CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E722 HON
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E722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 24, 2008 Kathryn’s and the National New Deal Pres- ment since 1978 and is the nation’s largest countries including France, Canada, Austria, ervation Association’s efforts culminated into provider of end-of-life care. The Philadelphia Sweden, and Greece have acknowledged the honoring of the 75th anniversary of the Program of VITAS, which started in 1993, has genocide and passed resolutions similar to H. New Deal. Several meetings in our Nation’s four inpatient units and serves the five-county Res. 106, commemorating those who lost their capital have taken place among many depart- Philadelphia area. lives in Armenia between 1915 and 1923. Yet, ments, including the Library of Congress, var- More than sixty Philadelphia-area volunteers despite the great suffering of the Armenian ious organizations and private citizens, who perform numerous services and serve more people, they have overcome adversity and have joined the association in this noble than 350 patients a day. The volunteers are continue to preserve their culture, traditions, project. During 2008, various events and ac- both young and old and provide a variety of religion and history. The United States and Ar- tivities will be held nationwide to call attention services for the elderly. These services range menia have had a strong, long-lasting relation- to the New Deal and the extraordinary time in from running errands and placing reassuring ship, including U.S. humanitarian and tech- which it took place in our nation’s history. phone calls, to spending quality time with the nical assistance to Armenia totaling nearly $2 It is appropriate that I also call attention to elderly. The volunteers serve patients in their billion to date. With the recent election of Kathryn’s distinguished professional career. own homes, in hospitals, and in nursing President Serge Sargsian, Armenia continues Earning a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation homes. to demonstrate a maturing democracy. Arme- Counseling/Psychology, she served the State Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues nian-American citizens have contributed to our of New Mexico in health and rehabilitation join me today in thanking The Philadelphia society in countless ways and the memory of services, as executive director for the Carrie Program of VITAS volunteers for their exem- their ancestors deserves to be honored. Ac- Tingley Hospital and Foundation, and as exec- plary service to the citizens of Southeastern knowledging the 1915–1923 genocide as a utive director of Open Hands, Inc. She then Pennsylvania. May their work be an inspiration tragic piece of Armenian history is a stepping became Deputy Secretary of State, where she to us all. stone in preventing future atrocities from tak- edited for many years the Blue Book, an in- f ing place around the globe. valuable resource for such information as New Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Mexico history, landscape, government, edu- ARMENIAN GENOCIDE join the in paying tribute today to those who cational institutions, political leaders, Native lost their lives in this horrible event against the Americans and state attractions. HON. ERIC CANTOR Armenian people and honoring the survivors It was in the role of editing the Blue Book OF VIRGINIA who continue to commemorate the memory of that Kathryn ‘‘found her true calling.’’ She IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their lost family and friends. wanted to include a piece of WPA art for inclu- Thursday, April 24, 2008 f sion in the 1991 edition of the Blue Book, but it was nowhere to be found. The search for Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, today we HONORING THE CAREER AND AC- this artwork led to Kathryn’s realization that remember the 1.5 million innocent victims of COMPLISHMENTS OF CAPTAIN much of what was created during the New the Armenian genocide who horrifically lost JAMES C. HOWE Deal was being lost, not only through physical their lives 93 years ago. The tragedy of the deterioration, but also as a legacy to younger Armenians was the first genocide of the 20th HON. HOWARD COBLE generations. Kathryn wanted to ensure that century, but sadly not the last. Now, in a 21st OF NORTH CAROLINA the New Deal’s history, artistic beauty, public Century rife with renewed ethnic and religious IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hatreds, the memory of the Armenian victims works and, perhaps most importantly, the en- Thursday, April 24, 2008 couragement and hope that it created in the must remain fresh in our minds. It was Adolf minds and hearts of millions of citizens who Hitler who asked his generals, after deciding Mr. COBLE. Madam Speaker, I take this oc- were out of work during the Great Depression, to brutally attack Poland in 1939, ‘‘Who still casion to honor Captain James C. Howe for be preserved for posterity. talks nowadays about the Armenians?’’ By re- his service to the United States House of Rep- Kathryn Flynn is considered by many as our membering the Armenians on this day, as well resentatives and for his 27 years of service to nation’s leading authority on the New Deal, as the millions of other victims claimed by our country in the United States Coast Guard. and she is well deserving of recognition. I in- genocides worldwide, we can individually and Captain Howe was assigned as Chief of the vite my colleagues to join me in congratulating collectively contribute to the prevention of fu- Office of Coast Guard Congressional and her upon receiving New Mexico’s 2008 Na- ture atrocities and the end of genocide once Governmental Affairs in July 2005, and I am tional Preservation Heritage Award. On behalf and for all. I’d like to thank the Armenian- proud to have had the opportunity to work of all New Mexicans, I extend our deepest ap- American community and the millions of oth- closely with him. In my leadership roles on the preciation for all Kathryn has done to protect ers who have worked to ensure the American Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation and preserve the history and all that the New people never forget the victims of the Arme- Subcommittee and in numerous other venues, Deal created for generations to come. nian genocide. my staff and I have often relied on Captain Howe’s knowledge and understanding of the f f operational missions, the current day-to-day HONORING THE PHILADELPHIA STATEMENT ON THE 93RD ANNI- challenges, and the roles and responsibilities PROGRAM OF VITAS INNOVATIVE VERSARY OF THE BEGINNING OF of the United States Coast Guard. HOSPICE CARE THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE During his career he spent 11 years at sea, conducted over 200 search and rescue cases, HON. JIM GERLACH HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO saved dozens of lives, interdicted nearly 1,000 OF PENNSYLVANIA OF ILLINOIS illegal migrants, and seized 16 drug-laden ves- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sels carrying more than 75 tons of marijuana and cocaine. Thursday, April 24, 2008 Thursday, April 24, 2008 Captain Howe began his career at the Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. COSTELLO. Madam Speaker, I rise United States Coast Guard Academy in New today to honor the outstanding community today to honor the memory of the victims of London, CT, where he graduated in 1981. En- service provided by the volunteers of The the Armenian genocide. sign Howe was assigned to his first unit as a Philadelphia Program of VITAS Innovative On April 24, 1915, over 200 Armenian reli- Deck Watch Officer aboard USCGC Active in Hospice Care on the occasion of their annual gious, political, and intellectual leaders were New Castle, New Hampshire, conducting volunteer celebration dinner taking place on murdered in Constantinople by the govern- search and rescue and fisheries patrols in the April 30, 2008. This annual event is part of ment of the Ottoman Empire. This event North Atlantic. He then was assigned as Exec- National Volunteer Appreciation Week from marked the beginning of a systematic mass utive Officer of USCGC Petrel in Key West, April 27 to May 3, 2008. National Volunteer murder of 1.5 million Armenian people and the Florida, which proved to be an extremely ac- Appreciation Week was created in 1974 when displacement of nearly 500,000 refugees. tion-packed tour of duty. In one drug case, his President Richard Nixon signed an executive Today marks the 93rd anniversary of the be- crew seized three smuggling vessels simulta- order to establish the week as an annual cele- ginning of an 8 year siege against the prop- neously, and in another he embarked a seized bration of volunteerism. erty, dignity and lives of the Armenian people. go-fast vessel to hunt down a second go-fast, VITAS Innovative Hospice Care has been a We are here today to fully recognize the im- chasing it at speeds in excess of 40 knots; his pioneer and leader in the hospice care move- pact of this event. More than a dozen other crew also pulled 265 Haitian migrants off a VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:04 Apr 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24AP8.032 E24APPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS April 24, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E723 small sailboat found mired in a coral reef in resentatives. It has been my pleasure to work Congressional District, and beat the Colorado the Bahamas. with Captain Howe. On behalf of all who have Rockies in Denver to reach this historic mile- Following these assignments at sea, then- also been fortunate to work with him, we wish stone. Lieutenant Howe served from 1985 to 1988 at Captain Howe, his wife Shira, and his five My hometown Cubbies are one of only two the First Coast Guard District Operations Cen- wonderful children (Margaret, Marc, Mary, teams in MLB history to win 10,000 games.