109Th Congress 223

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109Th Congress 223 PENNSYLVANIA 109th Congress 223 PENNSYLVANIA (Population 2000, 12,281,054) SENATORS ARLEN SPECTER, Republican, of Philadelphia, PA; born in Wichita, KS, February 12, 1930; education: graduated, Russell High School, Russell, KS, 1947; University of Pennsyl- vania, 1951, B.A., international relations, Phi Beta Kappa; Yale Law School, LL.B., 1956; board of editors, Law Journal; military service: served in U.S. Air Force, 1951–53, attaining rank of first lieutenant; professional: member, law firm of Dechert, Price and Rhoads before and after serving two terms as district attorney of Philadelphia, 1966–74; married: former Joan Levy, who was elected to the city council of Philadelphia in 1979; children: Shanin and Ste- phen; served as assistant counsel to the Warren Commission, 1964; served on Pennsylvania’s State Planning Board, The White House Conference on Youth, The National Commission on Criminal Justice, and the Peace Corps National Advisory Council; committees: Appropriations; chairman, Judiciary; Veterans’ Affairs; subcommittees: chairman, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 4, 1980; reelected to each succeeding Senate term. Office Listings http://specter.senate.gov [email protected] 711 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 ......................................... (202) 224–4254 Chief of Staff.—David Brog. FAX: 228–1229 Legislative Director.—Tom Dower. Administrative Director.—Reagan Blewett. 600 Arch Street, Suite 9400, Philadelphia, PA 19106 ................................................ (215) 597–7200 Regional Enterprise Tower, Suite 1450, Pittsburgh, PA 15219–1837 ........................ (412) 644–3400 Federal Building, Suite B–120, 17 South Park Row, Erie, PA 16501 ....................... (814) 453–3010 Federal Building, Room 1104, 228 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 ................ (717) 782–3951 Federal Building, Suite 3814, 504 West Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101 ..... (610) 434–1444 310 Spruce Street, Suite 201, Scranton, PA 18503 ..................................................... (570) 346–2006 7 North Wilkes Barre Boulevard, Stegmaier Building, Room 377M, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702 ................................................................................................................... (570) 826–6265 *** RICHARD JOHN SANTORUM, Republican, of Penn Hills, PA; born in Winchester, VA, May 10, 1958; graduated Carmel High School, 1976; B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1980; M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1981; J.D., Dickinson School of Law, 1986; admitted to the Pennsylvania bar; administrative assistant to State Senator J. Doyle Corman (R–Centre), 1981–86: director of the Senate Local Government Committee, 1981–84; director of the Senate Transportation Committee, 1984–86; associate attorney, Kirkpatrick and Lockhart, Pittsburgh, PA, 1986–90; married Karen Garver Santorum, 1990; six children: Elizabeth Anne, Richard John, Jr., Daniel James, Sarah Maria, Peter Kenneth, Patrick Francis; committees: Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Finance; Rules and Administra- tion; Special Committee on Aging; subcommittee chair, Social Security and Family Policy; chair, Senate Republican Conference; elected to the 102nd Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress; elected to the U.S. Senate on November 8, 1994; reelected to each succeeding Senate term. Office Listings http://santorum.senate.gov 511 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 .................................... (202) 224–6324 Chief of Staff.—Wayne Palmer. FAX: 228–0604 Executive Assistant.—Ramona Ely. Legislative Director.—Zack Moore. Office Manager.—Jeff Stoltzfoos. 1705 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 16508 ....................................................................... (814) 454–7114 555 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101 ................................................................... (717) 231–7540 Federal Building, Suite 3802, 504 West Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101 ..... (610) 770–0142 Regency Square, Suite 202, Route 220 North, Altoona, PA 16001 ........................... (814) 946–7023 Widener Building, One South Penn Square, Suite 960, Philadelphia, PA 19107 ...... (215) 864–6900 Landmarks Building, One Station Square, Suite 250, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 ............ (412) 562–0533 527 Linden Street, Scranton, PA 18503 ....................................................................... (717) 344–8799 224 Congressional Directory PENNSYLVANIA REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT ROBERT A. BRADY, Democrat, of Philadelphia, PA; born in Philadelphia, April 7, 1945; education: graduated from St. Thomas More High School; professional: carpenter; union offi- cial; assistant Sergeant-At-Arms, Philadelphia City Council, 1975–83; Deputy Mayor for Labor, W. Wilson Goode Administration; consultant to Pennsylvania State Senate; Pennsylvania Turn- pike Commissioner; board of director’s, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority; Democratic Party Executive; ward leader; chairman, Philadelphia Democratic Party; member of Pennsyl- vania Democratic State Committee, and Democratic National Committee; Catholic; married: Debra Brady; children: Robert and Kimberly; committees: Armed Services; House Administra- tion; Joint Committee on Printing; elected to the 105th Congress on May 21, 1998, to fill the unexpired term of Representative Tom Foglietta; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings http://www.house.gov/robertbrady 206 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 .................................... (202) 225–4731 Chief of Staff.—Stan White. FAX: 225–0088 Legislative Director.—Teri Morgan. Appointments Secretary.—Kristie Muchnok. Press Secretary.—Karen Warrington. 1907 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148 ...................................................... (215) 389–4627 The Colony Building, 511–13 Welsh Street, 1st Floor, Chester, PA 19103 .............. (610) 874–7094 Counties: PHILADELPHIA (part). CITIES AND TOWNSHIPS: Chester City, Chester Township, Eddystone Borough, Colwyn Borough, Ridley Township, Tinicum Township, Darby Township, and Yeadon Borough. Population (2000), 630,730. ZIP Codes: 19012–16, 19018, 19022–23, 19029, 19032, 19036, 19050, 19078–79, 19086, 19092–93, 19101, 19105–09, 19111–13, 19120, 19122–26, 19130–34, 19137–51, 19153–54, 19160–62, 19170–73, 19175, 19177–78, 19181–82, 19185, 19187–88 *** SECOND DISTRICT CHAKA FATTAH, Democrat, of Philadelphia, PA; born in Philadelphia, November 21, 1956; education: attended Overbrook High School, Community College of Philadelphia, Univer- sity of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School; M.A., University of Pennsylvania’s Fels School of State and Local Government, 1986; Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government; recognized for outstanding leadership in Time magazine, and in Ebony magazine as one of 50 Future Leaders; recipient, Pennsylvania Public Interest Coalition’s State Legislator of the Year Award; Pennsylvania State Senate, 1988–94; State House of Representatives, 1982–88; created the Jobs Project; in Pennsylvania House of Representatives, sponsored 1987 Employment Op- portunities Act; supported Ben Franklin Technology Center, a conduit for securing government contracts for African-American and women-owned businesses; founded Graduate Opportunities Conference; chairman of the executive committee of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assist- ance Agency; convened and led a task force, Child Development Initiative; supported measures to reform the Philadelphia Housing Authority; formed the Drug-Free Program; founded the American Cities Foundation; trustee, Lincoln University and Community College of Philadel- phia; member, Mt. Carmel Baptist Church; married: the former Rene´e Chenault; four children; committees: Appropriations; subcommittees: Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs; Science, The Departments of State, Justice and Commerce, and Related Agencies; elected to the 104th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings http://www.house.gov/fattah 2301 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 ................................. (202) 225–4001 Chief of Staff.—Michelle Anderson Lee. Legislative Director.—Jerome Murray. Communications Director.—Debra Anderson. 4104 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 .............................................................. (215) 387–6404 6632 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119 .................................................. (215) 848–9386 Counties: MONTGOMERY (part), PHILADELPHIA. Population (2000), 630,730. ZIP Codes: 19004, 19012, 19027, 19038, 19046, 19093, 19095, 19101–04, 19107, 19109–11, 19118–24, 19126–32, 19138– 41, 19143–48, 19150, 19161–62, 19170–71, 19173, 19178, 19184, 19187, 19191–93, 19196–97 PENNSYLVANIA 109th Congress 225 THIRD DISTRICT PHIL ENGLISH, Republican, of Erie, PA; born in Erie, June 20, 1956; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, political science; chief of staff, State Senator Melissa Hart; executive director, State Senate Finance Committee; married Christiane Weschler-English, 1992; committees: Joint Economic Committee; Ways and Means; subcommittees: Health; Human Resources; Trade; elected to the 104th Congress; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings http://www.house.gov/english 1410 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 ............................. (202) 225–5406 Chief of Staff.—Bob Holste. FAX: 225–3103 Office Manager.—Nancy Billet.
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