Parshat Emor
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Volume 37 Issue 29 בס“ד פרשת אמור May 20, 2016 12 Iyar 5776 7:54pm PARASHA ANSWERS עַ ד מִמָּחֳרַ ת הַשַּׁ בָּ ת הַשְּׁ בִ יעִ ת תִּסְפְּ רוּ חֲמִשִּׁ ים יוֹם וְהִקְרַבְתֶּ ם PARASHA QUESTIONS TIER 1 מִ נְחָ ה חֲדָשָׁ ה לַה' TIER 1 honor ,תורה that 1. Call him first to the reading of the ימים טובים discusses the ,פרשת אמור ,פרשה Our ?כהן How do we show respect to the .1 .ברכת המזון On which day of which month do we celebrate are celebrated throughout the Jewish calendar year. him first with .2 .ניסן Fifteenth of .2 תורה the ,שבועות of יום טוב When discussing the ?פסח .Forty-nine days .4 .פסח you shall offer a new 3. The second night of ,"וְהִקְרַבְתֶּ ם מִ נְחָ ה חֲדָשָׁ ה לַה :says ?עומר When do we start counting the .3 The first day of .7 .שבת .6 .סיון This "new meal offering" is what 5. Sixth day of ".ה‘ meal offering to ?עומר For how long do we count the .4 .judges the world ה‘ .Two. 9 .8 .תשרי רש“י .Two Loaves ,"שׁתּי הלחם" is known as the ?שבועות On which day of which month is .5 .תשרי ,that 10. Tenth day of seventh month מצוה is referring to the תורה given? explains that the תורה On which day of the week was the .6 forgives our sins. 12. From the fifteenth ה‘ .must come from the new 11 שבועות the offering on ?ראש השנה On what day of what month is .7 הושענא רבה .13 .תשרי year's wheat crop. until the twenty-first of ?ראש השנה How many days do we observe .8 .שמיני עצרת .who offers a novel 14. Seven. 15 ,כּלי יקר Rabbi Frand quotes the ?ראש השנה do on ה‘ What does .9 interpretation for these words. He suggests that the TIER 2 ?יום כיפור On what day of what month is .10 ,new meal offering" alludes to the day of 1. Wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother“ ,מִ נְחָ ה חֲדָשָׁ ה ?יום כיפור do on ה‘ What does .11 .is referring to unmarried sister. 2. None תורה What the .תורה the giving of the ? סוכות On what days of what month is .12 a Jew whose relatives – מת מצוה a new meal offering is 3. In case of a שבועות of קָרְ בָּ ן by calling the ?סוכות What do we call the seventh day of .13 as new to us; as if it are unknown or is found lying in a place where תורה the obligation to view the ?סוכה How many days must a person sit in a .14 called? were given to us every day, and today is another day there are no Jews to bury him – only then may הושענא רבה What is the day after .15 .bury him כהן a קָרְ בָּ ן In other words, the .הַ ר סִ ינַי TIER 2 we received it from .Only a woman who was never married before .4 שבועות of יום טוב make that symbolizes the essence of the כהן For which seven relatives may a .1 b) may not eat ;עבודה represents the day 5. a) May not do the שבועות ".if any of them should die? is a "new meal offering טמא himself equates with the idea that “holy” foods. 6. Before sunset he goes to the תורה was given and תורה make himself כהן גדול To which relatives may a .2 .and then at sunset he may eat. 7. No מקוה ".is any of them should die? "every day it should be fresh in your eyes טמא .learning is not a subject that is without 8. At least eight days old תורה ?touch a dead person כהן When may any .3 .סנהדרין never changes, there is always 9. No. 10. Yes. 11. Only the הלכה marry? innovation. While כהן גדול What kind of woman may a .4 .ניסן On the sixteenth of .13 .סנהדרין what may he not do? something new to discover when plundering the 12. The ,טמא is כהן When a .5 In the evening, in order that the counting be .14 ,”חידוש“ There is always a .תורה depths of the ?תרומה eat טמא who is כהן When may a .6 .complete days – תמימות must be תורה The .פסוקים have a blemish? novelty, to be found in its קרבן May a .7 first fruits). 16. No. The person must) ביכורים .15 תורה a fresh meal offering. If the ,"מִ נְחָ ה חֲדָשָׁ ה" How old must an animal be to be brought as a a .8 .Clear olive oil .17 .תשובה wanted to pick one offering to symbolize the essence do ?קרבן it could chose nothing more appropriate that 18. He had to clean out the ashes and old wicks ,תורה May you slaughter a mother animal and then of .9 .always beforehand רביים her child on the same day? the new meal offering. The example our .שבת .boy puts on 19. Twelve. 20 בר מצוה May you slaughter a father animal and then his gave us was to watch how a .10 The excitement, the dedication to detail that 21. When they were removed they were as fresh .תְּ פִ ילִ ין ?child on the same day 11. Who has the right to announce a leap year? is shown when putting them on the first few times is and warm as when they were put there. 12. Who must sanctify the new month? how we are instructed to approach our daily service learning. Find the freshness תורה and especially ה‘ to עומר On which day of which month was the .13 .Jew תורה offered? and joy in being a is unique among שבועות points out that כּלי יקר From what time of the day should a person The .14 in that there is no specific calendar ימים טובים and why? all the ,עומר start counting the יום ,ניסן is the 15th of פסח .date associated with it מנחה What name is given to the special .15 יום טוב and so forth. Each ,תשרי is the 10th of כיפור ?שבועות brought on has no set day. It שבועות .automatically forgive all sins? has an exact date and time ה‘ Does .16 The .פסח is merely 50 days after the second day of ?מנורה What kind of oil was used for the .17 every evening, what lesson behind this is that every day can be a day of מנורה Before relighting the .18 There was only one day on which .תורה have to do? receiving the כהן did the is an "every תורה But receipt of .מצרים in the Jews left שולחן were placed on the חלות How many .19 is the שבועות day event." This is why the symbol of ?משכן the .ה‘ When were they removed and replaced? NEW meal offering to .20 21. What miracle happened every week with the Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Chaim Block Kol Hakavod to the banot of 3G4 who continue to ?חלות use their free time productively during the Media Awareness Program! Morah Deena Katz A gold bracelet has been found in the main area of the preschool this past Tuesday. If you are the owner, please contact Mrs. Mermelstein. MAZAL TOV! To Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Neiss on the RYNJ CALENDAR birth of a boy, baby brother to Joshua (K) and Coby (N) May 22 To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cohen on the Scholarship Reception Bar Mitzvah of their son, Chaim May 26 To Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Davidowitz Lag B’Omer on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Chaim To Dr. and Mrs. Steven Nadel on the תהלים June 1 Five more proud 6th graders earn their personalized each חזרת הש“ץ while waiting for ספר after completing the PTA Camp Sale morning. We’re up to 15 boys so far! Bar Mitzvah of their son, Shmuli To sponsor a day of learning at RYNJ, please contact Shira Lori K. Okoskin Greenberg at [email protected] or 201-385- 9620 PARNAS HA’YOM May 17 In memory of Matisyahu ben Aslan, great-grandfather of Yirmiyahu and Dafna. Dedicated by Steve & Julie Stern May 20 In memory of Chaim Yissachar ben Yechiel Zeidel Dov z”l. Dedicated by the Feigenbaum family 5TH Grade Satellite Project than we even imagined. It culminates in both this hands on learning experience and a research paper. In this unit there are both traditional We kicked off our Second Annual Satellite Project as part of our new labs and computer based lab experiences. Space Science Unit in 5th Grade. Rabbi Efrayim Clair and Rabbi Dov A vital component of the new science curriculum is the embedding of Hochbaum, our school’s educational technologists worked together with technological skills in this unit. Our educational technologists introduced Penina Richman, our school’s science coordinator, to craft a three part the new unit to our students and helped students learn how to utilize session where children learned all about satellites. In doing so, the chil- Google Spreadsheets to chart key information and patterns in space. Our dren also navigated the topic of how GPS systems work. One station science coordinator, Penina Richman, after used compasses to replicate GPS triangula- conducting extensive research and attend- tion. This session helped students under- ing Next Generation Science Conferences stand how a GPS system can locate where a with the Bergen County Supervisors and person is on a map in real time. Another Principal Association and visiting Fair Lawn station allowed children to build a working Public Schools, oversaw the crafting of the satellite dish to observe how signals from unit.