

Fabdriah. [email protected]. Student’s English depart at Putera Batam University Zakrimal. [email protected] Lecturer’s English depart at Putera Batan University

Abstarct This thesis is to find out the id and ego of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and qualitative methodology is applied in analysing the character of Heathcliff through Sigmund Freud approach. The writer collects the data through primary and secondary data and analyzing the data by using intrinsic and extrinsic approach, and in reporting, the writer applies a descriptive analysis. The result of this thesis found that Heathcliff is id personality which is rude, irrational, revenger, and disbelief in God. The last is this research is wished to be a useful, helpful and good reference to the literature students especially, and reading material to the readers generally to learn and obtain some good points behind the Wutherin Heights to leave us a better lives.

Keywords: Id, Ego, Super Ego, Personality

Introduction behavior, character which may be Literature is the art of written works observed through happiness, struggles, which is produced by researchers or sadness, failures or successfulness, and scholars in a given field as a vital record etcetera. Thus, it has a close relationship of where human feels, thinks, and with psychology. experiences of the activities and lives; in Psychology, a study which concerns religion, society, politic, culture, and about behavior of human is applied in education of ones, and the drama, , analyzing the personality of people. It poetry and prose are kinds of literature also could be applied in literary work which has a deep relationship with such as novel. It analyzed about the human’s life where it can be clearly seen personality of the characters involve in from all literatures which reflects the novel. In this research, the writer situation or condition of human’s life. analyzes the id, ego, superego Every literature has moral, psychology aspect of Heathcliff in psychological, or social backgrounds Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte which identifies the authors of literature, through Sigmund Freud’s theory. The and through them, gives the readers purpose of this research is to analyze some values to learn in life. Currently, Heathcliff character. When analyzing people who enjoy reading are Heathcliff, the very first time she meets increasing day by day. They choose him in the beginning of chapter one in various genres they like such as the novel is through Mr. Lockwood, romance, thriller, detective to enjoy the where the character is established in the pleasures from them. Analyzing a novel very first sentence of the novel. His is the task of literary as it is a reflection tenant has just returned from a visit, and of human life and relationship with their he describes him as a “solitary feeling and mind, appearance, attitude, neighbour that I shall be troubled with”


and hints about him being a novel, Wuthering Heights by Emily misanthropist. This is all fairly vague in Bronte as the primary datum in her comparison to the much stronger research. The secondary data in statement: “A capital fellow!” and the supporting the research, the writer also fact that the tenant’s heart warmed collects the data through library research towards him, leaving us with the and browsing internet by reading the impression of a strong, but just man books and article which has relationship although we sense that there are some to her topic research. In analyzing the hidden menace lurking in the data, the writer has several procedures background. such as intrinsic and extrinsic approach. 1.1. Statement of the Problems The Intrinsic approach in this research is The writer finds out several the elements of fiction such as character, problems while reading the story and setting, style and tone, point of view, they are interesting to be revealed such theme, plot. The extrinsic approach in as: 1). What personality is shown by this research is Sigmund Freud’s theory. Heathcliff, 2). What way does the It is Id, Ego, and superego personality. setting reflect the action and the In reporting, the writer uses descriptive personality of the character. 3). Why analysis to reveal Heathcliff character Heathcliff abandons Heights, 3). What is because the data are in the form of the Id in Heathcliff character, 4). What words, statement or paragraph. is the Ego in Heathcliff character and 5). What is the Superego in Heathcliff I. Review of Previous Research character. There are many interesting In completing this research, the points to be discussed in the novel writer finds out a previous research Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte as written by Shumei Gao entitled “Id Ego stated above, but the writer intends to Seperego Ana Analysis of Emily limit her research in revealing about: Bronte’s Wuthering Heights of The What is the Id in Heathcliff character? Angle Psychology” where the writer is and What is the Ego in Heathcliff helped to understand the Heathcliff character? character through her research. She 1.2. Significance of The Research focused on the analysis Heathcliff, The writer analyses and finds out Chaterine, and as the the aim of her research through Id, Ego, symbol of Id, Ego, Superego. Superego Psychology by Sigmund In Gao’s research, the writer Freud, and this research is hoped to be a finds that Heathcliff is symbolized useful and helpful reference for those or as the id, students especially “Heathclif does what he wants from who are analyzing Heathcliff from luring to marry him to Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. taking Wuthering Heights and Thrush 1.3. Methodology of the Research cross Grange as his own and succeeding The writer collects data in analyzing in his revenge eventually. When he this research is by quoting Heathcliff’s takes revenges, he ignores every moral utterances from the novel Wuthering factors and law and ethics where it is a Heights by Emily Bronte. Primary data realm of unconscious part of self is the main data that is used when perpetuated by libido.” conducting research. The writer reads a


She also adds that id is the rotten more than forty years Freud researched fruit of repression or suppression, from the consciousness and unconsciousness which Heathcliff suffers, and at the end using free association method, and she concludes that Heathcliff has unreal developed what is generally viewed as image which illustrates the bowling of personality comprehensively human nature. Controlled by human (Supratiknya 1993:60). unconsciousness that is hardly perceived b. The Structure of Personality psychological phenomenon but has great Humans are organisms directed role to influence Heathcliff mind and towards the goals of survival and behavior. reproduction. In fulfilling these goals, This previous research is really they are guided by their needs revealed helpful for the writer as one of in the experiences of ‘hunger, thirst, the supporting reference in completing her avoidance of pain and sex.’ According research. Theoretical background to Freud there are three structures in discusses any theory which has personality; id, ego, and superego. Each relationship to the writer’s topic of them has function, trait, component, research. The writer applies id, ego, system, dynamism, and its own superego psychology aspect in revealing mechanism, but they interact tightly Heathcliff’s character. each other, so it is impossible to mark a. Definition of Personality their effect off and give value the To understand such kind of human relative contribution to the behave of motives in the way the act, think, and so humans. Behavior is almost a product of is clearly be seen through his interaction between the three systems personality. So what is personality then? (Supratiknya 1993:64). How do we respond when people say, 1. Id “Improve your personality!”. A term The definition of id as the writer ‘personality’ indicates a more general got from http://encyclopedia2. kind of skill in representing ourselves to thefreedictionary.com/id (21 October others. Personality is person’s character 2011) is the source of instinctual (Oxford2000:307). In the way we think, impulses such as sex and aggression as act, and do in our daily activity or well as primitive needs that exist at responds a think, it could be done birth. It is entirely non-rational and consciously or unconsciously. Character functions according to the pleasure-pain is a set of behavior traits that define principle, seeking immediate fulfillment what sort of person an individual is. It of its impulses whenever possible. Its determines whether a person will working processes are completely effectively achieve goals, be forthright unconscious in the adult, but it supplies in dealing with others and will obey the the energy for conscious mental life, and laws and rules of the group. Although it plays an especially important role in character is related to personality, it is modes of expression that have a non- not the same thing. Personality is rational element, such as the making of primarily inborn traits, while character art. The simple about id as the writer got consists of learned behavior. Character from http:// relates to attitudes and values where it khielybernadetta.blogspot. can vary or change with situations and com/2011/12/your-id-ego- experience. (Ron, 2010). To answer it, superego.html (3 December 2011) are


related to man’s animalistic instinctive got from http:// khielybernadetta. and attitude, does not understand of blogspot.com/2011/12/your-id-ego- rationality or human rights, and seeks superego.html (3 December 2011) are pleasure in pain and roughness of life. manifests the qualities of sophistication, 2. Ego balance and proper behavior, never be The definition of ego as the wrong completely, and full of love and writer got from http:// encyclopedia2. compassion and morality as well. thefreedictionary.com/ego (21 October 2011) is the “self” or “I.” It is the part Data Analysis that remembers, evaluates, plans, and in This chapter deals with elements of other ways is responsive to and acts in fiction, such as character, plot, setting, the surrounding physical and social point of view, style and tone, and world. It coexists with the id. The ego is themes. Here are the elements of fiction not coextensive with either the found in Wuthering Heights. Here are personality or the body; rather, it serves the characters lists in Wuthering Heights to integrate these and other aspects of by Emily Bronte as the writer got from the person, such as memory, http: //www.gradesaver. com/wuthering- imagination, and behavior. It mediates heights/study-guide/character-list / (21 between the id and the superego by October 2011): building up various defense 1. Heathcliff mechanisms. The simple about ego as Heatcliff is a foundling taken in by the writer got from http:/ Mr. Earnshaw and raised with his /khielybernadetta. children. Of unknown descent, he seems blogspot.com/2011/12/your-id-ego- to represent wild and natural forces superego.html (3 December 2011) are which often seem amoral and dangerous related to society, self-reliant and has an for society. His almost inhuman internal sense of right and wrong, and devotion to Catherine is the moving full of emotions and excitement. force in his life, seconded by his 3. Superego vindictive hatred for all those who stand The definition of superego as between him and his beloved. He is the writer got from http://encyclopedia2. cruel but magnificent in his consistency, thefreedictionary.com/superego (21 and the reader can never forget that at October 2011) is the ethical component the heart of the grown man lies the of the personality, providing the moral abandoned, hungry child of the streets of standards by which the ego operates. . Catherine (or Cathy). The superego is formed during the first 2. Earnshaw five years of life in response to parental Catherine or Chaterine is Mr. punishment and approval; children Earnshaw's daughter and Hindley's internalize their parents' moral standards sister. She is also Heathcliff's foster as well as those of the surrounding sister and beloved. She marries Edgar society, and the developing superego Linton and has a daughter, also named serves to control aggressive or other Catherine. Catherine is beautiful and socially unacceptable impulses. charming, but she is never as civilized as Violation of the superego's standards she pretends to be. In her heart she is gives rise to feelings of guilt or anxiety. always a wild girl playing on the moors The simple about superego as the writer with Heathcliff. She regards it as her


right to be loved by all, and has an and displays an irrational fear of death, unruly temper. Heathcliff usually calls which is explained when she dies of her Cathy; Edgar usually calls her tuberculosis. Catherine. 8. 3. Catherine (or Cathy) Linton Hareton is the son of Hindley and Catherine or Cathy (who marries Frances; he marries the younger Linton Heathcliff to become Catherine Catherine. For most of the novel, he is Heathcliff, and then marries Hareton to rough and rustic and uncultured, having be ) is the daughter been carefully kept from all civilizing of the older Catherine and Edgar Linton. influences by Heathcliff. He grows up to She has all her mother's charm without be superficially like Heathcliff, but is her wildness, although she is by no really much more sweet-tempered and means submissive and spiritless. Edgar forgiving. He never blames Heathcliff calls her Cathy. for having disinherited him, for 4. Mr. Earnshaw example, and remains his oppressor's Mr. Earnshaw is the father of staunchest ally. Catherine and Hindley, a plain, fairly 9. well-off farmer with few pretensions but Hindley is the only son of Mr. and a kind heart. He is a stern sort of father. Mrs. Earnshaw, and Catherine's older He takes in Heathcliff despite his brother. He is a bullying, discontented family's protests. boy who grows up to be a violent 5. Edgar Linton alcoholic when his beloved wife, Edgar is Isabella's older brother, Frances, dies. He hates Heathcliff who marries Catherine Earnshaw and because he felt supplanted in his father's fathers . In contrast to affections by the other boy, and Heathcliff, he is a gently bred, refined Heathcliff hates him even more in man, a patient husband and a loving return. father. His faults are certain effeminacy, 10. Isabella Linton and a tendency to be cold and Isabella is Edgar's younger sister, unforgiving when his dignity is hurt. and marries Heathcliff to become 6. Ellen (or Nelly) Dean Isabella Heathcliff; her son is named Ellen or Dean is one of the main Linton Heathcliff. Before she marries narrators. She has been a servant with Heathcliff, she is a rather shallow- the Earnshaws and the Lintons for all minded young lady, pretty and quick- her life, and knows them better than witted but a little foolish (as can be seen anyone else. She is independently by her choice of husbands). Her minded and high spirited, and retains an unhappy marriage brings out an element objective viewpoint on those she serves. of cruelty in her character: when her She is called Nelly by those who are on husband treats her brutally, she rapidly the most egalitarian terms with her: Mr. grows to hate him with all her heart. Earnshaw, the older Catherine, 11. Joseph Heathcliff. Joseph is an old fanatic, a household 7. Frances Earnshaw servant at Wuthering Heights who Frances is Hindley's wife, a young outlives all his masters. His brand of woman of unknown background. She religion is unforgiving for others and seems rather flighty and giddy to Ellen, self-serving for himself. His heavy


Yorkshire accent gives flavor to the on a manor, Thushcross Grange, from a novel. dark and mysterious landlord, a man 12. Dr. Kenneth about 40 named Heathcliff. He lives Kenneth is a minor character, the down the road four miles in a 300-year- local doctor who appears when people old estate called Wuthering Heights. are sick or dying. He is a sympathetic Intrigued by Heathcliff, Lockwood asks and intelligent man, whose main the housekeeper, 43-year-old Ellen concern is the health of his patients. Dean—whom everyone in the region 13. Mr. and Mrs. Linton calls Nelly—to tell him Heathcliff’s Mr. and Mrs. Linton are Edgar and story. She obliges, and he in turn writes Isabella's parents, minor characters. down everything she says. Here is the They spoil their children and turn the story that Nelly tells and Lockwood older Catherine into a little lady, being repeats in his diary. Forty-one years above all concerned about good manners before, in 1760, a gentleman in the and behavior. They are unsympathetic to district, Mr. Earnshaw, who owns Heathcliff when he is a child. Wuthering Heights and farms its land— 14. Linton Heathcliff travels to Liverpool on business and Linton is the son of Heathcliff and encounters a street waif, a dark-skinned Isabella. He combines the worst boy abandoned by his parents. He characteristics of both parents, and is speaks a strange language. Stories are effeminate, weakly, and cruel. He uses told later about how people of the area his status as an invalid to manipulate the see Heathcliff alone, or Heathcliff and tender-hearted younger Catherine. His Catherine together, walking on the father despises him. Linton marries moors. When Lockwood asks Nelly Catherine and dies soon after. about young Catherine and Hareton, she 15. Lockwood reports that they now control Lockwood is the narrator of the Heathcliff’s properties and will marry novel. He is a gentleman from London, on Jan. 1, then live at Thrushcross in distinct contrast to the other rural Grange. At last, Wuthering Heights and characters. He is not particularly Thrushcross Grange are united and at sympathetic and tends to patronize his peace—presumably. subjects. 16. Zillah Setting Zillah is the housekeeper at According to Michael J. Cummings, Wuthering Heights after Hindley's death as the writer got from and before Heathcliff's. She doesn't http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/B particularly understand the people she ronte.html#Setting (13 October 2011) lives with, and stands in marked contrast the story begins in 1801, then flashes to Ellen, who is deeply invested in them. back to the 1770's and eventually returns She is an impatient but capable woman. to the early 1800's. The locale is the moors in northern England. A Plot moor is tract of mostly treeless The plot in Wuthering Heights as wasteland where heather thrives and Cummings (2003) states that in 1801 in water saturates the earth. The action the Yorkshire moors of Northern takes place at two estates, Wuthering England, a Mr. Lockwood rents a house Heights and Thrushcross Grange, about


four miles apart. When the story begins, The point is, Nelly adds her own Mr. Lockwood—a visitor to the creative interpretations to a scene she is moors—establishes the remoteness and too much a part of to describe isolation of the setting: "This is certainly objectively. The story that Nelly narrates a beautiful country! In all England, I do takes place, for the most part, in the not believe that I could have fixed on a past, and the characters cannot refute her situation so completely removed from version of the facts. Her tendency to the stir of society. A perfect romanticize makes her a compelling but misanthropist's heaven: and Mr. unreliable narrator. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us." Style and Tone Wuthering Heights is unique for Point of View many reasons. It is told by several The point of view in Wuthering different narrators, including Heights as the writer got from and Lockwood. It is also told as a http://www.shmoop.com/ wuthering- flashback, not entirely in chronological heights/narrator-point-of-view.html (13 order. It is also an interesting study in October 2011), the story has two main the Yorkshire dialect, even though the narrators: Lockwood and Ellen "Nelly" dialogue can sometimes be a little stiff Dean. The primary narrator is and artificial. The language used by Lockwood, who begins and ends the Nelly seems particularly improbable, narrative and is recording the story that coming as it does from a housekeeper, he hears from Nelly. Nelly is no matter how well read she may be. Lockwood's inside source of Her prose is also unusually information, though, as he can only rhythmic, often violent and abrupt. The directly report what he witnesses in the verbs themselves are almost hysterical, present time – beginning in 1801, the until the final paragraph, in which the year before Heathcliff dies. So, Nelly is moths "flutter" and the soft winds telling Lockwood her version of the "breathe." Her two sources of imagery events, which then get filtered and are nature (animals, plants, fire, the land, recorded through his perspective. In the weather) and the supernatural cases where Nelly was not a witness to (angel/devil, heaven/hell).These are the events, she fills in the story with evident in the words she uses and the either someone else's eyewitness report mental pictures she evokes to her, or she quotes a letter. (www.scritube.com). It's important to remember that both Nelly and Lockwood have their own Theme interests, biases, likes and dislikes, so According to Cummings, there are what we read is a highly biased account found eights themes in Wuthering of the story of the Linton, Earnshaw, Heights such as love gone wrong, and Heathcliff families. With the cruelty begets cruelty, revenge, lure of exception of a few stretches in the novel, success and social standing, class we are always receiving information distinctions, fate, prejudice, the moors as through the double lens of these two reflection of life and life beyond. Love characters, neither of whom is objective gone wrong can clearly be seen when or detached. relationships in Wuthering Heights are


like the moors: dark, stormy, twisted. (open, grassy areas unsuitable for Cathy loves Heathcliff but marries farming). Critical reaction was negative, Edgar Linton. Heathcliff loves Cathy but at least partly due to the many errors in marries Isabella Linton. Mr. Earnshaw the first printing. Later Wuthering loves his adopted son, Heathcliff, better Heights came to be considered one of than his biological son, Hindley, causing the great novels of all time. Emily Hindley to despise Heathcliff. Linton Brontë died of tuberculosis at and young Cathy are forced to marry. As on December 19, 1848. Refusing all in the upper crust, the Lintons, look medical attention, she struggled to down upon the lower crust, Heathcliff perform her household tasks until the and his kind shows the prejudice theme. end. In the moors as reflection of life and life 3. Heathcliff Character beyond theme, can be seen when the Heathcliff, the major character in dark, stormy moors—where only low- Wuthering Heights has a romantic growing plants such as heather thrive— appearance, a very nice looking; dark symbolize the passionate and sometimes skinned gypsy, erect and handsome perverted emotional lives of the (p.21:13-17), Heathcliff shows himself residents of Wuthering Heights and as a rude one when he does not let Mr. Thrushcross Grange. In the gloomy Lockwood come in at the beginning wasteland, the Yorkshire folk, including after the attack of the dogs, doesn't Heathcliff himself, sometimes report excuse himself, on the contrary puts the seeing ghosts of people buried in the blame on Lockwood (p.22:8). One moors opinion by Isabella about Heathcliff, “He’s not a human being.” (p.152, l.31) Summary to describe about his cruel character, The early death of their mother and while Nelly says that he is selfish, and two older sisters drew the remaining lives as unchristian life (p.276,l.16) children close together. Living in an 3.1. The Id in Heathcliff Character isolated village, separated socially and The id as entirely non-rational and intellectually from the local people, the functions according to the pleasure-pain Brontë sisters (Charlotte, Emily, and principle, seeking immediate fulfillment Anne) and their brother Patrick of its impulses whenever possible where Branwell spent the majority of their time the working processes are completely in made-up worlds. They described unconscious, it supplies the energy for these imaginary worlds in poems and conscious mental life, and plays an tales and in "magazines" written in especially important role in expression miniature script on tiny pieces of paper. modes that have a non-rational’s As the children grew older, their element. On the simple ways id relates personalities changed. Emily and Anne to man’s animalistic instinctive and created the realm of Gondal. Located attitude which does not understand of somewhere in the north, it was, like rationality or human rights, and West Riding, a land of wild moors roughness of life.


The analysis data from this novel that id is shown by 80% strongest from his characteristics and 20% strong to Id. Id Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid Strong 5 20.0 20.0 20.0 Strongest 20 80.0 80.0 100.0 Total 25 100.0 100.0

daughter in-law, he gives he a hatred of Rudeness look (p.27,line.28). Heathcliff laughs at At the beginning of the story, Mr. Lockwood after he steal Joseph’s Heathcliff behaves extremely rude. He lantern, he tries to open the gate as the does not let Mr. Lockwood to come in two hairy monster flow at his throat (p.19,line.23-24), kicks his dog hardly (p.30,line.30,33-34). (p.22,line.37), after the attack of the Heathcliff attacks Hindley and dog, doesn't excuse himself, on the takes his weapon (p.156,1ine.20) and contrary puts the blame on Lockwood. Heathcliff sticks the knife on Hindley’s Heathcliff’s face shows grin body (p.156,1ine.23-24). Nelly then (p.23,line.6) then. He shows his behave becomes his target. He shakes her body to Mr.Lockwood by saying (p.23,line.9- until her teeth rattled (p.157,l.17). One 10, “I and my dogs, I am willing to own, time, Cathy Linton and Nelly visit hardly know how to receive them.” It is Linton Heathcliff and time comes by for clearly that Heathcliff expression has a her to go out. Heathcliff does not allow non-rational element to please his them. She tries to get the key from him, tenant. Nelly says that Heathcliff has but she fail, but “ he seized her with the rude personality (p.43,line.40,42), “a liberated hand, and, pulling her on his rough fellow.” and “rough as a sew- knee, administered with the other a edge.” While another as he utters shower of terrific slaps on the side of the savagely and bad nature head, each sufficient to have fulfilled his (p.26,line.28,30). The eyes of him as he threat, had she been able to fall.” makes clarity that Mrs. Heathcliff is his (p.227,1ine.38-41) The analysis data from this novel that Id is shown by 64% strongest from his characteristics and 36% strong to Rudeness.

Rudeness Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid Strong 16 64.0 64.0 64.0 Strongest 9 36.0 36.0 100.0 Total 25 100.0 100.0


be terrified (p.38,line.4-12). Besides he Irrational starts making blunders again, talking The writer sees the reaction of about the names printed on the window Heathcliff in many points such as; he ledge. Heathcliff's reaction is logical enters the room, he has a strange attitude (after a shock) it is a terrible anger (p38. both sure of himself and hesitant. He Line,25-28). It is not totally irrational. pushes the door open "with vigorous He says what people say when they have hand.....He appears to hesitate, mutters been insulted. Mr. Lockwood does not to himself, at last he says in a half insult him but he insults Catherine's whisper, plainly not expecting an answer ghost, but as Lockwood prattles on, he : "Is anyone here?" : a banal question abandons the fight, he realizes he can't (p.37,line.9-14). Then he has a shock do anything with such an insensitive when the panels of the bed open. person. Then, sitting in the shadow of Compare to an electric shock. What the great bed, he cries, vanquished by does he believe? Mr. Lockwood reveals emotion. It makes him kinder, he offers his presence "not to expose his his room to Mr. Lockwood (p.39,line.3), cowardice further". What has Mr. then he really expresses his feelings Lockwood for once understood? (That when he thinks Lockwood doesn't watch Heathcliff is afraid because he believes him anymore. He opens the window and in ghosts). Why does he call it he speaks to the ghost (p.line.22-24), cowardice? (He is a rational mind, “come in! come in!, Cathy, do come. doesn't believe in such things). Oh!do-once more! My heart’s darling! However, Mr.Lockwood talks about the Hear me this time, Catherine at last!” ghost (p.37,line.39-40). He chats about which means that he has already seen it lightly as if it really existed, but his this ghost several times, so it cannot be absence of fear, the fact that he speaks just a dream. He declares his love to humorously of it suggests that he doesn't Cathy. believe in ghosts. If he does, he would The analysis data from this novel that Id is shown by 65% strongest from his characteristics and 32% strong to Irrational. Irrational Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid Strong 8 32.0 32.0 32.0 Strongest 17 68.0 68.0 100.0 Total 25 100.0 100.0

She begins telling about Heathcliff for Revenge his first time coming at Heights as a Nelly, a servant with the sullen, patient, hardened to ill-treatment Earnshaws and the Lintons for all her (p.46,line20-21) from Hindley and life describes Heathcliff as a stingy one herself. Heathcliff bred bad feeling in even he has much money (p.43,line3-6). the house, especially to Hindley


(p.46,line30). Hindley treats Heathcliff still a fierce, pitiless, a wolfish man rudely, he hits him often. Hindley at (p.98,line.6-7) which relates to man’s once refuses to change his horse with animalistic instinctive. him, he insults Heatcliff and throws him Plan to take revenge begins. an iron weight on his breast then he Heathcliff has to make those who have falls. After Hindley got married, he made him suffer in their turn. The list is comes with his wife and attend his composed of Hindley, Edgar, and to a father’s funeral (p.51,line.9), his wife certain extent Catherine herself. It is dislikes Heathcliff and tells her husband, proved when Heathcliff makes Hindley then drives him as a servant. conversation with Catherine at a time These actions toward Heatcliff drives (p.105, line. 42-46), the scary of a deep him into a revenge beside Cathy’s to take on revenge as in (p.106,line6-7), marriage with Edgar Linton. He rejects “if I imagined you really wished me to Cathy’s hospitality (p.58,line24). The marry Isabella, I’d cut my throat!” He others emphasis that Heathcliff has goes then with a insult to Edgar, a revenge on Hindley as he says husband to Cathy (p.107,Line 27-30), (p.64,line.1-3), “I’m trying to settle how “Cathy, this lamb of yours threatens like I shall pay Hindley back. I don’t care a bull! It is in danger of splitting its skull how long I wait, if only do it at last. I againts my knuckles. By God! Mr. hope he will not die before I do.” Nelly, Linton, I’m mortally sorry that you are on the other hand suggests him to not worth knocking down!” Heathcliff’s forgive, but he does not want. “I only hatred to Edgar increase much wish I knew the best way! Let me alone, especially when Cathy asks him to go and I’ll plan it out: while I’m thinking of away. “I’ll crush his ribs in like a rotten that I don’t feel pain” (p.64, line.7-8). hazel-nut before I cross the threshold! If The attitude shown does not understand I don’t floor him now, I shall murder of rationality or human rights. Heathcliff him some time; so, as you value his pleasure-pain principle works when existence, let me get at him!” Hindley bad ways after his wife death is (p.108,line.38) As Heathcliff talked to something delighted to him. Heathcliff Nelly, he utters how he hates Edgar is happy witnesses Hindley’s behavior shown in p.134, 5-6, “I think I shall be (p.67,line.41). justified in going to extreme” and as in After three years since p.134,1ine.10, “though I hated him with Heathcliff leaves Heights, he comes a hatred that turn my life to gall”. The with much money, and do a visit revenge done by Heathcliff leaves Catherine at Grange (p.93, line.4) and he violence. After he becomes a husband to has made transformation over his physic Isabella to one goal, he keeps on (p.92,line.17-18). Hindley then invites tormenting her, “the nuisance of her him, and asks him to come later at night. presence outweighs the gratification to Heatcliff agrees to his offer. Heathcliff be derived from tormenting her.” (p.136, coming is a nightmare to Nelly and 1ine. 26-27), and it does not stopped Linton (p.102,line.5-6). He begins to there. He then pushed her (p.137, take revenge as the time comes. In his 1ine.13) and states, “I have no pity! I coming, Catherine believes that he is have no pity!” (p.137,1ine.15). The analysis data from this novel that Id is shown by 52% strongest from his characteristics and 48% strong to Revenge.


Revenge Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid Poor 12 48.0 48.0 48.0 Strong 13 52.0 52.0 100.0 Total 25 100.0 100.0

bright and cheerful.” Nelly then offer Disbelief in God him to have meals, but he refuses, Nelly The disbelief of Heathcliff on does not understand what he has done God, supplies his energy for conscious (p.27,1ine, l.23). Heathcliff becomes an mental life. He feels sad by Catherine’s odd one to people around him, death. He expresses his sadness in such especially when he responds Nelly by words (p.148,1ine l.30,32-41), also in answering (p.272, 1ine.22-23, “Last p.241,1ine.33-36, “You know I was wild night I was on the threshold of hell. after she died; and eternally, from dawn Today, I am within sight of my heaven.” to dawn, praying her to return to me her Heathcliff then keeps on fasting spirit! I have a strong in ghosts: I have a (p.276,line.33) and has a little talk with conviction that they can, and do, exist Nelly, and asks her to accompany him, among us!” This signal cause to him but she refuses his (p.276,line.44). He who does not believe in God. He avoids goes to his room, groaning and to eat together and eat only once a day murmuring to himself (p.277,l.1ine.1- (p.270,1ine.1-2,4-5). He goes out at 13), then he dies in rainy night night and comes back in the next day I (p.277,line.34). happily chapter 4,1ine l.27, “almost The analysis data from this novel that Id is shown by 88% strongest from his characteristics and 12% strong to Disbelief in God. Disbelief_In God Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid Strong 3 12.0 12.0 12.0 Strongest 22 88.0 88.0 100.0 Total 25 100.0 100.0

Ego coexists with id, and mediates The Ego in Heathcliff Character between the id and the superego by The ego as the reaction toward many building up various defense things which is remembered, evaluated, mechanisms. planned before draw an action by person For Heatchcliff firstly reaches at which related to society, self-reliant and Heights, all the family except Mr. has an internal sense of right and wrong, Earnshaw dislike him and bred hatred in and full of emotions and excitement. the house (p.46,line.30). It is Catherine


who spits (p.46,line.1) at Heathcliff’s and Hindley does not fulfill his, but he face for the cause of her losing whip promise to tell the master about (p.45,line.42). The figure of this young Hindley’s bad treat upon him, suddenly boy describes as patient, hardened to he attacks Heathcliff (p.47,line.28), but any kinds of bad treatments from he reacts coolly (p.47,line.42) without Hindley and rare crying (p.20,line.23), further attacks to him. Upon all, the ego he is also a uncomplaining one works by Heathcliff who remembers (p.47,line.1) and very rare (p.48,line.5). that he is raised by their (Hindley and Other time as Heathcliff asks Hindley Catherine) father and her (Nelly) master. for changing their horses (p.47,line.17), This drives him to appreciate him. The analysis data from this novel that Id is shown by 16% strongest from his characteristics and 44% strong then 40% for poor to Ego. Ego

Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid Poor 10 40.0 40.0 40.0 Strong 11 44.0 44.0 84.0 Strongest 4 16.0 16.0 100.0 Total 25 100.0 100.0

bring something positively good to Conclusion himself and absolutely to the people The Wuthering Heights by Emily around him. Bronte as one of literary works which At the end the writer concludes that exploring how the main Character, even Heathcliff gets much bad Heathcliff has bad traits. His id based on treatments and does not get Catherine’s Freud is revealed. He is raised by a good love, it does not mean he has to hate man, Mr. Earnshaw and caused hatred in them, and takes on revenge, and he the family, Mrs. Earnshaw, Hindley, should gives thank and ask God for Chaterine, and Nelly. He gets much ill forgiveness to get a better life without treatments from Hindley. At the first he hatred. stays good then he gets nice attention from Catherine. He becomes different after knowing that she likes and gets BIBLIOGRAPHY married with Edgar Linton. He keeps hatred since then, to Hindley, Catherine, Bronte, Emily.1994. Wuthering Heights. and the husband of her, Mr. Edgar England; . Linton. Through the theory of Freud, He is full of rudeness, irrational, revenger, Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary. and disbelief in God. These traits makes 2000. Oxford; Oxford University the writer does not feel sympathy to Press. Heathcliff because he is cruel man, and finds out that taking on revenge will not


Supratiknya.1993. Teori-teori Wuthering Heights Narrator. Psikodinamik (Klinis). Yogyakarta; http://www.shmoop.com/wuthering- Kanisius. heights/narrator-point-of-view.html. The Free Dictionary by Farlex. Online. 13 October 2011; 4:17 p.m. Id.http://encyclopedia2.thefreediction Encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.comtitl ary.com/id. Online. 21 October 2011; e: id. Online. 13 October 2011; 6:35 11:45 a.m. p.m. www.scritube.com, About Wuthering The Free Dictionary by Farlex. ego. Heights Online. 13 October 2011; 7:1 http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionar p.m. y.com/ego.Online. 21 October 2011; Bernadetta. 02 December 2011. Khiely 11:49 a.m Loves To Smile:Your Id, Ego, Superego. The Free Dictionary by Farlex. ego. http://khielybernadetta.blogspot.com/ http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionar 2011/12/your-id-ego- y.com/superego.Online. 21 October superego.html. Online. 3 2011; 11:54 a.m December 2011; 11:46 p.m Wuthering Heights Characters. Kurtus, Ron. 12 January 2010.Definition http://www.gradesaver.com/wutherin of Character. g-heights/study-guide/character-list/. http://school-for- Online. 13 October 2011; 2:45 p.m. champions.com/character/definition. htm.Online. 15 October 2011; 6:18 Michael J. Cummings 2003. Plot p.m. Summary. http://www.cummingsstudyguides.ne Wuthering Heights Summary. t/Bronte.html#wuthering.13 October http://www.shmoop.com/wuthering- 2011; 3:18 p.m. heights/summary.html. Online. 18 December 2011; 9:28 a.m. Michael J. Cummings 2003. Setting. http://www.cummingsstudyguides.ne Emily Bronte Biography. t/Bronte.html#Setting. Online. 13 October 2011; 3:25 p.m. http://www.notablebiographies.com/Br- Ca/Bront-Emily.html. Online. 18 December 2011; 9:52 a.m.