Research Reports 2009

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Research Reports 2009 ISBN 978-80-87443-02-6 RESEARCH REPORTS 2009 RESEARCH REPORTS Institute of Geology AS i.CR,v. v. Published by the Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. v. Academy of SciencesoftheCzechRepublic, v. Published bythe InstituteofGeologythe 2009 © Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. Praha, January 2011 Cover photo: Eolian landforms covered by snow and ice on James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula). Photo by M. Svojtka. 2009 Research Reports The report was compiled and finally edited by T. Přikryl and P. Bosák. The English version was revised by J. Adamovič. published in Prague, January 2011 by the Institute of Geology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. RESEARCH REPORTS 3 2009 Contents 1. Introduction < 5 > 2. General Information < 6 > 3. Publication activity of the Institute of Geology < 7 > 3a. Journals < 7 > 3b. Monographs, proceedings, etc. < 8 > 4. Research Reports < 8 > 4a. Foreign Grants, Joint Projects and International Programs < 8 > 4b. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic < 17 > 4c. Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic < 32 > 4d. Grant agency of the Charles University (GAUK) < 54 > 4e. Grants of the State Departments < 55 > 4f. Industrial Grants and Projects < 57 > 4h. Defended theses < 71 > 5. Publication activity of staff members of the Institute of Geology < 77 > 5a. Papers published in 2009 < 77 > 5b. Books and chapters in books < 82 > 5c. Electronic media 2009 < 83 > 5d. Extended abstracts and abstracts 2009 < 84 > 5e. Lectures and poster presentations < 89 > 5f. Popular science < 95 > 5g. Unpublished reports 2009 < 98 > 6. Organization of conferences and scientific meetings < 99 > 7. Undergraduate and Graduate Education < 99 > 7a. Undergraduate and Graduate Courses at Universities given by Staff Members of the Institute of Geology AS CR < 99 > 7b. Supervision in Undergraduate Studies < 101 > 7c. Supervision in Graduate Studies < 101 > 7d. Membership in scientific and academic boards <102 > 7e. Membership in Foreign Academies < 104 > 7f. Degrees obtained by the staff of the Institute of Geology AS CR < 104 > 7g. Awards < 104 > 7h. Institute staff on Fellowships and Stages < 104 > 8. Positions in Editorial Boards and International Organizations < 105 > 8a. Editorial Boards < 105 > 8b. Positions in International Organizations < 106 > 9. Institute structure and staff < 106 > 9a. Organization units < 106 > 9b. Contact information < 108 > 9c. Staff (as of December 31, 2009) < 108 > 9d. Laboratories < 111 > 10. Financial Report < 113 > RESEARCH REPORTS 4 2009 RESEARCH REPORTS 5 2009 1. Introduction The year 2009 was of particular importance for the history of the Institute of Geology AS CR. The new building was completed after about 2 years of construction works owing to a very good collaboration with the construction company (Kočí, a. s. Písek). On the turn of August and September, the Institute moved after almost 50 years of its existence. The anniversary will be celebrated together with our neighboring Institute of Chemical Processes AS CR in the new building in May 2010. The old building was demolished at the end of 2009. The building housing the laboratories (building B) started to be reconstructed at the end of 2009. We believe that these achieve- ments will stabilize the discipline of geology among other academic sciences. The completion of the building has helped in a number of ways for a more efficient function of the institute – e. g., the library will finally start to serve its purpose in new spaces, the funds scat- tered in different storages will become re-united, and a new organization of the laboratories will allow their better function. A new clean laboratory for ICP and sample preparation was built. The transfer from the old building into the new one was surprisingly swift and has helped to “sort out” the obsolete furniture, samples and laboratory equipment. The principal thread of research has not changed much – we continue our studies in paleoecology, past changes of the environment, rock and environmental geochemistry, paleomagnetism, rock dynamics and other fields, as reflected in this report. The financial budget was reduced at the end of the year (-12 % for salaries), but we solved the situation by reducing the number of already retired experts. However, the expected new reduction may endanger the function of some scientific de- partments. Future development will thus rather depend on the macroeconomic situation than on the Institute achievements. The number of published papers has followed the general rising trend, but the attention was also given to teach- ing, popular sciences and usual scientific administration such as reviews or par- ticipation in editorial and scientific boards. We feel that in the last two decades Earth sciences have become less important and maybe even neglected disci- plines, but this situation seems to be changing possibly due to the rising prices of mineral commodities and energy sources. Václav Cílek, Institute CEO 1A Pavel Bosák, Chairman of the Executive Board 1B 2A 2B 2C 2D Fig. 1A. New building just before the moving of personnel, furniture etc. (Photo by J. Brožek; August 26, 2009). Fig. 1B. Preparation for final moving. A corridor on the second floor of the original building A (left: V. Cajz, right: P. Bosák, back: B. Trenzeluková; photo by J. Brožek; August 20, 2009). Fig. 2A. Building A at the start of demolition (Photo by J. Brožek; November 25, 2009). Fig. 2B. Demolition of building A (Photo by J. Brožek; December 2, 2009). Fig. 2C. Demolition of building A (Photo by J. Brožek; December 9, 2009). Fig. 2D. Nothing was left after building A (Photo by J. Brožek; December 18, 2009). RESEARCH REPORTS 6 2009 2. General Information Institute of Geology of the ASCR, v. v. i. phone: +420-233087208 (secretary) Rozvojová 269 +420-233087209 (director) 165 00 Praha 6 - Lysolaje fax: +420-220922670 Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected] Institute of Geology of the ASCR, v. v. i. Laboratory of Paleomagnetism phone/fax: +420-272690115 U Geofyzikálního ústavu 769 e-mail: [email protected] 252 43 Průhonice Czech Republic Institute of Geology of the ASCR, v. v. i. Laboratory of Physical Properties of Rocks phone: +420-224313520 Puškinovo náměstí 9 fax: +420-224313572 160 00 Praha 6 - Dejvice e-mail: [email protected] Czech Republic Information on the Institute is available on Internet: - Quaternary geology and landscape evolution - Karstology and paleokarstology - Paleomagnetism The Institute of Geology of the AS CR, v. v. i., is a research - Magnetostratigraphy institute belonging to the Academy of Sciences of the Czech - Petromagnetism Republic (AS CR). It concentrates on the scientific study of the - Physical parameters of rocks structure, composition and history of the Earth’s lithosphere and the evolution of its biosphere. Although the Institute does The Geological Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sci- not have the opportunity to cover all geological disciplines (in ences (ČSAV) was founded on July 1, 1960. Nevertheless its the widest sense) or regionally balanced geological studies, the structure had developed in period of 1957 to 1961. During the methods of its activity span a relatively broad spectrum of prob- period, several independent laboratories originated: Laboratory lems in geology, geochemistry, paleontology, paleomagnetism of Paleontology, Laboratory of Engineering Geology, Laborato- and rock mechanics. The Institute takes part in the understand- ry of Pedology and Laboratory of Geochemistry; Collegium for ing of general rules governing evolutionary processes of the Geology and Geography of the ČSAV represented the cover or- lithosphere and biosphere at regional as well as global scale; ganization. On July 1, 1960, also the Institute of Geochemistry for this purpose, the Institute mostly employs acquisition and and Raw Materials of the ČSAV was established. This Institute interpretation of relevant facts coming from the territory of the covered technical and organization affairs of adjoined geologi- Czech Republic. cal workplaces until their unification into Geological Institute of The Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i., is a wide-spectrum the ČSAV on July 1960. institute developing essential geological, paleontological, petro- On August 1, 1964 the Institute of Geochemistry and Raw logical, mineralogical and other disciplines, lately accentuating Materials of the ČSAV was integrated into the Geological Insti- environmental geology and geochemistry. The major research tute. On July 1, 1969 the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy areas covered by the Institute are: and Geochemistry of the ČSAV, successor of the Geochemistry and Raw Materials was newly established. A part of the staff of - Petrology and geochemistry of igneous and metamorphic rocks the Geological Institute joined the new institute. On January 1, - Lithostratigraphy of crystalline complexes 1979 the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy and Geochemis- - Volcanology and volcanostratigraphy try was integrated into the Geological Institute. - Structural geology and tectonics On March 1, 1979, the Geological Institute was united with - Paleogeography the Mining Institute of the ČSAV under the Institute of Geology - Terrane identification and Geotechnics of the ČSAV, and finally split from the latter on - Taxonomy and phylogeny of fossil organisms March 1, 1990 again. - Paleobiogeography of Variscan Europe On January 1, 1993 the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
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