Year 11 Summer Term Knowledge Organiser for iMedia - R081 Pre Production Documents

A: Static Image File Formats B: Audio Formats and Compression

These formats are for still or static images (e.g. those that do MP3 NOT have any movement) Good for portable devices and widely supported. Compressed (reduced fie size). Can use different bit rates (how much data stored per second) which then provides a range of options for the size of the file an the JPG sound quality. Widely used with digital cameras and websites. Provides WAV to reduce the file size at the expense of image quality. Good for images on This file format is generally used for Windows . Uncompressed file the web because file loading will be quick. format which means file sizes can be large but high quality audio. Not always widely supported across different platforms. PNG AIFF Not as widely supported as jpg. is supported. Used as an The default for Apple Mac computers. Uncompressed file alternative to files for the internet. format which means file sizes can be large but high quality audio. Not always TIFF widely supported across different platforms. . Very high quality image file. Used in high quality COMPRESSION printing but losing popularity. Fie sizes are really high which is obviously not good for transfer, web use and distribution. Generally this is a way to make file sizes smaller. PDF Lots of different types of software enable you to export your document into Lossless - Maintains all of its original data - nothing is thrown away so files this file format when you don’t want to edit the document further. Once maintain quality. The file sizes are higher. exported you cannot edit it in the format. Lossy - This can have many levels of compression and uses algorithms to GIF discard some of the original data to reduce the size of the file. Great for Supports transparency and provides small file sizes. Supports animation. products to be used on the web as files are then faster to upload, download Commonly used on web pages for buttons, logos and other less detailed and transfer as well as reduced storage capacity requirements. Expense of graphics. Limited range of colours and the format is copyright protected so it quality. has licensing restrictions. KEY POINT: Which format would be better for use across multiple platforms (e.g. different devices and operating systems)? KEY POINT: Which format would be best for use on the internet if you wanted many colours? Which would be best for printed? Which would be best on the internet for images with blocks of colours? Year 11 Summer Term Knowledge Organiser for iMedia - R081 Pre Production Documents

C: File Formats E: File Naming and Version Control

MPG When you save a file applications will have default filenames such as Lossy compression format that provides smaller file sizes for faster loading. untitled.pdf or document.doc. This of course is not good practice as you The compression can lower the quality of the video. should know what the content of the file is before you open it. MOV Originally developed for Apple Quick Time . Provides good quality and widely Let us say you are to create a moodboard for a gaming magazine called used for video files from digital cameras and . GameZ. Moodboard might seem like a good file name but then what if you FLV were then asked to create a moodboard for a sporting dvd - you cannot then May be used with both animation and video products. file which save this as moodboard. What would be better would be something like provides smaller file sizes and is not widely supported. GamezMoodboard and Sporting moodboard. MP4 High quality over low-bandwidth connections. When you create a document and then later make changes to it you should AVI really create a new file to show which version it is. Uncompressed video file format for high quality. Files sizes can be very large. Often used when editing a video before exporting into a compressed For instance when you have created a magazine front cover for GameZ for file format. example the first time you save it you would call it GamezMagazine_v1. When you open this to make improvements it is good practice to then perhaps save this as GamezMagazine_v2. KEY POINT: Which format would be better for use across multiple platforms (e.g. different devices and operating systems)? Instead of this you could of course use dates such as: GamezMagazine_01_01_2020 and then GamezMagazine_30_02_2020. D: Animation File Formats F: Reviewing Products GIF Useful for short animations. Supported by web browsers, limited colour What to cover in your review? support. Positives/Strengths AND Negatives/weaknesses. You MUST elate this to SWF the requirements of the user. Do remember though that the user could be Not well supported by Apple. Fast loading speed as the compressed file the client or the developers or the target audience. format makes the file sizes small. MOV and FLV (see video file format section) Identifying areas for improvement You should consider areas such as: layout, colours, content, how the story KEY POINT: Which format would be better for use across multiple flows if its an animation or video or script. Don’t forget to write a conclusion platforms (e.g. different devices and operating systems)? to sum up your entire review