Blast at Mrs
\‘ '■'i i -amLe M ■// t >, '• t - ,yl ' V. - y ~^ • , . \ X v ' - " ■ , ■ ■ ■ ^ ,'v ' ' ' - , r X ■J: ■)f PAGE TWENTY-Eii^ ,V":- )NESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1984 Stt^nins H^ralb ATflraga Dally Net Ptmb Run Far the Week Mnded The Covenant Laagua, young Nav. lli IfM rw w aet a? 0 & ^ a ^ m ■nstoM people of the Covenant Congrega About Town tional Church,' will held a rum mage sale'Saturday, Nov. 30, be 11,523 OeirtbHMd m ad. a w a la m l MgM U rt Sacred Haart Mothere Clr- tween the houn of •' a. m. and 2 Meaabair a( th a Audit rala toalght aa4 aariy Fldlijr. Laer Cl* win MMt tomorrow at 8 p. m. p. m. In the vacant store on Main Bureau a( Ofeuiatlaa .tauJghi near M. Bhawrare agate y ^ lIlh h lira. Jiamph J. Sylvester, 43 Street between ^ p le « a n d Eld- t b L Manchester-—‘A City of VUlage Charm Friday nigkt. Hlg« 8S-id. Scatborough Rd. ridge Streets. Miss Elsie C. John — "II................■------ son. ,123 Maple St., is chalrmi of the committee. VOL. LXXIV, NO. 42 -4— (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER W, 1J54 (Ctoealfled aa Pugu N ) PRICE FIVE CENTS Temple Chapter No. 68^ Order of the Eastern Star, wtn open its HATS amiual fair tomorrow at 2 p. m. in the Masonic Tesriple. 'They will Reds, West Pair Cleared offer for sale a/Cholca selection of Seen aprons and irther gift articles, Of Charge in home made foods and candy, with ■/. Weigh New many bargains to be found on the '0 AEG "white elephant" table.
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