Andrej Savol Boston, MA 02108
Andrej Savol Boston, MA 02108 Phone: 253.576.6765 E-Mail: Summary Hi there! I’m a 37-year-old Boston-based computational scientist (LinkedIn profile) with both off-shore (Marblehead-Halifax 2019) and in-shore racing experience (Portland, ME and Boston harbor series, 2016-2020). I enjoy sailing both dedicated racing boats and fast cruising yachts and embrace the collective problem solving required to excel in diverse wind and sea conditions. I view teamwork and safety as the keys to fast finishes and fun experiences. Uncle Joe (Farr 40): 10+ Boston Harbor races. Pit and foredeck (spin sets/douses) and intermediate navigation. X-dimension (43’ C&C), Mashnee (Buzzards Bay 30), and Tonga (Baltic 35’): Crew for 50+ cruising/racing outings in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay. Sail trim, navigation, spinnaker, docking. MOB training, drogue operation, storm-sail. Whisker pole, bosun’s chair, emergency drills. Ile d’Innisfree (43’ X-Yachts): Crew for day sails and multiday trips off Rhode Island and Maine. 5+ races/cruises in Casco Bay, ME. Night sailing with radar and GPS, anchoring, spinnaker. Wild Child (J 109) & Loblolly (~30’ Sloop): ~5 day sails off Block Island, RI and CT. Experience n Rogue Boston Harbor Race Series Uncle Joe (7-10 crew). Weekly, 2020 n Marblehead-to-Halifax Ocean Race (Cruiser division) Il d’Innisfree (8-9 crew). Spinnaker, bow-team, pit, navigation. July, 2019 n PHRF Wednesday Night Race Series, Boston Harbor (Constitution Yacht Club) X-Dimension (6-10 crew). Spinnaker, bow-team, navigation. Weekly, 2016-2018 Mashnee (4-7 crew) Monthly, 2018 n Fall Race Series at Portland Yacht Club (Boston, MA) Il d’Innisfree (4-7 crew) October, 2019 n Charles River Mercury/Ideal Sailing/Racing at Community Boating, Inc.
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