+ rv


SILL BERG of Sturgean Baby, Wisc, wrote while back to let us ?ii1orl that k:e had purchased the engine that BTLL LEZSGAKG had lisied in Issue Xo. 5, So, vou see, althd~ghyou don't hzvc to pay to advertise, it pays to aclvcrtise,

If jou have ~nyFly Baby parts or components for sale or sr#,ap, let us have ihe details an~lwhat sort of deal you want and IJY will put it in the Bulletin acd see what happeps, Or, as they say on Madison Avenue, run ir up the flag pole and see if ali>body salutes it. Needless Lo say, we will have to Limit the '"lag pole" Lo Fly Baby builders only.


CARL CARLSON is one of several fellows that have mentioned that their wives enjoy >he Bcilletin. Maybe this could be onc way co help bring your "better-ilalf" around ro your iiay of thinking if you find that you are not always in agreement rvith her or> matters pertaining Fly Baby,

ir Line tilth that r~ewill sco2t around for an article or two slantcd a littlc

1 sre co the ladits rrterest. Better yet, how about some of y3u who have bridged ,ilc gap between non-aeronautical-minued wives and your Fly Baby project, persuadrng

T-13: 1i;rLe lpdy to EI.~down and relate how they were won over and send it to us

I<> set rhls litcle project roiling, we will include in the nexc issue a short ~~nrne-~~h3t was found in the typewriter one evening oa this sarnc subjecc.

:-?so w; have a Little narrative from "A Believer" that we have been saving ic)r Zss~eKo, 13 to help us launch the New Year of the Bulletin. (Xot Jan,l, but rhe f~rsr~ssue of our second year from a publication stacdpoint.) If >oil 2o::'t

iccell 7d-10 "A Believer" is, you better go back to page iO of No. 8 2nd re-read "Ha~pinessIs". That little bit of verse made us as many friends as anything to gate in thc B~lletin. Lt seems that everyone enjoyed it.


Tr nilswer to a question psed by DR, DON GEPLNER, a rlentist out in Kimball, >,ebraska,

1 iLe tersion of Fly Baby is coming aiong slowly but surely. Pete Cowers .i_nrr 1,s 2 cr?ilp!e oL phoios rzcelztly that ijill givz a general idea 01 ~~ila~the 1 r 1 o lie 'Che glossies are at the moment out for negatives and roJe iiope ic hale them back for next issue.

Pete explained that the photos do not do justice to the ship but r+~illbe somethicg in ihlnk about until he does get it into the air.

?ere has said oii several occasions, and repeated ir~lrecently, that f~ridill noi ;elease c:rawings, data, s?ecifications, e tc, for building the biplanc wings, until .le hc3s proven the new ship. Pete has always placed pilot safety above all else 111 his design and the biplane wings are to be no exception. LC is this concern for safety that has earned Fly Baby her excellent safety rccor? and will contrnue lo do sc, So, until Pete gets the biplane wings completed and flight proveal, don't be in any hurry to start yours.

Page Sevcnteen 4/5-68


-iilst received word from EP&E ilAliBIN that hi. hcs ii deal 5et up on somc jackets tlizt i:cre discussed bt liockforcl this year.

It 211 came up xzi'ien sori~eonesuggested that the Fly Baby group needed an emblem, sno~llderpatch, Lap or something distinctive for Fly Baby b~ildersand fans only. Ernrc s~ggestedthe idra of jackets as being the moot practical 2nd agreed to do some research. Little did we expect to have such a quick answer. Here is Ernie ' s letter,

"The jackcis are 2 ply hylon, waist lecgth - they are a pitchers warmup jacket, if that helps, maroon in color.

The slzes are : S - 36 M - 40 I- - Sir XL - 48

7ihe s~zescac range two sizes eicher way. If someone wanted a 42, he could use _~tPera M or L.

- ikt jackeis will have FLY BABY in four inch yellcw letters on the maroon ,- ICE, an the back 01 the jackec. ii talces approximatel~4 weeks for delivery and must be ordered in S-1.1-L-or XL,

The Drrce is $8.75, includicg shipping, and the money must be include?^ with the crLer, iJould likz to order as many as possible at o11e tine.

Scnd y3ur order and money to EhVEST D, HAKBIN 5706 SUSAN FLINT, XZCHIGLIN 48505


'11is :s t?e last chance we will get to say thanks to those few who have decided ri , , -;. s tay 1 i th us alotner year, Your help and contributio:ls are appreci~ted.

IL has been 2 long "yearJ', almost 15 months, but it? been fan. We have enjoyed doicg it and hope you have enjoyed getting it,

The bes~of luck to you on your project, and if we can ever help in any manner, don't hesitate to call or write,

If you haven" reenewed, this will be your last issue, Shocld you change your mind, drop tis a line, and we kjill put your name back on the mailing list. deirg & member of the Bulletin is riot a prerequisite to friendship and we t~ould like to nave progress reports on )ou ship and especially the "'first flight1' report.. n ihacs' it for this tim "ah reckon" and will be siiooting for the II~~Jletterhead 011 the nexi issue, See you then.

Page Nice teen $15- 68

C/O Hayden Fergusorl 114 White Drive New Albany, Mississippi 38652

ihat iietter ~1172~Lo stzrt the second Scar of p~bllcationthan i-i~th a nei\ letter- i,eac! th~t-iav~s no do~btabout whose tjnner ~#carr: carryrng OL~tir~znics on bchalf of tihe mcnbers ta JACK FEXEKCE cjf Rey-noldsburg, Ohio for tiiij fine pitce

OL arthork YJL! i7 lii '-i seeing mare tvriieiice of Jctck\ ttalcrlt sn kiit,ire ~.si~es,

.*,. 1 L~., qu~ti; fi J g,.ys lidve qdiir-itted that iherr bil:,7cs rT2ad the Eulletin Lirst

-,n;;>iy ti2c~ii-e the mail Ls ac irverrd while Liizy are ai i~ork,we ivill thro $, in ti-is !ltrie rlarracive early, >laybe in this rrlarrner the lady of the house tlill get ithis fir before the "old man" gers home and takes it away from her (Sometimes in .,ur secr~t\\!alter PIlt~ydaydreams, we conjure up visions of a frantic strt~ggle over n~i~osets to rerd ilie Ei;il?tirl first i Well, why not? After 311, Snoopy gets ttc ?o "ttl~ r~iththe Red 3aron in the saxe fashion:

-i~le lddy iiho arote the article has referred to herself variously as "Granny", "P bc\lieverf', ,~nd a couple of oihcr similar terms, b11i is in fact 21R5, FOREST >lILLSOilRVE of South i3ei1d, I?diaiLa, id2 had ihe pleasure of meeting tlie Filbournes ir Rockford in '68 and as dxpec ted found them to bz a wonderful couple, Forest LS a "typical" lily bihy bLlilder, whatever "typrcal" is That statement alone is i;r;st for several pagis of copy, Suiiice iL to say that he is d great guy ~11th tile usila: tnthdslasm and spirir of all Fly Saby builders, Mrs. llilbour~~e,as it i-~rncci GIJ~i, a,nf L "Grannyish" sll ill fact, ri slie is ii "granny", all grand- fr\rlii'rs .r;n~uln Ldvc 117 $0 ~CICC? she is, howevcr, a i.ja:-m, vibrant person with c~horr y)~ifetl aL ease ilir- n-oment you meet her, Notqhcrc at liockford coulil you Iiave founci anvane tg~thmore vitality 3nd enthusiasm, You can bet she scrutinized every Fly Babg on the Llight lins and could instantly point out any deviation from the original plans, Anyone ~hothsnks he can "p~~cher on" about somerhing concerning Fly Baby is Jus: krdding himself All in 311, shc is oDe of the most hor7derful people we have met and o:lr en11 regrEt is Chat .i;e didn't get ti? take Forest up on his offer of a cup of coff~e at ihcir tent and 'ridiic 3 tliance to visit SJI ~h our "8eii~vfr"more. But, as everyone is :,rocc- rc szy i:hen it i: t1n:e to leave Rockford, "jilst wait till next )ear""

Afrer 1-oi_~have rcad the article, take o look, if you haven't tlreaciy at page 47 cif the Clctol~er issue ~f Sport Aviatioi~, illat "Happiness is'' was Mrs. Milbournes firsi contri7-:ltion to the bulletin and zs you crrn see, proved worthy of gracing the pages (3: our "crcde journal".

Guess we l~db~tter get on wit11 tile narrative before the "old man" gets home, Lt s taris on L/?C ncst page,

Page One 7/68 Three )ears ago . 15 abobt to gii7t up hope <>i- a rcpalr on 21- antiq~edresser; when out of thc a top or, tili "+" ~?g"~~psia? ?" (%ken I rccove of piyL,ood grccirlg t+i, drtc,cr top 4 It 03s t tne evenlrg worr on more -trange thirgs beg>.n to a doiec or so i-clamps, rcIl~ng,C d~pre~s~rs,paper glue brushes ; copri7g ~JW,chlsrl, L;lcZ( hnm~~r, It It mag~icibar. a ~arof fo~l s:nelling goop, a bii and rn~Any tnings i drdn" rvcn rccognizc I sc local to scr lC WE l~erctlaving a ruiimngc sale in tile near future'

the^: rt 1-ir ~IL right betivet:; tlie eye": r~~aLieda very thick buncile coirilrlg in Lhe mall from fctr Sow

As I said, thrb dai tkrcr years ago, The !?~droom almost looks like one now, As r-fie n:onstc=r grit"] to3 b~gFor the rC,~rr ~t cl~sappearedto ihe dil-iing ro>m, thc garage. an2 rPe biscmfni

,:: ia! 1 cr?me 011: night- 2nd from the 011s a::d nhs i thought sure there was an cme;gencv ,somei~~her~There was A basket case'

-!.]at 2 siint it ilnj alright; SLS months, fifcy-tc o finger nails, 2s many Icnuckles, d~d, ton of s3ndpaper lnicr ihc c7as airborne Shc made hcr debut at Rockford, '67 lihilc all thss surgery was going on, the Fly Baby got n fec, gentle pats and a few rAiidearrngi\iorus of prori~isrevery night ?lo, this wasn't tn the bedroom; although rilere t7e;.re twli,, mcre upstairs; i idas given the privi!ege of a place to sleep., (His ?ererobit:- never ceases' He found a hailgar that almost tiad a roof and that's [,here rfic orrd was hatcbcd.

',ow, b'tck ro ihe Fly Babv Tcilk about neglecteii clirldrenl I do believe we have ,;lxrl,;ieci rh, neigil~ors, 'cduse ihe neighbors tiids Ilavc cold their Fattiers and ti^; dr~p111 . - - - j~stto prov? thzir kids ?re off their rocker, Z guess, / cziicl iciatrdi S~atronr:evtr hscl rt so goocl

Xeally, ladles; ~t rsnii so bad I have only onr rnzjor problem at the -i:rmp, Llhe many ncn corclng to tiis riouse has aroused the silsprcioii of the sedate and staid r:omenfollc 111 the area, Guess they are wondering if Ole Granny is up to somc "hankj-panky"' .bCaySe that's the a~nswcr-to the Light patrsl of t1-1~local pollit rn ch2 area'

GUT place inats ;~rtsheets from ti?e Pete Bow~r-sDesign of tiit. tail section; our scari-ilfss lays siiiiir:~gbrigh~ rrgkit iizxt t? a hunL of heavy gauge stecl, o;,r napkins smell like glue or sar clusi, eic , bui rtiis the best therapy for jangled nerves Frori ja~gLing telephones, rrri tated customers, d~~dclior~bedecked lawns, bird catchin cats, cigar bur~tddesks and !ltile thing:, that uspet you

The Fly 3aby we~l't171akc it to Rockford tkiis >car, birt Pete has issued her a 17~lli:>ci~ we She woy't ma!{c it, b:-t wrll --- nothtcg leas "izn "'The Bomb" would 1 I u; e7Jcrl the Lrc?n:b ~~ouldr~'ttc*rc fall nn Rockford

W;il?, make it they iiicl, aicl ~7ere'glad. Although tlleir Fly Baby didn't, it appears from rhe progress reports tii,~~it proiiabll rjlil "makc ihi scene" ripst year DICK. bCHU;IACrllR of Ee~ii port Beach, Calif" is cne of our favorrte correspo~Genis, although ~t - A somzwhat one-sided affair vith Dick doing most of the writing, Thi- follo~~irgis a leiier from him that contains all sorts of iilfo and we w~ll just pass it on "l~keit. 1s"

"With regard to ihe request for infermation on varnishing, I've had quite a b~tof expcriericc as a boat owner for several )ears, an? for what ii's worth, here goes,

Any Good grade of varnish will hold up well inside, Its' the sunlight that gets it 011 the 'interior where you just want protection, just splash it 011, Two or ~hreecoats without sanding should give good protection. Exterior, or where you want a fine finish, about 5 or 6 coats with sanding is necessary and when exposed to weather, figure on sanding and recoatrng at least once 3 year

[On my shlp I am tsicg a product called "'Vararhane" -90 Gloss, put out by the il2iior Conpciny, inc, of Oakland Gdlif. This is my first try with it, but it as i ~gnlyrecommer~ded ,ind I'm sol< on ic. I'm using two coats, and the oznerratron is real g3od Drying is good and from a fcw tests i tried, appears (lap2 ~roor,horh n~trateand Sutysate, Where 1 wznt a goad surface, I'm crying 2. iirst coai of Old Colony sanding sealer, 53-070, Old Colony Paint 2nd Cllemrczl do, of San Fraccisco and Los kngeles puts it out.

iurther, on painting, again from yachting experience, on the metal fittings 1"rn using Krylon, 2 coats of metal spray primer 4; 1317, and finishing with 2 coats of 11401 brigh~silver, These paints in spray cans have a rust prevenrive agenr- They've stood up ro the best of anything around salt water, Lt is a prudcct. cf Krylong ice, of Norristown, Pa, c~hois a subsidiary of Bordeil Chemlcai

'4 dimeqsion that was not clear on the plans was the bearing rube on the rear idnding gear strut fitting on page 2-7, fig, 2-3. The rear tube section on this iittLng should be 1-31'8" and the front section 1" even, The disiance between L'I~t.r-o is I-l;S1', Tile felloc~who welded mine made the bearirlgs even in size - 1 , _xe the Lorward fi"irigs and I had a little juggling to do 011 the front Luseiage fittings, Thc d~meqsionis crltical if the strut dimensions work out

On the aft turtle deck construction, on page 6-23, fig. 6-15, I found it more econohical in matcrral, much faster and better for holding shape, to cut the long strips from a piece of 1-l/2" x 3/4" stock rather than laminate as shotm. tilso building up termer bows from ply"i70od sections is much faster.

Yaw, ior a question. 5-3 motor mounts are scarce as hen" teeth and L have ~i7 AC Aeronca mount, Has anyone put one on Fly Baby yet? Also how about c~haustsystems? I want the J-3 cowl because it is part of the charm or t!ic ?ti;p, hut has anyone used the 7AC stacks wi~'iithat cowl? Tlie exhaust system is a Ic)t cheaper than th~Cub secup as shown.

Wheels and brakes are also scarce, 1 finally fobnd some J-3 8:00 s 4 wheels after abau; 8 months of sending out feelers, Woh about some of those fellows wiio adapted anotller wheel-brake sct up sending in some poop on how it" done. A few dirnecsions are a big help.

Page Three 7/68 ------k ir_tlil?lAf HER forit

1 thrnk if yn r+!, sio ,lv cuild LL~info on every i7arr3r_lon3 lt ~111be ti-e biggi-zt sttp rori~rdxc?we can get for the "i5aby" Looking thru the cdLdiogs >hods that thert are large pricc dlffereniials, as some of the itttf bcco.iltb more siarc~,and tticrc -~rcexcellent substitutes if a guy L;/~II~Sto c~orlc Lhrm obi EIUL occe yo^, have, spredd th~$,iord and we ~~rll 311 bincirt.

Witti r,gard to thc f irec*~all,Sta I; rathcr than have the frrecrrall ai s.iggestec1, ~t 1s miich bett~r-to have the> sldes extend 318" forriard of the upr~ghtsand get a lock seam

It 1s true that tile cl~mensiorion the top curve of the firewall should lie 12- !/8", hiit LL% ~.i~alLyLess ~Jastefulof tiood to get a 2 fi, preci-, *,TIC! tkic metal frretiall ~rilcover up the d~screpanry,or you cat? build t up i~lti:a strip of vo-d,

Also round rhc rear coc~pitbui~Ihe8d to be j{ii' 'h:gh, pige 6-23, flg, 6- 15, :+ i aniid LO git ZI ..trarght lint on the tilrtiedeck, ~shrchfrom cnecklng tllc draL7rngs seems to be true,

1 -, a izi r~lrhPETL EO.TERS. 1-1e said O6O muid be plentl t'rilck for the com~rcsslonirrut [~ttrng Mt;cil easler to weld and saves n few ounces A,so frts what ! hdve seen cn other wings for material size.

On page 1-2c fig 1-20, the l19inension on the fitting brings the bolts -ight against the instrument panel cross nember, which means cutting I-lay on the mrmber or ciropp~ngthe 'holes L dropped the holes to 1-1/16" ~encerlil-iebelow the "beak" of the fitting (plans show 1")

"age 1-29, big 1-22, dctall "A"; her^ I \iseci We lclwood "touch-1-1-glue" siiice the backup strip is on-structural The glue rs fast and no clamp problems and tine

I th~nk1/4" piywaod is plenty adequate for the floor boards,

0:' p3ge 0-9, fig, 5- 5, iiiC wa ilring bcam mount silpport does not show i112 anql ~ngca :led for In the ttxr to c itar the klevator cables fin the stab attach, take note* 3/8" mmarre plywood 1s 1/8", plus, Save the 2-518" bend til last and when stab is complete, measure to fit.

3ope ysu can make out ail this ramblrng, i am tryrng to frt Pete's ?lans without inov3tions 3.; m.~ch as possible, srnee after all, it's his '7l;;aby"- Soi~with 111 ihrs said, let me get "7ck to work on my ship, {end,

/is yoil rjlil recall, asked for response in an earlier issue, to the ii.ea of 2 gro~ippurchabe af stainless cable for the riling wires Keli, i e Iiad a fet7 ii~ho did respond, btit bilforturlaiely not enough

lu tli~s~'~iho d~d %"rite, we say ti:,lnks for iiie effort, bdt it. appears t~e rii 'ilnvc Lo c3c ~t on an rndiv~dualbasls IL t~asa goacl idea, Islit JLI~~ not e>ioug;~pcoplt srcm to bt ready for the31 at the same time,

Page Poiir 7/68 Quite 2 bit of rnterest has been c2:pressed in AL JOHNSOX'S wing plan and consequent1 y we would like to pass on some words of caution from Al reg~rclingttl~ ving, Al 's con~mentsfollot~,

"All tile changes Live made are sz~chthat they should be considered 11 chai~ge. for the sake of change". They are usually arbitrary and always a iitrle czpricious. They have, l-iot~ever,invariably been considered with the objective of the wonderful flying characteristics of the prototype "Fly Baby"'. I have slightly less than 2 hours in the origi~aland \\!ant to go on record as saying I wouldn't trade those gcntie characteristics Lor all the modificarions ic the world,

i^-3 youknow, Pete is alc~aysin an experimental mood, (we were discussing ?iittLng a pair of Luscombe wings on my bird until some "junkeri' hijacked inem) ?levertheless, I \n svre he wo~ldbe pretty upset if someone revised basically sound ?esign to the pcir~tof it becoming dangerous.

Ll,c wrvLg modifications I have cone up vith do not represent much of a ,parzure frm zhe original, nor do eh~yrepresent a uild ilight of Yzncy, Bawever, tke modification does sacrafice almost tlco feet of sparL. r-!his clearly violates Pete's original design concept in the area of span loading, 1 retain nosr of tile area by going to a more rectangular shape, but I an taking upon myself the responsibility for any performance loss :hat night rear it's ugiy head as a result oi the span reduction. THIS CCING ETAS NOT BEEK BUILT OK FLOb-W. It has been worked out by myself -:rid BILL DLQqCXX, our Designee, 1 feelit is sound, practical, and simple, bu~it is certainly unproven as far as I know.

I also changed the shape of the fin and . The brilliant engineering vrzardry acd design logic that resulted in this change are based on one unassailable principle; viz. T don't like sub-. As a side benefit zccruirg to tue rerovai of the sub-rudder, T have added a degree or two i~?my landing angle and will probably enjoy an immense reduction in my -anding speed, somewhere in the ceighborhood of six or eight thousandths 31 -, inlle per hour. (WOW!, that much Al?) I also may collect more bounces. hiere again I should note thar I have not strayed very far from petefs originally specified surface areas.

lmong other changes are thc extension of the turtledeck stringers to the rear of the cockpit. I have also trifled with the shape of the cockpit opening. These changes are mostly based on %hat nalces me grin as compared to what wakes someone else grin. (end).

llsanks Al, Thar s the kind of lerier that makes us grin. The same kind of grin you reler tc in the last paragraph of your letter. It also reveals you as another of "our kind" in this great group of people who are building Fly 61by,

Be sure to let 11s know when you test the wing and ho~it pans out.

Page Five 7/68 OtLr o,d Lri~:ri js): i6ri has >one ~nfoio pass along regarding a question that caw u~ d~ tn~'665 Rockford Fly Ir The questron, posed by one of our t~riacii~~nf3~ii?dzrs conc~r~ed thc venerable old J-3 Cub, fittcd with the Rtec? clipped cirg ar?? a 65 'i.p Continental engiili- With Lhe Reed w;ng, - 75 hp Fror is 4-iced a:lJ gets more zrp out c)f the 65 hp cngine, 40 I coinc, Joe?

'TTht prop 1s a 71 Lie b1cCa~Lt.y hlip-'Ilp, the engine has drillfd rod caps 2nd lr 1s turned 3t 280n rpm top and 2400 cruise The Reed conversion plli~srccornmenci lrlle 71-4ii Frop, bat i~n'tmentiu:~ the rpm Probably ctcauie the FAX wo~ld"froivn" on it, The drilled rod caps are a 75 hp, ittm, but a lgt of the 65's sar; equipped with them as thcy are inter- ci:sngi:aSie The tics t tiling to do if you ?OR't have drilled Laps is to izr e sci to go by and drsll then same way, or buy a set for a 75 i p C2rt znglct. If you drlil them, bt careful as the rods and caps -re clirnbercd ~ndthe holea arc not all iht. same angle 1 know of two prcd i 1 ip i4ings Lnat have bee17 ilvlrig tdrth this arrangement for ycars I;d : 3ve ?;)vCr had any rrouhle at all, This is tl~ecaslest hay 1 knotit

I o 11->-,as-. ci c oerfornance of tthc 65 hp. Cani, It i;; ilnexpensive, easy ,nd reii;bic iV3uid also be qurte kosher on a hoveburlt and the engine r>ridli t c?? rl_r~.eIIkoc use OP, 3- ATCfd aircraft later on as there are 3 t.oa;f~~di:on5 tn he D;S~L cngrnc and drilled rod caps are ziloc~abie 22 rhe 65, Lots of ih~rhavs chem already in fact, i have only torn ,iib%7na cocplr that h2ven't icrd, inanks ;oe fcr the poop 2r.d our congratulations on your crisp, fresh .r-- c:ec- if anv of our "i~olild be" aerobatic entllusiasts ever gcr cocn Lvnchburg, Va wav. be sure to look up Joe and get you a couple r~2urs01 ?~aiFn the cl~p-wing, Joe an pdt her through her paces well -rd can ~IVEYOL some gocd aerobatic time His CPL ticker is new, but 11: ra cn old hand at acrobatics, You can bet that as soon as his ,',;n 15 Ernished, he can expect a full report on the aerobatic capability of his bird

:ili ~~r~acllanregistration of BOi: CFAMBERS sbrp is CF-BEC and that translates Cccely 4s btc % ~aliper 3ob Anyway, t3c had a letter from Bob last sprrng ddvislng of the roll-out of his ship, iie also sent along a nice color pho~oof the uqcovered ship but srnce we czn't print color shots ?7e v~il have to wait till he gets us a black h white copy Here is boil Bob describes the roll-cct

I111s 3 ii)y tl~fesays, 5prlr:g has arrived and you never know what is going rc groi, ir tnc Chmbzrs back yarcil The occasion (\as the firsc assembly GZ bile tird Whai a tllrlll irr. was to stand back and see 2 years and / nor~tcsof eifort start to looit like an aircraft. Not exacily a four engrrle tancaster, but to me --- btilter, in so rnany \days ," The big push i s on to have Bec 'n Call airborne in a couple of months, but like DON fi001iER, I filld c~arI< keeps interferi~gwith nly hobby. So, work might llavc ic suffer a little (cont.)

Page Six 7/68 '3-3 ~iiamb~r~ci9-ed hrs letter by expressing hrs appreciation for the 11elp cf tre otrtir rly ?"by bd~idersin thc arca, N2mely, GEORqL WFZSH, ED COOICE and h(l)RbI iiIPLY iSc says the FLy Saby "esprit de corps" is iremencious up his way. 'ci~rli i7ota's ship niaririg completeion, we should have a small sqbadrori of Fly 3arres ~n trle Ioronto area, Ihe Welsh, Cooke, 6 Kelly trio flew into Rockford ~n '67 an3 oliy N,arai Kelly's dirp was missing in %B8, Maybe Bob car make it fo.r For '69

ritere was a lot of talk at Rockford this year about who was going to bz there -iuL >?ar and the year after that, When most of th~talking was doce, it 4p~ear~dthat 1970 rs then ii large number of bullders expect to have their ship IE dockford for the first time, Thrs talk naterally led to a disi:ission of when c mgh~k~ave the largest ndmber of Pi3 Babies there and compete \*nth the Pitts ,nd r~liiiindsfor sheer n~imbcrs. Again, 1970 seened ro be the favorite target .',I tc

,I, vcep~l~grlltli the general idea, we were approached by several fellows asking ii7at we gzt tile bail rol?ing by trying to find out how many builders would be iir~ls!lea by A~~gust1970 and to encourage any that might be close at that time. r'iere rs nothing "official" or firm at this point, but tl~egeneral idea is to icy to get as many airplanes as possrble to thz '70 Fly In We mentioned the :ce,~ to Pt te Bowers and lie, of course, thought it r.las a tremendous idea. This i sts rlght in b~ithhis policy of being st Rockford every-other-year and '70 is hen h? r~rllbe there In fact, he promised ta be there ~vithiO0P whetlier it i~tteohis plani or not, -if we could get enough airplanes there to make a good i'iobllng

Tr:r trip to Rock ford 1s an especially long haul tor you fellows from the West ,iiat ~?nc!East Coast and rt ain't exactly a "stoces throw" for us "~ebs", t :lances are yoi tion 9 bc m;iking the trip every year, so why not make it in

Ir ds~sn'tLahe a great deal of rmagrnation to conjure up the thrlll of 40 or SO vly S~hresail lined up in neac array, Thrs can, ln all probability, be arranged if :,e Let tile Fly In officials know ahead of irme about how much space we wrLl need The figure of 40 or 50 airplanes isnk dreaming either. There are more illan thac already flying, and in another two years that Figure can climb a lot nor- Just gctring most of them to Rockford the same year is the big problem, If it turned out to be a big enough event, we could probably get a prime position on thr flight line, not to meniior the publicity for the plaries and pilots.

Tnrqk ~t over JJt have over a year and a half to prepare and that gives a lot of oeople the time to finish their ship, including yours truly, mayb~" Progress is going to have to pick up on our own personal project if we are to make it,

Tor tbo>e with sllips flyit~g,it is only a matter of deciding yes or no, but ~hf~sc,lot cxr~plete, take a look at your schedule and see what you think. Then dro~us 3 card or letter with you thoughts, If you don't like the idea, say so, bit, iir you ti-irrilr: it :]ill work and you want ti, help, say so, We will start a iilt on the project and let you hnow how it progrrsses, If enough show interest, {Je b~r?lstart promoting the idea and rcport the results, If not enough think it 1s wcrt-'r~c,iiiile,.it~c'll drop tile whole brt. At 2ny rate, let 11s have you thoughts In :be biibj~ct Page Seven 7 /6R 177 -----I-IS1 0'" CO?.ii'i-FTED-- FLY BABIES-

1nr- 11-t is aated approxrmately as of October, 1968 If you can supply any of ihe ~issrngrigistration nunbers or ihe names and numbers of any ships not listed, 2l~asedo so, Only planes that have been test flown should be included, Any help ,111 be agprcLiated and we will u2date the list from time to time.


i Sobers, Peter M . 29* Cook, Edc~ardW, CF-EIV'C 2 ,-?shj Robert 30, Villenueva, John N65L2D 3, Fre~,,, John N7i896 31, Quick, Jim N4742 L Gulcr, Hal N86681 32, Johnson - Porter Pi59365 5. Sampson, Ed ~462~ 33, Gillingham, Gifford N74080 6 helsh, George CF - RXL 3L, Guycon, Walter L, 7 Elllot, Vern CP- PIK 35, Enochs, Do~ald N1373 d. Lokin, Gordon 36, Banks, Douglas CF-WLN Y Sitlnbd~h~Karl -3'. 37, Mitchell, Robert N718l 1 I Bra,ggtman, Cl?reilce 38, Silvaggio , Angelo IT4 2 2A

1 A Copp, Errt N35986 39. Bell, Kennerh CF-XEU 12 Lonu, Elwood, M S3 71i-k' LO WebS, Robert J, NL878 3 llolmts, Lrnn N7 5 25U LLn liard, Steve IL, H,ighes, W 37'4080 L2, Taylor, Donald F. 15 Yarbin, irnesr D. Sh28LC 13. Whitehurst, Hubert ib . Manasek , Francis N4729G 14. Gonserkevis , A, J, !7 i?ehling, Richard E634 98 45. Allen, Bob 18 Mdy, Wes N93003 i6 Elliot, Bob 19 Warden, George CF-USL 47. Williams, ROW, 2;) drrcklrbank, Bernie CF-SNA L80 Turner, Bill ?I iondo, Francis N2288C 49" Portor, Emmor 22 Zedikt r , Richard N366RZ 50. Barron, Rollin i3 Dunning, Dan 31682 51 Grigg, Walter 4 I eel, Walt N612P 52, Try, Bill 25 Socthby, N4658T 53" Dzuba, Mike 25 n3over, lhn~lc! N608X 5L0 Covisgton, Brown 2 7 Saliford , c ilarles N30049 55, Burke, Jim LO?? kelly, Korman CF- S%T

Since this listing was compiled ~ithdata from several sources, there may be errors, rnlsspel!ed names, omissions etc. and we would like to have any corrections you may note Also some may have changed hands since the oniglnal registration and we would like chat info also, In other words, if you can ard anything to the list, we tiialnt


TdF EOY BARKER making the first flight of DON EEOCB'S FLY BABY. rl-ii;flt was made >larch 211, 1968, Photo was taken by PETE BO1:I'ERS From N5OOF,

Only changes from standard configuration are the one-piece windshield and an extra inch of height for tile instrument panel, Engine is 65 hp. iontinental,

B?TTC)M: Fiere Lon Inuchs poses with his bi-.a:ltiful_ "ilo- tone blue ship just prior to tile first ELiglit, Photo by Pete Bowers.

Page Eight 7/68

C/O Hayden Ferguson 114 Vltiite Dr~ve New Albany, Mississipp! 38652

\Sell, good, bad, or indifferent, fiere ir is again. As we hope you realize, ir has been qurte a while sin~ea Bulletin clutt ered up >7our mailbox, and if you gel rhis issue, sooner or later you will get ihe remainder of the issues due on the second "year" of publication. Tlle way things have been going lately, we use t'ilc term '"ear" with some caution. Suffice it to say that we still have 8 issues to go after this ?;ie, and tilev may take a while ,o get publisl~ed,but they -clill make it soor,er or Iarer, T,,e sil~cere'lyapologize for the delay. but before vou throw it oiii, take a look st the contents. You might find something of interest.

10 sly that the gap in iiur publica~ionschedule was '"due to circumstances beyond our control'"would not only soilnd trite, but would be quite an understatement. Please accept our apology and as always, our promise to do better in the future. ~-. sqc dclay was caused primarily by personal problems and since this is a one-man show, it is tied hand and foot to our own fortunes. Most of our problems are ~lcriresolved and we are back in ihe swing of i hings.

70 ibose illlo were concerned enough to call or write, we say a special thanks, ii haven't bad a reply to a letter lately, then hang on and you will be getting 1)-~ebefore too long, Our correspondei~ccis wav behind, bur we are making headway slowiv, buc surely. Keep writ4ng.

--.;i' IAST, TEE BIPLAKE rile big news tkis ~~sueIS ihe biplane version of F1) Bab-c. Pete has cornple~ed r ,-lid yau WI~Lhave to work a1 it to miss 11 on rke pkoco pages. Here is the poop on the new snip direct from Pete.

"Gc>t the new wings on and have taken a few runs up and down the runway Lo check the rig before the inspector get to it to make it legal. Perfect lateral and lo~gitudinaltrim and geLs off the ground even quicker thai it does as a monoplane. ii actnallv "floats" in landing, something the orher small can? do. 'r~ilerek I a good reasor! for it, Like the monoplane, it has nore wing Ihat its contemporaries. Span is 22 fee:, tb~omore than the the ELLA Biplane, biggest of ihe standard plans jobs. Chord 42 inches arid wing area 150 square feet.

The conversian added 30 square feet to the wing area while adding only 46 pounds to the gross weight. This cuts the wing loading down from 7.7 poucds per square foot to G.46, call. it 6.5 pounds per square foot, Another reason for the good characieristics is that tile biplane wings have a good gap-chord raiio. Gross ~leigtithas beer: increased by the arnoullt of il-le additional weight, io 970 pounds.

Page One Xo, 14 -"BTPIAP~Lt' Con' t .

The lower biplane wing rn monoplane wing. The ccn cockpit to simplify the squeezing ic under a cen forward center section s angles and the rear strut has a fitzing that holds the monoplane landing wires. The rcil structure built on the front sidt of the firewall Tne Lop of the firewall , bulkhead is stabilized fore ~:LL aft by rwo tr~bestieing it to the top of tlie engine,

The IJ-str~tsTor center szcr~onand outer wing panels are buiii up as one-piece units by lamination ili itc_ manner of the wooden landing gear, Flyirlg and larrding hires are still l/B" 1 A lhtranded stainless steel wire.

Because of the more forward location of the upper wing, both wings are swept back eleven degrees ro bring the center of lift back in line with the center of %rzvity. romhined with the dihedral, the shape of the wing tips and the relatively zborr I.ilc!-ing gear compared to the wing gap, this makes the biplane Pip Baby look

'Let L,ke c1 scaled-down De Elaviilana Tiger Moth, This isr't exactly unintentional.

_d;ltr~nsare rn tlic bottom wing anly, They actsch to rhe same point on the main i2ntrois as rhe monoplane wing, and are just as effective as the monoplane . Verj- Little dil~edralon the top wing, more, about four degrees, on the bottom.,

The inspector is dae at the airporr soon ro licefise it. After that comes the full-scale test program, then the job of making up conversion plans lor all the guys that havr been waittrig for ihea, (end)


Look o~ tne photo page and take a look at Pete Bcwers T-shirt, If you like it and tiant o-,e, the are ai~ailabieat $3 00 each, p3stp~iid,

\7 iou can .get the picture on either the front cr back of the shirt, Specify mens er bi)?~;*:hen ordering and whether large, medium, or small.

,r-,ie- nlctzre is done by the silk-screen process in rhree colors - basic airplane

-TO,,lioi~, with red rim and black detail, just like the original. The lettering is red in the same style as used on the origical airplane, In fact, the lettering on the title sheet of the rlan seE is traced from a photo of the nose of 500F and the T-shirt lettering is traced from that, Haws' that for conti.nuity,

One inor or we might add, and that is where to get them, Write to:

S ,A ,A, Engineering 12020 Scil evue-Rcdmond Road Bellevue, Washington 98004

Don't forget, specify mens or boys, and whether small, medium or large, Specify also if you want Ihe piccure, front or back. $3*00,postpaid.

Page Two KO. 14 ilRC)CKFOKD IN ' 70" GECC BIG 3005 C

As yoti %!illrecall, there 1s a ~ox-er.tiltafoot tc; cry and Let a lot of Fly Babies to RockFord 31 one time in 1970 at he Ai~-:ual Fly Ix:, Pete Bowers has promised to be therz if we can get a go3d crowd, Everyone we have heard from has been very receptive io the idea and the enthusiasiyt is growing,

Els-.wh?re in this issiic iwe ;lave repraduced a letter rcceivcd from ELM President, Paul Poberiizny which is s?lf-exp1an;tory The letter leaves no doubt how 1:e feels about it,

This should glve some of 1 "ul;clecidedV crowd the ge11Lle push needed to get our rear ~jild in high gcar aild F. 1 our ship Lo Kockford next year.

We regret that we wnl t be able to make it to Rockford this year and consequently will be graceful those do, if they will share their Rockford Fly Baby nhocos cith us for the Sdlletln,

hiso we ~iillbe riceding reports i;f the Fly Baby rrcti-vi.ties during the week so i\ie can report them in the Bu1le";n. Please don? everyone sit around thinkiiig ~~rhersare doing it This has 1:appened before. Take r.otes and pictures and ;end then i.n, Lie will take it from irhere and report it to the others like o:.~rseives v1ho canit make it this year.

SOTVIE "KEW YEAR. RESOLUTLOIW;Better late chan nzvcr)

.laybe the L~min,q1s a lsttle ofT ro 40~1, hut ~n keeping r~ichthe Bulletin's pubiishrng schedule, here is a lirile verse by our "Belie~er'~,One of our own rrsoiutro-1s LS not to prinr an issue of the Bulletin without a contribution by 021r iieliev~r Now, that puts ilhe load squarely on her slioulders to keep us r~iell ,~pplied wrtll p are rial, 1ert is ihis lonck % rendiLion,

I iicreb) Resoi\e, {as ; did last >car?) To fix tl?e Law1 mowers toothless gcar; iu patch the roof, mend rhe screen, Fo "seat'Ql~e Caps (boih Iiot arid Cold), And change the latch so it will hold; Trim the trees, re-sod rhz yard, See that the alley is again retarred; Clean the cellar. Pang the tools, Donlte some tine to ihe Public Schools; Joln a Lodge--To participate Lil iLzal e~deavorsto integraie; Uc: a;: nor-. time to Youth, perhap To close the Generation Gap, These arc piloted words fron- '68 ~esolvcd1-1 good fai~hfrom my lying aate; 2r resol~~~dit all again this year-- As he revtrently placed Her on the gear:

And 1 Still Believe:

L,i lceb~iseGranny

An lq'crnolional Non Profit Crga.?ization Dcd cotcd lo the Advarcemcnt o~viotionEducolicn, Hoipe5u~ltAircraft ard Private Av o+nn


.- ? ------*. -, . -x x -,* Padl Pobeiezny, President Roy Scholler, V~ce-President S, H. Schmid, Sccrelary Arthur Krlps, Treasurer Audrey Poberezny, General biiona


IIayd~nFcsguson 114 ldhite llrive Mew illbany, Miss, 38652

- - *-iank you very milch for the lakest bulletin on the FlyRaby, As usual, --:was vary crarmed full of information, Xockfssd 1970 for FlyRabics 7was very interesting and it would give me a gread thrill ta see 40-50 PlyEabies all lined up in a row, We will assrlre you of a complete row $0 yourself and will see tha6 EAA awards a big krophy for &he best FlyBaby in actendance, You FlyBaby o*mers/builders would be the judges as to who should ged it,

Lie hope to someday have Pete Bowersf original 50OF FlyRaby here in Gfle >;:l~,aeurn, \?Be hope Pete hasnBt forgo$; what he told me several years ago, But we have got to ge% the old bird aro~andthe eo~~ntrya few more years before it is retired,

E4\A is growing in leaps and bounds and in fact, today, Sunday, 1 opened the mail for Audrey who gets i-B; a21 lined up for the employees on Monday morning; it took me exactly one hour and sigh% miwu%es .to open the letters with a letGer opener and $hat" a hhep of mail,

You 2cllows keep up Lhe good work and don% hesitate La call upon us for anydhing,


DIRECTORS: -- Worry Zeisiof? Va! Brvgger Chef Weilman Martin Woedrier Dan Wart Robert Gyllenswon Robert Wales


C/O Hayden Ferguson 114 Whrie Drive New Albany, Mississippi 38652

issue KO, 15

Conirary to what cted, or plot ed, neither Fsrguson or tlze Bul ittin have departed this world. Granted, this past year liasn' t exactly son dny Pulitzer Prizes, but on the other hand, we survived.

The 11~~01nlngyear look:i a lot better from where we stand ihan the one just passe6 With a lrttle luck, this poop sheet could beconle a quarterly "monthly" ins~eadof e semi-annual "montt~ly"'. We aren't making any rash promises as we i-~vei7 ri:e pasr, but the prospects are a little better. About the only lhrng 2 ,,;ll brornrse you for sure is that sooner or later you \+illget all issues up I br2 After that, it ta7ill be a brand new ball game and vie will crass lr3t brrdge .?hen we get to it,

Our ;CUC ttianlils to those faithful few who have kept the faith rhru this long dry >pel1 S'ithout your encouragement and confidence, things might have nn'i been as

nvnod as they were.

$5 aliq:;ys, if anyone has lost any back issues or didn't get their copy, just crop us a 1;ne asking for the one you need and we will send it along. A stamp, while rijt mandarory, is appreciated,


'1 _, vc h~psyou will recall, ;here was a movement afoot to try to get n large n~mber cf Fir Babies to Rockford this year. Ziowever. since Rockford is now our of tile ,i~tureand Oshkosh is "the plzce", we may want to revamp the schedule,

!\at cniy may the new site change some of the pilots minds about going to the i-ly-In, tricre is also the extra work load assumcd by the folks at headquarters of EM, They will certainly have their hands full just getting the show going this year. it might be more considerate to not bug them about private space for - roi,~of Fly Babies this year. On the other hand, if enoirgh ships are going to be there, it might be an "added attraction'' with little extra effort,

IF you think you will take your airplane to the Fly-In this year, please send mE a card or letter and Let me know, This for sure includes the ships that expect ts be finished between now and August. if there is any probability of >our being there, tell us. Also, we have had a "~tatit'~Fly Baby show up at the Fly-111 in the past, and these count too.

lie also could like co make a list of chose who expect to be at ~ockf#&$e"/,*@r'1 Dang it! That word is going to be hard to shake from our vocabulary. What we arc trying to say is, "if you plan to be at the Oshkosh fly-in at all, let us know". Ke would like to make a list of the ones who expect to be there, with or with~iil heir airplane, so we can publish a list before the Fly-111 . This will help people get together to discuss common problems, This sort of list was reyuestcd by several guys at past Fly-Ins, but we never got around to putting it together, anyway. ProSc3hly will try to curse my old J-3 Cuo up there if *we get her cover back on in time. She hasn't been back to ynnkee codiltry since she left ioclr. Haven and ge?s sort of balky sqytime we get north of Yemphis,

About all wr vril have raum for in the Cub will be & dt~pirgbag and change of clo~hcs2nd unicss the motcl is next do~rto Llhe pnrkicg ~~rca,xv- may he looking for bag space st1 someone? tent if they havc a fcv~sscj11~:c tect to spare, In the meant:rnc, \JC? are go~rgto try ro promote a pup L.-at,

f anyor:t- up in he Os'ilkosl~area geLs any inside dope on I he ntii.1 Tlj- In site, please pass ~t dlong so we can give our fellows first crdck at it, The EtA ~eiterc,as quite informatrve, ba~obviously s lot of work remains to be done by' ik gu'3d foiks at iieadquarters.

1.:~ have a builder tiii~o i~esa run-out Atronca tilief tkar ht: i.5 robbi~gof pzrts for . - .,:s.. -. kl;; &!ij!; artd he would like to use irhe tapered a.:<.Le if it is possible, It seems no>jever that the method of atiaching the flying wire fitting to ihe end of the :..rie p:::,es son,-tiii.ng 05 a problem, if anyone i:rs used tiiic. t--ype axle, we would

,i~n~cc. c* - lace 23)- asvice ~C>U hlive.

14s.. ri+ also Lappens Lo be the nearest Fly Bnbv bulider a~ciwe didn" know c n t%;,;asbii~~ding t rltll a s!icrt time back, Eid I~-ieiCICO~~~ 411 or 50 miles from 15 iind 1s peittrng his ship together iic a barn. L;lie a lot oi t.s, il~ecold tcestl-i~r *.li~r,shrm down cl~rrngtflc winrer. Yes Virgrnrd, they do bave cold weather in l:is~'rs~ipp1,-*: a matter of fact i~ goc dawn tc seven aoove recently and slowed ;\I ?I,:s co~ava coa:.~derabiy, liecii, we ci~lilclii't cvci. msvc". ,Ccilools close, factories rbut dldi~, ~rzfficstops and a good t1mz rs had t Lf any of vou Yankee leilab decrdr Lo come down thrs way, vou bettcr bc =lire Cc? reserve some decent eather her a1hea.d oi lime.

Back EL. ti12 .is!ib ject a'; hand, if you !lave the dope on the axle you can write Bertis direct biit -,,-Lvc ~~jouldlilte a cilpy i;~pass ii;l LC: an)-one who a:ii-I-'6 1 L- be interested.


TIILL< \*JEEDEN who was previously supplying Fly Baby hzrdbarc is no longer doing so

rle has turned hrs operztion over to ~z3X?NI)NL*; l~iho j 3 now provid~ngthe sme service. Rsyk address is 332 Korth High St, , .Ja!lcsv~ilc_,bj~bc, 53541.

Ray is dorng basically the same thing Dick tvas doing and if possible, /hi'e are going to SccLude iiis prrce List in this sesuc of tne Bulletin. Ke bave not ~eenan; uf Says work, bat have heen told that ~t 1s up to Weedens standards, &~,ndif so, illat rs enough for us. jlnct2 R-*y aIld Osnkosl-I sharc "LC same staie, he ma> Se di tlie tly-in thrs year, itc hasn't said anything about it in any of his Lcttcrs, but it would give the DurLdcrs a thocce to meet him and he in tur~~rn~gilr st11 d few fittings along 1-k-e way, On the other hand, he may not be able to get away ihat week and have t3 skip it. lin~enwe kYoizi, we xi3l lct 1ou li;il~~k. 1 BE WARY OF WAXED FiIPkR SCBSTLTUTES

3ere 1s a word of caution from ED MORX, EMEesignee # 214, Ed, of Simshury, Conn , wrore relative to a previous article regarding waxed paper substrtutes, Says Ed, "There is only one substitute for waxed paper to prevent glue flowout from bonding the part to the jig, and that is Saran wrap, aluminum foil or a similar non-adherent flin sheet- The screngtk of bonded joints is extremeb subject to cleanliness of the bond joint surfaces. Waxes, oils and silicone release agents are sure death for a bonding agent, Lven contact with waxes can leave a residue on soft, absorbenL wood which is very difficult to clean off properly, If you add the solvent effect of the volatiles in glues, then the wax can permeate the wood co a consid~rable 6eptn Saran wrap works very well as a release film and can be ~asilvheld dowa with a few staples into the jig, The use of wax, soap, or release spray is O.K, far modcls, but strictly '"verboten" for man-size machines,"


Ln ;he same letter containing the above warning, Ed also mentioned that he had 0 37rdcn rls fuselage to har~dlehis 6'--6" frame and 220 lb, chassis, This ntea J : rier i1ii.p was obvious when Ed cried to sir in a friends Fly Baby, He ?s uiacie ;3 get rn~orhe cockpit zt all, much less work ~tlecontrols,

<11swer i~rEd was cc widen the fuselage ~y one and a half inches. He siys ~hreequarrers of an inch on each side may not seem like much, bur. rt makes ifference in being able to get in the ship and not being able to get in, ilhis aoaification, Ld can even make it in with his 25' canopy seat pack. ciiuie

c3 sa)s, "if this modification is made, one should remember to change the andle ,i ~i-~cstabilizer butts to match. I didn't and had to rig up a universal joint iiveen rhe e~evators. This was a real case of serendipr~yas when the univf;rial eni ~n,: did not have she chore of aligning 12 hinge holes at once to preven~ 12-urng of ;he elevators,!*

, i:i case you have to look up "serendipityii like we did, you will find that rn i?~ans language it means r'alling into the well known barrel and comlilg r_ip 7:iilsng like a rose,)

4c aslays regret having to put a '!for salelYten in the Bulletin, but such 15 i~fe.Oiie thing we have fo~rndis that usually the project is given up for some rc-ison other than getting tired of it or losing interest,

:';is project is that of JOE BYRNES, 416 Concord Drive, Streamwoad Ill, 60103,

- 7 ~r ~ouwant to see a photo of Joe" ship, take a look at Page 15, issue No, 9, in Clip upper right hand corner. Joe says it is exactly as you see it there and will consider all offers. He has several instruments, some fittings, some sceel, some wood etc, Sounds like a pretty good deal for someone. "lease contact Joe directly if you are interested and let us know if yob work out a deal,

Sest of Luck, Joe, and we hope that things work out in the future that you may se gble to take another crack at Fly Baby,

No, 15 Page 3 In us, that is, We sure can't bblame her if she doesn'tt, That item heading "Grannny" is our warped way of apologizing for not keeping our end of the correspondence active,

Here is a tidbrt from our Poet Laureate that we have been hoarding for just such an occasion when we needed it.

After Rockford-- 1968

Yeah, the roof still leaks (but not the tent), Hangar fee is paid, (but not the rent); Alarm doesn't work, (Altimeter does,) The sweeper still whines, (but that's because--) He's been far too busy (for trivial zhings) Llke household gadgets, (they don't have wings). so 1'f l call a repairman (a do- it-all mechanic) To f LX all the "trivia", (I refuse to panic! ) 'Xr34 fix it tomorrow," (as the clichei goes) :"en tomorrow will come (that God only lacnows) iYll keep my nerves srceady, (canr t lose my cool) I'm resigned to he fact, (1 married a fool--) tuz a iovable fool, (I'm really not cryin4); Cause P'Pl raze first again--(After FLY BABY" flyin'*,)

The abcve is the last of our material from our '%elieverV and we hope she will kdvor US with more. The Fly Baby "-derse" has probably received more favorable commen~than any other facet of the Bulletin, A great deal of ~t from non-builders,

Like a lot of beilders, we are ilblessed" wltl~qirize a few good citizens who "jusr tappen to be in the neighborhood and thought they would drop in", What they really mean rs ""Lwanted to see for myself if there actually was an idiot in oar t-own who is building a homemade airplane in his garage", After the initial shock $wears otf, tiley invariably start poking around the bench and pick up an old copy cf ~11eiiui'ieein, it is ten that we get the comments on the ''~utelittle poems". Since x-ery few of them reaLize they ;ire in tile prLblis!iers "ofirce", we like to think rheir charitable remarks are sincere, There was one Exception however, that we recall with a wry smile One l'csitizen" made facetlous remark about the tiidioti~ that composed the Bulletin, and for the sake of the "status-quo" we agreed that the 'Ydiot" had a few shortcomings, We then gently steered the conversation to less controversial subjects and as far as we know he is still not aware thzt Eie was addressing the "idiot", For some stupid reason it gives us a feeling of superiority. Explain that one Granny.

iron some of the conversations and letters that we have had with various builders, rilere have been some rather amusing questions and comments from our unenlightened tretheren regarding the building of an airplane in ones home, If you have some that yoc would like lo share with us, pass rhem along. This is in no manner meant trli ridicule any of our friends and neighbors, hui there are times when their ignorance of the subject gives us s chuckle. How about yourself,


Iiri icrtnt t,riaers have from tirrie to tin~~expressed some displeas~rewith their aclndrng gear tuildrng rncthods and it seems there are about as many ways of l3,r-i ::g and jigging th~gear as they are burltiers, Since few of them are sure L~CIr nlcthod rs the best, they are reluctant to write about it, We have asked f~r-rtriics previously on thrs subject but not too much has been written about 1t ~v'i ci;ii frnally however get JIM COX to give us hrs methoci, Jim as you will rri-i: PLs- contributed to the Bulletin previously. You may also recall that ht ,i rtt~~paperreporter by profession and has a Ccrtifird Repair Station for his 'k3b;y \h~p", Here rs his reporr,

'"+L iocg lait L can roll my Fly Baby around in the shop,

1 L,L;C rt srttrng on the d\immy main gear now, Made dummy legs out of the Kovaply ~nr-~olrd that L ~sedto laminate tip gear legs, Doing this so I can weld ~p ih, s~tftneeded at the axle without damaging the for real legs, After welding c,,ii Lst ;he dummys for patternes to cut end angles and such for the real legs.

I LA p,zr Ltgs are ldminated from 2 layers of spruce and 2 layers of VG fir plus ,. :Lrc ci 1, nix1 birch aircraft ply, The I4 in12 core wasn't planned but had to . L I.Tkc final pass with the planer was about l/80th of an inch iLgiLtCri~ when the four layers were stacked, rhey came out about 1 mil thrn, So, -t ,gas t~ti-it-rrework fittings that were made for l" or add the spacer. Easier ro ?.td tht spacer, They look real good and by using 1%" Novaply cli~pboard on -0th srd~sfor clamping blocks they are straight. Also glued ~0thlegs at the -.at ~rmsr,~rth wax paper ro separate layers This saved trme and also helped ~c~~

, 31 3( the lack of base reference lines for izhe layout of tlie gear legs caused

~,c: lla of trouble and doubt, 1 also tried to use the drawrngs published rn the "~g:.,cpt rssue of Air Progress which were slightly better layout-wise, I frn- 1 c\;i,ablished the axle center pornt as 9" ahead of the front spar on tli~side

1 r.alt t i,~!age and erected a srraight edge down LO the location of axle on the J1,mrn;r vrc The 5" point was based on last sentence of gear section that says the ,!<:LC silotiid be under the leading edge, or words to that effect. I hope I am not the only one who had trouble with this. (He isn?-j Vould hate to think 1 was ci;t scuprd, (He isn*). After all, I can layout curved bars, circular stairways and things lrke that. All in all though X doubt that 1" either way would have much rtfect on ground handling, Just wanted to put it where the man said it Lrlould go In thinking about it this could be why some of the fellows have found th? flying idircs did not line up with the fittings and had to make changes, I lci~ind iil.lt i;!lc:te~?ir:p the rear leg 1/8" would move the axle almost a +5" aft.

CiLsc? 5ettrng a 1%"hale "irougi-i the axle plates on an angle of 26 degrees was not tiit kasiest thing. 1 used this method. After all alignments, the inside dnd outsrde axle plari-s were bolted in place and from fuselage checks establislied the cencir of the axle. This was cenrer punched, Drill press table tilted to 26 d~.grei-sarnd gear was clamped down, Slarted with l/8" drill and enlarged hole Ly i/l6ti1> up 1/2" . Tnen weilt to i/BU and then 7/8", The l'qrrill would not cut Vr~th>iitslipping off the hole at this angle. So I gave up or! drilling. on' r rir-xt page) No. 15 Page 5 JIM LOX GEAR (Con't)

Using the l$+"ID brake plate sltcve that was already cut to 26 degrees angle 1 used the silver pencil and marked inside for proper kiolt size, L then used a 3/Lft four fluted end mrll cutter and free handed tile hole to "re drawn hole pattern, This was very sriccessfull and will work as long as you keep a very firm grip on the leg and not let the cutter take the work away froin yo^^, Also since you necd both hands to hold legs, have someone stand with therr finger on drill switch in case the leg should get loose. Also 1 ran drill press at next to top speed to lessen chance of cutter digging in and taking the work away from me, Also very important part is to have back side legs shimmed up so they ill freely slide on drill table and bolt heads not touching,

This probably sounds co e you can cut this 1%"hole chrough plates and gear leg rn about 20 minutes, If you drd it by hand, it would take several hours of hara work, LL doesr"t f01low good rnacliiile shop practice t3 eke ietrer and you can get hurt if you aren't careful, The rutcer I have is z t.ieldon 3114" Wgh Speed Sieel with a $2" shank The flute part is 1-5/23" long, I have used it several times for other odd ball holes that 1 have had to cut rnn didn't have drill for. Tor example L made the I-%" inside hole in my brakc ;iates ijltfi it. Tile plates were Inid ou.: or: small sheet of "0904130. 'Tile reside hales for Soeh were drilled to largest drill srie ta~hic1-i in my case is 1". - 3 1 P cutrer hen was used tii finish tc, size. After rnsrde hale cut* the ouier ,amerer -13s CUL riitn a Fcrter Cz~leEavonet saw wrrh L4 tooih shorr sieel blade.

'nn't cry to nog steel w~Lhthe cutter as it w~llvio~ently take the steel away f2rm yol~. "a light smooth filing cuts around the diameter of the hole, -- Don'r: Keep your cuts smooth and leave the same ii.:oui~t zo be cut all around the hole, To dig in rs asking for trouble. Keep I cter speed high.

-.:SO bv using Silicone Larbide cloth dlscs on a d~scsander on on plywood ISCLCS 311 a taale s~w,V~LI can sacd the edges or sceel very rapidly LO outlines, ;3tk sn~uldbe glued in piace lir brake pl-?tes ior example, took less than 2 hours tc: make and 1 was ~n no : ~,rryto speak of. 'She only hand work was to cut notches for brake fluid line c plates This was tuu b&ck saw cuts Lo depth oE notch, break out small piece -;rtn vice-grip plrers and file to rhape "

-ii:scs aSout ~t.P,5 "I Eim aware of proper way to cut angle holes by using steel place-beveled to horizontal and 11 this but too muck1 trouble for two holes,"

,- ~~ellchere yak have it, and rf you have a different aad better way, or different -or better way, we wo~~ldlike to hear from you, This is the kind of information r-e need and you have Every builder has to solve a few dozen special problems In the course of buildrng and most do rt differently"

~on'tnold back informa~ionor methods because you thrnk they night make you 4eok st~pid, Any way that get the job done is the right way. A gre&t deal depends on the extent of tooling you have available 2nd most of us are Limited, Consequently, a great deal of make-do, improvision, and yankee ingenuity are brought into play, Your own private, unpatented, weird way of solving 3 problem nay be just what another guy a haif-continent away is looking for. After all, as we have said so many times before, that's snat tile Brillelin is all. about, lie can't pass it on if we don't get it, It" just that simple, No. 15 Page 6

27. WING CilNGE~~~~.~~~.~.~.~~~.~~~~~e.11i~~~.I(.~I)4ICC~$2~- - Set of 10 I -

9 .I 28, 'bli6JG WIRE'ANGWOR LEFTQFRON"I"OTTOE"~..,. * ,..,., .,,..$2.60 Set of 2

??, W1NG MIRE ANCHOR LEFT REAR 130TTBM,' ,..,,.,,...... $2,80 Set of 2

!O. W1 ?

;: + UJEG WIRE ANCHOR LEn WEAR TOP.",:.' ..;...... $ 2.19 Set 04: 2

,2, CCiEdTROh, ST ICM AND ATTACHMENTS.. , ,. * -., $4S5b2 Set ready to weld


,4, L .G. %Jd RE SUPPORT...... ',. , ...... , . , . . . - $8.94

5, $XLE SQPPORT PLATES., , , , , , , , , , , , * * 1 I a * 25 Set of 4

#G, ftJ30EK PEDAL ADJUSTMENT LINK ...,...,.,,..,,a***e$1125Set of 2


hase fittings are accurately laid out, drl !led, edge finished and die formd where necessary to 2Aact Powers syeclfications of 4130~steel, They are then sand blasted or buffed, and zinc- ~ramakedone coat, At th9s time ! cannot supply welded fittings, however, a31 parts for the lsldrnenr are furnished, This set includes only those fittings listed and dws not include t 01 iowinq: 5UDDER PEDALS AND PEDAL MOUNTS P-6-3 Fig. 4-2 COUTROL PUSH ROE P-6-9 Fig. 6-3 CONTROL PUSH ROBS AND AILERON LINK P-6-8 Fig, 6-4 SEAPLANE REAR FLOAT STRUT FlTTlNG P-2-43 Fig. 2-7 "LYING WIRES, AND BOLTS AND HARDWARE il i formed parts are Formed according to minimum bend radius of stock thickness tims 2 to the rdsiae radius, All bends visually checked under 10 power glass for cracks, Your satisfaction s guaranteed and you are urged ts return any defective part for any reason for replacemnt or cfuna. ?./hen ordering give CI tting name, page number and number OF the f i telngs as it is 1 isted n this list - for example; 'Quter Elevator Control Horn Page 3-4 NoGgt*

111 orders less than $10,00 - cash with order. Over $10,86 30% with order balance C.O.D. Ow full orders, please allow 30 to 45 days for manufacture and delivery. All other orders 15 days. "ices sub2ect to change without notice. Remember, these fittlngs are guaranteed unconditionally ind ifthere is something about them that you feel isn't satisfactory, I. want to know about it.

Wo, 15 Page 8 fitre IS a note from Dwight Skelton, 34 Aldridge i an~, 1Jats?nvil le, Calsf . 95076 wit11 a few spare items he has, Dwrght's phone is (4-081732-4767,

"! havc a tzpered crankshaft for an A65 Cont. and also z prpp hub for sarnc ; aLso 113~~rnrbc, Farts such as a cam shaft and tirning gcars that are extra p,-irts, 1 understar~dthe crank has been mzgr?,?iiuxed but it is not cextifitd KrIT sell crank for $75,00 F.O,B,Watsonville and $LCI,On for hub, Both for Slir3,0ii,

I need a good rate of climb indicator, ilp to 2000 FE.Yio My rs~rigs are C3ase mags ancl L i.?orild ilke a pair of Rendix-Scintillas rn good condition for a Gor,t, ,465-8F, iontact b41gilt if you need to work a deal. i!,re 1s -@me information that is a iictle stale but may strll hold good h'irren Cai7ey of 8 Dale Ct., Walnut Creek, Calif. 94595, writes the following,

"'L hdvt 1; bet of Lub wheels 8:00 x 4 with backing platts and bearings. They n;ed ant dnd possibly both expanders, bo~hdr~ms, and one puck is missing and cjne bcarrng rsnit too good. Ko tires, Ism into them $65.00 &nd would be glad t o ;LC ~t OLI~.At GEE REG AERO, Reid Hillview Airport, San Jose Calif., they r,a-ge P-w surplus expanders for 12.00 each and the drums new for 7.50, 1 got -=c sf ricondrtioned wheels with bearings, -o tntksng places, there for 42.00 -na inrtnd ro go to mechanical brakes using Bonanza trarl bike backing plate i?d brake assy, 28,00 for complete setup for 2 t~heelsincluding return springs rn3 itxitr arm, and it fits without any alteratron as far as 1 can see Except cuttsr,g o,~rrhe plate to fit on the lkl' axie,


'irren 7vinton to describe hss merhod of handling tne tsrtl~deck.

7L nqde my r~arcurcle deck rntergral witn the marn fusklage and covered rt with fibrtgLs-,s. Haven't checked ihe weight yet agarnsr zluminurn. 1 made up onc ,syer 9 t i sgbt czrght cloth and resrn ilat on my work rhnie by coating it wtth xoid rtltase and wilen this had set up I lard rt over the forrners and around the ~ockp~toueilrng previously coated wrtk a ggod coat ol ribin and held tile whole il,ic r.1 place ih71rh rnak~ngtape whii~it set rip I'hPs gauc mt a nice even curve OJ+r the kar~ers. Then I made the headrtst thz slme laay and set it sn place ilaldriig ir crnd at the ssme tlme rndking nice concave curves &long each side urth masking tzpc, Then L laminated s second layer of clotn over the whole thing, L rhink abo~tone good heavy coat of lacqu~rprrmer sarfdctr 1s going to mske rt really slrck, but will let you knoo~about that later, (Xow is later It'arren! >

Ye are sntentlonally skipping the photo page this isstz to get in a lrttle more cop>. i-lill make it up later. !L'e do need piiotos however for future issues and uill zppreciart your sending them along, Good contrast black and white print best, Color he can't print, but they sure look good in the scrap book album we are compiling and will try to have at Oshkosh,

We have our typewrrtcr and enthusiasrs both a14 w;iriilecl ~ipiiow and intend to get this "poop shret'9ack on the track. We nEed help and wont last long without it, if yoa hzve been putting it off waiting to see if the t:,rth had swallowed us up, Tri ~ltni) longer, Li you do, it [nay, Iiurry up.

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