THE ORTHODOX COALITION ‒ MIZRACHI: VOTE A broad-based coalition of the major Religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox organizations that has represented Orthodox Jewry in the World Zionist Congress for over 100 years. Dedicated to the timeless values of the Torah and the centrality of the Land and the State of Israel in Jewish life, we serve as the only Orthodox coalition with operations and programs in Israel and throughout the world.

OUR MEMBERS Religious Zionists of America‒Mizrachi, AMIT, , , Touro College, Rabbinical Council of America, National Council of Young Israel, Torah MiTzion, , Poalei Agudas Yisroel and other affiliate institutions.

THE OIC VISION The OIC has and will continue to: • Operate as a full partner with and exert influence within the global Zionist movement, the State of Israel and its national institutions, with an ideology based on Torah values as the heart and soul of

• Support the network of Orthodox-affiliated institutions worldwide: synagogues, summer camps, schools, recruiting/ training programs for Israeli Shlichim to communities around the world

• Strengthen the "engine" of : its schools in Israel, yeshivot, midrashot, mechinot, seminaries, youth movements and academic institutions committed to Halacha and Torah learning for both men and women

• Support and promote the continued development of women's leadership and Torah scholarship as a key component in ensuring the expansion of our vibrant Torah-based and Israel-centered community

• Invest in creative and practical solutions to combat the threats of the BDS movement, engaging and empowering students to confront anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activity on campuses

• Work to increase support and funding of the Masa subsidy program that supports gap year programs in Israel and aims to increase the number of young participants in Israel-based programs for American religious Zionist youth

• Encourage as the fulfillment of the mitzvah of Eretz Yisrael, settling the , and contributing to shaping the future of the Jewish homeland

• Support the settlement and development of Eretz Israel including the communities in Judea, Samaria, and the Golan Heights

• Support the IDF and Sherut Leumi, as an essential means of ensuring national security and contributing to the overall development of Israeli society

• Work to ensure unconditional and bipartisan support of the State of Israel


Rabbi Dr. Ron Nagel Dovid Asher Miryam Kiderman Marc Rohatiner Evan Green Audrey Trachtman Rabbi Richard Hidary Aryana Bibi Ritholtz Rabbi Chaim Marcus Jamie Baum Aaron Toldeano Rabbi Marvin Hier Jared Isaac Rabbi Jeff Rothman Sharona Kay Dr. Jay Lerman Rabbi Bill Kanter Shira Donath Seymour Shapiro Jack Fenigstein Hattie Dubroff Jack Gottesman Elisheva Adouth Moishe Bane Bini Dachs Rabbi Aryeh Spiegler Rabbi Daniel Goldberg Dr. Yardaena Osband Mark Tannenbaum Dr. Ernest Agatstein Mark Cohen Rabbi Daniel Alter Rabbi Andrew Markowitz Seth Berkowitz Aliza Meller Sondra Sokal Shifra Dimbert Brigitte Dayan Rabbi Jonathan Muskat Elana Sichel Aytan Waxman Rabbi Yaakov Trump Stephen Flatow Dr. Mark Goldenberg Rabbi Daniel Price Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Joel Jacobson Rabbi Haskel Lookstein Ron Goldman Emily Zimmer Sarina Shields Yael Blau Michelle Trubnick Rabbi Dr. Leonard Matanky Rivkah Bloom Joshua Maroof Rabbi Chaim Hagler Rabbi Moshe Stavsky Ira Clair Rabbi Jeremy Tibbets Rabbi Jonathan Morgenstern Rabbi Dr. Benjamin J. Samuels Joan Betesh Lia Solomon Miriam Borenstein Bernard Fuchs Bracha Rutner Rabbi Binyamin Lehfield Alan Gershman Yehuda Silverman Allen Fagin Walter Feinblum Rabbi Ely Shestack Kayla Zlotnick Jacob Rosenfeld Sherwin Mishkin Dr. Francine Stein Steven Feder Rabbi Gershon Albert Dr. Rachel Rabinovitch Sheryle Spar Esther Simchi Harvey Blitz Pauline Mirakov Rabbi Dr. Weinberg Rabbi Shlomo Adelman Rabbi Gideon Shloush Jonathan Kirsch Rabbi Ari Lamm Rabbi Jeff Kronisch Shiri Sokal Leora Moskowitz Helene Lerner Martin Oliner CB Neugroschl Rabbi David Mahler Rabbi Michael Bleicher Rabbi Aron Srolovitz Yehuda Jian Dr. Alan Kadish Rabbi Ely Ciner Dina Muskin Goldberg Rabbi Donald Bixon Rabbi Ari Zahtz Jordan Zwebner Rabbi Reuven Ibragimov Rabbi Arye Sufrin Joseph Mark Rabbi Etan Tokayer Terry Novetzky Donna Lawrence Eliana Isaac Rabbi Shmuel Silber Stacy Goldman Yoni Nirenberg Yonina Weinberg Julia Book Rabbi Adam Starr Simcha Hochman Lynn Kraft Rabbi Gidon Rothstein Isay Ildatov Debbie Isaac Rabbi Elli Rubin Rabbi Tuvia Brander Rabbi Uzi Beer Dr. Yael Jaffe Sarah Ben-Nun Rabbi Dr. Tzvi H. Weinreb Channah Cohen Rabbi Avery Joel Eitan Sender Anne Golombeck David Shifteh Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff Rabbi Gil Student Steven Jacoby Stephanie Dweck Jason Bokor Myrna Buckman Dr. Smadar Rosensweig Sara Munk Rabbi Eli Brazil Jesse Salem Rabbi Alan Berkowitz Ariel Sacknovitz Rabbi Dr. JJ Schacter Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg Maya Klibanoff Rachel Levitt Klein Dratch Miriam Pincus Rabbi Yehuda Friedman Rabbi Hershel Billet Rabbi Noah Cheses Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur Rabbi Michael Stein Barbara Lehmann-Siegel Aviva Klein Penina Bernstein Dr. Rona Novick Rina Emerson Sarah Oppenheim Rabbi Levi Mostofsky Jonathan Rosenfeld Rabbi Yosef Adler David Miller Rabbi Dr. Michael Berger Aaron Inlender Chani Aryeh Leora Belitz Rabbi Kenneth Hain Rabbi Ari Rockoff Tamar Beer Alison Sokal Dr. Henry Abramson Jacob Shiner Chana Shields Molly Singer Ari Raskas Rabbi Avi Billet Elie Codron Adira Orbach Mosheh Aziz Maury Litwack Rivkie Lamm Rabbi Ephraim Polakoff Dr. Scott Goldberg Jeffrey Sulaymanov Rookie Billet Rabbi Eliezer Mischel Connie Kadish Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Jaffe Dr. Trudy Abramson Sophia Gordon Rabbi Elazar Muskin Sarah Robinson Moshe Rube Atara Turoff Jonathan Nooriel Daniel Greenblatt Rabbi Raymond Harari Ovadia Sutton Yoni Cohen Rabbi Moses Haber Dr. Judah Weinberger Jesselea Roberts Shifra Friedman Dr. Marian Stoltz-Loike Rabbi Moshe Hauer Sharon Merkin Yehudis Isenberg Moshe Wolff Farley Weiss Rabbi Mark Gottlieb Dr. Judith Rosen Rabbi Micha Greenland Yosef Kuperman Atara Herrmann Rabbi Yamin Levy Rabbi Naphtali Harcsztark Rabbi Daniel Sherman Jonathan Hoffman Martin Nachimson Abe Teicher Rabbi Sholom Baum Gabriella Asnes Lisa Baratz Rabbi Howard Jachter Ethlynne Brickman Shabsie Saphirstein Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler Dr. Oren Lakser Sarah Cheses Lawrence Rein Malka Goldberg Rabbi Menachem Penner Rabbi Ari Segal Dr. Steven Tabak Rabbi Zev Reichman Sharon Mendelsohn Yehonatan (Yoni) Broth Raizi Chechik Rabbi Shlomo Rybak Dena Block Sarah Fuchs Rabbi Yehuda Chanales Dr. Marguerite Werrin Rabbi Rabbi David Block Rabbi Benjamin Gonsher Rabbi Steven Miodownik Rabbi Dovid Kupchik Kayla Goldberger Sara Schatz Henry Orlinsky David Lasko Rabbi Elisha Prero Atara Segal Cory Glicksman Rabbi Mrs. Miriam L. Wallach Rabbi Mark Dratch Ina Tropper Hannah Siegel Hope Goldstein Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Dr. Larry Platt Rabbi Dov Winston Aryeh Klein Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg Benjamin Gottesman Jan Schechter Ali Zak Rabbi Dov Fischer Chagit Hadar Tova Kahan Rachel Landesman Rabbi Hart Levine Pace Cooper Rabbi Reuven Brand Rabbi Eli Slominicki Thane Rosenbaum Noah Roffe Rabbi Yosef Bitton Rabbi Joshua Kahn Chana Gelb Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer Jennie Rothner Janice Fox Rabbi Steven Weil Holly Cohen Erin Stiebel Mayan Beroukhim Barbara Rascoff Andy Goldsmith Nachum Segal Yitzchak Matanky David Cooper Rabbi Hillel Meyers Samuel Iofel Hodaya Propp Lizzy Salamon Rabbi Nasanayl Braun Rabbi Dr. Zev Meir Friedman Rabbi Gershon Segal Syma Levine Rabbi David Israel Larry Gordon Rabbi Larry Rothwachs Rabbi Yotav Eliach Vivian Falk Rabbi Aaron Leibtag Rivkie Samson Rivka Kahan Rabbi Joseph Beyda Rabbi Roy Feldman Michael Heino Rabbi Joel Gutstein Miriam Libo Dovid Goldshtyen Maya Greenbaum Harriet Seif Rabbi Zev Goldberg Tzivia Appleman Rabbi Menachem Linzer Jeremy Joszef Rabbi Jonathan Kroll Rabbi Yisroel Boruch Sufrin Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz Rabbi Marc Spivak Beth Gottesman Rabbi Moshe Kinderlehrer Michal Horowitz Rabbi Yosie Levine Rabbi Michael Davies Doba Isaacs Margaret E. Retter Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz Rabbi Avraham Shmidman Rachel Inlender Gindi Michal Laub Avi Katz Eytan Israel Rabbi Binny Blau Avi Matanky Rabbi Albert Setton Dr. Stu Halpern Ari Platt Golda Daphna Jenna Beltser Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl Rabbi Noam Stein Rabbi Samuel Klibanoff Ilka Gordon Shaun Regenbaum Rabbi Shalom Axelrod Alan Wildes Ruth Berkowitz Tami Drapkin Dan Maeir Allie Orgen Cheryl Nagel Rabbi Barry Gelman Robin Tassler Rachel Fried Rabbi Binyamin Krohn Avigayil Adouth Rabbi Kalman Topp Emma Katz Rabbi Zvi Engel Rabbi Doniel Cohen Nicole Rothenberg Louis Tuchman Rabbi Shaya Schachter Howard Levkowitz Rabbi Shaya Katz Rabbi Avi Harari Marc Sommer Michelle Fuksbrumer Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman Shoshana Schechter Dr. Howard Baruch Rebecca Salman Karen Kaplan Genene Kaye Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph Rabbi Ariel Rakovsky Rabbi Ezra Goldschmiedt Rabbi Howard Zack Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann David Schwartzman Rabbi Yaakov Glasser Maury Rosenfeld Rabbi Adir Posy Jordan Silvestri Rabbi Benjy Owen Tova Kaplan Rebbetzin Racheli Taubes Lisa Septimus Rabbi Chaim Poupko Rabbi Yechiel Morris Deborah Coopersmith Rabbi Maury Grebenau Rabbi Dr. Jerold Isenberg Dr. Josh Fogelman Shoshana Rockoff Chaya Sima Koenigsberg Rabbi Avrohom Drandoff Navah Klayn Rabbi Daniel Feldman Rabbi Aryeh Stechler Rabbi Yosef Sharbat Dr. Shimmy Tennenbaum Beth Alter Joel Jesin Dr. Jordana Topp Yocheved Hartman Shera Dubitsky Shlomo Weissberg Rabbi Aaron Ross Reva Oliner Rabbi Jacob Bernstein Rabbi Jeffrey Kobrin Rabbi Joshua Lookstein Cara Krashin Elior Holzer Rabbi Arthur Schneier Debbie Moed Isaac Blachor Rabbi Shaanan Gelman Rabbi Simon Taylor Yakirah Rosen Rabbi Shira Schiowitz Mashi Polstein Eliav Sharvit Joel Rich Rabbi David Fohrman Rabbi Jeremy Donath Rabbi Elie Weinstock Marilyn Moed Yehuda Kohn VIRILISTS Racheli Weiss Tova Warburg Sinetsky Rabbi Alan Kalinsky Devora Chait-Roth Mimi Seleski Norma Holzer Rabbi Moshe Krupka Rabbi Jonathan Knapp Rabbi Dr. Yosef Kalinsky Rabbi Ephraim Epstein Olivia Hershkowitz Evelyn Blachor