2020-21 School Profile NORTH DALLAS HIGH SCHOOL (TEA 24) 3120 N HASKELL AV DALLAS, TX 75204 www.dallasisd.org/northdallas Principal: KATHERINE WANSERSKI (
[email protected]) Phone: 972-925-1500 High school (grades 9–12) in the NORTH DALLAS feeder pattern with a collegiate academy or magnet. Attendance Enrollment % of Grade Level Student Group Enrollment Target: 95% Grd N % Sch Afr. Am. Hispanic White Other 19% % of School 9 92.0% 407 36% 18% 77% 2% 3% At Risk 717 65.2% 10 90.9% 289 26% 22% 72% 1% 4% 4% EL 475 43.2% 75% 11 92.3% 202 18% 17% 76% 2% 5% 2% Low SES 1,010 91.8% 12 91.7% 223 20% 21% 74% 1% 4% SPED 122 11.1% ALL 91.7% 1,122 – 19% 75% 2% 4% TAG 147 13.4% Graduation / Attendance / Retention 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Disciplinary Actions 17-18 18-19 19-20 Students Percentage graduated in four years (one-year lag) 82.5% 90.3% 86.8% In-School Suspension 24 18 34 Percentage first-time Grade 9 on track to graduate 62.8% 64.0% 83.1% Out-of-School Suspension 87 140 88 Average student attendance rate 95.3% 91.0% 91.7% Alternative Placement 19 16 38 Percentage absent fewer than 10% of days enrolled 84.8% 71.7% 74.4% Expulsion 1 1 Teachers Average number of absences 6.2 6.8 5.2 Percentage returned to campus from prior year 60.2% 65.7% 66.2% State Acctountability Rating (2019) School Effectiveness Index State Domains Local Domains 65+ 100 Well Above 90 60 80 Above 70 55 60 50 l 49.0 Average 50 45 l 44.7 l 46.2 l 45.0 40 Below 40 Well Below 75 74 75 79 74 72 71 75 35- Overall Student Progress: Progress: Closing the Academics