Tech and Eastern Shape Up as Formidable Contenders for Laurels

Display Class Beating 7ar Heels Rule N.-S. Net Peewee, Insect Leagues of 85 Bookies Court Play; Planned by Boys' Club Fining by Tigers and Riders Wadden Defeated Everett Eastern Branch Boys’ Club will Nets Florida by form and Insect baseball County $13,319 peewee I Mar- By the Associated Press. Other *lngle* events today Include leagues at a meeting tonight at 7:30 Bs the Associated Presa. “And this was while the Florida shall Chambers. U. N C., vs. Chuck Ham- In Tills FINEHURST, N. C., April 23.—The den, O. N. C.; Zan Carver. V N. C vs. Jack o'clock at the clubhouse, at Seven- MIAMI, Fla., April 23 —It was tracks were in operation?" Opening N and Markham. U. C.. Rinehart Freeman. North and South amateur tennis and U. N. C., vs. Ham Anthony, U. N. C. teenth street and Massachusetts bookmakers’ day In Dade County The standard fines were $100 tournament, paced by the play of Women’s singles—Barbara Nlelds, Rye. costs for gambling and $200 and Webb Turns in Excellent N. Y vs Ruth Atwood Greensboro. N. C : avenue S.E. Teams interested should Criminal Court yesterday, and the Harris Everett, University of North N. vs. Hazel Kelley. Southern Fines. C„ have representatives present. En- costs for operating gambling games. Carolina racket-swinger and sixth Mary Joyce, Brookline. Mass.; Margo Lee, county came out $13,319.02 richer. Mound Job; Ramblers Waahington. vs Mrs. James Kelly, Durham, tries close Saturday. There were so many defendants ranking Southern entered N c.. and Cape. New vs Before the command player, Vandy York, The is for performance session that some Boston. peewee division players at the morning Stick the quarter-finals stage today in the Otllle Gaetner. was over, 127 cases had been called On Rampage Men's *—Chambers and Carver ve. under 15 and the insect for those even found seats in the Jury box, men's and women's singles and Alex Papana Plnehurst. and Tommy and 85 fines had been levied by under 17. Play will begin May 3, ! which was not in use. men's doubles. Moorehead Washington: F C. Biggs and who GEORGE Hl'BER. vs. Judge Ben C. Willard, kept By Armand Bruneau, New York, Freeman Winning teams will receive trophies Willard said: Everett whipped Tom Wadden, a and Frank Robinson. TJ N. C.i Anthony the crowded courtroom laughing Glancing over, Judge Central's and Western's and Everett v*. Ken Evensen and Don and gold miniature . Pending schoolmate from 8—6, “If any one asks for a Jury trial Washington, Neill U N. C : Ed King and Jess Cole, with his comments. debut in the interhigh baseball swear in” 6—2, yesterday and paired today Pinehurst, vs Heller and William Hager- Most of those fined did not, sus- I'll Just you series, Tech and Eastern must be man. New York. TEXAS LEAGUE. “The defendant would a against Morton Heller of Duke, during get good as the Shreveport at Beaumont train). pend operations temporarily regarded biggest threats In [ of Frank Robinson of deal," a defendant replied. conqueror Track. Houston at, San Antonio (rami the Florida racing season, when Gov. this title race. These two j Dalian at year's U. N. C. Heller had little trouble in Oklahoma City
