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www.kuwaittimes.net NO: 15888- Friday, August 2, 2013

PAGE 8 Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

By Nawara Fattahova launched a new collection of kaftans this Ramadan. “I presented a collection of kaftans to suit the atmosphere of Ramadan and fam- vening gatherings in Ramadan are usually full of vibrancy ily visits, especially after iftar. Most women are now wearing the Eand colour. What adds to the festive atmosphere are the daraas as a kind of fashion, so I have improved the style of the tra- daraas, traditional Kuwaiti dresses women wear in Ramadan, ditional Kuwaiti dress to make it look more trendy to suit the which are called kaftans in Morocco. With globalization, outfits modern lifestyle. I designed the daraas to compete with the have become more international. Local fashion designers always evening dresses that some women wear in Ramadan. I give them prepare special lines for the holy month and Eid, and the daraa or the choice to wear the kaftan instead,” she said. kaftan is an essential and major part of the collection. According to Ajeel, kaftans designed for Ramadan are differ- Muntaha Al-Ajeel Muntaha Al-Ajeel, a popular Kuwaiti fashion designer, ent than those for ordinary days. “The Ramadan kaftans are deco- rated with embroidery, bright threads, more crystal stones, and other decorations. Also, I mix different fabrics and textiles in one kaftan. Sometimes I mix even three different textiles - soft and rigid - which is not common for the regular kaftans. It is hard to design and finish, but it looks special and unique,” she said, explaining that she mixes silk and jacquard or chiffon and taffeta. “It’s not necessary to mix soft fabrics together. Although thick and thin textiles are hard to sew, I combine them to make a special design for Ramadan,” explained Ajeel. Ajeel designs the Ramadan kaftan to be comfortable. “Usually the dresses are designed slim or stretch but I don’t find it suitable for ghabqas or visits where food is served. As women usually wear kaftans for these receptions, they need to wear comfortable and loose dresses to hide the body after eating much,” she point- ed out. The colors of the Ramadan kaftans are also different. “I prefer using silver and golden colors for the kaftans of Ramadan, as these colors are brighter and suit this holy month, as the atmos- phere is different from other months. What’s special about the Ramadan kaftans is that I don’t design accessories for them as I usually do for the normal kaftans simply because they have differ- ent colors and much decoration. They look already attractive without any accessories, while the regular kaftans are more sim- ple and usually have only one color, so we complete them with accessories,” explained Ajeel. Ajeel recently participated in a fashion show held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. “The embassy of Kuwait in the US invited me to join them in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Kuwait becoming a member state of the UN. So I participated in this celebration with a fashion show of my designs which was a great opportunity for the invitees to know Kuwaiti traditional dresses and designs. I was glad to participate in this occasion,” she concluded. Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Conspiracy Local Spotlight Theories Public properties under threat A hand can’t clap alone By Muna Al-Fuzai

[email protected] By Badrya Darwish

ast week green paint was found splattered on the of property. Police haven’t yet determined whether the van- Lincoln Memorial in Washington. More green paint dalism is connected with the Lincoln Memorial and on Lwas discovered on the Joseph Henry statue, and on another statue on the National Mall. Investigations are still the organ console and casework of the historic Bethlehem undergoing. They said it is too early to tell whether the Chapel at the National Cathedral. Green in the US and same person was responsible for the vandalisms, noting [email protected] orange in Kuwait! that while the paint appeared to be splattered indiscrimi- I did not give this matter much thought until recently. nately on the memorial, the statue appeared to have been t has been a long time since I last discussed the With the Arab Spring, destruction of public properties deliberately painted. topic of traffic. I haven’t dwelled on it since Maj seemed common when compared to the killings and dam- The purpose is clear - to express anger and refusal. But IGen Abdel Fattah Al-Ali started the crackdown aging of properties. To many a sculpture is just rock and while the message gets heard clearly, public properties are on reckless drivers. Since then many rumours start- paint. This reflects vulgarity because it ignores history and damaged. It is a threat to the country’s history and these ed spreading that the campaign targeted expats the sacrifices offered to make this sculpture a daily incidents should not be viewed as individual acts. I think it only. The law should be applied to everyone regard- reminder to all. Orange in Kuwait, green somewhere else, is more than that and we should not just let go. less if he or she is an expat or a citizen. Every driver and the chain is long. Meanwhile, crews worked to remove the paint from the should abide by the rules for his or her safety and Officials at the US cathedral discovered the paint inside Lincoln Memorial, which was reopened to visitors. the safety of others on the roads. two chapels. Officials called police and closed the cathedral Destruction of historical properties appears is a form of vio- to visitors while authorities searched the grounds. The lence but if the perpetrators are let go without punishment, The punishment for expats is what I did not like. police later stated that a woman was arrested in the area of these sentimental reminders of heroes could vanish. True Just like we punish Kuwaitis with fines and tickets, the cathedral and would likely face charges of destruction civilizations and nations keep their heroes safe. the same punishment should apply to expats. Why is suddenly the deportation law related to the traffic law and its punishments? Every accident, such as crossing the red light, is specific to certain circum- Kuwait’s my business stances. If someone is found guilty his punishment should be equal to us, Kuwaitis. Today I read that Maj Gen Abdel Fattah Al-Ali Real leaders must sell us on their goals came up with more strict rules for the roads in Kuwait. Maybe, he will start applying them after Eid. I completely agree with him. I have been asking myself for a long time: ‘Why traffic here cannot be as organized as in the United Kingdom or any other people to office, or appoint them to positions of authority, or By John P Hayes even before we allow them to become parents, why don’t we developed country’? Why is there wasta here and insist that they demonstrate their leadership skills? If some peo- people are lenient with the law? ple are born leaders - we hear that all the time - they may not While driving on the streets I often ask myself: need training in goal setting, for example, or other leadership ‘Why someone parks on the curb or blocks the [email protected] skills. But for those who can’t pass the leadership test, let’s insist road?’ I have seen many young women parking at that we teach them how to lead, which means we teach them the handicapped parking lot. Solving the traffic how to develop a vision for the future (the importance of which I problem is more than punishing with fines and car discussed last week), how to set specific goals, and other relative ontinuing with my series about leadership: Leaders are towing. There are other solutions that come from skills (I’ll discuss more of them in future columns). Few things are the municipality and all the ministries. Before we planners and therefore they must be goal setters. Given more important for us individually or collectively, and yet, we do Cthat America is the 7th most competitive country, accord- little to nothing. ask people not to park at the wrong empty spaces ing to the World Economic Forum, it’s safe to assume that Modern schools and universities surround us - all it takes we should ask ourselves: ‘Where are the available Americans are goal setters. But only three percent of Americans now is someone to teach leadership skills (we have many teach- parking spaces?’ Isn’t this a good question? When set goals. Eighty percent of people say they do not set life goals! ers who can do so), and someone to insist that students master landlords construct buildings why aren’t they What does that mean for the rest of the world? What does it these skills. And there’s the problem! Who’s going to require forced to reserve space for parking lots for the ten- mean for Kuwait, which is 37th among competitive countries? Goal setters are known to be happier than non-goal setters, and students to learn reading, writing, math and leadership skills? ants. The same applies to commercial buildings. they earn more money. So why don’t more people set goals? Who’s going to decide that students cannot graduate from Every commercial building should have a parking “I don’t know how” high school or college without first demonstrating leadership lot. When people are asked why they don’t set goals, the most skills? (At GUST, we teach Leadership, but it’s an elective). I know the police and the traffic department common reply is, “I don’t know how.” Considering that most of Who’s going to insist that parents pass a leadership test have the power to give tickets to any car. After all, us are never offered a course in goal setting, that answer makes before they take their baby home from the hospital? Who’s they are doing this to ease the traffic problem in sense. If you don’t know that goal setting is a skill, and you’ve going to require new business applicants to demonstrate lead- Kuwait. But they should look at all the sides and never been taught the skill, how are you going to set goals? If ership qualities before they get a license to operate? Who’s should not just concentrate on punishing the you’re asked to cook a meal, but you’ve never learned the skill of going to require contractors to prove they’re effective leaders expats and towing cars. One person cannot solve cooking, what are you going to do? You cannot order out when it before they’re handed huge chunks of money to develop a city, the traffic problem. That is why we need a joint comes to goal setting. No one can do it for you! the seaside, a stadium, a park, highways, an airport, etc? Leaders who do not set goals - I know that’s a contradiction of Unfortunately, the answer to these questions seems to be: No solution. terms, but the situation exists - are part of what’s wrong with the one. For starters: Why isn’t public transport efficient? world. They can’t lead when they don’t set goals, and yet non- Why risk the future? Another thing which I have disliked was the strong goal setters get elected to office, they’re appointed to positions Someday circumstances could change. Something cata- opposition to car pooling. Why can’t one employee of influence, and they sometimes buy their way into authority. strophic might occur. For example, Kuwait could run out of oil. give a lift to a colleague? Why is this considered Some leaders don’t set out to be leaders, and some are leaders Then what? Sometimes leadership skills show up in the midst of wrong? Actually, the authorities should encourage by circumstance. emergencies, but more often than not the absence of leader- car pooling so that there are fewer cars on the Consider the young couple raising a family. Mom and dad are roads. leaders, and yet, if no one has taught them how to lead, or how ship skills is what causes emergencies. Why risk the future? Why to set goals, how effective will they be? Everywhere we turn not get ahead of the norm? Why not get ahead of other coun- The more we meet and discuss those issues and today, from schools to corporations to government to one indus- tries? Why not become world leaders in leadership? That would the more people have their say I am sure Maj Gen try after another, we’re stuck because we lack real leadership. As improve Kuwait’s competitiveness score, too. Abdel Fattah Al-Ali will find more ways to smooth a society, or a community, we pay a tremendous price for these Real leaders: It’s time to identify yourselves. Sell us on your the traffic in Kuwait. I know the man needs a lot of failures. Children who are not properly led by parents, and stu- goals. If you don’t have any, develop some! work but he also needs all the help from all of us. A dents who are not properly taught by teachers, how will they hand cannot clap alone. succeed? How can a country succeed without effective leaders? NOTE: Dr John P Hayes heads the Business Administration depart- Happy Eid, Maj Gen Abdel Fattah Al-Ali and all ment at GUST and he taught leadership skills to 60 youth at the your colleagues! Let’s teach leaders to lead. Kuwait Leadership Mastery. Contact Dr Hayes at @BadryaD So why don’t we change these situations? Before we elect [email protected], or via Twitter @drjohnhayes. Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Ramadan Kareem An attribute of perfection, plenitude, integrity: Ihsaan

By Hassan T Bwambale b. It also means something that you do which is an attrib- ihsaan is “to worship Allah as though you see Him. For if you ute of perfection such as knowledge as opposed to igno- don’t see Him, He certainly sees you.” (Bukhari 4,777) This f you refer to any dictionary looking up the meaning of “al- rance. statement is succinct but profound. The realization that ihsaan” in English, you will find the following - benefi- c. Something that you do or have that brings you Allah Almighty watches over you all the time will make you Icence, benefaction, benevolence, benignancy, act of chari- encomiums and laudation. a perfectionist in whatever you do. For example, if you work ty, good act, etc. From the Islamic perspective it is more pro- Al-Imam Al-Kafawi is of the opinion that al-ihsaan means in the same office with your employer, would you play found than that. Some scholars say that it means everything doing something that benefits someone in that it makes him around? You would rather try your best to apply all your that brings you praise as soon as you do it as well as rewards feel or become better than he was before, such as feeding a skills so that you would impress him. If this is the case with a later on. hungry person. By so doing, the doer will also feel better and mere human being like yourself, what about when dealing At-Tahanawi - a prominent Muslim scholar - says that become a better person. Note that in regard to feeding a with Allah, your creator, sustainer and cherisher? “... to Allah when ihsaan is mentioned, one of the following meanings is hungry person, the first level of ihsaan is to provide food. applies the highest similitude, for He is the exalted in Power, construed: You can give him fast foods that can mitigate his hunger; but full of Wisdom.” (16:60) a. It is something that you do which is harmonious and real ihsaan is to give him nutritious food and more than that, Ibn Al-Qayyim said that here are three levels of ihsaan, compatible with people’s natural dispositions and tempera- teach him how to get food. the first of which is: Ihsaan in one’s intention by refining it ment. According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), with knowledge, strengthening it with determination and purifying it immediately. That is, if someone has the inten- tion to pray, for example, he should learn how to pray prop- erly, he should not procrastinate when it is time to pray and he should make sure he clears his intentions from personal vested interests. In other words, it is not enough to have the intention without purifying it. Likewise, if you want to help a person, learn how you can help him more effectively, don’t procrastinate and do it for the sake of Allah. Sincerity is among the most valuable teachings that we learn in Ramadan. Allah says what can be translated as: “Who is better in religion than one who submits his whole self to Allah, does good, and follows the way of Ibrahim - the true in faith? For Allah has taken Abraham for a friend.” (4:125) Abdullah bin Umar narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “The most beloved person to Allah is he who is more beneficial to mankind, and the most beloved act to Allah is happiness that you transmit to a Muslim, or solving his problem or clearing his debts (on his behalf) or removing his hunger. Most certainly walking with my (Muslim) brother to solve his problem is dearer to me than performing “eitikaaf” (seclusion for meditation and supplication) in my mosque (alluding to his mosque in Madinah) for a month.” (As-Silsila As-Saheeha 906.) Our kind acts should not be restricted to Muslims only; they should transcend them to encompass people of other faiths. Hudhaifa bin Alyamaan narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Some angels received a soul of someone among the people who lived before you. They asked him, ‘Have you ever done anything good?” He replied in the negative. They asked him to think. (After thinking) he said, “I used to give loans to people. When it was time to pay me back, I would instruct my employees to be lenient with rich people and give them enough respite. And regarding the poor and indigent, I forgave them.” By virtue of this, Allah (SWT) forgave him.” (Al-Bukhari 4/2,077 and Muslim 1,560.) This man was not only focusing on making profits in as much as he was considering people’s problems. Al-ihsaan prompted him to be humane and empathize with the peo- ple. Thus Allah forgave him. If you forgive, Allah forgives you. Question: What did the man who used to give loans and order his employees to be lenient towards those who were financially insolvent get from Allah?

a. His sins were forgiven b. He was given double the money he loaned out. c. Allah mentioned his name in front of the angels.

Courtesy TIES Center, a leading non-political NGO promot- ing relations between Westerners and Muslims through dia- logue, friendship and cultural exchange. For more informa- tion. www.tiescenter.net

24) The Ceaser (ruler) of Rome at the advent of Islam was.. A) Justinian AUGUST 2, 2013 B) Vocas C) Heracles

Local7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Believing in life

Jackie Mauersberger

By Ben Garcia Since 2000, Jackie has participated in vari- ous international art fairs in Europe. In 2001, “To be an artist is to believe in life.” she opened Gallery M. The art gallery hosted — Henry Moore various works of art from Europe. She has also organized several exhibitions all over Europe, his is the belief of Vienna based Filipino Russia, Georgia, , China, the Americas artist and art curator Jackie and Thailand. Gallery M serves as a dealer of TMauersberger as she promotes art in original paintings of the old masters from 13th many parts of the world, particularly Europe, Century art, Leonardo Da Vinci to Modern Art, the Americas and Kuwait. Her recent visit to Caravaggio, Boticelli, Rubens, Renoir, Van Kuwait paved the way for the establishment of Gogh, Modigliani, Monet, Klimt, Picasso, the biggest art exhibition to be held in March Caravaggio, Egon Schiele, Malevich, Joan next year at Jumeirah Beach Hotel. Kuwait Art Miro, Botticelli, Giacomo Balla, Mimmo Rotella Association and Euro Asian Worldwide Kuwait and Marc Chagall. Gallery M represents exclu- will be hosting the exhibition ‘Art Collect sive artists of Gallery Palma Arte - Paolo Da 2014’, with the expected participation of over San Lorenzo, Ademaro Bardelli and Fabio 60 galleries from all over the world (50 interna- Calvetti. tional galleries and 10 local ones). Abdul The gallery has become a cultural meeting Rasoul Salman, the Chairman of Kuwait Art place of artists from different countries and Association, promised to provide the venue established a close cultural friendship among and their utmost support for the exhibitors these nations and joined multicultural art which he believed would promote local artists. together as a unified culture in Austria. Euro “They are very happy about the exhibition Asian Worldwide Kuwait President Romano because they want to be recognized; they Roman said that their group is gaining popu- have talents, they have real artists and they larity among art enthusiasts and art galleries want to be recognized and be known world- here including some from India, Sri Lanka, wide. I think this international exhibition will and other states in the Middle East. showcase their work to an international audi- ence - it’s just a matter of introduction and perhaps they’ll be labeled the best artist in the world,” Jackie said. “If you are exposed to inter- national art, quality art, you can be one of them; your work can be developed and recog- nized and can compete internationally. We just have to open up and believe in life,” she noted. Jackie has been involved in the business for over 30 years, most of her life dedicated to dis- covering Europe and its arts. Immediately after she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the Philippine Women’s University, she got an opportunity to open the ‘Gallery Arce’ in Vienna. She then made a career as a freelance artist. In 1998, she introduced body painting in Manila, which was covered interna- tionally by well-known media networks like CNN, BBC and other European channels. Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Shattered idyll

Memories haunt survivors of 1990 invasion

By Nawara Fattahova

KUWAIT: Even after 23 years, the Iraqi inva- sion of Kuwait is still alive in the memory of those who lived through this terrible expe- rience. Many Kuwaitis and even expats were killed during the invasion and others were imprisoned, tortured or disappeared. The new generation born after the invasion, or who were too young, don’t know what hap- pened and need to get the story from rela- tives, witnesses, media or even museums. Salah Al-Hatem, a 30-year-old Kuwaiti, was a 7-year-old boy when Iraqi soldiers invaded Kuwait on Aug 2, 1990. “As kids we used to watch cartoons at 7:00 am every Thursday and woke up early. On that day we switched on the TV and there was no signal, so we played videogames instead. Then we heard the sound of helicopters outside and went out and saw a khaki and beige helicopter with the Iraqi flag on the bottom. I didn’t know which country’s flag it was then,” he told Kuwait Times. “On the first day my uncle came to our house in his undergarments, and we real-

he Kuwait House of National Works that was launched in 1998 Tholds activities annually on Aug 2 to remind people and teach those who didn’t witness the invasion about the Iraqi soldiers cross a highway carrying white surrender flags in this Feb 25, 1991 file photo in Kuwait. — AFP events that took place. This year, the tion rooms in the halls. I saw dead bodies used to tell us when an inspection group he added. Anybody who lived in Kuwait at museum’s annual festival includes a including the body of female martyr Asrar was coming to the house. So we use to put that time was given KD 500. play narrating the story of the two mar- Al-Qabandi that was thrown on the street in a picture of Saddam Hussein on the wall so “After the liberation, and as a kind of tyrs Asrar Al-Qabandi and Salem Al- Adaliya. I also remember a scene that I saw they wouldn’t bother us. Many Kuwaitis reward for us because we remained in the Kandari. “The guests of the museum as a kid in Rawda when Iraqi soldiers killed used to do this. When the Iraqis burned the country, the government punched our old also have the chance to watch a short two sons in front of their parents. This is oil wells, it was dark as night the whole ID cards and gave us KD 500. So my whole 11-minute-long documentary about seared in my memory as if it was yesterday,” time. Morning and evening were the same. family travelled to Egypt to escape the the rulers of Kuwait since the first Amir he recounted. The houses, cars and outfits were black. It depression caused by the invasion,” con- until the present Amir HH Sheikh “We used to feed the soldiers and they was scary and lasted for about six months,” cluded Hatem. Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,” said Khalaf Al-Enezi, the museum’s PR manager. Kuwait remembers triumph ized he had just arrived back from the Dasman battle, where the Kuwaiti army against Iraqi invasion gave the enemy the illusion that the Amir and other members of the royal family were KUWAIT: Iraq’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait was the country. even though the country was occupied and in Dasman to give them a chance to leave an attempt to uproot the Kuwaiti identity. In an effort to spread regional and inter- provided loans to nations which sought the country,” he added. Hatem remembers This catastrophe came to an end after a national awareness over the plight of the cooperation with the fund. more things. “We used to see soldiers who mutual effort by the Kuwaiti leadership and Kuwaiti people, the conference took the One of the major efforts that led to the looked miserable, and they wore creased people, who together worked to garner decision to send dozens of non-official liberation of Kuwait came when the late beige military uniforms and slippers and international support to liberate the country. Kuwaiti nationals to countries around the Amir Sheikh Jaber delivered a speech to the carried guns. My uncle was a popular TV Led by the then Amir the late Sheikh Jaber globe. The delegations, consisting of Kuwaiti 45th session of the United Nations (UN) presenter so he couldn’t leave his house. Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the then Crown citizens, helped in reflecting the people’s General Assembly on Sept 27, 1990. Sheikh Most men in the family changed their IDs - Prince the late Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al- support of the leadership and presenting an Jaber reaffirmed, in his speech, that Kuwait, as they were in the army - to professions Sabah, and then Foreign Minister and current official and popular stance which detested as always, would continue to aid just causes such as teacher or secretary,” recalled Amir HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- the current status quo set by the Iraqi occu- around the globe, noting that his nation was Hatem. Sabah, Kuwait managed to overcome the piers at that time. The Kuwaiti leadership in need of assistance from friends around It was a hard period. “There was little 204-day long aggression. also worked on the military level and made the world to end the injustice which befell food during the invasion and it was deplet- The efforts to retain Kuwait’s soil and sov- sure that the Kuwaiti troops participating in upon his country. The current Amir Sheikh ing fast. The last three months there was ereignty began with the Jeddah conference the liberation war were equipped with the Sabah also played an integral role on the almost no food and we only ate oregano in Oct 1990, an event which formulated an latest weapons to carry on this noble effort. diplomatic level when he gathered support and oil for breakfast and dinner. My cousins initial Kuwaiti stance in resisting the Iraqi On an economic level, the Kuwaiti lead- for the cause through his efforts as foreign used to move the garbage to the desert and occupation and the right to liberate the ership continued to financially support citi- minister. The Kuwaiti leadership and peo- burn it there. At that time South Surra was country. The conference focused on sup- zens and expatriates alike despite the dire ple’s role in liberating Kuwait was an exam- open desert, so the smell reached us in porting the Kuwaiti resistance within the situation, providing assistance to citizens ple of how a nation could rise above its dif- Rawda. Now when I smell burning garbage country and abroad until the goal of libera- abroad and workers from 130 countries who ferences and face a common foe and thus, in the chalet areas, it immediately reminds tion was achieved. The Kuwaiti leadership were living in Kuwait prior to the invasion. the invasion of Kuwait and liberation will for- me of the invasion,” he explained. refused, during the course of this event, any Also, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic ever be remembered as a significant histori- Salah remembers that Kazma Sports Club attempts to bargain over the sovereignty of Development (KFAED) continued operations cal event. — KUNA was a torture center. “There were interroga-

Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Bahrain toughens penalties on ‘terror acts’

DUBAI: Bahrain’s King Hamad has decreed stiffer penalties the king during a parliamentary recess, mostly loyalist MPs paganda to promote a security solution... which violates for “terror acts” in the country rocked by a Shiite-led upris- also recommended “a ban on gatherings and rallies” in the international conventions”. The authorities report a grow- ing since 2011, the official BNA news agency said yester- capital Manama. They called for emergency law to be ing number of shootings and bombings targeting police day. Under a new law, suspects convicted for bomb attacks declared in the Gulf state if the need arose. stations and patrols in Shiite villages outside Manama, will be sentenced to life imprisonment or to death in cases Amnesty International warned Wednesday that the blaming “terrorists” for the attacks. Yesterday, a criminal of casualties, BNA said. The minimum penalty for an adoption of the amendments would “lead to further viola- court sentenced 12 Shiite protesters to two years in prison attempted bombing is 10 years behind bars. The crimes tions of Bahrain’s international human rights obligations”. each for taking part in “unlicenced protests” and targeting previously carried unspecified jail terms. Nadim Houry, deputy Middle East director at Human “police forces with Molotov cocktails,” a judicial source said. Suspects found guilty of “raising money for a terrorist Rights Watch, said yesterday that Bahrain’s government Eight of them were tried in absentia. Shiite demonstrators organisation” will be handed jail terms ranging 10 years to had spent the last two years cracking down on peaceful have kept up pro-democracy protests despite a 2011 crack- life. Authorities will also have powers to revoke the citizen- protests. “Now it’s planning a whole new set of draconian down backed by Saudi-led Gulf troops, sparking repeated ship of anyone found guilty of committing or inciting an restrictions, effectively creating a new state of emergency, clashes with security forces. A car bomb on July 17 explod- act of terrorism. Tensions have been on the rise in the while peaceful protesters from the last round are sitting in ed outside a Sunni mosque, close to the royal court in Rifaa Sunni-ruled but Shiite-majority Gulf kingdom ahead of a prison with long sentences,” he said in a statement. HRW south of Manama, without causing any casualties. There major opposition demonstration called for mid-August. said revoking citizenship on the basis of unfair trial convic- have since been three arrests. At least 80 people have been Authorities have already decided to ban the protest and tions violated Bahrainis’ rights under international law. killed in Bahrain since protests erupted two years ago, threatened to severely punish those who take part. The Shiite-led opposition has condemned the language according to the International Federation for Human On Monday, King Hamad ordered the government to used in the parliamentary debate as a “declaration of war Rights. Strategically located across the Gulf from Shiite implement a parliamentary call for tough measures against on the people, as well as open threats and insults to Iran, Bahrain is home to the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet and is an what the authorities term an upsurge in “terrorism” linked beliefs”. But opposition groups insisted in a statement that offshore financial and services centre for its oil-rich Arab to the Shiite-led protests. At a special session requested by the people’s actions remain “peaceful,” denouncing “pro- neighbours in the Gulf. — Agencies MoI keeps up pressure on traffic violators Wrongly-parked vehicles to be impounded

By Hanan Al-Saadoun rules will be strictly applied in order to have traffic disci- pline on all roads of Kuwait. KUWAIT: Interior Ministry Assistant Undersecretary for Since April at least 2,000 traffic violations were regis- Traffic Affairs Maj Gen Abdelfattah Al-Ali said the traffic tered including a thousand tickets issued directly on the sector continues its efforts to restore traffic discipline on street, while thousands of people were reportedly deport- the street and keep traffic flowing smoothly. He said this ed over immigration laws. Statistics published by a local comes at the instructions of First Deputy Premier and daily yesterday indicate that issuance of new driving licens- Interior Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Hmoud Al-Sabah, and es dropped from an average of 8,000 a month to only 1,200 closely monitored by Undersecretary Gen Ghazi Al-Omar. as a result of intensified procedures. Statistics also indicate Ali said since a large number of drivers leave their cars in that 8,000 licenses were canceled in the past four months, no parking areas causing traffic obstructions and endanger while KD 25 million in fines were collected. the life of others while others leave their cars on pave- The ministry has disclosed it has deported violators who ments or park them in spots designated for the handi- were caught driving without a driver’s license, used private KUWAIT: Drugs Control Department officers, arrested a citi- capped, it was decided to use tougher measures in the cars to ferry passengers for money, ran red lights for a sec- zen in possession of 2 kg of hashish and 30 gm of shabu [a form of impounding cars. The traffic law states that if a car ond time and exceeded the speed limit by over 40 km. combination of powder cocaine, methamphetamine, crack is found parked in no parking areas, waits in places that Foreigners living in Kuwait need to meet certain require- cocaine and methylenedioxy methamphetamine (MDMA)] in may obstruct traffic flow, found on pavements or aban- ments in order to apply for a driver’s license, including hav- addition to mind-altering substances. The suspect told police doned on public roads or if found parked in areas designat- ing a valid work visa, a university degree and a minimum that a Gulf citizen financed him. He was sent to concerned ed for the handicapped, it will be towed away. Ali said the salary of KD400 a month. authorities. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun Sheikh Nasser visits sharia committee HQ

KUWAIT: Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah visited Wednesday the headquarters of the Supreme Consultative Committee on the Implementation of Sharia. Sheikh Nasser was welcomed by the Committee Chairman Dr Khaled Al-Madhkour and the other commit- tee members. Sheikh Nasser, accompanied by Head of the National Security Apparatus Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- Sabah and several sheikhs, toured the com- mittee different sections and listened to a briefing from Madhkour about the committee work and achievements. Sheikh Nasser congratulated Madhkour on the holy fasting month of Ramadan and expressed full support to the committee. For his part, Madkhour thanked Sheikh Nasser on regular visits and support to the committee. He also noted that the committee is embark- ing on a number of educational projects to KUWAIT: Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah visits Wednesday the headquarters of the Supreme Consultative promote and inculcate great Islamic and Committee on the Implementation of Sharia.—KUNA national values in the society. — KUNA FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Explosions rock India’s poor drain Eggs fry on regime ‘impure’ blood to pavements as districts in cure diseases heatwave grips Syrian13 city 16 China15

Snowden gets asylum in Russia

In this image, Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena shows a temporary document to allow Edward Snowden to cross the border into Russia while speaking to the media after visiting National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden at Sheremetyevo airport outside Moscow, Russia yesterday. — AP Current whereabouts remain a secret

MOSCOW: Fugitive former US spy agency contractor Edward was not going to stay at an embassy in Moscow, although three Snowden plans to do in Russia, although he has said he would Snowden slipped quietly out of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport Latin American countries have offered to shelter him. Snowden, like to travel around the country. More than half of Russians have yesterday after securing temporary asylum in Russia, ending 30, was accompanied by Sarah Harrison, a representative of the a positive opinion of Snowden and 43 percent wanted him to be more than a month in limbo in the transit area. A Russian lawyer anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, which confirmed he had left the granted asylum, a poll released by independent research group who has been assisting Snowden said the American, who is airport. “We would like to thank the Russian people and all those Levada said this week. wanted in the for leaking details of secret govern- others who have helped to protect Mr Snowden. We have won Snowden’s arrival at Sheremetyevo put Putin in an awkward ment surveillance programmes, had gone to a safe location the battle - now the war,” WikiLeaks said on Twitter. Nicaragua, position. He has said he does not want the case to undermine which would remain secret. After 39 days avoiding hordes of Bolivia and Venezuela have offered Snowden refuge, but there relations with Washington but would have risked looking weak if reporters desperate for a glimpse of him, Snowden managed to are no direct commercial flights to Latin America from Moscow he had handed him over to the US authorities. Both Russia and give them the slip again, leaving the airport in a taxi without and he was concerned the United States would intercept his the United States have signalled they want to improve ties, being spotted. flight to prevent him reaching a new destination. He was forced strained by issues ranging from the Syrian conflict to Putin’s Snowden’s case has caused new strains in relations between to bide his time in the transit area between the runway and pass- treatment of opponents and Western-funded non-governmen- Russia and the United States, which wants him extradited to face port control, which Russia considers neutral territory. Kucherena tal organisations since he started a third term in 2012. espionage charges. But a Kremlin official said ties would not suf- had given Snowden Russian books to help pass the time and says Putin has said Snowden must stop anti-US activities, but it fer from what he called a “relatively insignificant” case. Grainy he has started learning Russian. was not clear whether the American had agreed to do so. images on Russian television showed Snowden’s new docu- Snowden has said previously that he does not regard his activi- ment, which is similar to a Russian passport, and revealed that he Strains in ties ties as hostile to the United States, although Kucherena has said had been granted asylum for a year from July 31. The White House has signalled that President Barack Obama his client has agreed to halt such actions. There has already been “He is the most wanted man on planet Earth. What do you might consider boycotting a planned summit with Russian diplomatic fallout from Snowden’s leaks, which included infor- think he is going to do? He has to think about his personal secu- President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in early September over the mation that the US National Security Agency bugged European rity. I cannot tell you where he is going,” his lawyer, Anatoly Snowden case. But a senior Kremlin official played down con- Union offices and gained access to EU internal computer net- Kucherena, told Reuters. “I put him in a taxi 15 to 20 minutes ago cerns. “Our president has ... expressed hope many times that this works, even though the EU is an ally. China, Brazil and France and gave him his certificate on getting refugee status in the will not affect the character of our relations,” Yuri Ushakov, have also voiced concern over the spying programme. US rela- Russian Federation,” he said. “He can live wherever he wants in Putin’s top foreign policy adviser, told reporters shortly after tions with Latin American states have been clouded by the Russia. It’s his personal choice.” news of Snowden’s departure from the airport. refusal of four US allies in Europe to let a plane carrying Bolivia’s He said Snowden, who had his US passport revoked by He said there was no sign that US President Barack Obama president home from Moscow use their airspace because of sus- Washington after he fled to Moscow from Hong Kong on June 23, would cancel the planned visit in September. It is not clear what picion that Snowden might be on the plane. — Reuters

International FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 13 Hopes ride on Iran’s Rouhani Rouhani inherits diplomatic tension, failing economy

DUBAI: A wave of optimism has swept within the framework of international reg- nomical growth in liquidity has been a key Iran since Hassan Rouhani was elected ulations and principles are the solution to driver of inflation,” said Mohammad Ali president last month, but as he takes end sanctions,” he said. “We will first have Shabani, a UK-based independent Iran office on Sunday the moderate cleric has a to prevent new sanctions being applied, analyst. monumental task to resolve the nuclear then reduce them and later, God willing, “This vast stream of liquidity is in con- dispute, ease stringent sanctions and to completely remove them.” stant search of interest higher than infla- revive a failing economy. If that were not Such words however failed to move tion, and as such has moved from hard enough, he has to do this while trying to the US House of Representatives which currency, to gold, to property, creating satisfy the demands of his reformist allies easily passed a bill on Wednesday to tight- bubbles,” he said. Though the govern- while outflanking the conservatives he en sanctions on Iran, further cutting its oil ment cash handouts are now much deval- HOMS: An image grab taken from a video uploaded defeated, but who still dominate parlia- exports despite warnings from White ued, cutting them altogether, as well as on Youtube shows smoke and fire billowing from ment and are deeply embedded within House officials who said they wanted to implementing traditional means of bat- buildings in Syria’s central city of Homs following a the state. give Rouhani a chance. Rouhani may take tling inflation, could prove extremely blast in a regime ammunition dump which left many But no matter what progress, if any, some comfort from the reaction of one of unpopular and with revenues from oil and dead yesterday. —AFP Rouhani makes towards resolving Iran’s the six powers, Russia, which said the US gas squeezed, Rouhani’s room for myriad problems, President Mahmoud move would not resolve the dispute over manoeuvre could prove to be limited. Ahmadinejad’s eight years in office are at Iran’s nuclear programme. That could build up opposition at home Explosions rock an end, to the relief of his critics at home Economy in turmoil with moderate Rouhani squeezed and abroad. Ahmadinejad’s abrasive rhet- Rouhani has also made conciliatory between hardline conservatives and regime districts oric and unwillingness to compromise noises about Syria where Iran has provid- reformists whose last minute endorse- precluded any nuclear deal with the West ed military training and credit to help ment helped him clinch his surprise win. in Syrian city while ever tightening sanctions, domestic President Bashar al-Assad in his more than “Sedition” mismanagement and misguided state two-year battle to defeat insurgents sup- As ever, the key will be the stance of DAMASCUS: Huge explosions rocked regime-held districts in the central handouts sent inflation soaring over 40 ported by Gulf Arab and some Western the leader. Rouhani and Khamenei go Syrian city of Homs yesterday, sending a massive ball of fire into the percent, increasing the suffering of many states. Praising the Syrian government for back some 40 years to the intrigues that and causing successive blasts that activists said likely came from a struck ordinary Iranians. standing up to what he called “Israeli helped topple the US-backed shah in weapons depot. A Homs resident said thick smoke and dust could be seen “Before the election, everyone was say- expansionist policies and practices”, 1979. But the leader still openly criticised from a distance, as explosions shook the ground and panicked those near- ing anyone, anyone at all, has to be better Rouhani has offered to mediate between Rouhani when, as Iran’s chief nuclear by. A video posted online by activists showed a huge ball of fire over Homs than Ahmadinejad,” said one Tehran resi- the Assad “and those in the opposition negotiator, he agreed to suspend Iran’s neighborhoods. The explosions in Homs coincided with a rare trip by dent. “Now people hope Rouhani might who strive for democracy and good gov- uranium enrichment in 2004. President Bashar Assad to a former rebel bastion near the capital, be able to change things, at least a bit.” ernance”. Khamenei has turned against allies in Damascus, to mark Army Day. Similar optimism has greeted Rouhani The president however has little con- the past. He strongly backed Ahmadinejad Assad’s visit to Daraya is his first known public trip outside the capital, abroad where he has pledged to pursue a trol over the activities abroad of the in the face of huge protests in which his seat of power, in more than a year. He visited the battered Baba Amr less confrontational approach to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards who report directly dozens were killed following the 2009 district in the central city of Homs after troops seized it from rebels in talks with six world powers over a nuclear to the leader and have their own inde- election, then later shunned the president March 2012. It also is the latest sign of confidence from Assad, whose programme the West suspects is a veiled pendent sources of funds. Though when he appeared to challenge the troops have been on the offensive and scored significant gains against attempt to achieve a nuclear weapons Khamenei, the top man in Iran’s complex leader’s authority. Though temporarily rebels in recent months. Assad pledged victory over troops fighting to capability. Iran says its efforts are entirely power structure, calls all the shots when it down, hardliners are by no means out. topple him. The explosions in Homs reflected the see-saw nature of the peaceful. comes to nuclear and security issues, the Rouhani’s first domestic test could be how conflict. It showed that despite significant advances by Assad’s military, “The historic election of Hassan president is given a relatively free hand to he handles calls from reformists for the rebels could still strike back. An official at the governor’s office in Homs Rouhani last month in Iran was widely run the economy, and that is the big issue release from house arrest of Mirhossein said about 10 rockets slammed into the neighborhood of Zahra and the seen as a rejection of radicalism and an for Iranians. Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi, the candi- nearby sports stadium, sparking a large fire and causing several casualties. embrace of moderation. Hopes have risen Of course, much depends on Rouhani’s dates defeated in 2009. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government reg- that a negotiated solution to the nuclear ability to gain some wiggle room from “I don’t think it will be difficult to bring ulations. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a stand-off may now be within reach,” said swingeing United Nations, US and about a condition in the next year where rocket may have struck an arms depot, igniting the fire. A resident of Homs Trita Parsi, president of the National European Union sanctions that have not only those under house arrest, but corroborated that account, saying he was still hearing blasts more than an Iranian American Council. Rouhani is how- helped fuel inflation and halved the value also those detained after the 2009 elec- hour after the first explosion. He said they could be heard from the over- ever very much an Islamic Republic insider of the rial in the last 18 months. US and EU tions will be released,” Rouhani told stu- whelmingly pro-regime districts of Wadi Dahab and Al-Walid. Syrian state with 16 years as head of the Supreme sanctions are increasingly targeting Iran’s dents during his campaign in May. But television did not provide details of Assad’s visit to Daraya but the presi- National Security Council and the last oil and gas industry, the life-blood of an hardly a day now passes without a hard- dency’s Facebook page released a photo of Assad in a blue suit and tie, eight years as one of two personal repre- economy which generations of Iranian line member of parliament railing against chatting with two soldiers before what appears to be a damaged building. sentatives of Supreme Leader Ayatollah leaders have largely failed to properly the 2009 “sedition” and the dire conse- Daraya, just south of Damascus, was held by rebels for months and it took Ali Khamenei on the same body. Even so, diversify. quences that would befall Iran if its leaders the army weeks of heavy fighting to regain control of the suburb earlier Rouhani has still been making all the right Ahmadinejad’s solution was to wean were freed. Shaul Bakhash, professor at this year. Before his trip to Daraya, Assad lauded his troops’ accomplish- noises. the country off costly subsidies, a plan George Mason University in Virginia, said ments in the battle against opposition forces. “You have stunned the entire “Of course our nuclear plans are fully applauded by the International Monetary Rouhani was inheriting daunting chal- world with your steadfastness and ability to overcome the difficulties and transparent, but we are ready to show Fund. But poor execution resulted in the lenges: A deteriorating economy, a disor- score achievements in the face of the fiercest barbaric war the modern his- more transparency,” said Rouhani, setting government printing money to spend on ganised government administration, a tory has ever witnessed,” he said in comments released for Army Day. “Had out his stall at his first post-election news monthly payments to each Iranian house- worsened human rights situation, and we in Syria not been confident of victory, we wouldn’t have been able to conference. “Second, we will increase hold. “Since Ahmadinejad took office in strengthened hardline and conservative resist” for more than two years, Assad said. The statement was carried by mutual trust between Iran and other 2005, the amount of rials in circulation has political organisations. “He has his work the state news agency SANA. —AP countries.” “Mutual trust and transparency increased by a factor of seven. This astro- cut out for him.” —Reuters Fresh US drone strike in Yemen as Hadi meets Obama ADEN:A US drone killed four Al-Qaeda sus- where AQAP militants have carried out a drones in the region, has sharply increased Abdullah Saleh in 2011 to seize large pects in Yemen yesterday, a security official string of attacks on army personnel, the its use of them against Al-Qaeda targets in swathes of territory across the south and said, the third such strike in five days as the Yemeni security official told AFP. The Yemen over the past two years. east. Washington has given strong support Yemeni president prepared for White unmanned aircraft “raided an Al-Qaeda US drones strikes in Yemen nearly to the efforts of Saleh’s successor, Hadi, to House talks. Yemen’s US-backed campaign vehicle in the Wadi Ser area destroying it tripled in 2012 compared to 2011, from 18 reassert central government control. against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Pensinsula and killing four militants,” the official said, to 53, according to the New America Several key AQAP leaders have been (AQAP) was expected to be high on the speaking on condition of anonymity. Foundation, a Washington-based think- killed in US drone strikes, most recently the agenda of Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi’s meet- It was the third deadly drone strike in tank. The jihadists remain active in the group’s deputy leader Saeed al-Shehri ing with President Barack Obama later yes- five days to hit Al-Qaeda in Yemen. On south and east of Yemen despite an offen- whose death was confirmed by the jihadists terday. Washington regards AQAP, a merg- Tuesday, a US drone killed three suspected sive by the army in summer 2012 that on July 17. Cooperation against the jihadists er of militants in Yemen and neighbouring militants in the southern province of recaptured most of Abyan province’s main was to be high on the agenda of Hadi’s talks Saudi Arabia, as the worldwide jihadist net- Shabwa. On Saturday, a drone killed six sus- towns. with Obama later yesterday, along with the work’s most active and dangerous branch. pected militants in the Mahfad mountains AQAP took advantage of the weakness fate of the dozens of Yemeni Al-Qaeda sus- The latest drone strike came in the of neighbouring Abyan province. The of Yemen’s central government during an pects still held at the US detention centre in southeastern province of Hadramawt, United States, the only country to operate uprising against now-ousted president Ali Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. —AFP 14 International FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Zimbabwe vote is ‘huge farce’: Tsvangirai Domestic monitors say vote ‘seriously compromised’ HARARE: Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai laties, with thousands being disenfranchised. mean five more years of troubled relations credible,” ZESN chairman Solomon Zwana told dismissed Zimbabwe’s election as a farce yes- Wednesday’s voting was peaceful across the with the West, where the former liberation a news conference. “They must offer all citi- terday after his rival President Robert Mugabe’s southern African nation but the MDC’s out- fighter is regarded as a ruthless despot zens... an equal opportunity to vote.” party claimed a landslide victory that would right rejection of the vote raises the prospect responsible for serious human rights abuses Several political sources told Reuters that secure another five years in power for Africa’s of an acrimonious dispute. and wrecking the economy. top MDC members had lost their parliamentary oldest head of state. Speaking to reporters at It also increases the chances of a repeat of Western election observers were barred seats, including some in the capital, Tsvangirai’s the headquarters of his Movement for the violence that followed another contested from entering the former British colony, but the main support base since he burst onto the Democratic Change (MDC), a downbeat poll in 2008 in the southern African nation, head of an African Union monitoring mission political scene in the former British colony 15 Tsvangirai said Wednesday’s vote should be which has rich reserves of minerals such as said the polls had initially appeared “peaceful, years ago. Party insiders spoke of shock at the considered invalid because of polling day irreg- chrome, coal, platinum and gold. A senior orderly and free and fair” - an assessment also projected outcome, which is likely to come ularities and vote-rigging by 89-year-old source in Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party, who asked at odds with the view of independent agencies. under intense scrutiny from Western govern- Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party. not to be named, told Reuters that less than 15 The Zimbabwe Election Support Network ments. “This has been a huge farce,” Tsvangirai hours after the polls had closed the result was (ZESN), the leading domestic monitoring body, The United States, which has sanctions in said. “In our view, that election is null and void.” already clear. “We’ve taken this election. We’ve said large numbers of people had been turned place against Mugabe and his inner circle, He did not take questions, leaving it unclear buried the MDC. We never had any doubt that away from polling stations in MDC strongholds. expressed concerns about the election’s credi- whether he or his party will mount any kind of we were going to win,” the source said, but It also cast doubt on the authenticity of the vot- bility in advance, citing persistent pro-ZANU-PF legal challenge. The conflicting claims from the gave no vote numbers. ers’ roll, noting that 99.97 percent of voters in bias in the state media and partisan security two main competing camps came even before Before party leader Tsvangirai spoke, a the countryside - Mugabe’s main source of sup- forces. The view from Brussels, London and Zimbabwe’s Electoral Commission had issued senior MDC source had called the election a port - were registered, against just 67.9 percent Washington is key to the future of Zimbabwe’s any official results, expected by Monday. “monumental fraud”. Releasing unofficial in the mostly pro-Tsvangirai urban areas. In all, economy, which is still struggling with the The largest independent observer group results early in Zimbabwe is illegal, and police 6.4 million people, nearly half the population, aftermath of a decade-long slump and hyperin- said the credibility of the poll was compro- had said they would arrest anybody who did had been registered to vote. “It is not sufficient flation that ended in 2009 when the worthless mised because of voter registration irregu- this. If confirmed, Mugabe’s victory is likely to for elections to be peaceful for elections to be Zimbabwe dollar was scrapped. —Reuters Egypt offers ‘safe exit’ for Morsi’s supporters Egypt Islamists reject police call to disperse CAIRO: Egypt’s interior ministry yesterday ment added. But Allaa Mostafa, a spokes- press conference yesterday with his Egyptian promised Mohamed Morsi’s supporters “safe woman for the Anti Coup Alliance organising counterpart, Nabil Fahmy. exit” if they quickly leave their Cairo protest demonstrations demanding the reinstate- Later, he was scheduled to meet interim camps, as police prepared to disperse them ment of the deposed Islamist president, told president Adly Mansour and representatives amid international appeals for restraint. The AFP “we are going to continue our peaceful of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood and other call to disperse, which came after police com- sit-ins and our peaceful protests.” political parties. EU envoy Leon also landed in BAGHDAD: Iraqi Shiite Muslim worshipers place the manders discussed how to carry out orders Ministers had ordered police to end sit-ins Cairo on Wednesday, to follow up on three holy Quran over their heads as they attend a Lailat from the military-installed interim govern- and marches by Morsi’s Islamist supporters, days of intensive diplomacy by the bloc’s for- Al-Qadr, or Night of Destiny, prayer in the Imam ment to end the protests, was immediately saying they amounted to a “national security eign policy chief, Catherine Ashton. The US Musa Al-Khadim shrine yesterday. —AFP rejected by the demonstrators. Diplomatic threat.” The orders raised fears of new vio- State Department called on the interim efforts to avoid further bloodshed picked up lence, less than a week after 82 people were authorities to “respect the right of peaceful pace, with EU Middle East envoy Bernardino killed in clashes at a pro-Morsi rally in Cairo. assemblies.” 1,000 killed in Leon and German Foreign Minister Guido The international community, which has “That obviously includes sit-ins,” spokes- Westerwelle both arriving in Cairo to urge the expressed mounting concern over the vio- woman Marie Harf told reporters. British deadliest month rival camps to find common ground. lence since Morsi’s July 3 ouster, warned Foreign Secretary William Hague called for An interior ministry statement called “on against further bloodshed. “an urgent end to the current bloodshed” and for Iraq in 5 years those in Rabaa Al-Adawiya and Nahda The German foreign minister, who arrived the release of Morsi, in a phone call to interim squares to let reason and the national interest in Cairo on Wednesday, urged both sides to vice president Mohamed ElBaradei, the BAGHDAD: Violence killed around one thousand people in July, govern- prevail, and to quicky leave.” The ministry remain peaceful and seek an inclusive solu- Foreign Office said. And Amnesty ment and United Nations figures show, making it Iraq’s deadliest month “pledges a safe exit and full protection to tion. “I am here to encourage all political International condemned the cabinet order since 2008 when the country was emerging from a bloody sectarian con- whoever responds to this appeal,” the state- forces to engage in dialogue,” he said at a as a “recipe for further bloodshed.” flict. Bombings ripped through crowded cafes and mowed down wor- In Rabaa al-Adawiya, the mood was calm shippers at mosques last month, when militants also carried out brazen after the cabinet’s announcement. assaults on two prisons. “The impact of violence on civilians remains dis- Thousands of protesters have been camped turbingly high,” UN envoy Gyorgy Busztin said in a statement. “We out in a tent city at the square. The interior haven’t seen such numbers in more than five years, when the blind rage ministry had already warned that the demon- of sectarian strife that inflicted such deep wounds upon this country was strations would be dispersed “soon,” but finally abating,” he said. Iraq was racked by a bloody Sunni-Shiite sectari- without saying when or how. Foreign trade an conflict that peaked in 2006-2007, when thousands of people were minister Munir Fakhry Abdel Nur said killed because of their religious affiliation or forced to abandon their Wednesday’s statement did not “give room homes under threat of death. “I reiterate my urgent call on Iraq’s political for interpretation”. leaders to take immediate and decisive action to stop the senseless Accusing Morsi supporters of bearing bloodshed, and to prevent these dark days from returning,” Busztin said. arms, he told AFP: “It is clear the interior min- According to Iraqi government figures, 989 people were killed in July, istry has been given the green light to take including 778 civilians. More than 1,350 civilians were wounded in the necessary measures within legal bounds.” attacks, according to the figures compiled by the health, interior and The interim government also faces an defence ministries. The figures make July the deadliest month since April increase in militant attacks in the restive Sinai 2008, when 1,428 people were killed. The UN for its part put the toll for peninsula, where gunmen yesterday shot July at 1,057 people killed and 2,109 wounded. According to the United dead a policeman in the northern town of El- Nations, more than twice as many civilians were killed in Iraq during the Arish, security officials said. first six months of 2013 as were killed over the same period in Much of the Egyptian media expressed Afghanistan. In one of the month’s deadliest single attacks, a suicide support for the government’s decision, with bomber detonated explosives in a cafe in the northern city of Kirkuk, NEW DELHI: An Indian student tears a photograph of Egypt’s interim some saying the interim administration had killing 41 people. Militants frequently targeted cafes, where Iraqis often Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei during a solidarity march in sup- received “the people’s mandate” in demon- gather after breaking their daily fast during the Muslim holy month of port of Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi outside Egyptian strations last Friday backing Morsi’s over- Ramadan, and also attacked mosques, where extended evening prayers embassy yesterday. —AP throw. —AFP are held during the month. —AFP International FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Chinese game lets Eggs fry on pavements players reclaim disputed islands as heatwave grips China SHANGHAI: A military-backed Chinese video game released yesterday allows players to Vehicles self-combust, billboard catches fire in China satisfy their patriotism by fighting enemy forces in islands disputed with Japan, reflect- SHANGHAI: ing enduring tensions. “Glorious Mission It’s been so hot in China that folks are Online”, China’s answer to “Call of Duty”, grilling shrimp on manhole covers, eggs are hatch- marks the 86th anniversary of the founding of ing without incubators and a highway billboard has the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The mysteriously caught fire by itself. The heat wave - game, an online version of an earlier first-per- the worst in at least 140 years in some parts - has son shooter game used by the PLA to train left dozens of people dead and pushed thermome- troops, features the East China Sea islands ters above 40 degrees C (104 F) in at least 40 cities known as Diaoyu by Beijing and Senkaku by and counties, mostly in the south and east. Tokyo. Tensions have been mounting over Authorities for the first time have declared the heat the islands, which are controlled by Japan but a “level 2” weather emergency- a label normally claimed by China. Beijing’s vessels regularly invoked for typhoons and flooding. sail into the disputed waters and tell Japanese “It is just hot! Like in a food steamer!” 17-year- ships they are encroaching on its territory. A old student Xu Sichen said outside the doors of a press release for the game says: “Players... will shopping mall in the southern financial hub of fight alongside Chinese armed forces and use Shanghai while her friend He Jiali, also 17, com- weapons to tell the Japanese that ‘Japan plained that her mobile phone had in recent days must return our stolen territory!’” turned into a “grenade.” “I’m so worried that the Images from the game’s website are phone will explode while I’m using it,” He said. Extreme heat began hitting Shanghai and several labelled “Guard the Diaoyu islands”, and a eastern and southern provinces in early July and is trailer posted online features shots of Japan’s expected to grip much of China through mid- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It also shows August. Shanghai set its record high temperature planes taking off from a computer-generated of 40.6 C (105 F) on July 26, and yesterday’s heat version of China’s first aircraft carrier, the JINAN: In this photo, a child demonstrates how raw shrimp and an egg are fried in a pan on a marked the city’s 28th day above 35 C. At least 10 Liaoning, which went into service last year. manhole cover on a hot summer day in Jinan in east China’s Shandong province. — AP people died of heat stroke in the city over the past The game only became available at 5:00pm month, including a 64-year-old Taiwanese sailor, (0900 GMT). But its designers the Giant the official Xinhua News Agency said. Wu Guiyun, Interactive Group, who developed it jointly Japan Minister under 50, who has a part-time job making food deliveries with the PLA, told AFP millions of users had in Shanghai, said she has been trying to linger already registered to play. inside air-conditioned offices for as long as possible fire for Nazi comment Giant co-operated closely with the PLA whenever she brings in a takeout order. Outside, while working on the game to ensure that she said: “It’s so hot that I can hardly breathe.” TOKYO: Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso has would like to retract the remark about the Nazi weapons looked authentic and soldiers’ voic- The highest temperature overall was recorded retracted comments suggesting Japan should fol- regime.” Aso made the comments about Nazi es were accurate, said company vice-presi- in the eastern city of Fenghua, which recorded its low the Nazi example of how to change the coun- Germany during a speech Monday in Tokyo dent Gu Kai. “Our relationship with the mili- historic high of 42.7 degrees (108.9 F) on July 24. On try’s constitution, following protests by neighbor- organized by an ultra-conservative group. Critics tary is like the relationship between the US Tuesday, the director of the China Meteorological ing countries and human rights activists. Aso of the ruling Liberal Democrats are uneasy over army and Hollywood,” he said. Administration activated a “level 2” emergency drew outrage for saying Japan should learn from the party’s proposals for revising the US-inspired The release comes at a time of increased response to the persistent heat wave. This level how the Nazi party stealthily changed Germany’s postwar constitution, in part to allow a higher fears over the PLA’s expansion amongst requires around-the-clock staffing, the establish- constitution before World War II before anyone profile for Japan’s military. China’s neighbours-Beijing is also in dispute ment of an emergency command center and fre- realized it, and for suggesting that Japanese politi- Japan and Nazi Germany were allies in World with several countries ovr islands in the South quent briefings. cians avoid controversy by making quiet visits to War II, when Japan occupied much of Asia and China Sea. But Gu linked the game with Some Chinese in heat-stricken cities have been Tokyo’s Yasukuni war shrine. Germany much of Europe, where the racial attempts by the PLA to present itself as more cooking shrimps and eggs in skillets placed directly Speaking to reporters, Aso said yesterday that supremacist Nazis oversaw the killings of an esti- transparent, including inviting foreign media on manhole covers or on road pavement that has he was misunderstood and only meant to say mated 6 million Jews before the war ended in to tour military bases, to boost its image in some cases heated up to 60 degrees C (140 F). In that loud debate over whether Japan should 1945 with their defeat. Japan’s history of military abroad. “It’s about soft power,” he said. one photo displayed prominently in the China change its postwar constitution, and other issues, aggression, which included colonizing the “Through the game we want to allow ordi- Daily newspaper, a boy tended to shrimps and an is not helpful. “It is very unfortunate and regret- Korean Peninsula before the war, is the reason its nary people to gain an understanding of the egg in a pan over a manhole cover in eastern table that my comment regarding the Nazi current constitution limits the role of the mili- army, which is often seen as closed-off and Chinese city of Jinan.—AP regime was misinterpreted,” Aso told reporters. “I tary.—AP mysterious. “In Western games the People’s Liberation Army is always the enemy, this is the first game where it is on the good side. “The US army is shown every day with Thailand’s king leaves guns in Iraq, and no one thinks that’s strange.” China’s neighbours have sought hospital after 4 years closer ties with Washington in the face of growing concerns about Beijing’s mounting BANGKOK: military budget, which now ranks second in Thailand’s revered but frail king left I was so happy I could not hold them back,” said the world, according to the Stockholm the hospital where he has lived for almost four one onlooker, Sasitorn Intarachit, a pink jacket International Peace Research Institute. years yesterday, as thousands of flag-waving draped over her shoulder, after the convoy had But experts say that its military technology well-wishers cheered him on his way to his passed. lags far behind that of the US and Europe- coastal palace. Crowds shouted “long live the The 27-year-old told AFP that the day-long which embargo arms exports to China. “In a king!” as 85-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej wait in the tropical heat had been worth it for a lot of respects the Chinese army is behind was driven away from Bangkok’s Siriraj Hospital, sighting of the monarch. Bangkok traffic police other countries, trying to catch up,” Gu said at where he was admitted in September 2009. The said there were between 20,000 and 30,000 his company’s research offices in Shanghai. king, wearing a salmon pink jacket, waved people out to show their devotion to the Thai The game will boost military recruitment, he acknowledgement to supporters lining the monarch. added. “On one hand it’s a training tool, on route, many of whom were respectfully on their Brandishing a picture of the royal couple, the knees and clad in the royal colours of yellow and Thai national flag and a yellow flag that read “I the other hand it’s about army recruitment,” pink. love the king”, Chatprapa Poomman said she Gu said. “The army aims at recruiting universi- The world’s longest-serving monarch, treat- was happy to take time off from her job as a gro- ty graduates, and gaming is the most popular ed as a near-deity in politically turbulent cer to show her devotion. “I am the most happy. culture among students.”China’s government Thailand, left for his residence in the seaside I have come here eight or nine times, whenever banned home video game consoles, town of Hua Hin, about two hours’ drive south I know that he will appear,” said the 53-year-old, described by state media as “electronic hero- of Bangkok. He was accompanied by 80-year- adding that she was wearing pink because she in”, in 2000 after fears that they were a nega- old Queen Sirikit, who has also been in hospital had heard that the colour would aid the royal tive influence on young people. —AFP for the past year. “The tears came automatically, recovery. International FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 India’s poor drain ‘impure’ blood to cure all diseases

NEW DELHI: Mother-of-three Lilavati Devi stands tices like bloodletting are favoured. About 50 perfectly still in the hot sun in Old Delhi as a practi- patients queue each day at the open-air clinic in tioner and his assistants check the veins in her the shadow of India’s largest mosque, the Jama hands. Then, armed with razor blades, the practi- Masjid, for the treatment which Gyas says can cure tioner slices neatly into her skin and lets the everything from paralysis to diabetes and even cer- “impure blood” drain out. Devi suffers from chronic vical cancer. arthritis and firmly believes that her elderly “doctor” “The basic tenet of the therapy is the belief that or practitioner, Mohammed Gyas, has the skills to impure blood is the root cause of all ailments. Get cure her and others through the ancient treatment rid of the impure blood and your health problem is of bloodletting. solved,” says Gyas, who learnt the skill from his “Science and modern medicine have failed,” father and has been treating people here for more Devi tells AFP, as an assistant pours cold water on than 40 years. her bleeding hands and sprinkles them with a grey- “Tracking the flow of impure blood is the coloured herbal powder. The 82-year-old Muslim biggest skill required. Incisions are not made ran- man’s treatment “has been the only way to end the domly, every vein has to be checked,” he says. The severe joint pain”, she says. Doctors used the thou- practitioner finds what he calls blockages, knots, sands-year-old practice to treat illness until the late clots and lumps in veins and makes incisions to 19th century, when it was mostly abandoned and unclog them, removing blocked blood and overtaken by modern medicine. improving flow. Before starting treatment, Gyas But among a handful of poorer, and sometimes instructs patients to stand in the sun for about 40 remote, communities in India, where medical serv- minutes at the clinic, where nearby ducks and NEW DELHI: In this photograph, an Indian woman allows her blood to drain after Mohammed ices are too costly, waiting lists too long or modern goats wander, and Muslim vendors sell mutton cur- Iqbal (not pictured), son of elderly doctor Mohammed Gyas applied cuts for bloodletting at doctors simply not to be trusted, traditional prac- ry, prayer beads and skull caps.—AFP their open air clinic outside the Jama Masjid in the old quarters of Delhi. — AFP ‘Illegal’ B’desh US, Pakistan keen to revamp Islamist party barred from polls ties after years of tensions

DHAKA: Bangladesh’s main Islamist party was yesterday barred Kerry in Pakistan on an unofficial visit from contesting next year’s elections when judges declared its charter breached the secular constitution, sparking sporadic ISLAMABAD: The United States and Pakistan With Pakistan’s economy badly in need of course of the past years.” He added: “And I violence in the volatile nation. Amid tight security outside the agreed yesterday to re-establish a “full part- support and the United States keen on believe that the Prime Minister is serious court in central Dhaka, a panel of judges ruled in favour of a nership”, hoping to end years of acrimony smoothly withdrawing most of its troops about doing that. And I know that President long-running petition which argued that Jamaat-e-Islami over US drone strikes on Pakistani soil, the from neighbouring Afghanistan next year, Obama is also.” Kerry, who arrived in Pakistan should never have been allowed to register as a political party. raid that killed Osama bin Laden and other both sides will see positives in repairing the late on Wednesday, is the most senior US “It (Jamaat’s registration) is hereby declared illegal,” said grievances. “We are here to speak honestly relationship. Speaking after talks with Prime official to visit Islamabad after Sharif’s elec- Moazzem Hossain, the senior judge hearing the case, reading with each other, openly about any gaps that Minister Nawaz Sharif in Islamabad, Kerry - tion in May. out the brief verdict. Secular protesters gathered outside the may exist that we want to try to bridge,” US who as a senator sponsored legislation to court flashed V-for-victory signs in celebration. The election Secretary of State John Kerry said during an provide $7 billion in assistance to Pakistan Drones commission said the ruling meant Jamaat could not stand in a unannounced visit to Islamabad. “Our people over 5 years - said the two countries were Yet, continued US drone strikes against general election scheduled for January. Jamaat’s lawyers imme- deserve that we talk directly.” serious about overcoming past irritants. militants in Pakistan’s northwest remain a big diately appealed the verdict, as party activists took to the Besides the killing of bin Laden in a He invited Sharif to visit the United States hurdle. The use of drones is a highly sensitive streets of Dhaka and some dozen towns and cities elsewhere in Pakistani town by US Navy Seals in 2011, - Pakistan’s biggest donor - for talks with US issue in Pakistan and anti-US feelings run the country, blocking roads and attacking vehicles, police said. bilateral ties have also been severely strained President Barack Obama. “America does not deep in parts of the South Asian country. Senior police officer Syed Abu Sayem told AFP the ruling by Pakistan’s support for Taleban insurgents want to have a transactional relationship, we Drone missiles have been hitting targets triggered violence just outside the northern city of Bogra as fighting Western troops in Afghanistan as do no want to have a relationship based on since 2004 in troubled areas on the Afghan scores of Jamaat supporters burnt a bus and damaged several well as a NATO air attack in which 24 one moment or based on issues such as border such as North Waziristan, the main cars. A lawyer for the election commission, which oversees Pakistani soldiers were killed. Both sides are counter-terrorism or Afghanistan,” Kerry said. stronghold for various militant groups preparations for next year’s polls, said the ruling meant Jamaat now keen to overcome the grievances and “What was important today was that aligned with al Qaeda and the Taleban. could not field candidates. start afresh, a shift in priorities they hope is there was a determination...to move this rela- Despite the tensions in ties, the United “As a party, Jamaat’s registration with the election commis- possible with a new government in Pakistan tionship to the full partnership that it ought States remained Pakistan’s biggest donor, sion is declared illegal, with the consequence that they cannot and a new secretary of state in the United to be, and to find the ways to deal with indi- although there have been calls in Congress in contest the election as a political party,” Shahdeen Malik told States. vidual issues that have been irritants over the the past to cut off aid. The ties improved frac- AFP. “The party can still carry on with other political activities. If tionally last year after the two sides reached a it amends its charter, to bring it in conformity with the constitu- deal to reopen land routes used to supply tion and reapplies for registration, it can be re-registered,” Malik Western troops in Afghanistan that were cut added. off after the air strike in November 2011 that Police and members of the elite Rapid Action Battalion were killed Pakistani soldiers. deployed outside the court, ahead of the verdict, amid fears the Mutual suspicions however remain. ruling could trigger fresh protests by Jamaat supporters in a Washington wants Islamabad to do more to country already reeling from violence over war crimes verdicts eradicate militant havens and crack down on passed on Jamaat’s top leadership. Religious as well as several groups such as the Haqqani network which secular organisations filed public interest litigation in January regularly attacks US forces in Afghanistan 2009 seeking to scrap Jamaat’s registration just days after a sec- from hideouts in Pakistan. Pakistan itself has ular government took power. seen a spate of attacks against its military and The petitioners argued that Jamaat’s charter violates the civilians by the Pakistani wing of the Taleban country’s secular constitution as it calls for the rule of Allah and since Sharif was sworn in on the back of discriminates against minorities and women. Defence lawyer promises to talk to the insurgents rather than Tajul Islam said Jamaat lodged an appeal, and was seeking a fight them. Speaking alongside Kerry, Sartaj suspension of yesterday’s judgement pending a hearing in the Aziz, Sharif’s adviser on foreign affairs, Supreme Court. appeared to harden that position, saying his Senior Jamaat official Abdullah Taher said the party was government might resort to the use of mili- shocked by the decision. He said the court had bowed to pres- tary force after all against the Taleban. sure from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s secular government. “Obviously dialogue has to go along with “We are stunned. The ruling reflects the will of the govern- military action,” he said, adding at the same ment,” Taher told AFP.—AFP ISLAMABAD: Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Pakistan’s President Asif Ali time that Pakistan wanted the United States Zardari yesterday. — AP to end the drone strikes.—Reuters International FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 CERN readies for next cosmic quest

GENEVA: A year ago, the world’s largest second. “We give the guys as many colli- really small scales, into things that we call muon, and do so in pairs. For the experts, particle collider made one of the greatest sions as we can,” said Mike Lamont, head of people and chairs and buildings at bigger that finding was almost as thrilling as track- discoveries in the history of science, identi- its operating team. “That’s our bread and scales, and then planets and solar systems, ing the Higgs Boson-nicknamed the God fying what is believed to be the Higgs butter.” galaxies at larger scales,” said CERN Particle. It was theorised in 1964 by British Boson-the long-sought maker of mass. “Most of that stuff is not very interesting, spokesman James Gillies. physicist Peter Higgs and others in an Today, its computer screens are dark, the so there are real challenges sorting out and attempt to explain a nagging anomaly-why control desks unstaffed and the giant, throwing most of that away, and picking out Puzzles of science some particles have mass while others, such supercooled tunnel empty of the crashing the interesting stuff,” he explained in the CERN’s work can bemuse neophytes, but as light, have none. proton beams whose snapshots of the Big tunnel, which mixes installations fit for a the researchers find ways to make it simple. It is believed to act like a fork dipped in Bang helped flush out the elusive particle. starship with the low-tech practicality of “Everybody knows what an electron is, espe- syrup and held up in dusty air. While some But the silence is an illusion. Behind the bicycles for inspection tours. CERN’s super- cially if they put their finger in an electric dust slips through cleanly, most gets sticky- scenes, work is pushing ahead to give the computers are programmed to identify socket,” joked Pierluigi Campana, whose in other words, acquires mass. With mass vast machine a mighty upgrade, enabling it within microseconds the collisions worth team has just provided the most exhaustive comes gravity, which pulls particles togeth- to advance the frontiers of knowledge even more analysis-chunks of a few hundred per confirmation to date of the Standard Model, er. The Standard Model is a trusty conceptu- farther. The 27-kilometre (17-mile) circular second-before thousands of physicists from the chief theoretical framework of particle al vehicle but it still lacks an explanation for lab, straddling the French-Swiss border 100 across the globe comb the results to physics conceived in the 1970s. gravity, nor does it account for dark matter metres (325 feet) underground, went offline advance our knowledge of matter. They achieved the most accurate meas- and dark energy, which comprise most of in February for an 18-month overhaul. “We want to understand how that urement yet of a change in a particle called the cosmos and whose existence is inferred And when experiments resume in 2015, behaves, why it sticks itself together into a Bs, showing that out of every billion, only a from their impact on ordinary matter. scientists at the European Organisation for tiny things that we call atoms and nuclei at handful decay into smaller particles called Some physicists champion supersymme- Nuclear Research (CERN) will use its try, the notion that there are novel particles enhanced power to probe dark matter, dark which mirror each known particle. “We have energy and supersymmetry-ideas consid- a theory that describes all the stuff around ered as wild as the Higgs Boson was, half a us, all the ordinary, visible matter that makes century ago. As engineers focus on the tech- up the Universe. Except, the problem is, it nical mission, physicists are sifting through doesn’t. It makes up around five percent of the mountains of data that the Large the Universe,” said Gillies. Hadron Collider (LHC) has churned out since The LHC replaced the Large Electron- 2010, for there could be more nuggets to Positron Collider (LEP), which ran from 1989 find. “The things that are easy to spot have to 2000. It came online in 2008, but ran into already been exploited, and now we’re tak- problems, forcing a year-long refit. It went ing another look,” said Tiziano Camporesi of on to reach a collision level of eight teraelec- CERN, noting wryly that dealing with the tron volts (TeV) — an energy measure-com- unknown was, well, unknowable. “We pared to the LEP’s 0.2 TeV. After the 50 mil- always say that astronomers have an easier lion Swiss franc ($54-million, million-euro) task, because they can actually see what upgrade, the target is 14 TeV, meaning big- they’re looking for!” ger bangs and clearer snapshots. “Every The LHC’s particle collisions transform time we pass a significant amount of data energy into mass, the goal being to find fun- collected, someone will find an excuse to damental particles in the sub-atomic debris open a bottle of champagne,” said physicist that help us to understand the Universe. At Geneve: A worker walks past the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), a general-pur- Joel Goldstein, glancing at a lab corner piled peak capacity, the “old” LHC managed a pose detector at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) Large with empties. “We’re going to run out of mind-boggling 550 million collisions per Hadron Collider (LHC), during maintenance works. — AFP space eventually!” — AFP

Mixed reasons for drop Iraq war logs in Manning case in Afghanistan attacks ‘hit us in the face’: US army CAMP GARMSER: When Marine Maj Chris Bourbeau walked alone into an Afghan base last spring, he left behind his helmet, bulletproof jacket and rifle. Given the deadly insider attacks that Manning’s defense tries to reduce sentence had rocked US-Afghan relations, he was putting his trust - and his life - in the hands of the Afghan troops he was training. FORT MEADE: The US Army was overwhelmed when WikiLeaks during his trial or during the first day of his sentencing hearing. A “I tell people who are visiting: ‘Take that stuff off. Your first published more than 700,000 secret diplomatic and war docu- prosecutor, Major Ashden Fein, said Manning’s leaks “have impact- line of defense is your rapport, not your gear,’” Bourbeau said. ments handed over by soldier Bradley Manning, a retired officer ed the entire system” for granting defense analysts access to classi- That kind of cultural awareness and relationship-building is cited testified in the sentencing phase of the convicted private’s court- fied information. Some observers pointed out that the case of by a new Pentagon report noting the slight ebb in the deadly insider attacks on Americans by Afghan forces. Another reason is martial. “The ones that hit us in the face were the Iraq logs,” retired Manning, as well as that of former CIA security contractor Edward less encouraging: Americans have taken better measures to pro- Brigadier General Robert Carr said in a Fort Meade, Maryland court Snowden, illustrated the risk inherent in granting security clearance tect themselves. on Wednesday, a day after a military judge found Manning guilty of so broadly. Snowden last month released to media documents New high walls and barbed wire divide US and Afghan bases 19 charges over the leaks in 2010, the biggest breach of classified detailing US programs to monitor phone and internet usage. U.S. where troops once mingled relatively freely. New routines are in data in US history. intelligence agencies grant analysts broad access to classified files place, such as appointing “guardian angels” to watch other sol- “No one had ever had to deal with this number of documents,” in hopes that they will connect disparate pieces of evidence to diers as they sleep in far-flung bases. More biometric and other Carr said. A prosecutor told the sentencing hearing that the leaks interpret events and avoid the sort of lapses that led to clues being background checks are run on the Afghans working with the caused military intelligence officials to rethink how much access to overlooked before the Sept. 11, 2001 hijacked plane attacks and Americans. Troops’ quarters and training areas are separate, and allow low level intelligence analysts like Manning. Judge Colonel the bombing of the Boston Marathon in April. Afghans are forbidden to walk armed in most US bases. Denise Lind began hearing arguments on Wednesday on how long “As with any type of computer database and security, the weak- A few years ago, American troops had convinced themselves a sentence he should face, with the soldier’s lawyers expected to est link is the person who’s operating it,” said Scott White, a profes- that they could trust their Afghan colleagues while pursuing a argue for leniency. While Manning, 25, was acquitted on the most sor of homeland security management at Drexel University in strategy that called for empowering local security forces. It was a serious charge of aiding the enemy, sparing him life without parole, Philadelphia. There is a risk in restricting access, he said: “Do you deadly miscalculation. Growing numbers of Afghan forces turned he could still face decades in a military prison. The slightly built slow the intelligence process down by putting more and more lim- their guns on their coalition partners. In its twice-a-year report to Congress this week, the Pentagon said insider attacks remain Army private first class was in Baghdad in 2010 when he was arrest- its on your own people?” serious but are no longer the threat they were a year ago. At that ed and charged with leaking files including videos of a 2007 attack In a court martial that stretched over two months, military pros- time, a 120 percent rise in attacks from 2011 to 2012 threatened by an American Apache helicopter gunship in Baghdad that killed a ecutors had argued that Manning became a “traitor” to his country to derail the US plan to leave small groups of trainers embedded dozen people, including two Reuters news staff, diplomatic cables, when he handed over files to WikiLeaks, thrusting the anti-secrecy among Afghan forces after the majority of troops withdraw by and secret details on prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay. website and its founder Julian Assange into the international spot- December 2014. There were 22 attacks on U.S. and NATO troops light. Observers said the verdict could have “a chilling effect” on in 2011, 48 in 2012, then only seven attacks as of July. That’s Taleban tie WikiLeaks by making potential sources of documents in the United compared with 20 this time last year, according to Pentagon Carr testified that Taleban militants in Afghanistan had claimed States more wary about handing over secret information. It could spokesman Navy Cmdr. Bill Speaks. The Pentagon report also that the leaks allowed them to track down a citizen of that country also encourage the United States to seek to prosecute Assange for reclassified nearly a dozen previous attacks on coalition troops who had worked with US intelligence. “The Taleban killed him and his role in publishing the information. Assange has been living in and Afghans patrolling with them as insider violence, which tied him to the disclosures,” Carr said. However, he said, the the Ecuadorean embassy in London for over a year to avoid extradi- raised the number of attacks from 88 to a total of 102 from 2007 Afghan’s name was not in the material that Manning revealed. tion to Sweden, where two women have accused him of sexual through 2012. A total of 144 NATO troops - 92 of them Americans Manning’s lawyers were expected to argue that the Army private assault. The activist says he fears Sweden might hand him over to - died in those attacks. —AP was not trying to jeopardize US national security. He did not testify US authorities. — Reuters International FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Street protests reveal both ’s failure, success New middle class dominates rallies

SOFIA: Business executive Sasha resolve, she has now quit her senior Hewlett- stronger because we pay taxes and we know Bezuhanova feels her life has come full circle. Packard position in the global emerging mar- what we want,” said composer Viktor More than two decades ago she took part in kets division to launch an online forum Stoyanov, 35. Many protesters also fret about pro-democracy protests against Bulgaria’s MoveBG to generate ideas and propose poli- what they see as increasing Russian econom- crumbling communist regime. Now 50, she is cies on how to modernise Bulgaria. The ic influence in Bulgaria, especially in the back on the streets with thousands of others forum’s motto “Bulgaria can” is a deliberate energy sector, and have welcomed expres- to protest against endemic corruption in the echo of President Barack Obama’s election sions of EU moral support in their standoff WASHINGTON: Americorps volunteer John Harris III, who Balkan country and to demand the resigna- campaign slogan “Yes we can”. with the Oresharski government. is helping to coordinate a jobs fair program, fills up some tion of the new Socialist-led government. “There is a geopolitical game going on documents for job seekers in Washington. — AP Pointing to a tree in the heart of the govern- “Middle class revolution” here. If the EU does not back us, they will ment district where today’s protesters gather Every evening now for seven weeks, the effectively lose Bulgaria. Russian influence Optimism of whites in US every evening, Bezuhanova said: protesters march along ’s ‘yellow brick will grow even more,” said Stoyanov. “My husband and I stood by that tree in road’ - named after the colour of its paving Bulgaria’s previous centre-right government lags blacks by big margin 1990 with our baby daughter to demand stones - past communist-era government fell in February after street protests against democracy and reforms. She is now 24 and buildings and Orthodox churches to the par- low living standards and high utility bills. But WASHINGTON: Americans’ attitudes about their economic studying at the London School of Economics liament. Their route takes them past open-air today’s protests are not about the economy. future are sharply divided by race, with whites significantly less but she is back here for the summer vacation bars and restaurants - teeming with cus- According to Georgi Kadiev, a lawmaker likely than blacks or Hispanics to think they can improve their and is protesting with us again. “We are here tomers on a sultry Balkan summer night - for- from the ruling Socialist Party (BSP), heir to own standard of living. Indeed, optimism among minorities now for the same reasons as in 1990 but hopefully eign-owned banks and boutique hotels - all the communists who once made Bulgaria outpaces that of whites by the widest margin since at least 1987, with a bit more wisdom.” monuments to a new, hedonistic, capitalist Moscow’s most loyal ally in the Soviet bloc, a new analysis shows. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Bulgaria, a Black Sea nation of 7.3 million Bulgaria in which some have prospered but the protests are about morality. Public Affairs Research analysis shows that after years of econom- sandwiched between Greece and Romania, many struggle to make ends meet. ic attitudes among whites, blacks and Hispanics following similar has been transformed in the past 23 years Like anti-government rallies in neigh- Divided society patterns, whites’ confidence in their economic future has plum- from a financially bankrupt one-party state bouring Turkey and elsewhere, the protest- “My colleagues said ‘the protesters will meted in the last decade. Blacks and Hispanics, meanwhile, have into an open, stable market economy ers communicate via social media and are grow tired, they will head off to the seaside’, sustained high levels of optimism despite being hit hard in the anchored in the European Union and NATO. leaderless. Unlike Turkey, Bulgaria’s protests but this is not happening. They are becom- recent recession. But six years after joining the EU, it remains have been largely peaceful and police have ing more radicalised,” said Kadiev, who The findings come as President Barack Obama seeks to pro- the poorest and one of the most graft-prone not used teargas or water cannon. “We are believes the government should promise mote a broader message of economic opportunity amid a rising countries in the 28-member club, with aver- apolitical, we carry no party banner,” said early elections next year - allowing time for gap between rich and poor. The AP reported this week that 4 out age monthly salaries stuck at around 400 Nikolai Staykov, 40, who call himself a “digital tempers to cool - in return for an end to the of 5 US adults have struggled with joblessness, near poverty or euros. The protesters, mostly young, well- urban guerrilla” running an “anti-govern- protests. Kadiev is a rare dissenting voice in reliance on welfare for at least part of their lives, with white pes- educated and well-travelled, are deeply disil- ment information service”. the BSP. simism about their economic future at a 25-year high. More than lusioned with a political class they view as Like many protesters, Staykov has a back- But he is also alarmed by the return of inept, opaque, corrupt and incapable of sat- ground in IT, a flourishing sector that now phrases such as ‘red trash’, used by some 40 percent of the poor are white. The AP-NORC analysis of data isfying their core demand to live in a “normal accounts for 10 percent of national output protesters about the BSP, which recall the from the General Social Survey, a long-running biannual survey European country”. A colourful succession of thanks to a skilled workforce, low wage costs polarised 1990s when it was still unclear conducted by NORC at the University of , found just 46 prime ministers, ranging from Bulgaria’s ex- and Bulgaria’s proximity to major European whether Bulgaria would join the Western percent of whites say their family has a good chance of improv- king Simeon Saxe-Coburg - forced into exile markets. “We want to live in a Bulgaria where camp or revert to authoritarian rule. Political ing their living standard given the way things are in America, the in 1946 by the Moscow-backed communists - rules and laws are respected, where corrup- analysts also caution that the protesters, lowest level in surveys conducted since 1987. In contrast, 71 per- to his former bodyguard Boiko Borisov, has tion and crime are punished,” said Polina well-heeled and mainly Sofia-based, do not cent of blacks and 73 percent of Hispanics express optimism of nudged reforms forward but failed to tame Yancheva, 27, of Startup, a non-governmen- represent all Bulgarians. an improved life - the biggest gap with whites since the survey the criminal gangs that still control parts of tal organisation that helps young Bulgarian Opinion polls indicate a divided country. began asking. the economy. entrepreneurs mainly in the IT sector. A survey by the Open Society Institute Blacks and Hispanics diverged sharply from whites on this “We are now putting at risk the European, “Many of my colleagues who went to showed 44 percent of Bulgarians back the question following Obama’s election as the nation’s first black democratic path of Bulgaria. People who study or work abroad want to return to protests and 33 percent support the govern- president in 2008. Economic optimism among non-whites rose, care about the country must stand up and Bulgaria but they worry that the business cli- ment. Worryingly, 72 percent felt the situa- while whites’ optimism declined. Blacks’ hopefulness isn’t limited say enough is enough,” said Bezuhanova. mate here is still too difficult.” tion in the country was “unbearable”. to the future; they also express a positive outlook on their current Bezuhanova, an elegant woman fluent in The protesters pledge to continue their Nor do all young professionals support financial standing. English, is a good advertisement for the new daily rallies until Prime Minister Plamen the protests. Nadia Hadjova, 41, a British- and For the first time since 1972, the share of blacks who reported Bulgaria, having turned it into one of a hand- Oresharski’s two-party coalition resigns. US-educated lawyer, said she joined the that their financial situation had improved in the last few years ful of global hubs for US information tech- They shrug off objections that elections now 1990 rallies because the choice then was surpassed that of whites. The tip occurred in 2010, when the per- nology giant Hewlett-Packard, which would probably lead to a new government between democracy and communism. She centage of whites reporting an improvement to their financial sit- employs 5,000 people in Sofia. made up of the same discredited parties. questioned why today’s protesters didn’t use uation fell to 24 percent vs. 30 percent for blacks. “In the minority Inspired by the protesters’ energy and “This is a middle class revolution. We are the ballot box. —Reuters community, as perceptions of discrimination lessen a bit with the election of an African-American president, people see a greater ability to succeed,” said Mark Mellman, a veteran Democratic Files reveal decades of LA abuse consultant who closely tracks voter sentiment. “Many working- class whites, on the other hand, see dwindling opportunities as LOS ANGELES: In therapy sessions, the priest confessed the Among them, the accused had 21 alleged victims between manufacturing and other jobs that once enabled them to get shocking details he’d kept hidden for years: He had molested the 1950s and the 1980s. Some of the files released ahead just aren’t available.” more than 100 boys, including his 5-year-old brother. He had Wednesday, including those of the nuns, don’t mention sexu- The hopeful include John Harris III, 23, of Washington, DC, a sex with male prostitutes, and frequented gay strip clubs. The al abuse at all, and others appear to have large gaps in time recent graduate of historically black Howard University who now admissions of the Rev. Ruben Martinez are included among and missing documents. The release included documents works to reduce homelessness through the AmeriCorps program. nearly 2,000 pages of secret files unsealed Wednesday that from the Oblates, the Marianists, the Benedictines and two Part of the first generation of college students who saw Obama were kept on priests, brothers and nuns who belonged to orders for religious sisters. get elected, Harris says he and many fellow black graduates in religious orders but were accused of child molestation while That the files don’t reflect some of the alleged abuse their 20s and 30s are now motivated to excel and help people of working within the Los Angeles archdiocese. doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, said Ray Boucher, lead attor- all races who are in need. The papers, which were released under the terms of a ney for some abuse victims. “Much of this went unreported. “It has something to do with the way that African-Americans $660 million settlement agreement reached in 2007, are the You’re talking about kids that were terrorized and frightened as a whole think in our country,” said Harris, describing the new- first glimpse at what religious orders knew about the men in so many different ways, with no place and no one to turn found sense of optimism amid an increasing number of people and women they posted in Roman Catholic schools and to.” At more than 500 pages, Martinez’s file is among the who serve as black role models. “We feel more independent. We parishes in the Los Angeles area. The archdiocese itself most complete, and it paints a devastating picture of a trou- feel like we’re worth more, because we see it every day on the TV, released thousands of pages under court order this year for bled and repressed child who later joined the priesthood to hear it on the radio and are beginning to see it more in our com- its own priests who were accused of sexual abuse, but the full satisfy a domineering and devout father. munities.” Still, there are limits, he said. “I am hopeful that the picture of the problem remained elusive without the orders’ The Los Angeles archdiocese settled eight lawsuits over economy will improve, but it won’t be because of politicians,” records. Several dozen more files are expected to be released Martinez’s actions in 2007, but had little documentation on Harris said, noting the recent gridlock in Washington that has cur- by the fall. him in its own files even though the priest worked in its tailed Obama’s agenda. But the racial differences in optimism The documents cover five different religious orders that parishes for years in the 1970s and 1980s. However, his order aren’t strictly a partisan divide - they remain even when account- employed 10 priests or religious brothers and two nuns who file includes graphic details described in therapy notes and ing for partisanship and other demographic and socioeconomic were all accused in civil lawsuits of molesting children. psychiatric evaluations. —AP factors. —AP Business

FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Lloyds set for govt sale as turnaround speeds up Sony returns to quarterly profit PAGE 20 PAGE 21

BELGRADE: Dane Kondic, CEO of new Air Serbia company (left), Serbia’s deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic (centre) and CEO Etihad Airways James Hogan, join hands after signing a part- nership deal yesterday. — AP Etihad buys 49% of Serbia’s Jat Airways JAT to be renamed Air Serbia

BELGRADE: Etihad Airways signed a wide- turn Air Serbia into a “leading carrier in the ranging strategic partnership deal yesterday region.” The pact is the latest partnership for with the Serbian government that will lead to fast-growing Etihad, which is locked in compe- ECB to hold rates steady the launch of the Balkan country’s new tition with other Gulf carriers, the Dubai-based national carrier and spell the end for the old Emirates and Qatar Airways. Abu Dhabi-based FRANKFURT: The European Central Bank is extensive discussion of rate cuts last month,” he expected to hold its key interest rates steady at its argued. A need to preserve precious monetary loss-making JAT Airways. The deal envisages Etihad already has investments in European regular policy meeting yesterday given recent ammunition would probably persuade the ECB that the United Arab Emirates company will carriers Airberlin and Ireland’s Aer Lingus. signs of economic improvement in the eurozone, not to cut interest rates still further for now, but it acquire a 49 percent stake in the new carrier Hogan said “JAT required a fresh start as a analysts said. “When the ECB meets, it will face a could do so if money market rates rise much that will be called Air Serbia, while the Serbian legacy carrier.” “This isn’t new for Etihad much more favourable market environment and more, Barwell believed. government will own 51 percent. Airways,” he said, noting that his company has evidence that the eurozone has left the recession The ECB pared back its key interest rates to a Air Serbia will start flying on Oct 1, and JAT a similar deal with Air Seychelles. Officials said behind,” said UniCredit analyst Marco Valli. new all-time low of 0.5 percent in May. At the operations will cease. “We made something Etihad and Serbia will immediately invest $40 “Accordingly, we expect no change in interest beginning of July, ECB president Mario Draghi that will become a new face and a new start million each into the new company. A further rates and no announcement of further uncon- pledged to keep them low for as long as neces- for our country, something we will be proud $60 million each will be provided in the future. ventional measures.” sary or even cut them still further if the need of,” said Serbian Deputy Prime Minister The new company will be managed by Etihad Berenberg Bank economist Christian Schulz arose. The comments were seen by some econo- Aleksandar Vucic. JAT Airways, once a major in the next five years. agreed. “Financial tensions have eased further, mists as a “mini-revolution” in the ECB’s commu- European airline, will cease to exist after 66 Air Serbia’s new fleet will include 10 monetary policy is gaining traction and the econ- nication policy, since it has never issued such “for- years in service. JAT has been crippled by Airbus A319 aircraft. JAT’s current aging omy is on the verge of a recovery,” Schulz said. ward guidance” until now. international sanctions imposed on Serbia Boeing 737-300s will be phased out. Air “Against this background, we expect that the ECB Draghi insisted that the policy change was a during the wars of the 1990s when most of its Serbia’s new chief manager Dane Kondic, an will keep interest rates unchanged and not unanimous decision on the ECB’s governing fleet was grounded and is survived only on Australian of Serbian origin, said the aim for announce any new non-standard measures,” he council, but some dissent has become apparent said. But RBS economist Richard Barwell suggest- as to the significance of such a change.Draghi is big government subsidies. the new airline is “driving toward profitability ed the decision to hold rates steady would “likely likely to be quizzed about this at his regular post- “The bottom line is that we wouldn’t be in the next 24 months.” “A new brand signals be a close call”. meeting news conference. ECB executive board here if we didn’t believe Air Serbia has an excit- a new start,” he said. Air Serbia is expected to Recent data “may have corroborated the gov- member Joerg Asmussen, for example, suggest- ing future,” president and chief executive of take over JAT’s current 30 routes within erning council’s forecast of recovery, but money ed that the time-frame for the guidance was at Etihad Airways James Hogan said during the Europe and to the Middle East, and add sev- market rates are back at levels which led to an least 12 months.—AFP signing ceremony. He said long-term goal is to eral new ones. — AP Business FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 BAE sees key Saudi Lloyds set for govt sale jet deal in H2 as turnaround speeds up LONDON: BAE Systems Plc said it expects a long-awaited multi-billion dollar Saudi jet deal to complete in the second half of this year, enabling it to forecast a more than 10 per- Lloyds confident on capital cent lift to yearly underlying earnings. BAE, part of the con- sortium alongside Airbus and Finmeccanica which builds LONDON: Lloyds accelerated its turnaround campaign and flagged upgrade for 2013. We remain of the view Lloyds will announce a the Typhoon or Eurofighter jet, has been locked in pricing a revival of payouts to shareholders yesterday, paving the way for the fourth-quarter dividend in parallel with the start of the UK govern- negotiations with Saudi Arabia over the Gulf state’s order of government to start selling its stake in Britain’s largest retail bank ment placing,” said Numis analyst Mike Trippitt. Analysts expect the 72 jets, which both parties first signed in 2007. soon. Prime Minister David Cameron is keen to show that Britain’s government to sell, or place, blocks of shares with institutional The so-called Salam order was previously said to be part-nationalised lenders are on the mend, and a profitable sale of investors such as pension funds. worth around 4.5 billion pounds ($6.8 billion). “In terms of part of the state’s 39 percent stake in Lloyds would allow him to Salam, we do expect that we will close this out in the second claim at least partial success. Mis-selling half,” Chief Executive Ian King told reporters. “There is ... Royal Bank of Scotland, the other bank the government bailed Lloyds assured investors it could meet any additional capital quite increasing appetite to talk about the next batch of air- out with billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money during the 2008 requirements without having to issue shares or bonds, unlike larger craft,” King said, noting the two sides needed to finalise the financial crisis, is still struggling to recover. “It is up to the govern- rival Barclays, which this week announced a 5.8 billion pound ($8.8 pricing of the first batch before moving on to discussing any ment to decide how and when to do it. I believe we have completed billion) rights issue to help it plug a 12.8 billion capital shortfall. subsequent order. the first phase...the share price is now in a position where the govern- Despite the forthcoming Barclays share sale in September, Britain is King said the Saudi airforce could order a further 48 to 72 ment can return taxpayers’ money at a profit,” Lloyds Chief Executive expected to start selling about 5 billion pounds of Lloyds shares planes. The company has continued to develop its Saudi Antonio Horta-Osorio told reporters. shortly, possibly this month or next. The government reiterated yes- business as the talks went on and in June signed a 1.8 billion Lloyds’ shares jumped more than 7 percent to a near three-year terday that is has no set timetable or target price for the sale. pound contract for follow-on support for the Salam pro- high of 74 pence, more than one fifth above the 61 pence that the Lloyds is the best-performing banking stock in Europe, having gramme. International sales to countries such as Saudi government regards as break-even on its 20.5 billion pound ($31 bil- more than doubled in value over the past 12 months. On a statutory Arabia have become increasingly important to BAE, which lion) bailout. The bank said it was ahead of schedule on its goals for basis, Lloyds reported a profit of 2.1 billion pounds for the six months has made exports and niche markets such as cyber security cost savings and capital strength. It raised guidance for profit mar- to the end of June, rebounding from a loss of 456 million a year ago, its priority as defence budgets shrink in the United States gins after beating forecasts with a near trebling of first-half underly- despite taking another 500 million pounds charge for the mis-selling and Europe. Shares in BAE, whose $45 billion attempt to ing profit to 2.9 billion pounds ($4.4 billion). of payment protection insurance (PPI). merge with Franco-German Airbus collapsed last year after That performance, driven by higher margins and lower impair- Lloyds has now set aside 7.3 billion pounds to cover the mis-sell- government opposition, were up 1.6 percent at 453.1 pence ments on loans, means Lloyds can start talks with regulators about ing of PPI, the most of any UK bank. The bank said it was ahead of by 0723 GMT, among the top 10 risers on the FTSE 100 resuming shareholder payouts - seen as an important step towards schedule in revamping its business and it now expected to hit a index. The stock rose as high as 457.7p, its highest in nearly the government selling its stake. Shareholders have not received a group net interest margin, a measure of profitability, of 2.1 percent five years. dividend since 2008 when Lloyds agreed to rescue rival HBOS, trans- for 2013 compared with previous guidance of 1.98 percent. Lloyds forming itself from a solid, high-yielding stock to a loss-making bank expects to shrink its non-core assets to under 70 billion pounds by More credibility in need of a drastic restructuring. the end of this year, 12 months ahead of schedule. Total costs will be Some analysts said the Salam deal looked as good as Some analysts said the dividend drought could end this year. around 9.6 billion pounds this year, 200 million less than previously sealed. “Consider it done,” analysts at brokerage Jefferies “Improved margin guidance suggests 10-15 percent pretax profit indicated. — Reuters said. “We see much in the first-half 2013 result that should lend credibility and solidity to earnings in full-year 2013 and ... 2014.” Britain’s largest defence contractor, which previ- ously said it had only expected “modest growth” in earnings, has repeatedly said its profits and sales have been weighed down by the deal’s delayed conclusion. It said last year that it expected the talks to be completed by the end of 2012. The company said the slightly improved outlook also took into account a 1 billion pound share repurchase pro- gramme it had launched in February, along with the impact of US budget cuts. It said earnings before interest, taxes and amortization (EBITA) fell 6 percent over the first half of the year to 865 million pounds, on a 1 percent rise in sales to 8.45 billion. Its underlying earnings per share fell 4 percent. Analysts on average were expecting first-half EBITA of 885.67 million pounds, Thomson Reuters data showed. BAE also raised its interim dividend by 3 percent to 8 pence per share. Its order book rose to 43.1 billion pounds from 42.2 billion at the end of last year. The United States, which accounts for about 40 percent of BAE’s sales, began reducing its spending by $37 billion for the fiscal 2013 year in March and its budget is set to shrink by $50 billion annually over the next nine years, unless Congress acts to avoid these cuts.” BAE said it expected US trading to remain tough but manageable, while the UK would remain stable. Orders from international customers, which totaled 4.8 billion pounds over the six months, and from the UK were helping make up RIGA: Photo shows children as they hold Latvian and EU flags that they received during an information campaign about the EU, for poorer US demand, it said. — Reuters on the street of Riga. Latvian government denied that the former Soviet republic has the makings of a tax haven like Cyprus, with its large Russian deposits. — AFP British economy heats up on the factory floor

LONDON: British manufacturing grew at its fastest rate in well over which is due to announce its monthly policy decision at 1100 GMT. in more than three years, boding well for production in the coming two years at the start of the third quarter, in a strengthening recov- Brian Hilliard, economist at Societe Generale, noted the fastest months, survey compiler Markit said. Factories showed more ery that looks set to boost the economy, a survey showed yester- rises in new orders and output since February 2011, at 58.2 and appetite for hiring than at any point in the last two years, brighten- day. The Markit/CIPS Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index 58.0 respectively. “Just amazing. What’s the need for Carney to do ing the prospects for employment, an increasingly important (PMI) jumped to 54.6 in July from an upwardly revised 52.9 in June, anything?” he said. “It’s shaping up for Q3 to be stronger than Q2.” gauge of the economy’s health. its fourth straight month of expansion. Whether it proves lasting or not, British economic growth is Economists say the Bank of England is likely to commit to The reading was the strongest since March 2011 and trumped accelerating, with gross domestic product rising 0.6 percent in the keeping borrowing costs ultra-low until unemployment drops by a wide margin even the most optimistic forecast in a Reuters second quarter - double the pace of growth in the first. The below a specific rate. The bank is due to announce its view on the poll of economists, triggering a rise in the pound and a fall in the International Monetary Fund predicts a 0.9 percent expansion this merits of providing such a steer on interest rates on Aug. 7, along- prices of safe-haven British government bonds. The latest sign that year, up from a limp 0.2 percent in 2012. Demand for British wares side its quarterly economic forecasts. Forward guidance is now Britain’s economy is edging closer to sustainable growth - termed grew both at home and abroad, including in the euro zone - seen as the bank’s preferred way of supporting the economy and “escape velocity” by the Bank of England’s new governor, Mark Britain’s main export market. policymakers are unlikely to opt for a resumption of bond pur- Carney - will feed into yesterday’s discussions at the central bank, In addition, stocks of finished goods shrank at the sharpest rate chases yesterday. — Reuters Business FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 China manufacturing sends mixed messages China promises market-oriented reforms amid slump

BEIJING: Rival surveys of China’s manufacturing sector differ to some degree. Economists at Bank of America in a report. Economists at ANZ bank, meanwhile, ques- offered mixed signals about the world’s second-largest Merrill Lynch cited sampling and timing differences for tioned the integrity of the government figure. economy yesterday, with a private measure sinking to the divergence, saying HSBC’s survey was more “It doesn’t change our overall assessment of the an 11-month low while the government’s indicator weighted towards small exporters while the official one deteriorating economy,” they said in a report, adding showed surprising strength. British banking giant HSBC looks to larger companies. Small companies were hit by that the NBS recently stopped announcing some said the final reading of its purchasing managers’ index a strengthening Chinese yuan, rising wages, and “slug- details about its indicator. “The official PMI appears to (PMI) for July came in at 47.7, down from 48.2 in June gish global demand”, they said. Sentiment in the latter be distorted and may delay policy adjustment, leading and the lowest since August last year. China’s National part of the month, when the official survey was carried to policy errors,” they said. The HSBC survey was Bureau of Statistics, meanwhile, announced that official out, was likely to have been positively influenced by unchanged from the preliminary result for July PMI rose to 50.3 last month from 50.1 in June, marking recent comments by Premier Li Keqiang that the gov- announced last week and signals “a deterioration of the 10th consecutive month the index has been in ernment will try to realise its 2013 economic growth business conditions for the third consecutive month”, expansionary territory. target of 7.5 percent, they added. the banking giant said in a release. “With weak demand The competing PMI surveys track manufacturing But other economists said the difference was harder from both domestic and external markets, the cooling activity in China’s factories and workshops and are to explain. “We believe this divergence reflects the high manufacturing sector continued to weigh on employ- closely watched gauges of the health of the economy. level of uncertainty over China’s growth outlook, ment,” Qu Hongbin, HSBC’s chief economist for China A reading below 50 indicates contraction, while any- although it is unclear why it emerged,” Zhang Zhiwei, based in Hong Kong, said in the bank’s statement thing above signals expansion. The two surveys often economist at Nomura International in Hong Kong said announcing the figure. —AFP

ArcelorMittal shares fall after big loss

PARIS: Steelmaking giant ArcelorMittal reported a had made progress on restructuring, notably in big loss for the second quarter yesterday and Europe, despite tough conditions in the first half of downgraded its targets for the year, but said it had the year. reached the low point of the downturn for its busi- Strong cash flow had enabled the group to ness. The overall figures gave a grim picture of reduce net debt “to below our mid-year target” results for the first half, even though the group and “the expansion of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada said it was making progress on dealing with weak is largely complete and will ramp up during the demand and over-capacity in Europe. The group, second half”. On the downgrading of the full-year the biggest maker of steel in the world, said that in Ebitda target, he said: “Although we have revised the quarter it made a loss of $780 million (589.3 our full year guidance, the second half should million euros) in contrast to a net profit of $1.0 bil- deliver a clear underlying improvement relative to lion in the same period of last year. the second half of 2012, which we believe marked This loss was twice that of the $345 million the lowest point in the cycle.” deficit reported in the first quarter of this year. In However the group said that an increase in view of this weak overall first-half loss of about working capital and payment of the dividend $1.12 billion, the group lowered its target for the would increase debt in the second half to about year for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation $17 billion. Nevertheless the group was holding to TOKYO: A visitor walks past a Sony TV set in the showroom of the headquarters of Sony and amortisation (Ebitda). It now put this target at its medium-term target of reducing this to $15 bil- Corporation yesterday. — AFP more than $6.5 billion, instead of at least $7.1 bil- lion. The group expected investment to total lion. about $3.7 billion this year. In the second quarter However it assured that it still expected under- the Ebitda figure, roughly equivalent to operating lying profitability to improve this year. Despite this, profit, amounted to $1.7 billion, marking a 33.0- Sony returns to the price of shares in the group fell by 3.45 percent percent fall on a 12-month basis in line with mar- to 9.56 euros in early trading. Chief executive ket expectations as polled by Dow Jones Lakshmi Mittal said in a statement that the group Newswires.—AFP quarterly profit Asian confidence Sony swings to $35m net profit for April-June TOKYO: As a slew of big-name Japanese compa- fared better largely on a cheap yen included nies report improved quarterly earnings, one video-game maker Nintendo Co., automaker shaken by China theme is taking the sheen off their rosy numbers: Honda Motor Co. and Sony’s domestic archrival mainstay businesses are still struggling despite Panasonic Corp. Their test lies in how they hold up BEIJING: Asia’s manufacturing sector weak- ing below 50 indicates contraction, while any- the perk from a weaker yen. The latest example in global competition - even without the benefits ened in July, private surveys showed yesterday, thing above signals expansion. Worries over came yesterday from Sony Corp. The Japanese of a cheap yen. Daniel Loeb, a U.S. hedge fund with China’s showing a deepening contraction China’s economy have intensified this year electronics and entertainment company reported manager renowned for shaking up Yahoo Inc., amid nagging worries over the growth outlook after an expected rebound failed to materi- a 3.5 billion yen ($35 million) April-June profit, a sparked a rise in Sony’s share price by proposing a for the world’s second-largest economy. alise. China’s economy, a key engine of global reversal from the 24.6 billion yen loss it suffered spin off up to 20 percent of its movie, TV and Closely-watched monthly assessments on growth, grew 7.8 percent in 2012, its worst the previous year. Sony also saw some improve- music division. He says the money should be Asian manufacturing released by British bank- performance in 13 years. ment in its smartphone and entertainment busi- used strengthen Sony’s ailing device manufactur- ing giant HSBC showed that contractions also The economy has since weakened further, nesses. But it still had plenty of areas where it was ing unit. worsened in key exporters South Korea and with growth in the April-June period dipping lagging, such as digital cameras, video game Sony has said it is considering the proposal Taiwan, while ongoing expansions in India and to 7.5 percent, from 7.7 percent in the first machines and flat panel TVs. Its results would from Third Point hedge fund, led by activist Indonesia weakened. A separate assessment quarter and 7.9 percent in October-December. have been far different if it weren’t for the favor- investor and billionaire Loeb, but it has also asked by an industry group in Australia showed that “With weak demand from both domestic and able exchange rate. for more time to look at all sides. Sony shares have manufacturing there contracted further in July. external markets, the cooling manufacturing A weak yen boosts the earnings of Japanese risen after the Loeb proposal. Also helping Sony’s In China, HSBC’s final reading of its purchasing sector continued to weigh on employment,” exporters, although Sony has been trying to bottom line for the latest quarter was its financial managers’ index (PMI) for July came in at 47.7, Qu Hongbin, HSBC’s chief economist for China reduce its vulnerability to exchange rate fluctua- business, such as insurance, because of a recent down from 48.2 in June and the lowest since based in Hong Kong, said in the bank’s state- tions in recent years when the yen was high. recovery in the Japanese stock market, it said. August last year. The result signals “a deteriora- ment announcing the figure.China last week Quarterly sales jumped 13 percent to 1.71 trillion Sony, which makes the PlayStation 3 game tion of business conditions for the third con- unveiled steps to boost growth, including yen ($17 billion). But they would have slipped 3 machine and Walkman portable recorder, has suf- secutive month”, HSBC said in a release. reducing taxes on small companies as well as percent if it weren’t for the declining yen, the fered declining fortunes for several years. It got The PMI surveys track manufacturing activ- encouraging railway construction and foreign Tokyo-based company said. In its electronics unit, slammed in portable digital players by the iPod ity in factories and workshops and are closely trade incentives, leading Qu to voice some Sony gained 19 billion yen ($190 million) in oper- and iPhone from Apple Inc. and intense competi- watched gauges of economic health. A read- optimism. —AFP ating profit from a cheap yen. tion from powerful South Korean rival Samsung Other Japanese companies whose earnings Electronics Co. has also taken its toll.—AP Business FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

BoE readies US economy may need guidance push more support from Fed LONDON: The Bank of England and its new governor Mark Carney will put the finishing touches to a fresh Auto and home sales strong approach to nurturing Britain’s nascent economic recovery yesterday, when the central bank wraps up a WASHINGTON: A key government report and a statement from the kicked in this year is also expected to ease. “We continue to anticipate policy meeting. But financial markets will probably Federal Reserve made clear Wednesday that the US economy still a meaningful acceleration in the economy in the back half of the have wait a few more days before getting details of needs help. The economy grew at a lackluster 1.7 percent annual rate year,” said Joseph LaVorgna, an economist at Deutsche Bank. the long-awaited steer on how long interest rates are in the April-June quarter, the Commerce Department said. That was A key indicator will come when the Institute for Supply likely to stay at their record low. better than a revised 1.1 percent rate for the first quarter but still far Management issues its US manufacturing index for July. At his BoE first policy meeting nearly a month ago, too sluggish to quickly reduce unemployment. The Fed’s statement Manufacturing appears to be rebounding after slumping earlier this Carney surprised investors with a warning that they suggested it’s too early to signal a pullback in its $85 billion a month year. The Fed will pay even closer attention to the employment report were pricing in a rate hike too soon. That pushed in Treasury and mortgage bond purchases. The bond purchases have for July, which will be issued today. It’s expected to show that employ- down sterling and British government yields, and been intended to keep long-term interest rates down to spur borrow- ers added a solid 183,000 jobs. The unemployment rate is forecast to launched Carney’s governorship with a bang. ing and spending and invigorate the economy. In a statement after a dip to a still-high 7.5 percent from 7.6 percent. Economists are taking no chances this time around. policy meeting, Fed policymakers slightly downgraded their assess- Despite the economy’s tepid showing in the April-June quarter, it’s ment of the economy. They also noted that mortgage rates, which now improved for two straight quarters as measured by the growth in They have warned of the outside possibility of a cut have helped drive home sales, have risen from record lows. And the the U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP. Consumer spending rose at to the BoE’s benchmark interest rate or more meas- Fed noted that inflation has remained consistently below its 2 percent a 1.8 percent annual rate last quarter, less than in the previous quarter. ures by the Monetary Policy Committee to try to target and is still a potential threat to the economy. Continued stimu- That’s a sign that tax increases that kicked in this year have led some encourage banks to lend to businesses. lus by the central bank could lead to higher inflation. Americans to cut back. Consumer spending makes up about 70 per- JP Morgan entitled a note to clients: “Covering all Some economists said they thought the Fed was now less likely to cent of the economy. Still, the rise in consumer spending last quarter the bases for tomorrow’s MPC meeting.” It put the start scaling back its bond buying in September, when many analysts was better than most economists had expected, and it showed that chances of a change in policy at 20 percent. The most have said it would probably do so. December may now be a more many people have remained resilient. likely scenario is that the bank holds interest rates at likely time for the Fed to taper its purchases - if the economy shows Robust auto sales signal that Americans are more confident about 0.5 percent and keeps on ice its bond-buying pro- consistent gains in the second half of the year. “This is a step back their finances, economists say. Sales of vehicles topped 7.8 million in gramme which has been dormant since October. It is from taper talk, though not the final word,” said Paul Edelstein, an the first six months of 2013, the best first-half total since 2007. also expected to keep a lid, for now, on whatever economist at IHS Global Insight. Analysts say sales should remain solid for the rest of the year. That is “a agreement policymakers strike on how to convince The Fed, like many private economists, expects growth to acceler- very nice indication of consumers’ willingness to go out and make households, businesses and markets that borrowing ate later this year. Job gains have been steady, and auto and home big-ticket purchases,” said Peter D’Antonio, an economist at costs will remain low. sales strong. The economic drag from federal spending cuts that Citigroup.—AP The MPC announcement is due to be made at 1100 GMT, shortly before the conclusion of the European Central Bank’s monthly policy meeting which could provide more detail on its own plans to persuade markets that an interest rate hike is not on the cards. The US Federal Reserve offered no hint after its latest policy meeting ended on Wednesday that it plans to trim its stimulus programme soon, saying the US economy is recovering but still needs support.

From Ottawa to London Carney used ‘forward guidance’ to help shield his native Canada from the worst of the financial crisis, pledging in 2009 to keep interest rates unchanged for more than a year. It was that kind of bold move that caught the eye of British finance minister George Osborne who named Carney as the BoE’s first ever foreign governor late last year. Osborne has asked Carney and the rest of the BoE’s policymakers to report back to him on Aug. 7, alongside the bank’s quarterly economic forecasts, on the merits of bring- ing forward guidance to Britain. Unlike in Canada, where he needed consensus DETROIT: In this file photo, Jeff Caldwell, 29 (right) a chassis assembly line supervisor, checks a vehicle on the assembly line at the Chrysler Jefferson North Assembly plant in Detroit. — AP from his deputies at the country’s central bank, Carney has to win over the BoE’s nine-strong MPC, including its independent external policymakers. Several of them have expressed concerns about mak- GDF Suez holds targets despite profit slump ing commitments on monetary policy which could : GDF Suez, a world-ranking producer of electricity and gas, remained difficult and uncertain, notably regarding the produc- hamper their ability to respond to changes in the held to its annual targets yesterday despite a 26.0-percent fall in tion of electricity in Europe where “depressed market conditions economy. Signs of a turnaround in Britain have begun net profit in the first half of the year. The group said that the so far show no sign of improving”. The group is in effect caught to appear in recent months. depressing effect of general economic conditions on its perform- between excess global capacity to produce electricity and a crimp- But the economy remains more than 3 percent ance had been countered only in part by cold weather which ing of demand owing to weak economic growth. GDF Suez is smaller than before the financial crisis and is vulner- raised demand for heating. The net figure fell to 1.7 billion euros heavily involved in the production of electricity from natural gas. able to interest rates creeping back up in financial ($2.25 billion), pushed down by a write-down of 441 million euros This activity is undermined by a rise in the competitive position markets, especially at the U.S. economy picks up for mainly European assets. However, recurrent profit, excluding of coal, and this has forced the group to close or suspend opera- and exerts pressure on British debt prices. With all exceptional items, fell by only 1.7 percent to 2.4 billion euros. Sales tions at several gas power plants in France and in Europe. The nine MPC members voting against further bond dipped by 1.5 percent to 42.6 billion euros. The group held to its group also suffered from a lengthy closure of two nuclear reactors buying at their July 3-4 meeting, the bank’s focus on target for recurrent net profit of 3.1-3.5 billion euros. in up to June this year over safety concerns. This reduced protecting the recovery seems to lie with giving At brokers Citi, analysts welcome a “solid series of results”, and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation clear guidance on rates, possibly by making a hike the price of the shares in the group was showing a gain of 4.88 (Ebitda) by 318 million euros during the first half. conditional on a fall in unemployment. “There seems percent to 16.54 euros in late morning trading. The French market However, Mestrallet told a telephone press conference that the little doubt that Mr Carney and his MPC colleagues overall was up 0.10 percent. The company said that it would pur- group had achieved a “good performance despite a poor eco- will want to ram home the message to businesses, sue a rigorous review of its European assets and asset sales with an nomic context in Europe” and had turned in results which were consumers and the markets that any tightening of announcement expected within a few weeks which would reduce better than expected. Severe winter weather in France and much further its exposure to the production of thermal electricity in of Europe, and a cold spring, had raised demand for energy and monetary policy is a very long way off,” said Howard Europe. Chief executive Gerard Mestrallet said: “We are accelerat- boosted Ebitda earnings by 369 million euros. The group was also Archer, chief UK economist with IHS Global Insight ing our transformation to protect the group from the worsening boosted by accelerated development in emerging countries and in London. — Reuters of the European energy market.” by action to cut costs, by a reform of gas tariffs in France and by a The company said in a statement that the economic climate renegotiation of contracts with big suppliers of gas.—AFP Health FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Taiwan orders more human vaccine as rabies returns

TAIPEI: Taiwan has ordered tens of the new human vaccine doses are es inflammation of the brain in thousands of vaccine doses to pro- expected to arrive Friday and will warm-blooded animals. It can tect people against the island’s first supplement some 3,000 in stock. spread from one species to another, rabies outbreak in more than 50 Health workers have been vacci- usually through bites. If untreated, it years. nating animals throughout Taiwan is fatal. Health officials have struggled to to try to control the outbreak. The Before last month, Taiwan’s last contain the Taiwan outbreak since island has some 40,000 animal-use reported rabies case was in 1959. A July 17, when a ferret badger in the dosages in stock, with an additional dog bit a farmer, whose wife southern part of the island was con- half million expected by Aug. 20. became infected after washing the firmed as rabid. Since then, 17 more At a government animal protec- farmer’s rabies-tainted clothing; the ferret badger cases have been con- tion facility in the Taipei suburb of farmer himself did not contract the firmed, and the case of a rabid Xindian, dozens of anxious dog disease. Asian house shrew reported owners lined up to have their pets Now, the only jurisdictions that Wednesday indicates the disease is inoculated. The animals ranged world health officials consider jumping species. No humans or from well-coiffed poodles and rabies-free are Iceland, Ireland, dogs have yet been involved in the French bulldogs to street mongrels, Sweden, Norway, the United outbreak. their mouths covered with muzzles. Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, A dog owner gets her pet vaccinated for rabies at a government clinic Health Minister Chiu-Wen-ta says Rabies is a viral disease that caus- Fiji, Hawaii, and Guam. — AP in Taipei, Taiwan, yesterday. —AP A force known as ... the 99! Ramzi brings these gem - bearers together to form a new force for good in the world. and with them a special type of human who can unlock the gem’s mystical power. life. Now, his luck is about to change - the first of stones have been rediscovered His name is Dr. Ramzi Razem and he has searched fruitlessly for the Noor Stones all his more than a legend. One man has made it his life’s mission to seek out what was lost. civilization of Baghdad. But the Noor Stones lie scattered across the globe - now little 99 Mystical Noor Stones carry all that is left of the wisdom and knowledge of the lost THEY ARE THE 99! the «Home Team» vs. the «Visitors.» The game is about to begin... For the first time ever, the entire 99 assembles for a charity cricket match - THE FASCINATING STORY OF THE 99 H9Fnae@H9Cmc THE99Comics @THE99Comics THE99FanPage Visit the99kids.com for free games featuring THE 99!

The 99 ® and all related characters ® and © 2013, Teshkeel Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved. www.the99.org 26 Opinion FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 ‘Open war’ returns in Iraq

By Suadad Al-Salhy become routine. Oil output has fallen, Since last year, Iraq’s Al-Qaeda probably to neighbouring Syria, where gence officer on condition of anonymi- in a large part because insurgents are branch has merged with one of the they will be welcomed as heroes by fel- ty. “Bribery is very common ... and secu- he prison guards were counting blowing up pipelines and killing repair most powerful Sunni Islamist rebel low militants fighting to overthrow rity posts have turned into a tool to Tinmates after the evening meal at crews. In April, the monthly civilian groups in Syria to form The Islamic President Bashar Al-Assad. “The attacks make a fortune, not to serve the coun- Abu Ghraib jail when suddenly death toll rose above 1,000 for the first State in Iraq and the Levant. The group on Abu Ghraib and Taji prisons will try.” As the inside job at Abu Ghraib the lights went out. By the time they time since 2008. The three months that now controls towns and villages on undoubtedly prove hugely significant in showed, militants count on security offi- realised what was going on, the biggest followed have each been deadlier than both sides of the desert frontier, with terms of the long-term sustainability of cials to take bribes and turn a blind eye combat operation by Iraqi insurgents any in the five years before April. The access to funds, weapons, recruits and a al Qaeda operations in the Levant,” said to their activities, or even facilitate them in five years was under way. Prisoners culprit for nearly all of the killing is Al- cause that resonates widely, all to a Charles Lister, an analyst at IHS Jane’s by leaking information and providing set clothes on fire and rioted inside the Qaeda - the same local branch of the degree unseen since 2007. Terrorism and Insurgency Centre. badges that exempt the holder from jail. Militants attacked it from outside international Sunni Muslim network The intensification of the insurgency being searched at checkpoints, a senior with rocket-propelled grenades. A sui- which US forces and their allies defeat- ‘Breaking The Walls’ is “very worrisome,” acknowledged for- intelligence officer said. “Al Qaeda is cide bomber driving a car packed with ed in the bloodiest phase of the war The combined Iraqi and Syrian mer US ambassador to Iraq James paying huge sums of money to some explosives blasted his way through the that followed the 2003 US invasion. group claimed responsibility for the Jeffrey, who oversaw the withdrawal of security officials here and there,” the main gate. When security forces backed In the years after the United States Abu Ghraib jailbreak, issuing a state- troops and is now a visiting fellow at the intelligence officer said. by helicopter gunships finally regained vanquished Sunni dictator Saddam ment that described it as part of a mass Washington Institute for Near East In high risk areas, some soldiers give control early the following morning, Hussein, Al-Qaeda seized control of prisoner-freeing plan by its leader Abu Policy. He said Iraq still has strong spe- two thirds of their monthly salary to the more than 500 convicts, among them much of western and northern Iraq and Bakr al-Baghdadi, called “Breaking the cialised capabilities in counter-terrorism, officer in charge to be excused from senior Al-Qaeda operatives, were on waged a campaign against US forces Walls”. The success of the jailbreak at but its regular security forces require duty. Others have simply fled their units the run, eliciting an international alert and Shiite militia. It was finally beaten Abu Ghraib owes as much to the crum- training. The senior federal police officer but their names remain on the register from Interpol which described the jail- during the “surge” ordered by President bling loyalty of the security forces as it familiar with the Abu Ghraib investiga- so the commander can pocket their break as a major threat to global securi- salaries, soldiers and officers said. “We ty. have more than 20 soldiers called the Three years after US troops pulled Invisible Men,” said Haider, a junior mili- out, declaring the mission of restoring tary officer serving in the northern city peace more or less complete, Iraq is no of Mosul, where Al-Qaeda has a longer a post-conflict nation dealing foothold. “Their names are on the pay- with residual violence. It is now, once roll, but they are not here”. Those who again, a full-blown sectarian war zone, complain can find themselves dis- with armed factions that hold territory patched to danger zones. Murtadha said and kill civilians at will. A week on from around 50 soldiers from his unit had the jailbreak the litany of death acceler- been sent to “hot areas” in recent ates: 17 car bombs in Shiite areas killed months for raising objections. at least 60 people in a single morning on Monday. In one, in Baghdad’s Sadr Old Guard City Shiite district, a driver pulled up in The military’s loyalty is likely to be a van promising work for day labourers. further tested soon: some 65,000 army He packed them inside and blew the officers held over from Saddam’s time vehicle up. “Somebody tell me please now face an uncertain future after the why poor labourers are targeted?” appointment of a hardline Shi’ite to asked Yahya Ali, a worker who was head the body given the job of purging standing nearby. “They only want to state institutions of people with links to take food to their families.” the former dictator’s banned Baath par- In a statement this week, the Interior ty. “All they are waiting for is official noti- Ministry at last acknowledged what fication of dismissal or retirement,” said most Iraqis have long since understood: another senior military officer. “They feel “The country is currently facing an open they are abandoned by the state, and war launched by bloodthirsty sectarian everything they did for the last ten years forces that aims to plunge the country was not enough to prove that they are into chaos.” The jailbreak has revealed Iraq’s men, not Saddam’s men.” that Iraq’s own security forces - trained In this July 29, 2013 photo, people and security forces inspect the site of a car bomb explosion in The rank and file of the Iraqi army is drawn from the country’s Shiite majority and equipped by Washington with Basra, 550 km southeast of Baghdad. —AP nearly $25 billion and numbering more and faces recalcitrance if not outright than a million strong - are outmatched hostility in Sunni-dominated areas. A against foes who once took on the full George W Bush in 2006-2007, when US does to the capabilities of the fighters tion said the security forces were no manhunt was launched in the villages might of the United States. “Although troops organised tribal Sunni militia who mounted the operation. “It was 99 match for Al-Qaeda and could not keep surrounding Abu Ghraib after the jail- you’ve got the numbers, the kit and the groups, known as “Sahwa”, which drove percent an inside job,” said a senior pace with the insurgents’ switching tac- break, but a military officer said residents capacity in place, the Iraqi military is still out the Islamist fighters. In 2008, the Iraqi police official on condition of tics and targets. “We believe that Al- refused to cooperate. Some Sunni offi- not a coherent force that can coordi- Iraqi government defeated the Shiite anonymity. “We found TNT inside the Qaeda leaders are aware of these weak- cers have acknowledged that they are nate its intelligence collection with militia that controlled much of the jail. Some prisoners managed to con- nesses and they are exploiting them,” disinclined to go after members of their action,” said Toby Dodge at the London south, and by the end of that year vert soap and water bottles into IEDs said the officer. own sect. “I gave my soldiers an order School of Economics, who has written Baghdad was able to declare Iraq’s civil (improvised explosive devices).” In interviews over the past week not to pursue the escaped prisoners,” several books on Iraq. war over. Newly-elected President Investigators also found laptops and with Iraqi intelligence and military offi- said Taha, a Sunni officer who was on Barack Obama could fulfill his cam- mobile phones in the prison cells, indi- cers of all ranks, many lamented a cul- duty in Abu Ghraib on the night of the Daily Carnage, Oil Crews Killed paign pledge to withdraw American cating the inmates had been in direct ture of corruption reaching from bot- jailbreak. Since the government declared troops. The last departed at the end of contact with their comrades all along. tom to top, making the security forces The worsening Sunni insurgency Iraq’s civil war over years ago, Iraqis 2011. Memory cards had been removed from incapable of fighting a sustained insur- could prompt Shiite militia - disarmed have grown used to daily carnage. Al-Qaeda went underground, still surveillance cameras by the guards. gency. “Now, everyone knows whoever since 2008 - to again take up arms to Throughout the years since the last US killing a few hundred civilians a month “Unfortunately guards who work in pays the most gets the post,” said a defend themselves. A senior leader soldiers withdrew, coordinated bomb- but no longer capable of holding towns these places are facing serious tempta- high-ranking military officer. Having close to anti-US Shiite cleric Moqtada Al- ings still occurred every few weeks. But and villages with its stated aim of set- tions, mostly money and women,” the paid to secure their positions, senior Sadr told Reuters his Mehdi Army militia however grisly the attacks, the govern- ting up a state ruled by the strict dic- officer said. Militants had warned resi- officers extort from those beneath them was prepared to remobilise and defend ment was always able to maintain that tates of mediaeval Sunni Islam. Sunnis, dents in the surrounding area two days to cover the expense, while lower rank Shiites if the security forces failed. they were the work of isolated cells of the majority elsewhere in the Arab in advance of their plans to storm Abu officers in turn take bribes to compen- Meanwhile, in the western province of Sunni militants, capable of killing civil- world but a minority in Iraq, frequently Ghraib. Several officials said the security sate themselves and pay their superiors Anbar, where Sunnis who resent Shiite ians but not much else. Oil production bristled at the rule of Nouri Al-Maliki’s services had received intelligence to go on leave. domination since Saddam’s overthrow was steadily increasing, elections were Shiite-led government, but seemed about the operation, but failed to act Several officials said some intelli- have been protesting against Maliki held and the government was growing unlikely to break off once again into on it. gence officers were too busy blackmail- since late last year, some celebrated the richer and more capable. open revolt. But that has changed this Once the prisoners scaled the walls, ing the owners of unlicensed nightclubs prisoners’ escape. Those in the area Now, however, that improving trend year with the intensification of civil war bridging the razor wire with their mat- and other businesses to gather informa- who once helped the Americans defeat has been reversed. Coordinated waves next door in Syria, fought on the same tresses, cars were waiting to whisk away tion that might thwart an attack. “There Al-Qaeda say they now fear for their of strikes that kill scores of people have sectarian lines as Iraq’s. the highest-profile Al-Qaeda members, is no national spirit,” said a senior intelli- lives. —Reuters FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 FRIDAY,


A man walks down a set of stairs featuring a five-metre-high reproduction of Vincent van Gogh’s signature painting ‘Sunflowers’, exhibited at the entrance of Ocean Terminal in Hong Kong yesterday. A premium three-dimensional repro- duction of works of Van Gogh were approved by the curators of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and are on display at a gallery inside Harbour City shopping mall.— AFP Food FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

aking your own ice cream sandwiches is worth the Meffort, because you can choose your own filling, they taste better - and you can say, “I made these myself.” We know. Ice cream sandwiches are right there in your grocer’s freezer case. Why would you fuss and make your own? Well, for the reasons that anyone bakes: The wafers are fresher. The fill- ings can be customized to your taste. Mostly, though, there’s an undeniable satisfaction in baking from scratch. It shows you care and, in the case of ice cream sandwiches, that you’re liter- ally cool. The trick is getting the ice cream between the wafers with- out becoming a melty mess. A tour of the Internet reveals vari- ous strategies - cutting and filling, filling and freezing, stacking and cutting, glopping and dripping. Thanks to a series of experiments (you’re welcome), we think we have the process down cold. The key is planning ahead. The first step is transfer- ring a carton (1.5 quarts) of your choice of ice cream into a 9- dessert. You can doll them up by dipping the edges in sprin- by 9-inch pan lined with parchment paper, spreading it into an kles, toasted coconut, candied ginger, chopped peanuts - you even layer, then letting the ice cream freeze solid once again. get the idea. Or just enjoy them as the perfect handheld com- Give it 24 hours. Also, premium ice creams freeze harder than bo of ice cream and chocolate. Having a supply of customized other ice creams. treats in your freezer is ... wait for it ... pretty cool. Now, a word about the chocolate wafers themselves: We’re purists here; no using actual cookies and squishing them around a scoop of ice cream. The chocolate wafer _ like a thin brownie - is integral to this treat. It must be firm enough to handle, yet soft enough that it yields to a bite without oozing ice cream. We made two large wafer squares, then made a sort of giant ice cream sandwich that we then cut into shapes. We made nine (3-inch) Klondike-like sandwiches, but you also can cut rectangular, or even triangular, shapes. Whatever you do, immediately wrap each sandwich individually in plastic wrap and place in the freezer for another couple of hours before serving. This melds the sandwich together and lets the wafer soften just a bit. The moment of assembly is a good excuse for enlisting a helper: One cuts, one wraps. (Don’t worry; you can do this solo. Just don’t answer the phone.) Consider these a grab-and-go Food FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

saucepan, warm the butter and oil over medium heat until just melted, then set aside to cool a bit. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa, espresso powder (if using) and salt. Into the butter mixture, whisk the sugar, then the beat- en egg, combining thoroughly. Using a spatula, stir in the flour mixture, then the vanilla, mixing until smooth. Divide the batter between the parchment paper squares; there will be slightly more than 1/2 cup of batter for each. With a rolling pin, roll the batter to fill the penciled outline, taking care to reach the corners. It will be quite thin. (You can also pat out the batter with your fingers.) Use the ruler to square off the edges. (Batter will not spread while baking.) Slide 1 parchment onto a baking sheet and bake for 8

ICE CREAM SANDWICHES minutes, or until just firm. When first wafer is done, slide Makes 9 (3-inch) sandwiches. the wafer, paper and all, onto a counter, then repeat with Note: Ice cream needs to be prepared a day in the second wafer. If necessary, trim the edges along the advance. The espresso powder is optional, but deepens pencil line with a pizza cutter or sharp knife. (The slim the chocolate flavor. This recipe is adapted from Martha shards are the cook’s treat.) Repeat this with the second Stewart Living. Best tip for eating: Cut the corner from a wafer, then let both cool completely, still on the parch- clean envelope and voila! You have a handy sandwich ment paper. holder. To assemble the sandwiches: Carefully turn one wafer 1.5 quarts (1 carton) premium ice cream, your choice upside-down on a cutting surface and peel off the parch- of flavor ment. Lift the ice cream slab from the pan using the paper 1 c. (1 stick) unsalted butter “handles,” invert onto the wafer, then peel off the paper. 2 tbsp. canola oil Carefully remove the remaining wafer from its paper, then 1 c. all-purpose flour place right-side up on the ice cream, pressing gently.

1/3 c. unsweetened cocoa powder Using a serrated knife, immediately cut into the desired 1 tsp. instant espresso powder, optional shapes and wrap each in plastic wrap. Return to the freezer 1\2 tsp. salt for several hours or overnight before serving. Variations: 2/3 c. granulated sugar Embellish the edges of the ice cream sandwiches with 1 egg, beaten mini-chocolate chips, sprinkles, candied ginger, chopped 1 tsp. vanilla peanuts, toasted coconut or ground toasted nuts (toasting always makes the nuts more flavorful). Or even spread a Directions layer of melted chocolate or caramel atop the inside of the For the ice cream: A day before you plan to bake, line a top layer of the wafer. — MCT 9- by 9-inch pan with a 9-inch wide strip of parchment paper, leaving ends long enough to grab onto. Using slightly softened ice cream (or cut off the carton and slice into slices), spread the ice cream in an even layer, making sure to get into the corners. Cover and freeze for 24 hours or until firm. For the wafers: Preheat oven to 350 degrees and place rack in center of oven. On 2 sheets of parchment paper, using a pencil and ruler, draw a 9-inch square. In a Travel FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Top 10 Most scenic boat rides

n many parts of the world, the months Wan Chai areas of Hong Kong Island, arriv- of July and August are synonymous with ing at Tsim Sha Tsui’s Star Ferry Pier on the 3. Venice Vaporetto : Venice, Italy 4. Cruising Milford Sound: South Ibeaches and sailing, but what about Kowloon Peninsula. It’s a fantastic way to While the most famous boats in this Island, New Zealand seeing a new destination from the water? take in Hong Kong’s skyline during the day region may be gondolas, few rides in the Internationally renowned as one of the With the best views and popular summer and with ferries departing as late as 10:30 world will give you the eyeful of a most beautiful waterways in the world, destinations in mind, the members and edi- p.m., it’s also a great way to see the city’s Vaporetto in Venice. Equivalent to a Water Milford Sound in New Zealand had to be tors of VirtualTourist.com (www.virtual- nightly light display, “A Symphony of Taxi, these boats are an easy way to admire included on our list. Discovered by the tourist.com) have selected their “Top 10 Lights.” The Star Ferry also has a Harbour all the mansions and buildings that over- Maori people more than 1,000 years ago Scenic Boat Rides.” Tour option which circles Victoria Harbor look the Grand Canal and the lagoon while and located in South Island’s Fjordland and lasts an hour. It offers Single Ride also being helpful for gaining your bearings National Park, the majestic landscape can 1. Golden Gate Ferry: San Francisco to Round Trip tickets during the day, night, when first arriving to the canalled city. be accessed by road, but should be experi- Sausalito, Calif. and special Symphony of Lights Harbor Although expensive, every visitor to Venice enced on the water. The sound is bounded The San Francisco Bay is undoubtedly Cruise. should ride a vaporetto at least once. by steep cliffs and dense rainforest on one of the most picturesque vistas on the either side, with Mitre Peak towering over West Coast and experiencing it by ferry is 1,692 meters (5551 ft.) above sea level as both affordable and a perfect way to the focus of many photographs. There are a explore the beautiful towns north of the number of day cruises available to experi- city’s peninsula. Start at the San Francisco ence the sound as well as kayaking and Ferry Building, which is a tourist destination nature guides. Sightseeing tours from in its own right, with a renowned farmers Queenstown and Te Anau to Milford Sound market three days a week (Tuesday, are popular as well. Thursday, and Saturday) and a great selec- tion of shops. Board the ferry to Sausalito 5. Washington State Ferries to the San for a short 30-minute ride _ it sells wine and Juan Islands: Anacortes, Wash. beer, so enjoy a drink while taking in the Mentioned by multiple VirtualTourist views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the members for the great variety of views, the bay. Cyclists can bring bikes for free, so Washington State Ferries from Anacortes, VirtualTourist members recommending Wash., to the San Juan Islands are a great taking or renting a bike so you can tour excursion for visitors to the Pacific Sausalito’s quaint town before returning to Northwest. On a clear day, you can see the big city. Mount Baker, some of the North Cascades mountain range and even Mount Rainier to 2. Star Ferry: Hong Kong, Hong Kong the south of Seattle. While the scenery is The most well-known ferry ride in Asia, beautiful, the real draw to the San Juan the Star Ferry connects Hong Kong Island Islands is the wildlife in the surrounding with Kowloon Peninsula to the north. Milford Sound is bounded by steep cliffs and dense rainforest on either side. waters. Orca whales inhabit the waters Ferries leave from both the Central and from mid-April to early October with the Travel FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Old Harbor Block Island is an opportunity to see two of New England’s most picturesque harbors. best chance to see them from late May ferry is seasonal and for passengers and 10. Ferry from St. Thomas to St. John: on St. John every hour on the hour starting through September. bikes only. For vehicles, you’ll need to take U.S. Virgin Islands at 5:30 a.m. A short 20-minute ride, it’s the ferry from Point Judith. Easily accessible for US residents, and par- incredibly affordable and the crystalline 6. Circular Quay to Manly, Australia: ticularly affordable in the summer because of waters are reason alone to make the trip. For , Australia 9. Rhine River Cruises: Throughout hurricane season, the ferry from St. Thomas only a few dollars one way, visitors to St. Similar to the Star Ferry in Hong Kong, Europe to St. John during July to September is rec- Thomas can take a day trip to St. John where the ferry ride from Circular Quay to Manly, Many assume cruises are for open seas ommended by VirtualTourist members. over two-thirds of the island is a nature pre- Australia, is a tourist destination unto itself or hopping between islands, but river cruis- Departing from Red Hook on the far eastern serve with ample hiking and public beaches for visitors to Sydney. With exceptional es are a great way to experience European side of St. Thomas, the ferry runs to Cruz Bay to explore. — MCT views of Sydney Harbor, particularly the cities as they were meant to be seen _ by iconic Sydney Opera House and the coming into port! At 820 miles long, the Harbour Bridge, multiple VirtualTourist Rhine River is perfect for cruising with Take in the view of the members sited this ride as their favorite fer- views that include cliff-top castles, vine- Golden Gate Bridge. ry ride. While it is often taken just for the yards, and UNESCO heritage sites. Viking Here, a ship views, VirtualTourist members also noted River Cruises offers a variety of options is seen in the mist. that the seaside destination of Manly is also from 7-day trips based solely in Germany or a great day trip. A true beach town located an 8-day trip that includes four countries: on the Pacific Ocean, Manly offers kayak- the Netherlands, Germany, France and ing, biking, and lots of water sports to try, Switzerland. For those with serious vaca- plus the trip from Circular Quay to Manly is tion days saved up, the “European Sojourn” only 30 minutes. tour from Amsterdam to Bucharest is 23 days long! 7. Cruising Ha Long Bay : Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam If you’re headed to Southeast Asia and want to enjoy a few days on the water, make a stop at Ha Long Bay in Vietnam. The bay and its islands are a UNESCO Heritage Site, famous for the bay’s jade waters and limestone pillars rising from beneath the water level. Many VirtualTourist members have booked two- day / one-night tours from Hanoi, though with more than 1,600 islands and islets you could spend much more time in the area. VirtualTourist members also mentioned that exploring the natural caves and float- ing villages by kayak is a great experience.

8. Block Island Ferry: Newport, R.I. An opportunity to see two of New England’s most picturesque harbors, the recently opened Newport-to-Block Island high-speed ferry takes you from Downtown Newport to Block Island in about an hour. Perfect for exploring a little bit more of New England for just the day, you can visit either location and catch a late ferry around 5 p.m. back to your origin. Famous for its wind and harbor, Newport was the site of the America’s Cup race for many years, while Block Island’s free beach- es and bluffs are perfect for exploring by bike. It should be noted this high-speed Orca whales inhabit the waters from mid-April to early October with the best chance to see them from late May through September. Health FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Flex those muscles

hen your arms plateau (and they end of your routine to flush and pump the shoulders back, directly in front of the complete Wwill), it’s time to amp up your train- muscle. bar. Grasp the bar at shoulder width additional ing with these unique variations of Sets & Reps: Do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. and unrack it (if using a decline- reps past moves you’ve probably never done before. The highest peak of the biceps is what bench station), lowering it to your initial mus- Everybody makes gains when they first start everyone reaches for, but few guys know lap. cle failure. training arms, but eventually growth comes that you have to actually reach back for it. Movement: Take a deep breath to a grinding halt. So, you respond by attack- That’s because the peak is the biceps long and curl the weight toward your Do it ing your biceps with an array of muscle- head, and to put that particular muscle shoulders, keeping your elbows right building techniques and schemes. But even under the most tension you have to draw back. Squeeze and slowly lower the Start: Sit those approaches reap diminished gains your arm behind your body. There’s proba- bar to your lap (don’t allow it to or stand after a while and you’re confronted with bly no better move to accomplish that than ) and repeat. Reps tip: reversed choices, most notably these polar opposites: the dumbbell curl on an incline bench. Once you reach muscle against a Choice 1: Continue doing what you’ve The cable version of the incline curl is a failure, you don’t have to terminate preacher done, in which case you shouldn’t expect double whammy because the cable places a the set. Carefully stand up and con- bench set to demonstrably different results. pull on that muscle immediately and tinue doing curls until you reach fail- a fairly low Choice 2: Consider an altogether differ- throughout the range of motion. Typically ure from a full-range perspective position ent solution in which your focus is on exer- during incline dumbbell curls, the bi’s are (remember, you won’t be fatigued cise selection, an approach that can stimu- able to rest a little at the top of the motion, yet through the lower portion and (some gyms late the muscle fibers in significantly differ- but with the incline cable version, since the you’ll have the benefit of a slight bit have ent ways. line of pull comes from an angle, even to of momentum because you’re preacher One reason the latter approach can be keep your arm in that same top position standing). When you can no benches your best option is that the biceps, unlike all requires greater work, so there’s no resting longer raise the bar a few inches with no ver- the other major muscle groups, don’t have whatsoever. from your quads, you’ve fully tical pad, in an arsenal of compound (multi-joint) moves exhausted the muscle through which case available to them. In compound moves, Do it right the entire range of motion. you can more than a single pair of joints are at work, Start: Place an incline bench facing away possibly use which allows you to use the heaviest from a low pulley with a D-handle attached. 3. Single-Arm Dumbbell the backside weights. Hence, to encourage lasting biceps Set the bench at between 45 and 60 Scott Curl of an incline growth, it becomes even more critical to degrees. Grasp the handle and sit back Target: Short head of the bench) so keep mixing up your training. squarely against the bench, allowing your that your For starters, let’s examine a typical biceps arm(s) to be pulled behind you. underarm workout. It would generally consist of: 1) a Movement: Keeping your elbow(s) fixed sits securely barbell curl; 2) an alternating dumbbell curl in place and your upper arm perpendicular atop the of some kind; and 3) a finishing exercise, like to the floor (throughout the move), curl the bench. a preacher bench move. If this approach handle forward. Squeeze your biceps hard, Allow your sounds familiar or you need to jump-start and then slowly return to the start position. arm to hang your biceps workout, then a good dose of Reps tip: Be sure to do a little trial and toward the variety, especially with various angles, is error with the bench position. Too close to floor while absolutely in order. We mention the idea of the stack and you won’t have enough ten- holding a angles with regards to biceps training sion on the biceps, but too far and you’ll feel dumbbell because a change in elbow position in rela- it too much in your shoulders as the angle of with a palm- tion to your torso allows you to emphasize pull becomes more severe. Also, go ahead up grip. either the long or short head of the upper and complete all of your sets for each arm Movement: arm (remember, biceps equals two heads). before switching, which will save time on biceps. Without The basic goal never changes: Innervating as bench adjustments. In Your Routine: Place this move at the swinging, curl the dumbbell as high as possi- many of those muscle fibers as possible, beginning or middle of your day when your ble straight up toward your shoulder. 2. Seated Barbell Curl either individually or together, to maximize muscles are still fresh. Squeeze the biceps at the top for a count, gains in strength and size. The best way to Target: Both short and long heads; Sets & Reps: Do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. and then slowly lower to the start, coming to While we don’t know a single lifter who accomplish that feat is to put your arms in emphasis on strongest portion of the range a full stop before going into the doesn’t want to build up his peak (long different positions relative to your torso. of motion. next rep. In Your Routine: head), know that every peak has a founda- Here we’ll cover five fairly unique variations Place this move at the Reps tip: If your gym’s preacher that you can easily insert into your arm beginning of your workout when your mus- workout to keep those muscle gains com- cles are freshest. Sets & Reps: tion. And in terms of your biceps peak, that ing. Do 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. foundation is the short (inner) head, which is bench doesn’t have a vertical pad to place As mentioned, how the nerve signals are During a standard barbell curl, you sel- best hit with preacher curls in which your your triceps flush against (as shown), be transmitted to each of the biceps heads is dom exhaust the muscle fibers over the arm is in front of your torso. But here’s where extra diligent with your form. No pad means what characterizes a move that emphasizes upper portion of the curl simply because you’ll take the preacher curl to the next level: you’ll alleviate elbow joint discomfort, but it either the long or the short head - or both. you typically fail at the point at which you When you flip around the angled arm por- also means you need to be careful not to use For example, with your elbows behind the can’t move the bar past the parallel point. tion of the bench, you’re forced to place momentum. Allow the dumbbell to steady plane of your back (as in the incline bench We’re sure you’ve been there. But the point your triceps flush against a vertical surface for a brief second before starting each rep. dumbbell curl), the long head gets a better of failure indicates your weakest area of the so that the arm is perpendicular to the www.repsmag.com stretch (meaning it’s therefore capable of range of motion; in fact, you’re strongest ground. That position elevates your arm in contracting more strongly). over the top half of the curl. But most likely front of you to an even greater degree than With your elbows in front of your torso you’ve never fully challenged that portion. during the standard preacher curl, and (like your favorite go-to preacher curls), the The reason you fail during the lower por- because you’re curling from further down, long head isn’t stretched, so the short head tion of the curl is because that section of the the degree of difficulty increases. Muscular picks up the bulk of the work. With those curl is governed predominantly by the bra- tension on the long head is diminished even concepts in mind, let’s take your biceps chioradialis, not the stronger biceps brachii. more, placing the onus squarely on the tar- training to a new and uncharted level. We’re With the seated curl, the stronger brachii are get head! not only going to give you the kind of vari- better isolated so that you’re able to train ety that’s sure to spark change, but we’ll also them to fatigue. The Scott curl, named after former ‘60s introduce you to some of the best moves - bodybuilding champion Larry Scott, increas- period - that you can do for biceps. Do it right es the biceps time under tension most espe- Start: Sit backward on a decline bench, cially at the point of peak contraction since 1. Single-Arm Incline Cable Curl with your feet facing where a spotter would there’s no chance to rest or relax at the top. Target: Long head of the biceps (peak). normally stand if you were doing a decline Because you’re using one arm at a time, it’s In Your Routine: Use this move near the bench press. Sit up straight, chest up and possible to use your free hand to self-spot to Lifestyle FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Book Talk: Susan Choi returns to probe love, youthful selfishness uthor Susan Choi in her latest doesn’t end up with that professor at A: I feel there’s an abyss in experi- book starts with a graduate stu- all. I don’t often do a lot of advance ence dividing the young childless Adent’s fascination with a profes- planning in terms of plot. So, I didn’t try woman and the slightly older woman sor when she arrives at a prestigious to incorporate a twist. It’s more that I who has a child. I was interested in university in 1992. But the initial attrac- sort of knew what the story was about examining that abyss. Regina started tion is where similarities between “My and tried to find my way in. But out as this very young quite self-cen- Education” and usual tales of college (Professor Brodeur) is the engine of the tered woman who really can’t even love end. The award-winning writer, in story in that meeting him is the key to ponder the reality of this baby that is her fourth novel, sends student Regina everything that follows, but not in the quite central to (Martha’s) life. There’s Gottlieb on a journey in which she way that readers would expect. this whole section to the book where indulges her fascination with Professor Q: What other techniques do you use she’s never given thought to mother- Nicholas Brodeur, before it goes in in your writing process? hood at all. One of the things I wanted another direction. Through it all, her A: What’s become most characteris- the reader to understand about Regina youthful self-absorption plays a central tic in recent years, I think, is the dogged is that she later regrets that myopia. role. pursuit of momentum. Ever since hav- Q: How would you sum up Regina’s Choi won the Asian-American ing kids (now ages 9 and 5-1/2), I education? Literary Award for fiction for her first became a much more - I don’t know - A: I think she really gets an education novel, “The Foreign Student.” Her sec- almost a more mechanical writer. I real- in sort of what is realistic and even desir- ond novel, “American Woman,” was a ized that I couldn’t spend a lot of time able in life. There’s this one passage finalist for the 2004 Pulitzer Prize, and waiting for inspiration. I had to sit down where she’s thinking that when you’re in her third, “A Person of Interest,” was up every day and try to bang out a certain your 20s, you think love is supposed to for the 2009 PEN/Faulkner Award. The number of words. who would later grow into Martha be insane and that any other kind of author, who teaches at Princeton Q: Did you face any challenges in (Brodeur’s wife). They were the handful love isn’t love. And you get a little older, University, spoke to Reuters about “My writing “My Education?” of pages that people said made them sit you realize that’s the kind of love that Education” and her writing process. A: There was one very protracted up and take notice. never works. I think part of Regina’s Q: There are a lot of tales about stu- false start. A couple of people read it Q: The protagonists in this novel are education is realizing that life is compli- dents who are drawn to professors. and asked, ‘Do you need more time?’ not just professors, but parents. A signif- cated and full of obstacles that don’t How did you make your version differ- But what was interesting about that icant age difference between Regina comport perfectly with your heart’s ent? kind of icky reception in both cases was and Martha adds to that theme. What desire, but they sort of become the most A: Obviously, the fact that Regina the brief appearance of this character were you trying to convey? important part of your life. — Reuters Wagner birthday ‘Ring’ booed: Will clan go up in smoke? ichard Wagner made hand grenades for early to say how it would go, but she did have a only theatre,” Still, this was theatre on and off the you have a head of state coming you wait at the the 1849 Dresden uprising, so maybe he view on the staging. stage guaranteed to get a rise out of pretty much top of the stairs, or the bottom, but they weren’t Rwould have cheered the tumultuous end of “I am not too sure whether the director any and everyone. there at all,” said a former ambassador to his 200th birthday “Ring” cycle in Bayreuth, a pro- Castorf, who is doing the ‘Ring’, perhaps some- Germany, who asked to remain anonymous. duction that has raised questions over his heirs times...is making fun of the audience, but it’s not Avoiding the red carpet The protocol miscue, criticised in the German running the festival. A thunderous chorus of boos boring,” she said. Longtime Bayreuth aficionados For the second year in a row, Katharina and press, capped a series of missteps that have and hisses, competing with cheers for the singers, were quick to point out that some of the festival’s Eva failed to show up for the red carpet welcom- plagued the 200th birthday Bayreuth season. In conductor and orchestra, greeted the final cur- most famous and successful stagings of “The ing of dignitaries on the festival’s opening night another criticised move, construction work has tain on Wednesday night of a new staging of the Ring”, such as the one by French director Patrice last week with a production of “The Flying left the Festspielhaus opera venue and Wagner’s 17-hour-long, four-opera cycle by radical Berlin Chereau in 1976, were booed at the premiere, but Dutchman”, which is not part of “The Ring” but a “Wahnfried” mansion looking like they’d suffered theatre director Frank Castorf. that one, in particular, has gone down as one of rousing way to kick things off. something of the same fate as the destruction of The well-heeled and mostly staid Bayreuth the best ever. Merk-Erbe was there to greet German his gods’ Valhalla palace. Wahnfried is a con- audience, frazzled by the summer heat, was in an “Of course this ‘Ring’ polarises,” said Sven Chancellor Angela Merkel and her husband, struction site for the building of a new museum uproar after experiencing a staging that retained Friedrich, director of the Richard Wagner quantum chemist Joachim Sauer, President while the most famous facade of the “the master’s” text and music but threw in simu- Museum and National Archive. “I always say calm Joachim Gauck and almost the entire German Festspielhaus on the Green Hill at the edge of lated fellatio, a Kalashnikov instead of a sword to down, it is not a matter of peace in the world, it’s cabinet, but there was no sign of the Wagners. “If town is part-covered with a scrim to conceal kill a mythological dragon, and copulating croco- scaffolding. The German press and public watch diles. the Wagner family and the goings-on at Castorf, prevented by contract from engaging Bayreuth like hawks, so it was well known the in his usual practice of excising whole passages festival failed to engage its first and second from theatre classics, layered mini-dramas and choices to direct “The Ring”, film directors Lars live video feeds atop Wagner’s 19th-century von Trier and Wim Wenders. It ended up with adaptation of Norse legends about the forging of Castorf, a big name in the 1980s and 1990s when the Rhine gold into a ring whose wearer rules the his radical techniques were new and shocking. world. It ends with a bonfire of the gods in their What no one could have predicted was just how Valhalla palace. The cycle, touted as a “Ring” in far Castorf, born in 1951 in then-communist East which the quest for oil replaced the usual sce- Berlin, would go. nario about gold, had people scratching their He recast the “prequel” opera “Rheingold” as heads wondering whether it was about anything a 1960s-something sleazy American soap opera- at all. It was also a “Ring” portrayed by the noir, with the god Wotan decked out as a black- German media as critical to the futures of suited Texas oil man cum Las Vegas mobster Wagner’s great-grand daughters, Eva Wagner- who cavorted first with his wife Fricka and then Pasquier and Katharina Wagner, whose contracts with her sister Freia. In the third opera, as festival co-managers are up in 2015. “Siegfried”, the earth goddess Erda performed “We like the music, what the conductor is simulated fellatio on Wotan. doing,” said mayor of Bayreuth Brigitte Merk- The scenes undermined Fricka’s and Erda’s Erbe, who will have a say in that decision, and roles as the voice of moral authority in the opera was on the red carpet on opening night to greet in a subverting of traditional portrayals of the the arriving dignitaries. Eva and Katharina were characters that Castorf did time and again. The absent. The city is among the entities, along with only woman who got away as less than loose the federal and state governments, that has a In ‘’Siegfried,’’ the set featured a trailer park campsite in front of an altered version of was Wotan’s daughter Brunnhilde, who is the vote on the renewals. Merk-Erbe said it was too Mount Rushmore. real heroine of the piece. —Reuters Lifestyle FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Nick Cannon to host Style’s ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous’ reboot ove over Robin Leach, Nick Cannon is Mhosting Style’s reboot of 80s show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” Set to go into production in the fall, the net- work plans a modern take on the series that documents the lavish spending of the 10 per- cent. “To be a part of Style’s re-imagination of this iconic show and follow in the footsteps of the legendary Robin Leach is a dream come true,” said Cannon, who already hosts NBC’s “America’s Got Talent” and MTV2’s “Wild N’ Out.” “Even though I am fortunate to have cer- tain luxuries, sometimes, I am even amazed by what people with money have and do,” he continued. “I want to remind people that just File photo shows Randy Travis performs at the 2013 CMA Music Festival in because you might be rich and famous, it Nashville Tenn. Travis. —AP doesn’t mean you have to take yourself too seriously.” Additionally Cannon will executive produce through his company, NCredible Entertainment, alongside Relativity Television, Television 360 and Rysher Randy Travis discharged Entertainment. “Nick is both aspirational and accessible - key qualities of the Style brand. He is extremely talented with a grounded person- ality and style that a wide range of viewers Nick Cannon from hospital have come to appreciate and respect. Nick’s comedic and down-to-earth perspective on series for today with a focus on “dot com ountry music star Randy Travis is out of therapy center for further treatment for a the opulence of the wealthy makes him the money, hip hop fame, one-hit wonders and of the hospital three weeks after he was stroke he suffered July 10. ideal host as we reinvent this pop culture course, old money glitz.” Meanwhile, Cannon C classic,” said Style Media president Salaam admitted with congestive heart failure The 54-year-old singer developed the will introduce viewers to the entrepreneurs and later suffered a stroke. A statement heart failure due to a viral illness. The stroke Coleman Smith. behind the bling and lend his comedic take to Wednesday says Travis has been discharged prompted surgeons to operate to relieve “With Nick’s humorous insight, Style will the narration. In April, Style announced sever- from The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano near pressure on his brain. Travis’ fiancee Mary give viewers front-row access to how today’s al projects in development including Dallas, where he’d been admitted July 7. The Davis gave thanks for the prayers and support wealthy live, paying homage to the original unscripted series with Jack Osbourne as exec- statement from publicist Kirt Webster goes on the singer received from fans and friends for ‘Lifestyles’ in a fresh, fun and irreverent way,” utive producer and one starring model Selita to say Travis has been moved to a physical his recovery. —AP she continued. Style aims to revamp the Ebanks. —Reuters Blanchett the star as Woody Allen returns to form

he might be one of the finest actresses likes of Diane Keaton, Dianne Wiest, Mira “I had heard that he was monosyllabic, at Sof her generation but Cate Blanchett Sorvino and Penelope Cruz as actresses who best, in relation to the directions he gives to believed she might never have the Allen has helped to win an Oscar, said she actors but I found that if I asked him ques- chance to work with Woody Allen. So when was mesmerized by “Blue Jasmine” immedi- tions he thought were interesting, he the Oscar-winning Australian star was pre- ately. “The minute I read the script it was fan- responded,” Blanchett said. “If he didn’t, he sented with the chance to become the latest tastic,” Blanchett recalled at a press confer- would just wave me off and would go back to in Allen’s long line of iconic leading ladies, ence in Beverly Hills. “It’s impeccably struc- his Blackberry.” With America emerging from Blanchett did not hesitate for a second. tured, it’s absurd and tragic, often simultane- the wreckage of one of the most brutal reces- “We’re all the same, when you get Woody’s ously.” But for all the Oscar buzz, the oppor- sions in the country’s history, Blanchett says call, you take it and you’ve already said yes tunity of working with Allen-in what is his her character in the film is very much a before you know what it is. You just hope it’s 43rd film-was reward in itself, according to product of her times. a good one,” Blanchett recalled. Blanchett. “I think it’s happening all over America “I had given up hope of ever working with “I feel privileged to be playing the title and all over the world, when people’s him, I thought he wasn’t interested.” Any role in a Woody Allen film,” she says. “He’s sense of self is being bound up in (A) a possible uncertainty about the quality of the influenced the popular culture in ways that relationship and (B) a financial status, the remarkably prolific Allen’s latest effort, “Blue we can’t even know.” Allen — who once con- social circle,” she explains. “When all of Jasmine,” evaporated immediately however. fided in an interview that “My heart is in it that is ripped away, you have, often at The film, which stars Blanchett as a wealthy more when I’m writing for women”-has deliv- mid-life, to look at yourself and say ‘Who New York socialite desperately struggling to ered another superb female character study the hell am I?”. “And if you don’t have adjust to new circumstances after her hus- in “Blue Jasmine” according to Blanchett. “If financial security, a sup- band (Alec Baldwin) is mired in a financial you think about all of those extraordinary port structure, scandal, has been talked about as one of female creations he’s drawn with such won- then madness Allen’s best in years. Blanchett’s towering derful actresses, he’s fascinated and loves can pretty performance has already seen her installed as women-their exuberance, their intelligence, quickly set early front-runner to add a best actress their fears, their phobias,” Blanchett said. in.” —AFP Academy Award to the Oscar she picked up Blanchett’s own character, a woman set for her portrayal of Katharine Hepburn in adrift from her privileged moorings, is a case Martin Scorsese’s 2004 Howard Hughes in point. “I think he (Allen) despised and biopic “The Aviator.” revered Jasmine and I think he was fascinated “No one has started 2013 Oscar talk quite by her,” Blanchett says. Blanchett, no stranger like Cate Blanchett’s unanimously acclaimed to working with A-list directors such as performance in Blue Jasmine,” was the ver- Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson and dict of respected Hollywood industry blog David Fincher, admits she wasn’t sure what to Deadline.com. Blanchett, who would join the expect on set with the 77-year-old auteur. Lifestyle FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Selena Gomez tops Billboard album chart for first time

merican pop singer Selena Gomez topped the “Stars Dance,” respectively. Compilation album “Kidz ABillboard 200 album chart for the first time on Bop 24” of children singing pop hits fell one spot to Wednesday, besting rapper Jay-Z and the No. 4, selling 39,000 copies, and Latin pop singer Marc soundtrack to “Teen Beach Movie.” Backed by her hit Anthony’s Spanish-language album “3.0” debuted at single “Come & Get It,” 21-year-old Gomez’s fourth No. 5, selling slightly fewer than 39,000 copies. studio album, “Stars Dance,” sold 97,000 in the past Anthony’s album is the highest-selling opening week, according to figures compiled by Nielsen week for a Spanish-language album since 2011, SoundScan. Jay-Z, whose album “Magna Carta Holy Billboard said. Other debut albums to break into the Grail” topped the chart for two weeks, fell to No. 2, top 10 are “Tracing Back Roots” by rock group We selling 77,000 copies. Came as Romans at No. 8 and “Rich Gang,” a compila- The soundtrack to “Teen Beach Movie,” a Disney tion from the rap labels Young Money Entertainment Channel film, rose to No. 3 from No. 8 with 57,000 in and Cash Money Records, at No. 9. Overall album sales sales during the week. Walt Disney Co’s Disney Music for the week ending July 28 totaled $4.68 million units Group labels Walt Disney Records and Hollywood according to Billboard, down 4 percent from the same Records released “Teen Beach Movie” and Gomez’s week in 2012. —Reuters

Review Review There’s way too many guns in ‘2 Guns’ Guns”? Please. There are enough guns lent Edward James Olmos). “2in this movie to arm a small country. They soon discover that instead of the couple Maybe a medium-sized one. There are million bucks they were expecting to find, there’s plenty of jokes in “2 Guns,” this summer’s latest upward of $40 million in the bank. To whom does variation on the buddy-cop theme, starring the it belong? Well, wait, because first we need to tell engaging duo of Denzel Washington and Mark you that each man also learns the other’s real iden- Wahlberg. But one of the funniest things about it is tity. Bobby, you see, is a DEA agent. And Stig? Navy that title. Bullets fly every few seconds. By the end, intelligence. Both are now on the run, pursued by it’s impossible to count how many people have a shady character, Earl, who says the money’s his died; it’s much easier to count who’s still alive. And and wants it back (Bill Paxton, amusingly sleazy). that’s a shame, because ultimately the bang-bang Earl, who’s always surrounded by henchmen, has in “2 Guns,” directed by Baltasar Kormakur, an unnerving interrogation method: it’s called becomes so tiresome that you forget what should Russian Roulette. But it’s not only Earl who’s after be the main focus of the film: The appealing, easy the duo: Stig is persona non grata with the Navy chemistry between the leads. What should have now, after running afoul of a corrupt boss (James Singer Justin Bieber performs at the Prudential Center in Newark, N.J. —AP been an entertaining two hours with this charis- Marsden, his usual charm untapped in this role). In matic pair becomes a somewhat exhausting affair short, the boys are in all kinds of trouble, and we that might more aptly be called “Boys and Their haven’t even told you about Bobby’s girlfriend, Bieber not in pop star form Deb (Paula Patton), who also at concert works for the DEA and loves or all the negative publicity that’s sur- When performing the hit “Beauty and a Bobby, but might be dating rounded Justin Bieber in recent months - Beat,” he couldn’t keep up with his background somebody else who ALSO F the alleged drinking, smoking, spitting, dancers. He was lip syncing again - much like a might be big trouble. fighting with a paparazzo and more - he entered number of today’s pop stars when trying to Confused? Well, at least the stage at the Prudential Center in angelic keep up with decent choreography. Though tal- you’ll find yourself laughing form: In all white, he descended to the center of ented, Bieber isn’t as good as Chris Brown, who often at the Washington- the stage with wings on his sides as nearly also appears to lip sync but dances with clarity, Wahlberg banter. These guys 20,000 fans screamed at the top of their lungs. precision and edge. During “She Don’t Like the are funniest doing little things, These girls had Bieber Fever, and they didn’t Lights,” Bieber barely moved to the track’s futur- like quibbling over how much want to be cured. They cheered on the 19-year- istic beat (maybe it was the leather tights?) The you should tip a waitress - just old, who kicked off his Wednesday night concert Canadian singer was in better form when he after they’ve set a huge fire to with the high energy, electro-flavored songs “All sang R&B numbers and groovier jams instead of the diner she works in and the Around the World” and “Take You.” There were high-powered, dance-flavored tunes - much like place is about to blow. Or dis- pyrotechnics bursting to match the tracks’ his performance on his latest album, “Believe.” cussing their relationship - sparkle, fan-made signs in every row and lights He impressed when he warmed up his vocals This image released by Universal Pictures shows Stig’s the touchy-feely one, beaming from the cell phones capturing pic- before singing the soft “Catching Feelings” and Denzel Washington, left, and Mark Wahlberg in a hoping, he says, for an “Ebony tures and video. Bieber didn’t have to move, and he offered a singer-songwriter vibe during “Fall,” scene from ‘2 Guns.’ —AP and Ivory” sort of union. He the arena would still have been in a frenzy. where he also played guitar. While on the wants to work “together.” The pop star took advantage of that during drums, Bieber was most natural, and during Toys.” Bobby wants to work “in the same area code.” But his 90-minute concert. During the opening up- what feels like his life anthem - “Never Say And permit us here to express some nostalgia for each amusing exchange, there’s a gratuitous tempo numbers, he seemed to be lip syncing Never” - he was confident as he sang the posi- for a recent buddy-cop movie that also had scene that dampens the proceedings. and his sluggish, lazy dancing didn’t match the tive, inspirational lyrics to the crowd. The chemistry between its stars: “The Heat,” with One of the worst involves the torture of chick- oomph of the beats. Bieber was far better when singer’s best effort was on “Die In Your Arms,” Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock. If they ens. Yes, that’s what we said. There’s also a juvenile he slowed things down, singing on grooves or which samples Michael Jackson’s “We Got a could carry a laugh-filled action film without fre- obsession with male private parts, and guns aimed mid-tempo tunes. But the multiplatinum singer Good Thing Going.” His vocals were crisp and his quent helpings of violence and torture, why can’t at said private parts. It all ends in an orgiastic is part of a group of contemporary acts who dance moves slick, as he and six background the men? The script, written by Blake Masters and shootout, of course. Will there be a sequel? Well, have a plethora of hits, but have not yet learned dancers paid tribute with the throwback per- based on the BOOM! Studios graphic novels by we’d like to see more of Washington and Wahlberg how to fully command onstage and truly con- formance. Throughout the night, videos of Steven Grant, is complicated - perhaps unneces- together. Hey, maybe they could join McCarthy and nect with an audience. Bieber phoned in a good Bieber as a child played on the big screens. The sarily so. We begin with Bobby (Washington) and Bullock in THEIR sequel? “2 Guns,” a Universal amount during his show; at some moments, he images that stood out: A young Bieber playing Stig (Wahlberg) plotting a small-town bank rob- Studios release, is rated R by the Motion Picture even appeared bored. He was clocking in - the drums and singing in place. Things haven’t bery, each believing the other to be a disposable Association of America for “violence throughout, another day, another sold-out concert really changed. —AP criminal, and each trying for his own reasons to language and brief nudity.” Running time: 109 min- (Wednesday was Bieber’s second night at seize the loot of drug lord Papi Greco (an excel- utes. Two stars out of four. —AP Prudential). Lifestyle FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

efore the huge tsunami virtually wiped it off the map in B2011, Rikuzentakata’s pristine beach and luxuriant pine forests were a well-worn stop on Japan’s tourist trail. Now the visitors are coming back, but this time they want to see the devastation and the monuments to those who died, the latest example of a phenomenon dubbed “dark tourism” where holi- daymakers pay to witness the aftermath of others’ misery. “You can’t really get a sense how huge the tsunami was unless you actually come here and see,” said Akira Shindo, 15, from New York, on a recent tour of part of Japan’s devastated northeast coast. More than 18,000 people were killed when a 9.0-magnitude undersea quake sent huge waves barrelling into Japan. Whole communities were destroyed, buildings turned into matchwood and acres of prime land left unfarmable when a furious sea smashed ashore. In Rikuzentakata, a forest of 70,000 pine trees that had protected the city from ocean winds for 300 years was swept away. Just one tree-the “miracle pine”-survived the ravages of nature. It has undergone 150 million yen ($1.5 million) of rein- forcement to prop it up and has now become a must-see spot for visitors to the area. “The tree was the tallest, 27 meters- (89 feet-) high, and the two storey-building behind it prevented the wave from sweeping it away,” said Mitsuko Morinaga, a 62-year-old volunteer who takes tourists around her devastated home town. Near the pine tree, dozens of excavators and dump trucks work busily, process- ing piles of debris or clearing land for new homes. “Reconstruction is under way, but evacuees have to wait at least People stand on roots of the ‘miracle pine’ at the devastated area in Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture. three years before their new houses will be built on the hillside,” Morinaga said. Travel agent Shuichi Matsuda, who organized the death and disaster might exert over visitors and should not be tour for 24 people, said he set it up because he “wanted to pre- Respectful tourism please ignored as confrontation with death allows for catharsis, accept- vent the memory of the disaster from fading”. Residents in Christchurch, New Zealand, where 185 people ance and a means of grieving” it concluded. On a very practical Everyone AFP spoke to on the tour of Rikuzentakata expressed died in a February 2011 earthquake that flattened the downtown level, tourists spend money-often at a time when a devastated horror at the suffering of people whose lives were torn apart by area, have grown accustomed to buses disgorging camera-wield- area desperately needs jobs and investment to get back on its the tragedy. But disaster zones undoubtedly draw their fair share ing visitors at sites such as the ruins of the Anglican cathedral, feet. Akira Oikawa, who sells fish, seaweed and other processed of ghoulish sightseers. Seven years after Hurricane Katrina devas- once the symbol of the city. Shelagh Ferguson and Alex Coats, marine products, said the post-disaster day-trippers to tated the United States city of New Orleans, residents of one hard- marketing researchers at New Zealand’s Otago University, last Rikuzentakata and the nearby area were helping to make up the hit area became so fed up with the hordes of gawking tourists month published a study on the dark tourism phenomenon shortfall. “We are grateful for tourists visiting here and buying feasting on their misery that they got the city to ban tour buses. which found locals accepted such interest was inevitable, but local products, as we saw a drop in the number of tourists after A hand-painted sign on one street corner summed up their wanted strict controls to prevent stirring more trauma in a com- the disaster,” he said. “But it’s hurtful when people ask casually frustration in dripping black paint: “Tourist-shame on you. Driving munity where memories of the disaster remain raw. about how many people died,” he added. “We appreciate a little by without stopping. Paying to see my pain. 1,600 died here.” The locals resented “rubbernecking” in suburbs where people bit of empathy.” — AFP Lauren Cason, a spokeswoman for the city’s tourism board said are still rebuilding their homes two-and-a-half years on. But they visitors were welcome to New Orleans, but residents wanted had no problem with tours taking in sites in Christchurch’s central them to see the positive side. “What we try to highlight is the business district where mass fatalities occurred, provided they comeback story and that the city is now thriving,” she told AFP. were respectful and avoided sensationalism. The study, carried While the bigger buses are gone, the voyeurs are not. Two of the out using in-depth focus groups, said as memories of the quake city’s more than 30 tour operators still offer limited “Katrina” tours faded outside Christchurch, disaster tours served to remind and a fair number of the Big Easy’s nine million annual visitors incoming visitors about its victims and what the city had endured. also opt to take a taxi or rent a car to see the remaining wreckage. “We found that residents understood the fascination that

Volunteer Mitsuko Morinaga (second right, white hat) takes tourists to a tsunami devastated A tourist prays for victims in front of a monument built at devastated area in Rikuzentakata, area in Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture. Iwate prefecture. — AP photos Lifestyle FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Slow gardening: A lifestyle rather than a race

Photo shows a garden where the gardener found a creative way to showcase a Photo shows a bottle garden that frames flower and vegetable beds in a back- flower bed using a bed frame. — AP photos yard in Langley, Wash. elder Rushing is not a man to be hurried. done,” he says. “That’s fine, but it’s product- coach and blogger (GardenerSusan, while you grow. This former county agricultural exten- oriented. Others like eating out regularly. GardenRant) from Greenbelt, Maryland, also Don’t try keeping up with the Joneses. “A Fsion agent turned folklorist, author and That’s OK, too, but it’s not home cooking or subscribes to the slow-gardening philosophy, lot of gardeners are scared they’re going to lecturer is an advocate of slow gardening - enjoying what you grow.” and recommends it to her students, readers mess up,” Rushing says. “What are the neigh- emphasizing the process over the product. Slow gardeners, on the other hand, look and clients. bors going to say? I’m saying hold your head “Life has a lot of pressures,” Rushing says. forward to whatever needs doing. “They’re It’s “doing what I’m passionate about, not up and go on. Make mistakes and savor them. “Why include them in the garden?” Slow gar- anticipating, performing and sharing the being a purist about anything, using hand People are going to talk about you anyway.” dening is an offshoot of the international process,” he says. Slow gardening is more psy- tools, not power tools, tolerating some pest Don’t be penny-wise and flavor-foolish. Slow Food Movement, which, in its words, chological than horticultural. “Some people damage or just growing some other plant “Slow gardeners don’t mind spending a little aims “to strengthen the connection between make their beds every morning even if they rather than bothering with products (organic more trying to grow tomatoes over what the food on our plates and the health of our live alone and nobody’s there to notice,” he or otherwise),” Harris said in an email. they’d buy at the store, just for that first, hot- planet.” Think of it as mixing ecology with says. “They do what they do because it makes “Applying pesticides is not gardening in my off-the-vine bite in the summer,” he says. gastronomy, promoting wellness over the them feel good.” book, at least not the slow kind.” Some sug- Get together. Share your harvests. Teach. high-calorie fare of many fast-food menus. Yet slow gardening is not lazy gardening; gestions from Rushing’s book “Slow “If you like going to farmer’s markets, great. The way Rushing looks at it, fast food gar- there are no shortcuts or how-to lists. Gardening, A No-Stress Philosophy for All But take some kids along with you the next dening means outsourcing most gardening “Sometimes it can get pretty intense and long Senses and Seasons” (Chelsea Green time and show them the difference between pleasures. “A lot of people feel they’re too on gadgets,” Rushing says. “But if you’re able Publishing, 2011): a yellow (summer) squash and a zucchini. To busy to maintain their lawn and shrubs, so to get into the rhythm of that, you’re practic- Take it easy. Gardening doesn’t have to be me, slow gardening is passing along a favorite they hire ‘mow and blow crews’ to get it ing slow gardening.” Susan Harris, a garden stressful or a rush to reach harvest. Go slow plant or some of your knowledge.” — AP Dayflowers are pretty but recall something sad he cheery blue color of dayflowers (Commelina before he was able to leave his mark on botany. At fat flowers that nestle down in the folds of the leaves. communis) - so named because each flower any rate, what a sad thing to be immortalized for Moses-in-a-boat is sometimes grown as a houseplant, Tlasts but a day - does nothing to dispel some one’s deficiencies. but my favorite sight of it was outdoors in the tropics, pity I feel for them. Not that the petals cry out for sym- grown as groundcover to create swathes of purple pathy. You have to get fairly close to the plant, or real- Good kin for dayflower that contrasted with adjacent beds plush with lime ly stop and look at it, to even see its blossoms. Its Despite being called a weed and memorializing green baby’s-tears. stems and leaves, though, are bold, seemingly ready someone’s lack of accomplishment, dayflowers keep Among outdoor plants in colder regions, dayflow- to gobble up any piece of ground they can grab with ers’ best known relatives are spiderworts. Spiderworts their succulence and lushness. look much like dayflowers, except the flowers are larg- Aggressive growth coupled with almost inconspic- er and have only two petals. uous flowers could categorize any plant as a “weed.” And many species of dayflower are considered just And some more memorable kin that, especially in parts of the South and Southwest. Linnaeus named spiderworts for other prominent But name calling is not what stirs up my sympathies botanists, the Tradescants. Naturalist and plant collec- for this plant. tor John Tradescant I, often referred to as the “father of English gardening,” was head gardener to King The brothers Commelina Charles I. His equally accomplished son, a royal gar- Take an even closer look at a dayflower. Zoom in dener as well, was among the first European plant on the flower, and below the two prominent, azure explorers to the New World. Like dayflowers, spider- petals you’ll see a third petal, pale compared to the worts can spread aggressively. other two and much smaller. The petals are what give I’m not going to call dayflowers “weeds” in my gar- dayflower its botanical name. Carl von Linnaeus, the This undated photo shows a dayflower in New den. Their lush greenery is welcome and so far under founder of our system of plant nomenclature, gave Paltz, New York. — AP control. And a close, close look at any of the green- dayflowers the botanical name Commelina to honor hooded flowers reveals hidden beauty. From the base two 18th century Dutch brothers who were stars in good company. Among their kin is the popular house- of the two prominent, blue petals arise three tiny botany at the time. plant called wandering Jew, appreciated for the way sepals (modified petals), each like a flower itself with But there was a third brother too, less successful its drooping, purple-tinted stems impart a tropical three yellow lobes and a dark maroon center. From than the other two and represented by the lushness to heated homes in the winter. below these sepals swoop forward two anthers, dayflower’s pale, relatively inconspicuous petal. More Another dayflower relative is Moses-in-a-boat, with behind which - and not to be missed - is that third, generous accounts say the third brother died young, lurid purple, spiky leaves. The name comes from the pale petal. — AP INFORMATION FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013


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Arrival Flights on Friday 2/8/2013 KAC 546 ALEXANDRIA 14:15 THY 773 ISTANBUL 2:20 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 804 CAIRO 16:40 THY 765 ISTANBUL 2:40 MEA 1845 BEIRUT 0:01 KAC 284 DHAKA 8:15 ETH 621 ADDIS ABABA 2:45 PIA 205 LAHORE 0:01 JZR 561 SOHAG 12:00 AFG 416 KABUL 3:15 QTR 148 DOHA 0:05 JZR 535 CAIRO 16:10 THY 769 ISTANBUL 3:40 BBC 43 DHAKA 0:05 UAL 981 BAHRAIN 22:40 UAE 854 DUBAI 3:45 JZR 267 BEIRUT 0:20 DLH 636 FRANKFURT 23:10 FDB 68 DUBAI 3:50 JZR 539 CAIRO 0:40 JAI 574 MUMBAI 23:20 MSR 613 CAIRO 4:15 THY 764 SABIHA 1:40 MSR 614 CAIRO 23:30 ETD 306 ABU DHABI 4:20 ETH 620 ADDIS ABABA 1:45 UAE 857 DUBAI 16:55 QTR 139 DOHA 4:25 GFA 211 BAHRAIN 1:55 ABY 127 SHARJAH 17:10 QTR 149 DOHA 5:15 AFG 416 JEDDAH 2:15 UAL 982 WASHINGTON DC DULLES 17:15 JZR 560 SOHAG 5:35 UAE 853 DUBAI 2:25 SVA 510 RIYADH 17:20 FDB 70 DUBAI 6:30 ETD 305 ABU DHABI-INTL 2:30 GFA 215 BAHRAIN 17:20 RJA 643 AMMAN 6:35 THY 768 ISTANBUL 2:50 NIA 251 ALEXANDRIA 18:00 GFA 212 BAHRAIN 7:00 RJA 642 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 3:10 MSC 405 SOHAG 18:55 THY 771 ISTANBUL 7:10 FDB 67 DUBAI 3:10 GFA 219 BAHRAIN 19:05 KAC 545 ALEXANDRIA 7:20 THY 764 SABIHA 1:40 KNE 474 JEDDAH 19:05 BAW 156 LONDON 8:25 ETH 620 ADDIS ABABA 1:45 JAI 572 MUMBAI 19:35 KAC 117 NEW YORK 9:05 GFA 211 BAHRAIN 1:55 FDB 61 DUBAI 20:00 JZR 534 CAIRO 9:10 AFG 416 JEDDAH 2:15 OMA 647 MUSCAT 20:00 ABY 126 SHARJAH 9:30 UAE 853 DUBAI 2:25 ABY 129 SHARJAH 20:05 UAE 856 DUBAI 9:50 ETD 305 ABU DHABI-INTL 2:30 MEA 402 BEIRUT 20:15 QTR 133 DOHA 10:00 THY 768 ISTANBUL 2:50 MSR 618 ALEXANDRIA 20:30 IRA 618 LAR 10:05 KAC 302 MUMBAI 7:50 SVA 506 JEDDAH 20:35 KAC 803 CAIRO 10:05 KAC 332 TRIVANDRUM 7:55 MSC 401 ALEXANDRIA 21:00 ETD 302 ABU DHABI 10:15 KAC 544 CAIRO 4:10 ALK 229 COLOMBO 21:10 FDB 56 DUBAI 10:30 KAC 416 JAKARTA 6:35 UAE 859 DUBAI 21:15 GFA 214 BAHRAIN 11:25 KAC 352 COCHIN 8:05 ETD 307 ABU DHABI-INTL 21:30 KAC 541 CAIRO 11:30 KAC 206 ISLAMABAD 7:25 GFA 217 BAHRAIN 21:45 MEA 405 BEIRUT 11:55 JZR 555 ALEXANDRIA 6:20 JAI 576 COCHIN 22:05 KAC 175 FRANKFURT 12:10 JZR 529 ASYUT 6:40 FDB 59 DUBAI 22:20 MSC 406 SOHAG 12:10 MSR 612 CAIRO 3:15 AIC 975 CHENNAI 22:25 KAC 677 ABU DHABI 12:20 QTR 138 DOHA 3:30 UAE 857 DUBAI 16:55 KAC 103 LONDON 12:30 THY 770 ISTANBUL 4:35 ABY 127 SHARJAH 17:10 IYE 825 DOHA 13:05 DHX 170 BAHRAIN 5:10 UAL 982 WASHINGTON DC DULLES 17:15 JZR 176 DUBAI 13:20 FDB 69 DUBAI 5:50 SVA 510 RIYADH 17:20 JZR 786 RIYADH 13:40 BAW 157 LONDON 6:30 GFA 215 BAHRAIN 17:20 TMA 223 DUBAI 13:45 RJA 642 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 3:10 NIA 251 ALEXANDRIA 18:00 MSR 611 CAIRO 14:00 FDB 67 DUBAI 3:10 MSC 405 SOHAG 18:55 THY 767 ISTANBUL 14:10 MSR 612 CAIRO 3:15 GFA 219 BAHRAIN 19:05 UAE 872 DUBAI 14:15 QTR 138 DOHA 3:30 KNE 474 JEDDAH 19:05 KAC 785 JEDDAH 14:20 THY 770 ISTANBUL 4:35 JAI 572 MUMBAI 19:35 KAC 785 JEDDAH 14:20 DHX 170 BAHRAIN 5:10 FDB 61 DUBAI 20:00 KAC 673 DUBAI 15:05 FDB 69 DUBAI 5:50 OMA 647 MUSCAT 20:00 OMA 646 MUSCAT 15:40 BAW 157 LONDON 6:30 ABY 129 SHARJAH 20:05 KAC 617 DOHA 15:45 KAC 344 CHENNAI 8:20 MEA 402 BEIRUT 20:15 KAC 773 RIYADH 16:00 KAC 546 ALEXANDRIA 14:15 MSR 618 ALEXANDRIA 20:30 KAC 741 DAMMAM 16:30 KAC 804 CAIRO 16:40 SVA 506 JEDDAH 20:35 RJA 641 AMMAN 16:55 KAC 284 DHAKA 8:15 MSC 401 ALEXANDRIA 21:00 JZR 238 AMMAN 17:05 JZR 561 SOHAG 12:00 ALK 229 COLOMBO 21:10 QTR 135 DOHA 17:20 JZR 535 CAIRO 16:10 UAE 859 DUBAI 21:15 ETD 304 ABU DHABI 17:20 UAE 855 DUBAI 8:25 ETD 307 ABU DHABI-INTL 21:30 JZR 538 CAIRO 17:40 ABY 125 SHARJAH 8:50 GFA 217 BAHRAIN 21:45 ABY 128 SHARJAH 17:50 QTR 132 DOHA 9:00 JAI 576 COCHIN 22:05 UAE 858 DUBAI 18:15 IRA 619 LAR 9:05 FDB 59 DUBAI 22:20 GFA 216 BAHRAIN 18:20 ETD 301 ABU DHABI-INTL 9:30 AIC 975 CHENNAI 22:25 SVA 511 RIYADH 18:20 FDB 55 DUBAI 9:50 UAL 981 BAHRAIN 22:40 UAL 982 BAHRAIN 18:30 GFA 213 BAHRAIN 10:40 DLH 636 FRANKFURT 23:10 JZR 266 BEIRUT 18:40 MEA 404 BEIRUT 10:55 JAI 574 MUMBAI 23:20 NIA 252 ALEXANDRIA 19:00 MSC 403 ASYUT 11:10 MSR 614 CAIRO 23:30 GFA 220 BAHRAIN 19:50 TMA 213 BEIRUT 12:00 KLM 413 AMSTERDAM 23:40 MSC 404 ASYUT 19:55 IYE 825 SANAA 12:05 THY 772 ISTANBUL 23:45 KNE 475 JEDDAH 20:00 UAE 871 DUBAI 12:45 KAC 774 RIYADH 19:25 JZR 134 BAHRAIN 20:05 MSR 610 CAIRO 13:00 KAC 674 DUBAI 19:25 KAC 283 DHAKA 20:15 THY 766 ISTANBUL 13:10 KAC 166 PARIS 18:40 JAI 571 MUMBAI 20:35 OMA 645 MUSCAT 14:40 KAC 102 NEW YORK 19:35 FDB 62 DUBAI 20:40 RJA 640 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 15:55 KAC 542 CAIRO 18:15 ABY 120 SHARJAH 20:45 QTR 134 DOHA 16:15 KAC 742 DAMMAM 19:30 KAC 361 COLOMBO 20:50 ETD 303 ABU DHABI-INTL 16:35 KAC 678 ABU DHABI-INTL 18:50 OMA 648 MUSCAT 20:55 UAE 855 DUBAI 8:25 KAC 618 DOHA 19:10 KAC 343 CHENNAI 20:55 ABY 125 SHARJAH 8:50 KAC 786 JEDDAH 20:00 KAC 351 KOCHI 21:05 QTR 132 DOHA 9:00 JZR 787 RIYADH 17:05 MEA 403 BEIRUT 21:15 IRA 619 LAR 9:05 JZR 135 BAHRAIN 23:00 MSR 619 ALEXANDRIA 21:30 ETD 301 ABU DHABI-INTL 9:30 JZR 239 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 22:30 DHX 171 BAHRAIN 21:50 FDB 55 DUBAI 9:50 JZR 177 DUBAI 17:30 SVA 507 JEDDAH 21:55 GFA 213 BAHRAIN 10:40 MSC 402 ALEXANDRIA 22:00 MEA 404 BEIRUT 10:55 Departure Flights on Friday day 2/8/2013 ETD 308 ABU DHABI 22:15 MSC 403 ASYUT 11:10 Airlines Flt Route Time ALK 230 COLOMBO 22:20 TMA 213 BEIRUT 12:00 AIC 982 AHMEDABAD 0:05 UAE 860 DUBAI 22:25 IYE 825 SANAA 12:05 THY 6512 DHAKA 0:10 KAC 381 DELHI 22:30 UAE 871 DUBAI 12:45 JAI 573 MUMBAI 0:20 KAC 301 MUMBAI 22:40 MSR 610 CAIRO 13:00 UAL 981 WASHINGTON DC DULLES 0:25 GFA 218 BAHRAIN 22:45 THY 766 ISTANBUL 13:10 DLH 637 FRANKFURT 0:30 KAC 205 ISLAMABAD 23:00 OMA 645 MUSCAT 14:40 MSR 615 CAIRO 0:30 FDB 60 DUBAI 23:00 RJA 640 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 15:55 KLM 411 AMSTERDAM 0:55 JAI 575 ABU DHABI 23:05 QTR 134 DOHA 16:15 MEA 1845 BEIRUT 1:00 JZR 554 ALEXANDRIA 23:20 ETD 303 ABU DHABI-INTL 16:35 PIA 206 LAHORE 1:15 KAC 411 BANGKOK 23:40 KAC 344 CHENNAI 8:20 BBC 44 DHAKA 1:30 JZR 528 ASYUT 23:55 Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (www.kuwait-airport.com.kw) Pets FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

How about a giant rat for a pet? With their 120-pound rodent at their side, Texas couple spreads the word about capybara

t 120 pounds and nearly 2 feet tall, the Ashaggy-haired Gari is lovable enough. He likes to clown around, play in the mud and take long walks. That’s his good side. He’s also somewhat of a rat - lazy, needy and demanding to be fed at all hours of the night. But that’s a capybara for you, especially when you let him have the run of the house. You take the good with the bad. “He’s a really neat animal,” said owner Melanie Typaldos. “He’s really smart, very affectionate, he loves to swim, and I love to go swimming with him.” Typaldos’ love for Gari led her to team up with Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences to start the ROUS Foundation, dedicated to find- ing out more about capybaras that have been domesticated and helping owners cover vet- erinary expenses. Most in the US are found in zoos. In the wild, the capybara, which could easily pass as a guinea pig - albeit a giant one - lives in South America. Officially, it’s a rodent, the largest kind. “We’re trying to understand what’s going on with captive capybaras,” Typaldos said. “No one’s keeping track of it. No one’s keep- ing records. Dr. Sharman Hoppes, a clinical associate professor with the veterinary school, said she hasn’t seen any documented instances of capybaras transmitting diseases to humans in the US because they’re kept in captivity. “If we happen to have capybaras loose in our waterways,” she said, that would be a dif- ferent story. This much is known about 3- year-old Gari: He walks on a leash, rides in the car with the windows down and, when he Gari the capybara, the pet of Melanie Typaldos, goes for a walk around his land in Buda, Texas. chooses, sleeps in bed with Typaldos, 57, and walks on a leash like a dog,” Typaldos said. town or to the pet store, Typaldos said, reac- of capybaras. her husband, Rick Loveman, 54. Gari can shake hands, or paws in his case, and tions range from delight to terror. “My point is Dr. Sharman Hoppes, a clinical associate Gari’s formal name is Garibaldi Rous. The presses a button with his snout for food to just get it out there so that people see that professor at Texas A&M University’s College of last name stands for Rodents of Unusual Size, rewards. capybaras exist,” she said. “I don’t care if it Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, is from the movie “The Princess Bride.” Typaldos “But like a cat, he doesn’t really come makes me look crazy.” working with Typaldos to compile a database and her husband own a home that sits on when he’s called, and his affection really has Melanie Typaldos calls Gari her capybara of capybara vital signs, heights and weights. about 40 acres in Buda, Texas, 15 miles south- to be earned,” she said. With fur like broom ambassador. She takes him to schools and “Right now, we’re letting people know that west of Austin. On a recent summer after- bristles, Gari isn’t exactly optimal for cuddling. community events to raise awareness about this foundation is available,” Hoppes said. “If noon, Gari quietly sauntered around the Typaldos said he usually sits on her lap when the South American rodent. She also has anything else, just so they notify us if they’re fenced-in backyard, mingling with the chick- they swim, but Loveman is his best pal. “He launched gianthamster.com, usually blogging getting blood work done.” — MCT ens and two tortoises. follows Rick around and he cries for him,” about daily happenings from Gari’s point of Then, he climbed the hay-barrel steps Typaldos said. “When we go out someplace, if view. She sells capybara-themed items such leading to an above-ground swimming pool Rick is there, he sticks right to him like he’s as calendars, plush toys and mugs and con- and slipped in. Typaldos, dressed in a black T- glued to him. I wish he would do that to me.” tributes $1 from each purchase to the ROUS shirt with a drawing of a capybara, spun Gari It’s probably because Loveman, who is dis- Foundation, dedicated to the study and care on his back. His record is 15 spins, and he can abled, stays home most of the week with Gari hold his breath for up to five minutes, she while Typaldos works as an electrical engi- said. neer. Capybaras, naturally found in groups, Constantly hungry require a lot of attention. “Yeah, I’m Gari’s favorite,” Loveman said. “I’m here with him all But on this day, Gari preferred to take the time, and he doesn’t trust Melanie things slow, gliding through the water like an because she leaves him. He has abandonment otter. “I always say Gari is the clown of the issues because he’s adopted.” capybara world,” Typaldos said. His sounds range from a deep, low purr when he’s happy Love at second sight to a little squeak when he’s not. Gari isn’t Gari is the couple’s second capybara. The thrilled when he’s hungry. Typaldos said he’s first came after Typaldos and her daughter notorious for waking up in the middle of the held one in the wild during a trip to night with a “feed me” look. She’s lucky if he Venezuela - they were hooked. Within a few sleeps past 5:30 am. months, Typaldos bought Caplin Rous who “Sometimes, I’ll open my eyes and there lived for 3 years before he died of liver failure will be a big capybara face right there,” she in 2011. A few weeks after Caplin’s death, said. Typically, Gari chews through two to four Typaldos rescued Gari. She paid $300 to have tubs of organic lettuce a day - an expensive him flown from Ohio, where his owner could- diet. As an herbivore, he also eats melon, n’t care for him. grapes, blueberries, apples, corn and broccoli. Gari has been adjusting to a life with a big- “Only the best for my capybara,” Typaldos ger yard and pool ever since. He still doesn’t said. know how to graze like wild capybaras do, Gari enters and leaves the house as he but Typaldos is working on it, like she’s work- pleases. He goes into the same bathroom as ing on getting him used to his purple harness Melanie Typaldos, (not seen), feeds an apple slice to Gari, her pet capybara, at their home everyone else, but he uses a water pot next to on walks. When Gari goes for strolls through the toilet. “He learns tricks like a dog, and he in Buda, Texas. — MCT photos Stars FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Aries (March 21-April 19) COUNTRY CODES Libra (September 23-October 22) You may feel that a raise is in order. Consider creating a list Afghanistan 0093 Kuwait 00965 of your accomplishments and your job duties and start a diary of these You are an infighter, with animal-like instincts when it Albania 00355 Kyrgyzstan 00996 things for evaluation at your next employee review. You are able to rise comes to big business; you are always where the action is most intense. Algeria 00213 Laos 00856 above most problems that would normally be confusing to the average Breakups in a business partnership may be to your advantage. Do not Andorra 00376 Latvia 00371 worker. This is a good opportunity to take note of these successes. This is burn your bridges behind you—no enemies please. Your penetrating Angola 00244 Lebanon 00961 an important time to show your ability to apply yourself to teamwork mind gets straight to the bottom line and it will not be long before some Anguilla 001264 Liberia 00231 cooperation. You are unusually motivated or driven in new and unex- fine business group sees your fine business sense. It is exciting to be near Antiga 001268 Libya 00218 pected directions. You could receive unexpected backing and, in gener- you today—you can be an information source for anyone who needs to Argentina 0054 Lithuania 00370 al, your efforts are successful for reaching new heights of accomplish- know the real answer or, the facts. You may be a bit restless this after- Armenia 00374 Luxembourg 00352 ments. You visit with neighbors tonight. noon as change in or around your home is evident. Your gritty resolve to Australia 0061 Macau 00853 accomplish much on the home front may have to wait a bit. You put Austria 0043 Macedonia 00389 forth a lot of effort, in particular regarding your family—all is good. Bahamas 001242 Madagascar 00261 Bahrain 00973 Majorca 0034 Bangladesh 00880 Malawi 00265 Barbados 001246 Malaysia 0060 Belarus 00375 Maldives 00960 Taurus (April 20-May 20) Belgium 0032 Mali 00223 Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Belize 00501 Malta 00356 If today makes sense you love the day, and if it doesn’t, Benin 00229 Marshall Islands 00692 you feel guilty about it: that’s what it’s like now. A loving attention to Your tendency to compromise and settle for less than you Bermuda 001441 Martinique 00596 details and a sense of satisfaction in doing what is right especially with dreamed can be a problem. You may choose the path of least resist- Bhutan 00975 Mauritania 00222 respect to your health are some of the qualities that come to the fore at ance—willing to bypass some of the things you always wanted in favor Bolivia 00591 Mauritius 00230 a time like this. A little allergic reaction to some product may be worth of expediency. Career moves must be given special attention. Tension Bosnia 00387 Mayotte 00269 testing to find the answer. You may enjoy flower arranging or bird results, however, when you ignore your own desires and take a course of Botswana 00267 Mexico 0052 Brazil 0055 Micronesia 00691 watching and if this is so . . . Be prepared to take care of the allergy action, job or career that can never satisfy. Worse, you may find yourself in a job that is compromising. Now that you know this . . . Update your Brunei 00673 Moldova 00373 before diving into another period of rearranging the flowers or being Bulgaria 00359 Monaco 00377 outdoors. If you work for a florist or have your own florist, you are com- goals and be refreshed . . . You can accomplish great things. The input that a loved one makes today can be very helpful—listen. A love rela- Burkina 00226 Mongolia 00976 passionate with your family and friends and you know just how to help Burundi 00257 Montserrat 001664 others when they celebrate or when they are sad. tionship, perhaps new, is blossoming. This is a great time to show your appreciation for one another. Cambodia 00855 Morocco 00212 Cameroon 00237 Mozambique 00258 Canada 001 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Cape Verde 00238 Namibia 00264 Cayman Islands 001345 Nepal 00977 Gemini (May 21-June 20) Central African Republic 00236 Netherlands (Holland)0031 Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Chad 00235 Netherlands Antilles 00599 The plans you have for today work well, in fact, better than Being successful in life is becoming easier and easier—you Chile 0056 New Caledonia 00687 you thought they would. You are a good listener and many of the strate- have a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even the most dif- China 0086 New Zealand 0064 Colombia 0057 Nicaragua 00505 gies you use now may have been suggestions from others. Give credit ficult problems. You also seem to have taken on that can-do attitude. where credit is due. You appear more charming and refined than usual Comoros 00269 Nigar 00227 Knowing what to do with the money you earn is a whole different story. Congo 00242 Nigeria 00234 today. This is a good day to make a date, apply for a particular job or oth- Consider taking a class or teaching a class in financial awareness at a Cook Islands 00682 Niue 00683 erwise make yourself known. You have great insights into what moti- community college near you. While you are at it, sign up for a writing Costa Rica 00506 Norfolk Island 00672 vates the public, crowds and the mind in general. You can work with class as well. One of the biggest topics of conversation with your friends Croatia 00385 Northern Ireland (UK)0044 sensitive and vulnerable psychological areas without batting an eye and is often different and unusual ways in which to make a living, entertain Cuba 0053 North Korea 00850 would be good at instructing others. Perhaps some volunteer work sur- or be entertained. You are unconventional, independent and drawn to Cyprus 00357 Norway 0047 rounding emergency care is in order. There is a chance to enjoy a special whatever is different. You may find yourself involved in causes that go Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Oman 00968 time with someone you love. against tradition—revolutions come to your attention. 00420 Pakistan 0092 Denmark 0045 Palau 00680 Diego Garcia 00246 Panama 00507 Djibouti 00253 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dominica 001767 Paraguay 00595 Dominican Republic 001809 Peru 0051 Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Ecuador 00593 Philippines 0063 You have a conversation with someone that could turn Perhaps there is a sense of challenge or blockage just now. Egypt 0020 Poland 0048 El Salvador 00503 Portugal 00351 emotional—but all will end well, particularly if you stay with the facts. Some sort of temporary obstacle may appear. Remember it is temporary, so bide your time—do not give in to frustration. Perhaps, if you have England (UK) 0044 Puerto Rico 001787 You have learned that when there is any difficulty that causes stress, the Equatorial Guinea 00240 Qatar 00974 base of the problem is more ego than what is revealed. You may just been working intensely, a break is in order. The times of introspection Eritrea 00291 Romania 0040 decide to remain low key and observant. Some negotiations will be in will help you maintain a focus as you look to see where you have been Estonia 00372 Russian Federation 007 order later and you might want to try and cut a path that will create and how your goals are taking shape. Your sense of confidence is strong. Ethiopia 00251 Rwanda 00250 more open and honest communication. If weather permits, go swim- The hard work you are putting forth now and the care with finances Falkland Islands 00500 Saint Helena 00290 ming this afternoon. Some form of water therapy or bicycle activity while planning and setting aside some earnings should benefit you Faroe Islands 00298 Saint Kitts 001869 could be fun and a physical benefit. This evening a civic function may be handsomely in the future. There are opportunities for finding new Fiji 00679 Saint Lucia 001758 enjoyed. Work on a balance between work and play. If you have lost a friendships as well as building good, old friendships. Enjoy these Finland 00358 Saint Pierre 00508 piece of jewelry, look in a favorite chair. friends—new and old. More demanding times will be in the forecast. France 0033 Saint Vincent 001784 French Guiana 00594 US 00684 French Polynesia 00689 Samoa West 00685 Gabon 00241 San Marino 00378 Gambia 00220 Sao Tone 00239 Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Georgia 00995 Saudi Arabia 00966 Leo (July 23-August 22) Germany 0049 Scotland (UK) 0044 You may find yourself very appreciative of your career and Progress is made in the workplace today. You may find Ghana 00233 Senegal 00221 practical skills. You might enjoy solving puzzles and problems, finding yourself talkative and quick-witted. Ideas are clear and easy to come by. Gibraltar 00350 Seychelles 00284 Greece 0030 Sierra Leone 00232 solutions, etc. A renewed appreciation for your work may be apparent to There are times you may be thinking over your own plans. You have a conversation with an older person or someone in authority at the noon Greenland 00299 Singapore 0065 your superiors—in fact, to everybody. During the noon break you may Grenada 001473 00421 get into a sparring match for some fun competition involving trivia ques- hour. This may give you an opportunity to form opinions and find solu- tions. Consider presenting a report for random acts of improvement. Guadeloupe 00590 Slovenia 00386 tions. You love to study and are always inquiring and searching—using Guam 001671 Solomon Islands 00677 your mind for research. You enjoy communication in all its forms—spo- After work there are opportunities to visit with friends. You could find yourself showing off or giving your attention to others. Some of your Guatemala 00502 Somalia 00252 ken, written, via computers, etc. Your mind is active, always testing and Guinea 00224 South Africa 0027 searching for limits. There could be a dispute in the family this evening friends want to tell you about their summer adventure. You become Guyana 00592 South Korea 0082 but a quick cooling period is possible if you do not jump to conclusions actively involved on a social level, taking a bigger part in collective Haiti 00509 Spain 0034 right away. Music can be enjoyed tonight. developments, perhaps some political opportunities. Holland (Netherlands)0031 Sri Lanka 0094 Honduras 00504 Sudan 00249 Hong Kong 00852 Suriname 00597 Hungary 0036 Swaziland 00268 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sweden 0046 Iceland 00354 Switzerland 0041 Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) India 0091 Syria 00963 Indian Ocean 00873 Taiwan 00886 A generally busy, but non-challenging workday will send This is an unusual day—everyone seems to be going in Indonesia 0062 Tanzania 00255 you home with a smile and a party attitude by quitting time. At your the opposite direction of your own energies. Stay to your own responsi- Iran 0098 Thailand 0066 noon break, an impromptu get-together with a few co-workers may be bilities and you will find situations smoothing out by the afternoon. Iraq 00964 Toga 00228 fun and a good way to release some energy. You attract good, gentle Becoming involved in some of the problems that do not pertain to you Ireland 00353 Tonga 00676 and loving people with regard to friends. This is an enjoyable time to today may find you having to work through all sorts of difficulties. You Italy 0039 Tokelau 00690 share and visit and plan for future events. There is talk of vacationing possess an almost infinite ability to respond to the needs of others—this Ivory Coast 00225 Trinidad 001868 and perhaps some pictures of past adventures. You could decide to may be a real test for you to stay neutral. You work very hard, with a grit- Jamaica 001876 Tunisia 00216 vacation with a group this year, perhaps to faraway places. Investments ty resolve and can accomplish much. This evening you will enjoy the Japan 0081 Turkey 0090 may also prove to be a good topic of discussion and may give you company of children or young people as well as your home surround- Jordan 00962 Tuvalu 00688 insight into your own plans. Always on the go, you are a skilled diplomat, ings. There is harmony and a feeling of support from those around you. Kazakhstan 007 Uganda 00256 negotiator or representative for your favorite hobby or skill. Romance is possible this evening. Kenya 00254 Ukraine 00380 Kiribati 00686 United Arab Emirates00976 Stars FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Word Search DOWN 1. The twelfth month of the civil year. CROSSWORD269 2. Type genus of the Ranidae. 3. According to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC). 4. English architect who designed more than fifty London churches (1632-1723). 5. An unabridged dictionary constructed on historical principles. 6. A motorized wheeled vehicle used for camping or other recreational activities. 7. Containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melody. 8. A range of mountains (usually with jagged peaks and irregular outline). 9. Fill with high spirits. 10. Angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object). 11. Expletives used informally as intensifiers. 12. Any group or radical of the form RCO- where R is an organic group. 13. African tree with edible yellow fruit resembling mangos. 14. German chemist who was co-discoverer with Lise Meitner of nuclear fission (1879- 1968). 19. Soviet cosmonaut who in 1961 was the first person to travel in space (1934-1968). 23. Type genus of the Anatidae. 24. A state in midwestern United States. 26. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal. 27. The biblical name for ancient Syria. 29. Any of several tall tropical palms native to southeastern Asia having egg-shaped nuts. 30. Type genus of the family Lepadidae. 33. (Babylonian) A demigod or first man. 34. The dialect of Malay used as the national language of the Republic of Indonesia or of Malaysia. 35. (botany) Of some seeds. 37. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. 39. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. ACROSS 40. A gonadotropic hormone that is secreted by the anterior pituitary. 43. A person who makes things. 1. A period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event. 44. (Old Testament) The second patriarch. 4. Rank-smelling tropical American pigweed. 46. A soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group. 12. Hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also 47. Affected manners intended to impress others. by nerve endings in the hypothalamus. 48. A British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 60 minims or 3.5516 15. The syllable naming the sixth (submediant) note of a major or minor scale in cubic centimeters. solmization. 53. (informal) Exceptionally good. 16. (military) Signal to wake up. 54. Sharp piercing cry. 17. An independent agency of the United States government responsible for collect- 55. A Turkish unit of weight equal to about 2.75 pounds. ing and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the 57. Attack someone physically or emotionally. national interest. 60. Having the head uncovered. 18. Not subjected to an aging process. 61. A city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River. 20. A unit of length of thread or yarn. 64. (Irish) Chief god of the Tuatha De Danann. 21. A virtually extinct Caucasian language spoken exclusively in Turkey. 66. A subdivision of a larger religious group. 22. Hungarian choreographer who developed Labanotation (1879-1958). 67. Primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true 25. A local computer network for communication between computers. stems and roots and leaves. 28. The basic unit of money in Western Samoa. 69. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 31. (Greek mythology) Goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titans in 70. A metabolic acid found in yeast and liver cells. ancient mythology. 73. A constellation in the southern hemisphere near Telescopium and Norma. 32. Any of numerous low-growing cushion-forming plants of the genus Draba having 74. A trivial lie. rosette-forming leaves and terminal racemes of small flowers with scapose or leafy stems. 36. Large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose Yesterdayʼs Solution panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds. 38. A white trivalent metallic element. 41. The sixth month of the civil year. 42. A shade of brown with a tinge of red. Yesterdayʼs Solution 45. The act of scanning. 49. A close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities. 50. An association of countries in the western hemisphere. 51. German poet (born in Austria) whose imagery and mystic lyricism influenced 20- th century German literature (1875-1926). 52. Lower in esteem. 56. European strong-scented perennial herb with gray-green bitter-tasting leaves. 58. A public promotion of some product or service. 59. Having the wind against the forward side of the sails. 62. Term of address for a man. 63. Any of a number of fishes of the family Carangidae. 65. A state in southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal (south of Andhra Pradesh). 68. A short labored intake of breath with the mouth open. 71. (Scotland) A slope or hillside. 72. One of two flaps attached to a cap to keep the ears warm. 76. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground con- trol using precision approach radar. 77. A Russian river. 78. English lexicographer who was a joint editor of the Oxford English Dictionary (1872-1966). 79. A light touch or stroke. 80. Mild yellow Dutch cheese made in balls. 81. 100 tambala equal 1 Kwacha. 82. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution Sports FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Mariners fall to Red Sox

BOSTON: Stephen Drew singled in the winning run in the 15th inning to lift the Boston Red Sox to a 5-4 victory over the Seattle Mariners and back into first place in the AL East on Wednesday night. Dustin Pedroia drew a leadoff walk and took second on a groundout by David Ortiz. Mike Napoli was walked intentionally and Jarrod Saltalamacchia struck out. Jonny Gomes then walked, loading the bases, and Drew hit a liner just inside the right-field line as Pedroia scored the decisive run. Boston moved a half-game ahead of Tampa Bay in the division. Drew Britton (1-0) pitched two innings for his first major league win. Lucas Luetge (0-2) took the loss. Seattle’s Kyle Seager had tied the game at 4 in the eighth with his 17th homer of the year, a solo shot off Junichi Tazawa. Pedroia had given the Red Sox a 4-3 lead with a two-run homer in the seventh, his eighth. ROYALS 4, TWINS 3 In Minneapolis, Alex Gordon hit a two-out triple in the seventh inning and then scored the go-ahead run on an error, and Kansas City won its eighth straight game by beating Minnesota. The Royals are above .500 at the end of July for the first time since 2003. At 53-51, they are two games over the break-even mark for the first time since May 17. They remained seven games behind Detroit in the AL Central race and 41/2 games back of second-place Cleveland, the current holder of the second wild card spot. Jeremy Guthrie (11-7) won his third start in a row with his seventh consecutive appearance of at least six innings. Greg Holland pitched the ninth for his 28th save in 30 tries. Twins reliever Caleb Thielbar (1-1) took the loss. The Royals, who have the league’s second-best team ERA, have relied on their rotation for this midsum- mer surge. The starters have allowed 11 earned runs in 72 innings during the ST LOUIS: Philadelphia Phillies second baseman Chase Utley dives and stops a ball hit by St Louis Cardinals’ streak. Kansas City is 9-3 against the Twins this season and 26-19 against the Jon Jay during the seventh inning of a baseball game. — AP division. ASTROS 11, ORIOLES 0 Pirates rally to beat Cards In Baltimore, rookie left-hander Brett Oberholtzer allowed three hits over seven innings to earn his first major league win, Jason Castro hit a , and Houston routed Baltimore. PITTSBURGH: Russell Martin drove home Neal Walker with the Manager Dusty Baker pulled Bailey, and Aroldis Chapman got Matt Dominguez homered and had a career-high four hits for the Astros, go-ahead run in the eighth inning and the Pittsburgh Pirates the final two outs for his 25th save in 29 chances. who built a 9-0 lead in the fourth inning and coasted to their most lopsided rallied to beat the St. Louis Cardinals 5-4 Wednesday night. Bailey (6-10) allowed six hits and one unearned run, struck victory of the season. Oberholtzer (1-0) started after Erik Bedard was Martin’s sharp grounder off Trevor Rosenthal (1-2) rolled out seven and walked none. Phillips homered to center field off scratched with a sore shoulder. Making his fourth appearance and first start in into left field, giving Walker enough time to score from second. lefty Eric Stults (8-10) leading off the second, his 13th. the big leagues, Oberholtzer struck out six, walked none and did not let a run- The Pirates’ fourth straight win over the Cardinals gave ner get past first base. Miguel Gonzalez (8-5) yielded a career-high nine runs, Pittsburgh a 21/2-game lead in the NL Central. MARLINS 3, METS 2 four earned, in 3 2-3 innings. Hours before the first pitch, the Astros traded St. Louis left 11 runners on base and dropped its seventh In Miami, Jake Marisnick hit his first major league home run pitcher Bud Norris to the Orioles for outfielder LJ Hoes and a minor league consecutive game. The Cardinals led 2-0, 3-1 and 4-2. Tony and Henderson Alvarez pitched into the eighth inning to lead prospect. Hoes switched from the Baltimore starting lineup to batting second Watson (3-1) worked two shutout innings in relief. Mark Miami over New York. for Houston and went 0 for 5. Melancon pitched a perfect ninth for his fifth save. Matt Giancarlo Stanton and Placido Polanco also drove in a run BLUE JAYS 5, ATHLETICS 2 Holliday had three hits and drove in two runs, and the each for the Marlins, who dropped the first two games of the In Oakland, Jose Bautista hit a go-ahead double in the top of the 10th Cardinals’ struggling offense put together 13 hits. four-game series with the Mets. inning, and the Toronto Blue Jays beat the Oakland. Bautista doubled off Mike Dunn got four outs for his second save in place of Jesse Chavez (2-3). Rookie catcher Stephen Vogt’s second costly passed ball BRAVES 9, ROCKIES 0 Steve Cishek, who pitched two innings and took the loss in of the game allowed Jose Reyes to advance after a leadoff infield single, and In Atlanta, Mike Minor allowed only two hits in seven score- Tuesday’s 4-2 loss to New York. Reyes scored on Bautista’s hit. Casey Janssen (4-0) pitched a 1-2-3 ninth for less innings, Brian McCann hit a three-run homer in a seven-run Dunn issued a lead-off single to John Buck before retiring the win, while Brett Cecil finished for his first major league save in two oppor- third, and Atlanta beat Colorado for its sixth straight win. the next three batters to end the game. Alvarez (2-1) allowed tunities. Freddie Freeman drove in two runs with four hits as the two runs and six hits in 7 1-3 innings. He is 2-0 with a 1.33 ERA Braves continued their offensive surge with 15 hits. The Braves in his last four starts. Marisnick homered off of Jenrry Mejia (1-1) RANGERS 2, ANGELS 1 have scored 29 runs while winning the first three games of the in the second inning to give the Marlins a 1-0 lead. The 22-year- In Arlington, Adrian Beltre led off the bottom of the ninth for Texas with a four-game series. old rookie was hitting .179 (5 for 28) in his first eight games home run to beat the Los Angeles Angels, completing a three-game series The Braves lead second-place Washington by 11 games in before the home run. sweep in which the Rangers won each on game-ending homers. Beltre hit his the NL East, their biggest advantage in nine years. Minor (11-5) 23rd homer, connecting off Michael Kohn (1-1). didn’t walk a batter and didn’t allow a Colorado baserunner to CUBS 6, BREWERS 1 Nelson Cruz also homered for Texas, his 25th putting the Rangers up 1-0 reach second base. Tyler Chatwood (7-4) allowed a career-high In Chicago, Edwin Jackson pitched eight solid innings, David in the second before Josh Hamilton’s tying homer in the seventh for the seven earned runs on 10 hits, one walk and one hit batter in DeJesus drove in three runs and Chicago beat Milwaukee to sal- Angels. Rangers closer Joe Nathan (3-1) struck out two and walked one in the only 2 1-3 innings. Colorado’s Carlos Gonzalez left the game in vage the finale of the four-game series. top of the ninth to win for the second night in a row. the fourth inning after aggravating his sprained right middle Anthony Rizzo hit a two-run homer and Starlin Castro belted INDIANS 6, WHITE SOX 5 finger. a solo shot as Chicago closed out a 14-13 July, its first winning In Cleveland, Carlos Santana’s leadoff home run in the 10th inning sent calendar month since it went 15-10 last July. Jackson allowed the Cleveland Indians over the Chicago White Sox for their seventh straight GIANTS 9, PHILLIES 2 one run and eight hits in his longest outing of the season, stay- win. Santana hit a 3-2 pitch from Dylan Axelrod (3-7) into the right field seats In Philadelphia, Chad Gaudin threw seven sharp innings, ing in the game after a 66-minute rain delay in the sixth inning. for Cleveland’s ninth walkoff win of the season. Chris Perez (4-1) hit Adam Brett Pill and Brandon Crawford hit homers, and San Francisco Jonathan Lucroy had two doubles for Milwaukee, driving in Dunn with a pitch with two outs in the 10th, but struck out Paul Konerko to snapped a five-game losing streak with the victory over Rickie Weeks with a grounder down the first-base line in the end the inning as Chicago lost its sixth straight game. Philadelphia. The defending World Series champion Giants are eighth. Jeff Bianchi and Caleb Gindl also had two hits apiece. last in the NL West. The Phillies entered 111/2 games out of first Rizzo went deep in the third, driving a 3-1 pitch from Wily INTERLEAGUE place and fell to nine back in the wild-card standings. Peralta (7-11) over the wall in center for his 15th homer - match- TIGERS 11, NATIONALS 1 Gaudin (5-2) allowed one run and four hits, striking out five. ing his career high set a year ago. Castro connected an inning In Detroit, Alex Avila and Torii Hunter hit homers in a five-run second He also got his first career RBI on a single that was just his sec- later, making it 3-0 with a drive to the bleachers in left. inning and the Detroit Tigers scored five more runs in the fourth inning while ond hit in 59 at-bats. Jackson (7-11) struck out four and walked none. The right- routing Washington. The AL Central-leading Tigers swept the two-game Roger Kieschnick had RBI singles in his first two major hander finished July with a 3-1 record and a 1.83 ERA in five series. They have won five straight, the latest victory coming while star Miguel league at-bats for the Giants, who snapped a nine-game home- starts. Cabrera was out of the lineup, a day after aggravating an injury. rless drought when Pill went deep. Pill had three hits and four Justin Verlander (11-8) shook off a shaky start by giving up one run, four RBIs. Kyle Kendrick (9-8) gave up eight hits and seven runs in INTERLEAGUE hits and five walks while striking out six in six innings. two-plus innings. In Los Angeles, pinch-hitter Lyle Overbay singled in the go- Gio Gonzalez (7-4) gave up 10 runs - one short of his career high - and 11 hits - the most of his career - over 3 1-3 innings. ahead run with two outs in the top of the ninth inning, helping REDS 4, PADRES 1 New York defeat Los Angeles. DIAMONDBACKS 7, RAYS 0 In San Diego, homer Bailey came within two outs of a five- Overbay singled on a 1-2 pitch from Paco Rodriguez. In St. Petersburg, Wade Miley pitched two-hit ball into the seventh inning hit shutout to end his four-start losing streak and Cincinnati Robinson Cano scored after reaching on a fielder’s choice and Eric Chavez drove in three runs, leading the Arizona Diamondbacks over beat San Diego to snap a five-game skid. groundout. The Yankees added two more runs on an error by Tampa Bay. Paul Goldschmidt hit his 24th homer, scored three runs and Brandon Phillips homered and Joey Votto hit a two-run dou- Dodgers second baseman Mark Ellis. Ronald Belisario (4-6) got reached base four times. Cody Ross had three straight hits and drove in two ble for the Reds, who avoided a three-game sweep and ended two outs in the ninth inning, but took the loss. He walked Derek runs as Arizona broke a three-game losing streak. the Padres’ four-game winning streak. Jeter and pinch-hitter Ichiro Suzuki, who both scored after Miley (8-8) won for the fourth time in five starts. He struck out eight in 6 1- Bailey had allowed just five singles going into the ninth, Belisario was relieved by Rodriguez. 3 innings and walked five. Jeremy Hellickson (10-4) gave up four runs and sev- when Everth Cabrera reached on a fielding error by first base- Boone Logan (3-2) got the win in relief. Mariano Rivera en hits in 4 1-3 innings. — AP man Votto leading off the inning. The right-hander got Chris pitched the ninth to earn his 34th save in 36 chances in his Denorfia to fly out before Chase Headley doubled in Cabrera. farewell season. — AP Sports FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 43

Odds favor over in Super finale

SYDNEY: ACT Brumbies will not so much Should the Brumbies win, they would finished 10th and the “We are still highly motivated,” Rennie have to rewrite the record books as tear become the first team from overseas to win Brumbies 13th in the standings. told Reuters yesterday. “I guess the fact we them to pieces and stamp the remains into any playoff match in New Zealand and the Former World Cup winning Springbok have been here before gives you confidence the Hamilton turf if they are to deprive the first side in 13 years to win the final outside coach White has since turned things around and understanding of what to expect and Waikato Chiefs of successive their own country. in Canberra, while Rennie has had a more does not make it any easier. titles this weekend. They would be the first to win the title immediate impact upon his arrival in “We have come up against a very good Win or lose, tomorrow’s final will mark after finishing outside the top two in the Hamilton. side who were very impressive at Loftus last the end of 23,000-kilometre, three-week regular season standings and the first to tri- Sonny Bill Williams helped them to the week and have an outstanding coaching odyssey that has taken the Brumbies from a umph after winning a semi-final on another title last year but the Chiefs were never even group.” The experience of winning the title home playoff victory over the , continent. close to a one-man team and the hard- in the Brumbies camp is nine-years-old now through a semi-final upset of the Bulls in The Brumbies have lost all three of the working forward pack that provided the and limited to evergreen open side flanker Pretoria to the brink of a third title. finals they have contested away from platform for the 2012 success remained for George Smith and revitalised winger Clyde In their path stand ’s Chiefs, Canberra, taking the title only on home soil this year’s campaign. Rathbone. as fresh as a team can be a week after a typi- in both 2001 and 2004. With flyhalf ’s influence To give the Brumbies a chance, Smith cally bruising semi-final encounter with the “I’m under no illusions that it’s never growing game-by-game, the Chiefs brushed will probably have to reprise his man of the Canterbury and determined to been done before,” coach Jake White said in off a 43-15 hammering by the Crusaders a match performance from last week in retain the crown they won for the first time the flush of the victory over the Bulls in month ago to secure top spot in the final Pretoria when the Brumbies became the last year. Pretoria. “But there’s a lot of things that regular season standings before gaining first team to beat the Bulls in a semi-final at The match at the 25,000 capacity haven’t been done by teams before and the revenge over the Canterbury side last week- Loftus Versfeld. Waikato Stadium was sold out in six hours Brumbies have done them week-in, week- end. “Little things along the way build belief and the arena, in the heart of a city known out. “Who knows? This is a special group of Rennie named an unchanged side on and we have the momentum now,” affectionately as “the Tron,” will be no place players. Two years ago no one gave us a Thursday subject to winger Lelia Masaga, Rathbone told ABC radio this week. “To for the faint-hearted on Saturday. chance.” who scored a stunning individual try in the knock over the Bulls in Pretoria has given us To say that precedent suggests a Chiefs Two years ago, few would have predict- 20-19 win over the Crusaders, passing a fit- the belief we can go to Hamilton and do the win would be a major understatement. ed a Chiefs-Brumbies final at all after the ness test on his injured ankle. same.” —Reuters Park begins her quest for history

ST. ANDREWS: On a gray morning at the light rain, there were only about 50 fans under through eight. Ai Miyazato was 2 home of golf, Inbee Park set off on her bid to holding umbrellas behind the tee and about under through six. Defending champion make history yesterday in the Women’s 20 yards down the right side to watch her Jiyai Shin wasn’t teeing off till just before British Open. tee off. Park wasted no time getting off to a noon. The 25-year-old from South Korea great start. Arnold Palmer had won the Masters and already has won three majors this year. She is She holed a 7-foot birdie putt on the US Open in 1960 and was on his way to the trying to become the first golfer, male or opening hole and then showed why she’s British Open - held at St. Andrews that year - female, to win four in one season. considered among the best putters in when he created the idea of a modern Grand It was only fitting that Park, dressed in a women’s golf. With perfect pace, her 30-foot Slam comprised of the four professional black rain suit, hit her opening tee shot in birdie putt dropped into the center of the majors. Palmer’s dream ended with a runner- front of the Royal & Ancient clubhouse at St. cup on No. 3 and she added an 18-foot up finish. No one has achieved it, male or Tiger Woods plays a shot during a practice round in Andrews. With a slow, measured back swing, birdie putt on the next hole after an female. Five players have made it halfway - this file photo. —AFP she drilled a low tee shot toward the Swilcan approach that gave her a flat line between Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods on the PGA Bridge on the left side of the fairway. It’s the two ridges. Tour, Mickey Wright, Pat Bradley and Annika hardest fairway to miss in golf. On the sixth, Park made a putt from 35 Sorenstam on the LPGA Tour. Elite field ready No one has come as far as Park, a 25-year- old from South Korea with a pure putting for major tune stroke, a sweet smile and an even demeanor. She has been the talk of the gray, old up at Bridgestone town this week in the home of golf, whether players and fans have marveled at what she AKRON: In the dark, head-to-head, 11 shots clear of the pack, has done in the majors or debated whether from rooftops and in every other conceivable way, Tiger it would be a Grand Slam if she were to win Woods has dominated at Firestone Country Club. He just says this week. it makes him feel comfortable. “I’ve done it all different ways, In a peculiar turn of events, the LPGA that’s the thing,” Woods said Wednesday, the day before Tour decided this year to designate the Evian beginning his run at an eighth win at the Bridgestone Championship in France as a fifth major. It Invitational. “Some years I’ve striped it and have really played brings to mind Jeff Sluman a decade ago, well, and other years I’ve hit it all over the lot and had to be when where was chatter about The Players creative. I’ve chipped and putted and holed out. It’s been such Championship becoming a fifth major in a mixed bag.” men’s golf. Coming off a disappointing British Open and steeling for “When you go to Denny’s and order the the PGA Championship next week at Oak Hill, Woods head- Grand Slam breakfast, they don’t give you lines a bumper crop of world-class players. The 73-player field five things, do they?” Sluman said. “They give includes 49 of the top 50 players in the world ranking, includ- ST ANDREWS: South Korea’s Park Inbee plays a shot on the fifth hole you four.” ing this year’s major champions (Adam Scott, Justin Rose, Phil on the first day of the Women’s British Open Golf Championship at the Denny’s is an American restaurant. The Mickelson), last year’s winner (Keegan Bradley) and European Old Course in St Andrews, Scotland. —AFP correlation of a Grand Slam and four items is stars Rory McIlroy, Graeme McDowell and Lee Westwood. distinctively American - in baseball, it clears Yet, Woods always seems to grab the spotlight. That’s what The challenge is the Old Course over the feet for another birdie. She rolled in an 18- the bases and scores four runs. happens when a player has won more than $9.5 million in just next four days, not to mention dozens of footer on the eighth hole, and she went to 6 The Grand Slam in golf was first men- 14 appearances at a single venue. players who are trying to stop this amazing under par through 10 holes with a 5-foot tioned in 1930 when Bobby Jones won the Woods’ first win, in what was then called the NEC run even though they appreciate what Park birdie putt. four biggest events of his era - the British Invitational, came in 1999 when he shot a third-round 62 to has done. “I’d love to be the spoiler,” Stacy Even before lunch yesterday, she was giv- Open, US Open, British Amateur and US win in his third appearance, holding off Mickelson by a shot. A Lewis said. ing this tournament a feeling of inevitability. Amateur. The term came from contract year later, Woods’ triumphal march to an 11-shot victory on It was unusual for Park to have such an With a light rain and hardly any wind, condi- bridge - winning all 13 tricks - or a clean the final day was delayed by inclement weather, with his final early tee time - 7:03 a.m. in Scotland - for tions were perfect for scoring. Among other sweep. Slam or not, there is little debate that putt finding the bottom of the cup in almost total darkness. such a big moment. Then again, it was just early starters, Brittany Lincicome was 3 under Park can do something no one else has in The strobe lights of photographers made it look like a scene after 3 p.m. in Seoul. With heavy air and a through eight holes and Rikako Morita was 2 the modern game. —AP from an old movie.—AP Sports FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

Players defend sport in wake of doping cases

WASHINGTON: ATP players defended their substances.” Asked if he thought players take it very seriously. I ask him about every- $25.5 million. The year’s final Grand Slam is sport and the tour’s updating of anti-doping were not well informed about doping regula- thing that goes in.” set to begin August 26 on the Flushing information on Wednesday in the wake of tions, Fish said, “That wouldn’t be my experi- Isner said he hoped the ATP would con- Meadows hardcourts. Three months ago, the drugs cases involving 15th-ranked Croatia’s ence, no. I like to take that pretty seriously.” sider adopting the biological passport, a sys- USTA announced the US Open prize money Marin Cilic and Serbian Viktor Troicki. “ Isner said the topic has not resonated tem where a players’ basic body chemistry is would reach $33.6 million in its 40th year of does a good job of testing from my experi- with players, saying, “As far as talk in the lock- recorded and deviations from the norm equal prize money for men and women as ence,” said 20th-ranked John Isner, the er room, there hasn’t been any at all. “These spark doping concerns. part of a five-year deal that will see prize American number one. “Tennis as a whole, I situations are unfortunate. I don’t know what “I would hope they adopt the biological money total $50 million by 2017. do feel, our sport is clean.” to think of it. I will side on their (players’) side. passport,” he said. “I’m a big fan.” Australian The men’s and women’s singles champi- The topic has drawn attention after We’ll see how it plays out.” Bernard Tomic found the latest doping situa- ons will each receive $2.6 million, the largest Troicki was banned for 18 months after Isner said he was once random tested tions odd. “It’s very strange how it can hap- one-event payout in tennis history and a 37 allegedly refusing to submit a blood sample twice in the same morning. “To hear the ATP pen,” Tomic said. “As a player myself, it’s very percent boost from last year. to a tester and Cilic reportedly tested positive or WADA doesn’t educate enough, I don’t weird and strange to see these things hap- Another $2.6 million is available in bonus at an April event in Munich. think that’s the case,” Isner said. “I think the pen. It’s strange, but it’s their issue.” money depending on how the eventual win- Troicki, ranked 53rd, said he was assured ATP does a good job informing us what we Meanwhile, US Open prize money will ner performs in pre-US Open events. he could skip the blood test without punish- can and can’t take.” jump to a record $34.3 million this year and A US Open singles runner-up will receive ment. Uncertainty about how well informed Fish admitted that not all the players could reach a record $36.9 million, the US $1.3 million while semi-final losers will players are regarding banned substances know exactly why they cannot take a certain Tennis Association (USTA) announced on receive $650,000 and losers in the quarter- and the testing requirements then became medication to combat an illness, but they are Wednesday. finals will take home $325,000. Losing in the the issue. “Our doping system is extremely aware of the risks for ingesting something The figures are higher than the planned fourth round will still bring $165,000 with tough,” said American Mardy Fish. “We do questionable. record boost announced last March and rep- $93,000 to third-round losers, $53,000 to get updates. We get a lot of information. “There are a lot of things that we can’t resent a jump of at least 37 % and as much as those who go out in the second round and There are things constantly coming through take that we don’t understand but might 43 % for second- and third-round losers com- $32,000 for those who fail to win their first e-mails about player regulations, regulated mask something,” Fish said. “My trainer and I pared to last year, when prize money totalled match. — AFP Isner wins but rain hits Nishikori and Del Potro

WASHINGTON: John Isner, fresh off a seventh ATP title, fired 19 aces Wednesday to beat Alex Kuznetsov 7-6 (7/2), 7-6 (7/4) at the ATP and WTA Washington Open. Eighth-seeded American Isner, who won last week at Atlanta, advanced to the round of 16 at the $1.76 million hardcourt event before rain washed out CARLSBAD: Victoria Azarenka of Bulgaria plays a back- most of the day’s matches. hand during her second round match against Francesca That included tournament openers Schiavone of Italy at the Southern California Open Day for Argentine top seed Juan Martin Del Three at La Costa Resort & Spa. — AFP Potro, the 2009 US Open champion and a two-time Washington winner, and sec- Azarenka celebrates ond seed Kei Nishikori, who received first-round byes. Two other second- birthday with victory round matches were halted, with South African seventh seed Kevin Anderson CARLSBAD: Top-seeded Victoria Azarenka, playing for the first time leading Australian qualifier James since an injury withdrawal from Wimbledon, celebrated her birthday with a WTA win at Carlsbad on Wednesday. Duckworth 6-3, 3-6, 5-4 and German Australian Open champion Azarenka, ranked third in the world, third seed Tommy Haas leading US cruised into the quarter-finals with a 6-2, 6-3 second-round victory qualifier Tim Smyczek 3-6, 7-5, 1-0. over former French Open champion Francesca Schiavone of Italy. The total washouts for Nishikori, “Just going on the court and competing was so much joy for me,” ranked a career-best 11th this week, and said Azarenka, who turned 24 on Wednesday. She hadn’t played Del Potro mean they will have to win since limping out of Wimbledon after hurting her right knee in her five times in four days to take the title. first-round win over Portugal’s Maria Joao Koehler. Yesterday’s schedule has both play- “I missed playing and I was just happy to be able to do something ers slated for two matches. That bolsters I’ve been training for,” Azarenka said. “I enjoyed the time I had to go through rehab and learn so many new things. I was excited to see Isner’s hopes for back-to-back trophies, how I would handle it in the match. It was a good feeling to have that despite a tough title run last week. platform, and I’ll just try to make it better and better now.” Big-serving Isner won six of seven tie- breakers he played in Atlanta, but Former Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova, the third seed, also WASHINGTON: John Isner celebrates match point against Alex Kuznetsov dur- eased into the quarters, beating Britain’s Laura Robson 6-1, 6-2. dropped one to Anderson in the final ing the Citi Open at the William HG FitzGerald Tennis Center. —AFP Kvitova hadn’t been counting on an easy passage. and only won the last-set tie-breaker “I didn’t know exactly what to expect from myself because the after saving two match points. ally our paths would cross (as pros). It reach the last eight in the only match first match after preparing for the US hardcourts is always difficult, “The tank isn’t completely full, but plus I lost to her at the Australian Open,” Kvitova said. “But this is ten- will be a fun match. I’ll need to play very completed. nis, and every day is different, and that’s how I approached the I’ve got a lot of confidence,” Isner said. well.” “I was happy to get off to a great start match. I played well and my serve was great today. We practiced very “I’ve been able to focus and play well in Mardy Fish, who has missed much of and keep it up,” said Petkovic, who has hard on my serve back home after Wimbledon.” the tight moments. Using my weapon, the past year with heart problems, oust- been nagged by injuries so much this Fourth-seeded Roberta Vinci of Italy advanced with a 6-4, 6-2 win my big serve, puts a lot of pressure on ed French 13th seed Julien Benneteau season that being near 100 percent “is a over American Bethanie Mattek-Sands. Vinci will next face either US opponents. 6-3, 7-5 for his 299th career ATP match nice feeling I almost forgot about.” qualifier Coco Vandeweghe or former world number one Ana “I feel like I can get sharper as this victory. “It was a good test to see where Petkovic said that she was so happy to Ivanovic. Ivanovic, the seventh seed from Serbia, rallied to beat event goes along.” Isner will play India’s I was,” Fish said. “It was a good test be healthy and playing again that “even defending champion Dominika Cibulkova 4-6, 6-3, 6-2 in the last 129th-ranked Somdev Devvarman yes- passed.” The 64th-ranked American’s the losses don’t hurt as much as they match of the first round. terday for a spot in the quarter-finals. Cibulkova, who won the title up the California coast at Stanford back-to-back wins are his first since used to.” Three other second-round on Sunday, was looking perfectly able to maintain her momentum as They last played in the 2007 US college March. matches were postponed yesterday, she took the opening set. But with the second set deadlocked at 3-3, finals when top seed Isner was an upset On the women’s side, Germany’s including German top seed Angelique Ivanovic came alive, winning eight games to take the second frame loser. “Somdev is a great player and a upset sixth-seeded Kerber’s meeting with American and build a 5-0 lead in the third. —AFP good friend,” Isner said. “I knew eventu- compatriot Mona Barthel 6-2, 6-2 to . —AFP Sports FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013

BARCELONA: In a picture taken with an underwater camera US swimmer Missy Franklin competes in the final of the women’s 200-metre freestyle swimming event in the FINA World Championships. —AFP Sun, Missy sparkle on golden day

BARCELONA: Sun Yang broke down in tears after claiming the one minute 54.81 seconds, adding to her golds in the 100 metres second of a possible three distance golds with victory in the 800 breaststroke and 4x100 freestyle relay. Spain, Australia in final metres freestyle and American teenager Missy Franklin captured Italy’s Federica Pellegrini, the 2009 and 2011 champion and her third title of the world swimming championships on world record holder, made a late charge but could not overhaul BARCELONA: Hosts Spain came from behind to edge a Wednesday. the American and took silver in 1:55.14. Camille Muffat of France thrilling contest with Hungary while Australia saw off Olympic champion over 400 and 1,500 metres in London last won bronze in 1:55.72. Franklin was delighted with her 200 Russia to book a place in Friday’s women’s final at the year, Sun followed up Sunday’s world 400 title with an imperious freestyle triumph after she missed an Olympic medal by the nar- water polo world championships in Barcelona on performance at the hilltop Palau Sant Jordi, leading from the rowest of margins in 2012. “I’m so happy, I couldn’t be happier,” Wednesday. buzzer and pulling inexorably away in the final 150 metres. she told reporters after beating her previous best of 1:55.06. The Spanish side, known locally as “the warriors” and The giant, long-stroking 22-year-old, who was unable to con- “I missed the podium in London last summer by one one hun- silver medallists behind the United States at last year’s trol his emotions at the medal ceremony, touched in a time of dredth of a second so to win gold here and go a best time is London Olympics, thrilled the home supporters at the seven minutes 41.36 seconds with American Michael McBroom absolutely incredible. hilltop pool on Montjuic when they came through 13-12 taking silver in 7:43.60 and Ryan Cochrane of Canada bronze in “We knew (Pellegrini) has an incredible back half so I really after trailing by a goal going into the final quarter. 7:43.70. “Before the race I felt huge pressure,” Sun, who beat his tried to get out front my first 100 and then just hold on with Australia, who finished third in London ahead of the everything I had.” Hungarians, were 2-1 down after the first quarter before Franklin was due to contest eight events in Barcelona but coming through 9-6 as they seek a repeat of their tri- pulled out of Wednesday’s 50 metres backstroke semi-finals, umph at the 1986 world championships in Madrid. which she said she was swimming just “for fun”, to focus on the “We knew that Russia plays really fast and we had to 200 freestyle final scheduled only 15 minutes later. stop their counter-attacks, so we did,” Australia coach If the Americans dominated Tuesday’s session, when 16-year- Greg McFadden told reporters. old Katie Ledecky smashed the world record in the women’s “Russia played excellent water polo, but we did what 1,500 metres freestyle final by more than six seconds and Matt we do best and it worked. “We talked about concentrat- Grevers claimed the 100 metres backstroke title, Wednesday ing on quick movements on the attack. We decided to belonged to the South Africans. play hard against their weakest players.” Russian player Olympic champion Chad le Clos won the 200 metres butterfly Olga Beliaeva said she and her team mates would try to gold, while Cameron Van Der Burgh edged the 50 metres breast- make sure they did not go home empty handed when stroke, a non-Olympic event, by one hundredth of a second from they play the United States, who lost 9-6 to Spain in the Christian Sprenger of Australia. quarter-finals, in Friday’s bronze medal match. It was the first time South Africa have won two golds at the “It was a really difficult game for us,” she said. world championships in one day. Le Clos, who had a shoulder “Australia was stronger and faster, so we couldn’t win the injury at the start of the year, stunned Phelps to win the 200 but- match.” — Reuters SPAIN: Gold medalist China’s Sun Yang cries on the podi- terfly title in London and he told Spanish television it was a um during the award ceremony of the men’s 800-metre shame the American, who retired after the Olympics and is in freestyle swimming event in the FINA World Barcelona as a spectator, was absent from the pool. Championships. — AFP “Yes I did miss him, he is a great competitor,” said Le Clos, who has become good friends with his boyhood hero. “This is very chest as he saluted his supporters in the crowd on claiming victo- important to me,” the 21-year-old added as his father looked on ry, told reporters. tearfully from the stands. “When I touched first I was relieved and, yes, a bit over-excit- “I’m very happy I won this gold. I was a bit out of shape... but I ed,” he added. “The time was in the range I expected so I am just wanted to win tonight and I’ve got the win so I’m very hap- totally satisfied.” py.” Le Clos won in a time of one minute 54.32 seconds, with Sun is the second man only after Australian Grant Hackett to Pawel Korzeniowski of Poland taking silver in 1:55.01 and Wu win world titles at 400, 800, a non-Olympic distance, and 1,500 Peng of China bronze in 1:55.09. Sprenger pipped Van Der Burgh metres. While his triumphs have come at two different champi- to win the 100 metres breaststroke gold on Monday but the onships Sun won the 800 and 1,500 in Shanghai two years ago South African, who is coming back from a knee injury, had his and was second in the 400 - he remains on course to match revenge with a blistering time of 26.77 seconds, a tenth outside Hackett’s three golds from the 2005 edition in Montreal. the world record he set to win gold at the Rome championships The 1,500 metres freestyle final is on the final day of the cham- in 2009. Sprenger claimed silver in 26.78 and Van Der Burgh’s pionships on Sunday. In her earlier race, Franklin showed why she compatriot Giulio Zorzi, who joined his compatriot at the top of has become the successor to Michael Phelps as the face of the podium for the national anthem, bronze in 27.04. BARCELONA: Spain’s Roser Tarrago (left) tries to score American swimming when she swept to victory in the 200 metres “One of the most special moments in a athlete’s career... And I past Hungary’s Flora Bolonyai during their women’s freestyle. The 18-year-old with the bubbly persona and the beam- got to share this with my best friend,” Van Der Burgh said on his water polo semi-finals match at the FINA World ing smile, who won four golds and a bronze in London, finished in Twitter feed. — Reuters Championships. — AFP Sports FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Warne puts positive spin on Australia’s plight

MANCHESTER: Shane Warne was in typi- being left out for the first two Tests in and if it is 2-1 going to Durham, where any- and telling him he looks good.” Another cally bullish mood Wednesday after advis- favour of the teenager. thing can happen up there, they’re back in Australia great, Glenn McGrath, spoke to ing Australia’s spinners ahead of a make or Both sides could yet field two spinners the series. “If everyone thinks they have no the side before their defeat at Lord’s and break Ashes Test against England at Old at Old Trafford, with England adding left- chance then they have every chance. Warne said he was happy to help. “As an Trafford-where the leg-spin legend deliv- armer Monty Panesar to a squad already Hopefully you guys (the British media) keep ex-Australia cricketer all of us want to see ered the ‘ball of the century’ 20 years ago. containing off-spinner Graeme Swann, as laughing and keep thinking Australia have the Australian team do well. We all support Warne, at the request of Australia coach the Manchester ground has a reputation for no chance because then they might win.” them and if we are asked to come and help Darren Lehmann, spoke to 19-year-old left- taking turn. Clarke, a world-class batsman and a we will.” armer Ashton Agar and off-spinner Nathan After bowling at Clarke, the 43-year-old renowned player of spin, has been It was at Old Trafford in 1993 where Lyon, as well as captain Michael Clarke, Warne, who retired in 2007 with a then nowhere near his best form of late, with Warne, making his Ashes debut, saw his ahead of a match Australia, 2-0 down in the world-record 708 Test wickets, insisted an Australia still looking for their first individ- first ball pitch outside leg-stump and then five-match series, must win to keep their Australia side who have lost their last six ual century of the series. spin viciously across Mike Gatting to clip Ashes hopes alive. Tests (they were beaten 4-0 in India) could “I was just bowling and talking to him the top of the England batsman’s off-bail. Agar went wicketless on a helpful pitch upset the odds and regain the Ashes. about the way he was batting against the The delivery was soon labelled ‘the ball during Australia’s crushing 347-run defeat “I think they can (win the series),” spinners,” Warne said of Clarke. “He’s one of of the century’. “When you see it in a com- by England in the second Test at Lord’s. Warne, in England as a television commen- the best players in the world; if not the best pilation of sporting moments, that is pretty Meanwhile Lyon, having seemingly tator, said. “I think they will go into this Test player of spin in the world. I don’t think I cool and it makes me feel humble and think established himself as Australia’s premier match like they think they can too. could teach him anything about playing how lucky I was to be there and how lucky spinner, has yet to play in this Ashes after “I think Australia have a good chance spin. “It was more or less reassuring him it was to happen,” Warne said. — AFP India thump Zimbabwe

BULAWAYO: India made light work of their fourth one-day international against Zimbabwe yesterday, as they beat the hosts by nine wickets to take a 4-0 lead in the series. After bowling Zimbabwe out for just 144, Rohit Sharma and Suresh Raina hit unbeatean half-centuries as India achieved their target inside 31 overs. Debutant Cheteshwar Pujara was the only Indian batsman to lose his wicket when he was bowled by Tendai Chatara for 13, before Sharma and Raina were granted an easy return to form as they PORTUGAL: In this Nov. 1, 2011, file photo released by knocked off the remaining 122 runs Nazare Qualifica/Polvo Concept, Garrett McNamara, of required. Hawaii, surfs what is being called the tallest wave ever rid- After going 12 one-day innings with- den at Praia do Norte beach near Nazare. — AP out a half-century, Raina was promoted up the order and finished unbeaten on 65 from 71 deliveries. Record-holding Although Sharma had failed to con- tribute in the first three matches, he was surfer honored not troubled as he constructed a patient HARARE: Zimbabwe batsman Brian Vitori hits a big six as India wicket keeper innings of 64 not out. Dinesh Kharthik looks on during the 4th match of the 5-match cricket ODI HONOLULU: Portugal’s navy has honored Hawaii surfer An 80-run partnership for the sixth series at Queenís Sports Club. — AFP wicket between half-centurion Elton Garrett McNamara for riding the gnarliest wave ever and high- play was taken. were bowled out in 42.4 overs. Leg-spin- Chigumbura and Malcolm Waller was as lighting the science that let him see it coming. The 36th over brought 11 runs, but ner Amit Mishra claimed the last three good as it got for Zimbabwe as they The navy awarded the big-wave surfer its Medalha Naval the next one brought a wicket as wickets of the innings to record figures posted their lowest total of a disap- de Vasco da Gama in a ceremony this week in Lisbon. The 45- Sharma had Waller caught behind for of 3 for 25. India will have the opportu- pointing series. year-old pro from Oahu’s North Shore captured the world’s 35. With the lower order unable to con- nity to complete a series whitewash The home side slumped to 47 for five attention in 2011 after catching a 78-foot wave at Portugal’s tribute, Chigumbura was soon left when the final match takes place at the inside the opening 16 overs of the Praia do Norte, near the town of Nazare. stranded on 50 not out as Zimbabwe same venue tomorrow. —AFP It was determined to be a record by the Billabong XXL innings as India’s bowlers sliced through Global Big Wave Awards and certified by Guinness World the Zimbabwean top order. Records. Man of the match Mohit Sharma led SCOREBOARD A commendation signed by the chief of Portuguese naval the attack on his international debut, staff, Admiral Jose Carlos Torrado Saldanha Lopes, said claiming 1 for 13 in his first six-over spell Scoreboard in the fourth one-day international between Zimbabwe and India at McNamara worked with the navy’s hydrography office to pre- after India had won the toss and elected Queens Sports Club in Bulawayo yesterday: dict the giant waves. to field. McNamara said receiving the award was an emotional Sharma also grabbed the key wicket Zimbabwe innings India innings moment, reminding him of how much his life has changed of Waller to end what little resistance V.Sibanda b Jadeja 24 C.Pujara b Chatara 13 since his family’s economic struggles in Hawaii during his Zimbabwe had to offer, and finished S.Raza c Karthik b MM Sharma 7 R.Sharma not out 64 childhood. “It was surreal, but it was real,” he said. with figures of 2 for 26 from 10 overs. H.Masakadza run out 10 S.Raina not out 65 McNamara turned heads again earlier this year - first in the The 24-year-old set India on their B.Taylor lbw b Jadeja 0 Extras (lb-1 w-2) 3 surfing world then worldwide on Twitter - after a photo sur- way when he had Sikandar Raza caught S.Williams b Unadkat 0 Total (for one wicket, 30.5 overs) 145 faced of him riding another massive swell at the same spot. behind in the seventh over of the M.Waller c Karthik b MM Sharma 35 Did not bat: V.Kohli, A.Rayudu, The photo touched off rampant speculation that it might be a innings, before Hamilton Masakadza E.Chigumbura not out 50 D.Karthik, R.Jadeja, A. Mishra, new record, though the wave was never formally measured contributed to his own demise when he P.Utseya c RG Sharma b Shami 1 Mohammed Shami, MM Sharma, and McNamara doesn’t think it was a record-breaker. was run out whilst taking a sluggish sin- T.Chatara c Jadeja b Mishra 1 Jaydev Unadkat. Portugal’s commendation spotlighted the talent of gle. With Brendan Taylor and Sean B.Vitori b Mishra 8 Fall of wicket: 1-23. McNamara and “the scientific capabilities and skills of the Williams both dismissed without scoring M.Chinouya c Kohli b Mishra 0 Bowling: Vitori 5.5-1-21-0, Chinouya Instituto Hidrografico, in Portugal and also worldwide.” It was and Vusi Sibanda bowled by Ravindra Extras (b-2 lb-2 w-4) 8 4-0-14-0, Chatara 5-1-31-1 (1w), presented at a ceremony attended by diplomats from the Jadeja for 24, Zimbabwe looked as Total (all out, 42.4 overs) 144 Utseya 9-0-42-0 (1w), Chigumbura 2- United States and Norway along with local public officials though they could be bowled out for a Fall of wickets: 1-16 2-36 3-44 4-47 5- 0-12-0 (3w), Williams 4-0-21-0, Waller from Nazare. McNamara said he was grateful to see top uni- double-digit score. 47 6-127 7-130 8-133 9-143 10-144. 1-0-3-0. formed Navy officers along with throngs of media. “All of a However Chigumbura and Waller Bowling: MM Sharma 10-3-26-2 (1w), sudden I’m in the room with all these people and I just felt revived the innings with a patient stand, Mohammed Shami 8-1-34-1 (2w), Result: India won by nine wickets like a dwarf,” McNamara said. “I was like, whoa, this is over- which ticked along at just over three Unadkat 7-0-27-1, Jadeja 9-1-28-2, Man-of-the-match: Mohit Sharma whelming.” —AP runs per over until the batting power- Mishra 8.4-0-25-3 (1w). (India) Sports FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 Celtic earn late win

LONDON: A Kris Commons header gave former place in Monaco. UEFA could be left with a major European champions Celtic a 1-0 win over Swedish problem if Fenerbahce beat Salzburg, then go on side Elfsborg Boras while Fenerbahce made the to win their following qualifying round tie but sub- most of their Champions League lifeline with a 1-1 sequently lose their appeal at CAS. draw against Salzburg in the first leg of their third On Wednesday, striker Alan fired Salzburg qualifying round tie on Wednesday. Scottish cham- ahead in the 68th minute before fellow-Brazilian pions Celtic, who reached the last 16 earlier this Cristian came on as a substitute and then scored a year following a memorable group stage win over last-gasp equaliser by slotting in from the penalty Barcelona, appeared to be heading for a goalless spot five minutes into injury time. draw at home until Commons broke the deadlock The tie in Salzburg was one of three matches to in the 76th minute by nodding home a cross from end in a 1-1 draw on Wednesday, with APOEL Emilio Izaguirre. Nicosia and Slovenia’s Maribor settling for the same With teams eyeing a place in the playoffs as scoreline as did Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s Norwegian they look to eventually secure a spot in the lucra- side Molde with . Partizan Belgrade, tive group stage, Turkish club Fenerbahce could the 1966 European Cup runners-up, will be hoping hand UEFA organisers a headache after they to make home advantage count in the second leg secured a crucial away goal against Salzburg. after they were outclassed 2-1 by Bulgarian cham- Fenerbahce’s participation in the competition is pions Ludogorets Razgrad. Following a goalless still in the balance as they were included in the first half, midfielder Sasa Markovic gave Partizan draw only after their two-year European ban for the lead in the 49th minute but the Bulgarians match-fixing was temporarily lifted by the Court of secured the win through strikes from Marcelinho Arbitration for Sport (CAS) two weeks ago. and Mihail Aleksandrov. To compound Partizan’s CAS said the final decision on Fenerbahce misery, they ended the contest with 10 men after GLASGOW: Celtic’s Anthony Stokes (right) and IF Elfsborg’s Johan Larsson fight for the ball would be issued before Aug. 28, one day before the Milos Jojic was sent off five minutes from time fol- during their Champions League qualifying soccer match at Celtic Park. — AP draw for the Champions League group stage takes lowing a second yellow card.—Reuters Liverpool’s AS Roma rout best of Gerrard tells Suarez to MLS in All-Star game snub Arsenal

KANSAS CITY: A raucous crowd packed into one of Jose, and an expansion club will start play in New built a feverish fan base and became one of the LONDON: Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard ’s glitzy new stadiums to York in 2015. The Columbus Crew were sold to most successful teams on the field - the club has has urged Luis Suarez to shun suitors Arsenal, watch a team comprised of its best players on a pic- ambitious new owners earlier this week, and won two straight Eastern Conference titles. saying a move to their Premier League rivals turesque late-summer night. All that was missing Commissioner Don Garber announced at halftime It was little surprise that Kansas City was award- would not represent a step up for the unset- was the outcome fans desired. Italian powerhouse Wednesday night that four expansion franchises ed this year’s All-Star game, and even less of a sur- tled Uruguayan. Suarez has been the subject AS Roma, led by longtime star Francesco Totti, will begin play by the 2020 season, bringing the prise that there was plenty of hometown flavor of two bids from the north London club, the scored 4 minutes into the game Wednesday night, total number of teams in the league to 24. throughout the night. second an eye-catching 40 million and one then added two second-half goals to rout a team of There’s perhaps no better example of how far Not only was the MLS side led by Sporting KC’s pounds ($60.64 million). MLS All-Stars 3-1 and dampen what had been a fes- the league has come than Kansas City, which once Vermes, the coach also included three of his own in Gerrard believes Arsenal are one of three tive celebration of soccer in Kansas City. played its games before a few thousand fans in cav- the starting lineup. Collin was joined by forward clubs in a tussle for fourth place and a spot in Kevin Strootman and Alessandro Florenzi each ernous Arrowhead Stadium. Graham Zusi and fellow defender Besler, who the Champions League alongside Liverpool had a goal and an assist, and Junior Tallo also The team was sold to local owners in 2006, and helped the US national team win the CONCACAF and Tottenham Hotspur. “I don’t think scored for Roma, the three-time Serie A champions. they embarked on a dramatic rebranding of the Gold Cup over the weekend. Arsenal is a step up,” he said in the Daily of the Los Angeles Galaxy scored franchise formerly known as the Wizards. They The club also paid homage to its roots by intro- Telegraph yesterday. “Us, Arsenal and the only goal for the MLS side in second-half stop- spearheaded the construction of one of the most ducing and Preki, longtime staples of Tottenham are fighting for one of the page time. “Every time you step inside the white glamorous soccer-specific stadiums in the country, the Wizards, as they presented the trophy prior to Champions League places. In an ideal sce- lines you want to win, but I don’t think the result the game. “To have the kind of players we had on nario we keep Suarez, make one or two more was the focus,” said MLS coach . the field tonight is really fun, and to have guys like signings and Tottenham lose (Gareth) Bale. “When you look at the overall picture of what tran- Thierry Henry in our locker room is quite an honor,” “Of course, we’re slightly behind the big spired the last few days, it was a great opportunity.” said Robb Heineman, the CEO of Sporting KC. three (Manchester United, Manchester City The MLS had been 7-2-1 against international Once the game started, there was little for MLS and Chelsea), who are powerhouses at the opponents since the league adopted the current fans to feel good about. Strootman’s early goal set moment. “I don’t want to disrespect Arsenal. All-Star game format, the only losses coming to the tone as Roma attacked the MLS side’s shoddy They’re a wonderful club with a manager English Premier League club Manchester United. defense with pressure right up the middle. Florenzi who I’ve an awful amount of respect for and Maybe it’ll think twice about inviting Italy’s top had a goal taken away moments later by a close they have talented players throughout the teams. “You give these guys a half-second or a half- off-sides call, and then missed an open shot just team. But so have we. We’ve got just as step and you’re not all together after one training wide of the net a few minutes later. “The way the good a chance of achieving things as Arsenal session, it’s tough,” MLS defender said. team is playing,” Henry said, “it’s outstanding.” The have.” Liverpool have rejected both offers for “These guys are world class.” MLS side never had a good scoring chance in the Suarez and their manager Brendan Rodgers Most of a sellout crowd had barely found its first half, and by the time it got things sorted out in was quoted by British media as saying the seats at Sporting Park, the $200 million home of the second, Roma had already tacked on a couple player “totally understands the club’s point Sporting KC, when Florenzi sent a pass ahead to more scores. of view”. Gerrard believes Liverpool must Strootman. Sporting KC defender Aurelien Collin Florenzi finally found the back of the net in the keep hold of the striker and strengthen the recovered to get his foot on the ball, but Strootman 47th minute - he was clearly onside this time - and forward line with a high-profile addition if still managed to guide it into the net. Tallo added his goal in 69th minute to put away the they are to be move forward. “Roma is a very, very good team,” Collin said. “I game. “For us, this was a really good chance against “We need that one exciting marquee think we could have done better. When it’s an exhi- a great team in a great environment,” said Roma signing who can play in one of the attacking bition game, maybe some don’t take it seriously. midfielder , who got his profession- positions [working with Suarez]. That’s why Me? I took it seriously.” The early goal took much of al start in Major League Soccer. the zip out of the home crowd, which had been As frustrating as the loss was for MLS, it was we are talking along the lines of keeping Luis feverishly waving flags and pounding drums dur- uplifting for Roma, which has been rebuilding its because if the club lose Luis we take a step ing its second All-Star game in two years. Major roster while embarking on its fourth manager in backwards. He’s the best footballer I’ve ever League Baseball staged its Midsummer Classic just two years under American ownership. played with. across the state line at the Royals’ Kauffman James Pallotta, Roma’s president and a Boston “Internationally, (Wayne) Rooney, (Paul) Stadium last July. KANSAS CITY: Francesco Totti No. 10 of AS Celtics minority owner, leads a four-man group of Scholes, (Frank) Lampard are all top players. The two second-half goals by Roma only served Roma battles No. 11 of the MLS Boston executives who are the first foreign majority John Terry and Rio Ferdinand at the back, all to seal a joyless night for the MLS during an other- All-Stars for the ball during the 2013 Major owners of a Serie A club. Pallotta played an integral world-class footballers. Suarez is on a differ- wise positive period of growth and progress. League Soccer All Star Game at Sporting part in landing Roma the marquee tuneup for its ent planet to most footballers.” — Reuters Stadiums are in the works for D.C. United and San Park. — AFP upcoming season.—AP Celtic earn FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2013 FRIDAY, late win www.kuwaittimes.net Page 47

HARARE: Indian batsman Suresh Raina is pictured in action during the 4th match of the 5-match cricket ODI series between Zimbabwe and India. —AFP

India thump Zimbabwe

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