Youth Congress Special
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YOUTH CONGRESS SPECIAL VOLUME 5 OCTOBER, 1955 NUMBER 10 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION YOUTH CONGRESS AUGUST 2 to 7, 1955 Motto : "Preparing Today's Youth for Tomorrow's World." "Bered Dagens Ungdom for Morgondagens Nrrld." NORTHERN LIGHT THE STORY of the CONGRESS The Call of the Drums. M. E. Lind, with his daughter, Gerd, expertly beats the royal African drums presented to him by the King of Toro, Uganda. Used in times past to call the African king's followers to his palace, so here they were used to call youth to the service of their heavenly King. Pastor Lind's robe was also• a gift from the king. THE CONGRESS BEGINS flag of their nation. From far and near which had so effectively called the Con- they came. One by one they mounted the gress into session, and with only the EW can resist the rhythm of drums, platform. Greetings from Iceland; greet- strains of the organ sounding through F especially African drums, and as their ings from Africa, America, from Burma the now quiet auditorium, Pastor Lind, pulsating beat rose above the hum of —on and on they came ! Missionary Volunteer Secretary for the happy youthful voices, they carried a mes- Movie cameras and press photographers Division, took his place before the mic- sage of appeal and urgency. Crowds who were busy in their efforts to capture the in- rophone and warmly welcomed all who were standing outside the Royal Tennis spiration of the moment. Powerful spot- had gathered for the 1955 Stockholm Hall in Stockholm began to press inside lights picked out the various national Youth Congress. in response to their insistent call. Already costumes. What an all-embracing church Telegrams and greetings sent by friends 3,000 young people were seated in the is the Adventist church ! "We are not of the youth of Northern Europe from vast central hall, yes, the great Youth divided, All one body we. ." Finally many parts of the world were then read. Congress of 1955 was about to begin. the sides of the platform were draped At this time it was voted to send a tele- Then above the roar of the drums came with the multi-coloured flags, and the gram of greeting to King Gustav of the voice of Gosta Berglund over the stage literally barricaded with the shields ! Sweden. loud speaker : "These royal drums of When all had taken their appointed Greetings and words of good cheer to, Africa are tonight calling the youth of places, Pastor M. E. Lind and his daugh- the Congress assembly were then conveyed the Northern European Division together ter, Gerd, laid down their drum sticks by E. W. Dunbar, Associate Secretary of here in Stockholm. Youth from twenty- three different nations are tonight assem- bled here in this great gathering. They have come from Iceland in the north, to Ethiopia and Nigeria in the south, from Finland in the east to Great Britain and M. E. Lind extends a warm welcome to America in the west. To the representa- all on the opening tives of Advent Youth from far and.near night. Guest I say : 'March forth !' " speakers on the platform are: A. Then came a most thrilling sight. From F. Tarr, E. W. the rear of the hall came a double line of Dunbar (General Conference), a n d young people marching forward in slow J. J. Aitken procession, led by delegates from Iceland (Southern Europe). and West Africa. The young women were clad in colourful national costume, each carrying a shield bearing the name of the country they represented and the young men in MV uniform, bearing aloft the [Page Two) NORTHERN LIGHT Outside the large Guildhall, Stockholm. Number of countries represented were: Australia 1, America 6, Belgium 1, Burma 1, Denmark 220, Ethiopia 6, Finland 280, Germany 4, Great Britain 200, Holland 45, Iceland 6, Italy 1, Jamaica 10, Norway 450, Spain 1, Swe- den 500, Switzerland 2, West Africa 10. the General Conference, J. J. Aitken, Northern Europe, having been their Divi- sage was well suited to the needs of the MV Secretary of the Southern European sion leader some years ago, and his mes- youth in this modern age. Division, A. F. Tarr, president of the At the close of the service it was an Northern European Division, and C. Gid- impressive sight and must have filled lund, president of the East Nordic Union. heaven with joy, to see the delegates from Such gatherings as these not only give the various countries kneeling in small evidence of the growth and extent of our groups around the hall in a season of world-wide youth organization, but also prayer. Although about twenty language demonstrate the solid, loyal friendship groups were represented, the prayers from in God's church. youthful hearts were heard and accepted Many of the delegates had travelled for in heaven, and as music from the organ a week or more to attend the Congress, brought the prayer season to a close, the so when the great opening service had Spirit's blessing on the meetings for the ended there were but brief "goodnights" day seemed assured. as the vast assembly broke up and parties Each morning after the devotional made their way home across the lovely city hour the youth separated into three of Stockholm, with its thousands of lights groups for various workshops. The first twinkling in the clear evening sky and group was led by K. H. Gammon and J. reflecting brightly in the shining water- Mahon from England into a discussion ways. on Outpost Evangelism. Paul Frivold, Publishing Secretary of THE FIRST FULL DAY the West Nordic Union, conducted the second group, and with the assistance of August 3rd various literature evangelists from differ- ent parts of the Division, led out in the ON Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. Of the many translators who rendered an study of Literature Evangelism. excellent service, Dr. P. P. Schuil made an most of the young people had a rendez- outstanding contribution, translating into The third group was under the leader- vous to keep with Pastor Alf Lohne, the English from Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, ship of Borge Olsen, MV Secretary of speaker at the morning devotional. Pastor Finnish, and Dutch. Here he is in action, the West Nordic Union. He outlined the translating for D. Carlsson, youth leader Lohne is well known to the youth of of Sweden and Finland. methods used in successful Sunday school gagerkreil NORTHERN LIGHT The educational programme was under the leadership of Pastor J. A. Simonsen, Ekebyholm, Swe- Division Educational Secretary, together den. A very in- teresting model of with Dr. W. I. Smith, principal of New- one of our finest bold Missionary College, and College institutions. 0 n this beautiful cam- teachers and students. The plans for ex- pus bordering on a panding the work of the Senior College fjord, are conduc- of the Division were discussed and an ted a Junior College and Seminary, a invitation extended to all of our young Summer Sanitar- people to attend our own colleges and ium, an Old Peo- schools. With the growing educational ple's Home, and a Holiday Camp for facilities available in the world, we are Mothers. heartened to know that an educational system has been established whereby our young people can obtain an education which not only equals the standards of work and Child Evangelism and encour- In the light of these three tomorrows, the world academically, but goes even aged the youth to use this avenue of ser- their issues and conflicts, and the eternal further and develops their character and vice for the Master. rewards that beckon us on, Pastor Tarr prepares them for time and eternity. Addressing the youth at the 11.30 ser- presented from Scripture the type of pre- The evening programmes were pro- vice Pastor A. F. Tarr chose as his topic paration essential on the part of the youth vided by the various unions of the Divi- the Congress motto : "Preparing Today's of today. sion, each union presenting a programme Youth for Tomorrow's World." On Wednesday afternoon the first of its own national music and life. On The Bible gives three pictures of to- morrow's world. Zephaniah describes the first as "a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, . a day of the trumpet and alarm." For that tomorrow, today's youth must prepare. The second picture depicts a day of Newbold Senior College beckons glorious achievement, when the work of all youth to come the church is likened to an angel flying and prepare them- "in the midst of heaven, having the ever- selves to go into t h e great harvest lasting Gospel to preach . to every field of the World. nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." The youth of today are the parti- cipants. Upon them devolves the inspir- ing responsibility of equipping them- selves for this culminating battle of God's great programme. The third is of a kingdom and a new "Youth's Own Hour" was under the this evening the Netherland Union and earth more glorious than the thoughts and leadership of Pastor David Carlsson, MV the British Union, took their turns. From imaginations of men can ever envisage. Secretary of the East Nordic Union. Holland came a happy band of Dutch For citizenship in that kingdom of to- Young people told of their experiences in maidens displaying their many local flags morrow, today's youth must now prepare. leading fellow youth to Christ. and concluding with a display of folk dancing with coloured scarves.