University of Spring Convocation

May 23, 24 & 25, 2006 University of Saskatchewan Spring Convocation

May 23, 24 & 25, 2006 TCU Place

Ceremony 1, Tuesday May 23, 2:00 p.m. page 17

Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and diplomas will be awarded for Agriculture, Commerce and Engineering.

Ceremony 2, Wednesday May 24, 9:00 a.m. page 31

Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees, diplomas and certiÞ cates will be awarded for Arts & Science. Anatomy & Cell Biology, Art History, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Biomolecular Structure Studies, Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Biotechnology & Biology, Biotechnology & Cell Biology, Biotechnology & Microbiology, Business Economics, Classical, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology, Comparative Literature & Languages, Computer Science, Computing, Economics, English, Environmental Earth Sciences, Food Science, French, Geography, Geology, German, History, International Studies, Land Use and Environmental Studies, Linguistics, Microbiology, Palaeobiology, Physiology, Regional and Urban Development, Russian, Spanish, Studio Art, Ukrainian

Ceremony 3, Wednesday May 24, 2:00 p.m. page 43

Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees, diplomas and certiÞ cates will be awarded for Arts & Science and Nursing. Aboriginal Public Administration, Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Chemistry, Drama, Geophysics, Mathematical Physics, Mathematics, Music, Native Studies, Philosophy, Physics, Political Studies, Psychology, Public Administration, Religious Studies, Sociology, Sociology of Biotechnology, Statistics, Toxicology, Women’s & Gender Studies

Ceremony 4, Thursday May 25, 9:00 a.m. page 55

Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and diplomas will be awarded for Dentistry, Kinesiology, Medicine, Pharmacy & Nutrition, Physical Therapy and Veterinary Medicine.

Ceremony 5, Thursday May 25, 2:00 p.m. page 65

Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and diplomas will be awarded for Education and Law.

The graduation lists shown in this program were prepared prior to Convocation and may not reß ect Þ nal college decisions regarding each student’s eligibility for graduation. As a result, some of the students listed in this program may not have been formally approved to receive the degree or diploma indicated. The Registrar maintains the ofÞ cial list of graduates. A Message from the President


I want to express a very warm welcome to the graduates, families and friends who join us today. Convocation is the University’s most important ceremony, for it is here that we celebrate the accomplishments of our students and the contributions of their loved ones to their success. You should be proud of this day, and of the commitment and sacriÞ ce that it represents.

We at the University of Saskatchewan salute you, our graduates, and we extend to you our very best wishes for the future. We hope that you will stay in touch with us through our University of Saskatchewan alumni family, and that we will have the opportunity to welcome you ‘home’ to our campus many times in the years ahead.

Warmest congratulations!

University of Saskatchewan 3 Spring Convocation 2006 The Chancellor


Tom Molloy was born and raised in . He attended St. Thomas More College and later the College of Law, both at the University of Saskatchewan. He received his B.A. and LL.B. in 1964. He has practiced law in Saskatoon since graduation and is with MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman’s Saskatoon ofÞ ce. He has represented the Government of Canada as the Chief Federal Negotiator in the successfully concluded treaties in Nunavut and with the Nisga’a in British Columbia and an Agreement in Principle with the Sechelt Indian Band. He presently represents Canada in treaty negotiations in British Columbia, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Nunavut. Mr. Molloy has been described as “Canada’s most expert treaty negotiator.”

Mr. Molloy recently authored a book The World is our Witness: The Historic Journey of the Nisga’a into Canada. The book has won two Saskatchewan Book Awards, The Brenda MacDonald Riches First Book Award and the Non-Þ ction Award which was sponsored by the University of Saskatchewan.

For his work in the community he has received a number of awards including the City of Saskatoon CertiÞ cate of Distinguished Community Service, Rotary Golden Wheels Award for Excellence, Saskatoon B’nai Brith “Proud of You Award” and the Head of the Public Service Award for Excellence in Service Delivery.

In 1996 he was made an OfÞ cer of the Order of Canada, with a citation that reads as follows: “He is widely known for his role as Chief Negotiator for the Government of Canada in the Nunavut Land Claim Agreement. His integrity, commitment to a just settlement and personable rapport have also been valuable in his leadership of numerous cultural, educational and charitable groups, not only in Saskatchewan but also nationally, including the Meewasin Foundation and PRIDE Canada.”

The University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association awarded him the 2000 Alumni Honour Award in recognition of receiving notable acclaim for professional achievements, which in turn has enhanced the image of the University of Saskatchewan and its alumni. In January 2001, The Canadian Bar Association Saskatchewan Branch named him as the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.

University of Saskatchewan 4 Spring Convocation 2006 History of the University of Saskatchewan

College Building Construction - November, 1911

The University of Saskatchewan was established by the University Act on April 3, 1907, only 18 months after Saskatchewan became a province.

The people of the province, as well as their government, were instrumental in shaping the new University. The provincial government requested all residents who were graduates of a Canadian or British university to form the Þ rst Convocation and elect the University’s Senate. In 1908, the Board selected Professor Walter Charles Murray, of , as the Þ rst President.

Classes in Arts and Science began in September, 1909, in downtown Saskatoon. Construction of the campus began in 1910 and the Þ rst buildings were occupied in the fall of 1912. They included the College Building (Administration Building), Saskatchewan Hall (a student residence), residences for the Dean of Agriculture and the President, a laboratory for Engineering and a number of farm buildings.

From the beginning, the University established an emphasis on research and teaching in a context of community service, and encouraged co-operation among departments and divisions in tackling common problems. The development of rust-resistant strains of wheat, for example, initiated by the University and federal and provincial research agencies, has been of untold value to the prairie economy.

In 1909, the University had 70 students and Þ ve professors, including the President. Today there are over 19,000 students studying in 13 colleges and one school. This is the only university in Canada with Þ ve health-science colleges and a major teaching hospital on the same campus.

The University of Saskatchewan overlooks the South Saskatchewan River. Most early buildings on campus are Collegiate Gothic in style and are constructed in a local dolomite, popularly known as greystone. Subsequently constructed buildings also have greystone, as well as Tyndall stone (pre-cut slabs quarried in Tyndall, ), concrete, brick, glass and aggregate facings.

The University offers many points of interest for visitors: the Diefenbaker Canada Centre, Museum of Natural Sciences, Museum of Antiquities, Biology Museum, Pharmaceutical Museum, the Observatory, the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, the St. Thomas More Gallery, Rugby Chapel, the Little Stone Schoolhouse, the Memorial Gates, Patterson Garden and the Kenderdine Gallery.

University of Saskatchewan 5 Spring Convocation 2006 The Convocation Ceremony

The word “Convocation” arises from the Latin “con” meaning “together,” and “vocare” meaning “to call.” Our Convocation ceremony is a calling together of the new graduates of the University of Saskatchewan, symbolizing the historical practice of calling together all former graduates. In current times, the major functions of Convocation are the election of representatives to University governing bodies and the admission of candidates to degrees. The Chancellor, elected by Convocation as its Chair, is the highest ofÞ cial and spokesperson of the University.

The Convocation ceremony marks the transition from the role of student to the holder of a degree with its accompanying rights and privileges. Candidates for degrees, known as graduands, having completed the requirements of a course of study, are recommended by college faculties and the University Council to receive degrees from the University of Saskatchewan.

The ceremony, solemnized in the presence of the University community and family and friends of the graduands, consists of three parts: a procession marking the leaving of the old status and entering the new; the President’s statement to the graduands, the Secretary’s petition and the Chancellor’s consent for their admission; followed by individual presentation by their Dean and admission by the Chancellor to the degrees to which they are entitled. As graduates are admitted to their degrees, a graduation hood, which has a colour symbolizing a particular degree, is placed over each graduate’s head. A banner displaying the University crest is hung above the stage, as a symbol of the University’s authority to confer degrees.

Following the conferring of degrees and acceptance of each graduate as a member of Convocation, a reception is held—a celebration on the occasion of the formal transition from the role of learner to the role of producer and contributor in the Þ eld of the graduate’s choice.

THE PROCESSION The members of Convocation in their academic robes march in procession into the ceremony in the following order: Graduands in the order in which their degrees are to be conferred; Faculty; Board of Governors; Senate; Guests of Honour; Chairperson of the Board; The Minister of Education; The President; The Chancellor; The Lieutenant Governor. When the members of Convocation reach their places they remain standing during the Vice-Regal Salute, the singing of “O Canada” and the Invocation.

ORDER OF THE CEREMONY The Þ rst business is the Conferring of Honorary Degrees, followed by the Convocation Address, President’s Report, President’s Statement to the Graduands, the Conferring of Degrees and the Presentation of Awards. The meeting is closed by the Chancellor rising and asking the audience to join in the singing of God Save the Queen and leading the procession in the reverse order out of the Hall.

University of Saskatchewan 6 Spring Convocation 2006 Honorary Doctor of Laws


Sylvia Fedoruk was born in Canora, Saskatchewan and obtained her B.A. (Great Distinction) 1949 for which she also received the Governor General’s Gold Medal; B.A. (High Honours in Physics) 1950; and M.A. 1951 from the University of Saskatchewan.

Throughout her career, Dr. Fedoruk was associated with the Saskatoon Cancer Clinic, where she served as Chief Medical Physicist, and with the Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation, where she was Director of Physics Services. Dr. Fedoruk was also Professor of Oncology and an Associate Member in the Department of Physics. Her work specialized in the use of radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and the use of radionuclides in the diagnosis of disease. Most notably she was a key member of the Cobalt-60 research team that developed the so-called “Cobalt Bomb” in 1951, under the guidance of U of S scientist Harold Johns. A world Þ rst, the Cobalt 60 Therapy Unit used high energy radiation to treat cancer patients, and by the 1960s, had become the standard equipment of radiation therapists worldwide.

Dr. Fedoruk retired in 1986 as a Professor Emerita after 35 years of service with the University of Saskatchewan. From 1986-98 she was Chancellor and member of the University’s Board of Governors, and served subsequent terms as a Board member from 1996-2005. In 2006, she was appointed Chancellor Emerita. In 1988, she was installed as the Province’s 17th Lieutenant Governor and Þ rst woman Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, and served eminently in this capacity from 1988-1994.

An outstanding student athlete and avid curler in her adult life, Sylvia has been inducted into the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame as a member of the Joyce McKee rink, and in 1986, into the Canadian Curling Hall of Fame. In 2005, Dr. Fedoruk was awarded the L.B. “Mike” Pearson Award as exemplifying the ideals and purposes of amateur sport through interuniversity athletics.

Sylvia Fedoruk’s awards mirror her many accomplishments. She is an OfÞ cer of the Order of Canada; member of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit, and Dame of Grace, Order of St. John of Jerusalem. She has been recognized with the Commemorative Medal, 125th Anniversary of Canada’s Confederation; Order of Canada; Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal, and has received numerous other awards and honours in recognition of her outstanding achievements. Exemplifying a lifetime of service, nationally and internationally, Dr. Fedoruk has served on the Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada and as a consultant in nuclear medicine to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. Until her vice-regal appointment, she was a member of the Saskatchewan Commission on Direction in Health Care and has served on numerous other advisory boards contributing to the well being of others within the province.

University of Saskatchewan 7 Spring Convocation 2006 Honorary Doctor of Laws


Jimmy Myo is a prominent elder in the Saskatchewan community and particularly knowledgeable concerning Treaty Governance and Justice issues. Elder Myo is Þ rst and foremost a family man. He has been married to his wife Ena for 45 years. They have seven children. He speaks publicly to the need for us to return to the tradition of respecting women. He is the leader of his family and has ensured that all his children have access to their culture and tradition. Speaking his language ß uently is a great asset. Elder Myo has been involved in putting the ceremonies of his people in the ways that his father and mother strictly taught. His father was a farmer and he learned many skills as a child. He lived in a non-Aboriginal community near Cochin and this experience has taught him to build relationships with non-indigenous people in the province. This lesson has served him well over the years. During this time, Elder Myo was also an accomplished saddle breaker and bareback rider on the prairie rodeo circuit. Elder Myo supported his young family, travelling wherever there was work, and for years worked on highway construction in the province. Elder Myo served as Band Chief for three years, and a Band Councillor for 15 years. Even when he was not an elected ofÞ cial, he was a leader in the community. He was the Þ rst person from his community to be able to offer a local bus service for the children. He was instrumental, quite recently, in the building of a new school at Moosomin. These examples demonstrate the commitment Elder Myo carries to youth, to education and to his community. Elder Myo has given lectures and classes on treaties throughout the province from primary to university students. His commitment to treaty is demonstrated in a book by Drs. Harold Cardinal and Walter Hildebrandt, Treaty Elders of Saskatchewan. Elder Myo is quoted throughout this book, but the quotation that stands out as symbol of the man he is, reads as follows: “We got no business to give it up, we got no business to sell that land. We got no business to lease that land. We got no business to make any kind of deal on that land, but when the White man came to make a deal with us, the old people knew that we could try to treat them like our own relatives, so that they could use that land to the depth of a plow.” This promise, “the depth of the plow”, is one of the central treaty understandings in this region. His knowledge of the treaty and the frequency with which he has been quoted demonstrate the degree to which Elder Myo is a respected treaty historian in this area. More recently, Elder Myo has served as a Senator for the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations. He has also been a member of the Wanuskewin Indian Heritage Inc. Board of Directors for the past Þ ve years. He is respected as an Elder throughout the province. His work with FSIN includes assisting the OfÞ ce of the Treaty Commissioner at the Exploratory Treaty Table. He has worked extensively with OTC over the last few years.

University of Saskatchewan 8 Spring Convocation 2006 Honorary Doctor of Letters


Nik Semenoff was born and educated in Saskatchewan, and is an outstanding researcher, artist, teacher and inventor.

Nik Semenoff has taught at the University of Saskatchewan and has been Artist-in-Residence since 1992. His cutting-edge, original research into safer printmaking processes has placed the University of Saskatchewan in the forefront of non-toxic printmaking research and education.

Nik Semenoff has invented a number of printmaking processes, in particular the “waterless lithographic process”, high resolution screenprinting and specialized inks, which have made major contributions to his discipline. Printmaking is both safer and less expensive using the techniques and materials developed by Professor Semenoff. Considered revolutionary, his work has generated considerable interest in the international printmaking community, and Nik has been regularly invited to present the results of his research at academic conferences and workshops. He has been invited to conduct workshops at universities, art centres, professional printmaking studios and academic conferences in Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States as well as in Canada. In 2004 he was invited for three weeks to give a series of talks and workshops throughout Japan from a special grant of the Japanese Government.

An exceptional and generous educator, Professor Semenoff is sought out by students and proponents of printmaking who wish to beneÞ t from his new and innovating ways of working with print, and to be guided and inspired by his energetic instruction, critiques and passion for the medium. Professor Semenoff has published his research Þ ndings in such refereed academic journals as Leonardo: Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology and the British journal Printmaking Today, and he maintains a popular web site where papers on his most recent discoveries and processes are posted. His papers have been translated into Japanese, Spanish, Italian and Romanian.

Amongst the numerous awards and honours that he has received, the Lifetime Award for Excellence in the Arts from the Saskatchewan Arts Board and being included in the University of Toronto’s Canadian Who’s Who are the most prestigious.

Nik Semenoff is known and respected as a “local” artist and has long been active in and supportive of the provincial artistic community, which in turn speaks highly of the quality of his work and his unselÞ sh sharing of his achievements. He was a founding member of the Saskatchewan Society of Artists and served as its President in 1962. He was a founding member of Gallery 9 in Saskatoon and has been a Board Member of the Mendel Art Gallery. He served as Associate Director of the Fine Art Committee of the Saskatoon Industrial Exhibition for a number of years.

Nik Semenoff’s innovations in all areas of printmaking—Lithography, Silkscreen and Intaglio—are exceptional, and his tireless and outstanding work as a researcher and educator are truly worthy of signiÞ cant recognition.

University of Saskatchewan 9 Spring Convocation 2006 Honorary Doctor of Science


Dr. LotÞ A. Zadeh, who is widely known as the father of the theory of fuzzy logic, is a Professor in the Graduate School, Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition, he also serves as the Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing).

The theory of fuzzy logic acknowledges that while we would like to believe that decisions can be made with complete conÞ dence in their correctness, this is rarely the case and there is necessarily some associated uncertainty, a ‘fuzziness’, in the adopted decision. Dr. Zadeh pioneered the mathematical description of these uncertainties with the introduction of fuzzy set theory, an attempt to describe a lack of precision in the information that is used to make a decision and the resulting doubt in the adopted decision. He developed this theory in the early 1960s, and his insistence that the frequently abstract mathematical world has applications in the solution of real-world problems has led to its application in a variety of areas such as fuzzy-neural systems, control systems, visions systems, artiÞ cial intelligence, expert systems, medical diagnosis, economic systems, judicial systems, and decision analysis.

Dr. Zadeh has a distinguished international reputation, and his scholarship has had a profound effect on the work of researchers and practitioners world wide. His research and proliÞ c publication record has led to many medals and scientiÞ c prizes, including a Medal of Honour from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He has lectured around the world and is a member of the editorial boards of 55 scientiÞ c journals. In the less than 40 years since his theory was propounded, thousands of papers and scores of textbooks have been written on this seminal topic, and at least 20 international journals are established in this Þ eld. He has over 200 primary publications with thousands of citations of his research papers and has received numerous prestigious awards. His outstanding contributions as an engineer/ scientist, educator and a member of the profession have earned him worldwide recognition.

Dr. Zadeh has visited the University of Saskatchewan and its Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory on Þ ve different occasions, and has inspired our university community through his thought provoking lectures and discussions on fuzzy logic and soft-computing methods. Through those presentations and numerous one-on-one discussions, he has been an inspiration and role model for many professors and students in our university. Because of his well-recognized research and countless publications, and his direct impact to scholarship and its practical applications here in our province, Dr. Zadeh is a worthy candidate to receive an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Saskatchewan.

University of Saskatchewan 10 Spring Convocation 2006 Earned Doctor of Science


Larry Fowke was born in Toronto and raised in Saskatoon. He obtained an honours B.A. from the University of Saskatchewan in 1963 and a Ph.D. from , , in Plant Cell Biology in 1968. Following a two year postdoctoral fellowship at the Australian National University in Canberra, he joined the Department of Biology. The Fowkes have a long standing association with the University of Saskatchewan. Larry’s father Vernon was a faculty member in the Department of Economics and Political Science for 36 years and Larry and Lynne’s three children are graduates of the University.

Dr. Fowke’s research has focused on cells, the tiny building blocks of living organisms. He is particularly interested in how cells divide to produce new cells. Recent research has revealed a new family of inhibitors that block this process in plants. Dr. Fowke has also explored the fascinating mechanisms by which plant cells move material across their cell membrane, from outside of the cell to inside. A third major area of interest is cloning of conifers. Methods have been developed that will allow the forest industry to produce virtually unlimited numbers of identical superior trees for reforestation. Dr. Fowke has co-edited a book and published over 160 research papers, chapters and reviews. Four biotechnology patents have been issued and three are pending. His research has resulted in appointments as visiting scientist at universities and research institutes in Australia, Switzerland, Sweden and England.

Dr. Fowke loves to teach. He particularly enjoys teaching introductory biology to large classes of enthusiastic Þ rst year students. His teaching also includes more specialized courses in cell biology and electron microscopy at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has been known to employ unusual teaching aids such as the Australian didgeridoo. For over 30 years Dr. Fowke’s laboratory has been an exciting place to work with numerous graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and visiting scientists from around the world.

Dr. Fowke’s previous honours have included the Distinguished Researcher Award and appointments as Jarislowsky Chair in Biotechnology and Rawson Professor in Biology. He was recently recognized as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher in the plant and animal category. Dr. Fowke served four years on the grants selection committee for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. He is currently an editor for Plant Cell Reports and has served on the editorial boards of three other botanical and cell biology journals.

University of Saskatchewan 11 Spring Convocation 2006 Distinguished Researcher Award


The Distinguished Researcher Award recognizes a faculty member’s contribution to scholarship through the creation, expansion, and critique of knowledge. Jim Hendry, Professor of Hydrogeology in the Department of Geological Sciences, College of Arts and Science, is the recipient of the Spring 2006 award.

Hendry is world-renowned for pioneering insights and imaginative research with aquitard—near-impermeable underground layers that sandwich the water-rich aquifers providing water supplies across Canada and around the world. Clay-rich aquitards are also the material of choice to sequester the dangerous wastes of modern technological society—everything from PCBs to mine tailings and nuclear waste.

Despite their importance, aquitards are among the most difÞ cult geological features to study and thus the least understood area in groundwater science. Hendry was the Þ rst to address this challenge and thus deÞ ne the Þ eld. With more than 100 research papers in peer reviewed journals on the topic to date, his work is the most signiÞ cant and comprehensive reference on aquitards in existence. This knowledge has conferred new methods for stewardship of Earth’s precious water resources.

Hendry achieved his B.Sc. in Geology and M.Sc. in Geochemistry in the 1970s from the University of Waterloo. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Hydrogeochemistry from the University of Waterloo in 1984. For 10 years he was head of the Groundwater Section for Agriculture at the Lethbridge Research Centre before becoming Director of Research for the U.S. National Groundwater Association in 1988.

He returned to Canada in 1990 to lead the Groundwater and Contaminants Project at the National Hydrology Research Institute in Saskatoon. When Cameco donated a research chair to the University in 1994, an international peer-reviewed competition selected Hendry to Þ ll it. This was leveraged into a Cameco-NSERC Industrial Research Chair, recently renewed for a third Þ ve-year term.

Hendry has developed courses on using isotopes to study groundwater contamination, contaminant transport, aqueous geochemistry, and aquifer analysis. He currently teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in aqueous and environmental geochemistry. He has also contributed to numerous scholarly and outreach activities, including seminars on groundwater safety presented to the public. In the academic community, he has fostered strong collaborations within the University and outside partners.

Hendry’s work has been selected for international awards, and resulted in a vibrant network of industrial and academic partners who seek his expertise. He was selected as the prestigious Darcy Lecturer in 2000, and over the next two years spoke at nearly 40 universities and research institutions in North America, Europe and Australia. In 2003 he was the recipient of the Hem Award for Excellence in Science and Engineering in Groundwater. His achievements and international stature contribute greatly to the reputation of this university and to the success of our students.

University of Saskatchewan 12 Spring Convocation 2006 Master Teacher Award


“Does the need of the many outweigh the need of the few? Or is it that the needs of the few outweigh the need of the many?” This debate originating between Captain James T. Kirk and Commander Spock of Star Trek is emblematic of the challenge teachers everywhere face in their profession. One possible measure of success as a teacher is the ability to defeat the implied tradeoff. By extension a Master Teacher can be deÞ ned as one who has been able to completely defeat the tradeoff!

Fred Phillips is a Master Teacher. Students are in awe of Fred’s ability to hold 120 of them enthralled about accounting for ninety minutes on a Monday morning at 8:30 a.m.! Testimonials consistently praise Fred’s commitment and love for fostering individual learning. For Fred there is no bigger achievement than to turn students “on” to accounting.

Fred is a teacher par excellence. He is a past recipient of and a winner, this year, of the USSU Teaching Excellence Award. He has twice won the College of Commerce Award for most effective teacher and has also won the Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc) Teacher of the Year award. In fact, Fred has either been nominated for or won a teaching-related award every year since coming to the University of Saskatchewan in 1996. And prior to coming here he won the teaching excellence award at the University of Texas at Austin in 1996!

Fred Phillips is also the quintessential teacher-scholar. His teaching has informed his research and vice-versa. He is three time winner of the annual case writing competition held by the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, and the author of an introductory accounting textbook noted by students and instructors alike for its outstanding pedagogy. He is an Associate Editor of the prestigious accounting education journal, Issues in Accounting Education. This is an extremely challenging and demanding role to which Fred has tirelessly contributed. His contributions to the journal have been so proliÞ c and substantive that it led the journal editor, Professor Sue Ravenscroft, to joke that the journal should perhaps be renamed Issues in FREDucation.

With Fred Phillips there is no arrogance or artiÞ ce. There is only thoughtfulness, insight, simplicity, generosity, honesty and respect. Returning to Star Trek, Kirk and Spock need to look no further than Fred Phillips, Master Teacher, to learn a thing or two about solving a logical conundrum!

Unlike Archimedes, who reportedly had to step into a bathtub for his “aha” experience, for those of us who know Fred, all it takes is to step into Fred’s classroom as a student, or have him as an academic referee providing comments on our work, or engage with him on a discourse about teaching and research as a colleague, for us to yell, all in one voice, “Eureka!”

University of Saskatchewan 13 Spring Convocation 2006 Outreach and Public Service Award


Dr. François Messier’s many contributions to teaching and research are matched only by his abiding interest in environmental conservation and community development.

His current research interests are varied, and examine a variety of important ecological questions on mammals ranging from Ord’s Kangaroo rats to black-tailed prairie dogs.

A well-published authority on economically signiÞ cant wildlife diseases, such as Bovine tuberculosis and chronic wasting disease, he has travelled as far north as Nunavut and the Northwest Territories to study the ecology of grizzly bears, grey wolves, and moose and is keenly interested in Aboriginal traditional knowledge with respect to caribou ecology both in the arctic and in Saskatchewan.

While much of his research speaks to his commitment to conservationism, it also illustrates his interest in the interrelationships between communities and their environments. Dr. Messier has worked with the Innu Nation and the of Quebec to determine the impacts of low-level military ß ights on caribou health and developed a large atlas highlighting the movements of polar bears in Canada’s arctic, which was translated into Inuit-Inupiaq for use by the local people. In particular, his work on polar bears required signiÞ cant interaction with Inuit communities, relationships which resulted in the employment of numerous local people in order to facilitate the live capture of bears for tagging. His work has contributed to what one of his nominators has described as “bringing Canadian polar bear conservation from a somewhat rudimentary state to what more observers feel is one of the best mammal management programs in the world.”

Professor Messier’s belief in the importance of outreach and public service has also evidenced itself in his considerable voluntary participation in ecological organizations. In 2003, he was invited to participate in three major public policy committees that conducted independent scientiÞ c reviews of the management of grizzly bears in B.C. and the recovery of threatened mountain caribou in the Rocky Mountains. He has also served as a member of an independent environmental monitoring promoting good environmental management at the Ekati Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories. This work created relationships with several First Nations and Métis groups and permitted interactive exchanges of traditional Aboriginal knowledge and leading edge research.

Dr. Messier’s work is exceptional and he does this in addition to serving as the Department Head of the Department of Biology at the University of Saskatchewan. He exempliÞ es through his outreach activities the ways in which a university professor and administrator can positively engage and inß uence the public sphere.

University of Saskatchewan 14 Spring Convocation 2006 President’s Service Award


Her colleagues deÞ ne her as the “quintessential professional” and “fearlessly dedicated advocate” of the institution, and credit her for achieving the “highest possible degree of consensus around documents and decisions that make a difference” at the University of Saskatchewan.

Pauline Melis, Integrated Planning OfÞ ce, is the recipient of these and many other accolades, including the Spring 2006 President’s Service Award. The many letters of support that accompanied her award nomination acknowledge her unwavering commitment to teamwork, her profound knowledge of the institution and her ability to articulate the University’s vision through exemplary leadership of the integrated planning initiative.

Pauline was born and raised in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. At the age of 16, she moved to Saskatoon with her twin sister Caroline to attend the University of Saskatchewan, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with High Honours in History in 1977, and a Master’s of Arts in History in 1982.

In 1980, Pauline served as research assistant for the History of the University of Saskatchewan project. Following her employment with the Saskatchewan Western Development Museums and federal government, she returned to the U of S in 1987 and joined the College of Arts and Science Dean’s OfÞ ce. In 1989, she moved to the Vice-President Academic’s OfÞ ce and served in several positions, including Executive Assistant to the Vice-President Academic and Provost, and Director of Academic Affairs. In 2003, Pauline was appointed Director of Institutional Planning.

For over Þ fteen years, Pauline has been instrumental in the creation of all major policy and planning documents at the U of S. Her long list of accomplishments include the Framework for Planning, Strategic Directions, Foundational Documents, Provost’s White Paper on Integrated Planning, Systematic Program Review, and Priority Determination Process. She has also made notable contributions to Operations Forecasts, University Council policies, Aboriginal and education equity initiatives, and other institutional and college planning documents.

Pauline epitomizes dedication to the University of Saskatchewan, and has earned the respect and admiration of senior administrators, faculty, staff and students. She has been instrumental in connecting the University community with institutional planning associations across North America, and is committed to ongoing professional and personal development.

Outside the University, Pauline has been involved in numerous community organizations, including heritage societies, political associations and women’s groups. She is married to Eric Cline, currently Minister of Industry and Resources for the Province of Saskatchewan.

University of Saskatchewan 15 Spring Convocation 2006 Graduates of Agriculture, Commerce

and Engineering

Ceremony 1 Tuesday May 23, 2:00 p.m. Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and diplomas to the graduates of Agriculture, Commerce and Engineering May 23, 2006 • 2:00 p.m. Chancellor W. Thomas (Tom) Molloy, O.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., presiding

PRE-ADDRESS University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association

PROCESSION Graduands in the order in which degrees are to be conferred; Faculty; Board of Governors; Senate; Guests of Honour; The President; The Chancellor


O CANADA Clinton Hagel

INVOCATION Father Andre Lalach, University Chaplain


CONFERRING OF HONORARY LotÞ A. Zadeh DOCTOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Presented by Claude Laguë, Dean of the College of Engineering


MUSICAL INTERLUDE Galop – D. Shostakovich/ D. Hunsberger The University Wind Orchestra conducted by Glen Gillis



PETITION FOR ADMISSION Lea Pennock, University Secretary

PRESENTATION OF GRADUANDS Agriculture presented by Dean Barber TO THE CHANCELLOR Commerce presented by Dean Pearson and Assistant Dean Renny Engineering presented by Dean Laguë, Assistant Dean Gander and Assistant Dean Reeves Doctor of Philosophy presented by Dean Wishart


PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO THE Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists Gold Medal MOST DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES The Fred Fulton Family Prize The Goodspeed Award The Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Saskatchewan Gold Medal

PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO Master Teacher Award presented to Fred Phillips FACULTY

MESSAGE FROM THE ALUMNI Joy Crawford, Alumni Association President ASSOCIATION



University of Saskatchewan 18 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

DIPLOMA IN AGRICULTURE Matthew Robert Owens Rory Todd Cranston Eston Moose Jaw Shay Jared Anderson George Daniel Petty Danielle Susanne Grace Cross Maple Creek Indian Head Chelan Nina Marie Bourgeois Remi Joseph Poirier Ashley Kailyn Dew Barrhead, Alberta Bellegarde Windthorst Jody Lee Clemens Diana Carole Sambrook Trent Derek Dewar Lumsden Milestone Hazlet Derek Jordan Dery Ryan Heath Schroeder Dayna Lee Dreger Rose Valley Regina Saskatoon Tyler James Evans Neil Allan Serfas Natasha Rose Dull Shellbrook Brock Edam Sarah Chantal Eymann Lyndon Mons Stoll Lindsay Dawn Durrant Osler Delisle Moose Jaw Chad Cameron Lloyd Ferguson Brett Arron Stolson Jennalee Anne Ecklund Naicam Hodgeville Whitewood Chad Brian Fréçon Stacey Lynn Stomp Lane Kenneth Empey Redvers Leroy Aneroid Robynn Renée Gallays Riley William Taylor Leah Kathleen Fedoruk St. Brieux Melfort Kamsack Kendell James Graham Carol Ann Thomson Kirsten Marie Findlay Coleville Dinsmore Lloydminster Amanda Lee Hamilton Deanna Lauren Trach Jarrod Robert McLean Fogal Semans Canora Laß eche Christopher Ralph Hanson Brent Lester Twordik Melissa Margaret Fuchs Archerwill Saskatoon Fleming Amy Marie Heather Tyler Shawn Venne Nima Gerami Biggar Wakaw Iran Shawn Michael Hyshka Melissa Rae Wick Erin Danielle Gibson Vonda Weyburn Acadia Valley, Alberta Laura Jean James Timothy Michael Zidkovich Sylvia Jean Gibson Estevan Biggar Calgary, Alberta Lee Stuart Johnson Clarke Daniel Ziola Kirk Thomas Graham Margo Nut Mountain Lone Rock Jacqueline Marie-Paulette Lalonde Nicole Dawn Greenbank Vonda Kelso BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Jonathan Roy Lock AGRICULTURE Rebecca Jane Gummeson Macklin Cabri Alana Megan Marin Jeffrey John Bergermann Heather Don Haeusler Radville Humboldt Muenster (posthumously) Tegan Renee Marshall Whitney Marie Block Megan Marie Halter Yellow Grass Hudson Bay Chad Jerritt Nykolaishen Chelsea Rae Bulani Anna Theresa Hansen Kamsack Biggar Yorkton Bradley Warren Ornawka Lisa Nicole Chadwick Caressa Janine Hanson Battleford Piapot Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 19 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Heather Dawn Haydock Jamieson Granger Mills Errin Marie Tollefson Lloydminster Moosomin Mossbank Wei He Ryan Joseph Moorman Julie Lynn Velichka People’s Republic of China St. Gregor Invermay Jeffrey William Henry Eric Kjeld Nielsen Alison Katherine Ward Gray Standard, Alberta Saskatoon Ryan Michael Hering Brent Justus Earl Norwig Kristen Kerry Wasylenchuk Bruno Wolseley Vanscoy Morgan Clayre Hill Gregory Ben Pohler Kale Dee Wilson Vanscoy Spalding McCord Keith Darwin Isberg Yvonne Daneen Potter Melfort Saskatoon Michael William Witt Vernon, British Columbia Jeremy William Janzen Kathryn Anne Ross Watrous Regina Ryan Lindsay Woloshyn Mayfair Wayne Perry Kooy Kimberly Morgan Russell Prince Albert Craven Adrienne Jay Worley Langbank Jason Clayton Kuchinka Peter John Sawatzky Macoun Herbert Justin Parry Kusler Brennan Peter Schachtel MASTER OF SCIENCE Maple Creek Macklin Seth Andrew Briggs Krista Michelle LaFrenière Matthew Renton Scobie North Battleford Surrey, British Columbia Saskatoon Animal Science – Thesis: Molecular Tracking of Kolan William Langmaier Janice Nadine Shea Intestinal Colonization of Two Bacterial Species Regina Following Oral Inoculation in Broiler Chickens Ee Lynn Lee Heather Dawn Sherstobitoff Rachel Susanne Buhler Malaysia Young Osler Kendra Lauren Lee Amanda Marie Skaftfeld Plant Science – Thesis: Inß uence of Managment Hawarden Kenosee Lake Practices on Weed Communities in Organic Cereal Production Systems in Saskatchewan Zhen-Yuan Lei Stacie Allison Skiftun Kim Lannette Ducherer People’s Republic of China Melfort Okotoks, Alberta Stacey Lynn Lieslar Xin Song Plant Science – Thesis: Effects of Burning and Young People’s Republic of China Thinning on Species Composition and Forage Production in British Columbia Grasslands Brent Donald Little Christine Susanne Sullivan Biggar Regina Mark Andrew Ferguson Kabo Masisi David William Sullivan Edgeley Botswana Mossbank Agricultural Economics – Thesis: Demographic Change and Sustainable Communities: The Amanda LeAnn Matson Carly Ellen Summach Role of Local Factors in Explaining Population Langley, British Columbia Calgary, Alberta Change Justin Wesley McKnight Nicole Lynn Tanner Tyler Ray Freeman Fort St. John, British Columbia Moose Jaw Simpson Sonya Marie Meier Erin Nicole Tassell Agricultural Economics – Thesis: From the Ground Up: An Agent-Based Model of Ridgedale Victoria, British Columbia Regional Structural Change Grant William Michelson Janel Danette Taylor Donna Carolynn Junk Lipton Ridgedale Pleasantdale Morley Dominic Miller Kyle Brian Templeton Plant Science – Thesis: Seedcoat Darkening in Wilkie Rouleau Pinto Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

University of Saskatchewan 20 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Sharon Anne Klinger Shelagh Jean Torrie Susan Theresa Diane Bazin Nanton, Alberta Saltcoats Saskatoon Animal Science – Thesis: Limit Feeding a High Soil Science – Thesis: Assessing the Illinois Alexandre Beaudry Grain Barley-Based Diet to Backgrounding and Soil Nitrogen Test as a Measure of Potentially Finishing Cattle in Western Canada Available Nitrogen , Quebec Tennille Dawn Knezacek Tyler Dustin Turner Jeffery David Benjamin Saskatoon Esterhazy Lockwood Animal Science – Thesis: Broiler Transportation Animal Science – Thesis: Evaluation of the Susanne Kendall Berg in Saskatchewan Effect of Dietary Forge and Concentrate Levels Cabri on the Fatty Acid ProÞ le of Bison Tissue Pamela Diana Lerner Alana Carrie Bergstrom Saskatoon Gemunu Prasanna Widyaratne Prince Albert Plant Science – Thesis: A Comparative Study Saskatoon on Seed Heteromorphism in Achnatherum Animal Science – Thesis: Characterization Amy Lee Beutler brachychaetum (Godr.) Barkworth and Nassella and Improvement of the Nutritional Value of Whitewood clarazii (Ball) Barkworth Ethanol By-Products for Swine Michelle Renee Binette Binbing Ling North Battleford People’s Republic of China BACHELOR OF COMMERCE Kevin Angus Murray Blelloch Animal Science – Thesis: Study of Hepatic Esterhazy Cytochrome P450 System in Richardson Shawna Jade Achtymichuk Ground Squirrels Melville Miranda Rae Blocka Sarah Louise Lipoth Prince Albert Collette Joy Allen Waldron Shellbrook Steven John Bomok Soil Science – Thesis: Repeated Manure Saskatoon Applications and Trace Element Levels in Soils Christopher LeRoy Anderson and Plants Saskatoon Jennifer Irene Borstmayer Cudworth Darrell Robert Ocrane Jeremy James Anderson Biggar Hudson Bay Alyson Janette Borycki Applied Microbiology – Thesis: Synergistic Saskatoon Effects of Stress Agents in Whole Corn Mash Kent Anderson Anholt Amanda Chantel Borycki Fermentations Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kenaston Saskatoon Laura Faye Smith Laith Hanna Anton Marla Dawn Boyer Clavet Saskatoon United States of America Animal Science – Thesis: Impact of Tylosin Christopher Daniel Arndt Phosphate, Flaxseed, and Flaxseed Fractions on Angela Laurel Boyes Saskatoon Small Intestinal Microbial ProÞ les in Pigs Saskatoon Sarah-Anna Auckland Megan Leah Strawford Matthew Drake Boyle Moose Jaw Battleford Saskatoon Animal Science – Thesis: Social Factors that Terry Steven Baerg Affect the Behaviour and Productivity of Christian Leigh Braid Saskatoon Gestating Sows in an Electronic Sow Feeding Saskatoon System Jin Bai Kevin Garth Braid Brandy Rose Street People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Moose Jaw Colin Omer Baillargeon Lindsay Cecile Bryson Animal Science – Thesis: The Effects of Housing JackÞ sh Lake Grow-Finish Pigs in Two Different Group Sizes Deer Valley and Floor Space Allocations Mathew Adam Balicki Michael Buczkowski Chantal Marie Stumborg Prince Albert Saskatoon Naicam Reagan Patrick Baliski Herman Reginald David Bugler Soil Science – Thesis: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Saskatoon Red Pheasant First Nation Loading in Manured Saskatchewan Soils Kyle James Banbury Shawn Michael Bunnin Lindsay Keith Tallon Indian Head Saskatoon Saskatoon Soil Science – Thesis: Transport and Retention Dustin Jae Bartsch Serina Anne Calfas of Escherichia coli Through Soil Saskatoon Moose Jaw

University of Saskatchewan 21 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

David Michael Calyniuk Sarah Rae Edwards Elizabeth Anne Birnie Gifford Saskatoon Nokomis Glenside Shannon Lee Camphaug Chantelle Nicole Ehr Blake Ellis Gill Caronport Lang Choiceland Gareth Brynmor Charpentier Michael John Mazur Elson Ryan James Glover North Battleford Saskatoon Saskatoon Melissa Jean Chu Meghan Jean Epp Krista Ruth Gordon Saskatoon Saskatoon Andrew William Clapson Amanda Marie Ethier Tyson Arthur Goulet Saskatoon Prince Albert Saskatoon Lee David Neil Clark Hilary Grace Farbacher Selina Rae Gray North Battleford Saskatoon Invermay Shannon Alicia Clements Lauren Beeson Faris Matthew Ian Greenberg Wawota Saskatoon Regina Angela Shea Collinge Jonathan Michael Fay Brian Michael Grevers Lloydminster Saskatoon Saskatoon Ashley Nicole Cooper James Wesley Wightman Fehr Elke Jolene Gryba Saskatoon Swift Current Saskatoon Lane Kelsey John Cooper Rosemarie Christiane Ferré Shane William Grypiuk Saskatoon Zenon Park Shellbrook Kerri Lynne Creighton Chelsea Lynn Marie Fleischhacker John Ross Guenther Shaunavon Humboldt Turtleford Michael Emile Creurer Janel Dawn Friesen Beth Joan Guillou St. Brieux North Battleford Rosthern Ashley Dawn Cunningham Krystal Dawn Fromm Nicole Dawn Halldorson Moose Jaw Yorkton Saskatoon Ashley Dawn Currie Jesse Karl Froslie Jaclyn Celeste Hamm Saskatoon Swift Current Saskatoon Morgen Lee Danielson Katie Nolene Funk Warren Larry Harding Norquay Dinsmore Watrous Trista Rae Deakoff Darryn Dwight Gaddess Tracy Lynn Hauberg Prince Albert Martensville Saskatoon Dayne Jordon DeMarsh Manuel Enrique Galan Lori Anna Haugen Tisdale Saskatoon Saskatoon Baldeep Ripple Kaur Dhariwal Leslie Diane Ganes Marlaina Raye Lynn Hauser Victoria, British Columbia Elbow Prince Albert Christopher Ronald Dunn Nancy Jeanette Garrecht Carissa Lynn Hegedus Parksville, British Columbia Fox Valley Esterhazy Jeannette Grace Durie Joel Michael Gartner Terrance Edward Hegel Moose Jaw Saskatoon Saskatoon Jana Alison Dushinski Pamela Rae Gellert Joanne Rene Heisler Moose Jaw Assiniboia Saskatoon Nathaniel Kenneth Dyck Annette Rose-Marie Gentil-Perret Luc Caleb Hilderman Saskatoon Prince Albert Wolseley Holly Sarah Rose Ealey Allison Elizabeth Gerhardt Ashley Kristen Hitchings Prince Albert Regina Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 22 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Joanne Miao Juan Ho Chad James Kingwell Scott Allan Lesanko Saskatoon Rosetown Sturgis Thai Minh Hoang Joshua Ryan Jack Douglas Kinzel Qin Li Saskatoon Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Norman Otto Hochbaum Tania Mary Kiryakos Laura Jean Loppacher Wilkie Saskatoon Eston Nathan Adam Hoffart Katherine Ann Kissick Kimberly Adelle Lothian Regina North Battleford Carlyle Trent William Hope Lisa Marie Klassen Joe-Ann Lourens Saskatoon Saskatoon South Africa Nicole Ashley Horning Danny Chi-Chung Ko Justin Alan Lovell Saskatoon Saskatoon Prince Albert Paul Charles Horrell Chassidy Lynn Kohl Pin Lu North Battleford Porcupine Plain People’s Republic of China Karla Rosanne Jabusch Brett William Kolendreski Lei Jessie Ma Saskatoon Saskatoon Calgary, Alberta Suzanne Marie Jeanneau Derek Peter Kopp Andrea Rae MacDonald Prud’Homme North Battleford North Battleford Jill Amanda Johnson Crystal Lena Korol Mark Earl MacÞ e Saskatoon Saskatoon Crystal Springs Sarah Elizabeth Johnston Karen Marie Korol Melissa Lorraine Mackay Rosetown Canora Saskatoon Andrew Leo Kachur Shane Brett Korol Michael James MacLaurin Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Daniel Michael Kasun Tychelle Abbe-Leah Rose Kostiuk Christopher Alan MacLean North Battleford Melfort Saskatoon Nicole Athene Katsiris Christine Melissa Kostyniuk Stacey Nicole Maga Saskatoon Saskatoon Esterhazy David Richard Keegan Kenton Brandt Krause Ashley Diana Malloy Saskatoon Swift Current Saskatoon Camille Rae Kehrig Vaughn Michael Krywicki Paul Allan Mamer Bjorkdale Battleford Meadow Lake Ryan James Kehrig Matthew John Kubin Curtis Matthew Mitchel Mann Bjorkdale Saskatoon Saskatoon Kenneth James Kelly Jeremy Scott Kweens Andrea Lynn Marciak Rocanville Esterhazy Sherwood Park, Alberta Darcy Joseph Kendall Richard Allan Lahaye Todd Christopher Marien Macrorie Prince Albert Saskatoon Alejandra Isabelle Kennedy Jenny Lam Jason Michael Marshak Flin Flon, Manitoba Swift Current Lake Lenore Brennan James Kilmister Brandy Faith Ledinski Melissa C T Marshall Winnipeg, Manitoba Spiritwood Saskatoon Nicole V. Kimpton Andrea Diane Lee Lee Gregory Martin Saskatoon Saskatoon Herschel Sereena Miranda King Courtney Jae Leech Kerry Louise Massett Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 23 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Vance Henry Mathison Trent Robert Paisley Renée Louise Randall Martensville Saskatoon Liberty Jodi Jane Matsalla Tun-Hao Pan Janlyn Joy Rathgeber Canora Esterhazy Melville Joanna Kate Matthews Bradley James Paquin Megan Dawn Marie Rawlyk Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Sarah Lynn McAllister Paul Armando Pastor Nicholas Dave Reddekopp Saskatoon Saskatoon Swift Current Sean William Brian McCarthy Nicholas Bradley Pawluk Brenda Louise Redekopp Moosomin Saskatoon Saskatoon Clifford Derek McKay Raelene Anne Peet Jessica Lynn Regnier Saskatoon Saskatoon Battleford Eugene Morris McKay Luke Joel Pelletier Brittany Victoria Regush Edmonton, Alberta Prince Albert Saskatoon Keegan Andrew Gordan McKay Adrienne Michelle Perrot Lindsey Jane Reilkoff Kamsack St. Brieux Saskatoon Thomas Donald McKenzie Katie Jaye Pfeifer Aimee Christine Renneberg Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Lana Dale McLeod Jeffrey John Piercy Julene Rayanne Restall Prince Albert Saskatoon Saskatoon Delee Chelan Miller Jason William Pilot Anna Marie Reyes Shellbrook Saskatoon Saskatoon Timothy Jonathan Mizuno Nicole Marie Piniach Cassie Brett Riglin Saskatoon Regina Elrose Ryan Richard Morken Mark Leon Plewis Angela Rae Ritz Sturgis Swift Current Rosetown Bill Ng Tracy Dawn Podborochynski Rachel Françoise Rivard Invermay Prince Albert Prud’Homme Nancy Nguyen Douglas John Politeski Lisa Michelle Robinson Moose Jaw Lloydminster, Alberta Saskatoon Robert William Nicholson Keith Douglas Pomedli Rory Leslie Rogal Porcupine Plain Saskatoon Saskatoon Kyle Joseph Niekamp Holly Michelle Poncelet William Colin Patrick Rooke Humboldt Whitewood Saskatoon Shane Kenneth Noble Jeffrey Nicholas Post Thomas Robert Patrick Ross Estevan Saskatoon Saskatoon Tyler Stuart Nontell Robert Allen Pratt Brett Robert John Routledge Saskatoon Saskatoon Herbert Tricia Rae Olesen Dawn Ann Predinchuk Christopher Warren Salamon Saskatoon Saskatoon Leduc, Alberta Dustin Lee Olver David James Purdy Brent David Salzl Saskatoon Saskatoon Paradise Hill Joshua Opheim Tyler Andrew Purves Michelle Louise Sander Saskatoon Rhein Tisdale Cammy Yu Ouellette Emily Dawn Quinney Jamie Danielle Schaan Hong Kong Rosetown Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 24 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Tracie Leanne Scheuerman Ryan James Symon Wei Wang Acadia Valley, Alberta Kitscoty, Alberta People’s Republic of China Kassidy Lara Schneider Amy Lan Ta Adam Vincent Weigel Saskatoon Regina Saskatoon Christopher Martin Schwebius Wenlei Tang Lauren Jill Wensley Wilkie People’s Republic of China Wiseton Melissa Georgina Shout Xun Tang Trezley Anne Wesolowski Saskatoon Richmond, British Columbia Saskatoon Stacey Ann Sikorski Bolanle Abosede Tawose Christopher Ryan Michael Saskatoon Nigeria Wickenhauser Saskatoon Kyle Christopher Sokul Amanda Marie Taylor Wynyard Tisdale Nicole Rose Yeatman Wickett Saskatoon Kathryn Ruth Spannier Chelsea Brianne Thiessen Regina Saskatoon Zachery Blair Wiebe Swift Current Andrew David William Spencer Leisa Marie Tiede Saskatoon Moose Jaw Christopher Scott Wiens Saskatoon Matthew Lawrence Michael St. Onge Melissa Ann Tighe Spiritwood Moose Jaw Denver James Wigg Calgary, Alberta Kyle Norman John Stacey Anna Toan Nipawin Saskatoon Benjamin Matthew Wihlidal Regina Thomas Matthew Stack Sherry Lynn Trippel Brandon Victor Blaine Wilde Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Barbara Stamatinos Gregory Paul William Trischuk Ruby Anne Williams Yorkton Yorkton Ahtahkakoop Band of the Cree Nation Donna Marie Steckler Ashley Michelle Turgeon Megan Ruth Wilson Colonsay Fort Qu’Appelle Fort Qu’Appelle Matthew David Stefaniuk David Brennan Turk Gregory David Woloshyn United States of America Saskatoon Mayfair Lisa Marie Steinhilber Ashley Rae-Marie Turner Carmen Joy Wonchulanko Spiritwood White Fox Yorkton Jennifer Ann Stelzer Colleen Doris Unger Ivan Siu Kei Wong Dodsland Saskatoon Hong Kong Amanda Dawn Stephanson Shawn Tyler Unser Michael Shawn Woolley Saskatoon Martensville Tisdale Nicole Kimberly Stoski Amber Norelle Veikle Christopher Yalbir Humboldt Saskatoon Saskatoon Victoria Grace Strain Jeremy Laszlo Veszi Pingfei Yao North Battleford Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Casey Roydon Stuart Patrick Joseph Voisard Mark Gerald Yeast Saskatoon Saskatoon Medicine Hat, Alberta Lauralee Jade Sutherland Natasha Robin Wagner Nathan Graham Joel Yelland Beardy’s and Okemasis First Nation Hague Saskatoon Nadine Bree Suveges Julie Ann Walker Nicole Deanna Young Saskatoon Rosetown Saskatoon Jane Alexandra Switzer Daniel John Wandzura Andrea Alison Zabloski Aneroid Saskatoon Calgary, Alberta

University of Saskatchewan 25 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Anna Louise Zawada Chad John Taylor Wesley James McDougall Saskatoon Gainsborough Saskatoon Christopher Tavis Zemlak Eric Emerson Veikle Gofaone Mpaesele Elfros Cutknife Botswana Jing Zhang Nigel Conrad Weber Kehinde Adetoyebi Ogunleye People’s Republic of China Castor, Alberta Saskatoon Xiaozhi Zhang Candice Dawn Omichinski Saskatoon CIVIL ENGINEERING Langham Bing Ying Zhu Dylan James Pearson People’s Republic of China Blair Donald Bergen Saskatoon Drake Cristi Erica Sophia Zuk Stephen Michael Perras Saskatoon Bradley Charles Peter Boyko Montmartre Saskatoon Jesse Quinn Zyla Chad Dennis Salewich Regina Mitchell Erik Brook Saskatoon Nanaimo, British Columbia Shanley Ann Sas MASTER OF SCIENCE Andrea Jane Bueckert Kamsack Saskatoon Craig Lee Butchko Karrnnel Orest Evan Sawitsky Evan Jerad Clarke Calgary, Alberta Saskatoon Clavet Finance – Thesis: The Short-term Market Lindsay Ann Selk Reacton to U.S. Bank M&As Craig Robert Clifton Saskatoon Saskatoon Derek Warren Stevens Bradly Aime Crossland Delisle BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Glaslyn IN ENGINEERING Danelle Lynnette Stutt Beatriz Bizetto de Freitas Langbank Brazil Kevin James Traves AGRICULTURAL AND Catherine Katie Christine Dodman Saskatoon BIORESOURCE ENGINEERING Saskatoon Ben Petrus Mason Wagemakers Christopher Robert Eyre Graham Alexander Augustus Baxter Saskatoon Saskatoon North Battleford Ryan Anthony Wanner Trent Matthew Folk Kurtis Lee Doney Estevan Disley Moose Jaw Yue Feng Wei Andrew Timothy Jansen Alec Loren Judt People’s Republic of China Moose Jaw Saskatoon Joel David Weiss Meghan Amber Kolybaba Julie Anne Kajner Langenburg Foam Lake Iron River, Alberta Tristan Robert Ziegler Peter Douglas Rhodes Phillip Kapronczai Saskatoon Assiniboia Saskatoon Jared Leigh Keller Helen Anthea Sack CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Saskatoon Rockglen Mark Douglas Shaw Michael Emil Kuley Brodi Giles Aldred Saskatoon La Ronge Moose Jaw Lucas Ian Sutherland Jennifer Dawn Kuz Cindy Leanne Anderson Eston Saskatoon Yorkton Kimberley Marie Gar Wei Tang Tracy Gail Loppacher Philip Morgan Bergbusch Saskatoon Eston Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 26 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Amanda Ann D’Cruz Nathan James Emery Rolston Kerry Dale Peter Hjertaas Saskatoon Kerrobert Regina Justin David Dell Brad Andrew Seipp Christopher Terence Hogg Estevan Estevan Outlook Erica Marie Emery Elizabeth Ursula Siemens Gusta Peng Huang Saskatoon Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Jessica Nicole Froese Andrew Christian Straile Paul Jacob Jamrozek Saskatoon Bonnyville, Alberta Poland Matthew James Galbraith Andrew Francis George Tyler Travis William Jones Saskatoon Saskatoon Debden Bryan Glenn Gauthier Victoria Ann Wong Raghuram Choudary Koneru Lloydminster Saskatoon Moose Jaw Marc Charles Goranson David Troy Korpess Weyburn Prince Albert ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Robert Calvin Hay Daniel Steven Kos Carroll, Manitoba Matthew John Berlinic Calgary, Alberta Matthew Shane Hiltz Quill Lake Ching-Ho Lam Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Brian Michael Berscheid Zayne Courtney Hoffman Saskatoon Jessel Charles Lo Carlyle Fort McMurray, Alberta Terry Allan Boese Richard Heath Hogan Redvers Brett Matthew Lovas Saskatoon Saskatoon Dylan James Carlson Angela Kimberly Hoult Saskatoon Eric Yiu-Pong Lui Saskatoon Saskatoon Christopher William Chahley Alicia Marie Kilmer Martensville Jeremy James Lukan Prince Albert Prince Albert Wei Chen David Lorne Robert Lee People’s Republic of China Thomas Johan Meyer Marengo South Africa Varun Chhibbar Logan Patrick Mayes Saskatoon Jordan David Miller Saskatoon Saskatoon Kevin Robert Connell Tara Lynn Meldrum Ramakrishnan Mysore Govindas Saskatoon Saskatoon Singapore Talib Amin Daredia Nathan Anderson Miller Roshan Parajuli Edmonton, Alberta Eston Nepal Isha Dash Tara Lynn Morin David Donald Paul Pedersen Melville India Kerrobert Karli Ann Nicholat Matthew Clayton Drotar Mengyu Ran Saskatoon Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Amberley Valene Ostevik Donald Duncan Fentie Nippon Harshadkumar Raval Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Abhishk Kumar Pandey Ashley Irene Forbes Bryan David Schreiner Saskatoon Saskatoon Muenster Kyle Michael Paulsen Joshua Wade Gervais Selvakumar Saskatoon Estevan Singapore Lennon Steven Roche Gregory Karol Hain Sukran Sengun Ayalp Hanna, Alberta Prince Albert Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 27 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Adam John Michael Smith Jennifer Mary Ann Zwarych Kellyn Gary Bollinger Saskatoon Saskatoon Moose Jaw Aaron Michael Suek Roger Sean Borycki Humboldt GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Saskatoon Ernest Tuurosong Linda Rina Bouaban Saskatoon Tyler Martin Code Abbotsford, British Columbia Lashburn Kurtis Lee Wanner Ian Dale Bristow Saskatoon Lorelei Dawn Duke Loreburn Outlook Raymond Gerald Whitford Craig Andrew Churchman Saskatoon Morrison James Figley-McBeth Saskatoon Saskatoon Ka Shing Yung Ian Grant Clark People’s Republic of China Jerry Ryan David Gustafson Saskatoon Macoun Bryan Kenneth Clarke ENGINEERING PHYSICS Craig Keith Hamilton Swift Current Saskatoon Nicole Lynn Clouthier Matthew James Bathgate Devin Louis Kopp Saskatoon Yellow Grass North Battleford Dana William Cole Michael Brian Bird Moose Jaw Saskatoon Dallas Al Langley Springside David Chap-Lai Chan Craig John Charles Conacher Moose Jaw Lance William Mack Mervin North Battleford Matthew Richard Friesen Scott Mitchell Corrigan Saskatoon Michael James McAllister Paradise Hill Sundre, Alberta Bradley James Krug Sarah Lynn Craig Saskatoon Robert Shawn McNally Saskatoon Paul Scott Kulyk Prince George, British Columbia Pamela Emily Daigneault Wadena Devon Rane Osecki Saskatoon Jennifer Karen Kragh Paulsen Hudson Bay Adam Bryce Dawe Saskatoon Dallas Louis Philippon Swift Current Chad Leslie Phipps Willow Bunch Robin Kristopher John Delorme Saskatoon Ryan Micheal Sander Assiniboia Michael Gerald Scheibel Kyle Leonard Christopher William Diller Wilcox Saskatoon

Michael Gerard Scherman MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Kimberley Lynn Doepker Saskatoon Swift Current John William Staples Kyle S Acott Kyle Robert Douglas Kindersley Saskatoon Saskatoon David Graham Sylvester Michael Lee Akister Jena Lee Dressler Saskatoon Kyle Naicam Adam Edward Watt John Richard Allan Shane Terence Elian Regina Corning Arelee Scott James Alexander Wood David Antoine Beriault Geoffrey Paul Facca Saskatoon Regina Wiseton Edwin Meng Zhang Nicole Andrea Georgina Betz Kellen Cory Foreman People’s Republic of China Regina Saskatoon Ryan Nathan Ziegler Adam Wayne Blazenko Lisa Marie Franks Regina Bonnyville, Alberta Moose Jaw

University of Saskatchewan 28 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Jeffrey Jonathon Gordon Joshua Gerald Rostek Vikrama Krishnan Baskaran Kisbey Saskatoon India Robert John Hanson Chemical Engineering – Thesis: Kinetics of Steven Brian Rutley Anaerobic Sulphate Reduction in Immobilised Saskatoon Maidstone Cell Bioreactors Christopher Tyler Heeroma Kenneth Daniel Scheirer Warren Thomas Brooke Prince Albert Saskatoon Howard Brian Hemingson Mechanical Engineering – Thesis: The Transient Colby Tim Seefried Motion of a Solid Sphere Between Parallel Saskatoon Eatonia Walls Jason Matthew Horner I-Chun Chen Saskatoon Jesse Dale Smith Saskatoon Taiwan Carter Jay Hurlburt Environmental Engineering – Thesis: Effects of Saskatoon Steven James Albert Stinson Manure Application upon Water Quality of Pelly Surface Runoff from Rainfall Simulation Tests Eric Wilhelm Ireland Daniel Bruce De Forrest Calgary, Alberta Andrea Maria Vinet Saskatoon Saskatoon Travis Allan James Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Photoinduced Bishopton, Quebec Jeremy Joseph R Wilkinson Dichroism in Amorphous As2Se3 Thin Film Logan Edgar Jamieson Tisdale Yi Gao Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Andrew James Willms Brian Keith Daniel Johnson Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Adequacy Saskatoon Assessment of Electric Power Systems Moose Jaw Tyson Matthew Woynarski Incorporating Wind and Solar Energy Jason Andrew Kocay Wishart Rezaul Haque Hudson Bay Saskatoon Shane Peter Kozoriz Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Transmission Saskatoon POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA Loss Allocation Using ArtiÞ cial Neural Networks Chesley Erwin Krieg Ka Ki Fung Jaime Michele Hogan Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Tyler Justin Kushniruk Colin Ashley Prang Environmental Engineering – Thesis: Hudson Bay Hydrologic Behavior and Hydraulic Properties Swift Current of a Patterned Fen in Saskatchewan Stanley Brian La Brash Saskatoon Dange Huang MASTER OF ENGINEERING People’s Republic of China Joshua Graham Langford Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Basic Saskatoon Considerations in Generating Capacity Arvind Balasubramanian Adquacy Evaluation Jared Michael Manz India Saskatoon Mechanical Engineering – Project Manoj Jogi India Jeremy Brett Martinuk Muhammad ShaÞ que Saskatoon Civil Engineering – Thesis: A Method for Saskatoon Measuring Smooth Geomembrane/Soil Interface Shear Behaviour under Unsaturated Jennifer Lynn McLaren Electrical Engineering – Project: Analysis of Conditions Lac Vert Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Using Frequency Domain Reß ectometry (FDR) Antarpreet Singh Jutla Jonathan David Myers India Assiniboia Civil Engineering – Thesis: Hydrologic Trent Michael Nelson MASTER OF SCIENCE Modeling of Reconstructed Watersheds Using a Weyburn System Dynamics Approach Olusegun John Adigun Mark Lee Oleniuk Kang Hyun Kim Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Mechanical Engineering – Thesis: The Effect of Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Low Frequency Clinton Michael Prier Sensitization on the Corrosion Susceptibility Noise in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Churchbridge and Tensile Properties of AA5083 Aluminum Thin Film Transistors

University of Saskatchewan 29 Spring Convocation 2006 Agriculture • Commerce • Engineering Degrees and Diplomas

Ze Liang Li Thanigaimani Rajarathinam DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY People’s Republic of China India Mechanical Engineering – Thesis: Condition Chemical Engineering – Thesis: The Global Olajide Ganiyu Akinlade Monitoring of Axial Piston Pump Organization and Topological Properties of Nigeria Drosophila melangoaster Mechanical Engineering – Thesis: Effects of Lin Lu Surface Roughness on the Flow Characteristics People’s Republic of China Balasundaram Ramanadhan in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Chemical Engineering – Thesis: Experimental Saskatoon Study of Reverse Crevice Corrosion of Copper Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering – Pascal Laoun Ghazalian Thesis: Microwave Extraction of Essential Oils Lebanon Najeeb Ur-Rehman Mohammad (From Black Pepper and Coriander) at 2.46 Agricultural Economics – Thesis: Gravity Saskatoon GHz Model, Border Effects and Home Market Effect: An Ownership-Basis Approach Mechanical Engineering – Thesis: Analysis and Lakshminarayana Reddy N. Development of a Tunable Fiber Bragg Grating Filter Based on Axial Tension/Compression India Subrata Karmakar Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering – India Son Xuan Nguyen Thesis: Drying Characteristics of Saskatoon Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering – Saskatoon Berries under Microwave and Combined Thesis: Numerical Modeling of Soil Flow and Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Transmission Microwave Convection Heating Pressure Distribution on a Simple Tillage Tool of Vector Quantization over a Frequency- Ryan Nathan Riess Using CFD Selective Rayleight Fading CDMA Channel Unity Hossein Nikakhtari Norense Okungbowa Chemical Engineering – Thesis: Mass Transfer Saskatoon and Bioremediation of PAHS in a Bead Mill Nigeria Chemical Engineering – Thesis: Bioremediation Bioreactor Mechanical Engineering – Thesis: CFD Analysis of Industrial VOC Air Pollutants of Steady State Flow Forces in a Rim-Spool Gang Sun Valve Bijay Lal Shrestha People’s Republic of China Nepal Olalekan Fatai Osanyintola Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering – Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Microwave Nigeria Thesis: Monitoring and Modelling Diurnal and Seasonal Odour and Gas Emission ProÞ les for Measurement and Modeling of the Dielectric Mechanical Engineering – Thesis: Transient Properties of Vegetation Moisture Characteristics of Spruce Plywood Swine Grower/Finisher Rooms Dilrukshi Thavarajah Amit Pashan Michael Andre Joseph Tremblay Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Civil Engineering – Thesis: Groundwater Plant Science – Thesis: Nitrogen Fixation, Civil Engineering – Thesis: Behaviour of Amino Acid and Ureide Associations in Channel Shear Connectors: Push-Out Tests Response in a Fractured Sandstone Aquifer to Dewatering of an Open Pit Mine Chickpea and Pea Cultivars in Saskatchewan Jaiminkumar Bhagwatiprasad Patel Quan Wan Wijarn Wangdee India People’s Republic of China Thailand Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Reliability/Cost Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Bulk Electric Evaluation of a Wind Power Delivery System Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Adaptive RAKE Receiver Structures for Ultra Wide-Band Systems System Reliability Simulation and Application Kapil Dev Pathak Lisa Nicole White Darryl Clayton Wilkie India Yorkton Saskatoon Chemical Engineering – Thesis: Catalytic Applied Microbiology – Thesis: Non-Antibiotic Conversion of Glycerol to Value-Added Liquid Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering – Approaches to Control Pathogens in the Chemicals Thesis: Water Balance of a Feedlot Gastrointestinal Tract of the Broiler Chicken Anna Olena Paturova Hua Yang Ukraine Saskatoon Thomas Trent Yates Civil Engineering – Thesis: The Inß uence Electrical Engineering – Thesis: Incorporating Saskatoon of Vertical Reinforcement and Lateral Station Related Maintenance and Aging Soil Science – Thesis: Spatial and Temporal ConÞ nement on the Axial Capacity of Masonry Outages in Composite System Reliability Patterns of Nitrous Oxide and Their Block Walls Evaluation Relationship to Soil Water and Soil Properties

University of Saskatchewan 30 Spring Convocation 2006 Graduates of Arts & Science

Ceremony 2

Wednesday May 24, 9:00 a.m.

Anatomy & Cell Biology, Art History, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Biomolecular Structure Studies, Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Biotechnology & Biology, Biotechnology & Cell Biology, Biotechnology & Microbiology, Business Economics, Classical, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology, Comparative Literature & Languages, Computer Science, Computing, Economics, English, Environmental Earth Sciences, Food Science, French, Geography, Geology, German, History, International Studies, Land Use and Environmental Studies, Linguistics, Microbiology, Palaeobiology, Physiology, Regional and Urban Development, Russian, Spanish, Studio Art, Ukrainian Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees, diplomas and certiÞ cates to the graduates of Arts & Science May 24, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. Chancellor W. Thomas (Tom) Molloy, O.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., presiding

PRE-ADDRESS University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association

PROCESSION Graduands in the order in which degrees are to be conferred; Faculty; Board of Governors; Senate; Guests of Honour; The President; The Chancellor


O CANADA Clinton Hagel

INVOCATION Michael MacLean, University Chaplain


CONFERRING OF HONORARY Nik Semenoff DOCTOR OF LETTERS DEGREE Presented by Jo-Anne Dillon, Dean of the College of Arts and Science


CONFERRING OF EARNED Larry Fowke DOCTOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE Presented by Tom Wishart, Dean of the College of Graduate Studies & Research

MUSICAL INTERLUDE Galop – D. Shostakovich/ D. Hunsberger The University Wind Orchestra conducted by Glen Gillis



PETITION FOR ADMISSION Lea Pennock, University Secretary

PRESENTATION OF GRADUANDS Arts, Science, Fine Arts and Music presented by Dean Dillon, TO THE CHANCELLOR Associate Dean Martz, Associate Dean Basinger, Associate Dean Stoicheff, Associate Dean Steele, Dean Deutscher, Assistant Dean Marche, St. Thomas More Doctor of Philosophy presented by Dean Wishart


PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO THE Copland Prize in Humanities MOST DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES Copland Prize in Social Science University of Saskatchewan Film Society Prize Earl of Bessborough Prize in Science Haslam Medal Spring Convocation Three-Year Medal

PRESENTATION OF AWARDS Distinguished Researcher Award presented to Jim Hendry TO FACULTY Outreach and Public Service Award presented to François Messier MESSAGE FROM THE ALUMNI Joy Crawford, Alumni Association President ASSOCIATION CONCLUDING REMARKS Chancellor Molloy GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

University of Saskatchewan 32 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

BACHELOR OF ARTS David Robert Clark Terra-Louise Karp THREE-YEAR Whitby, Saskatoon Roberta J Coulter Jeffrey Thomas Keyowski Jody Anne Abdai Saskatoon Canora Esterhazy Aaron David Matthew Jason King Nicole Leah Adams Kelowna, British Columbia Saskatoon Saskatoon Michelle Desiree Delorme Melanie Ema Kirkhammer Elizabeth Akpene Ahiahonu Saskatoon Saskatoon Ghana Cheng Du Tressa Lynn Kirstein Yang Ai People’s Republic of China Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Craig Lindsay Dunlop Theresa Au Ying Kom Tyler Jon Baier Clavet Saskatoon Saskatoon Mary Ethier Melissa Patricia Koski Prince Albert Saskatoon Angela Dawn Barnett Moose Jaw Colin David Farnan Jason Dean Kowalenko Saskatoon Perdue Allison Diane Bates Prince Albert Shane Alexander Garner Bryan Hector Lachapelle Saskatoon Saskatoon Henry Jay Biem Saskatoon Christa Leigh Garrett Jourdain Martin L’Ecuyer Milden Saskatoon Sarah Amanda Boldick Duchess, Alberta Clayton Paul Gartner Kuong Chi Lei Lloydminster, Alberta Macau Gareth Julian Bond Saskatoon Melissa Lynn Gibney Ka Man Leung Drake Hong Kong Sarah Lynn Boyle Moose Jaw Jon Frederick Austin Gillies Janelle Marie Levesque North Battleford Saskatoon William Walter Frederick Burdon Vancouver, British Columbia Amanda Marie Girardin Lei Li Assiniboia People’s Republic of China Logan Ray Caragata Katherine Lynne Goshulak Nicol Therese Lischka Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Roxanne Lynne Carignan Gillian Emma Gough Shannon Julia Lucky North Battleford Saskatoon Saskatoon Lisa Marie Carlson Claudette Simone Gourdeau Abby Leigh Lundquist Delisle Saskatoon Maidstone Amanda Lyn Carter Adam Leigh Hall Nancy Dianne MacWilliam Carman, Manitoba Saskatoon Swift Current Xiaonan Chen Adam John Harnett Colin Lane Maskell People’s Republic of China North Battleford Gravelbourg Guang Cheng Allison Nicole Heinrichs Shaun Andrew Mason Saskatoon Medicine Hat, Alberta Saskatoon Jennifer Audrey Chouinard Michael David Holaday Ross Harrison May Saskatoon Saskatoon Prince Albert Linda Grace Cimpric Shan Huang Breanne Renee Maureen McAdam Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Courtney Lynell Clark Jillian Abra Johnson Ashley Renée McDonald Lloydminster Strasbourg Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 33 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Laura Christine McDonald Jenine Louise Rennie Lisa Jean Watson Saskatoon Prince Albert Biggar John Garry McEachern Joel David Rinas Hao Yu Wen Lanigan Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Cameron Russell McKay Meghan Elizabeth Rodin Carmen Elizabeth Westman Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Jeannie Margaret McLachlan Iain L Rose Matthew Lloyd Wiebe Saskatoon Saskatoon Swift Current Aaron Michael Merkosky Xikai Shao Rebecca Lynn-Ann Wittig Edam People’s Republic of China Melfort Charyce Debra Merkosky Joel David Stange Ching Hang Wong Saskatoon Central Butte Hong Kong Brian Alexander Merryweather Ashley Brianne Stark Danny Godyield Wong Cold Lake, Alberta Estevan Saskatoon Michael Alexander Noyes Milen Connie Lynn Stranden Stephen Douglas Wright Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Ashley Janett Mills Kris Michael Alan Street Tara Maxine Wright Saskatoon Saskatoon Moose Jaw Heather Serene Moen Julie Anne Vanessa Stroshein Yan Shen Xu Swift Current Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Jeffrey Kelly Moneo Xiaoguang Sun Craig Robert Zelizney Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Caitlain Ramona Mooney Erin Marie Taman Spiritwood Saskatoon ADVANCED CERTIFICATE Anatoli Morgotch Michael Lawan Jules Thorimbert IN ARTS Theodore Prince Albert Tanner Joshua Morrison Michelle Leigh Thorson Cheol Ho Lee North Battleford Penzance Korea Ronalee D Noble Carling Sandra Evelyn Marie Toews Kyle Prince Albert BACHELOR OF ARTS Erin Joyce O’Grady Erene P Tsougrianis FOUR-YEAR Allan Swift Current Rayanne Audrey Paterson Cindy Diane Tulp Megan Beth Antoniuk Paddockwood Milden Saskatoon Carmen Mackenzie Lee Peasley Ryan William Tuttroen Slavita Daniela Baranga Yorkton Saskatoon Prince Albert Janna Renée Petersen Kelly Roselle Vickaryous Marie Rachelle Barber Yorkton Saskatoon Weyburn Theodore Murray Pfeifer Mikel Holmes Walch Laura Kathleen Bischoff Saskatoon Fort McMurray, Alberta Saskatoon Donna Marie Phillippi James Houston Walker Lee Charles Bolger Canora Saskatoon Saskatoon Justin Noel Powlowski Shannon Janelle Walker Didier Bouathinh Saskatoon Saskatoon France Sarah Ann Reagan Allison Joyce Wall Christopher Noel Henry Butz Saskatoon Carrot River Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 34 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Twyla Lyn Carter Brock Robert Joncas Jennifer Tara-Lee Strongarm Saskatoon Borden Man Yee Chan Scott Kaminski Bryn Katherine Stumborg Hong Kong Saskatoon Swift Current Marc Mitchell Christie Robin Daniel Knittig Robert Gerald Thomas Lloydminster, Alberta Saskatoon Russia Hellen Kapronczai Correia Alla Kojolianko Niki-Lyn Raye Todoschuk Saskatoon Saskatoon Yorkton Lesley Beth Dudar Candace Marne Lamb Yun Wei Wang Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Christine Joy Elsasser Shawn James Lambert Carlyng Alexander Whenham Saskatoon Saskatoon Ridgedale Michael Anthony Flaman James Cameron Leu Liana Mae Whitehead Vibank Candle Lake Saskatoon Jonathan Kent Foster Colleen Elizabeth Little Sheryl Lynn Wiebe Saskatoon Drumheller, Alberta Martensville Wendy Celeste Frame Lindsay Carlene Manderscheid Meng Zhang Saskatoon Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Heidi Kristen Funk Cameron Bennet McBain Andrea Claire Zwarich Vanscoy Saskatoon Saskatoon Edgar Garza Martinez Kevin Roy McMartin Mexico Wadena BACHELOR OF ARTS Malvina Gersher Marco Umberto Melchiorre HONOURS Saskatoon Saskatoon Matthew Brian Glasscock Christopher Ryan Milhomens Mohammad Reza Adenan Prince Albert Saskatoon Saskatoon Esmeralda Carmen Gonza-Mamani Tamara Dione Murk Kelly Ann Balison Saskatoon Saskatoon Kamloops, British Columbia Jacob Chelsom Gossen Melissa Katherine Oleynik Kurtis Edward Balon Saskatoon Yorkton Saskatoon Jennifer Jane Grondin Alicia Dawn Painchaud Bryan Edward Bance North Battleford Saskatoon Saskatoon Kai Han Thomas Douglas Ray Evie Marie Barnes People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Saskatoon Gavin George Hartnett Morgan Lynn Ruth Reed Jason George Barnhart North Vancouver, British Columbia Regina Regina Sim Yuen Ho Cara Kathleen Reilkoff Laura Jean Beddome Edmonton, Alberta Kamsack Prince Albert Lenora Marie Hobbs Barbara Lynn Reimer Victoria Marie Biggs Blackfoot, Alberta Saskatoon Saskatoon Trista Leigh Holz Jessica Lindsay Ruthven Russell Wade Buhr Prince Albert Humboldt Herbert Chia-Ling Hsieh Jaclyn Lee Shabatowski Meshon Cantrill Taiwan Esterhazy Saskatoon Wenbo Hu James Richard Sparks Patrick Bruce Chambers People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Kelowna, British Columbia

University of Saskatchewan 35 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Yat Hang Chan Rochelle Ashley Johannson Kristen Michelle Olney Hong Kong Asquith Caronport Ka Man Carmen Chow Brendan Patrick Kelly Camille Beth Penny Hong Kong Saskatoon Allan Tammy Sue Anne Clarke Andrew Michael Marino Kent Nicholas Wilfred Kurt Racine Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Shuke Dai Brenda Denise Kocur Taya Sharon Raine People’s Republic of China Wakaw Saskatoon Caralee Rae Daigle Lana Diane Marie Kopp Sonja Savic Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Stephanie Martha Danyluk Leanne Naida LaBine Kelly Marie Sayers Canora Saskatoon Saskatoon Leanne Joy DeLong Kristen Louise Lafreniere Melissa Lynn MacLean Schrader Langham Saskatoon Saskatoon Warren Thomas Dudar Jindi Li Delaney Angele Camille Seiferling Regina People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Kathleen Deborah Edwards Yu-Hsin Liao Ginette Julie Simonot Saskatoon Taiwan Saskatoon Brian Andrew Warren Elliott Yun Bin Liu Meera Michelle Singh Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Christine Lynn Engel Rylan Joel Loucks Kristin Stephanie Smith Saskatoon Fife Lake Saskatoon Jennifer Kay Eyolfson Crystal Louise Louis Dane Benjamin Sommerfeld Leslie Saskatoon Parkside Amanda Beth Fehr Kara Lynne Loy Christine Marie Spetz Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Daniel Harrison Feltis Rebecca Ann Major Emmy Elizabeth Stavoestrand Hawarden Saskatoon Norway Joel Kendrick Fonstad Melissa Mae Marcotte Michelle Lynn Stoski Outlook Estevan Humboldt Caitlin Houston Friggstad Shauna Rose May Gina Lynn Sutherland Saskatoon Prince Albert Laß eche Dustin Jay Geeraert David Donald Leslie McAlister Helen Mary Thomas Saskatoon Tompkins Esterhazy Jason Michel Geisel Lara Michelle McDougall Adam Cornell Toews Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Ryan Herbert Hallman Rebecca Lindsay Meaden Erika Joyce Carefoot Topola Fosston Beechy Saskatoon Kyle Rutherford Hamilton Deirdre Lynn Morris Eve Kerr Townsend Saskatoon Coquitlam, British Columbia Saskatoon Amanda Rae Harrigan Robin Charles Mowat Xian Wang Saskatoon Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Bernard Bruce Harrison Everisto Mupanguri Caitlin Anne Fitzgerald Ward Merritt, British Columbia Zimbabwe Saskatoon Amanda Irene Jesberger Carla Jane Nelson Kristin Cody Ward Saskatoon Jasper, Alberta Birsay

University of Saskatchewan 36 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Danielle Christine White Brittany Jeannette Ellis Thomas Johan Meyer CrossÞ eld, Alberta Saskatoon South Africa Alicia Leanne Wilkinson Stuart Allan Fehr Jordan David Miller Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Shandel Cassandra Wilson Donald Duncan Fentie Ferguson Patrick Moore Saskatoon Saskatoon Bradwell Kristen Alyssa Woods Matthew Richard Friesen Saskatoon Saskatoon Andrea Dee Noordman Saskatoon Wen Xu Brett Robert Graham People’s Republic of China Langham Patrick Uzoma Okoye Nigeria Melissa Dawn Zanger Robert Terry Gulewich Swift Current Nipawin David Donald Paul Pedersen Raymond Edmund Hankey Kerrobert Saskatoon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE David Mark Pollock THREE-YEAR Kerry Dale Peter Hjertaas Lanigan Regina Melissa Leanne Prokopetz Matthew James Bathgate Marsha Nicole Japp Goodeve Yellow Grass Eston Stephen Bryan Pylypchuk William Nelson Bennett Justin Melvin Jubber Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Matthew John Berlinic Jennifer Louise Kambeitz Andrew James Scott Quill Lake Regina Saskatoon Brian Michael Berscheid Darshan Singh Khangura Lori Ellen Slater Saskatoon Regina Saskatoon Natalie Louise Bishop Meghan Amber Kolybaba Kimberley Marie Gar Wei Tang Rosthern Foam Lake Saskatoon Terry Allan Boese Bradley James Krug Ashley Renee Thompson Redvers Saskatoon Hodgeville Leanne Erica Brunelle Paul Scott Kulyk Saskatoon Wadena Navdeep Singh Uppal Calgary, Alberta Dylan James Carlson Geoffrey Dean Larose Saskatoon Prince Albert Clifton James Walker Saskatoon Yun Lih Chan Jessel Charles Lo Malaysia Fort McMurray, Alberta Liana Mae Whitehead Sheena Changela Daniel Gordon Longman Saskatoon Saskatoon Kelvington Laurie Lynn Wilson Nola Dawn Coffey Jeremy James Lukan Moose Jaw Carlyle Prince Albert Megan Addie Worobetz Craig Eric Dowdeswell Gunseli Malleck Saskatoon Pennant Saskatoon Stefanie Marie Yea Matthew Clayton Drotar Sarika Amelia Mann Regina Saskatoon Regina Kristen Jean Dykstra Michelle Renee Marcoux Paul Richard Yee Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon David Scott Ehmann Ian James McDougall Ryan Nathan Ziegler Regina Saskatoon Regina

University of Saskatchewan 37 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN Stefan Jay Clark Becky Jane Kluz SCIENCE Stoughton Wishart Darcie Raylene Conway Janet Maria Kohlman Dustin James Cram Saskatoon Glaslyn Saskatoon Steven Ryan Dawson Graeme Thomas Lackie Kent Conrad Klemmer Estevan Saskatoon Saskatoon Minghui Deng Nina Jean Lane Mary-Ann Munchinsky People’s Republic of China Tisdale Rosetown Frances Bernadina Dufour Brianna Joy Lange Saskatoon Danielle Nicole Pearson Weyburn Regina Andrew John Elchuk Alan David Leier Prince Albert Saskatoon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Jason Douglas Evans David Thomas Lewis Saskatoon Kamloops, British Columbia FOUR-YEAR Kelsey Jyl Fawcett Wenjin Li Douglas Brett Adams Regina Saskatoon Alsask Benjamin Flath Scott Wayne MacBean Mubashshar Ahmed Saskatoon Carnduff Bangladesh Eric Duncan Franz Christine Candace Markel Georgia Anna Anastasakis Swift Current Saskatoon Regina Scott Selmer Gjesdal Sarah Lynn Srie McCaughey Birch Hills Calgary, Alberta Ashley Rosanna Hope Anderson Prince Albert Alonzo Anthony Gogag Lauren Scott McDonald Hazelton, British Columbia Saskatoon Carly Michelle Babcock Kelowna, British Columbia Robert Scott Graham Ashley Colleen McDonnell Frenchman Butte Moose Jaw Heather Michelle Baerr Rhein Eric Robert Granberg Rachael Dana Merrett Hudson Bay Carrot River Scott Stewart Ballantyne Saskatoon Lesley Estelle Grinius Michael Regan Moore Saskatoon Saskatoon Tyler Brett Balone Prince Albert Kai Guo Jennifer Tselha Mullens People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Elizabeth Jane Bekolay Faith Leanne Gustafson Milly Kuteesa Nabukalu Prince Albert Melfort Uganda Tamara Eve Bergen Jordyn Denean Hall Lauren Jennifer Nicklin Warman Saskatoon Prince Albert Tammy Lea Bischler Jerilyn Eva Hamm Michael Scott Nilson Martensville Aberdeen Ridgedale Lisa Ann Bosch Troy Parnell Harkot Alicia Rose Nixon Richmound Saskatoon Gerald David Andrew Boyko Teneil Candace Haubrich Michael Ian Norman Saskatoon Medicine Hat, Alberta Cochrane, Alberta Gordon Alan Brown Phuc Huu Hoang Patricia Lorraine Ogilvie Prince Albert Saskatoon Saskatoon Myles Ryan Brown Carli Elizabeth Holderness Donald Terry Orr Calgary, Alberta Saskatoon Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 38 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Janet Laura Osterbeck Kyle Jordan Weinberger Jillian Delee Christmann Antler Arcola Saskatoon Lea Rae Park Bruce Ryan Wiebe Adam William Collingwood Neilburg Saskatoon Saskatoon Christopher John Petrow Christine May Wilson Jillian Ina Cowie Saskatoon Clavet Regina Quang Duy Pham Melissa Dawn Worrall Christopher Douglas Cox Estevan Kindersley Warman Sherry Lee Rayburn Hui-Yu Yang Carly Elizabeth Czuba Saskatoon Taiwan Kelowna, British Columbia Jesse Lee Doell Regier Kimberley Eva Nora Davies Saskatoon HONOURS CERTIFICATE IN Saskatoon Vanessa Kathryn Ross SCIENCE Jolly Anne De Guzman Saskatoon Saskatoon Rebecca Joy Rousell Aaron Allan Jacobson Nicole Christine Debrowney Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Jason G Schultz Scott Wayne MacBean Nana Yaw Domfeh Saskatoon Carnduff Saskatoon Randolph William Skurdal Nicole Danielle Paur Sandra Marie Dumanski Saskatoon Saskatoon Pike Lake Amber Brooke Smith Kara Marie Dutcyvich Craik BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Porcupine Plain Rayna Dawn Smith HONOURS Mary Catherine England Unity Saskatoon Paula Anne Spigott Ryan Joseph Arsenault Juanhong Fan Outlook Medstead People’s Republic of China Chelsea Lea Stahl Timothy Joel Austin David Raymond Flatla Prince Albert Saskatoon Tilley, Alberta Dana Sue Marie Stoughton Cherise Elizabeth Baier Lorilee Ann Flavelle Saskatoon Macklin Saskatoon Cassandra Holly Stuckel Kevin André Baribeau Barbra Linda Fortin Lake Lenore Saskatoon Saskatoon Steven James Taylor Nancy Bawa Patrick Norbert Fries Swift Current India Moose Jaw Dione Kim Theobald Erika Lauren Dawn Beaton-Brown Ryan Wesley Froess Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Heather Rene Touet Wendy Lynn Bernhard Wenkai Fu Prince Albert Delisle Kanata, Ontario Brent Russell Towsley Sarah Mai Louise Bocking Heather Noelle Gerstmar Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Jeffrey Adam Tysdal Geoffrey Edmund Bray Carla May Gibson Saskatoon Saskatoon Ling Wang Jared Edward Cechanowicz Tracy Michelle Giesbrecht People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Saskatoon Lindsay Meagan Watts Lisa Marie Christensen Lindsay Louise Gray Saskatoon Standard, Alberta Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 39 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Justin Charles Guillaume Matthew Charles Monsman Kristin Dawn Stengler Moose Jaw Saskatoon Mankota Kimberley Michelle Halpin Mary-Ann Munchinsky Angela Nicole Taylor Saskatoon Rosetown Saskatoon Jiayi Han Oriana Maria Nahachewsky Jason Scott Tomporowski People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Saskatoon Michael James Hancock Siew Hon Ng Wayne Steven Vancoughnett Watson Malaysia La Ronge James William Heffernan Sindy Lou Nicholson Steven Francis Vermeulen Saskatoon Henribourg Saskatoon Christine Karen Hesje Christopher Brian O’Grady Angela Katherine Webster Saskatoon Allan Saskatoon Alan John Hiebert Jordan Abram Peter Olfert Cole Michael Webster Saskatoon Hague Biggar Xiaobin Hu Nicole Danielle Paur Rachel Dawn Webster People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Saskatoon Devin Joshua Hyde Amanda Eve Perrot Naomi Alyssa Whelan Saskatoon St. Brieux Saskatoon Chanel Marie Irvine Dominic Joseph Pinel Sarah Mairghread Whitecross Saskatoon Prince Albert Saskatoon Holly Jayne Kalyn Sharon Franceska Poland Fuqu Wu Saskatoon Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Dwayne Edward Kinar Tania Qureshi Delisle Saskatoon BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Cimberly Cheryl Kneller Brennan Jordan Rusnell Sonya Irene Adams Bjorkdale Saskatoon Saskatoon Candace Robin Knihniski Lindsay Jean Salt Christopher Daniel Allen Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Bernadette Rachel Knox Morgan Lee Sather Joi Theresa Arcand Uranium City Wynyard Muskeg Lake First Nation Kim Michelle Kovacs Erin Elza Schmeling Sarah Elizabeth Amy Doherty Saskatoon Riceton Prince Albert David Robert Kroeger Anita Mary Schnor Liza Majella Gareau-Tosh Victoria, British Columbia Saskatoon Harris Tyler Stanton Lamb Jeffrey Michael Sereda Sharah Lee Hanson Saskatoon Saskatoon Unity Tara Jean Lee Bjorn Allan Sigurdson Jason Michael Hosaluk Saskatoon Herbert Saskatoon Pinchao Ma Lindsay Rae Sikorski Angela Carmina Hussman Saskatoon Esterhazy Vancouver, British Columbia Nicole Louise Marcotte Ryan Shawn Silk Brenda Jean Kennedy Saskatoon Moose Jaw Saskatoon Glyn Allan McMillan Laura Ann Smith Hilary Joy Nelson Asquith Saskatoon Trossachs Cheryl Tracy Mitchell Ian Stuart Dan Spencer Christy Michelle Peterson Swift Current Clavet Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 40 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Scott William Schaffel Yuxia Chang Lilian Virginia Porto Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Saskatoon Economics – Project: The Role of Economic Stacey Leanne Schmidt French – Thesis: Le Rapport Mére-Þ lle dans and Social Policies on Smoking Decisions deau Romans á la Premiére Personne de Saskatoon Gabrielle Roy Nian Chen Serena Crystal Susnjar Saskatoon Andrea Puhl Vancouver, British Columbia Economics – Project: Wage Differentials by Germany Samuel Maurice Tessier Generation in Canada French – Thesis: Nelly Arcan: La Prostiitution et la Politique Sexuelle dans Putain Kindersley Hannah Ngozi Eby Chukwu Karen Lorraine Walter Nigeria Elizabeth Anne Scott Punnichy English – Thesis: The Sacred Impetus Saskatoon behind Creative Empowerment in Poetry: A History – Thesis: Cockney Plots: Working Class Comparative Study of Black Women Poets Politics and Garden Allotments in London’s POST DEGREE Catherine Acholonu and Lorna Goodison East End, 1890-1918 SPECIALIZATION CERTIFICATE Brian James Cotts Donald David Skopyk Saskatoon Shellbrook Chandana Biswas English – Thesis: Conß icting Matrices: Geography – Thesis: Attitudes of Canadian Reality, Simulation and Hyperreality in Jean Saskatoon Government and Railway Companies to Baudrillard, William Gibson and Japanese Settlement in North Central Saskatchewan: A Anime Jiang Li Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Policy, 1867-1931 Saskatoon Darren Glenn Friesen Hui Xi Delta, British Columbia Wengang Liu People’s Republic of China History – Thesis: The Other Newcomers: Saskatoon Economics – Project: Decling Fertility Rate and Aboriginals Interactions with People from the Female Labour Participation in Canada Miao Ma PaciÞ c People’s Republic of China Shusuke Fukumoto Jian Yu Faye Rita Moffatt Japan People’s Republic of China North Battleford Economics – Project: An Analysis of Gender Economics – Project: Labour Force Wage Gap in Saskatchewan Participation of Students in Canada POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA Weidong Guo Jiao Yu Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Economics – Project: Occupational Nakul Aloni Economics – Project: Structural Change in Canada: 1962-1997 Composition and Gender Wage Differentials Saskatoon in Canada Hon Chi Daniel Cheung Jennifer Leigh Jozic Saskatoon Kaipeng Zhan Saskatoon People’s Republic of China History – Thesis: Here We can Behold the Great Machine in Motion: The Belfast Monthly Economics – Project: An Analysis of Hours of MASTER OF ARTS Magazine, 1808-1814 Work in Saskatchewan Maureen Elizabeth Latta Ashkan Babaheydari Saskatoon MASTER OF FINE ARTS Iran Art History – Thesis: Fahrenheit 9/11 and Economics – Thesis: Culture, Public Policies, “Bridges” Activist Art for a New Century Lissa Jeanne Robinson and Smoking in the OECD Heyung Jik Lee Saskatoon Faith Hope Charity Baron South Korea Studio Art – Thesis: By Whatever These Pink Things Mean Saskatoon Economics – Project: A Baccalaureate Degree: English – Thesis: Heaven Defend Me from Is It the Better Way to Get a Registered Nurse Tiffany Terelle Katherine Smith Being Ungrateful!: Gender and Colonialism in License in Canada? Jane Austen’s MansÞ eld Park Edmonton, Alberta Nils Michael Studio Art – Thesis: Shame is an Exposure Mark Allan Ceaser Germany Adrian Allan Stimson Yorkton Economics – Thesis: A Panel Unit Root Test Economics – Project: Are Aboriginals Better Off Approach to PPP Exchange Rates with Non- Siksika Nation, Alberta in Saskatchewan or in Ontario? linear Deterministic Trends Studio Art – Thesis: Buffalo Boy’s Heart On

University of Saskatchewan 41 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

MASTER OF SCIENCE Stephen Edward McCartney DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Melfort Na Bian Geography – Thesis: Spatial Variability of Jann Esther Boyd Snowmelt Water Balances in a Subarctic People’s Republic of China Catchment, Wolf Creek, Yukon United States of America Computer Science – Thesis: Evaluation of English – Thesis: Learning to Know: Texture Features for Analysis of Ovarian Teresa Ann Michalak Representations of the Conscience in the Follicular Development Toronto, Ontario Writings of Kateryn Parr, Anne Askew, and Jane Grey Mark Edward Boris Biology – Thesis: The Effects of Disease and Familiarity on Alarm Cell Investment in Fathead Kinley Minnows, Pimephales promelas Ignacio Jose Gonzalez-Alvarez Geology – Thesis: Azimuthal Resistivity Saskatoon to Characterize Fractures in the Battleford Rie Miyazaki Geology – Thesis: Geological Study of the Formation at the King Site, Birsay, Japan Mesoproterozoic Belt-Purcell Supergroup, Saskatchewan Biology – Thesis: The Effects of Hyachine Dam Western North America: Implications for on Downstream Aquatic Communities Usne Josiah Butt Provenance, Weathering and Diagenesis Saskatoon David Nathan Paquette Diane Janese Forsdick Martz Debden Biology – Thesis: Carotenoids in the Eggs of Saskatoon American Coots: Associations with Size of Computer Science – Thesis: Improving Task Eggs, Local Environment, and Diet Modelling to Support the Co-Evolution of Geography – Thesis: Canadian Farm Women Information Systems and Business Processes and Their Families Restructuring, Work and Ran Cheng Decision Making People’s Republic of China Jennifer Nicole Petrie Lesley Ann McBain Computer Science – Thesis: User Motivational Lintlaw Mechanism for Building Sustained Online Computer Science – Thesis: Mixed-Fidelity Saskatoon Community Prototyping of User Interfaces Geography – Thesis: Providing Care in Divided Space: Nursing in Northern Saskatchewan Scott Michael Davis Justin Alan Pitt 1944-1957 and Beyond Francois Lake, British Columbia United States of America Computer Science – Thesis: Improving Biology – Thesis: The Edge of a Species Range: Denise SuzAnne McConney Availability Awareness with Relationship Survival and Space-Use Patterns of Racoons at Saskatoon the Northern Periphery of their Distribution Filtering English – Thesis: Dance Your Style!: Towards Understanding Some of the Cultural Tarik Carlos Ezzat Dessouki Elizabeth Reimer Winnipeg, Manitoba SigniÞ cance of Pow Wow References in First Saskatoon Nations’ Literatures Biology – Thesis: The Effects of Nutrient Biology – Thesis: A Phylogenetic Study of Additions of the Sedimentation of Surface Danthonia DC (Poaceae) in North America Kerri Bryn McIntosh Water Contaminants in a Uranium Mined Mark Duncan Watson Saskatoon Pit-Lake Saskatoon Biology – Thesis: Characterization of the Two Helton Fan Computer Science – Thesis: The Localized Genes Ecoding Cytoplasmic Ribosomal Protein Saskatoon Delaunay Triangulation and Ad-Hoc Routing in L23a in Arabidopsis thaliana Heterogeneous Environments Geography – Thesis: Satellite Remote Sensing Luigi Romolo of Cumulative Spruce Budworm Defoliation in Tyler Jonathan Wist United States of America Prince Albert National Park Saskatoon Geography – Thesis: The Synoptic Controls Robert Glen Friesen Biology – Thesis: Pollination Biology of on the Ice-Dam Hydrology of the Peace River Saskatoon Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea Basin (Asteraceae) Biology – Thesis: Field Responses of Prey Fishes Carrie-Ann Lynn Runstedler to Chemical Alarm Cues Ame Leontina Wunderle Kitchener, Ontario Saskatoon Maryruth Pradeep Joseph Lawrence English – Thesis: Not by Precept, but by Geography – Thesis: Sensitivity of Multi- India Example: Sensibility by Radical Performance in Resolution Satellite Sensor Imagery to Mary Darby Robinson’s Prose Computer Science – Thesis: Surface Regenerating Forest Age and Site Preparation Reconstruction Using Variational Interpolation for Wildlife Habitat Analysis Jeffrey Robert Wigelsworth Fujian Liu Xinghui Zhao Calgary, Alberta People’s Republic of China People’s Republic of China History – Thesis: Their Grosser Degrees of Computer Science – Thesis: Database Server Computer Science – Thesis: EfÞ cient InÞ delity: Deists, Politics, Natural Philosophy, Workload Characterization in an E-commerce Implementation of Hierarchical Resource and the Power of God in Eighteenth-Century Environment Control for Multi-Agent Systems England

University of Saskatchewan 42 Spring Convocation 2006 Graduates of Arts & Science and Nursing

Ceremony 3

Wednesday May 24, 2:00 p.m.

Aboriginal Public Administration, Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Chemistry, Drama, Geophysics, Mathematical Physics, Mathematics, Music, Native Studies, Philosophy, Physics, Political Studies, Psychology, Public Administration, Religious Studies, Sociology, Sociology of Biotechnology, Statistics, Toxicology, Women’s & Gender Studies Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees, diplomas and certiÞ cates to the graduates of Arts & Science and Nursing May 24, 2006 • 2:00 p.m. Chancellor W. Thomas (Tom) Molloy, O.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., presiding

PRE-ADDRESS University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association

PROCESSION Graduands in the order in which degrees are to be conferred; Faculty; Board of Governors; Senate; Guests of Honour; The President; The Chancellor


O CANADA Clinton Hagel

INVOCATION Ursula Wiig, University Chaplain



MUSICAL INTERLUDE Galop – D. Shostakovich/ D. Hunsberger The University Wind Orchestra conducted by Glen Gillis


PETITION FOR ADMISSION Lea Pennock, University Secretary

PRESENTATION OF GRADUANDS Arts, Science, Fine Arts and Music presented by Dean Dillon, TO THE CHANCELLOR Associate Dean Martz, Associate Dean Basinger, Associate Dean Stoicheff, Associate Dean Steele, Dean Deutscher, Assistant Dean Marche, St. Thomas More Nursing presented by Dean Sawatzky Doctor of Philosophy presented by Dean Wishart


PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO THE Copland Prize in Humanities MOST DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES Copland Prize in Social Science University of Saskatchewan Film Society Prize Earl of Bessborough Prize in Science Haslam Medal Spring Convocation Three-Year Medal Lindsay Gold Medal in Nursing

PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO President’s Service Award presented to Pauline Melis STAFF

MESSAGE FROM THE ALUMNI Joy Crawford, Alumni Association President ASSOCIATION



University of Saskatchewan 44 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

BACHELOR OF ARTS Shannon Marie Classen Ryan Adam Geib THREE-YEAR Tisdale Saskatoon Timothy Ryan Cooley Jennifer Lynn Gessner Janelle Christal Adelman Rosthern Whitewood Nipawin Jody Evangeline Corrigal Jileen Nicole Giesbrecht Matthew Robert Argent Ile a la Crosse Osler Wadena Jamie Todd Couillonneur Kelly David GoldÞ nch Marissa Joanne Babalola Canoe Lake Cree Nation Raymore Saskatoon Tammy Lynn Cummins Crystal Lynn Graham Kellie Dawn Balicki Prince Albert Moose Jaw Prince Albert Trudy Marie Dale Ashley Joan Greschner Diane Lynn Barker Meacham Dodsland Saskatoon Tannis Jean Marie Daniel Kristin Michelle Gruending St. Louis Tisdale Blaine Robert Beaven Air Ronge Katherine Lenore Deobald D’Arcy Joan Guillemin Rosetown Saskatoon Mylah Colette Beckton Maymont Nicole Sarah Desjardins Daniel David Hall Prince Albert Swift Current Virginia Elizabeth Hope Beebe Saskatoon Alison Lynn Dobrowolski Christin Lee Harriman Rosetown Saskatoon Ashleigh Elizabeth Benedict Barrie, Ontario Kelly Amelia Donlevy-Pilon Jeffrey David Hawkes Saskatoon Prince Albert Christopher David Bergstrom Saskatoon Jamie Lynn Donnelly Jamie Christopher Herman Yorkton Saskatoon Jennifer Kari Bettschen Broadview Lisa Drouin Andrew Alexander Thomas Herron Saskatoon Saskatoon Lia Kristine Bichel Kerrobert Tracy Louisa Dycer Esther Anna Hokanson Saskatoon Victoria, British Columbia Tammy Michelle Bird Theodore Matthew Elash Nathan Gilbert Holmes Prince Albert Saskatoon Saskatoon Sarah Janet Boechler Mitchell Ryan Eliasson Marla Jennifer Hoover Saskatoon Watrous North Battleford Jody Paul Boulet Karen Marie Evers Dennis Craig Hopper Prince Albert Saskatoon Saskatoon Lise Denise Bourgault Jaclyn Millie Faubert Desya Ashley Hrytzak St. Brieux Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatoon Gloria Michelle Brown Erin Mae Fischer Jean Elizabeth Hume La Ronge Hodgeville Saskatoon Jodi Lynn Brown Allison Leanne Foss Courtland Francis Huston Saskatoon Creelman Hudson Bay Colby Brian Bulych Erin Mae French Cindy Anne Isbister Saskatoon Donovan Ahtahkakoop Band of the Cree Nation Kimberly Rene Burnouf Luke Jared Froese Melissa Jean Isbister Ile a la Crosse Laird Prince Albert Kimberly Dawn Clark Richard Wabugwe Fungo Lindsey Heather Jackson Prince Albert Saskatoon Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 45 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Bradley Ernest Jalbert Brian Lloyd MacLean Sarah Marie Power Saskatoon Saskatoon Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Hadeeah Jamil Jodi Lyn Manastyrski Olive Patricia Margaret Prowse Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Sonya Jan Gregory Aaron Marshall Rona Lee Ramsay Saskatoon Semans Burr Jeremy Jordan Janzen Lisa Marie Martinka Bonnie Lynn Redekopp Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Kimberly Hilda Janzen Myra Joanne Matsalla Holly Kathleen Riordon Saskatoon Swift Current Saskatoon Kris Erik Johnson Denis Michael McBain Joel Robert Romanyshyn Prince Albert Dinsmore Saskatoon Kweku Johnson Allison Kristina McComas William Colin Patrick Rooke Ghana Ottawa, Ontario Saskatoon Robert George S Johnston Derek Charles McCormick Cheryl Ann Isabella Rosher Saskatoon Rosthern Saskatoon Dorie Susan Jonasson Richard Andrew McHattie Kiel Blair Ruehlen Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Kiera Shirley Kannenberg Harrison John Hughes McTavish Rachael Dawn Sandberg Moose Jaw Saskatoon Vanscoy Leanne Marie Kehrig Lisa Nicole Meena Christopher Wayne Schigol Bjorkdale Maymont Birch Hills Chandra Nicole Kinchen Allen Ellis Morrow Luanne Céline Schlosser Saskatoon La Ronge Saskatoon Boyd Allen Kirk Ashley Lynn Mortensen Chelsea Meghan Schoonbaert Trail, British Columbia Shellbrook Martensville Amanda Elsa Klimm Amber Agatha Mortson Danette Marie Schroeder Tisdale Martensville Saskatoon Jillian Barbara Krikau Dustin Scott Munroe Michael Edward Scissons Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Melissa Ellen Langeler Evan Eugene Nicholat Kristopher Michael Semenoff Dauphin, Manitoba Saskatoon Saskatoon Yuriko Angelina Larson Michael Aimé Nordin Liam Taylor Jelinski Shaw Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Anne Paula Jeanne Lavergne Teegan Layne Odell Curtis John Shawaga St. Louis Saskatoon Saskatoon Suzanne Katherine LeClaire Stephanie Jayne Ofstie Maha Mustafa Shoman Saskatoon Glenside Saskatoon Gary Sung Wei Lee Brittany Leigh Olde Lindsay Daile Speiser Winnipeg, Manitoba Prince Albert Laird Tobi Leanne Lockhart Tobi Lynn Patkau Melissa Jayne Speiser Kincaid Hanley Laird Yessica Maria Lopez Hernandez Heather Susan Dawn Patterson Melissa Ann Spetz Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Shawna Louise MacEwan Tamara Lynne Pidperyhora Melissa Leeann Spezowka Saskatoon Saskatoon Yorkton

University of Saskatchewan 46 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Sherie Verna Stasiuk Zhen Gang Zhao Charlotte Ann Constant Saskatoon People’s Republic of China Opaskwayak Cree First Nation, Matthew Spencer Strawson Manitoba Saskatoon ADVANCED CERTIFICATE Magdalena Marie Cook Susan Evelyn Suchan IN ARTS Saskatoon Saskatoon Vanessa Janice Lynn Cook Ada Elaine Sutton Derek Christopher Bales Prince Albert Saskatoon Lemberg Mary Ekaete Darbellay Emily Marian Billay Kerry Kimberly Tenhave Saskatoon Saskatoon Prince Albert Alanna Lauren Davidson Dione Kim Theobald Dean Kenneth Dougan Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Adam Christopher Day Jody Lynne Thiemann Amy Kathryne Filipchuk Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Alexander Thompson Kimberly Colleen Kroll Denise Lynette Derksen Saskatoon St. Benedict Hague Lois Marilyn Thorne Blaine Micheal Dobson Saskatoon BACHELOR OF ARTS CrossÞ eld, Alberta Devon Christopher Delmer Thorpe FOUR-YEAR Brian James Doell Porcupine Plain Saskatoon Shannon Elisha Aikins Kelli Dawn Tipton Regina Dean Kenneth Dougan Spiritwood Saskatoon Christopher Garry Anderson Karen Anne Stella Uhryn Saskatoon Steven Paul Dribnenki Yorkton Saskatoon Daniel Gordon Ukrainetz Derek Christopher Bales Nipawin Lemberg Nicole Lisa Dunkley Saskatoon Marnie Lynn Vancoughnett Anthony James Bassett La Ronge Saskatoon Lyle John Magas Evanisky Saskatoon Emma Christine Walerius Amanda Janine Beckett Saskatoon Humboldt Bradley Edward Arthur Evans Ashley Rae Werezak Felicia Lee Blanch Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Julie Nan Fallis Eleanor Elizabeth Anne Whyley Michael James Bolton Kamloops, British Columbia Kindersley Flin Flon, Manitoba Katrina Mae Fedderson Arlene Stephanie Wicinski Derek Curtis Brandon Saskatoon Big River Saskatoon Aaron Michelle Gabriel Jeni Marie Wigelsworth Brennan William Hansen Brooks Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Shelley Lynn Goodine Derek Curtis Williams Jason Tyler Caldwell Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Lindsey Olga Renae Hadubiak Carrie Rae Woods Shana Marie Callbeck Grenfell Watrous Canora Nicole Alison Young Joel Lynden Cherland Brandi Lee Hattum Moose Jaw Yorkton Martensville Chantel Angelika Zelantini Tamara Lynn Colton Curtis Jon G Hauta Saskatoon StrongÞ eld Hudson Bay

University of Saskatchewan 47 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

John Donald Jesney Tasha Mary Piper Jayda Joel Turner Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Tianna Louise Jonasson Miranda Leigh Reilkoff Candace Lee Uhlik Shellbrook Kamsack Prince Albert Carla Marie Karcha Erin Dianna Robb Bryna Louisa-Lynne Wack Preeceville Dalmeny Lloydminster David Justin Kerelchuk Julie Claire Robinson Janice Amber Wiebe Saskatoon Prince George, British Columbia Nipawin Jason Robert Kolenosky Jenna Rae Roufosse Chandra Rachelle Wiens Wilkie Saskatoon Dalmeny Nickolas Chris Koupantsis Shawna Lee Ryan Christine Lee Wilson Saskatoon Saskatoon Lloydminster Courtney Hansen Kuzma Samantha Rae Salisbury Kimberley Dawn Work Saskatoon Weyburn Saskatoon Cindy Mac Jolene Renae Sander Andrew Patrick Woytiuk Saskatoon Weyburn Battleford Amber Lee MacKinnon Daniel Manfred Savage Meaghan Jane Wright Saskatoon Langham North Battleford Gregory Louis Magnusson Christina Rae Scott Dionne Melissa Wylie Duck Lake Saskatoon Saskatoon Aaron Michael Matchett Julie Jo Sheppard Lara Edith Zaluski Rosetown Saskatoon Saskatoon Tara Ann McFadden Alicia Jonelle Christine Simoneau Brennen Bernard Zimmer Young Mistatim Regina Maureen Clare McIsaac Alecea Kim Sleeva Saskatoon Canora HONOURS CERTIFICATE Erin Linda McLeod Amy Elizabeth Smith IN ARTS Saskatoon Saskatoon Rory Braun Merkosky Jodie Kathleen Smith Rishi Behari Humboldt Saskatoon Saskatoon Justin Smith Meyers Darcie Faye Sorensen Cara Julie-Anne Spence Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Kevin Leigh Mills Sarah Mary Rose St. Germaine Camrose, Alberta Saskatoon BACHELOR OF ARTS Scott Oliver Mitchell Wesley Wayne Stefaniuk HONOURS Edmonton, Alberta Saskatoon Amy Lee Mokleby Sheldon Michael Taillon Kim Chantal Assailly Prince Albert Grayson Gerald Jessica Colville Mueller Michael Wei Ern Taylor Elisabeth Clare Louise Bartlett Radisson Saskatoon Saskatoon Shawna Marie Naduriak Tara Lee Theisen Robert Bryn Botterill Canora North Battleford Saskatoon Rachelle Nadine Paquette Tara Anne Thiemann Kelsey Meaghan Botting Leask Saskatoon Saskatoon Angela Marie Pfeifer Aleksandra Magdalena Truskolaska Jason Robert Brunton Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 48 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Kathleen Nicole Burnett Marinko Josip Jelovic Irene Cam Phan Oxbow Saskatoon Prince Albert Katherine Jennifer Churchman Kim Kalie Keller John-Otto Kingman Phillips Saskatoon Gronlid Saskatoon Christopher Shaun Colonval Christine Elizabeth Kennedy Rebecca Erin Quaale Aldergrove, British Columbia Shoal Lake, Manitoba Birch Hills Alana Marie Conway Tanis Mae Kershaw Brian Thomas Rakochy Saskatoon Saskatoon Canora Christopher Mark Costley Lisa Margaret Kjarsgaard Devi Ramachandran Mossbank Saskatoon North Battleford Sheila Mae Danielson Chad Ellis Klippenstein James Fredrick Reichert Maymont Swift Current Saskatoon Sara Lynn Davis Deanne Lynn Kobelsky Mark Douglas Richards Saskatoon Biggar Kelvington Jacqueline Vecino de Guzman Kerry Linn Krzyzaniak Nicole Danielle Robert Saskatoon Hague Saskatoon Alana Lynn Ferguson Drew Manual Lafond Dyan Courtney Robertson Weyburn Muskeg Lake First Nation Outlook Elenna Fay Garman Stephanie Olive Selena Lange Edwin Joseph Russell Rogers Saskatoon Yorkton Lloydminster, Alberta Cole Alan Goertz Nicole Lavergne Smith Aaron Scott Rohrke Carnduff Saskatoon Humboldt Kelly George Goyer Kristin Jana Louise Longpre Teri Lynne Rosenfelt Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Ryan James Grieve Jeffrey James MacDonald Johnathon Michael Saltasuk Saskatoon Prince Albert Whitewood Carli Dionne Haffner Wendie Nicole Marks Daniel Jason Schick Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Rita Lorraine Hamoline Monte Michael Migneault Bradley Michael Schiele Saskatoon North Battleford Saskatoon Amabilis Helen Harrison Teran Jeffrey Mundell Emery Amelia Schnell Moose Jaw Leroy Torquay Nicholas Douglas Hazen Richard Andrew Nelson Gillian Ruth Schultz United States of America North Battleford Choiceland Jarad Bryan Hermanson Christina Vivian Nordin Daniel Osborne Scobie Canora Oxbow Saskatoon Andrew Dane Hiebert Janelle Dawn Ocrane Charmaine Marie Sheridan Langham Biggar Saskatoon Scott Sheridan Horn Pamela Dawn Ouart Amanda Dawn Shirley Saskatoon Yorkton Saskatoon Jill Chantel Hrenyk Colin Dennis Ouellette Megan Lindsey Steeves Prince Albert North Battleford Saskatoon Thanh Tam Cam Huynh Victoria Beth Paquin Karen Elaine Tadei Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Evan Albert Jamieson Rebecca Elizabeth Parry Benjamin Duncan Scott Taylor Nipawin Saskatoon Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 49 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Nicole Annette Marie Thomas Colin Kin Kong Wong Rheanne Lee Filby Saskatoon Saskatoon Regina Andrea Marie Thompson Jennifer Mary Ann Zwarych Travis Lewis Pope Gerrard Davidson Saskatoon Saskatoon Nehali Haresh Vachhrajani Mario Alberto Gomez Saskatoon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Saskatoon ZoÞ a Vorontsova FOUR-YEAR Matthew Ryan Hassler Saskatoon Saskatoon Alexander John Brischuk Jennifer Ann Wall Yorkton Blair Donald Hersikorn Hague Flin Flon, Manitoba Laurie Jeanne Bethel-deGoede Brandy Rita Wicks Saskatoon Keegan Andrew Hicks Tisdale Moose Jaw Tusha June Hong Sheldon Ernest Watkinson Wickstrom Saskatoon Logan Cedric Hoehn Saskatoon Saskatoon Jennifer Marie Hysuick Kyle Randall Williams Assiniboia Michelle Marie Holodniuk Norquay Regina Duana Lisette Kipling Adrian Colin Wong Melfort Lindsay James Hounjet Saskatoon Saskatoon Kari Anne Lentowicz Robert Nicolas Yaschuk Denare Beach David Mitchell Langill Saskatoon Nancy Dianne MacWilliam Saskatoon Swift Current Stanley Yu Sarah Elizabeth Lux Saskatoon Nina Polujanski Saskatoon Weyburn Jason Keith Greigh Znack Katherine Ann Maloney North Battleford Patricia Lindsay T Scott White Rock, British Columbia North Battleford Michelle Rae Manchur BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Saskatoon THREE-YEAR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Siti Aisyah HaÞ zah Mat Jin HONOURS Brunei Michael Brian Bird Craig Stewart McKay Tarilee Dawn Beyak Saskatoon Saskatoon Thompson, Manitoba Zoë D Cohoon Jordan William Miller Lisa Marie Blair Saskatoon Saskatoon Canmore, Alberta Yaohua Hu Brent Ernest Misfeldt Amanda Dawn Boechler People’s Republic of China Allan Saskatoon Regan George Michael David Ludwig Sara Anne Bonderoff John Francis Moody Meadow Lake Langham Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Jaime Elaine Onufreychuk Brandie Jo Bugiak Chelsea Lee Storozuk Sheho Edmonton, Alberta Saskatoon Ryan David Rau Charlene Carol Burnett Dallas John Trembach Saskatoon Saskatoon Canora Michael Gerald Scheibel Trevor James Coulman Marlene Victoria Elizabeth Wilson Wilcox Saskatoon Prince Rupert, British Columbia Cynthia Dawn Sprung Nicole Adrienne Dehm Chao Zhu Saskatoon Regina People’s Republic of China

University of Saskatchewan 50 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Ian Lee McWilliams Sangram Bagh Moose Jaw Saskatoon Brian Matthew Cochrane Drama – Thesis: Isolation in Saskatchewan Chemistry – Thesis: Single Molecule Radio Drama Saskatoon Spectroscopy of a Calcium Ion Sensor Melinda Dawn Melnyk Pamela Rae Ertell Robert Gordon Gillies Saskatoon Tisdale Saskatoon Sociology – Thesis: Recombinant Bovine Physics – Thesis: Modelling of Transionspheric Matthew Hans Fredrick Josdal Somotropin: Challenging Canada’s Science- HF Radio Wave Propagation for the ISIS II and Based Regulatory System and the Emergence of EPOP Satellites Elrose Post-Normal Science Rachel Hannah Metke Packota Ayuz Nizar Mukadam Haitham Hamid Saskatoon Calgary, Alberta Saskatoon Physics – Thesis: Seismic Delineation of the Jennelle Leagh Sutter Political Studies – Thesis: Ethno-Nationalism and the Fijian Grassroots Southern Margin of the Middle Devonian Saskatoon Prairie Evaporite in the Elk Point Basin, South Barbara Shirley Neal Central Saskatchewan Garett Robert Watson Saltcoats Lumsden Song Li Archaeology – Thesis: Precontact Utilization of Sandhill Environments During the Pelican Lake People’s Republic of China and Besant Phases Mathematics – Thesis: Analysing Stochastic Call BACHELOR OF MUSIC Demand with Time Varying Parameters Meaghan Kelly Porter Stephen Jason Livingstone Kimberly Dawn Allan Saskatoon Lloydminster, Alberta Archaeology – Thesis: Historical Archaeology at an Industrial Town Site: Lille, Alberta Physics – Thesis: Experimental Study of Density Reid Jemieff Fluctuations in the STOR-M Tokamak by Burton Leander Urquhart Yorkton Small-Angle Microwave Scattering Saskatoon Jacqueline Marie Stankovics Woods Interdisciplinary Grad Studies – Thesis: Christopher Reid McDonald Saskatoon Professional Communication for the Technical The Pas, Manitoba Workplace: A Situational Analysis and Practical Physics – Thesis: Ground Based Measurement Handbook of Ozone Using Steller Spectra Nicole Renee Wohlgemuth MASTER OF ARTS Kai Erik Wunderle Provost Germany Joanne Ruth Bowditch Psychology – Thesis: Perspectives on Physics – Thesis: UHECR Flux from SHDM Saskatoon Population Health Theory and Practice Among Health Workers in a Health Region Annihilation in GC-Like Substructures Women’s & Gender Studies – Thesis: Framing Chronic Illness: Fatigue Syndromes, Metaphor Eric Taylor Woods and Meaning Saskatoon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Alexa Janet Briggs Political Studies – Thesis: Ukrainian-Canadians, Multiculturalism and National Identity in IN NURSING Red Deer, Alberta Canada Interdisciplinary Grad Studies – Thesis: Nonka’s Tamara Dawn Adams Patrick Scott Young Theory of Knowledge Creation to Convert Tacit Saskatoon Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge: A Study of Saskatoon AIDS Saskatoon Archaeology – Thesis: An Analysis of Late Tara Lynn Adams Woodland Ceramics from Peter Pond Lake, Churchbridge Meagan Elizabeth Brooks Saskatchewan Dundas, Ontario Anna-Marie Allen Archaeology – Thesis: Public Archaeology with Lemberg a Doukhobor Descendant Community MASTER OF SCIENCE Thomas O’Dean Allen Tayah Lynne Hanson Adebolanle Iyabo Adedigba Saskatoon Melfort Nigeria Sociology – Thesis: The “Rael” World: Mathematics – Thesis: Statistical Distributions Brianne Leah Almasi Narratives of the Raelian Movement for Service Times Gull Lake Alison Dawn McIntosh Idralyn Que Alarcon Jaclyn Rae Amy Saskatoon Saskatoon Conquest Sociology – Project: Bridging the Gap: Chemistry – Thesis: Thiopyran Route to A Critical Review of Knowledge Brokering in Plypropionate: Synthetic Studies of Enantiopure Shannon Suzanne Armstrong Health Systems Building Blocks for Polypropionate Units Regina

University of Saskatchewan 51 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Bonnie Beatrice Baer Carla Mae Compton Kimberly Kathleen Foster Broadview Saskatoon Dalmeny Carlena Noelle Barbour Jennifer Lynn Cory Clarence Frenchman Saskatoon Cold Lake, Alberta Thunderchild First Nation Erin Richelle Barrand Danielle Anne Cross Lori Lee-Anne Funk Saskatoon Pleasantdale Asquith Jacqueline Ivy Barrowman Shavonne Rae Custer Céleste Madeleine Anita Gaudet Yorkton Pelican Narrows Bellevue Lesley Erin Bear Donna May d’Almeida Jacqueline Caroline Gaudry Saskatoon Regina Regina Gail Maureen Becker Lee-Ann Jamie Daneliuk Elise Marie Rose Gauthier Regina Flin Flon, Manitoba Blaine Lake Jaclyn Christine Cara Becker Amber Deanne Davis Shyla Grace Richelle Genoway Churchbridge Hudson Bay Saskatoon Maria Asuncion Bilo Shari Dawn Dawson Sarah Kay Gill Regina Macklin Regina Kathy Dawn Bily Melissa Sheree Kathie Derksen Mickelle Marie Gobeil Regina Martensville Albertville Steven Jean Joseph Blanchard Sukhdeep Kaur Dhami Sheila Rose Gordon Saskatoon Regina Gordon First Nation Kendra Anne Blondeau Benita Dodia Joy Heather Guidinger Regina Saskatoon Prince Albert Logan Marcus Ross Bobetsis Lisa Dawn Doepker Bryant Stim Dagli Guimbatan Regina Annaheim Saskatoon Stacy Shannon Bodnaryk Kimberly Ann Dumais Camillia Lee Ann Gulka Rhein Saskatoon Preeceville Barbara Ann Bomok Caryn Lynelle Dunnington Melanie Lynn Harack Speers Swift Current Saskatoon Carolyn Elaine Bomok Angela Emily Edwards Jennifer Dawn Heal Salahub Saskatoon North Vancouver, British Columbia Saskatoon Amanda Jean-Ann Brandow Jillian Rae Edwards Nancy Elizabeth Hodgson Estevan Bladworth Saskatoon Alia Nicole Bresciani Nadine Carri Anne Ens Alison Audrey Hoehn Regina Waldheim Canora Rebecca Jean Brockman Candice Marie Fahlman Melissa Dawn Huckabay Lake Lenore Balgonie Kerrobert Torri Dawn Butler Pamela Lynn Fairbairn Amanda Jane Ingleby Saskatoon Regina Moose Jaw Trina Leona Capelle Trace Aaron Fairgrieve Kyla Marie James Meadow Lake Carnduff Eston James Bryan Carnegie Andrea Breanne Fehr Debbie Elizabeth Janzen Saskatoon Hague Hague Shawna Lynne Chappell Aleksandr Viktorovych Fisun Christelle Dawn Jasper Saskatoon Ukraine Regina Stephanie Marie Clark Kelsey Marie Flanders Shannon Nicole Jeffrey Unity Wadena Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 52 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Jenna Leigh Johnson Darlene Cherie MacPherson Jillian Dawn Popplewell Strasbourg Saskatoon Saskatoon Landon Roy Johnson Linda Leigh Mann Andrea Jane Pouteaux Canwood Victoria, British Columbia Strathmore, Alberta Nicole Eva Johnson Amy Alexandra Mark April Jade Price North Battleford St. Brieux Saskatoon Haley Anne Johnston Cindy Jacqueline Marshall Monique Marie Puech Saskatoon Regina St. Walburg Ashley Lynn Kasbrick Darcie Delee Martyniuk Sherri Lynn Reichert Regina Prince Albert Regina Shamala Janelle Kautz Cara Janel Matweyko Tracy Marie Remoue Nokomis Saskatoon Regina Kristy Marie Keeping Trina Marie McGillicky Jaime Jeanette Robin Bradwell Coronach Leask Rebecca Diane Klassen Valerie Adele McLeod Kristen Michelle Rolheiser Saskatoon Brabant Lake Saskatoon Samantha Ray Klein Joanne Michelle Merasty Melanie Lydia Rotheisler Francis Pelican Narrows Gravelbourg Jodie Victoria Kozak Lauren Gaye Miller Sarah Katherine Ruder Regina Regina Unity Carley Doreen Kraft Danelle Diane Moen Jolean Marie Sand Allan Cabri Prince Albert Megan Joyce Laird Nicole Marie Mohr Amanda Angelina Reis Santoro Wawota Avonlea Saskatoon Jerelyn Viola Lamothe Teresa Anne Monchuk Shari Lynn Schneider Big River Lanigan Leader Jenna Elizabeth Layden Rachel Anne Morgan Katherine Raye Scoular Rocky Mountain House, Alberta Big River Saskatoon Sophie Lisa Marie LeBlanc Brice Jeffrey Newsham Tracey Lynn Sinclair Saskatoon North Battleford Saskatoon Jennifer Kate Letrud Cindy Ellen Nylund Kimberly Lynn Skiehar Warman Saskatoon Regina Sarah Rachel Liberman Myra Allison Opekokew Emily Lurane Smith Regina Saskatoon Regina Erin Heather Lingard Gloria Ann Ostapovich Joanna Mary Sookocheff Saskatoon Yorkton Saskatoon Amanda Emily Lloyd Magdalena Anna Pasternak Angela Marguerite Stang Unity Regina Macklin Becky Laurel Lockhart Sara Ann Patenaude Andrea Halina Swiatecki Outlook Saskatoon Saskatoon Wendy Dawn Loveridge Lindsey Joan Pederson Tonya Ann Taylor Saskatoon Blaine Lake Saskatoon Heidi Michelle Machnee Sharon Rose Peekeekoot Bree Marie Thauberger Saskatoon Ahtahkakoop Band of the Cree Nation Regina Christine Betty-Anne MacKinley Lisa Marie Penn Tammy Eileen Thompson One Arrow Reserve Regina Regina

University of Saskatchewan 53 Spring Convocation 2006 Arts & Science • Nursing Degrees, Diplomas and Certifi cates

Amanda Marie Traynor MASTER OF NURSING Brigette Emily Hesman Delisle Wardsville, Ontario Stacy Catherine Verna Truman Roxanna May Kaminski Physics – Thesis: The Abundance of Carbon Moosomin Saskatoon Monoxide in Neptune’s Atmosphere Christine Shirley Unterberger Nursing – Thesis: Disabling Farm Injuries: Karen Lea Litke Wive’s Experiences Saskatoon Prince Albert Lisa Dawn Vatamaniuck Gaylene Rae Sorochuk Psychology – Thesis: Care Receiving: The Weyburn Saskatoon Relationship between Attachment and Nursing – Thesis: Female Views of Access to Reactions to Being Helped, Relationship Lorissa Lynn Vye Help with Gambling Issues Functioning and Perceived Quality of Life in a Sherwood Park, Alberta Sample of Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis Amanda Dawn Weir North Battleford DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Eyvind Ohm Norway Susan Grace Wheten Leonid Vladimirovitch Benkevitch Psychology – Thesis: The Relationship between Saskatoon Russia Formal and Informal Reasoning Rachelle Dawn Williams Physics – Thesis: Effects of Ionspheric Myrna Lani Willick Dalmeny Conductance in High-Latitude Phenomena Marcelin Anastasia Leah Woolgar Piotr Michal Diakowski Moose Jaw Psychology – Thesis: The Grief Never Goes Poland Away: A Study of Meaning Reconstruction Andrea Jean Worobec Chemistry – Thesis: Alternating Current - and Long-Term Grief in Parents’ Narratives of Saskatoon Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Perinatal Loss

University of Saskatchewan 54 Spring Convocation 2006 Graduates of Dentistry, Kinesiology, Medicine, Pharmacy & Nutrition, Physical Therapy and Veterinary Medicine

Ceremony 4 Wednesday May 25, 9:00 a.m. Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and diplomas to the graduates of Dentistry, Kinesiology, Medicine, Nutrition, Pharmacy Physical Therapy and Veterinary Medicine May 25, 2006 • 9:00 a.m. Chancellor W. Thomas (Tom) Molloy, O.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., presiding

PRE-ADDRESS University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association PROCESSION Graduands in the order in which degrees are to be conferred; Faculty; Board of Governors; Senate; Guests of Honour; The President; The Chancellor


INVOCATION Renita Falkenstern, University Chaplain


CONFERRING OF HONORARY DOCTOR The Honorable Sylvia Fedoruk OF LAWS DEGREE Presented by President Peter MacKinnon

CONVOCATION ADDRESS The Honorable Sylvia Fedoruk


MUSICAL INTERLUDE Galop – D. Shostakovich/ D. Hunsberger The University Wind Orchestra conducted by Glen Gillis


PETITION FOR ADMISSION Lea Pennock, University Secretary

PRESENTATION OF GRADUANDS Dentistry presented by Dean Stakiw TO THE CHANCELLOR Kinesiology presented by Dean Rodgers Medicine presented by Dean Albritton and Associate Dean Thornhill Nutrition presented by Dean Gorecki Pharmacy presented by Dean Gorecki Physical Therapy presented by Associate Dean Harrison Veterinary Medicine presented by Dean Rhodes Doctor of Philosophy presented by Associate Dean Gambell


PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO THE Gold Medal in Dentistry MOST DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES The Dr. Gordon Garvie Prize in Kinesiology Lindsay Gold Medal in Medicine Rutter Medal in Nutrition Robert Martin Prize in Pharmacy Talmage E. Hunt Award in Physical Therapy Western College of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Gold Medal MESSAGE FROM THE ALUMNI Joy Crawford, Alumni Association President ASSOCIATION CONCLUDING REMARKS Chancellor Molloy GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

University of Saskatchewan 56 Spring Convocation 2006 Dentistry • Kinesiology • Medicine • Nutrition • Pharmacy Physical Therapy • Veterinary Medicine Degrees and Diplomas

DOCTOR OF DENTAL Dustin James Satre Lorraine Yvonne Butcher MEDICINE Weyburn Martensville Chelsea Lynn Schmidt Nolan Alexander Carrier Allen Aptekar North Battleford Tisdale Toronto, Ontario Alysen Leigh Sopotyk Bradley Lorne Ernest Casavant Hardeep Singh Birdi St. Catharines, Ontario Prince Albert Edmonton, Alberta David Justin Stock Mindy Lynn Crooks Barbara Margarette Brigidear Hazlet Laß eche Saskatoon Jenny Li-Fong Wong Shannon Faye Cyr Brendon Edward Burgess Saskatoon Saskatoon Coquitlam, British Columbia Cory Gene Karl Wooff Virginia Brie Day Raegan Rashelle Eliasson Swift Current Weyburn Watrous Brent Jonathan Kirk Yaremko Tami Dawn Duhaime Jennifer Dawn Ficzycz Yorkton Vawn Saskatoon Amanda Blaire Dyck Ken Kenichi Ginnan Saskatoon Oakville, Ontario BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN KINESIOLOGY Micheline Jae Edmonds Dean Alan Heinrichs Major Swift Current Jodi Jaylene Anderson Bonnie Jean Edwards Ali Hooshangui Biggar Prince Albert Toronto, Ontario Nancy Joan Andres Sara Mae Ens ThuUyen Cam Huynh Windthorst Caronport Saskatoon Megan Sharlene Archer Tristan Jeffrey Etcheverry Grishma Praful Kapadia Saskatoon Battleford Regina Laura Susan Argue Brian Derrick Fehst Roman M Koutsil Carp, Ontario Whitby, Ontario Saskatoon Jonathan Kyle Bailey Melissa Ann Fry Shilpa Lala Saskatoon Regina Saskatoon Rebecca Jesse Baker Maria Jacintha Losier Daniel Lavergne Fuller Saskatoon Miramichi, New Brunswick Saskatoon Daniel Nathan Banzet Nathaniel Newton Muirhead Andrea Nicole Gislason Saskatoon Calgary, Alberta Meadow Lake Nathan Wayne Nieviadomy Chelsey Lynn Bell Kelly David GoldÞ nch Weyburn Regina Raymore Kiran Pannu Randhawa Clinton David Bilben Tasha Lynne Hartnett Saskatoon Airdrie, Alberta Big River Seung Hyun Park Laurie Brett Blair Darren Clive Hayes Regina Regina Saskatoon Daniel Pesin Jaime Michelle Boyle Blair Frederick Healey Saskatoon Churchbridge Saskatoon Sherry Lee Rayburn Nicole Kimberly Bromm Brittany Erin Hendry Saskatoon Tisdale Saskatoon Diane Carol Sasvari Rozalind Joanna Brons Annika Lalena Hodgson Calgary, Alberta Beaton, Saskatchewan Langley, British Columbia

University of Saskatchewan 57 Spring Convocation 2006 Dentistry • Kinesiology • Medicine • Nutrition • Pharmacy Physical Therapy • Veterinary Medicine Degrees and Diplomas

Shannon Leigh Hollman Matthew Hunter Olsgard David Cole Silvernagle Saskatoon Hazlet Biggar Robyn Crystal Howey Gina Marie Otte Tatania Elissa Skorobohach Saskatoon Big River Goodeve Curtis Robert Hundeby Jonathan Ottenbreit Candace Joanna Smith Saskatoon Calgary, Alberta Saskatoon Simon Michael Hutchinson Clayton Kent Parobec David Eugene Stevens Saskatoon Yorkton Moose Jaw Michael Curtis James Janzen Ryan Michael Pauls Laura Christine Taylor Watrous North Battleford Kelowna, British Columbia Heather Anne Jeschke Jason Edgar Pearson Jesse Niel Tegenkamp Saskatoon Lucky Lake Bruno Breanna Lee Kadash Natasha Anne Pearson Nicole Elizabeth Thiessen Saskatoon Kamloops, British Columbia Saskatoon Joanne Lynn Kadotchnikov Davin Michael Pederson Michael John Thomas Saskatoon Eston Leduc, Alberta Tasha Lea Kaminsky Daniel Pentz Aaron Stephen Unger Saskatoon Saskatoon Morse Adrienne Lynne Kapeluck Jonathan David Pickering Clair Moose Jaw Jason Joseph Sabin Villeneuve Saskatoon Benjamin Jay Kornelsen Derek Kim Reding Watrous Cudworth Matthew Kenneth Walters Keremeos, British Columbia Chad William Kosokowsky Jason Adam Reindl Humboldt Saskatoon Kristin Rose Ellen Weiss Maple Creek Joel Robert Krentz Keeran Heather Reindl Saskatoon Saskatoon Aimee Lee Wheler Battleford Graham Brent Krieg Jared Patrick Rieger Saskatoon Saskatoon Joshua Brent Collin Wiebe Saskatoon Shannon Rachel Leydon Julianne Jeannette Rooke Saskatoon Saskatoon Lindsay Charlene Wilson Tisdale Amanda Lynne Lloyd Timothy Philip Roth Clavet Saskatoon Carmen Robin Yarskie Lake Lenore Jess Anton John Michalchuk Tami Rae Russell Foam Lake Lloydminster, Alberta Amber Dawn Mosewich Leah Nicole Schafer MASTER OF SCIENCE Watrous Saskatoon Brianne Nicole Hamilton Tyler Curtis Munday Nicole Renée Schinkel Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Kinesiology – Thesis: Using Optimized Jason Robert Nagy Jennifer Anne Schmidt Computer Simulation to Facilitate the Learning Esterhazy Saskatoon Process of the Free Throw in Wheelchair Basketball Bradley Morris George Nemish Shane Ronald Schwanbeck Tyler Murray Rolheiser Wakaw Saskatoon North Battleford Jennifer Wing-Ting Ng Kristen Marie Shkopich Kinesiology – Thesis: Visuomotor Regina Saskatoon Representations

University of Saskatchewan 58 Spring Convocation 2006 Dentistry • Kinesiology • Medicine • Nutrition • Pharmacy Physical Therapy • Veterinary Medicine Degrees and Diplomas

Brenda Ann Rossow-Kimball Andrea Robyn Hull Lisa Anne Rasmussen Glen Ewen Saskatoon Lumsden Kinesiology – Thesis: Self-Determination and the Leisure Experiences of Women with Kristyn Joelle Insley Jerry Michael Richard Intellectual Disabilities Living in Two Group Saskatoon Maidstone Homes Earl Sheldon Kowalczyk Bonnie Rosemarie Richardson Saskatoon Regina DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Alika T LaFontaine Kimberly Rae Sass Sana Ahmed Regina Meath Park Regina Tara Samantha Lee Joanna Dawn Smith Swift Current Bradley Terrence Ardell Saskatoon Vanscoy Trevor Jordan Loback Patricia Ruth Smith Amy Dawn Atchison Saskatoon Weyburn Saskatoon Brenda Louise Lougheed Darcie Lenore Spearing Kulrajbir Singh Baath Saskatoon Toronto, Ontario Pense Helen Anne Lowry Lara Kylene Blanco Saskatoon James Jeffrey Stushnoff Saskatoon Moose Jaw Rebecca Ellyn MacKay James Anthony Bohn Pambrun Jordan Alexander Velestuk Saskatoon Broadview Margaret Jill Marcotte Roger Bristol Saskatoon Scott Gregory Walen Saskatoon Saskatoon Susanna Mei Kit Mark James Richard Brown Saskatoon Randy Alan Walker Saskatoon Reid Marlow McGonigle Saskatoon Melanie Lisa Brown Saskatoon Alastair Robert Wall Gravelbourg Anne Jacoba Margaretha Meginbir Saskatoon Michael George Chater Assiniboia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Stephan William Bruce Wardell Amera Mohammed Murabit Saskatoon Muna Chowdhury Saskatoon Halifax, Nova Scotia Jill Colleen Wooff Jonathon Sandalya Yellepeddy Nataraj Turtleford Carly Anne Conly Wadena Macklin Vincent Peter Wourms Andrew Scott Neitzel Sean Christopher Coquet Saskatoon Vancouver, British Columbia Saskatoon Amie Jan Cubbon Ghita Ann Nielsen MASTER OF SCIENCE Meadow Lake Saskatoon Nathan John Degenhart Carmel Leitha Kim Overli-Domes Brenna Lea Bath Weyburn Regina Saskatoon Anthea Carmen Peters Community Health and Epidemiology – Thesis: David Francis Douglas Reliability and Diagnostic Validity of Clinical Cold Lake, Alberta Lumsden Examination and Patient Self-Report Measures in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Marc Robert Fournier Joey Nicholas Podavin Saskatoon Regina Katherine Leanne Boyd Tristan Charles Hembroff Kara Angela Powell Winnipeg, Manitoba Ladysmith, British Columbia Rolling Hills, Alberta Physiology – Thesis: The Effects of Hypoxic Pre-Conditioning on the Fictive Ventilatory Kerri Lynn Hetherington Joel Andrew Puetz Responses to Hypoxia and Hypercapnia in the Moose Jaw Marysburg Bullfrong (Rana catesbeiana)

University of Saskatchewan 59 Spring Convocation 2006 Dentistry • Kinesiology • Medicine • Nutrition • Pharmacy Physical Therapy • Veterinary Medicine Degrees and Diplomas

Leslie Wayne Ferguson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Larissa Helen Mary Swityk-Conacher Saskatoon NUTRITION Spiritwood Community Health and Epidemiology – Thesis: Jennifer Beth Wright Prognostic Factors Associated with Desease Laura Michelle Allan Yorkton Progression in Parkinson’s Disease Davidson Beverly Jane Wudel Terrance Ward John Gibson Glenda Marie Beauchamp Outlook Saskatoon Wakaw Community Health and Epidemiology – Thesis: Janelle Marie Bert BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Perspectives on Population Health Theory and Radville PHARMACY Practice Among Health Workers in a Health Region Nicole Amber Buchholz Lance Patrick Athmer Saskatoon Englefeld Edita Kamencic Julie Mae Bunney Debora Joan Bakken-Voll Saskatoon Regina Saskatoon Community Health and Epidemiology – Thesis: Effects of Physical Activity Programs (Class- Glenda Karen Garcia Louisa Dana Marie Balbi based vs. Community-Based) on Blood Regina Calgary, Alberta Pressure and Levels of Physical Activity in Alanna Elizabeth Gibb Rhett Dion Ballard Hypertensive Older Adults Neilburg Weyburn

Xinfeng Ma Jolene Diane Granquist Heather Nicole Balogh Kipling People’s Republic of China Yorkton Microbiology – Thesis: Analysis of Functional Lindsay Nora Theresa Hauser Caitlin Danae Basnett Domains Required for hRad18 Interactions Saskatoon Saskatoon with HHR6B and hUbc9 Leslee Michele Marie Hilkewich Sarah Anne Bater North Battleford Katriona Claire Mitchell Saskatoon Saskatoon Karen Elizabeth Karst Christine Marie Bellanger Community Health and Epidemiology – Thesis: Assiniboia Turtleford Patients’ and Practitioners’ Experiences, Jesilee Lyn Kohut Heidi Rae Bergerman Perceptions and Beliefs Pertaining to the Use of Prince Albert Reiki in Dealing with Chronic Illness Saskatoon Melissa Marie Koshinsky Cynthia Leigh Allen Berry Natasha Alexsis Thiessen Wynyard Saskatoon Saskatoon Rebecca Christine Mansuy Melissa Marie Bowie Microbiology – Thesis: Epigentic Regulation of Estevan Camrose, Alberta a Gene, MS-1, in Cells of Different Metastatic Potential Lindsay Dawn McGregor Kristen Maria Briggs Sovereign Unity Nicole Elizabeth White Rachel Dawn Nussbaumer Melanie Lynn Cann Saskatoon Yorkton North Battleford Community Health and Epidemiology – Thesis: The Use of Asthma Medications Among Asthma Chelsea Anne O’Donnell Aimée Lynn Carriere Cases in Saskatchewan From January 1, 1991 Unity Carlyle to December 31, 2000 Holly Dolores Reimer Kristin Renee Carvell Lemberg Regina Tong Zhu Saskatoon Victoria Lee Schmid Belinda Bo-yee Chan Saskatoon Community Health and Epidemiology – Saskatoon Thesis: Beliefs and Behaviours Related to Brooke Liana Simpkins Willa Chan Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Exposure Nipawin Arcola in the Home: Cultural Differences between Francophones and the Rest of the Canadian Brandy Laine Spies Sherilyn Kimberly Dawn Chorney Population Rockglen Kamsack

University of Saskatchewan 60 Spring Convocation 2006 Dentistry • Kinesiology • Medicine • Nutrition • Pharmacy Physical Therapy • Veterinary Medicine Degrees and Diplomas

Stefano Nigel Ciofani Josée Lynette Jacques Amber Monique Simmons Saskatoon Regina Fort Qu’Appelle Jessica Laine Dennett Erin Marie Karakochuk Lisa Michelle Smetaniuk Regina Saskatoon Gronlid Sherri Dawn Derksen Janelle Marian Kettner Kelli Lynn Smith La Ronge Whitewood Warburg, Alberta Michelle Amber Dodman Jason Ron Kloschinsky Audrey Jean Smycniuk Yorkton Swift Current Saskatoon Sarah Marie Duggleby Laurae Elizabeth Jeannette Kloschinsky Amber Dawn Vermeulen Prince Albert Saskatoon Saskatoon Amie Majelle Dupuis Lacey Jae Konkin Chelsea Deanne Vols Shellbrook Watrous Saskatoon Hoda Ali A Elgharini Ashleigh Paige Krislock Travis Aaron Warner Mississauga, Ontario Regina Martensville Mark Alfred Fenske Shyla Lee Litzenberger Cara Denise Wilson Flin Flon, Manitoba Yorkton Saskatoon Mark Paul Fidelak Nathan Lee Longeau Jennifer Lynn Winge Wadena Indian Head Prince Albert Erin Carla Fiege Leanne Christine Maczek Jarron Che Yee Lipton Saskatoon Regina Nicole Candace Frantik Sarah Margaret Malchow Patrick James Zachar Pincher Creek, Alberta Unity Swift Current Jodi Kathryn Frick Kenneth Russell Manson White City Owen Sound, Ontario MASTER OF SCIENCE

Julie Gee Joanne Lilian McCorriston Paula Ferrari Negraes Regina Moosomin Saskatoon Tracy Gail Gerspacher Andrea Joy Moorman Nutrition – Thesis: Consumers and Retail Food Watson Saskatoon Employees’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills with Respect to Soyfoods Wendy Ann Gjesdal Lindsay Ellen Morin Xia Wang Saskatoon Regina People’s Republic of China Jarod Richard Gryba Kristy Leanne Munk Pharmacy – Thesis: Investigation of Hoxa2 Hudson Bay Saskatoon Gene Function in Palate Development Using a Retroviral Gene Delivery System Lisa Dawn Harbicht Jillian Stephanie Nagel Gloria Wing-Yun Woo Rosetown Southey Ancaster, Ontario Kimberly Rae Hatton Trent Raymond Paul Pharmacy – Thesis: Secoisolariciresinol Yorkton Preeceville Diglucoside Effects in Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats Kimberly Dawn Hill Jennifer Dawn Paulson Creighton Foam Lake BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Carling Rachelle Hopkins Michael John Rath PHYSICAL THERAPY Saskatoon Regina Danielle Kristen Hrywkiw Eric James Selinger Joey Arthur Brassard Canora Wilcox Prince Albert Shida Jaberi Amanda Clarisse Shea Lynne Renée Brochu Saskatoon Regina Colonsay

University of Saskatchewan 61 Spring Convocation 2006 Dentistry • Kinesiology • Medicine • Nutrition • Pharmacy Physical Therapy • Veterinary Medicine Degrees and Diplomas

Myles Victor Dmyterko DOCTOR OF VETERINARY Jodyne Marie Green Yorkton MEDICINE Fisher Branch, Manitoba Erinn Beth Ferguson Sarah Ann Greenwood Star City Ruth Andersen North Vancouver, British Columbia Saskatoon Melanie Nicole Funk Venessa Christiane Marie Grenier Herbert Cara Lea-Anne Ardron Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Curtis Gary Gasmo Tanya Dawn Groundwater Humboldt Megan Edith Atwood Williams Lake, British Columbia Kimberley Allison Nicole German Nelson, British Columbia Danielle Nicole Guillas Saskatoon Christopher Douglas Bell Eden, Manitoba Leanne Marie Hindmarsh Balzac, Alberta Major Erin Gabriella Gunderson Kristin Janet Bentz Saskatoon Melissa Lee Homstol High River, Alberta Tisdale Carol Anne Harasym Rachel Laura Borwein Edmonton, Alberta Danielle Jeanine Marie Hospes Burnaby, British Columbia Saskatoon James Tristram Hethey Abbie Jean Breitkreitz North Vancouver, British Columbia Robin Katherine Johnson Fort Assiniboine, Alberta Saskatoon Melissa Janet Hooson James Egan Brockhoff Three Hills, Alberta Michelle Lynn Kadash Edberg, Alberta Saskatoon Nicholas Ashley Vanham Huggons Carla Marie Budd Brooks, Alberta Peter John Kosheluk Bridge Lake, British Columbia Preeceville Erica Lynn Johnson Amanda Olivia Campbell Calgary, Alberta Candice Lue-Ann Lee-Zens Coleman, Alberta Hudson Bay Holly Dee Kostuik Sylvia Dawn Carley Prince Albert Renae Deanne McEwen Saskatoon Tisdale Joanna Amy Kouwenberg Brooke Elisabeth Cory Abbotsford, British Columbia Dawn Ruth McLean Cold Lake, Alberta Earl Grey Timothy Andrew Kraemer Jennifer Lynne Crookshanks Terra Renee Nameth Brandon, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Cupar Lisa Dawn Cunningham Dorothy Ellen Krysak Megan Leah Nargang Lintlaw Krydor Edenwold Janelle Marie Dawe Neil Ryan Kulczycki Melissa Dawn Nimmo Birch Hills Winnipeg, Manitoba Saskatoon Katherine Nicole Dawson Marie Angela Legault Erica Lynn Poole Saskatoon Naicam Edmonton, Alberta Shelan Jolyn Lehane Chelsey Lee Salloum Catherine Lillian Dick Innisfail, Alberta Saskatoon Calgary, Alberta Janelle Dawn Slater Tania Jane Durmuller Stacey Jean Lowe Regina Port Alberni, British Columbia Briercrest Jennifer Alexis Stephen Tracy Lynn Epp Ingrid Ying Ludwig Prince Albert Boissevain, Manitoba Edson, Alberta Lindsay Elysia Tasche Lorraine Meredith Ann Forster Amanda Lorraine Martens Swift Current Hadashville, Manitoba Swift Current Jodi Lenae Williams Bridget Elizabeth Tisher Gray Andrew Scott McCarthy Yorkton Parkside Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 62 Spring Convocation 2006 Dentistry • Kinesiology • Medicine • Nutrition • Pharmacy Physical Therapy • Veterinary Medicine Degrees and Diplomas

Catherine Dawn Milley Tannis Colleen Thrush Jonathan Peter Farthing Calgary, Alberta Saskatoon Saskatoon Kinesiology – Thesis: Functional Magnetic Krista Lynne Minish Renata Anne Ward Resonance Imaging and Electromyography of Rosetown Winnipeg, Manitoba Neuro-physiological Adaptations Associated with Cross-education of a Complex Strength Adrienne Carla Moffet Jonas Mark Watson Task Quesnel, British Columbia Winnipeg, Manitoba Nicole Marie Geremia Crystal Lynn Molnar Leilania Cecile Watson Lethbridge, Alberta Grande Prairie, Alberta Beaumont, Alberta Anatomy & Cell Biology – Thesis: The Role of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Christine Valerie Morgantini Nicole Lynne Wensink Injured/Regenerating Sensory Neuron Spruce Grove, Alberta North Delta, British Columbia Monique Adelle Horbay Jessica Ange Mountenay Jennifer Lyn White Saskatoon Lumsden Winnipeg, Manitoba Microbiology – Thesis: Inhibition Phenotype SpeciÞ c for oriλ Replication-dependent Phage Robert Ian Mulligan Nicola Amy Wilson Growth, and a Reappraisal of the Inß uence Prince George, British Columbia of λ P Expression on Escherichia coli Cell Sherwood Park, Alberta Metabolism: P-Interference Phenotype Mitchel Lee Oviatt Sherwood Park, Alberta Georgios Simeon Katselis MASTER OF SCIENCE Greece Kathryn Romany Pinto Pharmacy – Thesis: Biologically Active Coquitlam, British Columbia Marie-Line Gentes Triterpene Saponins from the Root of the Medicinal Plant Polygala senega L. Kristin Leanne Poirier Saskatoon White Rock, British Columbia Veterinary Pathology – Thesis: Health Sasho James Mackenzie Assessment of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta French Creek, Prince Edward Island Esther Ann Rabuka bicolor) Nesting on the Athabasca Oil Sands, Kinesiology – Thesis: Understanding the Role of Stewart Valley Alberta Shaft Stiffness in the Golf Swing Cerah Elizabeth Richardson Allison Jane Squires Rose Alene Roberts Kimberley, British Columbia Guelph, Ontario Stanley Mission Toxicology – Thesis: Ecotoxicological Community Health and Epidemiology – Thesis: Taryn Anett Romano Assessment of Using Coke in Aquatic Stories About Cancer Among the Woodland Fort St. John, British Columbia Reclamation Strategies at the Alberta Oil Sands Cree of Northern Saskatchewan Sherisse Adele Sakals Mohammad Shahriar Saskatoon Clearwater, British Columbia DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Veterinary Pathology – Thesis: Humoral Innate Michael Gorden Scheck Immune Substances in Porcine Milk Whitecourt, Alberta Daniel Gilbert Bechtel Aliakbar Taherian Saskatoon Stacie Ellen Slot Iran Toxicology – Thesis: Associations of Exposure Okotoks, Alberta Anatomy & Cell Biology – Thesis: Expression to Oil and Gas Processing and Production and Function of α and β Jocelyn Danielle Stachnik Emissions on Immunomodulation in Yearling Edmonton, Alberta Cattle and Neonatal Calves Tyler Austin Whale Goldstone, Ontario James Allen Stickney Leonardo Fonseca Castro Brito Saskatoon Veterinary Microbiology – Thesis: The Hythe, Alberta Mechanism and Functional Consequences Large Animal Clinical Sciences – Thesis: of Passive Acquisition of Membrane and James William Sudhoff Nutrition, Metabolic Hormones and Sexual Integral Membrane Protein by Bovine Kamloops, British Columbia Development in Bulls Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils

University of Saskatchewan 63 Spring Convocation 2006 Graduates of Education and Law

Ceremony 5 Wednesday May 25, 2:00 p.m. Undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees and diplomas to the graduates of Education and Law

May 25, 2006 • 2:00 p.m. Chancellor W. Thomas (Tom) Molloy, O.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., presiding

PRE-ADDRESS University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association

PROCESSION Graduands in the order in which degrees are to be conferred; Faculty; Board of Governors; Senate; Guests of Honour; The President; The Chancellor

O CANADA Dolores Sand will sing our national anthem in Cree

INVOCATION Elder Alma Kytwayhat

WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Lea Pennock, University Secretary

CONFERRING OF HONORARY DOCTOR Jimmy Myo OF LAWS DEGREE Presented by Michael Atkinson, Provost and Vice President Academic Blessing by Elder Simon Kytwayhat Honour Song for Jimmy Myo by Elder Simon Kytwayhat


MUSICAL INTERLUDE Galop – D. Shostakovich/ D. Hunsberger The University Wind Orchestra conducted by Glen Gillis


PETITION FOR ADMISSION Lea Pennock, University Secretary

PRESENTATION OF GRADUANDS Education presented by Dean Reynolds and TO THE CHANCELLOR Associate Dean Hajnal Law presented by Dean Cotter Doctor of Philosophy presented by Associate Dean Gambell


PRESENTATION OF AWARDS TO THE Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Prize MOST DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES Law Society of Saskatchewan Gold Medal

MESSAGE FROM THE ALUMNI Joy Crawford, Alumni Association President ASSOCIATION



University of Saskatchewan 66 Spring Convocation 2006 Education • Law Degrees and Diplomas

BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Jennifer Besenski Jeanette Caroline Burns Saskatoon Prince Albert Hoda Abouguendia Scott Robert Bevan Krista Lee Caldwell Saskatoon Saskatoon Maymont Andrea Michelle Abrametz Nicole Elizabeth Bews Elizabeth Anne Calladine Prince Albert Kindersley Air Ronge Kelsey Mary Achtymichuk Ryan David Biberdorf Carina Rae Calow Melville Creighton La Ronge Jessica Erin Paige Acres Angela Dawn Bickert Arlene Rae Caplette Saskatoon Saskatoon Unity Amy Christine Anderson Michelle Lise Bilodeau Lisa Marie Carlson Saskatoon Lloydminster, Alberta Delisle Eric Andrew Anderson Laurie Brett Blair Harold Carriere Swift Current Regina Cumberland House Timothy Brett Anderson Raelynn Hope Blondeau Serena Hope Chappell Saskatoon Moose Jaw Saskatoon Corrinne Daile Arnold Melissa Mary Bodnarchuk Lisa Yvonne Choquette Bruno Biggar Saskatoon Elizabeth Ann Arthur Darcy Kelly Matthew Boisson Chantelle Lee Churchwell Saskatoon Prince Albert Saskatoon Stacy Deanne Aspinall Brett Kenneth Bosch Jill Christin Clapson Estevan North Battleford ArborÞ eld Rebecca Jesse Baker Jenna Lee Bovee Michael Shane Clark Saskatoon Spiritwood Saskatoon David Thomas Ballantyne Megan Dawn Boychuk Arlene Melinda Clarke Saskatoon Eatonia Southend Barry Lionel Barker Lesley Marie Boyle Jennifer Rae Climenhaga Saskatoon Saskatoon Delisle Ryan Derek Barnstable Heather Joanne Braun Clinton Conrad Cobler Saskatoon Osler Webb Tamzen Elizabeth Baskier Rodney Curtis Breaton Andrea Gayle Constant Swan River, Manitoba Prince Albert Opaskwayak Cree First Nation, Nikoloas Jhon Bastas Patrick Hugh Brennan Manitoba Edmonton, Alberta Saskatoon Jennifer Calinda Constant Jacqueline Susanne Bay Nicole Kimberly Bromm Opaskwayak Cree First Nation, Humboldt Tisdale Manitoba James Howard Bell Chelsey Marie Brown Roberta June Coulter Saskatoon Rosetown Saskatoon Meaghan Louise Belt Jay Anthony Brown Michelle Rae Cowan Saskatoon Elrose Gainsborough Lindsay Rae Benson Julienne Shaw Buckle Angela Diane Creasy Moose Jaw Saskatoon Kincaid Tracy Lynn Bernauer Leslie Maureen Bull Sarah Jane Critch Leroy Saskatoon Saskatoon Michelle Cori Bertsch Kurtis Frank Burnett Barbara Gail Crittall Saskatoon Moose Jaw Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 67 Spring Convocation 2006 Education • Law Degrees and Diplomas

Kimberly Lisa Crookedneck Leah Grace Ferguson Matthew Stephen Gray Island Lake First Nation Moosomin Prince Albert Angeline Marie Crozier Donovan Wee Fineblanket Alexander Bruce Green Saskatoon Loon Lake Hay River, Northwest Territories Jolene Cara Danger Priscilla Paige Fjeldstrom Sheena Dale Grund Shellbrook Kenaston Humboldt Bojana Dautbegovic-Krienke Jay Mathew Ford Brian Harvey Guebert Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Kristin Marie DeCorby Aaron James Ferlin Fosseneuve Yvonne Angela Gueguen Martensville Cumberland House Humboldt Angela Lynn Demerais Ryan Paul Franklin Alicia Rae Gurash Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Danielle Marie DeRoo Megan Dawn Fransoo Renée Michelle Guy Saskatoon Saskatoon Meota Nicole Louise Detillieux Jennifer Elizabeth Freed Courtney Dawn Haeusler Saskatoon Saskatoon Muenster Craig Edward Doepker Dana Lorraine Fulwiler Kristen Lee Hansen Saskatoon Swift Current Prince Albert Jessica Lynn Dovell Ryan Keith Gareau Jenna Patricia Elizabeth Hanson Saskatoon Prince Albert Martensville Valerie Anne Dreaver Andrea Lorelle Garland Renny Russell Olaf Hanson Moose Jaw Gronlid Violet Inez Dubitz Kyler Rory Shane Gauthier Amber Dawn Harriman Tisdale Saskatoon Saskatoon Deanna Mari Duke Helen Christie Generoux Chantelle Carrie Hauser Langbank Sturgeon Lake First Nation Pilger Colleen Debra Durocher Kylie Kris Gervais Liza Marie Nicole Havlicek Buffalo Narrows Saskatoon Prince Albert Derek Rodney Dyck Chelsea Dawn Geyer Meghan Kathleen Hawkins Saskatoon Watson Moose Jaw Jeri-Lynn Cook Kelly Dawn Gibson Duane Robert Henderson Prince Albert Saskatoon Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Benjamin Eng Brian Ashley Giesbrecht Wesley Glen Heppner Saskatoon Saskatoon Winkler, Manitoba Judith Helen Enns Daniel Jacob Giesbrecht Amanda Dawn Hiebert Medstead Osler Saskatoon Heather Janelle Ens Erin Alena Gordon Sara Jayne Hildebrandt Laird Turtleford Saskatoon Courtney Rae Erickson Carlene Marie Gorecki Jennifer Lee Hogg Swift Current Saskatoon Saskatoon Collin Dean Joseph Espeseth Candice Lyn Gorniak Janelle Judith Hoiland Esterhazy Prairie River Saskatoon Kimberly Joy Mallet Failler Levana Nataline Goy Karley Louise Hollman Lanigan Saskatoon Rockhaven Amanda Lynn Fast Katlin Shea Graves Kristen Elyn Dale Holmgren Gouldtown Outlook Kinistino

University of Saskatchewan 68 Spring Convocation 2006 Education • Law Degrees and Diplomas

Herbert Henry Hoppe Mark Jacob Peter Kroeker Carla Irene Mager Saskatoon Moose Jaw Saskatoon Krystal Lynn Hoskins Dale Alan Kroetsch Trina Lynn Magis Kerrobert Nipawin Melfort Jeanine Margaret Howard Iris Rose Labiuk Vincent Robert Mamer Saskatoon Prince Albert Saskatoon Robyn Crystal Howey Mika Nicole Lafond-Daniels Lesley Erin Mansell Saskatoon Muskeg Lake First Nation Saskatoon Bradley Joseph Hrabia Lloyd Wayne Laliberte Amanda Dawn Marcotte North Battleford Big River Estevan Tina Margaret Hydomako Charmain Dawn Laroque Ana Cecilia Marín Sanabria Saskatoon Duck Lake Saskatoon Stephanie Laura Jacques Jennifer Lynn Larson Crystal Dawn Marit Saskatoon Buffalo Narrows Willow Bunch Krista-Lynn John Lindsey Judith Lawton Sherry Louise Markham Inuvik, Northwest Territories Harris Denare Beach Kendra Dawn Johnstone Karla Rae Lazarowich Stacey Raelene Martineau Coderre Saskatoon La Ronge Amy Catherine Jurgens Robert Jean LeBlanc Lori Faye Mazurek North Battleford Waldheim Shellbrook Karen Lynne Kalyniuk Shawna Maria Lee Frances Marie Joyce McCallum Saskatoon Saskatoon Pelican Narrows Terra-Louise Karp Michael Layne LeMay Olivia Mary Cecile McIntyre Saskatoon Saskatoon Patuanak Delores Anne Mary Kent Janelle Marie Lemon Meaghan Coupar McJannet Ile a la Crosse MaryÞ eld Davidson Susan Elizabeth Kinal Monica Lynn Leonardis Melissa Dawn McManaman Saskatoon Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Mark Richard William Kindrachuk Céline Élise Avrielle Lévesque Janaya Lynn Meikle Wakaw Saskatoon Mervin Jason Robert Kish Marvis Carol Linklater Lonnie James Mercredi Saskatoon Pelican Narrows Saskatoon Allen John Klassen Gordon Dean Loberg Jess Anton John Michalchuk Saskatoon Saskatoon Foam Lake Christopher Patrick Knievel James Samuel Lokken Sherrie Lynn Michalishen Bienfait Saskatoon Yorkton Todd Timothy Knihnitski Francis Patrick Lord Chandrelle Marie-Eve Micklewright Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Chad William Kosokowsky Jennifer Marie Lutz Brenna Lynne Millard Humboldt Saskatoon Saskatoon Chelsie Leigh Ann Krawec Christine Mary Lypka Shelley Eleanor Gisele Mitchell Weirdale Rosetown Prince Albert Kevin John Steven Krawec Laura Anne MacDonald Jessica Erin Moneo Prince Albert Fort Smith, Northwest Territories Saskatoon Graham Brent Krieg Marc Leonard MacLeod Donna Marie Montgrand Saskatoon Saskatoon La Loche

University of Saskatchewan 69 Spring Convocation 2006 Education • Law Degrees and Diplomas

Jessica Averill Morgun Dana Marie Piercey Carly Susan Saggs Hepburn Prince Albert Saskatoon Tyler Curtis Munday Jessica Rose Pillipow Bradley John Sanesh Saskatoon Prince Albert Kamloops, British Columbia Terri Elaine Naconechny Brandon Shayne Pocha Marina Claudette-Jacqueline Sangris Saskatoon Saskatoon Yellowknives Dene First Nation, Jennifer Michelle Nairn Marla Leigh Salmon Poisson Northwest Territories Portreeve Dollard Jamil Habib Sawaya David Michael Neilson Erin Lynn Praski Saskatoon Saskatoon Gronlid Leah Nicole Schafer Bradley Morris George Nemish Bonnie Lynn Marie Proll Saskatoon Wakaw Tisdale Sarah Katrine Schafer Brendan James Philip Newton David Duncan Racette-Campbell Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Katherine May Schapansky Ryan Samual Nickell Katharine Marie Redekop Dalmeny Lemberg Saskatoon Jaclyn Loretta Schemenauer Jesse Megan Nicolas Kaley Michelle Reeds Saskatoon Duck Lake Maidstone Amy Marie Schnell Lacey Dale Norheim Maggie Melissa Reeds Regina Saskatoon Maidstone Amber Carol Schreiner Shawn Nicholas Oleksyn Brett Simon Reis Leroy Saskatoon Saskatoon Curtis Dean Schulz Matthew Hunter Olsgard Agatha Deighan Remoundos Herbert Hazlet Saskatoon Alyssan Kimberly Semchuk Jennifer Karin Olson Jaret Thomas Rennie Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Danette Louise Senterre Jaime Elaine Onufreychuk Kevin Lawrence Riffel Swift Current Sheho Montmartre Charmaine Michelle Shannon Frank Corey O’Soup Kirsten Lucille Rivard Hay River, Northwest Territories Key First Nation Spruce Lake Sheila Dawn Silcox Gina Marie Otte Trisha Lee Robinson Saskatoon Big River Tompkins Carrie Ann Marie Simpson Jill Theresa Packet Candace Marie Rosenberger Saskatoon Laß eche Saskatoon Bradly Wayne Parenteau Vanessa Kathryn Ross Shawna Reshelle Sinclair Prince Albert Saskatoon Prince Albert Clayton Kent Parobec Cheryl Ann Rouse Blair Frederick Smadu Yorkton Saskatoon Saskatoon Carmen Carrie Pauls Jennifer Louise Roy Karen Maria Smith Rabbit Lake Saskatoon Saskatoon Ryan Michael Pauls Margaret Ann Roy Melanie Gayle Smith North Battleford Ile a la Crosse Prince Albert Mark Lindsay Perry Melissa Rose Russello Matthew Robert Smith-Windsor Saskatoon Kindersley Pike Lake Donna Marie Phillippi Kristy Joelle Ruzesky Chantelle Patricia Sollid Canora Saskatoon Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 70 Spring Convocation 2006 Education • Law Degrees and Diplomas

Curtis Michael Spelay Nancy Marie Tremblay Elizabeth Helen Wojnakowski Yorkton Humboldt Saskatoon Carleen Yvonne Spencer Blair Donald Turner Jasmine Ashley René Wolfe Sandy Bay Saskatoon Prince Albert Deanna Marie Spokes Beige Larissa Unger Jennifer Ann Woodside Bangor Prince Albert Saskatoon Mitchell Dean Squires Dustan Douglas Vandale Emily Anne Wourms Tisdale Chitek Lake Saskatoon Robyn Lynn Stanford Jason Joseph Sabin Villeneuve Robert Michael Woytowich Watrous Saskatoon Saskatoon Jenine Martina Marie Stangier Michael Ritchie Waiser Susan Elizabeth Yakimoski Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Robin Marshall James Stewart Jeremy Glen Walcer Candice Anne Yeager-Lobb Saskatoon Nipawin Humboldt Jaimie Lindsay Stock Clifton James Walker Peter John Yeo Saskatoon Saskatoon Osler Erin Elizabeth Stolar Andrea Dawn Wallace Renaye Michele Zdunich Melville Saskatoon Hanley Mona Laura Strongarm Jennifer Anne Wallington Saskatoon Tisdale COMBINED BACHELOR Roberta Mae Stuart Jennifer Ann Wandzura OF EDUCATION AND Edam Saskatoon BACHELOR OF MUSIC Tina Patricia Suru Desmond John Wapass EDUCATION Saskatoon Thunderchild First Nation Tracy Dawn Sylvester Aileen Melanie Ward Krista Leigh Arneson Prince Albert Kindersley Foam Lake Sandra Rene Marie Takakenew Dana Marie Warrener Brett William Balon Thunderchild First Nation Saskatoon Saskatoon Sandra Dawn Tank Padraic Bronislaw Peter Watt Shantelle Dawn Barker Saskatoon Prince Albert Saskatoon Janessa Rose Temple Lindsay Victoria Wawryk Shaun Murray Bzdel Nipawin Saskatoon Saskatoon Nicole Elizabeth Thiessen Allison Ann Weekes Deana Rae Cherry Saskatoon Biggar Saskatoon Melissa Dawn Thompson Cindy Jeanne Weinkauf Sandra Jane Hall North Battleford Goodsoil Maidstone Kimberley Jean Thomson Cecilia Sisiá Wetade-Boyd Andrea Michelle Huculiak Swift Current Rae-Edzo, Northwest Territories Prince Albert Naomi Victoria Thunderchild-Bird Craig Robert Wilson Shauna Laurelle Matiko Thunderchild First Nation Archerwill Saskatoon Chantel Catharine Tindall Leslie Anne Wilson Derek Steven Melnychuk Marsden Prince Albert Saskatoon Lori-Ann Marie Tkatchuk Colin Matthew Wist Lindsay Faye Meyer Prince Albert Saskatoon Lumsden Verna Eleanor Tootoosis Erin Leigh Witwicki Heather Lynn Padlesky Onion Lake First Nation Canora Saskatoon

University of Saskatchewan 71 Spring Convocation 2006 Education • Law Degrees and Diplomas

Alexandra Frances Raney Lenora Gail Bells Kent Edward Gauthier Clavet Humboldt Saskatoon Educational Administration – Project: Principal Karen Lynn Rutley Educational Administration – Project: Curricular Change in Arts Education: The Role Effectiveness in Community Schools Cut Knife of the Principal Isabelle Beatrice Haberman Kari Amanda Satre Caron Louise Berry Saskatoon Calgary, Alberta Saskatoon Curriculum Studies – Project: Professional Sarah Katherine Scharf Curriculum Studies – Project: Fashion Learning Communities: Collaboration and Saskatoon Merchandising: A Program Proposal for Reß ective Practice Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Ryan Jon Sorestad Technology Joyce Annie Hobday Saskatoon Saskatoon Edward Joseph Bourassa Educational Foundations – Thesis: The Myths Danielle Allison Sproule Melfort that Bind Us: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Weyburn Curriculum Studies – Project: Teacher Canada: A People’s History Kirstin Erin Sutcliffe Responses to Assessment for Learning Data: A Case Study of Selected Saskatchewan Teachers Lori Jane Jeschke Saskatoon Hepburn Dawne Maureen Braaten Melissa Magdalena Townley-Smith Educational Administration – Project: Saskatoon Superintendent Leadership: Towards the Saskatoon Educational Administration – Project: The Implementation and Sustainability of Role of the Principal in Teacher Professional Professional Learning Communities Development through Professional Learning Robert James Kraft POST DEGREE CERTIFICATE Communities IN EDUCATION: SPECIAL Saskatoon Shane Edward Bradley Educational Administration – Project: Use and EDUCATION Saskatoon Effectiveness of Technology Mediated School Leadership Lea Mari Bue Kattler Educational Administration – Project: How Saskatoon to Develop and Operate a Specialized Sport Becky Ann Kuffner School in an Existing High School Setting Marcia Joan Shelstad Saskatoon Coronach Patrick Charles Bugler Educational Foundations – Thesis: From North Battleford Restorative To Transformative Justice: Advancing Healing as a Normative Value in Transformative Educational Administration – Project: An Justice Education POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA Exploration of an Alternative Education Yvonne Delaine Kristoff Authority in a First Nations School Linda Liebrecht Saskatoon Renee Dawn Cratty Martensville Saskatoon Curriculum Studies – Project: Ford Michael Mantyka Recommendations for Educators for Saskatoon Educational Administration – Project: Principal Implementing a Large-Leap Classroom Induction in Catholic Schools Rodney Todd Orieux Chunge Liu Bing Cui Prince Albert People’s Republic of China People’s Republic of China Educational Foundations – Project: Learning in Educational Administration – Project: The Another Culture: An Ethnographic Portrait of a MASTER OF CONTINUING Challenges of Female Principals: Perspectives Female Graduate Student from China from Saskatchewan and Tianjin EDUCATION Stacey Lynn Loopkey Carol Anne Vandale Daniel Philip Denis Saskatoon Domremy Saskatoon Curriculum Studies – Project: A Guide for Educational Administration – Project: Teacher Continuing Education – Thesis: Building Skills, Creating Advanced Placement English Vertical Building Homes: Community Sustainability, Perceptions of Professional Growth Plans Teams in High Schools Straw Bale Construction, and Indigenous Kris Robert Denney Perspectives Chuei Deng Mareng Flaxcombe Saskatoon Educational Administration – Project: Educational Administration – Project: Refugee MASTER OF EDUCATION Perceptions of Principal Leadership Style and Students’ Experiences of Education in Kakuma School Culture Refugee Camp, Kenya Kent Donnell Arpin Prince Albert Paula Ronda Dvernichuk Anna McQuillan Educational Administration – Project: Teachers’ Foam Lake Saskatoon Perceptions of the Relationship of Instructional Educational Administration – Project: Teacher Curriculum Studies – Project: Powerful Supervision to the Development and Fostering Perceptions in Implementing a Learning Learning Environments in Secondary of the Professional Learning Community Community Model Mathematics: Connecting Practice and Theory

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Elizabeth Ione Mooney David Marshall Thorburn Chantelle Cherie Eisner Saskatoon Leader Kamsack Educational Foundations – Project: Exploring Curriculum Studies – Project: Educational Mary Violet Erasmus Past School Experiences to Shape the Practice Technology Inegration in a Rural School: A of Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy Case Study of Exemplary Context Yellowknife, Northwest Territories John David Nicholson Caroline Margaret Tompson Jeanette Ruth Fafard Air Ronge Saskatoon Saskatoon Educational Administration – Project: Mind the Curriculum Studies – Project: A Student Guide Gloria Marie Falk Gap: A Study of Academic Disparity Between to Search Engines and to Summarizing Content Saskatoon Boys and Girls in Saskatoon High Schools Jacqueline Renee Francis Lisa Jeanette Nystuen Meadow Lake Gull Lake BACHELOR OF LAWS Curriculum Studies – Project: Best Practices for Joel Patrick Friesen Teaching ESL High School Students in Rural Misty Spring Alexandre Swift Current Saskatchewan Eston Joel Sean Gaucher Keith Preston Owre Daniel Lee Armstrong Saskatoon Saskatoon North Battleford Educational Psychology and Special Education Deborah Lyn Giles – Project: The Effect of Collective EfÞ cacy on Michelle Estelle Baldwin Saskatoon Teachers’ Technology Acceptance Biggar Kelly Erin Gould Dominic Mathieu Rivard Michael Bauer Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatoon Richard Scott Gregory Educational Administration – Project: A Study of the Implementation of the Teacher Portfolio Errol Wayne Benedict Flin Flon, Manitoba to be Used as an Evaluation Tool for the Calgary, Alberta Colin Fredrick Gusikoski Administration Zev Simon Bergman Viscount Heather Michelle Ross Toronto, Ontario Tanis Marie Halpape United States of America Quill Lake Curriculum Studies – Project: Continuing Scott Douglas Blackford Medical Education at a Distance Saskatoon Jamie Michael Hammersmith Prince Albert Alan Eugene Ruder Jonathan Robert Brown Birch Hills Richmond, British Columbia Gee Ryiong Hann Educational Administration – Project: Circle of Toronto, Ontario Interventions to Improve Student Learning Christopher Noel Henry Butz Saskatoon Beth Caroline Hepburn Adam Christian Scarfe White Rock, British Columbia Edmonton, Alberta Jessie Clairesse Buydens Educational Foundations – Thesis: On Saskatoon Lisa Christine Hiebert Selectivity in Learning in Teaching: The Role Saskatoon and Limits of Negative Prehensions in Alfred Paul Leonard Clemens North Whitehead’s Philosophy of Education Stoughton Christie Lynn Hoffman Regina Sasha Lyn Semenoff Libby Marianne Alys Virginia Davies Jeffrey Mark Howe Saskatoon Victoria, British Columbia Abbotsford, British Columbia Educational Administration – Thesis: Head Conor Anthony Davis Secretaries in Two High Schools: Roles, Britta Michaela Jensen Responsibilities and Working Relationships Edmonton, Alberta Vancouver, British Columbia Dean Rodney Shareski Gregory Phillip Dewar Qianfeng Jiang Moose Jaw Burlington, Ontario Saskatoon Curriculum Studies – Project: A Historical Documentary of the Oldest School Division in Jillyne Marie Drennan Aurora Melina Johannson Saskatchewan Saskatoon Saskatoon Debra Lynn Sorensen-Valette Lewanna Ardis Dubray Rayelle Lynn Johnston High River, Alberta Meadow Lake Saskatoon Educational Administration – Project: Perceptions of a Principal’s Roles and Christopher John Eccles Deanne Kendra Kasokeo Responsibilities in a School Volunteer Program Thornhill, Ontario Cree Nation

University of Saskatchewan 73 Spring Convocation 2006 Education • Law Degrees and Diplomas

Jeffrey Kelton Kenyon Kristy A Pozniak Chrystal Lynn Vanhouwe Lloydminster Rama Saskatoon Randall George King Valerie Anne Quintin Tyler Joseph Wake Regina Swift Current Saskatoon Todd Roy Kirkpatrick Suzanne Marie Reid Rachel Sara West Lloydminster North Battleford Saskatoon Christopher Allen Lavier Toni Lynn Rempel Harold Lance Williams Saskatoon Saskatoon Edmonton, Alberta Ryan Robert Lavoie Michael Alexander Reynolds Robert Gregory Wilson Saskatoon Whitehorse, Yukon Harris Stephanie Doris Ann LeBlanc Ryan Douglas Rigler Lori Ann Worm Regina Grande Prairie, Alberta Kawacatoose First Nation Audrey Lynn Lewans Brent Michael Robinson Wei Wu Saskatoon Assiniboia Saskatoon James Michael Rosowsky Brent Donald Little Amber Lynn Wyrostok Kamsack Biggar Lethbridge, Alberta Dusty Lee Mack Michael Stephen Roy St. John’s, New Foundland and Langenburg Labrador MASTER OF LAWS William Taylor MacKinnon Karen Michelle Seeley Saskatoon Bradley Shawn Bellemare Dryden, Ontario Prince Albert Karen Marie Makohoniuk Ryan Robert Shebelski Law – Thesis: La Chaas: The Métis Pelly Saskatoon Constitutional Right to Hunt in the Canadian Suzanne Marie Manery Legal Consiousness Cristopher Scott Shirritt Delta, British Columbia Halifax, Nova Scotia DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Lena McAlinden Bradley Raymond Shirvell Regina Edmonton, Alberta Paul Henry Becker Mary Carol Rae McAuley Jaela Dinelle Shockey West Vancouver, British Columbia Saskatoon Saskatoon Educational Administration – Thesis: “New Science” as a Lens Through Which to View David Alexander McVea Ashley Renée Smith Saskatoon Change in a University Facilities Managment Saskatoon Division: Complexity, Wholeness, and Implicate Order Brendan Foster Morley Tara Gaylene Tiefenbach Vancouver, British Columbia Regina Elaine Hulse Saskatoon Leiß ynn Christina Mund Sarah Christine Tollefson Churchbridge Outlook Educational Administration – Thesis: Teacher Professionalism in Community Schools in Martin Zbigniew Olszynski Adam Randal Touet Saskatchewan Saskatoon Saskatoon Ephraim KoÞ Mensah Zoe Astrid Oxaal Dana Christine Treasure Ghana England Edmonton, Alberta Interdisciplinary Grad Studies – Thesis: A Narrative Study: The Meaning of Western James Lawrence Powrie William Thomas VanBridger Colonial/ Missionary Education for Contempory Assiniboia Brockville, Ontario Ghanians

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