13TH ARAB STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONFERENCE UNIVERSITY OF BLIDA 1 DECEMBER 13-15, 2015 ALGERIA Progressive Collapse Assessment of Multistory Irregular Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures Under Gravity Loads Mohamed El-Bayomy* and Hamed Salem** *Assistant Lecturer, Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
[email protected] ** Prof. of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
[email protected] Abstract: Progressive collapse is a disastrous partial or total collapse which causes a massive number of causalities and injuries. It mainly occurs when a structure loses one or more of its main vertical carrying members such as columns or walls. In this research, the effect of plan structural irregularity on progressive collapse resistance was studied on multistory reinforced concrete framed structure subjected to gravity loads. The studied structure was designed according to the ‘Egyptian code of practice’ (ECP)[1] and the limits of elements' rotation were adopted from the ‘Unified Facilities Criteria’ (UFC)[2] guidelines. All the studied cases satisfied the UFC guidelines requirements for progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete structures. Key words: Progressive Collapse, Irregularity, Catenary action, UFC, AEM, ELS 1. INTRODUCTION Progressive collapse recently became an important point of research due to its catastrophic effect. In 1968, ‘Ronan Point apartment’, a 22-story building experienced partial collapse due to a gas explosion in the eighteenth floor which caused failure to corner load bearing walls[3]. In 1973, ‘Skyline Towers’, a 26-story building in Virginia, collapsed due to early shoring removal from an upper floor[3]. In 2013, ‘Savar building’, an eight-story building in Bangladesh, collapsed after appearance of several cracks in the columns of the ground floor[3].