DOCUMENT RESUME ED 219 343 .% SP 020 311 AUTHOR Biro, With 'TITLE, Children's Hungarian Heritage. 'Educational Curriculum Kit 1. INSTITUTION Hungarian Ethnic Heritage Study, Pittsburgh, PA. SPONS AGENCY American Hungarian Educators' Association, Silver 'Spring, Md.; Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (EDI., Washingtgn, DC. Ethnic Heritage Studies Program. 81 , PUB DATE , NOTE ' 51p.: For related documents, see SP 020 312-320. AVAILABLE. FROM Paul Body, 5860'Douglas St., Pittsburgh PA 15217 ($1.50). EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. ASCRIPTORS Cultural Awareness; *Cultural Background; *Cultural EdU6ationz Elementary Secondary Education; Ethnic Origins; Ethnic Studies; *Folk Culture; Foreign, Countries; *Hungarian; *Language Enrichment; Mythology; *Pronunciation IDENTIFIERS "Hungary ABSTRACT This booklet was designed as 'a guide to Hungarian traditions pramarily of interest to children. The topics covered suggest the divprsity of the Hungarian heritage,from the legends, of the. foundipg.of4Hungary to contemporary Hungarian customs and arts.. Brief disc4Asions are presented on:(1) the Hungarian language, pronunciation of frequently usedwordb and phrases, and Hungarian names;(2) games and dances; (3) holiday customs; (4) cuisine; and (5) crafts and'nat4onal symbOls. A bib1iography ofchildren's books 'and materials is included. (JD) # r, a rj a 9 s. *****i***************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by.EDRS are the best that can be made * .9 * frai the original document. .* ***************.*********************************4********************** 9 4 '0 HUNGARIAN ETHNIC HERITAGESTUDY OF PITTSBURGH,PENNSYLVANIA 111 Educational CurriculumKit 1 W *Y.ifi U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIOAAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION DUCA'iONAI. PEY.,,J9CES AFO.FISIATION Ea ERIC 11 'wer Th, 7 > r r rr or terr, CHILDREN'S Orqin,,t .; M nor hat-.
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