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NEW MEMBERS MICHIGAN (14) MINNESOTA (6) MONTANA (AL) Brenda Lawrence, D Tom Emmer, R Ryan Zinke, R Election: Defeated Christina Barr, R, to succeed Rep. Election: Defeated Joe Perske, D, to succeed Rep. Election: Defeated John Lewis, D, to succeed Rep. Steve Gary Peters, D, who ran for other office Michele Bachmann, R, who retired Daines, R, who ran for other office Residence: Southfield Residence: Delano Residence: Whitefish Born: Oct. 18, 1954; Detroit, Mich. Born: March 3, 1961; South Bend, Ind. Born: Nov. 1, 1961; Bozeman, Mont. Religion: Christian Religion: Roman Catholic Religion: Lutheran - Missouri Synod Family: Husband, McArthur Lawrence; two children Family: Wife, Jacquie Emmer; seven children Family: Wife, Lolita Zinke; three children Education: U. of Detroit, attended 1971-72; Central Education: Boston College, attended 1979-80; U. of Education: U. of Oregon, B.S. 1984 (geology); National Michigan U., B.S. 2005 (public administration) Alaska, B.A. 1984 (political science); William Mitchell U., M.B.A. 1991; U. of San Diego, M.S. 2003 (global Career: Postal service human resources investigator; College of Law, J.D. 1988 leadership) letter carrier Political highlights: Southfield School Board of Educa- Career: Lobbyist; lawyer Military: Navy 1985-2008 tion, 1992-96; Southfield City Council, 1996-00; mayor Political highlights: Independence City Council, 1995- Career: Navy officer; technology consulting company of Southfield, 2002-present; Democratic nominee for 2002; Delano City Council, 2003-04; Minn. House, owner Oakland County executive, 2008; Democratic nominee 2005-11; Republican nominee for governor, 2010 Political highlights: Mont. Senate, 2009-11; sought for lieutenant governor, 2010; sought Democratic nomi- Republican nomination for lieutenant governor, 2012 nation for U.S. House, 2012 A liberal Democrat, Staunchly conserva- None of his colleagues Lawrence has years of ex- tive, Emmer is confident will have shared his path perience with issues com- and voluble with a big to Congress, but Zinke mon to mayors running personality. In a state will have no trouble fit- large suburbs in metro- with a well-established ting in as a member of politan areas as well as moderate wing of the the Republican confer- HOUSE with issues common to GOP, he replaces another ence team. Division I southeastern Michigan in particular. conservative Republican known for strong football and a career as a Navy SEAL gave Lawrence has been in a congressional statements about the role of the federal gov- Zinke a well-tested perspective on how he committee hearing room before, testifying ernment, Michele Bachmann. likes to get things done. as a representative of the nation’s mayors re- As both a state representative and guber- “If at times that team calls for leading garding the foreclosure crisis and also speak- natorial candidate, Emmer backed a consti- from the front on issues of merit, I will cer- ing about the auto industry. She also worked tutional amendment designed to exempt tainly do that. If at times it calls for pushing with Mayors Against Illegal Guns to curb Minnesota from federal laws until actively the group from behind, that is fine, too. To gun violence. approved by a supermajority of state legis- me it is less about the individual and more Her concerns about major infrastructure lators. His goal is “making government a about purpose,” he says. projects for her region go beyond under- resource — not a restraint — for individuals For Zinke, the purpose is very clearly to standing the impact of property tax revenue, and businesses.” shrink the size of the federal government the need for mass transit and encouraging After losing the 2010 race for governor, to what he views as the scope originally in- businesses to move to the area; she is focused Emmer spent several years hosting a local tended by the Constitution. on protecting water supplies from environ- morning radio show. It gave him an audience “I understand that, as a freshman, influ- mental hazards. Lawrence would “love” to for his views on politics and current events. ence is limited. [But] my goal is to move the join the Transportation panel. Emmer holds unwaveringly to socially needle.” She also could end up on the Education conservative stances on gun owners’ rights, Supporting a balanced budget amend- and the Workforce Committee. Starting with gay marriage and abortion. He says economic ment, Zinke emphasizes accountability mea- service on the local school board, Lawrence issues will be his primary focus in the House sures for federal agencies. has pushed the idea that “education is key to and pledges to restrict government activity, Representing Montana, Zinke will target fight poverty.” She advocates post-secondary cut taxes and reduce federal spending. natural resources policy and transportation models that push opportunities other than He served briefly in a leadership post in the issues. Trained as a geologist, he hopes to four-year colleges. “We need to embrace vo- Minnesota House — he stepped down and offer insight to coal, oil and natural gas de- cational education as a way to build our later lost a bid for GOP caucus leader — and velopment. Renewable energy sources and economy and create jobs.” his committee memberships during his ten- hydro- and biofuel options are part of Zin- Lawrence also looks ahead to major de- ure included the Governmental Operations, ke’s plan for energy policy, but he strongly bates about immigration policy. Recognizing Reform, Technology and Elections Commit- opposes any industry subsidies. the ethnic diversity in the Detroit area — tee and the Finance Committee. The Armed Services Committee would and known in Southfield for having worked Professionally he’s hung out his own also be an obvious fit for Zinke in the House. across race and religion lines to form coali- shingle as a lawyer, and he’s served on local A native Montanan who grew up with tions — she pledges that “how we are making city councils and in the Minnesota House. a strong hunting tradition, Zinke opposes a pathway to citizenship in America is going Personally he relishes time he’s spent on the federal gun ownership and purchase regis- to be important to me, because that’s my ice — he played hockey in college and as an tries and strongly supports expanded gun constituency.” amateur. owners’ rights. 38 CQ WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 6, 2014 | www.cq.com nmg-house6 layout.indd 38 11/5/2014 12:16:45 PM NEW MEMBERS NEBRASKANEBRASKA (2) (2) LEADING AT PRESS TIME NEVADA (04) NEW HAMPSHIRE (1) Brad Ashford, D Cresent Hardy, R Frank Guinta, R Election: Opposed Rep. Lee Terry, R Election: Defeated Rep. Steven Horsford, D Pronounced: GIN (sounds like “grin”)-ta Residence: Omaha Residence: Mesquite Election: Defeated Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, D Born: Nov. 10, 1949; Omaha, Neb. Born: June 23, 1957; St. George, Utah Residence: Manchester Religion: Lutheran Religion: Mormon Born: Sept. 26, 1970; Edison, N.J. Family: Wife, Ann Ferlic; three children Family: Wife, Peri Hardy; four children Religion: Roman Catholic Family: Wife, Morgan Guinta; two children Education: Gustavus Adolphus College, attended Education: Dixie College, attended 1975-76 1967-68; Colgate U., B.A. 1971 (history); Creighton U., Education: Assumption College, B.A. 1993 (political science Career: Contracting company owner; city public works & philosophy); Franklin Pierce Law Center, M.I.P. 2000 J.D. 1974 director; construction worker Career: Political and business strategy consultant; cam- Career: Lawyer Political highlights: Virgin Valley Water District Board of paign and congressional district aide; insurance and Political highlights: Neb. Commission of Industrial Directors, 1990-96; Mesquite City Council, 1997-2002; risk management consultant; insurance claims manager Relations, 1984-86; Neb. Legislature, 1987-94; sought Nev. Assembly, 2011-present Political Highlights: N.H. House, 2000-02; Manchester Republican nomination for U.S. House, 1994; Neb. Board of Mayor and Aldermen, 2002-06; mayor of Legislature, 2007-present; independent candidate for Manchester, 2006-10; U.S. House, 2011-13; defeated for mayor of Omaha, 2013 re-election to U.S. House, 2012 Ashford, who has Hardy points to his Guinta plans on us- switched parties more experience running a ing his experience from than once in his politi- contracting company as a one-term stint in the cal career, touts his “in- the foundation for his House to ensure he gets dependent” and “prag- fiscally conservative val- in on conversations matist” views. In early ues of small government about the economy. HOUSE 2014 he told the Omaha and self-reliance. He’s willing to join any World-Herald that he “borrow[s] from both A hunter and fisherman, he says grow- committee the Republican leadership assigns parties on issues.” He was a Democrat in the ing up in a farming community instilled him — “I want to serve where the conference mid-1980s, then a Republican during most in him a work ethic he applies to business thinks I can be most helpful” — and Guinta of his two stints in the Nebraska legislature dealings. He believes Washington should will likely continue his record of voting with before running for mayor of Omaha as an live within its means and supports low taxes a majority of his GOP colleagues. independent in 2010 and then winning his and a balanced-budget amendment to the A return to the Financial Services panel U.S. House seat as a Democrat. Constitution. would fit his background in insurance and He may have changed which column his Beyond essential services — like national his support of a tax code overhaul. In his first name appeared in, but Ashford has a signa- defense, infrastructure and helping only the trip to the House, Guinta argued in favor of ture issue from his tenure as a state senator: most needy citizens — Hardy says the federal replacing the current tax code with a flat tax, prison overcrowding.