Volume 32, Issue 6 November-December 2012 Opels at Bonneville One land speed record, one near disaster, and one LeMon Featured Car – Roy Moulton’s Ignition Timing for Modified Photoshopping your Car - restored 1969 1.1L Opel GT Engines • Brakes for the Turn your photograph into a Tinyvette • Materials • More line drawing. Welcome to the Opel Motorsport Club The Opel Motorsport Club is celebrating its 32nd year of dedication to the preservation and appreciation of all German Opels, with special emphasis on models imported into the United States. We are headquartered on the west coast and have chapters across the country, in Europe, as well as members in Canada and Mexico. Membership benefits include subscription to this, listings for parts and service suppliers, the Blitz index and tech tip index (1985-date), free classified ads (3 per year), club items, a member roster, owner support and activities, including meetings and our annual picnic and car show. Regional Chapters Officers European Chapter (Netherlands) President: TBA. Contact: Louis van Steen: (011 31) 297 340 VP/Secretary: Matt Newman 536,
[email protected] Activities: TBA Treasurer: Dick Counsil Florida Chapter (Coral Gables, FL) Blitz Editor: Mike Meier, interim Contact: John Malone: 305-443-8513 Web Master: Richard Kavadas To Join OMC: Michigan Chapter Write to Contact: John Brooks: 616-233-9050 ext 12 Contents
[email protected]. OMC TREASURER Official Club Business. 1 c/o Dick Counsil 2013 Calender. 3 3824 Franklin Street Mid Atlantic Opel Club (Richmond, VA) La Crescenta, CA 91214-1607 Contact: Charles Goin: 804-379-9737 Chapter Opels. 4 cgoin@ mindspring.com International Opels.