Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2000 SESSION OF 2000 184TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 36 An Act requiring certain advisory statements regarding the content HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of certain music performances; regulating the operation of certain The House convened at 11 am., e.d.t. music venues; and prescribing penalties. THE SPEAKER MATTHEW J. RYAN Referred to Committee on CONSUMER AFFAIRS, June 6, PRESIDING 2000. No. 2583 By Representatives BENNINGHOFF, PRAYER CLARK, COLAFELLA, GEIST, GODSHALL, HENNESSEY, REV. A. B. SCHIRMER, Chaplain of the House of HERSHEY, HORSEY, McGILL, McILHATTAN, RAMOS, Representatives and pastor of Bethany United Methodist SEYFERT, TIGUE, TULLI and YOUNGBLOOD Church, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 P.L.343, No.176, known as The Fiscal Code, further providing for disposition of certain Let us pray: abandoned and unclaimed property; and making editorial changes. Look graciously, 0 Lord, upon this body, that it would be faithful to its purpose of service to the citizens of Pennsylvania. Referred to Committee on FNANCE, June 6, 2000. Where it is in pride, subdue it; where it is in need, supply it; where it is in error, rectify it; where it is in default, restore it; No. 2584 By Representatives GODSHALL, BAKER, and where it holds to that which is just and compassionate, BARD, BARRAR, BELARDI, BUNT, BUXTON, M. COHEN, support it with Your presence, Your mercy, and Your grace. FRANKEL, HALUSKA, HASAY, HESS, HORSEY, Amen. LEDERER, MAYERNIK, McCALL, MELIO, S. MILLER, MUNDY, NAILOR, PETRARCA, PETRONE, PIPPY, PISTELLA, RAMOS, RUBLEY, SEYFERT, B.
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