A Translation Study of Cultural Specific Items in Diorama Texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum Yogyakarta: Qualitative Content Analysis

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A Translation Study of Cultural Specific Items in Diorama Texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum Yogyakarta: Qualitative Content Analysis PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A TRANSLATION STUDY OF CULTURAL SPECIFIC ITEMS IN DIORAMA TEXTS IN FORT VREDEBURG MUSEUM YOGYAKARTA: QUALITATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.) Degree in English Language Studies Nadia Ananda Herianto 156332009 THE GRADUATE PROGRAM OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2017 i PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A THESIS A TRANSLATION STUDY OF CULTT]RAL SPECIFIC ITEMS IN DIORAMA TEXTS IN FORT VREDEBT]RG MUSET]M YOGYAKARTA: QUALITATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS by Nadia Ananda Herianto Student Number: 156332009 Approved by \ ) Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum. .'t -/ --->'/ Thesis Supervisor Yoryakarta,- July 27, 2017 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A TIIESIS A TRANSLATION STUDY OF CULTURAL SPECIFIC ITEMS IN DIORAMA TEXTS IN FORT YREDEBTIRG MUSEUM YOGYAKARTA: QUALITATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS Presented by Nadia Ananda Herianto Student Number: 156332009 Defended before the Thesis committee and Declared Acceptable THESIS COMMITTEE Chairperson : Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. Secretary : Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum. Members : l. Dr. J. Bismoko 2.F.X. Mukarto, ph.D. Yogyakartd, 27 Jaly 2017 te School Director regorius Budi Subanar, S.J. lll PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY This is to catis that all ideas, phrases and sentences, unless or otherwise statod, are thc ideas' pluases and sentences of the &esis uniter. The writer understands the full oorsequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else,s ideas, phrases and sentences without prcper references. Yoryakarta, hme 12,Z0l7 Nadiafuanda Herianto ,,''.,, 'IY PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertandatangandi bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Nadia Ananda Herianto Nomor Mahasiswa :156332009 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: A TRANSLATION STUDY OF CULTURAL SPECIFIC ITEMS IN DIORAMA TEXTS IN FORT VREDEBURG MUSEUM YOGYAKARTA: QUALITATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selam a tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataanini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 12 Juni2017 Yang menyatakan, Nadia Ananda Herianto v PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I would like to deliver all praises to Jesus Christ for His grace and blessings throughout the process of writing this thesis. There are many ups and downs, even unexpected moments, but only by His grace, I can finish my thesis. This thesis is impossible to finish without the help and assistance of many people. A very special gratitude goes to my thesis advisor, Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum. for his guidance, patience and assistance. I also greatly appreciate the valuable ideas, suggestions and contributions from my reviewers, Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. and Dr. J. Bismoko. I also would like to thank all lecturers and staff of Sanata Dharma University who have helped me in various ways. My profound gratitude goes to my beloved father and mother who accompanied me to visit and collect the data in various museums, including Fort Vredeburg Museum, and also for their unfailing support, encouragement and love. A special mention goes to my koko, Bob William Chandra who always accompanied me to go here and there to take care of various things and needs for my thesis as well as gave me support and motivation. I also present my humble gratitude to Fort Vredeburg Museum where I took the data from. For my three raters, Mbak Kris, Mbak Dhewi and (Pak) Adit, thank you so much for setting asside your time to help me assess the translation data with great effort and antusiasm. Without you, my thesis would not be completed. My deep thanks also go to my college friends: Vita, Mbak Agni, Rini and other friends who gave their opinions and suggestions, and especially Yos who did not only contribute to my thesis, but also accompanied me to do consultation almost all the time. Last but not least, many thanks for everyone whose names cannot be mentioned one by one here. May God always bless you abundantly! Nadia Ananda Herianto vi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................................... ii ADVISOR APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................. ii DEFENSE APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................iii STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY ....................................................... iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ................................... v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ vii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. xi LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xii LIST OF APPENDICES .....................................................................................xiii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xiv ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................... xv CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 A. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ................................................................... 1 B. PROBLEM STATEMENTS ............................................................................... 8 C. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ........................................................................ 9 D. BENEFITS OF THE STUDY ............................................................................. 9 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 11 A. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ........................................................ 11 1. Translation................................................................................................... 11 a. Definition of Translation ....................................................................... 11 b. Ideology of Translation ......................................................................... 12 c. Process of Translation ........................................................................... 15 d. Techniques of Translation ..................................................................... 16 2. Cultural Specific Items ................................................................................ 21 a. Definition of Cultural Specific Items .................................................... 21 vii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI b. Classification of Cultural Specific Items .............................................. 22 c. Untranslatability of Cultural Specific Items ......................................... 25 3. Translation Assessment ............................................................................... 28 a. Definition of Assessment ...................................................................... 28 b. Parameters of Assessment ..................................................................... 29 B. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES ................................................................ 31 C. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .................................................................... 37 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................... 40 A. TYPE OF STUDY ............................................................................................ 40 B. DATA COLLECTION...................................................................................... 41 1. Nature of the Data ....................................................................................... 41 2. Data Selection ............................................................................................. 42 C. DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 43 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................ 47 A. Translation Accuracy of Cultural Specific Items .............................................. 47 B. Non-equivalent Translations of Cultural Specific Items ................................... 56 1. Historical Event, Period and System ........................................................... 57 2. Military Reality ........................................................................................... 65 a. Military Organization ............................................................................ 65 b. Military Unit ........................................................................................
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