Voters of Manchester
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'-41 •^ST: - ■•■ > ^ ■,- '... -,r- :<^- ■■.r\ • X " - : '■■-' !■ r ’ ' ' ' ......^ e ■ lATURDATr NOVEMBER 4, lfl« Average Daily Circulation^ I; ^AT!B ropKrmi For Om Moatli • ( IS44 The Weather '' :r ¥ Manchester Evening. Herald Pareeabt ol L. S. VVeather Bortati' to ba dieeueoed at the neat ssMt- 9,002 . Moatly '^Tlouily, --tentpankturex InRi • ‘ near or eilxhtly brluu- freeZlnx ta- N^w Agsignment JHigh School MMnber «f tlw Audit nlxht Turxday fair and contianrd A } ) o a t T o w n Ba w a g< Clicalatloab rather cold. Heard Al6ng Main Street B waa Bva yaan ago tonight ORANGE HALL BINGO that-Nthe last trolley car between And on Some of Manchester** reefs, Too Open House 'Manchester—~A City of Village Charm XjNll W TverrA oio wm ikmbi- Side Manchester and Hartford was operated. It was also a Satur EVERY MONDAY, 0 jiati ettetn ft>r 1M 6 at th* an- VOL. L X IV ..N 0 .3 1 AdvertiBlag aa Fasa 14)' We recdxnire the need of «kS».a,long, dangles from the football day night and the Isuit car that Parents to Have Oppor* MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1944 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ^ aual aatU B f to bt held in Tinker vye recogiiiM: -y — '»k. k. ii .n/l »ht Hall Suaday afternoon at 2:30. llie youth punts ‘the ball and the left Mancheste;!' for Hartford was eising strtot oensoisMp <d letters hlled with standing room at a 1 tunity to Meet Teachers Admission 25c ....... .... - ............. .... -T .-I - ' 1 Plana for the annual crhriatmaa msiled from the war areas, b «t we dog chases after it. When the football comes to rest the dog premium. Before the car had party will alao be diacuaaeA think some o i the censoring offi On Monday Night. snatches the end of the lacing in left the South End the passen cers go a bit too far. They cut out 22 REGULAR GAMES ' 7 SPECIALS Brooming the Bridegroom Membera of Epieda Chapter, his teeth and carries the ball back gers on the car started to atrip words here an> there that don't The program arranged for Mon- T U V A are requeated to wear tha to the young lad. , the car and when it arrived in eliminate the meaning the writer Another case of putting what Hartford early on the morning of daynight at the High school In ob PLUS SWEEPSTAKES ,praacrlbed YD unifonna at the a«- Intends t© convey, yet the cutting Super-Bomhers Hit Nazi Thrown Back Sunday, November 5 about every- aual Annlatlce church aervlce to- ever means you have at hand to servance of National Elducation seems foolish and entirely un the best possible use. ing that was not needed to oper aaorroW moealnc In tha Bmanuel necessary. Week which begins tAnorrow In laitharaa church. The regular ate the car had been removed. This department read a letter cludes also an opportunity fo r par iBoathly maettng of the chapter We never did have the auction Many who took the last trip to ents of pupils to meet the members w ill be held in the Arm y and Navy the other day from overseas. Near bug. but there are plenty who have. Hartford came home by automo elub Tueaday evening at 8 o’clock. the end of the letter was written There are some folks who just bile while a few waited around of the faculty. All teachers will be WE REPRESENT THE STRONGEST ;apore Targets; Across Maas ^iver; words to this effect “ If you hap wouldn't miss an auction. Some for a couple of hours and arrived fr their home rooms at the school pen to see BO* anu So o f the Mani, back in Manche.ster on the first The monthly meeting of the times they buy, and in many cases Monday night ready to discuss any STOCK AND DIVIDEND cheater Herald tell him I was ask they just go for the fun. Because bus into town, reaching Manches Board of Directora of the Man- ing for him.” The censor had elimi problems which mpy confront par ebeater Red Croae which ortlnar- there is a lot of entertainment at ter Center at 8:22. PAYING nated the words "Manchester ents. lly would fall on Nov. 7. will at an auction. Herald.” It was easy to make but Tuesday coming up is Pre.siden- Often parents are at a loss to' COMPANIES Leave Two Pockets poatponed unOl Tueaday, Noj^ 14, And you can leam a lot at an Oil Refiiiery Raided on account of election day, Tuea- what the writer intended to say, auction too. Auctioneers seem able tial Election day. We would like know why their sons or daughters and no end was gained by making do not progress as well in High INSURE <ay. __ _ to discuss anything from the his to see Manchestet get out * the elimination. torical facts ettached to a certain thumping big percentage of its school aa they think they should. Strike Audaciously in Pfr. Harold 3. Gill* IN British Field Offiuer* W e have seen other letters in period of furniture to the work voters, because the results ace Discussion of class procedure, pu Staff Sergt. Francla J. Conti, pils’ application to studies and Daylight at One-Time Declare German aqn of Mra. Roae M. Conti of 78 which the censors did seemingly manship that enters into the man ever so much more satisfactorj’ if SURE INSURANCE! Western Germany ufacture of a plow. We learned Pfc. Harold J. Gill, son of Mr. ways and means of improving pu Loiig Tonfs Pound AVondale road, who haa been with foolish things. In one action in the nearly ) everyone registers his or Mighty Bastion o f e * _ Armv Half Destroyed South or Central Pacific was men something from an auctioneer the her opinion. and Mrs. Charles Gill, 20 West pils' standings helps a great deal. D IA L 581* — 85.1 M AIN ST. the V . B. Army Engineers in Eng- Middle Turnpike, was graduated I, serves to bring about a better lenH alnce Eaater, haa been trana- tioned. The word which indicated other day we had never heard be W e've (heard of some pretty British Naval Might in where the action took place was fore. good siZed bets being placed October 21 from the Marine Air understanding of what Is being ac lerred to Prance. He waa formerly complished. aintioned at Camp Claiborne, La., cut out. but it was a sloppy job of We learned that It is against the around town. An out of town syn Corp Division at the National Air Pacific While Sister Nipponese Troops Air Target Today irJ‘ss:.JrL“"a^ law to auction the American flag. Training Center of Memphis, and later at Camp Ellis. HI. Ser censorship. You could see the be dicate offered $8,000 In town Frequently also parents wisli to Ships Attack Suma geant ConU requests his mother to ginning of a capital “ M” and the You can auction the flagstaff and Thursday night at 2 1-2 to 1 on Tenn. discuss the future education of Two Weeks; Dredges, extend his greeUngs and end of a small "a.” It was quite holder, and give the flag aa a pres Roosevelt carrying the country. Pfc. Gill enlisted August 8. 1943 their sons and daughters. Teachers tra; Results Described Yank Infantrymen Anni More Than 1,800 Amer Minesweepers Clear wishes to hia friends through the evident that the writer intended to ent with the staff, but you cannot There were a few takers but not and received his boot training at are in good position to advise on put the emblem itself up for sale Dewey to End inedium of The Herald. say "Marianas.” Anyway, by the many, we understand, and conse Parris Island, previous to which what course of study pupils are As *Good to Excellent. Planes Bomb ican Bombers andj to the highest bidder. Also you hilate ‘Banzai* At ing Schelde Approach. time thei letter reached here the quently the wager ofier was with time hb was employed at Pratt A best fitted for. Parents, whether ' cannot auction the Holy Bible. they kave problems to discuss or Fighters Hit Industrial Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary will Marianas had been completely drawn It fiiad to be the whole Whitney Aircraft plant. East Washington, Nov. 6.— (/P) tack; Barrage Pres Isn't it remarkable the things $8,000 or nothing. Hartford. He attended Manches not, are urged to take this oppor 10 Japanese Drive Tonight Bulletin! welcome all Post members to the captured. you learn in the oddest places? — Striking audaciously by ages Bloody Battle. Targets in Sector, j Armistice banquet at the Mawnic Several $100 wagers have been ter High and Trade school. He tunity to tneet the - High school WASTE PAPER With American Infantry Give a shavetail a pair of-scis- i around town, however. Moat of haa now been assigned to Jack' teachers. daylight, B-29^ Super-For Temple banquet hall, Saturday, aora and call him "censor” and In the Hurt{(efi~AWa, Nov. 6. Nov. 11. Poet members are-asked Strange are the ways of the hu- > them aren't on, the country as a sonville, Fla., Naval A ir Base, for Dr. Albert L. Knoblaugh will tresses plastered military Troop Ships General MacArthur’s Head Bulletin! j In Ah* Speech what a mess he can make o f let man race. W e are led to make this talk in the assemhil); hall at 8 to call Mrs. Plorence Streeter or whole, btit on the state.