After Pete saw this item, he iirote in to say that there are much easier ways of solving the problem than building in a major fixed component with delib- erate misalrgnment, Resides, what do you do if you find you have put in too much offset or not enough?

The anseer is a siiriple fixed tab on the trailing edge of the rudder. Take a piece of .020 to .032 sheet a3uminum about 2 by inches, Drill three lj8" holes along one edge as shown, and use wood screws to fasten this tab to the LEFT 9LllE of the rudder bow at the farthest-aft point on the bow. This should be aidway between the second and third ribs. Have at least 3/4" of the metal dgalnst the bow.

k~thyour fingers, bend the projecting portior! of the tab to the left about iD degrees and make a test flight. This much offset should be about right f3r crulsrng fiight. You can't get a fixed tab like this (or an ofrset fin rrther) to trim your ship for all ilight conditions, so cruising is the most aeslraole. Tabs of the same srze can also be used on one to make T1rnor adjusrmen~sco overall :rim that aren? tworth the trouble of resetting rhe horizontal stabslizer,

,lany pilots like to trim out to zero stick (or rudder) forces for every flight condition, Pete doesn' t, which is why he hasn't bothered with trim on his own ship. Tne corrective forces are not big enough to bother and he likes to have the 'Yeel" of the ship. After seeing the item in the december Bulletin, he -nilde and tested a tab and sent in the accompanying drawing with word that this ss the easy "fix" for those xho feel that they have a problem.

Page Nine 1/68 @ Our good friend JOF POP5 ov~rin Lynchburg,, Va., hjd an experience wsth f luttcr ancl did a 1 litlc bonrng up on it, anr passcd alcng a "nutshell" descripison of what rt'i all about and .i:kat to do ~~~1-el-1it occurs.

11-L luttcr 1.5 a wrbanicd? lcsondncc which ocrdrs ai a certain velocity uettrmined

by the ~.,=ightdnd area of tht hsngtcl surfxce and rile amount of play in the controlling linklge."

ihs best udy to keep iron havrng it in a proven design like Fly Baby is to stick 2s clo;e as possible to rhe pl~nsfor the control surfacrs to insure that they -;re no HEA\,iLER than the origindls. Also, be very carEful in buildrng the hrtlges and iontrol surfaces so that there is r,o play in the sgstem. For instance, if ~nebilcron 1s cllmped in pos~tion,it should be impossible to move the other =ileron, or get any Lateral vovemeilt of tlie stick. Anytiiing more than a trny SL~3f iTOVEITfnt of the col~trolsurface or stick under such conditions shauld ~OLDC tolkraied

LJ f~l-iterskuuid QCCU~~n fllgr~t,rtduce power immediately and "bark out" of thc 11,ttcr r~inge,lrke rsght cxv.' Also keep a firm grrp on rshe stick, :;s this -?? 11 -IL 3r11-j help damp oui tht klvtter, but keep the stick from beating you L laci. c nl,? ~eLoreycilu can slort dorln out of flutter range. The principal 'ihing LO rcmember thougi-i il co -SLOW DOia, Ttiac rs the only way to stop it,

i iaqve only encountered flutter in flight once and that %as in a J-3 Cub as 3: ,as recovering from a sprn 1 got flutter Ln the elevator and it scared n>e prestv good: I had to nang on to the stick pretty tight and continued to pull up js fast as I dared and was well down in the seat, The only way I could wash nf1 the exIra speed was to get the nose up, and the flutter dissapeared as the speed drspped. Tois occurred at ;ibout 85 mph. I had done about Six turns of sprn and hadn't been hbrryrng the recovery as I had plenty of air under me,

1: ceelns ir'nzt the bolt holes in the cl~vatorswnere they jorn were elongated 2nd Lke ca~lzshad stretched ioo so that there xgas a good l/2 to 3/4 of an inch >laT; I- tl~eeiezators at the tr~ILrngedge 1~1ththe sticic heid fir11.i. The krnge p-ns wcre a Li ttl~worn to<>. You can bet that I check for play in the co~trols


"he illtra Light Aircraft Associatron of Australia is trying to get kly Baby dpprqve~Tor home-building by our Australian counterparts. We can he I p them. >bat is, those who have built and flown rheir ships can help t1ie.i.. Within the rrext Sew days we ~1.11he mailing some forms to those we know have their ships Sinrshed aria ilyirig, You are requested to fill out the f~rmand get it back LC Pete as soon as possible, The form amounts to a brief resurnebf your experience with the ship and the opcratrng statistips of same, If you shauld get a zorm frorl both Pete and Hayden, just disregard one of them. Ke are trying to cover 43 1 bases and may dupiicate some pilots. At any rdte, the form should be sent to Pete clirecc so that he can in turn Set them back to the proper people 3s soon as possible. Those fello~~~sare as anxious to get started as we all \;ere at one time, They are not as fo~t~inateas we on regulations, and their designs have to pass full C,A,R, 21 ratings -or show evidence of a sufficient nuinber of thL design operating safrly for a good period of tjme in the country of origin.


GEORCE La..EPSII has pretty well settled tne doubts that anyone nay have had concerning the durability of the wooden landing gear an PLY BABY, Actually, it's 71ore the thought oi wood in this age of "iron birds" than any serious st~~dyof the problem that bothers the doubters. Check the cross-section of ihat gear: and yo~ylfino that FLY BABY has MORE than such famous old timers as the Ci~riiss"Jenny", and it sure took J beating! Fly Babys gear design, particularly the cross lamination feature, was directly inspired by the famous rrcnch SPAD fighter of W-I. Pete got a good chance to study one in his shop, having b3rrowed a non-flyable one from a friend and brodght it inio his shop to paint ii up for a museum display.

A few other would-be builders have written in to ask if the narrowness of the gear wouldn't be expecteJ to complicate rhe grodnd-handling problems and lead to ground-loops, E LC, Far from it! Wide gears can be more trouble on the ground than narrow ones if a wheel is a little out of line or if a brake is dragging. Ihe farther o~ltthe wheel is from the centerline, the greater the ~~ultiplrcatio~of any such problem, took at gliders - they have the best 5r01~ndhandling charasterrstrcs of all, and they roll on ONE wheel! Fly Babys ;~aris relatively narrow, but Pete will stick by bis statement that it has ~e wos~doc~le g1-ound-handling cilaracterrs trcs of any homebuil t. Some examples :

iigcirpiane pilot flying the original Fly Baby for the flrst time set it down .I a uaved runway and rmrnedlateiy noticed 2 tendency to turn Left that kept Lnsreasrng. Turned out the tire was flat. All rt took to keep it. rolling straighr was some r~glitrudder. Try that with one of the hot jobs!

ITANCIS LONDO had a similar experience with his ship, and he wasn't nearly as experienced a pilot, In fact, he was flying on a student permit. He didn't have just a flat, st torned out - he had a broken wheel, Again the tendency EQ turn could be correcred with rudder.

.,ow, before anyone tries to blame that one on the no-stlocks landing gear, it should be pointed out that Francis' wheels cam from an airplane that had been crashed, and that old cracks were found in che wheel after bis accident.

ere aiso has olovres of a 50-hour pilot, who had never flown anything livlier tnnn 2 J-3 Cub, qakrng hrs frrs~landing in the original Fly Baby. You have J aec that bounce Lo believe it. Sonettirug over 800 hours on Pete's ssilip now, strll witn the original axles, and they aren't bent enough to be worth ihe effort 01 straightening.


There mJst be a lot of builders aroucd that don" relish the idea of tne long hard hours spent over the fittings with hacksaw and file, This observation is based on the unusually large number of letters praising Dick Weedens' fittings. r!e have several of Dick's fitting:, ourself and .~vitl?autlapsing into a lot of 1avrsi-i "hollq-tiood" type adjectives, the only way tsje can describe them is "Perfect". Ihere is not ihe slightest flab; daywhere and the workmanship is the best we have seen, Drck obviously takes a great deal of pride in his work and it has resulted in a large number of satisfied cusiomers. The fittings are already chr:vated and shipped well packed, individvally wrapped in newspaper in a sturdy carton, if you havf; tile slightest doubt about whether to make your own, we strongly suggest you check Dick" prices, You ~~iilfind them quite reasonable for the quality of work.

Page Eleven 1/68 Althaugb FLY BABY has about the roomiest cockpit of any single-seat honebuilt going, there are still a fae guys rn tnc srx-foot-plus category Lhat have their problems in it. Pete made sure that he could be comfortable, arid he's 6'-14" and veighs 200.

The tallest person to fly Pete's ship vas 6'-6", This was at Rockford, and with the lineup of guys waiting to fly, Pete didn't want to take time to reset the rudder pedals from the middle position. The giant, Pete Peterson, merely took off his gunboat-size shoes and away he v:ent with no prohlens,

The problem with other tall guys isn't so nuch their actual height, it's where they are jointed. Some have shorter trunks and longer legs, .c:hic'il puts their knees up into the instruinents when they are seated in Fly Baby. BERT COPF solted the problem neatly on his - he lowered the forward floor boards a couple of inches. Ltk fairly easy to lower the bottom of the seat itself, too, It can aczually go below the level of Stations 5 and 6. The occasional shorc pilot flying the giant's ship can be raiscd with c~shions.

\'ooay Bond plans to lot%erhis floor and will give us some tips on how iis done L-cer on, Shouldnk bbr too nuch of a problem,


1,s of Iebruary 20, 1968, 327 serral nuvbers have been issued to Fly Baby biilders i~hotirote in to Pete Bowers requesting them, The reason that Pete asked the bu~ldersto get the~rserials from him was twofold; to serve as 2 rough guide to the number of ships under construction and to avoid a dupli- cation of serials chat would complicate FAA's bookkeeping, imagine if five builders named Smith all applied for registrations of Smith-Bowers Fly Baby iii;dn-1 U's, ail with tb~eSerial Piumber l !

Tne way Pete handled the problem was to go at it in the Air Force manner and essign the numbers sequentially within a calendar year (Air Force uses a fiscal year, ;uly I thru June 30). Serial 66-1 is the first one issued in 1966 and so on. These break down by yearly totals as follows:

1962 - 1 1963 - 79 1964 - 50 1965 - 56 1966 - 75 1967 - 55 (Less one) 1968 - l2

Serial 67-1 was reserved for a Korthuestern builder who never picked it up, SCI that one is blank on che books. It's supen to the first person who gets through to Pete and asks for it, preferably someone who started a Ply Baby in 1967 but who hasn't picked up a serial for it.


Anyone in the Lynchburg, Va, area wh3 is interested in an EAA Chapter, can contact Joe Pope for details. Ttie first organizational. meeting is set for "larch 13. It was planned for ifie 2Otfi biit the FAA representative colildn't make it and the date was moved up, You can contact Joe at 109 Briarcliff Circle in Lynchburg, zip 24502. We don? have the phone number handy, but sere you could reach 11iq through "informa tion". They have several people already involved but can use all the help they can get. We want to wish the^ tile best of luck in this undertaking, Just wish we had a chapter around here.


Here is a sporcii~gproposition from Pete Bowers to all pilots who are already flying their ship or expect to be by Rockford time,

We bill call it "TKE FLY BABY ROCKFORD POOL". Anyone who brings his ship to Rockford in 1968 is tligi5le, Eirre's the deal - - - - Send in to Hayden your guess of how many Fly Babies will be there, To the one who guesses closest., Pete Bowers w~llpay out that many SASH DOLLARS,-- In case of a tie, split the prize, or if too many cies work out something else,

You don't have to stay the full week to be eligible, but your ship must be rcg~stered,so we get an accuratc count. If you have to leave, and win thc prize, it xcilL be sent,

Pete's ship can be counted in the total, but don't cout it as 1% if he shows up u~ththe wings by then,

,'icri 11~rterght last year anu we hope to see more this year, Startlaysng "our p~dtisnow ro reserve Fly-In ltcek for rhe brg show. Iv'obldn't it be a tiast rf Fly Babies outnumbered any other homebuilt there, it is a distinct ~ossrbility,but it :ciLl tske j let about every Ply Baby in the air t=l pull L- orf,

Lets wrap irr up this time with a "happiness is" that is more of a rarnbllng on of rhoughts than anything else.

Reppiness is"', getting away from the office the moment the clock permits, skipping supper, and driving out to the strip instead, Roll out a venerable .iLa J-3 and climb Leisurely to three thousand afid "parki' there to watch the sun go down over the Blue Ridge Plountains, You linger a few minutes, then zlrp quietly in over the underbrush and plant her firmly on the numbers, You ;re jusr a wee bit illegal, as the old "J" was never blessed with an electrical ~ysrern,buc no one ss around except the FDO, and anykou you can still see pretty good, After securlng the old girl for the night, yo2 start home, and as yau pass the rovs of houses in your suburb, you see the pale white glow of the TI? sets through the uindows. It isn? difficult to ~maginethe den scene in these houses, nor is i; difficult to guess the opinion of the occupants. 'Anyone that would miss the first hour of the "early movie" to go flying around just before dark in an old fashioned airplane must be some kind of a nut", Ii they knew you were on your way home to work on a "homemade" airplane, they would really flip. Especially if they knew you were living for the day you could watch the sunset from your "homemades' arrplane, There is a tinge of kuilt to your feeling of snlug satisfaction as you turn into your drive. Some gdys have it, some don't, You're lucky, you have. You feel good,

Thats it for this month gang. See you next tine, If yns like chat you read, Let US know. If >-ou don", still let us ki~ow. The mailbox has been looking lske Carlsbad Cavern larely, so drop us a line, O,K.?

Page Fifteen 1/68


1JI73t better way start this issue than to share with you the news that E,l.l Prccident, FA i POSLRZVY rs going to recommend PETE BOWER5 for the T*L irn AL.Ci-5 i' RACkBT A-~:ard

Ihla wcicorne ncv cume to us in the for^^ of a leLter from Fahl, dated Marc11 26th, a co~yof rihich leu will find in this issue As you will note, he jlso h~dsome kind words for the Bbiietin, by which we wdre flattered, coming 2s tile, C~P fro^ the "2ig Chief" himself,

'r- of course rn coinpi tt~agreement i~lthIJaaiil L srcomrnendation of Pete cr iht 3i~ardand plan to givc him -11 she support poss~ble I1 the letter, ,1 Li h-15 askeci for and needs all the support ilk c2n gei. higki nosj 7nie don't n2:j t4\acrly ?ow to go a~outit, bdt \ou can bet that by next issue Me w~Ll 1vt thc lnformarlon aiid pass rt along,

"e art. all gr,xtefiJi to Pete for gix~ingus a common bocd In "17Ly Saby", and rh;; 1, our chance ~o help him get some of the recognitio? that he has, so -3ny times over, terned, So, ss soon as we find out how, let" all get >,h~nclPaul and see what c~nbe done,

!i c rcspoiiss to il'ood's letcer in last month's issue was, to say the least, ~r~tif>ing,We heara rrom everyone from Paul Poberzny, EAR President, to -ii:nc i!&zt tie hadilk heard from since last Jilne when they "joiiled up". ~cterthsn 95% cf the replies vere enthusiastic endorsemerts of Woodyfs nrc:2-s, Oniy a couple dissented and th?) were not really disse?ters, lhey

J ii said lUtevervonE choose bis own Level of proficiency, 2nd buila to - ii L his owil d~szres, lo Woady, on behalf of those who took trme to write, our szncere thanks for c. frne contribution, Kaybe this wrll inspire others to "speak their piece," Ce hope so, and invite them to do so, As we said before, we offer equal ypacc to anygne 2nd everyone who t~antsto disagree or elaborate on the same t'r:srnc,


Jdst learned of another Ply Baby that has been flying almosc & year, but is act!s to us, lhis one belongs to ANGEL0 SILVAGGIO of ~lshtatula,Ohio and his firsi flight was on May 30, 1967, The owner had logged over 139 hours i11 ic, on s student ticktt, last we heard,

Tnis report came to us fror, Jc)m7XILLER of Geneva, Ohio, who has flown the ahrp _ind loves it, His first flight i11 the Fly Baby was also his first open cockpit ride and although he Isn't himself building at the moment, rt shor_ildnft take much to get him started, From his clescriptior~of the Slzght, ile hgs iriisat it takes to become a "Fly Baby Type", in dddition to the firsL flight report, Jonn Miller also sent us the namr of a supplier i,here you can get marine grade plywoocl

JOE POPE, who is a familiar name on the pages of the Bulletin, also bought some plywood from Harbor Sales and is well pleascd with the quality, One thing though, you mighc have to go through a local dealer to get the wood, Some of these places are wholesaie only and won't sell to an individual. Joe p~rchasedhis thru a local dealer, but he wasn't aware of the supplier ac the Lime, It jcst so happened that the dealer bought from Harbor Sales and rhat is how Joe ioznd out about then. ice will write and lind out if ifiey will sell direct 2nd let you know, In the meantime, if you%e in a i.,urry, write them and find out, Any reports oc your dealings will be app- rec~atec!,


ltTniie on she subject of wood, Joe Pope also sent us the name of a new tool he is usgng that works real well on plywood. It is a Stanley brand tool, and they call it "'Surform"", Ic csn be found in most quality hardware stores and the name Stanley indicate$ that it is a pretty good brand. Joe says that once you get the llang of using it, the results are better than the old standard block pl2.ne that most of us use. Plan to get one for our own shop and try'it.


BOB GLOW, of Inglewood Calif,, who a while back gave us a tip on a Kicopress tool, also sent us an idea for the cockpit erea. Bpb x~anteda continaoos curve on the forward turtledeck edge that is exposed in the cockpit. This lobever, leeves a sharp edge exposed unless you cover it in some manner. His sol~rioi?was a piece of saft aluminum ~ubingabout GO" long, split down one ,ide a:ld slipped over rhe edge, The ends are crimped to hold it on and he csed APOXY, a brand of epoxy to secure it, Bob says to work it on slowly to get a good clean curve and it will result in a neat job, Tt might also prevent a neat clean slice in your skull in the event of a sudden, unexpected stop, (ThLs is in lieu of a shoulder harness which everyone should have and use. )


couple months back we promised a "do ii yourself" stress analysis, but since have had soaeacorrections from DAVID PAULE, the author and before we run it, we want to be sure what is correcting what. As we said before, our Algebra is rather stale and it wot~ldbe easy to goof up the whole bit. 50017 as 1.e have tine to sit down and do a little meditating, will let you know, if ir gets too deep, we nay have to go back to Dave for clarification,

The item hasn't been given much priority since it isn't. essential if you follow Petes plails sillen building, but it is interesting to know how it's done, BUY SWAP & SELL

Grade "A" Cotton: SSgt . JTM STURGILL, 400 Choctaw Rd,, Clinton Sherman AFB, Okla, 73632 says that he has some grsde A available that he will swap for almost anything that wi11 go on Ply Baby, he will sell it outright, Jim also piclced up the remains of an old "Bamboo Bomberii 5rom which he is salvaging some material, If you are familiar wizh this old crate and can use some 6f it, you might be able to talk Jim out of part of his loot.

Wheels G Parts: TOM WILEY, 10 Main St., Hagaman, K,U, 12086 has a few items to pass along, lie writes; "To give you a few items for the Bulletin; pair of Schinn wheels wirh 3 bearings, backing plates and shoes, no tire or lining on these wiieels, "T-Craft"", Will trade for a good palif of BOO x 4 GUS tires or sell out-right. Also have Cub backing plates with bladders and some blocks, make an offer. (Tom also sent along a couple of tips we will use elsewhere.)

Blade Needed: TON ABLE, Stanfield Oregon, (Route 1, zip 978751, is looking for a blade for a ground-adjustable Hartzell, Ibdel HA-l2U3-2. rhLs is ihe prop for a 65 hp. Continental and if anyone can put his hands In oqe. Toin r~ouli?.sure appreciate it.

Cbmpression Strut Jig: Tom Able also saps he has a jig made ~:pthat is just pcrfecz for the compression struts and will be glad to loan it ouz for zhe cost of the postage, (how's that for the Fly Baby "help & be helped" spirit.) Sure hope someone can help Tom come up t~iththat Hartzell blade.

Thats all the items for this section to date, but if any more come in before nailing time, will add them onto the tail-end 01 the issue,


Credit for this one goes to both LLOYD ROBERTS, Cooperstown, N,Y, and also C,E, fiILTLTOC, McMinnville, Tenn,

both Ehcse builders sent us the following address which should be able to supply the srainless wing wires, turnbuckles, thimbles, shackles, etc,

Hoboken Bolt & Screw Coo Aircraft Division Willow Ave. at 17th St. Boboken, New Jersey, 07030

Clarence Multog went on to add that the minimum order to escape a service charge is 510.00, but most orders will probably go over that anyway. When you order something from a place that has been mentioned in the Bulletin, ae sure to give it a plug, and it might be that we can get them to go along 311 some "specials" for us if they realize it means more business for them,

Speaking of "spe~ials"~wc haveq1t been too successful ill persuading any suppliers to go along with 'Tly Baby Specials" as we had hoped, Possibly however, aiter the Bulletin has been around a few more months, they will realize that it. isn't a temporary !'brainstorm" of some idiot homcbuilder and will give our requests more consideration, One thing for sure, we will keep trying.

Page Three 2/68 ROY ORVLS, Dryden Ontario, was kind enough to send us a set of the DOT, (Department 01 Transport), requirements for Canadian honiebuilts. Our first thought xas to copy them in the Bulletin, but there arc several pages and your best bet is to send for a set. Write the DOT at 601, General Post Office Bldg., Winnipeg 1, Manitoba. That way you will have ar official set yourself and at the same time establish contact with the ~anadian"powers that be"'. bince we have several Canadian readers i~hohave joined the "movement" as i-~cnconers,this maybe will be of some help and our thanks to Roy for sccurii~ga set for the Pulletin liles, Also hope that Roy laas recovered completely from a torn cart~legein his knee that developed complicaticns, (r3t done in an aircraft accide~t.)


;Izrf 13 dnother soxrce for 3 catalog of various and miscellai~eonsparts, ?any or which can be incorporsted into Fly Bab>-. They carry both new and used parts and equipment and the prices seem to be about equal to ~DGrn some instances Less than other supply houses. Name and address is: liAG- AERO Box 181, Lyons, Wisc. 53168

17ve purcnased a parachute from this outfLt sometime back and their service !/as prompt and courteous, The cllute was exactly as advertised and had a iresn pack certificate by a Licensed rigger, If nothi~gelse, the 32 page catalog makes a good reference for cross checking prices.


:.FORGE K05LE3 kho usually hails from Richmond, b.C, Canada, sent us a neat idea Lor an adjustble trim tab hoolc-up. We say "usualLyl', because at the time of writing he was up near liyder Alaska on a job, berrioaning the lost building time on his ship, Because he is going with tlie 125 hp, model, he bas had to increase theitail surface and also wanted the adjustable tab. The idea Lor iir came from his Maranda A3FS-lit, which uscs the same basic setup, Ti;e use of the Bowdeil cable, as sl-iown in a Joe Pope drawing elsewlzere in tkLe issue, permits departure from chc scraight line linkage usually assoc- iated with adjustable tabs and permits the cockpit control lo be put almost anywhere yau wish,


In the letter from George concerning the tab, he mentioned that he is using 1.5 n.m, birch plywood on the leading edges of stab and wing. He is one of many going this route, and while it seems to take a little more time and effort, the ply sEiould resist i?icks, bruises anci dents better than aluznirium. This however remains to be seen, gince:-we don" know of one flying wit11 it. If we're wrong on that score, correct us someone and let us know how it is working out,

Page Four 2/68 iditli this issue, ie complete ir~o-thirds of our first. year, Ba~kat the beginning, tl-iert were nan;i ~horjere dol~btfulthat we .would survive the first six rnontl-is, much less a year, bell, survive wc' did, and cow we are proud ro say that some of those samk people are our staunchest supporters. ~onkthink har~ever,that we are going to sit. back with a snug, self-satis fied look on orrr face just because we have made iL this far. Far from it, 3s wc have just begun to learn some oC the basics of presenting what you \>ant and in a manner that can be undecstood. So, don't class us with the LOO hour pilot i%~hoknows all there is to know, but with the solo club, since are still flexicg our wlngs and anticcpating the future.


El;kn ttiough we are only two-thirds of the way home, several guys have been ~nquiringwhen to senti rn tl-eir new subscriptions so as noc to miss an issue. few havi. taken rh: bull by rhe horns and sent rrr in, Wish s~ehad heir ioliriuence ID .us! No Xiddl:)g, chat maices us feel like a mlllion bucks, to

1 lio-~Lriar: what. we are dolng 1s that much rppreciated.

TILenarn rcnson wz got ozi on this theme to begin with was to lei everyone $%now that we had r2cerved qui-ce a bit of 2ncouragement to continue, and had rleclded ro do so, Wc have less than 90 days to catch up to our mailing .ch=dule ano there is an outside chance we will make it.

91e of che principal reasons for the erratic issue dates of the Bulletin has been the neccessity of relying on being able to borrow the correct kind of zypiv7rrrer on which ro type the nesters for the Bulletin. That coupled with UL~heat-pain-laziness threshold has resulted in schedules not unlike those OL t:,e elirly air-mail pilots, - Ascure the first of the problems, (there is no cure for the second) we went ~c search of a Lypewriter to call our own that would do the job and do it

leii, 1;s iound such a macnine and after resting it tlioroughly, struck o deal r -c 1 - t Only one hi-ccn, ~heman wanted cash on the barrelhead. Since it ;,as h ":low or iicver" proposition, we grabbed the "D" ring and jumped. As a result, tle are the proud new owners of a slightly used IBM standard office nodel electric typewriter, complete with carbon tape ribbon for master typing.

Kzedless to say, the tab of S300.00 put quite a crimp in the budget and our "beer money" Fly Baby fund suffered considerably also. lie riacj planned to make this move when the new subscriptions ciere due, but ilad we iavnitcd, the "deali' ive made would have beer. gone, so we went ahead ,ny~~ay. iiur reason for going into ail the detail is to ask anyone that can spare the coins to send in their subscriptions a couple months early, This is rot a request Lor extra funds but. just some interim financing till the time rolls around, The rate will be $5.00, the same as it was this first year.

Before you grab your checkbook hot~ever,read a little f~rtheron a couple of minor changes we ;re planning,

Page Fiye 2/68 Several people, 1ncludi:ig Pete Boilers, i?ave suggested that we reduce tile number of copies per yeer to iS instcad of 12 Lo give us a lrtt:e more tiqe between issues acd grve us a chance for more quality in lieu of the present quantity That nay have been a camoflaged slam at our quality, Slit WE don9 think $3, Lot in Pete's case a17ysaJay, because \?hen he says Dornctiirng, st is itrhrght-firiidrd an,d ~~stiailybltini aind to the point, b?c are going to try the 10 ~ssbeschedule and see if it helps, but at the same time try to add someth~ngthat we have been asked for several times,

This year wc are going to attempt to get out a spe~idlRockford issue: elrhzr as a separate issue or as part of a regular one, It will be a qicrorial mosrly of Fly Bahles at Rockford with any interestrng side- 1 lgEits thzt develop rhis is not a frrm promise, since it will require ihe help oi some of o~~rreaders who are adept with a camera, We wlI.1, of ,drr-e, do our own share ol shutter-snapprng, but will need help, Lasr ~2sP ildsco 43 Lz'~ac our own camera cork went We shot seven rolls -12 15 cuposiire f ilia anct dljn't get ihe first phoro, ramera shutter was t-i c!i LLI tllc "open" l~ositron211 r:eek ioi-ig, if c e cdn gzt tno,~ghhelp ~~tnc!ie iaxra work ri;o,gh, we wrll put out a pictorial,

row, if you are still Interested rn go~ngfor another year and can help b-7 siibscrihiig a little eariy, we91 appreciate it (If something should --rp~doour plans for anoLhcr >ear iiieiirrl -chi,: -.lext couple of months, any lew subscrsptrons rjould bc riturned I

i -lace 3'1s t in from Wi1C)liY TilOClFJON, Eureka Calrf, , tells us that he has ills prrvare ti~ket Flaybe chat doesn? tmear? much to the old timers ~11th4 pocket full of ratings, but to those of us who have been flying on .- sti,denr ir~citetfor longer than we car remember, it means a lot.

t~,odvaiso "rushed rrght out.' &nd bought a set or Deck Weedens frttings -,:ter rcadrng sSout them rn the BulLrtin, Llke the others, he 1s very mcch rripresseci with them Kc= also got a couple shots of his shlp in color but unfortunately, ige can't reproduce them,

~u\DPtiE;K PLCG FOR h13iBOXk.N YOLT & 3PREL2:-- l\,c mention~don page 3 that this outfit could supply Ihe i x 19 L/d" ?tarnless cable for the wing wire>, Just turned up another note from CFii'iXE5 HONER, of Nei~tonSquare, Penna, telling us that lie got his wrre _roc them also and added that they give discounts on quantity orders,

?his ralses the possrhility of scveral guys going i~ together to buy at one time ;.,nd getiing a good price, We for one .iooerld be interested, If uvou are, drap us a line arid rf w~ can get several iiced up, we will write ihese people and see what can bc done, Tliey t.irll probably drop-ship each rndivrdual order and till r?llo~~the discount. Most of these suppliers will Since this cable 1s relatively c!rfficult to locate, give this idca soa:e scrioils tfiotight

Wc hdd ihc plcasure of rneetrng Cnarlic at Rockford last year and look fsr~iarclto sccing him again in July,


The multiple headicg is to cover severs1 subjects in one lctter tiiat we don't ilant to break ~p,This letter from DOK HOOVER of Hunlock Creek, Pen~a,is entertaining reading as well as giving some valuable information and building tips, Stad it and yau will see bhat we nrean,

"Dear Hdyden, I hope someplace in this letter one might fin2 a word or two rrhat co~ildhelp thein aio~gon the road co completion of a Fly Baby, but then ~gaicon? night find some words that would cause them coaplete failure and grief. i don" know a-iything abour building airplanes, (I" amazed that I ~nade rt through Fly Baby as well as I did,) so 1 hope nobody tdkes as gospel any icicas rhcy migkit get from this, (should ~ouprint it in the Bulletin), If you do, ihen you are at tne bottom of the barrel, (Ed, note: We should (,ct t? rhe b~ttormarc oft^^.,)

l;:e ores lhat have cowpleied z Fly Bzby will say that thrs rs old stuff and lhar to rhem of colirse LS tuu->, but for ti e ones chat are just getting start-

-L, ssne ai rbe simple iit~Feproblems are very big, very real and sometimes erar exasneratrng and rt 1s olilv AFTER they are solved that you can honestly ,zy, *elbviiy w man, t1:at 11as simnle, aothing to it", T found that as you go along 'csiiding s Fly Baby you are cui~trnuallylicking small problems and it gets Lc sc art of the mole projcct. And because we have in mind that this is .er~iikely ;i one-time cieal, tie tend tc rirsmiss the problems an? the way they ere solved 2nd start gettrlig ready for the next one, KeLl, here are just a icw thar 1 came LP agarrst nostly because of being a little broad between tile e?.rs=

The best way ~o get this one across is to ask you to turn to page 6-2 of the i>lans and take a look at station +3 with it" micarta bearing block in place ~nathe Little diagram of the front spar with the swing link in place which is nest ti, it. N0.i~you can see how a few knotty lirtle problems become simple

7; ,OU prciure the spar In line virh station 7~3(like itwill be) and picture T~IPs~71ng link on the bark side of it's support instead of between the support aqd the spar, For me this answered the foliowing questions.

I, \!here do 1 make the hole in the for the control rod? 2, %&ere do I make the holes iri tlie wing ribs for the aileron control rod? 3, liow in the heck will the aileron control roc1 line up with the aileron link? 4, lion" the aiiero~icontrol rod rab on the spar fittings or the bolts that hold them or the spar pins?

? 11,d the srzlrng lrnk support already made r,rhei~T got to this so fixed it by rrsirig a bolt long enough to go thraugh the spar and far enough out the back of the support to hang the swing link in a cantilever fashion. This is work- ing O,R, but maybe a different support would be better. Was wondericg how some of the otllcr fellows (and ladits) dealt with this.

n;u voir KNOW: ?Fat my \life got real miserable just because 1 forgot to \?ash out her little old cake decorator afier using it to put glue in the slots of the cap strips? (Con?t, next page) Pag~Seven 2/68 DOS EOO7.XR (Con ' t . )

I likt this one because I think 1 iound a wc1y to save some wear and tear on the aileron control s~~sten.I think Petc says in che plans that aileron sto?s arc not necessary bccarlsr the ailcror itself makes contact with tlii? aileron mounting spar for its full lerlgrh and makes for a very good stop of it's ovn, Good! and I agree, but I have looked at a couple of Fly Baby planes besides my own and found chat although tl~tailerons are tigilt against the aileron mounting spar, the control stick can continue to move past the position i~hercthe are no longer rravelii~g. This means at least on my own Fly Baby, that there is a lot of Clexing of rhe aileron control rod especially in the area of tlic swing liiils and the jullction of Llie control rod and the aileron link from the yoke on tlie torque c~beasst~mble, &hew:) A-11-y-w-a-y, I wade a right angle bracket from a piece of ,065 4130 and bol~edFL to the rear of station #.Ibelow the bearing block so that it would coniact the aileron yoke or. Lhe torque tube ar the salie the ailerons reached Lherr normal stops, Flaybe this doesn't sourzd like it is worth bothering with, but at least I don" hold my breath anymore when someone clinibs into ?he scat and scarts banging the sricis from one side of the cockpit to the LJLQ~~ DID YOU KNOW! iL72tthc only mil 1 get that comes alread) opcneu and read is the FLY BABY I'rLT,ETI?J? The vice ?irv.nys bczts me to chc mzrl box.

Fere rs something to consider, (builders suir yourself), If the landing gear xAiers made from cubing with a wall ttiickness of ,125 instead of .093 then r i" vide strip of $130 i~~ouldjust fic inside cf the axle for the flying c7rre anchors, This would save the job of cucting a special size to fit the :nsri~ of rhe .093 cubing, Also xhile adjusting up the stabilizing wires co the center of the axle by t~~rningthe turnbuckles with my fingers, I was ~~3nderingwhy i.1 tile fleck tile wires \.]ere not getting tight when my buddy ~,illkedin and said, "rake 2 look at the axle STUPID, you're pulling it up

nro YOU -m-owI That spilling nitrate dope on a kitchen tile floor can get you in a peck of troublc? So can a reddish-brown spot on a green living-room rug when it looks just like resorcinal glue!

~\mnot alone on this one becarise 1 know ar;oti~c.rFly Baby builder that ,olvec this little deal the same as 1 clid. Ic secms someho-c~or sornet~liere <:long the wdy, I became brain-~~ashedto the i2ea that nicopress slceves and thimbles went hand-ic-hand. It goes something like this --- Run tile wire throbgh the eyes, thimbles and nicopress sleeves e tc . --- 1*7ell, came the day 1 tried getting four of those wires, thimbles and nicopress gleeves on the cicvis shackle that fits on the anchor at the end of the axle --- Hal --- 1 e~dedup like the other builder and made a shackle of my own big enough to hold 4 hires, 4 sleeves, and 4 of those ikC?&*%$l~tnimbles. It came out O,K, and mIy airplane has not fallen out of the sky but it kinda got under my skin bccause 1 couldil't figure out Eiow Pete done it. !dell one day 1 found myself staring ac old 500F and I t-ook a peek to see how Pete got four of everything on that sliiaclslr?. Do you knob4 t~l:;t?--- That doggo~ePete didn't use any thimbles! (Con't, > Page Eight 2/68 So, he got 4 wires on that shackle --- no trouble, Later on I pitched him a curve on this deal and h~3belted it right back to me by asking if I found anyplace in the plans where it said to use ihimbles at this location? Well I gsve him my best sheepish grin and walked off muttering something about taking another look at 500F. Boy3id I feel stupid,

DID YOU KJOW! That if I had all the money 1 lost from taking days off from work to build a Fly Baby, I could have bought a good used Boeing 707?

Inil-iile on the subject of being stupid maybe some of the other builders of Fly qaby night give a little thought to the temperature of their workshop when they put the aluminum leading edge on the wings. I put nine on out in the garage when the temperature was down near freezing, Now I'm nor saying this was the reason bar when my Fly Baby sits out in the hot sun, the leading cdge gets full of humps and bumps, 1 tk&~ughtthat maybe the cold temperature ]lad the aluminum in a contracted state and now when rhe hot sun hits it and it tries to expand, itcan't move because it is nailed down so it doestthe only - ? thing ierr --- it bulgcs up and down between the nose ribs, Yes ????????? .

DID WOG KNOW: That the roof on our house leaks, the house needs painting, the drive-way is all washed out, the car is worn out, and I got holes in my shoes, bpt,

I d$dnft think too much of rhe idea of using wood blocks for the bearings for the torque tube assembly on stations 3 6. 4 until someone said, "What do you chink the bearings are made out of for that old wringer washing machine oger there in the corner,ll(the wringer bearings), Well I made mine from Oak and it works!

Look for N608X at Rockford in '68 and if 1 ever build another home-made airpiane, LE will bc a !I Sincerely, Don Hoover. (end)

Oil L!he next two sheets you will find "Pope-mades' drawiiigs of Don" aileron- stap fitcing and the aileron linkage,

Nany thanks to Don for taking the time to pass on some of his experiences. This is a case of where a builder has finished and is flying his ship, and could take the attitude, "every inan for himselfi1 and let it go at that. Like most "Fly Baby Types" though, he isn't that type individual and is just one more example of the comradeship chat exists among us,

(The n5xt two pages of Donis drawings constitute pages Eleven thru Fourteeb.>

On the back of this sheet you will find some so-called, "trivia" or "filler" as some magazines and papexs call it. 13e houever find it to 6e delightful reading and hope the author will favor us with more, It was signed "A Believert' and we will honor the "sign~ture"by not publishing the name. Our original thought was to ration it out over a period of several issues, but kle will "siloat the works" arid hope for more, Please!

Page Rj'L rne 2 / 68 HAPPZhTSS IS:

The lead-in runs something like this., , . . "In :]:is day of fast living, obscene literature, and risquelbehavior, 1 feel I shor~lc! check all reading material coming inio this house" did check --- The Fly Baby Bulletin: and find there are different degrees of Bappiness, Happiness in our house, (wha'r" left of it) shapes up something like this:

Elappiness is a bundle of sticks Grooved and lovingly stacked, And grotesque shapes of metal Hammered arid laboriously "hacked",

Happiness is : A copious covey of cupcake tins Alined in fingersip array ---- Strange things fill their cavities now, (They were mine just yesterday! )

iiappiness is : A multitude mass of S.A, monthlies, 'lglue caked" tocgue depressor Adorning thai "thing" in the corner T'nat once was called a dresser:

iiappiness is : A pail of peat and potting soil to bed down the Heliotrope Lies hopelessly now in a hideous heap -- And the pail? 1~'sfull of dope!

Happiness is : The topmost shelf of the closet (My Chapeau from Paris, France) Has lost it's long priority To a pair oi lacquered wheel panrsa

Happiness is: Lots of love and understanding No matter what that entails, Though a blissful kiss becomes a hiss From a mouthful of cemented nails.

A Believer

Welcome Believer! You're among friends. The ability to turn a neat phrase to express ourself is not among our limited literary attributes. You're needed here to pinch hit, so consider chis your invitation to do just thar, C,X,? Thanks.

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