? stores on the corner of River road i^utoiata Arrested for Speeding and and Lafayette street. Fancy articles, Parking on Private Property, There was a young couple named (The Red Bank Register can be bought WEINER'S BUSY CORNER aprons, cakes, candy and ice cream Preiss, ( >ach week in Hoitbrlght AC the vtorea u( CORNER FRONT ST. & V/HARF AVE., RED BANK. N. J. Who, since they'd been pelted with will be sold. M. D. Bragar and H. lefkowitl.) V reiss, Bernardy Ryan, who is employed Last week Policeman Walter Mills Opposite Globe Hotel. Had never yet quarreled but tweiss at New York, is having his annual arrested two. autoists ior parking Because they used plenty of elss. vacation. their cars on private property and Miss Bridee Sullivan lost control two officers for driving on the' Their children were handsome and neiss, cf an automobile she was driving at wrong side of the road, Each was And they fed them on milk and reiss the comer of Rumson road and fined $2 by Recorder John J. Camp- Which were kept from the microbes Packer avenue and the machine bell. Mr. Mills also arrested Yafi and meiss broke a street sign, post and crashed Yokata of' New York for driving an By the constant employment of eiss. through the hedge on the McCarthy automobile 48 miles an hour. He was CAROL E. MYERS, property. Miss Sullivan was taking fined ?5. Policeman Frank Flannery Shrewibury. instructions in driving the car when arrested Leroy Howerof Neptune PROFIT SHARING DAYS the accident happened. The car wasCity for exceeding the auto speed owned by David Barry. Policeman limit and he was fined $5. Henry Kruse made an investigation. Mrs. ThomSs J. Ludwig and her. ACROSTICALLY SPEAKING.- No arrests were made. infant daughter have returned home Aug. Another Flat- from the Long Branch hospital. The S stands for Seaboard Ice, An automobile driven' by TIelen Pure, cold and bright; Skinner, a summer resident of West newcomer has been named Muriel B stands for Eatables Park, jumped the curb at the corner Natalie Ludwig. Mrs. Ludwig was For morn, noon and night; of River road and Washington street formerly Miss Helen Murphy. A stands for Apples, in order to avoid hitting a milk Miss Marjorie Hammell^of Wee- More Pleasure Lost! Ripe, firm and red; truck last week. The car damaged B stands for Butter 1-awken is spending a few days with To spread on your bread; a hedge and a fence'on George Hal- Mrs. Herbert Fowler. 0 stands for Oranges Innan's property. Mrs. William Wharton of New If you had taken our advice and used a GOOD- Round as a ball; A harvest home and bazar will be York is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert A stands for Adam's Ale, hold Friday and Saturday, August Wharton. YEAR TIRE this wouldn't have happened. It's The best drink of all. 1st and September 1st, on the Holy Mrs. John McGiveney of Now R is for Refrigerate— ;osary church grounds. York is spending two weeks at'the 69BROW5TREE! not too late, however, to switch over to this won- The thing you should do, and D is for the great Delight Arthur McKee has returned to Pannaci hotel. 18 That ice brings to you. New York after having spent seven R'ED BANK;N.Ji> derfully efficient tire. We have them in ail weeks with his parents, Mr and Mrs. MBS. J. O. IIOLDIIOOK. ; Game Fiah Tranaferred. sizes at all times—Balloon or Cord. 18 Washington Street, Red Bank. John McKee. > The flood gates at the Millhurst Co-operating with the -Red Bank Chamber of Commerce to make this Miss Pauline Hammcll o£, Wec- 1 pond gave way recently and let-out sale a memorable event, we have been,successful in obtaining a limited hawken is visiting . Miss Elizabeth most of the ijanic fish, Members of We not only sell the best tires but we repair and Smith of Allen street the Freehold Izaak Walton league quantity of merchandise from our manufacturers* which we are offering at ALL WRONG. Mies Blanche Chance of South caught a large number of the fish factory prices,. making this more than a PROFIT-SHARING SALE. As re-vulcanize old tires and in most cases make The ice was here, the ice was there, Carolina, who was formerly school with a seine and placed them in Lake The ice was all around; nurse here, is spending a few days Topanenu*. these items cannot "be duplicated, we suggest you come early. See the spec- them so good that th^y will serve many week* on tit Rumson renewing acquaintances. It roared and growled and cracked • • — ials displayed in our windows, which space* does not permit us to mention. the road. and howled Miss Helen Kerrigan has resumed The Register's mott6-^"A'"paper Like noises in a swound. her duties as community nurse af- in every home."—Advertisement So says Coleridge in The Ancient Don't throw away your old tires until you have Mariner. But .that couldn't have WEOFFEIl Greatest been ice, the matt ailent thing in the Value consulted us about fixing them. world. It must have been one of those electrical contraptions. DIAMOND Ever Offered, Distributed by . VAtlJES Not to change the subject, Mr, Jeweled Banjo Seaboard recently sat on a piece of Sport During* this chewing gum in -a street car. Dont Streets Clocft luff, folks—we're not trying to be Strap funny now. How did he get it out PROFIT-SHARIlNfG SALE of his clothes? By rubbing it with | Watches n piece of ice to moke it hard and That You Must See ll'cn picking it off quite cleanly. tliat stay Guaranteed Time Keaperi. Omycs—ice is good for lots of things. to Appreciate. Re'J ot Grean, American Made A Guaranteed Beverage Sets The Ice from the Lake of Itasca Smooth GENUINE LEATHER 1- ?liirjped all the way to Nobrnsca- Bottle At least so mr teacher, Tho erudite crcnturc, '6Glas»e8 Wallets Would probably say if I'd asca. must havestrongpave* GolJ filled cor. and Tray. norland .Shtld ments. Imported Colorad Glaia. GENUINE, COWHIDE BELT "I'm not tellin' the summer board- (One Set to a Cuatomer.) ers," confided Mr«. O'Gllllgan over Modern traffic quickly and Silver the backyard fence, "but tho rats ir Platad Enameled: fittln' into me rofrlgyrnytor ionic- breaks through any $l-oo thin' awful." BUCKLE "Why don't you buy «omo rat bis- weak spots. cuit?" Buggestcd Mr>. McFlahcrty, FORD "Suro, snnppiid back Mrs. O'Gllli- COSTUME K»n, "If the contlnta of tho rofrlg- Strength and smooth- yrnytor nln't good cnouuh for thlm, Regular 93.00 JEWELRY VULCANIZING. the bnystc-a kin go hungry!" ness are combined in SPECIALLY PRICED FOR PNEUMATIC TIRES AND TUBES-SOLID portland cement con- Porcelain THIS SALE. CUSHION AND PNEUMATIC Dont mill Mr. SenboardV Column Kitchen rcxt week In thlj papor. And don't crete pavements. TRUCK TIRES. lorxel lo »cn() it, your own contribu- Clocki $1.49 tion—therc'i no cnftlcr wny of carn- IIIR n nltnolcon. American Office and Service Shop I PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Mad*. Addreaa 200 Monmouth St., Phono 1709 Red Bank. 347 MadUon Avtnua Guaranteed. 1 NBW YORK CITY (Oppo.ll. Railroad Station) MR. SEABOARD in cure of . A National Organlnatton to ]m. t.allier 0 0 Imptov* and Extend the U»e* qf Concrit* Covered. • $1 BRANCH STOREi—1015 MAIN STREET, ASDUKY PARK. Every one I Specl.l carries a ^L Purchaae Phone 3772, Seaboard Ice Co. onion* I* 33 Clllia ^^ mule Ihli prl* 6 Rogers Teaipooni. roanblt, RED BANK, N. J, guiranU*. 79c . . Telephone H«d 1 .„• .»• < . >(.;, „, RED-BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 15, IBZS. Page Twenty»Seyeti

FAIR HAVEN PUBLIC MATTERS. FAIR VIEW NEWS. AN INTERCUJB COUNCIL. NOTICE. DEFEATED BY CUBANS. Ckurcb Strati Job AWardcd-r-Niw Card Party to ba Hald Tonight at It >• Being Formed by Red Bank's THAT OUR SPEED-} u Expert Repairing Servico Club'a. . 1 RAY'SANBORN'S BEARS LOSr Furnac* for Firohoutt, tha Playart' Boat' Club. old a public h.arlnf on Friday. Atlnuafc Tire Service Jamet1 Norman & Son of Red (Tha Had BBannk RtclataRtclatar cann bi bought An intcrclub council li .being OF 24th. 10J8, lit 8.00 J'eloek P. if., tl SJ -IS A ' " ' BY 3 TO 2 SCORE, each vrc*c*kk aattt Httdilan'HttdlanHttdl' a CCorner r at th« Communitr Home, ItUtu pint, for Ilia Bank were awarded a contract to lay stort e off EEdward d O'FJabarty.O'FJb )) formed at Bod Bank by the Lions WATCHES, CLOCKS PDrpoio. ol hutlnif all ptfawa 1nt»r»sl»tl •; TELEPHONE SI 12 pti th. aubjeol'of th« aa Ray' Sanborn'i Bean baseball mitted. Springer, Mri. Marion Beady, Mrs. do the most delicate re- [SPBEOyj Carl Schwenker and Mrs. Raymond The council will be made up of a tti August sih, 1028, • earn wat defeated lost Jilght for The borough owns the sidewalks BIDS Tansey were elected members of the delegation from each of the three pairing. We jyuararitee «,* . „' WANTED. Steam Vulcanizing. the lecond time by the Cuban Stan on the Fair Haven road and at the Ofnci ol Constructing Quartarnaittr, Fart of Havanna. The game wag played meeting it was stated that Leonard auxiliary. The next meeting of the clubs. The purpose of the councir satisfaction. Our prices • , Monmouth,' N. J, Sealed propound will hi received hire) on the Bears' diamond at Newman Pleckenitein, who is building a gas- uxillarj- will be held Monday night will be to decide what public ques- tions will receive the backing of all will please you. ntll li:0O noon,' eaatera alinilird tlnw. Balloon and Truck SpHngs and the score was 3 to % iline station on the corner of Fair cf next week and will be observed \usu« 2Hh. 1028, and then opened, lor the clubs represented in the council. urnUhlne ill Ubor. nr.d material and p(r- Joseph Stryker pitched for Red Haven road and Gillespie avenue, as "Boys' Night"JThe women will Silverware Repaired ormnr n 1 work tor the. cM.truatlon of Tires in Stock. hadJ torn up the sidewalk without give a luncheon for the male rncrn- .William Spain, George Wilson and me 1) Field Offlieri' Quarter!, three (S) Bank and he allowed hi; opponents and Replated Like New. louble quarter. lor Comjany Otfoara and eight hits. He was credited with perrnl«6lon from the borough com- icrsof the club. Allen Llndsley represent the Ex- w° l?» double Qunncri lor Mon.Com- nlaaltfncd Orncera. nix strikeouts and he gavo two bajoa missioners, it was also said that a Mrs. Samuel H. Cleeland and Miss change club and the delegates from the Lions club are Dr. R. B. Wilson, Plnn« and ipccincatlonj will be furntihad on balls. The/ Cuban pitcher al- tile canopy on William Gold's new Kathryn Chandler attended the pre- REUSSILLE'S ipon receipt of certified check for tit OB, George Harold Nevius, W. H. Waite, Plenj may bi «een h.m and >t Offlea) John Hansen know that our apeed ia lowed the Red Bank team eight hits ullding extended over the sidewalk. miere showing of the motion picture George Stine and Robert Kennedy, 36 Broad St., Red Bank ' • good friend of yourg when and struck out two batteis. The police committee was'given piay "The Scarlet Lady" at the Em- 42 West Front Street, you arc in ijeed of a plumber to power to mako an itvestlgation and bassy theater at New York last The Rotary clvb has not' yet ap- The Cuban team (cored a. run tn pointed its representatives to the NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Or ACCOUNT fix up ft leaky pipe or do some inform Mr. Fleckenstcin and Mr,night. Ettate ot Bertha Waicnor, dcce«»«d. RED BANK, N. J. the first Inning by: virtue of a two- Cold that It will be necessary for council, Notice l» hereby ulven that th* «c- Miss Marguerite Morris of New AGRICULTURAL other repair work. At such a time base hit. The runner, was sacri- them to, appear before the commis- counts of the eurucrlbor. executor ot John Y'Ork, formerly of this place, is vis- Wagner, deceased, luto trustee of tha at- you will consider it quite fortunate ficed home from second hare. New- rioners and apply for permission to En'teri Weat Point Academy. tato of said deceased: will be audited and: iting Mrs. Fred BoWers. itatcil by the Surrognto of tha County of that you remember Phone No. man threatened to scon for Reddo any work on the sidewalk or to George Kumpe. son of Lieut Col- LIME. lonmouth and reported for irttlement to Bank in the first Inning, when he build anything, extending over the Miss Shirley Fielder has given up onel George E. Kumpe of Fort Mon- he Orphans Court of Raid County, on 1215. We would like to be of her position at the Carlton theater 'hursdny, the sixth dny of Scptcmbtr, A service to you. third after making a sidewalk. mouth, who recently entered the D. 1028. at which time tpplloatlDn will ba hit. He was unable to reach home. at Bed Bank and will be employed United State.-s academy at West made Cor the allowance or. eommlialona and ' Upon the recommendation of Ar-at the Hunting theater, which will counsel fees. In the second 'Inning :be Cuban Point, has been assigned to company thur Sickles the borough engineer open in a few days. Dated July ITth, A. D. 102S. OSCAR F. HILL team made two hits and rcored Its will establish a grade on Forman G. • second run. In the last half of the The next: public band concert will COMPANY avenue. The street will be repaired be held Labor day. 22 WllHu'm Street. Wc» Yurie. N. Y, Plumbing and Heating third Inning Red Bank was retired THE TEMPERANCE LECTURE. this year, but it will not be resur- Mrs. Tony Hunting will sing "The NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT by a fast double play. Xo other Estate of Mary A. Strohmenaer, deeoaied* 34 WciUld. Av*., R.d Bank, N. J faced with gravel until next year. Star Spangled Banner" at the cor-His Statementa Were All Right but score Was made until the seventh Notice li hereby niven thnt tha 10- D. H. Bennett was awarded a con- nerstone laying at the new Molly Hit illustration Was Bad. eounta of tha subaeribar, executor of the Phon* 1218 R.d Bank inning. The Cuban SUn made its estate of snid dcccuicd, will b* audited Mid tract to install a hot water furnace Pitcher hotel at Red Bank on Friday A temperance Jecturer displayed stated by the Surroaatc of the County of third run and Red Bank made two to his audience two geraniums. The Monmouth and reported for e made for the allowance-ol com mis a lam ley got on base by a hit. He wascompany as the borough's Bhar'e of HYDRATED. md counsel fees. Mrs. David Wood and family of cohol, and its foliage was shriveled Dated July 27th. A. D. 1023. driven home by Hunter, who made the gross receipts tax. Bills to the' and sparse, its stem twisted, and its French HESSE'S Denver are visiting Mrs. Wood's CHARLES F, WENGERTEB. a three-base hit. Hunter t-corcd on Specially Ordered as amount of $1,006.88 were paid. parents, General and Mrs. R. C. Van- vitality decayed. HOWARD S. MGGINSOSI. E«q, 8 West Front Street, Red Bank. hit by Kaeli, the Kcd Bark "Now, ladies and gentlemen," Bed Bank, N, J., Tony Hunting presided at the •Vliet. needed, cars and part cars, Proctor. catcher. meeting in the absence of Mayor cried the lecturer, "what can you Catherine Smith of Brooklyn is STATE OF NEW JERSEY, WATER ICES CONFECTIONERY The game was called because of Charles Cross, who with Councilman say to a demonstration such visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hou- this?" TO AIL STATIONS. . Department of State, darkness at the end of the eighth Augustus M. Minton, is on a cruise nihan. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. Special Moulds, and Melon Forms inning. More than 700 yirsons at "It's all right, and if I were a TO ALL WHOM THESE PRESENTS WAY. on Mr. Minton's boat. Twelve members of the firecom -geranium," said a shabby man in the Carried in Stock at all COME, GREETING:— tended the contest. pany will attend the parade of the gallery, "I'd stick to water exclus- WHEREAS, ft nppear* to my (mt.if.ic. Louis Sherry and Mirror Candies. On . Sunday the Bears will play times. tloti, by duly authenticated record of thi UNCAS CLUB ACTIVITIES. Long Branch fire department on Sat- ively, but I am not a geranium." proceedings for the voluntary (H• solution PROMPT DELIVERIES. T.I. Red B»nk 1268. the Pennsylvania Red Capn at " thereof by unanimous content of all tho urday. The fire truck will be taken HIGHEST, ANALYSIS; stockholder*, deposited' In my office, that nan Springs and next Tueiriay night' Evantf Planned at Fraulr.'jrn Snif to the parade. "Dear Editor: Is there any ques- M1NNESINK WATER COMPANY, * cor- they will play their second gair.c very low in Magnesia. fin'a Home Lnat Night. Saturday night during the rain tion you cannot answer?" poratfort of this State, whosa prtncipil With the House of David team. office is situated at Nn. 10 Broad itreit, There wa3 a largo attci.dance of storm a Buick coupe, owned by a Answer: "Yes. How to tell when PRICES LOW, considering In the Boroiiffh of Rbd Bank, County of Tel. 66 ud 22 Ke.niburg. Tuesday night's game will start at Uncos club members of Ked Bank Newark resident, hit a tree on the Limburger cheese is spoiled. " Menmouth, State at New Jersey, (Allton six o'clock and it will be a nine in- at a meeting last night at Franklyn Beekmin being tha ngent therein and tn SEASON 1928. highway near Crystal brook. The other lines in the market. charge thereof, upon whom procesi may t)t ning contest. t _-_•;_. Sniffln's at River Plaza. The club's served), tins compiled with the requira* car was tadly damaged but the driv- menu of "An Act concerning corporation! New York and Keansburg baseball team will play tile Belmar er was not seriously injured. RECOMMENDED by (Revision of 1896)," preliminary to the is* FOUR WILLS. nine Friday at Belmar. The club Sunday J3tate and National suing of this Certificate of Dissolution. EFFECTIVE JULY lit member* will meet at ihc church Now, therefore, I, Joseph K. £f. Fltx- Keyport Man Left Hi, EiUte to Hit Htrvott 'Homo at Freehold. Patrick, Secretary of State at tha BtaU of Steamer.! CITY OF KEANSBURG, POCAHONTAS, early Monday evening l» mow the Extras Agricultural Departments. New Jersey, do hereby certify that tha laid SMITHF1ELD, MOB JACK. Widow. The annua'. harvest home of the corporation did, oa the leventh day of church lawn. Next Tuesday the •August. 1928,' filcMn my office a duly exe* .. Subject to Change Without Notice—Now York Tims. Thomas F. Hines of Keyport club's team will play Shrewsoury Freehold Methodist church will bo cuted and attested consent In writing to' made his will last January and held on the church grounds next UNEXCELLED 'the dissolution of aald corporation, execut- Leave. Battery, New York. at Shrewsbury. Final preparations New York ed by all the, stockholders thereof, which named his wife, Rose A. Hines, as are being made for the field day Wednesday. Supper will be served SUNDAYS SERVICE. said consent and the record of the pro* W.ekdayn—9:30, 10t30, 11:30 A. M.| 2, 4i30, Si30, 8 P. M. executrix. His entire estate was left cecdinfti aforesaid are now an- fits in my meet which is to be- nsil on thefrom five o'clock on and the com- AUGUST 19, SEPTEMBER 23 Saturday*"—9:30, 10:30 A, M.I 1, 2, 4:30, 5:30, 8 P. M. to Mrs. Hines. ' The will was wit- mittee promises that it will be one aaift office ns'provided by law. Sunday*!—9, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 A. M.| 1, 2, 3:30, 4:30, 8:30, farm at Holmdel which is occupied Excuralon Train Direct to Penna. Sta- In testimony whereof, I have hereto lit nessed by Thomas Haley and Thom- of the finest suppers ever served. tion. 7th Ava. and 32d St. my hand and affixed my official seal, *at 8, 9i30 P. M. as J. Ward. by William Martinson, '/'his meot Trenton, this seventh day ot Auguit, A* is to be a combination of a picnic « i a» • DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME D. one thousand nine hundred and twenty* Leave Keansburg. Mrs. Rqsina A. Collins of Keans- Visitor at Holmdel. L.V. Red Bank 8>42 A. M. eight. and sports. Tuesday of last week Judson Conover JOSEPH F. S. FIT7PATRICK, Waekdayc—7, 9 A. M.| 12 M.; 2, 3:30, S:30, 8, 10 P. M. burg left her estate to her son, Wil- the Uncas ball team defeated the Miss Nellie Madden of Morris Returning leaves New York, Pennsyl- Secretary of Staff. ' Saturdays—7, 9, A. M.| 12 M.; 2, 3:30, 5:30, 8, 10 P. M. liam W. Collins, in a will which she vania, Station, 5:20 F. M., Newark (Seal of the Secretary Baptist usherB* union team of New Plains is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mi- I Market SO 5:13 P. M. P. O. Box 104, or the State of New Jcr- Sunday.:—7, 11, A. M.| 12 M.| 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 P. M. ;•; executed eight years ago last No- Monmouth by a score ni 5 to 0 chael McGrail. On Saturday Mrs. sey.) ' vember. She appointed her son as Matawan, New Jersey On Friday the same teium started McGrail and Miss Madden were vis- executor of the will. After the death Tho Register never disappoints— Keansburg Steamboat Co. * to play their second game at Newitors of Mrs. Nora Ryan of Red Pennsylvania Railroad Telephone* Keyport 478. your printing is always done at the of William W. Collins the .will dl- Byan. Busineit EttablitW 1886.' time promised.—Advertisement rects'that the residue of tho estate Monmouth, but on accu'.mt of rain \i to go to Mrs. Collins's three oth- the contest was called off in the c- children-, Viola Carhart, Esther fourth inning with the score 5 to 1 Slorris and Frank D. Collins. in favor of New Monnnvith. Th". next meeting of the L'ncaa dun HOWARD FREY Joseph King ot West Long will be held at Harry B. Clayton's Branch bequeathed $100 to Green- tn Shrewsbury avenue. SANITARY PLUMBER lawn cemetery at that place to be used in keeping the family tmria 74 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. plot in good condition. Bequests of LARGE CATCHES OF FISH. $100 each were made to Frank GOING West, Comic West, Norma Howland They Wore Mmdo Laat Week by STEAM and HOT WATER FITTING Grace VanHuell, Mary Mittemeyer, West Red Bank Men. Gutters, Leaders and Tin Roofing Mrs. George Byard, Sophie Loury Edward Murphy, Adrian Wood- nnd Clara A. LeITerts. The residue ward and Harry Estelle of West ON of the estate was left to Anna A Red Bank made large catches of fish Howard. The will named Frank last week at the dam of the Tintern West as executor and the witnesses water company at Swimming river. were Maurice A. Potter and Sarah J On one trip the men caught four ALL THIS MONTH VanGelder. pickerel, two good size yellow perch, GasRangz Harry H. Jeffrey of Ocean town eight aunfish and several'catfish. On ship left all of his estate to his another trip they caught four pick- daughter, Katharine L. Jeffrey, and erel, seventeen sunfish and several 'THIS August Fur Sale is the most stupendous selling event of COOKS «MfrfiASITlJRl!ED WFt he appointed his mother, Mary Jef- perch and black bass. These fish are frey, guardian for his daughter und now running heavily at the dam and our history. For months we have been searching the mar- executor of the estate. many persons visit the water com- ket selecting the best skins to be had and at prices that would pany's property daily. JOHN VANPELT INJURED. Ono day last week Philip Crcelin, result in great savings to our patrons. Frank Dennis and Allen Pryor, also He Waa Hurt While at Work Nek of Wost Rod Bank, caught fifteen Rich, luxurious furs, carefully selected and skillfully matched,, Keyport Lost Saturday. yellow and white perch nnd two John VanPolt of Bridge avonuo black bass in the Shrewsbury river have been fashioned into garments that reflect the most attrac- was injured last Saturday while at Dutch Neck. working for the Schonck S. Thomp- tive creations in the coming season's mode—and priced to afford son company on the new highway TO WED IN CALIFORNIA. the utmost limit of economy. bridgo at Keyport., Mr. VanPelt was struck on theRumion Young Man Will be Mar- head by a large woodon piling which ried to Lot Angeloa Girl. • was being used on the bridge. He Donald S Bruce, son of Mrs. A wag rendered unconscious and wasSarah Bruce of Rumson, will leave RACCOON COATS treated at tha Matawan private hos- next month for , Cali- pital. Hi< was taken home and it was fornia. On October 13th he will ba Small Deposit Regularly $350.00 later found that three small bones married to Miss Florence Williams were broken in the tide of his head. of Lot Angeles, His brother, Robert will secure Ho Is nble to be about and expects Bruce of Rumson, will be grooms- purchase now to return,to wofk in about a week. man, After the ceremony the couplo These styliph and popular coats are fash- will leave by boat for New York. until wanted. Social Sorvict) Auxiliary. They will live at Somorville. Mr. ioned from selected and matched black Bruce Is employed as a chemist by pelts in the smart drop-coat style. They An auxiliary of the Monmouth tho Johns-Manville company of county social service organization Manville, He is a graduate of the We invite your are lined with checked wool or Scotch GENERAL ©ELECTRIC has been formed at Highlands. Red Bank high school and Pratt in- plaid and finished in ,the most luxunous Representatives of Highlands civic ititute at Brooklyn. Miss William! inspection of bodies attended the organization manner. College girls and misses will find also attended Pratt institute and thu our Garments. this a truly notable value. Refrigerator meeting. Mrs. Jesse Lawrence was couplo became acquainted while they made temporary president of the wore students there. auxiliary, tho purpoio of which is to establish a program for a com- The General Electric Refrigerator keeps milk munity nune Jot Highland!. AN OUTING FOR CHILDREN iweet for a week. It keeps all foods till you Mra. Walter G. French TraMed Woman'. Club Lunchton. Them to a Right Good Time. Muskrat Coats Garacul Coats want them. It u the economical refrigerator The Llttlo Silver Woman'* club Mr». Walter G. French treated the will open tho fill season with a Inmates of n children's homo at Regularly $225.00 Regularly $250.00 .-costs'little to run. It is quiet, simple, roomy luncheon on Wodnetdny afternoon, South Amboy to nn outing nt her September 12th, nt one o'clock at home at Riverside drive nt Red i and absolutely portable—-install it anywhere. tho Globe hoto) »t Red Bank. Tick- Bank one day last week. Tho young- eta for the luncheon are being told steri had a fine time plnylng or, the S195 by Mr». Edward A. Bowmnn ot Lit- 8175 liwn and riding In boat! on the rlv. ; Set the many modeh—ccmt In today tle Silver. cr. For n number of ytan Mr». French haa made > practlco of giv- •V Naw Occupant, for Houias. ing i picnic for the children of the Mrs, George Qr«uic'« homo on home. They always have a glorioui Don't Miss Our August Sale of Fine Furs. H. HENDRICKSON CO., Inc. Waverly place it Red Bank hai time and last week'* nlTuIr wai no been rtnlod by Dr. Walter P. Rein- exception to the rulo. You Can Expect to Save From 20 to 50 Percent on Your Furs. 8 Maple Avenue, ,. Red Bank, N. J. haut of Bayonne. Mlai May Me Mnnui of . Now York hai rontod ODD FELLOWS' OUTING. • Telephone 1730 R«d Bank Frank Evana'i bungalow on Maple •vonuo at Pair HavtVi. Both rentals It Will.be H.ld"Sunday ., William wers mitda by John B. Prothoro, Matthews1! Log Cabin. , Th0 Red Bank Odd Followi Indue MONMOUTII COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT. at th> rail at ill pir tint (•%) from Mr Claarad *40 on a Lama. will hold 111 nnnual outing next CIlAtlliKH V. HIIIIUI'HIIIKK, plllnlllf, VI, III, 1011. r.lurntbl. „» |U Ulh day nt Sunday at William Mntthowi'i Ion JAMKN IMUKIK. .W.lliLM. Jtil/. lltll anil th. lama hai 1»..n s.rv.a Tho (Ircnion of East Konniliurg Attjdil at t,"wU . Null*Nll . IIn MIMnnlinll . and duly .Miutiit, anil waa ralurnul on cabin at Colt's Nock, The mombora Red Bank Fur Shop cloartd 140 last week by dlipoilng Nut]*. I. h.r.lir ulv.ii liial a will tt lha l«lh day of Juni, HIM. by lha Hhullt will meat at tho lodgo rooms at ten • lU«|0innl waa Issunl out uf Ih. Mini- o( (ha Countr «l Monmoulh. ol an tlotrlo floor Ump on tho «o- LEADING FURRIERS ' :h Uounlr cilrdilt I'niirt nn III. Mil IIIK I)al.,l AUfllil ilk, 1091, oporntlvo plan. Tho lamn w«i award- o'clock Sunday morning nnd tho trip uB«, IV3I, limlll.t Ilia ilihu ami Red Bank. N. J. ' noii.X mill »n"««li, », the log cabin will W made In pri- 49 Monmouth Street, anil, an'l i.ii.m.nH •*/ Jam., lin* • Clark. KcuniburK, vate e»H. Wllllair. Volcntt, John 1,. „,'iljia luni of Unn Tlmutiinii Two raJ .ilv.nl/.NIii. Uitllar* And Nlrt. Hoffman nnd pouglus Macintosh N. LEVINS, Prop. MitUM), itltUif wlkt) iilir.it It M»I to tdvtrtlit lit Tht JtuliUr. the outing committal.

; ,• .,," i,;.'.'.v--:, !.•••.' •. .•• i* ,REb BANK>KEUlSTEK,' AUGUST IS;- l«Zo. WORKING FOR NEW ROAD ••»•»••• ,'';•'* '.•.'• " '' ' ' ' ':" * ^v.'.-r;;.-.- ' TORT MONMOUTH FOLKS IN- From Our Factory to, You , TERESTED IN THIS PROJECT. Rivercrest Th» Road WoulTisttnd From Ja- cobin'* Croitinn lo tlddy'a Cro»«- '" ing Oy«r the Former Trollejr Right of Way, ;•'•:. . GRAND OPENING X movement has been started at Belmar Dress Shop Port Monmouth to build a new road from Liddy's Crossing • to Jacobus's Crossing:. The distance Is about 21 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. Jf, one-quarter of a mile.' The. road "'it WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1928. would-be.laid out along theioute of the former trolley line. ' •, V The trolley company obtained its right of way between the. two cross- ings .under ah agreement whereby Special Southern Chicken Dinner, $1.00 jthe land was to revert to the, in- dividual owners if the company Served from 5:30 to 10:00 P. M went out of business. A number, of Dining.Room,under the supervision of Chef Alexander of the years ago the company-discontinued service and the owners regained, pos- . i New York Central Kailroad. session of > the land. Several houses face the former trolley right of way SELLIN t DANCING. and the'only, way the occupants of these houses have to get to the main lines of travel is by> walking across fields. LEASE EXPIRED--MUST VACATE Newman Springs Road, . Red Bank, N. J* Benjamin ,F. Ames of Port Mon- mouth is one^of the leaders of the (Just East of Newman Springs Bridge) movement to have the road built- At .the meeting of the township com- MRS. PAULINE.KNIGHT, Prop. mittee of Middletown township last ENTIRE STOCK SACRIFICED Thursday night Louis H. Meese of Telephone Red Bank 1372. •Belford- brought the matter to the attention. of the officials. . He said #••« IIIIIIIMIIIIIIMHIHIIIIH' he had been asked to do this by Mr. Ame3, who was unable to be present. COST HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN Mr. Meese stated that Mr. Ames was going to see all th'e property owners along the'route of the proposed road to get them to sign agreements to Our Loss-Your Gain-Buy Now and Save cede land to the township for the 1 road. Mr. Mceso stated that before Mr.'Ames undertook this he would like to have the township committee High. Grade Dresses Made at Our Factory CIDER MILL U recommend him as a person com- petent to do this, so that the prop- erty owners in question would more '• fully understand the purpose of the NOW OPEN |.agr.e,Kmsnts. T^0 request was granted by the committecmen. • II MY CIDER MILL AT NUT SWAMP . SEABRIGHT CHILDREN HURT. 5 DRESSES Cirl and Boy Wore Hit by Automo- bile. Laat Week. Marie Thompson of Seabright, IS NOW OPEN four years old, was hit last week by an automobile driven by Miss Doris 1.00 1.75 3.75 4.75 Borden, daughter of General How- To Receive Apples ard SI Borden of Kumson. The ac- cident took place at the corner of Coats, Millinery, Sweaters, Hosiery, Bathing Suits, Sportwear at Ocean avenue and New street at Seabright. The girl was bruised and was treated by Dr. William J. Mes- D. CLARENCE WALLING, creau of Eumson. Policeman Walter MARVELOUS SAVINGS Mills made an investigation and said Nut Swamp that the accident was unavoidable. Buddy Meyers of Seabright, five years old, was cut and bruised last week when he was hit by an automo- All Sales Final—No C O. D.V-No Charges—No Exchanges bile driven by Alexander Hynds of Philadelphia. His injuries were at- tended to by Dr. James Rowland of Highlands. A charge of reckless driving was made against Hynds by the boy's grandfather, Lenhardt THE ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Kistner, but the case was dismissed by Recorder John J. Campbell on the ground that the accident was un- avoidable.

Murray's New Store-Reduced-During the August Sale NEW HANGAR ADDITION. It it Jeing Built at the Airview Flying Field. Jack Casey, owner and proprietor of the Airview flying field on Shrewsbury avenue at Shrewsbury, ii having an addition built to the MURRAY 638640 f.irplane hangar at the field. The ad- COOKMA641.64N 3AVE . ASBURYPARK MATTISONAVE. dition will be 30x40 feet and will he one story high. The new part Demonstration will be used as a service department. The addition was necessitated be- uper cause of a large amount of repair Handsome New GIRDLES & STEP-INS work and the number of airplanes featuring the famous La Premi- being stored at the hanger. The building with the new addition will ere and Stylish Stout Girdles and be ninety feet long. The carpenter SILK Step-ins, as well as the useful work is being done by Elmer Dey of W. B. Doublcttcs and Brassieres. Red Bank. DRESSES Under the personal supervision of Mr. Casey received a carload of Mrs. O. Dftvif, direct from the five new Waco airplanes last week. Three of the planes have been sold Corset Style Center of New York. KYI/l/STV The new airplane owners are the Prices To Please All Purses Red Bank Aero club, William Bar- $£.94 olay Harding of Rumson and the Tremendous Purchase and Sale New Brunswick Aero club, 6 WHAT LIGHTNING DID. It Hit « Tree, 7~Hou.«, Killed a Thete drtian at Chicken and Stunned Two Peraonl the tale pries o( Mrs. George Woolley of Little Sil $G.D4 exceed any Service verand Lola Bennett, fourteen years drctt event that you Medium old, of Springfield, Long Island, may hive been lo who has been visiting Mrs. Woolley, lor their glittering Chiffon illk. In th* vnriout were stunned by lightning during paitel colarin|t tntl Full the storm last Friday. They were \uper-Six rerrormance •mart tailored fin- Fashioned in the kitchen of the Woolley horn l«hci are txtraonll- when lightning hit a locust tree r " nar> values. Slic* the house. The bolt jumped f (or M.Me. .,,d the tree to the house, damaged Women, kitchen scrcon door and score.n;d ^ ^nd finest car quality Liu: woodwork over the door. The Silk Hose house did not catch fire. A chicken standing near tho door was killed. ••and you can save enough to pay a years tuition- Mrs. Woolley .and Miss Bcnnotl PAIR ! were stunned for a few minutes, bu Car value is pictured with vivid newness and stirring force In the words of GORGEOUa 1 were not hurt. Several years ag< this woman who writes:— I lightning struck another tree ncn lllei ! tin: Woolley house. At that time Mrs. "We considered several much more expensive cars, SILK RAYON 8*4 to 10 Woolley was holding n sieve and the 1 lightning knocked tho ilevc out o but imagine my surprise and delight in finding every ' l.cr hand, Mrs. Woolley escaped in $735 quality matched or bettered by Essex and enough UNDERWEAR jury. Reliable Quail to saved to pay a year's tuition for my daughter." Th» milirlali. worlrnva firontalilt In you to fatly Rumen were plnycd nnd Dnnlcl re FRENCH Dwytrj cmn 1*17 jnr rannu l n/ As you regard its handsome ensemble or go over it detail by detail, you get 11"-in I,, Ilia lialMman palra.ua ci'lvcd eovcrnl pro«cnts. Ills gimst I'ANTICS liwwnf al Ion Ml mwllfiM* the same compelling conviction of completeness and finish, of costly car ymi tan l» M ml J it 41. John and Wllllum 'fomnlno, Unrrj . illll....I.IIl A KI.MYIIA I.IIVIN I1UIIANCK I 'Iha I'Mrrt i,f •»,.! mil I. In nt.laln a llonnott and Nutullo Dwypi. Moth By virtue nl mi Hriltl 'A tin (i.utl >•! N I'rir. uf (llii.it. nl, |li. |,,(MI-I,| ,,f ,|,.P,. pr» of tlio chlldrc i who wcro KIK Chancery id <" .'rr.ry, itnila t>n td* iln/ II III. Him I Urn* IMMWVHL IV'"' 666 pr Ilia llali ' II. xll, Ji.lf Ulll, III,'* Ilir |>Hlllli|l»l iirctcnt wirn.Mn. Fred Munden In a. ml. , raux wh.tfln 'nitialui i"i . " Mil»rl» end quickly ralUru Mm. Frank, Mn Chnrloi Jullnn am Irnanik U iiiriitiiiiur aril ynu nra IIWI-IIM. mi. mi'«, , Ulllouaneii, lltailachai end Dliii. KENWOOD MOTOR SALES GO., INC •HI, you in laiiuiidl HI r'. u>l n .- IH..I,-,IIM . ,l I', H !!!',' * '? ">l"»»r* ConallBMlon. IMitl.r. tha ilih Jay af fianUinlni im ', ,| AliU In allmliiallni /claim Mid 't 116 MONMOUTH STREET Phone 1319 RED BANK, N. J. ji)* Iin utrauOafaulul MfratirIhtraor, »uaimh daer*!»»*» wil-Ill l iim M the tibUMilhr .h.u It |u>>-. lu advortUc In Tl.o Jlr«litV «ui £•!«/™JM1»UOJ£ Th. JUBlittr'i motto—"A p*p«i . . , ,,,,.. IHOWRO0M OWN EVENlNftii . / , • : • ^..v. THE RED BANK REGISTER, ,*'*'•

1 • t''.;'• Good Advertising Will Make This: A Good Year for Your Business With the keenness of competition that is found to- day in every mercantile field, good advertising is abso- lutely necessary in entering, holding and creating a mar- ket. More and more money is being invested in adver- tising because modern business recognizes that just so much distribution can be bought for so many dollars. Good advertising will make this a prosperous year for your business. Tlie Register is a good advertising medium. It will convey your sales message to over 7,400 families, num- bering around 35,000 persons. Most of this circulation is concentrated in Red Bank and the surrounding towns and villages, with a resident population of about 40,000 from which to draw trade. Undoubtedly you buy the greatest distribution for your merchandise when you advertise in The Register. And you buy it at the right price. The Register never deviates from its established rate and each advertiser is assured that he is getting the same rate as all other adver- tisers. '.. • -

What Is A Good Newspaper" A Newspaper Which Inspires Confidence In the old days a newspaper was little more than a Fifty years ago The Register setup certain standards news-monger and generally had a strong political lean- of newspaper malting and those standards have contin- ing. Its first duty Was considered to be that of making uously been lived up to. The Register has never offered voters—"serve the i>arty" a premium or a prize, nor held a circulation contest. It does not spread bold headlines across the front page and Newspapers today, while delivering the news to their never resorts to lurid writing or sensational display.^ It readers, have another and highly important duty to per- never seeks to obtain a reader by offering him anything form. They make buyers. As the most powerful selling but a good newspaper. agency known in the world, their effect is to reduce the cost of merchandise to the consumer through making People learned to depend on The Register for accur- possible larger and quicker turnovers. ate news. And then because a good newspaper is a prod- Every newspaper that has established itself in the uct that every one can afford—nearly every home in good graces of most of the homes in its territory is the Red Bank and vicinity turned to The Register. From a prime mean? of contact between those homes and the circulation of a few hundred The Register has gradually merchants of the community. In one sense the news- grown to a circulation of more than 7,400. paper does not merely deliver so many printed pages to This growth was made without a single inducement that group of families but it delivers that group of fami- other than the merit of the newspaper. Just a slow, lies to the merchant. steady growth down the avenue of years, like the growth The Register holds a position of great strength in its of any product which relies upon its quality alone. A community. Being published weekly The Register re- newspaper which inspires such confidence in its news mains in the home several days, in most cases until the columns, gives an extra value to the advertiser—a value next issue is received. That makes the advertisements in which adds greatly to the sincerity and to the force of his The Register more effective than those appearing in daily message. The Register is just such a newspaper. It has papers, which remain in the home but a few hours at the confidence of its readers, both as to its news columns most. and its advertisements.

THEY KNOW THE VALUE OF IHE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER The advertising manager of one of the country's largest mail order concerns recently made the following statement: '•We have a bureau whose duty it is to read each week the country newspapers from all over the land. This bureau looks over these papers and when we find a town where merchants are not advertising in the local paper we immediately flood that territory with literature. , "It always brings results far in excess of the same effort put forth in territory where local merchants use their local newspapers." THE RED BANK REGISTER "A PAPER 1*1 EVERY HOME" RED BANK REGISTER; 'AUGUST ig&fag. RUMSON TENNIS GAMES. HANDBALL TOURNAMENT. MRST CHURCH OF j NEW! Annual Tournament at Victory John Delaney Won Among thai Boys Park it Under Way. ' and May; Murphy Among Glrla. 1 i• <,, RESTAURANT File* are e«tu«d by congtatton ot ^ Broad 3b. R«d Bank. N. J. ^Moonlight Sad! The tennis tournament atVictoiy John Dclanoy won tho junior sin- ED blood in, the lower bowel. Only »n park at Rumson ia under way. In gles title and Mao Murphy -won th» 4T MoWontb. Si.. lUd Bank, Internal remedy, cwi Remove the 8ttW«t. Sand./, August W. 19-28- tj Across the Bay the senior singles John Sammon girls' singles title in tho handball canse. That's why salves and cut* eliminated Henry, Bauer 6-2, C-4tournament at Victory park at Rum- tine fail. Or. Leonbardt'i Hem-Sold, on Sandy Hook Steamer and Joseph Finegan defeated David son. Tho junior doubles and senior Harry Caplan a harmless tablet, «ucceeda.^ because Hogan 6-3, 7-5. In the women's Bingles arc. still in progress. Lewis & Hagerman it relieves thin congestion- ana singles Annabelle Marthcns lost to In tho junior singles Delaney cap- 110 Waal Front St.' Bra 484 itrengthens tho sftqoted parts. • Hem. Round Bold has given quick, safe and last' Trip Helen Krusc 6-1, 6-3. tured tho championship when he , »tUS "tha"iervfea»' aVd Wlbe j Lumber Co. < Red Bank, N. J, Ing relief i to thousands' ot File a $1.5O In the boys' singles William Oclu defeated William Leahy 11-6. In Sufferers. It will do toewm e for Formerly . won from Thomas VanTriea, David the previous matches John Delaney Phon. 1213 < you or money, back, united Chem- Saturday, August 18,1928 Pintard from James Dclnney, Ar- defeated John Ochs 11-10, James ists and druftsists everywhere sell thur Kerr from Goorga Finn, John Delaney defeated Alfred Davis 11-3,. CHARLES LEWIS Hera-Rold with this guarantee, TRAIN LEAVES Delaney from.John King, Walter Jack King defeated William Kevk- Something New in Monmouth County Surr«ata> Matawan 7:40 P.M. Johnson from William Finegan and enshire 11-9, William Leahy de- In tha nutWr ot the «tlia Approved and Improved >iayed on the Ramblers' field at thesey. . ^ Pair coit of >ald Iroprovcmert. not to e/ceed 'ormer Shrewsbury river country ten thouiand dolUrB, and providing for After a visit with Mr. and Mrs; $1.00 LADIES' PUMPS tho payment theropr. ,i Heating Plumbing Roofing • ;lub. It was a pitching battle be- loseph R. L. Jackson, Mrs. Hattie TO WHOM IT MAV CONCERN! tween William Macintosh of the fire !. Tilton has returned to her home Patents, grey suede, white canvas,' TAKE NOTICE, that an ordinance h«r». department and S. Keys of the Ram- Youths* and Boys' SHOES innlter lot for* hai been Introduced bV °Water Systems , Copper Work : it Brooklyn. • ' ' ' : etc "" ' •' ' '• tho Mayor Bnd Council of the Borounh of blers. Both pitchers allowed two hits. aPair Hed Bank providing for the construction of Earthen and Iron Pipe : Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lupton a »torm lower/together with catch bailnt iCeys batted iiwthe winning runs for md daughter have returned to New aPair and manholes In Willow .treet. mctendltm We Htsiidle the American Radiator Company's I lis team. S1.50 from Wettaldo avenue aoutberly to Drum- j'ork after spending some time at $1.00 mqnd avenue, and from thonce acrmi ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEMS^ J The fire department players be- the home of Andrew J. Latham and private Broteny to the culvert under the ides Mr. Macintosh were Edward LADIES' PUMPS trunks of the Central Ballroad Coropanj' of RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT : imily. MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Now Jersey, and for tho grading of nld Murphy, Kenneth Woodward, John Mrs. Vina Sanford of Brooklyn, ttreot extending from Weitsldt avenue Qrey kid, hjond, tan, etc. southerly to the em) of said Willow street Watson, Henry Bennett, Patrick who has been visiting Mrs. James All kinds. Value $6.00 and up. ai now laid out, and to construct concrete Calendriello, Joseph Brooks, John Morrcll, is now visiting Mrs. C. Cal- a Pair aPair Butters on Westtldo avenue, easterly from Calandriello and James Higgins. Be- Bridge avenue, and on Willow atreet sbuth- vin Walling. $2.50 82.75 i/ *I°!?r 8,ui!",et "venuo to the southerly sides the pitcher the colored team side of .Westnlde avenue, at a cost not «-' as composed of William Brown, R. Fred Wolf, who is staying at the ceodlng ten thousand dollars, and prov/dlng- homo of Mrs.'Elizabeth R. Winter- for paymont thereof by Inuance of tem- Richardson, Buster Keys, J. Ludlow, And many other numerous bargains at a Great Savings. porary Improvement note. "I. Booth, John Rose, W. Keys and ion, is spending several days at '•Said eovaahs body will consider this • Casswick Grove with his brother, ordinance for final pa»««»« on the ZOth B. Taylor. Jay of Auguit. 1028, nt 8;00 oVIock. P/ who is a minister. M- at tho Borough. Hall. In »«W Borougn, Tomorrow night the two teams Hazlet fire company will attend- and all pcnoin whole Innds may be af- will play ngain on the Bears' dia- fected by such ordinnnco or who m*y. be the firemen's parade at Long Branch Interested therein will be Wvan an oppor! mond at Newman Springs. SAMUEL KLATSKY tunlty to bo heard conicrnlnir the orovl- : on Saturday. ^ . e» sIons of eald ordlnanco nt .aid time «nd Mrs. Margaret L. Wilson has re- Place, or at suoh further tlmo and place to FAIR VIEW FIREMEN WIN. turned to her home at Brooklyn af- 5 East Eront Street, Red Bank, N. J. which snld meeting may be adjourned ter spending a month with Mrs. P. . A. E. 3HINN, They Defeated Weatside Fire Com- (Just a Step from Broad Street, Near Wharf Avenue.) ' . Olerk. O. Weigand and family. A1 0 I I>I1 VInINO F pany of Red Bank Last Week. J.« K?o5. ^!A$l95x, 9 OR THB Last Wednesday night at the Finding a Job. Special Purchase Sale Bears' baseball diamond at Newman One of the quickest ways to find Springs, Westside fire company was a job is to advertise in The Regis- defeated at the hands of the Fair ter's want department.—Advertise- THENCE ACR083 PBIVATB ^Rurjjn- This twice-a-year event brings to i View fire company by the score o£ Tlf TO THE CULVERT UNDE» THB ment. TRACKSnOP THE CENTRALBAlK 6 to 0. Frank Kelly of Everett 11OAD COMPANY OP NEW JEHSEY, you seasonable merchandise at AND FOR THE 0KAD1NQ OP SAID i pitched for the Fair View team and STREET KXTENDINO FROM WESl" allowed his opponents three hits. * tuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiMiminirmmiiimuiiiimiitiiiiimii Broilers SIDE AVENUE SOUTHERLY TO THB very little cost. Kobert Starr pitched for Red Bank. END OP SAID WILLOW STRKET AH These Broilers Week End News NOW MID'OUT. AND FOR THE CON- John Kelly, also of Everett, starred STRUOTION OP CONCRETE CUTTERS ON WESTSIDE AVENUE EASTERLY Sale Starts Thursday, August 16th. at bat for the Fair View firemen. are SEVEN ITEMS FROM DRIDOE AVENUE AND ON Tonight on the Bears'diamond, the WILLOW STREET SOUTHERLY FROM . Selected. ATTRACTIVELY SUNSET AVENUE TO THE SOUTHER- See Window Display. Westside company will play a base- j| Stability LY SIDE OP WESTSIDE AVENUE. ball team comprised of Red Bank Strictly Freih Killed, and BE IT ORDAINED by the Muyor and Nona Better PRICED. Council of the Borough of Red Bank! vegetable and grocery men. The fire- 1. That It storm sewer, together with at any Price. 0 1 men's team will be made up of Ben- I | • W>HEN financial .—".IS.. "' " *"" manholes, be contlrutuA jamin Pryor, Robert Starr, Kenneth and*Quality In Willow street, extending from We.Ulde OWNED AND OPERATED avenue loutbcrly to Drummond avenue and Woodward , Douglass, Wallace and j | ** markets are un- lb. BY from thence ncroit private property to the $1.50 to $2.00 ouWert under the trsck< of the Central David Macintosh, Alfred Jarvis, Jos- certain, sound bonds WAGNER MARKET CO. the Best! Rallrosd Company .of New Jersey, at a eph Brooks and Henry Bennett. Tho 47c SINCE 1900. cost not exceeding ten thousand dollirs, particularly demon- and the Borough Clerk Is hereby authurliea opposing team will bo composed of to advertlio proposals for bids for tha Patrick Calandriello, John Knight, strate their merits. construction and laying of said Mwer,. Printed Georgette James Lang, John Watson, Dustan cutch basins and manholei. 2. That Willow street b. graded from Allaire, John Rose, Edward Leddy, We will be pleased to Weitslde avenue southerly to the and of William Macintosh and John Calnn- said Willow street as now laid out, laid suggest issues to meet -.rndo to ho determined by the Boraugh driello. Jnglnatr, and the .torm sewer hereinbefore and Crepe de Chine your , requirements. provided for bo laid at said grade 10 de- termined, and that snld (trading bo dop.1 DECIDING GAME OF SERIES. Quality F^owl by the Borough of Bed Sank. 8. That concrete gutters be conitrueted ou Weatsido avenue easterly from Brldg* $J.OO yard Port Monmouth and Keyport Col- avenue and on Willow street aouthtrif ored Teams to Meet Sunday. from Sumot avenue to tho southerly sldi Selected Milk Fed and Top Grades Only! of Wc.tslde avenue. Thp game between the Drexot col- PAUL & Co. I «. That the totnl amount of the «o<4 All new, way below the regular price. Every piece lege Tigers and the Port Monmoutn o( mid Improvement shall in the flr.t lm I Investment Securities i stance be financed by the Isiuaime of t all pure silk, 40 inches wide and the very latest athletic association baseball team, temporary • Improvement rote which tn« which was to hnvo been played Sun- j 1420 Walnut St., Philadelphia | > Medium Size, H>.32c • aid Mayor and Borough Clerk are hereby authorlted to negotiate and lisno, and at printings; for present or later use. Buy two or day afternoon, was postponed on ac- W. Raymond Johnion E ,' a rate of intoreit not exceeding six per count of stormy weather. Tho third IB Hllbbarrf Park. Red Dank, g / eontum per annum, and said noU m«> be three dresses at this price. Tel. 1SJ8. 3> lb Ply.able on demand or to mature In not of a series of games between tho Large Size, • - 37c exceeding- ilx years from thi data when the iiimiitiiiimmiliiiiimmiimtmimimmiiiniimiiiiumiliimmmirl purpose, for which It Is Issued hat been Port Monmouth nine nnd tho colored carried out and may be suhjett to earlier ti am of Koyport will b0 played Sun- can for payment, and talil note .hall so reelte and shall further roolte lhal It Is It. t'.uy afternoon at half-past two The difference in Price is a matter of size only. Both are the Best ! sued under the authority nnd In full com. | o'clock. Thus far the two tenms Pllence with Chapter 253 of the Lawl 59c to 79c of New Jersey of the yonr 1010 and Act! have played two ton-inning games amendatory theieof and supplementary nnd each team has won one contest. (hereto. 1 ». All otktr matteri In relation to nld Chnrles Naughton, who wns spiked proponed Improvement may be determined nnd cut on tho leg three weeks ago by iSbiequint resolution Itv lltu ul otdl- Silk Mixed Prints In a baseball frame, will probnbly bo Selected Smoked Cottage Hams lb. 39]4,> 30-Inch Two-End Silk and Cotton Cripe. Two Local Boya on Card at Long lo) That Ihe nit dtbl of tha Direugh of 36-Inch Paramount Print* Branch Friday. LEGS, - ib.34c ned ."ank tompuud In tht manntr prn. 36-lncl> Silk Mixed Crepea jldtd In Btctlon 2 of Chapter 101 of the 30-Inch Melrota Rayon I'rlnti Two boxer* from Red Bank will Iiawe of llll. Including thle appropria- tion It SH54.lop.etl. SB-Inch Rajralto Rayon Printi perform on tho card of bouti to bo .44c iltht itattmtnti rtqulnd by Rectum II of •aid. Chapter 313 of the I,aw« of 10H, Long Brunch Friday night, Fairbanks-Morse haya bun made and flltd al thtrelo »• quired, Jimmy Donpto, who bent Leitor 1, Thli orillnann thall take sited upon Smith two wceki tigo, will bo lecn Loin CHops, Ik 54c lie paitage and publication aeoorJIng to Wash Fabrics Ir nction with Sammy Moicow of Water Systems .Silver Lnkoi over tho ilx-roum! NOTICR Final clearance and special purchase; values, 89c routr, li hereby (Ivan that a writ of »tl«ohm«nt Special Campaign to at the lull «f J, Hilton Ke.i'aii.lnil lit to 50c yard. _ _^ Al Maruuuco, nlio of Hod Brink, rlahli and .eredlu, monlit and tlTaete, who knocked out Young Stnmpcy, CHARLIE'S WONDER STORES gooiH and tliatltlt, land, and lentmente tit Homo Owners. the Automotive I'roceat Oiirpnrltlon, a body will rlnih with Kid Zulu of forth lerporate, a non.rttldtnt dtlitor, for the ~~!c yard Amtioy In n four-round bout. •urn nf Kour ilunilrtd Thlrtr.iWee Jlolliri OWNED ANp OPERATED BY WAGNER MARKET CO., and Thlilythree itnli IMll.lll limid 25 In the tUr bout Vlnce Duntlpo of nui of th| Monmoulb Clreult Court on the ' Printed VOIIM Woven Suiting! Baltimore mccta Meyer Cohen of Telephone Red bank lllflj llolyoka, Mum. Printed Linen* Imported Glnffliatm , for appointment. ' Retailers of Good Meats and Poultry Stnco 1900. ttrvtil an4 duly eattmtj, and «•• >p. IMrfteud on the Iftt iley of Jtiir A ft Woven Madrai Mini* SilUtle Tha night will ba donlgnittcd flag- I...... - ."L, „, ,h, ciunly'ilTtlcn. Evnfail Prln,U I'usulo. I'rlnli lice night, In honor of Uoxlnjr Com- m Imperial! Crapii I In* Hamnanta mliiloner No-*ton K. Jlugboc. Fred G. Hurst Nearest Storen—0 BROAD ST. & 22 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK, N. J. JOSKMf MfDIRMOTT, ' HMIMIIMMIMMWMI