
Ttuushcross Grange ~\ , Mr, Earnshaw Mrs. Earnshaw Mr..Linton Mrs. Linton +Okt, 1777 +Frühlahr 1773 tHerbst 1780 tHerbst 1780

BY 001783

LLIS BELI~, Frances Hindley Catherine Edgar Isabella

t1778 *Sommer 1757 *Sommer 17165 *1762 *1765 *1764 tSept 1784 t20. Màrz 1784 tSept 1801 tJuli 1797 tApril1802

ao1803 THREE VO[ ..UMRS. Hareton *Juni 1778 *Mârz 1784 *Sept. 1784 tSept. 1801 VOL. 1.



1847. • ilms [ modifier 1modifier le code

• 1920 : Les Hauts de (Wuthering Heig'hts) de Albert Victor Bramble (film muet) • 1939 : Les' Hauts de Hurle vent (Wuthering Heights) de Adapté par les scénaristes vedettes Ben Hecht et Charles MacArthur; le film, qui offre aux yeux de certains une vision trop édulcorée du roman, est Interprété par (Heathcliff), Merle Oberon (Cathie), David Niven () et Geraldine Fitzgerald (Isabella). Il reçoit huit nominations aux Oscars dont celle du meilleur film. Il remporte le trophée de la meilleure photographie noir et blanc remis à l'opérateur Grega Toland, • 1954 : Les Haluts de Huneven: (Abismos de pasi6n) de Luis Buriuel Transposition du récit d'Emily Brontë dans un contexte hlspanlque. • 1964 : Les Hauts de Hurlevent, série téléfilm ,de Jean-Paul Carrère • 1970 : Les Hauts de Hurlevent (Wuthering Heights) de Rob'ert r-ue • 1986 : Hurlevent de 'action du livre est transposée en Haute-Provence pendant les années 1'930 dans cette adaptation libre dont la sortie fut confidentielle. • 1988 : Les Hauts de Hurlevent (Arashi ga ,oka) de Yoshishige Yoshida • 1992 ,:Les Hauts de Hurlevent (Wuthering Heights) de Peter Kosminsky, avec et Juliette 8inoche • 1998 : Les Hauts de Hurlevent (Wuthering Heights) de David Skynner (téléfilm) • 2003 : Wuthering Heights de Suri Krishnamma (téléfilm) • 2009 : Les Heuts de Hurlevent (Wuthering Heights) de Coky Giedroyc • 2011 : Les Hauts de Hurlevent (Wuthering Heights) de • 2015 ': Wuthering High School d'Anthony DiBlas .. Adaptation moderne déplaçant l'intrigue au XXle siècle

Assez souvent, ces films (celui de William Wyler, par exemple), ne couvrent pas les quarante années de l'histoire, mais traitent uniquement de la premier ,génération de personnages.


Other Writing/Projects


Balthus' Picture- Book Balthus' Picture-Book, four essays on that painter's immersion in narrative, offers a reading of the major paintings and some minor ones, as weil as two sets of illustrations. 1wrote these essays in response to the retrospective at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1984, and to satisfy myself that the unusually widespread puritanical reaction to the work (revived in Metropolitan's 2013 exhibition title, "Balthus: Cats and Girls- Paintings and Provocations") was invalid.

The first essay presents the scaffolding of ideas that Balthus used and upon which he endlessly elaborated. The second qoes further along that road, dealing primarily with his "self-portraits." The third essay analyzes his illustrations for Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights, and the fourth looks at his childhood production, the picture book Mitsou, while using it as a lens to consider some more palntinqs.

My attempts over the years to publish these essays failed partly over the prohibitive

cost of image reproduction. 1 have tried to obviate the problem here by making the work available but not for sale, and by providing URLs for ail the images discussed, insofar as that was possible. The images discussed in each essay and their URLs are listed at the end of each essay.

An abbreviated version of the first essay, without images was published in Ironwood.

Download Balthus' Picture-Book, Chapter 1: Parsing the Enigma

Download Balthus' Picture-Book, Chapter 2: The Self-Portraits

Download Balthus' Picture-Book, Chapter 3: The Illustrations for Wuthering Heights

Balthus' Picture-Book, Chapter 4 to follow

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a iourney ucr e ss time and cultures on film & television