Metro Station–Escalator–Open Line Tunnels” System, Which Is Located in Inclined Stratified Soft Ground

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Metro Station–Escalator–Open Line Tunnels” System, Which Is Located in Inclined Stratified Soft Ground INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING This paper was downloaded from the Online Library of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The library is available here: This is an open-access database that archives thousands of papers published under the Auspices of the ISSMGE and maintained by the Innovation and Development Committee of ISSMGE. Theme 6: Calculation and design methods, and predictive tools Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground – Ng, Huang & Liu (eds) © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-48475-6 Calculation of the three dimensional seismic stressed state of “Metro Station–Escalator–Open Line Tunnels” system, which is located in inclined stratified soft ground R.B. Baimakhan, N.T. Danaev, A.R. Baimakhan, G.I. Salgaraeva, G.P. Rysbaeva, Zh.K. Kulmaganbetova, S. Avdarsolkyzy & A.A. Makhanova Scientific Center of Fundamental Research, Almaty, Kazakstan S. Dashdorj Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan ABSTRACT: This includes examples of a destructive effect of earthquakes on the underground structures and the new mechanic–mathematical model of the inclined-stratified massif, which differs from the like model in such a way that enables to research stressed state of an underground structure for arbitrary orientation of the extended axis. Besides, this includes the results of calculating a three-dimensional seismic stressed state of the underground system, which includes a metro station escalator open line tunnels in the soft ground that has inclined and stratified structure. 1 INTRODUCTION A lot of cases of damage and destruction of under- ground structures during a strong earthquake are known. They include, for example, underground pip- ing, mountain tunnels, stationary and metro open line tunnels of both shallow and deep shaft.There are many examples of considerable damage and strong destruc- tions in underground structures, from piping to mines, all around the world. Underground structures seem to be stable. But this is not quite true. For example, as shown on the Figure 1, in Daikai, Japan, during earth- quakes in Kobe in 1995 (Magnitude – 7.5) not only the roofs and sides of the metro station but also its columns were being destroyed laid at a epth of 50 m from the surface (Iida et al. 1996, Ishihara 1998).There occurred mass destruction in underground mines at a depth of 326 m near the town of Shurab during the Isfara-Batkent earthquake in 1977 (Middle Asia, Figure 1. Characteristic features of destructions of the magnitude – 6.5). (Rashidov et al. 1975). metro station during earthquakes in Kobe, Japan in 1995. Based on the analysis of damage of Based on the analysis of damage of 71 underground both in the shallow and deep shaft and also in the earth structures caused by earthquakes, Ch. Daudin, stratum and rock mass. Factors, which effect on such D.V. Monakhenko, S.G. Shulman and others propose destructions are diverse. The strength of structure and to assess them by five categories: 1–shifts along con- fastening elements depends not only on manufactured tacts; 2–general distortion; 3–local cracks; 4–rock materials, but also on physical & mechanical proper- fracturing and failure and 5–partial failure (Mon- ties of the surrounding massif. However, one may note akhenko & Shulman 1980). a characteristic feature that underground structures of A general analysis shows that during intensive deep shaft are destroyed owing to dynamic stresses earthquakes underground structures may be destroyed surpassing the breaking point of fastening materials. 751 The ground stratum surrounding an underground spreading. The longitudinal axis of an extended under- structure often is characterized by natural anisotropy. ground opening may have the same direction, i.e. the The existing methods allow us to consider static and opening may be inclined to the horizon. This variant seismic stressed state mainly in a flat state. It is con- was first analyzed by R.B. Baimakhan (Baimakhan nected, firstly, with restricted possibilities of analytical 2002). methods, and, secondly, with an undeveloped model He also has obtained the most general expressions of underground structures in a three-dimensional state of velocities of quasi-longitudinal and two quasi- subject to the arbitrary orientation of the extended axis transversal waves that spread in arbitrary direction in in space in arbitrary directions. the inclined layered transtropic massif with normal Thirdly, to fully provide seismic stability of a com- n¯ =¯n{cos α, cos β, cjsγ}. plex system of underground structures, it is necessary For such massif, the equation of the generalized law to consider their interference (for instance, that of in a matrix form should be written as follows station, escalator and metro paired open line tunnels during seismic vibrations) 2 MECHANICAL–MATHEMATIC MODELS OF THE INCLINED–STRATIFIED TRANSTROPIC MASSIF The Figure 2 includes different directions of wave The following values of elasticity factors cij for a hor- propagation in relation to the elements of the inclined izontal stratified state are established. (Erzhanov et al. layered massif subject to the modeling by means of 1980). a transversal isotropic body with an inclined plane of isotropy. The variant I corresponds to the wave propa- gation along the line of layer spreading (intersection of the inclined plane of isotropy and the horizontal plane at the angle ϕ), the variant II–across the line of layer spreading at the angle φ. They were previously consid- ered by J.S.Yerzhanov,Sh.M.Aitaliev,J.K.Massanov in the above-mentioned work. Thereby underground openings are on the hori- zontal plane, though they are oriented in a different way related to the line of layer spreading (plane of isotropy): drifts and crosscuts, if they are oriented towards the line of layer spreading across and per- pendicular, respectively; diagonal openings if they are oriented at an angle. The variant III corresponds to the common case, where the direction of seismic waves constitutes an arbitrary angle χ with the line of layer where EK , νK ,(k = 1, 2) – Jung’s modules and Pois- son’s ratios. G2 – shear modulus. (Lekhnitskiy 1965) p p where qimqjn,(p = ϕ, φ, χ, i, j = 1, 2, …, 6) – matrixes of cosines of turning angles. As seen, said calculations Figure 2. Different directions of seismic waives spreading are interconnected. Based on the expression (5) in the in inclined-stratified transtropic massif relatively the lengthy work of R.B. Baimakhan, expressions are received for axis of underground structure. speeds of elastic wave propagation in the transtropic 752 massif with a normal of n¯ =¯n{cos α, cos β, cos γ} in the grounds along the Abay avenue between two rivers an arbitrary direction as follows (Baimakhan 2002) Almatinka and Vesnovka. The Most values correspond to grounds of flood-plain areas of rivers. Values of elastic properties may be specified by way of detailed determination of lithologic thicknesses of grounds in regions of all stations and routes of driving tunnels. If three components of the accelerogram on the sur- face are known, then to receive their modified values with a depth along the vertical line down, according −3/2 to the work of R.B. Baimakhan, we have the following where δ = arccos (−0.5q(−p/3) ), ρ – environ- formulas (Baimakhan 2002) mental density, α, β, γ – angles between the normal of the wave front and the axes of the Cartesian coordinates OXYZ. 3 DESTRUCTIVE EARTHQUAKE ACCELEROGRAM CONSTRUCTION SUBJECT TO THE GROUND ANISOTROPY The methods of reception of elastic equivalent charac- teristics for alternate isotropic strata are also available in the work of J.S. Erzhanov, Sh.M. Aitaliev and J. K. Masanov (Erzhanov et al. 1980). For transtropic (transversal-isotropic) strata, elastic constants should be calculated by using the following formulas: Table 1. Elastic properties of grounds Ek , νk and thickness hk of their layers at the underground rote. Ek ν hk Layers ground paper (m) (m) 1 Soft poured soil 7.0 0.40 2.8 2 Loamy soil 30.0 0.36 2.2 3 Gravel pebbles 25.0 0.28 3.3 4 Loam with pebbles 8.5 0.21 2.7 5 Boulder ground with gravel 120.0 0.27 3.2 6 Boulder ground with pebbles 80.0 0.35 4.8 7 Tick Loam 50.0 0.25 6.5 8 Sand of average size 22.0 0.36 4.5 9 Boulder with pebbles 200.0 0.32 5.1 10 Tick Clay 300.0 0.31 5.9 where hk – thickness of the kstratum; n – the number of strata; Ek , νk , Gk – elastic characteristics of the k Table 2. Calculated equivalent–transtropic properties of isotropic stratum; 2(1 + νk ). soft stratified ground E1, E2, G2, ν1, ν2. With provision for data of JSC “Almaty ν ν metrokurylys” and reference data on grounds (Buly- E1 E2 G2 1 2 Layer (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) chev 1989) some average values of elastic character- istics are systematised and adduced at in the Table 1. 1 71.19 14.47 5.42 0.30 0.06 Calculated by formulas (7) values of elastic constants 2 73.61 15.80 5.95 0.30 0.07 and for different locations of layers are adduced at the 3 73.45 15.61 5.88 0.30 0.06 Table 2. 4 76.51 16.07 6.04 0.30 0.06 These data by value of deformation modulus per- 5 80.88 16.40 6.14 0.31 0.06 pendicular to the layer E1 conditionally is possible to 6 83.16 15.87 5.93 0.31 0.06 refer to the three ground conditions of a city. Their 7 83.02 14.94 5.56 0.31 0.06 minimum values correspond to alluvial grounds at the 8 83.85 14.58 5.42 0.31 0.05 9 83.73 14.23 5.29 0.31 0.05 debris cones of rivers Big and SmallAlmatynka north- 10 81.55 13.73 5.10 0.31 0.05 ward from the Raimbek avenue.Average meanings – to 753 Figure 3.
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