69 Franklin Street Annapolis, MD 21401 410-216-9441 www.chesapeakelegal.org
[email protected] OUR MISSION To use the law to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed by providing pro bono legal assistance through a network of volunteer attorneys. OUR VISION A clean, healthy Chesapeake Bay that can be enjoyed safely by humans, sustain viable fishing harvests, and support thriving and diverse aquatic and wildlife populations. HOW IT WORKS Intake and Evaluation Client CLA Attorney request for assistance connect with assistance Restoration and Protection Our Clients and Partners v Individuals v Ad-Hoc Coalitions v Community Groups v State and Local v Environmental Organizations Government v Conservation Organizations v Home Owners Associations v Coalitions CLA Clients 1000 Friends of Maryland Bedford County Citizen Choose Clean Water Federal Hill Residents Action Committee for Transit Group Coalition Food and Water Watch Agricultural Certainty Work Beechwood Hill Homeowners Choptank Riverkeeper Frederick County Citizens Group Association Citizens Against Plan for Group Allentown Residents for Berrywood Community Eva Mar Development Friends of Bryan Park Clean Air Association Citizens for a Better Charles Friends of Cabin John Creek Alliance for the Chesapeake Blue Water County Watershed Bay Baltimore/Baltimore Citizens to Protect Blu Point Friends of Hillmead Park Alliance to Restore Northwest Harbor Waterkeeper Citizens to Save Little Pimmit Friends of Jug Bay Creek BMAT Restoration Work Run Friends of Mc Millan Park