March 29, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 4995 Hoeffel, Peter Hoekstra, Tim Holden, Rush Thomas G. Tancredo, John S. Tanner, Ellen transmitting a copy of the annual report in D. Holt, Michael M. Honda, Darlene Hooley, O. Tauscher, W. J. (Billy) Tauzin, Charles H. compliance with the Government in the Sun- Stephen Horn, John N. Hostettler, Amo Taylor, Gene Taylor, Lee Terry, William M. shine Act during the calendar year 2000, pur- Houghton, Steny H. Hoyer, Kenny C. Thomas, Bennie G. Thompson, Mike Thomp- suant to 5 U.S.C. 552b(j); to the Committee Hulshof, Duncan Hunter, Asa Hutchinson, son, Mac Thornberry, John R. Thune, Karen on Government Reform. Henry J. Hyde, Jay Inslee, Johnny Isakson, L. Thurman, Todd Tiahrt, Patrick J. Tiberi, f Steve Israel, Darrell E. Issa, Ernest J. John F. Tierney, Patrick J. Toomey, James Istook, Jr., Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Sheila A. Traficant, Jr., Jim Turner, Mark Udall, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Jackson-Lee, William J. Jefferson, William Robert A. Underwood, Fred Upton, Nydia M. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public ´ L. Jenkins, Christopher John, Eddie Bernice Velazquez, Peter J. Visclosky, David Vitter, bills and resolutions of the following Johnson, Nancy L. Johnson, Sam Johnson, Greg Walden, James T. Walsh, Zach Wamp, Timothy V. Johnson, Stephanie Tubbs Maxine Waters, Wes Watkins, Melvin L. titles were introduced and severally re- Jones, Walter B. Jones, Paul E. Kanjorski, Watt, J.C. Watts, Jr., Henry A. Waxman, An- ferred, as follows: Marcy Kaptur, Ric Keller, Sue W. Kelly, thony D. Weiner, Curt Weldon, Dave Weldon, By Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma (for him- Mark R. Kennedy, Patrick J. Kennedy, Brian Jerry Weller, Robert Wexler, Ed Whitfield, self, Mr. HALL of Ohio, and Mr. D. Kerns, Dale E. Kildee, Carolyn C. Kil- Roger F. Wicker, Heather Wilson, Frank R. HASTERT): patrick, Ron Kind, Peter T. King, Jack King- Wolf, Lynn C. Woolsey, Albert Russell Wynn, H.R. 7. A bill to provide incentives for ston, Mark Steven Kirk, Gerald D. Kleczka, C.W. Bill Young, Don Young. charitable contributions by individuals and Joe Knollenberg, Jim Kolbe, Dennis J. f businesses, to improve the effectiveness and Kucinich, John J. LaFalce, Ray LaHood, efficiency of government program delivery Nick Lampson, James R. Langevin, Tom EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, to individuals and families in need, and to Lantos, Steve Largent, Rick Larsen, John B. ETC. enhance the ability of low-income Americans Larson, Tom Latham, Steven C. LaTourette, Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive to gain financial security by building assets; James A. Leach, Barbara Lee, Sander M. to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in Levin, Jerry Lewis, John Lewis, Ron Lewis, communications were taken from the addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, John Linder, William O. Lipinski, Frank A. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: for a period to be subsequently determined LoBiondo, Zoe Lofgren, Nita M. Lowey, 1396. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Frank D. Lucas, Ken Lucas, Bill Luther, ment of Defense, transmitting a letter on the ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- Carolyn B. Maloney, James H. Maloney, approved retirement of Lieutenant General risdiction of the committee concerned. Donald A. Manzullo, Edward J. Markey, Donald L. Kerrick, United States Army, and By Mr. WELDON of Florida (for him- Frank Mascara, Jim Matheson, Robert T. his advancement to the grade of lieutenant self, Mr. NADLER, Mr. BURTON of Indi- Matsui, Carolyn McCarthy, Betty McCollum, general on the retired list; to the Committee ana, Mr. FRANK, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. Jim McCrery, John McHugh, Scott McInnis, on Armed Services. MCGOVERN, Mr. HORN, Ms. MCCARTHY Mike McIntyre, Howard P. McKeon, Cynthia 1397. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- of Missouri, and Mr. TURNER): A. McKinney, Michael R. McNulty, Martin T. ment of Defense, transmitting a letter on the H.R. 1287. A bill to amend the Public Meehan, Carrie P. Meek, Gregory W. Meeks, approved retirement of Lieutenant Jack W. Health Service Act with respect to the Vac- Robert Menendez, John L. Mica, Juanita Klimp, United States Marine Corps, and his cine Injury Compensation Program; to the Millender-McDonald, Dan Miller, Gary G. advancement to the grade of lieutenant on Committee on Energy and Commerce. Miller, Patsy T. Mink, John Joseph Moak- the retired list; to the Committee on Armed By Mrs. KELLY (for herself, Mr. GIL- ley, Alan B. Mollohan, Dennis Moore, James Services. MAN, Mr. SHAYS, Mrs. LOWEY, and Mr. P. Moran, Jerry Moran, Constance A. 1398. A letter from the Acting Assistant ENGEL): Morella, John P. Murtha, Sue Wilkins Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Depart- H.R. 1288. A bill to amend title 49, United Myrick, Jerrold Nadler, Grace F. Napolitano, ment of State, transmitting notification of a States Code, relating to the airport noise Richard E. Neal, George R. Nethercutt, Jr., proposed issuance of an export license to and access review program; to the Com- Robert W. Ney, Anne M. Northup, Eleanor Canada [Transmittal No. DTC 029–01], pursu- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Holmes Norton, Charlie Norwood, Jim ant to 22 U.S.C. 2776(c); to the Committee on ture. Nussle, James L. Oberstar, David R. Obey, International Relations. By Mr. LANTOS (for himself, Mr. John W. Olver, Solomon P. Ortiz, Tom 1399. A letter from the Acting Assistant MCGOVERN, Ms. SOLIS, Mr. BONIOR, Osborne, Doug Ose, C. L. Otter, Major R. Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Depart- Mr. FRANK, Mr. HILLIARD, Ms. KIL- Owens, Michael G. Oxley, Frank Pallone, Jr., ment of State, transmitting notification of a PATRICK, Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- Bill Pascrell, Jr., Ed Pastor, Ron Paul, proposed issuance of an export license to sissippi, Mr. KILDEE, Ms. MCKINNEY, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Collin C. Peter- Japan [Transmittal No. DTC 030–01], pursu- Mr. KUCINICH, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, son, John E. Peterson, Thomas E. Petri, ant to 22 U.S.C. 2776(c); to the Committee on Ms. LEE, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. WOOL- David D. Phelps, Charles W. Pickering, Jo- International Relations. SEY, Mr. FILNER, Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. seph R. Pitts, Todd Russell Platts, Richard 1400. A letter from the Acting Assistant BACA, Mr. DELAHUNT, Mr. BRADY of W. Pombo, Earl Pomeroy, Rob Portman, Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Depart- Pennsylvania, and Mr. BORSKI): David E. Price, Deborah Pryce, Adam H. ment of State, transmitting notification of a H.R. 1289. A bill to amend the Fair Labor Putnam, Jack Quinn, George Radanovich, proposed issuance of an export license to Bel- Standards Act of 1938 to prohibit forced over- Nick J. Rahall, II, Jim Ramstad, Charles B. gium [Transmittal No. DTC 031–01], pursuant time hours for certain licensed health care Rangel, Ralph Regula, Dennis R. Rehberg, to 22 U.S.C. 2776(c); to the Committee on employees; to the Committee on Education Silvestre Reyes, Thomas M. Reynolds, Bob International Relations. and the Workforce. Riley, Lynn N. Rivers, Ciro D. Rodriguez, 1401. A letter from the Acting Assistant By Mr. JACKSON of Illinois (for him- Tim Roemer, Harold Rogers, Mike Rogers, Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Depart- self, Mr. BLAGOJEVICH, Ms. BROWN of Dana Rohrabacher, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, ment of State, transmitting notification of a Florida, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. Mike Ross, Steven R. Rothman, Marge Rou- proposed issuance of an export license to CUMMINGS, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. kema, Edward R. Royce, Bobby L. Rush, Norway [Transmittal No. DTC 007–01], pursu- HASTINGS of Florida, and Mr. KEN- Paul Ryan, Jim Ryun, Martin Olav Sabo, Lo- ant to 22 U.S.C. 2776(c); to the Committee on NEDY of Rhode Island): retta Sanchez, Bernard Sanders, Max International Relations. H.R. 1290. A bill to amend title VII of the Sandlin, Tom Sawyer, Jim Saxton, Joe Scar- 1402. A letter from the Director of Govern- Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make such title borough, Bob Schaffer, Janice D. ment Affairs, Commission On International fully applicable to the judicial branch of the Schakowsky, Adam B. Schiff, Edward L. Religious Freedom, transmitting the Com- Federal Government; to the Committee on Schrock, Robert C. Scott, F. James Sensen- mission’s report entitled, ‘‘Report Of The the Judiciary. brenner, Jr., Jose´ E. Serrano, Pete Sessions, United States Commission On International By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him- John B. Shadegg, E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Chris- Religious Freedom On Sudan’’; to the Com- self, Mr. EVANS, Mr. ARMEY, Mr. DIN- topher Shays, Brad Sherman, Don Sherwood, mittee on International Relations. GELL, Mr. HAYWORTH, Mr. REYES, Mr. John Shimkus, Ronnie Shows, Rob Sim- 1403. A letter from the Chief Financial Offi- STUMP, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. mons, Michael K. Simpson, Norman Sisisky, cer, Export-Import Bank, transmitting the BILIRAKIS, Ms. CARSON of Indiana, Joe Skeen, Ike Skelton, Louise McIntosh 2000 annual report in compliance with the In- Mr. SPENCE, Mr. RODRIGUEZ, Mr. Slaughter, Adam Smith, Christopher H. spector General Act Amendments of 1988, BUYER, Mr. SHOWS, Mr. QUINN, Ms. Smith, Lamar S. Smith, Nick Smith, Vic pursuant to 5 app; to the Committee on Gov- BERKLEY, Mr. MCKEON, Mr. UDALL of Snyder, Mark E. Souder, Floyd Spence, John ernment Reform. New Mexico, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. SIM- N. Spratt, Jr., Cliff Stearns, Charles W. Sten- 1404. A letter from the Vice President for MONS, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. BROWN of holm, Ted Strickland, Bob Stump, Bart Stu- Legal Affairs, General Counsel and Corporate South Carolina, Mr. PICKERING, Mr. pak, John E. Sununu, John E. Sweeney, Secretary, Legal Services Corporation, EHRLICH, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. GREEN of VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:44 Feb 16, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H29MR1.001 H29MR1.
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