STP-Report>>> Switzerland - a Hub for Risky Gold? CASE STUDIES FROM THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, SUDAN, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, LIBERIA AND PERU 1 NOTE The following text is the English version of the original STP report “Drehscheibe Schweiz für risikobehaftetes Gold? Fallstudien aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, dem Sudan, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Liberia und Peru” (published in German).1 With regard to the methodology, the sources, the footnotes and detailed informa- tion about the research, STP refers to the original version in German. 1 German STP report “Drehscheibe Schweiz für risikobehaftetes Gold? Fallstudien aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, dem Sudan, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Liberia und Peru”. Second, revised version The first version was revised after Peruvian authorities on 27 March 2018 confisca- ted almost 100 kg of gold shortly after the publication of the first version. They thus give more weight to the demands of the Society for Threatened Peoples. The reaction of two refineries have also been integrated into the report. IMPRINT This report has been researched with the support of Greenpeace Switzerland. Publisher: Society for Threatened Peoples Switzerland Schermenweg 154, 3072 Ostermundigen ∕
[email protected] ∕ Phone: 0041 31 939 00 00 Donations: Berner Kantonalbank BEKB / IBAN CH05 0079 0016 2531 7232 1 Editing, illustrations and layout: Society for Threatened Peoples Switzerland Authors: Society for Threatened Peoples, Christoph Wiedmer, Oscar Castilla Contreras Cover Photo: La Rinconada: The road to the mine pits, Maria Eugenia Robles Mengoa, author of the study “Violencia de género y masculinidades en La Rinconada” Photography: Maria Eugenia Robles Mengoa, Daniel Schweizer, Publication date: April 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary 5 1.