The London Gazette, November 28, 1871
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5392 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 28, 1871. the parishes mentioned in this notice, at their Brampton, Easby, all in the parish of Brampton ; respective residences. • the townships of Irthington, Laversdale, all in the Printed copies of the intented Bill will he de- parish of Irthington; the townships of High posited at the Private Bill Office of the House of Crosby, Low Crosby, Walby, Brunstock, all in Commons on or before 21st day of December, the parish of Crosby-upon-Eden ; and the town- 1871. ships of Linstock, Ho tight on, Tarraby, Stanwix, Dated this 15th day of November, 1871. and Etterby, all in the parish of Stanwix ; and the James Wheeler, 4, Victoria-street, West- parish of Saint Mary, in the city of Carlisle, in minster; the said county of Cumberland. Osborne, Ward, Vassall, and Co., Bristol; To empower the Company to deviate laterally Solicitors for the Bill. from the line of proposed works to the extent J. Dorington, and Co., 29, Great George- shown on the plans deposited as hereinafter men- street, Westminster, Parliamentary tioned, or as may be prescribed by the Bill, and Agents. to deviate vertically from the levels of the works shown on the sections deposited as hereinafter mentioned, to the extent prescribed by the Bill. To empower the Company to purchase and Lymington Harbour and Docks. take, by compulsion or agreement, lands, houses, (Extension of Time for Compulsory Purchase of and hereditaments, for the purposes of the intended Lands, and Completion of Works.—Amendment railway, works, and other purposes of the under- of Act). taking, and to vary and extinguish any rights or A PPLICATION is intended to be made to privileges, statutory or otherwise, connected with /\ Parliament in the ensuing session for leave such lands, houses, and hereditaments, or any of to introduce a Bill to extend the times limited by them, all which lands, houses, and hereditaments the Lymington Harbour and Docks Act, 1864, are situate in the townships, parishes, and extra- and the Lyminarton Harbour and Docks (Extension parochial places following, or some or one of them of Time Act), 1869, respectively, for the compulsory (that is to say), the townships of Naworth, Bramp- purchase of lands, and completion of works by the ton, and Easby, all in the parish of • Brampton, •first named Act authorised, and otherwise to the townships of Irthington and Laversdale, all in alter and amend the powers and provisions of such the parish of Irthington, the townships of High Acts. Crosby, Low Crosby, Walby, and Brunstock, all And printed copies of the said Bill will on or in the parish of Crosby-upon-Eden, the townships before the 21st day of December next be deposited of Linstock, Houghton, Tarraby, Stanwix, and at the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Etterby, all in the parish of Stanwix, and in the Dated this llth day of November, 1871. parish of St. Mary, in the city of Carlisle, all in B. J. Pead, 4, Storey's-gate, Westminster. the county of Cumberland. To stop up, alter, divert, cross, or break up, or otherwise interfere with, either temporarily or permanently, all such turnpike and other roads, In Parliament.—Session 1872. streets, highways, tramways, bridges, footpaths, Carlisle, Brampton, and Milton Railway. towing paths, railways, aqueducts, rivers, canals, (Incorporation of Company for making a Railway streams, brooks, sewers, drains, pipes, and water- from Carlisle to Brampton Station ; Compulsory courses as may be necess&ry or convenient in exe- Purchase of Lands; Power to levy Tolls; cuting the purposes of the Bill, and also for the Amendment of Acts.) purposes aforesaid to alter the level of any street, OTICE is hereby given, that it is intended roads, bridges, or paths, and to remove any tele- to apply to Parliament, in the ensuing graph posts, apparatus, or wires, or alter the sessionN , for leave to bring in a Bill for the fol- positions thereof. lowing, or some of the following, amongst other To empower the Company to levy tolls, rates, purposes:— and duties for or in respect of the said railway To incorporate a Company (hereinafter referred and works, and to grant exemptions from the pay- to as " the Company") to make and maintain the ment of tolls and duties. railway following, with all needful works, stations, To incorporate wholly or partially the Lands approaches, and conveniences connected there- Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, 1860, and 1869; with j that is to say :— the Companies' Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845; A railway to be called the Carlisle, Brampton, the Companies' Clauses Act, 1863; the Companies' and Milton Railway (hereinafter called " the Clauses Act, 1869; the Railway. Clauses Con- Railway"), commencing at or near the Brampton solidation Act, 1845; the Railway Clauses Act, "Station of the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, in 1863; and the Railway Companies' Arbitration the parish of Brampton, in the county of Cumber- Act, 1859. land, at a point at or about 140 yards west of the And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- said Brampton Station booking office of the said cate plans and sections of the proposed railway and Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, situated at or works and the lands, houses, and property intended near the eastern end of the wood (known as Row- to be taken for the purposes thereof, together with bank Wood), lying between the Newcastle and a book of reference to such plans, a published Carlisle Railway and the tramway from the said map with the line of the railway delineated there- Brampton Station to Brampton, and belonging to on so as to show its general course and direction, the Earl of Carlisle or to his trustees, and termi- and a copy of this notice as published in the Lon- nating in the parish of St. Mary, in the city of don Gazette will, on or before the 30th day of Carlisle, in the said county, at or near & house in November, 1871, be deposited as follows :—The Corporation-road, in the said city of Carlisle, and Clerk of the Peace of the county of Cumberland being numbered 82 in the said Corporation-road, at his office at Carlisle aforesaid, on or before the now in the occupation of Mr. Charles Wright, said 30th day of November, a copy of so much of which said intended railway will pass from, in, the said plans, sections, and book of reference, as through, or into, or be situate within the several relates to each parish or extra-parochial place in parishes, townships, extra-parochial and other or through which the said intended railway or -places, that is to say, the townships of Naworth, works are intended to be made, or in which any.