FBB Section Nine
+ rv -ABITY SWAP AND SELL, PAYS OFF, SILL BERG of Sturgean Baby, Wisc, wrote while back to let us ?ii1orl that k:e had purchased the engine that BTLL LEZSGAKG had lisied in Issue Xo. 5, So, vou see, althd~ghyou don't hzvc to pay to advertise, it pays to aclvcrtise, If jou have ~nyFly Baby parts or components for sale or sr#,ap, let us have ihe details an~lwhat sort of deal you want and IJY will put it in the Bulletin acd see what happeps, Or, as they say on Madison Avenue, run ir up the flag pole and see if ali>body salutes it. Needless Lo say, we will have to Limit the '"lag pole" Lo Fly Baby builders only. WIFE LITILLS BULLETIX- CARL CARLSON is one of several fellows that have mentioned that their wives enjoy >he Bcilletin. Maybe this could be onc way co help bring your "better-ilalf" around ro your iiay of thinking if you find that you are not always in agreement rvith her or> matters pertaining Fly Baby, ir Line tilth that r~ewill sco2t around for an article or two slantcd a littlc 1 sre co the ladits rrterest. Better yet, how about some of y3u who have bridged ,ilc gap between non-aeronautical-minued wives and your Fly Baby project, persuadrng T-13: 1i;rLe lpdy to EI.~down and relate how they were won over and send it to us I<> set rhls litcle project roiling, we will include in the nexc issue a short ~~nrne-~~h3t was found in the typewriter one evening oa this sarnc subjecc.
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