Hadrian's Wall Country Holiday Guide 2014

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Hadrian's Wall Country Holiday Guide 2014 Holiday Guide Frontiers of the Roman Empire visithadrianswall.co.uk inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2005 Contents The edge of the Roman Empire... 2 Roman Heritage in Hadrian’s Wall Country 4 Walking and cycling Hadrian’s Wall 14 Getting around Hadrian’s Wall 16 Fit for an Emperor! 18 What to do & help to do them 20 Accommodation rating schemes 28 Accommodation entries 31 Section One Tyneside to Hexham 32 Section Two Hexham to Brampton 38 Section Three Brampton to Ravenglass 50 List of advertisers 62 Support the Wall 64 Hadrian’s Wall Country competition 65 Important note: You are strongly advised to double check prices, dates etc before making final arrangements. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligence or damage caused by reliance on information contained in this publication is hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. © Crown Copyright and database right 2013. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100024900. Photo credits: Roger Clegg, Graeme Peacock, Andrew Heptinstall, Cumbria Tourism, NewcastleGateshead Initiative, English Heritage, The Vindolanda Trust, Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums and Cass Gilbert/Sustrans Front cover: Main image - Housestead Crags, Hadrian’s Wall Insets from left to right - Birdoswald, Long Byres at Talkin Tarn and Lanercost Tea Room This project is part financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas visithadrianswall.co.uk KIELDER WATER & FOREST PARK A7A7 GLASGOWGLASGOW THE NORTNORTHH N DUMFRIES Bellingham LANGHOLM, B6318 A7 TOURISTOURISTT CatlowdyCatlowd Wark RROUTEOUTE TO Roman Army Housesteads Chesters EEDINBURGHDINBURGH Bewcastle Museum Northumberland Roman Fort B6320 Roman Fort A68 National Park Centre, EDINBURGH,EDINBURGH, NorthNorth A75 Birdoswald Once Brewed THE NORTNORTH A1 Roman Fort Whitley A74(M)A74(M) P BaBayy SeaSea P A696 NEWCASTLENEWCASWCASSTLESTLE NetherbyNetherby SegeduSegedunumedunumn Chollehollerfrford UPONON TYNTYYNNEE SCOTLANDSCOTLAND NORTHUMBERLAND P RoRomanm Fort, P B6318B6318 BatBathsaths & Museum NATIONAL PARK Wall LongtowLongtown (Military Road) The GreatGreat Tynemouth P P P B6318 A60799 North Museum Gilsland GretnaG A6A688 P GreenGreen 454 P Lanercost P P Heddon-onHe Wallsend P A7 A6071A6071 Priory -t-the-Walhe-Walh l SouthSouth Greenhead Haydon Bridge A69 ShieldShields WylaWy m CorbridgeCorbr P A69 Bardon Mill HEXHAMM A695A695 P HALTWHISTLE Blaydon Prudhorud e Riding Metro Dunston Mill CeCentrentre Arbeia Roman Fort SolwaySolway Bowness GATESHEADGATESHEAD & MMuseumuseum --on-Solwayon-Solway A689 StocksfieldStocksfield FirFirthth 44 A689A689 Roman Vindolanda SOLWAY COAST AREA OF BRAMPTON NORTH PENNINES OUTSTANDINGO NATURAL BEAUTYBBEEAUTY B6295 AREA OF OUTSTANDING A1 SUNDERLANDSUNDERLAND A69 NATURAL BEAUTY CorbridgeCorbridge Roman Town BB53075307 A68 4343 River South TyneSouth River Allendale CARLISLECARLISLE SolwSolwayway Coast DiscoveryDisscoveryovery Centre WetheraWetheral Tullie House M6 A686 Sillothi oth P Museum & Art Gallery 424 A596A596 AA11 (M) AA119 B5300530 WigtonW AA596596 A5A59595 Alston KIELDERIELDER WATERTER && FORESTFOREST PAPARK SouthwaiteS A7A77 GLASGOWGLASGOW TTHEHE NORTH DURDURHAMRHAM AllonbAlloA byy N Aspatriaia DUMFRIES AA596596 Bellingham DurhamDurham Tees ValleyValley Airport P 20 miles CatlowdyCatatllowd A68 Warkrk MiMilefortletlefortlet MaryportM 2211 Housesteads Chesterss Bewcastlee Northumberland Roman Fortrt B63200 Roman Fort A688 NationalNational ParkPark Centre,Centre, EDINBURGHEDINBURGH,, NNorthorth A75 A686 Once Brewed A595A595 THE NONORTH A1 SeSenhousenhouse Whitley RRomanoman MMuseumuseum A74(M)A74((M)) P BaBayayyy SeaSea P A696696 NEWCASTLENEWCASWCASSTLESTLE NetherbyNetthererbyy SegedunSegedunumSegedunSegedunumedunumedunum Chollhollereererrfordford UPONON TYNETYYNNEE MANCHESTERMANCHESTER & LIVERPOOL,LIVERPOOL, THESCOTLANDSCO SOUTSOUTH TLAND NORTHUMBERLAND YORKYORK & LEEDS,LEEDS, THE SOUTSOUTH P RomanRom Fort,, WorkingtoWWorkiWoorkikin n CockermoutCockerrmouthm h P B63B63181188 BatBathsathsaths && MuseuMuseum NATTIONALIONAL PAPARK Wallll LongtownLLongtownLongtown (Military(Military Road)Road) TheThe GreaGreatGreatGreatt TyTynemouth B63188 P P P A607999 North Museum Gilslanilsland GretnaG AA6686888 P GreenGreenreen 454 LanercosLanercostt P Heddon-onHe HarringtonHaa P P Wallsenllsend P A6071606071607711 PriorPrioryy -th-the-Wal-the-Wal-thhe-Walll SouthSoutSoutSouthh Greenheadreenhead Haydonaydon BridgeBridge A699 ShieldsSShieldsShields WylaWy m CorbridgCorbr ee P A699 Bardon Mill HEXHAMM A695A69955 P HALTWHISTLE BlaydonBlaydon PrudPrudhoePrudPrudhoerrudhoe Roman Army Riding Metroo Dunstonn Museum Mill CeCentreCeCentrennttrree Arbeia Roman Fort Bowness GATESHEADGATESHEAD WhitehaveWhitehaven SolwaySolway A7 & MuseumMMuseum -on-Solway--on-Solway-on-Solway StocksfieldStocStocksfieldStockksfsfiieelld Hadrian’s Wall Country FirFirthth Carlisle 44 A689689 A689 Roman Vindolandindolandaa SOLSOLWAY COAST AREA OF Castlee BRAMPTON Birdoswald NORTH PENNINES OUTSTO ANDING NATURAL BEAUTBE Y B62955 Roman Fort AREA OF OUTSTANDING A1 SUNDERLANDSUNDERLAND A699 NATURALTURAL BEAUTYBEAUTY CorbridgeCorbridgee Roman TTown B5307BB5307B53075307 A688 4343 St BeeB s Egremonont Tyne South River Tyne South River Allendalllendalee CARLISLECARLISLE SolwSolwaySolwSolwayway Coast WeWetetttheralhereraall A595A595 DDiiscoveryiscoverysscoversscoveroveryyy Centre TTullie Housee M6 A686 SillothSillothii oth P Museum & Art Gallery BraystonesBrayys 424 A559655969696 A1A11 (M) A1A1199 TOTO HARDKNOTTHARDKNOTT FORFORTT SeascaleSeasc B5344B5344 B5300535300 WigtonW Hadrian’s Wall Country LAKE DISTRICT A596596 AA55955959595 Alstonlston NATNATIONALIONAL PAPARKRK SouthwaiteSSouthwaiteS Hadrian’s Wall Country MMuncasteruncaster CastCastlele Ravenglasglasgla s Irish HadriaDURDURHAMRHAMn’s Wall Country SeaSea RavenglassRavenglass Allonbyllonbllollonbyllonbllo by Hadrian’s Wall Country RomanRoman Bath Aspatriiaiaaa Hadrian’s Wall Country HousHousee Hadrian’s Wall Country Hadrian’s Wall Country stretches across A596559659696 Cumbria,Hadria Northumberlandn’s Wall Country and Tyne & Wear in the north of England. Hadrian’s Wall CountryDurhamDururhhamam TeTeeses Valleylllleylleeyy AirportAirport P Hadrian’s Wall Country2020 milesmiles MilMilefortleteefforrttlletet MaryporM tt 21221211 A688 Key to map AA55955959955 A686 SeSenhouseSeSenhousenhouse RomanRoman MuseumMuseum NORTH PENNINES AREA OF Hadrian’s Wall Country OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY Hadrian’s Wall Country MANCHESTERMANCHESTER & LIVERPOOL,LIVERPLIVERPOOL, THE SOUTHSOUTH Hadrian’s Wall CountryYORKYORK & LEEDS,LEEDLEEDS,, THE SOUTHSOUTH CockermoutCockerrmoutrmoutm h WoWorkirrkrrkkingtonkinkingtonkinii Hadrian’s Wall Country Hadrian’s Wall Country HarringtonHaaa Section Three Section Two Hadrian’sSection Wall Country One Hadrian’s Wall Country WhitehaveWhitetehhaavveenn Brampton to Ravenglass Hexham to Brampton Tyneside to Hexham P StSt BeeBBeeB ss EgremonEgremononontt Source: www.theaa.com We are here Drive time between attractions Hadrian’s Wall CountryA595559559955 stretches Key Roman Army BraystonesBraBraystonesBrayysyys Senhouse Tullie House Birdoswald Vindolanda Housesteads Corbridge Arbeia across Cumbria, Northumberland and Museum * Only rail stations relevant to the line of the World Heritage Site are Approximate line of shown. Major conurbationsMotorway (eg Newcastle upon Tyne, Carlisle) have rail stations but these are not indicated for the sake of clarity. Tyne & Wear in the north of England Hadrian’s Wall World A Roads (major) TOTO HARDKNOTTHARDKHARDKNOTT FORFORT Senhouse 0 hr 41 min 1 hr 15 min 1 hr 14 min 1 hr 24 min 1 hr 30 min 1 hr 40 min 2 hr 24 min SeascaleSeasSeascaleSeascc Heritage Site B5344B55334444 A Roads (dual) LAKE DISTRICT NATINATIONALONAL PARK Tullie House 0 hr 41 min 0 hr 36 min 0 hr 35 min 0 hr 45 min 0 hr 51 min 1 hr 2 min 1 hr 45 min Wall Remains A Roads (minor) P MuncasterMuncaster CasCastlttllee P RavenglasRavenglasglasglglasglaa ss Major Roman Site B Roads P Irish Birdoswald 1 hr 15 min 0 hr 36 min 0 hr 16 min 0 hr 27 min 0 hr 33 min 0 hr 43 min 1 hr 27 min Minor Road Tourist Information P SeaSea RavenglasRavenavengllasasss P RomanRoman Bath Roman Army P House 1 hr 14 min 0 hr 35 min 0 hr 16 min 0 hr 10 min 0 hr 26 min 0 hr 40 min 1 hr 24 min Centre (year round) Parking P Museum Tourist Information Rail station P Vindolanda 1 hr 24 min 0 hr 45 min 0 hr 27 min 0 hr 10min 0 hr 8 min 0 hr 28 min 1 hr 12 min Centre (seasonal) P Tyne & Wear P Hadrian’s Wall Path Metro station Housesteads 1 hr 30 min 0 hr 51 min 0 hr 33 min 0 hr 26 min 0 hr 8 min 0 hr 33 min 1 hr 17 min National Trail P Airport Corbridge 1 hr 40 min 1 hr 2 min 0 hr 43 min 0 hr 40 min 0 hr 28 min 0 hr 33 min 0 hr 50 min Hadrian’s Cycleway P Ferry port NORTH PENNINES AREA OF P OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY P Arbeia 2 hr 24 min 1 hr 45 min 1 hr 27 min 1 hr 24 min 1 hr 12 min 1 hr 17 min 0 hr 50 min P P P The edge of the Roman Empire... Hadrian’s Wall Country Britain’s greatest Roman monument, Hadrian’s Wall, was built on orders of the Emperor, to define and control the empire’s northern edge - an empire that stretched across Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa. Evidence suggests Hadrian inspected work on the Wall in AD122. For almost 2,000 years, the Wall has stood as a symbol of power and might. Today Hadrian’s Wall is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Frontiers of the Roman Empire, one of the largest in the world. Were you coming from the north 2,000 years ago, you would have received a rather cool
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