COLORADO MAGAZINE Published Quarterly by Vol
The State Historical Society of Colorado THE COLORADO MAGAZINE Published Quarterly by Vol. XXXIX Denver, Colorado, October, 1962 Number 4 Gold Boats on The Swan The Story of Ben Stanley Revett, Gold Dredger By Belle Turnbull* At the time that the material for use in writing about Revett was first examined, a number of papers were kept for reference. Of other papers, notes were made and the papers returned to Mrs. Melissa Hayden. At the time, since the objective was to use the notes for background in a story, notes were made sometimes without much attention to dates and sources, though they were kept in chronological order by year, only. For color and background the author is deeply indebted to the following, not one of whom is still living in 1962: George Robinson, dredgemaster, and later County Treasurer of Summit County and Mayor of Breckenridge; Mrs. Melissa Hayden, widow of Revett's secre tary, and herself Clerk of the District Court for many years; and George Robert Johnson, mining engineer, who permitted my presence on a gold dredge against the wishes of his swing shift crew, to whom a woman on board was anathema. Mr. Johnson's explanations of the operation of a gold dredge were lucid and helpful, even to a woman author. Thanks are also due to Gordon Goodridge, who dug in the Summit County records for data on placer grounds.-Author. In the history of deep mining for gold in Colorado, Ben Stanley Revett ranks as First Gold Dredger. Not only was he the first to carry through the financing, the building, and the management of the first dredge in Colorado to dig for gold; his resourcefulness and bulldog tenacity drove him on, year after year, to finish what he had begun: to find the best possible method of driving to bedrock and to bring up the gold.
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