Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.) Degree in English Language Studies

Nadia Ananda Herianto











Nadia Ananda Herianto

Student Number: 156332009

Approved by

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Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum. .'t -/ --->'/ Thesis Supervisor Yoryakarta,- July 27, 2017 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



Presented by Nadia Ananda Herianto

Student Number: 156332009

Defended before the Thesis committee and Declared Acceptable


Chairperson : Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A.

Secretary : Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum.

Members : l. Dr. J. Bismoko

2.F.X. Mukarto, ph.D.

Yogyakartd, 27 Jaly 2017 te School Director

regorius Budi Subanar, S.J.



This is to catis that all ideas, phrases and sentences, unless or otherwise statod, are thc ideas' pluases and sentences of the &esis uniter. The writer understands the full oorsequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else,s ideas, phrases and sentences without prcper references.

Yoryakarta, hme 12,Z0l7

Nadiafuanda Herianto




Yang bertandatangandi bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Nadia Ananda Herianto Nomor Mahasiswa :156332009

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selam a tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataanini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 12 Juni2017 Yang menyatakan,

Nadia Ananda Herianto



First and foremost, I would like to deliver all praises to Jesus Christ for His grace and blessings throughout the process of writing this thesis. There are many ups and downs, even unexpected moments, but only by His grace, I can finish my thesis. This thesis is impossible to finish without the help and assistance of many people. A very special gratitude goes to my thesis advisor, Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum. for his guidance, patience and assistance. I also greatly appreciate the valuable ideas, suggestions and contributions from my reviewers, Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. and Dr. J. Bismoko. I also would like to thank all lecturers and staff of Sanata Dharma University who have helped me in various ways. My profound gratitude goes to my beloved father and mother who accompanied me to visit and collect the data in various museums, including Fort Vredeburg Museum, and also for their unfailing support, encouragement and love. A special mention goes to my koko, Bob William Chandra who always accompanied me to go here and there to take care of various things and needs for my thesis as well as gave me support and motivation. I also present my humble gratitude to Fort Vredeburg Museum where I took the data from. For my three raters, Mbak Kris, Mbak Dhewi and (Pak) Adit, thank you so much for setting asside your time to help me assess the translation data with great effort and antusiasm. Without you, my thesis would not be completed. My deep thanks also go to my college friends: Vita, Mbak Agni, Rini and other friends who gave their opinions and suggestions, and especially Yos who did not only contribute to my thesis, but also accompanied me to do consultation almost all the time. Last but not least, many thanks for everyone whose names cannot be mentioned one by one here. May God always bless you abundantly!

Nadia Ananda Herianto






CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ...... 11 A. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 11 1. Translation...... 11 a. Definition of Translation ...... 11 b. Ideology of Translation ...... 12 c. Process of Translation ...... 15 d. Techniques of Translation ...... 16 2. Cultural Specific Items ...... 21 a. Definition of Cultural Specific Items ...... 21



b. Classification of Cultural Specific Items ...... 22 c. Untranslatability of Cultural Specific Items ...... 25 3. Translation Assessment ...... 28 a. Definition of Assessment ...... 28 b. Parameters of Assessment ...... 29 B. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES ...... 31 C. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...... 37

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 40 A. TYPE OF STUDY ...... 40 B. DATA COLLECTION...... 41 1. Nature of the Data ...... 41 2. Data Selection ...... 42 C. DATA ANALYSIS ...... 43

CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... 47 A. Translation Accuracy of Cultural Specific Items ...... 47 B. Non-equivalent Translations of Cultural Specific Items ...... 56 1. Historical Event, Period and System ...... 57 2. Military Reality ...... 65 a. Military Organization ...... 65 b. Military Unit ...... 69 c. Military Headquarter ...... 73 d. Military Rank ...... 74 e. Weapon and Transportation ...... 81 3. Currency and Non-material Culture ...... 83 4. Administrative-territorial Division ...... 85 5. Building and Place ...... 88 6. Government and Organization ...... 95 a. Government Body ...... 95 b. Form of State ...... 97



c. Law and Constitution ...... 100 d. Political and Social Organization ...... 105 7. Tool ...... 111 8. Honorific ...... 114 9. Institution and School ...... 115 C. Alternative Translation Techniques for Different Classifications of Cultural Specific Items ...... 118 1. Historical Events, System and Period ...... 123 2. Military Reality ...... 124 a. Military Organization ...... 124 b. Military Unit ...... 126 c. Military Headquarter ...... 127 d. Military Rank ...... 127 e. Weapon and Transportation ...... 129 3. Currency and Non-material Culture ...... 130 4. Administrative-territorial Division ...... 131 5. Building and Place ...... 131 6. Government and Organization ...... 132 a. Government Body ...... 133 b. Head of State ...... 134 c. Form of State ...... 134 d. Law and Constitution ...... 135 e. Political and Social Organization ...... 136 7. Tool ...... 137 8. Honorific ...... 137 9. Institution and School ...... 138

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 140 A. CONCLUSION ...... 140 B. SUGGESTIONS ...... 143 1. Suggestions for Translators ...... 143



2. Suggestions for the Manager/Administrator of Fort Vredeburg Museum 144 3. Suggestions for Other Researchers ...... 145

REFERENCES ...... 146 APPENDICES ...... 149




Table 1. Classification of Cultural Specific Items in The Study...... 24 Table 2. Example of Classification of Cultural Specific Items ...... 43 Table 3. Rubrics for Translation Accuracy ...... 44 Table 4. Assessment Table of Translation Accuracy of CSI for Raters ...... 45 Table 5. Table of Alternative Translations and Translation Techniques ...... 46 Table 6. Translation Accuracy of CSI in Fort Vredeburg Museum ...... 48 Table 7. Translation Accuracy Based on The Classification of CSI...... 49 Table 8. Alternative Translation Techniques for Different Classifications of CSI... 119




Figure 1. Process of Translation ...... 15 Figure 2. Theoretical Framework of The Study ...... 38




Appendix 1. Score of Translation Accuracy of CSI ...... 149 Appendix 2. Alternative Translation and Techniques of CSI ...... 205




Herianto, Nadia Ananda. (2017). A Translation Study of Cultural Specific Items in Diorama Texts: Qualitative Content Analysis in Fort Vredeburg Museum Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Translation of cultural specific items can be found in various aspects of life, including tourism. When the target readers are foreign tourists, Indonesian texts are translated into English. Therefore, the translation needs to be done accurately so readers can understand the meaning of the source text. One of the existing translations of cultural specific items can be found in Fort Vredeburg Museum Yogyakarta. This museum houses 51 diorama texts that have Indonesian and English versions. Some of the translations in the diorama texts are not equivalent to the source text. Therefore, this study assesses and analyzes the translations of cultural specific items in the museum. This study aims to answer the following three research questions: (1) How is the accuracy of the translations of cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts? (2) What are the non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts? and (3) What are the alternative translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts? To answer these three questions, qualitative content analysis was used. While the data were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively, percentages of accuracy were used to support the finding that there are a number of less accurate and inaccurate translations. About 237 cultural specific items with total 301 data were identified. The data were classified into nine cultural specific items based on Newmark (1988), Howard (2009) in Brasiene (2013) and Mikutyte’s (2005) classifications of cultural specific items. Three raters were asked to assess these data using Nababan’s (2012) rubric of translation accuracy. To ensure the reliability of the assessment, Krippendorff’s (2004) alpha was calculated. Then, the non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items were identified and given alternative translations. The alternative translations were analyzed using Molina and Albir’s (2002) translation techniques. Last, the alternative translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items were determined. The finding shows that there are 50.61% accurate, 22.04% less accurate and 27.35% inaccurate translations of cultural specific items. The assessments from the raters are considered as reliable with α = 0.88. There are more than 140 non-equivalent translations due to equivalence, language and writing style problems. Several cultural specific items have higher percentage of accuracy compared to others. Furthermore, there are 6 alternative translation techniques that can be used which are pure borrowing, calque, adaptation, description, amplification, reduction and their combinations. The most used translation techniques are borrowing, calque and adaptation. Keywords: translation, cultural word, cultural specific item, accuracy, non- equivalent translation, alternative translation technique




Herianto, Nadia Ananda. (2017). A Translation Study of Cultural Specific Items in Diorama Texts: Qualitative Content Analysis in Fort Vredeburg Museum Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Magister Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penerjemahan istilah budaya dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk pariwisata. Apabila target pembaca adalah wisatawan asing, teks dalam bahasa diterjemahkan menjadi bahasa Inggris. Dengan demikian, penerjemahan harus dilakukan secara akurat, sehingga pembaca dapat memahami arti dari teks sumber. Salah satu terjemahan istilah-istilah budaya terdapat di Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta. Museum ini memiliki 51 teks diorama dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Beberapa terjemahan dalam teks diorama ini tidak ekuivalen dengan teks sumber. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menilai dan menganalisis terjemahan istilah-istilah budaya di dalam museum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab tiga pertanyaan berikut: (1) Bagaimana tingkat keakuratan dari terjemahan istilah-istilah budaya dalam teks diorama di Museum Benteng Vredeburg? (2) Apa saja terjemahan istilah-istilah budaya yang tidak ekuivalen dalam teks diorama di Museum Benteng Vredeburg? dan (3) Apakah teknik-teknik penerjemahan alternatif untuk klasifikasi istilah- istilah budaya yang berbeda dalam teks diorama di Museum Benteng Vredeburg? Untuk menjawab tiga pertanyaan ini, digunakan analisis konten secara kualitatif. Meskipun data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan deskriptif, persentase keakuratan digunakan untuk mendukung penemuan bahwa terdapat sejumlah terjemahan yang kurang dan tidak akurat. Sebanyak 237 istilah budaya dari total 301 data diidentifikasi. Data ini dikelompokkan menjadi 9 kategori istilah budaya berdasarkan klasifikasi Newmark (1988), Howard (2009) dalam Brasiene (2013), dan Mikutyte (2005). Tiga penilai diminta untuk menilai data sesuai rubrik keakuratan penerjemahan dari Nababan (2012). Untuk memastikan keterandalan dari penilaian, skor alfa dari Krippendorff (2004) dihitung. Kemudian, terjemahan istilah-istilah budaya yang tidak ekuivalen diidentifikasi dan diberikan terjemahan alternatif. Terjemahan alternatif ini dianalisis menggunakan teknik-teknik penerjemahan dari Molina dan Albir (2002). Terakhir, teknik-teknik penerjemahan alternatif untuk klasifikasi istilah budaya yang berbeda ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 50,61% penerjemahan istilah budaya yang akurat, 22,04% kurang akurat, dan 27,35% tidak akurat. Penilaian dianggap andal dengan α = 0.88. Terdapat lebih dari 140 terjemahan yang tidak ekuivalen karena masalah ekuivalensi, bahasa, dan cara penulisan. Beberapa istilah budaya memiliki persentase keakuratan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan lainnya. Terdapat 6 teknik penerjemahan alternatif yang dapat digunakan, yaitu peminjaman murni, terjemahan pinjaman, adaptasi, deskripsi, amplifikasi, reduksi, dan kombinasinya. Teknik penerjemahan yang paling sering digunakan adalah peminjaman murni, terjemahan pinjaman, dan adaptasi. Kata kunci: penerjemahan, kata budaya, istilah budaya, keakuratan, terjemahan tidak ekuivalen, teknik penerjemahan alternatif





Introduction discusses background of the research, three problem statements that are answered in the study, objectives of the study and benefits of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Language is a means of communication. However, there is a language barrier which exists between two cultures. Thus, translation from the source language into the target language plays an important role in facilitating cultural differences. Translation has been applied in various aspects of life, including education, tourism, entertainment and work. In education, translation has been implemented in bilingual books, teaching interactions and teaching materials. In entertainment, translation is used in various TV shows, programs, movies and novels. In work environment, translation is used in various business documents, interpretations and presentations. In tourism, translation is used in various historical sites and tourism attractions, including museums, cultural parks, zoos and temples. Translation in tourism field may include the translation of texts, booklets, information boards, tourism videos, advertisements, performances and brochures.

In these various aspects, there are a great number of information and cultures that will be learned by foreign tourists. As the number of foreign tourists



in Indonesia has increased significantly, translations in historical sites and tourism attractions have become more important than ever. The information and cultures have to be translated consistently, correctly and clearly into the target language to self-explain themselves to foreign tourists. Otherwise, the meanings, history, concepts or other information provided may be misunderstood. According to

Terestyényi (2011), the topic of cultural terms and expressions has always been a debate between translators and theorists of translation. Several scholars tried to classify cultural specific items into different categories. Newmark (1988) differentiated cultural specific items into ecology, material culture, social culture, organization customs, activities, procedures and gestures and habits. Thriveni

(2002) also introduced habits, customs and traditions, myths and legends, religious components, environmental and geographical components, and beliefs as cultural specific items. Aixela (1996) categorized cultural specific items into proper nouns and common expressions which can be broken down into smaller categories.

These cultural specific items have specific concepts, beliefs or ideologies.

Arifin (2009) stated that cultural specific items are always related to specific system and ideology. Therefore, the cultural specific items related to Yogyakarta also have particular meanings related to Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is a city that has received the title ‘special region’ due to its unique culture and privilege.

Yogyakarta is rich of history and cultures which also have deep significances in people’s life. For example, sawo kecik (Manilkara kauki) in Keraton Yogyakarta has specific meaning and significance. The word sawo kecik comes from the



Javanese words sarwo and becik. Sarwo means serba in Indonesian and

‘completely’ in English, while becik means baik in Indonesian and ‘good’ in

English. Thus, sarwo becik means serba baik or ‘completely good’. This tree is planted with the thought that everything will be good. This concept is rooted deeply in many Yogyakarta people who are familiar with Yogyakarta’s philosophy.

One of the famous tourism places in Yogyakarta is Fort Vredeburg

Museum. Fort Vredeburg Museum is a historical museum which preserves the history of Indonesia, especially the ones related to Yogyakarta. The museum provides bilingual information in Indonesian and English about Indonesia’s struggle for independence. Cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum can be classified into two types: national and local. National cultural specific items refer to cultural specific items that are related to the national history of Indonesia.

Examples of national cultural specific items are Tentara Nasional Indonesia,

Ketetapan Presiden, Sumpah Pemuda and PON. On the other hand, local cultural specific items refer to cultural specific items that are local to certain cultures.

Examples of local cultural specific items are Keraton Ngayogyakarta, kepatihan and sultan.

Upon a brief observation on the diorama texts located in Fort Vredeburg

Museum, there are several problems found in the translations of cultural specific items as shown in the examples below.

Example (1):

SL: Banyak cara mereka lakukan untuk mendukung perjuangan mempertahankan kemerdekaan seperti pembuatan poster, plakat,



selebaran, semangat perjuangan, bahkan juga mendesain uang kertas ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia), serta melibatkan diri secara fisik dalam perjuangan. TL: They supported the struggle for independence such by making posters, placard, leaflets, and slogans of fighting spirit, even they designed Indonesia banknotes ORI (Oeang Republic of Indonesia), and got involved themselves physically in the battle.

In the example above, the cultural word ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) is translated into ‘ORI (Oeang Republic of Indonesia)’. The Indonesian word oeang, which literally means ‘money’, is left untranslated while Republik

Indonesia is translated into ‘Republic of Indonesia’. The combination of both translations becomes confusing and inconsistent. Thus, the readers will not know the full meaning of ‘Oeang Republic of Indonesia’. Moreover, the translation is italicized which commonly indicates that the text is not English even though the phrase ‘Republic of Indonesia’ is in English.

Example (2):

SL: Tanggal 19 Desember 1961, dalam rapat raksasa di Yogyakarta, Presiden Soekarno mencanangkan Trikora (Tri Komando Rakyat). TL: On December 19, 1961, in a mass meeting in Yogyakarta, President declared Trikora (Tri Command of the People).

In example 2, the Indonesian term Trikora (Tri Komando Rakyat) is translated into ‘Trikora (Tri Command of the People)’. In the translation, the

Indonesian word Tri is not translated. Tri refers to number three which can be translated into ‘three’. Moreover, the translation is not accurate as the ‘command’ is not in plural form. Thus, the translation should be ‘Trikora (Three Commands of People)’.



Example (3):

SL: Berdasarkan Ketetapan Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun 1948 Tanggal 14 Mei 1948, maka dibentuklah brigade Tentara Pelajar (TP). TL: Based on Presidential Decision No. 14 on May, 1948, here was the establishment of student army (TP) brigade.

In example 3, the term Ketetapan Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun 1948 is translated into ‘Presidential Decision No. 14’. The term Ketetapan Presiden should be translated into ‘Presidential Decree’ instead of ‘Presidential Decision’.

The year of the decree should also be translated consistently into ‘Presidential

Decree No. 14 Year 1948’ instead of being omitted.

Based on the three translation examples above, it can be observed that there are problems in the translations of cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg

Museum. These problems then raise the need to conduct a translation study on the cultural specific items to analyze the translation accuracy, provide alternative translations and translation techniques for future references.

A previous study conducted by Rimari (2010) outlines that there are many inaccurate translations of cultural specific items in her object of study. Rimari conducted a descriptive qualitative research and analyzed the translation strategies based on Baker’s (1992) translation strategies and the accuracy of the translation.

To assess the quality of translation, three raters were asked to fill out close and open-ended questionnaires. The questionnaires have 4 scales of accuracy: very accurate, less accurate, inaccurate and very inaccurate. About 50 cultural specific items were collected. The finding shows that there are several translation strategies employed, which are equivalence of the target language (12 data or



24%), translation by a more general word or superordinate (9 data or 8%), translation by cultural substitution (8 data or 16%), translation using a loan word

(10 data or 20%) and translation by omission (11 data or 22 %). Meanwhile,

Rimari also observed 27 (54%) accurate, 12 (24%) less accurate and 11 (22%) inaccurate translations of cultural specific items. The inaccurate translations include alat tenun A. T. B. M which is translated into ‘upright loom’ where A. T.

B. M stands for Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin. The cultural specific item ulos ni tondi is also left untranslated, making the raters confused with the meaning. An example of less accurate translation is mas kawin which is translated into ‘bridal payments’ instead of ‘dowry’.

Another qualitative study was conducted by Purnamadi (2012) who analyzed the etic and emic points of view of Balinese cultural specific items. The etic point of view is based on English native speaker’s knowledge whereas the emic point of view is based on Balinese native speaker’s knowledge. The translation techniques were analyzed using componential analysis proposed by

Newmark (1988). From the findings, it is observed that the etic point of view in the object of the study tends to ignore the cultural details of the source language, such as composition, shape, function, Hinduism religion and the way of making.

On the other hand, the emic point of view provides very detailed knowledge of the source language because the native speakers have direct experience with Balinese culture. Using Newmark’s componential analysis, it is found that there are many non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items due to the differences in the cultural components. For example, in translating titiran into ‘pigeon’, the



translator used cultural equivalent. Titiran is an object (+), is a bird (+), has brownish color (+) and is not a pet (-) whereas ‘pigeon’ is an object (+), is a bird

(+), does not have brownish color (-) and is a pet (+). Another example of cultural equivalent is bale dauh and ‘pavilion’. Bale dauh is an artifact (+), is made specifically by Balinese workers (+), is made based on Asta Kosala-Kosali (+), is a place to entertain guests (+), is a building for sleeping (+) and is located in the west (+). On the other hand, ‘pavilion’ is an artifact (+), is not made by Balinese workers (-), is not made based on Asta Kosala-Kosali (-), is a place to entertain guest (+) but not for sleeping (-) and does not always located in the west (-). The componential analysis shows that there are many cultural components in the source language that cannot be transferred into the target language.

These previous studies imply that translation of cultural specific items with particular concepts or ideologies is not easy to do even with good understanding of the fields and years of translation experiences because there is no standardized term or equivalence in the target language. Arifin (2009) argued that the translation of cultural specific items from the source language into the target language must transfer the lexical meaning and the ideology contained in the cultural specific items. Durdureanu (2011) believed that translation should convey messages and senses because through translation, people learn about another world which is different from theirs. However, the scope of cultural specific items is too broad and deep to be understood by just one person. This limitation also applies to translators who have to translate the information and cultures. Thus, this problem has raised the question on whether the translation of



cultural specific items is possible or impossible. The translation may be possible, but is not fixed and may change over time.

As the tourism in Yogyakarta continues to develop, especially because of the increasing interest of foreign tourists in Yogyakarta’s culture, the translation of cultural specific items cannot be overlooked. Moreover, upon a brief observation, there are several non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts. Previous studies from Rimari (2010) and Purnamadi (2012) also state that non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items often occur due to the cultural differences between the source and target languages. Therefore, this study focuses on the translation accuracy of cultural specific items, non-equivalent translations and the alternative translation techniques to translate cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts.

B. Problem Statements

Considering the aforementioned research background, the problems can be formulated as follow:

1. How is the accuracy of translations of cultural specific items in Fort

Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts?

2. What are the non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items in Fort

Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts?

3. What are the alternative translation techniques for different classifications

of cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum’s diorama texts?



C. Objectives of the Study

With regards to the problems aforementioned, this study is intended to assess the translation accuracy of cultural specific items in diorama texts located in Fort Vredeburg Museum. The second objective is to identify the non-equivalent translations which include less accurate and inaccurate translations as well as the reasons why the translations are considered as non-equivalent. Then, this study provides alternative translations for the non-equivalent translations. At last, this study aims to determine the translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items in diorama texts located in Fort Vredeburg Museum.

D. Benefits of the Study

This study contributes in assessing the translation accuracy of cultural specific items, identifying the non-equivalent translations and providing possible alternative translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items in diorama texts located in Fort Vredeburg Museum. The result of this study is expected to contribute in the translations of cultural specific items theoretically and practically, especially cultural specific items related to Indonesian history and

Yogyakarta. This study is expected to be a reference for, but not limited to, the manager or administrator of Fort Vredeburg museum, translators and editors, students of English department, lecturers and teachers as well as other researchers.

From the analysis, the existing translations of cultural specific items can be assessed and alternative translations are given for future references for improvement in Fort Vredeburg Museum. The translation accuracy and



description of non-equivalent translations may provide broader knowledge and wider perspective on translations of cultural specific items for translators, editors and students of English department. Moreover, the analysis of translation techniques that can be implemented for cultural specific items may serve as references for translators and editors. Various alternative translation techniques that are provided may also help teachers and lecturers in translating or conveying materials related to cultural specific items in English in a more understandable way. This study may also be a reference in teaching cultural materials, especially history. Furthermore, the results of this study may be used as references by other researchers for future research on translations of cultural specific items.





Literature review outlines the theories that are used to analyze the the translations of cultural specific items found in the diorama texts located in Fort

Vredeburg Museum. This section discusses review of related literature, review of previous relevant studies and the theoretical framework of the research.

A. Review of Related Literature

Review of related literature comprises of three sections which are translation, cultural specific items and translation assessment.

1. Translation

This section discusses the definition of translation, ideology of translation, process of translation and techniques of translation that are used in the study.

a. Definition of Translation

Translation has been a part of our lives in various aspects. However, what is translation? There are several definitions of translation according to some experts. Nida and Taber (1969) defined translation as reproduction of the closest natural equivalent of the source language in the target language which includes the meaning and style. Moreover, Nida and Taber pointed out that “the best translation does not sound like a translation” (p.12). In line with this perspective,



Nababan (2012) also argued that the translation of the source language text should read like an original target language text. Readers should not feel like they are reading a translation text. According to Newmark (1991), translating is transferring meaning from one language to another language which includes a unit of language, a part or whole text. Similarly, Catford (1965) argued that translating means substituting textual materials in the source language into their equivalents in the target language. Textual materials include words, phrases, clauses or sentences in a language. Another definition of translation comes from Venuti

(1995) who viewed translation as a process of replacing the chain of signifiers from the source language into the target language. These chains of signifiers should be interpreted by the translator. However, Brislin (1976) defined translation as a process of transferring ideas and thoughts from the source language into the target language, both oral and written, instead of transferring the meaning of each unit of language.

Therefore, based on the definitions above, translation has two essential points. First, translation involves the process of transferring. Second, translator can transfer the meaning, message, style, and sometimes ideas and thoughts in the source language texts into the target language.

b. Ideology of Translation

Regardless of the purpose, translation always contains the ideology of the translator. According to Arifin (2009), ideology is “a principle which is believed to be true by a group of community” (p.17). In this case, the ideology of



translation is a principle of translation believed by a group of translators. This ideology believes in what is true or false and what is good or bad about a translation. It decides what kind of translation will be accurate, readable, and acceptable for the target readers. Nababan (2012) argued that different translators may have different ideologies of translation; even translator and readers can have different perspectives of how translation should be done.

According to Venuti (1995), there are two existing ideologies of translation, which are domestication and foreignization. Venuti defined domestication as “an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target language cultural values, bringing the author back home” (p.20). When a translator believes in domestication ideology, the translator does not want readers to have feelings like reading a translation text. The translator will strive to make the translation as natural as possible that readers do not even realize that what they read is a translated text. However, the accuracy of the translation should still be maintained. In this ideology, the cultural values and aspects of the source language text vanish and are assimilated with the cultural values and aspects of the target language. In short, the aspects of the source language text are

‘domesticated’ into the target language. On the other hand, foreignization means

“an ethnodeviant pressure on those cultural values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the reader abroad” (p.20). When a translator believes in foreignization ideology, the translator will present the cultural values and aspects of the source language text in the translation (Arifin,

2009). Instead of domesticating the source text, the translator will take the readers



into a foreign world that is different from their own world. In other words, the aspects of the source language are still maintained in the translation.

Thus, domestication is target language-oriented while foreignization is source language-oriented. Deciding when to use each ideology proves to be difficult. Translator can even use both ideologies in the translation depending on the purpose, context, even type of text. Hatim & Mason (1997) argued that the use of ideology of translation may depend on the more dominant culture. It means that domestication ideology underlies a translation where the target language cultures are more dominant. On the contrary, foreignization underlies a translation where the source language cultures are more dominant.

There are several reasons why a translator may choose domestication ideology over foreignization. These reasons include acceptability, politeness and political reason. Acceptability is the main reason why many translators use domestication ideology in their translation. Readers may have difficulties in understanding foreign terms as they are not familiar with the terms. Nababan

(2012) also argued that it is better to use less foreign terms and more local terms in translation. However, there may be some cases where readers are more familiar with the foreign terms than the local terms, especially on the fields where the target language does not have its own sets of vocabulary. Second, politeness is related to culture, and politeness in one country may differ from other countries.

For this reason, a translator may use domestication to adjust the use of politeness within translation (Mazi-Leskovar, 2003). For example, imagine a situation where a specific term in the source language is not a taboo, but is a taboo in the target



language. To deal with this situation, the translator uses euphemism to domesticate the term so it is more suitable for the target language cultures. Third, specific situations in a country may also affect the ideology of translation, such as political situation. In political translation field, a translator may feel that domesticating political terms is necessary to adjust the translation to preserve the values and ideologies contained in the text (Fawcett, 1998).

c. Process of Translation

Aside from the ideology, the translation process is also essential. Process of translation is the process that a translator must follow to produce a translated text. This process includes understanding the source language text and transferring it into the target language.

source language text target language text

analysis restructuring

transferring Figure 1. Process of Translation (Nida and Taber, 1969)

Nida and Taber (1969) proposed three steps to produce translation: analysis, transferring and restructuring. In the analysis stage, a translator explores the source language text, including its units or components, grammars, meanings,



contexts, or other aspects. The translator can analyze the purpose of the text, function of each unit of language, context and other aspects to understand the writer’s intention. In other words, this stage includes everything that needs to be done in order to fully understand about the source language text before transferring into target language. The second step is transferring. Transferring here means transferring the knowledge, sense, meaning or any aspects that have been explored before in the first stage from the source language into the target language. Restructuring is the last but not the least step in the process of translation. Restructuring involves ways to arrange the translation in the target language. It includes ways to make the translation better, more acceptable, and accurate with correct grammar and structure. Checking the grammar mistakes and mistranslations are also parts of restructuring process. Thus, a translator must first do an analysis on the source language text, transfer the knowledge of the text from the source language into the target language and finally restructure it into the target language text.

d. Techniques of Translation

In transferring the source language into target language, there are various translation techniques proposed by different researchers. Hoed (2006) proposed transposition or shift, modulation, description translation, contextual conditioning, footnote, phonological translation, untranslated word and cultural equivalent.

Newmark (1988) also proposed 16 translation techniques that consist of transference or loan word or transcription, naturalization, cultural equivalent,



functional equivalent, descriptive equivalent, componential analysis, synonymy, through translation or calque, transposition or shift, recognized translation, translation label, reduction, expansion, paraphrase, couplets and note, addition, and gloss.

Molina and Albir (2002) stated that the translation techniques proposed by several experts overlap with each other, making them difficult to use and creating terminological confusion. They also mentioned that the same concept may have different names and classifications according to different researchers. The problem is that there is no general agreement on the terminology, classification and concept. Molina and Albir’s proposal is based on the need to distinguish between translation methods, strategies and techniques and the need for functional and dynamic concept of the translation techniques. According to this proposal, translation method depends on the aim of translation and affects the whole text, including the translation of micro-units of the text. Translation strategies refer to procedures used by the translator when they encounter problem in translating with a particular aim of translation. Furthermore, translation strategies and techniques have different focuses. While translation strategy is a part of translation process, translation technique is the result of the strategy chosen by the translator to cope with the translation problem. Thus, translation strategies have wider scope than translation techniques. This study focuses on the translation techniques that can be used to translate cultural specific items.

Molina and Albir proposed 18 translation techniques with clearer limitation based on the two premises above. These techniques include adaptation,



amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition and variation. However, due to the nature of the data, some of these techniques can be combined or are not applicable. For this study, there are several translation techniques that can be used.

Adaptation is combined with established equivalent in this study.

Adaptation means replacing the cultural elements of the source language with the one from the target language. For example, the English word ‘panther’ can be adapted into the Indonesian word macan tutul. Established equivalent is similar to recognized translation as it uses an expression or term that is acknowledged by language in use or dictionary. However, because there is no official book or dictionary of translations of cultural specific items, it is almost impossible to determine whether a translation is established or not. One person may think that a translation is familiar, while the other may not think so. For example, the

Indonesian word jenderal is translated into the English word general. There is a difficulty in determining whether this translation uses adaptation or established equivalent. Therefore, adaptation and established equivalent is grouped into one technique.

Borrowing, as the name suggests, refers to a translation technique that borrows a word or expression directly from the source language. Even though borrowing can be pure or naturalized according to the target language, this study only uses pure borrowing to avoid any confusion between naturalized borrowing



and adaptation. Example of pure borrowing is the Indonesian word kentongan which is translated into ‘kentongan’ without any changes.

Calque uses literal translation of the source word or phrase in terms of its lexical and structure. An example of calque is the English word ‘online media’ which is translated into the Indonesian word media online. Calque is different with literal translation because literal translation also takes syntax and structure into account while calque does not.

Amplification introduces new details that do not exist in the source text.

The details may include explicative paraphrasing and additional information such as footnotes or descriptions. For example, to translate the English word

‘Ramadan’, a translator can use Ramadan, bulan puasa bagi umat Muslim in

Indonesian. Amplification is the opposite of reduction.

Reduction, contrary to amplification, omits or deletes a part of information in the source text. For example, the English phrase ‘the month of fasting’ can be reduced into Ramadan when translating into Indonesian because the term

Ramadan is common in Indonesia.

Description replaces an expression or term with a description. Description is different with amplification as it does not introduce the original source text. For example, the Indonesian word wedang ronde can be described as ‘glutinous rice balls in ginger syrup’.

Generalization uses a more neutral or general term. This technique is the opposite of particularization. For example, instead of translating ikan mujair into

‘tilapia fish’, a translator can generalize it into ‘fish’.



Particularization, contrary to generalization, uses more concrete or precise term. For example, instead of translating the English word ‘finger’ into the

Indonesian word jari, a translator can particularize it into jari manis in the context of a finger where a wedding ring is worn.

The other translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir are not applicable. These techniques include compensation, literal translation, discursive creation, linguistic amplification, linguistic compression, modulation, substitution, transposition and variation. Compensation is not applicable because the data are in the form of words and phrases; thus, the translation does not introduce element of information in different part of the text. Literal translation means translating word for word using the same syntax and structure. Therefore, literal translation from

Indonesian to English or vice versa is almost impossible because these two languages have different syntax and structure. Discursive creation is usually used in translating movie or book titles, so this technique is not applicable for the study. Linguistic amplification and compression is used in dubbing and interpreting (Molina and Albir, 2002) and considers the number of words.

Modulation changes the focus, perspective, or cognitive category of the source text. This technique cannot be used since the data are in the form of words and phrases. Therefore, changing the focus or perspective is not possible. Substitution and variation involve paralinguistic elements such as gestures and intonation which are not found in written text. Transposition refers to a technique that changes grammatical category. This technique is not used in the study because



Indonesian and English grammatical structures are fundamentally different. Thus, there are many translation shifts.

2. Cultural Specific Items

This section discusses the definition of cultural specific items, classification of cultural specific items used in the study and untranslatability of the cultural specific items.

a. Definition of Cultural Specific Items

Cultural specific items are words that are related to culture, used in cultural contexts, or contain cultural aspects. Various scholars have used different terms to represent cultural specific items. While Aixela (1996) introduced the term cultural specific item, Newmark (1988) used cultural words while Baker

(1992) used culture-bound concepts. Other scholars may also have their own terms to represent cultural specific items. The term cultural specific item (CSI) is used throughout the study.

Cultural specific items generally are connected to concepts in other cultures that may be unfamiliar for the target language readers (Aixela, 1996).

Duranti (1997) defined culture as “something learned, transmitted, passed down from one generation to the next, through human actions, often in the form of face- to-face interaction, and, of course, through linguistic communication” (p.24).

According to Newmark (1988), culture is “the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of



expression” (p.94). Thus, every objects, concepts or aspects that are related to culture in any way can be included as cultural specific items.

b. Classification of Cultural Specific Items

As culture is a part of human lives, its scope is wide, but cultural specific items can be categorized into several main groups. Baker (1992) categorized cultural specific items into two big groups which are abstract and concrete.

According to Aixela (1996), there are two main categories of cultural specific items which are proper nouns and common expressions. Proper nouns refer to conventional names that do not have particular meaning and names that have historical and cultural concepts. On the other hand, common expressions refer to other expressions that are not included in the scope of proper names, including habits, institutions or oganizations, objects and other things related to culture.

These categories can still be broken down into several smaller categories just as

Howard (2009) in Brasiene (2013) and Mikutyte (2005) had done.

Newmark (1988) classified cultural specific items into five groups which are ecology (flora, fauna, hills, winds, plains); material culture (food, houses, clothes, transports, towns); social culture (work and leisure); organization customs, activities, procedures (political and administrative, religious, artistic) and gestures and habits. Nida and Taber (1969) classified cultural specific items into five major groups, which are ecology, social culture, material culture, ideology culture and linguistic culture. Another researcher, Thriveni (2002) suggested that cultural specific items also include habits, customs and traditions, myths and



legends, beliefs and feelings, religious components, and environmental and geographical components. According to Durdureanu (2011), cultural specific items deal with foods, drinks, measurements, currencies, institutions, clothes, sports, dances, music, jobs, professions, time divisions, geographical terms, historical terms and socio-cultural terms. Furthermore, Espindola and

Vasconcellos (2006) proposed several categorizations of cultural specific items: toponyms, anthroponyms, forms of entertainment, means of transportation, fictional character, legal system, local institution, measuring system, food and drink, scholastic reference, religious celebration and dialect. Another categorization includes part of a person’s name, given or pet names, geographical and celestial names, monuments, buildings and meetings, historical events, documents, laws and periods, groups and languages, religions and brand names

(Howard, 2009).

Even though there are different categorizations of cultural specific items and its general scope is very wide, the scope of cultural specific items in the study is limited as the texts only contain information about Indonesian history.

Therefore, several classifications of cultural specific items proposed by various researchers are synthesized for this study. The classification of cultural specific items in this study is defined in Table 1 based on the data taken from the diorama texts.



Table 1. Classification of Cultural Specific Items in the Study

No Proposed by Cultural Specific Description Item a) government body: DPRD, Kementerian Penerangan b) law: UUD, Dekrit Presiden c) head of state: prime minister, Government and president 1. Newmark (1988) organization d) form of state: Republik Indonesia, NKRI e) political and social organization: Jong , Partai Nasional Indonesia Historical event, Agresi Militer Belanda II, Howard (2009) in period and system Konferensi Meja Bundar, Orde Baru 2. Brasiene (2013) Sitihinggil Kraton, Balai Mataram, Building and place Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Honorific Pangeran, Bung, Ibu, Bapak Institution and school Universitas Gadjah Mada, STOVIA a) military unit: pasukan divisi, Kasrem b) weapon and transportation: bambu runcing, granat gombyok c) military rank: mayor, letnan Military reality jenderal 3. Mikutyte (2005) d) military organization: TNI, PETA, TKR e) military headquarter: markas besar, markas umum Administrative- provinsi, kelurahan, Bupati territorial division Currency and non- ORI, lagu Indonesia Raya, senam material culture Taiso Tool cething, gogok, kendil dalung

Most of the time, translators are aware of the cultural differences and the importance of translating these cultural specific items. One of the reasons is because readers are exposed to the culture of a foreign country but do not have the sufficient knowledge to understand the context or meaning. Therefore, translators



should provide adequate translation that will self-explain the meanings and contexts of the cultural specific items for the readers. Nida (1964) stated that readers should experience the same effect when reading the source language and target language text.

c. Untranslatability of Cultural Specific Items

Even though there are various translation techniques that can be used by a translator, translating a text from one language to another language is not easy.

Throughout decades, various techniques of translation have been applied to solve translation problems. For years, the problem of translatability of cultural specific items has been discussed by various experts of translation. Newmark (1988) believed that language itself is not a part of culture. It means that translating cultural aspects is impossible because cultural specific items are always closely related to specific cultural contexts. When a language is used in specific cultural contexts, it has more cultural features; thus, leading to more problems in translating the cultural aspects.

According to Nida (1964), the cultural and linguistic differences in the source language and text language can lead to translation problems that are worse than structural differences. In line with Nida’s perspective, Larson (1984) argued that conveying the same message while taking into account cultures in the source language and target language is often difficult to be achieved, especially if the two cultures are too different. Durdureanu (2011) also argued that it is impossible to be faithful to all aspects of translation. If a translator is faithful to one aspect, there



will be unfaithfulness to another aspect. Teilanyo (2007) stated that there is difficulty in finding equivalent target language words to transfer the cultural ideologies and ideas into the target language because both languages have different meaning cultures and subsystems. Moreover, Teilanyo added that different languages may have different classifications, prototypes and semantic features also different connotative and denotative meanings. Arifin (2009) also stated that looking for equivalents in translations of cultural specific items is difficult as there are different lexicon and cultures. As a result, the translator should adjust various aspects of the source language into the target language as part of translation. While Nida and Taber (1969) believed that finding equivalent words in source language and target language is essential, Newmark (1988) stated that translator can only find approximation of the equivalence.

Nababan (2003) mentioned four factors that may cause equivalence problem. First is the different system of source language and text language. In various aspects, two languages can have similar systems, but not exactly the same.

The difference may include lexical, syntactical, morpheme, words, phrases, clauses or sentences system. Second is the translator’s competence. Translator’s competence can also be considered as a factor that can cause equivalence problem due to the lack of knowledge, especially cultural knowledge of the source language and target language. Third is the semantic and stylistic complexity.

Semantic complexity is related to how people use the source language and target language. Stylistic complexity includes the style or type of source text. For example, the complexity between scientific text and literary text are different. The



last problem is quality of the source language. This problem is not common, but it may cause problem in equivalence. If the structures, meanings or terms in the source language are not clear, there is a possibility that the translator will have problems in translating them.

To deal with the untranslatability of the cultural specific items, Larson

(1984) stated that there are only three basic translation techniques which include describing the cultural word, using loan word and finding cultural substitute.

Harvey (2000) proposed transcription or borrowing, functional equivalence, formal equivalence and descriptive or self-explanatory translation to translate cultural specific items. Another researcher, Graedler (2010) proposed four techniques to translate cultural specific items which include making up new words, explaining the meaning of the source words instead of translating them, preserving the source words intact and opting for words in the target language which are similar or same as the source words. Paul (2009) summarized several techniques that can be used to deal with cultural specific items and other untranslatable words which include finding equivalents in the target language, adding explanatory phrase or description and providing glossary, mapping or footnotes. Baker (1992) also suggested that translator should develop specific techniques or strategies by having knowledge about the value of cultural specific items as well semantic and lexical sets of the source language text. Another alternative is looking for words that function in the same situation instead of looking for words that have the same or similar meanings (Arifin, 2009).



Therefore, even though Molina and Albir (2002) have proposed a comprehensive list of translation techniques, not all of those techniques are applicable for translating cultural specific items. The techniques must be adapted based on the cultural context. Thus, in translating cultural specific items, a translator should have a specific objective to transfer the knowledge of cultural specific items from the source language into the target language. Then, the translator can decide on the translation strategies to deal with the untranslatability of the cultural specific items. After that, the translator can then decide on the translation techniques to be implemented.

3. Translation Assessment

This section discusses the definition of assessment and parameters that should be considered in assessing any translation.

a. Definition of Assessment

Assessment is an essential part of translation that aims to assess the quality of translation. From the assessment result, it can be observed whether the translation is accurate, acceptable and readable. Melis and Albir (2001) classified assessment of translation into three areas of translation which include assessment of published translation, assessment of professional translators’ work and assessment in translation teaching. Assessment of published translation assesses the translation of various texts which aims to decide whether a translation is accurate, acceptable and readable. The texts may include literary texts such as



novels, poetry, etc. and other types of published texts. Generally, the result of this assessment is used to provide solutions for the mistranslated or non-equivalent translations just like what this research does. Assessment of professional translators’ work is used to assess the ability of translator for professional reasons.

The reasons vary from self reflection to assessment to be a member of a professional translator association. Last, as the name suggests, assessment in translation teaching focuses on translation teaching. Generally, it assesses the translation problems and errors in translation teaching. These problems and errors are rated based on scales and later can be corrected for better teaching.

b. Parameters of Assessment

There are several parameters to be considered in assessing translation.

Nababan (2012) mentioned three essential aspects of translation that need to be assessed which are accurateness, acceptability and readability.

Accurateness refers to whether the translation of the source language is equivalent to the target language or not. Shuttleworth and Cowie (1997) defined accurateness as “the extent to which a translation matches its original” (p.3) – in other words, whether the translations is preserved in the target language or not.

According to Nababan (2012), a text can only be considered as a translation if the message and meaning is equivalent. In short, the translator should not provide inaccurate or unfaithful translation that deviates from the original source language text. This is especially important for the translation in religious, technical, legal and medical fields.



Acceptability refers to whether or not the translation is acceptable and suitable for the target language cultures, norms, aspects and rules (Nababan,

2012). Shuttleworth and Cowie (1997) defined acceptability as “reading as an original” (p.2). Acceptability is closely related to domestication ideology as this ideology takes into account the target language cultures and aspects in the translation. For example, the translator should consider the acceptability of translation of taboo terms in the target language. Another example is the translator should take politeness in the target language into account. In some Western countries, the use of first name without honorifics is considered as common.

However, in Indonesia context, the use of honorifics is essential as a way to show politeness.

Readability refers to whether the translation is readable or not (Nababan,

2012). This aspect is important to assess as well as a good translation is a readable translation. To be exact, readable means readers feel the translation is not like a translation. Instead, the reader must feel like reading a text in their native language.

Even though Nababan mentioned three possible parameters in assessment, a translation text can be assessed using only one or two of these three assessments if the assessment focuses on particular parts of the translation, for example only focuses on the unit of language. Therefore, a researcher can choose the suitable aspect for assessment depending on the aim of the study. This study only assesses the translation accuracy of cultural specific items.



B. Review of Related Studies

In the past several years, there are various studies that aim to analyze the translation of cultural specific items in various aspects of lives, such as diorama texts in historical museum (Arifin, 2009), bilingual books (Rimari, 2010; Ardi,

2010), novels (Putrawan, 2011; Ndruru, 2013), tourism brochures (Ahmad, 2011), short stories compilation (Purnamadi, 2012) and cartoon collection (Purnama,


The study conducted by Arifin (2009) aims to find the translation techniques used, ideology of translation, non-equivalent translations and how frequent the non-equivalent translation occurs. This study used three approaches which are observation, semi structured interview with the translator, reviser and editor as well as photo documentation. The data sources are from the diorama texts, interview, documentation and brochures of MONAS and the National

Monument Book. In total, there are 51 diorama texts. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. To classify the translation techniques, the researcher used Hoed’s (2006) translation techniques. Based on the finding, the type of translation is communicative translation. The ideology of translation observed is foreignization as almost the entire cultural specific items in the source language are preserved. The translator used 10 translation techniques which include literal translation, description translation, phonological translation, transposition, left untranslatable, deletion, cultural substances, modulation, transcription and contextual conditioning. However, there are many mistranslated and non-equivalent translation. The researcher found 7 inaccurate diorama texts



out of 26 analyzed texts. These 7 diorama texts contain inaccurate translations of cultural specific items, such as zaman megalitikum which is translated into

‘neolithic age’, dolmen which is translated into ‘pebbles and bones’, menhir which is translated into ‘stone pillars and tables’, kubur batu which is translated into ‘stone coffins’. ‘Neolithic age’ is not equivalent to zaman megalitikum, and the Indonesian word should be translated into ‘megalithic age’. Dolmen and menhir have their own English terms which are exactly the same with the

Indonesian terms. ‘Stone coffin’ is also not equivalent to kubur batu and it should be translated into ‘stone tomb’. Another non-equivalent translation includes honorific, such as dr. Wahidin which is translated into ‘DR. Wahidin’.

Ardi (2010) analyzed the translation techniques, accuracy, acceptability and readability of the translation. This research used descriptive qualitative approach with content analysis and in-depth interviewing with the translators.

Using criteria-based sampling, about 285 data were taken. The translation techniques were analyzed using Molina and Albir’s (2002) proposal but were expanded based on the results. About 57 data (7.80%) use adaptation, 122 data

(16.69%) use amplification, 37 data (5.06%) use addition, 15 data (2.05%) use omission, 61 data (8.34%) use reduction, 9 data (1.23%) use description, 10 data

(1.37%) use discursive creation, 84 data (11.49%) use established equivalent, 22 data (3.01%) use generalization, 16 data (2.19%) use inversion, 19 data (2.60%) use calque, 86 data (11.76%) use literal translation, 73 data (9.99%) use modulation, 6 data (0.82%) use natural borrowing, 71 data (9.71%) use pure borrowing, 15 data (2.05%) data use particularization, 27 data (3.69%) data use



transposition and 1 datum (0.14%) uses correction. Correction is an additional translation technique found because it can only be applied if the translators are experts on the translated field. Based on the interview result, the translators tried to introduce the local cultural specific items in the translation, but for several cultural specific items, they used pure borrowing. The pure borrowings are taken from English, Dutch, Latin, French and Italy. According to the translators, pure borrowing can be used because those particular cultural specific items are already known by many people in the field of history. Moreover, they avoided localizing the terms because the meanings may be different due to the differences in cultures.

Putrawan (2011) also conducted a research on the classification of cultural specific items, translation techniques used and ideology of the translator. This study uses qualitative approach with observation and note taking. To categorize the cultural specific items, Putrawan used Newmark’s (1988) framework and to analyze the translation techniques, he used Molina and Albir’s (2002) proposal.

To determine the ideology, this research uses Venuti’s (1995) domestication and foreignization. In total, there were 163 cultural specific items which are limited to the level of words, phrases, and expressions. The ideologies of translation in the novel were divided into three which are foreignization, domestication and partial foreignization as well as domestication. For foreignization, the translator used pure borrowing in 16 data (9.82%). For domestication, the translator used adaptation in 47 data (28.82%), compensation in 4 data (2.45%), description in 24 data (14.72%), discursive creation in 2 data (1.23%), established equivalent in 30



data (18.40%), generalization in 18 data (11.04%), modulation in 5 data (3.07%), reduction in 1 datum (0.61%), particularization in 2 data (1.23%) and established equivalent + reduction in 1 datum (0.61%). For partial foreignization and domestication, the translator used amplification in 1 datum (0.61%), pure borrowing + modulation in 1 datum (0.61%), pure borrowing + description in 1 datum (0.61%), pure borrowing + reduction in 9 data (5.52%) and pure borrowing

+ adaptation in 1 datum (0.61%). In conclusion, 9.82% of the cultural specific items are foreignized, 82.20% are domesticated and 7.98% are both foreignized and domesticated.

Ahmad (2011) analyzed the translation techniques and shifts. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. There were 67 data taken from the tourism brochures published by Department of Culture and Tourism of North

Sumatera in 2008. The cultural specific items were classified using Newmark’s

(1988) classification. About 1 datum (1.49%) is related to ecology, 13 data

(19.40%) are related to food, 2 data (2.98) are related to cultural objects or artifacts, 4 data (5.97%) are related to clothes, 6 data (8.96%) are related to building, 1 datum (1.49%) is related to transport, 4 data (5.97%) are related to language, 13 data (19.40%) are related to social culture, 8 data (11.94%) are related to society, 3 data (4.48%) are related to religion or belief and 12 data

(17.91%) are related to art. The translation techniques were also analyzed based on Newmark’s (1988) proposal. Around 25 data (37.31%) use description, 21 data

(31.34%) use borrowing, 12 data (17.91%) use calque, 6 data (8.96%) use generalization, 2 data (2.99%) use literal and 1 datum (1.49%) uses couplet. In the



study, there were 44 translation shifts which were classified into 3 types of shifts based on Catford’s (1965) framework. Unit shift occurs in 28 data (63.63%), structural shift in 13 data (29.55%) and intra-system shift in 3 data (6.82%).

Another study was conducted by Ndruru (2013) who analyzed the translation techniques used by the translator in the novel. The data were comprised of words and phrases with the total data 103 and analyzed using qualitative descriptive research method. First, the data were classified based on

Newmark’s (1988) cultural specific items. About 15.53% of data is related to buildings, 8.73% is related to transportation and same percentage for artifacts,

6.79% is related to flora, 5.82% is related to clothes and same percentage for organization, 4.85% is related to work and same percentage for artistic, 2.91% is related to religion and same percentage for fauna, 1.94% is related to administration and same percentage for concept and 0.97% is related to law and gesture. The translation techniques were analyzed using Molina and Albir’s

(2002) proposal. The translator used single and couplet translation techniques.

There are 32.03% occurrences of literal translation, 20.38% of adaptation, 16.50% of pure borrowing, 9.70% of generalization, 5.82% of amplification and same percentage for combination of calque and pure borrowing, 2.91% of description and same percentage for reduction, 0.97% of each: modulation, amplification and pure borrowing, pure borrowing and description, generalization and description.

The study conducted by Purnama (2014) also analyzed about Balinese cultural specific items. This research aims to find out the classification of the cultural specific items based on Newmark’s (1988) classification, translation



techniques and procedures based on Vinay and Dalbelnet’s (1977) proposal. This research is qualitative. To analyze the data, componential analysis was used.

Similar to Purnamadi’s (2012) finding, many translations of the cultural specific items do not exactly have the same cultural components. For example, to translate mesangih into ‘tooth filling ceremony’, the translator used adaptation. Mesangih is a procession of filling tooth (+), is a religious ceremony (+), is performed with procession (+), is completed with offerings (+), plays a role in minimizing the 6 human evils (+) and is performed after someone is mature (+). However, ‘tooth filling ceremony’ only comprises of one cultural component which is a procession of filling tooth. According to the findings, the biggest problem in translating

Balinese cultural specific items into English is finding the equivalences since the

Balinese cultures are rich.

The objects of translation in the previous studies described in this research include diorama texts, tourism brochures, bilingual books, novels, short stories compilation and cartoon collection. The objects of this study is similar to Arifin’s

(2009) which are diorama texts. However, the location is different as Arifin studied the diorama texts in National Monument whereas this study analyzed the texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum. This study classifies the type of cultural specific items based on the data related to history. In order to determine which words are considered as cultural specific items, the data were classified using Table 1 which comprises of three adapted theories from Newmark (1988), Howard (2009) in

Brasiene (2013) and Mikutyte (2005). Specific classifications like this are not used in other previous studies. These classifications are only possible because the



data are limited to Indonesian history. This study is quite different with these previous studies. These previous studies analyze the translation techniques and then assess translation accuracy of cultural specific items. However, this study assesses the translation accuracy of cultural specific items first, then identifies the non-equivalent translations. Three Indonesian raters assessed the translation accuracy using Nababan’s (2012) rubrics. Then, the non-equivalent translations were identified and compared to the results of the assessment. After that, alternative translations were given. But, this study does not stop at this stage.

Another important difference is that this study analyzes the alternative translations using Molina and Albir’s (2002) proposal to determine the suitable translation techniques for different classification of cultural specific items. This kind of analysis has not been done in the previous studies, so the finding can be references for other researches.

C. Theoretical Framework

This study focuses on the analysis of translations of cultural specific items from Indonesian into English in Fort Vredeburg Museum. For the analysis, this study uses several theories related to cultural specific items, translation techniques, and assessment of translation accuracy.

To categorize cultural specific items found in the data, three different theories (Newmark, 1988; Howard, 2009 in Brasiene, 2013; Mikutyte, 2005) are synthesized. These classifications are chosen because the data are limited to the field of history. Therefore, not all categorizations from the scholars are applicable



for the data. To make the classification easier and clearer, several theories are adapted to create a comprehensive classification of cultural specific items that is applicable for the data in the study.

Cultural specific items in Fort Vredeburg Museum

 Government and  Institution and school Classification of cultural organization  Military reality specific items (Newmark,  Historical event, period  Administrative-territorial

1988; Howard, 2009 in and system division Brasiene, 2013; Mikutyte,  Building and place  Currency and culture 2005)  Honorific  Tool

Assessment of translation accuracy (Nababan, 2012)

Identification of non- equivalent translations

Alternative translations of cultural specific items  Borrowing  Calque  Adaptation Identification of alternative  Amplification translation techniques  Reduction (Molina and Albir, 2002)  Description  Generalization  Particularization

Figure 2. Theoretical Framework of the Study



To assess the translation accuracy, this study uses rubric proposed by

Nababan (2012) which defines the parameter quality of accurate, less accurate and inaccurate. This assessment instrument is used because the scales and descriptions of accuracy level have been defined clearly with the parameters quality.

Moreover, this rubric is not too specific, so the raters are not confused with the assessment system and do not have any problem in assessing the translations of cultural specific items.

Then, the non-equivalent translations were analyzed while considering the results of the translation accuracy assessment. The non-equivalent translations were given alternative translations based on the context. This study uses translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir (2002) to analyze the alternative translations. Molina and Albir’s proposal is used because the techniques have been defined clearly to avoid the confusion and overlapping of techniques. These techniques include borrowing, calque and literal translation, adaptation and established equivalent, amplification, reduction, description, generalization and particularization. However, only 9 translation techniques are applicable for the translations of cultural specific items. The alternative translation techniques were then identified for different classification of cultural specific items.





This study aims to find out the translation accuracy, non-equivalent translations and the alternative translations, as well as the applicable translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items found in the diorama texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum Yogyakarta. Methodology discusses type of study, data collection and data analysis.

A. Type of Study

This study is qualitative descriptive research using content analysis.

Qualitative research is used because the data are in the form of words and phrases.

Word is the smallest meaningful element of writing or speech, while phrase is a group of words standing as a unit and acting as a constitutent in the syntax.

Mayring (2000) stated that qualitative content analysis is a systematic approach based on qualitative analysis. Moreover, the objects of qualitative content analysis include all types of recorded communications such as interviews, observations, documents, discourses, etc. Descriptive research is used to describe the translation accuracy of cultural specific items. Djajasudarma (1993) stated that descriptive research is used to describe data systematically, factually and accurately.

However, since this study also aims to find out the accuracy of the translation, percentages of accuracy are used to support the finding that there are a number of less accurate and inaccurate translations.



B. Data Collection

Data collection discusses nature of the data and data selection. Nature of data includes information about the type, source and instruments of the data. Data selection describes how the data were reduced.

1. Nature of the Data

The data of this research were taken from the diorama texts in Fort

Vredeburg Museum. Fort Vredeburg Museum Yogyakarta was chosen because it preserves the history of Yogyakarta and Indonesia before and slightly after the independence of Indonesia. Therefore, there are a vast number of cultural specific items in the texts. Some of these cultural specific items are closely related to the history of Yogyakarta and some of them are related to the history of Indonesia.

Instruments of this research include observation in the museum, documentation using a smart phone camera and assessment rubric. The data were identified from the photos taken with the camera. The Indonesian and English texts were then typed into a table for analysis. Any misspelled and italicized words as well as wrong grammar were typed as they are without any correction.

The assessment rubric comprises of category of accuracy and its descriptors based on Nababan’s (2012) proposal.

There are four diorama rooms in the museum which consist of total 55 diorama texts and several other explanatory texts. The diorama texts were originally written in Indonesian and then translated into English. Some of the data found in the museum still use Van Ophuijsen spelling system which was used



from 1901. According to this spelling system, /u/ is written as /oe/, /c/ is written as

/tj/, /j/ is written as /dj/, /y/ is written as /j/, /ny/ is written as /nj/, /sy/ is written as

/sj/ and /kh/ is written as /ch/. Later, this spelling system was renewed by

Soewandi where /oe/ was changed into /u/. Soewandi spelling system was used from 1947 to 1972. Since the historical events in this museum took place between these periods of time, the name of building, people and other cultural specific items may use these spelling systems. Examples of these spelling systems are oeang, Sutan Sjahrir and Universitas Gadjah Mada.

2. Data Selection

Data reduction is essential because there are more than 500 cultural specific items found in the the 55 diorama texts. About 237 cultural specific items were analyzed in 301 data. This research chooses the data based on the needs of the research because there are repetitions and cultural specific items with similar structures or patterns, such as Gedung Cokan Kantai, Gedung Wilis and Gedung

Christelijk Mulo. These data have the same sructure: Gedung + the name of the building. In this case, only one cultural specific item is used as the datum. This also applies for cultural specific items that are repeated or appear more than one time. However, if the exactly same cultural specific item has different translations, the translations were grouped under one cultural specific item. After the data were selectively chosen, the selected data were tabulated into a table based on the classification of cultural specific items.



Table 2. Example of Classification of Cultural Specific Items

Cultural Specific Items Indonesian English 1. Building and place Gedung Agung Presidential Palace Yogyakarta Presidential Palace (Gedung Agung) Presidential Palace of Yogyakarta Governorate Palace (Presedential Palace*) 2. Military reality granat gombyok gombyok (dangling) grenades * The word ‘Presedential’ is misspelled, but typed as it is.

Table 2 shows an example of classification of cultural specific items. As described before, if the same cultural specific item has more than one translation, the different translations were used as data and grouped into one.

C. Data Analysis

This study uses qualitative content analysis. The data were presented in the form of tables. The collected data were analyzed using several steps. First, the cultural specific items on the words and phrases level were identified. Then, the number of data was reduced based on specific criteria such as excluding repetitions and cultural specific items with similar structures or patterns. The cultural specific items were then classified based on Table 1 (Newmark, 1988;

Howard, 2009 in Brasiene, 2013; Mikutyte, 2005).

After the cultural specific items were identified, three raters were asked to assess the accuracy of each translation. The raters must fulfill the required criteria based on Nababan’s (2012) proposal. Raters must be professional translators with



translation experience of scientific text from Indonesian into English, have excellent translation competences in language, discourse, field of science, culture, strategy and language transfer as well as have declarative knowledge and understand the good translation procedures. The raters rated the translation accuracy based on Nababan’s (2012) assessment instrument for translation accuracy.

Table 3. Rubrics for Translation Accuracy (Nababan, 2012)

Category of Qualitative Parameters Translation Accurate Meanings of words, technical terms, phrases, clauses, sentences or texts from the source language are translated accurately into the target language; there is no meaning distortion. Less accurate Most of the meanings of words, technical terms, phrases, clauses, sentences or texts from the source language are translated accurately into the target language. However, there are still some meaning distortions or translation with double meanings or deleted meanings which do not convey the wholeness or integrity of the message. Inaccurate Meanings of words, technical terms, phrases, clauses, sentences or texts from the source language are translated inaccurately into the target language or deleted.

Using the rubric, raters were given several weeks, depending on their capacities, to rate the translations of cultural specific items. A few numbers of the cultural specific items were given researcher’s note (RN), so the researcher can add additional information that the raters need to know. These notes include information about abbreviations of cultural specific items that may be difficult to find on the internet or any misspelled words. Before assessing the translations, the raters were informed that the translations are for diorama texts and targeted for



foreign tourists who visit Fort Vredeburg Museum. Table 3 shows the appearance of assessment table that raters must complete.

Table 4. Assessment Table of Translation Accuracy of Cultural Specific Items for Raters

Indonesian English Accuracy* No. Cultural Cultural specific Utterance specific Utterance AC LA IN items items

* AC = accurate, LA = less accurate, IN = inaccurate

From the scores given by the raters, the translation accuracy can be determined. First, the percentages of accurate, less accurate and inaccurate translations from each rater were calculated. Then, the average percentages of accurate, less accurate and inaccurate translations from three raters were calculated. To make sure that the assessment result is reliable and consistent, the inter-rater reliability was also calculated. Krippendorff (2004) stated that “a research procedure is reliable when it responds to the same phenomena in the same way regardless of the circumstances of its implementation” (p. 211). To deal with reliability, Krippendorff proposed alpha (α) agreement for coding with range

0 ≤ α ≤ 1; 0 indicates the absence of reliability and 1 indicates perfect reliability.

Krippendorff’s alpha is suitable for the research data since it is applicable to any number of values per variable and any number of observers –or in this research, raters. Another possible alternative to calculate inter-rater reliabilitiy is using

Cronbach’s alpha. However, this calculation is not used because Cronbach’s alpha



cannot respond well to absolute differences while some of the data contain absolute differences due to the different translation ideologies between the raters.

After the raters provide the assessment results, the alpha for many nominal categories (accurate, less accurate and inaccurate) and many observers (three raters) was calculated to find out the reliability of the assessment from the three raters.

After that, non-equivalent translations were identified. The results from the raters’ assessments were also considered to identify the non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items. The reasons why the translations are considered as non-equivalent and their alternative translations were provided.

These alternative translations were analyzed using Molina and Albir’s (2002) techniques that had been adapted as described on the literature review section.

Both alternative translations and techniques were then tabulated as observed in

Table 5. The cultural specific items are written in bold.

Table 5. Table of Alternative Translations and Translation Techniques

Indonesian English No. Cultural Cultural Alternative Translation specific Utterance specific Utterance Translation Technique items items

Last, the results of the analysis were analyzed and concluded. Alternative translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items were determined. The most common used translation techniques were also identified.





This section discusses the findings and analysis of the translations of cultural specific items in diorama texts located in Fort Vredeburg Museum. There are three discussions in this section which cover the translation accuracy of cultural specific items, non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items and their alternative translations as well as alternative translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items.

A. Translation Accuracy of Cultural Specific Items

To assess the accuracy of translations of cultural specific items in the diorama texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum, three raters with qualified translation experiences were asked to rate 237 cultural specific items in 301 data. The assessments from the three raters for each datum can be seen in Appendix 1.

To ensure that the assessments from three raters are reliable,

Krippendorff’s (2004) alpha for many observers and many nominal categories was used to calculate its inter-rater reliability. Since there are three raters, the number of observers is three. Meanwhile, nominal category represents each datum, so there are 301 nominal categories. From the calculation, it is observed that the value of Krippendorff’s alpha for the assessments is 0.88 with 0 indicates no reliability and 1 indicates perfect reliability. However, this number alone does not imply that the data are reliable. Therefore, Krippendorff stated that there is an



achieved agreement between researchers that they should “rely only on variables with reliabilities above α = 0.800” (p. 241). Based on this agreement, the assessments from the three raters are considered as reliable because it is higher than 0.800; thus it can be used to assess the translations of cultural specific items.

Table 6. Translation Accuracy of Cultural Specific Items in Fort Vredeburg Museum

No. Assessment Accuracy (%) 1. Accurate 50.61 2. Less accurate 22.04 3. Inaccurate 27.35 Total 100.00

Table 6 shows the translation accuracy of cultural specific items in Fort

Vredeburg Museum based on three raters’ assessments. There are about 50.61% accurate translations, 22.04% less accurate translations and 27.35% inaccurate translations. It is observed that approximately almost half of the translations are less accurate and inaccurate. Therefore, the existing translations of cultural specific items may need to be improved and provided with some suggestions.

More detailed assessment results based on the classification of cultural specific items can be seen in Table 7.



Table 7. Translation Accuracy Based on the Classification of Cultural Specific Items

Classification of Accurate Less accurate Inaccurate Total No. Cultural specific items (%) (%) (%) (%) 1 Honorific 88.17 11.83 0.00 100.00 2 Institution and school 75.00 0.00 25.00 100.00 3 Tool 65.00 15.00 20.00 100.00 4 Administrative-territorial 100.00 64.28 14.29 21.43 division 5 Currency and non-material 100.00 60.00 10.00 30.00 culture 6 Building and place 50.00 23.33 26.67 100.00 7 Military reality 45.08 25.00 29.92 100.00 8 Historical event, period and 100.00 43.81 27.62 28.57 system 9 Government and organization 32.31 27.69 40.00 100.00

It can be seen from Table 7 that some classifications of cultural specific items do not have high translation accuracy. Honorific (88.17%) has the highest accuracy, followed by institution and school (75.00%). The translation accuracy of tool (65.00%), administrative-territorial division (64.28%) and currency and non-material culture (60.00%) are average as the numbers are still above 50.00%.

However, the translation accuracy for historical event, period and system

(43.81%), military reality (45.08%), building and place (50.00%) as well as government and organization (32.31%) is or below 50.00%, which is quite low. In line with the level of accuracy, currency and non-material culture (10.00%), honorific (11.83%), administrative-territorial division (14.29%) and tool (15.00%) have less accurate translation less than 20.00%. Only institution and school has no less accurate translation. On the other hand, the other four classifications which include building and place (23.33%) military reality (25.00%), historical event,



period and system (27.62%) and government and organization (27.69%) have less accurate translations more than 20.00%. Even though the number of less accurate translations is below 30.00%, the average number of inaccurate translations is higher. Almost all of the classifications of cultural specific items have inaccurate translations equal to or more than 20.00%. Only honorific has no inaccurate translation. Tool has 20.00%, administrative-territorial division has 21.43%, institution and school has 25.00%, building and place has 26.67%, historical event, period and system has 28.57%, military reality has 29.92% and currency and non-material culture has 30.00% inaccurate translations. Furthermore, government and organization has the highest level of inaccuracy with 40.00%.

While there are disagreements in some data, there are several data which are considered as accurate by all raters. Examples of accurate translations include

KMB or Konferensi Meja Bundar which is translated into ‘Round Table

Conference’, Konferensi Rencana Colombo which is translated into ‘Colombo

Plan Conference’, Seminar Nasional Pancasila Pertama which is translated into

‘1st National Seminar of Pancasila’ and Palang Merah Indonesia which is translated into ‘Indonesian Red Cross (PMI)’. Almost all of the translations that are considered as accurate have established equivalent in the target language.

According to Molina and Albir (2002), established equivalent is similar to recognized translation where the translation is acknowledged by the language in use or dictionary. The four examples given above also have their established equivalents. Therefore, the translations tend to be accurate.



A translation is considered as less accurate when there are some meaning distortions, double meanings or when the translation is not complete (Nababan,

2012). One of the examples of less accurate translations is Pangsar or Panglima

Besar which is translated into ‘Supreme’. This translation is incomplete because there is no translation of Panglima. The translation should be ‘Supreme

Commander’. Another example of less accurate translation is senam “Taiso” which is translated into ‘Japanese exercise Taisso’. This translation is ambiguous because Taiso is not a name of exercise, but a Japanese word for exercise. To avoid any meaning distortion, the translation should add comma and reverse the phrases ‘Japanese exercise’ and ‘Taiso’. The translation then becomes ‘Taiso,

Japanese exercise’. Meaning distortion also occurs in the translation of Museum

Pusat TNI AD Dharma Wiratama which is translated into ‘Central Museum of

TNI AD Dharma Wiratama’. The cultural specific item actually refers to Museum

/ Pusat TNI AD Dharma Wiratama instead of Museum Pusat / TNI AD Dharma

Wiratama. Therefore, the translation should be ‘Dharma Wiratama Central Army


According to Table 7, the number of inaccurate translations is high. An example of it is Trikora or Tri Komando Rakyat which is translated into ‘Three

Demands of the People (Trikora)’. The inaccurate translation can be observed in the word ‘Demands’. ‘Demand’ means tuntutan and not komando. The translation should be ‘Three Commands of People’. Moreover, there is another cultural specific item that should use ‘Demand’ in its translation, which is Tritura or Tri

Tuntutan Rakyat. These two cultural specific items are completely different.



Therefore, the translation is considered as inaccurate. Another example of inaccurate translation is Pepera (Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat) which is translated into ‘referendum’. This translation generalizes the cultural specific item.

Throughout Indonesian history, there are many referendums, and one of them is

Pepera. Therefore, the translation of this cultural specific item should not be generalized. Pepera actually has a specific term in English which is Act of Free

Choice or Act of No Choice because the referendum aims to give Indonesian people free choice, but in truth, it gives Indonesian people no choice. Therefore, this referendum is known as Act of Free Choice or Act of No Choice in the target language. Cultural specific items Pelda or Pembantu Letnan dua and Peltu or

Pembantu Letnan Satu are both translated into ‘Private’. These translations are completely wrong because private refers to another military rank. The translations should be ‘Second Lieutenant Assistant’ and ‘First Lieutenant Assistant’.

From the findings, it can also be observed that the translations of several classifications of cultural specific items need more improvement than the others.

The level of difficulty of each classification of cultural specific items may influence the percentage of accuracy. For example, honorific, school and institution may be easier to translate than government and organization. Cultural specific items related to honorific such as bapak, ibu, nyonya and ki can be translated easily compared to cultural specific items related to government and organization such as peraturan pemerintah, Dekrit presiden, Majelis Syuro

Muslimin Indonesia and Persatuan Pamong Desa Indonesia. Thus, the translation accuracy for honorific is high, while the latter one is low. However, whether the



translations of cultural specific items are considered as easy or not are directly related to the translator’s knowledge and experience. It is possible that the translator considers some classifications of cultural specific items as more difficult and complex than the others because of the lack of knowledge and experience in the particular fields. The absence of established equivalents may also cause inaccuracy in translation. For example, historical events such as Pekan

Olahraga Nasional, Konferensi Asia Afrika and Agresi Militer Belanda II tend to have established equivalents which are ‘First National Sports Week’, ‘Asian-

Africa Conference’ and ‘Dutch Military Aggression II’. However, local organizations such as Masyumi, Persatuan Pamong Desa and Gabungan Pemuda

Indonesia do not have established equivalents.

Furthermore, there are also several difficulties in assessing and providing alternative translations of cultural specific items. These difficulties may also be the reasons why the translator of diorama texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum had some problems in translation that caused the translations to be non-equivalent to the source text.

The first difficulty is related to different translation ideology. According to

Venuti (1995), there are two types of ideologies that a translator has, which are domestication and foreignization. As the name suggest, domestication refers to translation that does not feel like translated and foreignization refers to translation that brings another culture into the target language. Ideology becomes a problem in the raters’ assessments because different raters may believe in different ideologies. For example, based on the assessments, two raters believe that pure



borrowing of an acronym or abbreviation without any additional information is accurate, while the other believes that the translation should include additional information about the acronym or abbreviation. For example, based on foreignization ideology, TKR can be translated into ‘TKR’ because the translator brings foreign component into the target language. Based on domestication ideology, TKR can be translated into ‘People's Security Army’ because the translator domesticates the cultural specific item. Combination of domestication and foreignization influences the translation into ‘TKR (People's Security Army)’.

Therefore, difference in translation ideology may cause a slight difference in the assessment results.

Another difficulty in assessing the translations is the absence of established equivalent for the cultural specific items. Dealing with cultural specific items is a little bit tricky since there is no established equivalent or dictionary of recognized translation for the cultural specific items. The translations of events or organization which are famous in the world, such as

Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa or ‘United Nations’ can be found easily on various references. However, local cultural specific items may not have established equivalent. The absence of established equivalent for these local cultural specific items then leads to various alternative translations. One translator and another may translate it differently while both translations are correct. Therefore, the opinion whether a translation for a cultural specific item is the most accurate translation or not can be highly subjective.



Limited reference is also one of the difficulties for translator and raters.

Since the events written in the diorama texts had already happened years ago, there are limited offline and online references that translator and raters can find.

Even though online references can be accessed easily, there are only a few articles, pages or websites that discuss Indonesian history deeply. Meanwhile, possible offline references include history text books and other books that discuss

Indonesian history. These references may not be available for the raters. Looking for the meanings and definitions of the cultural specific items proves to be daunting. Not only are these cultural specific items unfamiliar to most people, some cultural specific items are not used anymore, such as RPKAD which stands for Resimen Pasukan Komando Angkatan Darat, Sub-Wehkreise which is a defense operational unit and Komodor Muda Udara which is a military rank that is no longer used. With the limited references, it is possible if the translator and raters do not understand the cultural specific items correctly.

Another difficulty that should be noted is the ‘evolving’ reference. Since there is no established equivalent or translation for the cultural specific items, raters have to look for other references online or from book. While the data in book are static, the data on the internet are always evolving. A new reference may appear anytime. This issue is mentioned by some of the raters. As the data are

‘evolving’, the references that they read today may be different with the same references they read on the following day. Therefore, it is important to always keep updated with the online references.



Due to the above reasons, a problem raises –inconsistency in translation.

There are a lot of inconsistencies found in the data. As described in the previous sections, same cultural specific item is translated differently in different parts of the texts. For example, TKR which stands for Tentara Keamanan Rakyat is translated into ‘TKR’, ‘People Security Armed Forces (TKR)’ and ‘Tentara

Keamanan Rakyat (People Security Forces)’. Indeed, there may be more than one alternative translation for each cultural specific item, but consistency is still important to keep the translation consistent and clear. Foreign readers may not know that ‘People Security Armed Forces’ is synonymous to ‘TKR’ while reading the history of Indonesian independence. The inconsistency turns out to be one of the challenges faced by the researcher and raters.

In short, only around half of the translations are considered as accurate by the three raters. The translations of several classifications of cultural specific items need more improvement compared to the other classifications. The non- equivalent translations can be caused by several reasons, such as lack of knowledge and experience as a translator, different translation ideology, the absence of established equivalent, limited references, evolving online references and inconsistency in the translation.

B. Non-equivalent Translations of Cultural Specific Items

The non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items include less accurate and inaccurate translations determined based on the assessment results from the three raters. With the high percentage of less accurate and inaccurate



translations, there are a great number of non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items in the diorama texts. This section describes the non-equivalent translations in the utterance, discusses the reason why these translations are considered as non-equivalent as well as provides the alternative translations for them.

1. Historical Event, Period and System

This classification includes cultural specific items related to historical event, period and system. They refer to words or phrases that bear historical importance.


SL: Pada tahun 1977, gagasan tentang Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila yang telah terhimpun diajukan ke Sidang Umum MPR untuk dibahas. TL: In 1977, the idea of The Guidance of Pancasila Practice was discussed in General Meeting of Legislative Assembly.

MPR stands for Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat which is a legislative body of Republic of Indonesia. The translation ‘Legislative Assembly’ refers to a meeting of legislative body. However, it is not equivalent to MPR as MPR is only one of Indonesian legislative bodies. On the other hand, sidang refers to a kind of meeting held by government bodies. Even though sidang can be considered as a meeting, its equivalent translation is ‘session’ in the field of government and law.

The alternative translation for this cultural specific item is ‘General Session of

People's Consultative Assembly’.




SL: Tanggal 21-30 Maret 1968 digelar Sidang Umum MPRS. TL: From March 21 to 30, 1968 the General Assembly of People's Consultative Assembly was held.


SL: Selanjutnya, sidang istimewa MPRS tahun 1967 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai pejabat presiden dan pada sidang umum MPRS tanggal 21-30 Maret 1968 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai Presiden RI. TL: (no translation)

In (2), the phrase Sidang Umum MPRS is translated into ‘General

Assembly of People’s Consultative Assembly’. MPRS stands for Majelis

Permusyawaratan Rakyat Sementara. This translation is not equivalent as there is no translation for sementara. Furthermore, there is no translation for (3). Similar to the previous datum, Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat is a legislative body of

Republic of Indonesia, while sementara here refers to temporary status of the body. Therefore, the alternative translation should be ‘General Session of

Temporary People's Consultative Assembly’.


SL: Selanjutnya, sidang istimewa MPRS tahun 1967 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai pejabat presiden dan pada sidang umum MPRS tanggal 21-30 Maret 1968 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai Presiden RI. TL: (no translation)

Almost the same with the alternative translation for the previous data, sidang istimewa MPRS in (4) can be translated into ‘Special Session of

Temporary People's Consultative Assembly’. As there is no translation for the cultural specific item, the translation is not equivalent.




SL: Peristiwa G30SPKI di Yogyakarta TL: The Communist Rebellion in Yogyakarta


SL: Pidato Presiden tentang penjelasan peristiwa G30S yang berjudul "Nawaksara" tidak memberikan kepuasan publik, sehingga memicu terjadinya aksi demonstrasi menentang presiden. TL: The speech of the President about the event G30S entitled "Nawaksara" does not give public satisfaction which provoking demonstrations agains the president.


SL: Peristiwa G30S (Gerakan 30 September 1965) menjadi awal bangkitnya Orde Baru. TL: The affair of G30S (30 September Movement 1965) became the beginning of the rise of .

There are three non-equivalent translations for G30SPKI which can also be referred to G30S or Gerakan 30 September 1965. G30SPKI stands for Gerakan 30

September Partai Komunis Indonesia. It refers to one of the events where Partai

Komunis Indonesia (Indonesian Communist Party) rebelled. However, G30SPKI is a specific event that happened on September 30, 1965, so generalizing the event into ‘communist rebellion’ as in (5) is not equivalent. The cultural specific item

(6) should also not be translated into G30S without giving any information about the event. The readers are foreign people who do not understand the meaning of

G30S. Therefore, the translation should provide information about the event even though the source text does not provide the information. The last translation in (7) has mistake on word order. Instead of translating Gerakan 30 September 1965



into ‘30 September Movement 1965’, it should be ‘September 30th 1965

Movement’. The year 1965 should be written together with the date and month, not separated with the word ‘Movement’. The alternative translation for G30SPKI is ‘G30S/PKI (September 30th Movement of Indonesian Communist Party)’.


SL: Rapat Kebulatan Tekad Penumpasan G30SPKI TL: The mass meeting related with the extermination of Communist rebellion

Rapat Kebulatan Tekad Penumpasan G30SPKI is a general meeting to discuss the extermination of September 30th Movement of Indonesian Communist

Party. Similar to the previous non-equivalent translation, G30SPKI in (8) should not be generalized into ‘Communist rebellion’. The cultural specific item Rapat

Kebulatan Tekad cannot be translated literally into English because the literal translation will not make any sense. Thus, the translator can use short description to describe the meaning of Rapat Kebulatan Tekad which implies that the members of the meeting are determined to exterminate the movement. The complete translation should be ‘The mass meeting about extermination of

G30S/PKI (September 30th Movement of Indonesian Communist Party)’.


SL: Gerak jalan massal mengikuti pawai bendera PON I dari Yogyakarta menuju Solo melalui Jalan Tugu Kidul (sekarang Jalan Pangeran Mangkubumi) TL: Long parade walking to follow PON I flag parade from Yogyakarta to Solo passed through Tugu Kidul Street (now Pangeran Mangkubumi Street).



PON is an abbreviation of Pekan Olahraga Nasional. It refers to a sport competition in national level. The above translation uses pure borrowing to translate the cultural specific item, but does not provide any information about the event. The target readers may not understand the meaning of PON without additional information. Therefore, the alternative translation is ‘PON I (First

National Sports Week)’ which uses calque to translate the event.


SL: Tanggal 19 Desember 1961, dalam rapat raksasa di Yogyakarta, Presiden Soekarno mencanangkan Trikora (Tri Komando Rakyat). TL: On December 19, 1961, in a mass meeting in Yogyakarta, President Sukarno declared Trikora (Tri Command of the People).


SL: Puncaknya adalah dicanangkannya Trikora tahun 1961. TL: The top moment was the declaration of Three Demands of the People (Trikora) in 1961.

Trikora is an acronym for Tri Komando Rakyat. It refers to a military operation to unite Papua which contains three commands of Indonesian people.

The translator translated Trikora into ‘Trikora (Tri Komando Rakyat)’ and ‘Three

Demands of the People (Trikora)’. The translation in (10) is not equivalent as the word Tri has not been translated into English. Tri means ‘three’. There is also a plurality problem. On the other hand, the latter translation in (11) is also not equivalent as ‘demand’ is not equivalent to komando. ‘Three Demands of the

People’ is the equivalent of Tri Tuntutan Rakyat (Tritura) which is a different event related to communist. Therefore, Trikora cannot be translated as ‘Three



Demands of the People’. The translation should be ‘Trikora (Three People’s

Commands)’ or ‘Trikora (Three Commands of People)’.


SL: Stasiun pemancar radio ini berhasil mengirimkan berita kesuksesan Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949 ke seluruh dunia secara berantai.... TL: It succeeded in widespreading the news of the Public Attack on March 1, 1949 by relaying through …


SL: Pada masa Agresi Belanda II, keris ini dipergunakan sebagai jimat dalam mengikuti Batalyon I SWK 102 di bawah pimpinan Mayor Sardjono dalam pertempuran Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949… TL: In dutch military aggression II, he used it as an amulet when he joint in Battalion 1 SWK 102 led by Major Sardjono, in general attack battlefield on March 1, 1949…

Serangan Umum is a planned offensive to attack Yogyakarta to show the world that Indonesia still had TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces). The cultural specific item is translated into ‘Public Attack on March 1, 1949’ and

‘general attack battlefield on March 1, 1949’. The translation ‘Public Attack’ in

(12) is not equivalent because Serangan Umum here does not attack public but refers to a general attack or offensive. The translation in (13) is also not equivalent because Serangan Umum is a name of an event not a battlefield. Therefore, the alternative translation is ‘General Offensive of March 1, 1949’.


SL: Presiden Soekarno membuka secara resmi Konferensi Tingkat Menteri pada tanggal 11 Nopember 1959 dalam rangkaian Konferensi Rencana Colombo XI TL: President Soekarno opened officially Conference on Minister Level on November 11, 1959 in the series of 11th Colombo Plan Conference




SL: Konferensi ini terbagi dalam dua bagian yaitu Konferensi Tingkat Ahli yang berlangsung pada tanggal 26 Oktober s/d 6 Nopember 1959 dan Konferensi Tingkat Menteri yang berlangsung pada tanggal 11-14 Nopember 1959. TL: This conference was divided into two parts that were Expert Level Conference held on October 26 - November 6, 1959 and Ministerial Level Conference held on November 11 - November 14, 1959.

There are two non-equivalent translations of cultural specific item

Konferensi Tingkat Menteri. The first translation in (14) is ‘Conference on

Minister Level’ and the second one in (15) is ‘Ministerial Level Conference’.

Both translations use calque to convey the meaning of each word. However, the cultural specific item Konferensi Tingkat Menteri actually has an equivalent in

English which is ‘Ministerial Conference’.


SL: Rencana Colombo lahir pada bulan Januari 1950 pada saat Konferensi Menteri Luar Negeri Negara Persemakmuran di Colombo, Sri Lanka. TL: The Colombo Plan was conceived in January 1950 when the Commonwealth Conference on Foreign Affairs Minister held in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Literally, the translation of Konferensi Menteri Luar Negeri into

‘Conference on Foreign Affairs Minister’ is correct. However, there is a plurality problem in ‘Affairs Minister’ which should be ‘Affair Ministers’ and the use of preposition ‘on’ which should be ‘of’. Moreover, this cultural specific item has an

English equivalent that is well-known by foreign people which is ‘Conference of

Foreign Ministers’.




SL: Pada tahun 1958 dilaksanakan Konferensi Tahunan Dewan Konsultatif Rencana Colombo X di Seattle, Amerika Serikat di mana salah satu keputusannya menunjuk Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah Konferensi Rencana Colombo XI. TL: In 1958, there was the Annual 10th Colombo Plan Conference on Consultative Council in Seattle, United States where one of the decisions was appointed Indonesia to be host country of the 11th Colombo Plan Conference.

The translation of Konferensi Tahunan Dewan Konsultatif Rencana

Colombo X into ‘Annual 10th Colombo Plan Conference on Consultative Council’ is not equivalent because of two mistakes. The word ‘annual’ should be put before

‘conference’ instead of before the ‘10th’. Moreover, the use of preposition ‘on’ implies that the conference discusses the Consultative Council, but is not held by the Consultative Council. Thus, preposition ‘of’ is more suitable than ‘on’. The translation should be ‘10th Colombo Plan Conference of Consultative Committee’ or ‘10th Colombo Plan Consultative Committee Meeting’ which is an equivalent used in the website


SL: Setelah diadakan Pepera (Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat) tahun 1969, Irian Barat secara resmi menjadi bagian dari NKRI. TL: After referendum in 1969, West Irian officially became part of the unitary nation of Indonesia.

Pepera is the acronym for Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat. The translation is not equivalent because Pepera cannot be generalized into ‘referendum’. It is a specific referendum made in 1969. Pepera has an equivalent in English which is

‘Pepera (Act of Free Choice)’. This equivalent uses discursive creation technique



which implies that Indonesian people wanted to declare their free choices.

However, due to the nature of the referendum and situation at that time, sometimes it is also called ‘Act of No Choice’.

2. Military Reality

There are five subclasses of military reality which are military organization, military unit, military headquarter, military rank, weapon and transportation.

a. Military Organization

These military organizations include both local and national organizations.


SL: Bersatunya TNI dan rakyat TL: The unity between Indonesian National Army and people

TNI stands for Tentara Nasional Indonesia. ‘Indonesian National Army’ is not the equivalent translation because army only refers to military land forces, but

TNI include army, navy and air forces. The alternative translation for TNI is

‘Indonesian National Armed Forces’.


SL: Mereka bergabung dalam laskar-laskar, bergabung dengan tentara Republik Indonesia. TL: They grouped in paramilitary and Indonesian National Army.



Similar to the explanation above, ‘army’ refers to military land forces.

Moreover, Tentara Republik Indonesia is not Tentara Nasional Indonesia. The suggested translation is ‘TRI (Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces)’.


SL: Pangsar Soedirman memberi amanat setelah acara konferensi TKR yang memutuskan beliau sebagai Panglima Besar TL: The Great Commander General Soedirman was giving mandate after his inauguration in TKR conference


SL: Ketika BKR diintegrasikan menjadi TKR, BKR Udara dengan sendirinya menjadi TKR Udara. TL: When BKR was renamed into People Security Armed Forces (TKR), the Air Force BKR was also renamed into Air Force TKR.


SL: TKR dibentuk pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1945. TL: Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (People Security Forces), also known as TKR, was established on October 5, 1945.

Cultural specific item TKR stands for Tentara Keamanan Rakyat. There are three different translations used by the translator in different utterances which are ‘TKR’, ‘People Security Armed Forces (TKR)’ and ‘Tentara Keamanan

Rakyat (People Security Forces)’. To provide better understanding to foreign readers in (21), aside from using pure borrowing, calque translation for the cultural specific item can be used. The translations in (22) and (23) should use apostrophe in ‘People’ as they refer to security armed forces of the people.

Moreover, the translations of the same cultural specific item should be consistent throughout the text. Therefore, the translation of TKR should be TKR (People’s



Security Armed Forces)’ and translation of TKR Udara should be ‘TKR Udara

(People's Security Air Forces)’.


SL: Tanggal 1 Januari 1946 TKR diubah menjadi Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat. TL: It was then renamed Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat (People Salvation Forces) on January 1, 1946.

Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat is almost the same with Tentara Keamanan

Rakyat because basically these two military armed forces are same, but underwent a name change at that time. The translation of Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat into

‘People Salvation Forces’ is not entirely equivalent because keselamatan here does not mean ‘salvation’. It refers to the safety of people. Therefore, the suggested translation is ‘TKR (People’s Safety Armed Forces)’.


SL: Rakyat yang sebagian besar pemuda pelajar dan BKR mengadakan kontak senjata dengan tentara Jepang di Kotabaru (markas Batalyon Kido, atau Kido Butai) TL: People, mostly young students and BKR, were holding guns in the battle against the Japanese troops in Kotabaru (Kido Battalion camp or Kido Butai)


SL: Sebagai embrio dibentuklah BKR (Badan Keamanan Rakyat) pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1945. TL: On August 22, 1945, as the initial military body, Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR) or People Secutiry Agency was established under Kasman Singadimeja's leadership.




SL: Dengan terbentuknya BKR pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1945 maka di daerah yang terdapat pangkalan udara dibentuk pula BKR Udara. TL: With the formation of People Secutiry Agency (BKR) on August 22, 1945, the Airforce BKR was also established in every area.

There are several occurrences of BKR or Badan Keamanan Rakyat in the data. In (25), the translator used pure borrowing to translate BKR. In (26) and

(27), the translator tried to literally translate BKR, but make a misspelling mistake on ‘Secutiry’. The translation of BKR should be ‘BKR (People’s Security

Agencies)’. Moreover, for BKR Udara, the translation becomes ‘BKR Udara

(Peoples’ Security Air Forces)’.


SL: Pada tanggal 29 September 1945 Tentara AFNEI mendarat di , AFNEI bertugas melucuti dan mengembalikan tentara Jepang ke daerah asalnya… TL: On 29 September 1945 AFNEI (Allied Forces for Netherlands East Indies) Forces landed on Jakarta. AFNEI had the obligations to disarm the Japanese Military forces and returned them to their hometown…

AFNEI is an English abbreviation for Allied Forces for Netherlands East

Indies. The translation of AFNEI in the datum above is slightly incorrect because there are double uses of ‘forces’. AFNEI already refers to allied forces, so there is no need to add additional ‘forces’ behind the name. Therefore, the translation should be ‘AFNEI (Allied Forces for Netherlands East Indies)’.


SL: Latihan Kemiliteran PETA / HEIHO / Anak-anak Sekolah / Seinendan / Keibodan TL: Military training for PETA / HEIHO / School Children / Seinendan / Keibodan



While PETA, Heiho, Seinendan and Keibodan are always mentioned together, these four military organizations are different. PETA is the acronym of

Pembela Tanah Air, Keibodan is a police assistant, Seinendan is a youth corps and Heiho is an auxiliary troops. Therefore, it is suggested that the translation does not only use pure borrowing, but also other translation techniques to describe the meaning of each organization. The alternative translations for the military organizations are ‘PETA (Patriot Military Unit)’, ‘Heiho (Auxiliary Troops)’,

‘Seinendan (Youth Corps)’ and ‘Keibodan (Police Assistant)’.


SL: Tanggal 18 November 1957 diadakan rapat umum pembebasan Irian Barat, dan tanggal 10 Februari 1958 dibentuklah Front Pembebasan Irian Barat. TL: In 18 November 1957 was held general meeting for liberation of West Irian. In February 10, 1958 was established the West Irian Liberation Front of Irian.

In the translation of Front Pembebasan Irian Barat, there are double uses of ‘Irian’, thus making the translation redundant. The suitable translation can be achieved by omitting ‘Irian’ at the end of the translation. Thus, the translation should be ‘West Irian Liberation Front’.

b. Military Unit

Military unit includes various units, such as regiment, battalion, division, command, etc.




SL: Oleh karena itu, di tingkat kabupaten dibentuk KDM (Komando Distrik Militer), tingkat kecamatan sampai dengan kelurahan dibentuk KODM (Komando Onder Distrik Militer). TL: Because of that, each district had KDM (military district command) included in each village and territory (KODM/Komando Onder Distrik Militer).

There are two cultural specific items in (31) which are KDM and KODM.

The translation of KDM into ‘KDM (Military District Command)’ is accurate.

However, the translation of KODM into ‘KODM (Komando Onder Distrik

Militer)’ needs additional information in English about what KODM is. Moreover, the translation should be consistent. If the first cultural specific item is translated, the second one should also be translated similarly. Onder is equivalent to subdistrict. This term was used in the past, but is not used nowadays. Therefore, the alternative translation of KODM is ‘KODM (Military Subdistrict Command)’.


SL: Pedang itu dipergunakan oleh Bapak Hardi Suwarno saat bertugas sebagai anggota ODM/Onder Distrik Militer daerah Wonolelo, Pleret, Bantul. TL: The sword was used by Mr. Hardi Suwarno as Onder District Military (ODM) soldier in Wonolelo, Pleret, Bantul as a protecting weapon.

Similar to the previous datum, the translation of ODM into ‘Onder District

Military’ is not equivalent. Onder is equivalent to subdistrict, not district. Thus, the translation should be ‘ODM (Subdistrict Military)’.


SL: Pasukan RPKAD pada tanggal 19 Oktober 1965 bergerak menuju Yogyakarta. TL: RPKAD Army moved to Yogyakarta on October 19, 1965.



RPKAD is an abbreviation for Resimen Pasukan Komando Angkatan

Darat. The translation above uses pure borrowing, but it does not tell anything about the division to the readers. Therefore, additional information or calque translation in English is needed. The suggested translation is ‘RPKAD (Army

Command Forces Regiment)’.


SL: Tahun 1945, Suyatman masuk BKR Batalyon I Kompi Sardjono. TL: In 1945, Suyatman joined BKR (People Security's Forces) Battalion I Company Sardjono.

The translation of BKR in the sentence above is incorrect because the placement of apostrophe is wrong and ‘People’s Security Forces’ refers to TKR.

The translation should be ‘People’s Security Agencies’. To make the translation clearer, the translation of Batalyon I can be placed in front of BKR. Thus, the translation becomes ‘Battalion I of BKR (People’s Security Agencies)’.


SL: Kolonel Widodo yang diberi tugas mengamankan Yogyakarta berhasil merebut kembali markas Korem 072 pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1965. TL: Colonel Widodo who was ordered to secure Yogyakarta occupied successfully the Military Headquarter of 072 Regiment on October 4, 1965.

Korem is an acronym for Komando Resort Militer. The translator used

‘Regiment’ to convey the meaning of Korem. This translation is incomplete because Korem is not a regiment. The suitable translation for the cultural specific item is ‘072 Military Resort Command’.




SL: Korban pemberontakan PKI di Yogyakarta adalah Kolonel Katamso (Danrem 072) dan Letkol Sugiyono (Kasrem 072). TL: The victims of communist rebellion in Yogyakarta were Colonel Katamso (072 Regiment Commandant) and Lieutenant Colonel Sugiyono (072 Regiment Vice Commandant).

Danrem is an acronym for Komandan Korem, while Kasrem is an acronym for Kepala Staf Korem. Both of the translations are incorrect because as described above, Korem is not a regiment. From the previous analysis, the alternative translation of Korem is ‘Military Resort Command’. Therefore, the translation of Danrem becomes ‘072 Military Resort Commander’, while the translation of Kasrem is ‘072 Chief of Staff of Military Resort Command’.


SL: Bung Hata menyambut datangnya Pasukan Hijrah yang baru saja tiba di Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta TL: Mr. Hatta welcomed the arrival of the moving soldiers which recently arrived at Tugu railways station in Yogyakarta.

Pasukan Hijrah is actually a name that is given due to the nature of the soldiers. This division always moves and does not stay at one place. The real name of the division is Siliwangi. To avoid any confusion in the translation, it is suggested that the real name is used, followed by short description of why the division is named Pasukan Hijrah. Thus, the translation suggestion is ‘Siliwangi

Division, a mobile military division’.


SL: Rumah Wongsodirjo (ayah Suyatman) di Jogodayuh, Sumbermulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul pad tahun 1948-1949 dipakai sebagai dapur umum dan markas ARMED yang waktu itu dipimpin ole Kapten Oesodo.



TL: The house of Wongsodirjo (Suyatman's father) in Bantul was used as the headquarter of ARMED (artillery division) led by Captain Oesodo and community kitchen.

The cultural specific item in (38) is ARMED which is an acronym for

Artileri Medan. ARMED is one of military divisions in Indonesian army. Even though the translation of ARMED into ‘artillery division’ can be considered as correct, this cultural specific item has an equivalent in English which is ‘field artillery’. It refers to mobile artillery that supports other armies in the field. The alternative translation for this cultural specific item is ‘ARMED (Field Artillery)’.

c. Military Headquarter

Cultural specific items that are included in this section are military headquarters.


SL: Demi keamanan, Markas Besar Komando Djawa (MBKD) dibawah pimpinan Kolonel Abdul Haris Nasution dipindahkan ke Banjarsari, Kalibawang, Kulonprogo. TL: For the sake of security, Java Military Command Post (MBKD) that led by Colonel Abdul Haris Nasution was moved to Banjarsari, Kalibawang, Kulonprogo.

Markas besar refers to headquarter or main quarter of military.

Headquarter is not equivalent to post because headquarter is in charge of several military posts. Thus, the translation ‘Java Military Command Post (MBKD)’ is not equivalent. The alternative translation is ‘MBKD (Java Command





SL: Markas Besar Umum TKR Yogyakarta (sekarang Museum Pusat TNI AD Dharma Wiratama) Jl. Jendral Soedirman Yogyakarta TL: Indonesian Armed Forces headquarters Yogyakarta (now is Central Museum of TNI AD Dharma Wiratama), Jenderal Soedirman Street Yogyakarta

Similar to the previous datum, markas besar can be translated into

‘headquarter’ and TKR, which stands for Tentara Keamanan Rakyat, can be translated into ‘People’s Security Armed Forces’. The translation ‘Indonesian

Armed Forces’ is not equivalent to TKR because it refers to TNI or Tentara

Nasional Indonesia. The translation suggestion for this cultural specific item is

‘People’s Security Armed Forces Headquarter’ or ‘TKR (People’s Security

Armed Forces) Headquarter’.

d. Military Rank

This section discusses the non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items related to military rank.


SL: Kolonel Sarwo Edhie Wibowo (Komandan RPKAD) memberikan penjelasan kepada mahasiswa UI (Universitas Indonesia) terkait tugas penumpasan gerakan G30S. TL: Colonel Sarwo Edhie Wibowo (Commander of Special Forces) give an explanation to the students of University of Indonesia related the task of crushing the movement G30S.

The cultural specific item RPKAD is an abbreviation for Resimen Pasukan

Komando Angkatan Darat. RPKAD is an organization of army, so it is definitely not a special force. Therefore, this organization can be translated into ‘Army



Command Forces Regiment’, so the complete translation of komandan RPKAD is

‘commander of RPKAD (Army Command Forces Regiment)’.


SL: Jenderal Soedirman dilantik sebagai Panglima Besar TNI oleh Presiden Soekarno, yang juga disertai dengan pelantikan pucuk pimpinan TNI yang lain TL: General Sudirman was sworn in as The Great Commander of the Indonesian National Military Forces by President Sukarno, who also swore other Military leaders.


SL: Letkol Mokoginto memberikan laporan tentang pelaksanaan hijrahnya TNI dari Jawa Barat ke Yogyakarta kepada Pangsar Jenderal Soedirman di Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta pada 11 Februari 1948 TL: Lieutenant Colonel Mokoginto reported to Supreme General Soedirman about the moving mission of Indonesian National Army based on to Yogyakarta after arrived at Tugu railways station in Yogyakarta on February 11, 1948.

The term Panglima Besar or Pangsar is actually a unique rank in

Indonesia. Therefore, there is no specific established equivalent for the rank, but the closest alternative translation is ‘Supreme Commander’ or ‘Great

Commander’. The translation is incomplete because Pangsar in (43) is translated into only ‘Supreme’. TNI can be translated as ‘Indonesian National Armed

Forces’. The complete translation for (42) is ‘Supreme Commander of Indonesian

National Armed Forces’ and for (43) is ‘Supreme Commander’.


SL: Panglima TNI dijabat oleh Panglima Besar Angkatan Perang Jenderal Soedirman.



TL: The highest commands was held by the Great Commander of Batlle Forces, General Sudirman.

Datum (44) is similar to (42) and (43). The difference is that this cultural specific item contains the phrase Angkatan Perang. Moreover, the translation has misspelling on the word ‘battle’. Therefore, the suggested translation for this cultural specific item is ‘Supreme Commander of Armed Forces’.


SL: Dalam menghadapi agresi militer Belanda II, PTTD (Panglima Tentara Teritorium Djawa) Kolonel A. H. Nasution mengeluarkan Maklumat No. 1/MBKD/1948 tanggal 25 Desember 1948 yang berisi berlakunya pemerintahan militer untuk seluruh Jawa. TL: To encounter dutch military aggression II, PTTD (the Army Commander of Djava Territory), Colonel A. H. Nasution, issued a declaration No.1/MBKD/1948 on December 25, 1948. The declaration stated that the valid of military government in Java.


SL: Setelah Yogyakarta dikuasai Belanda tahun 1948, Markas PTTD (Panglima Tentara Teritorium Djawa) dipindahkan ke Desa Kepurun, Manisrenggo, Klaten, Jateng dan dikenal dengan MBKD (Markas Besar Komando Djawa) Pos X-1. TL: After Yogyakarta was fully occupied by Dutch in 1948, the headquarter of PTTD was moved outside Yogyakarta to Kepurun, Manisrenggo, Klaten, Jateng and known as MBKD (Markas Besar Komando Djawa/The Headquarter of Djawa Military Command) X-1 post.


SL: Kolonel AH Nasution pada masa itu menjabat sebagai Panglima Komando Djawa atau Panglima Tentara dan Teritorium Djawa (PTTD). TL: At that time, Colonel AH Nasution was a commander of Java command.



The cultural specific item PTTD (Panglima Tentara Teritorium Djawa) is one of the phrases that often appear in the data. There are three different translations in the data which are ‘PTTD (the Army Commander of Djava

Territory)’, ‘PTTD’ and ‘a commander of Java command’. PTTD actually refers to the commander of Tentara Teritorium Djawa which can be translated into ‘Java

Territorial Army’.

The translation in (45) is not accurate because the word order is incorrect.

It should be a commander of a territorial army instead of an army commander of a territory. The difference is that a commander of a territorial army leads reserve forces. There are various functions of the forces, but mainly to provide support to regular army. On the other hand, an army commander of a territory refers to a commander that leads army in a specific territory. So, these two translations are not equivalent. The translation in (46) uses pure borrowing to transfer the meaning without adding any information that can help foreign readers understand the cultural specific item. The last translation in (47) is also not equivalent because there are double uses of ‘command’ and the translation of teritorium is missing.

Therefore, the alternative translation for PTTD is ‘PTTD (Commander of Java

Territorial Army)’.


SL: Kedua korban tersebut diculik dan dibunuh secara kejam oleh Pelda Kamil atas perintah Peltu Sumardi pada tanggal 1 Oktober 1965 di komplek Batalyon L di Kentungan, Yogyakarta. TL: Both victims were kidnapped and killed cruelly by Private Kamil who was ordered by Private Sumardi on October 1, 1965 at L Battalion Complex in Kentungan, Yogyakarta.



In datum (48), there are two military ranks which are Pelda and Peltu.

Pelda is an acronym for Pembantu Letnan Dua and Peltu is an acronym for

Pembantu Letnan Satu. Pelda and Peltu have different ranks. Therefore, it is not accurate for both ranks to be translated into ‘Private’. Private is equivalent to prajurit in Indonesia, where it is considered as the lowest military rank

(Tamtama). Pelda and Peltu are considered as non-commissioned officers

(Bintara) that have higher rank than Private. Thus, the translations for both cultural specific items are inaccurate. The correct translation for Pelda is ‘Second

Lieutenant Assistant’ and Peltu is ‘First Lieutenant Assistant’.


SL: Para pejuang yang gugur antara lain Komodor Muda Udara Agustinus Adisucipto, Prof. Dr. Abdurakhman Saleh, Letnan Udara I Adisumarmo Wiyokusumo TL: The rest of fighters were killed such as Rear Commodore Augustinus Adisucipto, Prof. Dr. Abdurakhman Saleh, First Flight Lieutenant Adisumarmo Wiyokusumo.

There are several ranks that are not used anymore nowadays. One of them is Komodor Muda Udara. It is a senior commisioned rank that was used in the past. The translation is not equivalent because ‘Rear Commodore’ is a rank used in sailing, specifically yacht. It is not a rank for Air Forces. The suggested translation for Komodor Muda Udara is ‘Group Captain’ which is the equivalent rank in the target language.


SL: Ikut hadir pejabat Belanda, bangsawan Paku Alaman, Bupati Temanggung, Blora & Magelang, serta 6 opsir Legiun Mangkunegaran Solo.



TL: The Dutch officials, the nobles of Paku Alaman Palace, Regents of Temanggung, Blora and Magelang and 6 legionairy officers of Mangkunegaran Palace from Solo also joined the congress.

Opsir is one of Indonesian military ranks, while legiun refers to a troops consisting of 5,000-6,000 members. There is a misspelling on the translation of opsir legiun into ‘legionairy officers’. It should be ‘legionary/legion officers’.


SL: Pada tanggal 27 Oktober 1945, Kepala Staf Umum TKR Letjen Oerip Soemohardjo membentuk akademi militer nasional di Yogyakarta. TL: On October 27, 1945, Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. TKR Oerip Soemohardjo established a national Military Academy in Yogyakarta and as the Director was Major General R. Memet Rachman Ali Soewardi.

The translation of Kepala Staf Umum in (51) is accurate. However, TKR should also be given additional information so foreign readers know what TKR is.

As described in the previous data, TKR can be translated into ‘People’s Security

Armed Forces’. Thus, the translation of this cultural specific item should be

‘Chief of General Staff of TKR (People's Security Armed Forces)’. Moreover, the placement of rank ‘Lt. Gen.’ is incorrect. It should be placed directly before Oerip

Soemohardjo and after ‘TKR (People’s Security Armed Forces)’.


SL: Mayor Jenderal Soeharto dilantik sebagai Menteri/Panglima AD oleh Presiden Soekarno tanggal 16 Oktober 1965. TL: Major General Suharto was inaugurated as Minister/Commander of Land Force by President Soekarno on 16 October 1965.

Menteri/Panglima AD is a double military rank where Panglima AD later was changed into KASAD or KSAD (Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat). The translation



for Panglima AD is ‘Chief of Staff of the Army’. Even though the names are different, the essence and function of the rank are the same. Furthermore, Menteri here refers to Menteri Pertahanan which can be translated into ‘Minister of

Defence’. Therefore, the translation for Menteri/Panglima AD is ‘Minister of

Defence/Chief of Staff of the Army’.


SL: Benda-benda bersejarah tersebut menjadi saksi perjuangan di markas gerilya Wa KSAD Zulkifli Lubis di rumah Bapak Marito di dusun Srunggo, Selopamioro, Imogiri, Bantul tahun 1948-1949. TL: These historical objects were witness of the army's struggle at the headquarters of Zulkifli Lubis, the vice of KSAD (land force military division) in Marito's house (Srunggo, Selopamioro, Imogiri, Bantul).

Similar to the previous datum, KSAD stands for Kepala Staf Angkatan

Darat, while Wa is the shortened version of wakil. Staf Angkatan Darat in (53) is translated into ‘land force military division’. However, it actually has an equivalent which is ‘army’. Thus, the suggested translation for this cultural specific item is ‘Vice Chief of Staff of the Army’.


SL: Pada masa Agresi Militer Belanda II, rumah Karyo Utomo di Banaran, Banjarsari, Samigaluh, Kulonprogo difungsikan sebagai markas Wakil KSAP (Kepala Staf Angkatan Perang) Kolonel T.B. Simatupang. TL: In dutch military aggression II period, Karyo Utomo's house in Banaran, Banjarsari, Samigaluh, Kulonprogo was functioned as the headquarter of the vice-chief of Armed forces, Colonel T.B. Simatupang.

The cultural specific item wakil KSAP (Kepala Staf Angkatan Perang) is translated into ‘vice-chief of armed forces’ in (54). This translation omits the word



staf, making it not equivalent. The equivalent translation is ‘Vice Chief of Staff of

Armed Forces’.


SL: Waktu itu Pangsar Jenderal Soedirman didampingi oleh ajudannya Kapten Soepardjo Roestam, Cokropranoto, dan dokter pribadinya Mayor Dr. Soewondo. TL: At that time, he was accompanied by Captain Soepardjo Roestam, Cokropranoto and Major Dr. Soewondo. N/A

There is no translation of ajudan in the target language. Therefore, the translation is not accurate. The equivalent translation for the military rank is


e. Weapon and Transportation

This section discusses military weapon and transportation, such as aircraft, pistol and grenade.


SL: Para teknisi Indonesia di pangkalan udara Maguwo berhasil memperbaiki pesawat Cureng rampasan Jepang. TL: The Indonesian technicians in Maguwo airbase successfully repaired the aircraft Cureng seized from the Japanese air force.


SL: Pesawat RAF (Royal Air Force) Sekutu melakukan pengeboman Balai Mataram TL: Allied Aircraft of RAF (Royal Air Force) was bombing of the Mataram hall

Pesawat is equivalent to airplane or aircraft. It is one of the means of transportation and weapon during the war. Even though the translation in (56) is



equivalent, there is a word order problem. Instead of ‘aircraft Cureng’, the translation should be ‘Cureng aircraft’. Cureng should be italicized because it is a local name that Indonesian people gave at that time. Cureng is a name for

Yokosuka K5Y aircraft and comes from the Japanese phrase Churen or Chukan

Rensuki which literally means ‘intermediate trainer’. Another alternative is by adding the real name of the aircraft so the translation becomes ‘Cureng aircraft

(Yokosuka K5Y aircraft)’. On the other hand, sekutu in (57) refers to allied forces of World War II. Thus, the aircraft in the sentence refers to the aircraft owned by allied forces, specifically Royal Air Force. However, the translation ‘allied aircraft of RAF (Royal Air Force)’ may cause confusion because it implies that there are several aircrafts being allied. To avoid any confusion, the alternative translation is

‘allied forces aircraft (Royal Air Force)’


SL: Untuk memenuhi kekurangan senjata pada masa revolusi fisik, pabrik senjata Demakijo berusaha memproduksi senjata seperti pistol, granat gombyok, mortar, stand gun, serta memodifikasi senjata rampasan. TL: To overcome the lack of weapons during the period of physical revolution, the weapon factories tried harder to produce any kinds of weapon including pistols, gombyok (dangling) grenades, mortars, stand gun, and they also modified the looted weapons.

Several weapons are mentioned in (58), but there are only two non- equivalent translations. The first one is granat gombyok which is translated into

‘gombyok (dangling) grenades”. Granat gombyok is a grenade that has

“ponytailed” fabric, making it look like a grenade with tassel. The translation of gombyok into ‘dangling’ is not accurate because dangling means hanging loosely.

This cultural specific item can be translated using short description, such as



‘granat gombyok (tasselled grenade)’. This way, foreign readers know the original name and can imagine how granat gombyok looks like using the description. The second cultural specific item is stand gun. The source text is actually incorrect as there is no stand gun in Indonesian. It may refer to stun gun. If that is the case, the alternative translation should be ‘stun gun’.


SL: Rakyat melengkapi diri dengan senjata-senjata seadanya seperti bambu runcing, keris, senjata api hasil rampasan. TL: People completed their self with custom guns, such as: bamboo spikes, kris, and loot guns.

Bambu runcing is a famous weapon that was often used by Indonesian people during the struggle for independece. It is a spear made of bamboo, and the tip is sharpened. The translation provided in (59) is ‘bamboo spike’. This translation of cultural specific item is not equivalent because bamboo spikes are usually put in an underground trap and not used as a spear. Therefore, the alternative translation should be ‘sharpened bamboo spear’ which explains the short description of the cultural specific item.

3. Currency and Non-material Culture

As the name suggests, currency refers to a unit to measure money. Culture can refer to many things, such as song, flag, slogan, etc.


SL: Banyak cara mereka lakukan untuk mendukung perjuangan mempertahankan kemerdekaan seperti pembuatan poster, plakat, selebaran, semangat perjuangan, bahkan juga mendesain uang kertas ORI



(Oeang Republik Indonesia), serta melibatkan diri secara fisik dalam perjuangan. TL: They supported the struggle for independence such by making posters, placard, leaflets, and slogans of fighting spirit, even they designed Indonesia banknotes ORI (Oeang Republic of Indonesia), and got involved themselves physically in the battle.


SL: Pada tahun 1948-1949, lampu gantung ini dimanfaatkan sebagai alat penerangan proses pembuatan nomor seri mata uang ORI (Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia) di rumah bapak Mertamanggala. TL: It was used to light the process in making of the series number of the coins (ORI/Republic Indonesia currency) at Mertamanggala's house.

ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) is the currency that was used in the colonial era. It uses Van Ophuijsen spelling system where ‘u’ is spelled ‘oe’ as in

Oeang and Repoeblik. This cultural specific item appears two times in the data, and both translations are not accurate. The first translation in (60) does not translate the source text Oeang while Republik Indonesia is translated into

‘Republic of Indonesia’. Therefore, the translation is not consistent and may cause confusion. Furthermore, the translation in (61) generalizes the currency into

‘coins’, while in fact, ORI consists of coins and paper money. Therefore, the translation should not generalize it into ‘coins’. The alternative translation for ORI is ‘ORI (Republic of Indonesia Currency)’.


SL: Berkat kegigihannya, Belanda akhirnya memenuhi tuntutan, upah dinaikkan dari £10,- menjadi £15,-. TL: Due to the harsh action, the Dutch finally raised the wages, from £ 10,- to £ 15,-.



The currencies used in the colonial era were ORI and guilder (known as gulden in Indonesia). Therefore, it is impossible for the wage to be in Euro.

Moreover, when translating currency, it is better to convert the amount into other currencies that are more familiar with the target readers. Since the source text of the datum cannot be checked for its accuracy, no alternative translation can be provided. However, it is suggested to use conversion when applicable.


SL: Anak-anak sekolah sebelum memulai pelajaran harus senam "Taiso"… TL: Hence, the school children, before starting their lessons, had to do a Japanese exercise Taisso…

Taiso itself actually means ‘exercise’ in Japanese. Therefore, if the translation is ‘Japanese exercise Taisso’, there are double meanings. Moreover, the translation can cause ambiguity as foreign people may assume that “Taiso” is a name of Japanese exercise. To translate this cultural specific item, translator can place comma (,) between ‘Taiso’ and ‘Japanese exercise’, so it becomes ‘Taiso,

Japanese exercise’. However, this non-equivalent translation is caused by the ambiguous source text. The source text implies that Taiso is a type of exercise from Japanese.

4. Administrative-territorial Division

Administrative-territorial division refers to specific territorial division of a country. In Indonesia, these administrative-territorial divisions include provinsi, kabupaten, kota, kecamatan, kelurahan, desa, etc.




SL: Tanggal 7 Oktober 1951: Pemungkutan suara calon anggota DPRD di Kapanewon/Kemantren TL: On October 7, 1951: Election of the member of House of Regional Representative at Kapanewon Kemantren

Kapanewon and kemantren are Javanese administrative divisions that were used in the past. Kapanewon or kemantren is an administrative division below subdistrict and above village. Kemantren or kemantrian has base word mantri.

Mantri refers to an assistant of the head of subdistrict (kecamatan). Similarly, kapanewon means ‘below the panewu’, while panewu is the administrative official in subdistrict. Since there is no equivalent translation for kapanewon/kemantren in the target language, the alternative translation for his cultural specific item is ‘Kapanewon/Kemantren (Subordinate of Subdistrict)’.


SL: Oleh karena itu, di tingkat kabupaten dibentuk KDM (Komando Distrik Militer), tingkat kecamatan sampai dengan kelurahan dibentuk KODM (Komando Onder Distrik Militer). TL: Because of that, each district had KDM (military district command) included in each village and territory (KODM/Komando Onder Distrik Militer).

In datum (65), kabupaten is translated into ‘district’. This translation is not equivalent because Indonesia differentiates between kabupaten and distrik nowadays. Distrik has an equal administrative power as kabupaten, but is used only in Papua and West Papua. While kabupaten is headed by bupati or regent, distrik is headed by kepala distrik or chief of district. Therefore, the translation for kabupaten should be ‘regency’.




SL: Oleh karena itu, di tingkat kabupaten dibentuk KDM (Komando Distrik Militer), tingkat kecamatan sampai dengan kelurahan dibentuk KODM (Komando Onder Distrik Militer). TL: Because of that, each district had KDM (military district command) included in each village and territory (KODM/Komando Onder Distrik Militer).

As Indonesia has different administrative-territorial divisions, it is important to translate each division correctly. Kecamatan is not equivalent to

‘territory’. Territory refers to an area in terms of general. In United States, it refers to a region that is not a part of the states, but has its own government legislative.

Thus, the statuses of kecamatan and territory are not equal. The alternative translation for kecamatan is ‘subdistrict’ because it is directly below distrik or kabupaten.


SL: Mula-mula di Pedukuhan Tarub, kemudian berpindah ke Pedukuhan Baturan, berpindah lagi ke Pedukuhan Tarub, terus pindah ke Pedukuhan Sapen, Kelurahan Sapen. TL: Firstly, MBKD was at Tarub. Then, it occupied at Sapen.

The cultural specific item Pedukuhan is mentioned twice in (67). In the first translation, Pedukuhan is omitted, leaving only the proper name. Moreover, the second cultural specific item cannot be found in the translation as the translator omitted a whole clause. The equivalent translation for pedukuhan is

‘subvillage’. The status of this administrative-territorial division is lower than village. Therefore, the alternative translations for both cultural specific items are

‘Tarub Subvillage’ and ‘Baturan Subvillage’. In Indonesia, administrative-



territorial division can be omitted, leaving only the proper name. For example,

Dusun Jati can be translated into ‘Jati Subvillage’ or just ‘Jati’. However, the use of ‘subvillage’ is important in English as it shows the administrative-territorial division. It is especially essential when there are several different administrative divisions in one sentence, such as Dusun Jati, Desa Wonokromo, Kecamatan

Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. These administrative-territorial divisions should be translated into ‘Jati Subvillage, Wonokromo Village, Pleret Subdistrict,

Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta’. If it is translated into ‘Jati, Wonokromo, Pleret,

Bantul, Yogyakarta’, it may cause confusion or ambiguation because there are many place names in one sentence without any information about their administrative-territorial divisions.

5. Building and Place

As the classification suggests, cultural specific items that are included here are building and place. Place may include monument, meeting place or other locations.


SL: Pemilihan umum tahun 1951 di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, seperti nampak dalam adegan, mendapat perhatian besar baik dari rakyat pemilih maupun dari pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah lain. TL: The 1st general election in Yogyakarta grabbed the big attention from electors, regional government and central government.

Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is a special title given to Yogyakarta because

Yogyakarta was a territory that had autonomous government under Sultan before joining Republic of Indonesia. With this special title, it is not accurate to translate



Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta into ‘Yogyakarta’. The translation for this cultural specific item is ‘Special Region of Yogyakarta’ or ‘Yogyakarta Special Territory’.


SL: Penurunan bendera Hinomaru dan pengibaran bendera merah putih di Gedung Cokan Kantai (Gedung Agung) TL: The lowering of Hinomaru flag and the raising of Indonesian flag in Cokan Kantai Building (Presidential Palace)


SL: Jepang masuk ke Yogyakarta pada tanggal 6 Maret 1942 melalui Jalan Solo, berjalan ke barat dan setelah sampai ke perempatan Tugu belok ke selatan menuju Jl. Malioboro dan Gedung Gubernuran (Gedung agung sekarang). TL: The Japanese soldiers had entered into Yogyakarta on March 6, 1942 from the east through Solo Street. They walked to the west and arrived at the Tugu monument in the middle of the crossroad, then, turned south to Malioboro street and Governorate Palace (now Presedential Palace).


SL: Seminar ini berlangsung pada tanggal 16 s/d 20 Pebruari 1959 di Gedung Sasana Hinggil Dwi Abad Yogyakarta dan ditutup secara resmi di Gedung Negara Yogyakarta. TL: This seminar was held on February 16-20, 1959 in Sasana Hinggil Dwi Abad Building in Yogyakarta and closed formally in Yogyakarta State Building.

This cultural specific item appears many times in the data. However, there are three non-equivalent translations throughout the data. Gedung Agung or

Gedung Negara is a term used to refer to the palace for the president. There are 6

Gedung Agung throughout Indonesia, and one of them is located in Yogyakarta.

The first translation in (69) is not equivalent because it does not provide information about the location. There is no information about the location of the



palace in the source text, but to clarify which palace the text means, additional information about the location is important. The translation in (70) is ‘Presedential

Palace’. This translation has misspelling as it should be ‘Presidential Palace’. The last translation in (71) is a literal translation of the cultural specific item. ‘State

Building’ does not refer to the palace where the president resides. Therefore,

Gedung Negara should not be translated literally. Instead, Gedung Agung can be adapted into its equivalence in the target language which is ‘Presidential Palace’.

The translation then becomes ‘Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of



SL: Alun-alun Utara dan Balai Mataram (sekarang Senisono) TL: Alun-alun utara Yogyakarta and Balai Mataram Yogyakarta (now is Senisono)


SL: Dua hari berikutnya, Sri Sultan HB IX mengundang pemuda dari golongan agama, nasionalis, kepanduan dan keturunan Cina, kurang lebih 100 orang bertempat di Gedung Wilis, Kepatihan, Yogyakarta. TL: As the reaction for this situation, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX immediately invited groups of youngsters, numbering about 100 people, representing the nasionalists, Chinese ethnic, religious groups, and scout group in the Gedung Wilis, Bangsal Kepatihan, Yogyakarta.


SL: Sutomo (Pelajar STOVIA) menyampaikan gagasan di Konggres I Boedi Oetomo di Gedung Kweekschool Yogyakarta. TL: Sutomo, a student of STOVIA (Medical School for the Indigenous People), was explaining his ideas in The First Congress of Boedi Oetomo in Kweekschool Yogyakarta



Data (72), (73) and (74) have the same structure which is type of place + proper name. There are different types of places, such as hall, building, house, museum, etc. To make the foreign people understand the locations, translator should also translate the type of places. The types of places in Balai Mataram and

Gedung Wilis here are not translated. Balai refers to a big building or room that is usually used for meeting. Balai is equivalent to ‘hall’. Similarly, gedung is also not translated to its equivalence, ‘building’. The translator omitted the translation of gedung in datum (74). As explained before, gedung should also be translated when possible. Therefore, Balai Mataram is translated into ‘Mataram Hall’,

Gedung Wilis is translated into ‘Wilis Building’, and Gedung Kweekschool is translated into ‘Kweekschool Building’.


SL: Harian Sinar Matahari di Jl. Malioboro menjadi salah satu sasaran mereka. TL: The office of daily newspaper Sinar Matahari on Malioboro street became one of their targets.


SL: Di bawah pimpinan Samawi dan Sumantara, dibantu dengan para pekerja Harian Sinar Matahari, segera diambil alih gedung percetakan beserta peralatan yang ada… TL: Under the leadership of Samawi and Sumantara, aided by the workers of Sinar Matahari, they took over that building and all equipments…

Harian Sinar Matahari is a daily newspaper in Yogyakarta which is now known as Kedaulatan Rakyat. The word harian itself refers to newspaper that is issued daily. Thus, harian should be translated into ‘daily newspaper’. The translation in (75) is not accurate because of word order problem. It should be



‘Sinar Matahari daily newspaper’ instead of ‘daily newspaper Sinar Matahari’.

The translator omitted the translation of harian in (76), causing a confusion for the foreign readers of what Sinar Matahari is.


SL: Pengeboman Balai Mataram, RRI dan Sonobudoyo TL: The bombing of Mataram Hall, RRI (Radio of Indonesian Republic) and Sonobudoyo

The cultural specific item Sonobudoyo refers to a museum that houses various Indonesian cultural artifacts. Indonesian people, especially Yogyakarta people, may be familiar with the name of the museum, but foreign people are not familiar with the museum. Therefore, it is better to add additional information about the type of place instead of just translating the name of the museum. The suggested translation is ‘Sonobudoyo Museum’.


SL: Selanjutnya berdasarkan PP No. 23 tanggal 16 Desember 1949, perguruan tinggi tersebut digabungkan menjadi Universiteit Negeri Gadjah Mada pada tanggal 19 Desember 1949 di Sitihinggil Kraton Yogyakarta. TL: However, based on the Government Regulation No. 23 December 16, 1949, those education instituions in the three cities were unified into the University of Gadjah Mada on December 19, 1949 at Sitihinggil Kraton (Sultanate Palace) in Yogyakarta.

Some cultural specific items cannot be adapted into English as there is no equivalence that has similar characteristics with the original cultural specific item.

One of the examples is Sitihinggil Kraton which refers to a small complex within

Kraton that is higher than the surroundings. The translation of ‘Sitihinggil Kraton’ is correct, but it becomes ambiguous when the translator added ‘Sultanate Palace’



within the bracket. ‘Sultanate Palace’ is the equivalent translation for Kraton, but the placement of the translation may imply that ‘Sultanate Palace’ is the equivalent of Sitihinggil Kraton. To avoid this confusion, Sitihinggil Kraton can be translated using pure borrowing into ‘Sitihinggil Kraton’ without adding

‘Sultanate Palace’.


SL: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX di dampingi Gubernur Lucian Adam saat penobatan sebagai Sultan di Kasultanan Yogyakarta TL: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX accompanied by the Dutch Governor Lucian Adam in the coronation as the king of the Kasultanan (Sultanate) of Yogyakarta

Kasultanan Yogyakarta here actually refers to Kraton Kasultanan

Yogyakarta. ‘Kasultanan (Sultanate) of Yogyakarta’ literally is correct, but it is not accurate as the translator combined kasultanan which is in Indonesian with ‘of

Yogyakarta’ which is in English. The alternative translation is ‘Sultanate Palace of Yogyakarta’, ‘Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace’ or ‘Kraton Kasultanan

Yogyakarta’. Whichever alternative translation is used, the translation of the cultural speficic item should maintain the consistency use of language.


SL: Dua hari berikutnya, Sri Sultan HB IX mengundang pemuda dari golongan agama, nasionalis, kepanduan dan keturunan Cina, kurang lebih 100 orang bertempat di Gedung Wilis, Kepatihan, Yogyakarta. TL: As the reaction for this situation, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX immediately invited groups of youngsters, numbering about 100 people, representing the nasionalists, Chinese ethnic, religious groups, and scout group in the Gedung Wilis, Bangsal Kepatihan, Yogyakarta.



The translation of Kepatihan here is not equivalent because Kepatihan does not refer to a hall (bangsal). It is a name of complex within Keraton. Indeed, there is a hall named Kepatihan, but this cultural specific item does not refer to the hall, but the complex. Therefore, the translation should be ‘Kepatihan complex’ or ‘Kepatihan’.


SL: Selain itu, ada pemancar gelap Radio Pemberontak Mataram pimpinan Bung Tardjo di Kadipaten. TL: There was also an illegal radio transmitter Radio Pemberontak Mataram (Mataram Rebel Radio) led by Bung Tardjo in the Kadipaten Building.

Kadipaten is the name of one of the villages within Keraton complex. The translation ‘Kadipaten Building’ in (81) specifically refers to a building, so the translation is incorrect. Kadipaten can be translated into ‘Kadipaten’ or

‘Kadipaten Village’, depending on the needs.


SL: Markas Besar Umum TKR Yogyakarta (sekarang Museum Pusat TNI AD Dharma Wiratama) Jl. Jendral Soedirman Yogyakarta TL: Indonesian Armed Forces headquarters Yogyakarta (now is Central Museum of TNI AD Dharma Wiratama), Jenderal Soedirman Street Yogyakarta

As the name suggests, Museum Pusat TNI AD Dharma Wiratama is a museum that displays the contribution of TNI AD (Indonesian Army) in the struggle for independence. The translation in (82) is incorrect because TNI AD has not been translated into English. Moreover, the cultural specific item actually refers to Museum / Pusat TNI AD instead of Museum Pusat / TNI AD. Therefore, the suggested translation is ‘Dharma Wiratama Central Army Museum’.



6. Government and Organization

Cultural specific items related to government include government body, head of state, form of state, law and constitution as well as political and social organization. However, there is no inaccurate translation for head of state, so this section includes only four subclassifications.

a. Government Body

The subclassification includes any government body, including legislative body, ministry and other bodies.


SL: Akhirnya MPR menetapkan tentang Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila melalui TAP MPR No. II/MPR/1978. TL: Finally, Legislative Assembly assigned Legislative Assembly Decree No. II/MPR/1978 about the Guidance of Pancasila Practice.

MPR stands for Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat. Even though MPR is a legislative body, it does not include all of legislative bodies. Therefore, translating

MPR into ‘Legislative Assembly’ is not entirely correct. The suggested translation for MPR is ‘People’s Consultative Assembly’ as the members of this body represent Indonesian people.


SL: Dalam pemilihan umum ini rakyat sebagai pemilih umum tidak secara langsung memilih wakilnya duduk dalam Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) melainkan memilih wakil pemilih. TL: It was conducted by indirect system where people elected their representatives.




SL: Kemudian wali pemilih inilah yang akan memilih wakil rakyat yang akan duduk di DPRD. TL: Then, the representatives elected the member of House of Regional Representative.

Similar to MPR, the members of Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah or

DPRD represent citizens in specific regions in Indonesia. However, DPRD cannot be generalized into ‘representative’ as observed in the (84) because there are other government bodies that also represent specific citizens in different level of administrative-territorial division. The translation of DPRD in (85) is slightly incorrect as there is no translation of Rakyat which should be ‘People’. If ‘People’ is not included, the translation becomes ‘House of Regional Representatives’ and it refers to Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, a completely different government body.

Considering its coverage and function as representative, the alternative translation is ‘DPRD (House of Regional People's Representatives)’.


SL: Tanggal 29 September 1955 untuk memilih anggota DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) dan tanggal 15 Desember 1955 untuk memilih anggota Konstituante (Sidang Pembuat Undang-Undang Dasar). TL: On September 29, 1955 to elect members of the parliament (DPR) and December 15, 1955 to elect members of the Constituent Assembly (Assembly Record of The Constitution).

There are two non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items in (86).

The first one is DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) which is translated into

‘parliament (DPR)’. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, parlemen can refer to DPR. However, to avoid any confusion, it is better to translate DPR



without referring it to parliament. Therefore, the alternative translation is ‘DPR

(House of Representatives)’. The second cultural specific item is Konstituante

(Sidang Pembuat Undang-Undang Dasar). It refers to a government body that is responsible to make laws or legislation. The translation is not very accurate as it does not point out the function of Konstituante. Moreover, it is not clear what

‘record’ in the translation refers to. The alternative translation is ‘Constitutional

Assembly (Legislator Assembly)’.


SL: Kemudian, 40 orang anggota DPRD hasil pemilihan umum dipilih 5 orang sebagai anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah. TL: (no translation)

The transaltion of this cultural specific item is not equivalent because there is no translation provided. Dewan Perwakilan Daerah is almost similar to Dewan

Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah as both of these government bodies represent their regions. The translation suggestion for Dewan Perwakilan Daerah is ‘DPD

(House of Regional Representatives)’.

b. Form of State

In general, form of state can be republic, monarchy, sultanate, etc. This section covers several forms of state of Indonesia in the past.


SL: Republik Indonesia hijrah ke Yogyakarta TL: Indonesian Republic government moved to Yogyakarta




SL: Tanggal 4 Maret 1961, bertempat di Jakarta, Jenderal Nasution menandatangani perjanjian pembelian senjata oleh RI kepada Uni Sovyet. TL: On March 4, 1961, in Jakarta, General Nasution signed the weapons purchase to the Souviet Union.


SL: Hal itu dilakukan RI dalam rangka persiapan perjuangan pembebasan Irian Barat. TL: This was done in preparation of Indonesia to liberate of West Irian.

There are three non-equivalent translations of RI or Republik Indonesia in the diorama texts. The first translation in (88) is not equivalent because

Indonesian Republic government specifically refers to a government body. In this context, the one being moved to Yogyakarta was the capital city of Indonesia and not all government bodies moved to Yogyakarta because this movement was temporary. Therefore, the alternative translation for this cultural specific item is either ‘Republic of Indonesia’ or ‘capital city of Republic of Indonesia’.

Furthermore, there is no translation of RI in (89), making it not equivalent. In

(90), RI is translated into ‘Indonesia’. This is commonly correct in most cases.

However, due to the historical context, RI cannot be translated into ‘Indonesia’ because at the colonial era, Indonesia had various forms of state, such as Republik

Indonesia, Republik Indonesia Serikat and Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Therefore, the accurate translation of the form of state in the field of history is important. The translation of RI should be ‘Republic of Indonesia’.




SL: Drs. Mohammad Hatta selaku Perdana Menteri RIS menyerahkan mandat kepada Presiden Soekarno di Jakarta pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1950. TL: On August 15, 1950 Drs. Mohammad Hatta as Prime Minister RIS (Indonesian Republic Union) submit the mandate to President Sukarno in Jakarta.


SL: Hal itu menandai bubarnya RIS dan negara kembali ke dalam NKRI. TL: It marked the dissolution of the RIS and the country back into the Unitary State of Indonesia (NKRI).

RIS or Republik Indonesia Serikat is one of the forms of state of Indonesia in the past. The translation in (91) is literally correct, but there is an alternative translation that is used more often, which is ‘RIS (Republic of the United States of

Indonesia)’. Serikat here is defined as the union of all states in Indonesia, so the alternative translation is ‘United States of Indonesia’. Meanwhile, in (92), RIS is translated using pure borrowing. While it is not entirely inaccurate, it is better to provide additional information about RIS in English so foreign readers will understand the differences between various forms of state of Indonesia in the past.


SL: Hal itu menandai bubarnya RIS dan negara kembali ke dalam NKRI. TL: It marked the dissolution of the RIS and the country back into the Unitary State of Indonesia (NKRI).


SL: Setelah diadakan Pepera (Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat) tahun 1969, Irian Barat secara resmi menjadi bagian dari NKRI. TL: After referendum in 1969, West Irian officially became part of the unitary nation of Indonesia.




SL: Selanjutnya Ir. Soekarno dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta menjadi presiden dan wakil presiden NKRI. TL: Furthermore, Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta became president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia.

Throughout the data, there are three different translations for NKRI which stands for Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. In (93), the translation is

‘Unitary State of Indonesia’ and in (94), the translation is ‘unitary nation of

Indonesia’. In both data, the translator omitted the translation of ‘republik’. As explained before, accurate translation of forms of state is important because it is related to history. That is why NKRI is neither equivalent to ‘Unitary State of

Indonesia’ nor ‘unitary nation of Indonesia’. The third translation in (95) omits the translation for Negara Kesatuan, leaving only Republik Indonesia to be translated into ‘Republic of Indonesia’. For the same reason as above, this translation is also not equivalent. The alternative translation for this cultural specific item is ‘NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia)’ without omitting any part of NKRI.

c. Law and Constitution

This subclassification includes any law that has been issued by the government or head of state as well as constitution and any cultural specific items related to law and constitution.




SL: Kesimpulan dari seminar ini lebih memantapkan lagi usaha-usaha untuk kembali kepada UUD 1945, serta Pancasila sebagai Dasar Negara yang tidak perlu diperdebatkan lagi. TL: The conclusion of the seminar was to stabilize the efforts to return the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila as the National Basic that was undisputed again.


SL: Hal ini membuktikan secara tidak langsung bahwa Yogyakarta telah berperan secara aktif mengembalikan dasar negara ke UUD 1945 dengan adanya Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959. TL: It proved indirectly that Yogyakarta actively had a role to return the constitution to 1945 Constitution in the presence of the President decree on July 5, 1959.

The translator translated dasar negara in (96) literally into English. The literal translation is grammatically correct, but there is an equivalent for the cultural specific item in the target language, which is ‘national principle’.

Moreover, there is no translation for dasar negara in (97). Therefore, both of the translations are not equivalent.


SL: Setelah Jepang berkuasa di Indonesia segera dikeluarkan UU No. 1 yang menyatakan bahwa Tentara Jepang untuk sementara melangsungkan pemerintahan militer dalam segala bidang kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. TL: After occupying Indonesia, the Japanese issued the Law No. 1 stating that the Japanese Armed Forces had temporarily carried out the military government in all aspects of life, including education.

UU is an abbreviation of Undang-undang which means ‘Law’. Literally, the above translation is correct. However, this law is different to other laws because this specific law was issued by Japanese government in 1942. This law is



known as Osamu Seirei. Therefore, the distinction between Osamu Seirei and other laws must be made. To avoid confusion, the alternative translation for this cultural specific item is ‘Law No. 1 Year 1942 (Osamu Seirei)’.


SL: Langkah tersebut kemudian menjadi Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 1956. TL: (no translation)

In the above datum, the translator did not translate the sentence that contains the cultural specific item Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 1956. Since

Undang-undang means ‘Law’, the suggested translation for this cultural specific item is ‘Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 13 Year 1956’. ‘Republic of Indonesia’ is added in the translation to make clear that the law was issued by Indonesian government, not Japanese government.


SL: Tanggal 3 Mei 1956, Presiden Soekarno mengesahkan RUU pembatalan hubungan Indonesia-Belanda berdasarkan KMB 1949. TL: On May 3, 1956, President Sukarno legitimized the legislation plan of the relations cancellation of Netherlands-Indonesia based on Round Table Conference in 1949.

In terms of definition, the translation of RUU into ‘legislation plan’ is equivalent because RUU stands for Rancangan Undang-Undang which literally means a legislation plan. However, there is a more familiar translation for this cultural specific item in the target language, which is ‘bill’. Bill is defined as an official statement of a planned law or legislation that is being voted on. In other words, it refers to a legislation plan that has not been approved and implemented.




SL: Akhirnya MPR menetapkan tentang Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila melalui TAP MPR No. II/MPR/1978. TL: Finally, Legislative Assembly assigned Legislative Assembly Decree No. II/MPR/1978 about the Guidance of Pancasila Practice.


SL: Berdasarkan Ketetapan MPRS No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967, pada tanggal 12 Maret 1967, Letjend Soeharto dilantik sebagai pejabat presiden RI. TL: Based on the decision of MPRS No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967, on March 12, 1967, Lt. Gen. Suharto was inaugurated as president of Indonesia.

TAP is the short version of Ketetapan, and as described in some of the previous data, MPR stands for Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (People’s

Consultative Assembly) and MPRS stands for Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat

Sementara (Temporary People’s Consultative Assembly). The translation in (101) is not equivalent because the translation of MPR is not accurate. Ketetapan is synonymous with dekret which is derived from the English word ‘decree’. Thus, the translation of ketetapan is already equivalent. The translation in (102) uses

‘decision’ instead of ‘decree’, and there is no further information about what

MPRS is. Decree is the established official translation for this type of government law, so it is better to use ‘decree’ instead of ‘decision’. Furthermore, additional information about MPRS may be helpful. Therefore, the translation for the datum

(101) should be ‘Decree of People's Consultative Assembly No. II/MPR/1978’ and the translation for datum (102) should be ‘Decree of Temporary People's

Consultative Assembly No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967’.




SL: Pada tanggal 7 Juni 1947 keluarlah Penetapan Presiden yang menyatakan bahwa mulai tanggal 3 Juni 1947 disahkan berdirinya Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI). TL: Finally, on June 7, 1947, President Sukarno affirmed, among other things, the endorsment of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) starting June 3, 1947.


SL: Berdasarkan Ketetapan Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun 1948 tanggal 14 Mei 1948, makadibentuklah brigade Tentara Pelajar (TP). TL: Based on Presidential Decision No. 14 on May, 1948, here was the establishment of student army (TP) Brigade.


SL: Hal ini membuktikan secara tidak langsung bahwa Yogyakarta telah berperan secara aktif mengembalikan dasar negara ke UUD 1945 dengan adanya Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959. TL: It proved indirectly that Yogyakarta actively had a role to return the constitution to 1945 Constitution in the presence of the President decree on July 5, 1959.

Similar to the previous data, ketetapan, penetapan and dekret are synonymous, and the established equivalent for these cultural specific items is

‘decree’. Since this type of decree is issued by the president, the translation should be ‘Presidential Decree’. Datum (103) does not provide any translation of

Penetapan Presiden. Datum (104) uses ‘decision’ instead of ‘decree’, while datum (105) has grammatical mistake. It should be ‘presidential decree’ instead of

‘president decree’ because ‘presidential’ here acts as an adjective, not a noun.

Thus, the complete translations for the above data are ‘Presidential Decree’,



‘Presidential Decree No. 14 on May 14, 1948’ and ‘Presidential Decree on July 5,



SL: Amanat Presiden Soeharto tentang Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengalaman Pancasila (P4) TL: President's Mandate Related with the Guidance of Pancasila Practice

In the above sentence, there are two cultural specific items, and both are not equivalent. The translation of amanat presiden into ‘president’s mandate’ is accurate, but there is no information about the name of the president, which is

President Soeharto. Different presidents may issue different mandates. Therefore, it is important to include the name of the president. The translation then becomes

‘Mandate of President Soeharto’ or ‘President Soeharto’s Mandate’. The second cultural specific item is Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengalaman Pancasila (P4) which contains several guidelines on how to understand and implement Pancasila, the national principle of Indonesia. The translator translated P4 into ‘Guidance of

Pancasila Practice’. This translation only includes the ‘implementation’ part, but not the ‘understanding’ part. Thus, it is not equivalent to the source data. The alternative translation is ‘P4 (Guidelines for Comprehension and Implementation of Pancasila)’ which mentions both comprehension and implementation parts.

d. Political and Social Organization

Organization in this section includes social and political organization.

While some of these organizations are international, most of them are local organizations.




SL: Mereka menceburkan diri dalam kancah perjuangan bersama GAPI (Gabungan Pemuda Indonesia), MOBPEL (Mobilisasi Pelajar), IPI (Ikatan Pelajar Indonesia), dan TP (Tentara Pelajar). TL: They joined GAPI (Indonesian Youth Union), MOBPEL (Students Mobilization), IPI (Indonesian Student Association), and TP (Students Armed Forces).

As noted in the source text, GAPI stands for Gabungan Pemuda

Indonesia. It is translated into ‘Indonesian Youth Union’. While ‘union’ can literally mean gabungan, its meaning is aimed mainly for two things to be one.

However, gabungan here refers to a group of youth. Therefore, the term

‘association’ can be used as better alternative, so the translation becomes ‘GAPI

(Indonesian Youth Association)’.


SL: Para mahasiswa tersebut tergabung dalam KAMI yang kemudian terkenal dengan sebutan "Angkatan 66". TL: The students are members of the KAMI were then exposed to as "Force 66".

Cultural specific item Angkatan 66 is not equivalent to ‘Force 66’ since angkatan does not refer to military force, but generation in 1966. To be exact, this cultural specific item refers to a group of writers who wrote about resistance in the colonial era, especially in 1966. Therefore, Angkatan 66 should be translated into

‘Generation ‘66’.


SL: Hal ini menginspirasi aksi-aksi lain seperti KAPPI (Kesatuan Aksi Pemuda Pelajar Indonesia), KAPI (Kesatuan Aksi Pelajar Indonesia), KABI (Kesatuan Aksi Buruh Indonesia), KASI (Kesatuan Aksi



Sarjana Indonesia), KAWI (Kesatuan Aksi Wanita Indonesia), dan KAGI (Kesatuan Aksi guru Indonesia). TL: This inspired other actions: KAPPI (Indonesian Student Youth Action Unit), KAPI (Indonesian Student Action Unit), KABI (Indonesian Labor Action Unit), KASI (Action Unit Bachelor Indonesia), KAWI (Indonesian Women Action Unit) and KAGI (Action Unit of Indonesian Teacher).

In datum (109), a number of organizations are mentioned, such as KAPPI,

KAPI, KABI, KASI, KAWI and KAGI. Even though these abbreviations stand for different name of organizations, the structures of the names are the same. It begins with Kesatuan Aksi and ends with Indonesia. The only difference is the members of the group. For example, the members of KAPPI is Pemuda Pelajar, the members of KAPI is Pelajar, and so on. Therefore, the translations for these cultural specific items should be consistent. However, not only the translations in

(109) are inconsistent, but also do not use plural forms. The example of inconsistency is the use of ‘Action Unit’ at the end (such as ‘Indonesian Labor

Action Unit’) and in the beginning (such as ‘Action Unit of Indonesian Teacher’).

Furthermore, one of the translations, which is KASI (Kesatuan Aksi Sarjana

Indonesia) into ‘KASI (Action Unit Bachelor Indonesia)’ is inaccurate because there is no proper separation of ‘Action Unit’, ‘Bachelor’ and ‘Indonesia’.

The alternative translation for KAPPI (Kesatuan Aksi Pemuda Pelajar

Indonesia) is ‘KAPPI (Indonesian Young Students Action Association)’. KAPI

(Kesatuan Aksi Pelajar Indonesia) can be translated into ‘KAPI (Indonesian

Students Action Association)’, KABI (Kesatuan Aksi Buruh Indonesia) into

‘KABI (Indonesian Labors Action Association)’, KASI (Kesatuan Aksi Sarjana

Indonesia) into ‘KASI (Indonesian Bachelors Action Association)’, KAWI



(Kesatuan Aksi Wanita Indonesia) into ‘KAWI (Indonesian Women Action

Association)’ and KAGI (Kesatuan Aksi guru Indonesia) into ‘KAGI (Indonesian

Teachers Action Association)’. All of the alternative translations are consistent and have the same pattern as the source text which begins with ‘Indonesian’ and ends with ‘Action Association’.


SL: Berdasarkan suara-suara pemilih yang masuk maka Masyumi mendapat 18 kursi, Persatuan Pamong Desa Indonesia (PPDI) 7 kursi, Panitia Kesatuan Aksi Buruh dan Tani (PKABT) 5 kursi, PNI 4 kursi, Partai Katolik 2 kursi, Serikat Sekerja Pamong Praja (SSPP) 2 kursi, Partai Indonesia Raya 2 kursi. TL: Composition of legislators in Yogyakarta Special Region was consist of 18 legislators from MASYUMI (Majelis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia/ Indonesian Muslim Council), 7 legislators from PPDI (Persatuan Pamong Desa Indonesia/ Unity of Indonesian Village Officer), 5 legislators from PKABT (Panitia Kesatuan Aksi Buruh dan Tani/ Committee of Labour and Farmer Action Unity), 4 legislators from PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia/ Indonesian National Party), 2 legislators from Partai Katolik/ Catholic Party, 2 legislators from SSPP (Sarekat Sekerja Pamong Praja/ League of Officer Guardian) and 2 legislators from Partai Indonesia Raya/ Indonesia Raya Party.

Similar to datum (109), the above datum contains a number of organizations. Each organization refers to different things, so the translation for each non-equivalent organization is described one by one.

Masyumi stands for Majelis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia. This organization is a consultative council because Syuro means consultation or study. Muslimin refers to a group of people who believe in, follow and practice Islam religion. The translation for this cultural specific item in (110) is ‘MASYUMI (Majelis Syuro

Muslimin Indonesia/Indonesian Muslim Council)’. This translation is incomplete as the translator had not translated syuro and the form is still in singular. The



alternative translation for Masyumi is ‘Masyumi (Indonesian Muslims

Consultative Council)’.

PPDI stands for Persatuan Pamong Desa Indonesia. Pamong desa refers to a group of officials or administrators who rule over a village. Persatuan can be literally translated into ‘unity’, but the use of ‘unity’ in this context is not accurate. Unity does not refer to an organization, while persatuan refers to an organization. Therefore, persatuan is better translated into ‘association’. Similar to the previous problem, the translation is still in singular form, so it needs to be changed into plural form because the organization does not consist of one member only. The complete translation should be ‘PPDI (Indonesian Village

Administrators Association)’.

PKABT stands for Panitia Kesatuan Aksi Buruh dan Tani. Similar to the previous alternative in datum (109), Kesatuan Aksi should be translated into

‘Action Association’. Thus, the proposed translation is ‘PKABT (Committee of

Labors and Farmers Action Association)’.

As written in the source text, SSPP stands for Serikat Sekerja Pamong

Praja. Serikat has almost the same meaning with kesatuan which is equivalent to

‘association’, while ‘league’ is usually formed between countries. Sekerja means colleague, but this word can be left untranslated because it refers to plural form.

Pamong praja comes from two words which are pamong and praja. Pamong means ‘manage or take care’ and praja means ‘city or town’. Shortly, pamong praja refers to a group of people who manage or take care of a city. In this case, pamong praja are actually policemen who help the citizens. They maintain peace



and public order. ‘Officer Guardian’ in datum (110) may be the literal translation of pamong praja, but this cultural specific item already has an equivalent in the target language, which is ‘Civil Service’. Thus, the translation for SSPP is ‘SSPP

(Civil Service Association)’.

Indonesia Raya in Partai Indonesia Raya refers to the Great Indonesia or

Indonesia which is big and has a lot of territories. The translation for Partai

Indonesia Raya then becomes ‘Partai Indonesia Raya (Great Indonesia Party)’.


SL: Kongres memutuskan antara lain; mendirikan federasi bersama "Perserikatan Perkumpulan Perempuan Indonesia" (PPPI) … TL: They made some decisions, among others, establishing a join federation named United Association for Indonesian Women (PPPI) …

The translation of cultural specific item PPPI in the sentence above is correct because it refers to an association of Indonesian women. However, to make it shorter and more concise, it is suggested to use ‘PPPI (Indonesian Women

Association)’ as the translation.


SL: Bantuan obat-obatan dari luar negeri pun berhasil masuk ke Indonesia berkat perjuangan PMI melalui Palang Merah Internasional. TL: The medical aids from foreign countries could be distributed in Indonesia at that time due to the struggle of PMI.

There are two PMI in the datum. The first refers to Palang Merah

Indonesia, while the latter refers to Palang Merah Internasional. Both translations are not accurate. The translation of PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) should provide additional information as there are two PMIs, and foreign people are not



familiar with the abbreviation. Therefore, the calque translation for Palang Merah

Indonesia should be used, which is ‘PMI (Indonesian Red Cross)’. Furthermore, the cultural specific item Palang Merah Internasional is not translated in the target language. Palang Merah Internasional is equivalent to ‘International

Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)’ which is the parent organization of various

Red Cross organizations in other countries.

7. Tool

Tools refer to household items. There are several data about tools, but most of them are translated correctly. There are several non-equivalent translations of cultural specific items related to tools.


SL: Keris Kyai Slamet TL: Creese of Kyai Slamet

Keris is an Indonesian traditional dagger that has wavy-edged blade. There is no exact translation for keris in English, but some of the alternatives include

‘keris’, ‘kris’ and ‘creese’ even though ‘keris’ and ‘kris’ are more popular. It is suggested that the translator uses consistent translation throughout the text, instead of using different alternatives of translation that can cause confusion. In this case, the translator can choose one of the three alternatives above to translate keris is various diorama texts.


SL: gogok dan poci TL: opium container and teapot



Gogok, also known as kendi, is a water container that is made of clay.

Therefore, the translation of gogok into ‘opium container’ is not equivalent. The alternative translation is ‘clay jug’.


SL: pedang, panci, cething dan piring TL: sword, pan, rice bowl and plate

Cething is a Javanese word that refers to a small container made of woven bamboo for serving rice. However, nowadays cething can be made of other materials, such as metal. Cething is not the same as ‘rice bowl’ as its function is not the same as plate or bowl. There is no adaptation of cething in English.

Therefore, it should be translated using pure borrowing and amplification into

‘cething (bamboo rice container)’. Additional information about the material, which is bamboo, is added because at that time, cething was only made of bamboo.


SL: lampu gantung TL: hanging lamp

Literally, the translation of lampu gantung into ‘hanging lamp’ is correct.

However, there is a more familiar adaptation of the same cultural specific item in

English. The alternative translation is ‘chandelier’.


SL: kendil dalung TL: pot



Kendil dalung is another traditional tool used mostly by Javanese people to cook rice. It s made of earthen. The translation ‘pot’ generalizes the cultural specific item, making it not equivalent as there are many different types of pot with different functions. Kendil dalung is specifically used to cook rice.

Therefore, the translation can be in the form of short and general description to describe about the cultural specific item. Kendil dalung can be translated into

‘kendil dalung (earthen cooking pot)’.


SL: Anak-anak sekolah sebelum memulai pelajaran harus senam "Taiso", mengikuti kebiasaan Jepang yaitu kepala gundul memakai pet/topi model serdadu Jepang, … TL: Hence, the school children, before starting their lessons, had to do a Japanese exercise Taisso, had to follow the habits of Japanese people such as shaving their heads balded, wearing hat like Japanese soldiers, …

The above translation generalizes pet. Pet is a type of hat that is usually used by Japanese soldiers. Because pet refers to a specific cultural specific item, it is better to purely borrow the item it instead of generalizing it. The suggestion for the translation is ‘pet, a Japanese soldier hat’.


SL: kentongan TL: kentongan

Kentongan is a traditional telecommunication tool used in Indonesia. In other countries, it is known as slit drum. However, slit drum is used as a music instrument, while in Indonesia, kentongan is mostly used to signal something to



other people, such as thief or danger. Therefore, kentongan can be alternatively translated into ‘kentongan (slit drum)’.

8. Honorific

Honorific includes title and degree of someone. Translating honorific proves to be easier than other types of cultural specific items since there are only three non-equivalent translations.


SL: Bung Hata menyambut datangnya Pasukan Hijrah yang baru saja tiba di Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta. TL: Mr. Hatta welcomed the arrival of the moving soldiers which recently arrived at Tugu railways station in Yogyakarta..

Bung is a nickname for a man which literally means ‘brother (bro)’. There is no restriction on who can use this cultural specific item and to whom it addresses to, but it indicates closeness or intimacy. Since it is a local honorific, the translator can use ‘Bung’ in the translation to distinguish it with ‘Mister



SL: Kendhil ini milik Ibu Mertopawiro (mbah Sayuk) yang pernah dipergunakan untuk merebus 3 butir telur bagi Pangsar Jenderal Soedirman dalam perjalanan ke Wonosari untuk bergerilya. TL: The pot belonged to Ms. Mertopawiro (Mbah Sayuk) which has been used to boil three eggs for Supreme Commander General Soedirman.

The above cultural specific item is translated under an assumption that

Mertopawiro has not been married because the translation uses ‘Miss’ or ‘Ms.’.

There is no information about the marriage status of Mertopawiro. However, to



make it more general, the translation can be changed into ‘Mrs.’, especially because Ibu Mertopawiro is also known as Mbah Sayuk. Mbah is an honorific used to call grandfather or grandmother.


SL: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX di dampingi Gubernur Lucian Adam saat penobatan sebagai Sultan di Kasultanan Yogyakarta TL: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX accompanied by the Dutch Governor Lucian Adam in the coronation as the king of the Kasultanan (Sultanate) of Yogyakarta

Sultan commonly refers to king. However, sultan and king are different.

While king rules over a kingdom, sultan rules over a sultanate. King is the title used by monarchs, but sultan is used in Muslim countries. Even though both are similar, the translation of sultan should be ‘sultan’ instead of ‘king’ as the term

‘sultan’ is more suitable for the context.

9. Institution and School

Cultural specific items in this classification include institution and school.


SL: Ki Hadjar Dewantara menyampaikan gagasan pendirian National Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa TL: Ki Hajar Dewantara was delivering his idea about the ??founding of the National Institute Onderwijs Tamansiswa

In the above translation, there is “??”. This mistake is either made by the translator or typer of the diorama texts, but it should definitely be omitted.

Cultural specific items which are borrowed from other languages, such as

National Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa, are usually kept untranslated. The



same also applies for this datum. The cultural specific item should be kept as it is.

However, the translator changed the word order as well as the Dutch word

Instituut into English word ‘Institute’. Such changes make the source and target cultural specific items are not equivalent. Thus, the translation should be ‘National

Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa’.

Based on the analysis and discussion, there are more than 140 non- equivalent translations of cultural specific items observed in the data. This number is not exact because some translations of cultural specific items are rated as accurate by one rater and less accurate or inaccurate by other raters or the other way around.

There are particular reasons why the translations are not equivalent to the source text. These reasons can be divided into three main reasons which are equivalence problem, language problem and writing style problem. Equivalence problems include incompleteness, missing translation, generalization, lack of information, inconsistency and inequivalency. First, the translation is incomplete.

For example, the translator does not translate a part of the cultural specific item, making it not accurate. Second, some of the translations are missing. There is no translation of the cultural specific items in the target language. Sometimes, the whole sentence is not translated. The next problem is sometimes the translator generalized specific events or cultural specific items. Furthermore, one cultural specific item can be translated differently. This inconsistency of translation may cause confusion for readers, so the translations for the same cultural specific item should be consistent. The last problem is inequivalency where the cultural specific



item in the source and target language are different. Language problems include problems related to redundancy, the use of Indonesian words, plural and singular, apostrophe as well as word order. Redundancy occurs when there are two words with the same meaning in the same cultural specific items. There are also several problem related to the use of Indonesian words in the English translations. The translator also has problem with plural and singular in some cultural specific items. In some translations, there are problems with the use of apostrophe to show ownership. The last language problem that makes the translation not equivalent is incorrect phrase word order. Problems related to style of writing that need to be pointed out is misspelled translation, style of translation and grammatical problem. There are several misspelled words, such as ‘secutiry’, ‘batlle’,

‘legionairy’ and ‘presedential’. Another problem is style of translation. It refers to whether foreign words are italicized or not. Some of Indonesian words are italicized in the translations, but most of them are not italicized. If the translator decides to italicize all foreign words, this style of translation should be consistent throughout the translations. Moreover, there are several grammatical problems.

However, grammatical problems found in the translations of cultural specific items are not discussed in this study. Even though this style of translation and grammatical problems may not affect the accuracy level, these problems are worth to mention for improvement.



C. Alternative Translation Techniques for Different Classifications of

Cultural Specific Items

There are several techniques that can be used to translate various cultural specific items based on the above alternative translations. To provide possible alternative translations, Molina and Albir’s (2002) techniques are used. The complete alternative translations for the non-equivalent translations can be seen in

Appendix 2. The translation techniques for different classifications of cultural specific items can be analyzed as observed in Table 8.

The alternative translation techniques can always be improved or changed because there may be more than one possible translation for the same cultural specific item, especially the items that do not have established equivalents.



Table 8. Alternative Translation Techniques for Different Classifications of Cultural Specific Items

No. Cultural Specific Items Translation Technique Example adaptation KMB: ‘Round Table Conference’ borrowing Nawaksara: ‘Nawaksara’ borrowing + adaptation Persetujuan Renville: ‘Renville agreement’ Pekan Olahraga Nasional I (PON I): ‘PON I (First National borrowing + calque Sports Week)’ 1 Historical event, period and system Sidang Umum MPRS: ‘General Session of Temporary People's calque Consultative Assembly’ Rapat Kebulatan Tekad Penumpasan G30SPKI: ‘Mass meeting borrowing + calque + about extermination of G30S/PKI (September 30th Movement description of Indonesian Communist Party)’ Military reality calque Front Nasional: ‘National Front’ borrowing + calque TP (Tentara Pelajar): ‘TP (Student Army)’ military organization borrowing + description Keibodan: ‘Keibodan (Police Assistant)’ borrowing + calque + Tentara AFNEI: ‘AFNEI (Allied Forces for Netherlands East reduction Indies)’ adaptation divisi: ‘division’ 2 borrowing Sub Wehrkreise: ‘Sub Wehrkreise’ calque Korem 072: ‘072 Military Resort Command’ military unit borrowing + adaptation Batalyon I SWK 102: ‘Battalion 1 SWK 102’ borrowing + calque RPKAD: ‘RPKAD (Army Command Forces Regiment)’ description Pasukan Hijrah: ‘Siliwangi Division, a mobile military division’ Markas Besar Komando Djawa (MBKD): ‘MBKD (Java military headquarter borrowing + calque Command Headquarter)’



adaptation jenderal: ‘general’ PTTD (Panglima Tentara Teritorium Djawa): ‘PTTD calque (Commander of Java Territorial Army)’ Komandan RPKAD: ‘Commander of RPKAD (Army Command military rank borrowing + calque Forces Regiment)’ borrowing + adaptation komandan Wehrkreise III: ‘Commander of Wehrkreise III’ borrowing + adaptation + Panglima Besar TNI: ‘Supreme Commander of Indonesian calque National Armed Forces’ adaptation bayonet: ‘bayonet’ borrowing + adaptation pesawat Kitty Hawk P-40: ‘P-40 Kitty Hawk aircraft’ Pesawat RAF (Royal Air Force) Sekutu: ‘Allied forces aircraft weapon and transportation adaptation + calque (Royal Air Force)’ borrowing + amplification granat gombyok: ‘granat gombyok (tasselled grenade)’ description bambu runcing: ‘sharpened bamboo spear’ calque Bendera Merah Putih: ‘Red-and-White Flag’ borrowing + adaptation lagu Indonesia Raya: ‘national anthem Indonesia Raya’ 3 Currency and non-material culture ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia): ‘ORI (Republic of Indonesia borrowing + calque Currency)’ borrowing + amplification senam "Taiso": ‘Taiso, Japanese exercise’ adaptation kabupaten: ‘regency’ 4 Administrative-territorial division Kapanewon/Kemantren: ‘Kapanewon/Kemantren (Subordinate borrowing + amplification of Subdistrict)’ borrowing Sitihinggil: ‘Sitihinggil’ borrowing + adaptation Balai Mataram: ‘Mataram Hall’ 5 Building and place Radio Pemberontak Mataram: ‘Radio Pemberontak Mataram borrowing + calque (Mataram Rebel Radio)’



borrowing + amplification Sonobudoyo: ‘Sonobudoyo museum’ borrowing + adaptation + Gedung Agung: ‘Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of amplification Yogyakarta)’ Government and organization adaptation Kementerian Penerangan: ‘Ministry of Information’ Konstituante (Sidang Pembuat Undang-Undang Dasar): calque ‘Constitutional Assembly (Legislator Assembly)’ government body Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD): ‘DPRD (House of borrowing + calque Regional People's Representatives)’ Dewan Pertahanan Nasional (DEPERTAN): ‘DEPERTAN borrowing + adaptation (National Defence Council)’ head of state adaptation Perdana Menteri: ‘Prime Minister’ form of state borrowing + calque RIS: ‘RIS (Republic of the United States of Indonesia)’ adaptation RUU: ‘bill’ 6 borrowing Pancasila: ‘Pancasila’ Ketetapan MPRS: ‘Decree of Temporary People's Consultative calque Assembly’ Pedoman Penghayatan Pengamalan Pancasila (P4): ‘P4 law and constitution borrowing + calque (Guidelines for Comprehension and Implementation of Pancasila)’ borrowing + adaptation Amanat Presiden Soeharto: ‘Mandate of President Soeharto’ adaptation + amplification UUD 1945: ‘1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia’ calque + amplification UU No. 1: ‘Law No. 1 Year 1942 (Osamu Seirei)’ Palang Merah Internasional: ‘International Committee of Red political and social organization adaptation Cross’

calque Angkatan 66: ‘Generation ‘66’



borrowing Jong Java: ‘Jong Java’ KAGI (Kesatuan Aksi Guru Indonesia): ‘KAGI (Indonesian borrowing + calque Teachers Action Association)’ adaptation cawan: ‘saucer’ 7 Tool adaptation + amplification gogok: ‘clay jug’ borrowing + amplification kendil dalung: ‘kendil dalung (earthen cooking pot)’ adaptation nabi: ‘prophet’ borrowing kyai: ‘kyai’ 8 Honorific borrowing + adaptation bangsawan Paku Alaman: ‘nobles of Paku Alaman’ borrowing + amplification Pak Guru: ‘Pak Guru (mister teacher)’ National Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa: ‘National Onderwijs borrowing Instituut Tamansiswa’ 9 Institution and school calque Universitas Gadjah Mada: ‘Gadjah Mada University’ borrowing + calque Militer Akademi (MA): ‘MA (Military Academy)’



1. Historical Events, System and Period

There are five main alternative translations for cultural specific items related to historical events, system and period which are adaptation, borrowing, borrowing + adaptation, borrowing + calque and calque.

Adaptation is used when the event, system or period is well-known or international. For example, Konferensi Meja Bundar is translated into ‘Round

Table Conference’. Konferensi Meja Bundar or KMB is an international conference held between two countries or more. Therefore, adaptation can be used to translate this event.

Pure borrowing can be used when the cultural specific item only consists of proper name. Example of this technique is Nawaksara, a speech by President

Soekarno, which is translated into ‘Nawaksara’. There is no change in the translation.

When the event, system or period is international and has proper name, borrowing + adaptation is used, such as Perjanjian Renville which is translated into ‘Renville agreement’. This agreement is well-known outside Indonesia.

Therefore, adaptation can be used along with pure borrowing since it has proper name Renville.

While adaptation can be used when the cultural specific item is well- known, calque is used when the cultural specific item is specific and “local” to a particular culture. An example of calque can be observed when translating gerakan 30 September 1965 into ‘September 30th 1965 movement’. This cultural specific item is translated word by word.



Borrowing + calque applies for cultural specific item that is local and has proper name. For example, Trikora is translated into ‘Trikora (Three People’s

Commands)’. Since this event is local to Indonesia and contains proper name

Trikora, the translation technique used is combination of borrowing and calque.

In particular cases, there are other applicable techniques, such as borrowing + calque + description. An example of this combination of technique is

Rapat Kebulatan Tekad Penumpasan G30SPKI which is translated into ‘Mass meeting about extermination of G30S/PKI (September 30th Movement of

Indonesian Communist Party)’. The translation combines borrowing of proper name, calque and description of Rapat Kebulatan Tekad. Description is needed because if Rapat Kebulatan Tekad is translated using calque, the translation will not make sense. Therefore, instead of translating it using calque or pure borrowing, description can be used.

2. Military Reality

Military reality can be divided into several subclassifications. Each subclassification may have different translation techniques. These subclassifications include military organization, military unit, military headquarter, military rank, weapon and transportation.

a. Military Organization

Most of the cultural specific items related to military organization in the data can use borrowing + calque because they are specific to Indonesia and



contain abbreviation. For example, TP (Tentara Pelajar) is translated into ‘TP

(Student Army)’. This way, foreign readers know the abbreviation of the organization as well as the meaning of the abbreviation.

Another alternative translation technique that can be used is calque. The only difference with the previous technique is that calque is used when the cultural specific items do not have any abbreviation. An example of the use of calque is the translation of Front Nasional into ‘National Front’.

There are particular cases when additional translation techniques may be needed. For example, in the translation of Tentara AFNEI into ‘AFNEI (Allied

Forces for Netherlands East Indies) Forces’, reduction is needed aside from borrowing + calque. The source text contains the word tentara which can be translated into ‘forces’, while AFNEI already means ‘forces’. To avoid redundancy, reduction can be used here to omit the word ‘forces’, so the translation becomes ‘AFNEI (Allied Forces for Netherlands East Indies)’.

Another example of particular case is Keibodan. Keibodan comes from Japanese.

It is a semi-military organization that functions as police assistant. Therefore, to make the meaning of Keibodan clearer, translator can add short description of what Keibodan is. Using borrowing + description, the translation becomes

‘Keibodan (Police Assistant)’.



b. Military Unit

Adaptation can be used when the target language has equivalent military unit as the source text. This technique is only used once in the datum to translate divisi into ‘division’ since division exists in the target language.

Borrowing may also be used if the unit contains foreign name, such as Sub

Wehrkreise. Sub Wehrkreise refers to an operational unit that is responsible for defending an area. It comes from German. Even though it has an equivalent in the target language, which is ‘Military Subdistrict’, pure borrowing may also be used to keep intact the original cultural specific item.

Borrowing + adaptation can be used when the above conditions for both techniques are fulfilled. An example of this combination is Batalyon I SWK 102 which is translated into ‘Battalion 1 SWK 102’. Batalyon is adapted into

‘Battalion’, while SWK, which refers to Sub Wehrkreise, is purely borrowed in the translation.

Calque is used when translating a local unit, such as Korem 072 which is translated into ‘072 Military Resort Command’. Korem stands for Komandan

Resort Militer and the translation uses calque to translate the source text word by word. Furthermore, borrowing + calque can be used for local unit with abbreviation. RPKAD, for example, can be translated into ‘RPKAD (Army

Command Forces Regiment)’, borrowing the abbreviation and adding word-by- word translation for the abbreviation.

Special cases such as BKR Batalyon I and Pasukan Hijrah may need different translation techniques. In translating the first cultural specific item,



borrowing + adaptation + calque can be used, so that the translation becomes

‘Battalion 1 of BKR (People's Security Agencies)’. Meanwhile, the latter can use description to explain what Pasukan Hijrah means. This force is actually named

Pasukan Siliwangi and got its name because they are always moving (hijrah) from one place to another. Therefore, the alternative translation is ‘Siliwangi Division, a mobile military division’.

c. Military Headquarter

Military headquarter usually consists of two elements. The first element is the type of headquarter, and the second one is the name of headquarter. For example, Markas Besar Komando Djawa consists of markas besar which is the type of headquarter and Komando Djawa which is the name of headquarter.

Combination of borrowing and calque can be used to translate cultural specific items related to military headquarter. This technique is used when the cultural specific item is local to particular culture and contains abbreviation.

Therefore, the translation of Markas Besar Komando Djawa (MBKD) is ‘MBKD

(Java Command Headquarter)’.

d. Military Rank

Adaptation is used to translate most of the cultural specific items related to military rank. Adaptation can be used when there is an equivalent military rank in the target language. For examples, the rank jenderal can be translated into



‘general’ and letjen or letnan jenderal can be translated into ‘lieutenant general’ because both military ranks exist in the military system of the target language.

When the rank contains foreign name, borrowing + adaptation can be used. Foreign name here refers to proper name that comes from other language.

For example, the translation of komandan Wehrkreise III is ‘Commander of

Wehrkreise III’. Komandan is translated into its equivalent which is

‘Commander’. However, Wehrkreise comes from German which means areas of defense. Therefore, this name may be purely borrowed from German or translated into the English equivalent which is ‘Military District’.

Calque should be used when the cultural specific items are local to particular culture. An example of local cultural specific item is Panglima Besar

TNI. This rank is only found in Indonesian; thus, calque is applicable. The translation of this cultural specific item is ‘Supreme Commander of Indonesian

National Armed Forces’.

As the previous translation techniques, borrowing + calque is applicable when the cultural specific item is local to particular culture and contains abbreviation. For example, PTTD (Panglima Tentara Teritorium Djawa) is translated into ‘PTTD (Commander of Java Territorial Army)’. Pure borrowing is used to show the abbreviation in Indonesian, while calque is used to provide information about the cultural specific item in English.

In some cases, combination of the above techniques can be used. For example, if the cultural specific item contains rank and abbreviation such as

Komandan RPKAD, borrowing + adaptation + calque can be implemented. Thus,



the translation becomes ‘Commander of RPKAD (Army Command Forces


e. Weapon and Transportation

One of the most used translation techniques to translate weapon is adaptation. By using this technique, the translator looks for an equivalent of the weapon in the target language. Examples of this technique are bayonet and pistol which are translated into ‘bayonet’ and ‘pistol’. Even though both cultural specific items are actually derived from the target language, these items are already recognized in Indonesian as Indonesian words.

Borrowing + adaptation is used when the cultural specific item has an equivalent in the target language and has proper name. For example, pesawat

Kitty Hawk P-40, which is a military aircraft, is translated into ‘P-40 Kitty Hawk aircraft’.

There are several cases in the translations of weapons where additional technique or particular combination of techniques can be applied. The first example is the translation of Pesawat RAF (Royal Air Force) Sekutu into ‘Allied forces aircraft (Royal Air Force)’. This translation uses adaptation + calque because Sekutu is known as ‘Allied forces’ in many countries. Another example is the translation of granat gombyok into ‘granat gombyok (tasselled grenade)’. For this cultural specific item, additional information about the weapon is needed because the name of the weapon is unique and local to Indonesia. Granat gombyok refers to a normal grenade, but is equipped with tassel from fabric,



making it looks like a pony tail. To avoid any confusion and provide additional information, combination of borrowing and amplification can be used. The last particular technique is description. Description replaces the cultural specific item with a description. This technique can be used when the cultural specific item is not very clear and may not exist in the target language. Therefore, foreign people need additional information about the item. An example of description technique is the translation of bambu runcing into ‘sharpened bamboo spear’. Bambu runcing is described as a spear from bamboo that has been sharpened in its tip.

3. Currency and Non-material Culture

The scope of currency and non-material culture is very broad. Therefore, the translation techniques for this classification of cultural specific item vary and the techniques used must suit the need of each item.

Some of the translation techniques that can be used are adaptation, borrowing + adaptation, borrowing + amplification, calque and borrowing + calque. Adaptation may be used to convert currency or other metrics. Borrowing + adaptation can be used to translate lagu Indonesia Raya into ‘national anthem

Indonesia Raya’. Borrowing + amplification is used when there is a foreign name in the cultural specific item, as the translation of senam "Taiso" into ‘Taiso,

Japanese exercise’. Calque can be used to translate local cultural specific item, such as Bendera Merah Putih into ‘Red-and-White Flag’. Similar to calque, borrowing + calque is used to translate cultural specific item that can only be found in Indonesia with specific abbreviation or proper name. An example of this



technique is ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) which is translated into ‘ORI

(Republic of Indonesia Currency)’.

4. Administrative-territorial Division

The translation of administrative-territorial division is pretty simple. It mainly uses adaptation that looks for the equivalent division in other countries.

For example, kabupaten is translated into ‘regency’ and kepala desa is translated into ‘village chief’. Both regency and village chief exist in the target language.

Aside from adaptation, other techniques may also be applicable in particular cases. For example, in translating Kapanewon/Kemantren, borrowing + amplification may be used. Borrowing is used to keep the source cultural specific item, while amplification is used to provide additional information about what

Kapanewon/Kemantren is because this administrative-territorial division can only be found in Indonesia and was used in the past. The translation then becomes

‘Kapanewon/Kemantren (Subordinate of Subdistrict)’.

5. Building and Place

For places in Sultanate Palace, translator may use borrowing. Some of these places do not have equivalent in the target language since they are specifically related to Yogyakarta culture. Examples of these cultural specific items are Sitihinggil Keraton and Kepatihan.

Borrowing + adaptation can be used in translating buildings and places that use proper name. Some examples of the uses of borrowing and adaptation can



be seen in the translations of Balai Mataram into ‘Mataram Hall’ and Gedung

Wilis into ‘Wilis Building’. Balai and Gedung are adapted into the target language, while the proper name Mataram and Wilis are purely borrowed.

Cultural specific item that has abbreviation or proper name can use borrowing + calque. For example, Radio Pemberontak Mataram is translated into

‘Radio Pemberontak Mataram (Mataram Rebel Radio)’ and Kraton Kasultanan

Yogyakarta is translated into ‘Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace’.

If additional information or explanation is needed in the translation, translator can use borrowing + adaptation + amplification. For example, Gedung

Agung can be translated into ‘Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of

Yogyakarta)’. Gedung Agung is purely borrowed in the translation and also adapted into ‘Presidential Palace’. However, because Indonesian president has six presidential palaces, additional information about the location of the palace is needed. Therefore, amplification is used to add ‘Yogyakarta’ in the translation.

Another applicable combination of translation techniques is borrowing + amplification. This combination of techniques can be seen in the translation of

Sonobudoyo into ‘Sonobudoyo museum’. The word ‘museum’ is added to give information to the readers that Sonobudoyo is a museum.

6. Government and Organization

Cultural specific items related to government and organization can be divided into government body, head of state, form of state, law and constitution as well as political and social organization.



a. Government Body

One of the types of government bodies is ministry. In translating ministry, translator may use adaptation. The equivalent in the target language is used. For example, to translate Kementerian Penerangan into English, translator can adapt it into ‘Ministry of Information’.

Another possible technique is borrowing + adaptation. This technique is used when there is an equivalent in the target language and the cultural specific item uses an acronym or abbreviation. For example, the cultural specific item

Dewan Pertahanan Nasional (DEPERTAN) may be translated into ‘DEPERTAN

(National Defence Council)’. The acronym DEPERTAN is borrowed, while

Dewan Pertahanan Nasional is adapted into ‘National Defense Council’.

When the cultural specific item does not have any equivalent on the target language or is not commonly known, calque can be used. This technique is suitable for local cultural specific item that does not use any acronym or abbreviation. An example of the use of this technique is Konstituante (Sidang

Pembuat Undang-Undang Dasar) which is translated word by word into

‘Constitutional Assembly (Legislator Assembly)’,

If the local cultural specific items use acronym or abbreviation, translator may use borrowing + calque. Therefore, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

(DPRD) can be translated into ‘DPRD (House of Regional People's




b. Head of State

There are only two cultural specific items related to head of state in the data. In both translations, adaptation is used. For example, PM or Perdana

Menteri is equivalent to ‘Prime Minister’ and Presiden is equivalent to

‘President’. Both translations exist in the target language.

Since the head of different states usually refer to the same rank, these cultural specific items commonly have their established equivalent. For example, all countries have one head of state, such as president, king, queen, etc. and almost all countries have prime minister. What makes the name of the head of state different is the type of the country, such as democracy, monarchy, etc.

c. Form of State

Normally, a country only has one form of state. However, since the cultural specific items in the data are specifically related to Indonesian history, there are several changes of form of state. Indonesia had various forms of state before the independence, such Republik Indonesia, Republik Indonesia Serikat and Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

To translate these forms of state, combination of borrowing and calque can be used. Therefore, the translation of RIS becomes ‘RIS (Republic of the United

States of Indonesia)’ and the translation of NKRI becomes ‘NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia)’. Even though the core meaning of each form of state is almost the same, to differentiate between one form of state and another, calque should be used.



d. Law and Constitution

There are various cultural specific items related to law and constitution.

Therefore, the possible techniques for different cultural specific items may also vary.

Adaptation should be used if the type of law exists in the target language.

For example, dasar negara is equivalent to ‘national principle’ and RUU or

Rancangan Undang-Undang is equivalent to ‘bill’.

Borrowing should be used when dealing with cultural specific items that only contain proper name, such as Pancasila. If the cultural specific items are local and contain abbreviation, acronym or proper name, translator may use borrowing + calque. An example of the use of this combination is Pedoman

Penghayatan Pengamalan Pancasila (P4) which is translated into ‘P4 (Guidelines for Comprehension and Implementation of Pancasila)’. If there is no abbrevation, acronym or proper name, calque should be used. One of the examples is

Ketetapan MPRS No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967 which is translated word by word into

‘Decree of Temporary People's Consultative Assembly No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967’.

Borrowing + adaptation can be applied when the law can be adapted into the target language, but contains proper name. For example, Amanat Presiden

Soeharto may be translated into ‘Mandate of President Soeharto’. Amanat presiden is adapted into ‘mandate of president’ or ‘president’s mandate’, and the proper name is purely borrowed.

There are cases where the nature of the laws is not very clear, such as

UUD 1945 and UU No. 1. These cultural specific items do not specify the country



that issued the laws or the year. However, this information may be needed by foreign readers who do not understand Indonesian law. In this case, adaptation + amplification or calque + amplification can be used. UUD 1945 can be translated into ‘the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia’ using adaptation + amplification by adding information about the country, Republic of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, UU No. 1 does not specify the issuer or the year. This law was actually issued by Japanese government that ruled Indonesia in 1942. The law is also called ‘Osamu Seirei’. Therefore, the alternative translation for this law should include one of the above information, such as ‘Law No. 1 Year 1942’ or

‘Law No. 1 Year 1942 (Osamu Seirei)’.

e. Political and Social Organization

There are three types of organizations in the data. The first type is international organizations such as Palang Merah Internasional and PBB. These cultural specific items are translated using adaptation, so the translations become

‘International Committee of Red Cross’ and ‘United Nations’.

The second one is organizations that have specific proper name, such as

Jong Java and Tri Koro Dharma. Cultural specific items like these can be translated using pure borrowing, especially since the name itself contains cultural concepts that cannot be translated literally into English.

The last type is local organizations. If the organizations have abbreviation or acronym, borrowing + calque can be used. Examples of this type include KAGI

(Kesatuan Aksi Guru Indonesia) which is translated into ‘KAGI (Indonesian



Teachers Action Association)’ and Partai Komunis Indonesia which is translated into ‘PKI (Indonesian Communist Party)’. If the organization does not have any abbreviation, calque may be used. For example, Angkatan 66 is translated into

‘Generation ‘66’.

7. Tool

Almost all of the cultural specific items related to tools use adaptation in the translations. Using adaptation, the translator looks for the equivalent of the tools in the target language. For example, the equivalent of cawan is ‘saucer’ and lampu gantung is ‘chandelier’.

In some cases where the cultural specific items do not have equivalent in the target language, adaptation + amplification or borrowing + amplification can be used. For example, to translate gogok, adaptation + amplification is used.

Gogok is a jug or water container that is made of clay. This cultural specific item can be adapted to ‘jug’ while adding additional information about its material.

Therefore, the alternative translation is ‘clay jug’. Borrowing + amplification can also be used to deal with the same problem. For example, kendil dalung is translated into ‘kendil dalung (earthen cooking pot)’ and pet is translated into ‘pet, a Japanese soldier hat’.

8. Honorific

For most cases, adaptation and borrowing are used to translate honorifics.

Adaptation is used when the cultural specific item has an equivalent in the target



language, such as nabi and ‘prophet’. However, some honorifics are only used in

Indonesia and not applicable in the target language. In this case, pure borrowing can be used. For example, kyai, mbah, ki, Ir., G.R.M, and K.R.T have the same

English versions as the Indonesian ones.

There are two special cases in the data. First, is the translation of bangsawan Paku Alaman into ‘nobles of Paku Alaman’. Since the cultural specific item contains proper name, pure borrowing is needed. Thus, the translation combines borrowing and adaptation. The other case is the translation of Pak Guru into ‘Pak Guru (mister teacher)’. Pak Guru is a special title used to deceive colonnials. Thus, additional information about the title can be provided by using borrowing + amplification because this title is not a general title.

9. Institution and School

The translations of cultural specific items related to institution and school can be classified into three. First, translator can use borrowing. This technique is used when the name of the institution or school comes from foreign language, such as National Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa and Studie Fonds. The second applicable translation technique is borrowing + calque. Similar to the above uses of borrowing and calque, it is used when the school has abbreviation and foreign readers may need information about the abbreviation of the school. For example,

Militer Akademi (MA) can be translated into ‘MA (Military Academy)’. The last technique is used to translate local university or institution name that has no abbreviation, such as the translations of Universitas Indonesia into ‘University of



Indonesia’ and Universitas Gadjah Mada into ‘Gadjah Mada University’. In these cases, calque, which translates the cultural specific item word by word, can be used.

Even though there are 8 applicable translation techniques from Molina and

Albir’s (2002) proposal, there are only 6 alternative translation techniques used in the study. These techniques include borrowing, adaptation, calque, description, amplification and reduction. Generalization and particularization are not used because cultural specific items related to history should be translated exactly the same as the source text without generalizing or particularizing them. However, the most used alternative translation techniques are borrowing, adaptation and calque.

These techniques are often used because most of the cultural specific items have proper nouns, abbreviations or acronyms. Description, amplification and reduction can be used in particular conditions, such as when the cultural specific items need additional information that do not exist in the source text.





The last chapter of this study summarizes and concludes the findings and analysis of translations of cultural specific items. Furthermore, suggestions are also given for translators, manager or administrator of Fort Vredeburg Museum and other researchers.

A. Conclusion

There are 237 different cultural specific items found in the diorama texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum with a total data of 301. These cultural specific items can be classified into 9 big groups which are historical events, system and period; military reality; currency and non-material culture; administrative-territorial division; building and place; tool; honorific; institution and school; government and organization.

To get the percentage of accuracy of the translations of cultural specific items, three raters assessed the translations using Nababan’s (2012) rubric. The average accuracy from three raters was then calculated. The reliability of the assessment based on Krippendorff’s (2004) alpha is 0.88, indicating that the scores from the raters are reliable. The assessment shows that 50.61% of the translations are accurate, 22.04% are less accurate and 27.35% are inaccurate.

Furthermore, the accuracy level of each classification of cultural specific items is also different. The most accurate translations are the translations of honorific



(88.17%) and school and institution (75.00%). The translations of some classifications of cultural specific items are average, which include tool (65.00%), administrative-territorial division (64.28%), currency and non-material culture

(60.00%) and building and place (50.00%). Other translations have accuracy lower than 50.00%, such as military reality (45.08%), historical event, period and system (43.81%) and government and organization (32.31%). Furthermore, government and organization (40.00%) has the most inaccurate translations, followed by currency and non-material culture (30.00%), military reality

(29.92%), historical event, period and system (28.57%), building and place

(26.67%), school and institution (25.00%) and tool (20.00%). Meanwhile, there is no inaccurate translation for honorific. The number of accuracy and inaccuracy may imply that the translations of cultural specific items related to particular classification, such as government and organization are significantly more difficult than other classifications. Several other possible reasons include lack of knowledge and experience as a translator, different ideologies between different translators or raters, absence of established or official translations of cultural specific items, limited references due to the nature of the data, evolving data on the internet and inconsistency of translation.

In total, there are more than 140 non-equivalent translations which include less accurate and inaccurate translations. With the high number of less accurate and inaccurate translations of cultural specific items, the number of non- equivalent translations is also high. Each non-equivalent translation is described in the discussion along with the source and target utterances. The reason why the



translation is considered as non-equivalent is also discussed along with alternative translations that can be used as references. Based on the discussion, there are various reasons why these translations are considered as less accurate or inaccurate: equivalence problem, language problem and writing style problem.

Equivalence problems include incompleteness, missing translation, generalization, lack of information, inconsistency and inequivalency. Language problems include problems related to redundancy, the use of Indonesian words, plural and singular, apostrophe as well as word order. Problems related to style of writing that need to be pointed out is misspelled translation, style of translation and grammatical problem.

Several alternative translation techniques for cultural specific items in Fort

Vredeburg Museum are proposed based on the classification of cultural specific items. These alternative techniques are not fixed and may be used differently depending on the needs of translation and translation ideology of the translator.

According to Molina and Albir (2002), there are 18 translation techniques, but due to the nature of the data, there are only 8 possible translation techniques that can be used. However, this study only used 6 translation techniques which are calque, borrowing, adaptation, amplification, reduction, description and combination of these techniques. Generalization and particularization are not used because translation of cultural specific items related to history should have the exact same meaning as the source text without generalizing or particularizing cultural specific items. While the techniques for each classification may differ, the most common alternative techniques for the translations of cultural specific items in the diorama



texts are borrowing, adaptation and calque. Sometimes, combination of these three techniques can be used. Pure borrowing is mostly used to transfer proper names, abbreviations or acronyms. Adaptation is used when the cultural specific item has equivalence in the target language. Calque is used to literally translate the cultural specific items; in the data, it is mostly used to translate local organization name.

Description, reduction and amplification are rarely used, except in particular condition, such as when additional information about the cultural specific items is needed. However, other translation techniques may be applicable for different topics aside from what have been suggested in this study.

B. Suggestions

As this study involves a great number of data and complex processes, several suggestions for translator, the manager or administrator of Fort Vredeburg

Museum and other researchers are given.

1. Suggestions for Translators

There are many translation problems found in the translations of cultural specific items in the diorama texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum. Therefore, there are several recommendations that should be considered in translating similar cultural specific items.

First, translator should keep the consistency of the translation throughout the texts. If translator is not familiar with the cultural specific items or does not know the equivalence of the items, they should do research, research and research



using both offline and online references. Choosing the most suitable equivalence is also important instead of generalizing the cultural specific items because most of the times, these items refer to specific things and should not be generalized. In translating cultural specific items, translator should also consider the target readers. They can ask a question to themselves: Will the target readers understand my translation of cultural specific item? Some of the alternative translation techniques proposed in this study may also be used as future references in translating cultural specific items, especially related to the history of Indonesia.

2. Suggestions for the Manager or Administrator of Fort Vredeburg


Since only half of the translations of cultural specific items in the diorama texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum are accurate, the translations should be improved or the texts should be retranslated. This improvement is suggested so that foreign tourists can understand the history of Indonesia better. Improvement does not only include better translations of cultural specific items, but may also include better source texts, other translations that do not involve cultural specific items and style of writing.

Several problems of translations that are not related to the cultural specific items appear throughout the diorama texts, such as grammatical and word order problems as well as misspelled words. Style of writing, such as italicized words and the uses of abbreviation should also be improved in both Indonesian and

English version. The source text can also be improved in terms of length of



utterance and spelling. Some of the source utterances and sentences are too long and do not follow the Ejaan yang Disempurnakan (Enhanced Indonesian Spelling

System). However, Soewandi or Van Ophuijsen spelling systems can still be used, depending on the context of history.

3. Suggestions for Other Researchers

There are various problems that can be analyzed from the data in the diorama texts in Fort Vredeburg Museum. Therefore, other researchers can do deeper analysis in different area of translations using the same data, such as translation shifts, readability and acceptability. Moreover, other researchers may also provide better alternative translations because online references are always evolving, unlike offline references.

Another recommendation is other researchers can do deeper analysis on the most common translation techniques in translating different classifications of cultural specific items, so that these techniques may also be applicable in other translations of cultural specific items. The research can also analyze other parts of the utterances that are not related to cultural specific items.




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Appendix 1. Score of Translation Accuracy of Cultural Specific Items

Indonesian English RATER 1 RATER 2 RATER 3 No. CSI Utterance CSI Utterance AC LA IN AC LA IN AC LA IN HISTORICAL EVENT, PERIOD AND SYSTEM Peristiwa G30SPKI di The Communist G30SPKI Communist rebellion v v v Yogyakarta Rebellion in Yogyakarta Pidato Presiden tentang The speech of the penjelasan peristiwa G30S President about the event yang berjudul "Nawaksara" G30S entitled tidak memberikan "Nawaksara" does not G30S G30S v v v kepuasan publik, sehingga give public satisfaction 1 memicu terjadinya aksi which provoking demonstrasi menentang demonstrations against the presiden. president. The affair of G30S (30 Peristiwa G30S (Gerakan September Movement Gerakan 30 September 30 September 1965) 30 September 1965) became the v v v 1965 menjadi awal bangkitnya Movement 1965 beginning of the rise of Orde Baru. New Order. Pembukaan Pekan The opening ceremony of Pekan Olahraga First National Sport Olahraga Nasional I the First National Sport v v v Nasional I (PON I) Competition (PON I) (PON I) Competition (PON I) Scene: Long parade Adegan: Gerak jalan walking to follow PON I massal mengikuti pawai 2 flag parade from bendera PON I dari Yogyakarta to Solo PON I Yogyakarta menuju Solo PON v v v passed through Tugu melalui Jalan Tugu Kidul Kidul Street (now (sekarang Jalan Pangeran Pangeran Mangkubumi Mangkubumi) Street).



Tri Komando Rakyat Tri Komando Rakyat The Three Commands The Three Commands v v v (Trikora) (Trikora) of People of People Tanggal 19 Desember On December 19, 1961, in 1961, dalam rapat raksasa a mass meeting in Trikora (Tri Komando di Yogyakarta, Presiden Trikora (Tri Command Yogyakarta, President v v v 3 Rakyat) Soekarno mencanangkan of the People) Sukarno declared Trikora Trikora (Tri Komando (Tri Command of the Rakyat). People). The top moment was the Puncaknya adalah Three Demands of the declaration of Three Trikora dicanangkannya Trikora v v v People (Trikora) Demands of the People tahun 1961. (Trikora) in 1961. Stasiun pemancar radio ini berhasil mengirimkan It succeeded in berita kesuksesan widespreading the news Serangan Umum 1 Maret of the Public Attack on 1949 ke seluruh dunia March 1, 1949 by secara berantai melalui relaying through PDRI stasiun pemancar radio radio station in Bukit PDRI di Bukti Tinggi, Serangan Umum 1 Public Attack on Tinggi, AURI radio stasiun pemancar radio v v v Maret 1949 March 1, 1949 station in , AURI AURI di Aceh, stasiun radio station at Indonesian pemancar radio AURI pada Airways in Birma, Indian Indonesia Airways di radio then finally 4 Birma, stasiun pemancar continued to Indonesian radio India dan diteruskan delegation of United ke perwakilan Republik Nation in New York. Indonesia di PBB di New York. Pada masa Agresi Belanda In dutch military II, keris ini dipergunakan aggression II, he used it as sebagai jimat dalam an amulet when he joint in general attack Serangan Umum 1 mengikuti Batalyon I SWK Battalion 1 SWK 102 led battlefield on March 1, v v v Maret 1949 102 di bawah pimpinan by Major Sardjono, in 1949 Mayor Sardjono dalam general attack battlefield pertempuran Serangan on March 1, 1949 and in Umum 1 Maret 1949 serta guarding Supreme



saat turut serta menjaga Commander General keselamatan Pangsar Soedirman when stayed in Jenderal Soedirman ketika his village. singgah di kampung tersebut. On May 3, 1956, Tanggal 3 Mei 1956, President Sukarno Presiden Soekarno legitimized the legislation mengesahkan RUU Round Table plan of the relations 5 KMB v v v pembatalan hubungan Conference cancellation of Indonesia-Belanda Netherlands-Indonesia berdasarkan KMB 1949. based on Round Table Conference in 1949. Presiden Soekarno President Sukarno open membuka Konferensi Asian-African Asian-African 6 Konferensi Asia Afrika v v v Asia-Afrika di Bandung Conference Conference in Bandung tanggal 18 April 1955. on 18 April 1955. Adegan: Presiden Soekarno Scene: President Soekarno membuka secara resmi opened officially Konferensi Tingkat Konferensi Tingkat Conference on Minister Conference on Minister Menteri pada tanggal 11 v v v Menteri Level Level on November 11, Nopember 1959 dalam 1959 in the series of 11th rangkaian Konferensi Colombo Plan Conference Rencana Colombo XI Konferensi ini terbagi This conference was 7 dalam dua bagian yaitu divided into two parts that Konferensi Tingkat Ahli were Expert Level yang berlangsung pada Conference held on Konferensi Tingkat tanggal 26 Oktober s/d 6 Ministerial Level October 26 - November 6, v v v Menteri Nopember 1959 dan Conference 1959 and Ministerial Konferensi Tingkat Level Conference held Menteri yang berlangsung on November 11 - pada tanggal 11-14 November 14, 1959. Nopember 1959.



The Colombo Plan was Rencana Colombo lahir conceived in January pada bulan Januari 1950 1950 when the Konferensi Menteri pada saat Konferensi Conference on Foreign 8 Commonwealth v v v Luar Negeri Menteri Luar Negeri Affairs Minister Conference on Foreign Negara Persemakmuran di Affairs Minister held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Konferensi Rencana Konferensi Rencana Colombo Plan The 11th Colombo Plan 9 v v v Kolombo Kolombo XI tahun 1959 Conference Conference in 1959 Pada tahun 1958 In 1958, there was the dilaksanakan Konferensi Annual 10th Colombo Tahunan Dewan Plan Conference on Konsultatif Rencana Consultative Council in Konferensi Tahunan Colombo X di Seattle, Annual 10th Colombo Seattle, United States 10 Dewan Konsultatif Amerika Serikat di mana Plan Conference on v v v where one of the decisions Rencana Colombo X salah satu keputusannya Consultative Council was appointed Indonesia menunjuk Indonesia to be host country of the menjadi tuan rumah 11th Colombo Plan Konferensi Rencana Conference. Colombo XI. KONGRES BUDI FIRST CONGRESS OF First congress of Budi 11 Kongres Budi Utomo UTOMO DI BUDI UTOMO IN v v v Utomo YOGYAKARTA YOGYAKARTA Kongres pemuda di Youth congress in 12 Kongres Pemuda Youth congress v v v Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Setelah diadakan Pepera After referendum in (Penentuan Pendapat Pepera (Penentuan 1969, West Irian officially 13 Rakyat) tahun 1969, Irian referendum v v v Pendapat Rakyat) became part of the unitary Barat secara resmi menjadi nation of Indonesia. bagian dari NKRI. Ketika persetujuan It became the status quo Renville ditandatangani boundary that divided pada tanggal 17 Januari Indonesia territory and 14 Persetujuan Renville 1948, garis demarkasi Van Renville agreement Dutch territory. Renville v v v Mook menjadi batas status agreement on January 17, quo yang membagi daerah 1948 firmed the territory RI dan Belanda. of Republic Indonesia



which consisted of Java, Sumatera and Madura. Benda tersebut dipinjam oleh Bapak Bajuri untuk dipergunakan sebagai perlengkapan minum oleh When returned to Pangsar Jenderal Yogyakarta (capital city) Soedirman ketika pada as the follow up of Roem tanggal 8 Juli 1949 Royen agreement, Perundingan Roem- beristirahat di rumah Bapak Roem Royen Supreme Commander 15 v v v Royen Bajuri di dusun Krejo, agreement General Soedirman stayed kelurahan Genjahan, at Mr. Bajuri's house in Karamojo, Gunung Kidul Krejo, Genjahan, dalam rangka perjalanan Karamojo, Gunung Kidul masuk kota Yogyakarta in July 8, 1949. sebagai tindak lanjut dari perundingan Roem Royen. The mass meeting The mass meeting Rapat Kebulatan Tekad Rapat Kebulatan Tekad related with the related with the 16 v v v Penumpasan G30SPKI Penumpasan G30SPKI extermination of extermination of Communist rebellion Communist rebellion Tanggal 18 November In 18 November 1957 was 1957 diadakan rapat held general meeting for umum pembebasan Irian Rapat umum General meeting for liberation of West Irian. 17 Barat, dan tanggal 10 v v v pembebasan Irian Barat liberation of West Irian In February 10, 1958 was Februari 1958 dibentuklah established the West Irian Front Pembebasan Irian Liberation Front of Irian. Barat. Adegan: Prof. Muhammad Scene: Prof. Muh. Yamin Yamin sedang extended his ideas on the Seminar Nasional menyampaikan gagasannya 1st National Seminar 18 1st National Seminar of v v v Pancasila Pertama dalam Seminar Nasional of Pancasila Pancasila on February 16, Pancasila Pertama pada 1959 tanggal 16 Pebruari 1959



Selanjutnya, sidang istimewa MPRS tahun 1967 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai pejabat 19 sidang istimewa MPRS presiden dan pada sidang N/A N/A v v v umum MPRS tanggal 21- 30 Maret 1968 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai Presiden RI. From March 21 to 30, Tanggal 21-30 Maret 1968 General Assembly of 1968 the General Sidang Umum MPRS digelar Sidang Umum People's Consultative Assembly of People's v v v

MPRS. Assemby Consultative Assembly was held. Selanjutnya, sidang istimewa MPRS tahun 20 1967 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai pejabat Sidang umum MPRS presiden dan pada sidang N/A N/A v v v umum MPRS tanggal 21- 30 Maret 1968 mengangkat Letjend Soeharto sebagai Presiden RI. Pada tahun 1977, gagasan tentang Pedoman In 1977, the idea of The Penghayatan dan Guidance of Pancasila General Meeting of 21 Sidang umum MPR Pengamalan Pancasila yang Practice was discussed in v v v Legislative Assembly telah terhimpun diajukan General Meeting of ke Sidang Umum MPR Legislative Assembly. untuk dibahas. Keputusan diambil sebagai This decision was the realisasi dari keputusan realization of the Youth 22 Sumpah Pemuda Youth Pledge v v v Sumpah Pemuda tanggal Pledge inception on 28 Oktober 1928. October 28, 1928. Agresi Militer Belanda The Second Dutch The Second Dutch 23 Agresi Militer Belanda II II Military Aggression Military Aggression v v v



To encounter dutch Dalam menghadapi agresi military aggression II, militer Belanda II, PTTD PTTD (the Army (Panglima Tentara Commander of Djava Teritorium Djawa) Kolonel Territory), Colonel A. H. A. H. Nasution Agresi militer Belanda Dutch military Nasution, issued a mengeluarkan Maklumat II aggression II declaration No. 1/MBKD/1948 tanggal No.1/MBKD/1948 on 25 Desember 1948 yang December 25, 1948. The berisi berlakunya declaration stated that the pemerintahan militer untuk valid of military seluruh Jawa. government in Java. v v v Pidato Presiden tentang The speech of the penjelasan peristiwa G30S President about the event yang berjudul G30S entitled "Nawaksara" tidak "Nawaksara" does not 24 Nawaksara Nawaksara memberikan kepuasan give public satisfaction publik, sehingga memicu which provoking terjadinya aksi demonstrasi demonstrations agains the menentang presiden. president. v v v Tamansiswa was famous Tamansiswa terkenal with the education system dengan Sistem Among System of Among 25 Sistem Among of Among (Caring) yang mendasarkan pada (Caring) which was based on two dua landasan pokok. principles. v v v The affair of G30S (30 Peristiwa G30S (Gerakan September Movement 30 September 1965) 26 Orde Baru New Order 1965) became the menjadi awal bangkitnya beginning of the rise of Orde Baru. New Order. v v v

MILITARY REALITY The unity between Indonesian National TNI Bersatunya TNI dan rakyat Indonesian National v v v Army Army and people



Pada tanggal 7 Juni 1947 Finally, on June 7, 1947, keluarlah Penetapan President Sukarno Presiden yang menyatakan affirmed, among other Tentara Nasional Indonesian National 27 bahwa mulai tanggal 3 Juni things, the endorsment of v v v Indonesia (TNI) Armed Forces (TNI) 1947 disahkan berdirinya the Indonesian National Tentara Nasional Armed Forces (TNI) Indonesia (TNI). starting June 3, 1947. Again, it was renamed Selanjutnya pada tanggal Tentara Republik Tentara Republik TRI (Tentara Republik 24 Januari 1946 menjadi Indonesia (Army of the Indonesia (Army of the Indonesia) TRI (Tentara Republik Republic of Indonesia) Republic of Indonesia) Indonesia). 28 on January 24, 1946. v v v Mereka bergabung dalam They grouped in Tentara Republik laskar-laskar, bergabung Indonesian National paramilitary and Indonesia dengan tentara Republik Army Indonesian National Indonesia. Army. v v v Adegan: Pangsar Scene: The Great Soedirman memberi Commander General amanat setelah acara Soedirman was giving TKR TKR konferensi TKR yang mandate after his memutuskan beliau sebagai inauguration in TKR Panglima Besar conference v v v When BKR was renamed People Security Armed TKR Ketika BKR diintegrasikan into People Security Forces (TKR) 29 menjadi TKR, BKR Udara Armed Forces (TKR), v v v dengan sendirinya menjadi the Air Force BKR was TKR Udara TKR Udara. Air Force TKR also renamed into Air Force TKR. v v v Tentara Keamanan Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (People Security TKR dibentuk pada TKR Rakyat (People Forces), also known as tanggal 5 Oktober 1945. Security Forces) TKR, was established on October 5, 1945. v v v It was then renamed Tanggal 1 Januari 1946 Tentara Keselamatan Tentara Keselamatan Tentara Keselamatan TKR diubah menjadi 30 Rakyat (People Rakyat (People Salvation Rakyat Tentara Keselamatan Salvation Forces) Forces) on January 1, Rakyat. 1946. v v v



Adegan: Rakyat yang Scene: People, mostly sebagian besar pemuda young students and BKR, pelajar dan BKR were holding guns in the BKR mengadakan kontak senjata BKR battle against the Japanese dengan tentara Jepang di troops in Kotabaru (Kido Kotabaru (markas Batalyon Battalion camp or Kido Kido, atau Kido Butai) Butai) v v v On August 22, 1945, as the initial military body, Badan Keamanan Rakyat Sebagai embrio Badan Keamanan (BKR) or People BKR (Badan dibentuklah BKR (Badan Rakyat (BKR) or Secutiry Agency was Keamanan Rakyat) Keamanan Rakyat) pada People Secutiry established under Kasman 31 tanggal 22 Agustus 1945. Agency Singadimeja's leadership.

RN: 'Secutiry' is taken from the real datum. v v v Dengan terbentuknya BKR With the formation of pada tanggal 22 Agustus People Secutiry People Secutiry Agency 1945 maka di daerah yang Agency (BKR) (BKR) on August 22, BKR terdapat pangkalan udara 1945, the Airforce BKR v v v dibentuk pula BKR Udara. was also established in every area. Air Force BKR RN: 'Secutiry' is taken BKR Udara from the real datum. v v v



On 29 September 1945 AFNEI (Allied Forces Pada tanggal 29 September for Netherlands East 1945 Tentara AFNEI Indies) Forces landed on mendarat di Jakarta, Jakarta. AFNEI had the AFNEI bertugas melucuti obligations to disarm the dan mengembalikan tentara Japanese Military forces Jepang ke daerah asalnya, and returned them to their AFNEI (Allied Forces mengevakuasi APWI hometown, to evacuate 32 Tentara AFNEI for Netherlands East (Allied Prisoner War and APWI (Allied Prisoner Indies) Forces Interneer), mengambil alih War and Interneer), to daerah pendudukan Jepang, take over the area which dan menjaga keamanan dan aws occupied by the ketertiban agar Japanese forces and to pemerintahan sipil maintain security and berfungsi kembali. order so the civilian government regained control. v v v Setelah Jepang berkuasa di After occupying Indonesia segera Indonesia, the Japanese dikeluarkan UU No. 1 yang issued the Law No. 1 menyatakan bahwa stating that the Japanese 33 Tentara Jepang Tentara Jepang untuk Japanese Armed Forces Armed Forces had sementara melangsungkan temporarily carried out pemerintahan militer dalam the military government segala bidang kehidupan, in all aspects of life, termasuk pendidikan. including education. v v v Mereka menceburkan diri They joined GAPI dalam kancah perjuangan (Indonesian Youth bersama GAPI (Gabungan Union), MOBPEL Pemuda Indonesia), TP (Students Armed (Students Mobilization), 34 TP (Tentara Pelajar) v v v MOBPEL (Mobilisasi Forces) IPI (Indonesian Student Pelajar), IPI (Ikatan Pelajar Association), and TP Indonesia), dan TP (Students Armed (Tentara Pelajar). Forces).



Adegan: Tentara Pelajar Scene: The student army (TP) yang bermarkas di whose military post in Redjodani, Sariharjo, Redjodani, Sariharjo, Tentara Pelajar (TP) Ngaglik, Sleman Student Army Ngaglik, Sleman melakukan aksi ambushed the Dutch army penghadangan terhadap patrol tentara Belanda v v v Ketika massa dikawal satuan Polisi Istimewa When the mass people,

35 (PI) berpapasan dengan Japanese Kempeitai escorted by the Special Kempeitai Jepang pasukan Kempeitati Police Unit (Polisi Jepang, muncul ide Istimewa - PI), met the v v v Tentara Jepang untuk Japanese Kempeitai melucuti senjata PI, tropps who, then had an didahului dengan idea to disarm PI. Special Police Unit Following, the Seiko 36 Polisi Istimewa (PI) Maklumat Seiko Sikikan (Polisi Istimewa - PI) (larangan memiliki senjata Sikikan declaration about api). the prohibition of firearms possession. v v v

37 KEIBODAN KEIBODAN v v v Latihan Kemiliteran PETA Military training for 38 PETA / HEIHO / Anak-anak PETA PETA / HEIHO / School v v v Sekolah / Seinendan / Children / Seinendan / 39 SEINENDAN SEINENDAN v v v Keibodan Keibodan 40 HEIHO HEIHO v v v Dengan adanya serangan When Dutch military Agresi Militer II, maka aggression II happened, Angkatan Udara usaha-usaha penyelamatan the effort to save the 41 Republik Indonesia barang-barang milik Indonesian Air Force objects owned by (AURI) Angkatan Udara Indonesian Air Force Republik Indonesia was soon done. (AURI) segera dilakukan. v v v President Sukarno's Presiden Soekarno inauguration speech in the berpidato dalam rangka context of a large 42 Front Nasional pelantikan pengurus besar National Front committee of the Front Nasional di Jakarta National Front in Jakarta tanggal 8 September 1960. on 8 September 1960. v v v



In 18 November 1957 was Tanggal 18 November held general meeting for 1957 diadakan rapat umum liberation of West Irian. Front Pembebasan pembebasan Irian Barat, West Irian Liberation 43 In February 10, 1958 was Irian Barat dan tanggal 10 Februari Front of Irian established the West 1958 dibentuklah Front Irian Liberation Front Pembebasan Irian Barat. of Irian. v v v Oleh karena itu, di tingkat KDM (Komando KDM (military district 44 kabupaten dibentuk KDM Distrik Militer) command) (Komando Distrik Because of that, each v v v Militer), tingkat kecamatan district had KDM sampai dengan kelurahan (military district dibentuk KODM command) included in KODM (Komando (Komando Onder Distrik (KODM/Komando each village and territory 45 Onder Distrik Militer) Militer). Onder Distrik Militer) (KODM/Komando Onder Distrik Militer). RN: Onder = camat (zaman dahulu) v v v Pasukan RPKAD pada tanggal 19 Oktober 1965 bergerak menuju RPKAD Army moved to Yogyakarta. 46 RPKAD RPKAD Yogyakarta on October

19, 1965. RN: RPKAD = Resimen Pasukan Komando Angkatan Darat v v v Sidang DEPERTAN pada National Defense Council tanggal 14 Desember 1961 Komando Tertinggi meeting on December 14, memutuskan untuk Highest Command of 47 Pembebasan Irian 1961 decided to form the v v v membentuk Komando West Irian Liberation Barat Highest Command of Tertinggi Pembebasan West Irian Liberation. Irian Barat.



Pada masa Agresi Belanda II, keris ini dipergunakan sebagai jimat dalam mengikuti Batalyon I In dutch military SWK 102 di bawah aggression II, he used it as pimpinan Mayor Sardjono an amulet when he joint in dalam pertempuran Battalion 1 SWK 102 led Serangan Umum 1 Maret by Major Sardjono, in 1949 serta saat turut serta Batalyon I SWK 102 Battalion 1 SWK 102 general attack battlefield menjaga keselamatan on March 1, 1949 and in Pangsar Jenderal 48 guarding Supreme Soedirman ketika singgah Commander General di kampung tersebut. Soedirman when stayed in

his village. RN: SWK = Sub- Wehkreise = unit operasional pertahanan wilayah v v v In 1945, Suyatman joined Tahun 1945, Suyatman BKR (People BKR (People Security's BKR Batalyon I masuk BKR Batalyon I Security's Forces) Forces) Battalion I Kompi Sardjono. Batallion I Company Sardjono. v v v Korban pemberontakan 072 Regiment Vice 49 Kasrem 072 PKI di Yogyakarta adalah Commandant Kolonel Katamso (Danrem The victims of communist v v v 072) dan Letkol Sugiyono rebellion in Yogyakarta (Kasrem 072). were Colonel Katamso (072 Regiment RN: Danrem = Komandan Commandant) and 072 Regiment 50 Danrem 072 Korem. Korem = Komando Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Resort Militer. Kasrem = Sugiyono (072 Regiment Kepala Staf Komando Vice Commandant). Resort Militer. 072 adalah kode Yogyakarta. v v v



Kolonel Widodo yang diberi tugas mengamankan Colonel Widodo who was Yogyakarta berhasil ordered to secure merebut kembali markas Yogyakarta occupied Korem 072 pada tanggal 4 51 Korem 072 072 Regiment successfully the Military Oktober 1965. Headquarter of 072

Regiment on October 4, RN: Korem = Komando 1965. Resort Militer. 072 adalah kode Yogyakarta. v v v Scene: Siliwangi Military Adegan: Pasukan Divisi Division which was led Siliwangi yang dipimpin by Major Mokoginto Mayor Mokoginto tiba di arrived at Yogyakarta 52 Pasukan Divisi Military Division stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta Tugu railways station and dan diterima oleh Panglima accepted by Supreme Besar Jenderal Soedirman. Commander General Soedirman v v v Bung Hata menyambut Mr. Hatta welcomed the datangnya Pasukan arrival of the moving 53 Pasukan Hijrah Hijrah yang baru saja tiba moving soldiers soldiers which recently di Stasiun Tugu arrived at Tugu railways Yogyakarta station in Yogyakarta. v v v Melalui Sub Wehrkreise 101 dibawah pimpinan Letnan Marsudi, Hotel Through Sub Wehrkreise Tugu tersebut dapat 101 under Lieutenant 54 Sub Wehrkreise 101 dikuasai. Sub Wehrkreise 101 Marsudi, Tugu Hotel

could be occupied. RN: Sub Wehrkreise adalah unit operasional pertahanan wilayah. v v v



Rumah Wongsodirjo (ayah Suyatman) di Jogodayuh, Sumbermulyo, The house of Bambanglipuro, Bantul pad Wongsodirjo (Suyatman's tahun 1948-1949 dipakai father) in Bantul was used sebagai dapur umum dan ARMED (artillery as the headquarter of 55 ARMED markas ARMED yang division) ARMED (artillery waktu itu dipimpin ole division) led by Captain Kapten Oesodo. Oesodo and community kitchen. RN: Armed = artileri medan v v v Pedang itu dipergunakan oleh Bapak Hardi Suwarno The sword was used by saat bertugas sebagai Mr. Hardi Suwarno as anggota ODM/Onder ODM/Onder Distrik Onder District Military Onder District Military 56 Distrik Militer daerah Militer (ODM) (ODM) soldier in Wonolelo, Pleret, Bantul. Wonolelo, Pleret, Bantul

as a protecting weapon. RN: Onder = Camat (zaman dahulu) v v v Pemimpin pabrik dijabat oleh Mayor Ario Damar Leader of the factory was dari SAD IV dan Major Ario Damar from pemimpin laboratorium SAD (Army Squad) IV 57 SAD IV adalah Lt. Barnas yang SAD (Army Squad) IV and the leader of the dibantu oleh Ir. H. Johanes. laboratory was Lt. Barnas

assisted by Ir. H. Johanes. RN: SAD = Staf Angkatan Darat v v v Demi keamanan, Markas For the sake of security, Besar Komando Djawa Java Military Command Markas Besar (MBKD) dibawah Java Military Post (MBKD) that led by 58 Komando Djawa pimpinan Kolonel Abdul Command Post Colonel Abdul Haris v v v

(MBKD) Haris Nasution (MBKD) Nasution was moved to dipindahkan ke Banjarsari, Banjarsari, Kalibawang, Kalibawang, Kulonprogo. Kulonprogo.



The military headquarter MBKD (Markas Besar called as MBKD Markas Besar Markasnya disebut Komando (Markas Besar Komando Djawa Markas Besar Komando v v v Djawa/Headquarter of Komando (MBKD) Djawa (MBKD). Java Command) Djawa/Headquarter of Java Command). Location: Indonesian Lokasi: Markas Besar Armed Forces Umum TKR Yogyakarta headquarters Yogyakarta Markas Besar Umum (sekarang Museum Pusat Indonesian Armed (now is Central Museum 59 TKR TNI AD Dharma Forces Headquarters of TNI AD Dharma Wiratama) Jl. Jendral Wiratama), Jenderal Soedirman Yogyakarta Soedirman Street Yogyakarta v v v Adegan: Rakyat yang Scene: People, mostly sebagian besar pemuda young students and BKR, pelajar dan BKR were holding guns in the Markas Batalyon Kido mengadakan kontak senjata Kido Battalion camp or 60 battle against the Japanese atau Kido Butai dengan tentara Jepang di Kido Butai troops in Kotabaru (Kido Kotabaru (markas Battalion camp or Kido Batalyon Kido, atau Kido Butai) Butai) v v v Untuk menunjukkan bahwa berita tersebut hanya kebohongan belaka, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono To show that the news IX memanggil Letkol was false, Sri Sultan Soeharto selaku Hamengku Buwono IX komandan Wehrkreise invited Lieutenant Komandan Wehrkreise III untuk membicarakan Commander of Colonel Soeharto, 61 v v v III aksi serangan balasan Wehrkreise III commander of terhadap markas tentara Wehrkreise III, to Belanda di Yogyakarta discuss a plan to conduct yang kemudian dikenal an attack to the Dutch sebagai "Serangan Umum". army around Yogyakarta.

RN: Wehrkreise adalah unit operasional



pertahanan. Kolonel Sarwo Edhie Wibowo (Komandan RPKAD) memberikan Colonel Sarwo Edhie penjelasan kepada Wibowo (Commander of mahasiswa UI (Universitas Special Forces) give an Indonesia) terkait tugas Commander of Special explanation to the 62 Komandan RPKAD v v v penumpasan gerakan Forces students of University of G30S. Indonesia related the task of crushing the movement RN: RPKAD = Resimen G30S. Pasukan Komando Angkatan Darat Scene: General Sudirman Adegan: Jenderal was sworn in as The Soedirman dilantik sebagai The Great Commander Great Commander of Panglima Besar TNI oleh of the Indonesian the Indonesian National Panglima Besar TNI Presiden Soekarno, yang v v v National Military Military Forces by juga disertai dengan Forces President Sukarno, who pelantikan pucuk pimpinan also swore other Military TNI yang lain leaders. 63 Setelah dengan resmi TNI After the endorsement of berdiri maka pada tanggal TNI, on June 28, 1947 at 28 Juni 1947 di Istana the Presidential Palace of Panglima Besar Great Commander of Presiden Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, General Tentara Nasional the Indonesian v v v (Gedung Agung) Jenderal Sudirman was sworn in as Indonesia National Armed Forces Soedirman dilantik sebagai Great Commander of Panglima Besar Tentara the Indonesian National Nasional Indonesia. Armed Forces. Scene: The Great Adegan: Pangsar Commander General Soedirman menginspeksi Soedirman inspected the sekolah Militer Akademi 64 Pangsar The Great Commander Military Academy (MA) (MA) Yogyakarta dalam school of Yogyakarta in acara setengah tahun MA the mid-year anniversary Yogyakarta event of MA Yogyakarta v v v



Lieutenant Colonel Letkol Mokoginto Mokoginto reported to memberikan laporan Supreme General tentang pelaksanaan Soedirman about the hijrahnya TNI dari Jawa moving mission of Pangsar Barat ke Yogyakarta Supreme Indonesian National Army kepada Pangsar Jenderal based on West Java to Soedirman di Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta after arrived Yogyakarta pada 11 at Tugu railways station in Februari 1948 Yogyakarta on February 11, 1948. v v v Scene: Siliwangi Military Adegan: Pasukan Divisi Division which was led by Siliwangi yang dipimpin Major Mokoginto arrived Mayor Mokoginto tiba di at Yogyakarta Tugu Panglima Besar stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta Supreme Commander railways station and dan diterima oleh accepted by Supreme Panglima Besar Jenderal Commander General Soedirman. Soedirman. v v v The highest commands was held by the Great Panglima TNI dijabat oleh Commander of Batlle Panglima Besar Panglima Besar the Great Commander Forces, General Angkatan Perang Angkatan Perang Jenderal of Batlle Forces Sudirman. Soedirman. RN: 'Batlle' is taken from the real datum. v v v Dalam menghadapi agresi To encounter dutch militer Belanda II, PTTD military aggression II, (Panglima Tentara PTTD (the Army Teritorium Djawa) Commander of Djava PTTD (Panglima Kolonel A. H. Nasution PTTD (the Army Territory), Colonel A. H. 65 Tentara Teritorium mengeluarkan Maklumat Commander of Djava Nasution, issued a v v v

Djawa) No. 1/MBKD/1948 tanggal Territory) declaration 25 Desember 1948 yang No.1/MBKD/1948 on berisi berlakunya December 25, 1948. The pemerintahan militer untuk declaration stated that the seluruh Jawa. valid of military



government in Java. After Yogyakarta was Setelah Yogyakarta fully occupied by Dutch dikuasai Belanda tahun in 1948, the headquarter 1948, Markas PTTD of PTTD was moved (Panglima Tentara outside Yogyakarta to PTTD (Panglima Teritorium Djawa) Kepurun, Manisrenggo, Tentara Teritorium dipindahkan ke Desa PTTD v v v Klaten, Jateng and known Djawa) Kepurun, Manisrenggo, as MBKD (Markas Besar Klaten, Jateng dan dikenal Komando Djawa/The dengan MBKD (Markas Headquarter of Djawa Besar Komando Djawa) Military Command) X-1 Pos X-1. post. Kolonel AH Nasution pada Panglima Komando masa itu menjabat sebagai At that time, Colonel AH Djawa atau Panglima Panglima Komando a commander of Java Nasution was a v v v Tentara dan Teritorium Djawa atau Panglima command commander of Java Djawa (PTTD) Tentara dan Teritorium command. Djawa (PTTD). Tanggal 4 Maret 1961, On March 4, 1961, in bertempat di Jakarta, Jakarta, General Nasution Jenderal Nasution 66 Jenderal General signed the weapons menandatangani perjanjian purchase to the Souviet pembelian senjata oleh RI Union. kepada Uni Sovyet. v v v The rest of fighters were Para pejuang yang gugur killed such as Rear antara lain Komodor Muda Commodore Augustinus Udara Agustinus Adisucipto, Prof. Dr. 67 Letnan Udara I Adisucipto, Prof. Dr. First Flight Lieutenant v v v Abdurakhman Saleh, Abdurakhman Saleh, First Flight Lieutenant Letnan Udara I Adisumarmo Adisumarmo Wiyokusumo. Wiyokusumo.



Berdasarkan Ketetapan Based on the decision of MPRS No. MPRS No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967, pada XXXIII/MPRS/1967, on 68 Letjend tanggal 12 Maret 1967, Lt.Gen. March 12, 1967, Lt. Gen. Letjend Soeharto dilantik Suharto was inaugurated sebagai pejabat presiden as president of Indonesia. RI. v v v Lieutenant Colonel Letkol Mokoginto Mokoginto reported to memberikan laporan Supreme General tentang pelaksanaan Soedirman about the hijrahnya TNI dari Jawa moving mission of 69 Letkol Barat ke Yogyakarta Lieutenant Colonel Indonesian National Army v v v kepada Pangsar Jenderal based on West Java to Soedirman di Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta after arrived Yogyakarta pada 11 at Tugu railways station in Februari 1948 Yogyakarta on February 11, 1948. Pemimpin pabrik dijabat Leader of the factory was oleh Mayor Ario Damar Major Ario Damar from dari SAD IV dan pemimpin SAD (Army Squad) IV 70 Mayor Major laboratorium adalah Lt. and the leader of the Barnas yang dibantu oleh laboratory was Lt. Barnas Ir. H. Johanes. assisted by Ir. H. Johanes. v v v Waktu itu Pangsar Jenderal Soedirman didampingi oleh At that time, he was ajudannya Kapten accompanied by Captain 71 Mayor Dr. Soepardjo Roestam, Major Dr. Soepardjo Roestam, Cokropranoto, dan dokter Cokropranoto and Major pribadinya Mayor Dr. Dr. Soewondo. Soewondo. v v v Major General Suharto 72 Mayor Jenderal Mayor Jenderal Soeharto Major General v v v was inaugurated as dilantik sebagai Minister/Commander of Menteri/Panglima AD Minister/Commander Land Force by President 73 Menteri/Panglima AD oleh Presiden Soekarno of Land Force Soekarno on 16 October tanggal 16 Oktober 1965. 1965. v v v



As the Medical Tenaga medis adalah Kapt. Personnels were Captain 74 Kapt. dr. dr. Ibrahim Ichsan dan Captain dr. dr. Ichsan Ibrahim and Kapt. dr. Singgih. Captain dr. Singgih. v v v Waktu itu Pangsar Jenderal Soedirman didampingi oleh At that time, he was ajudannya Kapten accompanied by Captain 75 Kapten Soepardjo Roestam, Captain Soepardjo Roestam, Cokropranoto, dan dokter Cokropranoto and Major pribadinya Mayor Dr. Dr. Soewondo. Soewondo. v v v Salah satunya adalah dapur One of the community umum yang berada di kitchens was located at rumah kepala desa Kariyo Oetomo's house Banaran, Banjarsari (Bapak (the village chief of Kariya Oetomo) yang 76 Kolonel Colonel Banaran). It supported the diselenggarakan guna Indonesian National menunjang operasional Army's operation which pasukan dibawah pimpinan was led by Colonel Tahi Kolonel Tahi Bonar Bonar Simatupang. Simatupang. v v v Kedua korban tersebut diculik dan dibunuh secara 77 Pelda kejam oleh Pelda Kamil Private Both victims were atas perintah Peltu kidnapped and killed Sumardi pada tanggal 1 cruelly by Private Kamil Oktober 1965 di komplek who was ordered by v v v Batalyon L di Kentungan, Private Sumardi on Yogyakarta. October 1, 1965 at L

78 Private Battalion Complex in Peltu RN: Pelda = pembantu Kentungan, Yogyakarta. letnan II. Peltu = pembantu letnan I. v v v



PI Unit commander, Oni Sastroadmodjo immediately reported this Komisari Polisi RP. incident to the Police 79 Komisaris Polisi Sudarsono kemudian Police Commissioner Commissioner RP. berunding dengan Jepang. Sudarsono who then negotiated to the Japanese troops. v v v The rest of fighters were Para pejuang yang gugur killed such as Rear antara lain Komodor Commodore Augustinus Muda Udara Agustinus Adisucipto, Prof. Dr. 80 Komodor Muda Udara Adisucipto, Prof. Dr. Rear Commodore Abdurakhman Saleh, First Abdurakhman Saleh, Flight Lieutenant Letnan Udara I Adisumarmo Adisumarmo Wiyokusumo Wiyokusumo. v v v The Dutch officials, the nobles of Paku Alaman Ikut hadir pejabat Belanda, Palace, Regents of bangsawan Paku Alaman, Temanggung, Blora and Bupati Temanggung, Blora 81 opsir Legiun legionairy officers Magelang and 6 & Magelang, serta 6 opsir legionairy officers of Legiun Mangkunegaran Mangkunegaran Palace Solo. from Solo also joined the congress. v v v On October 27, 1945, Chief of General Staff Pada tanggal 27 Oktober Lt. Gen. TKR Oerip 1945, Kepala Staf Umum Soemohardjo established Kepala Staf Umum TKR Letjen Oerip Chief of General Staff 82 a national Military TKR Soemohardjo membentuk Lt. Gen. TKR Academy in Yogyakarta akademi militer nasional di and as the Director was Yogyakarta. Major General R. Memet Rachman Ali Soewardi. v v v



These historical objects Benda-benda bersejarah were witness of the army's tersebut menjadi saksi struggle at the perjuangan di markas headquarters of Zulkifli gerilya Wa KSAD Zulkifli vice of KSAD (land Lubis, the vice of KSAD 83 Wa KSAD Lubis di rumah Bapak force military division) (land force military Marito di dusun Srunggo, division) in Marito's Selopamioro, Imogiri, house (Srunggo, Bantul tahun 1948-1949. Selopamioro, Imogiri, Bantul). v v v Pada masa Agresi Militer In dutch military Belanda II, rumah Karyo aggression II period, Utomo di Banaran, Karyo Utomo's house in Banjarsari, Samigaluh, Banaran, Banjarsari, Wakil KSAP (Kepala vice-chief of Armed 84 Kulonprogo difungsikan Samigaluh, Kulonprogo Staf Angkatan Perang) forces sebagai markas Wakil was functioned as the KSAP (Kepala Staf headquarter of the vice- Angkatan Perang) chief of Armed forces, Kolonel T.B. Simatupang. Colonel T.B. Simatupang. v v v Waktu itu Pangsar Jenderal Soedirman didampingi oleh At that time, he was ajudannya Kapten accompanied by Captain 85 ajudan Soepardjo Roestam, N/A Soepardjo Roestam, Cokropranoto, dan dokter Cokropranoto and Major pribadinya Mayor Dr. Dr. Soewondo. Soewondo. v v v Adegan: Pesawat RAF Scene: Allied Aircraft of Pesawat RAF (Royal (Royal Air Force) Sekutu Allied Aircraft of RAF RAF (Royal Air Force) Air Force) Sekutu melakukan pengeboman (Royal Air Force) was bombing of the Balai Mataram Mataram hall v v v The Indonesian 86 Para teknisi Indonesia di technicians in Maguwo pangkalan udara Maguwo airbase successfully pesawat Cureng berhasil memperbaiki aircraft Cureng repaired the aircraft pesawat Cureng rampasan Cureng seized from the Jepang. Japanese air force. v v v



Scene: The wreckage of pesawat Kitty Hawk P- Adegan: Puing-puing P-40 Kitty Hawk plane Dakota VT-CLA 40 pesawat Dakota VT-CLA aircraft which was v v v yang jatuh akibat ditembak shooting down by Pesawat Dakota VT- pesawat Kitty Hawk P-40 Dakota VT-CLA Netherlands P-40 Kitty CLA Belanda aircraft Hawk plane v v v To overcome the lack of Untuk memenuhi gombyok (dangling) weapons during the period 87 granat gombyok kekurangan senjata pada grenades of physical revolution, the masa revolusi fisik, pabrik weapon factories tried v v v senjata Demakijo berusaha harder to produce any 88 mortar memproduksi senjata mortars kinds of weapon including v v v 89 pistol seperti pistol, granat pistols pistols, gombyok v v v gombyok, mortar, stand (dangling) grenades, gun, serta memodifikasi mortars, stand gun, and 90 stand gun senjata rampasan. stand gun they also modified the looted weapons. v v v Rakyat melengkapi diri People completed their dengan senjata-senjata self with custom guns, 91 bambu runcing seadanya seperti bambu bamboo spikes such as: bamboo spikes, runcing, keris, senjata api Kris, and loot guns. hasil rampasan. v v v Untuk menarik simpati To attract the sympathy of rakyat, serdadu Jepang the people, the Japanese menyerukan "Nippon soldiers shouted, "Nippon Indonesia sama-sama", and Indonesia are just the mengumandangkan lagu same". They also sang the 92 bayonet bayonet Indonesia Raya, serta national anthem Indonesia secara demonstratif Raya and they also menusuk-nusuk gambar stabbed the posters of the Ratu Belanda dengan Dutch queen with the bayonet. bayonets. v v v Pada tanggal 29 Agustus On August 29, 1947, the garis demarkasi Van 1947, Belanda "Van Mook" Dutch proclaimed the 93 Mook memproklamirkan garis demarcation line making of "Van Mook" demarkasi Van Mook. demarcation line. v v v

94 Sekutu Sekutu berusaha Allied forces The Allied forces tried to v v v



membungkam siaran silence the stations. tersebut.

CURRENCY AND NON-MATERIAL CULTURE Banyak cara mereka lakukan untuk mendukung They supported the perjuangan struggle for independence mempertahankan such by making posters, kemerdekaan seperti placard, leaflets, and pembuatan poster, plakat, slogans of fighting spirit, ORI (Oeang Republik ORI (Oeang Republic selebaran, semangat even they designed Indonesia) of Indonesia) perjuangan, bahkan juga Indonesia banknotes ORI mendesain uang kertas (Oeang Republic of ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia), and got Indonesia), serta involved themselves 95 melibatkan diri secara fisik physically in the battle. dalam perjuangan. v v v Pada tahun 1948-1949, lampu gantung ini It was used to light the dimanfaatkan sebagai alat process in making of the penerangan proses ORI (Oeang Republik coins (ORI/Republic series number of the coins pembuatan nomor seri mata Indonesia) Indonesia currency) (ORI/Republic uang ORI (Oeang Indonesia currency) at Repoeblik Indonesia) di Mertamanggala's house. rumah bapak Mertamanggala. v v v Berkat kegigihannya, Due to the harsh action, Belanda akhirnya the Dutch finally raised 96 £10,- £15,- memenuhi tuntutan, upah £ 10,- £ 15,- the wages, from £ 10,- to dinaikkan dari £10,- £ 15,-. menjadi £15,-. v v v Anak-anak sekolah Hence, the school sebelum memulai pelajaran Japanese exercise children, before starting 97 senam "Taiso" harus senam "Taiso", Taisso their lessons, had to do a mengikuti kebiasaan Japanese exercise v v v



Jepang yaitu kepala gundul Taisso, had to follow the memakai pet/topi model habits of Japanese people serdadu Jepang, latihan such as shaving their baris-berbaris, penanaman heads balded, wearing hat semangat Kebaktian like Japanese soldiers, and semangat Kebaktian (Hokoseisyin) meliputi Spirit of Loyalty joining the marching 98 (Hokoseisyin) tiga hal yaitu (Hokoseisyin) exercises. In schools they mengorbankan diri, were also trained to mempertebal persaudaraan intenalize the Spirit of dan melaksanakan sesuatu Loyalty (Hokoseisyin), dengan bukti. which contained three things. v v v Penurunan bendera The lowering of Hinomaru dan pengibaran Hinomaru flag and the Bendera Merah Putih bendera merah putih di Indonesian Flag raising of Indonesian flag Gedung Cokan Kantai in Cokan Kantai Building (Gedung Agung) (Presidential Palace) v v v After hearing the news, of the proclamation in Setelah berita sampai ke Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan HB HB IX unified the IX mengumpulkan pemuda youngsters in the Gedung dilanjutkan maklumat 5 Indonesian flag, the Wilisand afterwards, Bendera Merah Putih September 1945, serta Red-White issued the declaration of kesepakatan untuk 99 September 5, 1945 and menggalakkan pemasangan promoted the installation bendera Merah Putih (tgl. of the Indonesian flag, 20 September 1945). the Red-White, in the public places. v v v Isi Trikora antara lain The contents of Trikora: gagalkan negara boneka abort the puppet state of Papua bikinan belanda, Papua made by kibarkan Sang Merah Netherlands, hoist the Sang Merah Putih Red and White flag Putih di Irian Barat, dan Red and White flag in jalankan mobilisasi umum West Irian and do a untuk mempertahankan general mobilization to kemerdekaan. defend the freedom. v v v



Untuk menarik simpati To attract the sympathy of rakyat, serdadu Jepang national anthem the people, the Japanese 100 lagu Indonesia Raya menyerukan "Nippon Indonesia Raya soldiers shouted, "Nippon Indonesia sama-sama", and Indonesia are just v v v mengumandangkan lagu the same". They also sang Indonesia Raya, serta the national anthem Nippon Indonesia secara demonstratif Nippon and Indonesia Indonesia Raya and they 101 sama-sama menusuk-nusuk gambar are just the same also stabbed the posters of Ratu Belanda dengan the Dutch queen with the bayonet. bayonets. v v v

ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL DIVISION Mula-mula di Pedukuhan Pedukuhan Tarub, kemudian berpindah N/A ke Pedukuhan Baturan, Firstly, MBKD was at v v v 102 berpindah lagi ke Tarub. Then, it occupied Pedukuhan Tarub, terus at Sapen. Pedukuhan N/A pindah ke Pedukuhan Sapen, Kelurahan Sapen. v v v Tentara Belanda melakukan intimidasi dan Initimidation and frisking penggeledahan terhadap to the people by the Dutch 103 dusun N/A penduduk di dusun Jati, army in Jati, Wonokromo, Wonokromo, Pleret, Pleret, Bantul, Yogyakarta Bantul, Yogyakarta v v v Oleh karena itu, di tingkat Because of that, each kabupaten dibentuk KDM district had KDM (Komando Distrik Militer), (military district kabupaten tingkat kecamatan sampai district command) included in dengan kelurahan dibentuk each village and territory KODM (Komando Onder (KODM/Komando Onder 104 Distrik Militer). Distrik Militer). v v v On September 11, 1951: Tanggal 11 September Submission candidate of 1951: Pengajuan calon Kabupaten regency the member of House of anggota DPRD di Regional Representative Kabupaten dan Kotapraja at regency and v v v



municipality Oleh karena itu, di tingkat Because of that, each 105 kecamatan kabupaten dibentuk KDM territory district had KDM (Komando Distrik Militer), v v v (military district tingkat kecamatan sampai command) included in dengan kelurahan each village and territory 106 kelurahan dibentuk KODM village (KODM/Komando Onder (Komando Onder Distrik Distrik Militer). Militer). v v v The fulfillment of the Penetapan hasil pemilihan general election result at anggota DPRD di tingkat central level of 107 Propinsi pusat Propinsi Daerah Province Yogyakarta Special Istimewa Yogyakarta pada Region Province was tanggal 20 Oktober 1951. held on October 20, 1951. v v v On October 7, 1951: Tanggal 7 Oktober 1951: Election of the member of Pemungkutan suara calon 108 Kapanewon/Kemantren Kapanewon/Kemantren House of Regional anggota DPRD di Representative at Kapanewon/Kemantren Kapanewon Kemantren v v v On September 11, 1951: Tanggal 11 September Submission candidate of 1951: Pengajuan calon the member of House of 109 Kotapraja municipality anggota DPRD di Regional Representative Kabupaten dan Kotapraja at regency and municipality v v v Salah satunya adalah dapur One of the community umum yang berada di kitchens was located at rumah kepala desa Kariyo Oetomo's house Banaran, Banjarsari (Bapak (the village chief of Kariya Oetomo) yang 110 kepala desa village chief Banaran). It supported the diselenggarakan guna Indonesian National menunjang operasional Army's operation which pasukan dibawah pimpinan was led by Colonel Tahi Kolonel Tahi Bonar Bonar Simatupang. Simatupang. v v v



Benda-benda tersebut milik Bapak Hadiharsono Shoes and a sword holster (mantan lurah belonged to Mr. Parangtritis) yang tinggal Hadiharsono (the ex-chief 111 Lurah di Grogol, Parangtritis, chief of village of Parangtritis village) Kretek, Bantul dan who lived in Grogol, dipergunakan untuk Paragtritis, Kretek, melaksanakan tugas Bantul. perjuangan. v v v The wall clock was used Jam dinding ini merupakan as the struggle media sarana perjuangan ketika when Djoyowidagdo's rumah Djoyowidagdo 112 Bupati regent house was used as the menjadi pusat governmental centre of pemerintahan sipil Bupati Kulonprogo regent, K.R.T. Purwoningrat K.R.T. Purwoningrat. v v v Adegan: Sri Sultan Adegan: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Hamengku Buwono IX di accompanied by the dampingi Gubernur 113 Gubernur Dutch Governor Dutch Governor Lucian Lucian Adam saat Adam in the coronation as penobatan sebagai Sultan the king of the Kasultanan di Kasultanan Yogyakarta (Sultanate) of Yogyakarta v v v

BUILDING AND PLACE Daerah Istimewa Lokasi: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Special Location: Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Region Special Region v v v Pemilihan umum tahun 1951 di Daerah Istimewa The 1st general election in Yogyakarta, seperti Yogyakarta grabbed the 114 nampak dalam adegan, Daerah Istimewa big attention from mendapat perhatian besar Yogyakarta Yogyakarta electors, regional baik dari rakyat pemilih government and central maupun dari pemerintah government. pusat dan pemerintah daerah lain. v v v



a sugar factory in Daerah Istimewa Pabrik gula di Daerah Yogyakarta Special Yogyakarta Special Yogyakarta Istimewa Yogyakarta Territory Territory v v v The bombing of Pengeboman Balai Mataram Hall, RRI Balai Mataram Mataram, RRI dan Mataram Hall (Radio of Indonesian Sonobudoyo Republic) and 115 Sonobudoyo v v v Location: Alun-alun utara Lokasi: Alun-alun Utara Balai Mataram Yogyakarta and Balai Balai Mataram dan Balai Mataram Yogyakarta Mataram Yogyakarta (sekarang Senisono) (now is Senisono) v v v Penurunan bendera The lowering of Hinomaru dan pengibaran Hinomaru flag and the Gedung Agung bendera merah putih di Presidential Palace raising of Indonesian flag Gedung Cokan Kantai in Cokan Kantai Building (Gedung Agung) (Presidential Palace) v v v Lokasi: Gedung Gedung Kepresidenan Yogyakarta Location: Yogyakarta Kepresidenan Yogyakarta (Gedung Presidential Palace Presidential Palace Yogyakarta (Gedung Agung) (Gedung Agung) (Gedung Agung) 116 Agung) v v v Setelah dengan resmi TNI After the endorsement of berdiri maka pada tanggal TNI, on June 28, 1947 at 28 Juni 1947 di Istana the Presidential Palace Istana Presiden Presiden Yogyakarta Presidential Palace of of Yogyakarta, General Yogyakarta (Gedung (Gedung Agung) Jenderal Yogyakarta Sudirman was sworn in as Agung) Soedirman dilantik sebagai Great Commander of the Panglima Besar Tentara Indonesian National Nasional Indonesia. Armed Forces. v v v



The Japanese soldiers had entered into Yogyakarta on March 6, 1942 from Jepang masuk ke the east through Solo Yogyakarta pada tanggal 6 Street. They walked to the Maret 1942 melalui Jalan west and arrived at the Solo, berjalan ke barat dan Tugu monument in the Gedung Gubernuran setelah sampai ke Governorate Palace middle of the crossroad, (Gedung Agung) perempatan Tugu belok ke (Presedential Palace) then, turned south to selatan menuju Jl. Malioboro street and Malioboro dan Gedung Governorate Palace Gubernuran (Gedung (now Presedential agung sekarang). Palace).

RN: 'Presedential' is taken from the real datum. v v v Seminar ini berlangsung This seminar was held on pada tanggal 16 s/d 20 February 16-20, 1959 in Pebruari 1959 di Gedung Sasana Hinggil Dwi Abad Gedung Negara Yogyakarta State Sasana Hinggil Dwi Abad Building in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Building Yogyakarta dan ditutup and closed formally in secara resmi di Gedung Yogyakarta State Negara Yogyakarta. Building. v v v The office of daily Harian Sinar Matahari di newspaper Sinar daily newspaper Sinar Harian Sinar Matahari Jl. Malioboro menjadi Matahari on Malioboro Matahari salah satu sasaran mereka. street became one of their targets. v v v Di bawah pimpinan Under the leadership of Samawi dan Sumantara, Samawi and Sumantara, 117 dibantu dengan para aided by the workers of pekerja Harian Sinar Sinar Matahari, they Matahari, segera diambil Harian Sinar Matahari Sinar Matahari took over that building alih gedung percetakan and all equipments on beserta peralatan yang ada behalf of the public. They untuk kepentingan also renamed the building perjuangan dan as Kedaulatan Rakyat. menggantinya dengan v v v



nama "Kedaulatan Rakyat". Location: Willis Building, Kepatihan, Lokasi: Gedung Wilis, Yogyakarta Gedung Wilis Willis Building Kepatihan, Yogyakarta RN: 'Willis' is taken from real datum. v v v As the reaction for this situation, Sri Sultan Dua hari berikutnya, Sri Hamengku Buwono IX 118 Sultan HB IX mengundang immediately invited pemuda dari golongan groups of youngsters, agama, nasionalis, numbering about 100 Gedung Wilis kepanduan dan keturunan Gedung Wilis people, representing the Cina, kurang lebih 100 nasionalists, Chinese orang bertempat di ethnic, religious groups, Gedung Wilis, Kepatihan, and scout group in the Yogyakarta. Gedung Wilis, Bangsal Kepatihan, Yogyakarta. v v v Tempat pendidikan MA The education building berada di Gedung for MA was located in the Christelijk Mulo Christelijk Mulo building, 119 Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta (sekarang Fort Vredeburg Yogyakarta (now the SMU BOPKRI I Senior High School SMU Yogyakarta), dan di BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta) Benteng Vredeburg. and in Fort Vredeburg. v v v Scene : Sutomo, a student of STOVIA (Medical Adegan : Sutomo (Pelajar School for the Indigenous STOVIA) menyampaikan People), was explaining 120 Gedung Kweekschool gagasan di Konggres I Kweekschool his ideas in The First Boedi Oetomo di Gedung Congress of Boedi Kweekschool Yogyakarta. Oetomo in Kweekschool Yogyakarta v v v



There was also an illegal Selain itu, ada pemancar radio transmitter Radio Radio Pemberontak Radio Pemberontak gelap Radio Pemberontak Pemberontak Mataram 121 Mataram (Mataram Mataram Mataram pimpinan Bung (Mataram Rebel Radio) Rebel Radio) Tardjo di Kadipaten. led by Bung Tardjo in the Kadipaten Building. v v v The bombing of Mataram Pengeboman Balai RRI (Radio of 122 RRI Hall, RRI (Radio of Mataram, RRI dan Indonesian Republic) Indonesian Republic) v v v Sonobudoyo 123 Sonobudoyo Sonobudoyo and Sonobudoyo v v v However, based on the Selanjutnya berdasarkan Government Regulation PP No. 23 tanggal 16 No. 23 December 16, Desember 1949, perguruan 1949, those education tinggi tersebut instituions in the three digabungkan menjadi Sitihinggil Kraton 124 Sitihinggil Kraton cities were unified into the Universiteit Negeri Gadjah (Sultanate Palace) University of Gadjah Mada pada tanggal 19 Mada on December 19, Desember 1949 di 1949 at Sitihinggil Sitihinggil Kraton Kraton (Sultanate Yogyakarta. Palace) in Yogyakarta. v v v Lokasi: Bangsal Lokasi: Bangsal Bangsal Manguntur Manguntur Tangkil, Siti Bangsal Manguntur Manguntur Tangkil, Siti 125 Tangkil Hinggil Kraton Kasultanan Tangkil Hinggil, Sultanate Palace Yogyakarta Yogyakarta v v v Lokasi: Dalem Lokasi: Joyodipuran 126 Dalem Joyodipuran Joyodipuran Jl. Brigjen Joyodipuran House House, Bridgjen Katamso Katamso 23 Yogyakarta Street No. 23, Yogyakarta v v v Location: Sitihinggil, Kraton Kasultanan Lokasi: Sitihinggil, Kraton Kraton Kasultanan Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta Kasultanan Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Yogyakarta v v v 127 Lokasi: Bangsal Lokasi: Bangsal Kraton Kasultanan Manguntur Tangkil, Siti Sultanate Palace Manguntur Tangkil, Siti Yogyakarta Hinggil Kraton Yogyakarta Hinggil, Sultanate Palace Kasultanan Yogyakarta Yogyakarta v v v



Adegan: Sri Sultan Adegan: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Hamengku Buwono IX di accompanied by the dampingi Gubernur Lucian Kasultanan (Sultanate) Dutch Governor Lucian Kasultanan Yogyakarta Adam saat penobatan of Yogyakarta Adam in the coronation as sebagai Sultan di the king of the Kasultanan Yogyakarta Kasultanan (Sultanate) of Yogyakarta v v v Lokasi: Gedung Wilis, Location: Willis Building, Kepatihan Kepatihan Kepatihan, Yogyakarta Kepatihan, Yogyakarta v v v As the reaction for this situation, Sri Sultan Dua hari berikutnya, Sri Hamengku Buwono IX Sultan HB IX mengundang immediately invited pemuda dari golongan groups of youngsters, agama, nasionalis, numbering about 100 Kepatihan kepanduan dan keturunan Bangsal Kepatihan people, representing the Cina, kurang lebih 100 nasionalists, Chinese orang bertempat di Gedung 128 ethnic, religious groups, Wilis, Kepatihan, and scout group in the Yogyakarta. Gedung Wilis, Bangsal Kepatihan, Yogyakarta. v v v TP Brigade was Brigade ini diresmikan announcedofficially on pada tanggal 17 November November 17, 1948 at 1948 di Kepatihan Kepatihan (now Kepatihan Kepatihan (now Yogyakarta dengan governor office) governor office) mendapat urutan brigade Yogyakarta as brigade yang ke XVII. XVII. v v v There was also an illegal Selain itu, ada pemancar radio transmitter Radio gelap Radio Pemberontak Pemberontak Mataram 129 Kadipaten Kadipaten building Mataram pimpinan Bung (Mataram Rebel Radio) Tardjo di Kadipaten. led by Bung Tardjo in the Kadipaten Building. v v v



Location: Indonesian Lokasi: Markas Besar Armed Forces Umum TKR Yogyakarta headquarters Yogyakarta Central Museum of Museum Pusat TNI (sekarang Museum Pusat (now is Central Museum 130 TNI AD Dharma AD Dharma Wiratama TNI AD Dharma of TNI AD Dharma Wiratama Wiratama) Jl. Jendral Wiratama), Jenderal Soedirman Yogyakarta Soedirman Street Yogyakarta v v v

TOOL Rakyat melengkapi diri People completed their dengan senjata-senjata self with custom guns, keris seadanya seperti bambu Kris such as: bamboo spikes, 131 runcing, keris, senjata api Kris, and loot guns. hasil rampasan. v v v Keris Keris Kyai Slamet creese Creese of Kyai Slamet v v v

132 gogok opium container opium container and v v v gogok dan poci teapot 133 poci teapot v v v 134 cangkir cup v v v mesin jahit, cangkir dan sewing machine, cup and 135 cawan saucer cawan saucer v v v 136 mesin jahit sewing machine v v v 137 sepatu shoes v v v sepatu dan tempat shoes and a sword tempat menyarungkan 138 menyarungkan pedang a sword holster holster pedang v v v 139 cething rice bowl v v v

140 panci pedang, panci, cething pan sword, pan, rice bowl v v v dan piring and plate 141 pedang sword v v v 142 piring plate v v v 143 Lampu gantung Lampu gantung The hanging lamp The hanging lamp v v v



144 jam dinding jam dinding wall clock wall clock v v v 145 kendil dalung kendil dalung pot pot v v v

146 sepeda sepeda bicycle bicycle v v v Hence, the school Anak-anak sekolah children, before starting sebelum memulai pelajaran their lessons, had to do a harus senam "Taiso", Japanese exercise Taisso, mengikuti kebiasaan had to follow the habits of Jepang yaitu kepala gundul Japanese people such as memakai pet/topi model shaving their heads serdadu Jepang, latihan hat like Japanese balded, wearing hat like 147 pet baris-berbaris, penanaman soldiers Japanese soldiers, and semangat Kebaktian joining the marching (Hokoseisyin) meliputi tiga exercises. In schools they hal yaitu mengorbankan were also trained to diri, mempertebal intenalize the Spirit of persaudaraan dan Loyalti (Hokoseisyin), melaksanakan sesuatu which contained three dengan bukti. things. v v v

148 kentongan kentongan kentongan kentongan v v v

149 lampu minyak lampu minyak oil lamp oil lamp v v v

HONORIFIC Mr. Hatta welcomed the Bung Hata menyambut arrival of the moving datangnya Pasukan Hijrah Bung Mr. soldiers which recently yang baru saja tiba di arrived at Tugu railways Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta station in Yogyakarta. v v v 150 There was also an illegal Selain itu, ada pemancar radio transmitter Radio gelap Radio Pemberontak Pemberontak Mataram Bung Bung Mataram pimpinan Bung (Mataram Rebel Radio) Tardjo di Kadipaten. led by Bung Tardjo in the Kadipaten Building. v v v



Pada tahun 1948-1949, lampu gantung ini It was used to light the dimanfaatkan sebagai alat process in making of the penerangan proses series number of the coins bapak pembuatan nomor seri mata N/A (ORI/Republic Indonesia uang ORI (Oeang currency) at Repoeblik Indonesia) di Mertamanggala's house. rumah bapak 151 Mertamanggala. v v v Benda-benda tersebut milik Shoes and a sword holster Bapak Hadiharsono belonged to Mr. (mantan lurah Parangtritis) Hadiharsono (the ex-chief yang tinggal di Grogol, Bapak Mr. of Parangtritis village) Parangtritis, Kretek, Bantul who lived in Grogol, dan dipergunakan untuk Paragtritis, Kretek, melaksanakan tugas Bantul. perjuangan. v v v Hadir dalam upacara It was attended by pembukaan tersebut antara President Soekarno, lain Presiden Soekarno, Fatmawati (Soekarno's Ibu Ibu Fatmawati, Sri Sultan N/A wife), Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, Sri Hamengku Buwono IX, Paku Alam VIII, dan para Sri Paku Alam VIII and pejabat negara lainnya. other state officers. v v v 152 Kendhil ini milik Ibu Mertopawiro (mbah Sayuk) The pot belonged to Ms. yang pernah dipergunakan Mertopawiro (Mbah untuk merebus 3 butir telur Sayuk) which has been Ibu Ms. bagi Pangsar Jenderal used to boil three eggs for Soedirman dalam Supreme Commander perjalanan ke Wonosari General Soedirman. untuk bergerilya. v v v Sri Sultan HB IX Sri Sultan Hamengku memimpin rapat dalam Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX leads the 153 Sri Sultan HB IX rangka dukungan terhadap Buwono IX meeting to support the proklamasi proclamation v v v



After hearing the news, of Setelah berita sampai ke the proclamation in Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan HB IX mengumpulkan HB IX unified the pemuda dilanjutkan youngsters in the Gedung maklumat 5 September Wilisand afterwards, Sri Sultan HB IX Sri Sultan HB IX 1945, serta kesepakatan issued the declaration of untuk menggalakkan September 5, 1945 and pemasangan bendera promoted the installation Merah Putih (tgl. 20 of the Indonesian flag, the September 1945). Red-White, in the public places. v v v Furthermore, Ir. Soekarno Selanjutnya Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta 154 Drs. Drs. Hatta became president menjadi presiden dan wakil and vice president of the presiden NKRI. Republic of Indonesia. v v v Tepat jam 11.00 WIB GRM. Dorojatun At about 11:00 pm, GRM dinobatkan sebagai Putra Dorojatun was crowned as Mahkota dan limat menit the Crown Prince. The kemudian dinobatkan next five minutes he was menjadi Sultan dengan coronated as the Sultan in gelar Sampeyan Dalem the title of Sampeyan Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng 155 GRM. G.R.M. Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Sultan Hamengku Buwono Kanjeng Sultan Senapati Ingalaga Hamengku Buwono Ngabdurrakhman Sayidin Senapati Ingalaga Panatagama Khalifatullah Ngabdurrakhman Sayidin Kaping IX. Panatagama

Khalifatullah Kaping IX. RN: GRM = Gusti Raden Mas v v v Pemimpin pabrik dijabat Leader of the factory was oleh Mayor Ario Damar Major Ario Damar from 156 Ir. dari SAD IV dan pemimpin Ir. SAD (Army Squad) IV laboratorium adalah Lt. and the leader of the Barnas yang dibantu oleh laboratory was Lt. Barnas v v v



Ir. H. Johanes. assisted by Ir. H. Johanes.

Suatu ketika K.R.T. Purwaningrat (Bupati Kulonprogo) sampai di Once upon a time, K.R.T. Sidomulyo dan Purwaningrat (Kulon memutuskan pemerintahan Progo Regent) arrived in sipil dijalankan di tempat Sidomulyo. Then, he 157 K.R.T. itu dengan menempati K.R.T. decided to conduct the rumah Djoyowidagdo di government at Parakan, Sidomulyo, Djoyowidagdo's house in Pengasih, Kulonprogo. Parakan, Sidomulyo, Pengasih, Kulonprogo. RN: K.R.T = Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung v v v Ki Hajar Dewantara was delivering his idea about Adegan: Ki Hadjar the ??founding of the Dewantara menyampaikan National Institute 158 Ki gagasan pendirian National Ki Onderwijs Tamansiswa Onderwijs Instituut

Tamansiswa RN: ?? is taken from real datum. v v v Adegan : Pangeran Scene: Prince Diponegoro bersama Kyai Diponegoro, Kyai Mojo, Mojo & Pangeran 159 Kyai Kyai and Prince Mangkubumi Mangkubumi menyusun were planning on combat strategi perlawanan strategy against the Dutch terhadap Belanda. v v v Keris ini miliki Bapak Creese of Kyai Slamet Sartono warga Paliyan Lor, belonged to Mr. Sartono Karang Duwet, Paliyan, who lived in Paliyan Lor, 160 Mbah Mbah Gunung Kidul yang Karang Duwet, Paliyan, merupakan pemberian dari Gunung Kidul. He got it Mbah Bei Wiryosecoko. from Mbah Bei v v v




It was proved that some representatives from many Terbukti mereka masing- kinds of governmental masing mengirimkan hierarchy observerd the peninjau yaitu kantor election. The central perwakilan pusat representative office sent mengirimkan Mr. Mr. Subagiyo, 161 Mr. Subagiyo Resodipuro dan Mr. Resodipuro and Mrs. Ny. Pujobuntara sedangkan Pujobundara, House of DPRS mengirimkan Temporary Representative Hadikusumo, Amels, Moch sent Hadikusumo, Amels, Tauchid, Andi Gappa dan Moch Tauchid, Andi Meizir Ahmadiyas. Gappa and Meizir Ahamdiyas. v v v Muhammadiyah which Muhammadiyah berarti means the followers of pengikut Nabi Muhamad, prophet Muhammad was didirikan K. H. Ahmad 162 Nabi prophet founded by Kyai Haji Dahlan tanggal 18 Ahmad Dahlan on November 1912 di Kauman November 18, 1912 in Yogyakarta Kauman, Yogyakarta. v v v Akhir Juli 1825, di At the end of July 1825, Selarong berkumpul there were a lot of bangsawan Yogyakarta al : Yogyakarta nobles Pangeran Mangkubumi, gathered in Selarong. Pangeran Adinegara, They were Prince Pengeran panular, Mangkubumi, Prince 163 Ngabehi Ngabehi Adiwinata Surydipura, Adinegara, Prince Blitar, Kyai maja, Pangeran Panular, Adiwinata Rangga, Ngabehi Suryadipura, Blitar, Kyai Mangunharjo, dan Maja, Prince Rangga, Pangeran Surenglaga siap Ngabehi Mangunharjo, bertempur membantu and Prince Surenglaga. v v v



Pangeran DIponegoro.

RN: Ngabehi = salah satu gelar kraton Tanggal 22-25 Desember On December 22-25, 1928 atas prakarsa Ny. 1928, on the initiative of Sukonto, Nyi Hadjar Mrs. Sukonto, Nyi Hadjar Dewantara, dan Nn. Dewantara and Miss 164 Nn. Miss Sujatin diadakan Kongres Sujatin the Indonesian Perempuan Indonesia I Women Congress I was bertempat di Dalem organized in Joyodipuran Joyodipuran Yogyakarta. House in Yogyakarta. v v v It was proved that some representatives from many Terbukti mereka masing- kinds of governmental masing mengirimkan hierarchy observerd the peninjau yaitu kantor election. The central perwakilan pusat representative office sent mengirimkan Mr. Subagiyo Mr. Subagiyo, Resodipuro 165 Ny. Resodipuro dan Ny. Mrs. and Mrs. Pujobuntara, Pujobuntara sedangkan House of Temporary DPRS mengirimkan Representative sent Hadikusumo, Amels, Moch Hadikusumo, Amels, Tauchid, Andi Gappa dan Moch Tauchid, Andi Meizir Ahmadiyas. Gappa and Meizir Ahamdiyas. v v v Tanggal 22-25 Desember On December 22-25, 1928 atas prakarsa Ny. 1928, on the initiative of Sukonto, Nyi Hadjar Mrs. Sukonto, Nyi Hadjar Dewantara, dan Nn. Sujatin Dewantara and Miss 166 Nyi Nyi diadakan Kongres Sujatin the Indonesian Perempuan Indonesia I Women Congress I was bertempat di Dalem organized in Joyodipuran Joyodipuran Yogyakarta. House in Yogyakarta. v v v Pak Guru adalah nama Pak Guru (mister Pak Guru (mister 167 Pak Guru samaran yang dipakai oleh teacher) was a teacher) Nasution. pseudonym of AH v v v




Sebagai Presiden Prof. Dr. A. Sardjito was Universiteit yang pertama 168 Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. appointed the first adalah Prof. Dr. A. University President. Sardjito. v v v Adegan: Prof. Muhammad Scene: Prof. Muh. Yamin Yamin sedang extended his ideas on the menyampaikan gagasannya 170 Prof. Prof. 1st National Seminar of dalam Seminar Nasional Pancasila on February 16, Pancasila Pertama pada 1959 tanggal 16 Pebruari 1959 v v v Untuk itu, RM. Suryopranata menuntut Therefore RM. kenaikan upah dan sewa Suryopranoto demanded 171 RM. RM. tanah. an increasing wages and land rent. RN: RM = Raden Mas v v v Adegan: Sri Sultan Adegan: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Hamengku Buwono IX di accompanied by the dampingi Gubernur Lucian Sultan king Dutch Governor Lucian Adam saat penobatan Adam in the coronation as sebagai Sultan di the king of the Kasultanan Kasultanan Yogyakarta (Sultanate) of Yogyakarta v v v 172

Tepat jam 11.00 WIB At about 11:00 pm, GRM GRM. Dorojatun Dorojatun was crowned as dinobatkan sebagai Putra the Crown Prince. The Sultan Sultan Mahkota dan limat menit next five minutes he was kemudian dinobatkan coronated as the Sultan in menjadi Sultan dengan the title of Sampeyan v v v



Sampeyan Dalem gelar Sampeyan Dalem Sampeyan Dalem Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Ingkang Sinuwun Ingkang Sinuwun Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Kanjeng Sultan Kanjeng Sultan Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono Hamengku Buwono Hamengku Buwono Hamengku Buwono Senapati Ingalaga 173 Senapati Ingalaga Senapati Ingalaga Senapati Ingalaga Ngabdurrakhman Ngabdurrakhman Ngabdurrakhman Sayidin Ngabdurrakhman Sayidin Panatagama Sayidin Panatagama Panatagama Khalifatullah Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah Kaping IX. Khalifatullah Kaping Kaping IX. Khalifatullah Kaping IX IX v v v The Dutch officials, the nobles of Paku Alaman Ikut hadir pejabat Belanda, Palace, Regents of bangsawan Paku Alaman, Temanggung, Blora and bangsawan Paku Bupati Temanggung, Blora the nobles of Paku 174 Magelang and 6 Alaman & Magelang, serta 6 opsir Alaman Palace legionairy officers of Legiun Mangkunegaran Mangkunegaran Palace Solo. from Solo also joined the congress. v v v Untuk menarik simpati To attract the sympathy of rakyat, serdadu Jepang the people, the Japanese menyerukan "Nippon soldiers shouted, "Nippon Indonesia sama-sama", and Indonesia are just the mengumandangkan lagu same". They also sang the 175 Ratu Belanda Dutch queen Indonesia Raya, serta national anthem Indonesia secara demonstratif Raya and they also menusuk-nusuk gambar stabbed the posters of the Ratu Belanda dengan Dutch queen with the bayonet. bayonets. v v v Adegan: Pangeran Scene: Prince Diponegoro bersama Kyai Diponegoro, Kyai Mojo, Mojo & Pangeran 176 Pangeran Prince and Prince Mangkubumi Mangkubumi menyusun were planning on combat strategi perlawanan strategy against the Dutch terhadap Belanda v v v



INSTITUTION AND SCHOOL Akademi Ilmu Politik In order to develop higher Untuk mengembangkan 177 Akademi Ilmu Politik (Political Science education in Indonesia, pendidikan tinggi di Academy) the education institutions v v v Indonesia, maka didirikan such as Sekolah Tinggi lembaga pendidikan tinggi Teknik (Technical seperti Sekolah Tinggi Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Academy) and Akademi 178 Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Teknik dan Akademi (Technical Academy) Ilmu Politik (Political Ilmu Politik di Science Academy) were Yogyakarta. established in Yogyakarta. v v v Scene: Ki Hajar Dewantara was delivering Adegan: Ki Hadjar his idea about the Dewantara menyampaikan ??founding of the National Onderwijs National Institute 179 gagasan pendirian National Institute Instituut Tamansiswa Onderwijs Tamansiswa National Onderwijs Onderwijs Tamansiswa Instituut Tamansiswa RN: ?? is taken from real datum. v v v They made some Kongres memutuskan decisions, among others, antara lain; mendirikan establishing a join federasi bersama federation named United "Perserikatan Perkumpulan Association for Perempuan Indonesia" Indonesian Women 180 Studie Fonds (PPPI), menerbitkan surat Studie Fonds (PPPI), publishing a kabar, mendirikan Studie newspaper, organizing Fonds, memperkuat scholarship Studie Fonds, pendidikan kepanduan enhancing the education putri, dan mencegah for woman scouting, and perkawinan anak. preventing child marriage. v v v Adegan: Pangsar Scene: The Great Soedirman menginspeksi Commander General sekolah Militer Akademi Military Academy Soedirman inspected the 181 Militer Akademi (MA) (MA) Yogyakarta dalam (MA) Military Academy (MA) acara setengah tahun MA school of Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta the mid-year anniversary v v v



event of MA Yogyakarta

Scene : Sutomo, a student of STOVIA (Medical Adegan : Sutomo (Pelajar School for the STOVIA) menyampaikan STOVIA (Medical Indigenous People), was 182 STOVIA gagasan di Konggres I School for the explaining his ideas in Boedi Oetomo di Gedung Indigenous People) The First Congress of Kweekschool Yogyakarta. Boedi Oetomo in Kweekschool Yogyakarta v v v Kolonel Sarwo Edhie Colonel Sarwo Edhie Wibowo (Komandan Wibowo (Commander of RPKAD) memberikan Special Forces) give an UI (Universitas penjelasan kepada explanation to the 183 University of Indonesia Indonesia) mahasiswa UI students of University of (Universitas Indonesia) Indonesia related the task terkait tugas penumpasan of crushing the movement gerakan G30S. G30S. v v v Hari jadi berdirinya Universitas Gadjah Gadjah Mada The founding of Gadjah 184 Universitas Gadjah Mada Mada University Mada University Yogyakarta v v v

GOVERNMENT AND ORGANIZATION Akhirnya MPR Finally, Legislative menetapkan tentang Assembly assigned Pedoman Penghayatan dan Legislative Assembly 185 MPR Legislative Assembly Pengamalan Pancasila Decree No. II/MPR/1978 melalui TAP MPR No. about the Guidance of II/MPR/1978. Pancasila Practice. v v v



Dalam pemilihan umum ini rakyat sebagai pemilih umum tidak secara It was conducted by Dewan Perwakilan langsung memilih wakilnya indirect system where Rakyat Daerah duduk dalam Dewan representative people elected their (DPRD) Perwakilan Rakyat representatives. 186 Daerah (DPRD) melainkan memilih wakil pemilih. v v v Kemudian wali pemilih Then, the representatives inilah yang akan memilih House of Regional elected the member of DPRD wakil rakyat yang akan Representative House of Regional duduk di DPRD. Representative. v v v Tanggal 29 September DPR (Dewan On September 29, 1955 to 187 1955 untuk memilih parliament (DPR) Perwakilan Rakyat) elect members of the anggota DPR (Dewan v v v parliament (DPR) and Perwakilan Rakyat) dan December 15, 1955 to tanggal 15 Desember 1955 Konstituante (Sidang Constituent Assembly elect members of the untuk memilih anggota 188 Pembuat Undang- (Assembly Record or Constituent Assembly Konstituante (Sidang Undang Dasar) The Constitution) (Assembly Record of Pembuat Undang- The Constitution). Undang Dasar). v v v Kemudian, 40 orang anggota DPRD hasil Dewan perwakilan pemilihan umum dipilih 5 189 N/A N/A Daerah orang sebagai anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah. v v v



It was proved that some representatives from many Terbukti mereka masing- kinds of governmental masing mengirimkan hierarchy observerd the peninjau yaitu kantor election. The central perwakilan pusat representative office sent mengirimkan MR. House of Temporary Mr. Subagiyo, Resodipuro 190 DPRS Subagiyo Resodipuro dan Representative and Mrs. Pujobundara, Ny. Pujobuntara sedangkan House of Temporary DPRS mengirimkan Representative sent Hadikusumo, Amels, Moch Hadikusumo, Amels, Tauchid, Andi Gappa dan Moch Tauchid, Andi Meizir Ahmadiyas. Gappa and Meizir Ahamdiyas. v v v Dengan adanya situasi tersebut, Pemerintah By this situation, Dewan Pertahanan Indonesia membentuk Indonesian Government National Defense 191 Nasional Dewan Pertahanan formed National Defense Council (DEPERTAN) Nasional (DEPERTAN) Council on December 11, pada tanggal 11 Desember 1961. 1961. v v v On October 31, 1945 in Tanggal 31 Oktober 1945 Balai Mataram di Balai Mataram Yogyakarta, a meeting Yogyakarta diadakan rapat was attended by the youth Kementerian dihadiri perwakilan 192 Information Ministry representative from Penerangan pemuda Jakarta, Bandung, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dan staf Surabaya, and the wartawan Kementerian journalists staff of the Penerangan. Information Ministry. v v v Ada upaya pembunuhan There were assassination terhadap PM Sutan Sjahrir attempts against Prime (tgl. 26 Desember 1945), Minister Sutan Sjahrir on terhadap Amir Sjarifudin Desember 26, 1945, and 193 PM Prime Minister (tgl. 28 Desember 1945), against Amir Sjarifudin ditambah adanya on December 26, 1945, pendaratan pasukan marinir and also the Dutch marine Belanda di Tanjung Priok troops anchored in v v v



tanggal 30 Desember 1945. Tanjung Priuk harbor on December 30, 1945.

Hadir dalam upacara It was attended by pembukaan tersebut antara President Soekarno, lain Presiden Soekarno, Fatmawati (Soekarno's 194 Presiden Ibu Fatmawati, Sri Sultan President wife), Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX, Sri Hamengku Buwono IX, Paku Alam VIII, dan para Sri Paku Alam VIII and pejabat negara lainnya. other state officers. v v v Indonesian Republic Republik Indonesia hijrah Indonesian Republic Republik Indonesia government moved to ke Yogyakarta government Yogyakarta v v v Tanggal 4 Maret 1961, On March 4, 1961, in bertempat di Jakarta, Jakarta, General Nasution Jenderal Nasution RI N/A signed the weapons 195 menandatangani perjanjian purchase to the Souviet pembelian senjata oleh RI Union. kepada Uni Sovyet. v v v Hal itu dilakukan RI dalam This was done in rangka persiapan RI Indonesia preparation of Indonesia perjuangan pembebasan to liberate of West Irian. Irian Barat. v v v On August 15, 1950 Drs. Drs. Mohammad Hatta Mohammad Hatta as selaku Perdana Menteri Prime Minister RIS RIS menyerahkan mandat RIS (Indonesian RIS (Indonesian Republic kepada Presiden Soekarno Republic Union) 196 Union) submit the di Jakarta pada tanggal 15 mandate to President Agustus 1950. Sukarno in Jakarta. v v v It marked the dissolution RIS RIS v v v Hal itu menandai bubarnya of the RIS and the

RIS dan negara kembali ke Unitary State of country back into the 197 NKRI dalam NKRI. Indonesia (NKRI) Unitary State of Indonesia (NKRI). v v v



Furthermore, Ir. Soekarno Selanjutnya Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta NKRI Republic of Indonesia Hatta became president menjadi presiden dan wakil and vice president of the presiden NKRI. Republic of Indonesia. v v v Setelah diadakan Pepera After referendum in 1969, (Penentuan Pendapat West Irian officially unitary nation of NKRI Rakyat) tahun 1969, Irian became part of the Indonesia Barat secara resmi menjadi unitary nation of bagian dari NKRI. Indonesia. v v v Isi Trikora antara lain The contents of Trikora: gagalkan negara boneka abort the puppet state of Papua bikinan belanda, Papua made by kibarkan Sang Merah Putih the puppet state of Netherlands, hoist the Red 198 negara boneka papua di Irian Barat, dan jalankan Papua and White flag in West mobilisasi umum untuk Irian and do a general mempertahankan mobilization to defend the kemerdekaan. freedom. v v v Kesimpulan dari seminar The conclusion of the ini lebih memantapkan lagi seminar was to stabilize usaha-usaha untuk kembali the efforts to return the dasar negara kepada UUD 1945, serta National Basic 1945 Constitution and Pancasila sebagai Dasar Pancasila as the National Negara yang tidak perlu Basic that was undisputed diperdebatkan lagi. again. v v v 199 Hal ini membuktikan It proved indirectly that secara tidak langsung Yogyakarta actively had a bahwa Yogyakarta telah role to return the berperan secara aktif dasar negara N/A constitution to 1945 mengembalikan dasar Constitution in the negara ke UUD 1945 presence of the President dengan adanya Dekrit decree on July 5, 1959. Presiden 5 Juli 1959. v v v Kesimpulan dari seminar The conclusion of the 20 Pancasila Pancasila ini lebih memantapkan lagi seminar was to stabilize v v v



usaha-usaha untuk kembali the efforts to return the kepada UUD 1945, serta 1945 Constitution and 201 UUD 1945 Pancasila sebagai Dasar 1945 Constitution Pancasila as the National Negara yang tidak perlu Basic that was undisputed diperdebatkan lagi. again. v v v The constituent assembly Konstituante hasil pemilu as the public election 202 UUD gagal menyusun UUD constitution results failed to set up the hingga tahun 1959. constitution until 1959. v v v Setelah Jepang berkuasa di After occupying Indonesia segera Indonesia, the Japanese dikeluarkan UU No. 1 yang issued the Law No. 1 menyatakan bahwa Tentara stating that the Japanese UU No. 1 Jepang untuk sementara Law No. 1 Armed Forces had melangsungkan temporarily carried out 203 pemerintahan militer dalam the military government segala bidang kehidupan, in all aspects of life, termasuk pendidikan. including education. v v v Langkah tersebut kemudian Undang-Undang No. menjadi Undang-Undang N/A N/A 13 Tahun 1956 No. 13 Tahun 1956. v v v On May 3, 1956, Tanggal 3 Mei 1956, President Sukarno Presiden Soekarno legitimized the legislation mengesahkan RUU plan of the relations 204 RUU legislation plan pembatalan hubungan cancellation of Indonesia-Belanda Netherlands-Indonesia berdasarkan KMB 1949. based on Round Table Conference in 1949. v v v Akhirnya MPR Finally, Legislative menetapkan tentang Assembly assigned Legislative Assembly TAP MPR No. Pedoman Penghayatan dan Legislative Assembly 205 Decree No II/MPR/1978 Pengamalan Pancasila Decree No. II/MPR/1978 II/MPR/1978 melalui TAP MPR No. about the Guidance of II/MPR/1978. Pancasila Practice. v v v



Berdasarkan Ketetapan Based on the decision of MPRS No. MPRS No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967, pada Ketetapan MPRS No. decision of MPRS No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967, on tanggal 12 Maret 1967, XXXIII/MPRS/1967 XXXIII/MPRS/1967 March 12, 1967, Lt. Gen. Letjend Soeharto dilantik Suharto was inaugurated sebagai pejabat presiden as president of Indonesia. RI. v v v Pada tanggal 7 Juni 1947 Finally, on June 7, 1947, keluarlah Penetapan President Sukarno Presiden yang menyatakan affirmed, among other Penetapan Presiden bahwa mulai tanggal 3 Juni N/A things, the endorsment of 1947 disahkan berdirinya the Indonesian National Tentara Nasional Indonesia Armed Forces (TNI) (TNI). starting June 3, 1947. v v v Berdasarkan Ketetapan Based on Presidential Presiden Nomor 14 Ketetapan Presiden Decision No. 14 on May, Tahun 1948 tanggal 14 Presidential Decision Nomor 14 Tahun 1948 1948, here was the 206 Mei 1948, No. 14 on May, 1948 tanggal 14 Mei 1948 establishment of student makadibentuklah brigade army (TP) Brigade. Tentara Pelajar (TP). v v v Hal ini membuktikan It proved indirectly that secara tidak langsung Yogyakarta actively had a bahwa Yogyakarta telah role to return the Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli berperan secara aktif President decree on 5 constitution to 1945 1959 mengembalikan dasar Juli 1959 Constitution in the negara ke UUD 1945 presence of the President dengan adanya Dekrit decree on July 5, 1959. Presiden 5 Juli 1959. v v v Selanjutnya berdasarkan However, based on the PP No. 23 tanggal 16 Government Regulation Desember 1949, perguruan No. 23 December 16, tinggi tersebut 1949, those education Government PP No. 23 tanggal 16 digabungkan menjadi instituions in the three 207 Regulation No. 23 Desember 1949 Universiteit Negeri Gadjah cities were unified into the December 16, 1949 Mada pada tanggal 19 University of Gadjah Desember 1949 di Mada on December 19, Sitihinggil Kraton 1949 at Sitihinggil Kraton Yogyakarta. (Sultanate Palace) in v v v




Untuk menguasai keadaan, To control the situation, keluarlah Surat Perintah on March 11, 1966 208 Surat Perintah warrant 11 Maret 1966 untuk published the Warrant Letjend Soeharto. for Lt. Gen. Suharto. v v v When the mass people, Ketika massa dikawal escorted by the Special satuan Polisi Istimewa (PI) Police Unit (Polisi berpapasan dengan Istimewa - PI), met the pasukan Kempeitati Japanese Kempeitai Maklumat Seiko Jepang, muncul ide Tentara Seiko Sikikan tropps who, then had an Sikikan Jepang untuk melucuti declaration idea to disarm PI. senjata PI, didahului Following, the Seiko 209 dengan Maklumat Seiko Sikikan declaration Sikikan (larangan about the prohibition of memiliki senjata api). firearms possession. v v v PMI di DIY secara resmi In Yogyakarta, PMI was Yogyakarta Maklumat Pemda DIY dibentuk berdasarkan formally established under Government No. 6 tanggal 27 maklumat Pemda DIY Yogyakarta Declaration No. 6 in Oktober 1945 No. 6 tanggal 27 Oktober Government Declaration October 1945 1945. No. 6 in October 1945. v v v Amanat Presiden Amanat Presiden 210 President's Mandate President's Mandate Soeharto Soeharto tentang v v v Related with the Pedoman Penghayatan Pedoman Penghayatan The Guidance of Guidance of Pancasila 211 Pengamalan Pancasila dan Pengalaman Pancasila Practice Practice (P4) Pancasila (P4) v v v



Para mahasiswa tersebut The students are members tergabung dalam KAMI of the KAMI were then 212 Angkatan 66 yang kemudian terkenal Force 66 exposed to as "Force dengan sebutan 66". "Angkatan 66". v v v Selanjutnya, nama Tri 213 Jong Java Jong Java But then, Tri Koro v v v Koro Dharmo diubah Dharmo was renamed menjadi Jong Java pada 214 Tri Koro Dharmo Tri Koro Dharmo into Jong Java. tahun 1918. v v v KABI (Kesatuan Aksi KABI (Indonesian 215 Buruh Indonesia) Labor Action Unit) Hal ini menginspirasi aksi- This inspired other v v v aksi lain seperti KAPPI actions: KAPPI KAGI (Kesatuan Aksi KAGI (Action Unit of 216 (Kesatuan Aksi Pemuda (Indonesian Student guru Indonesia) Indonesian Teacher) Pelajar Indonesia), KAPI Youth Action Unit), v v v (Kesatuan Aksi Pelajar KAPI (Indonesian KAPI (Kesatuan Aksi KAPI (Indonesian 217 Indonesia), KABI Student Action Unit), Pelajar Indonesia) Student Action Unit) (Kesatuan Aksi Buruh KABI (Indonesian v v v KAPPI (Kesatuan Aksi Indonesia), KASI KAPPI (Indonesian Labor Action Unit), 218 Pemuda Pelajar (Kesatuan Aksi Sarjana Student Youth Action KASI (Action Unit Indonesia) Indonesia), KAWI Unit) Bachelor Indonesia), v v v (Kesatuan Aksi Wanita KAWI (Indonesian KASI (Kesatuan Aksi KASI (Action Unit 219 Indonesia), dan KAGI Women Action Unit) and Sarjana Indonesia) Bachelor Indonesia) (Kesatuan Aksi guru KAGI (Action Unit of v v v

KAWI (Kesatuan Aksi Indonesia). KAWI (Indonesian Indonesian Teacher). 220 Wanita Indonesia) Women Action Unit) v v v

Berdasarkan suara-suara Composition of legislators Masyumi (Majelis pemilih yang masuk maka in Yogyakarta Special Syuro Muslimin 221 Masyumi Masyumi mendapat 18 Region was consist of 18 Indonesia/Indonesian kursi, Persatuan Pamong legislators from Muslim Council) Desa Indonesia (PPDI) 7 MASYUMI (Majelis v v v



kursi, Panitia Kesatuan PKABT (Panitia Syuro Muslimin Panitia Kesatuan Aksi Aksi Buruh dan Tani Kesatuan Aksi Buruh Indonesia/ Indonesian 222 Buruh dan Tani (PKABT) 5 kursi, PNI 4 dan Tani/ Committee Muslim Council), 7 (PKABT) kursi, Partai Katolik 2 of Labour and Farmer legislators from PPDI kursi, Serikat Sekerja Action Unity) (Persatuan Pamong Pamong Praja (SSPP) 2 Desa Indonesia/ Unity of v v v kursi, Partai Indonesia Partai Indonesia Indonesian Village 223 Partai Indonesia Raya Raya 2 kursi. Raya/Indonesia Raya Officer), 5 legislators Party from PKABT (Panitia v v v Partai Katolik/Catholic 224 Partai Katolik Kesatuan Aksi Buruh Party dan Tani/ Committee of v v v PPDI (Persatuan Labour and Farmer Pamong Desa Action Unity), 4 Persatuan Pamong 225 Indonesia/Unity of legislators from PNI Desa Indonesia (PPDI) Indonesian Village (Partai Nasional Officer) Indonesia/ Indonesian v v v National Party), 2 PNI (Partai Nasional legislators from Partai 226 PNI Indonesia/Indonesian Katolik/ Catholic Party, National Party) 2 legislators from SSPP v v v (Sarekat Sekerja Pamong Praja/ League SSPP (Sarekat Sekerja Serikat Sekerja of Officer Guardian) and 227 Pamong Praja/League Pamong Praja (SSPP) 2 legislators from Partai of Officer Guardian) Indonesia Raya/ Indonesia Raya Party. v v v Palang Merah Indonesian Red Cross Indonesian Red Cross 228 Palang Merah Indonesia Indonesia (PMI) (PMI) v v v Bantuan obat-obatan dari The medical aids from luar negeri pun berhasil foreign countries could be Palang Merah masuk ke Indonesia berkat 229 N/A distributed in Indonesia at Internasional perjuangan PMI melalui that time due to the Palang Merah struggle of PMI. Internasional. v v v



Peristiwa G30SPKI adalah The communist rebellion tragedi berdarah untuk Partai Komunis Indonesian was a bloody tragedy to 230 merebut kekuasaan yang Indonesia Communisty Party coup by Indonesian didalangi oleh Partai Communist Party. Komunis Indonesia. v v v Stasiun pemancar radio ini berhasil mengirimkan It succeeded in berita kesuksesan Serangan widespreading the news Umum 1 Maret 1949 ke of the Public Attack on seluruh dunia secara March 1, 1949 by relaying berantai melalui stasiun through PDRI radio pemancar radio PDRI di station in Bukit Tinggi, Bukti Tinggi, stasiun AURI radio station in 231 PBB United Nation pemancar radio AURI di Aceh, AURI radio station Aceh, stasiun pemancar at Indonesian Airways in radio AURI pada Indonesia Birma, Indian radio then Airways di Birma, stasiun finally continued to pemancar radio India dan Indonesian delegation of diteruskan ke perwakilan United Nation in New Republik Indonesia di PBB York. di New York. v v v Kongres memutuskan They made some antara lain; mendirikan decisions, among others, federasi bersama establishing a join "Perserikatan federation named United Perserikatan Perkumpulan Perempuan Association for United Association for Perkumpulan Indonesia" (PPPI), Indonesian Women 232 Indonesian Women Perempuan Indonesia menerbitkan surat kabar, (PPPI), publishing a (PPPI) (PPPI) mendirikan Studie Fonds, newspaper, organizing memperkuat pendidikan scholarship Studie Fonds, kepanduan putri, dan enhancing the education mencegah perkawinan for woman scouting, and anak. preventing child marriage v v v Pemberontakan G30SPKI Communist rebellion and dengan Dewan its Revolution Council 233 Dewan Revolusi Revolusinya dalam waktu Revolution Council could be exterminated yang singkat dapat immediately. ditumpas. v v v



Mereka menceburkan diri IPI (Ikatan Pelajar IPI (Indonesian Student 234 dalam kancah perjuangan They joined GAPI Indonesia) Association) bersama GAPI (Indonesian Youth v v v GAPI (Gabungan (Gabungan Pemuda GAPI (Indonesian Union), MOBPEL 235 Pemuda Indonesia) Indonesia), MOBPEL Youth Union) (Students Mobilization), (Mobilisasi Pelajar), IPI IPI (Indonesian Student v v v Association), and TP MOBPEL (Mobilisasi (Ikatan Pelajar MOBPEL (Students 236 Indonesia), dan TP (Students Armed Forces). Pelajar) Mobilization) (Tentara Pelajar). v v v Hal ini mendorong para This stimulated the young pemuda yang tergabung people who joined in dalam Liga Pancasila Pancasila League to 237 Liga Pancasila untuk mengembangkan Pancasila League develop Pancasila Theory ajaran dengan through conducting the menyelenggarakan Seminar 1st National Seminar of Nasional Pancasila I. Pancasila. v v v



Appendix 2. Alternative Translation and Techniques of Cultural Specific Items

No. Indonesian English Alternative Translation Technique HISTORICAL EVENT, PERIOD AND SYSTEM G30S/PKI (September 30th Movement of G30SPKI Communist rebellion borrowing + calque Indonesian Communist Party) 1 G30S G30S G30S (September 30th Movement) borrowing + calque

Gerakan 30 September 1965 30 September Movement 1965 September 30th 1965 movement calque

Pekan Olahraga Nasional I (PON I) First National Sport Competition (PON I) PON I (First National Sports Week) borrowing + calque 2 PON I PON PON I (First National Sports Week) borrowing + calque

Tri Komando Rakyat (Trikora) The Three Commands of People Trikora (Three People's Commands) borrowing + calque

3 Trikora (Tri Komando Rakyat) Trikora (Tri Command of the People) Trikora (Three People's Commands) borrowing + calque

Trikora Three Demands of the People (Trikora) Trikora (Three People's Commands) borrowing + calque

Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949 Public Attack on March 1, 1949 General Offensive on March 1, 1949 calque 4 Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949 general attack battlefield on March 1, 1949 General Offensive on March 1, 1949 calque

5 KMB Round Table Conference Round Table Conference adaptation 6 Konferensi Asia Afrika Asian-African Conference Asian-African Conference adaptation Konferensi Tingkat Menteri Conference on Minister Level Ministerial Conference adaptation 7 Konferensi Tingkat Menteri Ministerial Level Conference Ministerial Conference adaptation



8 Konferensi Menteri Luar Negeri Conference on Foreign Affairs Minister Conference of Foreign Ministers adaptation

9 Konferensi Rencana Kolombo Colombo Plan Conference Colombo Plan Conference adaptation

Konferensi Tahunan Dewan Konsultatif Annual 10th Colombo Plan Conference on 10th Colombo Plan Consultative Committee 10 adaptation Rencana Colombo X Consultative Council Meeting’

11 Kongres Budi Utomo First congress of Budi Utomo Congress of Budi Utomo borrowing + calque 12 Kongres Pemuda Youth congress Youth Congress calque

13 Pepera (Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat) referendum Pepera (Act of Free Choice) borrowing + adaptation

14 Persetujuan Renville Renville agreement Renville agreement borrowing + adaptation 15 Perundingan Roem-Royen Roem Royen agreement Roem Royen agreement borrowing + adaptation

Mass meeting about extermination of Rapat Kebulatan Tekad Penumpasan The mass meeting related with the borrowing + calque + 16 G30S/PKI (September 30th Movement of G30SPKI extermination of Communist rebellion description Indonesian Communist Party)

General meeting for liberation of West 17 Rapat umum pembebasan Irian Barat general meeting of West Irian liberation calque Irian

18 Seminar Nasional Pancasila Pertama 1st National Seminar of Pancasila First National Seminar on Pancasila borrowing + calque

Special session of Temporary People's 19 sidang istimewa MPRS N/A calque Consultative Assembly

General Assembly of People's General Session of Temporary People's 20 Sidang Umum MPRS calque Consultative Assemby Consultative Assembly



General Session of Temporary People's Sidang umum MPRS N/A calque Consultative Assembly

General session of People's Consultative 21 Sidang umum MPR General Meeting of Legislative Assembly calque Assembly 22 Sumpah Pemuda Youth Pledge Youth Pledge calque

Agresi Militer Belanda II The Second Dutch Military Aggression Second Dutch Military Aggression adaptation 23 Agresi militer Belanda II Dutch military aggression II Second Dutch Military Aggression adaptation 24 Nawaksara Nawaksara Nawaksara borrowing 25 Sistem Among System of Among (Caring) Among system borrowing + calque 26 Orde Baru New Order New Order adaptation


Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) borrowing + calque 27 TNI Indonesian National Army TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) borrowing + calque

Tentara Republik Indonesia (Army of the TRI (Tentara Republik Indonesia) TRI (Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces) borrowing + calque 28 Republic of Indonesia)

Tentara Republik Indonesia Indonesian National Army TRI (Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces) borrowing + calque TKR TKR TKR (People's Security Armed Forces) borrowing + calque

29 TKR People Security Armed Forces (TKR) TKR (People's Security Armed Forces) borrowing + calque

TKR Udara Air Force TKR TKR Udara (People's Security Air Forces) borrowing + calque



Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (People TKR TKR (People's Security Armed Forces) borrowing + calque Security Forces)

Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat (People 30 Tentara Keselamatan Rakyat TKR (People's Safety Armed Forces) borrowing + calque Salvation Forces) BKR BKR BKR (People's Security Agencies) borrowing + calque

Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR) or People BKR (Badan Keamanan Rakyat) BKR (People's Security Forces) borrowing + calque Secutiry Agency


People Secutiry Agency (BKR) BKR (People's Security Forces) borrowing + calque BKR

BKR Udara Air Force BKR BKR Udara (People's Security Air Forces) borrowing + calque

AFNEI (Allied Forces for Netherlands AFNEI (Allied Forces for Netherlands East 32 Tentara AFNEI borrowing + calque East Indies) Forces Indies)

33 Tentara Jepang Japanese Armed Forces Japanese Army calque TP (Tentara Pelajar) TP (Students Armed Forces) TP (Student Army) borrowing + calque 34 Tentara Pelajar (TP) Student Army TP (Student Army) borrowing + calque

35 Japanese Kempeitai Kempeitai borrowing + reduction Kempeitai Jepang

36 Polisi Istimewa (PI) Special Police Unit (Polisi Istimewa - PI) PI (Special Police) borrowing + calque

37 KEIBODAN KEIBODAN Keibodan (Police Assistant) borrowing + description 38 PETA PETA PETA (Patriot Military Unit) borrowing + calque



39 SEINENDAN SEINENDAN Seinendan (Youth Corps) borrowing + description 40 HEIHO HEIHO Heiho (Auxiliary Troops) borrowing + description Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia 41 Indonesian Air Force AURI (Indonesian Air Forces) borrowing + calque (AURI) 42 Front Nasional National Front National Front calque

43 Front Pembebasan Irian Barat West Irian Liberation Front of Irian West Irian Liberation Front calque

44 KDM (Komando Distrik Militer) KDM (military district command) KDM (Military District Command) borrowing + calque

KODM (Komando Onder Distrik 45 (KODM/Komando Onder Distrik Militer) KODM (Military Subdistrict Command) borrowing + calque Militer) 46 RPKAD RPKAD RPKAD (Army Command Forces Regiment) borrowing + calque Komando Tertinggi Pembebasan Irian Highest Command of West Irian 47 Supreme Command of West Irian Liberation calque Barat Liberation Batalyon I SWK 102 Battalion 1 SWK 102 Battalion I SWK 102 borrowing + adaptation 48 Battalion I of BKR (People's Security borrowing + adaptation + BKR Batalyon I BKR (People Security's Forces) Batallion I Agencies) calque

49 Kasrem 072 072 Regiment Vice Commandant 072 Chief of Staff of Military Resort Command calque

50 Danrem 072 072 Regiment Commandant 072 Military Resort Commander calque 51 Korem 072 072 Regiment 072 Military Resort Command calque 52 Pasukan Divisi Military Division Division adaptation

53 Pasukan Hijrah moving soldiers Siliwangi Division, a mobile military division description

54 Sub Wehrkreise 101 Sub Wehrkreise 101 Sub Wehrkreise 101 borrowing



55 ARMED ARMED (artillery division) ARMED (Field Artillery) borrowing + calque 56 ODM/Onder Distrik Militer Onder District Military (ODM) ODM (Military Subdistrict) borrowing + calque 57 SAD IV SAD (Army Squad) IV SAD (Army Squad) IV borrowing + calque Markas Besar Komando Djawa Java Military Command Post (MBKD) MBKD (Java Command Headquarter) borrowing + calque (MBKD) 58 Markas Besar Komando Djawa MBKD (Markas Besar Komando MBKD (Java Command Headquarter) borrowing + calque (MBKD) Djawa/Headquarter of Java Command)

TKR (People's Security Armed Forces) 59 Markas Besar Umum TKR Indonesian Armed Forces Headquarters borrowing + calque Headquarter

60 Markas Batalyon Kido atau Kido Butai Kido Battalion camp or Kido Butai Kido Battalion camp (Kido Butai) borrowing + calque

61 Komandan Wehrkreise III Commander of Wehrkreise III Commander of Wehrkreise III borrowing + adaptation Commander of RPKAD (Army Command borrowing + adaptation + 62 Komandan RPKAD Commander of Special Forces Forces Regiment) calque

The Great Commander of the Indonesian Supreme Commander of Indonesian National Panglima Besar TNI calque National Military Forces Armed Forces 63 Panglima Besar Tentara Nasional Great Commander of the Indonesian Supreme Commander of Indonesian National calque Indonesia National Armed Forces Armed Forces

Pangsar The Great Commander Supreme Commander adaptation 64 Pangsar Supreme Supreme Commander adaptation Panglima Besar Supreme Commander Supreme Commander adaptation



Panglima Besar Angkatan Perang the Great Commander of Batlle Forces Supreme Commander of Armed Forces calque

PTTD (Panglima Tentara Teritorium PTTD (the Army Commander of Djava PTTD (Commander of Java Territorial Army) borrowing + calque Djawa) Territory)

PTTD (Panglima Tentara Teritorium PTTD PTTD (Commander of Java Territorial Army) borrowing + calque 65 Djawa)

Panglima Komando Djawa atau Panglima Tentara dan Teritorium a commander of Java command PTTD (Commander of Java Territorial Army) borrowing + calque Djawa (PTTD)

66 Jenderal General General adaptation 67 Letnan Udara I First Flight Lieutenant First Flight Lieutenant adaptation 68 Letjend Lt.Gen. Lietenant General adaptation 69 Letkol Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel adaptation 70 Mayor Major Major adaptation 71 Mayor Dr. Major Dr. Major Dr. adaptation 72 Mayor Jenderal Major General Major General adaptation

73 Menteri/Panglima AD Minister/Commander of Land Force Minister of Defence/Chief of Staff of the Army adaptation

74 Kapt. dr. Captain dr. Captain dr. adaptation 75 Kapten Captain Captain adaptation 76 Kolonel Colonel Colonel adaptation 77 Pelda Private Second Lieutenant Assistant adaptation 78 Peltu Private First Lieutenant Assistant adaptation 79 Komisaris Polisi Police Commissioner Police Commissioner adaptation 80 Komodor Muda Udara Rear Commodore Group Captain adaptation



81 opsir Legiun legionairy officers legion officers adaptation Chief of General Staff of TKR (People's borrowing + adaptation + 82 Kepala Staf Umum TKR Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. TKR Security Armed Forces) calque

vice of KSAD (land force military 83 Wa KSAD Vice Chief of Staff of the Army calque division)

Wakil KSAP (Kepala Staf Angkatan 84 vice-chief of Armed forces Vice Chief of Staff of Armed Forces adaptation Perang) 85 ajudan N/A adjutant adaptation

Pesawat RAF (Royal Air Force) Sekutu Allied Aircraft of RAF (Royal Air Force) Allied forces aircraft (Royal Air Force) adaptation + calque

borrowing + adaptation + pesawat Cureng aircraft Cureng Cureng aircraft (Yokosuka K5Y aircraft) 86 amplification

pesawat Kitty Hawk P-40 P-40 Kitty Hawk plane P-40 Kitty Hawk aircraft borrowing + adaptation

Pesawat Dakota VT-CLA Dakota VT-CLA aircraft Dakota VT-CLA aircraft borrowing + adaptation

87 granat gombyok gombyok (dangling) grenades granat gombyok (tasselled grenade) borrowing + amplification

88 mortar mortars mortars adaptation 89 pistol pistols pistols adaptation 90 stand gun stand gun stun gun adaptation 91 bambu runcing bamboo spikes sharpened bamboo spear description 92 bayonet bayonet bayonet adaptation 93 garis demarkasi Van Mook "Van Mook" demarcation line Van Mook demarcation line borrowing + calque 94 Sekutu Allied forces Allied forces adaptation




ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) ORI (Oeang Republic of Indonesia) ORI (Republic of Indonesia Currency) borrowing + calque 95 ORI (Oeang Republik Indonesia) coins (ORI/Republic Indonesia currency) ORI (Republic of Indonesia Currency) borrowing + calque

96 £10,- £15,- £ 10,- £ 15,- N/A adaptation

97 senam "Taiso" Japanese exercise Taisso Taiso, Japanese exercise borrowing + amplification

98 semangat Kebaktian (Hokoseisyin) Spirit of Loyalty (Hokoseisyin) Spirit of Loyalty (Hokoseisyin) borrowing + calque

Bendera Merah Putih Indonesian Flag Red-and-White Flag calque

99 Bendera Merah Putih Indonesian flag, the Red-White Red-and-White Flag calque

Sang Merah Putih Red and White flag Red-and-White Flag calque

100 lagu Indonesia Raya national anthem Indonesia Raya national anthem Indonesia Raya borrowing + adaptation

101 Nippon Indonesia sama-sama Nippon and Indonesia are just the same Nippon and Indonesia are the same borrowing + calque

ADMINISTRATIVE-TERRITORIAL DIVISION Pedukuhan N/A Subvillage adaptation 102 Pedukuhan N/A Subvillage adaptation 103 dusun N/A Subvillage adaptation kabupaten district regency adaptation 104 Kabupaten regency regency adaptation



105 kecamatan territory subdistrict adaptation 106 kelurahan village village adaptation 107 Propinsi Province province adaptation Kapanewon/Kemantren (Subordinate of 108 Kapanewon/Kemantren Kapanewon/Kemantren borrowing + amplification Subdistrict) 109 Kotapraja municipality municipality adaptation 110 kepala desa village chief village chief adaptation 111 Lurah chief of village village chief adaptation 112 Bupati regent regent adaptation 113 Gubernur Dutch Governor Governor adaptation

BUILDING AND PLACE Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Special Region Special Region of Yogyakarta borrowing + calque 114 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Special Region of Yogyakarta borrowing + calque Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Special Territory Special Region of Yogyakarta borrowing + calque Balai Mataram Mataram Hall Mataram Hall borrowing + adaptation 115 Balai Mataram Balai Mataram Yogyakarta Mataram Hall borrowing + adaptation Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of borrowing + adaptation + Gedung Agung Presidential Palace Yogyakarta) amplification

Gedung Kepresidenan Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Presidential Palace (Gedung Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of borrowing + adaptation + (Gedung Agung) Agung) Yogyakarta) amplification 116 Istana Presiden Yogyakarta (Gedung Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of borrowing + adaptation + Presidential Palace of Yogyakarta Agung) Yogyakarta) amplification

Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of borrowing + adaptation + Gedung Gubernuran (Gedung Agung) Governorate Palace (Presedential Palace) Yogyakarta) amplification



Gedung Agung (Presidential Palace of borrowing + adaptation + Gedung Negara Yogyakarta Yogyakarta State Building Yogyakarta) amplification

Harian Sinar Matahari daily newspaper Sinar Matahari Sinar Matahari daily newspaper borrowing + adaptation 117 Harian Sinar Matahari Sinar Matahari Sinar Matahari daily newspaper borrowing + adaptation Gedung Wilis Willis Building Wilis Building borrowing + adaptation 118 Gedung Wilis Gedung Wilis Wilis Building borrowing + adaptation 119 Benteng Vredeburg Fort Vredeburg Fort Vredeburg borrowing + adaptation 120 Gedung Kweekschool Kweekschool Kweekschool building borrowing + adaptation Radio Pemberontak Mataram (Mataram Radio Pemberontak Mataram (Mataram Rebel 121 Radio Pemberontak Mataram borrowing + calque Rebel Radio) Radio)

122 RRI RRI (Radio of Indonesian Republic) RRI (Republic of Indonesia Radio) borrowing + calque

123 Sonobudoyo Sonobudoyo Sonobudoyo museum borrowing + amplification

124 Sitihinggil Kraton Sitihinggil Kraton (Sultanate Palace) Sitihinggil Kraton borrowing

125 Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil Bangsal Manguntur Tangkil borrowing 126 Dalem Joyodipuran Joyodipuran House Joyodipuran House borrowing + adaptation

Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace borrowing + calque

127 Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace borrowing + calque

Kasultanan Yogyakarta Kasultanan (Sultanate) of Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace borrowing + calque

128 Kepatihan Kepatihan Kepatihan borrowing



Kepatihan Bangsal Kepatihan Kepatihan borrowing Kepatihan Kepatihan (now governor office) Kepatihan borrowing 129 Kadipaten Kadipaten building Kadipaten borrowing Museum Pusat TNI AD Dharma Central Museum of TNI AD Dharma 130 Dharma Wiratama Central Army Museum borrowing + calque Wiratama Wiratama

TOOL keris Kris keris adaptation 131 Keris creese keris adaptation 132 gogok opium container clay jug adaptation + amplification 133 poci teapot teapot adaptation 134 cangkir cup cup adaptation 135 cawan saucer saucer adaptation 136 mesin jahit sewing machine sewing machine adaptation 137 sepatu shoes shoes adaptation 138 tempat menyarungkan pedang a sword holster a sword holster adaptation 139 cething rice bowl cething (bamboo rice container) borrowing + amplification 140 panci pan pan adaptation 141 pedang sword sword adaptation 142 piring plate plate adaptation 143 Lampu gantung The hanging lamp chandelier adaptation 144 jam dinding wall clock wall clock adaptation 145 kendil dalung pot kendil dalung (earthen cooking pot) borrowing + amplification 146 sepeda bicycle bicycle adaptation 147 pet hat like Japanese soldiers pet, a Japanese soldier hat borrowing + amplification



148 kentongan kentongan slit drum adaptation 149 lampu minyak oil lamp oil lamp adaptation

HONORIFIC Bung Mr. Bung borrowing 150 Bung Bung Bung borrowing bapak N/A Mr. adaptation 151 Bapak Mr. Mr. adaptation Ibu N/A Mrs. adaptation 152 Ibu Ms. Mrs. adaptation

Sri Sultan HB IX Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX borrowing 153 Sri Sultan HB IX Sri Sultan HB IX Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX borrowing 154 Drs. Drs. Drs. borrowing 155 GRM. G.R.M. G.R.M. borrowing 156 Ir. Ir. Ir. borrowing 157 K.R.T. K.R.T. K.R.T. borrowing 158 Ki Ki Ki borrowing 159 Kyai Kyai Kyai borrowing 160 Mbah Mbah Mbah borrowing 161 Mr. Mr. Mr. adaptation 162 Nabi prophet prophet adaptation 163 Ngabehi Ngabehi Ngabehi borrowing 164 Nn. Miss Miss adaptation 165 Ny. Mrs. Mrs. adaptation



166 Nyi Nyi Nyi borrowing 167 Pak Guru Pak Guru (mister teacher) Pak Guru (literally means Mr. teacher) borrowing + amplification 168 Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. borrowing 170 Prof. Prof. Prof. borrowing 171 RM. RM. R. M. borrowing Sultan king Sultan adaptation 172 Sultan Sultan Sultan adaptation

Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono Sultan Hamengku Buwono Senapati Ingalaga 173 Senapati Ingalaga Ngabdurrakhman Senapati Ingalaga Ngabdurrakhman borrowing Ngabdurrakhman Sayidin Panatagama Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah Kaping Khalifatullah Kaping IX Kaping IX IX

174 bangsawan Paku Alaman the nobles of Paku Alaman Palace the nobles of Paku Alaman borrowing + adaptation

175 Ratu Belanda Dutch queen Dutch queen adaptation 176 Pangeran Prince Prince adaptation

INSTITUTION AND SCHOOL Akademi Ilmu Politik (Political Science Akademi Ilmu Politik (Academy of Political 177 Akademi Ilmu Politik borrowing + calque Academy) Science)

Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (Technical Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (College of 178 Sekolah Tinggi Teknik borrowing + calque Academy) Engineering)

National Onderwijs Instituut 179 National Institute Onderwijs Tamansiswa National Onderwijs Instituut Tamansiswa borrowing Tamansiswa 180 Studie Fonds Studie Fonds Studie Fonds borrowing



181 Militer Akademi (MA) Military Academy (MA) MA (Military Academy) borrowing + calque STOVIA (Medical School for the STOVIA (Medical School for the Indigenous 182 STOVIA borrowing + calque Indigenous People) People) 183 UI (Universitas Indonesia) University of Indonesia University of Indonesia calque 184 Universitas Gadjah Mada Gadjah Mada University Gadjah Mada University calque

GOVERNMENT AND ORGANIZATION 185 MPR Legislative Assembly MPR (People's Consultative Assembly) borrowing + calque Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah DPRD (House of Regional People's representative borrowing + calque (DPRD) Representatives) 186 DPRD (House of Regional People's DPRD House of Regional Representative borrowing + calque Representatives) 187 DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) parliament (DPR) DPR (House of Representatives) borrowing + calque

Konstituante (Sidang Pembuat Undang- Constituent Assembly (Assembly Record 188 Constitutional Assembly (Legislator Assembly) calque Undang Dasar) or The Constitution)

189 Dewan perwakilan Daerah N/A DPD (House of Regional Representatives) borrowing + calque

190 DPRS House of Temporary Representative DPRS (House of Temporary Representatives borrowing + calque

Dewan Pertahanan Nasional 191 National Defense Council DEPERTAN (National Defence Council) borrowing + adaptation (DEPERTAN) 192 Kementerian Penerangan Information Ministry Ministry of Information adaptation 193 PM Prime Minister Prime Minister adaptation 194 Presiden President President adaptation



Republik Indonesia Indonesian Republic government Republic of Indonesia borrowing + calque 195 RI N/A Republic of Indonesia borrowing + calque RI Indonesia Republic of Indonesia borrowing + calque RIS (Republic of the United States of RIS RIS (Indonesian Republic Union) borrowing + calque Indonesia) 196 RIS (Republic of the United States of RIS RIS borrowing + calque Indonesia) NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of NKRI Unitary State of Indonesia (NKRI) borrowing + calque Indonesia)

NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of 197 NKRI Republic of Indonesia borrowing + calque Indonesia)

NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of NKRI unitary nation of Indonesia borrowing + calque Indonesia) 198 negara boneka papua the puppet state of Papua the puppet state of Papua borrowing + calque dasar negara National Basic national principle adaptation 199 dasar negara N/A national principle adaptation 20 Pancasila Pancasila Pancasila borrowing The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of 201 UUD 1945 1945 Constitution adaptation + amplification Indonesia 202 UUD constitution constitution adaptation UU No. 1 Law No. 1 Law No. 1 Year 1942 (Osamu Seirei) calque + amplification 203 Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 13 Year Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 1956 N/A calque + amplification 1956 204 RUU legislation plan bill adaptation



Legislative Assembly Decree No Decree of People's Consultative Assembly No. TAP MPR No. II/MPR/1978 calque II/MPR/1978 II/MPR/1978 205 Ketetapan MPRS No. decision of MPRS No. Decree of Temporary People's Consultative calque XXXIII/MPRS/1967 XXXIII/MPRS/1967 Assembly No. XXXIII/MPRS/1967

Penetapan Presiden N/A Presidential Decree adaptation

Ketetapan Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun Presidential Decision No. 14 on May, Presidential Decree No. 14 on May 14, 1948 adaptation 206 1948 tanggal 14 Mei 1948 1948

Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959 President decree on 5 Juli 1959 Presidential Decree on July 5, 1959 adaptation

Government Regulation No. 23 December Government Regulation No. 23 December 16, 207 PP No. 23 tanggal 16 Desember 1949 calque 16, 1949 1949 208 Surat Perintah warrant warrant adaptation Maklumat Seiko Sikikan Seiko Sikikan declaration Declaration of Seiko Sikikan calque

209 Maklumat Pemda DIY No. 6 tanggal 27 Yogyakarta Government Declaration No. 6 Yogyakarta Local Government Declaration borrowing + calque Oktober 1945 in October 1945 No.6 dated October 27, 1945

210 Amanat Presiden Soeharto President's Mandate Mandate of President Soeharto borrowing + adaptation Pedoman Penghayatan Pengamalan P4 (Guidelines for Comprehension and 211 The Guidance of Pancasila Practice borrowing + calque Pancasila (P4) Implementation of Pancasila) 212 Angkatan 66 Force 66 Generation ‘66 calque 213 Jong Java Jong Java Jong Java borrowing 214 Tri Koro Dharmo Tri Koro Dharmo Tri Koro Dharmo borrowing



215 KABI (Kesatuan Aksi Buruh Indonesia) KABI (Indonesian Labor Action Unit) KABI (Indonesian Labors Action Association) borrowing + calque

KAGI (Action Unit of Indonesian KAGI (Indonesian Teachers Action 216 KAGI (Kesatuan Aksi guru Indonesia) borrowing + calque Teacher) Association)

KAPI (Kesatuan Aksi Pelajar 217 KAPI (Indonesian Student Action Unit) KAPI (Indonesian Students Action Association) borrowing + calque Indonesia)

KAPPI (Kesatuan Aksi Pemuda Pelajar KAPPI (Indonesian Student Youth Action KAPPI (Indonesian Young Students Action 218 borrowing + calque Indonesia) Unit) Association)

KASI (Kesatuan Aksi Sarjana KASI (Indonesian Bachelors Action 219 KASI (Action Unit Bachelor Indonesia) borrowing + calque Indonesia) Association)

KAWI (Kesatuan Aksi Wanita KAWI (Indonesian Women Action 220 KAWI (Indonesian Women Action Unit) borrowing + calque Indonesia) Association)

Masyumi (Majelis Syuro Muslimin Masyumi (Indonesian Muslims Consultative 221 Masyumi borrowing + calque Indonesia/Indonesian Muslim Council) Council)

PKABT (Panitia Kesatuan Aksi Buruh dan Panitia Kesatuan Aksi Buruh dan Tani PKABT (Committee of Labors and Farmers 222 Tani/ Committee of Labour and Farmer borrowing + calque (PKABT) Action Association) Action Unity)

Partai Indonesia Raya/Indonesia Raya 223 Partai Indonesia Raya Partai Indonesia Raya (Great Indonesia Party) borrowing + calque Party 224 Partai Katolik Partai Katolik/Catholic Party Partai Katolik (Catholic Party) borrowing + calque PPDI (Persatuan Pamong Desa Persatuan Pamong Desa Indonesia PPDI (Indonesian Village Administrators 225 Indonesia/Unity of Indonesian Village borrowing + calque (PPDI) Association) Officer)

PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia/Indonesian 226 PNI PNI (Indonesian National Party) borrowing + calque National Party)



SSPP (Sarekat Sekerja Pamong 227 Serikat Sekerja Pamong Praja (SSPP) SSPP (Civil Service Association) borrowing + calque Praja/League of Officer Guardian)

228 Palang Merah Indonesia Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) borrowing + calque 229 Palang Merah Internasional N/A International Committee of Red Cross adaptation 230 Partai Komunis Indonesia Indonesian Communisty Party PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) borrowing + calque 231 PBB United Nation United Nations adaptation Perserikatan Perkumpulan Perempuan United Association for Indonesian Women 232 PPPI (Indonesian Women Association) borrowing + calque Indonesia (PPPI) (PPPI) 233 Dewan Revolusi Revolution Council Dewan Revolusi (Revolutionary Council) borrowing + calque

234 IPI (Ikatan Pelajar Indonesia) IPI (Indonesian Student Association) IPI (Indonesian Students Association) borrowing + calque

235 GAPI (Gabungan Pemuda Indonesia) GAPI (Indonesian Youth Union) GAPI (Indonesian Youths Association) borrowing + calque

236 MOBPEL (Mobilisasi Pelajar) MOBPEL (Students Mobilization) MOBPEL (Students Mobilization) borrowing + calque

237 Liga Pancasila Pancasila League Liga Pancasila (Pancasila League) borrowing + calque