Michigan's .Criminal Justice
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. I l \. \ \ ''-c ~. , . , ~-- ~-~, -~ "f'-, ..... -- -, .. - ,.. ~ ~ .ur / , ! V ',' . PERIPECTIYES- _'J --'T'''', ,'t_. ,~'~ _,r ' -' The 1974 AnnuaJ Report of the Michigan Office of Criminal Justice Programs Don. P. LeDuc Administrator • - {II "c,", ... 1973-74 in retrospect (ORTERTS The issues of crime control and justice reform came to the forefront in Michigan and across the nation during the 1973-74 fiscal year. 1973~74 In Retrospect.............................................................................. 1 National statistics showed unreported crime high in many large American cities; reported crime in Michigan and the nation rose slightly in 1973, and the gloomy prediction that further increases Organization') of OCJP.............................................................................. 7 could be expected in 1974 was made. Planning Section ........................................................................................ 9 New directions in crime control and strong commiHments based on exhaustive research and Grant Administration ................................................................................ 11 study highlighted the year. Fund Flow Chart ...................................................................................... 17 In Michigan, efforts to prepare extensive recommendations on crime reduction and justice reform continued under the direction of the Michigan Commission on Criminal Justice, a statewide advisory
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