Vol. 53 - No.14 April 23, 1999 BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY On April 7, Sheila Bubka BSA Cited, Fined for Violations — (standing), who led the But DOE Notes Progress Employee Fo- cus Group on Last Monday, Brookhaven Science down one of two safety switches con- Communica- Associates was cited by the U.S. De- trolling access to the facility. The tion, was one of partment of Energy (DOE) and fined switch, which had malfunctioned, was the four focus $27,500 for failing to comply with taped down to allow cancer patient group leaders nuclear safety requirements. The vio- treatment to continue at the facility. to present rec- Roger Stoutenburgh lations took place from March through The DOE release also noted that in ommendations June 1998 at three BNL facilities: the recognition of the significant progress to Laboratory High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR), the BNL has made since the incidents Director John Alternating Gradient Synchrotron occurred, the proposed fine would be Marburger and (AGS) and the Radiation Therapy Fa- reduced by 50 percent. The “broad the Integration cility, which is owned and operated by and effective” corrective actions cited Council. the University Hospital and Medical by DOE included comprehensive in- Center at Stony Brook. vestigations by the newly created Of- Focus Groups’ Findings Now on Web — As stated in the DOE press release, fice of Independent Oversight. although the three incidents cited had Laboratory Director John Mar- Your Comments Requested by May 15 the potential to result in unnecessary burger said the Laboratory will con- exposures to workers, no BNL em- tinue working to raise employee They’re on the Web — the recom- of the meeting by e-mailing a request ployees were exposed and none of the awareness of the importance of radio- mendations of the four employee focus to
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